Personal hygiene briefly. Personal human hygiene rules

Personal hygiene is the most important element The formation of the health of every person and society as a whole. Without compliance simple rules behavior in ours everyday life And it is impossible to maintain your health, extend and improve the quality of life, as well as prevent the emergence of many different diseases.

Personal hygiene skills are traditional, appeared since the origin of humanity and expand with the development of society and the flow of time. This is a combination of common hygienic requirements and norms for people of any age and the kind of classes: the correct alternation of mental and physical labor; classes physical culture and hardening; balanced diet; body care (oral cavity, hands, leather, nails, hair); full Son.; selection of clothing corresponding to weather conditions; content clean dwelling and workplace; Using only individual household items and much more.

The priority is to observe the purity of the body. On the dirty skin Microorganisms are inserted, which leads to the blockage of the ducts and glands, as a result, their activities are violated, minecraft and fungal diseases. Especially many bacteria accumulates in open areas of the body - hands and under the nails. Soap Unique invention of humanity, which allows you to destroy up to 93% of microorganisms. Currently common various meanshaving a long antibacterial effect. If you do not forget to wash your arms before eating, before work with the products, after visiting the toilet, then you have much less chance Feed intestinal infections.

Updating also pouring cold water in the morning and in the evening. Daily simple and no time requiring a procedure, which besides a hygienic effect, will have a tempering, toning effect on the skin.

Lingerie and clothing clean, as well as compliance with its season and climatic conditionsis one of the most important criteria personal hygiene. Clothes are used by man to protect the body from adverse factors external environment - Low or high temperatures, solar radiation, wind, atmospheric precipitation, thereby warns the body from the appearance cold illness. Both clothes and shoes should be easy, comfortable, not to shy movements, not breaking blood circulation and breathing.

In personal hygiene great importance He has a healthy state of teeth, gum, mouth mucosa. This is important for a normal power process, for prevention. gastrointestinal diseases. In case of insufficient care, teeth disease may develop, such as caries. To prevent such a condition, it is recommended to contact the dentist at least two times a year.

Human activity is impossible without a fullest rest, first of all, calm and long sleep. It is necessary to strictly observe the time of sleep and lift, given the possibility of fulfilling all morning and evening hygienic procedures without hasty.

Caring for their loved ones surrounding people is also an integral part of a healthy society. Insufficient compliance with man of personal hygiene rules can affect the state of other people - family members, neighbors, the team in which he is. Such a person can cause the mass spread of infectious diseases. Any labor activity It requires compliance with personal hygienic standards for specialists and personnel, depending on the work profile. In addition, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 83 defines the procedure for holding preliminary and periodic medical (surveys), where the contingent of persons who should pass medical inspections and surveys. results medical examinations and laboratory studiesInformation about the vaccinations transferred to infectious diseases, information about the passage of hygienic training and certification is made to the medical record.

Many infectious diseases, such as pediculosis, scabies, various mycoses, HIV, hepatitis B and C, can be transmitted when using common households - comb, towels, slippers, razors, toothbrushes, toys and similar things. Never under any circumstances do not learn and do not take other people's personal hygiene objects.

You should not neglect the interchangeable footwear at the house, at work, since there are many different bacteria and viruses on the sole.

Compliance with the simple rules of personal hygiene in the life of each person contribute to the preservation, health promotion, the prevention of many diseases. It is much easier to warn the disease than to treat it.

Be careful, responsible for yourself and your loved ones, teach children to observe personal hygiene skills!

Beard speaks of wisdom and replenishment. And sometimes about neglecting personal hygiene ... But it seems to me that it is all somehow interconnected.

Dreamfall: endless journey

Personal hygiene

And the house as a whole;
Hygiene clothing and shoes.

Hygiene body

Daily body hygiene brought to automatism, occupies huge place In preserving the health and beauty of a person. With this procedure, we struggle with microbes, bacteria to keep freshness all day. In concern about the body includes such simple treatmentslike cleaning the skin and oral hygiene, thereby protecting their body from microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor.
For thousands of years, the hygiene is considered primarily purity. Everyday, washing of hands and feet destroys bacteria that, multiplying, can lead to great health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to take a shower or bath for the rule 2 times a day. Hands need to be washed much more often than the body, because we are touching various items with your hands. Be sure to wash your hands on the parish home, before and after eating, after playing with animals, after the toilet. Also remember that hands need to wash 2 timesSince 1 time the microbes are not washed away. It is not necessary to microbes that somehow fell into arms, give to penetrate your body, because they can lead to unexpected consequences.

