Cosmetic face care. Proper facial skin care at a young and mature age - what are the differences? Tips for facial care at home. Oily cream must be applied to the skin before going out into the cold.

Proper care skincare involves more than just washing and applying lotion. It also implies healthy diet, adequate sleep and exercise, stress reduction. Your skin may need additional treatments, such as exfoliation or moisturizing masks.


Softening, cleansing and moisturizing the skin

    Wash your face twice a day to remove excess oil, improve skin color and prevent infection. Wash your face in the morning, after sleep, and in the evening before bed. enjoy warm water and facial soap that suits your skin type. You can wash your face with clean palms, a soft washcloth or sponge.

    • After cleansing, apply toner to the face and a small amount of moisturizing cosmetic.
    • If you wear makeup, remember to wash it off.
    • Don't forget about the skin on your neck! Often it is not given due attention.
  1. When you take a bath or shower, use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Though hot water and helps to relax, it can strip the skin of its natural oils. This leads to dry skin and the formation of flaky patches.

    • If you have dry skin, use a body moisturizer with natural oils - almond, coconut or olive.
  2. After washing, gently pat your skin dry with a towel. This applies to the skin of both the face and the whole body. As a result, your skin will remain slightly moist. Excess moisture is gradually absorbed into the skin.

    Apply moisturizer or lotion while your skin is still wet. For facial skin, use moisturizers and face creams, lubricate body skin with lotion or oil. Choose your skincare according to the time of year. In winter, use richer and thicker, and in summer - lighter products.

    • Consider using a sunscreen moisturizer that will protect your skin from harmful radiation.
    • Moisturizers are helpful everyone skin types, including oily! In the latter case, fit light cream or a gel-based product.
  3. Do not be afraid of fats, but make sure that they are of high quality and healthy. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids that rejuvenate the skin. Healthy fats also found in eggs, nuts, and fatty fish (such as salmon). Avoid the unhealthy fats found in sweets and many fast food menus.

    Refrain from food that is harmful to the skin. These are processed and refined carbohydrates, as well as unhealthy fats. addicting too a large number such food accelerates skin aging. Also try not to eat too much sugar.

Lifestyle Improvement for Skin Health

    Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Lack of sleep makes the skin look dull and sallow. Lack of sleep can also lead to bags or dark circles under the eyes. Enough sleep will smooth out wrinkles, get rid of bags under your eyes, and also give your skin a healthy and beautiful complexion.

    Try not to stay in the sun for too long and, if necessary, protect yourself from its rays. Use the sun protective cream with a protection level of at least 15 SPF. It should be applied regularly, even in autumn and winter months. Try to be less under straight lines sunbeams from 10 am to 2 pm, since during these hours the radiation is most harmful.

Skin Care Home Remedies

  1. Do oatmeal masks for the face if you have acne, sensitive or oily skin. Oats have a soothing effect on irritated skin and absorb excess oil. Mix 5 tablespoons (25 grams) of finely ground oats with enough water or milk to form a paste. Apply it on your face and wait for 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean soft towel.

Makeup decorates a woman and makes her brighter, but even the most correct and flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections. And in order for the skin to have healthy look, it must be properly and carefully looked after. Most main indicator beauty is grooming, and only right daily care behind the skin will help you always look well-groomed.

And on well-groomed skin and makeup looks different. Our step-by-step instruction will teach you how to take care of your skin in order to always look flawless.

Step one. Determine your skin type

In order to carry out proper facial skin care, first of all, you should know your skin type in order to choose the right cosmetics. After all, if you have oily facial skin, then it should not be over-nourished, and if dry, then it should not be should be overdried various masks and tonics. You can determine your skin type yourself.

Dry skin very soft and delicate young age she is very beautiful, no pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores. But with age, dry skin more and more lacks moisture and nutrition, and without getting it, it quickly fades. Often dry skin is sensitive and prone to flaking and irritation.

Oily skin very different from dry. It is more dense, rough, with enlarged pores. But the big plus of oily skin is that it itself produces a protective film, and, therefore, such skin is better protected from others. harmful effects environment. Oily skin, unlike dry skin, ages much more slowly, but due to excessive secretion sebum acne and pimples often appear on oily skin, and enlarged pores do not look aesthetically pleasing. But if you properly care for such skin, then it can acquire a clear and clean look.

