New Year's craft for a child in kindergarten. New Year's crafts. New Year's dog - a craft for the New Year

November 8, 2018

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today the article will be entirely devoted to crafts on the topic of the new year 2019. You can certainly not bother with crafts, but go and buy your favorite toy or figurine. But it will not be as dear to you as the one you made with your own hands.

Also, the article will be very useful for those who have small children who go to primary school or kindergarten. Since on the eve of almost any holiday in these educational institutions they often ask the kids at home to make something of this kind, and preferably in the style of an upcoming holiday. And then they hold a competition for the best craft. And of course I want your child to take at least a prize.

And making crafts on the New Year's theme is doubly pleasant, as it casts a New Year's mood. The absence of which many adults complain about. We don't have such complaints in our family. Since before the holiday, our house is transformed into a fabulous decorated house from hand-made crafts. These are both snowflakes and paper garlands and much more. V general introduction a little delayed, I propose to get down to business right away.

before you decorate your home for the new year, you need to make all kinds of decorations there. And you can also save well on this business if you use old unnecessary trash for manufacturing, which is a pity to throw out and nowhere to attach.

Would need:

  • Tinsel
  • Glue gun
  • Wire
  • Old CDs 12 pcs.
  • Drill with fine drill or awl
  • Pliers

Production stages:

Cut a template in the shape of a pentagon with sides of 6.5 cm from a cardboard sheet.Apply the template to the disk and put dots where the vertices are. These points are for making holes in them.

We drill all the discs point by point, and then connect them with a wire and pliers. At the end, you should get a ball.

You should get something similar to this.

Next, we glue the tinsel onto each disc. We glue along the contour of the disc with hot melt glue.

This is what happens in the end. Such a craft and a story can be used as New Year's souvenir will do too.

You can also build beautiful wreath from cones. Although wreaths are not so popular in our country. Nevertheless, if you decorate the front door with such wreaths, it will look simply amazing.

You will need the following:

  • A certain number of cones
  • Decorative elements
  • Spray paint and varnish
  • Glue gun
  • The base for the wreath

Production stages:

As a base, you can use foam pipe insulation or a small hoop. You can also prepare a papier mâché base.

We paint the base in the color with the cones and attach the cones to the base with hot melt glue.

At the end, you can open the craft with varnish to add shine and decorate with decorative elements.

A wreath of cones looks quite beautiful.

Snowman made of threads and balls.

Well, who else but a snowman is the very first associated with winter and the new year. It can be made quite easily, it is only important to collect all the necessary materials.

Would need:

  • Balloons 5-6 pcs.
  • Tube of PVA glue
  • A skein of white thread
  • Decor elements (ribbon scarf and hat)

Manufacturing process:

We inflate the balls with air and make them of various sizes.
One needs the biggest, the other less, and the third even less. And two more very small, but identical. Then we wrap the balls with threads in different directions and coat each new layer with glue.
When the glue dries, we pierce the balls and take them out of their resulting shapes.
It remains to assemble the snowman using the same glue. And then I use my creativity to add eyes, mouth and nose to the snowman.

And also attach your hands. These will be two small balls. Here's what you can do from the materials presented.

Or here's another master class on how to make a beautiful snowman out of an ordinary sock.

You will need:

  • Scissors
  • Super glue
  • Scotch tape wide
  • Cotton or knitted sock
  • Threads
  • Several buttons

Production stages:

Cut the toe just a few centimeters from the heel line. We will use the heel part. Tie the sock tightly with a thread and turn it inside out. This will be the base of the snowman. We tie in the part where we cut it.

And fix in this position fig. Take a few turns and then tie the thread into a knot. Cut off the excess ends with scissors.

We make a scarf from a piece of fabric to disguise the threads.

From the second piece of sock we make a cap by folding part of the sock several times. Apply super glue to the buttons and attach them to the snowman's body.

In order to make the face of the snowman, I use multi-colored beads. Which I also attach with glue.

Santa Claus from a disposable plate

To create a beautiful and original frost case, you will need the following set:

  • Disposable paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Paints
  • Red pompom
  • Paper
  • Red cardboard
  • Toy eyes

Production stages:

Cut the disposable plate into two parts. Cut just above the middle. And paint the inside beige.

Cut out a large triangle larger than the plate from colored cardboard.

Cut out a 2 cm wide strip and two circles from a sheet of white paper. Cut one of the circles into two parts. Next, we collect the craft according to the picture.

Herringbone made of cardboard and threads

You can create small Christmas tree-shaped souvenirs and present them to your guests who come to meet with you New Year.

You will need to cut out their corrugated cardboard to cut out such a beautiful Christmas tree. The size is about 15-20 cm.

Then wrap it with threads. We fasten each turn regular glue or you can use hot melt glue. We attach a magnet on the back side.

Like these ones beautiful Christmas trees can be created using this technology.

Ice cream sticks and buttons snowflake. It also turns out to be very beautiful and unusual.

To create such beauty, you will need at least 3-5, and at most 7-8 ice cream sticks. We connect them into such an asterisk. Then we decorate with buttons, which are also fastened with hot melt glue. At the end, we attach a rope and hang it on a Christmas tree.

You can try to glue the house and the snowman out of cardboard and glue them with cotton wool. And make a small tree from a twig. You will get something similar to this picture.

Or try to make such a penguin out of two bottoms from plastic bottles.

In the year of the pig, you can create such a funny pig. Is being done given beauty from socks and cotton wool. See the sequence and you will understand everything at once. Likewise, we made the snowman a little higher.

An excellent craft can be regular ball for the Christmas tree only painted by you personally. Take a Christmas ball, apply a solid color to it, this will be the main background. And then paint as you like.

And if the old ones remain glass balls you can wipe off all the paint from them and fill them with such rubber bands. It also turns out beautifully.

Or decorate Christmas balls.

Have you ever seen Christmas balls with a photo inside. See how you can do it.

Beautiful stars that we will decorate with beads or beads will also perfectly fit into the interior of any New Year's beauty. Or maybe there will be such an asterisk beautiful addition to your New Year's outfit.

And if you show your imagination, then even ordinary walnuts can become beautiful New Year's crafts or Christmas tree decorations.

Or maybe you want to make such beautiful snowmen from old light bulbs.

And this master class will also be useful to you. Since you can make not only snowmen. look I think this idea of ​​creating crafts will be interesting to you.

Souvenirs from spruce and pine cones for the new year

Crafts made from natural materials always turn out to be very beautiful and attractive. Let's start simple and continue with the hardest.

It is very easy to create a beautiful candlestick using cones and threads. You need to take a small jar, a few cones, natural thread and hot melt glue.

We tie a thread around the neck of the can in several turns and do beautiful bow... We glue the cones with hot melt glue to the thread. It turns out that's such beauty.

We put the jar on a tray and decorate it beautifully spruce twigs and the craft is ready.

If you want to make it a little more beautiful, then you can decorate the neck of the jar with semolina, which from afar will look like snow.

