Oval nail design for the new year. Photo of manicure for the New Year. New Year's French manicure: photos from top masters

Hi all! I would like to cheer up everyone today, so to speak, on the eve that the holidays are coming soon, and this prompted me to think that I need to come up with some elegant and chic manicure in advance. By the way, the patterns and drawings of what you choose should somehow emphasize your individuality and originality, as well as be combined with your evening dress.

Do you already know what to wear on New Year's Eve 2019? If you still haven’t, then look, in which I tried to pick up cool and super cool models of outfits for each sign of the zodiac. Conquer everyone on the spot with your wardrobe and cool and interesting manicure.

And may all your dreams come true, I hope that this collection of photo illustrations will help you realize and make you laugh at the most unexpected options adorn your nails. Any girl and woman always wants to look attractive, so let's go ...

I'll probably start with the fact that you yourself must first decide what you want to see on your manicure, or rather who or what. But, for this you need to remember and fulfill three important conditions:

  • Everything should be combined, that is, choose a dress and a manicure in the same style.
  • Larger and plot drawings will look spectacular if you have large long nails, or huge sharp ones. On small and short nails, the pattern will not look quite appropriate. Modest jewelry options are suitable for short nails.
  • Come up with your own unique and unique drawing so that no one else has it, take ideas from this note.

Remember also what age you are, all the same, it is worth paying attention to, for young girls, I propose to perform such a simple and mischievous option, I would say, in the form of balls, stripes and the like. You can choose any colors, and red and pink, etc. and of course yellow shades. In general, create, decorate with rhinestones, sparkles, I assure you it will turn out very stylish and fashionable.

What beauty, ordinary and most simple patterns, but they look so unpretentious and colorful.

The most chic nail design ideas

On New Year's Eve, of course, everyone will be impressed if you depict exactly the heroes and symbols of the New Year on your nails, these can be:

A cute white snowman in a forest clearing or standing near a Christmas tree.

By the way, if you yourself like to experiment, then you can start right today. preparatory work, draw for example a snowman, so to speak, learn and think, dream up.

A great idea to draw Santa Claus, but where without him, can you imagine how happy the kids will be when they see him))). You can even do it yourself, if you really want to, you only need two colors, red and white, plus a base.

Gorgeous and beautiful white snowflakes that will turn anyone's head in combination with a very charming dress.

I myself love such arts very much, sometimes I create))) though do not judge strictly, I offer you such a mini master class winter manicure for any party and corporate party or matinee.

As you can see, it is enough to have your not too long, I would say short nails, in order to somehow gently and chic decorate them with a winter plot.

If you trust professional master, then of course you can draw Santa Claus and reindeer.

I came across two more video tutorials yesterday, awesome I'll tell you:

One is better than the other, in general, see everything for yourself, it turns out that you can do it yourself so easily:

But from this picture I have in general straight insane delight, wow !!!

How do you like these ideas? So rather, create and take this note to your bookmarks, so that later you can show the master what you want. By the way, do not forget to write reviews and wishes, share your best practices, I am always glad to communicate.

For all lovers of birds, you can depict bright and stylish bullfinches:

If you want something more elegant, then choose this simplest and easy way work. All stages of work are shown in this picture, you just have to repeat the necessary steps:

And of course, the forest beauty Christmas tree in the form of an original exclusive and super-beautiful design, here rhinestones and sparkles will help you:

And since everyone knows that only on this holiday our house is decorated with garlands, tinsel, lanterns, etc., then it would be very appropriate to place rhinestones or sparkles on a manicure. By the way, if you still do not know what to give for the new year, look for gift ideas

Fashion ideas and designs for the winter season for short nails

What to do for those who, for whatever reason, cannot afford to wear long nails, there are also various New Year and winter decors for them. I often have these, so choose any copy and create))) or show in a beauty salon and they will draw you:

You can arrange more modestly, but at the same time elegantly:

Unusually, you can arrange in the form of sleeves or mittens:

Sharp nails can also be decorated in winter:

Can be done with the French manicure technique:

Beautiful french manicure for yourself

You will be a little surprised and shocked how easy it is to make such magical beauty at home, watch this video and learn:

Or choose from these options:

Manicure for the New Year 2019 with a pattern, with rhinestones and sparkles

You can arrange it like this:

Winter nail design

And finally, I show you something that I especially liked, so to speak, new trends in the decoration and design of our favorite nails. All fashionistas, I think, will appreciate these masterpieces, and many will repeat.

On this beautiful note, I want to end this short post. I hope you really liked the New Year and winter manicure design ideas, you have found the very option for yourself, and you will definitely make an amazing impression at the holiday.

I wish everyone good mood, Good weekend! See you! Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

The issue of a festive manicure must be approached in advance. New Year's nail design is also no exception. If you have not yet decided on the choice, then this article can definitely help you with this. A woman is a flurry of violent emotions, bright colors and unique personality.

Every woman tries to express herself in her own way. Someone uses clothes for this, someone uses a hairstyle and hair color, and someone emphasizes their individuality with makeup.

But best of all the whole feature female personality show hands. By a certain manicure and accessories on the hands, you can accurately determine what type a woman belongs to, what she prefers and what she needs. Surprisingly, the daily manicure of a true lady can tell about all this.

Concerning various holidays, then here the fair sex seek to express themselves with the most better side. This also applies.

It is especially important to choose an unusual manicure on New Year's holiday. Since this will not only be an ornament, but can also tell about the secret dreams of its owner.

What is special about New Year's manicure?

Today it is incredibly difficult for a woman to find time for herself. This is due to the frantic pace of life and crowded to the limit of every day. Naturally, there can be no talk of prolonged sitting in beauty salons.

Although some individuals, nevertheless, somehow succeed. However, this is not about them, but about how to turn your manicure into a real masterpiece in a short time.

There are an incredible variety of types of manicure today. Such an abundance can turn the head of even the most fastidious lady.

