Procurement planning for a manufacturing enterprise. Production logistics planning

economic material technical rationing

From the point of view of content, planning of material and technical support of an enterprise can be considered in two aspects - strategic and tactical.

  • 1) Strategic planning. Based on long-term forecasts of demand, cost movements, changes in the economic environment and capacity utilization limits. This allows for an optimal strategy in the field of marketing, production and financing. The strategic side of procurement is the actual procurement management process, communication and interaction with other departments, external suppliers, needs and requests of the end user, planning and development of new procurement schemes and methods.
  • 2) Tactical planning. It is applied within a time period from several months to one year. It helps to formulate interrelated goals for obtaining annual profit for the company's service, as well as to develop a set of private plans for operational services procurement, production, transportation, maintenance of equipment. Tactical plans are easy to revise throughout the year, as real demand is identified.
  • 3) Operational planning. Typical variant operational planning - drawing up a supply program for existing orders, taking into account restrictions on the part of available stocks in production and in trading network... It makes it possible to distribute the received orders between different production departments so as to ensure specific satisfaction of current needs. Physical distribution finished products improved due to the introduction of the "warehouse-delivery" scheme. In tactical and operational plans, activities traditionally associated with procurement are aimed at avoiding shortages or absences. required product... Thus, the procurement plan is part of the structure of the tactical plan of the enterprise. In turn, the tactical plan is a detailed program of the entire production and social activities enterprise, aimed at fulfilling the tasks of the strategic plan with the most complete and rational use of available resources.

The development of an annual MTO plan includes determining the requirements for material resources that are necessary for the implementation of the production program, construction and renovation works, as well as balances of logistics. That is, the MTO plan consists of two main sections.

The need for material resources is understood as their quantity required to ensure the manufacture of a given volume of products. The basis for this planning is the volume of planned production, the range of materials used in the production and technically justified consumption rates of these materials per unit of finished product. At the same time, the expected change in the balances of material resources in the warehouses of the enterprise is taken into account (i.e. if these balances increase, then the need for material resources also increases, and vice versa). When determining the need for material resources in value terms, the current (or prospective) prices for certain types of resources are taken into account.

The initial data for the development of the plan, as noted above, are the production program for the output of products, the capital construction plan, the technical development plan, the norms and standards for the consumption of materials. Determination of the need for material resources is carried out in the main areas of production and economic activities, in accordance with progressive rates of their consumption, taking into account the plan of organizational and technical measures for the application economical types materials, production waste, secondary material and fuel and energy resources.

The calculation of the need for material and technical resources, depending on the nature of the materials used, is carried out in the following tables:

  • - the need for raw materials and supplies;
  • - the need for fuel and energy;
  • - the need for equipment.

Summing up the need for each of the directions, the total need for material resources is determined. Depending on the accounting of the stocks of materials available at the enterprise, a distinction is made between gross and net requirements for materials. Gross demand is the demand for materials for the planning period, excluding stocks in a warehouse or in production; net demand - the demand for materials for the planning period, taking into account the available stock. It is defined as the difference between the gross demand and the available stock of materials for this moment time. Taking into account the foregoing, the need for consumption and for delivery is determined. The need for consumption is established as the amount of materials that the enterprise needs to fulfill the sales volume plan and other work related to the production and sale of products for repair and maintenance needs, capital construction, etc. The need for delivery shows how much the enterprise should receive materials from external sources.

The need for expenditure and the need for purchase are not always equal, since the enterprise, as noted above, has remnants of material and technical resources. The purchase is carried out taking into account the balance at the beginning of the period, the demand for materials for this period and the carry-over at the end of the period sources of its coverage. To calculate the need for material and technical resources, you can use both formalized and non-formalized methods. Methods for determining the need for resources are ways of establishing the amount of material resources required for the implementation of production and other programs.

The master data for determining the need is the company's proposals for the production of goods and services and the cost rates for their production, which are coordinated with the demand. In the calculations, it is necessary to differentiate the needs of the enterprise with the main directions of costs, taking into account their importance and outweighing a significant weight in the total volume of production needs.