Body hygiene will help get rid of unpleasant odors. You can never try to disguise the smells by some spirits or deodorants - only enhanced from this smell. Use spirits and antiperspirants after taking the soul so that the body fragrance is pleasant. Smells should be barely catchy, almost imperceptible. And here you can get a question: What to choose - deodorant or antiperspirant?
For this you need to know what deodorant only masks the smellAnd it can be used with a small sweating. And if you have increased sweating, Or you are going to a serious event, it is better to use the antiperspirant, because it stops the selection of sweat. During the use of the antiperspirant you need paying body hygiene greater significance so that there is no inflammation in the pores.
Wash legs is necessary every day, because the unpleasant smell of legs in the heat will shorter all your efforts. Foot care also consists in subsequent moisture.

Now it is worth paying attention to the hygiene of the oral cavity - one more personal hygiene rule.

Oral hygiene

Most people dream of an ideal snow-white smile, but a very small number of people know about how it can be achieved. To do this, it is necessary to observe the elementary rules of oral hygiene:
1.Mandatory cleaning of teeth After the morning awakening and before the one to go to bed. If you can - you can clean the teeth after each snack;
2.Application of dental filament During the purification of the teeth. She just needs to learn how to use it right. To do this, cut off the thread, about half a meter. Then it should be coated on the middle fingers of the hands, stretch this thread from the beginning of the tooth in a circle and clean. The main thing is impossible to led on the gum, otherwise it can be broken;

3. Perform proper selection Hygiene products For the oral cavity (they do not have to be very expensive). Do not forget that besides the toothpaste, dental filaments and chewing, there are also rinsers, balms that refresh the oral cavity;
4. one once every six months it is necessary to make a visit to the dentist For inspection.

Hygiene hair

Caring for heads and hair means performing simple personal hygiene and health rules. If your hair is healthy, clean, shiny, then they are in good condition. Of course, some problems occur sometimes, such as dandruff, pediculosis, but they can be avoided, observing the basic rules of personal hygiene.
It's no secret that hair contains keratin. They grow out of the hair follicle that are lubricated by the skin. Each organism produces a certain amount of Fat, so the hair can be dry or fat, and sometimes and at the same time - hair, fat at the root and dry at the ends.
We now turn to some rules:
Wash your head regularly. The rule is elementary, but not all performed it. It is necessary to wash your head, even if you have dreadlocks or sprays. After washing the head, you can use balms or masks, following strictly according to the instructions;
Remove the remaining hair with comb and massage brushes;
Combs and "Massage" also need washing, like hair;
After laying hair with special tool need to rinse combs with shampoo and hot water;
Confers to the cleanliness of gum and hairpins;
Laying tools, such as iron, curls also need to be cleaned, pre-disconnecting them from the network;
Spoiled hair products are extremely recommended.

Sleeping higen

In order to enjoy a dream, you need to ensure everything. Sleep hygiene implies a few simple rules, the non-compliance of which becomes the cause of insomnia.
The main condition for is complete silence in the bedroom. Therefore, it is undesirable to put objects in the bedroom that create noise, because they significantly worsen sleep quality. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity in the bedroom, temperature, adjust the amount of sunlight. It is also not necessary to put things that attract dust in this room. Wet cleaning in this room should be carried out regularly.
In addition, in addition to the rules of personal hygiene and health, the rule presented to bed is. To begin with, it should be comfortable for sleeping, the mattress should not be too hard or soft.
Much attention should also be paid selecting pillow. On the recommendation of doctors, it is necessary to use a lower pillow, which does not greatly load the spine during the rest. Linens It must also be soft, preferably stitched from x / b fabric. Pajamas should be such that it was soft and comfortable to sleep. Bed linen is desirable to change once a week or more.

