How to achieve a man who likes. How to achieve a guy? Major psychological techniques. Is it worth it at all

Any girlfriend wants to get a lot of attention, compliments and pleasant gestures from the subject of adoration. How to achieve reciprocity from the guy who do you like? First you need to explore several basic tools for the conquest of a man. They represent certain elements of your behavior.

Man - conqueror

Always remember that a man by nature is a hunter. If prey comes to him itself, it becomes uninteresting. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to run for a guy, even if you are very in love with him. How then to achieve a guy?

The subtlety is that he himself wanted to care for you. Girl flirting, boyfriend - continues the game.

This understanding affects many "household" moments: let him open your doors, serve your hand, pay for you in a cafe, helping to wear a coat, - all these moments allow a man to take care of you, and therefore feel strong.

Your image

Appearance and some habits are of great importance. Care for yourself regardless of external conditions. Watch that clothes and hairstyle are in a neat state. Develop taste. No matter what kind of image is closer to you: Cutting Shebuty Girls or Cute calm girl- pick up clothes, hairstyle and makeup with taste and you will be charming! Try to eradicate some bad habitsIf they are: stop smoking, exclude from the use of mate words.

That neither say guys more like pupil girls. Healthy image Life and thinking will not only save you from many problems, but also instantly attract attention to you, allocate from the crowd. This does not mean that you need from everything to refuse, just approach your life with the mind and exclude what is superfluous now. Men of such girls respect and appreciate. And - necessarily - never drink a lot. You can hurt wine or beer, but the opinion of a girl who can get drunk in trash, in men, often, is irrevocably changing in the worse. They simply do not perceive women like a lady, rather - like entertainment for a while.

A little about intelligence

It is not necessary to silently shine with your mind. Open gradually. The mind gives the values \u200b\u200bto the girl, but if you want to achieve his love, do not force a man to feel stupid. Male pride It's hard to transfer when a woman too often turns out to be smarter. Roughly speaking, the dialogue is always better than your erudite monologue.

A little about money

Do not ask the guy who likes, how rich he is rich and how much he earns is, it is perceived by men as female mercantility. On the other hand, it is completely normal when the guy pays a hike in a cafe and makes you gifts. Remember that gifts - the gesture of his goodwill. Do not try to force it. In addition, in the period of courtship and on initial stage Relations to take dear gifts Not always relevant. Nobody knows exactly how everything will develop further. If your relationships suddenly end, a man can very much with thought, how much money he spent on you. Simple and not too expensive gifts can be safely taken.

Scandals and conflicts

If you are a girl, prone scandaling, work with negative qualities character. Men do not like the tabletoms and hysterics. Of course, ideally, if you do not just hide your tendency to conflict, but try to reduce it to a minimum. Yes, it is a long work on yourself, but it is worth it.

Women are more emotional and this is normal. However, the excessive tendency of the girl to the scandals can subsequently destroy even the most strong relationships. If you want to happy family In the future, you need to start right now.

Forbidden topics for conversation

It is recommended not to talk with a man on some topics. These include religion, politics and personal relationships. Communication on these topics often leads to conflicts, so it is better to avoid them. Also, guys are not interested in listening to stories about women's nuances of life: the choice of tights, makeup, buying clothes and other similar. And, of course, do not discuss with him your former. By doing this, you will show attitude towards him and to them. Especially if you want to tell him something unlucky. A man can decide that if your relationships are not becoming collapsed, you will also be bad to respond and about him.

What if the guy has a girl, and he loves her?

It happens that you can like the boy who is already busy. In this case, it is better to distract and try not to think about it. Why is that?

There are many factors.

  • It burns extra conflicts. His girlfriend will not like it for sure what can make you almost enemies.
  • If he really loves her, it will compare your attitude To him and her. And his conclusions may not be in your favor, ultimately. Love does not go easy.
  • Leave happy couple Alone is an act of respect for himself and to them.

There is a saying: "On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built". It's true. If you want strong, happy relationshipIn which a man will respect and love you, do not interfere in other people's.

If he does not want a relationship

Before seeking a guy who categorically wants to make a serious relationship, determine if it is necessary for you. A man may be afraid to start hard relationships due to the former heart injury and disappointment. He comes to the idea that living is much easier and more interesting. You can kill this worldview and he wants to be with you. However, no one guarantees that with the slightest problem, the guy will not close and resolve it. Moreover, he can start blaming you that you do not let him live easily and not straining.

If you are ready for this, and everyone also wants to fall in love with him, you can proceed to active actions:

  1. Show him that it is special: Flirtui with him, take care of him, ask for help when necessary. Let your chosen one feel necessary and irreplaceable. It is important not to reset the stick: excessive care oppress. Focus signs are gradually, do not blame all the scope on it.
  2. Do not allow him too much. With guys who are afraid serious relationships, it is necessary to open very slowly. Do not let him dissolve his hands and kiss you. Let him take a long time. Do not be afraid that he will lose interest - it will mean that he stubbornly does not want to take you seriously. Otherwise, his interest will only flare up.
  3. Be beautiful, but show that only he has a value for you. Do not pay strong attention on other men.