Combination skin At first glance it seems normal, which is not far from the truth. Middle zone Faces with combination skin are oilier than the rest of the face. Cheeks may even be prone to dryness.

normal skin is quite rare in adults. It is even, smooth, soft and elastic, like a child's.

Step two. Learn how to properly take care of your skin every day.

Having decided on the type of skin, it is advisable to buy care products specifically for your skin type. It is advisable not to purchase funds from the “for all types” series. Perhaps such means good quality, but in order for your skin to get exactly what it needs, skin care products must be selected correctly. The main facial skin care products are the same - this is a make-up remover (you can’t wash your face with soap, as it contains alkali and disrupts the natural balance of the skin), tonic, day and night cream, eye cream, and scrubs.

Creams should be divided into day and night, because they have completely different purposes and functions. Daily cream forms a protective film on the skin, it should protect our skin from the harmful effects of the environment, but the night cream should be more active, because at night our skin is more susceptible to care products. So the night cream should contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins. Now we will talk about the care of each skin type separately.

Dry skin care program

To cleanse dry skin, it is desirable to use fatty milk. It is enough to use it once a day, in the evening. In the morning, it is enough to rinse your face with water. Face tonic for dry skin should not contain alcohol. It should be a mild lotion with botanicals and moisturizers. You can also make your own tonic.

Softening toner for dry skin:
Brew one tablespoon of green tea hot mineral water, add linden (flowers) there, let it brew for two hours, strain and refrigerate. Green tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, while linden flowers have soothing and softening properties.

Creams for dry skin, in addition to moisturizing substances, must also contain nutritious ones, because carefor dry skin includes active nutrition and hydration. Day cream must be with factors that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Night cream should be nourishing and regenerating.
Eye cream should be started when the first wrinkles appear.
Exfoliating agents should not be abused. Instead of a scrub, it is advisable to purchase a gommage. This is a more gentle exfoliator designed for sensitive skin. It should be applied once a week.
Nourishing and moisturizing masks can be done two to three times a week. It would be nice to be ready purchased masks alternate with home. sour cream, honey, olive oil well suited for such masks.

Oily skin care program

Cleansing is the foundation caring for oily skin faces, because the problem of oily skin is shine and excessive secretion of sebum. Well suited gel for washing with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives. You should wash your face with such a gel both in the morning and in the evening. Oily skin should also be used without fail. The tonic should contain alcohol and anti-inflammatory and pore-tightening substances. Tonic can be prepared independently:

Cleansing toner for oily skin:

Brew one tablespoon of calendula with hot mineral water (one glass), let it brew, strain, add a teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice. Keep refrigerated.

Eye cream should be applied when the first wrinkles appear, because the skin under the eyes is four times thinner than the skin of the face, and even with oily skin, the skin of the eyelids remains dry and unprotected. Scrub for oily skin is simply necessary, it should be applied two to three times a week.
Cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks should also be applied two to three times a week. Dry yeast masks are good for homemade masks for oily skin, they contain B vitamins, which are very useful for oily skin. Dilute the yeast with hydrogen peroxide to a slurry state, such a mask is applied for 20 minutes.

Combination skin care program

It is best to cleanse combination skin with preparations that are washed off with water. If the T-zone is too oily, then the cleanser should be used both in the morning and in the evening. And if not, then a thorough evening cleansing will be enough. Tonic can only be used for the middle part of the face, where there is excess sebum and oily sheen. You can also make your own tonic.

Tonic for combination skin faces:
Green tea (tbsp. Spoon) brew glasses of hot mineral water and add there lemon juice. Green tea will give the skin the necessary vitamins, and lemon will tighten the pores where it is needed.

It is advisable to purchase creams specifically for combination skin, they contain a lot of moisture, but not too much fat. And if, for example, the skin of the T-zone is too oily, and the cheeks and neck are prone to dryness, then it is best to purchase two different creams for these zones.
Eye cream for any type of skin is used when the first wrinkles appear, approximately this happens after 25 years.
For combination skin, peeling should be applied twice a week.
for such skin, it is best to do separately on different zones faces. Where nourishment is required - nourish, and where it is not required - moisturize.

Step three. Additional skin care tips

You have learned how to properly care for your skin, but in addition to this, there are still general and no less important rules for skin care. It is advisable to read and remember them carefully.