Starting from all kinds of paintings, patterns, ornaments, New Year's drawings and ending with the use of accessories - all this can now be found in a country called "Manicure".

What of this abundance can be suitable for new year's eve and how to make a unique New Year's nail design?

Stickers in the New Year's nail design

Using stickers is a rather creative technique, however, this option is quite suitable for New Year's design. In addition, it is very practical, original and simple in execution.

Stickers in the New Year's nail design

Agree, images of snowflakes, lanterns and other festive elements look quite attractive.

And most importantly, such a manicure can be done in just a few minutes, which is important in the New Year's bustle. In that case, this is great alternative varnish.

Stylish and simple - what else does a busy woman need? modern woman. How to transform your manicure using stickers?

  1. Apply colorless varnish
  2. Choose a sticker New Year theme. It can be Christmas decorations, snowflakes, Stuffed Toys etc. Peel it off the base.
  3. Attach the sticker and gently smooth it out.
  4. Cut off the excess part of the sticker with a nail file.
  5. Cover with top coat.

OK it's all over Now. New Year's nail design with stickers is ready!

Watch the video on how easy it is to make such a New Year's nail design:

Stylish decorations for New Year's design

New Year's nail design should be bright and shiny. This effect can be achieved using sequins, pebbles, rhinestones, stickers or broths. The last name may be confusing. What are broths?

It's petty multicolored beads to create a placer or relief pattern. This decoration is applied to the base of the nail that has not dried. Read everything about here.

Another wonderful decoration for New Year's nail design is, of course, foil - for a brilliant festive manicure.

Remember that in the New Year's design you can throw out all your imagination and originality.

The influence of fashion trends today has not left nail design without attention. You won’t surprise anyone with a manicure painted with a simple varnish. Today, manicure is considered to be a real art.

Whole pictures can be depicted on nails, not to mention simple patterns and ornaments. In this case, any materials for decoration are used. Along with all kinds of stencils and sparkles, the use of rhinestones in nail design is especially popular today.

This element of decoration has gone through a whole evolution. At first it could be found on clothes, then they began to decorate houses with rhinestones, later it spread itself into decorative make-up and finally got to the design of the nails.

And this is quite justified, since a manicure using rhinestones is absolutely easy to do by yourself. And any woman can do it. And if you have a special tool, a strong desire and a few drops of imagination, this, in general, will not be difficult.

However, in order for the work to look harmonious, here you need to know a sense of proportion and at least have a little good taste. Otherwise, you can turn such a manicure into a tasteless sleaze.

For those who do not know what rhinestones are or have never seen them, we will tell you what this decor element is. Small stones in the form of semi-precious and precious stones. Sometimes quality rhinestones are hard to distinguish from the original stone.

On the one hand, rhinestones have a variety of facets, thanks to which they sparkle and shine so brightly. The second side, as a rule, is matte and even, so that it is convenient to glue the decoration on any surface.

As for the color scheme and shape, there is no limit to the imagination. Such diversity is hard to imagine. Due to this, a variety of patterns on the nails are created. The size of the rhinestones also varies.

For example, the smallest crystals can be laid out various patterns. The shape of the crystals can be very diverse. A manicure with the use of Halogen crystals, which sparkle and shimmer in any light, looks very elegant and festive.

Quite effectively, rhinestones can look not only on long nails, but also on short ones. It all depends on your preferences. And sometimes short nails are just a forced necessity, as another option is simply not suitable for young mothers.

Sufficiently large rhinestones should be used in moderation. Since they completely cover natural beauty manicure, and also attract attention with excessive shine. Rhinestones of small sizes will look more attractive.

To make the rhinestones look harmonious, it is better to use a single decoration scheme. For example, small rhinestones can be distributed evenly over all nails, and larger ones can be used to decorate one or two. It will look quite elegant.

look step by step master class how to make a beautiful New Year's drawing.

But many are afraid to decorate their hands with purple or blue.

On the eve of the New Year, it is worth trying something unusual for yourself, at least in manicure. From this article you will get a lot of ideas for the original blue manicure on New Year.

Blue water manicure for the New Year 2019 (with photo)

Water manicure is quite unusual and complex technique. But the pattern that is obtained on the nail is original and interesting, so it’s worth trying this option. This design requires several matching colors. On the eve of the winter holidays, you can just experiment with a combination of blue, white and blue.

A blue water New Year's manicure will help you get in the mood for a festive mood and cheer you up with its bright design.

First, the plate is coated base color. Usually pastel shades are used, since the main drawing is already quite bright. For a base for a blue-white-blue pattern, you should take white or beige varnish. Then a few drops of varnish for the pattern are added to room temperature water. In this case, it is better to first add blue as the main color, and then add some white and blue into it.

Using a toothpick, the drops are combined and mixed, creating a multi-colored spot. Alternately, each finger is lowered into the water. Each nail has a unique design.

Look at the photo how the water manicure for the New Year looks blue:

The drawing is unique, but there is no disharmony. The design of each finger matches the rest.

Original blue manicure with silver and gold color

Fairly new and unusual technique, but many celebrities have already tried it on themselves. This design is easy to make, so you can even make it at home.

For this technique, ordinary food foil is used - silver or gold. Both colors go well with blue, you just need to choose the right basic shade. You can get silver foil in a regular supermarket, and for gold foil you have to go to a needlework store.

So, here are two options for such a design for the New Year:

  1. For a blue New Year's manicure with original silver foil, first apply the base color to the plate. In this case, a shade such as an electrician or light shades of blue is well suited. Before the varnish has dried, attach a foil pattern to part of the plate. Masters offer interesting option: for a festive manicure, it is better to “place” a small Christmas tree in the center of the plate. When the varnish dries, the remaining foil must be removed and covered with a nail again to secure the pattern.
  2. If you decide to make a design using gold foil, that is unusual option royal manicure. For a blue and gold royal New Year's manicure, it is better to use dark "deep" shades of blue. It is on it that gold foil looks contrasting and beautiful. After you have applied the base color, place a neat golden foil crown in the center of the plate. When the varnish dries, remove the excess foil with a sponge. You can cover it with a transparent varnish with gold sparkles.