Hygiene underwear, clothes and shoes

Clothes created, above all, to keep the body of a person from cold, heat, mechanical effects.
Clothes are a few species:
casual wear must take into account all weather changes;
clothing for work;
sports uniforms;
Twisted underwear should absorb sweat, fat, freeing the skin from the cells unnecessary to it. Fabrics with the addition of synthetics worse cleaned skin than natural fabrics, so give preference to natural materials.
Pay attention to the cleanliness of your shoes.. Clean shoes better eveningSo that by the morning she managed to dry. To begin with, it is necessary to wipe out a slightly damp cloth, and then come (if it is leather) and put dry.
The warmer on the street, the more often the clothes should be stitched. In winter, it is necessary to dress so that it is not cold, and climb shoes so as not to wet the legs. In the cold season, it is advisable to wear linen from knitwear. No need to think: the more warm par Socks - the better. It is not true! After all, in a tightly compressed leg, the blood worse circulates and, therefore, the leg is frozen.
Proper hygiene is also to ensure that clothes and shoes are as comfortable as possible, corresponding to the size of the legs, the weather outside the window, the type of human activity. because of uncomfortable shoes Corn and cracks on the legs can form.

Need to be very attentive to how you feel daily in one or another clothes, is there any discomfort and easy sensationsWhat they are connected and how to eliminate them. We can feel the joy of life, only if we do not feel your body, and for this it should feel beautiful. It is about this that we must take care, observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is not so difficult, but the effect is amazing!
Health and cleanliness!

The person grows and lives in society, so it is necessary to reckon with generally accepted standards. For example, with such as: rules of behavior, etiquette, hygiene. Compliance with the norm allows a person to fully live, while fulfilling, for example, helps strengthen and maintain their health.

Personal hygiene - what is? This is one of the sections of general hygiene, the study of which is aimed at preserving and strengthening human health. Performing hygienic procedures destroys the microbes present, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of the disease.

Sections of personal hygiene

Personal hygiene considers such sections such as hygiene:

  • human body and skin;
  • oral cavity;
  • sleep and recreation - properly organized sleep and its timely alternation with difficulty;
  • nutrition;
  • shoes and clothing.

Objects of hygiene

Personal hygiene - what is? This is a set of rules whose compliance will help preserve and extend health. For hygienic procedures, you need to have individual items. These include:

  • towel;
  • soap;
  • merchal;
  • toothbrush;
  • razor;
  • manicure set;
  • hairbrush;
  • face care complex: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask;
  • haircut machine;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • deodorants, antiperspirants.

The use of submitted objects helps a person easy to carry out hygienic procedures that are aimed at maintaining the body clean, which will help to avoid possible diseases.

Personal hygiene requirements

Consider the basic principles of each direction of personal hygiene.

Hygiene body:

  1. Timely adoption of the soul. IN summer time This procedure must be performed daily. The result will be a decrease in microbes and harmful microorganisms on the human body, which will reduce the risk of disease.
  2. Hands and nails should be kept clean. Special attention To give nails, as a large number of harmful microbes can be accumulated under them.
  3. Contain legs clean, wash daily.

Hair hygiene:

  1. Wash your hair as pollution. It is not recommended to use hot water because there is a possibility of enhancing the selection skin Sala Heads, which will lead to a bad flushing of shampoo with hair.
  2. Select hair cosmetics, respectively, type of hair.
  3. At the end of washing to rinse the hair in cool water.
  4. Do not use dryer dryer.
  5. If necessary, make a hair mask.
  6. Have your comb.
  • Toothbrush - individual object for each.
  • Teeth clean 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal.
  • Attend the dentist once every six months.

Hygiene underwear, clothes, shoes:

  • contain clothing and shoes clean;
  • change underwear daily;
  • do not give anyone your personal clothes and do not use someone else's;
  • wear things accordingly weather conditions;
  • choose clothes from high-quality natural fabrics.

Sleeping hygiene:

  • change linen in time;
  • have clothes for sleep;
  • the bedroom should have clean and fresh air;
  • support optimal mode humidity;
  • sleeping place should be comfortable and comfortable.

Hygiene baby

Personal child's hygiene is laid by parents. First, adults perform all hygienic procedures for the kid themselves, and as the child is growing, it starts to make them independently.

When a child becomes a teenager, the basic principles of hygiene can already perform automatically: wash, clean your teeth in the morning and in the evening, wash, contain your clothes and shoes clean. However, it is necessary to know that there is personal hygiene. What? These are the principles that must be adhered to strengthen and maintain their health.

These include:

Differences of children's hygiene from adolescent hygiene

The hygiene of adolescents is slightly different from the nursery, because changes occur in the body at this age. Boys and girls grow up, they begin to manifest men and female signs respectively. Therefore, parents should pay time and explain to the child, what changes to him will occur, and how it will affect personal hygiene.

