How the contractions begin at what interval. How to understand that contractions have begun and what to do with them? How to behave when contractions begin? How to determine the onset of contractions and what to do with it: tips and feedback

A woman in the process of waiting for a child lives new life... Everything changes: taste sensations, Lifestyle. V different time changes also take place with her body: first, a brutal craving for one product wakes up, then toxicosis, a weighty belly begins to interfere with movement, and later false contractions appear. It is the latter that must be given Special attention so as not to miss the onset of labor (women often confuse false and true contractions).

Signs of contractions


Training, false contractions (you can find the name "Braxton-Hicks contractions", after the name of the scientist who first described them) are felt as rhythmic contractions of the abdomen. Most often they do not cause significant discomfort, but this is individual and depends on the threshold. pain sensitivity... They start out randomly and end as suddenly as they appear, with no sequence traced.

This condition can be traced from about the 20th week and can accompany a woman until the very birth, slightly increasing by last months baby's expectations. Most often, contractions are felt in the evening or at night, when all other muscles are relaxed and sensations are focused on changing the tone of the uterus. Often, contractions occur during exercise. In some women, they are asymptomatic.

Symptoms of false contractions:

  • Irregular contractions of the uterus (may appear several times a day, then do not bother for a while, and reappear).
  • More often, the sensations during false contractions are painless, or do not cause significant discomfort.
  • Attacks resolve with a change in position, cessation of activity, or increased activity.
  • There is no cervical dilatation (only a doctor can determine).

How to relieve the condition

When false contractions begin, accompanied by discomfort, several in simple ways... First of all, you should calm down and try to relax. Be sure to change the type of activity and body position. Some women benefit from a warm bath. pleasant massage or a snack. You can practice breathing and birth gymnastics, then during real contractions and childbirth, the pregnant woman will feel more confident.


True contractions take place individually for each pregnant woman. Some women in labor feel severe pain already at the beginning, others - only mild discomfort, which increases with the frequency of contractions. The pain can be given to the back, lower back, lower part abdomen, side area, thighs, legs, bladder, or the rectum. The sensation can be compared to pain in the first days of menstruation with painful periods () or bouts of pain with diarrhea.

A distinctive feature of true contractions is their frequency. There is a clear decrease in the interval between pain attacks, the attacks themselves become more prolonged, with a change in position, a change in the type of activity, they do not weaken. Often there is diarrhea, a feeling of nausea and even vomiting. In parallel, it can be opened amniotic fluid with the discharge of amniotic fluid. The obstetrician-gynecologist notes the gradual opening of the cervix.

Questions, the answers to which will help determine the nature of the contractions

The difference between false contractions and real contractions for doctors is quite understandable and clear, but a panicked pregnant woman, constantly worried about the health of her child, often cannot correctly navigate in a variety of signs and symptoms. Questions will help you get an accurate answer. If the first option is your case, then the contractions are false, if the second option, then the contractions are true and you need to seek help.

How often do they occur?

  1. They appear from time to time, do not have a specific interval.
  2. The regularity of contraction attacks is noted, the interval between them is from half a minute to a minute, their frequency gradually increases and the duration increases.

Are weakening uterine contractions when changing body position and type of activity?

  1. There is a weakening of the state when changing activities, after resting or walking.
  2. Contractions continue at the same intensity even after changes in position and activity.

What is the intensity?

  1. There is a weakening of contractions, the intensity of pain does not increase.
  2. Each contraction feels stronger than the last.

Where are localized pain?

  1. Pain is noted only in the anterior abdominal region, or in the pelvic region.
  2. The pain and contraction is first felt in the lower back and then spreads to the front of the abdomen.

If most of the answers are the second option, and it is too early to give birth in terms of timing, then you need to contact the doctor in charge of the pregnancy and clarify the situation with him, or go straight to the hospital.

