The forehead quickly becomes greasy. The skin on the forehead is oily. How to determine oily skin type

- skin type caused by excessive activity sebaceous glands and characterized by a rough texture, unhealthy color and shine. Owners of oily skin are faced with enlarged pores, comedones, cysts of the sebaceous glands, acne, manifestations of seborrhea. Oily skin requires increased attention to existing problems, a certain diet, proper home and professional care(cleansing, masks, peels, mesotherapy), competent selection cosmetics... To find out the causes of oily skin, consultations of a cosmetologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist are necessary.

Among the nutritional reasons contributing to the appearance of oily skin, it is necessary to highlight the abuse of oily or spicy food, as well as flour products, sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol. Quite often people with oily skin suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract(cholecystitis, colitis, constipation, etc.). Long-term stay and work in dirty and dusty rooms has its negative role on the skin condition.

A typical mistake of owners of oily skin is overly active and aggressive cleansing of the skin with the help of alcohol-containing cosmetics and scrubs. Regular degreasing of problem areas of the skin with tonics and lotions only aggravates the problem: in response to the removal of the surface lipid layer, the epidermis reacts by increasing the secretion of glandular secretions. Frequent mechanical cleansing and peeling of the face causes micro-trauma to the epidermis and intense production sebum... The use of inappropriate creams and skin care products can also exacerbate the problem of oily skin.

Characteristics of oily skin

Most often, oily skin is localized in the so-called T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose and chin. Outwardly, oily skin looks shiny, oily, untidy, thick, and rough, often having an uneven surface, a dull color and a grayish tint. Makeup does not adhere well to oily skin; tonal creams and powders remove oily shine only for a while. Areas of problem skin are also found on the body, usually in the chest and back; oily skin on the face and body is often combined with oily hair.

Insufficient cleansing of the skin from excess sebum leads to the fact that the sebaceous secretion, together with dead skin scales and dust, clogs the pores and contributes to their funnel-shaped expansion. Often, oily, porous skin looks like an orange peel. In addition to excessive shine and enlarged pores, oily skin is prone to the formation of comedones (black plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands) and milia (whiteheads), acne. Vascular networks (telangiectasias) are more often visible on it. If, against the background of increased production of sebum, its qualitative composition, there is such a pathological condition as seborrhea.

Despite all the disadvantages of oily skin, it also has certain advantages. So, it retains moisture better, and, therefore, is more protected and less sensitive to the effects of various adverse atmospheric factors (wind, sunlight, low temperatures). Due to this, this type of skin is less susceptible to photoaging, retains its elasticity longer, and age-related wrinkles appear later in women with oily skin than in women with other skin types.

If on oily skin long time inflammation persists, you should consult a dermatologist to exclude demodicosis. To find out the reasons for increased oily skin, you may need to consult and examine a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Features of care for oily skin

The main tasks of oily skin care are to remove excess sebum, open pores, and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. First of all, it is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate negative impact on the skin (stop using alcohol-containing lotions, fatty creams, frequent skin scrubbing, etc.). It is categorically unacceptable to leave decorative cosmetics on the skin overnight. The basis of the diet of the owner of oily skin should be lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, bran, cereals; spices, smoked meats, baked goods and pastries, sweets should be limited as much as possible. Food should be rich in vitamins, especially group B.

It is advisable to divide the care of oily skin itself into home and professional. Daily self-care for oily skin involves cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing procedures. First of all, you need to wash your face twice a day using a special foam, gel and mousse for oily skin. As a rule, such agents have anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effects, but do not dry out the skin. When washing your face, you should not use a washcloth or sponge, or hot water, as these products will further stimulate the secretion of sebum. It is preferable to lather the skin with cotton pad or the pads of your fingers, and rinse off the cleanser with warm or cool water. Traditional medicine recommends for oily skin washing and steam baths with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, linden blossom, horsetail, mint, nettle) while taking these infusions inside.

More thorough cleansing of oily skin with cosmetic peeling it is permissible to carry out one - maximum two times a week. In addition to the scrub, for deep cleansing skin, you can use peeling-gommage: such film masks effectively remove dead horny cells, dust particles and excess sebum without injuring the skin. Once a week, it is useful to do clay masks with an absorbent effect, or fruit masks with a tightening effect.

After washing your face you need to get wet soft towel or with a napkin and wipe it with a toner for oily skin - such products contain disinfecting, sebum-regulating and pore-tightening components. The finishing chord of your daily care for oily skin is the application of a cream designed for this type of skin. Usually creams, emulsions or hydrogels for oily skin are liquid and absorb quickly without leaving a shiny sheen.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for daytime make-up, you need to pay attention to the quality, composition of products and recommendations for use from manufacturers. For oily skin, opt for light foundations, foundations and powders with a mattifying effect that eliminate excess shine. Should refuse to use cream blush and eyeshadow, liquid eyeliners- otherwise the cosmetics can “float” on the face in a couple of hours after application.

