How to raise the energy level of the body. What vitamins to drink for cheerfulness, increased efficiency and energy? The source of vital energy is our family

“And what is a person without energy? It costs nothing, absolutely nothing ... ”- so, perhaps, the writer, a specialist in American history, Maurice Mendelssohn, exclaimed too harshly in his biography of Samuel Clemmens, who entered world culture under the name of Mark Twain. If he's even slightly right, it's especially frightening that complaints of lack of energy are among the most common today. To the questions asked by Samira Pavlova about what is the life energy of a person with psychological point of vision, what its lack may be connected with, how to help improve it, answers the psychologist and personal growth coach Alexei Pavlov.

On our website, the topic of increasing vitality has already received attention (in particular, in the recently published article “Energy laws", or in published a year ago"How to save energy during the working day”), but these were all less deep and meaningful texts - not answering the main questions. So let's read and understand.

S.P.: I saw a few people with huge and obvious psychological problems, who, however, had a lot of energy. They constantly participated in some projects, organized something, protested against something, learned something, conquered something.

A.P. And it is quite possible that they did not think so: that is, they did not think that they had a lot of energy. Often there are people who subjectively feel their constant weakness and lack of strength, and on the outside they even look super-energetic. It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between appearance and internal state. At the same time, external observation is usually more objective.

Generally speaking, I believe that energy is always there! You just need to get to her. Everyone sits on his own gold mine of energy, these riches need only be mastered.

S.P. And what should a person do so that he subjectively feels himself full of energy?

A.P. Feeling “I don’t have enough energy” is usually due to the inheritance of previous experiences: lack of energy in childhood, for example. Feeling of powerlessness and depression. And this one past experience turns into reality. As with all psychological problems, the earlier such experience is acquired, the more difficult it is to work with the problem, since the conceptual mechanism has not been formed. But in these cases, body-oriented therapy usually helps, for which the verbal expression of feelings or previous experiences is not so important.

Usually the state of "no strength" occurs in children who were forced into some very undesirable actions, if these children were not prone to rebellion. Someone could resist when he was forced to play a boring violin, go to a hated school, or simply communicate with an unloved aunt, while someone unconsciously chose a roundabout way of resistance. Most often these are diseases: constant colds, vomiting, high fever, abdominal pain. The child seemed to say to adults, “Look, I’m submissive, I’m ready to do what you want, but I just can’t, because I’m sick.” The second most common defense after illness is constant fatigue. The same thing works here: "I'm ready, I agree, only I can't." This helps the child to defend their rights without quarreling with their parents. It is the unconscious protest of the child, formed into a lifelong habit.

Another way to deprive yourself of energy is to remember the words of parents or teachers, “you still won’t succeed.” If the child believed them, but lost faith in himself, then he “secured” himself from defeat permanent absence forces. The fear of defeat is adjacent to the parental attitude.

A breakdown can also be a form of self-punishment (here you have to look for what exactly, each for something different): a person torments himself with anxious thoughts (read " How to get rid of negative thoughts "), experiences, fears, heartache that he is constantly powerless. Sometimes this is not a punishment, but an escape from some kind of global experience or unbearable feeling from the past or present. This state of constant “bleeding of energy” with the help of experiences also becomes a habit.

And sometimes a person needs to prove to himself and the world that his parents did not underestimate him, but were right about him when they said that he was weak or nothing would come of him. " great way"for this - self-sabotage: a person arouses in himself a desire to do something, and then breaks it off. Unconsciously, but stubbornly fail, this too effective method deprive yourself of energy.

The state of psychological fatigue may also be due to the fact that a person simply does not allow himself to live, does not live for himself.

One more thing: a person has a lot of energy when he does what he wants. Plus, when you don't do what you want, you go against the grain and feel like you're in prison.

S.P. And why, in fact, a person can not do what he wants? Many, on the contrary, are sure that they are doing what they want, but still feel a lack of strength.

A.P. A person often - more often than one would like to think - suppresses his real desires. And what he considers his desires are not such: these are either the expectations of society or parents.

Often we humans just don't know what we want. For example, a person thinks that he wants to be a star, but in fact, he wants attention. A person is sure that he wants to be successful, but in fact he wants to prove to someone (parents, for example, or a more accomplished brother) that he is also good. If someone says they want to be beautiful or attractive, it often means they want love. It is quite obvious that the fulfillment of these superficial desires does not bring true satisfaction, and hence energy. For example, a woman makes several plastic surgery, painstakingly follows the figure, dresses very carefully. She fulfills her desire to be beautiful and attractive, but the desire for love behind it is not fulfilled. Or a person has achieved tremendous success, he is recognized, appreciated, he is praised, but he has not achieved unconditional acceptance your parents. Even if they told him in the end “Wow! Well done! We proud of you! We are happy that we have such a son! ”, He understands that this is not an unconditional feeling parental love and pride in him. He needs them to love and be proud simply because he is their child, that they believe in him BEFORE, and not after he has done something.

Knowing yourself should help you understand what a person really wants. It would be easy if we didn't have psychological defenses, sometimes not giving even the most shrewd people see your hidden needs or ways to solve your problems. This is where working with a professional can help.

One more thing: there are often prohibitions on true desires. And these are not some erotic or exotic desires. People have the strongest unconscious prohibitions on rest, on spending money on themselves, on praising themselves, on succeeding. And here, too, you need to look individually, to solve a specific problem.

Superficial desires are often desires of desires. A person thinks that he wants to learn how to play the guitar, but for some reason he does not have the strength. But in fact, he does not want to learn to play the guitar: that is, to select an instrument, do exercises, go to the teacher, practice daily - in a word, everything that is pleasant and interesting to someone who really wants to play the guitar. He wants to go out and play beautifully in public. “Know”, but not “learn”. He is not interested in the process. And the path to the desires of desires is always longer and more resource-intensive.

S.P. What are true desires and how to find them?

A.P. Conventionally, three levels can be distinguished: desires of desires, true desires and basic needs.

