Should I be afraid of low placentation in pregnant women - symptoms of the disease and methods of its treatment. Childbirth with a low location of the placenta. Low placentation: treatment

Any deviation from the norm, heard by the expectant mother at the doctor's office or during the examination, is alarming. Low placentation- not an exception. How dangerous is this condition and how to prevent it Negative consequences Let's take a closer look.

Normal location of the placenta and low placentation

When a fertilized egg completes its journey through fallopian tube and enters the uterus, it attaches to one of its walls. Normally, the cell will be located closer to the bottom of the uterus, which is located in the upper part of this organ.
They speak of low placentation when the distance from the uterus to the uterine os is no more than 6 centimeters

But it happens that the egg, for some reason, is attached to the lower part of the uterus, closer to the "exit". This state is low placenta tion. It is important to remember that this diagnosis is made when the distance from the uterus to the uterine os is 6 centimeters or less.

Low placentation and placenta previa

When the placenta descends so low that it blocks the entrance to the uterus, then it appears. It is important not to confuse: with low placentation uterine os open, with presentation - partially or completely closed.

Expectant mothers often combine these concepts into one, starting to panic. But, despite the similarity, in these diagnoses there is one very important difference: with low placentation natural childbirth quite possible, unlike presentation, in the presence of which there is a high probability of delivery by caesarean section.

Low placentation differs from presentation by an open entrance to the uterus, which makes natural delivery possible

Symptoms of low placentation

The greater the distance from the placenta to the cervix, the less chance that any symptoms of low placentation will appear. When children's place falls low, up to presentation, there are signs similar to the symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • pain in the abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • lower back pain;
  • blood discharge is red or brown.

If abdominal pain can be harmless and indicate a sprain, then bleeding is very dangerous symptom, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist in charge of pregnancy, or an emergency doctor.

Causes of a low placenta

To date, medicine does not give an exact answer to the question of the causes of low placentation. No one knows why an egg attaches itself in one place or another in the uterus. But factors have been identified that affect the fact that the embryo will not be located in the usual place:

  • inflammatory diseases, transferred earlier;
  • surgical interventions, in particular, a history of abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • myoma;
  • anatomical defects in the structure of the uterus (bend, bicornuate uterus, etc.);
  • vascular pathologies in the pelvic organs.

Risks and impact of low placentation on the course of pregnancy

Low placentation can lead to placental abruption in severe cases

The condition of a low-lying placenta is not as obviously dangerous as presentation, but it also carries significant risks:

  • Since the growing fetus presses on the uterus, it begins to "oppress" the child's place. And this is fraught with uterine bleeding and, in extreme cases, placental abruption.
  • By nature, it is laid down in such a way that the blood supply is better at the bottom of the uterus than from below. Thus, the fetus, attached to its lower part, risks losing vital nutrients and oxygen.

At the same time, it must be remembered that this diagnosis is not final. After all, a child's place during pregnancy can repeatedly change its location. This process is called placental migration.

Migration in most cases corrects fetal misattachment

Migration is a process that in most cases corrects such a pathology as low placentation. It is important to understand that the placenta itself does not actually move. The change in its location is the result of the growth of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. Simply put, the placenta migrates as the uterus grows. Migration of the placenta always occurs in only one direction - from the bottom up, from the internal os of the uterus to its bottom.

Thanks to this phenomenon doctors do not focus on the location of the placenta until the third trimester - it has been proven that in 95% of cases the placenta rises on its own, taking the correct position.

Diagnosis of low placentation

Ultrasound will reliably inform about the fact of anomalies in the location of the placenta

The location of the placenta determines ultrasound diagnostics. Also, according to the results of ultrasound and doppler, the doctor will be able to determine whether there is a shortage useful substances(according to the size of the fetus and their correspondence to age) and oxygen (according to the assessment of blood flow during Doppler).

That is why, with a low placentation detected, it is necessary not to neglect the doctor's recommendations and attend consultations, as well as undergo examinations as often as recommended by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Terms of establishing low placentation and placental migration

As a rule, ultrasound shows low placentation for a period of 20-22 weeks, during the second routine screening. From this moment on, a woman must adhere to a protective regimen. Doctors wait until 36 weeks to change the location of the placenta. Only after this period, the state of "low placentation" is taken into account by the doctor who will take delivery in the future.

