The best products for highlighted hair. A ray of sunshine in your hair. Masks for highlighted strands

Gorgeous beautiful hair has always been considered the standard female beauty and attractiveness. In pursuit of the perfect head of hair, girls try on themselves a lot of various means for coloring and styling. One way to change hair color is highlighting. This method allows you to add brightness to the image, lightening only some strands.

Although the procedure for highlighting curls is less harmful than full staining, however, it depletes the hair, making it dry and brittle. Therefore, all women and girls who have subjected their strands to partial lightening should apply special means to care for them. The most popular are masks for highlighted hair. And about what these tools are and how to use them correctly, this article will tell.

What's better?

Speaking about the care of weakened hair (which is exactly what they are when they are partially or completely clarified), we can say that they need those products that will help moisturize each hair.

Make hair less brittle and more elastic various masks for highlighted hair. Of particular value are those that have in their composition natural oils. benefit herbal ingredients hard to overestimate, because they are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. To the number useful components for home masks, medicinal decoctions of herbs and fruit extracts can be attributed.

Summarizing all of the above, we can make a list of the most useful tools for damaged hair. These include:

  1. Masks with glycerin.
  2. Oil products.
  3. Masks based on decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. Caring masks with egg and honey.
  5. Regenerating masks with vitamins.
  6. Professional masks for highlighted hair.

All funds from this list can complement each other.

The benefits of glycerin in hair masks

Hair masks using glycerin can significantly soften curls, smooth unruly strands, and also help treat split ends and get rid of dandruff.

Glycerin in the composition medicinal products enveloping effect on the hair, protecting each damaged hair, creating a dense film on it, which minimizes the aggressive effect negative factors. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use such masks in courses. Usually the mask is done once a week for two months. You can make adjustments to the schedule depending on individual features hair.

A variety of masks for highlighted hair with glycerin will become a real find for women with damaged strands. Therefore, consider the recipes for the preparation of popular options.

Regenerating hair mask with gelatin and glycerin:

  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • 100 ml of glycerin;
  • 5 tbsp honey;
  • half a tablet of salicylic acid.

With chamomile:

  • 100 ml of chamomile broth;
  • 60 g of glycerin.

The components must be mixed and evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Wash off the remnants of the product after half an hour.

The miraculous power of oils

In the present times pharmacy chains offer big choice various oils that help endow homemade masks for highlighted hair useful properties. Such products as shea butter, camellia, ylang-ylang, grape seed are widely in demand.

All these oils are widely used in the manufacture of expensive shampoos and other products. They can be used not only in combination with other ingredients, but also as a complete medicine on their own.

To do this, apply a few drops of any oil to the hair and leave for 25-30 minutes, then rinse. Masks using these oils are considered very beneficial. Therefore, consider the recipes for preparing some of them.

Mask for very damaged hair with wheat germ oil

  • 0.5 tbsp castor oil;
  • 10 drops of wheat germ oil;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • 1 yolk.

Honey should be melted steam bath and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Wet your hair with this solution and leave it on for 30 minutes.

Revitalizing mask with camellia oil:

  • 2 tbsp olive oils;
  • half a banana (ripe);
  • 7 drops of camellia oil;
  • 50 g of curdled milk;
  • 2 yolks.

it best mask. highlighted hair, damaged by staining, should be a little. Otherwise, it is better to entrust hair care to a professional.

Masks with vegetable oils help not only moisturize the hair. Reviews indicate that they care for the scalp. After use home remedy the strands are not tangled and comb well. These masks with oil extracts of plants and fruits in the composition are good because their components can be replaced and combined.

Power of nature

What are the benefits of herbal teas for all hair types? They help hydrate and useful elements weak curls. Therefore, so often experts recommend using decoctions and masks for highlighted hair that require special meals and hydration.

Mask from a decoction of burdock root:

  • 50 ml of decoction of burdock (roots);
  • 2 yolks;
  • 30 ml of kefir.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 0.5 kg of peeled roots and pour boiling water over them. Let the product boil for 2-3 minutes, then set aside and wait for it to cool. Next, mix the broth with yolks and kefir, then apply to the strands, leaving for 45 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

This recipe is universal, because it is suitable for all types of hair.