When to see a doctor for false contractions

It happens that not everything goes smoothly and there are situations when training also requires medical intervention. Moreover, it does not matter how long the false contractions last, and what their intensity is, help is required immediately. These signals include:

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge (they may be bloody or watery).
  • The discharge of amniotic fluid, or their leakage (in the first case, a large volume of fluid is spilled out of the vagina, in the second, moisture is constantly felt in the vaginal area, the panties quickly get wet).
  • Pain during contraction of the uterus is strong, but its regularity can not be traced.
  • Severe pain is felt in the lumbar region.
  • The child began to move less (less than 10 movements over two hours) or froze altogether.
  • Violent contractions anywhere up to 37 weeks gestation.
  • The contractions are not strong, but they are repeated often (more than 4 attacks per minute).
  • Contractions are not regular, but their intensity is increasing.
  • The pressure on the perineum increases and causes significant discomfort and pain.

Why are training fights needed?

False contractions are an integral part of preparing the muscles of the uterus and cervix for childbirth. Contractions help train the muscles (as well as physical exercises for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and other parts of the body). Without them, the uterus will not be able to the right moment to contract and push the baby through the birth canal (and this requires a very great effort). There is an increase in muscle endurance, because in childbirth they will have to work hard more than once. Otherwise, the uterus will "hang like a bag" and will not be toned at the right time.

Training contractions also stimulate blood circulation in reproductive organs, and thereby increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients(including the baby).

Don't worry if you don't feel contractions at all. They are, you just have a high pain threshold or you do not attach importance to them (you are constantly busy with work, you are in motion, you confuse them with increased gassing, bouts of abdominal pain or other phenomenon). The body of a pregnant woman works as an autonomous system and itself will perform the necessary actions.

For nine months, the expectant mother is waiting for a meeting with the baby. What will it be? Who do you look like? Will he be calm or moody?

A lot of questions start to spin in the head of a pregnant woman when the term approaches 38 weeks.

But, perhaps, the main ones are: How will the contractions go? Does it hurt to give birth? And when is it time to go to the hospital?

Rates and numbers for pregnant women

During observation by an obstetrician-gynecologist, every pregnant woman hears from the doctor the estimated date of birth.

As a rule, it is calculated based on the date of the first day last menstruation adding 38 weeks to it. This is the most common way, although there are others. That is, a woman must prepare to become a mother at a certain time.

But why exactly 38 weeks?

A full-term pregnancy is 38 weeks. Starting from 41.5 weeks, pregnancy can already be called post-term.

Delivery should ideally occur between 38 and 41 weeks, but many women give birth to healthy babies at both 36 and 42 weeks.

Therefore, we need to talk not about a specific date of birth, but about estimated interval.

The first swallows are the harbingers of childbirth

So, the woman calculated for herself the interval of dates on which childbirth should take place.

Confidence in an early delivery can give the personal feelings of the expectant mother.

They are called harbingers of childbirth... It:

  • Lowering the abdomen;
  • Expansion of the pelvic bones;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions (more on that below);
  • Discharge of the mucous plug;
  • Discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • Back pain;
  • Change in appetite.

Harbingers may not necessarily appear all, and some of them may well take place even 2 weeks before the onset of childbirth.

Noting the changes in well-being, characteristic of the harbingers, a woman should understand that childbirth with contractions and other delights is just around the corner.

What are contractions?

Real labor activity begins with contractions. They represent contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are accompanied by aching pain lower abdomen or lower back. Also, the pain can be shingles.

A woman feels something like that during menstruation.

During the contraction, the uterus becomes toned, that is, it becomes rigid and elastic. When the contraction is over, the abdomen relaxes. Women with a high pain threshold may not even feel pain at the very beginning of the labor process. They can only be noticed by the periodically stressed belly.

Contractions do not cause constant discomfort to a pregnant woman, they are periodic.

At first, the pauses between contractions range from 15 to 20 minutes. Then they get shorter (3-5 minutes), and the contractions become more intense. During contractions, the cervix opens. The obstetricians monitor the correctness and stability of the process of its disclosure.

How do you know when contractions are starting?

Typical story: a woman arrives at the hospital, shouts that she has contractions, and after a while quietly leaves home. It underlies more than one gum about childbirth and the life of pregnant women.

What makes future mom rush into maternity hospital with insistent demands for immediate delivery?

These are false contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions.