You must first tint the semolina with chalk. Coat the neck of the jar with PVA glue and sprinkle the place in the glue with semolina. We tie a beautiful bow on the neck of the jar.

Cones can be decorated in the same way. But for the cones, let's prepare something cooler. Pour some sparkles into the semolina. Now coat the corner of the cone with glue and sprinkle with cereals with sparkles.

You can do without decoy at all, take some sparkles golden color... And then according to the familiar scheme. Into the glue and then into the sequins.

Using white acrylic paint, you can make these cones in the snow.

Add a couple of beads and a bow and you get a beautiful Christmas tree toy. Further, the decorated cones can be combined on our candlestick.

Now I propose to make beautiful Christmas trees from big cones. You will need small pots, acrylic paints, small stars and hot melt glue.

We attach the cones to the pot, paint them white or green. And on top we attach a small star.

By the same principle, you can make a bigger Christmas tree. We make a cone out of cardboard. The height depends on the number of buds. We attach the cones to the cone with glue. We decorate beautiful bows and beads.

Now the craft is a little more complicated. This technique is called topiary. With the approach of the new year, a bunch of craftsmen have appeared who perform crafts in this style.

Workshops and paper craft ideas for the new year

A huge number of crafts can be made from paper. And the simplest and a little harder. And as always, we will start with something simple, and then continue with more complex models.

The simplest thing you can do is just such a Christmas tree. It is enough to cut a circle out of colored cardboard, cut off a piece and roll it into a cone. Then decorate with stars or circles of colored paper.
And here is a box of chips which was pasted over with sweet souvenirs and it turned out to be a little train.

Or here is a souvenir of more complicated Santa Claus using the origami technique. How do you like this idea. If you learn how to do it, you can offer it as a New Year's card.

You can also make such a bunny using the origami technique with the addition of an applique.

If there is a desire and time, you can cut and glue a beautiful wreath from the same paper on a door or wall from paper handprints. I think that I can use the prints of the whole family to make such a wreath.

Try to make such an unusual Christmas ball out of colored cardboard. We cut several strips of the same length and width. Next, we lay them out so that they all connect in the middle. Then we make a hole and put everything on a thread in the middle of a piece from a cocktail tube. There is a small bead at the top. Everything is simple and easy.

Have a huge amount of unnecessary newspapers accumulated at home? Then you can find a use for them. Let's make from newspaper tubes volume christmas ball on the tree. We make tubes and wind them layer by layer. Gluing each new layer. At the end, we paint with paints from a spray can and now the toy for the Christmas tree is ready.

At the end of this chapter, I offer a video clip on how to make a cool paper snowman.

DIY felt toys pattern ideas

Now a topic for those who like to make their own hands from such a pleasant to the touch material as felt. Soft and voluminous toys have always been something unusual and pleasant for me.

You can build such a beautiful Christmas tree from cut pieces of felt.

We cut the flaps, and then collect them into a single composition.

Or try to take such a Christmas tree as a basis. Here you have to tinker.

And if you want, make a bigger Christmas tree out of green felt and hang it on the wall. It remains to make beautiful toys for her and decorate.

You can make a Christmas tree toy. Here's an example and patterns.

And here is an idea for you to make toys for the Christmas tree. You can sew balls, crackers and bells.

Well, of course, what a new year without Santa Claus. Video on how to sew Santa Claus out of felt.

Beautiful works for the New Year's competition to school

I don’t know how in your school, in ours, while such contests are held every year. Well, at least in elementary grades, that's for sure. So you have to look for and make crafts in order to take part in the competition, and of course take at least the second third place.

Here is a simple craft, but it looks completely different in the new year. But all you need is beautiful jar a small Christmas tree and a car.

We attach the tree to the roof of the car, add some foam crumbs and a ribbon on the lid.

At the end, we decorate with New Year's decor and your craft is ready.

For those who have coffee beans, there is an idea to make a Christmas tree from coffee beans. We attach the grains to a paper cone and decorate with decorative elements.

Or, you can use candy instead of coffee beans.

And here is a tree made of ordinary buttons. Collect buttons of different diameters on a thread and the tree is ready.

And you can, of course, embroider Santa Claus.

A beaded Christmas tree will also look beautiful.

You can make a beautiful New Year's beauty out of a plastic bottle. You just need to put it in a pot first. Pour gypsum into it and put a wooden stick as a trunk. We make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and put the bottle on the barrel. We attach the bottle to the pot with glue and decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel and toys.

Or take foam ball and glue it with beads or beads. It also turns out to be very original.

How to make a garland on a Christmas tree with your own hands

Probably the most affordable and cheapest option is paper garlands. And the simplest is garlands of rings. Probably each of us in childhood glued such decorations from colored paper.

Or make such a rainbow out of colored cardboard.

Or here are some more ideas for creating paper garlands.

And if you spend a little more time to create a garland, then you can make it very beautifully and original. I propose to see what can happen if you try a little.

You can also use cotton wool.

Or buttons of different colors. It will also look beautiful.

And this option is for street tree since this garland is made of ice. We make multi-colored icicles. The main thing is not to forget to put the thread so that it freezes in the form.

Unusual crafts "Winter's Tale" to the kindergarten for the exhibition

When in the kindergarten they give the task to do the craft with their own hands. This means that the child must do almost everything himself, and not mom or dad did it, but the child just took it. Therefore, I give the simplest thing that your cub can do almost himself.

Here's an idea for how to make Santa Claus out of an asterisk. Here and cutting and coloring and applique.

Try to make a winter picture with your child from cotton pads and chopsticks.

Or this is the idea of ​​creating a snowman from cotton swabs and a foam ball.

A bottle, wire, and rags can make a fairy tale character.

But of course something more complicated than a house made of plastic ceiling tiles. The child, of course, will not be able to cope on his own, but he will be able to help cut.

Or, for example, what kind of houses can be made from all sorts of things.

Beautiful cards for the New Year for children Master class and templates

If you decide on a gift, then you will definitely need a postcard to the gift. And you can easily do it by following our tips. Here are some printable templates.

You can arrange a standard postcard, a book with such a granddaddy or a fairy-tale character.

And if you want, you can make a voluminous congratulation.

You can also design your postcard in a scrubbing style. Well, is it beautiful?

Here is a master class on creating beautiful new year cards... Look for sure you might find something for yourself.

Do you want to do something that no one else will have? Take this Christmas tree postcard into service.

Print this template on a printer. The dotted line is the fold line.

And we glue it just like in the photo. It remains to do everything beautifully and arrange. You can learn more about how to make such a postcard by going to.

So this selection of crafts for the new year has come to an end. Perhaps there will be another collection soon. Follow our blog and you will definitely find what you are looking for. Well, for today all the best to you in the coming year.

