What does a newborn do at 2 months. when the baby starts to smile. Dangerous symptoms in development

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two month old baby already becoming a small person. Little by little he learns to understand his parents, and his parents. Although the physical and mental development of a child at 2 months is still weak, he is already trying to take the first steps towards understanding the world. During this period, it is important to keep correct mode sleep, feeding should be regular and complete. You need to talk more, play with the child. After all positive emotionsthe best incentive for proper development children.

Physical development and skills of a two-month-old baby

At the end of the first month of life, the weight of the child increases by approximately 800 grams, this indicator can vary in different children within 100-200 grams, both in one direction and in the other. The baby grows by 2-3 centimeters, and its circumference chest becomes larger by 15-20 millimeters. A person does not grow with such intensity in any period of his life. To renew energy, which is intensively spent, the child's sleep should be at least 18-20 hours a day. He still wakes up at night every 3-4 hours, but the gaps are getting longer. Conversely, during the day the baby is more active than it was in the previous month. Feeding should be provided at the first request of the baby, he should eat about a fifth of his own weight per day. Additional fluids do not need to be given, unless the apartment is too hot and dry.

The physical skills of a child at two months are still weak, but much better than those of a newborn. He lost chaotic movements of arms and legs, nervous trembling of the first days of life. During this period, children learn to hold their heads. At first they twist it intensively when they lie on their backs. If you take the baby in his arms, he tries to turn his head in the direction that is convenient for him. But do not think that the child is already holding his head confidently, taking it out of the crib or holding the baby in his arms in an upright position, you need to lightly hold it with your hand. From two months, children need to be laid on their tummy more often, then they will strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. You will see how the baby tries to raise his head and holds it for several seconds, arches his back, rises on his arms. After that, the little one can lie down a little, and again make his attempts to rise.

A child at 2 months is already trying to move, is interested in his hands, pulls his fist into his mouth. In no case should you leave him alone in an unlimited space so that he does not roll over and fall off the sofa or table. If you hang a rattle over his stroller or bed, he can accidentally touch it with a handle or leg, getting a lot of pleasure from this, and improving his motor skills. The limbs during this period are already relaxed, their coordination is improving, the baby can even a short time hold a toy in your hand. With pleasure, she grabs her mother by the finger, tries to drag it into her mouth. The movements of the child may slow down or speed up, depending on the mood, reaction to the surrounding sounds.

Let's briefly summarize everything that happens with the motor activity of children during the development period of 2 months:

  • Can independently hold the head for a couple of seconds when it is on the handles in an upright position
  • Lying on the tummy, raises the chest and head, holds for a few seconds
  • Holds objects in hand for a while
  • Can relax the arms and legs, which is associated with a decrease in hypertonicity, characteristic of newborns
  • Manages the muscles better, involuntary movements are observed less and less.

All these skills will be improved in the coming months. You should not overload the child during this period. physical games or exercise. Let the muscles get stronger naturally. Believe me, even two dozen days will not pass, and the child will have new skills, he himself will become much stronger.

Development of the organ of hearing and vision

If you carefully monitor the baby, you will notice that at 2 months old he already knows how to focus his eyes. The eyes are not as sleepy and cloudy as those of a newborn. He is able to study the faces of mom and dad for some time, begins to distinguish between them, is interested in toys that are near him. Around this time, the baby begins to distinguish colors, green, red, blue, yellow. He takes it best bright colors and contrasting items.

If you move the rattle in front of the child's eyes at a distance of half a meter, he will begin to follow her gaze. While the baby is mastering only the near space around him, distant objects will begin to interest him a little later. But he begins to perceive bright light, from a light bulb turned on in the middle of the night, he can wake up or just move in the crib. Therefore, in the children's room it is better not to screw in too bright light bulbs, the light should be dimmed so that the baby can sleep peacefully.

No less intense is the development of hearing in children at 2 months. He already reacts to the sound of the car, TV, begins to distinguish between human voices. Moreover, the voice of his mother interests him most of all. It should be remembered that while the baby does not understand a word of what you say to him. But it already reacts very clearly to the intonation of the voice. That is why it is so important to talk kindly with the baby, not to raise your voice, not to shout, otherwise he may get scared and cry. If the baby hears a new, previously unknown sound, it first freezes, it can even hold its breath for a second. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain are intensively turned on and begin to analyze the information received. After that, the baby turns his head towards the new noise. When the sound is repeated several times, the child stops responding to it; if the key is changed, he will again become interested in the new sound.

Here short list all the skills of a child at 2 months, which are associated with the development of vision and hearing:

  • The child learns to focus on different subjects on the face of the parents
  • Reacts to bright and contrasting toys, bright light, distinguishes colors
  • Begins to explore the near space
  • Able to follow with his eyes an object moving near him
  • Begins to distinguish human voices and intonations
  • Turns towards a new sound

We must not forget the importance tactile sensations for children at this age, they still occupy one of the most important places in the perception of the world. When you play with the baby, try to stroke him more, caress him, take him in your arms more often. A light massage will be useful, it will bring pleasure to the child and strengthen his muscles. Bathing a baby can also be used for this purpose, underwater massage is even more useful.