Remember that if you decide to use such a design, then you should not apply it to all nails - the manicure will turn out to be overloaded. Choose two nails on each hand for drawing - this is quite enough. The rest of the fingers can be decorated by simply applying to the blue base clear nail polish with gold or silver sequins.

Beautiful New Year's manicure: blue jacket

The usual design is a pink plate with a white border. But as a New Year's manicure, you can try blue french- an unusual version of the usual design:

In order for the nails to look neat, you should think about the combination of colors. If you do not have a very long length, you can cover the plate with a transparent or pale pink varnish, and paint over the bend of the nail with light blue. In this case, on one or two fingers, you can draw a pattern to match the border - a snowflake or even a whole snowman is perfect.

If the length is decent, then you can experiment. If you take a pastel blue or pale blue base, then the bend can be sketched in a rich shade.

Such a beautiful New Year's blue French manicure will definitely attract the attention of all holiday guests to your hands:

Again, it depends only on your imagination whether you leave all the nails in this form or decorate them with a few patterns or rhinestones.

New Year's manicure with microbeads for short nails

This interesting design option looks good on short nails. Basically, the masters advise him to young girls. If the master did the work with high quality, then such a design will last on the nails for several weeks, even if you are constantly doing housework.

As an idea to decorate your hands for the holiday - great.

On short nails, a blue New Year's manicure with microbeads looks very cute and gentle: the beads on the plate are like small snowflakes that still won't melt:

It is better to use this technique when coating with gel polish. The beads are quite heavy, so without "baking" in the lamp they can crumble very quickly. For everyday manicure, microbeads are often applied to only a few nails, but for a New Year's party, you can decorate your hands more magnificently.

New Year's gradient manicure with varnish in blue tones

This type of jewelry has long been known to all fashionistas. But it is more often chosen in the summer. Combine on nails different shades yellow or green.

As a New Year's manicure 2019, you can apply blue lacquer, the shades of which will smoothly transition into each other:

In order to make a gradient design, first choose three shades that will blend well with each other. For example, blue, electric blue and dark blue. Or white, azure and blue. by the most light shade it is necessary to cover the plate, then apply a slightly darker varnish with a sponge, but leave a little empty space at the root. Final stage- the darkest shade is applied with a sponge to the tip of the nail.

Look at the photo how the New Year's manicure looks with a gradient in blue tones:

New Year's dark blue space-style manicure

This option is for those who are not afraid that the color and pattern on the nails differ. How you decorate each nail is up to you. You can try to make them look similar, or ignore it altogether and let your imagination run wild.

In order to draw space on your nails, you will need several colors of varnish, a sponge and a thin brush.

The design is done in the dark color scheme- black, dark blue and purple colors are combined. White and blue are also used to draw bright details.

In this version, New Year's manicure in space style- Navy blue:

Cover the nail in dark blue, the more beautiful it is, the better your space will be. Using a sponge, randomly apply different shades - from dark to light blue - on your nails. You can also add some purple. When you are satisfied with the result, let the varnish dry. Then apply blue and white dots with a thin brush - distant planets. You can also add stars or draw a constellation.

Look at the photo of this unique space blue manicure for the New Year 2019:

New Year's manicure-2019 in blue with rhinestones

Every girl loves to glisten so lately fashion trend began to decorate their nails with rhinestones. Their masters lay out holes, make drawings with rhinestones and even completely cover the plate with these shiny pebbles.

Even if you have never tried this type of decoration in everyday life, you can try to make it for the holidays. Fashion critics in the face of girlfriends will not condemn you for being so bright at a New Year's party, even if you are a little over 40.

Here are some blue New Year's manicure ideas with rhinestone trim:

  1. All nails are covered in blue, on ring finger lined with a snowflake of rhinestones.
  2. Gradient manicure, at the base of each nail - light rhinestones, the middle of the plate is covered with a shade slightly darker than the pebbles, the end is the darkest shade.
  3. On all fingers there is a blue varnish of the shade you like, on one - a gradient with pebbles - from white to dark blue.
  4. On each finger there are several pebbles in a row from the left or right edge of the plate.

There can be many options - be inspired by the ideas listed above and create your own unique New Year's manicure - 2019 with brilliant design in blue:

So, for example, you can lay out not a snowflake from rhinestones, but a whole snowman or a red Christmas sock.

Blue manicure with a New Year's design: snowflakes and other drawings

If you are a young girl, then the New Year's drawing on the nails will be an ideal option for you for the holidays.

Again, there are many options. You can draw the muzzle of a deer with a red nose, a green tree, a Christmas stocking that is left for Santa Claus.

For a sweet tooth, a good option is a blue manicure with a sweet New Year's design - caramel sticks, round candy in a striped wrapper.

It is better, of course, to think over in detail the finish of each finger. Can you think of own history. For example, a Christmas tree decoration: on the finger of one hand, the tree is green, and on the other - elegant. And on all nails - Christmas toys, confetti and tinsel. Looks very festive.

You can also create a snowstorm story - one nail is completely blue, on the next - a couple of small white or light blue dots - these are snowflakes in the distance. With each subsequent finger, the size and number of snowflakes is increasing.

To finish this New Year's manicure in blue with arriving snowflakes, follow the pattern of a snow whirlwind:

Make the last nail white or pale blue. This is the land covered with snow after a storm. The design is complex, but the effect it will produce is worth the time spent. In addition, no one else will obviously have such a story.

It will also be interesting to draw Santa Claus on the right hand, and the Snow Maiden on the left. But it is worth discussing this with your master in advance - not everyone knows how to draw such complex figures on the plate.