If the guy is afraid due to mental injury, you need to show that he can trust you.

Most likely, it will be difficult for him, so be patient. And be sure to justify this trust in the subsequent! If in the future you have to part, do it honestly and beautifully, so as not to leave him judgments that all girls are rare bitch.

If a man without relationship is convenient and your care is not particularly cling, leave it. Yes it is hard. But still sometimes it is better to let go of the situation than to seek the attention of a person who will not appreciate you.

How to achieve a guy who do not like you?

Do you like the guy who does not tolerate you in the spirit? Do you think he is experiencing a terrible antipathy? For a start, calm down. Soberly estimated that it is. Perhaps his mood is associated with completely different reasons. Analyze, whether he spoke about it directly, if not - perhaps he has just extraneous problems.

If you are sure that I do not like him, you can use the following strategy:

  • I study it through common friends, social networks And use its hobbies and tastes. Ideally it would be to meet with former girl - She can tell a lot of what no one knows about. Play the game: Change your appearance closer to its tastes, start wobbly to be interested in his hobbies. Create a platform for future communication.
  • Try to become his friend. No more. You have now abound.
  • Do not rush, in a friendly, communicate with him for a while. Creek common friends. Touch in one company.
  • Poflirty with it with another guy, it is desirable that the felt object was not indifferent to you. This will cause a storm of jealousy in your chosen one (especially if before that he refused you).

Here the tendency of a man seeks to seek, "Hunter's Instinct". You no longer have to run after him or silent silently on him - he will try to kill himself your attention on yourself with an outsider.

We see a guy by correspondence?

To achieve love, you need to push it to the organization of offline meeting or offer it yourself.

But in order for him to wanted to see with you, it will not be smelling with him with messages or letters. How to do it competent?

  • Interested to them, but do not ask banal questions. Try a little bit from the ordinary. Questions, like "where do you work?", "Who are you studying for?", "What is your salary?" boring. The young man hears them quite often in everyday life and they sound like located plate. Viewing his interests and hobbies, find out what kind of music he loves and apply tracks, talk on extravaluity topics, like general views On peace and life philosophy.
  • A little irony and humor are always appropriate, but not a paddy stick. Jokes must be tactical.
  • Be honest. All the photos you send him to be with you. You can, of course, just find beautiful photo On the Internet, but then your communication will never take place in life.
  • Honest answer questions. If some question hurt you and you do not want to speak on this topic, so tell me. Do not create unnecessary intrigues. Mysteriousness should appear in an increasing interest of you to see, and not in the infinite chain of hints and assumptions.

Of course, you want not just to fall in love with a boyfriend, but also getting attention from him. This is quite natural desire for girl. A good attitude from a man makes us flourish. Unfortunately, some men are simply solid. They can not always catch when it is appropriate to do some gesture, especially for the first time. If the guy you like is too shy, it can be unobtrusive to push the fact that you are waiting for him so much.

Sweet words

Several preliminary stages that need to know:

  • Do not be abandoned by the absence of compliments. Be confident in yourself. If you know that you look good, it means there are a compliment. If the guy does not say him, then it simply eludes his attention from the area.
  • Men are not very much emotional in some aspects. He can really like everything in you literally, but he just does not feel the need to express.
  • Refuse to hints, guys rarely understand them, and even less often - understand correctly.

To focus on what you want tenderness, just turning it attention to it. Some simple examples:

  1. You dressed a new dress, and the guy does not notice it at all. You can smile cute and say: "The first time dressed this dress, I worry a little ... it goes to me?" The guy will surely say something pleasant. After a number of such events, he will tell you compliments yourself. The main thing is not to part so that such questions sound appropriate and organically.
  2. If you are familiar with the guy, the ideal option will just tell him directly that you lack compliments and gentle words. Perhaps first it will forget, but if patiently and calmly ask him several times, he will remember with time and will do it.

Remember that it is often in order to get something, you need to give something. Tell him pleasant things and, if the guy does not suffer from arrogance, he will definitely answer you the same.


To achieve from a guy reciprocity, you need to interest it. We divide his interests with him, find out his hobby and ask him to teach you something. Do not hesitate sometimes ask for his help. Strengthen the connection between you and his heart thrown. He will definitely appreciate the girl who understands and supports him, and the guys the border between friendly relations and love is very thin.

The main thing I have patience. Let it mature and take the first step itself, otherwise you risk to have a person next to you who will rely on your solutions, instead of giving you the opportunity to rely on yourself. Strong men Often too initiative girls just scare away.


To achieve attention, you can use flirt. So that the flirting is effective, it is necessary to understand that it is based on your appearance and personal qualities.