To avoid unnecessary worries, not to frighten relatives and not to raise doctors without a reason, you need to be able to distinguish false contractions from real ones:

  1. False contractions are not periodic.
  2. False contractions do not get worse over time.
  3. The pain from false contractions disappears with a change in body position, taking a bath, etc.
  4. With false contractions, the cervix does not open. Even if it is slightly open, false contractions do not provoke its further expansion.
  5. To understand that real contractions are beginning, you need to pinpoint the intervals between them. At first, they can be 15-20 minutes, then they decrease to 5 minutes, later - to 3 minutes (at this time the woman should already be in the hospital).

    Also, real contractions can be accompanied by bloody discharge - this is a mucous plug that comes off.

Pain during labor

It so happened that women give birth to children in suffering. The most severe pains during labor, which accompany the first stage of labor. Their result is the opening of the cervix, through which the child will subsequently exit.

Pain during labor increases gradually.

At first, the intervals between contractions are long, and the pain is practically not felt. Over time, the intensity of the contractions increases, the intervals decrease.

However, no matter how strong the pain has, by nature everything is organized in such a way that a woman may well rest for a short time when the contraction subsides.

If you objectively look at the nature of pain during labor, it becomes noticeable that only 30% painful sensations have a real basis.

When passing through the birth canal, the fetus presses on soft tissue, the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, the perineum, when the uterus contracts, the nerve endings burst, which provokes severe pain.

The remaining 70% are due to fear of childbirth. The expectant mother is afraid of suffering, fears for her life and the health of the baby. "Horror stories" told by more experienced friends also play a significant role.

So one of the most important things before childbirth is correct emotional attitude.

Help during contractions

O painless childbirth every woman dreams. How nice it would be kind doctor I made an ukolchik at the beginning of childbirth, and the child was born without torment and suffering!

To be honest, there is this kind of pain therapy, but it should be used only in emergency cases as prescribed by a doctor.

And for women in labor who physiological process delivery goes without problems, there are methods of self-anesthesia:

  • Breathing techniques.
  • Special poses practiced in active labor.
  • Massage.

Self-pain relief techniques are quite simple to perform. Their implementation does not require special abilities, but you still need to practice before giving birth.

Pregnant women can get acquainted with these methods in the classroom at maternity schools, which are quite often carried out at antenatal clinics, or in specialized centers effective parenting.

When to go to the hospital

So, it's time to answer one of the main questions: when is it time to get ready for the hospital.

You can't be late here, but early admission to the maternity hospital is also undesirable.

At first, the scary stories of the roommates are not good for the pregnant woman about to give birth.

Secondly, the constant expectation of childbirth negatively affects emotional state women.

Thirdly, it is quite possible that doctors will begin to stimulate labor with medications.

You need to go to the hospital in one of the following cases:

  1. When regular contractions appear.

    WITH of this moment a pregnant woman can already be called a woman in labor. As soon as the intervals between contractions have reached 10-15 minutes, you can go to the hospital.

  2. We talked about fights in detail above.

    When bloody discharge appears.

    The appearance of bloody discharge may indicate the discharge of the mucous plug, which accompanies the opening of the cervix. However, blood in the discharge can also indicate placental abruption, which is life-threatening for both mother and baby.

    Therefore, contacting in this case the hospital should be immediate.

  3. With the discharge of amniotic fluid.

    In this case, one should not wait for the onset of contractions, since any delay can be dangerous for the child's life.

    The discharge of amniotic fluid should occur when the cervix dilates by 4-5 cm. However, in 15% of pregnancies, it happens even before the onset of contractions.

  4. You should remember the time when the waters broke, and immediately go to the hospital. Long waterless period dangerous for the baby by the development of infections.

In fact, "being late" to the hospital is very difficult - rather, it is the lot of third-rate Hollywood comedies. Your body itself will give an unambiguous signal to the mind!

Mom, remember that childbirth is a normal physiological process. With the right theoretical, physical and emotional preparation, childbirth will go without problems.

Childbirth is just a road leading to a meeting with your child - the most beloved person in the world!

The expectant mother needs to know in advance about all possible "scenarios" of the beginning generic process and have a clear plan of action for each of them.