The emergence oily sheen on the forehead and nose is considered common since sebaceous glands in these areas are concentrated in large numbers. In addition, their production is activated by improper nutrition, as well as exposure to hot and humid weather.

In men, a similar deficiency is provoked by physiological characteristics. The dermis is thicker and contains a lot of sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This affects the fact that young men are more likely to suffer from the sebaceous layer on the nose and forehead, but at the same time the skin of men is covered with wrinkles much later.

The main reason for the unpleasant gloss is increased amount sebaceous glands in a certain area. The T - zone contains the largest number of them. Sebaceous glands not only provoke the appearance of an unpleasant shine. Due to their function, the skin remains elastic and moisturized, which prevents early occurrence wrinkles.

Age factor affects fat production. A significant amount of sebaceous secretions are produced in teenage years and up to 25 years old. At the age of forty, hormones change and fat production decreases.

Age is considered important reason, the fact that the skin is oily, but not the only one.

The following reasons affect the increase in the performance of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Slagging in the body.

A lot of sebum collects inside the pores, which contributes to the increase in acne.

Skin prone to abundant discharge fat with excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

If you reduce the amount of these products in the diet and increase the consumption of foods that contain protein, then the fat content becomes less.

Skin condition worsens if basic hygiene rules are not followed.

High fat content can be caused by health problems.

How to eliminate excess fat production?

If there are no diseases behind excessive sebum secretion, then the main recommendation for eliminating the problem is proper skin care for the nose and forehead.

The following tips will help get rid of the greasy shine on the nose and forehead:

  1. The skin on the nose must be thoroughly cleansed at least twice a day.
  2. To wash this area, apply pure water, do not use alcohol-based lotions.
  3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This promotes the natural detoxification of the body. And the skin looks very healthy.
  4. It is worth giving up the use of alcohol, which has bad influence on the skin.
  5. It is recommended to use home and professional products for the care of the nose and forehead area.

Correct care

Excellent liquidation unhealthy shine and dirt on the nose the following drugs:

The procedure for caring for the skin of the nose and forehead area consists of a complex of cleansing and toning procedures, which are performed twice a day.

  1. Washing is done with a special foam. For better cleansing you need to make a mixture of soap and salt.
  2. Toning is recommended with a tonic based on anti-inflammatory herbs: sage or yarrow.
  3. Used as masks clay mixtures... They are very good at eliminating excess sebum. The composition is applied to problem area for 9-12 minutes and then washed off.

Folk recipes

Every morning you need to wash yourself with boiled water. The face is wiped off with gauze or a terry cloth.

Before showering, you can apply a mixture of lime juice, grated cucumber and drops of cologne to the forehead and nose area. A recipe like this not only helps with unnecessary shine but also eliminates acne.

Much from a special set of herbs. The infusion is made from rose petals, licorice root and lemongrass. A similar facial sauna is performed three times a week. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

The following homemade recipes will help eliminate oily shine on the nose and forehead:

  1. Lemon juice is diluted with water and the shiny area is wiped with this mixture. In a few minutes homemade lotion washed off.
  2. You can make a scrub with honey and minced almonds. The mixture is rubbed into the skin on the nose. After 9-12 minutes, the composition is washed off.
  3. For the problem area, you can make compresses from herbal infusions. Used dry herb chamomile, oak bark or calendula. In the broth, the fabric is moistened and applied to the nose for 8-16 minutes.
  4. Apply to greasy areas low-fat kefir and washed off after 12-17 minutes.
  5. An effective yeast mask can be made. To do this, dry yeast in an amount of 20 g is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. A little milk is added to the mixture.
  6. At least once a week, you need to make masks of blue and black clay.

Regular care of the forehead and nose area will help to achieve good results, even with intensive work of the sebaceous glands. For better effect you need to use matting and drying decorative cosmetics.

To prevent the skin from being very oily, experts recommend consuming more products with vitamins B2 and B6. It is also worth consuming foods with a high carotene content. It is worth reconsidering your diet and with similar problems in men.

Modern drugs and procedures

If you do not know why the skin on the forehead and nose produces a lot of fat, then you should consult a specialist.

In beauty salons, most often they offer various facial cleansing. The following procedures can be performed in the salon:

  1. Mechanical cleaning face, which is done manually and with the help of special tools.
  2. Hardware methods include ultrasonic cleaning, brushing, or vacuum cleaning.
  3. Peeling removes upper layer skin. This gives the skin a refreshed and healthy look.
  4. Facial massage allows you to tone the muscles of the face and activate the lymphatic and blood vessels.

