Instructions for observing the rules of personal hygiene sample. Personal hygiene of personnel. Sanitary clothing

Compliance with the rules personal and industrial hygiene by employees of enterprises Catering has social and anti-epidemic significance. Employees of enterprises that do not comply with these rules can cause infectious diseases, food poisoning or helminthiases .

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene involves keeping the body and hands of staff clean, correct use sanitary clothing, timely passage medical examinations and surveys.

On the surface of the skin during the day, sweat and sebaceous glands constantly listening epithelial cells upper layer of the epidermis, dust and others mechanical pollution from air and clothes. Contaminated skin is a good environment for microorganisms, which can lead to the development of pustular, fungal and other skin diseases. Wash your face, neck, arms, legs, body and hair regularly to keep your skin clean. hot water using soap or special detergents, use individual towels and a separate foot towel.

Dental and oral care has special meaning in personal hygiene. Food residues between teeth, plaque are favorable environment for microbes. Substances formed during the decomposition of food contribute to the destruction of enamel and the development of caries. Teeth should be brushed in the morning and evening, and after each meal, rinse your mouth.

The most important thing for food service workers is keeping their hands clean. Most technological operations in catering establishments are carried out manually, therefore, there is real danger microbial contamination of semi-finished products and finished products.

Workers are required to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and a brush before starting work, when moving from handling raw materials to clean operations, after using the toilet, after smoking or coming into contact with contaminated objects, money, etc., and

hands should lather several times and rub with a brush on all sides, between the fingers and under the nails, rinse with running water and dry with an electric towel or disposable paper napkins. In children's, medical and preventive, centralized enterprises, employees are required to disinfect their hands after washing using special devices - dispensers disinfectants. When working with finished products (portioning, packaging, etc.), it is recommended to use disposable gloves.

Chefs should cut your nails short, as microorganisms and worm eggs can be under the nails, and do not cover them with varnish. In the manufacture of culinary and confectionery products, it is necessary to remove Jewelry(rings, bracelets, etc.), watches and other breakable items. Hands should be well-groomed, there should be no cuts, burns, suppuration, dermatitis on the skin of the hands.

Smoking and eating is not allowed in workplaces. Employees should eat in the staff break room or other designated areas.

The head of the enterprise is responsible for the supply of detergents and disinfectants, the availability of electric towels, a first aid kit and other conditions for the staff to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.

Sanitary clothing . Employees of a public catering enterprise must be provided with the necessary set of sanitary clothing, put it on before starting work, and outerwear, shoes, headgear, personal belongings must be left in the dressing room.

Sanitary clothing is designed to protect food products from possible contamination by the worker himself. Sanitary clothing includes a dressing gown or jacket, an apron, a cap or a scarf, as well as a towel, sleeves, trousers.

Sanitary clothes are made from cotton fabric white color. It should be light, comfortable, sized appropriately and cover the worker's personal clothing well. Sanitary clothing that does not have pockets and buttons is recommended.

Caps and scarves should completely cover the hair.

Personnel working at low temperatures must be provided with a jacket (quilted jacket) and mittens. Waterproof aprons and footwear are necessary for employees of washing departments and vegetable shops. At work, you should be in light, comfortable, non-slip replacement shoes with low heels.

Sanitary clothes should be worn neatly, clothes should not be pinned with pins, hairpins, badges, beads and brooches should not be worn. Pockets should not contain sharp or breakable objects. Mirror, powder box, comb, lipstick and other toilet items, as well as money, must be left in the dressing room.

Sanitary clothing should be removed before going to the toilet. Sanitary clothing must not be taken home, it must be kept in a special section of the employee's individual lockers and not come into contact with personal and outerwear. Lockers should be cleaned and disinfected periodically.

Clothing should always be clean, it is replaced as it gets dirty, but at least once every two to three days. Do not wash sanitary clothes at home. You must have at least three sets of clothing for each employee.

Thus, food service workers are required to observe the following rules of personal and industrial hygiene:

Leave outerwear, shoes, headgear, personal items in the dressing room;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or scarf (mesh);

Work in clean sanitary clothing, change it as it gets dirty, but at least once every two days;

Store sanitary clothing separately from personal clothing in a special compartment of a personal locker;

Do not pin clothes, do not wear sharp, breaking and foreign objects in pockets;

When visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;

When preparing culinary and confectionery products, remove jewelry, watches and other jewelry and items, cut nails short and do not varnish them;

Wash your hands before starting a new technological operation and after it;

When symptoms appear colds or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact medical institution;

Report all cases of illness intestinal infections in the employee's family;

Do not smoke or eat in the workplace.