The most accurate of the formalized calculation methods is the direct counting method, which is the most widely used and is based on progressive rates of material consumption and production plans, methods based on taking into account data on the recipe composition of products, standard wear periods, and chemical reaction formulas. Along with it, enterprises very often use the extrapolation method based on the transfer of trends that have developed in the previous period to the next. With a large amount of statistical information, this method is quite affordable. But its biggest drawback is that it contributes to the transfer of non-productive costs and losses to the planning period.

The most commonly used non-formalized method is the method of expert assessments, it is based on the sensory perceptions of experts. It is most correct to use several methods at once, and then compare the result according to them and make a decision.

Determining the need for material and technical resources, the enterprise is determined with the sources of their receipt. The enterprise chooses a specific form (method) of providing material and technical resources, based on the characteristics of the resource, the duration of its receipt, the number of offers, the quality and price of the resource and other factors. When determining the form of providing the enterprise with resources, one should study the reliability of the supplier and the level of competitiveness of his products. When concluding contracts (agreements) with suppliers, one should remember the need to reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators in them, specific forms deliveries, terms, sanctions, etc. There are several forms of providing the enterprise with material and technical resources:

  • - through auctions and competitions;
  • - on commodity exchanges;
  • - through sponsorship;
  • - through direct links with suppliers;
  • - own production.

The organization of the supply of the enterprise with resources can have three options: centralized, decentralized and mixed procurement. The centralized version is characterized by the fact that all supply functions are concentrated in one department. This option has several advantages. Thus, the aggregate demand of all divisions of the enterprise can be quite large and can induce the supplier to provide various benefits in purchasing (price discounts), transportation, etc., which is very important to consider when planning. Control over the fulfillment of procurement obligations is facilitated, the total costs of the procurement process (transport, storage costs, costs of placing orders) are reduced.

The centralization of procurement functions allows you to save money on market research and always have reliable information about its state. Performance qualified specialists supply functions provide professional decision making and time savings.

Decentralization of procurement provides for the independent implementation of purchases by employees of production units. At the same time, less time is spent on procurement, since there is no delegation of authority.

For large enterprises with numerous areas of production, geographically distant from each other and producing various types of products, mixed purchases are characteristic. In this case, the production units independently acquire the material resources they need, and the procurement department at the enterprise level develops a unified procurement policy, coordinating and controlling the process, and carries out bulk purchases. Moreover, the process of acquiring material and technical resources includes several stages. Requests for materials contain information about what types of materials, in what quantity and in what time frame are required by the company. Applications are drawn up by employees of the relevant functional divisions of the enterprise. Then they are analyzed in the logistics service with the participation of specialists from other departments to verify the reliability of the declared needs and find ways to minimize the cost of obtaining the necessary materials. proper quality... The choice of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying information about possible suppliers of material resources selected in accordance with the criteria adopted at the enterprise (price, reliability, etc.). Placing orders is documented by the conclusion of a contract between the supplier and the consumer of material resources, which gives a characteristic of the ordered material, its quantity, financial conditions, order and delivery time, etc. These indicators also serve as an information base for planning logistics. Sources of covering the needs of the enterprise in material resources are combined into the following groups:

  • - expected balances of material resources at the beginning of the planned year;
  • - the volume of raw materials and materials that can be obtained at the enterprise due to their savings;
  • - own production of certain types of material resources;
  • - volumes of supplies of raw materials and materials under contracts from integrator enterprises.

After the need for material and technical resources has been substantiated and the sources and sizes of satisfying the need are selected, a material balance (balance of material resources) is developed. In the balance of material resources, the requirements for material resources are compiled with the sources and sizes of their satisfaction, and the amount of materials that will be supplied from the outside is determined. The balance is drawn up for each type of resource. Therefore, it is more appropriate to talk about the balance of material resources.

In table 1, we present a model of the balance of material resources.