Girls pay attention to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly carry out the genital hygiene.

Principles of personal hygiene in adolescents

The child visits the school, it works a lot, uses a personal computer. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to parents must limit the time of staying at the computer, tablet, TV, monitor the level of lighting during the class of child.

Since personal hygiene is aimed at preserving and maintaining his health, then one of the main components of this area is proper nutrition. Behind the teenager should watch parents so that he does not use harmful productsAt the same time control the presence of full nutrition at least three times a day.

These basic principles can be distinguished healthy nutrition Teenager:

  • eating at least three times a day;
  • use in your diet fruits and vegetables;
  • avoid snacks, eating chips, fast food, crackers;
  • limit the technique of flour and sweet;
  • control the norms of obtaining vitamins, minerals and other useful substances For the body.

Compliance with personal hygiene - the duty of each person. IN adolescent period There are changes in the usual hygienic procedures. At this age is changing hormonal backgroundWhat causes the appearance acne On the face of both boys and girls. Therefore, personal hygiene of adolescents should include the correct skin care: the use of lotions, tonic, masks, scrubies and others cosmeticswhich are selected under the skin type individually.

The boys on the face begins to grow hair, so parents should buy a teenager for a non-hazardous razor and teach how it uses not to damage the skin of the face. Special attention to pay hygiene of the genital organs of boys and girls.


Personal human hygiene plays a big role in determining his place in society. To achieve success, you should not only have good knowledgeBut also to observe personal hygiene: contain body and clothing clean, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, have a full-fledged rest and carry out the necessary for maintaining health, physical exertion.

Personal hygiene - what is? This set of rules, performing which a person extends his life and strengthens health. The appearance shows how each individual adheres to the principles of hygiene. Tidy of clothes, shoes, healthy color face clean skin, sports Figure - are the key to the successful and long life of a person.

Hygiene as science is a very widespread concept, covering almost all parties to people's lives. The word "hygiene" happened from Greek hygieno.s what does it mean "Riding health." The hygiene definitions are very much, but, perhaps, they all mean one thing: hygiene is a science of improving and preserving a person.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as: Hygiene, Children and Adolescent Hygiene, Labor Hygiene, Personal Hygiene, Communal Hygiene, Hygiene ambient, Military hygiene, etc. Since the subject of the site is fully included in the concept of "hygiene", then for the simplicity of understanding in this section of the site we will cover only the topic of personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene - A set of human behavior rules in everyday life and in production. In a narrow sense of hygiene, this is a hygienic content of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of personal hygiene requirements may affect health as one person and very large groups People (teams of enterprises, families, members of various communities and even residents of entire regions).

Rules of personal hygiene

1. body hygiene. The human skin protects the entire organism from all sorts of environmental impacts. Compliance with skin cleanliness is extremely important, because except protective functionIt performs the following functions: thermostat, exchange, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory, and other functions.

  • Fix daily warm water. The water temperature must be 37-38 degrees, i.e. a bit higher normal temperature Body. Through skin covering A person over a week stands out to 300 g of Sala and up to 7 liters of sweat. To protective properties The skin was not disturbed. It is necessary to wash these allocations regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogens, fungi and other harmful microorganisms are created on the skin.
  • Watch out for hand and nail cleanliness. Open areas of leather are especially susceptible to pollution. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from hand in mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called dirty hand disease. Hands need to be washed before visiting the toilet and necessarily after the toilet, before eating and after meals, after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then your hands should be wired wet clothTo eliminate at least some microbes.
  • Legs need to wash every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces sweating.

2. Hair hygiene. Normalizes activity song hardwareAnd also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Therefore, the procedure for washing the head must be treated responsibly.

  • Head must be washed as contamination. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. Hair washing frequency depends on various factors: hair lengths, type of hair and scalp, work character, season time, etc. In winter, as a rule, the head is washed more often, because the headdress does not give the skin of the head to breathe, because of which skin salus is highlighted much more than usual.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. Hair can become very fat because hot water activates the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, such water helps detergent (Soaps and shampoons) Flow on hair in the form of a gray fly, which is difficult to wash off.
  • Carefully treat the choice of hair care products (shampoos, balsams, lotions, etc.). The hair absorbs water very well, and with it and substances that can harm the hair, the skin of the head and the body as a whole.
  • After rinse, hair is useful to quote the cool water.
  • Wipe off after washing preferably a warm towel, and then give the hair to dry in the air. Hair dryer is undesirable because it is very drying.
  • When combing hair, it is unacceptable to use foreign combing comb.