The concept of skin and venereal diseases. Food workers should have an understanding of infectious skin and venereal diseases, as they can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through dishes, bed sheets, household items, sanitary appliances (toilets, bathtubs, washbasins, etc.) or by direct contact.

The most common skin infections are fungal infections skin, nails, hair, ringworm, scabies, lupus erythematosus, etc. Through contaminated bed linen and sanitary utensils, infection with pinworms can occur with the development of a helminthic disease - enterobiasis.

The most common venereal diseases are syphilis , gonorrhea , trichomoniasis. The disease of syphilis begins 3-4 weeks after infection with the appearance of a hard chancre - a compacted painless ulcer at the site of the introduction of the infectious agent. After 6-8 weeks, a secondary period of syphilis begins with the appearance of a rash on different parts of the body and in the oral cavity. During this period, a syphilitic patient is especially dangerous in relation to domestic infection. The disease proceeds in outbreaks and after 3-4 years passes into the tertiary stage with damage to the nervous and skeletal systems, internal organs and etc.

Gonorrhea and trichomoniasis are characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urinary organs with abundant purulent secretions. At chronic form disease symptoms are mild. It is possible not only sexual, but also the household way of infection with gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

It is important that staff be aware of AIDS, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The causative agent of AIDS is a virus that can be transmitted sexually and through the blood. Patients with venereal diseases and AIDS are not allowed to work.

Medical and personnel examinations . Persons entering work in a public catering organization undergo preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations, professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner. For each employee, a personal medical book of the established form is entered into which the results of medical examinations and laboratory research, a mark on the passage of hygienic training and certification, information about the postponed infectious diseases and vaccinated.

Upon admission to work, employees undergo an examination by a therapist and a dermatovenereologist; fluorography; take a blood test for syphilis; tests for carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections, for sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis), for eggs of worms and enterobiasis; vaccinated against diphtheria.

Faces with open shapes tuberculosis(tuberculosis of the lungs, bones or joints with fistulas) and skin form of tuberculosis and patients with intestinal, skin, venereal infections, enterobiasis or bacteria carriers of intestinal infections are not allowed to work.

With periodic examinations, fluorography is done once a year, an examination in a skin veterinary clinic - every six months, tests for helminthia - 1 time per year.

Every day, before the start of the shift in the cold, hot and confectionery shops, a health worker or a designated responsible person examines the exposed surfaces of the body (hands, faces) of workers for the presence of pustular diseases. Workers with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract and tonsillitis are not allowed to work in these workshops.

The head of the enterprise must organize timely medical examinations, provide regular centralized washing of linen, sanitary and special clothing and conditions for personnel to comply with personal hygiene rules, organize at least 1 time in 2 years hygiene education personnel.

Production control of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene should be done daily. The effectiveness of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is monitored regularly by taking swabs for bacteriological studies.

Washouts are taken from the hands, clothes and personal towels of personnel working in the cold and confectionery shops, at distribution and other places of work with ready-to-eat products and food. With one swab wipe the palmar surfaces of both hands, nails and under nails, as well as interdigital spaces. For each palm and fingers spend at least 5 times.

On sanitary clothes, wipe 4 pads of 25 cm 2 with a swab - on top and in the middle of the front of the clothes and on lower parts sleeves. From a towel, swabs are taken from four different places, 25 cm 2 each.

When conducting sanitary and bacteriological studies of swabs, they are mainly limited to the isolation of bacteria of the group coli(BGKP) as sanitary indicative microorganisms. Their discovery is regarded as a fact confirming violations of personal hygiene of personnel.


1. What are the requirements for materials for the manufacture of equipment, utensils, inventory?

2. What are the sanitary requirements for the placement and use of equipment?

3. How is inventory labeled, what is the significance of cutting board labeling?

4. What methods of disinfection are used in food establishments?

5. Name the main disinfectants.

6. Name the types of cleaning and the frequency of its implementation.

7. What are the rules for using detergents and disinfectants?

8. How are tableware washed?

9. How is the effectiveness of washing dishes and equipment monitored?

10. What medical examinations and examinations should public catering workers undergo when they start work and periodically?

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Personal hygiene of attendants. Special clothing











Medical personnel must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, because personal hygiene medical personnel this is something that should never be neglected. This is necessary both for the worker himself and for all patients served by him. And for this reason, every medical worker is obliged to be a real living example of the highest sanitary culture.

Neat and cultured appearance, impeccable compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by medical personnel are necessary conditions when servicing patients. Medical personnel should be a model for patients in observing the rules of personal hygiene, which has great importance for the prevention of nosocomial infections, both among staff and among patients.