Table 1 - Model of the balance of material resources

IN general view the material balance is the following equality. The amount of the need for the implementation of the production program, the need for replenishment of the WIP, the need for repair and maintenance work, the need for capital construction, the need for the formation of transitional stocks should be equal to the amount of the expected balance at the beginning of the planning period, the remainder of materials in the WIP at the beginning of the planning period, the amount of mobilization internal resources, scope of supply of materials from the outside. The absolute size of the expected balances of material resources at the beginning of the planned year is determined on the basis of the data on the availability of the actual stock of materials at the time of the development of the logistics plan. The need for the formation of transitional stocks (expected balance) is defined as: the balance at the beginning of the period, plus the expected receipt, minus the expected disposal (expense). The expected receipt includes:

  • a) funds allocated for the remaining period of the current period, plus the amount of raw materials and materials that suppliers must ship by the end of the year under contracts of the previous period;
  • b) the actual receipt of raw materials and materials for the period from the date on which the actual balance of raw materials and materials is established, until the moment of drawing up the plan;
  • c) raw materials and materials on the way to this enterprise at the time of drawing up a plan for material and technical support.

An important reserve for the implementation of the plan for providing the enterprise with material resources are the volumes of raw materials and materials that can be obtained at the enterprise due to their savings. This reserve can be realized in the following areas:

  • - saving raw materials and materials due to organizational and technical measures;
  • - reduction of production waste due to the introduction of new progressive technological processes;
  • - reuse of materials and equipment by repairing and restoring spare parts and workwear, etc.;
  • - the use of excess and surplus stocks of raw materials and materials, the timely sale of unnecessary materials to other enterprises, etc.

External sources of supply of raw materials and materials for production are contractual volumes of supplies from enterprises, as well as supplies of material resources on the basis of contracts concluded at fairs, auctions, in wholesale trade.

A balance of material and technical resources is being developed using the balance method. Which is manifested in the fact that the need for resources is balanced with the sources of its coverage, and otherwise the need is balanced with the possibilities of providing it.

Balance based material support the size (volume) of funds that must be purchased by the enterprise is determined. This value is set as the difference between the total demand and internal sources of resources. The plan for the delivery of inventory items is determined through the formula of the balance dependence of the balances. So the balance at the beginning of the planning period is usually known, it is the actual balance at the end of the reporting period. The balance at the end of the planning period is established by rationing production stocks. The need for the planning period is established by one of the planning methods, most often - normative. It will also act as a retirement. Procurement plan in this case will act as an income, the value that you want to determine. We will set it as the expected balance at the end of the period, minus the expected balance at the beginning of the period and plus the need for this type of inventory (excluding materials of our own production).

The amount of equipment to be imported from enterprises (suppliers) is determined as a result of drawing up the balance of equipment. It is, in general, the equation of equipment demand by areas of use and resources, with the allocation of coverage sources for the identified demand:

  • - the need for equipment to replace worn out and obsolete equipment;
  • - the need for equipment to increase the production capacity of the enterprise in connection with the increase in the production program;
  • - the need for equipment for carrying out research work on the mechanization of production processes, the introduction new technology and advanced technology;
  • - the need for equipment for maintenance and repair needs;
  • - the remains of unused equipment in production, put into operation in the planned period;
  • - own production of equipment;
  • - the size of the planned purchases of equipment (including imports).

The logistics plan of the enterprise is drawn up in the form of a pivot table.

Drawing up balances MTO is a prerequisite for planning the distribution of material resources between the production units that are part of the enterprise. Enterprises establish limits for production units on material resources and redistribute them in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account changes in the production program.

An analysis of the efficiency of the use of material resources, which is determined for the purpose of an objective assessment of the state of resource consumption in the main and auxiliary production, the volume of stocks, control of the cost of their acquisition and storage, decision-making on the organization of resource saving and the development of rational use. The efficiency of using the resources of an enterprise is determined using a system of indicators, which can be conditionally divided into two groups - general and concretizing. TO overall performance include material efficiency and material consumption. These indicators are determined in terms of value and value in kind. They are calculated as a whole for the national economy, industry, enterprise.

Specific indicators include the utilization rate of raw materials and materials, the recovery rate, the cost factor, etc.

Material consumption of products is the actual cost of material resources per unit of production or per ruble. manufactured products.

The utilization rate of materials or raw materials characterizes the measure of the use of raw materials and materials for the production of products. The cost factor is the reciprocal of the utilization factor.