Five important additional tips:

Never go to bed without removing makeup from your face.

Even if you use very expensive and good cosmetics, skin care must be correct. At night, the skin should be clean. And do not forget to apply a restorative cream at night. Day face cream must contain filters that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, this will protect the skin from premature aging. And in order to properly and timely take care of yourself, make up your personal

Do not use bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams unless absolutely necessary. There is a cream for every age. Active creams should be used only after forty years. Our skin, starting to receive active and strong substances, ceases to produce the necessary and useful substances on its own. She just gets used to the fact that these substances give her anyway. Therefore, you will constantly need to apply more and more strong and active creams. Good cosmetic companies make creams that are specially suitable not only for skin type, but also for age. On such creams it is written right away what age they are intended for. A daytime moisturizer is best applied to dry skin, and a nourishing night cream to wet skin.

As often as possible, use natural vegetables, fruits and berries for face care.

Try to get enough sleep. It would be nice to accustom yourself to go to bed early and get up early. Do not forget to drink periodically vitamin complexes, the lack of vitamins and minerals has a very negative effect on the condition of the skin and hair. We hope that our step-by-step instructions will help you learn how to care for your skin. Take care of your skin and it will thank you!

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Each modern woman or the girl must take care of herself, Special attention giving face. well-groomed skin is an indicator of health female body. If there are interruptions in the body, this is necessarily reflected in the face.

Every day the skin is tested by the environment, makeup, various foods and possible stresses. To keep it in perfect condition, you need to regularly care for your face. Care is divided into several stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.

During the day, dust accumulates on the skin, salts from sweat glands, dirt, foundation, powder and more. Therefore, before nourishing the skin with various beneficial substances, it must be cleared of external influences. Cleansing should be done in the morning and evening. It is better to remove makeup with a special tool, as it can damage delicate skin around eyes.

A couple of times a week skin must be exfoliated, it removes dead skin particles. It is also recommended to apply masks on the face weekly. Moisturizing, cleansing or some other - it's all individually. Can be applied every week different means. Cleansing is followed by toning. The tonic soothes the skin and at the same time removes makeup residue and excess oil from the face. Toning is carried out after cleansing twice a day. If the skin is sensitive or dry, then it is better to use floral waters or replace cosmetics with a regular ice cube.

The skin becomes firmer and appearance more fresh and vibrant. After the manipulations, the skin must be moisturized. Facial skin care should be carried out using a nourishing or moisturizing cream.- it depends on the needs of the skin. Most often, a nourishing cream is used after 30-35 years.

The cream is applied with light circular movements without thorough rubbing. Excess can be removed with a napkin. As a substitute for a moisturizer, you can use natural oil avocado or whatever base oil. They are no worse than cosmetic creams, but before leaving the house, it is better not to apply oils. It will take about 15-20 minutes for the oil to soak in.
Pick up suitable remedy can be by trial and error.

The skin of any person is individual. In order for the face to always remain perfect, it is not enough only external care. Balanced diet, saturation of the skin with vitamin D through walks in the sun and the lack of stressful situations contribute healthy color face, on which there will be no flaws.

summer skin care

On hot summer days, facial skin needs special care. During this period, ultraviolet rays adversely affect the healthy appearance of the skin.
Their destructive effect “thinns” and dehydrates the skin, which leads to its aging, wrinkles appear. Work intensifies sebaceous glands increases the oiliness of the skin, which leads to the appearance of acne.

"Delicate Facial Cleansing"

This treatment is ideal for all skin types. Without facial cleansing, not complete, not one summer season. In the heat, the pores begin to open, and the skin becomes vulnerable to the penetration of dirt, dust, pathogenic bacteria, they multiply rapidly. Cosmetics do not withstand high temperatures, “floats” and clogs pores. During this period, you need to carry out a "delicate cleansing of the face."

What procedures can not be done in the summer

Experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology do not recommend summer period;
Use tonics that contain alcohol.
Rough scrubs to cleanse the skin.
No "squeezing" on the skin.
Refuse laser processing this will leave the skin defenseless, and it will not cope with infections.
It is necessary to abandon mesolifting.
Can't inject glycolic acid, the main task of this procedure is to “renew the skin”. Under influence high temperatures complications may arise.