3. Oral hygiene. Correct care per oral cavity contributes to the preservation of teeth in good condition on long yearsAnd also helps to warn very many internal organs.

  • Brushing teeth is necessary daily in the morning and in the evening.
  • It is unacceptable to use the toothbrush of another person.
  • After receiving food, it is necessary to wish the mouth.
  • When the first signs of the disease of the teeth or the gums immediately contact the dentist.
  • For preventive inspection, attend the dentist at least twice a year.

4. Hygiene underwear and clothing and shoes. An important role In personal hygiene takes the purity of our clothing. Clothing protects the body of a person from contamination, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insects and so on.

  • Underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e. everyday.
  • Socks, golf, stockings, tights change daily.
  • Clothes must be erased regularly.
  • Unacceptable wearing someone else's clothing and shoes
  • Clothing and shoes must comply with climatic conditions.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothing from natural fabrics, and footwear from natural materials.
  • Cutting clothes and shoes must take into account anatomical features and correspond to the size of a person.

5. Sleeping hygiene.

  • Each family member should have their own towel and their own bed.
  • Bed linen must be changed weekly.
  • Sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Before bed, it is necessary to ventilate a sleeping room.
  • Before bedtime, it is recommended to change on night shirt or pajamas.
  • Try not to allow pets bed.

And a little more about hygiene:

There are several rules of personal hygiene that every self-respecting person should know and abide by. What are the rules of personal hygiene? First, it is regular body care, i.e. Maintaining its purity (clean skin, hair, nails). Secondly, hygiene should be aimed at maintaining and improving health, for this you need a full-fledged sleep (), light physical work (sports), proper nutrition, as well as the correct alternation of work and recreation.

Proper compliance with personal hygiene creates powerful defense from various ailments. Daily cleansing Skin is the need for every person. This body covers the whole body and serves as a protective coating. Washing the skin of hands, faces and the whole body should be a daily mandatory occupation. Special careAlso, various cleansing programs are selected individually.

In addition to maintaining the body clean, others important conditions personal hygiene is getting clean air (Walking) and sufficient physical activity.

Personal hygiene

The skin of a person is rich in saline and sweat glands, so when non-compliance with the elementary rules of maintaining cleanliness, microbes are multiplied on its surface.

1) Make the face and scope daily.

2) Wash your hands before eating and in the presence of contaminants.

3) Take a bath twice a week.

4) Take a shower once a day.

5) armpits and intimate parts wash daily ().

6) Change bed linen once a week.

7) The towel must be personal, as well as a toothbrush, urine, comb.

Taking a soul

The shower invented the ancient Greeks, and in the 19th century he became the basic rule of personal hygiene. However, it depends on the type of skin. You can not take a shower too often with dry skin, so as not to disturb the protective barrier. For most people with normal or fatty type The skin is suitable shower once a day.

How long to take a shower? Experts advise to take shower no more than 3 minutes. Perfect temperature Waters from 32 to 38 degrees, which stimulates blood circulation. What shower gels are better? The gels should be slightly acidic pH 5.5. In addition, you can use only water and only sometimes gel, or soap.


After the soul, the body should be carefully dried with a clean towel. The skin between the fingers and in other places should be dry. The towel should be changed several times a week.


Hand washing plays proper role in health. Wash your hands before and after processing raw meat, as well as before and after cooking, or in the presence of contaminants on them.

Oral care

Personal hygiene includes mandatory care For the oral cavity. In addition to the daily cleaning of the teeth, you must visit 1 - 2 times a year of the dentist for prophylactic inspection.

The presence of caries, problems with gums lead to a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular. Many dentists recommend brushing teeth 2 times a day with soft dental. In addition, they recommend using mouth rinsing to kill bacteria.

Hair care

Every day it is necessary to comb your hair, it stimulates blood flow to the scalp. In addition, the hair should be washed regularly (according to the type). For normal type Hair fits washing 1 time per week ().

Sex and insufficient hygiene

Negative influence on sexy life Provides non-compliance with personal hygiene. Unpleasant smell of mouth, bad teeth, negligent clothing worsen appearance. Unpleasant body smell, hanged hair, or dirty shoes and sweat legs can scare sexual partner. If these things are observed permanently, the partner will most likely leave. Especially if the rules are not followed.