Gift from bees

The benefits of honey for hair have been known for a long time. It has valuable restorative properties, therefore it is well suited for the rehabilitation of damaged hair that has a faded appearance, brittle structure and split ends.

Honey mask for highlighted hair at home is easy to prepare. She will return the beauty and radiance to the curls. And another one will help important component, which is very much appreciated in cosmetology, - egg. Complementing each other in cosmetics, these two ingredients provide curls complete care. Every woman who wants to have beautiful hair must use such masks.

Healing mask:

Honey mask with lemon juice:

  • 100g liquid honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 30 g freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 5 drops of argan oil.

Not without vitamins

Hair needs vitamins to grow properly. Of course, vitamins enter the body with food. But in the case of hair coloring, they must be applied directly to the hair. Gives amazing effect vitamin mask for highlighted hair (reviews about it leave positive).

Vitamin mask:

  • 6 drops of vitamin E;
  • 6 drops of vitamin A;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1.5 tsp burdock oil;
  • 30 ml of infusion of chamomile.

After applying the mask, the hair becomes silky and shiny.

professional tools

If there is no desire to bother with the preparation of homemade masks for the care of depleted hair, then they can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. Even if you need to spend a tidy sum on them, the result is worth it. The most popular are masks for damaged hair. chemicals, there may already be a lot, professional medicines cope even with massive damage), containing oils, vitamins, as well as valuable extracts from plants.

The list includes data cosmetics:

  • Lumino Contrast by L'Oreal Professionel.
  • Pantene.
  • Hair mask Gliss kur "Extreme recovery".
  • mask for Elseve hair"Full Recovery".

All purchased masks for highlighted hair act instantly, giving the curls shine, silkiness and well-groomed appearance.

Night rest

Not everyone knows about what to restore brittle hair You can also at night, during sleep. To do this, you just need to apply a mask on your hair, put a plastic cap on top, and wash your hair in the morning. If you are interested in the question of which masks for highlighted hair will not spoil, but will provide intensive recovery, then night care products are your answer.

Caring complex from sage:

  • 50 ml of sage broth;
  • 50 ml of chamomile decoction;
  • 1 yolk.

All substances should be mixed and moistened with hair. After that, you will need to wrap your hair with a towel.

Mask "Abundance of oils":

  • 8 drops of grape seed oil;
  • 5 drops of camellia oil;
  • 8 drops of shea butter;
  • 35 ml olive oil.

All oils must be shaken well, and then lubricated with them on the hair. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Such products will help if highlighted hair is dry. These masks are absolutely harmless.

In the salon, you may be offered several options for highlighting to choose from, but do not be misled by the word “sparing” or “safe”. This procedure involves a partial violation of the cuticle and washing out of the pigment from the hair shaft, due to which it becomes drier, lighter and more vulnerable. In addition, beautiful light shade may become yellowish over time.

Care for highlighted hair should be about the same as for dyed hair. In other words, curls need to be protected, moisturized and restored, and regularly.

  • Purchase a shampoo and conditioner (and/or leave-in fluid) from the same range that is specifically designed for either highlighted hair or color-treated and highlighted hair, and use only those when washing your hair.
  • Comb your curls thoroughly and gently several times a day, including before washing. Use a comb made of natural material with rare teeth for this. Wet hair never brush!
  • To stimulate blood circulation (and nutrition hair follicles) massage your scalp daily for 10-15 minutes (if you suffer from high fat content, then less).
  • Wash your hair with warm (not hot) water. After that, to enhance the shine, rinse your hair first with water of the same temperature, and then with cold water. You can use chamomile decoction or vinegar (lemon) water for rinsing.
  • If possible, minimize the use of aggressive beauty gadgets (hair dryer, ironing) and styling products(varnishes, gels). If natural drying is not your choice, then at least turn on the most delicate mode and direct the air stream along the hair growth to once again do not injure the cuticle.