In modern obstetrics, pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks. Carrying a baby for more than 42 weeks is considered overweight. Thus, urgent, that is, the delivery that occurred on time, fits into the interval from 270 to 290 days of pregnancy. Only a few women prefer to go to the hospital a few days before the expected date of birth - most are going to come there with the beginning generic activity, therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to know what can be considered the beginning of childbirth. This moment is determined by two events - the appearance of contractions and / or the passage of water. Moreover, some childbirth begins with the appearance of contractions, some - with the discharge of water, and sometimes these events occur simultaneously.

Scenario one. Contractions have begun

Contractions - it's rhythmic uterine contractions... They feel like a feeling of pressure in abdominal cavity that can occur all over the abdomen. A pregnant woman can feel such contractions a few weeks before the birth of a baby: they are called harbingers, or false, contractions.

False contractions- This is a kind of training of the uterine muscle before childbirth. With them, the expectant mother, in response to the movement of the fetus or physical activity, periodically feels the tension of the abdomen, it seems to "drive" it, to the touch it becomes harder than usual, while pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back may occur. They do not cause much discomfort, more often these sensations are painless, irregular, quickly pass at rest and when taking antispasmodics - NO-SHPY, PAPAVERIN, MAGNE B6.

The purpose of precursor contractions is to prepare the muscles of the uterus and birth canal for childbirth: they contribute to the maturation of the cervix.

True fights- This is a contraction of the uterine muscle, which causes shortening and dilation of the cervix by stretching its circular muscles. With each contraction, the cervix is ​​shortened, then smoothed. At the same time, the canal, or opening, of the cervix is ​​stretched - it opens. A fetal bladder is introduced into it, expanding the pharynx like a hydraulic wedge. True contractions increase in frequency, strength, and duration over time. They arise regardless of the position of the body, the use of antispasmodics, without connection with physical activity, at any time of the day or night.

Is the pain during labor intense?

By contraction of the muscles of the uterus during labor and pressure on the cervix fetal bladder or the presenting part of the fetus after the outflow of amniotic fluid, the cervix is ​​shortened until smoothing. This continues for 4-6 hours and is called the latent phase of labor.

At first, true contractions are weak and not painful, the intervals between them are about half an hour, although longer or shorter intervals are possible. The contractions of the uterus themselves last 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the intensity and duration increase, and the intervals between them decrease. The abdomen is relaxed between contractions.

Pain during labor is caused by the opening of the cervix, compression nerve endings, tension uterine ligaments... Sometimes the first tremors are felt in the lumbar region, then spread to the abdomen, become encircling. Pulling sensation can occur in the uterus itself, and not in the lumbar region. Pain during labor when a woman is unable to relax or find a comfortable position resembles pain during menstruation. Her strength depends on individual characteristics pain threshold, emotional mood women and her relationship to the birth of a child. It is important not to be afraid of childbirth, because the whole process takes only a few hours, and labor pain is quickly forgotten.

You can often hear from women giving birth that the contractions were either completely painless, or the pain was quite bearable. The fact is that during contractions, the body secretes its own pain relieving substances. In addition, relaxation techniques learned during pregnancy and correct breathing.

If the contractions have begun ...

The woman has a little time to shower, put on clean underwear, trim her nails and rinse off the nail polish. For many expectant mothers, shaving the crotch upon admission to the hospital is very unpleasant moment... However, this procedure is necessary, since it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues when suturing. Feelings of embarrassment can be avoided by shaving yourself at home. To do this, you need to take a completely new razor and treat the skin well with an antiseptic solution - CHLORHEXIDIN, CITEAL, MIRAMISTIN - or antibacterial soap. If it is difficult for a woman to do this herself, you can ask her husband for help.

You should go to the hospital when contractions become regular and will go every 10-15 minutes. If a clear interval between contractions has not yet been established, but they are accompanied by severe pain, you also need to go to the maternity hospital. If childbirth is repeated, then with the onset of regular contractions, it is better to go to the hospital immediately: often re-birth They are fast, so it’s better not to hesitate.

Is it possible to move during contractions?

During fights, you can choose comfortable position body: you can lie on your side, walk, stand on all fours or kneel, swing on big ball- fitball. It is necessary to monitor the duration of contractions and the intervals between them. It is recommended to remember, write down or mark on the phone the time when contractions start.