You need to look carefully. Elegant clothing that focuses on the merits of the figure always adorns the girl. Do not use sexy outfits: Attention they, maybe they will attract, but it will be an interest in several meetings, no more. Beautiful feminine clothing is more profitable: she does not provoke sexual instincts in a man and it automatically treats you with respect.

The same applies to makeup: he must moderately emphasize the merits of your face, not being especially bright. Makeup should be appropriate for the time of day and the place in which you spend time.

As a flirt, you can use:

  • habit corrected hairstyle;
  • righting some thing in hand or on them: ring, bracelet;
  • unobtrusive touch as if by the way (you can touch your hand when you are emotionally telling something, or to quickly acquire);
  • easy invasions into his personal space (take out the leaf from his hair, correct the collar and other).

There are no unambiguous rules: watch, fantasize and apply. Flirt must be easy and reminding the game, then it will bring pleasure to both.


First you need to mutually decide on the concept of romance. It is possible for you these are roses, coffee in the morning and dinner for two, and for him - songs by the fire and hiking in the mountains. Understand each other in this regard.

There are some simple ways Remind the guy that your relationships need beautiful moments:

  • Offered him to play the game who someone else pleasant moments Right per day.
  • You can offer him such an option: you assign a date for each other in turn. As mandatory conditionDate should take place in the wrong place or circumstances for you. Surprise each other!
  • Write wishlists and exchange them. Gradually fulfill each other's desires.

Romance is a very mutual concept. It does not happen for one: or you spend romantic evening Together, or he will not be romantic for anyone. Listen, understand each other, open new facets of your relationship!

Offer meet

If you are friends with a guy for a long time, but he still did not admit to you in his feelings, most likely he is just shy. Men are rarely tend to be friends with the girls, so the likelihood that he is afraid to sagge you enough. He can be unsure of himself or be afraid that you see only a friend in it. Each girl has a sufficient degree of intuition to understand whether a concrete young man wants to be with her. Just feel it and take doubt!

  1. To the guy be bolder, never call him a friend. This word puts the border for your relationship, which is not everyone will decide to cross.
  2. Show attention to him as a man. Mark the qualities that you admire you, and refer to them. If the guy is bold and not a coward, you can say: "I always admired guys with whom it is not scary to walk at night," if he is smart enough, the saying is suitable: "I always liked when the guy is able to solve the problem with a conversation, and not by force" . Such comments should be said in appropriate time and casually, do not focus on their attention.
  3. Do not idealize it, take as it is. Admire them without bringing this process to idiocy. Believe that he will definitely get to achieve what he seeks to. And bring the sober assessment to the sober, if it is missing. A man always appreciates female support.

If the guy tells you about my problems, it already means that you really like you. Do not regret it unnecessarily and support when necessary, and it will definitely decide to reveal his feelings.

To achieve a kiss from a guy, you need to gently bring it to understanding that you are ready for this. First, you flirt with him, your relationships gradually pass from the stage "just familiar" in the stage "We meet", the relationship becomes all warmer, you are no longer shy to hug and hold on hands. This moment of relationship is ideal for a kiss. As you understand, you need patience. It is important not to forcing events to show yourself with right side. A man must kiss you as his regular girl, and not as a girl for a while.

In fact, guys usually feel when you can go to the next phase of relationships. And if your relationship is open enough and you are not shyring to touch him, he will soon grow up to kiss you. Such gestures, like touch and hugs push it to this. And he will consider it his initiative!

If the boyfriend is shy, it's easier to do it yourself than trying to pierce it with constant hints: your relationship is so clear enough for that.

Video help

How to get reciprocity in love from the guy

Girls errors in this issue

  • Previous relations

Stories about previous relationships are killed by the current. Try to avoid stormy stories about them and the descriptions of your former workers.

  • Nagging
  • Ultimatum

No need to try to control it, especially on early stages relationship. It is terribly annoying men. Do not follow how often he walks with friends and with whom communicates in the social network.

Be honest with you: How ready do you give up your interests for him, so as not to miss the taste for life? Sometimes it is better to abandon the guy than from his own life. If you really like him, he will take you along with your desires and inclinations. Do not forget this and do not rebuild too much, otherwise your mood May eventually become too sad.

If you achieve love does not come out, not Handry. It's not from the fact that you are bad, but from the fact that different people Differently arranged. Perhaps it is simply suitable for other girls. For example, for one modesty - this is a dignity, the other considers such girls "scored", someone will like expressiveness, and someone will say that you behave loudly. Just choose a man who will see your advantages.

Is it worth it to seek a guy?

No matter how you like the guy, stay a girl. And girls do not achieve, they allow them to care for themselves. All the science on how to fall in love with a man in itself is based on the interest of it, to seize his attention. When the guy is quite interested, it begins to care.