If the nose and the skin on the forehead constantly shine, professional remedies are used.

The following cosmetology products from different manufacturers effectively remove excess shine and help get rid of acne:

  • Loreal Matte Toner helps to take care of problem skin. It tightens the pores. It contains zinc, which has antibacterial properties and eliminates pustular inflammation.

  • For cleansing, use a strong effect soap from Clinique. Its ingredients do not tighten the skin and do not provoke allergies. Helps remove acne.

  • Lush Atlantis Cleaner is recommended as a scrub. This is an environmentally friendly formulation, but it is best not to use it on sensitive skin.

  • Uriage's Hyseac mask has cleansing properties. It is applied several times a month and shows good result to eliminate greasy shine on the forehead and nose.

During the day, wet wipes are used to remove sebum. It is recommended to use creams on water based... For the problem area, you need to use tone cream and mineral-based powder. These products are suitable for use in hot weather and do not create a film.

Masks from the store have a preventive effect, but do not help get rid of the cause of the phenomenon. An exception is clay masks. They are used for medicinal purposes.

16 730 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about oily skin and how to remove oily shine from your face at home. Unfortunately, ideal women with flawless skin exist only in photographs. Girls go to beauticians, search on the Internet folk recipes and mask imperfections with cosmetics. One suffers from dry skin, the other - from sensitive, and the third wants to remove the oily shine of the face. Oily skin is not a sentence, it even has advantages over other types: it ages later and is less susceptible to environmental influences.

How to determine oily skin type

If you are reading this article, most likely, your skin is really oily, because dry rarely shines. But to dispel all doubts, we list the signs of oily skin type:

  • wide pores... They quickly become dirty and therefore expand, the face looks loose, bumpy. It occurs with pores on the forehead, nose, chin, and sometimes on the cheeks;
  • frequent inflammation, rashes, acne, itching, redness... The glands that produce sebum are very active, the excess of this fat accumulates, hardens, forms plugs on the surface of the skin, interfering with its natural cleansing. Hence blackheads and inflamed acne;
  • makeup does not hold on the face: foundation and powder, blush "floats" or disappears two to three hours after application;
  • the skin shines... Greasy shine appears by lunchtime or two hours after the morning toilet.

A quick test will also help determine the oily skin. Take a thin one right now paper napkin and attach to your face. If there are marks on the napkin, the skin produces more oil than it needs. The test can be performed at any time of the day, but not immediately after washing.

Why does the face shine

We will not take into account situations in which any skin will shine: a sultry day, stuffiness in the room, a bath, a sauna, and so on. The shine of the skin in such cases is a consequence of the situation, and not a regularity inherent in the body. The reasons why an oily shine appears on the face are different:

  • malfunctions of the stomach, intestines, liver... When internal organs do not function properly, it immediately affects the skin;
  • hormonal disorders or surges... Sebum is intensively produced before menstruation, during pregnancy or after it, with an imbalance endocrine system... Many adolescents and young women are familiar with the problems of oily skin, which recede with age and the skin goes into a different type, becomes normal or combination;
  • constant stress badly affects the appearance. Nervous system makes the glands work more actively, the skin becomes oily;
  • neglect healthy eating : excess in the diet of spicy, fried, smoked, sweets and soda;
  • hereditary skin type and improper care for her;
  • passion for low-quality cosmetics.

Oily skin care

Daily care consists of sequential procedures. At first, the process may seem long and time-consuming, but over time you will get used to it, automatically carrying out each action.

The first procedure is cleansing or washing. All care tips begin with the words: "The main thing is cleansing." And it is advisable to cleanse oily skin in two stages.

  1. Remove makeup with milk, makeup remover, or micellar water. Wet cotton wool abundantly, because dry cotton wool is mimic wrinkles in future. If this morning wash and there was no makeup on your face, use milk anyway: wash it like foam. Cosmetic milk collects impurities from the surface of the skin, using it, you gently prepare your face for the next stage.
  2. Wash with gel or foam for oily and combination skin... It is good to take a remedy with aloe, cucumber, chamomile, witch hazel, tomato, apple in the composition. Gels with salicylic and lactic acid are effective, the content of which in household daily means there should be no more than two percent. Acids very gently dissolve the upper layer of cells, remove excess fat, and cleanse the pores.

Wash your face twice a day, even if it doesn't seem like enough. The more thoroughly and more often you wash off the fat from the skin, the more diligently it will develop new ones. For washing, prepare yourself a decoction of chamomile or sage, it should be room temperature. Hot water do not wash, it expands the pores, provokes the glands to work harder. Cold is also harmful - it dries and ages the skin.