And if you need a perm, it makes sense to remember the curlers and fix the curls on them with beer.

  • Protect your hair from UV rays, high and low temperatures, chlorinated and salt water. Wear appropriate headwear for the weather.
  • Periodically tint your hair so that the bleached strands do not turn yellow.

Special care

Highlighting hair, you break their structure. To lessen the consequences chemical exposure and keep the strands healthy, try to observe the following frequency of use of care products:

  • Every week, apply to your hair and scalp (one hour before washing) warmed vegetable oil, homemade or purchased mask. This is especially important in the first half a month.
  • Wash your hair no more than three times a week, using special products, then rinse the curls with herbal decoction (nettle, chamomile, oregano, sage, plantain).
  • Use once or twice a week natural masks against yellowness. If you prefer salon products, then use them as often as recommended in the instructions.

professional tools

Hair care after highlighting may seem burdensome, but high-quality cosmetics can simplify it.

Shampoo and balm (or leave-in fluid) should belong to the same series and be suitable for your hair type (which may change for some time after highlighting). Make sure that all the products that you are going to use are specifically for highlights, and not just dyed strands. These products not only moisturize and soften the hair, but also due to hyperacidity neutralize alkali, prevent fading and yellowness, protect from the sun, give intense shine, care for the scalp. In addition to the standard set (shampoo and balm), you should purchase a mask of the same brand and line.

Effective products for highlighted curls are produced by L`Oreal (Lumino Contrast), Schwarzkopf (Illumi Lights), Wella (Lifetex Color Protection) and others. The master who painted you should give recommendations on choosing the product and explain the rules for its use.

wash your hair special shampoo needed within two weeks after the procedure. You can then return to your normal routine without giving up conditioners and fluids.

DIY masks

Give preference to blends oil based: they help prevent "dehydration" of the hair, smooth its surface and make it manageable. Such simple care for highlighted hair should be carried out 1 - 2 times a week.

  • Good results are obtained by rubbing wheat germ oil into the scalp and curls (including the tips!) Wash it off after 30-40 minutes with warm water and shampoo.
  • Mix the juice of half a lemon, 1 egg yolk and 1 st. a spoonful of warmed honey and olive oil. If desired, add half a banana, whipped in a blender. Apply the mass to the hair along the entire length, put on a plastic cap and warm your head with a towel. Wash off the composition after 40 minutes and rinse the curls with acidified water.
  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil and burdock oil, slightly warm in a water bath and distribute through the hair. Wash off no sooner than an hour later.
  • Mix 100 ml of kefir with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive or burdock oil. Distribute through the hair, from roots to ends, massage the scalp for several minutes. Wrap your head carefully with plastic wrap. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes. If you have greasy hair try using fresh cucumber juice instead of olive oil.
  • Chop 1 kiwi (or ½ banana) and 1 tangerine (½ orange or grapefruit). Apply to hair, leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.

Fight against yellowness: salon remedies and folk recipes

Caring for highlighted and dyed hair at home involves the mandatory prevention of pigment leaching and color change. The cosmetic industry produces special products that simultaneously heal bleached curls and preserve the richness of shades. Among them are the following:

  • Schwarzkopf, Bonacure series
  • Balm CONCEPT Color Renewal
  • Estel Pearl Otium Series
  • Dualsenses Blondes & Highlights Anti-Brassiness Conditioner

The main disadvantage of most of these products is their high price. True, there is an alternative: shampoos for gray hair and tinting balms like Tonics. Choose silver, platinum, even lilac shades. You need to use such products no more than 3 times a month, and keep it on your hair for no longer than 3 minutes (otherwise the color may change beyond recognition). And, of course, if possible, strands should be protected from tobacco smoke and chlorinated water.

For those who are not accustomed to rely on purchased funds, we can recommend homemade:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist under the lid for half an hour. Pour in 50 g of glycerin and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and apply the composition to the curls. Put on a shower cap. Wash off after 2 hours without shampoo. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
  • Onion peel pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours under the lid. Before going to bed, rinse the curls with the solution and put them under the film. Wash with shampoo in the morning.
  • Grind 1 tbsp. l rhubarb stalks, pour 0.5 l of dry wine and boil until half of the liquid has evaporated. Soak the mass on the hair for an hour, then rinse them.

