Mask of kefir for hair benefit recipe. Kefir hair mask at home. Recipe for a mask for oily hair from kefir

This fermented milk drink comes from the Caucasus, where its sourdough in ancient times was inherited. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, dairy producers from Russia managed to lure out the secret of its preparation and begin production. They drink miraculous kefir to lose weight, normalize the microflora of the stomach and just relax. The real connoisseurs natural beauty noticed in time that he excellent hair care product. Although this is not surprising: the microflora of kefir fungus is a complex symbiosis of active microorganisms, which, getting into the cells of the scalp, have the most beneficial effect on them.

What are the benefits of kefir for hair?

The microflora of kefir fungus is still being studied by leading experts in the beauty industry so that it can be artificially recreated. None of the attempts so far have been successful. Therefore, not a single store cosmetic product will not be able to compare with ordinary kefir in the effect that it has on the hair.

  • Complete care for oily hair

Kefir cares for oily hair: it prevents them from getting dirty quickly, eliminates greasy shine, controls the work sebaceous glands- Organic acids in its composition are responsible for this. The lower the fat content of kefir, the more organic acids in it - the better masks will take care of the curls.

  • Has protective features

Protects against stress, increasing immunity and resistance to various negative external influences, including atmospheric conditions (ultraviolet, frost, acid precipitation, etc.) and various hairdressing procedures (dyeing, waving, etc.) - increased content riboflavin (vitamin B2) makes kefir masks a real protection for weakened hair.

  • Accelerates growth

It activates hair growth, starting intensive metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp, and also prevents the hair from dying prematurely, preventing the appearance of gray hair - this is how it works ("nicotine", vitamin B3, PP, niacin).

  • Stops shedding

Accelerates blood circulation, as contained in kefir is involved in the formation of red blood cells, so after kefir masks hair begins to grow much faster and stop falling out.

  • Gets rid of dandruff

Thanks to the same vitamin (B12), with the help of kefir, improve the condition of split ends.

  • Treats split ends and breakage

Repairs damaged hair (brittle, split ends) and strengthens them with vitamin H in kefir (biotin, or vitamin B7).

  • Nourishes

Provides sufficient blood flow to the roots, so that they receive required amount oxygen, nutrients and trace elements - improves blood circulation choline.

  • Gives volume

Makes hair and due to the fact that their growth is accelerated, and the hair itself is strengthened and made stronger, thicker - calcium, which is quite abundant in kefir, is famous for this action.

  • Moisturizes

Controls the level of moisture, normalizing the water balance in the cells, helps them retain precious moisture inside - as a result, the hair and scalp are moisturized and cease to be brittle and dry. This is made possible by potassium.

  • Makes shiny

Phosphorus makes the strands elastic, elastic, shining, enveloping them with a strong invisible film that creates the effect of their brilliance.

  • Strengthens

Iodine fixes the root follicles in their nests, thereby preventing them from falling out.

All these beneficial properties of kefir have been proven by numerous laboratory research. Therefore, many modern hair product manufacturers are looking for a way to extend the life of kefir fungus in order to include it in their cosmetics. So anyone who wants to experience miraculous properties yogurt on yourself, can enjoy natural product by purchasing a life-saving drink in the store and independently preparing any mask you like from it.

Therapeutic and cosmetic hair masks based on kefir

There are a lot of masks based on kefir. In order not to get lost in this variety, you need to determine for yourself exactly what exactly you want to achieve. To enhance this or that property of kefir, you need to take a couple more active ingredients that fix the problem you need, and combine them all in one mask. The action of kefir in this case is enhanced several times.

  • Hair Growth Mask

In order for hair to grow faster, you need to speed up the blood circulation process in order to nutrients and oxygen woke cells that had stopped in their development. Kefir itself does a good job with this function. But if it is backed up with other hair growth activators, things will go faster. Add decoctions of herbs (hops, calendula, chamomile, sage), oils (burdock, castor, coconut), essential oils (cedar, ylang-ylang, bay, tangerine, cinnamon), products (mustard, cinnamon, vodka) to kefir , pepper tincture, cognac). Such masks are recommended to be applied to the hair roots so that their action is concentrated in one place. Hair growth per month can be up to 4 cm.

  • Hair loss mask

To stop, you need to take care of them good nutrition. Classic kefir masks can also cure this disease without any additional ingredients if used regularly. You can enhance the effect of kefir in this matter by reinforcing it with ingredients such as everything familiar products(onion juice, honey, yeast), herbs (calamus, burdock root, Bay leaf), oils (castor, burdock, St. John's wort, wheat germ, cedar) and esters (pine, bay, mint, rosemary, lavender, ylang-ylang, coriander, tea tree). Masks that stop hair loss are rubbed into the scalp and roots.

  • Split ends mask

Possessing regenerating properties, kefir fungus perfectly restores split ends.

If you cut them in time, and then regularly apply this restorative agent to them, you can use scissors much less often, maintaining the desired length of hair and not worrying about split ends. To enhance the effect of kefir, add oils to it (burdock, avocado, olive, jojoba, almond, coconut, linseed, peach, castor), products (peach pulp, yeast, honey, cognac), herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, birch, St. John's wort, aloe, sea buckthorn, nettle, burdock, yarrow) and essential oils (rosewood, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, chamomile, orange, tangerine). With such masks, first of all, sore tips are processed.

If you want to improve your condition oily hair, be sure to choose kefir with a low percentage of fat content (1% or fat-free). To help him add ordinary foods (mustard, bread, lemon, egg white, potatoes, cognac), herbal decoctions (burdock, sage, calamus, chamomile, plantain, thyme, nettle, mint, calendula, yarrow, bay leaf, St. John's wort, oak bark), essential oils (bergamot, burdock, basil, cedar, calendula , cypress, juniper, eucalyptus, geranium, lemon, mint, orange, sage, rose, rosemary), cosmetic oils (grape seeds, almond, linen, Japanese chamomile, olive, avocado, sesame, pumpkin, argan). Such masks can be rubbed into the roots and applied to the entire length of the strands.

  • Mask for dry hair

If you want to improve your condition, be sure to choose the fattest kefir (3.2% or 6%). And add a couple more moisturizing ingredients to it. Of the usual products, this is beer, egg yolk, glycerin, honey, mayonnaise; from herbs - nettle, birch, coltsfoot, linden, thyme, "cones" of hops; from essential oils - palmorosis, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, lavender, frankincense, mandarin, myrrh, rosewood; from cosmetic - jojoba, coconut and burdock. The mask is applied to the roots and the hair itself.