If you do the opposite, and start it to achieve yourself, you can kill any interest in yourself. Or get a guy who will be sure that you get anything from you very easily. He will not try and provide you signs attention. If you want a worthy attitude towards yourself, do not develop in a man lazy, just capture his attention.

This article is written specifically for women. Although men may also be curious to read it.

Let's imagine that you met a wonderful man. Just the most prince, which you have dreamed about so long. But it's not enough. It seems that he is not at all burning with the desire to rush for you to fire and water. Fighting with the three-headed dragon, too, in his plans is not included. He does not even think to call you married! It's a shame, right? Especially since you like it! Now the question. What will you do in this situation?

I think that opinions are divided. Some girls will prefer not to take any actions, arguing something like this: "Once I'm not interested in him, what's the point of running for him?" Others will want to challenge fate and will try to conquer the heart of this man. They will appear as follows: "A rolling stone gathers no moss. Once he does not pay attention to me now, then it does not mean that I do not have chances. Need to act. "

With the first category of girls everything is clear. Most likely, I liked the prince, just a hop at your horse to some other princess. And our heroine will quietly cry in the pillow and complain about his unfortunate share. I also wanted to talk to you about the second category of women - about those who selflessly becomes the path of conquer. In the role of the main prize, the desired trophy, a man stands here. And here it arises another very not idle question: can I generally conquer the heart of a man and what are the means for this good?

IN women's journals You will find countless recommendations on how to conquer his heart. Many tips are rather viable there, but it is necessary to apply them with the mind. And the problem is the thing that a woman who chose a conquering path for himself is doomed to defeat. It is possible that this phrase caused you a storm of indignation. How so? Is it bad when you try to do something for a man? Is it bad to take the initiative on yourself?

In fact, you need to look deeper. Let's determine the roles of men and women. Instant times a man was a conqueror. It was he, not a woman who dragged prey to the dwelling to feed his family. The role of a woman was to keep and protect all that man created. It is quite obvious that it was a man who sought a woman's hands, and not the opposite.

But what does modern woman? She comes into an unequal fight for a man ... with a man himself! Thus, it takes on the model of his male behavior. Becomes a guy. And this strategy is obviously losing.

Now let's see what concretely makes a woman conqueror. What is her arsenal tools?

She surrounds a man with comprehensive care. Excellent. A man, of course, needs care. But ... In his desire to take care of a woman often moves all the borders and begins to behave like a milf. If such a behavior of a man suits, he very quickly turns into an infantile mamjean son, from which the responsibility and independence can no longer wait.

If a man is a priori independent, then your hyperopsek will be very annoying it. You will be offended and wondering why he rejects you? And all because he does not need the second mom! He and one enough.

She is trying to prove to him that will be the best for him. It would seem that the bad thing is to broadcast your man top Qualities? But here the woman manages to stretch stick. She is proud of its education and erudition, as well as the knowledge of three languages \u200b\u200band the ability to play chess two parties at the same time. She tries in every way to fight with her talents. Her behavior literally shouts: I am the most brilliant! And the man, meanwhile, closes in himself. Why is this happening?

It should be understood that men's self-esteem is constantly in motion. He can also be seven spans in the forehead, but seeing that you are too actively trying to show him your superiority, starts thinking about is there a place next to such a bright woman?And if he decides that you are "too good for him," he does not think of going to look for a girl easier.

She is trying to control it. For a woman, this desire is natural, because It is a continuation of her maternal instincta. But we already know with you that with a man you can not behave like a child. For men, being under control - Martyr's flour. And with a high probability, he will not be put up with this. After all, he is not yet associated with you for marriage, and you do not give him a step to step up. And if he makes you his wife, what will happen then? No, this state of things does not suit him.

She seeks K. active development relationship. On the stage candy-bought period A man considers himself free from any obligations to a woman. They simply meet, pleasantly spend time together, but only. A man just begins to get used to the woman and to the very fact of what she has it. It turns out that in the moment when a woman in her head had already decided that they were with her man - a couple, with all the consequences and obligations from here, a man in his feelings has not yet decided and considers himself a free bird.

The woman intuitively feels that the man is "stuck" and does not want to move on. Therefore, she tries to push him. It makes it, as a rule, with the help of conversations. Although it looks more like unilateral communication. Men do not like to talk about feelings and relationships. It is more interesting to talk about hunting, fishing ... And here the real attack begins on it. Woman falls asleep with his questions: "Do you love me?", "How hard?", "Are you really sure about it?", "What do you see our relationship in the near future? And five years old? " etc. At such moments, a man feels caught behind the ears of the rabbit. The only desire will soon escape from you.

So it turns out that after trying on the role of the conqueror, you are directly expensive to your loneliness. But I don't want it, right? Then let a man be a man! It is he who must seek you. You must choose. Do not try to seem better than you really are. Nobody is perfect. Be yourself. Appreciate and respember yourself, and then the men around you will begin to appreciate and respect you. And do not be afraid to trust your man, because Without trust, it is impossible to build normal relationships.