I have always dreamed of long and beautiful hair, but it is a pity that nature does not endow everyone luxurious hair... Plays a big role hereditary factor and not only...

Every girl wants to be healthy and well-groomed hair, using a whole artillery of caring cosmetics, including trips to salons and all kinds of newfangled procedures.

By trial and error, we select the most effective means to preserve the beauty of the hair.

I wonder how our grandmothers had gorgeous hair, without having a cool arsenal, but adhering only to old folk traditions ...

But keeping up with the times, all these methods are forgotten and practiced less and less. We love ready-made, so that without problems and hassle, but sometimes we underestimate the effectiveness of those proven by more than one generation folk remedies....

A little about myself (or rather about my hair)

By nature I have Brown hair thin, not thick. In my youth, I often experimented and did not attach special attention care. Only one shampoo was enough for me to cleanse my hair) I didn’t buy balms and masks, I didn’t understand why I needed them ...

I was a brunette and a brown-haired after unsuccessful highlighting through a cap, which led to a repainting in dark color. Over time, I again wanted to become fair-haired and I grew my hair to do highlighting in the salon.

In principle, there was no hair care as such, therefore appearance left much to be desired. They were dull, lifeless and not at all attractive.

When I started highlighting from salons, I always left there incredibly happy that my hair was like silk, smooth, flowing and elastic to the touch (and the effect was just from a balm and a mask). That's when my acquaintance with caring cosmetics for hair began.

I've been highlighting my hair for over 10 years.(approximately), but now I pay special attention to care.

Blonde girls (colored) certainly know how hard it is to maintain hair in good condition and how much time and cost is required. bleached hair become more damaged, brittle and split, so caring for them is a great job.

Below I will describe the principle of my care and some of the procedures at home that I like the most.


I wash my hair only in warm water, and by the end I rinse it even in cool water. No need to boil them in boiling water, it is not good for them.

After washing, I do not rub them with a towel and do not twist them to exhaustion, but simply carefully wrap them in a turban.

I try not to comb wet ones, because they stretch and this can cause great harm.

I try not to abuse the hair dryer, but I can not refuse it. When styling, I always use thermal protection and other means. I always dry the land with a cold stream. Fortunately, I have straight hair, so I do not use straighteners and irons.

I don't pull my hair with a rubber band.

In winter, I always hide my hair under a hat, because frost adversely affects their condition.

(about purchased funds)


I don't see the point in buying expensive shampoos no matter how fabulous promises they have.

Firstly, shampoo is needed to cleanse the hair. I look forward to leaving from the next stages, so most often I take from the mass market.

My main requirements: high-quality cleansing, without overdrying and prolonging the freshness of the hair.

I am not picky about compositions and silicones and parabens do not scare me, I am not obsessed with organics, although I try both for a change.

I usually choose shampoos for damaged hair with moisturizing properties and a more delicate effect. Those that wash to a squeak usually give dryness and stiffness, the hair is very fluffy and sticks out in different directions.

Since highlighted hair can show yellowness, then I periodically tone my hair with silver shampoos, which remove it and in addition give a beautiful, cold and ashen blond.

Tried CEHKO, Estel and Profi style. Their effect is about the same.


Me too for balms special requirements I can't stand it. The main thing is that they well untangled hair, gave them softness and make brushing easier. The mask will take care of the rest.

I never save on masks, because the final result after washing depends on them to a greater extent.

From the store, I adore masks from Numero, I haven’t met better yet. This has been my love for many years. At least for my damaged hair, they are perfect.

I always have several types in stock, so I alternate them.

Masks at least should nourish and moisturize, smooth hair, make it smoother, shiny and flowing.

I apply them only along the entire length, excluding the area at the roots.


As already mentioned, before blow-drying, I always use heat protectants that protect my hair from harmful effects hair dryer.