In the photo below - good example of this design: a New Year's manicure with holiday attributes on a blue background looks very harmonious, cozy and creates a mood:

"Knitted" New Year's manicure-2019 with gel polish on a blue background

If you are making nails with gel polish, you should pay attention to the technique of “knitted” pattern on the plate. Its essence is that after the base color is applied to the plate, the master draws a sweater knit in several layers with a thin brush. Periodically, a manicure is baked in a lamp. The result is " oversized sweater» on the finger.

The technique is complicated, you will have to sit with the master for more than 3 hours in order to make such a blue New Year's manicure with a knitted pattern:

Despite the fact that this trend was picked up by many girls, you can not be afraid that your "sweater" will be similar to the design of a friend. Each master has his own knitting technique. In addition, you can experiment and decorate in this way not the ring finger, as everyone is used to doing, but the middle and index fingers. Or make a finish on each nail. True, for this you have to spend half a day on a manicure. You can also combine this technique with a gradient.

In the photo - New Year's manicure - 2019: "sweater" made with blue gel polish. See how cozy it looks:

Manicure in blue and white with foil for the New Year

And finally - an easy finishing option. The technique is performed by applying to the base varnish small pieces thin shiny foil. It can be purchased at specialized stores. The foil is applied in such a way that the effect is created, as if the glass fell on the plate and broke against it - that is, there can be no randomness and overlapping of pieces on top of each other.

For beautiful manicure such a technique for the New Year will suit blue and white colors:

White needs to make the base, and the “fragments” should be done with blue foil.

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Be your highlight new year holidays will be able to manicure with an original festive design. You can make such decor on the nails in the salon or on your own.

We select a bow

It is clear that the New Year's manicure 2018-2019 will offer fashionistas amazing ideas that you want to try almost everything.

Nevertheless, having chosen a certain outfit, it is worth choosing a fashionable manicure for the New Year 2018-2019, taking into account the harmony of the outfit, hairstyle, make-up. Only then will your image be successful and stunning.

For an evening dress of red, green, blue, coffee color, New Year's manicure matte or glossy in muted or saturated colors with bright accent in the form of sequins, kamifubuki, openwork ornaments.

Gentle fishnet dress pink, coral, turquoise, beige tone diversifies the New Year's nail design 2018-2019 during French technique and moon nail art with glitter or a delicate pattern in the New Year theme.

You can also try plain manicure for the New Year in pastel colors, decorating a few nails with glitter or beautiful drawings New Year's clock, gentle snowflakes etc.

If you do not like the New Year's manicure to be too festive and shiny, and you need to add christmas dress cocktail type, try New Year's manicure 2018-2019 in monochrome, velvet (fluffy) New Year's manicure 2018-2019, options with stitches that imitate the surface of the fabric, knitted ornament, etc.

An informal atmosphere that does not oblige you to adhere to a dress code will allow you to choose an original New Year's manicure with drawings in the form of animals, owls, cubs, deer, etc.

As you can see, there are plenty of ideas to complement any bow with the right nail design.

The most beautiful New Year's nail design 2018-2019 kamifubuki

New Year's nail design kamifubuki - new trend, involving the application of small multi-colored elements to the surface of the varnish different shapes like confetti.

Shiny squares, rhombuses, circles make the New Year's manicure simply amazing, and your image is complete.

You can try the original and simple solution of this design yourself without the help of a master, it is enough to purchase the tone of varnish and kamifubuki you like.

New Year's manicure 2018-2019 is suitable for both evening and cocktail dresses, and to an informal outfit.

Nail design with a New Year theme: ideas, photos

Festive manicure is very popular during the New Year. bright nails with patterns and drawings cheer up, tune in happy meeting Christmas and New Year. Such a manicure is liked by adults and children, has many variations and is suitable for both long and short nails.

Make a New Year's manicure possible in professional salon from the master, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can completely drawb yourself. Winter nail designs can be done in characteristic white, light blue and blue colors. However, even bright red nails are easy to transform into a festive pattern to make them appropriate for the New Year.

Spectacular ideas for New Year's manicure

Red and burgundy New Year's manicure: photo

The red color is associated with the holiday, especially with Christmas and New Year. Manicure in red tones not only looks feminine, but also able to attract the attention of others, to complement festive outfit as well as makeup.

Very red and burgundy nail polish contrast and effectively combined with white patterns: lace, monograms, dots, stripes and more. On such a manicure you can do voluminous or flat knitted pattern - winter trend.

A simple and popular way to decorate red nails is glue sliders(special stickers with patterns). In addition, to add elegance to the red manicure, you can use foil, silver and gold sand, rhinestones.

Red New Year's manicure ideas:

Patterns on a red New Year's manicure in gold Decorating a red New Year's manicure with snowflakes and stars
Spectacular New Year's manicure with a pattern and rhinestones
Drawing on the ring finger, red New Year's manicure
Variants of red New Year's manicure with decor
Burgundy New Year's manicure, decorated with gold for long nails
Stylish red New Year's manicure with drawings and wishes

Blue New Year's manicure: photo

IN winter time years, women often prefer to do blue manicure and its shades. It resembles a dark night, ice and frozen ground. Blue varnish can effectively decorate with white patterns, silver and gold, stones and sparkles.

Often masters on nails combine several shades of blue, geometric patterns and, of course, the symbolism of the holiday, which makes a New Year's manicure. The blue color is quite dark and therefore light drawings can look very bright and contrasting on it.

Blue New Year's Manicure Ideas:

simple blue New Year's jacket
Spectacular blue New Year's manicure with a pattern on the ring finger
New Year's jacket in blue with a pattern
Black and blue New Year's manicure decorated with a pattern
Unusual blue manicure for long nails, decorated with silver
Winter blue manicure decorated with snowflakes
Blue New Year's manicure with rhinestones and snowflake patterns Blue New Year's manicure decorated with sparkles

Green New Year's manicure: photo

Manicure in green associated with the main symbols of the New Year - holiday tree. Modern varnish may have glitter or pearl. Very popular green manicure in style « cat eye» with a characteristic deep overflow.