Treatment of low placentation and features of the protective regimen

As soon as the expectant mother learns about this diagnosis, the first questions she asks the doctor are whether it can be cured and whether the regimen needs to be changed. Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

Treatment of low placentation

To date, there are no drugs that can affect the change in the placenta of its location. Therefore, in the presence of this pathology, doctors always choose the tactics of waiting. Or, if the placenta does not take the desired position, the method of delivery is corrected if necessary. It is important to remember that low placentation in itself is not an indication for caesarean section.

Protective mode

Due to the risk of uterine bleeding and placental abruption, doctors strongly recommend that a pregnant woman lead a protective regimen. Perhaps, you will have to be careful until the very birth.

The protective regime includes the following activities:

  1. Limit physical activity. All sports should be cancelled. Only slow walking is allowed.
  2. Do not make sudden movements. The placenta, which is already under pressure, may not withstand the jerk, and then detachment will begin.
  3. Minimize travel, especially in public transport. Stress, shakes and jerky movements- something that is highly undesirable with low placentation.
  4. Raise your legs in a sitting position. A slight elevation of the legs will increase blood circulation and help prevent fetal hypoxia.
  5. Strictly limit the weight of items taken in hand. Lifting weights - very common cause onset of uterine bleeding. The maximum permitted weight is 2 kg.
  6. Get up from a lying position without jerking, with the help of your hands and without using, if possible, the abdominal muscles.

The author of this article was also diagnosed with low placentation during pregnancy. I, frightened after the ultrasound, “wooled” the Internet and “tortured” the doctor - what to do, how to fix it. And the gynecologist gave me two very good, in my opinion, advice. The first of them consisted in the words “mode without fanaticism”: yes, it is necessary to limit the load, not to make sudden movements. But this does not mean that you need to "go into hibernation", like a bear in winter. Because with constant lying in bed, the blood supply in the pelvic organs worsens, and this is dangerous for the baby, who is already wrong location runs the risk of not receiving the substances necessary for life. In addition, not a single airing of an apartment or house can be compared with a walk on fresh air. Only oxygenated blood is able to adequately transfer this very oxygen to a growing baby.

The second advice given to me by the doctor concerned the universal static exercise - the knee-elbow pose. It is universal in that it will be useful for increased tone uterus, and with the pathology of the location of the placenta, and even in the case of an incorrect position of the fetus.

Unique this exercise for several reasons:

  • reduces pressure on the cervix and low-lying placenta;
  • improves blood flow;
  • changes the direction of gravity.

I did this exercise 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes. After that, be sure to lie for 30-40 minutes.

As a result, following these tips, by the next screening, I heard that the placenta had risen noticeably - to normal level. It is impossible to say exactly what exactly influenced her migration and whether it affected anything at all. But one thing I can say for sure is that it didn't get worse, and I did everything I could do to change the situation.

Photo gallery: features of the protective regime

With low placentation, it is necessary to rise without sudden movements from the “on your side” position, helping with your hands. While sitting on a chair or in an armchair, legs must be raised to improve blood flow in the pelvic organs Physical activity with low placentation should be limited to leisurely walks

Sex with low placentation

As a rule, the doctor categorically excludes sex with a low placenta.

But since there are several types of sex, pregnant women often have the question - are all types intimate contact it is necessary to limit or directly vaginal sex.

With low placentation, it is necessary to exclude any kind of sex that:

  • causes excitement, leading to a rush of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • produces a direct physical effect on the vagina or rectum.

Childbirth with a low-lying placenta

If by the end of pregnancy the placenta still has not changed its place and the diagnosis of "low placentation" remains, the doctor will carefully consider the accompanying factors:

  • whether there is fetal hypoxia;
  • Is the child positioned correctly?
  • is there an entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • is the distance to the entrance to the uterus less than 2 cm.

In the presence of these conditions, the doctor will most likely decide to perform a caesarean section.

In other cases, the very fact of the low location of the placenta does not affect the process of delivery, and a pregnant woman may well give birth to a child on her own.

Low placentation during pregnancy is a diagnosis that many women hear. A competent doctor will explain whether this condition poses a threat to gestation. However, most pregnant women, after listening to the explanations of the gynecologist, still continue to worry. Is it worth worrying if a planned ultrasound revealed too much low position placenta, and what should the expectant mother do in such a situation?