Summer skincare routines

After washing, you can use foam or mousse.
Moisturizing eye cream.
"Delicate Scrub"
"chlorhexidine", used as an antiseptic drug.
For washing, you can use herbal decoctions (chamomile mint ...). They effectively relieve skin inflammation.

How to protect your face

Buying cosmetics special means which will protect the face from ultraviolet radiation. Its main purpose is to moisturize the skin, not nourish it. Even dry skin will not be an exception, you need to select creams with an oxygen base. They are applied thin layer, in this case, excess cream will not clog pores, which will avoid the formation of sebum. When caring for the skin of the face, special attention should be paid to the skin in the eye area.

Moisturizing for skin care

One of important procedures this period. On hot days, the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, the tone decreases, which leads to the formation of premature wrinkles. Pores expand, dark spots and increased inflammatory processes.

How to tone skin

It is best to regularly wipe your face with mineral water.
It is very useful to make a cube of ice, they can be made from chilled herbal decoction, milk.
Herbal compress. A decoction of chamomile flowers (calendula, oak bark ...).
Green tea compress.

Summer cosmetics

Use in minimum quantity.
Turn out from foundation.
Loose powder it must be applied before going out.
Everything cosmetic preparations must contain UV filters.
Summer is rich in an abundance of vegetables and fruits, you can experiment With natural masks . The effect of their use has been proven many times over. This is the best way to keep youth and beauty.

Winter skin care

By winter, nature finally fades and falls asleep, no longer pleasing with its beauty. Approximately the same thing happens with our facial skin, which is so sensitive to external influences.
The cold affects everyone differently - someone's skin peels off, someone, on the contrary, does not in the best way shining face. Someone, on the contrary, does not feel anything, but this does not mean at all that the skin does not need help.

In winter, the skin of any face, in addition to standard purification and radiation protection, you also need power. This is the only way to properly care for your skin. Properly selected oily winter cream, enriched with useful substances, is the key to a healthy and radiant face, as well as total absence discomfort.

Whatever summer care, for the winter it is better to purchase special products from a domestic manufacturer. After all, it is he who is familiar with the climate of a particular country, for the inhabitants of which his product is produced.

Nutrition with one cream, as a rule, is not enough. This is where vitamins come in. They must be obtained primarily from food, and in enough. In addition to nutrition, you can do a massage with natural oils before going to bed. cosmetic oils and vitamins A, E and C.

In addition to nutrition, the skin still needs hydration. It is important to remember that not all winter creams can nourish and moisturize at the same time. As a rule, you have to take care of moisturizing separately.
Many people get red skin in winter. If this feature body causes inconvenience, you can use special creams, for example, with algae extracts.

There is an opinion that in winter you can not use scrubs. In fact, they are no more harmful in winter than at any other time of the year. With proper and dosed use, a scrub in winter is necessary for complete cleansing of the skin and, along with vitamins and oils, to help in cell regeneration.

You can wash in the cold season at least one hour before going out, and apply nutritious cream- in half an hour. Immediately before going out, it is recommended to blot your face with a dry napkin to remove excess cream from the skin, and to be completely sure that the skin does not become overcooled or chapped. Certainly, don't forget about hygienic lipstick . If this is not exactly what you want to see on your lips, it is better to apply it before going out, and, having reached the place, apply the desired shade of your favorite lipstick indoors.

Spring face and body care

Here we will look at the main problems in facial skin care and their solution in spring period of the year.

In the spring, face and body skin needs to be looked after especially carefully. After winter, the skin needs nutrition, hydration and saturation with vitamins.
What appearance problems usually overtake in the spring? First of all, dryness. Heating batteries, sometimes red-hot; hot baths to warm up after winter walks- all this draws moisture from upper layers skin.What to do? Instead of a hot shower, it is better to take a cool or contrast one. And it is also better to wash with a little warm water: this will give a tone. Can use for face ice cubes with herbal teas and infusions.

Particular attention is on the eyes. The eyelids are very thin skin, which also has few capillaries. That is, she practically does not receive food. But it stores moisture perfectly, hence the swelling in the morning. And from lack of sleep - big bruises. Exit - drink at night less water and use folk recipes for eyes.