The extraction ratio of finished products from raw materials means how much is obtained pure product and what is the level of waste. It is determined by the ratio of the volume of manufactured products to the volume of processed raw materials for certain period time.

These coefficients characterize the level of technology and organization of production a certain kind products.

Planning - the optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goals, activities (set of processes) associated with setting goals (tasks) and actions in the future.

The creation of stocks of material resources is a key issue in the planning of logistics, therefore, it is under the constant control of supply workers. When making decisions about the delivery of materials, organizing warehousing or making new purchases, it is important to know the purpose of stocks, their positive and negative sides... Inventory management can become more complex due to the rapidly changing market environment. Warehouse stocks can always be either overestimated, or too small, or not corresponding to the required assortment. However, it is known that excess stocks are associated with significant costs for their storage and processing.

Supply planning methods are very diverse, since this activity itself consists of many separate functions, one of which is supply logistics. For the most complete coverage of procurement planning methods in the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the market orientation of the supply function. Defining a sourcing policy is essentially a specification of the objectives of sourcing marketing. Policy development consists of a set of activities that take place both internally and externally.

Sourcing marketing includes all the connections of the enterprise with the supplier markets, as well as decision-making based on the analysis of these connections.

Sourcing marketing is part of overall function marketing in the enterprise and is in many ways similar to sales marketing. Enterprise procurement planning is understood as a combination various instruments marketing sourcing. These tools include

Supply program development policy;

Delivery terms planning;

Product delivery planning.

Terms of supply policy encompasses the definition

Direct payments to the supplier. These include: purchase price, advance payments, recurring payments for leasing transactions, rentals, hires; in case of compensation transactions, instead of payments, the value of the goods or services provided for exchange is used.

Providing credit by the supplier for all or for individual supplies (supplier credit);

Terms of payment and delivery of goods set by the supplier.

The planning of the terms of supply is determined primarily by the negotiation process. Depending on the conditions prevailing for both parties, on the principles of economic management, on the market situation, specific supply conditions are developed.

Delivery terms are fixed in the contract (agreement) between the supplier and the buyer. Depending on the type of goods and the method of purchase, there are contracts of sale, lease, rental, hire, lease on a reimbursable basis, a contract for the performance of work or services, a contract for the manufacture of products from the customer's material. All of them are governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.

There are also specific contracts that legally express different types of supply strategy, their essence lies in the fact that in many cases the relationship between the supplier and the buyer is of a long-term strategic nature and goes beyond single purchases. With the help of such agreements, strong business ties are established, as well as new opportunities for drawing up an agreement appear, in which unfavorable current conditions can be compensated for by obtaining benefits in the future.

Framework agreements legalize long term relationship between the parties. They define the general framework for cooperation for the duration of the agreement, excluding the volume and timing of individual deliveries. In some cases, annual supply volumes are recorded, which are not legally binding on the parties. They are used as guidelines for the parties to the agreement.

A preliminary agreement on the terms of delivery is similar to the framework agreement, but is concluded for a single delivery. The contract stipulates normal conditions, with the exception of the volume (less often - and timing) of delivery, and the obligations of the parties are established to order the goods and deliver them. The scope of delivery is communicated by the purchaser shortly before the delivery date.

To eliminate the overstocking of the buyer's warehouse stocks, following forms contracts:

Storage of the supplied goods at the supplier's warehouse;

Consignment warehouse;

Just-in-time delivery system.

1) Storage at the supplier's warehouse implies the supplier's obligation to maintain a specified level of stock of the supplied goods in the warehouse space at his disposal. Stored goods are stored either on the premises of the supplier's company, or in separately equipped warehouse areas owned by the supplier or leased by him for these purposes. The buyer informs the supplier, shortly before the delivery date, of the tender volume of goods, the supplier delivers and replenishes stock in the warehouse to the agreed level.