If a person lives at the level of desire of desires, then he constantly has no strength. If at the level true desires then it has energy. If at the level of basic needs, then it is highly energetic. Basic needs are the deepest and they are very simple. It is food, warmth, protection, closeness with others. They come down to one thing: a sense of security. It seems that everything is primitively simple. But if psychological problems a person is not allowed to satisfy them, then he receives only echoes of satisfaction, therefore he replaces. For example, a person deep down dreams of a safe haven, but he is not able to create it on his own, in his soul. Then he builds a mansion behind a high fence, buys real estate. But there was no sense of security, and no. For a while there is an illusion of security. It is easy to understand, but to realize, deeply feel, is very difficult.

The “sea of ​​forces” is an illusion from the vocabulary of a person who has always had few of them, and he dreams of having an inexhaustible lot of them. And so they should be just comfortable and enough.

S.P. How can you help yourself understand your true desires?

A.P. Move deeper: for example, write your desires. Then we look for secondary benefits from them (20 pieces for each, no less). Secondary benefits are already deeper desires, more true. They can be passed through the same "meat grinder" several more times. All this leads to the discovery of deep needs.

A.P. Take this list and come up with ten ways to make it happen. And then only practice: you need to try, implement.

Of course, it is best to do this with a specialist, because the psychologist must regulate where a person should stop, how to avoid self-destruction or harm to others, what experiences are best to “re-experience” in the office, and not outside, spoiling relations with someone or causing harm. yourself.

The quality of life is always higher if we move towards our true desires. Although at the first moment a person may become worse, since leaving the comfort zone. It's like in a massage: during the course therapeutic massage people with chronic diseases often waiting for deterioration at the beginning, and improvement occurs only at the end of the process. In working on mental states, the tendency is the same: at first, the discomfort intensifies, because the person lived in a certain way and considered it universal laws. It just needs to be endured and rethought. Someone goes through the gap, someone makes compromises. And someone retreats and is left alone with their superficial desires and lack of energy.

Another serious fact: we - people - are social creatures, and since childhood we have a tendency to suppress ourselves, our impulses and feelings for the sake of social norms and requirements. And when a person is freed from prohibitions, even superficial ones, the “bad” also comes out of him: socially disapproved. For example, accumulated anger. This is often frightening, but it is important to remember that this is not the true essence of a person, this is the ballast that has accumulated over the years of prohibitions to express it. Only when it comes out, a person will begin to understand what he really wants. And in order to cope with the negative: anger, for example, a specialist is also useful.

S.P. When there is no energy, there are no desires. So right?

A.P. Usually there are two options. If a person begins to fulfill desires (and did not fulfill them before, for example, because of attitudes), then one day the attitudes will begin to pull back, resisting this “change of course” of him. He will be pulled away from his desires ( obsessive thoughts “why did I do this?”, for example) hence the clinch and rollback: he began to fulfill his desires, spent all his energy and remained defenseless against installations. Then you have to work with the settings, it can be overcome. But often a person breaks down in this place and stops.

It also happens that a person made a mistake with the choice of desires, then this does not return energy, but takes it away: for example, a person starts doing business, but in fact he just wants to be rich and do nothing. And the business makes him work, and this is contrary to his desire.

S.P. Is it necessary to overcome yourself when there is no strength? Is powerlessness overcome in this way?

A.P. Powerlessness is enough universal concept. If frustration is a stereotype of behavior, then impotence is the background. Of course, the true quality of life is not built on overcoming oneself. But overcoming can be useful in one-off situations. For example, force yourself to take a successful action. Forced to do sports. If overcoming oneself is conscious, fed by some kind of resource (it can be the help of a group, the help of a psychologist or mentor, a successful book or self-help technique, or something else that will personally allow this person to reach the end in his overcoming himself and win) and well planned, it can bring huge dividends.

S.P. And what, besides the realization and fulfillment of true desires, helps to increase vital energy?

A.P. Blocks in the form of attitudes, prohibitions and fears on the path of energy must either be removed or made transparent. Accumulated fear, resentment, aggression, pain, guilt and shame devour energy in frightening quantities.

Any deep release of emotions releases energy. When a person first shows repressed emotions in psychotherapy, it is a fountain, and sometimes Niagara Falls: that is, the repressed feeling is very strong, and in order to suppress it, push it back, constantly keep it under control, one must use the same or greater power. Imagine what a huge waste of energy that is. But often a suppressed feeling or a “forgotten” (forgotten only on a conscious level) experience in a person is not the only one! Five such "repressions", and there is no reserve of energy for the fullness of life.

“Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we are flying in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. Before us is a daunting task - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, taking her out of it inexhaustible source humanity will advance with gigantic strides."

Nikola Tesla

S.P. It is often said that it is necessary to express aggression ...

A.P. By expressing aggression, a person exercises to open and close the gates of energy. But you have to do it right. There are internal and external criteria for the completeness of the expression of feelings, here you need to work with a specialist. In particular, it is important to find the right object for expressing aggression. If you just walk and swear, then you will not increase your energy.

I will return to things that help increase vitality. Sports help. It sounds trite, but it is an absolute fact. Here you need to look at a specific case: someone needs sports just to “get” the right level of endorphins that are released during physical exertion.

S.P. Are they really stand out? There are people who say that sport does not give them strength.

A.P. First, it is necessary to choose reasonable and useful loads. This requires a good coach or a body-oriented psychotherapist. Secondly, do not expect that the pleasure of sports will come after the first time. It will definitely come when the muscles adapt to regular loads, when the level of lactic acid after each workout stops going off scale. And (this is very important morally) the first successes will come. This usually happens after a month of regular work with the body.

So one is enough training in the bench press hall or in fitness. Others need something more specialized: for example, clamp work, relaxation, yoga.

For high energy, you need to accept yourself as you are. real case: elderly woman very generous, with a rather careless character. She was haunted by the example of her long-dead mother, who is ideal (according to her elderly daughter) managed the household. And this woman tried, for example, to start a book of income and expenses. She had a mass of common notebooks lying around in her house, where, say, half a page was filled with texts like “30 rubles spent on so-and-so.” Do you have any idea how much energy she spent to constantly try to become a different person? And how much later did it take to experience despair due to the fact that again nothing happened?