Mental skills in a child at 2 months

Observing a baby at 2 months is becoming more and more interesting. His intellect, like his body, is developing by leaps and bounds. Of course, he is not the same as that of a preschooler, but every day he is improving. A child at this age begins to become a real person. He perceives the world around him much more meaningfully than a newborn baby, begins his first studies own body and nearby items. He already distinguishes living objects from non-living ones. The baby will focus on mom, dad, grandmother, or older child longer than on a regular toy. Also, the baby learns to respond to emotions, if you smile at him, he can smile back. Conversely, a sad expression on the mother's face can cause fear or crying of the child. He doesn’t understand what exactly is happening, he just reacts to how his mother looks, and he doesn’t really like it.

A two-month-old baby is already trying to analyze what he sees or hears. If it comes into view new item or an incomprehensible sound sounds, the child freezes in thought. This means that his brain is working hard, trying to perceive new information. But a baby at 2 months not only perceives better the world, but tries to express their emotions and needs in a more diverse way.

Although the main method of communication is still crying, the baby is increasingly beginning to produce new sounds. When he is calm and satisfied, he tries to walk. Simple vowels are combined into syllables with some consonants, for example, "he", "ehe", "ape". Each child walks in his own way, and the set of sounds can turn out to be the most diverse. Although cooing sounds almost like the first words, the baby pronounces the sounds unconsciously. Rather, this stage is a training of the facial muscles of the face and tongue.

At two months, the child is already able to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships. For example, he remembers when to cry, mom will come and solve the problem. Sometimes the baby is able to calm himself by putting a finger or fist in his mouth. If you communicate with the baby for a long time, you can already distinguish the features of his cry, mood changes. Many mothers guess the needs of the child by the tone of crying, whether he wants to eat, sleep, drink, whether his nose is stuffy, or the baby is just being naughty. Bright toys, interesting sounds can calm the child if the cause of whims is a bad mood. And a quiet song can even sleep him.

So emotional and mental development a child at 2 months is characterized by the following points:

  • Distinguishes adults and children from inanimate objects
  • Responds to the emotions of others
  • More varied cut own emotions can smile, make new sounds
  • Can calm himself down
  • Begins to understand cause and effect relationships.

The second month of a newborn's life is very important for the future. emotional development. Because it is so necessary for him constant contact with mom and positive impressions. Try not to show your bad mood child, no matter what problem you have, he will not understand the reason, but he will be very scared. If the baby has early age good will be installed emotional contact with his parents, he will be inoculated for life against fear and self-doubt.

Baby care

In the second month, as in the first, the main thing for the child is proper care, feeding and healthy sleep. The clothes of the baby should be free, without folds. There is no need to wrap and swaddle him, as he will not be able to freely move his arms and legs, develop his muscles. It is important that the legs in any clothing are divorced, this prevents dislocations. hip joints with mild dysplasia. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin, it is still very delicate, any irritation can cause inflammation. Bathing the child should be daily. Use clean water special shampoo or foam. Bathing children in herbs can be done once every few days or 1-2 times a week. If the child is restless, you can add a little chamomile or mint to the bathroom. For the prevention of pustular skin diseases, it is good to bathe the baby with a decoction of calendula. By two months, the navel is already healing, if this does not happen, it is worth going to the pediatrician.

Feeding children at two months should be free, on demand. Mom already knows a little about what the child wants, and understands that not every time he cries from hunger. The baby also begins to better navigate his own feelings, he regulates the amount of milk consumed. When the baby is on artificial feeding, the mixture is selected by the pediatrician. Its norms are calculated according to the table and adjusted in accordance with the needs of the child. If an allergy occurs to the mixture, the cheeks turn red, serous discharge appears on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor and change your diet. accustom to new mix child is not difficult, just do it gradually.

Activities with a 5 month old

How to develop a child physically in the second month of life? Gymnastics can help with this. Exercises should not be too intense and take a lot of time. You can do them while changing clothes, before bathing. For exercise better fit the first half of the day. It is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach several times a day. The baby at this time is already beginning to hold his head and raise his chest in this position. But it is not yet possible for a child to sleep on his stomach, in a crib he should lie on his back or on his side. Massage will be useful, you can do it yourself, at home, after learning the rules from the pediatrician. If the child has any problems, it is better that the massage is done by a specialist. Perhaps a little later baby physical therapy is required.

For the development of vision in an infant, you will need bright toys or pictures on which a geometric figure, number or letter is drawn. Show them to the child at a distance of half a meter. When the child focuses on the toy, it is slowly moved from side to side so that he follows her gaze. You can zoom in and out of objects. Then the baby will develop accommodation. Toys and pictures should be bright, with contrasting colors. It is worth hanging them over the crib so that the child can constantly follow them, learn to concentrate and train his eyes. Training should not last too long so that the little one does not get tired; one should not test his endurance at such an early age.

The kid will touch her hands and listen to the sounds that she makes. Listening exercises should be done several times a day. Not far from the child, they knock with a rattle or ring a bell to teach him to turn his head to the sound of his head. From time to time, objects need to be changed, because the child stops responding to the same, often repeated signals.