Green color can be successfully combined with colors such as:

  • White
  • Gold
  • Red
  • Turquoise
  • Blue
  • Black

Ideas for New Year's manicure in green:

Spectacular New Year's manicure in green and gold with snowflakes
dark green manicure with sparkles for the new year
New Year's green manicure "holiday tree"
The original way decorate a green New Year's manicure with gold varnish
Simple New Year's manicure in green with dot pattern and glitter stars
New Year's "velvet" manicure "Christmas trees"

Gold and silver New Year's manicure: photo

Gold and silver always looks spectacular in a manicure. To create this nail design, you can use regular varnish or gel polish, sparkles, sand, foil and even rhinestones. New Year's manicure in gold or silver can be French and highlight only the overgrown part of the nail, hole, completely cover all nails or decorate individual fingers.

Working with gold and silver is very interesting. The chosen design can be repeated on each nail or the pattern can be made differently each time. If, in addition, you decorate your nails with rhinestones, this will give the manicure a special festiveness and “wealth”.

Ideas for gold and silver New Year's manicure:

Golden New Year's manicure with sparkles and rhinestones
Spectacular golden manicure for the New Year Delicate golden New Year's manicure Golden manicure for long nails
Simple New Year's silver manicure
Delicate New Year's manicure in silver color with a pattern
New Year's jacket with silver

Black New Year's manicure: photo

black lacquer - classic color manicure. Such a dark and gloomy color of nails can also be made New Year's, decorating with patterns, drawings, rhinestones or gold. Spectacular on black will look white snowflakes and dots made with dots (a special tool for drawing on nails).

Black color can be harmoniously combined with absolutely any shades of varnish: dark, light and bright. Black New Year's manicure is able to transform nails of any length and shape.

New Year's black manicure ideas:

New Year's manicure with snowflakes on a black background
Black New Year's manicure decorated with silver Black New Year's manicure decorated with gold
Black New Year's manicure with silver sand

Pink and beige New Year's manicure: photo

Nude and nude colors of lacquer always look very gentle and feminine. It is very easy to add festivity to such a manicure, because all you need is to use decorative sparkles and try to draw a bright, spectacular pattern on the main cover.

Ideas for New Year's beige and pink manicure:

Gentle New Year's manicure in beige color
Beautiful nude manicure with a pattern Spectacular nude manicure for the New Year
Patterned pink manicure for the New Year
Pink pattern on white lacquer
Positive New Year's manicure in pink color

White New Year's manicure: photo

White manicure, first of all, associated with snow and frost. It can become an excellent basis for drawing a picture or pattern in any color, gold, silver and other materials. white nails always attract attention. In the New Year's time, this coating option will cheer you up and complement the winter look.

New Year's white manicure ideas:

Delicate white manicure decorated with gold and snowflakes
New Year's white manicure, decorated with silver sparkles and rhinestones White New Year's manicure with red decor

New Year's drawings on nails with gel polish step by step

For those who want to draw patterns on their own at home, there are several step by step tips. They will help to make the drawing as accurately as possible so that it comes out not only spectacular, but also beautiful.

You can draw on the nails with ordinary varnish using a thin brush (special or artistic). You can also purchase acrylic paints for painting on the nail plate. They are not expensive and you can always buy them by the piece.

Drawing with acrylic paints must be coated on top with a fixative varnish ( colorless varnish).

The easiest way is to draw a snowflake on the nails. It should be done in white or silver and preferably on dark surface so that the pattern is immediately noticeable. A thin brush will allow you to draw in detail all the smallest features of a snowflake and make it realistic.

How to draw a snowflake: option number 1 How to draw a snowflake: option number 2
How to draw a snowflake: option number 3

Another popular nail design is the snowman. You can also make it with varnish or acrylic paints. It is not difficult to draw it, but it will effectively decorate the New Year's manicure.

How to draw a snowman on nails: option number 1
How to draw a snowman on nails: option number 2
How to draw a snowman on nails: option number 3

The festive tree is a symbol of the New Year. With a Christmas tree pattern, you can also decorate a manicure on all fingers or only on some.

How to draw a Christmas tree on nails: method number 1
How to draw a Christmas tree on nails: method number 2
How to draw a Christmas tree on nails: method number 3 How to draw a Christmas tree on nails: method number 4

The brightest symbol of the New Year and Christmas is Santa Claus. It can also be drawn on the nails, so that such a manicure daily raises the mood of its owner and can please others. There are several popular ways to decorate nails with a Santa Claus pattern.

Santa Claus suit on nails: New Year's drawing
Santa Claus cap on nails: New Year's drawing
How to draw Santa Claus on nails?

New Year's drawing on French nails, how to decorate a French manicure?

French manicure- one of the most popular ways to decorate nails. This design can also be decorated patterns and drawings of the New Year theme. To do this, you can use colored varnish, acrylic paints, silver, gold, sparkles and sand.

Depending on your preferences, you can make a pattern on all nails or decorate only one finger. A beveled jacket is also popular, which leaves a lot of space for drawing a pattern.

Ideas for decorating a French manicure for the New Year:

French decorated with snowflakes and rhinestones
Black jacket decorated with silver sequins

Red Christmas jacket with snowflakes
White Christmas jacket with a snowman pattern
Blue Christmas jacket with snowflakes

French gel polish for New Year's manicure 2018, as in the photo below, is not as costly in material terms as some other types:

A popular choice of the fair sex for many years has been a New Year's French manicure made with gel polish. This is due to the fact that the coating is hypoallergenic, has bright saturated shades and lasts up to 4 weeks. Now the beauty industry has in stock many options for gel polish colors and at the same time it can be combined with other materials without harming the quality of the work. Variations are very different, and it is especially interesting for fashionistas moon manicure. This is a variety in which the "smile" is located not at the tip of the nail, but at its base. Usually, to implement this idea, I use a bright base and light color for "moon".