All employees entering the hospital are subject to a mandatory medical examination. Junior staff should be literate in the field of sanitary knowledge.

Medical personnel of medical institutions should be provided with sets of change of clothes: gowns, caps or scarves, masks, change of shoes (slippers) in an amount that ensures a daily change of clothes. It should be stored in individual lockers. A set of sanitary clothing should always be available for emergency replacement in case of contamination. Special sanitary clothing for personnel serves as protection against the transfer of infections and distinguishes the position of an employee. Sanitary clothing must be snow-white clean, ironed, of the appropriate size.

Outerwear is stored in the staff cloakroom.

Non-medical personnel performing work (including temporary work) in departments of medical institutions must have a change of clothes and shoes. Change of clothes and shoes should also be provided for medical personnel of other units providing advisory and other assistance.

Nails should be cut short. Technical staff involved in cleaning the premises are not allowed to distribute food.

The staff serving the section with one infection should not have contact with the staff and patients of another section of the infectious diseases department during work.

Pass-type showers are arranged for the personnel of the infectious and disinfection departments.

In order to prevent various diseases associated with medical manipulations, the staff must:

Immediately after the end of the manipulation or procedure, immerse the used medical instruments in a container with a disinfectant solution;

If hands are contaminated with blood, serum, secretions, thoroughly wipe them with a swab moistened with a skin antiseptic, then wash with running water and soap. Handle gloves with a napkin moistened with a disinfectant, then wash them with running water, remove them and wash your hands and treat with a skin antiseptic;

If the patient's biological fluid gets on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, immediately rinse the mouth and throat with 70% alcohol or 0.05% potassium permanganate solution; if biological fluids get into the eyes, rinse them with a solution of potassium permanganate in water at a ratio of 1:10,000;

For injections and cuts, wash hands without removing gloves with running water and soap, remove seals, squeeze blood out of the wound, wash hands with soap and treat the wound 5% alcohol tincture iodine;

If there are microtraumas, scratches, abrasions on the hands, seal the damaged areas with adhesive tape;

For hand skin care, use emollients and protective creams providing elasticity and strength to the skin.


During the hygiene treatment of hands, an employee from among the medical staff must:

1) take scissors, adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, hand sanitizer, liquid soap or disposables hard soap, individual towel, gloves;

2) remove bracelets, rings and other jewelry from hands;

3) take off lacquer coating from nails, make sure that there are no microtraumas on the hands (if any, seal them with adhesive tape);

4) cut your fingernails short;

5) wipe your hands with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic;

6) wet your hands under running water and lather them;

7) rub your palms together;

8) rub the left palm on the back of the right hand, and vice versa;

9) rub your palms together with fingers crossed;

10) grasp the first finger with the left hand right hand and rub it in a circular motion, repeat the manipulation on the other hand;

11) rub the palm of the other with the fingertips of one hand in a circular motion, repeat the manipulation on the other hand;

12) wash off the soap from the hands with running water so that the water flows down the brushes in the direction from the fingers to the wrists;

13) dry your hands with an individual towel.

Hand hygiene is carried out in two ways:

Hygienic hand washing with soap and water to remove contaminants and reduce microbial counts;

Hand sanitizing to reduce microbial counts to safe levels.

Liquid soap is used to wash hands using a dispenser (dispenser). Dry hands with an individual towel (napkin), preferably disposable.

Hygienic treatment of hands with an alcohol-containing or other approved antiseptic (without prior washing) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount recommended by the instructions for use, paying Special attention on the treatment of the fingertips, the skin around the nails, between the fingers. Sine qua non effective hand disinfection is to keep them moist for the recommended treatment time. manipulation hygienic treatment antiseptic

When using a dispenser, a new portion of antiseptic (or soap) is poured into the dispenser after it has been disinfected, rinsed with water and dried. Preference should be given to elbow dispensers and dispensers on photocells.

Skin antiseptics for hand treatment should be readily available at all stages of the diagnostic and treatment process. In departments with a high intensity of patient care and with a high workload on staff (intensive care units and intensive care etc.) dispensers with skin antiseptics for hand treatment should be placed in places convenient for use by personnel (at the entrance to the ward, at the bedside of the patient, etc.). It should also provide for the possibility of providing medical workers with individual containers (vials) of small volumes (up to 200 ml) with skin antiseptic.

Use of gloves.

Gloves must be worn in all cases where contact with blood or other biological substrates, potentially or obviously contaminated microorganisms, mucous membranes, damaged skin is possible.

