Matte lipstick or gloss. Lipstick vs lip gloss: what to choose? Current Applications

Many representatives of the fair sex prefer lip gloss, others believe that they will not exchange their favorite lipstick for anything. However, both gloss and lipstick have their drawbacks and advantages. Let's try to find a compromise and find out which is still better.

The right choice

Lipstick is suitable for make-up in a more seasoned style; for work, business evening make-up and business meetings.

Lip gloss is perfect for casual clothes. Choose glitter if you do bright makeup eye.

the effect

Want to highlight your lips? To make a special accent and give them volume? Here are a couple of tips for both lipstick lovers and gloss lovers.

Apply lipstick slowly, do not rush. So the make-up of your lips will be absolutely flawless.

With the help of gloss, you can add volume to your lips, make them plumper and sexy. Most importantly, don't get too carried away!

How long will it last?

Unfortunately, ordinary lipstick on the lips lasts no more than 2 hours. Of course, this depends on the manufacturer and how and what you eat. Some brands today offer lipsticks that can last up to 18 hours.

Lip gloss is most often not able to stay on the lips for too long. But don't be afraid to experiment with different brands and collections. By the way, Special attention pay attention to the fact that “sticky” glosses last longer.

There is an opinion that lip gloss is suitable for girls, and for older women there is lipstick. A few decades ago, this was indeed true. Currently, cosmetics manufacturers have improved the formulas. Lipsticks have become more transparent and lighter, and glosses have acquired density and color saturation. How to make a choice?

Lipstick has a dense texture, due to which it perfectly protects lips from chapping even in the most severe frost. The use of gloss in winter is fraught with the appearance of cracks on the skin of the lips. But protection from harmful effects solar radiation can provide both means if they contain SPF filters.


The main advantage of lipstick over lip gloss is its staying power. It is able to withstand several hours, regardless of weather conditions. At the same time, the lack of lipstick follows from this: it begins to wear off at the point of contact of the lips. It does not look aesthetically pleasing, and it is very problematic to fix makeup on the run.

Lip gloss lasts less time and wears off just like lipstick. But, thanks to the transparent texture, it is not so conspicuous. In addition, it is quite possible to tint lips with gloss even in the absence of a mirror.

Lip comfort

Lip glosses, due to their liquid texture, give a sticky feel. On the one hand, this can be seen as positive quality because the lips are constantly moisturized. On the other hand, this a big problem v summer period. Everything sticks to the lips: own hair, poplar fluff, dust particles.

Lipstick either does not have a sticky effect at all, or it is minimized. However, frequent and long-term use of lipstick can dry out the skin of the lips.

What to choose

If you want to emphasize the lips, it is better to use lipstick. Glitter for lip fit with bright eye makeup. When you want to visually enlarge the lips, again, it is better to do this with lipstick. It is necessary to expand the contour a little, going beyond its borders. With gloss, this technique is also possible, but for this you will have to choose a dense texture and use a lip pencil.

For office work, lipstick with a matte texture is more suitable. It looks more restrained than the most neutral lip gloss. Glossy textures and sparkles are appropriate for walking, meeting with friends, etc. To go out, you can use both lipstick and gloss of rich color and dense texture.

Decorative cosmetics with a matte effect allows you to make a fashionable, discreet accent. This lip gloss is very comfortable, has a wide color palette. Previously, such cosmetics were used only on the catwalks, but now any fashionista can purchase it. How to choose a decorative tool? Which product is better - Knicks, Kylie, Pin-up?

The composition of cosmetics with a matte finish contains a large amount of powder, which improves durability, makes the color saturated, and allows you to create a velvety effect on the lips. Modern means from Kylie, Nyx, Pin-up do not harm the skin, contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Benefits of matte gloss:

  • simple and easy application;
  • non-sticky, hair does not cling to it, lips do not stick together;
  • light texture creates a protective film, while lipstick is not felt at all on the lips;
  • you can fix your makeup very quickly;
  • matte cosmetics are very resistant, according to many women.