The second procedure is toning. The tonic removes the remains of gel or foam, tightens pores, nourishes the skin with useful substances from its composition. Keep in mind that alcohol products are harmful to any skin and oily skin is no exception. Point inflammations are dried with alcohol lotion, no more. You need to cleanse your face, but not dry it out. And for an anti-inflammatory effect, the same chamomile, aloe, salicylic acid are added to tonics.

The third procedure is moisturizing. When the skin lacks moisture, it more actively produces sebum. To moisturize, use light cream water based. Or buy aloe gel - it moisturizes, heals, and resists inflammation of the epidermis.

These three procedures should be done carefully twice a day: upon waking up in the morning and before bed. Add to them regularly special care :

  • Use an active exfoliator twice a week with your evening wash. Five years ago, scrubs were the only in a known way exfoliation for most women. But now there is access to enzyme peels, to peels with fruit acids, to soft rolls. Compared to these products, the scrub is too aggressive and acts superficially. And you should not use it on skin with acne, you can spread the infection across the face. So, two nights a week, your grooming looks like this: milk, foam or gel, peeling, toner, moisturizer.
  • mask according to the needs of the skin. Masks are done two to four times a week. This is an intensive care, and even if you are not using professional cosmetics, and products from the refrigerator for preparing the composition, the regular use of masks will delight you with an excellent result. Oily skin regularly needs masks that moisturize, cleanse and regulate the sebaceous glands.

And two more important points in dealing with oily skin:

  • do not touch pimples, do not manually clean the pores by yourself. From inept actions, scars arise, the infection spreads and the situation is aggravated. Mechanical cleaning - only by a beautician;
  • try to use less often decorative cosmetics... Powder, blush and tonal foundations clog pores, prevent the skin from breathing. Give them up for at least a month - and you will be surprised at how much cleaner your face has become.

There is no single and reliable remedy for oily shine on the face. As there are several reasons for this trouble, the solutions are varied. It is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, to exclude malfunctions hormonal background... And don't forget about local treatment skin: thorough washing, well-chosen cosmetics, hygiene, masks for matte skin.

For a short-term solution to the problem, put little helpers in your purse. They can quickly refresh your skin and save your appearance.

  • Matting napkins. It is worth applying such a napkin to the skin, and excess fat will be absorbed into it, leaving the face matte.
  • Thermal water. Sold in spray bottles. Used directly over makeup. It moisturizes and refreshes the face.
  • Powder. Regular powder will save you from shine in five seconds, but will aggravate general position skin. Will not clog pores and take care of the face mineral powder... Some craftsmen make its analogues at home from oatmeal, and although such a homemade powder does not mask imperfections, it mattes perfectly.

To make oatmeal powder, pour two tablespoons of the cereal into the grinder. When you grind the flakes, fine dust will collect on the lid of the grinder - this is the powder. Shake it into a dry cream jar and continue grinding, adding flakes as needed. It is convenient to apply powder on the face wide tassel, but at home you can do it with your hands. Use it in the morning and your face won't shine until noon.

  • It is useful to use at home cosmetic ice. It is prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs: sage, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, string are suitable. Perfectly tightens pores and mattifies the skin with frozen watermelon juice. Rub the skin with ice cubes in the morning and in the evening. As a result, the pores become smaller, the oily sheen disappears, and the skin is toned.

Ice rubbing is contraindicated in case of rosacea and too sensitive skin.

Masks from oily shine

Add masks to your weekly beauty plan, they will not only cope with excessive fat content skin, but also moisturize it, nourish, cleanse and tighten the pores. There are many recipes, so empirically select a composition that will satisfy the needs of your particular skin. Do masks twice a week, 10 procedures per course. Then use another recipe. It is necessary to change the means so that the skin does not get used to the same ingredients and gets more useful from different products.

Clay mask

The leader in leather matting is any clay: white, blue, black, pink. Dilute two tablespoons of clay with boiled water or chamomile decoction, apply a thick layer on your face and rinse off after 20 minutes. It is better to do this mask in the morning, after washing your face and before using the tonic. The procedure will provide matte skin for two to eight hours.

Protein masks

Egg white unclogs pores and tightens them. This product is successfully combined with lemon or aloe. It is more convenient to apply protein masks with a cosmetic brush, in layers: wait for the first layer to dry and apply the second, then the third. It'll be enough. When the last layer is dry, the mask can be washed off.

  • Whisk in a teaspoon of aloe leaf juice with one protein. This composition helps with rashes, red spots, soothes the skin.
  • For one protein, take a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask refreshes, whitens, cleanses well and tightens pores.

Kefir mask

Kefir dries, heals and whitens the skin. You can simply apply it on your face for 15 minutes. But it is better to mix a tablespoon of the product with a tablespoon of oatmeal or pea flour. Massaging lightly, apply the mixture to the skin and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Yeast mask

Both live and dry yeast are equally useful. Dissolve a tablespoon of yeast with a teaspoon of milk and pour in 5 drops of lemon juice. Wash off the mass after 15 minutes with warm water.