  • Hair lightening mask

Kefir is able to lighten hair by half a tone, and if you enhance this ability by adding a few more lightening ingredients, you can get results even on dark hair.

Brunettes and brown-haired women can add lemon, cinnamon or rhubarb to the kefir mask. Blondes and fair-haired - yolk, lemon or onion juice. It is not necessary to apply such products to the roots, since they act on the structure of the hair itself.

Now you can independently strengthen or weaken this or that effect of kefir fungus on your curls and enjoy the effect. The effectiveness will also depend on the correct observance of the proportions of all the ingredients taken for the mask. Therefore, be sure to follow the recipe exactly.

Homemade kefir hair mask recipes

Sometimes home experiments with the preparation of masks end in failure, because beauties determine everything “by eye” or mix everything in one tool. To prevent this from happening, it is best to use time-tested recipes with a clear indication of the proportions and quantities of ingredients.

  • Mask with kefir and egg

beautiful nourishing mask, which is suitable for curls suffering from beriberi, whose protective functions weakened. Beat the egg and mix with kefir (no more than 100 ml).

  • Mask with kefir and cocoa

Perfectly nourishes the hair and gives them a beautiful, radiant look. It is necessary to beat kefir (100 ml) with raw egg and cocoa powder (15 gr).

  • Mask with kefir and yeast against hair loss

The treatment mask against hair loss will make them shiny and thick. Dilute yeast (15 g) in water (50 ml), after 15 minutes add them to kefir (250 ml).

  • Mask with kefir and honey to nourish and strengthen hair

A multifunctional mask (nourishes, strengthens, activates growth), but most often experts advise doing it with intense hair loss: it can stop this process. Kefir (50 ml) is mixed (15 ml) and a raw egg.

  • Mask with kefir and oil

The perfect mask for split ends. It is necessary to thoroughly mix kefir (100 ml) with vegetable oil(50 ml).

  • Mask with kefir and mustard

This mask is universal, as it can solve several problems at once: it activates hair growth and normalizes the sebaceous glands. To prepare, you need to dissolve in kefir (100 ml) mustard powder(15 gr), add raw yolk to them, warmed up to a warm state, honey and almond oil (10 ml each). Before application, it is recommended to add rosemary essential oil (5 drops) to the mixture.

  • Mask with kefir and henna

Therapeutic mask for the restoration of damaged hair. (20 gr) needs to be diluted cold water(30 ml), add to kefir (100 ml) and pour raw yolk into the mixture.

  • Mask with kefir and yolk

Great for permanent care for dry, brittle, damaged curls. Beat kefir (150 ml) with raw yolk, add burdock oil (15 ml) heated to a warm state.

  • Mask with kefir and lemon

A nourishing yet brightening mask. Mixed egg yolk, freshly squeezed by hand lemon juice(50 ml), olive oil (20 ml) and warm kefir (100 ml).

Masks are extremely simple, do not require you to prepare a lot of time and financial costs. But the results can exceed even the wildest aspirations and hopes. The last thing to consider when using kefir for healthy hair is the rules for using such masks.

Rules for applying kefir masks to hair

Instructions for using kefir hair masks are as simple as their recipes.

  1. Want to maximum effect from a kefir mask? Then it should contain a homemade, natural product.
  2. For dry hair, use kefir with a fat content of 3.2% or 6%, for oily hair - fat-free or 1%, in other cases - 2.5%.
  3. The mask will turn out to be more effective if the kefir is preheated to a warm state in a water bath.
  4. If you are using the product for the first time, first apply the composition to the skin behind the ear and to a separate strand to evaluate the result and see if there is an allergic reaction.
  5. Depending on what problem you want to solve with a kefir mask, you can rub it into the roots, soak the tips with it, distribute it along the length of the strands.
  6. Apply funds to dirty, slightly wet curls.
  7. The head is first covered with a plastic cap (or an ordinary plastic bag cut along the seam), and it is also wrapped on top warm scarf, scarf or terry towel to create a greenhouse effect.
  8. Masks can be kept on the hair for half an hour, and in the absence of aggressive components (mustard, onion, lemon or cognac) - and a couple of hours.
  9. Kefir products are washed off with warm water using a mild shampoo.
  10. A full course of treatment is carried out from 10 masks with a frequency of once every five days.

Sometimes to protect your hair from harmful influence environment and stress factors, it is not necessary to spend fabulous sums on expensive procedures or store funds. home treatment hair with kefir masks confirms its effectiveness in practice.

Homemade recipes for medical and cosmetic kefir hair masks

4 /5 - 38 ratings

The beneficial properties of kefir are a symbiosis of protein and calcium, gently affecting the hair structure and restoring them.

Kefir is especially useful for dry and brittle curls due to its properties, they will become more hydrated, softened, and the loss process will decrease.

Let's see what kind of kefir we need? What other ingredients should be added to kefir masks? How to cook them?

For maximum efficiency masks and help your hair, we recommend choosing "homemade" kefir.

It could be:

  • purchased from grandmothers or farmers, kefir from homemade milk ;
  • kefir homemade from quality milk(it’s easy to check, just look at the finished kefir in a jar, if it is dense and there is little liquid, this is excellent);
  • shop kefir from 2.5 -3.2% fat;
  • kefir with 1% fat, if there is no other.

Of course, the list is built from the most useful to the least. The availability of homemade milk in the city is possible only through going to the market. We recommend purchasing milk 2.5% fat and make kefir yourself and use it for masks.

The best version of kefir will be like this:

Absent a large number of liquid, does not taste bitter and does not stink, it is easy to eat with a spoon, as it is quite dense.

How to prepare such kefir?

  1. Buy 2.5% fat milk at the store.
  2. Pour into a jar and leave on the table or in any other warm place, but not in the sun.
  3. After 24-48 hours, kefir is ready. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

2 way to make kefir

To prepare kefir, you will need: milk, sourdough or kefir prepared on sourdough from kefir fungi.

  1. Boil milk, cool room temperature.
  2. Remove foam.
  3. Pour 100 ml of kefir or sourdough into 900 ml of milk, mix and heat to a temperature of 37C.
  4. Leave overnight in a warm place in a liter jar. In this case, wrap the jar with a blanket.
    You can use cooked kefir as a starter 9 times.

A useful video on how to make kefir at home:

Any kefir hair mask is useful?

The main component of kefir:

  1. He envelops and protects from harmful effects environment.
  2. Strengthens hair follicle.
  3. For dry we use kefir from 2.5 - 3.2% fat, for fatty 1% or skimmed.
  4. Light brightening.
  5. Shine and flowy effect through hydration and nutrition.
  6. Curls become like waterfall, easy to crumble, combed like after an expensive balm.