It is not allowed to use the same pair of gloves when in contact (for care) with two or more patients, when moving from one patient to another, or from a contaminated area of ​​​​the body to a clean one. After removing gloves, hand hygiene is carried out.

When gloves are contaminated with secretions, blood, etc. in order to avoid contamination of hands in the process of removing them, a swab (napkin) moistened with a solution of a disinfectant (or antiseptic) should be removed to remove visible contamination. Remove gloves, immerse them in the product solution, then discard. Treat hands with an antiseptic.


An important role in contact with patients is played by the hygiene of personal and special clothing of medical personnel.

Appropriate appearance disposes the patient to the doctor, promotes the development trusting relationship. Clean, ironed white bathrobe can calm the patient, convince him of high-quality and qualified treatment, direct him to fight the disease. The confident appearance of the doctor sets the patient up for a favorable outcome of the disease. Wearing medical clothing prevents the introduction of infections "from outside" and the development of nosocomial infections. Wearing a mask or gauze bandage protects the doctor from infection from the patient, and vice versa: infection of the patient from the doctor by airborne droplets. Gloves protect medical personnel from cuts when opening ampoules, injecting, performing operations, from infection through the blood various infections. Replaceable shoes help to keep the department room clean, prevent dust accumulation, dirt from the street, and this has a positive effect on the patient's condition, promotes his recovery, and facilitates the course of respiratory diseases.


To important principles personal hygiene includes the rules for wearing medical clothing - a gown and a cap - with its daily change. After coming to work, the doctor can take a hygienic bath or shower. In the departments, two individual lockers are equipped for each employee: in one, medical personnel must leave their clothes and belongings when they come to work, in the other they must store special clothing, work dress and shoes that he wears before work. At the end of work, personal sanitation must be carried out.

The robe and cap must be clean and ironed. They should be washed at least once a week. The robe should be long enough to cover the hem of the skirt for women and reach the knees for men. Usually the dressing gown is buttoned tightly. It is desirable that his sleeves be long (2/3 length is allowed). Sleeve cuffs must be fastened. The color scheme may vary: light and delicate shades of blue, green, pink, and of course - white. The cap must cover hairline head completely, as dust settles in the hair (possible spread of microorganisms). The resistance of young employees, who often see hygiene requirements as excessive, must be overcome through persuasion and administrative pressure. A lot of trouble arises with those fashion lovers who have long beards and hair and do not want to understand that they are the most dangerous staphylococcal reservoir and pose a potential threat to patients.

Slippers are recommended leather with rubberized soles, they are easy to wash and disinfect. In no case is it allowed to wear felt or fur slippers, as they quickly absorb dust and moisture and can serve as a source of nosocomial infections. Slippers should be comfortable so that you can walk in them for a long time, so that your feet do not sweat in them, so that when walking they do not create noise.

Currently, there is a transition to the use of disposable medical suits from light fabric that would not need to be sterilized.

Personnel are provided with personal protective equipment in required quantity and appropriate sizes (gloves, masks, shields, respirators, aprons, etc.) depending on the profile of the department and the nature of the work being done.

For the staff of hospitals, a dressing room with a shower and a toilet is provided.

The number of cabinets in the dressing rooms should be taken equal to 100% of the payroll of the medical and technical staff; dressing rooms should be provided with two-section lockable cabinets that provide separate storage of home and work clothes.

Wardrobe area streetwear should be taken at the rate of at least 0.08 m2 per 1 hanger (hook) of the dressing room.

The area of ​​dressing rooms for personal and work clothes of personnel should be taken at the rate of at least 0.5 m2 per 1 closet.

The number of shower cabins in hospitals is taken from the calculation: at least 1 shower cabin for 10 people working in departments of infectious and tuberculosis profiles; in other departments - at least 1 shower cabin for 15 people working in the largest shift. With a smaller number of personnel, at least 1 shower cabin should be provided.

Medical personnel should be provided with sets of change of clothes: gowns, caps, change of shoes in accordance with the equipment sheet, but not less than 3 sets of overalls per worker.
In the operating unit, doctors and other persons involved in the operation must work in sterile gowns, gloves and masks. Replacement shoes must be made of non-woven material.

Laundry of staff clothes should be carried out centrally and separately from the linen of patients.

Change of clothes in the departments of the surgical and obstetric profile is carried out daily and as it gets dirty. In institutions of a therapeutic profile - 2 times a week and as it gets dirty. Replaceable shoes for personnel working in aseptic rooms should be made of non-woven material available for disinfection. Change of clothes and shoes should also be provided for medical personnel of other units providing advisory and other assistance, as well as for engineering and technical workers.