So, the second month of a child's life is very important. During these four weeks, he acquires many new skills. Record everything on video so that later, many years later, you can remember these happy Days. Sometimes the baby is ahead of his peers, and sometimes he lags behind them. It must be remembered that many individual factors influence development, and your child does not have to become a champion in physical development, you never know what talents he will discover later. You need to focus not on what the neighbor boy or girl can do, but on the advice of a nurse or pediatrician.

Two months have already passed since the family appeared Small child. Most likely, there is nothing more touching for you than to watch how it grows and changes right before your eyes. Having information about what a child should be able to do at 2 months will help compare the achievements of your baby with the average data and evaluate his first successes.

Opening doors to a new world

But so far, mom is the only person whom the baby distinguishes from the rest. The developmental features of a child at 2 months are such that he still does not divide the people around him into “us” and “strangers”. The kid willingly goes to everyone's hands, he is not afraid of anyone.

And the child has grown up

For most relatives, almost the most important indicators, by which the development of the child is monitored, his height and weight are considered. During the first year of life, these parameters are measured monthly.

  1. At two months, the baby is actively gaining weight and as a result, his increase during this period is the largest compared to other months. On average, the baby should recover by 800 g and, in total with the first month, be 1400 g heavier than at the time of birth. With small weight gains, work on the mistakes in breastfeeding and adjust breast-feeding, acting according to the methodology from the course "Secrets of Breastfeeding" >>>
  2. The second parameter, which checks physical development a child at 2 months is his height. During this period, it should increase by 3 cm and a total increase in growth is approximately 6 cm. . At the same time, other main indicators also change - the volume of the chest and head, on average by 2 cm.
  3. At two months, the baby is still sleeping a lot (about 18 hours a day) and is applied to the breast ( Special attention should be given to compliance with all the basic principles of breastfeeding), but everything else free time he spends with maximum benefit and makes "leaps and bounds" in his psychomotor development.

Smile and wave

A small child learns the world through his feelings. Therefore, it is so important that the formation of his motor skills occurs at a normal pace, and that his characteristic skills appear every month. Any delay in this regard necessarily leads to problems with mental development.

motor skills

In the process of development of a child of the second month of life, his reflexes gradually fade away and they are replaced by conscious movements that are performed in a more coordinated manner and lead to meaningful actions. Their volume is increasing.

  • Muscular hypertonicity, characteristic of a newborn, finally disappears in the second month.

Now the child can lie freely with straightened legs, arms spread out to the sides. He knows how to clench and unclench his fists, spreads and raises his hands up. On the changing table, the baby behaves quite actively, simultaneously moving his legs and arms.

  • At the age of 2 months, the child retains the skills of holding the breath and rhythmic movements of the limbs, designed for millions of years to ensure the survival of a child who, by negligence, has fallen into the water. But these reflexes must fade away, and are not the basis for teaching a child to swim in a pool or big bath. Read more about the reflexes of a newborn >>>.
  • In the second month, the child continues to bathe in a small bath, in a diaper, and with the addition of herbs.
  • At correct wearing on the arms, by two months the baby's back and neck muscles are well strengthened. He can, while in an upright position, independently hold his head. This skill not yet fully formed, so sometimes the baby's head can tilt back and needs to be supported.
  • At the end of the second month, the child no longer protests if he is placed on his tummy. Lying on his stomach, he can slightly raise his head and chest. Sometimes it even turns out to raise the arms and legs and move them in the air, touching the surface only with the stomach. As a result of their body movements, the little one can move slightly to the side. Find out when baby starts crawling >>>
  • How to properly develop a child, what games and toys you need to play with him, as well as the tricks of maternal art, see the online course "My beloved baby" >>>

sense organs

The psychomotor development of a child at 2 months progresses noticeably. He learns not only to control his movements, but can also make primitive conclusions on their basis.

  1. At 2 months, the baby begins to actively grab everything that is in his reach with his hands.
  2. Moreover, he is already consciously reaching for objects, trying to hook them, to hold them in his palm. These are the first attempts to perform visual-grasping manipulation.

Despite the seeming simplicity of such an action, it is still quite difficult for a child to do this. In order to capture any thing, he needs to determine the direction of movement and set the approximate distance to it. In the second month, the baby is just beginning to learn this technique.

  1. But if the baby still does not know how to take the object, then holding it firmly in his hands is what a child at 2 months old should do quite confidently.

If you put a rattle in his hand, the baby will hold it. Watching his movements, he will quickly understand the direct relationship between them and the appearance of sound. Soon the child will rattle the toy quite consciously.

  1. A little later, by the end of the second month, the baby will be able to establish another sound pattern. The baby begins to understand that after he makes sounds, they come up to him and pick him up.

In the second month, the baby shows the most vivid reaction precisely to sound stimuli.

  1. In addition, he knows how to recognize the voice of people close to him and respond accordingly.
  2. Also, the baby at this age learns to observe objects. He tries to focus his eyes on bright things and can look at them for a long time. Read more about when a child begins to see >>>
  3. Begins to pay attention to moving objects. Focusedly follows the toy moving in an arc in front of his face.

emotional sphere

Most in mental development a child at 2 months of age, parents are pleased with the changes in emotional sphere. It is during this period that the baby begins to try to establish contact with the outside world.