The concept of low placentation

The placenta, or baby's place, performs the most important functions during pregnancy. It is formed by 12-16 weeks of gestation - before that, the fetus is not protected by the hemoplacental barrier, and the mother should carefully monitor what enters her body. The moment of the final formation of the embryonic organ coincides with the cessation of toxicosis.

The placenta forms a hemoplacental barrier, due to which the embryonic organ performs the following functions:

  • gas exchange;
  • immune;
  • endocrinological.

The growth of the placenta begins near the site of implantation of the fetal egg. As a rule, a fertilized egg is implanted to the bottom of the uterus, which is located at the top of the mother's torso, or to the back wall. However, sometimes it happens that the fetus is attached at the exit from the uterus, and a child's place is formed next to it. If the gap between the embryological organ and the cervix is ​​less than 6 cm, this means that the child's place is omitted.

Why does it happen?

Why does the child seat sink low? The reasons for the low location of the placenta are not fully understood. When entering the uterine cavity, the fetal egg looks for the optimal site for insertion into the endometrium. Injured, scarred tissue is not suitable for this, and if a suitable site is near the pharynx, the blastocyst is attached there.

There are several factors that increase the risk of placental insufficiency:

  • the age of the woman in labor is over 35 years;
  • repeated births - pathology practically does not occur in primiparous women;
  • multiple gestation;
  • endometrial injuries, manifested in the form of dystrophy and atrophy: scars after abortive curettage, caesarean section, inflammatory processes;
  • anomalies of the anatomy of the genital organs: bending of the uterus, septum in the cavity;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • violations in the structure of the villous chorion - occur due to a malfunction in the activity of the ovaries;
  • cervical ailments: cervicitis, ectopia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • non-oncological tumors: fibroids, polyps.

How to recognize low placentation?

On early stages low placentation is almost asymptomatic. The first signs occur with the growth of the fetus, uterus and, therefore, the placenta itself. Symptoms are affected by the size of the detachment area:

  • spotting bloody discharge - the stronger the detachment, the more bleeding, in severe pathology it can lead to miscarriage;
  • aching, regular pain in the abdomen, especially below;
  • lack of oxygen in the fetus;
  • maternal low blood pressure.

With regular bleeding, the woman becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly. She often suffers from dizziness and nausea. Bloody discharge aggravated after defecation, physical activity and even coughing.

What is the danger to mother and fetus and what could be the consequences?

The prolapse of the placenta is serious threat for mother and fetus:

  • exfoliation of the placenta. Due to its proximity to the exit from the uterus, the risk of exfoliation of the embryonic organ increases, which causes bleeding. This increases the likelihood spontaneous abortion in the first half of gestation and premature birth in the later stages.
  • Fetal hypoxia. The placenta begins to form in the place of the uterus where it passes a large number of vessels. There are not enough vessels at the throat, so there is a risk that the child will suffer from oxygen starvation.

The consequences for pregnancy depend on which wall the child's place is attached to:

  • Low localization rear wall. This arrangement is dangerous primarily because the blood does not go out through the cervical canal, but accumulates inside. pregnant may for a long time feel no symptoms internal bleeding taking distension in the abdomen for natural feeling when carrying a child. Such an attachment of an organ is the most dangerous. However, it is in this position that the placenta most often rises on its own.
  • The placenta is located low on the anterior wall. This arrangement is dangerous with complete placenta previa, when it descends and completely covers the pharynx. Often this causes entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus.

Diagnostic measures

The main method of diagnosis is ultrasound examination. The first ultrasound is performed at the time of the formation of the child's place - for a period of 12-13 weeks of gestation. Do not worry if the expectant mother was told that she had low attachment placenta. At the end of the first trimester, prolapse is placed by about 80% of pregnant women.

Repeated ultrasound is performed at 20-25 weeks. In the second trimester, the fetus grows most actively, and with it, the uterus also grows. During this period, the placenta may rise, and the problem will be solved by itself. If this did not happen, ultrasound at 30-35 weeks confirms the diagnosis.

If bleeding occurs and nothing can be seen with ultrasound, another diagnostic method is used - gynecological examination with the help of mirrors. It allows you to detect the remains of the placenta in cervical canal, however, its use is fraught with danger, therefore, such an examination is resorted to in extreme cases and when it is possible to provide immediate surgical care.

What to do, is it possible to raise the placenta?

