How to lose weight 14 year old girl. How to lose weight quickly for a teenager - a proper diet with a menu for every day and exercises

Instead of playing sports and walking modern teenager much more like to spend free hours, motionless frozen in front of the monitor. Kilograms accumulate, and spend them young man nowhere and no time.

In cases where excess weight began to slow down harmonious formation, parents need to think about how to lose weight for a teenager of 14 years old, a boy. You need to start by explaining why the fight against obesity requires a lot of effort.

If a boy with overweight I don’t want to study in the section, I’ll have to follow the advice of experts on how to lose weight for a guy of 14 years old on his own.

Dangers of excess weight for a young man

Another ten - fifteen years ago the problem childhood obesity was not so sharp. See also - . Instead of playing sports and playing in the yard, modern children are more interested in sitting at the computer all their free hours and chatting in in social networks. Not surprisingly, as a result, the child will develop obesity, which can easily develop into a real disease.

Having gained excess weight, a teenager endangers his health, while hormonal levels can be disturbed. This unpleasant fact does not allow the young organism to develop properly. The psyche also suffers: peers do not miss the opportunity to mock a fat peer. The child inexorably develops an inferiority complex, and about harmonious development personality in similar cases and there can be no talk.

Girls behave correctly in this respect: at the age of 14 they monitor their appearance, wanting to impress others with a good figure. About the health of a teenager and how to restore normal weight boy, his parents have to think seriously.

Affordable ways for teenagers to lose extra pounds

Orderly nutrition contains such concepts as "food regimen" and " healthy foods". from right and healthy eating depends on about 50 percent success. The remaining 50 are regular self-study physical education or training under the competent guidance of a coach.

At 14 appearance and peer relationships have great value. If a child is forced to endure ridicule, his psyche is formed with deviations, complexes are formed that pass into adult independent life.

Parents should explain to their 14-year-old child that physical education will help get rid of excess weight, and then from offensive jokes in relation to his still imperfect appearance. The boy will only be able to lose weight when he begins to combine an active lifestyle with proper nutrition, not limited to sports training alone.

A teenager at the age of 14 is usually too lazy to constantly go to training. In this case optimal solution there will be a variety of physical activities, which include cycling and rollerblading, moving team games, swimming, hiking and ordinary walks.

If you have already decided together how to lose weight for a boy of 14 years old, start planning events, trying to meticulously adhere to the execution of each item. Weighing in the morning and getting eight hours of sleep, which has the same effect on fat formation as malnutrition should become a good habit.

Experts claim that right course the process of losing weight entails the destruction of one kilogram per week. For an organism at the age of 14, this indicator is safe and does not entail negative consequences. In this case, the weighing is in a good way control the appearance of results, and losing weight becomes much easier.

Weight loss strategy in adolescence

If parents notice the presence of extra pounds in their child and think about how to lose weight for a 14-year-old boy, first of all they need to find out the reasons such changes in his body.

Obesity is not always the result of overeating. cardinal changes hormonal background can affect any of the systems child's body and cause it to malfunction. To optimally adjust the weight, you do not need to put a person on a diet. First, you need to develop therapeutic measures in combination with therapeutic nutrition.

List of causes that provoke obesity in 14-year-olds and adulthood:

  • problems in the digestive system,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • failure endocrine system,
  • other reasons.

The rapid onset of fatigue should alert parents: fatigue can occur due to health problems. A 14-year-old teenager does not want to go in for sports because of daily fatigue, and excess weight is the result of a problem that has not yet been discovered.

If parents decide to put a fat child on a diet, first they must consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. In the absence of pathologies, the guy needs to explain in an accessible way all the dangers that excess weight entails, and why he needs to lose weight.

If a rapidly growing person does not understand why parents are trying to limit him to eating goodies and insist on observing an unusual daily routine, good results not worth the wait. It is impossible to solve the problem of excess weight with the active opposition of the young man. Without realizing the need for sacrifice, it will be difficult for a boy already old enough to obey in observing strict regime day and food. yes and availability pocket money makes it possible to independently buy food and calmly destroy a slender plan according to which he must lose weight.