  • The cutest thing a 2 month old baby can do is smile. And he does this already quite consciously, in response to the voice of his mother or someone's humming. Read also: When does a baby start to smile?>>>
  • Moreover, sometimes you can even hear how the child laughs.
  • In the second month, the child shows interest in communication. He begins to make the first sounds: at first only vowels, then « yeah » or something similar. Read more about when a baby starts cooing >>>
  • Another noticeable change in the development of a child at 2 months of age is the emergence of the ability to use facial expressions and intonations. In addition to a smile on the face, you can see how the baby frowns or wrinkles his nose before crying.
  • He will also quickly learn to change intonations in his voice depending on his mood. The child conveys his emotions through crying, which can be angry, demanding, and capricious.

Being next to a baby every day, it is sometimes difficult to notice that something is drastically changing in his development and he has already managed to learn a lot. In order not to miss anything that a child does at 2 months, you can regularly write down home video with a baby. This will help to compare and evaluate its development and the first successes in the development of the new world.

What a child can do at 2 months and how to care for him, see the video:

Quite crumbs

Separately, it should be said about the development premature babies. In the first months of life, in many respects, they lag behind their peers in development. In theory, at the time of the execution of two months, such a baby should have only been born. Naturally, many processes are still in an inhibited state.

It should be noted that development indicators premature baby at 2 months will be very different from usual. To determine the criteria for their compliance with the required standards can only pediatrician, focusing on the vital parameters of the baby at birth and the dynamics of the normalization of vital functions.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in no case should you be upset, and even more so panic, if any skill in the development of your baby has not yet manifested itself.

Give your baby more attention, play with him, put a rattle in your hand, wave a bright toy, and soon you will see how the child will respond to your actions and delight you with his skills. It is in your power to help your baby learn something interesting, to push for new discoveries.

If the child does not sleep well, falls asleep with crying and motion sickness for a long time, it's time to start working on his sleep according to the method from

Every mother should understand that it is necessary to develop a baby from birth, and not only from the moment when he begins to speak or is actively interested in things around him. So, in this article I want to talk about how to develop a child at 2 months.


A two-month-old baby is still very small and not yet completely strong (this happens around the beginning or middle of the third month of a baby’s life), but he is already actively mastering the movements of his arms and legs, developing his muscular system and controlling his swings a little. At 2 months, a child can raise his head a little in the “lying on his stomach” position, but he still lies asymmetrically on his back, bending alternately one or the other leg. The situation will change towards the end of the second month of life. As for the fingers, they will almost always be clenched into a fist, if an adult puts a finger there, the child will squeeze it strongly. The baby already knows how to raise his hands to the very head and hold along the upper part of his body. It is also important for mothers to remember that at this age the cry of a child is the main means of communication with others. So he signals if he is cold, he wants to eat, or mom urgently needs to change the baby's diaper. Also, the child can “talk” about various painful sensations that he can feel at that moment. At the same time, the baby begins to talk, or rather, to babble, pronouncing various sounds. Vowels such as a, e, y o, her will prevail. The baby can also pronounce the letter “x” along with vowels - “ho”, “heh”, “ha”. It is important to say that at this time, the mother can see the first smile of the baby, who will thus thank her for her care and warmth. Well, this is the time to start working with the little one, developing it in various directions.


If a woman wants to know how to develop a child at 2 months old, she needs to remember that the first rule is to pay as much attention to her baby as possible. In most cases, the child does not care what they will do to him or what manipulations will be carried out with him, he needs his mother to be there. It is necessary to take the child in your arms as often as possible, practice skin-to-skin contact, tell the baby a lot, even just pronouncing your actions. So the baby will be more interested in observing others, plus he will always hear human speech and thus learn to understand the world. At this time, it is important that not only mom, but also dad is near the child. Thus, the child will perceive the world with different sides and identify himself somewhat differently than when he is exclusively in the female, mother's company.


What is the regimen of a child at 2 months? Here also important question. It's important to say that special instructions no, as a rule, everything is individual, and at this time the baby himself regulates his time for games and rest. However, in general, it can be said that the moments of wakefulness already take much more time than in the first month of life, and given period gradually increases. So, the baby sleeps about 3-4 times a day for one and a half to two hours, in total it is about 8 hours in the afternoon and 16-18 per day. During this period, it is already possible to distinguish a certain feature of the crumbs - it will be an “owl” or “lark”. So, some children are more active in the morning, and someone is a fan of walking at night and getting enough sleep in the morning. At this time change this situation will be practically impossible, because the baby still uses only the signals of his own biorhythms. The regimen of the child (at 2 months) becomes important. Here the mother must understand that, for example, you need to bathe the baby at the same time. It’s better to do the same with walks so that the child can navigate during the day, and in the late afternoon understand that soon you need to go to bed for a long time. night sleep. As for night sleep, if the child is not bothered by anything, such as colic, he can sleep soundly for about 6 hours without waking up even for a snack. However, if there are any problems, you need to respond to his call at the first cry of the baby: just approach or apply to the chest. So babies at this age calm down best.