Additionally, I apply various non-washers, serums, fluids, oils, liquid crystals, etc., which smoothes hair, pacifies protruding ends and gives hair a more well-groomed look and gloss.


Already more than a year I enjoy using the Tangle brush. Teezer.

She carefully combs her hair without pulling it out, even detangles wet hair with ease.


Not only the skin of the face and body needs scrubs. The scalp should also be deeply cleansed, getting rid of dead cells.

Thus, we stimulate blood flow to the tissues, which receive more oxygen and nutrition.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made scrubs, then at home you can make no less effective peeling with table salt, which will not cause damage to the wallet and will not take a lot of time.

There are many recipes, but I'm used to making the standard one.

AT a small amount of Salt I add oil (any) + a little water. I can also drop a couple of drops of em. tea tree, which will help prolong the freshness of the hair. I mix everything well and gently apply it to the roots (previously wet hair) and gently massage for 5 minutes.

I do this procedure 1-2 times a week. After peeling, it feels like the skin is breathing!

It is worth considering that for any damage skin(and especially skin diseases) such peels are contraindicated.


AT recent times I do more and more oil masks, which delight with their effect and revitalize the hair, giving an unprecedented shine and smoothness.

Favorite oils are: argan, avocado, almond, linseed and coconut.

I can use each solo, or add to certain homemade masks, also mix the composition, or just rub a drop in my palms and apply to the tips.

With their help hair get deep nutrition and moisturizing, become more well-groomed and beautiful.

I apply oils about 2-3 hours before washing my hair, wrapping it with a film and a towel after. Then I thoroughly wash my hair with shampoo at least three times. As a result, the hair looks great.


When you want to give your hair a mirror smooth surface and elasticity, but there is no way to visit the salon, then I practice home lamination by using gelatin and flax.

The effect of such a procedure is simply amazing!

Hair lamination with gelatin.

We will need edible gelatin, any mask / balm and some water.

First, dissolve the gelatin with water and heat it in a water bath until it is completely dissolved, then mix with the mask and quickly apply to the hair. We wrap the head with a film and a towel. Then we proceed to variable heating with a hairdryer (5 minutes each) in several passes.

I always like the result of such lamination, it’s a pity that it doesn’t last as long as I would like.

Not less than good effect gives LINEN MASK which is very easy to prepare.

Flaxseeds must be thoroughly ground and mixed with water. As a result, the mass swells and becomes muco-viscous. We apply it to the hair and follow the same principle as with gelatin. Or you can just hold it for 15 minutes. In any case, the effect of flax on your hair will be amazing.


I also review my diet, because a lot depends on it.

And remember that excessive loss can begin on a nervous basis.

I often use AEVIT vitamins externally as an additive to homemade masks.


Helped me a lot for a while a nicotinic acid(at outdoor application), which accelerated hair growth. Everyone is different, but it worked well on my hair.

Used to do it often pepper and mustard masks , which gave a good result, but lately I have not been fond of them.


With increased loss, I brew an infusion of nettle and rub it into my hair.

Nettle helps reduce hair loss and is great for strengthening hair.

It will still be useful rinsing hair with a decoction of chamomile(especially for blonde hair).


Even with such care, a section of hair is inevitable, therefore you have to cut the ends periodically, to give an aesthetic look.

All care products give only cosmetic and in no way healing effect. With their help, you can only hide this problem, but not solve it.

Dyed hair is difficult to grow, until something grows, you have to cut it)

I really liked the procedure "POLISHING THE HAIR". It allows you to remove split ends without losing length.

In general, this is how I take care of my hair.

I have described only the most favorite and effective means that I use most often.

Even at home, without going to the salon, you can make your hair beautiful and healthy, turn it into a silk cloth, without spending a huge amount of money.

I agree that everything is individual. You need to select products exclusively for your type and characteristics of hair. What suits one may not only not suit another, but also give quite the opposite effect.

The main thing is regularity, desire and patience. Then the dream will become a reality.