If parents try to find weighty arguments for the need to lose weight, conduct a detailed examination and properly feed the child, he will quickly achieve weight loss.

Diet Features

There can be no unambiguous solution to the problem of how to quickly lose weight for a 14-year-old boy. A strict diet and hunger strikes are contraindicated for a growing body. baby through good nutrition gets enough energy to run active image life to which long lessons at school and mental activity, sports activities and communication with peers.

In a teenage body, an active metabolism occurs, so you can lose a few kilograms only with a change in the menu and methods of cooking.

What should a teenage diet look like?

If, for only one month, one follows the principles proper nutrition, weekly losses will be about two kilograms. The diet of a 14-year-old child should look something like this:

  • For breakfast, be sure to eat 250 grams of porridge and drink tea with honey.
  • It is good to eat a handful during lunch walnuts, almonds or peanuts with a mug of fat-free yogurt.
  • Lunch consists of the obligatory 200 grams of soup, for example, you can cook borscht or not too rich soup with mushrooms in beef broth. The second dish should contain proteins. For example, a 150-gram serving of mushrooms with boiled rice and finely chopped fresh vegetables in an amount of 100 grams. Instead of tea, you can offer your child compote of fresh fruits.
  • For an afternoon snack, feed the boy any fruit, except for too high-calorie bananas, for example, a couple of apples, a large grapefruit or an orange satisfies hunger well.
  • Dinner should also contain proteins, so you need to prepare a 200-gram serving of fish or meat. As a side dish, 150 grams of vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil is suitable.

If the child has developed the habit of eating all meals only with bread, he can be offered dried slices or crispbread from the store.

How to lose weight for a 14-year-old boy without limiting the main diet

You still have to remove from the constant diet:

  • All foods containing sugar. Even sweeteners will slow down the process and make it difficult to lose weight.
  • Carbonated drinks that are replaced by honey and dried fruits as a source of glucose.
  • Fried foods are completely excluded. Only boiled and steamed foods are allowed. If the dishes are baked, then you will have to refuse about your favorite golden brown.

Breakfast must begin with any porridge, except for semolina, and tomato juice.

Meals should ideally be five meals a day, in the form of small portions, a fifth of which are proteins in the form of dairy products, lean fish and meat. Eggs on the menu are necessary, but their abuse is dangerous, so dishes from them can be cooked no more than twice a week.

Avoid snacking on the go. Fresh vegetables, berries, fruits should form the basis of nutrition. Sometimes you can hear advice from modern nutritionists to add goji berries to the diet of a teenager on a diet. This good recommendation, because these berries contain a lot of trace elements necessary for a growing body. Although many useful substances found in any other berries, as well as in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Increase physical activity

An overweight teenager needs to move a lot in order to burn calories and become physically attractive and healthy. But it must be remembered that too intense sports activities with large physical activity capable of weakening an organism not accustomed to them. Any kind of activity is welcome, as long as they last at least three hours a day.

A teenager needs:

  • climb the stairs home
  • walk to school and other places,
  • do not skip physical education classes,
  • play football, volleyball and tennis in the yard with the guys,
  • swim in swiming pool,
  • regularly visit the sports section.

The last item is the perfect way for a teenager to get rid of excess weight. In addition, we must never forget that boredom and inactivity lead to overeating.

A teenager should engage in interesting and active activities that include useful work, and he does not have to replace a hobby with a portion of his favorite food.


Olga Zhirova

Comments: 17 .

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Recently, I firmly decided to lose weight ... I got into the Internet, and there are so many things, my eyes run wide!! Now I don’t know what to do, where to start .. Therefore, I turn to you! How did you lose weight? what REALLY HELPED?? I would very much like to cope with excess weight on my own, without nutritionists and doctors ..

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    Well, I don’t know, as for me, most diets are garbage, just torture yourself. No matter how much I tried, nothing helped. The only thing that helped to throw off about 7 kg is X-Slim. I found out about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who have also lost weight.