Are there ways to raise a child seat? In most pregnant women who have been diagnosed with this, it rises itself higher than it was. By 31-32 weeks, only 5% of women who were informed of a low localization of the organ at the first ultrasound have a drooping of the child's place. Is it normal for the placenta to rise before childbirth? physiological phenomenon, so by week 37 only 2% of cases remain. By the time of delivery, only 1% of women are diagnosed with placenta previa - the distance between the organ and the cervix does not exceed 2 cm.

By using medications this pathology is not treated. However, if the omission has acquired severe form may prescribe a number of drugs to maintain gestation.

The table provides a list of prescribed drugs for low placenta attachment:

No. p / pNameActive substanceRelease formNature of action
1 GinipralHexoprenalineTablets, solution for intravenous administrationReduces the tone of the uterus and reduces the contractile activity of the myometrium, inhibits spontaneous contractions.
2 FerlatumProtein iron succinylateSolution for oral administrationAntianemic drug. Increases the level of hemoglobin during bleeding.
3 CurantylDipyridamolePillsImproves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, improves nutrition of placental tissue.
4 UtrozhestanProgesteroneCapsulesCompensates for the lack of the hormone progesterone produced by the placenta.

How is childbirth with a low location of the placenta?

If the placenta has not risen by 37-38 weeks, the expectant mother is advised to go to the hospital in advance, and not wait for contractions. How the birth goes with low placentation - the doctor chooses, based on the condition of the woman in labor and the baby. The main condition for natural childbirth is the proximity of the operating room, so that at any time the woman can be provided with the necessary assistance.

Often the placenta rises before childbirth. If the gap between her and the cervix is ​​more than 2 cm, the risk of bleeding during childbirth is not higher than in the absence of pathology, and the woman can give birth herself.

If placenta previa is present, placentation is even lower than it was, the child experiences hypoxia, observation
there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord - then they do C-section. This condition threatens to damage the vessels that unite the walls of the uterus and the placenta, and profuse bleeding.

What should expectant mothers do if the doctors saw that the placenta had dropped low? A few recommendations:

  • reduce motor activity. Physical exercise, sports, active work increase the risk of detachment and increase spotting. Until childbirth, it is better for a woman to avoid excessive tension - this means that she needs to stand and walk less, and choose a semi-lying position for rest. The optimal position during rest is lying with your legs elevated, you can put a pillow under them.
  • Control your own state. Since the low location of the embryonic organ is accompanied by pain in the lower back and abdomen and discharge from the vagina, the pregnant woman must carefully monitor the intensity of the symptoms. Increased discharge or pain intensity is a reason to contact a gynecologist.
  • Follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. You can not neglect your well-being and the health of the baby. A woman should attend all scheduled ultrasounds, take tests, drink medicines prescribed by doctors, wear a bandage and wait for the placenta to rise.
  • Reduce the number of trips on public transport. Vibration, shocks, crush - all this worsens the condition of a woman. If possible, you should abandon buses, trains in favor of a private car or taxi. Are air travel acceptable with low placentation? Of course, flights are best avoided, but if the case is urgent, you should definitely consult a doctor. Until 18-19, sometimes up to 20 weeks, flights are not dangerous, then it is better to refuse them.

The low location of the placenta during pregnancy is not considered a serious pathology by physicians. Subject to all the recommendations given by doctors, it does not lead to a miscarriage, but you still should not forget about the caution of the expectant mother.

Low placentation during pregnancy is a serious complication that requires constant monitoring of the woman and the provision of emergency care if necessary.

The placenta is a temporary organ that forms by the second week of pregnancy, woven from the vessels of the mother and fetus. It attaches to the wall of the uterus, grows, develops and reaches maturity. Organ functions:

  • saturation of the child's blood with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide;
  • delivery of nutrients to the fetus and removal of waste products;
  • synthesis of hormones necessary for normal development pregnancy and preparing female breast to milk production
  • immune defense of the baby in the womb.

The attachment of the placenta to the back or side wall of the uterus is considered the norm. But if it is too low, problems can begin.

Low placenta previa is an anomaly of the course of pregnancy. It is characterized by fastening in the lower part of the uterus, which completely or slightly covers the internal pharynx. This means that complications are possible during childbearing and childbirth.

Schematic representation of the problem

The condition often resolves spontaneously when the upper sections of the uterus are displaced. This phenomenon is called placental migration. But in general, the risk of fetal death is quite high: from 7 to 25%.

