Hexicon during pregnancy - treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases. Why is it prescribed for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother becomes more vulnerable to adverse factors. external environment. To maintain gestation the immune system less protective antibodies are synthesized. also in female body going on hormonal changes and increased stress on the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys. Due to these changes, it becomes easier for microorganisms to multiply and cause various diseases.

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy are used to treat and prevent some inflammatory diseases internal and external genitalia. The components of the drug are safe for the unborn child, they do not cause congenital anomalies fetus. Vaginal suppositories are an effective antibacterial agent, have a low price, due to which they are popular among the population.

The composition of the drug

The active ingredient in Hexicon suppositories is Chlorhexidine. Medicine belongs to the class of synthetic antiseptics. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the destruction of the bacterial cell wall, as a result of which the microorganism dies. Chlorhexidine retains its therapeutic activity in the presence of mucus, pus, and blood.

Chlorhexidine is a broad antimicrobial spectrum agent. The drug is used to destroy many types of gram-positive bacteria: staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, clostridia, bacilli. Also, Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed for the treatment of infections caused by gram-negative flora: diplococci, enterobacteria, proteas, green and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The use of the drug is not limited bacterial diseases. Chlorhexidine causes the death of the virus that causes human herpes simplex types 1 and 2. The drug is used to treat protozoal (caused by protozoan) diseases - trichomoniasis. Hexicon during pregnancy is used to treat fungal inflammation caused by representatives of the genus Candida.

Candles with Chlorhexidine are used topically, due to which components of the drug do not penetrate into the systemic circulation. The drug does not affect the permanent flora of the female genital organs, so it does not contribute to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Release form and expiration date

Hexicon is available in vaginal suppositories. The drug is sold in a cardboard box containing 2 aluminum blisters of 5 suppositories each. One suppository contains 16 milligrams of the active substance, as well as additional components: polyethylene oxide 1500 and 400.

Vaginal tablets and suppositories can be used within two years from the date of issue, the solution - within three years. The drug should be stored in a dry place, avoiding exposure to light. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. In no case should you use Hexicon after the expiration date. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without presenting a prescription form.

Indications for use

The use of Hexicon suppositories for pregnant women is indicated in the following cases:
  • treatment of vaginal thrush;
  • treatment of syphilis;
  • therapy of gonococcal inflammation;
  • treatment of chlamydia;
  • treatment of cervicitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • trichomoniasis therapy;
  • treatment of cervical erosion;
  • therapy of vaginitis of microbial etiology;
  • treatment of vulvitis caused by microorganisms;
  • prevention of STDs after unprotected intercourse;
  • prevention of postpartum inflammation.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

The drug produces a local therapeutic effect, it practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. Due to this, vaginal suppositories do not have an embryotoxic effect on early dates bearing a child. The use of the drug Hexicon in the first trimester of pregnancy is allowed under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In studies on laboratory mice, Chlorhexidine did not affect congenital pathologies in embryos. The drug does not have a teratogenic effect - it does not cause fetal deformity. The drug does not affect the duration of the pregnancy period, its use does not lead to the development of premature birth.

Instructions for use

Before using the drug, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor for a smear and an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the type of pathogen, the doctor selects the duration of the course of therapy. On average, it is one to two weeks.

The instructions say that for the treatment of infectious pathologies the drug should be applied 2 times a day one suppository. 40 minutes before the introduction of the candle, you should not toilet the external genitalia, because this procedure may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Before using vaginal suppositories, a woman should thoroughly rinse her hands under running water using cleaning products. Next, the expectant mother should open the blister and remove one suppository. You need to try not to change its shape, if the candle is very wrinkled, you can put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then the woman must take comfortable position in bed - lying on your side, bending your knees to the front abdominal wall. After that, using index finger the expectant mother needs to insert a candle into the vagina to the maximum depth. If everything is done correctly, a woman should not experience any discomfort in the genital area.

Attention! Hexicon can be used at any stage of pregnancy under the supervision of the attending physician. The drug produces a local therapeutic effect and practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation.