2) Warehouses can also be located on the territory of the buyer or in the immediate vicinity of it. Such a warehouse is called a consignment warehouse. The buyer picks up the goods from the warehouse in the required quantities and at a convenient time. The amount of write-offs of goods from the warehouse for a certain period is summed up and then an order is made to the supplier for the required volume. The latter replenishes the stock of goods in the warehouse to a predetermined level. The supplier is responsible for ensuring the safety of goods in the warehouse, their insurance and the implementation of warehouse work. A consignment warehouse is most often equipped separately from other warehouse areas, and accounting of operations on it is carried out separately.

3) In the case of just-in-time deliveries, the warehousing of goods is not recorded in the contract. It refers to the supplier's on-farm problems. The obligation of the supplier to carry out deliveries to certain quantities according to a pre-established schedule. Among essential conditions just-in-time delivery agreements include the timing of prior notice of delivery volumes, as well as minimum term to report changes and deviations in the delivery program.

The basis of the decision-making process is information related to the definition of the goals of the enterprise (regulatory information) and characterizing the state of the enterprise and the situation in the market (actual data). The data required for planning purposes is determined using various forecasting methods.

The actual data characterize the degree of freedom of the enterprise. This data is obtained from sources inside and outside the enterprise. External sources provide information on existing and potential partners On the market. The company receives such information as a result of marketing research of the supplier market.

From internal sources, information is received that characterizes the planned indicators of the enterprise. From the point of view of supply, it includes the quantity, quality and timing of the need for certain materials. Depending on the level of detail and accuracy of the planned targets, taking into account which a specific delivery program is being developed, the degree of freedom in the implementation of the supply changes. This includes information about the existing restrictive conditions at the enterprise that must be taken into account in the planning process. These include: storage capacity, vehicle throughput, budget constraints, interchangeability different types raw materials and materials, the permissible upper limit of deviation from the specified value.

All indicators used in the decision-making process are determined for the planning period using various forecasting methods.

Forecasting the demand for raw materials and supplies is carried out using two main groups of methods:

Determination of demand based on the production program;

Forecasting based on the consumption of raw materials and materials.

1. Determination of demand based on the production program.

The requirements for raw materials and supplies based on the production program are determined based on the planned indicators future program production. The need for raw materials and materials for the production program forms the value of the initial need for raw materials and materials for production.

Next, based on the initial requirement, the volume of necessary purchases is calculated. In the case of multistage production process for each stage, the amount of demand for intermediate products is calculated self-made... The total need for each type of raw material, materials, as well as intermediate products consists of two parts:

The volume that must directly go to the sales markets for finished products, as well as for the formation of their own reserves (primary need);

The volume used to manufacture intermediate or final products (dependent requirements).

The value of the total demand for raw materials and materials is reduced by the amount of their stocks in the warehouse, as a result, the volume of necessary purchases of raw materials and materials is determined. To make calculations, you need to know the exact ratio between input and output for each stage of production. This takes into account the volume of products produced, the methods of its processing, the expected rate of rejection. The found ratio is presented in the form of a production function. In the simplest case, this function for each stage of production is a proportional relationship between input and output. Taking the volume of output as the value that determines the initial demand for materials, it is calculated required program purchases.

The proportional relationship between input and output for each stage "supply - receipt" between production sites can be established by calculating Leontief coefficients. They express the need for raw materials and materials per unit of products manufactured at a given site. In the process of production planning, these factors are included in the specification or recipe for manufactured products. Based on the application of these coefficients, documents reflecting the need for raw materials and materials per unit of production are used in an automated production planning and management system.

2. Forecasting based on the consumption of raw materials and materials

This method is based on the assumption that the consumption of raw materials and materials in past periods and the future need for them depend on some unknown, but fundamentally unchanged values.

Thus, based on the analysis of material consumption in past periods, patterns and the main forecast trend, including seasonal fluctuations, are revealed. Based on these patterns, using various methods, the demand for raw materials and materials for the planning period is predicted. The most commonly used method is exponential functions.

In some cases, a combination of both methods of forecasting the demand for raw materials and materials is used.

The development of logistics plans contributes to a more successful solution of the problems of supply of raw materials, materials, components, fuel, energy and other resources. The objective of the plan is to determine the optimal needs of the enterprise in material resources for the implementation of production, economic and commercial activities. At the same time, a distinction is made between the need for consumption and for delivery.