Often mothers have a question about how to develop a child at 2 months. It's simple, you can do it with the help of various toys. What could it be? It is clear that various rattles. They should be bright, make a variety of sounds. However, not too big and overweight, because. It is still difficult for the baby to hold objects. Rattles can be hung over the child, and he will simply touch them with legs or arms. It is also good to stock up on various drawings, which will depict large monochrome objects. So it will be easier for the baby to perceive the drawing. It is also good to purchase a mobile - a rotating carousel, which will also be of interest to the baby at this time.

Development: mastering the movements

So, how to develop a child at 2 months? You need to do this competently, not dumping everything in a heap, but working with the child alternately with one thing, then with another. So, now we will talk about how to help the baby master the movements.

Turns: at this time, you can help the crumbs learn to master coups from the tummy to the back and back. At first, it is better to see how older children do it and, following their example, help your child. First: you need to put the baby on his stomach and help him roll over onto his back with his hands - this is a little easier than rolling over from his back to his tummy. But you need to train both options. You also need to put the child on the back, wrap your arms around the sides and, as it were, swing it from side to side, showing that this is how it will turn over later. After a while, you need to let the baby try to repeat all the movements himself. It doesn’t matter if nothing worked out the first time, you need to do it every day, without giving up this lesson. Important point: it is better if the baby turns to his mother all the time, and not turn away from her, this will be an additional incentive to perform the assigned tasks perfectly.

On the handles: it is also important to take the baby in your arms as often as possible, but not in one position, but in different ways. Either you can wear it lying on your hands on your back or on your stomach, then you can hold it a little with a column. A child can also twist and turn, no need to be afraid of this. What’s more, the kids love it most of the time.

Head: if the child is 2 months old, you need to help him work with the neck muscles, teach him to hold his head. To do this, the little one needs to be placed on the stomach so that when the head is raised, it is directly in front of the mother's face. You can bring a child various methods: showing toys, pictures, just talking to him. You need to do what the little one likes, and then he will slowly begin to learn to raise his head on his own in order to better see his mother or what she shows.

Muscles: if the child is 2 months old, he can already be lifted by the arms. How to do it? When the baby lies on its back, the mother gives him two of her fingers, which the child grabs, and slowly lifts the child. If everything goes well, you can raise the child further, to a standing position. And if the child’s hands are quite strong, and the baby does not leave his mother’s finger, you can also try to understand him over the mattress in this way. You can not be afraid to do this, especially since the kids really like it. Another exercise that will help the baby in the future: in the “lying on his stomach” position, you need to press his legs under his tummy. And if he doesn’t do it himself for the time being, these trainings will come in handy for the future.

Development: handles

We study subjects. What can be (2 months)? It's simple, you can begin to explore by touch all the objects that are at home. To do this, you need to take the crumbs on the handles in the “column” position for a short period and wear them around the house, passing it with your palm over various objects. The baby will feel that they all differ from each other not only in colors, but also in touch: some are cool and hard (furniture), some are soft and warm (pillows or Plush Toys). It is important to say that everything that the baby sees needs to be commented on, told to him what it is and what it is for. It is also imperative to start developing small and gross motor skills the child's fingers (this will be needed, especially for the development of the baby's speech center). So, he needs to put in his palm various items and tell what it is and why it is needed. One time, for example, it might be thick knitting thread with a knot at the end, another time - a felt-tip pen, and so on. Also for you can make toys at home. To do this, you need to sew a small bag of dense bright fabric, which is filled with beads or, for example, millet. Everything is sewn up well so that nothing falls out and put into the hands of the baby. Touching such a pillow, the little one massages his fingers and contributes to such in a simple way own development.

Development: speech

It is at this time that the baby begins to “walk”, i.e. talk to the outside world in your own way. Do not be afraid to speak with the baby in his language. So he will understand that everything said can be repeated, and will try to do it. In the 2nd month of a child's life, communicating with him, you need to exclude various pronouns from your speech. It is better to say not “I”, but “mom”, not “he” or “she”, but “dad” or “grandmother”. Also, the baby should be called by name as often as possible so that he gets used to it: “Sasha woke up!” or "Sashenka will eat now." When you want to say something to a child, you need to call him by name so that he understands when and how to address him correctly. However, the baby will begin to consciously respond to his name only by six months of his life.

Hand massage

It is also very important to do daily massage to kid. 2 months for a baby is the time when it needs to be actively developed. There are situations when massages are prescribed by a doctor for one reason or another, but the mother must also knead her child at home on her own. It could be a simple hand massage. You need to put the baby on the back and stand at his feet. Then the mother needs to put her finger into the baby’s hand and stroke the baby’s hand first, and then the whole hand. The movements should be light, smooth, you don’t need to press anywhere and on anything. This is done with one hand and the other. Further, the handles bend a little, unbend, and the mother can also lightly massage the baby's palm.

Foot massage

On the same principle as a hand massage, a foot massage is performed. You need to put the baby on the back, stand at his feet, first take one leg in your hand, stroking it from the foot to the thigh, but bypassing the knee and front of the lower leg. Then everything is done with the other leg. You can also massage your feet.