After passing full course therapy, a woman is advised to consult a doctor for control. This must be done even if the patient has lost her subjective symptoms. Incomplete destruction of pathogenic microflora contributes to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant infections. A competent doctor should take a second smear from the walls of the vagina, which will show the strains of bacteria that live in them.

Candles with Chlorhexidine can be used to prevent STDs. To do this, a woman needs to enter one suppository no later than 120 minutes after intercourse. The earlier prevention was made, the higher the chances of preventing infection.

Hexicon can be used to sanitize the vagina before childbirth. For these purposes, preference should be given to the drug in the form of an external solution. Before childbirth, a pregnant woman should inject 2 milliliters of the drug into the urethra and 10 milliliters into the vagina. It is also recommended to treat with a solution inner surface thighs, pubis, large and small labia.

The use of Chlorhexidine can be combined with other antiseptics. Hexicon does not affect the effectiveness of antibiotics, their combined use increases the therapeutic effect.


The drug can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genital organs in a wide range patients. Vaginal suppositories, subject to the instructions for use, are allowed even for nursing mothers, since the components of the drug do not penetrate into the systemic circulation and milk. Contraindications for taking vaginal suppositories are the following diseases:
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • viral diseases of the female genital organs;
  • damage to the epithelium of the vaginal wall.

Side effects

Usually the drug does not cause discomfort during the course drug therapy. Sometimes patients notice itching, redness and burning from Hexicon. Among other local adverse reactions, the appearance of rashes and dryness on the genitals is distinguished. If these negative effects appear, it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Sometimes while taking medication patients note the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge . Mucous, whitish, profuse leucorrhea are normal reaction for the use of suppositories. Cancellation of the drug is necessary if brownish or reddish discharge occurs with a normal number of leukocytes in the blood test.

Due to a specific immune response and the death of normal vaginal microflora Hexicon can cause the development of thrush. Its symptoms are cheesy copious discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by itching and redness. Sometimes these complaints are accompanied by pain during urination and sexual intercourse. The appearance of thrush during therapy with vaginal suppositories is an indication for discontinuation of the drug and the selection of another drug.

In rare cases, the use of Chlorhexidine entails the development of allergic reactions. Usually they appear in the form of skin rashes - dermatitis, eczema or urticaria. In more severe cases, taking the drug can cause the development of angioedema angioedema.

Analogues of candles Hexicon

Hexicon is one of the trade names for Chlorhexidine preparations. Its full analogues in terms of the active ingredient are the following drugs: Chlorhexidine biglucnate, Cyteal, Cathejel, Hibiscrab and many others. All of these drugs are active against many strains of sexually transmitted infections. Subject to the rules of use, they can be treated during the entire period of bearing a child.

Canephron is a diuretic natural composition. It contains extracts medicinal plants- rosemary, centaury, lovage. The drug can be used for the treatment of urinary organs: ureters, Bladder, urethra. Kanefron should be used only after consulting a doctor, as it has contraindications.

Vaginal suppositories, the active ingredient of which is Ketoconazole. The drug is a new generation antifungal and antimicrobial agent used to treat thrush and other diseases. Ketoconazole can cause congenital pathologies in the fetus: syndactyly (fusion of fingers), oligodactyly (decrease in the number of fingers), intrauterine stunting and development. The drug should be used only under strict indications.

Vaginal tablets containing the antimicrobial drug Metronidazole and the antifungal agent Fluconazole. The drug is used to treat infectious diseases of the female genital organs. Expectant mothers should not take the data themselves vaginal tablets, they can have negative effects on the fetus. Their reception is possible only according to vital indications.

In practice, the use of Hexicon vaginal suppositories is a reliable and proven way to combat STDs. Often, the drug is used for prophylaxis during gestation and before childbirth. But is it possible to use Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, and how the drug affects the unborn baby.

In contact with

The presented Hexicon vaginal suppositories are emergency assistance in the issue of protection against many sexual infections. Suppositories are used as complex therapy STDs, and preventive purposes. It is prescribed for men in the form of a solution, and for women, where they are used mostly in the form of vaginal suppositories.

As the attached instructions prescribe, one vaginalsuppositoriesenough to reduce negative symptoms and cure such diseases:

  • genital type of herpes and ureplasmosis;
  • syphilis and trichomoniasis;
  • bacterial type of vaginosis and gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia and thrush.