Useful video about the benefits of kefir and the most simple application masks:

How to store kefir for a long time?

Keep in the refrigerator in a jar with a closed plastic lid , but after 2-3 weeks an unpleasant specific smell will appear, which will later be on your hair. Therefore, we recommend give up long-term storage and limited to 1-2 weeks.

How much yogurt is needed for a mask?

Depends on the length, density of your hair and additional ingredients.

For middle length curls use 100-400 ml of kefir, cook yogurt from the rest or drink kefir itself.

  1. Then prepare everything for the preparation and application of the mask.
  2. Mixing ingredients.
  3. Put an empty basin or bowl in the bathroom or apply with a brush in front of a mirror, depending on the comfort and convenience for you.
  4. The first time, try with a brush for coloring in front of a mirror, carefully apply to the roots, and then dip the curls into the mass and twist.

What is needed to apply a mask?

  1. Prepared mask.
  2. Unnecessary clothes and something to wrap around your neck in case it leaks.
  3. Cap or cling film for wrapping.
  4. Coloring brush.
  5. Warm cap or towel.
  6. Mirror.
  7. Newspapers or film, so as not to stain the floor.

Question: what kind of kefir hair mask for lightening hair fit best?

Any except for the mask with cocoa.

How to apply kefir masks?

We apply kefir to the hair in 2 stages: 1 roots and 2 ends.

Kefir temperature from 30 - 37 or room temperature, so as not to catch a cold head.

Apply to clean or dirty, there are 2 recommendations.

Supporters long wearing masks on your hair, they say that it is better to wash them, so dirt, dust and other harmful substances will not be absorbed into your skin along with the mask. And rinsing with shampoo negates the entire effect of the mask.

Long-haired lovers do not complicate life, they believe that everything will be fine anyway. And washing your hair twice a day is also not very useful.

Choose the option that suits you.

  1. When the hair is saturated with the mask, wring it out lightly to get rid of excess liquid.
  2. For long ones, it is recommended to wrap a bun or a shell.
  3. Then roll up cling film tighter to the back of the head so that the cap is held and does not fall.
  4. From above we warm with a towel for 1 hour or less, but longer is better for contact of the mask and hair.

Rinse off after application to dirty hair

We wash off with shampoo, if the hair has not been washed beforehand, if desired, use balms, rinses or an infusion of herbs or with vinegar, lemon juice.

Rinse off clean hair

For better rinsability, drip the juice of half a lemon into water or 1 tsp. vinegar for 3-5 liters of water. Herbal decoctions are also suitable.

What is important to remember about the preparation of masks?

  1. Vegetable oils lose their beneficial properties when heated, therefore it is logical to put them last if the mask will be amenable to heat treatment.
  2. Poorly tolerates "heat" kefir and egg, they will curl up or weld. Therefore, heat in a water bath, if necessary, gradually, without abrupt transitions to boiling.
  3. Some the ingredients of the masks do not tolerate long-term contact: with light, air, iron objects.

    For example, vitamins.

    Therefore, reading mask recipes pay attention to temperature regime , duration of storage and compatibility of components, how to stir it and in what dishes.

  4. Give up the idea of ​​pouring all the vitamins or oils into the mask at once For best effect, it can be reversed.

Let's look at the composition options and ingredients of kefir or yogurt hair masks.

Kefir universal mask from Olga Seymour

This mask is 3 in 1, at any stage you can stop to already ready composition More ingredients will be added.

  1. We use only kefir. We apply it on the hair with a cap and a towel, keep it on them for 30 minutes. Wash off warm water using shampoo.
  2. Kefir + 1 tsp cinnamon for sensitive skin(diluted with warm water only so that it disperses), for a thick one we take 2 tsp.

    Rub into the roots and hold from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

  3. Kefir, warm honey slightly in a water bath, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp. cardamom, 1 tsp cloves, 1 tsp ginger powder, 1 tsp red ground pepper, 1 tbsp. olive and burdock oil, 1 tsp cognac.

Choosing cardamom, cloves and grind them or grind them in a coffee grinder. If you have oils, then take 3-4 drops.

Cognac and pepper is a mask option for very thick scalp, for sensitive it is better not to add cognac.
Mix everything and combine with 1 yolk.

We mix without lumps, adding to kefir with cinnamon and apply to the scalp and lightly massaging movements. The ends are also desirable to process.

Keep this mask as long as you can withstand from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo or soda 1 tbsp. in a cup of warm boiled water.

We do it once a week for 2-3 months if you have hair loss or bald patches.

Video on how to make a kefir hair mask at home:

This mask helps to grow quickly, makes them thicker, stronger, more voluminous and shiny.

Q: Can the mask be left on overnight?

Depends on the mask, if it contains oils and the purpose of it is to intensively nourish the hair, then this is possible.

Although not a single mask in its recipe prescribes to leave for more than 3-4 hours. This is due to the fluidity of the mask, bed sheets get dirty, so limit the contact time of the mask and your curls.

Recipe for a mask for oily hair from kefir

Required for the mask: 150 ml of kefir, dry mustard 1 tablespoon, 1 tsp. almond oil, egg yolk, honey about 1 tsp, we recommend choosing a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, lemon, etc.).

Mix thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency and apply the resulting mass to the hair. The contact time of the mask and curls is at least 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water using shampoo.

Mask for hair growth with kefir and onions

Preparing the components of the mask. To do this, use a garlic press or a grater to chop the onion, then put it in a bandage in 2 layers and squeeze out the juice.

Mix the juice with 1 glass - 200 grams of kefir. Optionally, add to the mixture the yolk of one egg and burdock oil -1 tsp.

Then we apply a mask to the hair with a brush on the roots and moisten the ends, for long ones we recommend dipping in a row into the mixture and twisting it over a basin or bath.

We put the moistened curls in a bun or shell and put on a warming cap for 60 minutes.

Then wash it off with shampoo with warm water in the usual way.

For those who are worried that the smell of onion will remain in the heap, we want to reassure you that there will be no unpleasant odor, since kefir neutralizes it.

Hair mask from kefir and eggs

Prepare the following composition for the mask: 0.5 cups of kefir, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. castor oil. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients of the mask.

Apply the mask with a brush or over the basin with your hands, distributing the mixture through the hair. Warm the applied composition with a hat or a warm towel. The recommended contact time is at least 60 minutes.

Nettle and Burdock Hair Mask

Purchase burdock root or dried nettle leaves from a pharmacy. How to brew is indicated on the package itself.

For cooking, you can use home-made nettles and burdock, just follow the collection time and storage rules.