How to achieve a guy? This is for every girl when meeting the very candidate for the prince the topic of the first importance. And how to achieve a guy you love? What exactly makes girls attractive in the front of the guys, what they may not even guess, and is it possible to drive it? If you dream that the guy thinks more about you - let him in line with its resources: time, attention, emotions, actions. Give him the opportunity to express myself with male side, After all, in order to really try to attract you, allocate you from other women - he needs to do something for you. Therefore, take all signs of attention, in every possible way to stimulate them, and then thank you, sincerely rejoice, if the guy pleased you - this is the best reward for a man.

Do I need to seek a guy? It is not necessary to show a lot of initiative, try to make a man love you if he does not do it, does not have any attention signs. With the same force, with what girl runs for a man - he starts to run away from her. The stronger you pursue - the stronger he hates you and does not respect. Whether it is worth explaining that the relationship will be unpromising if you even manage to build something - they will be based on consumer from the guy.

The main secret that will allow you not only to get the location concrete guy, and attract the attention of many men and do not experience problems with relationships - constantly develop. in order to become harmonious personality and beautiful girlIt should continue until you find yourself completely satisfied with themselves, and only then maybe there will be strong relationships. But the paradox is that there will be no painful in relationships, you can calmly consider the offers of guys, not in a hurry and not dreaming of creating a couple at least one.

How to get a guy who likes?

Modern girls are actively interested in how to achieve the guy's attention. Is it necessary to seek a guy, or is it only going to scare it? Because defenselessness, vulnerability - actually female qualities, It is they who are able to activate the guy to the manifestation of attention. Today, the vulnerability has become a rarity and looks even more seductive for men. Most girls try to seem invulnerable, as if, in this way, they would protect against pain, which inevitably, as they seem to bring relationships. However, this is only, you must yourself, first of all, admit that behind the wall protection hide women's soul. And it should be seen and the guy.

One of the psychological patterns of distribution emotional energy Approves - to give up the desire to get, replace it with the desire to give, then you will receive what they refused. Stop waiting for love from a man, instead just show sincere, not binding warm attitude. just give up without expectations. And if you manage to fill a man with such disinterested love, not counting on a response - then you will wait for him love. Refuse reciprocity - and you will get it. Just enjoy your love. Of course, it is easy only to say, almost everyone, giving, expects to get a response and fill out attached attention and care. To sincerely give out disinterested love - it will take a certain state, special trance techniques can help here. On the same ability to disinterested love Many spiritual teachings are directed.

How to achieve a guy you love? Often a man lacks her different roles. Perhaps this is the cause of male polygamy? Try to combine B. different moments The role of Music, girlfriend and mistress. Muse - aerial, inspirational, fragile, woman-space. Girlfriend - tells, helps, understands, it can be trusted. The lover is seductive, easy to turn on and even initiates itself romantic game. If you still achieve a guy, then you can connect the role of the mother - that female is the hyposta, in which you can take care of him, give a man the opportunity to relax, feel safety, as if in childhood. But it's not worth a hurry with this role, otherwise your concern can be mistakenly perceived as obsession.

If you periodically spend time together - offer him add a little adrenaline in your pastime, make a date action! It will advantageously emphasize you in a number of other girls, with what he spent the classic, perhaps even a little boring dates in a cafe or walking around the park and in the movies. Moreover, such a date may look at all as an ordinary meeting, not obliging, you can just tell the guy about the opportunity to jump from Tarzanka, go on a clodder, even just ride bicycles or boat in the park. It is known that at the sports and extreme classes stand out whole list Hormones, literally blowing sensitivity and contributing to the origin of love. This burst will unconsciously associate with you, start thinking about you more and more. An active date will give you a space to show yourself, seem with other sides, and will also make the guy remove the masks. You can see how it enters the real life situationsrequiring male decisions, initiatives, strength and leadership. In co-overcoming obstacles, you can learn much better to learn each other, get closer more closely than even on a few dates with conversations about the weather.

How to get a guy who likes? Many experienced girls use the reception of an emotional star, playing with a distance when they, they attracted a man, they pushed him out. Here you need to be in Rada with your own, clearly feel what you are doing and why the feeling of artificiality does not arise, the manipulativeness of your actions. Emotional jumps are peculiar women's natureAnd you just need to naturally swim by their flow using the mood, mysteriousness, feeling of internal comfort. For example, you can feel your interest and unbeliefly demonstrate his guy, and then close together with the decline, explaining this to the need to be in silence or the fact that there was still too little time in the relationship. It can also be done through the speech - to say a male compliment, but after a while a little coming, as if adding peppers into relationships. So you definitely do not give the guy's opportunity to get bored, literally borrow his attention. The guy should not decide that you are in his power, he got your location, no longer need to do anything. On the contrary, to fall without falling in love, he must include his hunter's instincts, be active in your pair, even if initial interest came from you.