On the eve of new year holidays in kindergartens and schools, not only matinees are held, but also various thematic lessons and exhibitions. Particular attention during this period is paid to do-it-yourself crafts, timed to coincide with the upcoming New Year. Most often, such children's crafts are made from simple and affordable materials: paper, felt, cones, plasticine, threads. Useless, at first glance, "waste" like ice cream sticks, bottles, lids and old discs are also used. Given the huge amount of materials from which you can create a real new year's tale, in this article we tried to collect the best and most original step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on this topic. Be sure that absolutely any child or novice adult master will be able to reproduce the 2018 New Year's crafts presented below with their own hands without any problems.

Original New Year's crafts 2018 for the year Do-it-yourself dogs in kindergarten - step by step photo and instructions

The first version of the original New Year's crafts 2018 with your own hands in Kindergarten suitable for pupils senior group... This lesson shows how you can make a beautiful herringbone decor out of plain colored paper. For more information on how to create this original New Year's craft with your own hands with children in the kindergarten, read on.

Necessary materials for the original New Year's crafts 2018 do it yourself for kindergarten

  • thick colored paper
  • scissors
  • paper clips and clips
  • pencil

Step-by-step instructions for original DIY crafts for the New Year in kindergarten

DIY Christmas crafts for 2018 in kindergarten from ice cream sticks - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Ice cream sticks are one of the simplest and most affordable materials for Christmas crafts do it yourself for 2018 for kindergarten. You can make Santa Claus, a Christmas tree or a beautiful snowflake from them, as in the master class below. Read more about creating a New Year's crafts with your own hands from ice cream sticks for 2018 "Snowflake" below.

Necessary materials for DIY Christmas crafts in kindergarten from ice cream sticks

Step-by-step instructions for New Year's crafts in kindergarten with your own hands from ice cream sticks

Do-it-yourself quick crafts for the New Year 2018 in the kindergarten "Santa Claus" - a lesson with a photo step by step

In kindergarten, do-it-yourself quick crafts for the New Year 2018 are especially appreciated, for example, like Santa Claus from the next lesson. You can make such an original craft literally in 10 minutes from an ordinary disposable plate. All the details of the creation quick craft for the New Year 2018 do-it-yourself "Santa Claus" for kindergarten in a step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials for quick DIY crafts for the New Year in the kindergarten "Ded Moroz"

  • plastic plate
  • scissors
  • paints
  • red pompom
  • colored paper
  • decorative eyes

for New Year 2018 do it yourself for kindergarten

Simple New Year's crafts 2018 with your own hands from bottle caps - a master class with a photo in stages

Another very quick and simple version of the New Year's crafts 2018 with your own hands can be made from bottle caps. For example, you can make an original christmas toy for a Christmas tree in the form of a snowman. Read more on how to make this simple DIY 2018 New Year's craft from bottle caps with your own hands below.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY Christmas craft from bottle caps

  • bottle caps (iron or plastic)
  • black and orange marker
  • buttons
  • thin ribbon
  • White paint
  • thick knitting threads

Step-by-step instructions for simple Christmas crafts from bottle caps with your own hands

Children's New Year's crafts 2018 with their own hands from felt to school - a simple master class with a photo

Children's New Year's crafts made of felt with their own hands are always relevant, especially in labor lessons in elementary school. This material is easy to work with, and the things made from it literally keep the warmth of their creators. Therefore, if you want to make something memorable, then be sure to take a closer look at the simple master class of children's New Year's crafts 2018 with your own hands to school from felt further.

Necessary materials for children's New Year's crafts 2018 from felt do-it-yourself for school

Step-by-step instructions for children's New Year's crafts 218 do it yourself from felt to school

Simple crafts for the New Year 2018 with your own hands in an elementary school from cones and felt - a master class in stages

Felt is suitable not only as the main one, but also as additional material, as in a simple DIY master class of cones for the New Year 2018 for primary school Further. It shows step by step how you can make a cute Christmas toy from pine cones and felt. Read in more detail in a simple DIY master class for New Year 2018 from cones and felt for elementary school below.

Necessary materials for a simple craft for the New Year from felt and cones with your own hands in an elementary school

  • cone
  • beads
  • decorative twine
  • wooden balls

Step-by-step instructions for a simple craft for the New Year 2018 with your own hands from a pine cone and felt to school

Festive paper crafts for the New Year 2018 for elementary school - a step-by-step lesson with a photo

Another option for a holiday craft for an elementary school can then become good decoration or a gift for the New Year 2018. The photo tutorial shows step by step how to make an original wreath for decoration from ordinary colored paper and a plastic plate front door... At the same time, it takes very little time to make this festive New Year's crafts from paper for elementary school.

Required materials for New Year 2018 holiday paper crafts for primary school

  • plastic plate
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • ribbon

Step-by-step instructions for New Year's holiday paper crafts for elementary school

DIY New Year's crafts for 2018 to school for the Snow Globe competition master class with video

DIY children's New Year's crafts 2018 are often used for thematic competitions in schools. Our next master class with video will tell you step by step how to make a real snow globe at home. By the way, the New Year's craft " Snowball»Do it yourself for 2018 to school for the competition is ideal. If desired, its content can be changed with the help of other crafts made of cones, felt or paper. Also this work suitable for beginner craftsmen, but a child in a kindergarten will not master it without the help of adults.

New Year for each of us is a holiday of magic, it symbolizes the beginning of a new life, as with blank slate, all the bad and the old is left behind, and we cheerfully step forward. But, as is already accepted, new year's eve should be celebrated beautifully, which means prepared in advance. In all houses, kindergartens, schools and other institutions, the New Year's bustle begins, everyone strives to decorate everything as best as possible. And here the time for DIY New Year's crafts begins, especially in kindergartens and primary schools. This creative process has a positive effect on children, enriches them inner world, develops creative thinking, develops perseverance and diligence. To make the craft come out original and unique, and deserve Special attention at an exhibition in a kindergarten or school, connection is required parental assistance... If you are at a loss because you do not know how beautiful and unusual crafts for kindergarten for the New Year 2019, hurry up to read our article, in which we will give you 10 comprehensive ideas on this matter, master classes and provide illustrative photos so that you can accurately follow them.

Do you want to get welcome gift, write .

Ideas for crafts for kindergarten for the New Year 2019 can be different, the main thing is that your child can do them himself or with the help of you. And for this you should choose simple crafts, all the same, with the hands of your child, they will acquire a beautiful and unusual view, and it will take a little time for this, because children quickly get tired of long work.

The options are:

  • applications (from various cereals, cotton pads, napkins, colored paper, from ball plasticine, etc.);
  • postcards (from cardboard and colored paper, from knitting threads, beads and sequins, etc.);
  • drawings (Pig is a symbol of the year, snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, etc.);
  • figurines (from plasticine, salt dough, clay, plastic, rubber bands, cones, felt, etc.);
  • snowflakes (made of paper, cotton pads, napkins, ear sticks, cardboard, threads, etc.).

Main material for manufacturing:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • thick needle and so on.

For each product, a certain set of materials is used that you like.