Cucumber mask

Mix with a blender or grind two tablespoons of oatmeal and half a small cucumber. Leave to swell for 10 minutes and add a teaspoon of plain yogurt. Keep on face for 20 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

Potato mask

Mix the juice of one potato tuber with egg white, pour in 3 drops of lemon essential oil... Keep it on for 20 minutes. The mask not only removes oily sheen, it rejuvenates and brightens the skin.

  • To make the skin produce less sebum, eat foods that are healthy for the body: fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, fish, whole-grain cereals, natural oils. To cleanse the intestines, add flax seed, bran to cereals and salads. Drink decoctions of herbs and rosehip infusion, clean raw water.
  • Instead of a tonic, it is useful to wipe your face with cabbage or cucumber juice. Try also rose water: she cares for the skin and dries it a little.
  • Use light water-based creams, try to give up tonal ones altogether. Leading cosmetic companies produce special day creams for oily skin with a mattifying effect. Their effect lasts for several hours, but only on the skin without make-up.
  • Avoid touching your face during the day, especially with dirty hands. Wash all makeup brushes, puffs, sponges once a week.
  • Use soft means for washing and care. They should be free of alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate, so as not to dry the epidermis.

Despite the fact that your skin is oily and seems rough, it needs care and gentle care... Help her become more beautiful, she will respond gratefully to all your efforts.

Remedies for oily shine on the face

Today we would like to introduce you to unique cosmetics that have established themselves in our market. La Roche-Posay is the new name for French skincare problem skin... For more than 40 years, La Roche-Posay specialists have developed unique products to combat all skin imperfections. But since our article is about oily shine, we have prepared for you special means, which will help you eliminate this trouble, but also prevent the appearance of other imperfections: acne, blackheads, inflamed acne.

  • EFFACLAR GEL AND EFFACLAR DUO SET (+)- set for oily acne-prone skin. Includes foaming cleansing gel and care cream gel.
  • Serozinc is the first oil control spray Hypoallergenic. Fragrance free. Dermatologically tested.
  • EFFACLAR DUO (+)- Cream-gel reduces pronounced imperfections due to Niacinamide, Piroctone Olamine, Lipo-Hydroxy Acid and Linoleic acid. Corrects and prevents the appearance of post-acne marks thanks to the powerful anti-inflammatory component Procerad. Effective after 24 hours.
  • EFFACLAR - pore tightening lotion... The lotion effectively cleanses pores and reduces their size, mattifies and smoothes the skin surface thanks to a combination of cleansing ingredients and Lipo-hydroxy acid.
  • Micellar water ULTRA- Thanks to the new formula of the product, there is a strong capture and retention of all makeup particles and micro-impurities. Contains La Roche-Posay thermal water.

Oily skin (greasy, seborrheic, bumpy, porous, oily, hypersal skin) is a common problem among adolescents and people under the age of 30. Oily skin is characterized mainly by excess sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands. People with this type of skin may show enlargement of the pores or inflammation of the hair follicles, shiny face... Skin with hypersal function requires proper care otherwise acne (pimples) and other inflammatory processes may occur.

Areas of high fat content are: forehead, nose, chin, back, shoulders and chest. The sebaceous glands are very important for humans and are responsible for many processes in the body. Sebum protects the skin from external influences and consists of lipid derivatives. The composition and secretion of sebum changes at different periods of life. Fat synthesized by the skin mixes with secretions from sweat glands and creates a surface layer. It protects the skin from excessive moisture loss, harmful external factors, softens, has an antibacterial effect, transports vitamin E to the upper layers of the epidermis. Skin lipids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, are involved in the elimination of certain xenobiotics (poisons, harmful substances) from the body.

Causes of oily skin

- Hormones affect the production of fat in the sebaceous glands:
In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, women have an increased amount of secreted sebum. This is due to hormonal levels.
Oily skin is more common in men, regardless of age. This is due to the predominance of the hormone testosterone in the body, which is responsible for the production of sebum.
The problem with increased oiliness of the skin is common in young women, girls, adolescents, especially over 12 years of age. This problem arises in connection with puberty. It is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Have an impact environmental factors, stress (especially chronic), cigarette smoke, air pollution.

- Uv aggravates oily skin problems. The sun's rays dries out and thickens the stratum corneum, which prevents the release of sebum and acne (pimples, acne) appears.

- Improper nutrition, eating a large amount of fried, fatty, spicy increases the greasiness of the skin.

- Lack of hygiene(it is necessary to regularly wash your face in the morning, treatment of skin areas prone to greasiness) leads to increased oiliness and skin inflammation.