During contractions, you need to slowly, deeply and rhythmically inhale air through the nose and exhale it through the mouth. If the contractions become very violent, frequent shallow breathing will help, in which you also inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

From the very beginning of the contraction, stroking the lower abdomen should be performed. fists or open palm on both sides of the spine, up and down, to the base of the tailbone. After a contraction, there is always a period of time when there is no pain, you can relax and rest. It is necessary to empty the bladder regularly to stimulate contractions.

What should not be done during contractions?

During contractions, you must not sit and lie on your back. In the supine position, the pregnant uterus compresses large vessels, in particular the aorta and the inferior vena cava, which leads to a deterioration in the return of blood to the heart and a fall blood pressure... This is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to all organs of the pregnant woman, including the placenta and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the fetus. This is what is called the inferior vena cava syndrome. In a sitting position, the ratio pelvic bones, which complicates the movement of the fetal head along the birth canal, and at the end of the first stage of labor can lead to fetal injuries.

You cannot eat during childbirth: this is due to two points. Firstly, in the first stage of labor - during contractions - many women are excited vomiting reflex, and a full stomach provokes repeated vomiting. Secondly, during childbirth, a situation may arise when the expectant mother will need an operation using general anesthesia... If, during anesthesia, the patient's stomach is full, then gastric contents may be thrown into Airways, which leads to very serious, sometimes fatal complications.

It is forbidden to take painkillers on your own: they will not relieve normal labor pain, but they can mask important symptoms.

You cannot stay at home in the following cases:

  • If appeared bloody issues . Uterine bleeding in childbirth begins due to the pathology of the placenta - its premature detachment or wrong location... These bleeding are life-threatening not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself.
  • If the expectant mother is worried about headache, blurred vision, tinnitus, flashing "flies" before the eyes, nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium. All of these can be severe symptoms. late toxicosis - preeclampsia... This condition requires immediate medical care, and before it is provided, a woman needs complete rest in a dark, well-ventilated room with a minimum level of noise. These disorders can be fatal if left untreated. dangerous complication -eclampsia, which is characterized by the sudden onset of seizures and loss of consciousness due to cerebral edema.
  • If wiggling baby become very violent or, conversely, feel bad. Changes motor activity the fetus may be a sign of it oxygen starvation... In all these cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, ideally by an ambulance with medical assistance.

What should a husband do when labor begins?

Usually, the expectant mother tolerates the first contractions quite easily: they last 15-20 seconds and are repeated every 15-20 minutes. At this time, the future dad can talk with his wife about something abstract, create a reserve Have a good mood, joke and dream. You can help your spouse connect her imagination, such as imagining a contraction as a wave she's going through.

It's good if the future dad will be, especially if she gets out of rhythm. To tune your spouse to the correct breathing, you can first breathe in unison with her, and then gradually change the frequency of your breathing, and then the woman in labor will unconsciously copy the breathing of her spouse. To properly help his wife in childbirth, the husband needs to master the techniques of proper breathing, pain-relieving massage and relaxation even at the stage of pregnancy, which can be done in special courses to prepare for partner childbirth.

During contractions, you should remind your wife of techniques that relieve pain. You can try to save your spouse from unpleasant sensations massaging her back in a circular motion from the lower back and below, or tapping with your fingertips on painful points, stroking the abdomen from the bottom up and to the sides.

A man can persuade his wife to walk around the room by inviting her to lean on his hand: walking speeds up the process of childbirth, this is especially important at the initial stage.

Before leaving for the maternity hospital, it is necessary to check that the wife has documents: a passport, an exchange card, an insurance policy, a labor contract (if any). If a contract for childbirth is concluded with a specific doctor, after the start of contractions, you need to call him.

For partner childbirth the husband needs rubber slippers and specially prepared clean clothes - jeans or trousers, a T-shirt or a shirt. Also, you must have the results with you. medical examination: what research needs to be done, you need to find out in advance in the hospital.

Before giving birth, the husband needs to develop an algorithm for transporting his wife to the hospital. It is necessary to clarify the telephone numbers of emergency services - government and commercial. If the family lives outside the city, you need to ask how long it usually takes for an ambulance to get to the place of residence of the expectant mother. It's good if you have several transportation options and a car with a full tank of gas in stock. If the husband is often on business trips by occupation, then you should think in advance who will help the wife get to the hospital if childbirth begins in the absence of the spouse.