"Merry snowflakes" from threads

Enough original craft for kindergarten, which is easy to do with your own hands. It only takes a little patience and sleight of hand to complete it.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • yarn;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard templates;
  • scissors;
  • plastic eyes, beads, beads or rhinestones for decoration;
  • threads;
  • needle.


  1. We take cardboard template(instead of it, you can use a notebook, a book or a regular disk, it all depends on the size of the desired product) and we wind the threads on it very tightly, like when making a pompom.
  2. Then the threads are cut along the edge of the template.
  3. We tighten the threads in the middle and tie a knot, straightening the threads.
  4. We divide the threads into 8 identical bundles, each of which is tied with a thread approximately in the middle. The distance from the middle to the knot can be different, at your discretion.
  5. Trim the tips of the snowflakes to make them even.
  6. When decorating a snowflake, we attach the eyes and a spout in the form of a bead with glue, and the mouth can be made of red cardboard and also glued.

Master class on making snowflakes from knitting threads

"Poodle" from ear sticks

Considering that the outgoing year was under the sign Yellow Dog, you can use this symbol of the year in your crafts for kindergarten or school, so you will appease the hostess of the coming year, who will bring you happiness and prosperity. In order to make such a dog, you do not need a lot of improvised material.

  • cotton buds;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin cardboard;
  • colored cardboard as a base;
  • pencil;
  • paints and brushes.


  1. Draw a poodle on cardboard as in the photo and cut it out.
  2. Cut off the cotton tips of the ear sticks.
  3. Glue the prepared ends to the workpiece: tail, back, legs, head, chest.
  4. Draw eyes, tongue, nose.
  5. Glue the finished poodle to the base.

So our hand-made application is ready. She, for sure, will appeal to everyone in the kindergarten for her uniqueness.

Application "Snowman" from cotton pads

Well, what else can you think of that you will not see in others. Of course, this is a New Year's craft made from cotton pads. For a kindergarten, this is an excellent option, rest assured, everyone will appreciate it. As you can see in the photo, nothing special is required to make such beauty.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • PVA glue, hot glue;
  • felt;
  • colored cardboard;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • cotton wool;
  • white threads for knitting.


  1. We cut out two small houses from colored paper, glue or draw windows and doors with them, fasten the roof in the form of half a cotton pad, attach them with glue to the blue cardboard, which is the basis of the craft.
  2. Making a snowman: take two cotton pad and glue it to the cardboard near our houses, as in the photo. On the upper disk, which will be the head of the snowman, we glue two small eyes cut out of black paper or felt. In the same way, we attach the nose of the snowman, and the mouth can be drawn with a red felt-tip pen. Cut out a snowman's cap from colored paper, making it striped. For this we used purple and red paper colors. Next, you should cut a scarf out of felt or ordinary fabric of any color and glue a cross on a cross to the snowman's neck. Draw his hands in the form of small twigs with a black felt-tip pen. And on the body itself, glue several buttons cut from red felt with hot glue.
  3. Getting started with the design of snowdrifts: take a certain amount of cotton pads and glue them to the cardboard under the snowman.
  4. For realism, you can add a tree by drawing it with a brown felt-tip pen directly above the house, and glue several cotton pads on top of the crown, imitating snow caps.
  5. The last step of our work is to glue small snowflakes cut out of white paper. If there is no desire to cut, then you can take white knitting threads and cut them finely, in the form of snow. Ready!

New Year's craft "Santa Claus" from cones

There is nothing easier for a child, like the craft "Santa Claus" made for kindergarten with your own hands from a pine cone and some auxiliary materials.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Pine cone;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper (red);
  • cotton wool;
  • white threads for knitting;
  • sequins;
  • PVA glue.


  1. First, peel the bud well.
  2. Make the head of Santa Claus out of plasticine and attach the eyes and a red nose from the same material.
  3. Take the threads for knitting and cut them into small threads, they will serve as hair and beard for Santa Claus.
  4. Using an ordinary needle, deepen each of the threads into the plasticine head, also do it with a beard. If you doubt the correctness of the work performed, then look at our photo, it will serve you as a good hint.
  5. Cut out the cap from colored red paper and glue it using the same glue. From cotton wool, we glue the edge on the cap and bubo, and then we fix the resulting cap on the hair of Santa Claus with glue.
  6. To put your head on the body, you should stick a toothpick into the base of the bump, after making a small hole using a large, strong needle.
  7. We make plasticine mittens and decorate them with sequins to your taste.
  8. We do the same with the boots of Santa Claus, form the protruding nose of the shoe and attach it tightly to the bump - the body. If it doesn't hold well, you can use two toothpicks.
  9. As for the belt on the belly of Santa Claus, it should be made of black plasticine, shaded with a gray plaque in the center.

It is so easy and simple to create an excellent image of Santa Claus from natural materials.

Felt Christmas tree toys

To work you will need:

  • sewing kit of threads and needles;
  • various buttons;
  • lace and ribbons;
  • printed material (cotton wool);
  • felt.


  1. We cut out the shape of our toy from felt (herringbone, asterisk, boots, heart and deer).
  2. We sew two identical halves to make a toy, but leave a small hole in order to fill it with filler.
  3. We fill with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, sew on a ribbon so that our toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.
  4. We decorate the finished product by sewing buttons, ruffles, bows, beads to it, or simply by making embroidery in accordance with the flight of your fantasies.

Such a Christmas tree toy can be proudly taken to a kindergarten, because this is a hand-made craft, and not just some kind of Christmas tree decoration.

Master class on making felt crafts

Christmas toys from light bulbs

If you have a lot of damaged light bulbs in your house, take them for your creative work, as a result of which, with the help of paints, charming painted crafts are obtained in the form of various new year characters... For those who liked our funny craft, make it to your child for an exhibition in kindergarten, she will certainly gather around her many admiring glances.

To work you will need:

  • light bulbs;
  • acrylic paints of different colors;
  • brushes of different thicknesses;
  • pencil;
  • scarves, hats for snowmen.


  1. We cover our light bulb with white acrylic paint.
  2. When dry, draw a snowman with a pencil and apply the desired painting with a brush. In our case, this is a snowman. Looking at the photo, we draw black eyes, eyebrows, a mouth and a red nose, mittens and a wreath for the snowman.
  3. When the light bulb dries up, we put a hat on the snowman's head, sewn in advance from a small shred multicolored fabric, and attach the pompom. You can decorate in different ways, with beads, rhinestones, decorative stones, ribbons and so on.

Workshop on making crafts from light bulbs

Peanut tree decorations

New Year's crafts from peanuts - it looks quite creative. Although toys for the Christmas tree, they turn out to be small, but they are quite interesting. In kindergarten, you will definitely be noted for your originality.

To work you will need:

  • peanut;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brushes;
  • thin wire;
  • cotton wool;
  • ribbon.