And simple mental hygiene is also important: tired - rest. Don't do anything until you have a clear desire to do something specific. A person does not realize what he wants, because he is always tired. Any activity (even the most pleasant) is costly when you do not want to do it, but do it.

There are also small things that are resource-generating, work to increase vital energy person:

  • visit fresh air. Spend at least an hour a day outdoors. There is nothing mystical here, although if you like, you can comprehend it mystically. Just a sufficient level of oxygen works to increase energy. In addition, one of the most common psychoses of our time in big cities is delusions of influence. And this is not surprising, because a person in apartment buildings and offices is constantly surrounded by other people, there is always a ceiling above his head, and people usually walk above him, behind the walls and under the floor. Therefore, in clinical cases, there are so many crazy ideas about the rays that aliens, special services or evil neighbors let in. But even mentally completely healthy people apartments (albeit spacious and with good sound insulation - and they are far from being the case for everyone) "crush". Set yourself free for at least an hour a day. In a month, the results will please you.
  • Grooming and the process of self-care increases energy. Since in our country there is a very common internal ban on attention to oneself, on any “pampering”, people often replace this with worries about their health and sitting in queues to the doctor. But if you go to spas, hairdressers, massages, buy beautiful things for yourself, the effect will be no less.
  • Meditation. There is no need for any feats: five minutes a day, follow your breath, concentrating only on it. For a year, such an easy exercise will calm state of mind, improve metabolism and increase will and energy.
  • Music . Listen and sing for yourself. This is the point that people often intuitively come to on their own: therefore, in megacities there are a lot of people in headphones: they not only fence themselves off from others, but also try to feed themselves with the energy of their favorite music. I just want to say that here, as in everything else, regularity is needed: listen to music before going to bed, sing several times a week. If possible, sing in a company, even in a choir, even in a car with friends. This is a plus.

S.P. In books on personal growth often advised to be here and now. But it is the lack of perspective that usually greatly suppresses a person, lowers energy. This is what (apart from the obvious difficulties present at the moment) often ruins the elderly and the homeless: the thought “what will happen to me next?”. Does the need for perspective have a right to exist? Or that false sensation and we have to fight it?

A.P. Living here and now does not preclude thinking about the future. This concept (“here and now”) has been greatly simplified and ... flattened or what? And it has lost its meaning. Meanwhile, it only helps the future. It has more to do with awareness than with a lack of plans for the future. Plans and goals are needed. Even Viktor Frankl said that without a goal a person does not exist.

Although, of course, the question is in the settings. Even at 30, you can say, "We're all going to die one day, so I don't do anything." From here, by the way, there is a "universal" frustration, leading to a complete lack of energy. In this case, you need to change the perspective. Remember the story of Chartres Cathedral? When three construction workers are asked what they are doing here. One replies, "I carry heavy stones," another says, "I earn money to feed my family," the third replies, "I help build the beautiful Chartres Cathedral." In a sense, we can do the same with our lives, our goals: set a big task and break it down into daily goals and tasks. It is useful for a person to have a chain of daily guidelines from which he cannot deviate.

S.P. And if a person, say, always feels a surge of energy in one geographical point and a decline in another? Suppose he clearly feels energy when he is in Thailand, and when he returns to Moscow, he feels a breakdown? Or does it just seem?

A.P. It does not seem. In Thailand, this person does not have stable associative ties, reminiscent of the experienced negative moments, but in his homeland (regardless of which country his homeland) is, and constantly bring to life negative memories. At the same time, ninety percent of them are not realized. Like any unconscious experience, they pull energy towards themselves. In addition, only positive associations are often associated with another country. There is no domestic problems(more precisely, when it comes to tourism, they simply have not yet been tested). And finally, there are countries whose mentality suits us more or less. Sometimes it’s good to change a country to one whose mentality suits you better.

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In this article, I will share with you seven ways to increase vitality without performing esoteric rituals and without buying red bottles.

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

The Chinese call it qi", and even created a whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "control of Qi". But, perhaps, today I don’t have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I’ll just tell you about a few ways available to everyone how to increase vital energy.

Exercise every day

Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Do morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good. How to increase vitality? Train!

healthy eating

Your life energy directly depends on what you eat. Fill your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude to religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

Products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing cannot contain many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, So necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take it raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your most great friends should be fruits and vegetables. How to increase vitality? Eat more fruits and vegetables.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food.

How to increase vitality? Starve (no matter how paradoxical it may sound).

drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. So the best drink to increase vital energy, I can name ordinary drinking water. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy instead of alcohol and coffee, and at least two liters per day.

How to increase vitality? Observe the drinking regime!

normal sleep

This is one more required condition for supporting high level energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, such as games and social networks gives many temptations.

It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at a computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Multitasking exception

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I am not a guru and I will say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management and organization techniques will help work activities. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5.

Also, meditate. This is the best, in my opinion, way to increase vitality.

4.5 We increase our energy

At the next stage of work, you must make sure that your mental energy message is heard by those performers who can come to your aid. To do this, he must be strong enough not to get lost in the countless chorus of thoughts like “I want it! I want this! ”, Which are simultaneously sent by billions of people living on the planet.

Some psychological trainings increase energy very well, where with the help of special tricks facilitators sway the internal potential of the training participants. After the training, the participants are in a high-energy, euphoric state, and all their goals are realized very quickly.

But, unfortunately, the external energy "pumping" usually lasts only two or three months, then you need to repeat the procedure. People become addicted to trainings and tend to participate in them again and again.

We propose a different approach - independent work to increase internal energy. If you use these recommendations, then your future will depend only on you! From your desire and from the efforts made. We give a tool to work on yourself once and for life. Whether you take it is up to you.