Prepare a decoction of no more than 1 cup, 100 ml will be enough for the mask. Add the same amount of kefir to the finished broth.

We apply the resulting composition to the hair and rest or watch a movie for 1 hour.

Such a simple composition has a beneficial effect on the scalp and allows you to eliminate dandruff and well accelerates hair growth.

Tip: It will turn out liquid, so it is better to apply over the basin or in the bath. The broth will turn dark in color.

Universal hair mask for roots (clean)

Mask of kefir and butter for growth and volume

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. butter.

Heat oil in a water bath, 1 tbsp. and add to warm kefir.

Apply to the roots, and the rest along the entire length, hide the hair under a cap for 30 minutes.

To eliminate the unpleasant aroma of kefir, add a couple of drops to the mask essential oil, which you love, if it was not at home, rinse your hair after rinsing with water and vinegar 1 cap per 1 liter of water.

Wash off with warm water using shampoo and conditioner.

Video on preparation and application, as well as a review:

Review: kefir hair mask at home is easy to prepare. The hair is voluminous and shiny, fits well, the mask is cool, the growth of curls takes time to determine exactly how much it contributes.

One application for such masks is not enough, so we recommend that you do it regularly for 1-2 months.

Kefir mask against hair loss

Ingredients of the mask: kefir, brewer's yeast, essential oils, mustard powder.

For greater effectiveness of the kefir mask, add 1 of the components listed below: yolk, mustard, honey, burdock oil, pepper tincture, onion juice, cognac, herbal decoction, etc.

Use well-known poisons: burdock, nettle, oak, chamomile.

Essential oils are here to eliminate bad smell from hair.

Mask kefir with mustard and vitamins in ampoules A and E

The mask nourishes and warms the scalp, improves blood circulation. Hair is saturated with moisture and grows better, becomes thicker and healthier.

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of kefir, 2 tbsp. mustard, 1 tsp. E and A. If you only have dry mustard, we recommend dissolving it in 2 tbsp. water.

Beware of burns: if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, then rinse with plenty of water. For sensitive skin, take a smaller amount of mustard.

Step by step instructions for preparing the mask:
Mix mustard with vitamins first, then add kefir. We rub the mask into the scalp and distribute it along the entire length of the hair, wrap it with cling film or put on a bag, warm it with a towel on top.

Video on making kefir mask and recipe

Mask of kefir and henna for hair: enhances hair growth and helps against hair loss

Ingredients: colorless henna - 1 package, kefir - 1 tbsp. and castor oil -1 tsp, hot water.

  1. Pour 1 sachet of henna into a glass dish and pour hot water, better temperature 70-80 degrees, boiling water will not work.
  2. Stir well and wait until the henna cools slightly.
  3. Then add 1 tablespoon of kefir and 1 teaspoon of castor oil, mix everything.
  4. Apply the mask to the hair roots, rubbing well, then distribute along the entire length.
  5. We turn it into a bun or a shell, put on a hat, wrap it in a towel and leave it to act for 40-45 minutes.
  6. Wash off with shampoo and warm running water.

The video will help you prepare, apply and learn about the benefits of this mask:

Mask on kefir, black bread and castor oil

Recipe: 1 package of kefir (500 ml), 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, Rye bread(Borodinsky, cut off the crust from it and cut 3 slices 1 cm thick, crumble into a bowl in small pieces).
It is recommended to do a course of 1-1.5 months before each shampooing.

The video will help you prepare the mask from the 1st time and apply it to your hair

Kefir hair mask: a recipe for dry

Kefir is especially good for dry curls, it will help to cope with the problem of hair loss, because. nourishes the bulbs, restores the structure and eliminates fragility, making them more shiny.

To prepare the mask, we take kefir from 2.5% fat, with severe dryness choose homemade or 3.2% - this will more abundantly nourish the hair and moisturize.

For oily at the roots and dry at the ends, it is also suitable, just leave the root zone unapplied.

Burdock and castor are magic oils that eliminate dryness and split ends, so they will also be present in our mask.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. kefir (60 gr.), 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. castor oil, yolk.

We mix all the ingredients, starting with the egg and kefir, and then introducing the oils.

This mask is a real lifesaver for long hair. restores the structure, showing itself perfectly in solving the problem of dry ends, which is familiar to all long-haired.

Apply to the head, in any way, then put on a plastic cap or plastic bag and hold for 1 hour.

A detailed video will help you prepare a mask for dry hair and apply to your hair.

Mask with cocoa and kefir

Ingredients: 100 gr of kefir, 3 tbsp. cocoa.

Mix until a homogeneous consistency so that there are no black dots - this is not dissolved cocoa.

Except magical properties kefir and cocoa, this mask also has a chocolate aroma that your hair will acquire.

After applying it, put on a shower cap or p / є bag and keep it for 1 hour.

A detailed video on how to prepare a kefir and cocoa hair mask:

Review: Olga, 38 years old, Ukraine.
I love this mask for the effect of flowing hair and the aroma. Those who have lost weight and tried to limit themselves to sweets for quite a long time will understand me, so the aroma of chocolate is especially pleasant.

I have long hair, but due to the large weight loss, my hair began to fall out and fade. I included kefir masks with cocoa in my weekly routine, and added sunflower seeds and flax seeds to my diet. The condition of the hair has improved significantly. I recommend this mask as magical for dull or split hair, it nourishes and revitalizes them, and the shine is pleasing to the eye.

Mask for hair volume with kefir and cocoa

Ingredients: 0.5 tbsp. kefir, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. cocoa.

This mask is suitable for any type of hair. Kefir is preheated to a pleasant skin temperature.

Stir the yolk and kefir in a separate glass bowl, then add cocoa. We apply the hair to the roots, then along the entire length.

After the mask has dried it is about 10-15 minutes (depending on the length and density), repeat the application 2 more times.

The mask turns out to be liquid, so put on the right clothes or use a cape for coloring. We hold it only 3 times for 15 minutes, in total it takes from 60 to 12 minutes for the mask, so it is recommended to do it when you have enough time.

Video about proper preparation masks and application with step by step instructions:

Feedback from Beauty Xu:
The mask is very effective, rinses off easily and really adds volume to the hair. Ideal for use at home, the reviews will collect the most positive, because it will help to add volume even to curls that are not prone to volume. Its only disadvantage is its duration, i.e. It will take about 1-2 hours to do all the procedures.

Kefir hair mask: reviews with photos before and after (video) from Olga Sumskaya

Ingredients: warm kefir, pea flour, rye, vitamin E.

Mask recipe: add all the ingredients to the warmed kefir, stirring thoroughly.

We apply the finished solution to the roots of the head, then distribute it along the entire length.