  1. Paint each peanut the desired color.
  2. Wait for the paint to dry and add eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows to the blanks.
  3. Decorate each figurine as you like - add a cotton beard with one, tie a scarf with a ribbon with the other, add horns to some with thin wire so that they look like deer.
  4. Make of wire small ear in order to stretch the thread, and gently insert into the peanuts. Here is a toy for you, just a joke!

"Snowman and dogs" from polymer clay

This New Year's craft requires patience and diligence. Of course, it will not be possible for children from kindergarten to complete such a craft, but you can make it the way the child can, and the parents will help him in creating some details, because teamwork works wonders.

To work you will need:

  • polymer clay (white, black, orange, blue, pink, lilac);
  • powder pink, blue;
  • wooden skewer;


  1. First, we sculpt the body and head of the snowman as in the photo. To do this, we roll up an oblong cone - a body, two arms, a ball - a head, and also make a red oval nose and black eyes, squeeze out the mouth with a wooden skewer.
  2. Now we shape the body: we connect the body and handles, and we make the face.
  3. Next, we sculpt a scarf. To do this, we roll up two long strips and weave them together, after which we make a ribbed surface on them and put them on a snowman.
  4. We make a black hat from black clay and decorate it as in the photo.
  5. Two dogs are made in the same way.
  6. We bake the finished figures in the oven at 110 - 130 degrees for 8 - 15 minutes, after which we open the cooled crafts with varnish.

Master class on making New Year's crafts from polymer clay

Christmas card on a stand

In order to make such, you should try and be patient, because the work will take place in four stages. It is not necessary to make postcards as in the photo, you can come up with something of your own that will be within the power of you and your children.

To work you will need:

  • white cardboard (10 x 15 cm);
  • gouache;
  • paraffin candle;
  • needle;
  • glue or tape;
  • various details for decoration, at your discretion.


  1. First step. We apply multi-colored strokes in an arbitrary shape in the form of waves, wide stripes and large circles on the entire surface with gouache. We are waiting for the paint to dry.
  2. Second phase. On top of the first multi-colored layer, apply the second - with black gouache, and also let it dry.
  3. Stage three. Rub the black surface with a paraffin candle. Then we create: we scratch out any New Year's drawing with a corner of a thin glass or with a thick needle. The edges can be decorated with thin tinsel by attaching it in several places with double tape or glue.
  4. Stage four. Cut out from thick cardboard leg and connect it to back side with a postcard with double tape. Ready! Be creative and you will exceed your expectations.

Video instruction on how to make a postcard in kindergarten do it yourself

Christmas snowman

Winter has confidently declared itself, covering cities and villages with a fluffy snowy feather bed, cooling the ground with gusty winds, and shackling the surroundings with a strong frost. But no bad weather can prevent us from creating a festive atmosphere in the house and even outside it. This is especially true for families with children in school or kindergarten. Little guys are still those inventors. With their creative support and our step by step master classes with photos and videos, you will make the most extraordinary New Year's crafts in 2018 with your own hands. They will surely fill the warm abode with the pre-holiday spirit and expectation of the magic of the "grandiose night". Use paper, cardboard, pine cones, felt, buttons, and other children's materials to make home decorations not only vibrant, but also varied.

Simple cardboard crafts for the New Year 2018 with your own hands in kindergarten

Creating beautiful holiday items is very fascinating activity... And if you create DIY crafts for the New Year 2018 together with kindergarten children, you can contribute to their speedy creative development... So, just a few cardboard mugs and a couple of additional parts will quickly turn into a friendly Snowman - a harbinger winter magic... This character will appeal to even the smallest talents.

Necessary materials for a simple Christmas cardboard craft for a child in kindergarten

  • embossed scrap cardboard in different colors
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • black half beads
  • jute cord
  • new year tags

Step-by-step master class on making do-it-yourself cardboard crafts for the New Year in kindergarten

  1. Start your Snowman by preparing the body parts. Cut 2 circles, 3 and 4 cm across, from white or light gray cardboard. Then 4 more circles with a diameter of 6 cm from the material of the same color, but with more pronounced embossing.

  2. Trim the bottoms of the four large circles to keep the finished shape firmly in place. Try to make the same cuts as possible.

  3. Lay the cut circles straight down and gently fold each piece in half.

  4. Glue the mugs in halves in pairs, as in the photo. Then insert a medium-sized circle between them and glue both halves into one round shape with four edges.

  5. Glue the smallest one, the Snowman's head, to the top of the middle circle. The finished base should stand firmly on a flat surface. If the character is wobbling, trim the bottom of the bottom ball.

  6. Using sharp scissors and cardboard of different colors, cut out the rest of the details: the hat and scarf, the nose-carrot and the arms-twigs. Glue all the elements in place and let them dry thoroughly. Add two black half-beads - eyes.

  7. Hang a jute cord on the Snowman's hands. On it - one or more New Year's tags: letters, rings, gifts, boots, etc. So simple cardboard crafts For the New Year 2018, even a child will make his own hands in kindergarten. If mom helps, of course.

DIY Christmas crafts from scrap materials for kindergarten (for 2018) in a master class for children

We are sure that in your house there is at least a couple of glass jars with metal lids that are not used in conservation. Today they will be useful to you in more original process- in creating with your own hands New Year's crafts for kindergarten from scrap materials (according to a master class for children). It would seem that nothing sensible can be made out of such nonsense. But no, you have a great opportunity to create a little snowy fairy tale "behind the glass".

Necessary materials for New Year's crafts in kindergarten for a master class for children

  • wide mouth glass jar (250-400 ml)
  • dry blue and white sequins
  • decorative snowflakes(diameter 1 cm)
  • plastic or ceramic penguins
  • glue gun
  • glycerol
  • blue tinsel
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for children on how to make an interesting New Year's craft from scrap materials for kindergarten

  1. Pick up all necessary tools and materials for children's crafts. Wash and degrease the jar, remove the paper label.

  2. Remove the metal euro-crate and put it on a flat surface with the inside facing up. Spread hot silicone over the center. Fix several selected figures (penguins, snowmen, Santa Claus, etc.) in it. Complete the composition with balls of glittering tinsel.

  3. Pour 3/4 or 2/3 of clean filtered (distilled) water into a jar. Fill the container to the top with glycerin. The more it is in the liquid, the slower the glitter will settle.

  4. If the jar is 100% full, drain 3-4 tablespoons. liquids. Add 1 tsp inside. blue shimmery sequins.

  5. Then send there white snow and small decorative snowflakes. Mix everything well.

  6. Cover the jar with the penguin lid. If there is still air in the container, add pure water and close the jar again. Turn the craft upside down and enjoy the amazing winter scene.

  7. For greater security, you can fix the lid with hot silicone. So a New Year's craft from improvised materials to kindergarten (for 2018) with your own hands in a master class for children will not leak or unscrew during children's games.