Fashionable New Year's design of French manicure-2018: original drawings for nails (with photo)

In addition to cardinal experiments with the classics, many people love French manicure for original New Year's drawings that can be made over the base and harmoniously fit into the image.

For the New Year theme of the upcoming holiday, drawings such as snowmen, Christmas trees, snowflakes, Christmas decorations, fireworks, crackers, stars, Santa Claus.

Any festive attributes inscribed in the shape of the nail will look good.

One of the favorite variations is frosty patterns that cover several nails, while all the rest are made in a classic style.

The choice to make a few nails special so that for the New Year you get a beautiful French manicure is successful for several reasons:

  • the whole composition does not look ridiculous due to the enumeration of drawings;
  • some unusualness will be an elegant decoration of the bow as a whole;
  • positive moment– lower price for the whole work and less time spent in comparison with the choice of patterns on all nails;
  • in case the owner ceases to like the drawings, they can be replaced with the main design or other images.

Nail design for New Year's French manicure is displayed in the photo, which can help in choosing:

Technique for creating a French manicure for the New Year-2018

For those who want to learn the technique of creating a classic French manicure in order to do it themselves, there is a certain algorithm of actions:

  • before the procedure, it is necessary to give the nails a shape. This is important, since such a choice of decoration requires a well-groomed, neat appearance;
  • after that, it is worth making a bath and keeping your hands in it for 5 minutes. To do this, pour hot water into a small container, adding 1 teaspoon of sea salt, a couple of drops liquid soap and, if desired, a little essential oil. after the skin of the fingers has become soft, the hands should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of all contamination, if any. The cuticle, pliable after water, must be cut off or pushed back with an orange stick;
  • the tools that are used to create a beautiful manicure for the New Year French type must be disinfected. The cuticle should be given Special attention, since it can spoil the impression of the whole bow;
  • In order for the result to last for a long time, you need to process the nails with a polishing file. Do not rub the nail plate hard, you just need to sand it to a dull finish;
  • after that, you need to apply the base color to the entire surface and make white stripes. Next, cover everything with a transparent top varnish. By the way, when creating a New Year's French-style manicure, it is better to use stencils for stripes, they will make the task easier;
  • after fixing, it is worth checking if there is any varnish on the skin and correcting the defects with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover;
  • when all the points are completed and the varnish is completely dry, you need to apply emollient oil to the cuticle and massage movements rub it into the skin.

After that, you should get a beautiful New Year's French manicure, as in the photo:

It is important to remember that all the stripes on the nails should be the same thickness and not too wide so that it does not look messy.

It is worth noting that this instruction is suitable not only for creating a classic French manicure, it can also be used as a basis for all kinds of experiments.

More original image they will make drawings, rhinestones, foil, various coatings and other decorations.

By the way, no less interesting result can be obtained by choosing a bright or dark color for the base.

Stripes can also be not only white, but any other color. With this choice, the contrast of shades and their compatibility are important.

New Year's French manicure for short nails (with photo)

The best French manicure will turn out for the New Year 2018, if you use fashionable colors for the season when creating it. These will be light blue, rich and pastel pink shades.

When choosing a varnish for the base, it is worth considering that it can be both glossy and matte. Since the Yellow Dog is the patroness of the coming year, many fashionistas will want to decorate their nails with her image. Animal motifs will also be traced in the images of deer, hares and polar bears.

If earlier fashion was more conservative, now unusual and even outrageous images are welcomed by the public.
And since fashion is a changeable phenomenon, now there are many new products for the New Year's French manicure, presented in the photo:

Any young lady sometimes makes herself a manicure herself, but there are reasons why you should contact the salon with this question:

  • it’s not always easy to come up with a design yourself, the master can help with this. This is especially important for the holidays so that you don’t have to redo the result;
  • even if you have a good idea, it can be difficult to implement it yourself;
  • if the girl does not have the appropriate professional education, the result may not be very accurate;
  • photos of a jacket for the New Year's manicure 2018 illustrate the gel polish technique, which is almost impossible to do at home without special tools;
  • in the cabin there is an extensive choice not only of design options, but also of materials and shades of varnish.

An illustration of a successful result is shown below:

In addition to these techniques, their various combinations are also original. For example, one of such successful solutions for winter is a knitted manicure.

Its pattern resembles a sweater or a braided pigtail, which looks gentle and cozy. Among the ideas of manicure for the New Year 2018 with a jacket, such a “sweater” is perfect.

In recent years, the cat's eye pattern has become especially popular. It is often used as independent option nail decorations, but it can also be combined with classic options.

Another unusual solution is broken glass, which harmonizes well with various other techniques.

New Year's drawings on short nails: photo

Not only long nails can be decorated with drawings and patterns of the New Year theme. Making beautiful decor is just as easy on short nails. For this you can use decorative materials and patterns.

New Year's manicure ideas for short nails:

Stylish New Year's manicure with a pattern
Christmas pattern on short white nails
original pattern V new year style on short red nails
New Year's pattern with dots and a brush on red nails
Stylish pattern on short nails in the New Year's style
Turquoise New Year's manicure with a snowman pattern
Ways to decorate short nails in the New Year's style

Simple New Year's drawings on nails that you can easily do yourself

To make a stylish New Year's nail design is within the power of any fashionista. To do this, you need to rely on the diagrams and photos of the finished nail design. Draw special or fine artistic brush, to detail the image and not miss small patterns.