A shower cap or a plastic bag, warm with a towel on top.

For a therapeutic and restorative effect, apply 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

If you did not find rye or pea flour, then grind the peas in a coffee grinder, and rye flour replace with rye bread.

Video on how to prepare the application of a magic protein mask:

Feedback from Natalia Kholodenko after applying the Sumskaya mask:

A noticeable effect on the hair even after one application. They begin to crumble, become voluminous, you just want to dig into them, flow through your fingers like water. They become soft and comb well.

    I love the kefir mask and often do it, I also like the ultra regenerating mask with grape seed extract, my hair has become shiny, smooth, and healthier.

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Every woman dreams of having luxurious Thick hair. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone beautiful hair. However, thanks to the advice of professional experts, you can learn how to properly care for your strands. To keep healthy and natural look hair, you need to heed the advice of professionals.

Despite the fact that in modern world many well-known manufacturers produce a variety of means to increase the density of hair, it is still quite difficult to achieve desired result. Through certain time hair splits, becomes dry and begins to fall out. Therefore, it is better to use recipes and prepare effective remedies for the density of hair with your own hands at home.

Masks prepared at home have a good effect on the structure of the hair. It is worth noting that proper care hair care is entirely up to you. The most common mask for the density of hair is a product made from kefir. This dairy product is sold in all stores. The composition of kefir includes useful substances. The predominance of proteins, yeast, calcium, vitamins B and E, lactic acid sticks helps to strengthen and restore damaged hair. If you want to moisturize damaged hair at home, then you need to buy kefir and prepare a mask for hair loss. A hair mask with kefir has an excellent effect on the structure of the hair.

A hair mask with kefir protects the hair from negative impact environment. Thanks to this mask, after a while, the hair will become soft, natural and, of course, thick. However, there is one slight nuance: regular use kefir mask over time, the pigment will be removed from the hair. Therefore, a kefir mask is not recommended for women and girls whose hair is dyed a different color.

Some ladies use a kefir mask to lighten their strands. But you should not hope for the case that after applying the prepared mask to the hair at home, the hair will immediately turn blond. Why use a chemical agent (hydrogen peroxide) to lighten hair when you can make an effective natural mask at home? Thus, you can lighten your strands without damaging the structure of your hair. Whitening hair mask with kefir is useful for hair growth and strengthening. Kefir hair lightening mask is used to preserve healthy look hair.

The simplest and easy option is the application of kefir to the roots and ends of the hair. Next, you need to warm your head with cellophane or a plastic cap. It is advisable to leave the mask on your head for one hour. If possible, you can not rinse effective remedy in two hours. After that, the mask must be washed off suitable shampoo. If you regularly use a kefir mask, you can achieve the desired result for short term. Hair will regain its silkiness and natural shine. You can also get rid of dry dandruff on your head. A hair mask with kefir will restore the structure of the hair after the first procedure.

In practice, it has been shown that some owners of dry hair most often wash their hair with kefir. Thus, you can get moisturized and soft strands. However, it is worth considering that in this case, the hair will become dirty faster. Accordingly, you will have to wash your hair much more often.

Kefir hair mask is often used against hair loss. For the purpose of prevention, this procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week. More precisely, to eliminate the problem of hair loss, in a certain amount of kefir, you need to add a little mustard powder, brewer's yeast and essential oil. To increase the effectiveness of this mask, you can use castor oil, mayonnaise, cognac, onion, yolk, alcohol, butter, honey, cocoa, black bread, yeast, gelatin, banana and others. useful components. Hair loss masks are prepared very quickly and easily.

Castor oil can be used to treat hair in pure form. Accordingly, castor oil can be purchased at all pharmacies. To apply castor oil to your hair in its pure form, you first need to warm it up a little. Worth emphasizing important fact that castor oil is the best remedy anti-dandruff. Now we propose to consider separately all the recipes that you can do with your own hands at home. A hair mask with kefir is quick and easy to prepare.

If you are the owner of oily hair, then a mustard mask made from the following components will suit you. In one hundred and fifty milliliters of kefir, you need to add one tablespoon of mustard, one yolk, honey, yeast, cocoa and almond oil. You can also use burdock or castor oil. Add a few drops of essential oil to the finished mixture. Some women also use lemon juice or rosemary. Mustard makes hair not only thick and silky, but also stimulates hair growth. The finished mass with mustard should be thoroughly mixed and, accordingly, applied to the hair. It is advisable to leave the remedy on the head for thirty minutes. After the procedure, the head should be thoroughly washed with warm water and a special shampoo.

To make a mask for dry hair, you will need the following ingredients. Castor, olive or burdock oil, one yolk, two tablespoons of yeast and a spoonful of cocoa should be added to a container with a dairy product. Next, you need to apply finished mask on the roots and ends of the hair. After an hour, the product is completely absorbed into the hair structure. After that, you will have to wash your hair with warm water. Better to buy in advance special shampoo for dry hair. After a while, you will notice how your hair will become natural and natural look.

To make effective mask, will have to boil natural milk and then cool to room temperature. Next, you need to add two teaspoons of kefir, one egg, one teaspoon of yeast and mix the whole mass well. After the procedure, the finished mixture must be heated. Preferably placed in warm room. Before applying the mask on the head, the hair should be damp. The mask should be left on the head for twenty minutes. Kefir hair mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

If you are experiencing intense hair loss, then you need to urgently take certain measures. We offer great recipe for the growth and strengthening of hair in a short time. First you need to take one onion and squeeze the juice. Then you will have to add the yolk, a few tablespoons of yeast and squeezed onions to the container with kefir. If there is burdock oil at home, then you can add a few drops. ready mix should be evenly distributed throughout the hair. Having warmed the head with a plastic cap, the mask should be left for one hour. Next, the product should be washed off with warm water. It should be noted that the content of the onion in the mask does not leave bad smell on the head. Thanks to dairy product the smell is almost gone.

Mask recipes for thick hair

  • Recipe 1

In order not to spend extra money on various chemicals, it is better to make masks at home. To do this, you need to take one yolk, cocoa, black bread and mix with lemon juice, a spoonful of aloe juice and a clove of one garlic. The finished mass should be applied to the hair and left for about forty minutes. Next, the mask must be washed off with warm water and shampoo to eliminate the smell of garlic.

  • Recipe 2

The second mask recipe is also prepared quickly and easily. It is necessary to take an egg, cocoa and mix with three tablespoons of kefir. The resulting mixture must be applied to the roots of the hair. After the first layer dries, it is necessary to apply the second and third. To warm the head, you need to wear a plastic cap. You can also warm up a towel and wrap your head around it. After forty minutes, the mask must be washed off with baby soap.