An important point in the issue of application is precisely the efficiency - they are used no later than 2 hours from the moment of sexual intercourse, since in more late dates he will not give due therapeutic effect. The advantage of this drug composition is that it does not affect healthy microflora and the environment of the vagina, while inhibiting the activity of pathogenic lactobacilli.

The drug shows the greatest activity on early stages treatment, prevention.

It is completely out of internal organs digestion and urine, without accumulating in the body, causing poisoning and intoxication. It is produced both in the form of vaginal suppositories - a dosage of 8 and 16 mg and in the form of a solution of 0.05% - the volume of the bottle is 100 ml. The first form of the drug is most often prescribed for women, the second - for the treatment genitourinary system men.

Doctors call Hexicon safe drug, who proved high efficiency in the field of gynecology, does not violate the microflora of the vagina - it is precisely because of this that it can be used during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. The injected suppositories or the applied solution act locally, without being absorbed into the tissues, and without entering the bloodstream, and therefore cannot harm the mother and child. Hexicon suppositories are prescribed both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages - they will not harm the unborn child at the stage of laying internal organs and systems, as well as in subsequent development, and the therapeutic effect of their use prevails over the danger of STDs.

But as gynecologists note, the complete safety of the composition has not been proven by laboratory and practical studies. Therefore, before the very reception, it is worth undergoing an examination and consulting with the attending gynecologist, eliminating the likelihood of developing individual intolerance and allergic reactions to its active components. With any negative symptoms - stop their use and seek help from a gynecologist.

Who is shown the use of candles

As the instruction prescribes, it is indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. As a prevention of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. In the complex therapy of vaginitis various etiologies and nature of origin, as well as the bacterial form of colpitis.

In addition, gynecologists prescribe suppositories in the complex preventive measures to prevent both gynecological and obstetric infectious complications and inflammatory processes.

Indications for the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy and after:
  • before childbirth or in the complex of preparation for gynecological surgery.
  • before scheduled abortion and before the study of the uterine cavity.
  • before the installation of the Navy.

The drug is used externally, to treat the external genital organs with a solution, and internally, by introducing suppositories into the vagina. The drug helps to eliminate swelling and itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms STD. Efficiency shows itself after 2-3 days, but in the absence of positive dynamics of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

As prophylactic suppositories are introduced into the vagina no later than 2 hours after intercourse, with a later introduction, its positive therapeutic effect is reduced. In the treatment of urethritis - 1 ml is injected into the urethra for 10 days. According to the instructions for the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, women are prescribed 1 vaginal suppository in the evening, over a course of 5-10 days, although this period can be extended to 20 days according to the doctor's indications.

To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take into account and follow a number of rules and recommendations. Doctors say:

  1. Throughout the course of using Hexicon for the treatment and prevention of STDs, refrain from sexual intercourse.
  2. At the time of treatment, it is important to regularly observe the rules of personal hygiene, while excluding from care intimate area soap.
  3. If a woman begins menstruation, stop treatment and continue it after they are completed.
  4. If a woman has hypersensitivity to certain medications, Hexicon is used with great care. When manifested allergic reaction stop taking the drug and it is important to seek help from a specialist.
  5. It is not recommended to combine with medications containing iodine.

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Contraindications and side effects

The only group of patients who are strictly forbidden to use suppositories in the course of treatment and prevention are people with hypersensitivity to the active components of Hexicon. In this case, after the introduction of the suppository into the vagina, itching and burning, swelling may occur at the points of contact with the drug. There may also be other unpleasant reactions after using the drug:

  • stickiness of the skin of the hands and excessive dryness of the vagina.
  • taste sensations may be disturbed.

In all other respects, there are no restrictions and side effects from the use of Hexicon. With caution, the drug should also be used for children - in this case, doctors prescribe Hexicon D vaginal suppositories, 8 mg.

About the use of the Hexicon antiseptic and its other analogues in the video:

Pregnancy brings many positive changes to a woman's life. But during this period, not very pleasant, albeit natural, changes happen. For example, the composition of the vaginal microflora changes, which can lead to the growth of opportunistic bacteria. The mucosa becomes less protected and more susceptible to various infections.