Scenario two. Send the waters away

Fine amniotic fluid pour out in the first stage of labor - before full disclosure of the cervix, but not earlier than 4 cm of cervical dilatation. At the height of one of the contractions, it becomes tense and torn. As a result, the front waters are poured out, which are located between the head of the fetus and the membranes of the fetal bladder, in this case the volume of the released water will be small - up to 0.5 liters. If the fetal head is high or there is a transverse or pelvic position, then a lot of water is poured out - up to 1.5? l. When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt.

If the opening of the cervix is ​​complete, and the bladder is still intact, then the obstetricians themselves open it, since at birth whole fetal membranes block the access of oxygen to the fetus.

Quite often, women have doubts: have the amniotic fluid or the mucous plug gone? Both those and other secretions are liquid and at first observation seem to be similar. But they also have significant differences.

As can be seen from this table, unlike the mucous plug, the waters are transparent, warm and constantly leaking. The outpouring of water before the onset of labor, that is, before the contractions, is considered prenatal or premature, and if they are poured out during regular contractions, but with insufficient opening of the cervix, they speak of an early outpouring of water. Before the onset of labor, more often water flows away from multiparous women. In case of premature outpouring of water, the fetal bladder can burst high above the cervix, then the water flows out slowly, or maybe directly above the cervical opening, then the water will go straight to a large number... Labor activity after the outpouring of water develops within the next few hours.

The placenta and membranes of the fetus are a barrier that is usually completely impervious to bacterial (purulent) infection. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus develops in a sterile environment. The pledge of this sterility, and therefore the intrauterine well-being of the fetus, is the integrity of the amniotic membranes. Immediately after the outflow of amniotic fluid, bacteria begin to flow from the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity, the child is no longer protected from possible infections, therefore childbirth should occur no later than 12 hours after the rupture of the fetal bladder. For this reason, in the event of an outpouring of water, it is necessary to go to the hospital without delay, even if there are no contractions yet. It is necessary to remember the exact time of discharge of the waters and their color: this will help the doctor decide on the tactics of conducting labor. In case of premature discharge of amniotic fluid in the maternity hospital, prophylaxis of infection of the fetus is carried out.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the discharged water. Normally, they are transparent or light pink, odorless. The greenish, brown or black color of the amniotic fluid indicates that meconium - the original feces - has been released from the baby's intestines, which happens during oxygen starvation of the fetus. If the waters are colored with bright blood, then there is a high probability of placental abruption. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required.

Before the arrival of an ambulance or before leaving home on another vehicle, the expectant mother needs to take horizontal position and put a diaper under yourself, since from the moment the water flows out, they will continue to flow. After the outflow of water, the head of the fetus is inserted into the uterine cavity and in some cases can press the umbilical cord. The position of the woman in labor, standing and sitting, speeds up the insertion of the head.

The rest of the recommendations are the same as those described when it came to contractions. If you are not sure that the waters have departed, a cough test should be performed: when coughing and straining abdominal wall the water will flow more strongly, and the amount of mucous plug will not change. If doubts remain, you should consult a doctor at the hospital.

What can’t be done?

Unlike when labor begins with labor, you cannot stay at home when the water is draining. This is associated with both the risk of infection and the risk of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is impossible to carry out hygiene procedures, it is also associated with the risk of fetal infection.

What should a husband do?

The main thing is to help my wife quickly get ready for the hospital. Future dad must take over the preparation of documents and bags and help the spouse get dressed. It is better to deliver a woman with drained waters to the hospital in a horizontal position.

Have with you

Given that labor often begins suddenly, it is better to last weeks pregnancy constantly carry with you medical documents- passport, exchange card, policy, after 30 weeks - or contract for childbirth - after 36 weeks. You need to know or have with you the numbers of emergency services, a doctor, the address of the obstetric departments or other medical institutions closest to home and work.

The expectant mother should not rely only on herself - when there is emergency situation you need to seek help from others, warning about your condition. It should be remembered that police officers, subway officers, flight attendants and train conductors take medical assistance courses and may urgently contact doctors.