Your body language must say the guy that you are interesting, decent girl, Interested in it. To learn how to express yourself, it is not necessary to develop flexibility in gait and movements - help classes dancing, plastic, yoga, defile courses. Your movements must be somewhat slow to demonstrate calm and attractiveness. Keep posture - according to psychosomatics, it shows yours. A smooth back is not only a man will give a signal about your attractiveness, but will allow you to feel fresh and worthy. Let your brushes be soft, feminine, as if in a dance. With all its movements, as if painting flexible lines, roundness, avoid angularity.

How to achieve a guy who are you indifferent?

Let's start with how to achieve respect for the guy who you like, but it is not mutual. Think about what people love at all. Do not create yourself separately for guys and separately for girls. Be, above all, an interesting, filled person, this is what makes the guy respect you. What do people attract in us? This, of course, is a positive state. Many girls even write in social networks that they are bored, there is nothing to do, thereby sending the guys a signal - they are not interested even with them! Guys appreciate the girls who are busy, have their own interests, a circle of communication, when the girl is passionate about, and her life is meaningful even without a guy. Then he turns on the instinct of the conqueror, he wants to achieve such an independent girl.

If the girl was too looked around on a relationship or a specific guy, if all her dreams about how to achieve the attention of the guy - most often she becomes uninteresting him. It is important not to shindle, do not hang on the guy, because such a disproportionate attitude is based only on women's illusions, romantic imagesnot supported by reality. The guy feels - he does not affect the girl, affect her own expectations, dreams, and only they often remain with the girl, and the guy is distant as possible.

A common mistake of girls is to forget that personal relationships with a guy are, first of all, the relationship of two people, a partnership that is impossible without the maturity of each of his participant. Genuine relationships are not always based on romantic feelings - They are supported by friendship, common matter, values \u200b\u200band interests. The girls sometimes prefer to be in the air locks of illusions, in fact, in the egoistic need for any price to build relationships, not paying attention to the entire personality of the guy, reducing it only to the role of the Uhager. The guys feel it, and the strategy collapses.

How to achieve a guy who does not want a relationship with you?

When you unrequited fell in love - analyze why it happened. What images do you feed your love? Any love, even mutual, is at the base initially lie illusions, ideal pictures, which when people find out real friend Friend, often dispelled and bring frustrated. An even stronger this effect, when love is a single bed - even more chances to set up air locks, which in fact may not have attitudes towards the object. To not be disappointed, it is true, it is said, you do not need to fascinate. Therefore, first it is worth a pretty think about why you want to build a relationship with a guy when there is no reciprocity from it.

Psychologically, people stretch to themselves like. Suppose the guy is really worthy of your attention, but you lack something to attract it. Want to attract a guy? Make what condition he broadcasts others - the same state should come from you so that you are on the general wave. Do not dream that if you are sad, then your problems will solve a cheerful guy. Not at all, he faces inside himself with the same problems and learned to solve them, so he can only attract a girl who also speaks well.

In order to interest the guy, which now does not show attention to you - you should reveal, develop that personality that you can become when involving all of your potential. Many examples when an inconspicuous girl, like a bud, bloomed in beauty and an interesting interlocutorAnd when the guy paid attention to her - she did not need this relationship. So do not dwell, grow over yourself, then you will definitely not be deprived male attention And you can easily overestimate your attitude.

Think about life, what you dream about, and try to create this life yourself. Do not look for a guy who, like a prince, will complain to the horse and magically It will change everything, transform the negative in a solid positive. It is not under the guy, not in his interest carry such a huge load, literally drag on another person.

How to achieve a guy who has a girl?

Here you also need to think about yours first - why did you want to seek a guy who is incompatible? What drives you: Azart, desire, revenge a rival, prove your charm to others? Similar motives are interested in a psychologist not with moral sideAnd because it is impossible to build strong relationships on them and meaningless. Only if you are moving sincere, long feeling To this guy, and you are sure that a joint future awaits you - only then you can think about relationships with him.

Remember, however, that when you assimilated a similar initiative - you may, you will continue to carry it in your pair. You will have, in fact, to perform a leading role, and the guy may have react to other girls, as previously responded to you. You can be guilty and in the destruction of its past relations, and in the failures of the present.

Often, the reason to lead the guy gives the girl herself, if in a relationship not everything was smooth, if there are quarrels, misunderstanding, and they are not used to talking and solve joint problems. Then an opponent may appear with a tempting offer for a guy not to solve the complexity in relations, but simply change the girl to another, more comfortable or attractive.