- Increase in ambient temperature increases sebum secretion.

The amount of sebum secreted also depends on the area of ​​the body. The largest number of sebaceous glands are located on the face, chest and trunk.

- The use of low-quality cosmetics, on oily or oily base aggravate skin problems.

- Immune system disorders promote greasiness, as the skin is protective layer... If the immune processes are impaired, a symptom of increased oily skin may appear.

Diseases in which a symptom of oily skin may be observed

Diabetes... One of the symptoms can be oily skin and inflammatory reactions. This is due to the fact that the disease is polysystemic (it affects all organs and systems).

Women of undernutrition(cachexia, asthenic body type). For the synthesis of homons, nutrients... If, due to diet or poor nutrition, the woman does not receive them, then there is not enough building material for female sex hormones and in the body, male ones begin to prevail. In this case, oily skin is defined as a symptom of an increased content of male hormones.

Obesity(men and women of increased nutrition). The skin turns oily as a result malnutrition, increased sweating.

Hormonal imbalance in women may be associated with ovarian dysfunction, abrupt withdrawal contraception, tumors of the organs of the reproductive system (reproductive system, which has the function of reproduction) during menopause, and so on. As a result, the level of male sex hormones increases and there is characteristic symptom oily skin, bristly hair, coarsening of the voice, irregular menstrual cycle, sweating. If you do not consult a doctor, you may develop infertility, malignant tumors, irreversible changes in appearance. It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, to carry out symptomatic treatment with a beautician.

Hyperandrogenism in men - increased content male sex hormones. Often this complication can be observed in men who are professionally involved in bodybuilding or in athletes, since for building up muscle mass they often use chemically synthesized testosterone. But there are cases of genetic predisposition to such a phenomenon, with age, the synthesis of hormones will decrease and everything will return to normal. Treatment is about relieving symptoms. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, cosmetologist, valeologist, nutritionist, in some cases, a psychiatrist (aggressiveness, jealousy, concern appearance), sexologist (strong sex drive, promiscuous sexual relations, rapid ejaculation).

Hypertrichosis(increased hairiness) in women and men is a disease, in some cases associated with the production of sex hormones and may be accompanied by oily skin.

Liver disease(hepatitis, fatty liver) - the liver is responsible for functions such as removing toxins and excess hormones and other substances in the body. If this organ is disrupted, a symptom of oily skin in the forehead and nasolabial folds may be observed.

When to see a doctor

As a result of increased oily skin, inflammatory diseases can develop, since sebum is a breeding ground for bacteria. If you find such complications in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will help prevent increased scarring of tissues, the development of septic skin diseases, the spread of infection in the body, avoid many chronic diseases(such as tonsillitis, runny nose, decreased immunity). In inflammatory processes associated with increased oiliness of the skin, the bacterium Staphyllaccus aureus, Streptococcus and Propionobacterium are mainly involved. The infection can spread to other parts of the body or other people. If the infectious process is not treated, then this can lead to lethal outcome... Death usually occurs from general intoxication or sepsis. Therefore, it is important to timely contact a specialist.

Seborrheic oily dermatitis is inflammatory disease skin that is characterized by oily, scaly, red lesions (fresh rashes) or white-gray(dry, old) scalp, hairline and face, folds around the nose and ears, chest, armpits(armpits), groin. You should consult a skin venerologist or cosmetologist.

Acne- acne, is a common skin disorder in which pimples appear on the face, chest, and back. This happens when the pores of the skin are clogged with oil, dead cells skin and bacteria. Treatment by a cosmetologist is necessary, with extensive skin lesions - consultation with a skin venereologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist.

Carbuncle (or boil)- a deeper lesion of the skin, sometimes affecting the subcutaneous fat layer. The reason is an infectious process in the hair follicle, pus (abscess) accumulates next to the hair. This is directly related to the oily skin. If the sebaceous gland does not function properly, an excess amount of fat is released and subsequently an infection joins. Treatment by a surgeon is necessary, followed by consultation with an endocrinologist, dermatovenerologist.

Necrosis- tissue necrosis due to deeper penetration of the infection.

Oily skin treatment

Treatment for oily skin should be comprehensive. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, and then the symptoms of the disease. Therapy visible signs without a deeper examination, it will only bring a temporary result. Most often, experts use an integrated approach to solving this problem, which includes examinations (analysis of hormones, blood sugar, general tests characterizing the somatic state, revealing pathogenic flora), studying genetic predisposition and life history (dietary habits, habits) ... The treatment combines salon procedures, hardware technique and pharmacotherapy.