Back massage

How else can you massage a baby (2 months old baby)? So, it can be a light back massager. First, you need to lightly draw from the buttocks along the back to the head, while back massage stroking movements are already done with the palm of your hand. So you need to repeat 4-5 times. It is also good to develop the spine of the crumbs. To do this, you need to put it on the side, fix the legs with one hand, and draw it along the spine from the bottom, from the sacrum, up with the other. According to the reflex, the child will arch the back. Having done such manipulations on one side, the baby needs to be turned over to the second and repeat the same.

belly massage

The crumbs are also important. This is especially true for children who suffer from colic. So, first of all, it is necessary to stroke the baby's tummy clockwise, this is done about 5 times. Next, the mother puts her hands one after another on her tummy and alternately strokes the baby with downward movements, doing this five times. It is important that these movements coincide with the work of the intestines, helping the child to more easily endure the processes of digestion of food. It is also good to stroke the oblique muscles of the abdomen of the crumbs, running your palms from the sides to the center of the tummy.

Games: ball

There are also educational games for a child up to a year old. In such a situation, it is good to use various auxiliary items. One of them is large. You need to put a child on it (if the baby is naked, it is better to cover the ball with a cloth) on the stomach and roll it a little in one direction or the other. This not only develops the baby's muscles, but also makes a small belly massage, which is very useful for such a baby.

Games: look

What are the developmental exercises for children? So, why not train your baby's eyesight? To do this, you need to take some bright object, you can flash a flashlight, and drive it in front of the child’s gaze, first from one side to the other. When the kid will confidently follow the object, you can continue the game further, driving it from top to bottom. When this is already confidently obtained, you can move the object in a circle. However, it is worth remembering that if the baby is quickly tired of this activity, it is better to stop it and move on to something else.

Games: poems

Already allows the baby to clearly hear everything that adults say. Exactly this right time introduce the little one to rhymes, because almost all children really like rhyming lines. You can recite children's (and not only) poems, or you can simply improvise, rhyming everything that happens around and communicate with the little one in this way.

Noisy games

How to develop a child infancy? To do this, simply attach the bells to the booties. And with every movement of the legs, the baby will hear a distinct sound. And if the baby likes it, the child will move as much as possible, thus training his muscles.

Game "Where am I?"

To develop the hearing and vision of the crumbs, you can play with him in simple game titled "Where Am I?" To do this, it is enough for the mother to simply move around the room at the moment when the baby is lying, say, on the crib. So, the child will try to look for his mother while exercising. It is worth saying that this is a great game, because along the way you can do a lot of useful things.

Game "What is it?"

In order to develop the child's sense of touch, he can be given to touch various objects. They can be hard and soft, warm and cold, smooth and rough. You can also pick up different patches so that the child understands that everything in the world is different not only in appearance, but also in touch.

Game for the development of neck muscles

For this game, the mother must lie on her back and put the child on her tummy down. When the baby is comfortably settled, you need to call him by name and try to ensure that he raises his head at least a little and looks at his mother's face. Do this until the baby refuses to raise his head.


It should be noted that today there is great amount various literature on the topic "We develop a child at home." There you can find different plan advice, which, by the way, may even contradict each other. So, some experts will say that at this age the child needs to be disturbed as little as possible, while others, on the contrary, will recommend elements for newborns. Therefore, parents need to competently approach the choice of those activities and exercises that they want to develop. own child based on the recommendations of the pediatrician and own experience and opinion.

So, your baby has already grown up a little, he not only eats and sleeps, but is also actively interested in the world around him. How to develop a child at 2 months? This question is asked by many parents. It is from this age that you can begin to develop hearing, vision, motor skills and tactile sensations of the baby. Of course, all classes must be held in game form. We should not forget about massage, as well as special exercises that will help little man learn to control your body faster.

General rules

By the end of the second month, babies become about 10 cm taller and 2.5 kg heavier. Physical Capabilities grow, the first cooing appears, a conscious smile, a reaction to close relatives. 2-month-old babies still sleep about 16 hours a day (from 15 to 17), but at the same time, the amount of night sleep increases, and daytime sleep decreases. That is, mom and dad have the opportunity to spend time with the child in an informative and interesting way.

What is important to consider in order not to harm the baby?

  • Classes should be held in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 22 to 26 degrees.
  • The duration of the game should not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will be overexcited.
  • At the time of the lesson, he should be full and dry. Optimal time- between the second and third feeding, one hour after eating.
  • Before a night's sleep, only calm games are allowed.
  • Shouldn't be around sharp objects, corners, other dangerous things.
  • The mood of the baby should be good. No need to force him to do something by force.

At this age, the child already needs to be accustomed to the daily routine. It is desirable that walking, bathing, feeding and sleeping occur at the same time. So the baby will be easier to tune in, he will start to sleep better, eat. Accordingly, there will more strength mood will improve, the child will easily learn new skills.