    P.S. Only now I myself am from the city and we did not find it for sale, I ordered it via the Internet.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so it is indicated in the article) I will duplicate just in case - X slim official website

    Rita 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Rita, you seem to have fallen from the moon. In pharmacies - grabbers and even want to make money on it! And what kind of divorce can there be if you pay after receiving and you can get one package for free? For example, I ordered this X-Slim once - the courier brought me, I checked everything, looked and only then paid. At the post office - the same thing, there is also a payment upon receipt. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes and shoes to appliances and furniture.

    Rita 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Elena (SPB) 8 days ago

In any school class there is at least one overweight teenager who, with his appearance, provokes ridicule from his peers. And no need to say how painful physical education lessons seem for them. The question of teenage weight loss should be asked already at the first signs of a child entering the “dangerous weight zone”, since this negatively affects both his physical and mental health. moral health. Fortunately, at the age of 14 get rid of overweight body can be done without much difficulty due to the fairly rapid metabolism in a growing organism. It is quite enough to adjust the diet and provide the child with the necessary loads.

Causes of teenage obesity

Standard excess kilograms are not the result serious pathologies internal organs. Teenagers gain weight as a result of hormonal changes in the body, which is accompanied by minimal physical activity and unhealthy diet.

At modern parents there is little to no time to keep track of what their child eats at or after school. As well as to provide him with the opportunity to play sports in any of its manifestations.

Excess weight provokes uncontrolled consumption of fast food, chips, carbonated drinks, crackers and other industrial products with a high glycemic index. In addition, such a diet is high in calories, and the content of preservatives and flavor enhancers in it motivates the teenager to eat more and more portions of his favorite food. And this is with all that it is absorbed behind the screen of a TV or computer.

Weight loss without diets

At the age of 14, the body goes through an intensive stage of growth and development, so any diet is contraindicated during this period.

It is much safer, more effective and more expedient to adjust the diet by removing from it:

  • instant noodles;
  • crackers and chips;
  • french fries;
  • sweet soda;
  • hamburgers and more.

The usual white soft bread, which is consumed simply for pleasure, should be replaced with a whole grain product, instead of three teaspoons of sugar per cup of tea, put only one.

Snacks consisting of cakes and pies should be changed to bananas, apples and other fruits.

It is not necessary to inspire a teenager that he should give up his favorite buns or rich products. Just limit them daily amount to a tolerable level, and even better, let me eat a pie every few days.

It turns out that sample menu should look like this:

  • Breakfast consisting of one banana, a cup of tea with honey, a couple of boiled eggs and one slice of whole grain bread;
  • For second breakfast, you can give half a bar of dark chocolate, or send your child to the school cafeteria;
  • Lunch may consist of a portion of lean borscht with boiled chicken, a side dish of buckwheat or hard pasta;
  • Fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt are allowed for an afternoon snack;
  • Dinner consists of stewed vegetables, steamed fish or vegetable salad.

So that the child does not fall asleep hungry, and the process of losing weight takes place with minimal negative emotions let him drink a glass before bed skimmed milk or kefir, eat yogurt or drink tea with honey.

Remember that whatever your new menu, you need to eat at the same time.

A huge role is played by the duration of sleep, which should be at least 8-9 hours in a row.

What about physical activity?

No amount of advice and exhortation will force a teenager to voluntarily go to the gym. He already has the ability to sensibly evaluate his own physical abilities and will not wish to be ridiculed or left behind. All this leads to the fact that relatives and close people should become the most important helpers.

Because mother and father are the most best example for a child, they should start joint classes sports. To do this, you can use the individual services of a fitness instructor, sign up with the whole family in the pool, or do at home those exercises that were found on the Internet.

It is very important to realize that it is almost impossible for a child to cope with the problem alone, and parental support will come in handy.

It is better to solve the situation with excess weight during the holidays. At this time, parents will also be able to take a vacation. This will allow:

  • give the child maximum time, attention and support;
  • provide healthy diet nutrition;
  • control the time spent on TV, computer or tablet;
  • motivate to walk or cycle;
  • take you to training, etc.

Usually this parental assistance perceived with joy, but the first notable results lead to the fact that the teenager wants to achieve ideal weight with their own efforts.