Very often, pregnant women learn about such changes on scheduled inspection, because such gynecological diseases may also be asymptomatic.

To get rid of the infection and harmonize the microflora of the mucosa, it is necessary to use topical medications. Candles Hexicon is a drug that is suitable for such purposes during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hexicon is an antimicrobial and antiseptic drug that is used in surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology. It is available in the form of vaginal suppositories and tablets, as well as a solution.

The main active ingredient of the Hexicon suppository is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It is a substance that has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral effects when applied topically.

Why is it prescribed for pregnant women

Hexicon suppositories are often prescribed to pregnant women because these suppositories help get rid of the problems that women often have during pregnancy, and the effect of this drug is safe for the mother and fetus.

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - 1 trimester

Candles Hexicon are approved for use during early pregnancy. They act locally, and the likelihood of the active substance getting into other organs and body systems is very low. That's why Hexicon candles can be used during pregnancy in the first trimester, without fear that their action may affect the development of the fetus.

Hexicon during pregnancy is often prescribed by gynecologists to normalize the microflora in the vagina. Very often, a violation of the microflora of the vagina in negative side may be due to nerves. After all, the body of a pregnant woman is especially prone to feelings and stress.

To keep the flora of the intimate mucosa in harmony, doctors recommend during pregnancy to observe the daily routine especially carefully, and not to forget about vitamins (, Pregnacare, Pregnavit, Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum Prenatal, Centrum Materna, Lonopan for pregnant women, Solgar for pregnant women, Multitabs Perinatal) .

If stress is difficult to avoid, it is necessary to take drugs (MagneB6, Notta, Persen, Nervochel, Glycine).

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis passes, the stomach is not too big, so women feel the need for an active sex life. Therefore, Hexicon suppositories can be used in the second trimester for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, as well as infections of the urogenital tract.

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - third trimester

Candles Hexicon can be used during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, as well as according to the instructions during childbirth and after pregnancy. The drug does not affect the tone of the uterus and the likelihood of premature birth. AT last trimester pregnancy Hexicon is often used in gynecological or obstetric practice before gynecological examinations, surgical interventions, as well as in childbirth and immediately after them to prevent inflammatory and infectious complications.

Hexicon effectively prepares the birth canal, for this it is used in a course before childbirth. Immediately after the birth of the baby, this medication is prescribed to prevent infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina. After childbirth, Hexicon is used before and after installation intrauterine devices, coagulation procedures for cervical erosion.

Contraindications and side effects

Candles Hexicon should not be prescribed if there is an allergic reaction to one of the components that make up the drug. It is also not recommended to use Hexicon simultaneously with any other vaginal suppositories.

Side effects when using Hexicon suppositories can be local allergic manifestations - itching, burning sensation, redness, skin rash, swelling. Adverse reactions in other systems and organs occur rarely. In rare cases, intestinal upset is also possible.

Instructions for use

Before using a vaginal suppository, you must thoroughly wash your hands and free the suppository from the shell. Hexicon suppositories should be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening. The minimum treatment course is 7-10 days. It is possible to use the drug for up to 20 days.

To obtain maximum effect from candles, it is recommended to use them just before bedtime so that the effect of the suppository lasts all night. In the morning after using the candle, you need to lie down for a few more hours.

To prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases, one suppository must be administered no later than a few hours after intercourse. Products containing iodine, as well as alkaline products (soap) can neutralize the effect of the active substance of suppositories, so you can not use them at the same time. Candles Hexicon can be used during menstrual bleeding.


Suppositories based on the same active substance. These are candles Chlorhexidine, Clioron, Depantol. Vaginal suppositories based on others active ingredients also used as an analogue of Hexicon.

During pregnancy, a woman has a great responsibility. If a future mother wants to have full-fledged offspring, she is simply obliged to monitor her health and treat any, even the most harmless at first glance, diseases in a timely manner. It is very important during pregnancy to pay attention to the state of the reproductive system.

Microbes, fungi and infections undermine local immunity and create prerequisites for infection of the newborn. For the prevention and treatment of vaginal infections, it is necessary to use effective drugs that are allowed during pregnancy, for example,.