Lip gloss with a matte effect can be used for elegant business and extravagant evening make-up, its cost is not much different from ordinary decorative glosses. For rich color, it is better to spread it in 2 layers.

There are some drawbacks to lip gloss with a matte texture. Such cosmetics must be applied especially carefully, any error will be very noticeable. The skin must be cleansed with a scrub, moisturizers should be used regularly. The matte shade makes the lips visually smaller, you should clearly draw the desired outlines with a pencil. Bright colors do not always lie flat, it will take some skill to achieve the perfect result.

How to choose matte gloss?

According to women, quality and durability matte finish depends a lot on the price. Expensive lipsticks last a long time, they are easier to apply evenly, they do not dry out the skin on the lips. When choosing a decorative product, you should pay attention to its consistency - it should not contain lumps, clots.

The smell of lip gloss should be neutral, a sharp or very sweet aroma indicates in large numbers chemical ingredients, fragrances. As part of quality product contains amino acids, vitamins, sunscreen components. Before buying, you need to study the integrity of the packaging, shelf life.

For girls, it is better to choose a matte shade from the pink palette, it will perfectly emphasize a fresh complexion. After 30, deep and noble colors should be selected. V adulthood it is better not to use decorative cosmetics with a dense structure - it will emphasize everything small wrinkles that have formed around the mouth.

Before applying matte lipstick, you need to conduct an allergic test, many budget funds contain beeswax- with individual intolerance to bee products, a rash, itching, redness may occur.

To choose the right shade, you should smear matte lip gloss on the pads of your fingers, then bring them to your mouth. You can’t use a probe in stores - there is a high probability of contracting viral diseases, especially if there are wounds and cracks.

Rules for applying lip gloss with a matte texture

Apply matte lipsticks for lips you need on prepared skin. A few hours before use, a scrub is applied to remove dead cells - so the color will lie flat.

How to use matte gloss:

  • after scrubbing, it is necessary to spread a moisturizer, serum, balm on the lips;
  • draw the desired contour with a pencil, shade it a little;
  • apply lipstick - high-quality products can be applied in one layer;
  • when applying, move from the center to the edges of the lips;
  • blot lips with a tissue to remove excess makeup.

After completing the make-up, the result must be carefully considered in bright daylight - artificial lighting sometimes distorts colors and hides defects.

Overview of fashionable matte lipsticks

Matte gloss produce various popular brands, you can choose budget funds with the best value for money. Any cosmetics should be purchased only at specialized points of sale, where it has certificates and is stored correctly. It is better to order Kylie products in trusted online stores, not all points of sale have them in stock due to the high cost.

Overview of popular matte lipsticks:

1. Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream - gloss of medium consistency, no oily film. After applying Nyx, there is no feeling of tightness, the skin does not dry out. The taste and aroma are pleasant, with vanilla notes, applied evenly, quite persistent. There are 11 shades in the palette.

2. Kylie - branded and sensational products. Advantages - glitter comes with a pencil, a wide palette of 21 shades, in which there is even a radical black and green colors. Disadvantages: high cost, not available in all stores, does not always fit perfectly, fakes are often found.

3. Powdery Pin-up glosses are great value for money. There are 19 shades in the palette, which allows you to choose suitable tone each girl, the packaging is reliable and convenient, the sponge is flat. Cons of Pin-up cosmetics - poor durability, some tones lie unevenly, dry lips. To get the desired matte effect, you will have to wait 25-30 minutes.

4. XXL - the most durable gloss with a pleasant texture. Gently cares for lips, resistant, does not dry out the skin. Has a flat applicator that allows you to apply it evenly.

5. Among the budget cosmetics good quality for Belarusian products. The Energy of Minerals gloss contains powder from semi-precious stone citrine - it helps create the perfect matte texture on the lips. It evenly lays down, moisturizes and cares for the skin.

Reviews of women about cosmetics with a matte finish

Most women leave positive reviews about matte lip glosses. They note rich colors, good durability of cosmetics. Negative Feedback often caused incorrect application funds, many fashionistas are confused by the high cost of goods. Kylie's fashionable shine disappointed many girls - high cost, very liquid texture, products with marriage often come across.