It can wait a convenient moment when in a pair of disorder, to be in the proximity to the guy located in upset feelings, often evil and unsatisfied. Usually, the girl resorts to instinctive manipulations, trying to take the guy by the moments that he is in no way in relationships. The man has one to take such advances on attention, recording them only at their own expense. Guys often regard them not as an attempt to deliberate their goals, but as a high assessment of his own person, an assessment that he has long been waiting for the present girl and which belongs to him right. The guy is stimulated to be offered without effort to get the desired - simple and easy optionLeading, unfortunately, to problems in the future.

How to achieve a former guy?

How to achieve respect for the guy, if you were already in a relationship, but lost its location? How to achieve a guy who love even after parting?

Many girls fall in love, meet, however, due to the lack or shortage of knowledge, how to support the fire in a couple, they break up, believing that love is irretrievably passed. And only then they are unwritten, realizing that feelings are strong.

Psychologists here reveal our eyes - not love, but only love is a primary, surface condition based on a hormonal splash. Love is a feeling that is born just after love. To ensure love, you need to work together every day in relationships, putting all the best in them, clean, kind and bright. It is important that in relationships on this stage were already common interests and values. If there were no - to return the ex-more often no sense, because you will still part with the same problem.

If you have a lot of unifying moments, and the parting still happened as a result of some resentment, which provoked it or you - there is a chance that the guy's return will turn into love further. We give practical advice.

The first thing to be done is to ask for forgiveness if your wines. Some girls because of their pride are afraid to apologize, shifting wine on the guy. Girls that think so try to break inner rod. Guy, which is unacceptable in relationships. If it turns out - the man becomes a bright, "rag", if it does not work, will react to the departure. When you offended a man, tried to press him, but he left - it means you got a fundamental, real man.

When you know that you love the guy that it is necessary for you - cross your artificial pride imposed by the Society of Human Resources, apologize. How? It is better personally. You can write touching SMS Or in the social network, but alone will speak much better. The message will not be able to transfer your voice, intonation, look, your appearance. In addition, it may happen that he will read your message in the presence of friends or girlfriends, and they will make it just laugh at you.

Carefully think over your image to the meeting - you should look beautiful, feminine, seductive, but not vulgar. Little late, for 10 minutes. During the conversation, you will lead it timidly and feminine. Bring it to my own sincerely excuse And the promise of the fact that this act will no longer happen again. Speak gently, sit on the contrary, the eyes better to keep omnounced. And only at the end of his monologue, you can easily raise your eyes and frightened to him a little. Then silent - let him say that apologies are accepted.

After that, you can smile slightly, you should not show too obviously your joy, externally try to stay restrained and calm.

And remember - return former guy Some are easier than trying to keep. If a man left you for the first time, it is a call that you should change, for example, in behavior. From now on, try as much as possible to invest in the relationship so that the fire of your love flashes more and more hotter every day.

If you are asked how to achieve a guy, then a little wrong right. This should seek hundreds of princes. No, it's completely serious. Not necessary. Do not humiliate and do not impose. Achieve young man it is possible only if you want new sensations and sex, and not good and interesting relationship. But if you are sure that this man is "yours," it is worth thinking how to achieve a guy who love.

The question is how to achieve a guy you are indifferent, it is already harder. Here you can show him that many others like you very much. Source: Flickr (Aldo_Vargas)

If he likes

So how to achieve a guy who likes. First of all, it is elementary to take care of yourself and look for your style: only what you are going, take care of hair and skin, do not forget about the body, constantly improving the shape.

Among all numerous types of fitness, choose what you like, and do not look at the fashion: if you get fun of classes, then it can be seen appearance - Hormones will definitely issued.

Do not create a halo of mysteriousness around your own person: be sincere, natural and smile. But only if you want to answer a smile, not "duty". Communicate with the object of sympathy in a hartulum form: it will fall necessarily. You can make a hitch above it and above everything that happens: cheerful girls Like everyone.

Be always with him in sight. Try to be in one party, divide his interests, do a common thing with him. But this is only the beginning. Find mutual language And make friends. Support it and be near always. He and you should be very interesting. Then suddenly disappearance. For a month, if you encounter once a week or for a couple of weeks, if you see almost every day. After that, you can conquer his heart.

If the relationship he does not want

If you are asked how to achieve a guy who does not want a relationship, the situation is more difficult here. It is important here again to attract his attention, and then show that many other guys, ready to build relationships with you, are presented. Show him all the advantages of the presence of the second half: support, romance. If he does not want the relationship after the previous one unpleasant experience, show that not all women are so terrible as his ex-half.

If you don't like you

The question is how to achieve a guy you are indifferent, it is already harder. Here you can show him that many others like you very much: flirting in his eyes with other young people and surround yourself with men (even if this will be your friends - no matter). If he knows about your sympathy for him, it can play benefit.

You can also try perfume with pheromones: it's hard to go against hormones, and then everything depends on you. Finally, you can just forget about him and not to show your sympathy. This may also encourage him to action.