New Year's crafts in kindergarten: a step-by-step photo for beginners

Winter is in full swing, which means that the guys spend most of the day at home. Frosty and windy weather does not allow frolic for a long time. snow drifts, and at home it is sometimes so boring. What diversifies children's leisure so that the chosen activity brings not only pleasure, but also benefit? We recommend that the whole family make a funny New Year's craft for kindergarten according to step by step photo for beginners. A ready-made Advent calendar will bring a lot of joy to the life of a kindergarten group for a whole month. Every new day of December, the guys will be able to open another cell with a funny task for the whole team. And so on until the New Year.

Necessary materials for New Year's crafts in kindergarten for a master class for beginners

  • blank for a New Year's wreath
  • sackcloth
  • thin wire
  • kraft paper
  • landscape white paper
  • markers
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • pencil

Step-by-step master class with a photo on creating an interesting New Year's crafts for kindergarten

  1. Cut the thick burlap into strips 5 cm wide. Wrap the wreath blank with a cloth, fixing the ends firmly with hot silicone. Fix the last tail on the back wall so that it does not catch the eye.

  2. Cut the white landscape sheets into small rectangles (approx. 3x5 cm). On each leaf, write an interesting children's task, prediction or wish. For example: "today is the best day to write a letter to Santa Claus", "be sure to help your mother around the house, Santa's helpers are watching you."

  3. Glue 30 envelopes out of heavy kraft paper so that the fortune cards fit neatly into them. Decorate the blanks with any pattern you like and write down a serial number on each.

  4. Using thin wire, twist 30 spiral holders, one for each envelope. Don't forget to leave long ends to thread the holders securely into the foam wreath.

  5. Spread the wire holders evenly around the outside of the Christmas wreath. Carefully place one envelope in each of them, taking into account the serial numbers.

  6. The New Year's craft for kindergarten according to step-by-step photos for beginners is almost ready. It remains to supplement the resulting Advent calendar with a beautiful one satin bow and carry it to the kindergarten group. So all the kids together and with great impatience will be able to get every day one important task from Santa Claus.

Crafts from buttons for the New 2018 at school with their own hands in a master class with video

Today in any store holiday decorations sell a variety of Christmas balls. Sometimes they are original and unusual, but more often they are typical and monochromatic. You don't have to buy them. It is better to make Christmas decorations for the New Year 2018 with your own hands as button crafts for a master class for home and school. Finished goods will be very effective, stylish and, most importantly, original.

See how to make crafts from buttons for the New 2018 at school with your own hands, in a master class with a video:

Do-it-yourself beautiful New Year's crafts "Christmas wreath" to school for 2018

There are already many variations of traditional Christmas wreaths, but this type of festive decor will not give up its positions yet. long years... Pay attention to our eco-style incarnation of the wreath: the base is densely covered with spruce and complemented by bunches of branches and golden succulents. It remains only to complete the beautiful craft "Christmas wreath" with a textile ribbon and send to school exhibition in honor of the New Year 2018.

Necessary materials for a beautiful craft for the New 2018 year to school

  • foam blank for wreath
  • artificial spruce twigs or natural pine twigs
  • decorative twigs with berries
  • golden succulents
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • floral ribbon
  • artificial snow in a balloon

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a beautiful crafts "Christmas wreath" for the New Year 2018 at school with your own hands

  1. Prepare the necessary tools and decorative materials... At the first stage, thickly paste over the foam blank-wreath natural pine or artificial spruce. For a firm hold, use a glue gun, but back up the branches with green floral tape.

  2. Insert gently into ready base decorative twigs with berry beads. Collect them in small bunches and stick them into the foam, forming a nest for the following composition details.

  3. Let all decorative elements will be located in one place. For example, on the lower left side of the wreath. Attach them well with a glue gun so that the twigs and flowers do not begin to fall off after a day or two.

  4. In the next step, thread long ladder succulents, or any other decorative twigs into the base. Similarly to the first ones, tilt them to the sides. This will leave a place in the center for the brightest accent.

  5. It's time to fix golden succulents in the middle of the composition. 3-4 flowers will be enough.

  6. Cover finished craft artificial snow from a balloon. Don't apply too much thick layer, otherwise the wreath will lose its presentable appearance and bright green-gold color.

  7. Let the product dry completely, making sure all parts are firmly fixed. This concludes the winter creativity lesson. Take a beautiful DIY Christmas Wreath Craft to school for 2018 with your own hands.

Awesome Paper Crafts for New Year 2018

Fans of complex compositions will definitely appreciate our next master class on creating New Year's paper crafts, because they are really amazing. Large panels with flickering snowflakes in silvery frames are an amazing sight. They can emphasize absolutely any festive interior.

Essential materials for a stunning paper craft for the New Year 2018

  • wooden or foam frames
  • tinted thick paper of blue and silver color
  • plastic snowflakes of different diameters (from 7 to 12 cm)
  • dry glitter
  • quick fix glue
  • foam pads
  • silver paint in a balloon
  • rhinestones and half beads
  • scissors
  • sewing machine

Step-by-step master class on creating an amazing New Year paper crafts with your own hands

  1. Prepare 3-4 wooden frames from old paintings or make your own from foam baguettes. Place any specimens you find on a newspaper-lined surface and coat generously with silver spray paint.

  2. Fold the tinted thick sheets into suitable compositions so that they form the base (background) of the selected frames. That is, the shape of the finished canvases must correspond to the dimensions of the frames.

  3. Having folded the blue and silver sheets into the desired shapes, stamp them sewing machine simple or curly seam.

Coming close wonderful holiday, which many love since childhood. This is the only day in which not only children, but also adults believe in a fairy tale, are seized by the feeling of something magical and mysterious, and complete strangers are united by a common anticipation of the coming New Year. Examples and ideas of crafts from various materials you will find in this article.

The pre-New Year period is a great reason to do handicrafts with children and prepare crafts for an exhibition, school or kindergarten, and maybe you will even make gifts for your family and friends dear to your heart.

Perhaps inspiration will come to you, and you will create a unique craft that will delight the eye, and the common time with your child will be remembered for a long time. In addition, what could be better than on long winter evenings, when everything is covered with snow outside the window, to decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree with handmade decorations.

Crafts to school for the new year

Magic jar

Surely you have seen souvenir balls with snow, inside which there is an image, a figurine or a whole composition. With a little imagination, you can easily make such a "magic jar".

You will need a jar with a screw cap, water, glycerin, glitter, scissors, glue, and a suitable figure.

  • Pour half a jar of water
  • Add glycerin without adding a little to the top
  • Glue the bottom of the figurine to the lid
  • Pour glitter into a jar
  • Screw on the lid, you can fix it with glue

Important: If large air bubbles form in the jar after tightening the lid, add some water or glycerin to the jar.

Disc suspension

Unnecessary CDs and DVDs are excellent material for various crafts... For example, using the decoupage technique, you can make an original pendant that can be used as a wall decoration or hung on a Christmas tree.

You will need a disc, PVA glue, scissors, a napkin with christmas pattern, decorative glue (with sparkles) - for decoration, ribbons or tinsel.