Ideas for homemade New Year's manicure:

New Year's manicure "Christmas deer"
Patterned painting of New Year's manicure with a pattern
How easy it is to make Christmas snowflake on your nails?
New Year's nail design "gift"

"Broken glass"

A fashion trend that has resonated with the hearts huge amount contemporaries. Ideal nail design for parties, youth parties, holidays. Festive 3D nail art is characterized by brightness, chic and brilliance.

Abstract and thematic execution, "gasoline" glass with iridescent tints, spectacular snowflakes in harmonious combination with a soft milky or light blue background - all this will be relevant and interesting in terms of design for the New Year holidays.


The trend is a combination of diverse geometric shapes and elements. It is achieved through the use of different techniques, different-sized brushes and even varnishes of different colors.


A novelty in the world of nail design has become the option of designing under a stone (in particular, marble) by creating spectacular "veins". The combination of milk with black "streaks" or black with golden "streaks" is the most fashion variations this year. A matte top coat will give the manicure the maximum resemblance to natural marble.

How to do at home?

Making a New Year's manicure yourself at home is not difficult. Consider a few original options.

Option 1 - create geometric pattern on nails:

  1. Remove the old varnish, remove the cuticle, polish the nail plate and shape the nails (round, rectangular, pointed).
  2. Apply base layer which protects the nail from direct contact with varnish.
  3. The first layer is a golden or silver varnish. Let dry well.
  4. Option 2 - "draw" a Christmas tree on one of the nails:

    1. preparatory stage or hygienic manicure. Rounded or square nails are suitable for this design.
    2. The first layer is the foundation or base.
    3. The second layer is a varnish of a light pastel shade (light beige, milky, pale blue, light yellow).
    4. Attach two adhesive strips to the nail plate. The shape is a triangle, the base of which goes to the nail hole.
    5. The third layer - paint over the triangle with varnish of a rich green color. Let dry. Now apply a varnish with a large shimmer that will imitate Christmas tree decorations. After the varnish is dry, carefully remove the strips. The Christmas tree should be done on one finger of each hand.
    6. Fourth layer - cover the entire nail with a dull colorless varnish or varnish with small sparkles.
    7. Fifth layer - apply a fixer for varnish on the nails.

    8. Secrets of specialists

      Representatives of the world of the fashion and beauty industry advise:

  • manicure should match the outfit and image, while it is not necessary to observe a single color scheme;
  • choose a manicure according to the shape and length nail plate(for example, various intricate drawings and murals are more suitable for long nails, but on short ones it will be interesting to look at a jacket with a shimmer, single decorations with rhinestones, etc.);
  • experiment - do not be afraid to try something new and unusual for yourself.

If you plan to decorate your nails yourself, then it is better to do a manicure a day or two before New Year's Eve, so that there is time for correction and adjustment if necessary.

If you plan to make an appointment with a manicure master, make an appointment in advance, as often on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the number of clients in beauty salons increases several times.

New Year's holidays should be celebrated brightly and joyfully. This helps with the right choice elegant image, which necessarily includes a perfect manicure that matches the theme of the evening.

The subtleties of choosing a nail design for the New Year 2019 are associated with its symbol - the Yellow Earth Pig. The main colors and shades that will bring good luck and be pleasant to the hostess of the year should be from the range of yellow, natural shades are also in trend.

Preference should be given to:

  • yellow (gold);
  • green;
  • brown.

Yellow color is a good base for a manicure in one of the fashion technician, with the help of which a variety of patterns on the nails are created. The symbol of the year loves everything bright and shiny, so applying additional details to the nails - sparkles, stickers - is a good choice.

The peculiarity of the New Year's manicure 2019 is that the shades can be combined. For getting perfect result you can use saturated and bright colors:

  • black;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • violet.

A good option would be to opt for a coral shade.

For those who prefer instead bright colors calm, for New Year's manicure it is recommended to choose nude shades, complementing them with shiny, sparkling or shimmering elements. This technique will help to achieve expressiveness and give solemnity.

Successful elements for decorating nails:

  1. Small beads.
  2. Stones (various shades).
  3. Rhinestones.
  4. Flock.
  5. Sand (decorative shiny).
  6. Foil.

Another feature of the New Year's manicure is the maximum naturalness of the shape and length of the nails. It is recommended to refuse from excessively long “predatory” manicure variations for a festive evening, good choice the nails will become round or oval in shape, the length of which will be about ½ cm.

Color combinations are varied and almost unlimited, therefore, creating drawings on nails, you can give free rein to your imagination.

If the holiday cannot be imagined without long nails, then the symbol of the year allows the use of extended variations, but taking into account that they will look natural and harmonious with the whole image chosen for the holiday.

The choice of design for extended nails, short, long

When choosing a design for extended nails, you should start from the basic recommendations that relate to a festive manicure. You should not overdo it with the length - it should be natural. Preference is given to neat variations that perfectly combine three components:

  1. Nail length.
  2. Form.
  3. Selected color composition.

The symbol of the year loves luxury, but it should look expensive, be appropriate. That is why the details for decoration are chosen so that all elements complement each other and harmonize with each other.

Fashionable New Year's trends for manicure 2019

Fashion trends in New Year's design combine the naturalness and mystery that the holiday brings. Ideal options would be sparkling and sparkling images, thematic images, tastefully selected combinations of colors and shades. Some win-win options that will look perfect in New Year's image and will please the symbol of the year are discussed below.

A manicure decorated with small sequins symbolizes snowflakes sparkling in the cold or bubbles in a glass of champagne. Feature - light (white or cream) base and smooth transition for a glossy finish.

Classic - a design that combines simplicity and luxury. Feature - white base coated with gold sequins.

A neutral design option is suitable for those who do not like nude shades, but also do not like bright, provocative combinations - a peach base with a coating of orange sparkles or patterns made in coral or silver.

Bold combinations - black and white with a silvery shiny finish on top.

Also in trend white lacquer and pink in combination with a brilliant coating - a shimmer.