“For a long time I wanted to buy a lipstick with a matte effect, I read a lot of reviews, I decided to choose NYX lip gloss. And she didn’t regret it - excellent durability, a tube lasts for several months, moisturizes lips, there are no harmful components. I have already bought several shades for myself, they cost about 350-420 rubles.

Evgenia, Moscow.

“Hiccuped Kylie lip gloss for a long time, they talk about it a lot. I managed to get a neutral shade, which I use for everyday and evening makeup. The kit comes with a pencil, only the color does not quite fit - it’s practically natural remedy burgundy pencil included. Pros: fit well saturated color, pleasant sensations after application. The disadvantage is very persistent, it can not be removed with any composition. After a few hours, it begins to fall off in pieces, it turns out not very beautiful.

Margarita, Nizhny Novgorod.

“A friend gave me a strawberry NYX gloss. I expected to see a vigorous pink, but he pleased with a pleasant muted color. It is easy to paint with it, it protects well from overdrying. The lasting effect is average, it can be smeared with inaccurate application. In general, my review is positive, the product does not cause negative emotions. But I'm not in a hurry to buy other colors yet.

Svetlana, St. Petersburg.

“I have been using matte glosses and lipsticks for a long time, I really like them. I used to buy expensive Kylie products, but she disappointed me. In my favorite store I saw Matt Matt Matt Longlasting Lipgloss for a very ridiculous price - 250 rubles. Nice smell, good texture, does not spread, there is no sticky feeling on the lips. Disadvantages - a small number of shades in the line, it is difficult to choose a color, not quite matte, even after complete drying, some shine remains, the durability is average.

Elizabeth, Moscow region.

Matte decorative cosmetics allows you to create a fashionable, original image, emphasize the beauty and dignity of the lower part of the face. Means from the company Kylie, NYX, Pin-up perfectly combine durability, rich color and pleasant texture.

Tatyana Potapova

Many consider perfumes and cosmetics to be a universal gift: for a new friend, for mom, and for school teacher. Of course, buying perfume on March 8 is the easiest, but how appropriate is it, especially when it comes to unfamiliar people?

“Absolutely appropriate,” Yulia Yakovleva, Mugler brand expert, answers this question. “A good consultant will help you choose a fragrance that will highly likely the recipient will like it. Just tell us what a person looks like, what lifestyle he leads, where it would be more likely to “wear” perfume: for a walk with the dog or to the office.

How sophisticated a person is in perfumery also matters. If you're choosing a perfume for a woman who only has a couple of bottles on her dressing table, it makes sense to opt for fresh floral or citrus aromas: These are more understandable smells. "Oud, myrrh, frankincense and others oriental notes may seem difficult in the perception of "inexperienced" noses: it's like listening to opera, having no idea about it. This is how we are arranged: at first we are afraid of everything new. But when the olfactory experience increases, a person begins to smell in a completely different way, "explains Yakovleva. In a word, if a woman has a collection of fifty perfumes at home, you can safely go to the corner with niche perfumes: a mixture of oud, amber and some kind of resin, and even a scent that smells like burnt rubber is more likely to please her than the floral one you saw advertised on TV recently.

Many gift options are also on the stands decorative cosmetics. "Universal gift- this is black mascara, - says Ernest Muntanyol, Chanel's leading makeup artist in Russia. - You can safely give a black pencil, it will definitely find its use. But with a liner it’s more difficult: you need to be sure that the person to whom it is intended has the skill of applying leashes. good option there will also be a makeup palette: if at least one shade out of five suits, such a gift will no longer be useless. "Take at least a palette from spring collection Chanel: it has everything for natural day makeup, colors to create expressive evening look and two shades (green and aqua) in case you want something extravagant,” says Muntanyol.

Concerning foundation, then it’s better not to take risks here: girls themselves don’t always choose correct shade. More bad idea with correctors: a man should see virtues in a woman, not flaws. "If you give the lady of the heart a green corrector, it will hint at the redness of the face, pink - at its earthy hue," Muntaniol adds. Instead, pay attention to blush. The shade of an English rose suits everyone without exception: olive skin it will refresh, turn pale porcelain into a burst of health. And no extra hints.