Hearing development

A variety of sounds activate the baby's auditory functions. Hearing largely determines development, it stimulates skills such as rolling, crawling and sitting. Children at 2 months old can already not only hear, but also reproduce some sounds. Watching the movement of their parents' lips, they involuntarily begin to imitate them. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the baby as much as possible.

To develop his ear, play an entertaining game.

  • Shake the rattle first to the left of the baby's head, then to the right, behind. Move it sideways at different speeds. When the baby's reaction improves, you can try to diversify the sounds with a bell, pipe, rattles with a different sound.
  • Call the child by name. Before approaching his crib, gently say his name. The baby will learn to recognize your voice and will soon be waiting in advance for you to appear.
  • Prepare a few objects that make sounds - a small hammer, a plastic bag, a toy with a squeaker. Show your baby how they sound. Then help him play the sound on his own.
  • Repeat the baby's walk. This will greatly please and surprise him. Show how a dog barks, a chicken cackles, a cow mooes, a pig grunts.

When talking to a child, use simple, one-syllable words, build short sentences. Change intonation, hum children's songs and nursery rhymes, all this will stimulate the baby's hearing and speech.

Black and white mobile for the development of the vision of a newborn

vision development

A child at two months already clearly sees objects at a distance of a meter. However, he cannot focus on one thing, especially a moving one. Therefore, parents should help him master this skill.

So, how to develop a child at 2 months?

  • Choose a solid color bright toy, can be luminous. Approach the baby so that he does not see your face (this is necessary so that he is not distracted). Holding the toy at a distance of 40-50 cm, slowly move it in front of the baby's eyes. Stop periodically and then keep moving.
  • Hang the picture near the newborn's bed. It should be contrasting, simple, with large details. For example, the image of the sun, ducks, berries, geometric shapes. Make it a rule to change drawings once a week.
  • humming funny song, lift the child up and then down, tilt him to the side. Let him look at the objects under different angle. If the baby shows interest in something, stop and bring it closer.
  • In the evening, you can show your baby the play of light and shadow. Turn on relaxing, soothing music, then turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight to illuminate the ceiling, walls, toys, or other objects. Let the child, with your help, try to do the same.

Knitted beads for the development of tactile sensations of babies

Development of tactile sensations, motor skills

The second month of life is the time active development tactile receptors. By training them, the child learns coordination, his fists open faster, the tone passes. In addition, children with whom they were engaged in the development of motor skills begin to speak earlier.

With a baby at 2 months old, you can play the following games.

  • Tickle a naked baby with a feather, while naming each part of the body. Example: “tickle, tickle heels”, “tickle, tickle tummy”.
  • Put a bracelet or a bright sock on the handle of the baby, draw it in front of your eyes, and then catch the item worn with the other handle. At the same time, sing a nursery rhyme: “Pen, pen, where was it? Can you hide from us? We will find you now! Let's go play soon!"
  • While bathing, place a rubber ball in the tub. First, let the baby push it with its legs a little, then transfer it to the handles. Finally, lift the baby slightly above the bath and try to get the ball out of the water together.
  • Prepare several materials that are different to the touch - a piece of silk, wool, a wooden plank, cotton wool. Swipe the palm of the baby over the objects, and then let them crumple properly.

During classes with a child at 2 months old, it is important to keep in touch all the time. You can talk to him, sing or just stroke him. Demonstrate different emotions, make funny faces, and then any game will easily captivate the baby.

Physical development

We all know about the benefits of massage and exercise. But at what age can you work with a baby? Just since 2 months.

To properly develop a child, use the following instructions.

  • Place a naked baby on a changing table or other hard surface.
  • Unclench your fists, stroke each finger, then from the fingers, bypassing the elbows, swipe up.
  • Cross the handles on the chest and spread them apart, then lift them up and lower them down.
  • Take the baby's foot in your hand, stroke it, and then lightly press on the point at the base of the fingers. Swipe your palms up, past your knees and inner thighs.
  • Start pressing the child's knees to the tummy, first one leg at a time, then two together. You can spin the bike.
  • Turn the baby over onto your tummy. Holding it by the legs, slide your palm from the head to the buttocks, and then back, already with the back of the hand.
  • Lay the baby back again. Stroke the belly in the direction from the sides to the navel. With the pads of your fingers, draw a few circles (clockwise).


Apart from special exercises, exists Interesting games which a 2-month-old baby will be especially pleased with.

  • Ride the child on a big gymnastic ball(fitball). Place it on your tummy and, holding it gently, begin to roll the ball towards and away from you. Then turn the baby on its back.
  • Hang bright over baby's bed balloon. Let him study it first. After that, show how you can push it with a leg or fist. You will see, soon the baby will begin to "box" with pleasure, training the muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Turn on fun, upbeat music. First, dance while holding the baby in your arms. Then lift it up, pressing it back to you. Come to a hard surface and let the baby stomp a little, pushing off with one foot, then the other. Such dances are liked by almost all children.

Properly developing a child of 2 months is not difficult. All he needs is to quickly adapt to the conditions of the world around him. Who, if not parents, will help you learn to control your body, they will show interesting pictures, turn on funny sounds, and make funny faces. It is they who will direct and tell you how to crawl, sit, stand and walk correctly. Raising a child, helping him is a great joy. Take care of yourself and your children!