Increasing inner energy and self-confidence
The time frame for the implementation of the events you have planned directly depends on how internal energy you will go to implement them. If you are a very self-confident, energetic and purposeful person, then your plans can be realized in just a few days. But similar people they rarely study techniques like ours - they simply don’t need it. And people with a lot of doubts and worries always have a low domestic energy, and the terms for the realization of even their most ardent desires (if they exist at all) stretch for many years. This leads to a simple conclusion: to speed up the formation of the events you need, you need to use special exercises aimed at increasing your energy potential. Such exercises are just recommended to be mastered at the next stage of studying the methodology of event formation.

Inner doubts - devourer of vitality
Very great damage to our energy is brought by internal doubts and experiences like “Did you do everything right? Didn't I say too much? Did I do the right thing by buying this dress?” etc. Internal doubts, which are the result of the uncontrolled work of your own mind, are the main devourer of your strength and health. Constantly doubting and, most importantly, trying, through constant internal reasoning, to come to informed decisions man, most often ill-adapted to prosperity in our lives. A continuously working “word mixer” takes such a person time and energy when total absence visible results.

This does not mean at all that we urge you not to doubt anything and always have a judgment on any issue. Doubt is destiny thinking person. We are only trying to convince you that it is necessary to solve problems not with the help of your “word mixer”, but with the help of stronger and more knowledgeable forces. But in order to resolve your doubts and questions with the help of the subconscious (that is, with the help of controlled intuition), you must be able to silence your mind and make room in your head for answers to your questions.

Powerful energy is a guarantee of success
A person with powerful energy can, at will, come into contact with any egregors, including very high ones, and literally “force” them to fulfill their desires. There are such people, but they are few and they usually do not attach importance to their capabilities. But if you run in all directions at once, violating the second principle of the Event Formation Methodology, then even with the highest energy, you can wait a very long time for the fulfillment of desires. But if high energy and one goal are combined, then it can be realized literally the next day.

You can increase the power of your energy different ways. Various oriental gymnastics, especially qigong, help very well with this. Can be used breathing exercises from yoga or rebirthing.

In yoga Special attention given to the concept "prana". The word "prana" in Sanskrit means "vital breath, vital energy." According to ancient Indian beliefs, when breathing, a person absorbs not only oxygen, but also a certain energy substance, which is called “prana”. This energy, inhaled by a person along with the air, is transmitted to various organs of the body and processed by them, forming together an internal “pranic current”.
We also want to offer you one of the famous yoga breathing exercises.


One of the most effective techniques in terms of gaining energy in yoga is breathing “in a triangle”, which means the division of the breathing cycle into three stages: inhale-hold-exhale and then repeat this cycle many times.

V various sources are given different recommendations the duration of these stages. Our experience shows that it is best to use the same duration of the stages and keep them in multiples of the number of heart beats - 6 beats (6 beats for inhalation, 6 beats for retention and 6 beats for exhalation). If this duration is not difficult, try increasing the duration of the stages to 8, 10 or even 12 heartbeats.

If you are exercising in a room with large tabletops or wall mechanical watch, then the “ticking” of the clock can be taken as the unit of reference. One tick-tock usually corresponds to about one second. One stage of the cycle should also last 6 (8,10,12) tick-tock hours.

You can perform the exercise standing or lying down.

Breathing should be carried out quite freely, without interruptions and tension. Inhalation is performed according to the scheme: the lower abdomen is filled with air, then the middle part, then the top of the chest to failure. Exhale - in reverse order: top-middle-bottom.

During the exercise, with the help of the “inner gaze” or “ray of attention”, you need to mentally send energy flows from the lungs to all organs and parts of your body - including diseased organs for their healing. One can breathe through diseased organs, that is, imagine that air enters and exits through this organ (eyes, liver, knee, etc.).

If you perform it before going to bed, then you will have colorful colorful dreams. The exercise can be performed while walking - then the duration of the stage is regulated by the number of steps. The number of breathing cycles “in a triangle” is 5-10 at a time, otherwise you may feel dizzy from an excess of oxygen.

It is desirable to perform the exercise constantly, but to increase your energy and get the effect, you need to do it daily for at least a month.

Breathing exercises give a general, indiscriminate increase in energy. You will feel cheerful, confident, good mood will not leave you. At the same time, the effectiveness of the implementation of your wishes will increase several times.

To charge internal energy, visualization techniques are widely used, that is, imagining that energy flows from external environment enter your body and fill it.

For example, if you are overcome by doubts on the basis of personal relationships or you want to impress with your cheerfulness and freshness of judgment, then we recommend charging you with light and pleasant energy.


Stand straight, stretch and release the muscles of the body, close your eyes.

Imagine that straight from the distant depths of the Cosmos, a column of slightly luminous transparent energy descends on your head. You have seen similar pillars in stormy weather, when individual rays of the Sun break through rare holes between dark clouds. The flow of energy entering you through this column can be colored in a color that is pleasant for you.

Golden energy gives fun, lightness, wit. Blue or silver - determination, inner peace, confidence in success. The incoming energy fills you completely and pours out through your heart to others.

The flow of energy should be with you all the time - when you work, travel in transport, relax, etc. You must become, as it were, a puppet - a puppet suspended on a “thread” of the energy flow.

Be a puppet for a few days and you won't recognize yourself, let alone your acquaintances.

You can be charged with energy from the sun, trees, water and other objects of nature. In general, any methods are good. Another thing is that various ways charging gives energy of different “densities” - depending on which energy centers your enhanced energy supply goes through.

Accordingly, if you are going on a date and you need to muster up the courage to love confession, you need soft and gentle energy - the rays of the setting sun can give it. Here is one of the exercises that will help in achieving this goal.


  • Stand facing the rising or setting sun.
  • Squint your eyes and try to see through them thin Sunbeam coming from the sun straight into your eyes. Remember this ray and close your eyes.
  • Imagine that your body is an empty crystal vessel that must be filled with solar liquid. Start “filling in” with solar liquid through a ray of sunlight that enters directly into your eyes. The liquid will gradually fill the legs, the torso, spill into the arms, then fill the head and begin to pour out through the top of the head, creating a sunny radiant stream around you.
  • If the Sun is covered by clouds or you are indoors, you can imagine a ray coming from above and be charged from it.
  • At the end of the exercise, which should last from 3 to 5 minutes, wash the face with open palms.
To indicate the degree of "filling" of the crystal vessel with solar liquid, you can use your hands with the following actions.