Maternity hospital bag

The expectant mother needs to separate the things that she would like for the time of childbirth, and separately - those that will be useful to her immediately after childbirth.

In the first bag you need to put a T-shirt or cotton nightgown, socks, washable slippers, a bathrobe, a small terry towel, drinking water, personal hygiene items - toothbrush and paste, soap, comb, toilet paper... Nothing else is usually allowed to be taken to the maternity ward. In some maternity hospitals you can take with you mobile phone and a player, a camera and even a video camera, but it's better to find out in advance.

The second bag should contain 2-3 packs of breathable sanitary napkins with high hygroscopicity, disposable mesh panties or ordinary cotton panties, a bra for nursing mothers, clothes - at the discretion of the woman. The baby will need clothes, baby diapers, baby cream, baby soap, compact packaging of wet wipes.

Exactly the third trimester is the most exciting. Mom-to-be troubling many questions related to the birth of a baby. Undoubtedly, the first place in this rating is occupied by how fights begin, how to distinguish them from training and what to do.

It is especially difficult for those women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time in their lives. There is no need to be afraid of this natural process, but it is worth studying the question, besides there is special techniques, allowing you to alleviate the condition during labor.

What are contractions and why do they appear before childbirth

Contractions are involuntary rhythmic contractions of the uterus, whose task is to expel the fetus. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the neck is tightly closed. Before childbirth, when the baby is ready for birth, it begins to open. This happens precisely because of the contractions.

This process has 3 phases:

  • Initial (latent). Lasts up to 8 hours. Contractions last about 30-40 seconds each, and the interval between them is 4-5 minutes. Neck opening up to 3 cm.
  • Active. The duration of the contraction is about 1 minute, and the interval is shortened to 2-3 minutes. The neck opens another 3-4 cm.
  • Transient. The interval between contractions is reduced to 1 minute, the period of contractions lasts an average of 1.5 minutes, and the neck opening is 8-10 cm.

If the birth is not the first, then the duration of each phase is significantly reduced..

What are the sensations at the beginning of contractions

At the first sensations of the contraction may resemble menstrual pain. However, the painful sensations here are of a short-term nature, and after a few minutes they appear again. Over time the pain gets worse. It develops into a sharp one, and there is a feeling of grasping, which starts from the lower back and goes to the lower abdomen.

How to recognize contractions before childbirth and not confuse them with Braxton Higgs contractions

Already in the second trimester, many women may develop or have Brexton Higgs contractions. They prepare the body for upcoming birth... You can feel them after a long walk or physical effort. Here on what grounds do they differ:

  • false contractions are not regular;
  • they practically do not cause discomfort and are painless;
  • don't get more intense;
  • the intervals between them can be up to 30 minutes.

Labor pains begin with mild pain, accompanied by tension in the abdomen. Their main feature is cyclicality: the pain grows, then weakens and stops altogether, and after a few minutes everything repeats. In this case, the intervals become shorter each time.

True fights may be accompanied by mucous discharge mixed with blood: this is how the cork begins to move away, protecting the entrance to the uterus from infections. but heavy bleeding not permissible and in this case it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

In order not to get confused in sensations and to distinguish real contractions from false ones, be guided by the following signs:

  • increased pain with each contraction;
  • regularity of appearance;
  • shortening the time between contractions.

What to do if contractions have begun

First thing you need to calm down and take a comfortable position. You also need to try to discard anxious thoughts, take a pen and a piece of paper and record the time intervals between contractions and their duration.

If the interval between contractions is more than 20 minutes, there is still time until the baby is born. You can have time to accept warm shower, collect the bag. At intervals between contractions less than 5 minutes you need to urgently go to the hospital.

How much pain during labor is

It is difficult to say how much pain it will be for you before giving birth. Each woman has her own pain threshold. Plays a significant role and psychological attitude: if you are positive and think not about the next fight, but about an imminent meeting with a baby, then the pain will be less acute.