The cause of death of the baby may be acute hypoxia due to insufficient placental blood supply or premature birth.

This pathology is also dangerous for a pregnant woman. Bleeding that occurs with placenta previa causes death in 1-3% of women.

The exact place of attachment allows you to find out the ultrasound in the 3rd trimester. Normally, the location of the organ is located at a distance of 5 or more centimeters from the internal os of the uterus.


Most of the causes of low placentation are due to diseases and conditions that occurred before pregnancy.

What causes the deviation:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitals;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus;
  • miscarriages or abortions in the past;
  • gynecological interventions;
  • multiple pregnancy. Women with twins or triplets are automatically at risk;
  • childbirth by caesarean section;
  • fibroids, endometritis and other diseases of the uterus;
  • smoking, overuse alcohol;
  • many births;
  • anomalies in the structure and development, the work of the uterus;
  • the woman's age is over 35 years.

The most common cause of low presentation is past curettage of the uterus. The procedure damages the mucous membrane, which prevents fertilized egg attach to the upper part of the body.

See a doctor

The insidiousness of deviation is that it practically does not manifest itself. Symptoms appear on advanced stage when irreversible processes take place in the body, for example, exfoliation. These signs:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen drawing pains;
  • bloody issues. When they appear, you need to call an ambulance;
  • death of the fetus in the womb or excessive activity due to hypoxia - lack of oxygen;
  • severe toxicosis - 30% of women with this diagnosis suffer from it;
  • in about half of the cases of pathology on ultrasound, a breech presentation of the fetus is detected.

The pregnant woman herself cannot suspect an anomaly in herself until vivid symptoms appear. The status is viewed on planned ultrasound. The study allows not only to identify the problem, but to determine its degree and severity.

Types of low presentation depending on the localization of the placenta:

  • back. This arrangement of the body is the most prosperous option. In most cases, in the later stages, the child's place moves up, freeing the birth canal. Pregnancy proceeds relatively comfortably;
  • front. In this case, you need to prepare for difficulties. If the baby is large and active, it will put pressure on the placenta. This will cause problems with the umbilical cord, the risk of entanglement and clamping. Such a presentation rarely changes for childbirth, which means that the birth canal will not be free;
  • complete or partial, when the organ obscures the cervix of the uterus. Deviation requires great care. It is important to discuss all the details with the doctor before giving birth and prepare that you will have to give birth by caesarean section.

What to do

Diagnosis with low placentation allows you to determine how dangerous this condition is for the pregnant woman and the child. Held:

  • analysis of symptoms: discharge, abdominal pain;
  • ultrasonography - main view diagnostics, safe and informative. It is carried out at 12, 19-20 and 30 weeks;
  • bimanual examination of the vagina (provided there is no bleeding).

After confirming the diagnosis of "low placenta previa", the doctor prescribes treatment and makes recommendations to correct the situation. If desired and competent actions, the location of the organ can be changed.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and the period has not reached 35 weeks, the treatment is conservative. Strict bed rest, observation of the fetus and the intensity of bleeding are shown. Any loads, sexual contacts are forbidden.

There are no medications that raise the placenta. Prescribe medications that help improve the condition of the pregnant woman and contribute to the migration of the child's place. This:

  • tocolytics, antispasmodics - stimulate the stretching of the lower parts of the uterus;
  • agents that reduce the tone of the myometrium;
  • iron-containing preparations - are prescribed to women with bleeding to prevent iron deficiency anemia;
  • drugs that activate placental circulation- to avoid the development of hypoxia in the fetus;
  • magnesia, intravenous glucose, vitamins.

hinder premature birth with low placentation, the drug Utrozhestan helps. To prevent respiratory disorders in the fetus during childbirth, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

If the presentation is partial, accompanied by mild bleeding, conservative treatment helps to save the child. But a woman must remember that when the slightest discharge and deterioration of health should immediately call an ambulance.

For severe bleeding bad condition women terminate pregnancy for health reasons.

  • severe blood loss (more than 200 ml);
  • pressure drop, anemia;
  • full presentation together with the opened bleeding.

Snapshot of ultrasound analysis

The choice of method of delivery under the condition of term pregnancy depends on the indications. With full presentation, the cervix is ​​​​closed, so a caesarean section is performed. It is also carried out with:

  • placental abruption;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • wrong position of the baby;
  • scars on the uterus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • age after 30 years.