Demand for consumption - the amount of materials that are required to fulfill the sales plan and other work related to the production and sale of products. The need for import shows how much the company should receive materials from external sources.

The logistics plan has two parts:

Calculation of the need for materials and equipment depending on the nature of the materials used: the need for raw materials and materials; the need for fuel and energy; the need for equipment.

MTO balances are developed in the form of supply plans that determine the need for material resources and the sources of their receipt.

Planning the need for material and technical resources

Primary production. A number of calculation methods are used in planning.

Mdirect account method. If the same type of material is used for the manufacture of several products, the need for it PM \u003dHi* Pi, where Hi- material consumption rate; PI-production of the product in the plan. period;

Mby analogy - new products by means of appropriate coefficients are equated to products with reasonable rates of material consumption according to the formula: Rm \u003d Nb * Mon * K, where Нб is the rate of material consumption for a similar base product; Mon - planned release of a new product; K - coefficient that takes into account the peculiarities of material consumption in the manufacture of a new product.

By typical representative - for diversified production , those. the product that most fully reflects the consumption of materials for the entire batch of products it represents: Rm \u003d Ht * Tgwhere HT - consumption rate for a typical representative; Tg - the program of production of all products of this group.

If, during the calculation period, the enterprise does not have data on the volume of the production program in physical terms, as well as the rate of consumption of material resources, then the need for them is determined dynamic coefficient method: Pm \u003d Pf * Ip * In, where rf- actual consumption of materials for the past period; Il.l - index of changes in the production program; Iн is the index of the average reduction in consumption rates.

The need for lubricants for the planned period is calculated taking into account the specifics of their consumption: Rm.s \u003d N * H * T * K * D, Where Rm.s- the amount of lubricants required;

H-the rate of consumption of lubricants per machine-hour of operation of this equipment, kg; H is the number of working units of equipment; T - the planned number of working days of the enterprise per year; TO-equipment replacement ratio; D - duration of a work shift, h

The annual demand for the cutting tool is determined.

The need for materials for the manufacture of the tool is calculated based on the amount of the tool that must be manufactured in the planning period, and the rates of material consumption for it.

The need for materials for the repair of equipment (Rrem)depends on the type and quantity of equipment to be repaired and the type of repair work. At mechanical engineering enterprises, the calculation is based on the rates of material consumption per one repair unit and the amount of repair work, expressed in units of repair complexity.

The need for fuel is most often determined by multiplying the amount of work in sq. period for the rate of its consumption, while the rates of consumption of various types of fuel are set in units of conventional fuel.

The energy demand for heating buildings depends on the volume and thermal characteristics of the building, indoor and outdoor temperatures, the duration of the heating period and the difference between the heat content of steam and condensate.

The need for energy for technological purposes is determined based on the rates of its consumption per unit of production and the planned volume of its production in physical or monetary terms.

The need for motor energy.

Determination of the need for electricity for lighting depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the rate and number of hours of lighting. On this basis, the required number of luminaires is established.

Electricity consumption for ventilation is determined based on the capacity of ventilation units and the number of hours of their operation in the planned period.

The need for materials for the repair of buildings for the planning period in natural units is determined based on the share of material costs in the total cost of repair work and the structure of their consumption

Planning the need for equipment and spare parts for it -features arise from the difference in its participation in the production process in comparison with materials.

The need for equipment for construction and reconstruction is determined on the basis of technical projects for construction and reconstruction, where the required types and quantities of equipment are indicated.

The need for new equipment is based on the calculation of the economic efficiency of the feasibility of introducing new equipment instead of its modernization and overhaul.

The need for spare parts is established on the basis of their consumption rates and the number of machines.

Planning the requirements for materials for the formation of production stocks. Stocks of raw materials, materials and fuel should be minimal, but their size should ensure the normal course of the production process. The volume of the stock is determined in physical terms, in days of production availability and in monetary terms.

The general stock rate by type of material resources in days is equal to the sum of transport stock, preparatory stock, technological stock, current stock, insurance (guarantee) stock.