If you don’t want to experiment, then you can safely choose a French manicure - it is one of the leaders for 2019. Such a manicure looks stylish, luxurious and festive at the same time, there is not even a hint of aggressiveness in it. Decoration elements will help transform French manicure, create a festive one based on it, reflecting the fabulousness and mystery of the evening.

The trend is also an option when the manicure is made in a feminine, romantic manner. For similar design you can take a pink varnish and add a gold jacket to it, drawings in the form of snowflakes (they can be white or blue) will help to give a festive atmosphere.

To meet Yellow Earth Pig it is recommended to choose variations of nail art, where there are decorations made of stones, beads or rhinestones. The peculiarity of the trend is the observance of the measure in the use of these elements, otherwise the composition risks turning from luxurious into tasteless and cheap, which the symbol of the year will not like and will look out of place at the holiday.

In order not to overload the image, it is recommended to give preference to small stones and small rhinestones. They can decorate both all nails and some, place them over the entire surface or leave, for example, at the base. It is recommended to place them vertically, draw the borders of the drawings, if any, will be present in the manicure.

A fashionable trend is the application of drawings and images of the New Year theme to the nails, these can be winter patterns, fabulous images, New Year's motives or drawings associated with the symbols of the coming year. A good solution would be to use winter scenery, because main trend- naturalness, closeness to nature and the surrounding world.

Such an option will not lose popularity - a colored manicure with geometric prints. Can be applied to nails

  • ovals;
  • circles;
  • triangles;
  • squares;
  • curved/dashed lines.

Various figurines arranged randomly will also retain their positions in the holiday manicure trends.

Another trendy option is a manicure with creative patterns made using the patchwork technique, or with neat zigzag lines, as well as triangles crossed with each other. To create expressive, appropriate festive mood and spectacular combinations, it is recommended to use several bright contrasting shades at once.

The most relevant holiday manicure ideas

The New Year does not cease to seem magical and delightful when a person becomes an adult. Faith in miracles and fairy tales is supported by a special festive image, which includes a neatly executed manicure. For nail design, there are many design options that are diverse in style and technique. Some of them do not lose their relevance and always remain relevant.

Classic design

To create it, you will need to use varnishes of natural, discreet shades - pink, milky, cream, cherry. In most cases, the selected base color is the only one and the main one. It is allowed to decorate the nail with white ( french version), the decoration on one of the nails is a small pebble. A gel coating is also used to match the base varnish.

Veil effect

This option is new for the season. The main idea is to create transparency, the impression that nails light, smoky veil. The secret of such a manicure is simple - you need to dilute the dark gel polish with a top in a ratio of 1:5. To create a characteristic pattern, a stencil is used, stickers (there must be a transparent base), the pattern can be made independently.

sparkling design

This manicure is performed on the basis of a bright and juicy base varnish. The effect of sparks and overflows is created by applying a layer of sparkles on top, attaching small rhinestones or using gel polish as a base. The main idea is to create overflows and play of light.

Monogram nails

Monogram designs on the nails will remain relevant and will look good in the New Year's look 2019. The design successfully combines the luxury reflected in ornate designs, the playfulness of patterns and the fun created by the sparkle of rhinestones. The general impression that a manicure creates is the sophistication and luxury of the image.

To create volume, it is recommended to use sand. beautiful drawings gel paint helps, as its concentration is thick enough to not spread and provide even outlines. To implement the drawing, you will need to think over the main directions of the lines. The main tool is a thin brush.

"The Snow Queen"

This type of design reflects the magic of the evening and makes the chosen look fabulous. It is the novelty of the season, which has gained popularity thanks to the effect called "broken glass". A feature is the use of metallized or shiny bases for the top coat (without bulk inclusions). You can use metallic gel polish. The base colors will be blue, cyan, white, gray and silver. Glitter, sand and foil are used for decoration.

Nail design in dark colors

This solution is suitable for those who want to choose an elegant and strict look for the evening. Ideal Options for the base coat:

  • rich emerald;
  • dark chocolate;
  • ruby;
  • rich blue;
  • black;
  • dark purple.

Burgundy lacquer also looks stylish. As decoration, you can use rhinestones and stones, small drawings made in contrasting colors.

White New Year's manicure

The design will emphasize the peculiarity of the holiday - winter period, snow. As a base - white, milky gel polish. You can decorate a manicure colorful stones and rhinestones, voluminous thematic drawings, made in the same colors. A variant with the application of monograms is also used.

star design

The main feature is the presence of stars as elements of nail decoration. They can be large, small, multi-colored. A varnish of various colors is used, which can be matte or glossy. Glitter top coat, mirror finish. You can draw the stars yourself, stick them on or apply a stencil and paint them as you wish.

water design

The main idea is to create a picture reminiscent of the sea or water. For a New Year's party, a drawing in the form of dripping water from icicles is suitable. The base is a combination of white, blue and blue shades varnish, which can be matte or glossy. Decoration - stones and rhinestones, matched to match the main color. Gel polish is not used in this option, as it will spread upon contact with water.


Great option for a holiday. For the base, any type and color of varnish is used - from transparent to rich matte. Feature - decoration with stones and rhinestones, stickers of various colors, shapes and sizes.

How to combine the design of a manicure with an outfit and other details of the image

In order for the image to be harmonious and complete, it is necessary to be able to correctly combine all its details. Manicure should match the chosen clothes. The combination is done like this:

  • by color;
  • according to the selected range of several shades;
  • by complementarity (yellow - green, purple - lime, peach - coral);
  • dark and light;
  • two neutral shades.

If there is a neutral shade, then in the image you can use several additional bright colors, contrasting and deep. The main advice is the observance of norms and harmony.

5 more interesting types of festive nail design can be seen in this video.

New Year's version of manicure can be varied. Fantasy and a sense of style are the key to a successful solution for a festive evening.