If the presentation is partial, natural childbirth is not excluded. But only on condition that the child is located head down, active labor activity and maturity of the cervix. In case of sudden bleeding, a puncture is made amniotic sac. This helps to stop the bleeding and lead to a normal birth.

If the cervix is ​​not ready, the baby's head is small, a caesarean section is performed.

What is dangerous

Consequences can be dire

Low placenta previa during pregnancy is a condition that is dangerous for both the woman and the fetus. Among the unpleasant consequences:

  • the child can damage the placenta with active movements. This is especially true for late dates, When big baby presses on the organ and is able to hook the membrane of the placenta;
  • with low placentation, the cervix is ​​not intensively supplied with blood, which is fraught with the development of fetal hypoxia;
  • the anomaly threatens with complications in childbirth, since the child's place prevents the baby from leaving the womb;
  • insufficient placental circulation can cause increased fetal activity, which is fraught with entanglements and clamping of the umbilical cord;
  • detachment of the placenta dangerous state, which entails the death of the fetus, and sometimes the woman. With a complication, the stomach begins to hurt, bleeding appears;
  • in pregnant women with such a diagnosis, low blood pressure is often observed, late preeclampsia develops.

The organ is densely intertwined with blood vessels connected to the uterus. This ensures the placental blood exchange. And the blood carries vitamins, proteins, oxygen, hormones and other substances necessary for life to the fetus.

With a low presentation, the blood supply to the lower part of the uterus worsens. Therefore, fetal nutrition useful components happens imperfectly. This increases the risk of delays prenatal development and hypoxia.

If diagnosed placental insufficiency and deterioration of blood flow, maintenance therapy is prescribed to compensate for the lack of useful substances in the fetus.

That's what threatens low placentation. A child due to an anomaly can suffer at any stage of pregnancy. Caution and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations will help protect him and yourself from complications.

When will rise

Low placental presentation is found on different terms. At the same time, it is difficult to predict the consequences, and it is not known how long it will take to rise. Depending on the trimester of pregnancy, therapeutic actions to correct the pathology depend.

  • 1 trimester. The first planned ultrasound is performed at 12-13 weeks, at the same time an anomaly is detected. You should not worry in this period, since in 70% of cases the placenta rises by 20-21 weeks;
  • 2 trimester. By the time of twenty weeks, the placental circulation is improving, but with a low presentation, it is disturbed, especially if the fetus is large and presses on the organ from above. In this case, the gynecologist puts the pregnant woman in a hospital with strict adherence to bed rest And drug therapy. Usually, by 22-23 weeks, the baby's place rises up. If the situation does not change, the doctor gives the woman advice on lifestyle and continues to try to correct the situation;
  • 3rd trimester. Mostly by 32-34.5 weeks, the placenta shifts upward under the pressure of the growing uterus. Then the problem disappears. If during pregnancy she did not fall into place, at 36 weeks the issue of caesarean section is decided. This is especially important with full presentation.

The cause could be uterine scraping.

Depending on the trimester and the nature of the location of the placenta, different actions to correct the anomaly. It is important for a woman to be patient and not panic.

In most cases, the placenta rises towards the end of pregnancy. If this did not happen, but the woman and the baby feel well, a caesarean section is performed.

What Not to Do

Pregnant women with low placentation should be constantly monitored by a doctor. If you strictly follow his recommendations, everything will be fine. And what not to do:

  • worry. modern medicine successfully manages pregnant women with low placenta fixation. In 90% of cases, a woman gives birth healthy baby. Moreover, 60% of births are carried out naturally, and only 40 by caesarean section;
  • have sex. Sex at any time can damage the organ and lead to detachment. This only applies to women with low presentation placenta;
  • play sports, do exercises on the press, lift weights, walk a lot. Decide what's more important active image the life or health of the child;
  • do douching and any other vaginal manipulations so as not to harm the pregnancy;
  • worry, worry, be annoyed. This will lead to an unhealthy emotional atmosphere and aggravate the condition. Develop stress resistance;
  • ride public transport, visit places with a large crowd of people. There they can push, which will cause an even greater omission of the organ;
  • ignore the doctor's advice, do not lie down to save when necessary.

You must be patient

If the presentation is low, the woman is advised to place a pillow under her feet so that they are above body level. This will help the placenta to take the right place faster.