Hexicon during pregnancy: can be used or not

During gestation, new or old untreated pathologies of an infectious nature often appear. Is it possible to use Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, and in what cases it should be done, is of interest to many women who are faced with inflammatory processes during the period of bearing a child.

If the doctor considered it necessary to prescribe this drug, it is not worth arguing with him, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible. When infecting the reproductive system, it is important to prevent the spread of the pathogen through the birth canal and protect the baby from diseases.

In gynecology, it is quite acceptable to use Hexicon, since the active substances work only locally and do not affect the general circulatory system. The purpose of the use of suppositories is to restore the microflora of the vagina in such a way that neither the mother's organism nor the embryo is affected.

Hexicon is suitable for use on different weeks pregnancy, including in the first trimester. This distinguishes the medicine from other intravaginal suppositories.

The main advantages of the drug:

Hexicon is a powerful antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent that is effective against many microbes. It has antiseptic properties, disinfects infected areas and inhibits strains of Gardnerella vaginalis.

Why prescribe candles during pregnancy

Using Hexicon suppositories, pregnant women can achieve neutralization of the influence of pathogenic microorganisms that have become active in the genital tract.

The powerful effect of the antiseptic on pathogenic strains is explained by the content of chlorhexidine. This substance is found wide application in different areas traditional medicine due to harmfulness to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, trichomonas, chlamydia, herpes virus, pale treponema and ureaplasma. However, with respect to causative agents of thrush, chlorhexidine is practically powerless.

The peculiarity of the active substance of Hexicon is that it exhibits medicinal properties even in the presence of purulent and spotting. This allows gynecologists to prescribe suppositories for the treatment of colpitis and similar conditions.

All indications for the use of suppositories for pregnant women:

  • Restoration of the vaginal microflora after sanitation.
  • Prevention of purulent complications in parturient women.
  • Treatment of endocervicitis and cervical erosion.
  • Prenatal treatment of internal genital organs, including in patients with bacterial vaginosis or a history of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis, colpitis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, chlamydia, fungal vaginitis.
  • Infectious and inflammatory complications postpartum period.

A contraindication to the use of Hexicon during pregnancy, as in other cases, is the individual intolerance of the active components of suppositories. If a woman does not know whether her body perceives chlorhexidine or additional components of the drug normally and begins to be treated with it, this will cause local irritation, itching, rash, and dryness of the tissues. Side effects require symptomatic therapy or discontinuation of the drug.

With individual intolerance to Hexicon suppositories, they are replaced with analogues:

  • Pimafucin.
  • Miramistin.
  • Nystatin etc.

If the treatment of genital infections occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor will not be able to select analogues. Most likely, therapy will have to be delayed.

How to use suppositories during pregnancy

The main points on the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy are covered by the instruction. The recommended duration of treatment is no more than 14 days. At this time, it is forbidden to use other intravaginal preparations. The doctor selects the dosage of Hexicon for each patient. The standard scheme is 2 suppositories per day (morning and evening).

During the treatment of genital infections with the drug, it is recommended to reduce the frequency water procedures, limit the use of detergents and cosmetics. intimate life during the use of vaginal medication is prohibited.


First trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, Hexicon in the form of suppositories is prescribed to many mothers. The drug acts locally and does not affect the life processes of the mother and child. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of STDs, the regulation of the number of leukocytes, and if patients have abnormal discharge. Therapy lasts 7 - 10 days.

Second trimester

From the 13th week of pregnancy, suppositories are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of suspected STIs. Candles effectively eliminate itching of the vulva, extinguish inflammation, and prevent infectious lesions.

third trimester

In the 3rd trimester, Hexicon finds application when, shortly before the birth of a pregnant woman, disinfection and cleaning of the birth canal are carried out. Suppositories eliminate the risk of infection of the fetus at birth.

An overdose of Hexicon rarely causes. It manifests itself with symptoms of side effects. This speaks of misuse antiseptic or exceeding the term of therapy.

Price and reviews about the effectiveness of the drug

How much does Hexicon cost? The answer to this question depends on the content of the active substance in the suppositories - 8 or 16 mg, as well as on how many medicinal units are in the contour package - 1 or 10. For example, one 16 mg suppository can be sold at a price of 35 - 60 rubles.