Unfortunately, in one or two weeks, even if they are filled physical training and an adjusted diet, it will only turn out to start the process of burning excess weight. But if this was done, then after a couple of months your child's body will demonstrate its new look.

But torturing a child with cruel diets or even starvation is a direct way to reduce efficiency, worsen well-being, nervous breakdowns, uncontrollable gluttony, problems with mental and physical health. Take care of your children and their health!

Amazing age - 14 years old. When you so need communication with peers in order to know yourself, to find your place in life. Emotions go over the edge: if sadness, then to tears, if joy, then with stormy cries. You are trying to prove your independence, your rights, moving away from your parents, and you are so worried about appearance. What to do if you are not satisfied with the display in the mirror. In our article you can learn about the diet for a teenager of 14 years old.

Diet for a teenager 14 years old

To start a diet for weight loss, a teenager must understand that the reason overweight This is the wrong diet. Of course, with parental money, students are more likely to buy pies, chips, and various sweets. As a result, there is a problem not only with extra pounds but also with a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is important to explain to the teenager that it is necessary not to reduce the amount of food consumed, but to change the menu.

For a teenager of 14 years old, a full breakfast, lunch and light dinner. Refuse immediately from chips, sweet sparkling water, any semi-finished products from the store, and better from store ice cream. The diet for a teenager should be homemade food from the simplest products.

Nutritionists suggest the following diet for 14 years old:

Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, in which a piece of butter, honey or fruit, or cottage cheese can be, any fat content. Two soft-boiled eggs will not be superfluous, and most importantly, freshly cooked by ourselves Orange juice. Such tasty breakfast will give strength for the whole day and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Lunch: fresh salad without mayonnaise, soup or borsch, cooked better in vegetable broth, to which a piece of boiled white meat is added. Liquid food must be hot! Garnish can be baked potatoes or beans. Fruits.

Snack: cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole. Any fruit except bananas and grapes, which are considered high in calories.

Dinner: dairy products are yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir. Fruit again. Dinner should be tasty, light, and most importantly, late. Before seven in the evening, be sure to try to eat.

During the day, the teenager must drink plain water, preferably not less than a liter.

With such a diet for 14 years, a teenager receives as many calories as necessary for growth and full development, and excess weight will not accumulate. But it is also necessary this diet combined with regular physical activity.

According to teenagers, many of them have lost weight, even by 6 kilograms, but the most interesting thing, as fourteen-year-olds write, is that they abandoned chemistry, welcoming a healthy lifestyle.

We will tell you more about the diet for weight loss for 14 years old girls. It is clear that due to television advertising of the image of a slender and thin girl, most often it is fourteen-year-olds who are critical of their bodies who ask the question: how to lose weight? They think that by losing weight, they will become more beautiful, life will change. According to psychologists, this is not true. First of all, you need to change yourself inside, increase your self-esteem. And such a diet, which is very common among girls of 14 years old, like coffee, salad and fruit for dinner, will lead to various diseases.

Girls must consume an average of up to 2500 kilocalories, less than boys. During weight loss, four meals a day are best, and a protein or carbohydrate product in combination with fresh vegetables and fruits is a must for breakfast. Lunch can be less high-calorie, but the first course is necessary, and both the first and the second should be hot. Snack and dinner for losing weight teenagers should be easy. These are dairy or vegetable products, and meat can also be used.

For girls who want to lose weight, the enemies should be following products: sweets, pastries, chips, fast food and soda. Juices in boxes contain a lot of sugar, better Herb tea. Reduce the amount of salt and garlic that cause appetite, and no fried foods.

Your diet should contain only healthy foods:

  • soups on vegetable broths;
  • cereal products in the form of side dishes or cereals, preferably without sugar;
  • bran bread;
  • dairy products.