Low placentation is not a disease, but a special condition. The situation requires, first of all, not treatment, but correction. Much depends on the mood of the pregnant woman, her actions, how accurately they correspond to the advice of doctors.

Help avoid anomalies preventive measures. These include:

  • prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases, their timely treatment;
  • conducting healthy lifestyle life: proper nutrition, observance of the regime of work and rest, not the abuse of alcohol and tobacco;
  • protection from unwanted pregnancy so that there is no history of abortion;
  • carrying out a caesarean section only in cases where there are vital indications;
  • implementation of gynecological manipulations and operations in proven clinics by experienced doctors.


    The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Pregnancy - best period in the life of every woman. Waiting for a miracle, wonderful feeling the beating of two hearts at once - one's own and a small one, the tapping of a born baby. Nothing more tender and reverent can not be imagined. But besides all this, pregnancy is also the most exciting period; a period when a woman is more than ever concerned about her health. Home defense baby during pregnancy, of course, is. This is a thickened part of the embryonic membrane, it helps the little one to eat and breathe, and contributes to its immunological protection. The placenta is formed around the fertilized egg - in the wall of the uterus.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what is it

As a rule, the placenta is attached in close proximity to the bottom (the highest point) of the uterus, since it is here that the most favorable conditions for its normal functioning are created, in particular, the blood flow in the vessels is well established. A normally located placenta is considered to be formed at a distance of at least 6 cm from the uterine os.

Cases where the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus is called low placentation. This happens when the egg is implanted in lower part uterine walls.

Causes of low placentation during pregnancy

Experts name several reasons why the placenta in a pregnant woman may be low located. One of them lies in the anatomical features of the organs. reproductive system women. This can help as congenital pathologies(physiological anomalies), and acquired as a result of exposure negative factors. Low placentation may be a consequence of past inflammatory processes, genital infections and vascular diseases pelvic organs, or surgical interventions in the field of gynecological organs. Pregnant women of advanced age also fall into the risk group for the formation of low placentation.

Placentation occurs most often in women who give birth to more than their first child. Notice this when doing ultrasound. The position of the uterus is constantly diagnosed by doctors. In particular, they do it - at 16, 24-26 and at 34-36 weeks, they can also conduct a dynamic echographic study.

What is dangerous low placentation

Due to the fact that the placenta is close to the pharynx, it partially, and sometimes - even completely - covers the opening. As a result, there is a risk of bleeding, detachment of the placental membrane and miscarriage.

A low placenta can also negatively affect the baby, because in the lower part of the uterus there is not such a good blood supply to the vessels as in its upper parts, and therefore it is possible that the fetus may not receive enough oxygen and essential nutrients.

However, there is no need to panic. In fact, less than 10% of all pregnancies with this pathology end in termination due to low placentation. Increasingly, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the placenta simply rises up and falls into place - and this can happen both in the middle of the term and at the very end of the pregnancy.

Symptoms of low placentation during pregnancy Pregnant women with low placentation are characterized (25% -34% of cases) by a lack of oxygen experienced by the baby. But in general, if the location of the placenta is not critically low, pronounced signs given state the woman does not observe, and the pathology is determined by chance during a routine ultrasound examination.

If the placenta is located very low, then the woman may manifest general symptoms threats of abortion: pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, bloody discharge from the vagina. It is worth monitoring the signals of your body - detachment of the placenta occurs absolutely painlessly, so you need to observe mainly whether it is.

Low placentation: treatment

A pregnant woman needs to be very careful: physical activity is undesirable, you can’t overwork, you should give up sex. The fact is that with heavy loads, pressure in the placenta can rise, which will cause severe bleeding. And therefore, in no case should you make sudden movements, you even need to go to bed with extreme caution, do not drive in order to once again"don't shake". Even coughing is undesirable. When sitting, it is best to raise your legs a little - this will improve blood circulation. If the doctor offers to lie down for preservation, then this is simply necessary. When spotting from the vagina should go to the hospital immediately.

If the birth is close, and the placenta has not fallen into place, then you need to rely only on doctors. If the baby lies with his head to the cervix of the uterus, then he will do without a cesarean. If there is a gluteal or foot presentation, then most likely - procesaret. And, most likely - planned.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

When a woman is in a position, she becomes more vulnerable and prone to different kind complications, the occurrence of which can occur absolutely suddenly. One of these is low placentation during pregnancy. Primiparous women, as well as those who have not encountered this concept during previous pregnancies, seeing danger in everything incomprehensible, are wondering: what is it and is there any reason to panic?