Medication for oily skin

To reduce the oiliness of the skin, it is possible to prescribe preparations containing the following components:

  • Lactoferrin is a protein with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It has a beneficial effect on the balance of the body's immune system.
  • Adapalene - is a vitamin A derivative, prevents the appearance of comedones, relieves inflammation. An effective combination with antibiotics for the treatment of inflamed skin areas.
  • Benzoyl peroxide - exfoliates well, renews the skin, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  • Azaleic acid - relieves inflammation, reduces bacterial growth, exfoliates.
  • Zinc is a strong keratolytic (dissolves keratinized epidermis)
  • Copper - regulates sebum secretion.
  • Sulfur - affects the work of the sebaceous glands and suppresses their secretion.
  • Isotretinoid - synthesized in small quantities in the human body, inhibits the production of sebum, lyses (dissolves) the stratum corneum.
  • Bacteriocins and pyocyanins are metabolic products of bacteria (Escherichia, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas) grown on a sterile medium. Increase the immune properties of the skin, promote its rapid regeneration.
  • D-Panthenol - increases the strength of collagen in the skin, normalizes cellular metabolism. Essential for skin regeneration after irritating treatments such as exfoliation.
  • Vitamin B6 - participates in the metabolism of proteins (for example, lactoferrin) and unsaturated fatty acids. Beneficial impact on the functioning of the nervous, hematopoietic and immune systems.
  • Vitamin PP - has a positive effect on the metabolism and normal functioning of the skin.
  • Mineral zinc - positive effect on immune system... Zinc protects immune cells from harmful effects free radicals and activates the body's defense mechanisms, it is necessary for the health of the skin.
  • Other drugs that have a beneficial effect on the skin: Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.

Hormone therapy to eliminate oily skin:

Drugs for menopause in women - Vero-Danazol, Divina, Finland, Divisek, Indivina, Klimodien, Livial.
For other hormonal disorders: contraceptives with antiandrogenic action - Yarina, Jess, Janine, Belara.

Antibiotic therapy for oily skin is not prescribed! For the purpose of prevention acne it is best to use local antiseptics and exfoliators. Antibiotics kill the beneficial flora of the skin, resistance can arise and in cases of urgent need (for example, with acne and other inflammations) they will not be effective.

Herbal treatment for oily skin

  • Chamomile extract cleanses, softens. Acting locally, it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Restores skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Salvia officinalis has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating effect.
  • Calendula officinalis has a healing, regenerative effect on damaged skin.
  • The bark of oak or birch has antiseptic and tanning properties.
  • Violet tricolor extract cleanses, affects the metabolic process and helps to remove harmful substances that accumulate in the body.
  • Green tea extract has antioxidant properties, reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin.
  • Dandelion root extract enhances the body's defenses. Supports the proper functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. Helps in the excretion of metabolic products, which is beneficial for the skin.

In addition to daily home care, oily skin requires complementary treatment... It is prescribed by a dermatologist or beautician. The main treatments for oily skin are:

Hardware procedures for oily skin:

Cosmetic procedures for oily skin

  • Scrubs (middling, apricot, salt, clay, plastic, and so on) are an abrasive method for smoothing and cleansing the skin.
  • Peels with acids (lactic, fruit, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic and so on) - reduce the pH of the skin, which has a bacteriostatic effect. Regulates sebum secretion and reduces skin greasiness;
  • Masks (mud, clay, based seaweed) - disinfect, heal, soothe the skin, remove excess sebum.
  • Manual face cleansing is the mechanical and most traumatic way to cleanse the pores of the skin. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning only in beauty centers.

Prevention of oily skin diseases

1. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to products:
- with a low lipid content,
- with antibacterial and antiseptic composition (alcohol not more than 10% !!!),
- Hypoallergenic (neutral fragrances or better odorless),
- containing natural plant extracts.
- If this is not a specialized certified store in which you are sure, then it is better to choose less popular, not expensive brands cosmetics. They have fewer fakes. Make your choice in favor of a domestic manufacturer. In the production of cosmetics, they often use plants of our latitude, which are less allergenic.

2. Once a week, use a simple exfoliation or facial cleansing.
3. Use UVA and UVB sunscreen all year round.
4. Go to the sauna.
5. Do not overuse your daily makeup, provide your skin with oxygen. Always wash off makeup at night.
6. Use bottled water to wash your face. You should not wash your face with soap and water, better fit cleansing gel for oily skin.
7. Avoid contact of hands with face. Dirty hands carry bacteria.

Doctor cosmetologist N.A. Kondratenko

Oily facial skin is a problem that affects most adolescents and approximately 12% of the adult population. There are many methods to combat oily sheen. Let's figure out how to get rid of oily shine on the face in general and on the nose and forehead in particular, which helps the best.

But, before you start to fight the shine, you should find out - is it really a result. excessive activity sebaceous glands. To determine the type of skin, you should wash, dry your face and, after 20 minutes, attach a paper napkin to it - if traces remain on it, you should take measures that will help make the skin more matte.