We offer a menu for a weight loss diet for 14 years, especially for girls


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with fruits, herbal tea.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, a small chicken cutlet, juice.
  • Snack - tea, cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, boiled fish.
  • Breakfast - boiled veal with buckwheat garnish, herbal tea.
  • Lunch - cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, cucumber, dried fruit compote.
  • Snack - fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Dinner - oatmeal, tea.
  • Breakfast - 1 sandwich with boiled meat, tomatoes, green tea.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad, chicken noodles with a boiled piece of meat, vegetable juice.
  • Snack - 2 soft-boiled eggs, tea with honey.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese with fruit, milk.
  • Breakfast - chicken stew with vegetables, coffee with milk.
  • Dinner - mushroom soup, mashed potatoes, tomato juice.
  • Snack - yogurt.
  • Dinner - buckwheat porridge with milk, cheese sandwich, a glass of tea.
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with fruit, kefir.
  • Lunch - kharcho soup, boiled fish, carrot juice.
  • Snack - yogurt, cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner - porridge, tea with honey.


4.8 out of 5 (10 Votes)

The question of how to lose weight for a teenage girl of 14 years old is increasingly occupying the minds of both the girls themselves and their mothers. The problem of excessive completeness has become relevant for many. It is important not only to improve the figure, but also to maintain health. To be successful, you will need to act in a comprehensive manner, applying balanced diets, observing the daily routine and increasing motor activity.

A normally developing teenager tends to be overly thin rather than overweight. At this age active hormonal changes requires increased amount calories, but with a good metabolism, they do not contribute to the accumulation of fat. However, a modern diet, constant overeating, reduced activity can provoke early weight gain. When deciding how to lose weight for a teenager, it is worth learning about the main causes of overweight. Among them:

  • use a large number fast carbohydrates;
  • too large portions of food and frequent snacks;
  • erratic eating;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • lack of motor activity;
  • taking certain medications;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • overweight in childhood.

Nutritionists note that most overweight teenagers began to actively gain weight in childhood. It is more difficult for such girls to lose weight than for those who have added a few kilograms at the beginning of puberty. However, nothing is impossible. How earlier parents and the girls themselves are aware of the problem and will begin to deal with it, the faster and more effective the result will be. About how to lose weight at home, tell a variety of manuals and books addressed specifically to the teenage audience.

What not to eat: prohibited foods

The main reason for obesity is malnutrition. Girls and boys eat erratically, using a variety of snacks and snacks that stimulate the appetite. The diet of a teenager is compiled arbitrarily, without taking into account the needs of a growing organism. Sometimes, in order to lose a few kilograms, it is enough just to exclude the most harmful foods from the menu. These include:

Most of the listed products have a high calorie content at low nutritional properties. After eating them, the feeling of satiety passes very quickly, so the teenager eats another serving of tasty, but harmful products. Eventually daily allowance calories exceeded by 2-3 times.

Suitable Diet: Menu Planning

The diet for teenagers should be balanced.

An organism in phase active growth, cannot be artificially limited in proteins, fats, trace elements and vitamins.

When deciding how to lose weight for a teenage girl, you need to follow the recommendations of dietitians. They advise making a program for the week, making sure that the meals are nutritious enough, but not too high in calories.

The basis of the diet can be vegetables (raw, stewed or boiled). Especially useful are green salads, all types of cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi), asparagus, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, radishes, radishes, turnips, cucumbers and tomatoes. It is worth reducing the number of vegetables containing high doses of starch: potatoes, carrots, beets. From fruits it is better to choose a variety of citrus fruits, apples, pears, cherries, strawberries, currants. The diet for teenagers excludes grapes, bananas and a variety of canned fruits drenched in sugar syrup.

When deciding how to lose weight for a teenager, one should not forget about essential proteins. Growing muscles and bones especially need them, while the boy needs more protein foods than the girl. The menu includes boiled eggs (both whole and in salads), lean chicken, turkey, lean pork and veal. Meat should be steamed, baked or boiled.

A diet for teenagers is unthinkable without soups and cereals. These simple meals are easy to digest, not too high in calories, but very nutritious. It is recommended to cook porridge with 1% milk, half diluted with water. Any cereal is suitable, except for semolina, it is better to exclude sugar and butter. For a more pleasant taste, fresh or dried fruits are added to the cooked porridge, a small amount of honey or cinnamon. Even a boy will like such cereals, but teenage girls are delighted with them.