Finding materials along the way - transport stock; acceptance, unloading, storage of materials - preparatory stock; ttechnological stock (if pre-processing of materials is required prior to production); stay of materials in the warehouse - current stock; reserve in case of supply interruptions and increase in production - safety stock.

Work in progress planning.Ensuring the uninterrupted and rhythmic work of the enterprise requires the creation of a standard value of work in progress. The value of WIP at the beginning of the planning period is calculated on the basis of data on its availability at the end of the reporting period. Determination of the standard value at the end of the planning period requires more careful calculations, since it depends on many factors. IN mass production influenced by the following factors: the number of jobs; the number of products simultaneously located at one workplace; method of transferring parts from one site to another; production plan and s / s unit of production.

Planning the coverage of material requirements.

The main sources of coverage for the planned demand are the expected material balances at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources, and external delivery of materials.

Information about the actual balances of material resources in warehouses and in the workshops of the enterprise is contained in material cards, turnover sheets and other similar documents. These data are taken as of the first day of the month.

Expected receipts include materials that suppliers must ship under contracts, materials in transit, and receipts from local and other sources.

To find the value of the expected consumption of materials, it is necessary to calculate the need for it for the implementation of the production program, repair and maintenance needs, the creation of the necessary reserves, stocks.

The next step is to develop plan for mobilizing internal resources. It provides for measures to reduce and use production waste; restoration and reuse of material resources, maximum involvement of excess and excess stocks of materials in the production sector, reduction in the mass of manufactured products, increased use of local resources, etc.

At the final stage of preparing the plan for material and technical support, material balances are drawn up, in which the needs for material resources are compared with the sources and sizes of their satisfaction and the amount of materials to be imported from the outside is determined. The balance of material support is drawn up for each type of resource.

The development of logistics balances is a prerequisite for planning the distribution of material resources among the production units that make up an enterprise. Enterprises set limits on material resources for production units and redistribute them in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account changes in the production program. Based on the calculations discussed in this chapter, a "Logistics Plan" is drawn up in the form of a consolidated form.

Material and technical supply - providing the enterprise with all types of means of production on the basis of the national economic plan. The material and technical supply is designed to ensure the normal production and economic activity of enterprises for the implementation and overfulfillment of the production program assigned to it.

Currently, MTS is entering one of the leading positions in terms of the performance of any type of enterprise, from small firms to "huge" corporations. No enterprise can function correctly without a well-developed material and technical supply system, and each enterprise strives for an optimal work process, for a minimum of costs and the greatest benefit.

This paper discusses the main directions, tasks, goals, processes, structure of MTS on oil and gas production enterprises... Considering that for Russian Federation the main lines of income are the export and sale of oil and gas, then a methodological approach is needed to study and consider this issue, due to its importance. An oil and gas production enterprise is a complex mechanism in which the role of each screw cannot be underestimated.

1. Tasks of material and technical supply and the nomenclature of the main consumed material resources

Here are the main tasks of organizing and planning material and technical resources:

Identifying and ensuring the need for material resources;

Development of supply plans and control over their implementation;

Calculation of the required reserves and their operational regulation;

Distribution of material resources and control over their expenditure;

Development of standards for the use of equipment, machinery and materials;

Organization of storage facilities, accounting and storage of material resources;

Expansion of self-supporting relationships between enterprises and supply and sales organizations.

The tasks of the material and technical supply of enterprises of the oil and gas industry are closely related to the solution of the main task of this industry for the production and delivery of oil, oil products and gas to the national economy of the country. Oil and gas enterprises provide industry, construction, transport, agriculture oil, oil products and gas. At the same time, these enterprises are consumers of electricity, materials, oil products, gas, equipment and other material resources.

The range of consumed material resources at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry is very extensive due to the variety of their production and economic activities. So, to ensure the drilling process, we supply drill, casing, tubing and oil pipelines, bits, oil well cement, diesel fuel, timber, clays, reagents (caustic soda, soda ash, calcium chloride etc.), drill sleeves, steel cables, drilling tools, mechanization equipment, etc. In total, about 2500 tons of various cargoes are delivered to one drilling depth of 3000 m.