One of the best means considered tea, especially green. From it you can make both ice cubes and compresses for the skin around the eyes. Enough to moisten cotton pad in cold tea and put it on for 10 minutes closed eyes. The result is guaranteed.
With the advent of spring, many people notice that the skin of the face in the mirror looks gray and dull. The main reason - lack of vitamins. The best way The solution to this problem is to include foods rich in everything you need in your diet. This will help milk, fish oil, green vegetables, bran, wheat germ, nuts.

Masks from berries, vegetables and fruits Now there are many, for all types and ages of skin.
Renewal of the skin of the face and body becomes slower in winter. Hence the frequent peeling. Therefore, it is imperative to “help” the epidermis. Scrubs and peels, even natural, made at home, even professional in salons, will allow you to purchase soft, fresh and smooth skin.

Be sure to change the cream. Nutrients fatty products no longer relevant. They are replaced by light, rich textures of creams that moisturize the skin. A gel or foam it is better to leave the old ones if there is neither an allergy nor a bad cleansing from them. The same for the body: a light mousse or milk will completely cope with the problem of moisturizing the skin after taking a shower.

By following these simple rules, you can easily restore the appearance and prepare the skin of the face and body for spring. And with our advice skin care will not be too difficult for you.

It's no secret that cosmetics make a woman brighter and more beautiful, but even the most professional makeup unable to mask the imperfections of the skin. In order for her to be healthy, she needs daily attention, because only appropriate care for the skin of the face and body can provide a great appearance.

Determining skin type

To pick up appropriate care, must be determined The choice of face care products depends on this. If you have oily skin, it does not need enhanced nutrition, and if you have dry skin, you cannot overdry it with masks and tonics. Skin type is easy to determine.

V adolescence very beautiful, there are no manifestations of acne and enlarged pores on it. She is very thin and delicate. However, over time, such skin is increasingly lacking moisture and nutrition. Without getting what it needs, dry skin quickly fades. Often it is also sensitive and prone to irritation and flaking.

Oily skin is the exact opposite of dry skin. It is rough, dense, enlarged pores are visible. At the same time, there is a big plus: it can itself produce a protective film, and therefore has better protection from harmful environmental influences. Unlike dry skin, oily skin ages much more slowly, but due to excess sebum secretion, acne and pimples often appear on it. At the same time they spoil general form. If such skin is properly cared for, it will acquire a clean and smooth appearance.

Has no visible flaws. She is often confused with normal, which is not surprising. The T-zone (nose and forehead) with combination skin is oilier than the rest of the face. On the cheeks, the skin is normal or even prone to dryness.

Normal skin in modern ecology and living conditions is a real rarity among adults. Such skin is ideal: smooth, even, elastic, without imperfections. Basically, like a child.

Choosing the right skin care

In order for the skin to receive the substances it needs, care products must be selected correctly. Standard products include (alkaline in the composition violates the natural pH of the skin), day and night cream, tonic, masks and scrubs, eye cream. Now about the features of caring for different types of skin.

Proper care for dry skin

It is good to use fatty milk for cleansing once a day, in the evening. In the morning, just rinse your face with water. As a tonic, a mild alcohol-free lotion with moisturizers is suitable. To prepare the tonic yourself, you need:

1 st. spoon green tea pour hot mineral water, add linden, leave for 2 hours, strain and store in the refrigerator.

Creams must contain nutrients. Day cream should protect the skin well from UV exposure. Ideal night cream: nourishing and regenerating. necessary only with the appearance of the first wrinkles. Instead of a scrub, gommage is used once a week, it spares the skin.

Proper skin care fatty type

The basis of care in that case is cleansing. Ideal with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. A toner for oily skin is also a must. It should contain alcohol and pore-tightening anti-inflammatory additives. You can even cook it at home:

1 st. brew a spoonful of calendula with 1 glass of hot mineral water, insist, strain, add lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of vodka, refrigerate.

Only fit special creams for oily skin. Apply eye cream only when the first wrinkles appear. Every week you need to use a scrub, 2-3 times a day, as well as cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks.

Proper skin care combined type

Tonic should be used only for the T-zone, where oily sheen is visible. You can cook it at home:

1 st. Spoonful of green tea pour a glass of hot mineral water and add lemon juice.