Personal clothing must be cotton. The surgical department is not allowed to wear clothes made of wool and synthetic fabric, as they are a favorable environment for the spread of infections. Clothing must always be clean. Linen is washed at least once a week, and socks every three to four days. The clothes of the medical staff cannot be too provocative, bright colors. Not allowed to wear short skirts, open tops. Makeup should also be kept to a minimum. In surgery, as a component of personal clothing, it is recommended to wear tight trousers both men and women. Eau de Toilette should not be overly felt by medical personnel, as some patients may be very sensitive to such odors and this may cause negative emotions. Personal shoes, if possible, should be leather. Excluded high heels, because when walking they create noise, and this can interfere with patients. Street shoes, before entering the hospital, must be washed, or brushed off on the threshold or rug. In the room of the department, shoes change into clean, work slippers.


If medical personnel wear watches, rings, bracelets, they must be sanitized (wiped with alcohol). As a result, they can lose their appearance, so it is better to exclude them altogether. The rings can tear the gloves, and this can lead to various infections during the operation. Also during the operation, watches will interfere, they are allowed only by anesthesiologists who monitor the time and report it to the surgeons. The cleanliness of the body should be monitored. Fingernails should be cut short (two millimeters from the edge nail plate) as dirt can accumulate under the nails. Hands should be washed with warm running water and soap before and after each procedure for at least two minutes.


Features of work medical worker make high demands not only on theoretical knowledge and professional skills, but also on moral and ethical character nurse, the ability to behave with dignity in a team, to be merciful with the sick and polite with their relatives.

Compliance with the basic requirements of personal hygiene ensures proper physical development organism and helps to reduce the adverse effects external environment. Strict implementation of these rules ensures the preservation of health and performance, as well as the extension of human life.

Professional knowledge and strict implementation of the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the observance of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, the rules of asepsis and the technique of performing manipulations can prevent the occurrence of post-injection complications and nosocomial infections.


1. Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation No. 156 dated May 20, 1997 “On the employment of medical and pharmaceutical activities In Russian federation".

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 916 dated August 4, 1983 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime and labor protection for personnel of infectious diseases hospitals (departments)”.

3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 31.07.78. No. 720 "On improving medical care patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections.

4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN - 10.

5. Paleeva N.R. "Handbook of a Nurse for Nursing" edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Moscow, 1993

6. Sadikova N.B. "Modern handbook of nurses". Minsk, 1999.

7. Khramova E.Yu., Plisov V.A. “Handbook of a nurse. Practical guide". - 2011. - 511 p.

8. Volkolakov Ya.V. "General Surgery 1983. Care of Surgical Patients" Ch. 3

9. Krasnova A.F. "Nursing" Samara - 1998 - 368s.

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SANITARY RULES FOR PUBLIC CATERING ENTERPRISES - SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 (approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR 19-03-91) (together with ... Relevant in 2017

14. Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of personnel

14.1. Persons entering work at public catering enterprises are required to undergo a medical examination in accordance with the current Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 555 dated 29.09.89"On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles" and attend a course on hygienic training with passing the test.

Prior to submitting the results of medical examinations and passing the test for the sanitary minimum, these persons are not allowed to work.

14.2. Each employee must have a personal medical book, which contains the results of medical examinations, information about infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum.

14.3. Catering staff must comply following rules personal hygiene:

Come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

Leave outerwear, headgear, personal items in the dressing room;

Cut nails short;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or scarf or put on a special hairnet;

When visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, after visiting, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, preferably disinfectant;

If there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;

Report all cases of intestinal infections in the worker's family.

14.4. At public catering establishments it is strictly forbidden:

In the preparation of dishes, culinary and confectionery wear jewelry, varnish your nails, fasten your sanitary clothing with pins;

Eating, smoking in the workplace; eating and smoking are allowed in a specially designated room or place.

14.5. Every day before the start of the shift in the cold, hot and confectionery shops, as well as in enterprises that produce soft ice cream, the head of the shop or a health worker available in the state examines the exposed surfaces of the body for the presence of pustular diseases. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work in these workshops, but are transferred to another job. The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal of the established form.

14.6. Each enterprise should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

14.7. Students of secondary vocational schools, students of higher educational institutions and technical schools before undergoing practical training at public catering establishments in without fail must pass medical examination and pass the sanitary minimum.

14.8. Locksmiths, electricians and other workers employed repair work in production and warehouses enterprises are required to work in workshops in clean sanitary clothing, carry tools in special closed boxes, and during work, prevent contamination of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.