After the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it, getting into the uterine cavity, is attached either to its back wall or to the bottom, which at that moment is at the top. It is there that the process of formation of the placenta takes place - a vital organ that provides oxygen transmission, nutrients from the mother's body to the child.

However, under the influence of certain conditions, it may also happen that the finished egg is fixed in the lower part of the uterine cavity and will be dangerously close to exiting it.

And if the gap between the placenta and the internal opening of the uterus is less than 5.5 cm, then this is a low placental rate during pregnancy.

Causes of low placenta in pregnant women

The diagnosis is based on the results of an ultrasound examination.

Among the factors that can provoke low placental, the following are distinguished:

  • distinctive anatomical features building a woman's reproductive system;
  • physical pathologies of development;
  • the consequences of transferred infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • gynecological operations;
  • the age of the woman exceeding 35 years;
  • experience of termination of pregnancy;
  • hard work physical labor or the transfer of excessive sports loads before the onset of pregnancy and at its very beginning.

All of these factors affect the state of the endometrium. The egg, which has undergone fertilization, moving through the uterus, is looking for the most suitable place for fastening. And, not finding it at the back wall or at the bottom, it stops at the bottom.

Signs of low placentation during pregnancy

Symptoms are characteristic of a miscarriage

In cases where the placenta during pregnancy is not too low, outwardly it cannot be detected and noticed.

This condition can be diagnosed by a specialist after an ultrasound examination, which is carried out in planned mode at week 12.

However, the closer the edge of the placenta is to the outlet of the uterus, the more likely that a woman will experience sensations signaling a threatened miscarriage:

  • aching pain covering the lower abdomen;
  • uterine bleeding.

The abundance of spotting depends on the size of the placental abruption. The bigger it is, the more bleeding. This pathology is often accompanied by dizziness, decreased blood pressure, nausea, fainting. Therefore, if even the most minimal discharge is detected, a pregnant woman should immediately contact her doctor.

What is the danger of a low placenta?

In rare cases, low placentation can lead to miscarriage. However, 90% of women carry a baby, and for some, even after a while, the placenta occupies an impeccable location.

This is because the uterus during pregnancy grows with the fetus and pulls the placenta up. Thus, the distance between the internal os of the uterus and the placenta increases to the required parameters.

But nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in some cases the placenta can partially or even completely block the cervix of the uterus, and then complications may occur, including:

Therefore, with a low location of the placenta, expectant mothers need to be extremely careful in their behavior, attentive to their well-being and strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.

Rules of conduct for a pregnant woman with low placentation

With low placentation, a pregnant woman needs rest and rest.

Having heard such a diagnosis, a woman should not panic and worry. All that is required of her is to lead a measured, calm lifestyle.

It is necessary to ensure that all her movements are smooth, without unnecessary harshness. Move at a leisurely pace and avoid physical activity. From intimate relationships at this time, it is also better to refuse. A pregnant woman should spend more time in a lying or sitting position, raising her legs.

If bleeding or spotting is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

In some cases, a gynecologist may refer a pregnant woman for inpatient treatment, and it is not recommended to refuse this, since under the constant supervision of specialists it will be easier to avoid a number of possible complications.

How is childbirth with low placentation?

Natural childbirth with low placentation

The choice of a method for resolving a woman's burden with a low location of the placenta is determined by the distance of the location of its edge from the internal os of the uterus. If it is less than 6 cm, then the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section. However, it is not uncommon for a woman to be allowed to give birth naturally. This point is certainly debatable. Indeed, during natural labor at the time of cervical dilatation, there is a high probability that placental abruption will occur, which is fraught with the opening of bleeding. With head presentation, the child, moving along the birth canal, can press the dangerous area, and in this case, delivery will take place without complications. However, when breech presentation only emergency help surgical intervention. Therefore, if there is even the slightest risk to the health of the child or future mother, it is better to resort to a caesarean section.

So, the low position of the placenta during pregnancy is not a reason for the pregnant woman to worry, but the basis for proper nutrition and maintaining a calm, measured lifestyle in anticipation of the birth of a long-awaited baby.