  • Recipe 3

Everyone knows that mayonnaise is a nutritious food. Mayonnaise is used not only for cooking various dishes, and for various masks. mayonnaise enriches hair useful properties. The composition of this wonderful product includes yolk, mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and other components. Therefore, mayonnaise can be prepared at home. For this you will need an egg, castor oil, black bread, one teaspoon of sugar, salt, mustard and freshly squeezed lemon juice. All of the above ingredients must be mixed in a blender. In a few minutes, homemade mayonnaise will be ready. It is advisable to apply the prepared mayonnaise on wet hair, then rinse with warm water. A mask with mayonnaise is designed for hair density and growth.

  • Recipe 4

If you dream of having thick hair, then you need to get down to business. It's time to make an effective mask with your own hands. In order to give hair volume and shine, you need to use gelatin. Today, gelatin is used in many industries for the manufacture of hair care products. Gelatin strengthens and restores the structure of the hair. This component is often added to various means, shampoos, etc. Gelatin also improves the scalp.

In practice, gelatin is used instead of shampoo. It is worth noting that gelatin shampoo is prepared very simply. You will have to add a few drops of shampoo. Next, gelatin must be diluted in water. After you find the formation of a lump, gelatin must be applied to wet hair. A mask with gelatin is used by owners of dry hair.

  • Recipe 5

A hair mask with kefir, made from black bread, is useful for strengthening and growing hair. Bread is considered the main product in our life. Therefore, for healthy eating many people eat black bread. To make hair strong and healthy, you need to use bread. It is worth noting that the bread mask contains vitamins such as: A, E, PP, B and others. Black bread is absolutely harmless. A mask made from bread does not harm health, but vice versa. Accordingly, bread has no contraindications.

Before you prepare a mask, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules. It is necessary to take the bread and place it in boiled water. You can also add an egg, cocoa and various tinctures made from medicinal herbs. Nettle, plantain, sage, mint and others are especially suitable. useful herbs. It is recommended to add essential or olive oil. Before applying the mask on the head, the hair must be washed. quality shampoo and then rinse with conditioner.

  • Recipe 6

To strengthen and grow hair, experts recommend making banana masks. It is worth emphasizing that a banana is an excellent component that is enriched with natural and beneficial substances. Banana is rich in vitamins such as: A, B, C, E, carbohydrates, etc. Therefore, a banana is used to moisturize and soften the hair. If the hair is split, then, of course, you need to purchase a banana and prepare an effective mask. Banana heals hair and skin on the head. The mask is made quite quickly and simply. First you need to know that it is better to take a banana with a blackened peel. banana mask can also be made in combination with honey, cocoa, mustard, etc. All of the above components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the head. Wrap your head in a towel or put on a plastic hat. The mask can be kept for an entire hour.

  • Recipe 7

If you have dark hair, then you can prepare a mask with cognac and mustard. To do this, you will have to take 2 yolks, fifty grams of cognac and the same amount of olive oil. It is worth noting that the mask with cognac can color the hair in dark color. Therefore, it is better for blondes to refrain from using masks with cognac. The finished mass with cognac must be mixed and applied to the hair. To give warmth, you need to wrap your head with polyethylene. The mask with brandy remains on the head for about forty minutes, after which you need to wash off the mask with brandy with warm water and shampoo.

Colorless or natural henna

All masks prepared at home guarantee an excellent effect. After a while, you will notice the result. However, it is also worth mentioning that important role occupies colorless or natural henna. Specially produced henna for hair is made from lavsonia leaves. colorless henna has wound healing and antiseptic properties. Colorless or natural henna is often used to eliminate dandruff and for hair growth. natural henna recommended only for owners dark hair, because after the procedure blonde hair may be dyed to a different tone. Therefore, colorless henna is provided for blondes. Folk masks made from this powder will add shine and shine to your hair. Colorless henna does not stain the hair in a different color, respectively, it can be safely applied to the hair.

Kefir is not only a tasty and healthy drink, but also great mask for hair! Kefir is common and affordable folk remedy hair care at home.

The composition of kefir includes calcium, protein, yeast, lactic acid sticks, vitamins B and E, which perfectly nourish the hair, strengthening and restoring its structure. Kefir mask perfectly softens and moisturizes dry hair, making it more resistant, eliminating hair loss. Kefir forms a film on the hair that protects them from external influence. If you have dry hair, then a kefir mask is what you need!

However, do not forget that the kefir mask partially leaches hair pigments, therefore it is not recommended to use kefir masks with dyed hair. But on the other hand, kefir can be used to slightly lighten hair, but, of course, you won’t become a blonde from this. However, it will allow you to lighten your hair without the use of any chemicals.

One of the most simple options kefir mask:

Apply yogurt to the hair and their roots, cover the head with cellophane and wait an hour, but longer, and then wash your hair as usual with shampoo. If you regularly make kefir masks, then your hair will become obedient, soft and silky, and dry dandruff will also go away.

You can also use kefir just as a shampoo. But this method is only suitable for women with very dry hair, because kefir makes hair heavier and quickly dirty.

Kefir is not rarely used in masks to treat hair loss. Since brewer's yeast, mustard, essential oils are perfectly dissolved in it. To increase the effect of using kefir, you can prepare your own version of a therapeutic kefir hair mask. There you can add yolk, mustard, pepper tincture, honey, onion juice, cognac, burdock oil, decoction of medicinal herbs (burdock, nettle, calamus) and many others.

Kefir hair mask: rules for use

Although it will most likely not be possible to harm the hair with a kefir mask, nevertheless try to follow the following rules:

  • kefir needs to be warmed up a little so that it is not cold;
  • first apply a kefir mask on the scalp, lightly rubbing into the roots, and then spread over all hair;
  • how fatter type hair, the less fatty kefir should be used (for oily hair - 1%, normal - 2.5%, and for dry and split ends - 3.2%), in addition, it is desirable to add various vegetable oils to kefir masks for dry hair;
  • kefir masks are applied to dry or slightly wet hair, and on top you need to put on a loose plastic cap and wrap it with a towel;
  • for prevention purposes, a kefir hair mask is applied once a month, and for therapeutic purposes, in courses lasting 2-3 months, once a week.

Kefir hair mask recipes

Kefir mask for dry hair

Recipe 1. Kefir mask with egg. Mix half a glass of kefir and 1 teaspoon of castor or burdock or olive oil, then add one yolk. Cover your hair with the resulting mixture and put on a hat. After an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 2. Just kefir

Such a kefir mask for dry hair is applied to unwashed head. It does a great job with dryness, dandruff, makes brittle hair stronger. Take half a glass of yogurt and rub it into your hair, then cover your hair with a film. Wash off after 1.5 hours. It is desirable to apply such a mask once a week for a month.