In this article:

Reasons for the appearance

Shine most often appears if - the sebaceous glands secrete excessive sebum, which eliminates dullness. Often it becomes a consequence of such reasons:

And, in order to quickly say goodbye to him, you should find out what exactly has a negative effect on the skin. Perhaps then the question of how to remove the oily shine from the face will disappear.

How to deal with it?

To make the face matte, you should cleanse your face in a timely manner, daily - rinse your skin with contrasting water, use specialized lotions, foams and tonics, massage with ice cubes from green tea (brew only leaf tea for this purpose).

In addition, you can use simple and affordable means:

  • wipe the dermis with cucumber slices;
  • buy oil solution vitamins E and A, soak a cotton swab in it and apply it daily to your face for 20-25 minutes;
  • squeeze the cabbage juice and wipe the skin with it (you can just wrinkle cabbage leaf hands, so that the juice stands out from it, and use the product as a mask);
  • it is useful to wipe the dermis with decoctions of St. John's wort and sage.

Often acne and pimples appear on oily skin, to avoid such a problem it is worth smearing the dermis fresh juice aloe, which has a soothing and antibacterial properties. This type of skin needs frequent cleansing, so it is useful to apply scrubs to the dermis., among which the refreshing mint is especially popular, it is prepared as follows:

  • a few drops of vanilla aroma oil, 3.5 small spoons granulated sugar, mix half a spoonful of mint and cocoa oils;
  • the resulting mixture is applied to the skin with a cotton swab;
  • dermis is massaged 5-7 minutes easy movements;
  • wash off the scrub under running water of contrasting temperature, without using any means.

Give preference to products that contain salicylic acid or zinc oxide. These ingredients will give the skin a matte finish and make pores less visible.

In order for the skin to acquire a natural dullness, you need to monitor your diet, give up bad habits and eliminate the rest possible reasons- bring the level of hormones back to normal, do not get nervous. Details about the problem and how to get rid of it.

How to quickly remove oily shine from your face?

More matte skin can be done by using fast-acting products such as matting wipes. This tool is different from the usual wet wipes the presence in the composition of components that contribute to the elimination of shine from the skin and narrowing of pores.

Such napkins can be purchased at a store (pharmacy) or made by yourself:

  • mix a lotion suitable for the skin, boiled water, a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, string) in equal proportions;
  • add a few drops of aromatic oil to the mixture;
  • if you wish, you can add a little foundation to the composition;
  • the mixture is poured into a specially prepared container, which can be tightly closed;
  • put paper or linen napkins into the mixture small size the container closes and shakes vigorously;
  • the wipes are ready to use.

Facial masks that help get rid of shine come in a variety of ways:

  1. Rub the carrots on the finest grater, add a few drops of oil to it tea tree... The mixture is applied to the face for 12-15 minutes, then washed off with a tonic. The tool not only mattes perfectly, but also relieves blackheads and skin inflammations.
  2. Black clay is diluted to a mushy state so that it does not spread. It is smeared on the dermis and left to dry completely, then rinse the face with running water and lubricate it with a moisturizer.
  3. Kefir can be used to make the skin matte every day it is applied to the clean dermis with a cotton swab, left for up to 20 minutes and washed off with tonic, water or herbal infusion.

How to reduce oily skin shine in summer?

During the heat an excellent tool for making the skin matte is green tea - it is brewed in a proportion of 1 spoon per glass of water, insisted until it cools. After that, a cloth napkin is abundantly moistened in it and put on the face for half an hour.

In the summer, twice a week, a mask should be made from a spoonful of lemon juice and chicken egg white:

  • the ingredients are whipped until foam forms;
  • the mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour;
  • washed off with water;
  • the effect of this remedy is noticeable after the first application.

It is necessary to use funds, make masks and procedures constantly - in this case, they will be as effective as possible.

Comprehensive measures

How to deal with oily shine on your face? Long-term methods to help make the skin matte should be applied consistently. These include:

  1. Proper nutrition and intake of complex vitamins.
  2. Regular cleaning of the skin with a scrub and other caring means for washing.
  3. Applying cleansing and mattifying masks to the face.
  4. The skin needs to be hydrated, so it is important to apply moisturizing creams to it daily.
  5. Well removes the oily sheen of the powder, but before applying it, they get rid of the fat on the skin with the help of matting wipes.

To get rid of oily shine on the face, do the above procedures regularly, do not forget to take care of your skin every day, then you will soon be proud of your appearance. If you follow all the recommendations, then soon the pores will shrink, the sebaceous glands will stop producing too much sebum and the skin will look well-groomed and dull.

Useful video

See How To Reduce Oily Sheen.

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