It is necessary to purchase creams for combination skin. Eye cream is used when the first wrinkles appear, usually after the age of 25. Peeling 2 times a week is good.

home care for facial skin:universal rules

  • Don't go to bed without removing your makeup.
  • Day cream must contain UV filters.
  • Do not apply anti-wrinkle cream unless necessary.
  • Apply nourishing night cream to damp skin, day moisturizing cream to dry skin.
  • Make masks from natural vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours.

We hope that our little tips will help you take care of your skin. Caring and caring for her is a guarantee beautiful face and good mood!

The most exposed and unprotected part of our body is the skin. It is she who daily faces the impact of various external factors, such as climatic conditions, dust, air pollution and anthropogenic load factor.

The term "skin care" has its own special meaning for each person. Therefore, in order to clearly understand skin care tips, it is very important to know its features and functions. This knowledge will help you take care of your body properly.

Each of the layers of the skin performs important functions and interacts with the others. Human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Let's move on to detailed description to understand all the nuances of the structure skin.

  • Epidermis. Consists of five layers of cells. This layer of the skin contains melanins - pigments. different colors that appear during tanning. In other words, they stain the living tissues of the human body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Dermis. Consists of connective tissue. The dermis contains blood vessels, receptors, nerve endings, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles.
  • Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer). The main task of the hypodermis cells is the accumulation of nutrients for the full life of the organism of each of us.

Sweat glands remove excess fluid from the body. Sebaceous glands provide protection to the surface of the skin due to the release of fat. It is he who allows the skin to be softer and insured against cracking and drying out.

The most common skin problems occur due to blocks and congestion in the above processes.

Facial skin care

Skin health directly depends on the lifestyle we lead. You will always look great if you take care of your nutrition, become more mobile and learn to treat all life's ups and downs with a positive attitude. Frequent experiences and stress lead to increased skin aging.

O regular care body skin should also not be forgotten - this is a necessary measure in living conditions in a metropolis.

The main causes of skin problems

  • chlorinated water;
  • Electromagnetic radiation;
  • Traffic fumes;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Household chemicals;
  • stress;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Wrong nutrition.

Excess sebum, dust, dead cells and regular use foundation lead to various diseases skin, so it is necessary to take care of the full and proper cleansing skin cover. Just diet and healthy lifestyle life will not provide young and healthy skin if you don't take care of it.

The changing climate brings many skin problems. At normal temperature and humidity, the condition of the skin is close to ideal, however, with the first fluctuations in temperature, we observe the opposite. In the hot season, the skin changes color, often dries up and, as a result, wrinkles appear. frosty wind and low temperature lead to coarsening of the skin, which cannot be called a pleasant phenomenon for a person. Any weather disturbances main reason early aging.

Imagine if already problematic skin gets improper care. Poorly selected cosmetics (cream, lotion, scrub, makeup remover) will sooner or later lead to serious problems that you can't handle on your own.

In order not to look for a way out of a difficult situation later, it is better to do everything possible now to avoid unnecessary problems.

Skin types

  • Dry;
  • Oily;
  • Combined.

Skin care depends on its type and condition. Of course, the real lucky ones can be called those who have normal skin– elastic, matte, smooth and elastic. The pores on such skin are practically invisible, which makes it even more attractive. However, everyone needs to take care of the health of the skin.

Women of all ages need to make it a habit to remove makeup the first time they don't need it, otherwise there is a huge risk of spoiling the skin of the face. Even the highest quality cosmetics negatively affects her health.

Skin care products: how to wash your face properly

What is the first handy tool skin care you know? Many mistakenly assume that this is something from their cosmetic bag. In fact, it is nothing more than ordinary water. Pure water maintains the beauty and health of the skin in the best possible way.

During washing, we clean the skin from excess fat, dust, dirt and masses of microbes. In turn, the cleansed pores of the face and body breathe better and absorb nutrients. Properly selected water temperature improves blood circulation in the skin.

For washing it is better to use natural mineral or distilled water. You can also filter your tap water to get rid of harmful salts and various impurities which adversely affect the condition of the skin. Suitable for this procedure river water(provided that it has been heat treated).

If you wash your face with tap water, the skin will become hard, dry and irritated. In this case, you may also encounter a problem severe peeling epidermis.

Soaps, lotions and decoctions for washing the skin

Do I need to use soap during morning and evening washing? Specialists in the field of cosmetology assure that soap should be used no more than once a day (in the evening), and only for owners of oily skin type. Other types of skin can dry out and become inflamed even when washing with gentle cosmetic soap.