Kefir mask for oily hair

Recipe 1. With mustard, honey and oils.

You need to stir a tablespoon of dry mustard in 150 ml. kefir, then add one yolk, one teaspoon of honey and almond oil (you can use burdock). After adding a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, lemon and others) to the kefir mask. Now you need to apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a hat and leave for 30 minutes. Then, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 2. Just kefir.

One glass of slightly warmed kefir is well distributed over the hair, gently rubbing it into the scalp. Keep 30 min. Then rinse.

Other kefir hair masks

Universal kefir mask (for all hair types).

Boil milk, cool it to room temperature and add 2 teaspoons of kefir, stir and put the mixture for 1-2 days in warm place. This mask should be applied to wet clean hair and leave for 30 minutes. Then just rinse with water without shampoo.

Firming mask (for all hair types): for such a kefir mask, you will need two tablespoons of dried chamomile and calendula flowers (you can use nettles), 200 ml of boiling water, three tablespoons of kefir, one yolk. Make an infusion from herbs and boiling water, strain and add kefir and yolk. Keep the mask for 30-60 minutes, then rinse clean water. This kefir mask perfectly restores the structure damaged by staining And perm hair and also prevents hair loss.

Kefir mask for split ends. To create such a mask, you will need high-fat kefir, honey and an egg. 3 art. l. fatty yogurt mix with the yolk and a spoonful of honey. Apply to your hair and then wrap it in plastic and a warm towel. After an hour, the kefir mask can be washed off with regular shampoo.

Kefir mask with blue clay (for oily and normal hair). Dilute 1 tablespoon of cosmetic blue clay in half a glass of kefir and rub into the hair roots. Wash your hair with shampoo after 30 minutes. Kefir mask with blue clay is perfect for women with oily and normal hair. This mask perfectly nourishes, gives volume and healthy shine hair.

Kefir mask against dandruff and brittle hair. Thoroughly stir the crumb of black bread and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in half a glass of kefir and then apply the mixture on the head, after 20 minutes you can wash it off. For maximum effect, kefir masks should be applied at least 2 times a week for two months.

Kefir mask for lightening hair As mentioned above, a kefir mask can slightly lighten hair. In addition, you can use it to accelerate the washout of paint if necessary.

Mix well 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac (or vodka), 1 egg, juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of shampoo in 50 ml of kefir. Then spread the resulting mixture through the hair, without rubbing it into the scalp, wrap your head, and keep it as long as you can, up to 8 hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and use any hair balm.

Kefir mask for hair growth with onions. Squeeze the juice from 1 onion, mix the resulting juice with a glass of kefir. You can also add a teaspoon of burdock oil and one yolk. Apply the mixture on your hair, cover your head and leave the kefir mask for one hour, then wash your hair with warm water. The smell of onion in a kefir mask is almost invisible, so don't worry.

Kefir mask for hair growth with yeast: To create a mask, you will need 4 tablespoons of yeast, half a glass of kefir, one tablespoon of honey. Yeast should be mixed in kefir and put in a warm place for fermentation, then add honey and apply on the head and rinse with shampoo after 30 minutes. For better growth hair is recommended to be applied every day for 10 days, and then once a week.

Kefir mask for hair growth with honey and vitamin E: Mix 1 yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, the contents of 3 vitamin E capsules in half a glass of kefir. When you get a homogeneous mixture, apply it to clean hair and rinse after half an hour without shampoo.

Kefir mask for hair growth with nettle (burdock). Create a decoction of nettle or burdock roots. Dilute the resulting decoction with kefir in equal proportions and cover the hair with the resulting mixture, leaving it for one hour. Such a kefir mask with nettle is good for fighting dandruff and increasing growth.

Dry ones need to be looked after more reverently, therefore, various components must be added to the kefir hair composition.

Use this recipe:

You need to mix an egg yolk and a little burdock or castor oil, and 30-40 grams of fatty yogurt. This prepared mask should be applied to wet and hold for a little less than an hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly under running water, and then shampoo as usual.

Black bread and kefir mask

Take 100-150 grams of kefir, 200 grams of black bread and a couple of tablespoons of any oil, such as olive, burdock or castor. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then apply the mask on your hair for half an hour, then rinse well with water, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Kefir mask to increase hair growth

Such a mask should be used to stimulate hair growth, as well as for those who intensively lose a lot of hair every day. Mix 6 tablespoons of kefir, three tablespoons onion juice and one tablespoon of yeast. It needs to be used less three times in Week. There is one more good recipe for hair growth. Take 150 grams of kefir, some yeast and a tablespoon of honey. As in the previous recipes, you need to mix all the ingredients, spread on your hair and do not rinse for thirty minutes. Then wash your hair with regular shampoo. A kefir mask made from black bread and kefir must be done for at least ten days in a row, and then for preventive purposes once a week.

Hair mask with kefir and henna

You will need several spoons coloring henna for hair, a couple of tablespoons of cocoa, one small clove of garlic and 3-4 tablespoons of kefir. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass. For many, this turns out to be thick. If you also encountered such a problem, then add a little more kefir - this will not spoil the mask. Keep it on your hair for at least thirty minutes. Apply once a week.

Kefir mask with vitamin E

You need one glass of fatty yogurt, 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, one egg, one spoon of honey and a few capsules of vitamin E. Mix everything so that you get a homogeneous mass. Such a mask should be kept on the hair for no more than twenty minutes and be sure to wrap the hair in a tight bag. After this procedure, rinse your hair with warm water, and then wash your hair with a small amount regular shampoo.

Mayonnaise and kefir mask

To prepare such a mask, you will need one and 50-60 grams of kefir and mayonnaise. The egg, or rather the egg white, needs to be beaten into a foam, and then slowly and gradually add all the other ingredients there. Then mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and apply it to the hair. It is advisable to wrap your head in a tight bag and a towel, and walk like this for half an hour. After the time has passed, rinse your hair with water, and then you can dry it.

Many people have hair, so by making a kefir mask for hair growth, you can treat them at the same time. To do this, you can add to the composition of the kefir mask: in mayonnaise oat flour, in an egg - one tablespoon of vegetable oil, a little butter, cream, as well as bananas, persimmons, melons or freshly squeezed juices from any fruits and vegetables.

and strengthening hair.

* We take kefir in equal parts, alcohol tincture calendula, and vegetable oil. Rub into the scalp, apply to the hair. We tie the hair with plastic wrap, on top - with a scarf. After 1 hour, wash off the mask and rinse your head with nettle infusion.