Exercise “INDICATOR HANDS” (additional to the previous one).

Stand up straight, relax your arms completely and let them “hang” along the body. Start doing the exercise "Crystal Vessel". As the “filling of the vessel” your hands should very slowly begin to rise to the sides up. This should only happen spontaneously. On a conscious level, you should only watch the process of raising your hands up. Lifting speed - from bottom to top no faster than 3 minutes. The most difficult place is horizontal position hands to vertical upwards, because the muscles of the shoulder are not used to lifting our arms up, especially through the sides. This position can be passed for the first or second time with some conscious effort.

Hands immediately begin to spontaneously rise in about 60% of people, the rest require a certain amount of effort and time to develop this ability.

This is an exercise for charging with “gentle” energy. But if you are going to sort things out with superiors or with a business partner, and it is desirable to literally impose your point of view on your interlocutors, then we recommend that you do the following exercise.

To perform this exercise, it is desirable that you be alone in the room for the duration of it and you have the opportunity to mutter or even shout something not very loudly, and at the same time no one will resort and offer to call psychiatrists.

Exercise “I AM THE POWER!”

  • Stand straight, raise both hands to your chest, clench your fists and forcefully throw them up, down or away from you (you can use only one hand, in turn).
  • At the same time, with the most emotional and expressiveness possible for you, literally shout out a short energetic phrase like: “I am power! I am the energy! I am the master (of my life)!” or “I am happy (rich, cheerful, successful)!”. The text can be more practical like: “I am the head of the department!”, “I am submitting a report!” or “I am the sexiest!”.
  • You need to perform this action 5-6 times in a row. If you do it very vigorously, you will literally feel waves of energy hitting you from the inside to the back of your head.
The exercise is very energetic, but it forms a rather tough energy in a person, which is necessary for the military, managers, businessmen, politicians and just people who want to advance their careers or demand a bigger salary. It can be performed several times a day, including immediately before important meetings or performances.

Knowing Ourselves
The next step on the path to increasing your energy is to make sure what you are. wonderful person. To do this, you need quite a bit - just remember once again how many different peaks you have already overcome on your life path. And once again to make sure that you always did it wonderfully.

It should be noted that most people do not remember their successes and greatly underestimate their achievements, and this should never be done.

To help you really appreciate your strengths and achievements, we suggest that you perform a simple exercise.


  • Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Divide a sheet of paper (across the sheet) into three equal parts with lines. Above each of the parts, make one of the following inscriptions: 1) My positive qualities. 2) What have I achieved? 3) Where can I express myself?
  • Accept comfortable posture sitting at the table, relax the muscles of the body, stop the running of thoughts.
  • Mentally ask yourself the question: “What positive qualities do I have?” And start writing down the answers that appear in the first column. This can be kindness, cheerfulness, openness, perseverance, the ability to empathize with other people, a desire to help them, etc. This can also include and your very specific achievements - physical strength, beauty, the ability to play chess or speak a foreign language, drive a car, swim, fish, write or draw beautifully, play an instrument or sing songs, etc.
Experience shows that anyone, even the most modest person, can “dig up” in himself at least a dozen and a half positive qualities. So do not be particularly shy, if one sheet is not enough, take a second one.
  • When you've completed the first column, move on to the second. In the same way, in a state of relaxation and stopping the running of thoughts, ask yourself the following question: “What have I achieved so far?”.
  • As soon as the first answers appear, start writing them down, without being distracted by memories and discussions of missed opportunities. Your "word mixer" will constantly try to seize the initiative from you and start discussing some problems - do not succumb to her attacks. In the second column, you must write down ALL the more or less significant achievements of your life. It can be entry or exit. educational institution, marriage or divorce, buying a good thing or an interesting trip, meeting with interesting people or execution hard work, composing a song or catching a big crucian on a fishing trip, etc. etc.
    As we have already said, there is no person who could not remember a dozen and a half or two achievements.
  • When achievements cease to pop up in your memory, without interruption, proceed to filling out the third column. Mentally ask yourself the question: “Where could I express myself in the best way"?" and start writing down the answers that appear. Again, the answers can be very different. Maybe you see yourself as an outstanding military leader or a prominent politician, a preacher or intelligence officer, a father of ten legitimate children, or a successful Don Juan, etc.
  • Not bad if the entries from the second and third columns intersect and complement each other. This will mean that you write in the third column not just your fantasies on the topic "What would I like to be", but some aspects of your real life and activities.
Similarly, any person can find five to ten activities in which he is sure to succeed. Unless, of course, he will actually deal with them.

The total time spent on the exercise is from 15 to 30 minutes.

When you finish the exercise, you will need to return to your normal state of consciousness, review and analyze the notes again. We are sure that it will be a great revelation for you to see all your virtues and achievements at once. People tend to forget and downplay their achievements and focus on shortcomings, which reduces their energy and self-confidence.

Doing the above exercise will surely increase your self-esteem and self-confidence - i.e. will increase your energy and facilitate communication with high egregors.

But do not throw away these sheets with the completed exercise, but save them! And write down your new achievements in them as they appear. And if you remember and look for new achievements, they will constantly appear in your life. And you will be more and more convinced of how talented, successful and simple you are. outstanding person! You will be filled with a sense of your own importance, and this is the high self-esteem necessary to quickly achieve the goals you need.

And don't forget that there are equally outstanding and successful people around you, so you have no reason to look at other people with contempt or arrogance. This will already be an idealization (that is, an exaggeration) of your abilities, and Life will be forced to give you a lesson in destroying this idealization. Therefore, just think: “I'm super! And the people around you are great!”, although they may not be aware of it.

And it's time for us to sum up the next results.