How to deal with a child of the second month. What games can you play with a 2 month old baby. Games for a 2 month old baby. Charging for a child in 2 months.

How to develop vision, hearing and motor abilities baby at 2 months old.

One fine day, you will notice how, in response to your attention, the baby turns away and pretends not to notice you or is busy with his own business. This reaction should rather please you - this is how he demonstrates his confidence in your love. Of course, he rather puts on airs and flirts in full confidence that you will not disappear and leave him. This is a big compliment from him.

In such a simple way, the child asserts himself. In these moments, it is important to support this game, demonstrating your mother's reliability. If you make an attempt to return it to the crib or transfer it to the arms of another person, the baby will immediately burst into tears.

Develop speech attention child, talking to him in a gentle voice and commenting on the actions that you do together. For example, if you are bathing a baby, accompany this event from beginning to end with the appropriate words: “Now we will bathe. Swimming in warm water. Bathed. We'll wipe." Speak kind words.

Enjoy your first conversations with each other. Bending over the baby, you can cause a response coo by speaking in his language: smack your lips, play "baby" sounds with different intonations, louder or quieter, in a singsong or short voice, gently or cheerfully. The child will try to imitate you and after some pauses will begin to respond. Listen to the sounds he makes and respond to him.

Child hearing development at 2 months

If you want to develop a Lyalka's hearing, and at the same time get another way to calm or cheer him up, turn on the music. During feeding and at bedtime, it can be a calm melody, and during exercise and gymnastics, it can be a cheerful, rhythmic one.

Bracelets with bells

Put soft colored bracelets with bells on your child's arms. Moving, he will involuntarily listen to sounds.

two toys

Rattle games can be a little more difficult this month. You can use one first by rubbing it lightly on one side and then on the other. After a while, take two toys with different sounds, alternately rattling the first on one side, and the second on the other. Just be sure to pause for a few seconds.


Above the crib you can hang a musical mobile - all children love it. Turn it on for five minutes - that's enough, otherwise the baby will get tired.

The development of the child's vision

colorful faces

You can still draw funny faces and hang them in the crib. The child didn't get tired of it. But so that the images do not bore him, use every time different colors when drawing eyes, hair and lips.

Tracking a toy

Take a bright toy with a long handle and slowly move it from side to side in an arc about 50 cm away from the child's eyes, causing tracking.

Then change the trajectory of movement and move the toy up and down and around. But do not get too carried away with this game - the baby will quickly get tired of it, because his eyesight is still training.

special love babies are always used by a roly-poly doll. Keep it close to your child.

The development of the motor activity of the child. Charging for a child at 2 months

Try during wakefulness to cause his general motor revival by talking and cheering him up. Remember that you should not swaddle your baby too tightly so as not to hinder his movements. It is best to wear him a romper, sometimes keep him completely naked.

❧ Give the child freedom of movement, he will quickly learn to coordinate them, which is important for his harmonious physical development.

Keep your baby in an upright position more often - this is useful for strengthening the neck muscles.

Do exercises with him in the morning:

❧ laying the child with his back on a flat surface, raise and lower his hands, first alternately, and then together;

❧ spread and bring the baby's arms together, crossing them in front of the chest, first the right one at the top, and then the left one;

❧ use the movements of the "boxer" - stretch your arms forward one by one;

❧ take the child by the legs under the heels and make movements, imitating cycling;

❧ bring both legs, bent at the knees, to the stomach and then straighten them;

lift his straight legs. Put four fingers on your baby's lap thumbs- under the knees, fixing the lower leg. The legs are straightened as far as the child allows, while the buttocks should not come off the table;

❧ lift the child and, supporting under the armpits, raise and lower him so that he pushes off with his feet from the support.

Remember that gymnastics is done at a slow pace.

The development of tactile sensations in a child

Develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills hands of the child, combining a light massage of the hands and playing with a rattle:

❧ stick your thumb into a cam, pushing his clenched fingers with a sliding movement from the palm to the tips;

❧ make stroking movements with the child’s palm on your palm crosswise (wiring the palm begins between the large and index fingers);

❧ stroke your hand along the back of the baby's hand towards the fingers;

❧ massage each finger separately from the base to the tip;

❧ release the child's thumb from the fist, massage it from the base to the tip and make it circular motions;

❧ circular massaging movements in the palm of the child with a slight pressure (“Magpie-white-sided”),

white-sided magpie

cooked porridge,

She fed the kids.

I gave it, I gave it

I gave it, I gave it

But she didn't give it:

You didn't carry water

Didn't cut wood

Didn't cook porridge

You have nothing!

After a light massage, put a rattle in the form of a ring or a dumbbell into the child's hand. At first, he may not even look at the toy, and his movements will be awkward, but gradually his actions will become purposeful. Remember that all the toys that you give your child in their hands must be clean, because the baby will definitely taste them.

Children with whom such “classes” are held learn to hold objects and manipulate them much earlier.

❀ To develop the child's tactile sensations, use games with a special glove, on each finger of which pieces are sewn different matter. Also use items from different material and stroke the child's hands with them, naming them.