* Kefir for hair growth is also mixed with pepper. To do this, you need 1 teaspoon of kefir and 1 tsp. hot pepper tincture. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, leave for 15 minutes. We wash our hair, rinse our hair with infusion of herbs. This mask provides an active rush of blood to the scalp.

* Mix in equal parts tincture of calendula, kefir and vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the head, hold for 30 minutes. In the usual way, wash my head, rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

* Combine in a cup and stir 1 tablespoon sour milk and 1 tbsp. l. kefir. Apply evenly over the entire length of the hair, comb through. We leave for 25 minutes. My head infusion of chamomile.

* Fresh nettle leaves are finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder, poured with vegetable oil (any) and left for several days. Then mix nettle (1 tablespoon) and with the same amount of kefir. We rub the mask into the hair roots, cover with a cellophane film and a scarf for 1 hour. We wash our hair as usual, rinse with nettle decoction. After that, it is recommended to massage the scalp.

* If you have dandruff, then kefir masks will also help in solving this problem. The easiest way is to rub aged homemade kefir into the scalp. This procedure also relieves itching of the scalp.

* Another way to get rid of dandruff with kefir. Pour homemade kefir into a bowl, dip a small piece of cloth into it. We divide the hair into strands, and gradually moisten the scalp and hair with kefir. Do not wash it off for 30 minutes, then wash your hair. For the complete disappearance of dandruff, a dozen of such procedures will be required.

Drink kefir more often, make the kefir masks for hair growth that I suggested, and the result will surely please you soon!


Folk hair masks based on kefir - milk - yogurt for hair growth and treatment:

Recipe 1 - The simplest kefir mask for hair treatment - kefir (yogurt-milk) for hair growth

Rub the yogurt into the roots of the hair, then spread it over the entire length, cover your head with cellophane and a warm cloth and keep it for an hour and a half to two hours. Use this kefir mask once a week for at least two months.

You can slightly warm kefir before use, such a mask is more effective. But you only need to heat it up a little and it’s better in a water bath to prevent kefir (curdled milk) from curdling.

Wash away this folk mask warm water, adding a little shampoo.

Recipe 2 - Kefir masks for the treatment of dry and split ends - kefir (milk - yogurt) from hair

For dry hair, various nutritional supplements are added to masks with kefir or milk: butter, egg yolk, honey. Here are some recipes for such masks:

Recipe 3 - mask with kefir - kefir (yogurt - milk) and egg yolk for growth and hair

Take three tablespoons of yogurt (yogurt - milk) and the yolk of one egg. Whisk well and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Wrap your head in polyethylene and warm cloth, keep the mask for an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 4 - Revitalizing mask with kefir - kefir (milk - yogurt) and oil (castor - olive - - sunflower) for hair growth and nutrition

Mix a tablespoon of any natural vegetable with three tablespoons of kefir or yogurt. Then do everything as in the previous recipe.

When applying masks and creams, be careful: check any first on the skin of your hand, it may not suit you.

Kefir, first of all, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, as well as to replenish the lack of minerals and trace elements in the body, which affects the strengthening and normal growth hair. It is necessary to take kefir not only inside, it is useful to use it for regular massaging of the head. A kefir mask for hair growth will help you with this.

Recipes for hair masks based on kefir.

A simple kefir mask.

In order to prepare a kefir mask, you should slightly warm a glass of kefir and dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it, then mix well. Apply the finished mask to well-washed damp hair. After two hours, the kefir mask is washed off with warm water.

Kefir mask with nettle infusion.

It is also recommended to try a mask based on kefir with nettle infusion. To do this, dried nettle leaves must be poured with heated kefir and the resulting mixture must be kept for two hours. Then strain the mixture through a fine strainer or through several layers of gauze. clear skin moisten the head with infusion and massage lightly. It is not necessary to rinse your hair with water after this procedure. The specific smell will disappear very quickly.

A mixture of infusion of hop cones and kefir prepared in the same way.

Mask based on kefir with the addition of vegetable oil and calendula tincture.

In equal parts, we take kefir, vegetable oil and alcohol tincture of calendula. Mix and apply to hair massage movements into the scalp. We tie the hair with a plastic film, and on top with a scarf. After an hour, we wash off the mask, and for rinsing we take an infusion of nettle.

Kefir mask with aloe juice and castor oil.

A mask is also prepared from kefir, which must be applied some time before washing the hair. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of kefir with one teaspoon of aloe juice and a teaspoon of castor oil. The mixture must be rubbed 30-40 minutes before washing the hair. You need to wash your hair after the mask in the usual way, then rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

Mask of kefir with pepper.

To improve hair growth, mix with kefir. It will take for this 1 teaspoon of kefir and 1 teaspoon of hot pepper tincture. The prepared mixture is rubbed into the hair roots and left for about a quarter of an hour. Then I wash my head and rinse my hair with some of the herbal infusions. This hair mask will help provide more blood flow to the skin heads.

Kefir mask with nettle oil.

Fill with vegetable oil finely chopped or minced leaves of fresh nettle. Let this mixture brew for several days. Then we mix the resulting nettle oil in equal proportions with kefir. We rub the mask into the roots of the hair, and cover with a film and a scarf for one hour. We wash our hair in the usual way, and then rinse our hair with a decoction of nettle. It is recommended to massage the scalp afterwards.

Mask based on kefir and sour milk.

In a cup, combine and mix one tablespoon of kefir and sour milk. Then apply evenly to all hair and comb through. Leave the hair in this state for 25 minutes. After that, rinse them with infusion of chamomile.

Cream-mask based on kefir.

At home, you can also prepare a hair mask and a cream mask. For cooking, you need to take 15 ml of chamomile water infusion, 120 grams of lanolin and 3 teaspoons of kefir. It is necessary to heat all the components (do not boil) and mix thoroughly. After that, pour the finished mask into a jar. Before use, slightly warm it up, and then apply to the hair. With regular use, the hair becomes silky and manageable when styling.

Kefir masks dandruff.

In solving the problem of dandruff, kefir masks can also help you. by the most in a simple way is rubbing kefir into the scalp. This procedure, among other things, will help relieve itching of the scalp.

Another one will help get rid of dandruff effective way. Pour kefir into a bowl, after which we lower a small piece of cloth there. Then we divide the hair into strands, and gradually moisten the hair and scalp with kefir. Kefir is not washed off for about 30 minutes, then I wash my hair. To get rid of dandruff completely, you will need at least ten such procedures.

Drink kefir more often, make the kefir masks suggested above, and the result will surely please you!