1. The term for the implementation of the planned events directly depends on the internal energy with which you will go towards their implementation. Therefore, by all available means, you need to increase your energy and your self-esteem.
1. To increase your energy, the first thing you need to do is get rid of constant doubts and fears. We have already considered methods for stopping the "word mixer".
2. The next way increasing your energy is the use of various kinds of exercises, during which you will visualize the flow of energy into your body from external sources, which can be the Sun, trees, mountains, fields or open water.
3. To increase your self-esteem, it is very important to record on paper all your previous achievements and constantly add to this list.

This is the very first book
methods of Alexander Sviyash, which in the future
like technology
Intelligent life.

Hello my good and dear friends!
Do you know who decorates the lives of men? Who inspires them to exploits? Who are the most romantic works of art dedicated to? Whose purpose of life is to give warmth and love? Yes, it's WE women! We are capable of so many things that a galloping horse, into a hut with fire, and we can give glances in parallel with a make-up and motion sickness of a baby. And notice, with all this, we ... smile! And not because it's easy, but because we want and should like it. But all this requires strength. Where to get them? How to increase the vitality of a woman? That's what we'll talk about!

I'll be honest! I don't like morning. And only because it brings routine. And it ends only in the evening, when I already fall down. And again I go in a circle: sleep is a routine; routine is sleep. And when to live? Receive joys big and small? And one should not forget about the goals in life, otherwise the whole life can run in a fuss. And so I staged a local strike. I decided to blow up all those foundations on which my life had hitherto been kept. And after analyzing everything, I was satisfied with the new result!

How did I start the fight for my liberation from the routine? I sat down and wrote a to-do list to figure out where to take time off. Immediately I ask you to write what you did or are going to do! I added to the list only those things that I cannot live without, and my family cannot. This included: chatting with a girlfriend, visiting the hairdresser every day and running through the boutiques ... Just kidding! I do not argue, and communication, and shops with hairstyles are also needed. But it's about finding time and restoring vitality. And so the list was tough. And it turned out that I have so much free time!
Then I added to the list of tasks for the day, that is, those that I will do only today or only tomorrow. And I have free time again! Here is what I use.

My life my rules

Before I share my secrets that helped me feel alive again, and not a half-dead horse, as in a Chinese parable, I want to say a word!
My favorite girlfriends! What will you do to improve your mood and lift vitality, it's only your business, yours and no one else's. Because what helps one person will only be like a poultice for the dead to another. How to determine what will help you?
Everything is simple. Sometimes the darling herself suggests. For example, she commands: "sleep!". And believe me, it's better to go bye and not resist. And when you wake up, you can already move through my list of recommendations to find how to recharge your batteries.

Rest both mind and body

What is important in order to have strength, and in order to increase the level of energy? The list is not small. But it's so nice to do it.

1. Sleep

Who among us has not heard how important sleep is? And our body itself is trying to tell us this. He "treacherously" begins to drag. Stumbling at every step, and begging for sleep. And no matter how we soldered coffee to him, even a conversation or exciting activities cannot "persuade" the body. He still fails.
That's just about the time of sleep scientists are still talking about. Someone insists on 8 hours of mandatory rest, while others argue that 4 is enough. I will not support any side, because I am sure that everyone has their own norm. That's just stick to it. After all, lack of sleep accumulates in the body. Have you heard about it? If you didn’t sleep for 1 hour a day, the second - 2 hours, then the body will definitely “demand” its own, and, sooner or later, you will oversleep, despite alarm clocks or people waking you up, for these same 3 hours longer. And thank God! Otherwise, lack of sleep turns into the very negative energy that can finish you off.

Why is this happening? From lack of sleep, the production of serotonin decreases, which leads to the fact that during the day we see only one negative, and ignore the positive. In addition, lack of sleep affects brain activity. Read more in the article So, do not resist the "persuasion" of the body when you want to sleep!

2. Nutrition.

3. Physical activities.

Which of us, having done exercises, does not feel, along with physical fatigue, inner satisfaction? It is exercise that is the factor when we can quickly restore our energy. Don't believe? Take a break from the article right now and pull yourself up! Get up! Do a couple of swings with your leg and arm. What do you feel? Here is something! And if the exercises are not swings, but a whole complex thought out and selected? You will not only be in good shape always, but vigorous physically and emotionally!

4. Breathing exercises.

"Drunken from the air." Have you heard such a phrase? In fact, our body, “preserved” into habits, can lose a lot. He gets used to living like this. Only it gets old early, or rather it goes out from “hunger”. Simple breathing practices can saturate the body with oxygen! And believe me, he will be very grateful for this!

5. Communication.

Chat? Who among us doesn't love this? But here's the bad luck, the same occupation can make one more beautiful, stronger and light his eyes, and cut down the second in the bud. How does this happen? It all depends on the quantity and quality of the conversation.
My dear girls! If you are already indulging yourself with conversations with girlfriends, then try to keep the conversation in a positive way, so that as much as possible not only smile, but also illuminate your soul with good emotions! Words mean a lot. One of them. Like shackles, they grab and hold, preventing us from living. Others are wings! With them all happiness gives. Talk about good things, like our conversations. And believe me, you yourself will not notice how you become stronger!

6. Self-hypnosis.

People can tune themselves to make their lives better or worse. Simple formulas, affirmations can give you the feeling that you can do anything. Do you want to know everything? Take care of first "explaining" to yourself that you love your life and everything that fills it. Then we will rejoice together with your positive changes in life!

7. Vitamin complex.

Not only you need to eat right, but also do not forget that each season brings its own difficulties. How to overcome them? Just take your vitamins. AND long winter, autumn depression, spring vitamin deficiency and summer fatigue from fallen cases will not be terrible for you.

8. Relationships.

It is important for us to love. But even without warmth in the heart from the realization that they love us, we cannot do! Who will it be? Darling? Friend? Mommy? The main thing is to give them all your warmth, do them good. And in return you will get much more positive energy.

9. Hobby.

Getting involved in any activity is incredibly beneficial! Thanks to a hobby, you can learn to speak a foreign language, bake delicious cakes, and make jewelry with your own hands. And at the same time, be charged with positive from the result of your work and from the realization that your possibilities are endless!