To fully cleanse the skin of the face, you can use special emulsions, lotions and liquid creams. Very popular in the issue of cleansing the skin are herbal infusions and unrefined oils (olive, peach, linseed, etc.).

Try to get rid of the habit of drying your face too thoroughly with a towel, because the skin is easily stretched, and you risk getting wrinkles ahead of time.

Before going outside, you need to use an effective protective cream. V summer time year it should be tonic and light, and in winter - more fat.

Remember to protect yourself from negative impact ultraviolet rays during a long stay on the street or the beach. Use special tanning products, wear Sunglasses and hats, try to be in the shade as often as possible.

Skin care, homemade face masks

The use of nourishing and revitalizing face masks is prerequisite to save good condition skin.

Face masks can be homemade or purchased from beauty stores. The folk recipe is so diverse that everyone can choose the right skin care product for themselves.

Rules for applying a mask to the skin

  1. Wash your hands with soap and wash your face thoroughly;
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin with a special cosmetic spatula made of plastic;
  3. Keep the skin of the eyelids intact. There is no need to use a mask in this zone;
  4. After applying the product, give yourself a little rest. Relax and do not make unnecessary movements. Try not to be distracted by other activities and not to talk;
  5. Remove the remnants of the mask with a moistened cotton pad;
  6. Remove the mask carefully. Remember that the skin should not be stretched.

Facial skin care at home

If your skin is too flabby and lifeless, you need to arm yourself with cosmetics that will help tone it. Normal condition skin is impossible without proper nutrition. Include dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and eggs in your diet. This menu will improve the nutrition and blood circulation of the skin.

Face masks home cooking should consist of egg yolks, natural juices, fruit pulp and yeast.

Advice: For getting maximum effect it is better to consult a specialist. Regular massage courses beauty salon help you recover quickly problematic skin to make it smooth and attractive.

Cosmetics for face and body skin care

In modern times, many cosmetics manufacturers offer their customers natural and environmentally friendly body skin care products. So, you can buy gels and scrubs, creams and lotions that are healthy for your skin.

Before starting body skin care with cosmetics, it is necessary to carry out all morning routine. In other words, your body must be prepared. Start with morning exercises, then take cold and hot shower and cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub. These manipulations will improve blood flow, allow the skin to breathe.


A high-quality scrub will help to fully cleanse the body of impurities and dead skin flakes. It should be applied to a damp body and rubbed gently in a circle. It is scrubs that allow you to rejuvenate and brighten the skin, but you need to use them in moderation. Those with dry skin should not exfoliate more than once a week. For safe care for oily skin, a two-time peeling is acceptable.

Shower gel

Gels provide a good effect when cleansing the skin. They not only remove impurities, but also moisturize those areas on which the product is applied. Gels are especially popular with the consumer due to the effect of aromatherapy, which allows you to fully relax during water procedures. A personalized scent to soothe and elevate your mood. Natural skin care gels have a more lasting scent, thus providing proper freshness and comfort.


The final chord will be the use cosmetic milk or skin cream. These funds are applied to the body with massaging movements. They should be rubbed gently and gently. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. Any manipulations during the procedure should cause you pleasant sensations, so haste and carelessness in this matter is useless. good cream for the body will make the skin smooth, velvety, toned and soft.

Exists wide range of cosmetic products to combat obvious skin problems (cellulite, early aging, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots). Creams and lotions with natural ingredients in the composition will help restore the skin to its former beauty and youth.

Home skin care: peels and baths

Natural peels and baths are among the most available ways whole body skin care. Baths can be taken with homemade fruit juices, herbal plants, green tea, essential oils, starch, bran and other useful additives.

To prepare an efficient natural scrub, use honey, milk, sugar, oat flakes, sea ​​salt, moderately hard fruits and oils plant origin. The main thing is that you do not have an allergy to any of the components of the product.

Rely on your imagination, experiment, and don't be afraid to try something new. Each girl, having shown a little patience, will find for herself suitable recipe scrub, which will become an indispensable tool for skin care. Pick up pleasant aromas, quality components and correct proportions and then your body will regain its former energy, beauty and youth. At the same time, your mood will always be on top!