Highlighting - very popular among women cosmetic procedure. Partial staining strands refreshes the hairstyle, makes the image bright and interesting. However, many of those who have experienced the effect of this procedure notice that the hair becomes unhealthy over time: they become dull, brittle, fall out and split. And yet, some of the fair sex can boast of beautiful dyed strands. How do they manage to keep healthy shine after a chemical intervention? It's simple: you need to know the basic rules for caring for highlighted hair.

Starting Point: Experienced Craftsman

If you decide to do highlighting on your hair, then the first thing you need to do is find a professional master who has performed such procedures more than once. To do this, it is worth talking with customers who used his services and were satisfied with the result. You should not give your curls to the torture of an amateur. Otherwise, the likelihood of hair damage will increase significantly.

Specialized funds

A real professional who has provided such a service will definitely admonish his clients with recommendations for caring for highlighted hair. After all, immediately after the procedure, the structure of the hair will change, and they will require careful comprehensive care to maintain silkiness, protect color and repair damaged strands.

The first thing the master should advise is to purchase special products: shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks. Now there are enough of them in stores. The main thing is to choose only those that are marked "For highlighted hair." Such products contain keratin, which helps to restore the structure of the hair. AT special formulations more acidic environment helping to neutralize the effects of alkali. Moreover, it is important to purchase funds from one line.

Do not take the first available shampoo for colored hair. Often its composition is saturated fatty components, which in the case of highlighting are not needed at all. Staining, even partial, one way or another dries the skin, so such compositions do not in the best way affect the condition of the epidermis.

After washing with a special shampoo, the hair may seem harsh. This effect is perfectly eliminated by a special balm or conditioner. Let it not bother you purple funds in this direction. That's the way it should be.

The so-called gel fluids will help to consolidate the success of the shampoo. They are not washed off and smooth the highlighted strands, emphasize the color relief of staining, and restore the lipid balance in the hair. The ends of highlighted hair are especially affected, they need additional protection. And here funds containing silicone components will come to the rescue. They will provide a protective coating on the hair.

Will serve as a great addition cosmetic masks designed to care for streaked hair. They contain fluids, biotin, zinc - substances that support hair.

Reach desired effect not only cosmetics will help. The easiest way is to buy expensive compounds and hope for their miraculous effect. Even if the best means are used, your main enemy is simple human laziness. It is necessary to take care of hair after highlighting in a complex. More important here careful attitude to your curls, delicate treatment of strands that have experienced severe stress. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but everything must be done so that the harm is as minimal as possible. Whether your hair will be silky, shiny or, on the contrary, brittle and unhealthy, depends largely on you.

  1. Cold and hot shower. After washing your hair, rinse it with warm and then cool water. This is necessary for the radiance and shine of the hair.
  2. Correct combing. Do not brush wet or damp hair. This will cause them to stretch and become brittle. When doing this, use a wooden comb, not a plastic comb.
  3. Massage. Massage the scalp daily with a special brush for 10 minutes. Such a regular procedure will increase blood circulation and create active nourishment for the hair.
  4. A minimum of tools and styling products. If you can’t completely abandon the hair dryer, ironing and curling iron, then use them only in rare cases. When blow-drying, opt for a natural bristle comb. At the same time, direct the air jets with sliding movements from the roots to the tips. This method will help the scales to close, and the hair will become shiny.

With varnishes, mousses, sprays, too, not in part.

5. Less sun. Try not to expose open curls to the bright sun. It is better to hide them under a hat or other headgear.

6. Water without chlorine. When swimming in the pool, wear a rubber cap on your head. Chlorine has a negative effect on the structure of damaged hair.

7. Regular meals. Do not forget that your hair suffers from dryness, so regular rubbing vegetable oils heal hair and scalp.

8. Correct toning. You can correct the color of your hair with toning. Just choose the most gentle tinting agent with vitamins and useful supplements. It usually contains keratin, which will add gloss to the hair. And the yellow strands will soon acquire a “clean” shade. It is recommended to do tinting no more than once a month.

9. homemade masks. It is known that the effect of "live" masks is no worse than that of finished formulations sold in cosmetic stores. For hair care after highlighting, masks made on the basis of fruit acids. For example, you can take a kiwi or a citrus fruit, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with honey - and the vitamin hair mask is ready. It must be applied to the entire length and left for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with a revitalizing shampoo.