Red lipstick is also an ambiguous gift. "Give to colleagues and unfamiliar people such gifts are not worth it. As for me, it's like presenting a set of sensual underwear: this is appropriate if you are a couple, says Muntanyol. And in general, it’s very difficult with lipsticks: they must match the skin tone. Instead, look at the glosses: translucent, they adjust to the natural pigment of the lips, enhancing or shading it.

Red lipstick is an ambiguous gift. It is not worth giving such gifts to colleagues and unfamiliar people.

Creams in spectacular packaging are often chosen as a gift. For example, on the first floor of the Central Department Store it is hard not to notice the bottles of Cle de Peau Beaute creams resembling giant gems. But presenting a luxurious look (and content) cream, will you inadvertently hint that a woman should take care of herself?

“There will always be those who react inadequately, but this can happen with any other gift,” says Ilona Nikiforova, Cle de Peau Beaute training manager. “In my opinion, quality care is always good. Our women are more likely to spend money on perfume or new lipstick, and on a cream will prefer to save. Therefore, such a gift will certainly be understood and appreciated. "And indeed, according to statistics, number one on Russian market- this is perfumery, followed by make-up products and only then - for care: in the last two decades, the situation has changed, but still quite slowly.

“Don’t choose a remedy yourself: contact a consultant,” Nikiforova warns. “Tell him everything you know about a person: age, hobbies, lifestyle. Cosmetic sets for a housewife working 24 hours a day, a businesswoman and a fitness blogger will be completely different ". Obviously, a refreshing foot cream or a cutting-edge epilator would be a completely inappropriate gift, even if you are sure that a woman needs it. "Avoid anything that could point to a specific problem. Instead, focus on general needs: a moisturizing serum or mask will ideal option for any person who survived the heating season in the middle lane," advises Nikiforova. Always suitable cream for hands and body emulsion: as a rule, these products do not have pronounced aromas and perfectly moisturize the skin, which is never superfluous. "If you are faced with the question of whether to give expensive care or spend money on something else, the answer in favor of the first option has its own arguments: luxury facials not only help to care for the skin, but also improve your mood. Texture also works for this. , and specially selected aromatherapy fragrances," explains Nikiforova. A bottle that looks like gem, will also be pleasing to the eye.

A perfumed candle will also decorate the dressing table and the room. "The fragrance must create an aura around you and penetrate your home, which, in turn, must also be filled with light fragrance", - Ekaterina Zasimova, an expert of the Dior brand, quotes Christian Dior. "The great master was very fond of organizing receptions. Interior items have always been part of the French "art of life," she continues.

How to choose a fragrance for your home? Tell the consultant everything you know about the recipient. Information missing? Then you can make a choice in favor of vanilla, myrrh, spices, citruses and flowers - these are the most win-win options. "But flowers are different for flowers," Catherine warns. better than a gift not to be found for lovers of Provence."

You should also be careful with complex smoky, woody accords: in order to live in this mystical atmosphere, you need to love such smells. The recipient of the gift cannot imagine life without perfume with a dominant note of patchouli? Then the candle will be to your taste. “The easiest way to buy a fragrance for the home is if you know what the person smells like himself. Making a choice in favor of a candle with a similar mood, you definitely won’t miss,” Zasimova assures.

If you want to complement the gift with a stand, beautiful matches or a perfume with a similar sound, the best place this will be Maison Christian Dior, a new concept space of the brand in GUM, which opened its doors on the first day of spring. Besides great variety brand perfumes (including the rarest ones) here you can find candles, all kinds of accessories for them and fragrant soap. Atmosphere and customer service are everything high level: brand consultants will help not only make a choice, but also arrange a gift in a very special way. Everything is perfect in Maison Christian Dior: boxes, bags, threads and original way packaging for each individual vial. After all, unfold beautiful gift— a separate pleasure.