At a dosage of 16 mg (No. 10), an antiseptic can be bought for 230 - 350 rubles.

For a dosage of Hexicon 8 mg, the price is set in the range of 220 - 300 rubles (for 10 units in a package).

As for reviews, women speak out different opinions about the use of Hexicon during pregnancy - for one patient, the medicine helped to cure infectious diseases, and in others almost provoked a miscarriage.

Elena, 27 years old: At the 9th week of pregnancy, the doctor diagnosed me with bacterial vaginosis and prescribed Hexicon in suppositories. I asked if it would be dangerous for the child, but Anna Petrovna convinced me of the complete safety of the treatment. I put one suppository in the vagina in the morning and in the evening and noticed that after 4 days the strange discharge disappeared. A couple of days later it was gone bad smell. I didn't have any side effects with the drug. I am satisfied with the treatment, because in just 7 days I was able to completely get rid of the disease.

Alina, 20 years old: I heard that Hexicon does not help with thrush, but at the 15th week of pregnancy, the gynecologist considered it necessary to prescribe this particular drug for me. Not daring to argue with the doctor, I began treatment. On the 5th day, the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis disappeared. First the itching stopped and then disappeared curdled discharge. The therapy was successful. I did not use other medicines.

Larisa, 32 years old: A doctor prescribed Hexicon to me several years ago, when I fell ill with chlamydia during pregnancy. I can't say enough good things about this drug. After using the first candle opened heavy bleeding and my husband had to rush me to the hospital. Thank God, the pregnancy was saved and the medicine did not affect the development of the fetus. I don't recommend taking that risk.

Unfortunately, many women in the happiest period of pregnancy can overshadow the occurrence of a disease. This is due to the fact that under normal circumstances, the immune system is quite strong and can resist the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. However, the ladies in interesting position» The forces of the body are more focused on maintaining the fetus in the womb. Accordingly, during pregnancy, women are more susceptible to various infectious diseases. Therefore, the question of how to protect yourself from genital infections during the entire period of pregnancy and at the same time not harm the baby is very relevant. And the most common drug that is prescribed to expectant mothers for the purpose of treatment or prevention is Hexicon. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Hexicon during pregnancy, how effective medication antiseptic group, has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Hexicon suppositories are a really useful and at the same time safe drug that helps get rid of the inflammatory process and eliminate its consequences, without negative impact to the fruit.

In what cases should the drug be used?

O weakened immunity of a woman during pregnancy, which occurs against the background of hormonal failure, is characterized by weak protective functions organism. Due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms and infectious agents can almost freely enter the body of a woman carrying a child, there is a risk of a particular disease. In some situations, late detection of symptoms is even fraught with infection of the baby.

As a rule, in order to prevent complications, a mother who is responsible for the health of her unborn child should consult a doctor at the slightest change and deterioration in well-being. And since the organs of the reproductive system are most susceptible to infection, it is worth paying attention to given area and do not miss visits to the gynecologist.

In order to avoid infection, a specialist may prescribe a drug in the form of Hexicon suppositories. And this is understandable, because Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy are able to cope with the mass various diseases. This tool perfectly copes with pathogens-agents of infections of the urogenital group and helps with:

  • thrush;
  • chlamydia;
  • sometimes with gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • and others.

The above diseases and other inflammatory processes that can affect the internal genital organs cause disturbances in the normal microflora of the vagina. As a result, a woman during pregnancy (I, II, III trimester) symptoms indicating a disease of a urogenital nature may well appear:

  • (with thrush - creamy white, cheesy, with vaginitis yellowish-green, etc.) with an unpleasant odor;
  • accompanying discharge itching and discomfort in the genital area;
  • sometimes pain during urination.

However, no matter how safe Hexicon is while carrying a child (I, II or III trimester), you should not self-medicate. Having discovered symptoms that indicate inflammatory process, which has arisen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal genital organs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe Hexicon in the form of a suppository during pregnancy, if the tests confirm the need for this.

How does the drug work?