  • Separate the pattern layer from the napkin
  • Lubricate the disc with PVA glue
  • Stick a napkin
  • Use scissors to cut off excess edges along the contours of the disc.
  • Wait for the glue to dry and cover with varnish or decorative glue
  • Glue decorations - tinsel along the contour, bow, loop

DIY crafts for the new year in kindergarten

Christmas tree

In order to do volumetric tree you will need cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, tape, decorations

  • Fold a piece of cardboard in half and cut
  • Fold the halves together and fold in the middle
  • Draw, starting from the fold, a half of the Christmas tree

  • Cut out the workpiece. You should have 2 Christmas trees
  • Bend each tree in half
  • Make a cut in the center on one workpiece at the top, on the other at the bottom, not reaching the middle
  • Connect the parts
  • If you want to get fluffy tree- take more sheets cardboard

  • Decorate the tree. You can glue balls from colored paper, use tinsel, make a star. For decorating a Christmas tree, use glitter, paint, colored paper, foil, and other materials that you can find at home.
    To keep the star on the tree, make a small cut in the paper blank and "plant" the star on the tree.
    For reliability, fix the connections of the parts with tape.

Deer made of prints

Prepare brown cardboard and yellow flowers, scissors, glue, pencil or pen for tracing the contours.

  • Place the baby's foot on brown cardboard and trace the outline.
  • Draw the outlines of the handles on the yellow cardboard sheets.
  • Cut out the details along the contour.
  • Glue the “palms”, fingers up, to the wider part of the “foot”.
  • Make the eyes. To do this, you can use the purchased in advance ready eyes, you can cut out of paper, draw or use a blister from under the tablets by inserting beads into the cells.

With only a little bit of imagination, you can come up with a lot of compositions for the New Year from children's prints.

Snowman made of pom-poms

You will need cardboard, scissors, white knitting thread, colored paper, PVA glue.

  • First, make 3 different sized pom poms. To do this, cut out circles of different sizes from cardboard (2 for each pompom). Make holes in the middle. Fold 2 circles together and thread as much as possible. Cut the threads along the edges of the circles and tie with thread between the circles. Remove the cardboard circles - the pompom is ready.

  • Now connect the pom-poms with glue.
  • Cut eyes out of colored paper and new, glue.
  • You can tie a scarf made from ribbon or fabric to the snowman.
  • For a hat, you can use a cap, a thimble or a blank made by yourself.

The ability to make pom-poms will open up a lot of imagination, because you can make anything out of them. For example, here's a New Year's composition.

Crafts from jute twine for the new year


You will need a barrel (skewer, wooden stick, wire, or whatever you can find around the house), a pot (wine glass, plastic cup, etc.), jute twine, cardboard, glue, coffee beans, jewelry (eg lace, tinsel), plaster.

  • Draw a circle on the cardboard and divide it in half.
  • Cut out a semicircle and join with joints. Secure the seam with tape. You should have a cone.
  • Place the cone on the cardboard and draw a path to cut a circle for the base of the desired size.
  • Make a trunk. Secure with tape at the top and bottom.
  • Cover the cone with glue and wrap it tightly with jute.
  • Insert the barrel into a circle, coat the circle with glue and wrap it with jute.

  • Connect the cone and circle to the trunk.
  • Spread the pot with glue and wrap with jute.
  • Now "plant" the Christmas tree. To do this, fill the pot with gypsum, insert the tree and wait for it to dry (about half an hour).
  • Decorate with coffee beans and other decorations.


You will need plastic bottles, plastic bag, glue, scotch tape, jute twine, jewelry, scissors.

  • Wrap the bottles with tape around the neck to remove any irregularities. The work surface must be flat.

  • Put plastic bags on top of the bottles.
  • Starting from the lid, coat the bottle with PVA glue and start wrapping it with jute. Spiral on the cap, then continue around the bottle.

  • Wait for the glue to dry.
  • Remove the twine bag from the bottle, then remove it from the blank.

  • Decorate with various materials.

Quilling paper crafts for the new year: schemes

Quilling is an amazing technique in which you can create whole voluminous compositions from strips of paper twisted into a spiral. Such work requires perseverance, patience, and attentiveness. But the result will delight you and those around you with its tenderness and originality.

So, for work you need colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, various elements decor (sequins, beads, rhinestones, tinsel)

Christmas tree in quilling technique

  • Cut the paper into strips
  • Cut the edges of each strip
  • Use a toothpick to roll the strips into a roll and fluff them
  • Stick the resulting rolls in the correct order on cardboard, decorate

If you master the quilling technique, then by folding paper in different ways, you can create both flat and voluminous crafts.

Snowflake in quilling technique, video

Crafts from salt dough for the New Year

Before you start making crafts, you should prepare the modeling dough. Knead it in the following proportions: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 3/4 cup water.

Important: If your dough crumbles when kneading, add a little water, and if, on the contrary, it sticks a lot to your hands, add flour.

For crafts, dough of different colors is most often required. You can add food coloring while kneading, or first make a craft, and then paint it with paints.


Toothpicks and a garlic crusher will help you make a snowman, so prepare everything in advance.

  • Knead the dough, divide it into 2 parts, and color one of them light blue or blue using food coloring.
  • Mold 2 cakes of different sizes - head and torso.
  • Work on the snowman's face right away. Add guidelines for the parts of the face - eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose.
  • Sculpt handles and nocks, attach to the body.
  • Sculpt a triangle - a hat, make a drawing with a toothpick.
  • From a piece of rectangular dough, make a scarf, make a pattern with a toothpick, you can make notches with a knife - you will get a scarf with a fringe.
  • Make buttons with small balls of blue dough.

  • Start working on the broom. Insert a toothpick into one hand of the snowman. Take a small portion of the dough and pass it through a garlic press. Wrap the resulting sausages with a small white dough sausage. Attach the resulting broom to a toothpick.
  • Dry the finished snowman well. To make the craft last longer, cover it with acrylic varnish.


To make snowflakes with children, you will need stacks and rhinestones or beads to decorate (optional).

  • Roll many thin sausages of different lengths from the salted dough.
  • Take a sausage, twist both ends in a spiral and connect in places where the first bend of the spiral begins. Make 4 of these pieces of the same size.
  • Make 12 loops out of the sausages. Not having the skills to work with the dough, it is difficult to blind the same loops. You can fold long sausage loops into the desired size, and then cut off the excess ends.
  • I will make a circle out of a small sausage - the center of the snowflake.
  • Fold the pieces together, pinning around the center. Decorate with beads and rhinestones.
  • Dry the craft and cover with varnish.

You can make snowflakes of different sizes, shapes and designs from these sausages.

Crafts for the New Year from beads: schemes

To work with beads, you should prepare the following: beads of different colors, bugles, wire, fishing line, scissors. If you string beads on a thread, then you still need a thin needle. Please note that the thickness of the needle should allow you to thread the bead at least 2 times.