How to make contractions easier

Contractions are a natural process and cannot be influenced. However, simple steps will help.

reduce pain:

  • Relax. When muscles are tense, it interferes natural process, and therefore the pain intensifies. Try to get rid of the anxiety and immediately feel a little relief. If it doesn't work, you can try to sleep.
  • Correct breathing. Your baby needs oxygen now. It also helps to relax the abdominal muscles.
  • Get into a comfortable position. Find a position where the pain is less pronounced. As a rule, this is a pose on all fours or knees. Also, you can jump on a gymnastic ball.
  • Lumbar massage- Another way to alleviate the condition.
  • Take a warm bath or shower.
There are also safe ways provoke contractions, if the baby is too late:
  • move more and be upright;
  • sex (male sperm softens the cervix, and orgasm causes uterine contractions);
  • massage of the nipples of the breast (the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes uterine contractions);


A short video will help you even better understand and present the process of contractions. The specialist will tell you how to recognize and what to do immediately after they appear.

It has already been several days before the final itself wonderful period in a woman's life called "pregnancy". Everyone lives in anticipation of the appearance of the baby: the crib is already assembled, the diapers and undershirts are ironed, the package in the maternity hospital is in the most conspicuous place and is waiting in the wings. The excitement is simply overwhelming, because contractions can begin at any time, without even waiting for the expected date of birth. How to determine the onset of contractions in order to cause ambulance and put yourself in the hands of experienced obstetricians?

What are contractions?
Contractions are considered regular and involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which, together with attempts, help to expel the fetus. Labor begins with regular contractions that cause the cervix to open before the right size... Doctors recommend writing down the time of the beginning of the first contractions on paper and monitoring their frequency. The first contractions are similar to the cramps a woman experiences during her period. The interval between them is on average half an hour, and the contractions themselves last 5-10 seconds. As labor increases, the period between contractions decreases, their duration increases, and the contractions themselves become very painful. When the frequency of contractions is maximum (once every 1-2 minutes), they will turn into attempts.

How to distinguish false contractions from real ones?
False or training contractions, they are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions, are not the beginning of labor and are distinguished by their irregularity and almost painlessness. For example, the second contraction came 5 minutes after the first, and the third one 20 minutes after the second, and the fourth one only an hour later.

Such contractions will go away on their own if you lie down on your side and relax. If false contractions bring obvious discomfort, then you can drink two no-shpa tablets. If contractions remain irregular and painful, it is best to call an ambulance.

Training contractions can last for quite a long time and sometimes develop into real contractions, turning into regular contractions with a certain soreness and frequency.

How to determine the onset of contractions?
Many women who have given birth have noticed that if they constantly walk in anticipation of contractions, then, as luck would have it, they do not appear. But if you forget about them for a moment, they are right there! Women's unrest is justified, but it is not difficult to determine the onset of contractions, since this period cannot be confused with anything:

  1. In a few days or hours, the mucous plug leaves the pregnant woman. From this moment you can wait for the onset of labor.
  2. There are situations when the amniotic fluid leaves before the contractions begin. But this is considered the beginning of labor.
  3. The surest way to determine the onset of contractions is to calculate the duration and time interval between painful sensations.
  4. The pain during contractions is special, rolling. It builds up gradually, reaches a peak and also gradually releases.
  5. As the interval decreases, contractions become more painful. The pain can cause slight chills and nausea.
  6. Another one distinctive feature real contractions are contractions in the sacral region and lower back pain.
Women do not need to worry about how to determine the onset of contractions. When they start, the woman will understand it herself. And useful tips will help the woman to survive the time of the beginning contractions before leaving for the maternity hospital:
  • you need to go to the hospital when the interval between contractions is 10-15 minutes (depending on how far away the hospital is);
  • if anxiety and anxiety prevail, then you can leave earlier;
  • get to the hospital in daytime hours better by ambulance because of possible traffic jams, and at night you can take a private car;
  • if the hospital is very close, then you can walk (provided that the pregnancy was proceeding well and there are no contraindications to excessive activity);
  • during contractions, you need to breathe correctly;
  • excessive excitement or panic will only increase the pain;
  • during a long interval between contractions, you can cook food for your husband for a couple of days and collect the bag in the hospital;
  • eating is not recommended after the onset of contractions, as violent contractions can induce a gag reflex.
It is not worth worrying in vain; to determine the beginning of contractions, a woman will be helped by her new sensations, which will be the beginning of labor and bring the woman closer to the most long-awaited moment - the appearance of a baby.