Herbal decoctions will also have an excellent healing effect on the hair. Use herbs such as:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • oregano;
  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • celandine.

A better effect can be achieved by making complex decoctions of all herbs with the addition of vitamins A and E in liquid form. They should rinse your hair without using shampoo or balm. And the hair should dry naturally.

Used for highlighting hair harmful compounds containing various aggressive components. They dry out the curls, make them thin and eliminate shine, contribute to loss. If you still don’t want to refuse this procedure, but you also feel sorry for the hair, it will be useful to find out what it should be perfect care behind the hair after dyeing. In this article, we will tell you what shampoos will be needed for this, what is better to choose from folk remedies and whether it is worth carrying out salon procedures.

To understand why highlighting, like any other type of coloring, harms hair, just look at the list of components in the paint that are hazardous to health:

  • Ammonia. May cause dermatitis, respiratory problems, eczema.
  • ethanolamine. Used in place of ammonia in non-ammonia products. The harm is the same as in the case of ammonia.
  • Persulfates. They contain derivatives of ammonium, potassium, sodium, with constant use cause respiratory diseases.
  • PDD. Paraphenylenediamine. Negative impact in the case of this substance are subjected to bladder, liver, kidneys.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is used when it is necessary to lighten the strands. With frequent use, it has an extremely negative effect on the entire body, and can even lead to poisoning.

How to wash your hair

Specialized cosmetics are called upon to become the main tool in the difficult task of restoring hair damaged by highlighting.

  • L'Oreal Lumino Contrast Shine Shampoo for Highlighted Hair. It nourishes the hair from root to tip, preserving color and gently cleansing colored strands. The tool restores lipid balance and, as it contains Castor oil, stimulates the formation of keratin. With its help, it is possible to eliminate dandruff and accelerate hair growth.
  • Shampoo for highlighted hair Lifetex Color protection from Wella Professional. The tool gently cleanses highlighted strands, without problems keeping saturated color. Among his active components- vitamin E, which reduces the degree negative impact active radicals on the hair.
  • Shampoo for gray and blonde hair Solutionist So Silver from Matrix. It was created to fight yellow tint curls, prevents dryness and burnout. It also contains vitamin E, which helps to strengthen the strands.

Hair restoration products

In addition to various shampoos, there are other means for restoring hair damaged by highlighting, which will also not be superfluous. They can be both folk and store.

Folk remedies

It is absolutely not necessary, having noticed that your hair is damaged, to immediately rush for expensive care products. Usually, folk recipes, tested by our grandmothers and mothers, are quite a worthy replacement:

  • Recipe 1. You will need: ripe avocado - 1 pc., olive oil- 2 tbsp. l., liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l. Avocado pulp must be mixed with honey and oil, then apply the mixture on clean hair. Wash off the mask after an hour warm water with shampoo. Attention! Do not forget that honey is a strong allergen, and if you doubt that you have no allergies, you should either exclude this ingredient or choose another mask recipe for yourself.
  • Recipe 2. Exactly 1 tbsp. l. nettle should be mixed with 1 tsp. sage. The mixture must be crushed, then pour boiling water and leave for about an hour. Then it should be cooled, beaten with yolk, applied to hair and kept overnight under a film.
  • Recipe 3. You will need: peeled grapefruit, kiwi, liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l., half an orange. All components should be chopped as finely as possible or beat with a blender. If you overdid it, and the mixture turned out to be too liquid, you need to drain the excess liquid and use the remaining pulp. Next, mix the fruit with honey and make a mask. You can wash it off after 15 minutes.

store products

Maybe you don't want to spend own time for the preparation of masks and the selection of ingredients. In this case, in the cosmetics store you can find an alternative to folk recipes.