Important: When choosing what to string the beads on, keep in mind the following: wire products take and hold any given shape, however, they require careful handling. Crafts strung on a thread do not hold their shape, they are soft and pliable. Minutes is that the thread gets dirty and can rub. Therefore, use a nylon thread.

The fishing line gives durability to the product, however, it differs in disobedience in taking and maintaining the desired shape.


Snowflakes are beautiful Christmas decoration... They can be used as a pendant, hung on a Christmas tree, hung on keys as a keychain, to decorate a gift or make part of a New Year's composition.

Simple snowflake with bugles

  • String 7 white beads and thread the end through the first, forming a circle.
  • String 1 beads of blue color and pass the end through 5 beads of the first row.

  • Put on 1 blue bugle and one white beads and return the thread to the bugle.
  • Bring the thread through the nearest white bead of the first row.

  • Repeat according to the above scheme until the second circle is closed.

  • Cast on 2 blue, 1 white and 2 blue beads and pass the end through the last white bead of the adjacent ray.

  • Repeat until the circle is complete, pass the end through the first white bead.
  • String 1 blue bugle, 1 white bead and 1 blue bugle again and pass the end through 6 (white) beads.

  • Repeat until the circle is closed and bring the end through the nearest bugle and white bead.

  • String 6 blue beads and thread the end into the white bead from below, forming a loop.
  • Lock and secure the thread.

Complex snowflake

  • To make it, you will need wire, short and long bugles, beads.

Weave according to the pattern:

  • At the end of weaving the beam, make 2 horns and secure the wire. For a snowflake, you will need 6 of these blanks.

  • Connect the lower side glass beads of 2 rays with a separate piece of wire.
  • String 3 beads on the wire, twist the wire, cut or hide the ends.
  • Connect all the rays in the same way.
  • To strengthen the product, make an inner circle by weaving one bead into each rhombus at the separate end of the wire.

Snowflake schemes, photo


You will need a wire, beads of yellow, red and green colors, green satin ribbon, pliers and wire cutters.

  • Wrap the wire around a glass, glass, or any round object to make a ring, you can simply wrap the wire around three fingers a few times and then shape it into a ring.
  • Secure the ends.

  • Prepare 3 pieces of 45cm wire and twist the ends on one side.
  • String beads of different colors on each wire so as to take 30 centimeters of the length of the wire.
  • Weave 3 beaded wires into a pigtail, twist the ends.

  • Wrap the pigtail around the wire ring you prepared in the beginning, join the ends of both blanks, secure and cut off the excess with wire cutters.
  • Tie a ribbon.

Crafts for the new year from cones

Christmas tree decorations

For crafts, you will need a glue gun, paints, glitter, ribbons or wire, bumps (better if you stock them up in advance).

  • Color the buds in different colors and hang it by the ribbon on the tree. You can decorate your apartment in the same way.

Christmas toys from cones

Decorating an apartment of cones for the New Year

  • String the cones onto a ribbon or wire, decorate and cover with sparkles - you get a real garland.

You will need paint, cones, disc, cardboard, candle, glue, if desired - various decorations(tinsel, Christmas tree branches, beads).

  • Cover the disc with glue and glue the bumps in a circle
  • Apply glitter
  • Decorate the craft
  • Place a candle in the center

  • If you don't have the right amount of cones at hand, don't be discouraged, you can make a candlestick out of one cone.
  • Glue the disc to the top after cutting it off. Instead of a disc, you can use caps or other materials at hand.
  • Try to make the craft more stable.

New year wreath

You will need a lot of cones, glue, decorations. Use a cardboard circle as a base.

  • Cover a cardboard circle with glue and glue the cones in random order.
  • Decorate the wreath with tinsel, you can use as decoration fir branches, rhinestones, ribbons.

Little men

You will need glue, bumps, felt, ice cream sticks, toothpicks, paint, wire.

  • Make blanks. Sew a head, a hat from felt, you can also cut out the arms and legs from felt and reinforce with wire.
  • Glue the pieces to the bump in the right places.
  • Paint the sticks to create skis. And the toothpicks will serve as ski poles.

Pine cone craft - skier

With a little imagination, you can make any characters you want.

Crafts from Thomas - foamiran for the new year

Christmas tree decorations

You will need 2mm thick foamiran in two colors, a glue gun, a toothpick, beads, thin bead needles, paper, scissors, pencil, ribbons, floss threads.

  • Make patterns in duplicate, cut out the details. Transfer with a toothpick to the foamiran and cut out the blanks. You should end up with 2 of each piece in a different color.

  • Stick small parts on large parts, matching in color. Use a toothpick to baste the pattern and sew with stitches.
  • Sew on the beads.
  • Make two pieces of different toys.

  • Glue the halves of the part together.
  • Glue the halves of the fastener with a tape between them.
  • Connect the toy and the mount.
  • Make a bow, decorate and glue at the base of the mount.
  • If the edges are uneven, you can trim them and tape over the sides of the garment.

Christmas tree, video

Crafts from felt for the new year


You will need white felt and blue flowers, thread, needle, pen, ribbons, scissors.


You will need felt of different colors, scissors, threads, and a needle.

  • Cut 25cm strips out of felt.
  • Join strips of different colors together in 2 pieces. Pin or coarse stitches.
  • In the center, make cuts of 5-6 cm and pull the end of the tape through the slot.

  • Make a lot of these.

  • Sew the pieces together to the desired length of the garland.

Christmas balls

You will need felt, thread, needle, ribbons or strips of felt, scissors.

  • Cut 8 identical circles for one ball
  • Bend the blanks in half

  • Connect 2 parts with threads along the fold
  • Craft from felt for the New Year

    Crafts from fabric for the new year, video

    Crafts for the New Year from corrugated paper: schemes


    You will need cardboard, white corrugated paper, glue, scissors.

    • Cut out the base of the snowflake from the cardboard
    • Cut corrugated paper into small squares
    • Glue the center of each square onto cardboard base, leave the edges sticking up
    • The tighter you glue the paper, the bulkier the snowflake will be.
    • After you glue one side of the snowflake, proceed to the second


    From corrugated paper you can make beautiful garland with a minimum of effort. You only need a little free time, paper and scissors.

    And for such a garland, you don't even need scissors, besides, even a small child can handle such work.

    Christmas tree, video

    Craft from napkins for the new year: schemes

    Christmas tree

    You will need glue, cardboard, scissors, a stapler, three-layer napkins.

    • Cut a circle out of a napkin
    • Staple in the middle with a stapler
    • Fold the edges up on the layer

    • Make a cardboard cone
    • Stick the workpiece onto the cone

    • Continue in the same way

    Important: For each new row on the cone, cut out smaller circles.

    Ball of napkins, video

    Crafts from candies for the New Year

    When a New Year's gift is not only beautiful and tasty, but also made with your own hands, it brings much more joy. In candy crafts, only your imagination can limit you. You can use a base (cardboard, bottle, box), a glue gun and candies to create a clock with chimes, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc.

    Candy craft

    Video: Crafts for the New Year from pasta