Soups for teenagers 14 years old should be cooked in chicken, mushroom or vegetable broth, it is better to remove excess fat. Any girl will like a light and airy vegetable soup puree: carrots, green peas, cauliflower or zucchini. Lenten cabbage soup and any soups with lots of greens and vegetables are good.

It is very important to comply drinking regimen. The perfect drink is non-carbonated drinking water. fit herbal teas, weak coffee, homemade compotes and fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, half diluted with water. Plentiful drink reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism.

Diet and the importance of movement

To lose weight, it is important to observe the regime of the day. It is better to eat 4 times a day, at the same time. Night snacks are excluded, but breakfasts and lunches should be very satisfying. Chocolates, pies and other treats are allowed 1-2 times a week and are included in the lunch menu.

Long term is very important night sleep within 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep causes constant feeling hunger, which contributes to overeating and weight gain. It is worth increasing physical activity. The girl can be recommended jogging, swimming, aerobics, shaping, various dance programs. Regular exercise will not only help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism, but also improve your figure.

A teenage girl can look great, but only on condition attentive attitude to your health. It is worth remembering that excessive fullness is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also dangerous. Excessive weight can provoke diabetes, joint problems and many other troubles. To avoid them, you need to lose weight according to all the rules: systematically, purposefully, without disruptions and strict diets.

living conditions modern teenagers create all the conditions for children to gain excess weight. Today's children do not play football in the yard and others outdoor games, preferring to carry out free time in social networks where they communicate with their peers. Parents should watch rational nutrition your child and know that being overweight can lead to common teenage illnesses.

Diseases in adolescents

Perhaps a teenager, due to health problems, quickly gets tired, his concentration decreases, so he is not attracted to sports, and he becomes a victim computer addiction. All of these symptoms lead to weight gain.

What to do if a teenager began to gain weight?

The teenager should be shown to the doctor, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination of the child. If the examination does not reveal any pathological changes in the state of health, then the child must be explained about all severe consequences overweight and convince him to start a weight loss program.


If your child is not convinced by your benefits healthy lifestyle life, then parents, together with the doctor, should find such arguments and motivation for losing weight so that the teenager perceives them as a way to act.

Weight loss for a teenage boy at 14

Dietitians do not prescribe a strict diet at this age of a teenager, but put forward several requirements that a teenager must comply with:

  • Strictly limit yourself in the use of sweets and carbonated sugary drinks.
  • Replenish glucose in the body natural products(honey, dried fruits)
  • Breakfast should consist of any porridge, except for semolina.
  • Only steamed or boiled dishes are suitable for food. Fried and browned dishes should be excluded from the teenager's menu.
  • Meals should be at least five times a day and in small portions.
  • When compiling a menu for your child, it must be borne in mind that the daily diet should consist of 20% of proteins: dairy products, lean meat and fish. Eggs can be included in the menu no more than 2 pieces per week.
  • The menu should include as many vegetables and unsweetened fruits as possible.
  • Snacks in the form of chips and chocolate bars between meals are completely excluded.

Features of the nutrition of a 14 year old girl

For normal development a growing body of a girl needs 2500 calories per day, while for boys this norm consists of 3000 calories. In girls, by the age of 14, it can already begin monthly cycle Therefore, nutrition should be such that the body receives all the necessary nutrients including vitamins and trace elements.

Sample daily menu for a teenage girl

  • Breakfast is only carbohydrate food;
  • Lunch consists of protein foods;
  • Dinner is a low calorie meal.

Fats that are necessary component for a growing body, girls must be present in daily diet up to 20%.

What should be excluded from the diet

Entering the fight for weight loss, parents should, together with the child, eliminate all bakery products from flour of the highest grade. Instead, include bread with bran. Explain to your child that fast food is not the kind of food that promotes weight loss. All dairy products are selected with the lowest fat content.

teenage nervous system very vulnerable, especially at the age of 14. It is necessary to pay more attention to your child, talk to him and see all his changes, both outside and inside. You should not allow a teenager to eat a lot of sweet starchy foods, and, especially, to abuse fast foods. Teenagers should eat light and exercise. More vitamins and then the teenager will not feel discomfort and extra pounds.

How to lose weight as a teenager