Conquer the heart of the guy who is indifferent to you, quite real. But think if you need such "happiness"? Source: Flickr (kiarisel_diaz)

If he has a girl

How to achieve reciprocity from a guy who has half? You can not try if it really true loveAnd half of it suits him in everything. In all other cases, you can try if you are not afraid of the reputation of the direction.

First of all, be noticeable and attractive. Even if the charismatic you have never been, try to become a soul of the company. Understand all your own best sides. It is better to build relationships with a young man, starting with friendship.

Further show your individuality. You can make something new to his life: new information, new solutions to problematic issues. Know that over time, even "Miss perfection" can be a man uninteresting, and this is your chance.

Also try to become externally the same as she. A man loves his eyes, which means that he has a beauty ideal. Be yourself! Or at least a little similar.

Is it worth it at all?

If you are not interested in him, it is unlikely that will be long and a good relationship. And you will not be very fun with a young man who does not feel anything to you. Be your beloved much better and more pleasant. In addition, it is important to understand that your half may still look for you. And if you do not give her a chance due to illusory relationship with an unloved person, you can lose your happiness (remember Scarlett, who lost his "her" man because of the ephemeral dream).

Conquer the heart of the guy who is indifferent to you, quite real. But think if you need such a "happiness"?

Video on the topic

How to achieve a guy ... You know, I generally do not like this verb scary. Not at all, namely here in this sentence. Why - I will say at the end. I can not give you advice on how to achieve a guy who interests you. But I will try to answer your questions, based on how I treat this topic.

How to achieve a guy you love?

And who does not like you at all? Well, in this case, as in many others, the principle is very good "not washing, so catalym". All the time be in front of his eyes, go there, where he walks, happen there, where he happens, do what he does. You see, because it is quite possible that you are not one puzzled by how this guy can be achieved. Probably thinks about it another girl. So in this case, the one wins that the impregnation.

True, it is, provided that the subject of your battles is absolutely anyway, with whom you can stay. But if he, for example, blossoms at the sight of Karglase brown, and you proud of our whole life linen hair and heavenly color Eye, the situation changes significantly. Have a chance (and pride), and think about whether you should seek this guy?

How to get a guy who likes?

Opposites, they say, attract. Yes. In theory. IN real life The pair should have at least some point of contact. If your gap loves scuba diving, and you are afraid to enter the sea - how not to twist, it is hardly possible to achieve this guy. If he does not miss a single concert in the conservatory, and you can't distinguish Mozart from Beethoven - how do not try, to ensure that this guy wants to communicate with you, is also unlikely to succeed.

You will tell you that it is full of couples, where she and drops will not make sense in his affairs or hobbies. Agree, who argues? But! Did you say with someone from these couples? Talk! And you will hear that it did not break her head over how she would achieve this guy (or a man), and he did not close the eyes at night, trying to come up with how he to conquer her. Catch the difference?

How to achieve guy love?

Well it - long road In the dunes ... although I don't know if I understood your question correctly, as you can achieve love any man (or boyfriend) only when you already communicate with him - at least on a friendly level. Why? You clearly do not like the answer, because you consider it too outdated and book, but I still say.

You love not for your appearance. You love your soul. And so that he can figure it out in it and understand whether it is half, it takes time. That is why the strongest love does not always become love. While purely friendly relations Quite often develop in love. But maybe you wanted to ask how to achieve not love, and the guy's attention?

How to achieve attention guy?

In principle, to paint in crimson - This is also one of the ways. But I understand what you meant. I repeat again. A person must be interesting with you - and never runs to you. Therefore, do not try to decide how you seek this guy's attention. Try to understand what and how you can achieve what any guy (a man, and in general a person) will be interested to have a matter with you. Man is a herd animal, and your chosen one is not an exception. He will go there where goes The whole crowd.

Somehow, many years ago, we big company We left for a few days per city. We at our disposal was a beautiful old manor with a luxurious garden and a magnificent huge piano that stood in one of the living rooms. Do you know, around whom our guys sneak all those days that we spent there? Around a nondescript girl who sat down every evening for this piano, and played us.

Who asked this question? Stand up please. I want to find you very loudly. At the very beginning, I said that in the question "How to achieve a guy?" I really do not like the word "achieve". Now I will explain why. To get to fight, beat ... All that yours always comes to you easily and without torment, and you don't need to fight for it. But chief Secret It is that nature does not like when we stubbornly, and we go in advance, - and, sooner or later, it must be revenge on it. What I mean?

It is not you should suffer from how you seek the guy. It should stand for hours under your window. It's not you should worry about how to achieve love guy. This friends must tell you about how he is afraid of losing you.

... on a compromise you can go with anyone - but not with you. Because in ten years you will remember that this is not he for the last money I bought you in the winter at the subway frozen daffodils, and you are humiliated and sadly tried to catch his smile, the word, look ...