Gone are the days when glossy lips were trendy. Matte retro, a bright but discreet accent on the lips is in fashion today. Matte lip gloss is exactly the tool that helps to get similar effect. Convenient jar with a small amount cosmetics, inside a brush with a neat bend. Although previously only catwalk makeup artists used this tool, Lately ordinary girls give them preference when you need to choose a lipstick.


Matt lipstick - universal remedy. It allows you to make pleasant natural effect, although it can look bright and defiant. It can be used both for work and for a date, it looks quite natural and elegant, without excess and vulgarity. The price of regular gloss and matte is approximately the same. But there are other reasons why cosmetologists prefer matte products. Creamy texture gives a lot of advantages:

  • ease of application;
  • lack of stickiness - hair does not cling and lips do not stick together;
  • weightless sensations;
  • good durability.

Thanks to this structure, the product lasts longer. If you apply it thin layer- it is easily absorbed and will not smear. It is quite simple to do this, if the color is light, you can fix your makeup in a few seconds. Ordinary lipstick works exactly the opposite: more makeup is required so that it does not wear off longer. The higher the price, the greater the chance to go with one layer of gloss all day.


The main disadvantage of any matte product for lips - incredible detail. Every little thing, every crease and crack will be emphasized. Therefore, you should not waste time and money on such cosmetics if you are not sure about the condition of your lips. Moisturizers and creams partially cope with this trouble, if applied under lipstick. But the solution does not last long, and constantly washing off matte lip gloss and applying again is difficult and requires a lot of cosmetics. V Everyday life rarely eat enough time for that.

The second disadvantage is appearance. The matte effect looks elegant, but visually it reduces the size of the lips. This can be avoided by using correct eyeliner and paint well. Moreover, bright colours can be applied unevenly - the texture of all glosses is light, it takes some skill to do everything neatly. Funds whose price is quite high are often homogeneous, they are easier to distribute without unpleasant streaks.

How to choose

It is very important to choose correct gloss. Matte directly depends on the quality. The texture should be uniform so that the cosmetics do not wear off as long as possible. Any lumps or clots should repel the choice of this product. The aroma should also be pleasant and light, any chemical smell is excluded. Lipstick can easily get into the mouth, girls constantly bite their lips, “eating” cosmetics, if the product smells strange, then there is something harmful among its components.

Be sure to check out the ingredients. good cosmetics should contain useful substances:

  • amino acids,
  • vitamins,
  • sunscreen components.

Ordinary lipstick rarely includes substances allergic. One of these is beeswax, which can also be in a matte sheen. Cosmetics priced above average may contain more than safe components. They are necessary so that the persistent shine is evenly distributed over the surface, besides, allergies are rare. Check beforehand if backlash so that there are no surprises.

Application plan

If the lips have some imperfections, first moisturize them and soften them with a special serum or nutrient. Modern glosses, especially rather expensive luxury ones, contain all the necessary nutrients but quality may vary.

Then it's worth taking contour pencil or eyeliner of the same shade and outline the borders of the lips. It is not necessary to do this, but this point of the plan will add completeness to the image, otherwise the lips may turn out blurry and fuzzy at the edges, the lipstick will be slightly shaded. If you want to make the mouth a little larger, feel free to go beyond, but no more than half a millimeter. This should not be done by the gloss itself, it is slightly transparent, so the colors will differ noticeably.

Matte gloss is best applied from the center, smoothly distributing it to the corners. Modern cosmetics have a convenient brush that scoops up exactly as much as needed. But the amount of cosmetics is better to check experimentally.

If you want to make regular lip gloss matte, apply it gently, place a thin tissue over it and powder. Particles of cosmetics will penetrate the lips and smooth out glossy reflections. It is easier and faster to buy ready-made matte gloss, the price is about the same.

At the end, be sure to take a look at the result in daylight. Lip gloss is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary markers: if you apply layers on top of each other, the color will become brighter. Same with matte gloss: streaks may appear different shades, which after a while will become noticeable when slightly absorbed.

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This video explains all the details step by step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.