10. Pets.

Right now, a purr lies next to me, the barrel warms. And you think what? While she lies like this and waits for me to stroke her, my soul is filled with joy! Scientists have long found out that it is important not only for fluffies to be scratched behind the ear. This is important to us! And we need it much more! Such caresses and touches, knowing that we are grateful for them and will not require anything, except perhaps a small piece of delicacy (just kidding), we really need it for the soul.

11. Creativity.

I already hinted in my hobby that creativity can become a part of our life and bring happiness! But I want to show that it can surround us everywhere: in cooking, visiting exhibitions and reading books. This is how we satisfy one of the human needs, which means no less to us than food and water! Therefore, create!

12. Development of qualities.

Only those who experience gratitude, have hope, whose optimism is built on their relationship with God and the Universe, will acquire inner harmony. I am not kidding! Go through the day without hearing a well-deserved “thank you” addressed to you. And what will you feel? That you are not appreciated, and this will fall into the soul like a stone. So why not show that you appreciate others? Then mutual feelings will help you find satisfaction and strength! It's like praise, after which there is much more energy and desire to create.

13. Dream and / or goal.

No person lives without a dream. We set some for goals and strive for them, others we cherish, calling them either blue or pink. And when a dream comes true, how do we feel? That we are strong, that we are loved by fortune, and that the sun smiles at us especially!

So let the Sun illuminate our whole life and share its energy. And we will help him when we act, living for ourselves and other people!

Dedicated to all of us

Girls! I found another option from where to draw vital energy. Let's have a holiday! I'm not kidding! I'm serious. It is not enough for me once a year to remember that I am a woman. Yes, and it’s hard to remember after I cleaned everything, cooked a variety of goodies, set the table, made sure that everyone was full and happy, and then again the spiral: I cleared the table, washed the dishes, put things in order in the house. And where, pray tell, is my holiday? Is this our ultimate dream? I just want to be gentle, sleepy and contented! How do you like my offer?
Join now! You will not regret! Moreover, this holiday can be on any day, you just need to want to! In the meantime, subscribe to the news, leave your comments, in which tell us how you are relaxing and how your holiday went! Bring your friends, girlfriends. Let them have a good time with us and rest!
Bye Bye!

Often people find it difficult to perform the easiest tasks and the only thing they want to do is go to bed and lie there for several days.

Some try to cope with this fatigue with the help of various energy drinks and coffee, or with the help of almost round-the-clock sleep on weekends. Nothing but harm, such methods will not bring you.

It's time to think about such a thing as vital energy. Some attribute this concept to esotericism and mysticism, snorting contemptuously and not believing in its existence. However, there is in each of us, and sometimes it is necessary to restore its reserves, because without it we will not be able to function normally. Let's take a closer look at what it is, why this resource may not be enough and how to raise vital energy.

Reasons for the decline life force are closely related to the following points.

Resentment and feelings

Any stress leads to leakage of vital energy from the body. negative emotions destroy us, take away energy and at the same time grow more and more. Any of your resentment, vindictiveness, inability to forgive a person lead to the fact that your life energy gradually dries up.

Varieties of grievances

  • Simple - when a person, for example, did not keep a promise. You can get rid of such resentment with a simple reminder to fulfill a promise. Vital energy leaves even under such, it would seem, not so significant circumstances.
  • Complex - accumulated grievances, claims against a person, and so on. A serious heart-to-heart conversation is enough, and you will not only get rid of resentment, but also fix your relationship with the person.
  • Resentments from the past are the most difficult type of resentment. They can go from childhood itself, most often associated with some kind of mental trauma or severe breaks.

Vital energy and physical health

All experiences are formed from resentment. At the same time, almost everything changes in a person: posture, voice, facial expressions and gestures. Each emotion leads to different changes in the body and stimulates various groups muscles in different parts of the body.

The cause of various tumors, including malignant ones, are long and strong grievances that we could not overcome. Someone believes that cancer is always the cause of some kind of conflict that has grown since childhood or adolescence.

As soon as we stop being offended, the strength of vital energy will rapidly increase.

Flexibility of views is necessary, since people who cannot change their minds and stand their ground all the time, and also forcing others to believe in their opinion, suffer from arthritis and arthrosis. The inflexibility of their views, in the end, leads to the inflexibility of the body itself.

The whole body seems to start talking about the persistence of its owner: the joints grow together and become inflamed, the arms and legs move poorly, flexibility and mobility are lost.

Illness is the need to reconsider one's behavior, one's views and feelings. Every illness is trying to tell you something, and you need to be able to hear what your own body is telling you. They point you to your shortcomings, which you need to pay attention to. The restoration of vital energy begins with the forgiveness of insults.

If you are faced with resentment, then it is better to immediately express your opinion on this matter. This will help you avoid the accumulation of resentment, especially since sometimes what seems insignificant to us, in the end, is transformed into strong resentment just due to the fact that we did not solve the problem in time and were more and more winding ourselves up.

Unnecessary words

From meaningless conversations, vital energy goes nowhere. You get nothing from this conversation, only lose invaluable power and time, which we all do not have much. Therefore, if you feel like the conversation is losing any meaning, then it is better to end it immediately. Some sages claim that the level of vital energy rises at a time when a person is silent and his thoughts are serene.

Internal dialogue takes energy

The same goes for it, and we lead it 99% of the time, so we spend a lot of energy on it. Especially in those moments when we wind ourselves up in our heads and think over and over again some negative thoughts. Either learn to think positively, or don't think at all.

During a conversation or an argument with oneself, consciousness is reprogrammed, some pluses and minuses shift, some thoughts are exaggerated, and an opinion may change to the completely opposite. Therefore, one should not think about what has not yet happened and will only happen soon. Also, don't talk or think about what's going on in your life right now.

In general, you should not waste time talking to someone with whom the conversation will not bring any benefit in the form of new information or useful skills. Communication with yourself in the form of endless meaningless monologues must also be stopped.