Hexicon is considered a universal drug, the active ingredient of which is the active substance - chlorhexidine. In combination with polyethylene oxide, it softens the vagina and restores its flora, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria that have become the causative agents of a particular disease (including those transmitted through sexual intercourse).

The advantage of Hexicon is that the active substances of the drug do not enter the bloodstream and common system. In fact, these suppositories act locally, which eliminates the risk of exposure to the fetus in mother's womb. Therefore, this antiseptic is widely used in medicine and, in particular, in gynecological practice.

The drug Hexicon can be prescribed throughout the entire period of pregnancy, whether it is the I, II or III trimester. An indication for the appointment of candles (most often in this form it is used by pregnant women) Hexicon can be:

  • treatment of diseases of an infectious or venereal nature;
  • preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of such diseases;
  • the need to restore the normal microflora in the vagina;
  • the need for treatment of the birth canal, genital organs immediately before childbirth;
  • prevention possible complications(purulent) in the first days after the birth of the child.

Treatment with Hexicon

Treatment with Hexicon involves the invaginal use of the drug. AT typical situations the doctor prescribes Hexicon during pregnancy according to the standard scheme. That is, 1 suppository must be administered twice a day. Such a course can last from seven to ten days. It depends not only on the type, but also on the form of the disease. If there is an urgent need, the specialist may well extend the course up to 20 days. Taking the drug in such a situation should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

A slightly different scheme is used by doctors for women during the postpartum period. In these cases, Hexicon is administered at the rate of 1 candle per day. The course of treatment lasts about 5 days.

However, these are generally applicable schemes. The main treatment with this drug is determined by the doctor. Only a specialist on the basis of a general clinical picture able to correctly diagnose and determine the direction of treatment.

Prevention with Hexicon

There are also situations when, during pregnancy, a gynecologist prescribes Hexicon as a prophylactic. For example, if a woman "in position" is not sure about the fidelity and "purity" of her partner, she can insert a candle immediately after sexual contact. AT similar situations suppositories can increase protective properties genitals, preventing the impact of pathogenic and infectious microorganisms. In addition, as described earlier, the drug is safe for the fetus, which increases its effectiveness and provides excellent opportunity expectant mother to take care of her baby during the entire period of pregnancy (I, II and III trimester).


Even being a safe loyal remedy, Hexicon during pregnancy in suppositories must be used very carefully, because, like any other drug, this one is also capable of causing, albeit minor, but - side effects. Due to the fact that high sensitivity of the cervix can be attributed to the number of contraindications, in the first place, Hexicon is not prescribed for women who are prone to this. Otherwise, during the application of the suppository in the patient's vagina, discomfort may occur due to burning and itching.

In cases where a woman cannot accurately indicate the characteristics of her body, then she will be able to find out in the first few minutes after the introduction of the suppository. During this period, there may be characteristic symptoms(itching, burning), as well as signs of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the drug. Therefore, after entering the Hexicon candle, it is worth carefully monitoring the sensations that arise. If redness, rash or itching appears in the genital area, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In addition to the contraindications described above, there is also an overdose in case of attempts at self-medication or incorrect dosage. And if, after the suppository has been administered, the pregnant woman has pinkish, bloody or other discharge, an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. It happens that such discharges are evidence of a progressive bacterial vaginosis or placental abruption, which can lead to miscarriage, or premature birth. Sometimes, discharge can also appear with thrush, which was provoked by taking this drug.

While taking Lexicon, you should follow special recommendations so as not to cause side effects and not harm your health and the health of your unborn baby.

So, for example, while undergoing treatment with Hexicon (the form of release and the trimester can be any), you should not use gels for, shower gels. When using care products containing anionic group detergents, you should be careful, because Hexicon is incompatible with these substances. After bathing, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of soap and other cosmetics. Neglect of these recommendations may lead to inactivation of the active component of Hexicon (chlorhexidine).

In addition, it is worth consulting with your doctor accordingly complex treatment and simultaneous reception of several medical preparations. This is the relevance of the use of Hexicon and its interaction with others. medical means only a specialist can determine.

In general, as practice and numerous reviews show, this drug very efficient. Due to the wide range of uses and harmlessness in relation to the health of the patient and the fetus, Hexicon during pregnancy is considered the most popular remedy.