  • Balm conditioner Garnier Botanic Therapy Argan Oil & Cranberry. It is necessary to apply the balm to clean, damp hair for 5-8 minutes, and then rinse gently. After using this product, the hair becomes silky and easy to comb. It is worth listening to your feelings - perhaps you do not need to use this remedy after every shampooing, it all depends on the situation. The tool belongs to the category of economy class. Price: 150-200 rubles.
  • Olaplex #3. The liquid should be generously applied to the head and evenly distributed through the hair before washing. It is necessary to leave the product for 20 minutes. Then you should wash your hair with shampoo and treat with balm. The drug should be used once a week - you should not do this more often, the product dries the hair. For the same reason, if you use Olaplex No. 3, you should choose a moisturizing hair mask. Price: 2200-2500 rubles.
  • Oribe Masque for Beautiful Color. The mask is needed to maximize the recovery of damaged strands. It not only fixes the color, but also treats the hair. You need to wash it off 5 minutes after application - you should not keep the product longer. Price: 4900-6200 rubles.

Salon procedures

Here is what the masters offer girls:

  • Shielding. During this procedure, the hair is treated in turn with several formulations containing soy protein, oils and other valuable ingredients. They are strengthened, become smooth and shiny, come to life from the inside, a film is created on their surface that protects against negative influences. external environment. Screening is carried out in 3 stages: 1. Moisturizing and leveling 2. Strengthening and restoration 3. Protection. There are several varieties of it: color, colorless and spa.
  • lamination. It, like shielding, implies the application useful compositions on hair. The difference is that with its help only a film is created that protects against negative external influences and retains moisture in the hair, thereby restoring them. Having made lamination after highlighting, you will keep the curls healthy, bright and shiny for a much longer time. The indications for its implementation are damaged structure curls, their cut and disobedience. The session lasts about 30 minutes, within one course it may be necessary to visit a specialist 2-3 times.
  • Botox. This procedure allows you to make hair less fluffy, smoother and more manageable. After its implementation, ugly yellowness is neutralized. It also promotes the growth of curls and the restoration of their structure. Indications for Botox are increased dryness of hair, brittleness, lack of shine, slow growth and unhealthy look. To improve the situation, 1-3 sessions lasting up to 30 minutes are enough. The effect obtained lasts for 3-6 months, after which the procedure is recommended to be repeated if necessary. The substance intras, which is included in the means used for this, creates a frame that supports the strands from the inside. They also include hyaluronic and lactic acid, liquid vitamins A, E, B, natural oils, including essential oils.

Highlighted hair should be combed as often as possible. Experts recommend doing this at least 4 times a day - this way you will stimulate their growth. In addition to this, massage your scalp every day for 8-10 minutes. This will start metabolic processes and improve blood flow in the tissues, which will also contribute to the strengthening and growth of the strands.

Use combs from natural materials- with teeth made of wood or pile. Protect your hair from exposure to low and high temperatures. In summer, it is advisable to hide them under a hat or panama, and in winter - under a hat.

Limit the use of hair dryers, curling irons and other devices that damage the structure of the curls. The procedure for washing the head should be as follows: first rinsing with warm water, then applying shampoo, and then washing the strands with cold water.

How to remove highlighting

First option- coloring in your own real color. First you need to find a paint of two tones. One should be as close to natural as possible, the second should be darker, preferably by several tones. It is necessary to choose compositions from one manufacturer.

The dyed strands should be wrapped in foil, and the remaining ones should be painted over with your own paint. natural shade by following the instructions on the package. Then, having fulfilled all the requirements of the manufacturer, you should paint the highlighted curls.

Second way- toning is a procedure for dyeing hair in your own color with less persistent and gentle means. AT this case need to be even more careful than conventional staining- clarified strands can in an unexpected way react to the pigment - then they will be brighter. In addition, such products are washed off much faster than paint.

You can also wash your hair every day before going to bed with a solution of 2 liters of warm water and 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. After that, you need to use shampoo. Minimum term the procedure - 3-4 days. This will help wash off the paint.

Video with hair restoration tips:

Highlighting is one of the most popular ways to change the image, but, despite the many advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages that you need to remember. With a competent approach to hair care after such a procedure, the damage will be minimal and your hair will look great.