Physical factors

The power of vital energy is weakening because your body lacks energy. If you sleep for several hours a day, do not get enough sleep, then spend the whole day on your feet and in turmoil, not allowing yourself to rest, then where will the strength come from? Failure of biorhythms will lead to the fact that the body will not understand when it should rest and accumulate energy, and in general will be perplexed, what is the reason for the sudden change in the usual daily routine. In this regard, after some time, he will go on strike.

Absence physical activity will lead to muscle atrophy, the overall tone of the body decreases, immunity is weakened and this can lead to a large number of health problems. To avoid them, stick to a regular regime, try to force yourself to get up and go to bed at the same time, do physical exercises every day, even if they are not very heavy. How to increase vitality and fill up positive emotions?

with nature

Nature, trees, animals, and so on feed your life energy, and a bustling city sucks it out. And this is not even to mention the fact that life in the city in itself is exhausting and makes you always run and rush somewhere. We spend too much time at work or at home, so we feel acute shortage even outdoors.

In nature, we can escape from everything, relax our souls, enjoy the silence and thus restore vital energy. After a walk in the fresh air, you can feel how the energy begins to almost gush out of you. Perhaps this is the simplest and most enjoyable method of managing life energy.

Therefore, it is extremely important to go to a park or forest a couple of times a week to get a boost of energy and vigor. If you have such an opportunity, then go to the village and there already feel it all completely. After two days alone with nature, you will feel as good as you have not felt for a long time.

The source of vital energy is our family

The most important thing in your life is your roots. Never forget your parents and you will feel how the energy begins to flow through you in a strong stream. So that we do not try to think of ourselves, without parents, we are nobody.

If you sincerely try to reconnect with your parents, you will soon feel how your life will change.

As difficult as it may be, start taking the first steps to reconnect with them.

Even if they have made some mistakes, forgive them. They are people like everyone else, they tend to make mistakes just like everyone else.

Do not demand anything from them, but do not forget to be grateful to them for giving you life.

Your life will become more solid if you call them every day, come, ask about their well-being. The main thing is to do everything sincerely, and not feignedly, because otherwise there will be little sense.

Take care of their calmness, tell them everything honestly, but do not burden them with your problems. You will always feel their support, in any situation, but since they experience all your problems as their own, you should not abuse this.

If your parents are no longer alive, then remember the happy moments for which you love them and forgive them and yourself. If you blame yourself every day for not paying enough attention to them, for not visiting all the time, or for offending something in a conversation, then let it all go. You cannot carry this load all your life.

How you build your relationship with your parents will affect your relationship with your children. You will be the same source of energy for them, so think about what energy you can transfer to them?

Change yourself, change yourself internally, and you will notice how your life becomes happier and more successful. Enjoy energy practices, which will help you, but do not think that they are a one-stop solution to all your problems.

Practical ways to increase energy

The activation of vital energy will subsequently lead to a complete transformation of a person's character. In order to get more, you must want to change yourself for the better. Most people already know how to increase their energy levels, but do not do it because of unwillingness to change their habits and principles, or banal laziness. If you want to become more energetic, then you must also have a great desire to change your life.

So, what are the ways to increase energy?

Get rid of bad habits. They are the main enemies of your life energy. Smoking, alcohol and drug addiction drag you down and because they take away your energy, you no longer have the strength to fight them.

All of them are addictive, and until a person takes the next dose, his performance is greatly reduced, and he cannot concentrate on business. After taking a dose, performance increases, but not for long, as soon the person again feels the need for it. All yours bad habits destroy your body and lead to many diseases and increased irritability, which leads to resentment, one's own and others. If you can get rid of them, you will immediately feel the change in yourself. Some cope with this on their own, someone turns to specialists. It doesn't have special significance, because the main thing is the result. If you can do that and get on the road to changing your life, then you can do the rest.

  1. A proper rest is necessary for the body. He cannot work 24 hours a day, he needs to restore energy. If you feel that you are working at the limit of your strength, but you still can’t do the job well, then it’s better to take a break. From such processing, the vital energy of a woman especially dries up. After the rest, you will be able to finish this work much faster and better. If you feel that you are full of energy in the middle of the night, then do not waste it and go to work, but be prepared for the fact that in the morning your body will not appreciate this and you will again have no strength for anything.
  2. Find your purpose in life. People who have it, send all their energy to achieve it and do not waste it. In contrast, people who do not know what they want to achieve waste their energy and cannot achieve anything for this reason.
  3. Chat with positive people. People full of negativity will project that negativity onto you. You yourself will not notice how after communicating with such a person your thoughts will become depressive. They feed on such thoughts, typical "energy vampires". The same goes for positive people. They will charge you with their energy, and you will feel the strength to do some things. With such people, you can even just be silent and still feel how they infect you with a good mood.
  4. Do what you enjoy. If you do not like what you are doing, then you are unlikely to spend all your energy on it. If you are doing what you love, then you yourself are infected with enthusiasm and are ready to move mountains for the sake of this business, and at the same time it will not bother you at all.
  5. An active lifestyle is your assistant. Physical exercise fill you with energy and vivacity, unless you overdo it.
  6. Vitamins are essential for every person. Eat more vegetables, fruits, greens. The natural vitamins contained in them will cleanse your body, give energy for your affairs. Get vitamins from natural products, you should not take pills, as many of them have side effects, but they will not bring the necessary energy.
  7. There are foods that fill us with energy. And no, we are not talking about energy drinks or coffee, but about, for example, citrus fruits or pineapples. A large number of vitamin C in them invigorates. Nuts such as peanuts, almonds or cashews have a color therapeutic effect. Fish is rich in magnesium, which is necessary if a person feels lethargic or gets tired quickly, it also contains Omega-3, which has a positive effect on brain function and improves mood.
  8. Get out in nature as often as possible. It will cleanse you of negative thoughts and negative energy, help you get distracted from work and just relax.
  9. Water procedures are more than useful. Take baths with aromatic oils and you will feel how tiredness disappears and all the stress accumulated during the day is removed. Allow yourself such pleasure.