The main material and technical means consumed in the production of oil and gas: submersible pumps, plungers, submersible electric pumps, hoods, rods, tubing and oil pipelines, demulsifiers (NCHK, sulfanol, etc.), reagents for treatment of bottomhole zones and bottomhole, industrial water, lubricants and cushioning materials, automation and telemechanics of oil fields, etc.

A wide variety of equipment is used on pipelines and oil depots. A wide range of pipes is used for pumping oil, oil products and gas (welded large diameter, oil country, rolled, drawn, welded gas, etc.). Oil and oil products are pumped by pumps different types (piston, centrifugal, etc.).

Oil and oil products are stored in tanks, barrels, cans, containers. Various equipment is mounted on the tanks (hatches, dispensing nozzles, taps, foam cameras, etc.).

Measurement and accounting of oil and oil products is carried out using meters (weight, volumetric, drum, vane, etc.) meter rods, float meters, etc. For the operation and repair of pipeline transport facilities and tank farms, various materials are used (steel of all grades , asphalt, mineral wool, odorant, petroleum bitumen, brizol, concrete, cement, etc.). Remote control technical processes are carried out with the help of automatic equipment (unloading and loading devices ASN-2 ASN-3, ASN-5P, ASN5-N, etc.).

Figure 1 - The structure of the MTS service of the enterprise

2. Development of a procurement plan

The plan of material and technical supply of the enterprise (association) - component tekhpromfinplan and is a set of planning and accounting documents substantiating the need for material and technical resources, establishing specific sources of its coverage.

The basis for determining the need for resources is the production program, the plan for the repair of equipment, plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, the implementation of research and experimental work, the plan for capital construction and the arrangement of oil and gas fields. In addition, the expected resource balances at the beginning of the planning period and activities for the mobilization and use of internal resources are taken into account. The need is established for each type of material and technical resource.

The calculations performed serve as the basis for drawing up requests for production and maintenance. They are drawn up in the same time frame as the entire project of the technical financial plan; at the same time, production and technical maintenance and procurement services involve the production, drilling, chief mechanic and other departments and functional divisions of associations and enterprises in this work.

The material and technical supply plan is drawn up in the form of a material balance that takes into account the needs and sources of their coverage. Both in physical terms (tons, pieces, cubic meters) and in value terms - at planned procurement prices, which include payment for transport (tariff) and costs for transshipment, sorting and storage. The cost expression of the plan is necessary to link it with the cost plan and the financial plan of the enterprise.

Determining the need for material resources is the initial, most crucial stage of planning material and technical supply. Their volume (by type) required for the implementation of the production program is calculated by the formula:

M=i=1 kPi ,

where M is the need for this material for the implementation of the production program;

k - the number of individual types of products (works) for which this material is used;

Pi - the need for a given material for a product of the i-th type.

The need for materials for repair work is determined on the basis of the number, type and complexity of repairs included in the annual plan, and progressive consumption rates, materials by type of repair. The most common method based on the use of material consumption rates for a repair unit and the amount of repair work P , expressed in units of repair complexity:

where K - coefficient taking into account the consumption of materials for inspections, overhaul maintenance;

Н - consumption rate for a repair unit of equipment;

∑ is the sum of repair units.

The additional need for a certain type of equipment can be calculated using the formula:

P d.ob \u003d Q pr / B - Q n + Q in + Q p,

where Q pr is the volume of production in the planned period;

B - the planned output per unit of this type of equipment in the planned period; Q H - the amount of equipment of this type available;

Q B - the number of retired equipment due to physical and moral deterioration;

Q p - the amount of equipment in reserve.

After completing the calculation of the need for material and technical resources for the planning period, the sources of its coverage are determined and the material balance is drawn up:

M p + M p + M m + M s \u003d M o + M b + M pts + M pd + M s,

where M p - the need for material and technical resources for the production of products or performance of work;

M p - material resources for repair;

М 3 - creation of stocks of material and technical resources;

M in - restoration and production of material and technical resources by the forces of the enterprise;

M PC - material resources obtained in the order of centralized supply;

M pd - material resources obtained through decentralized supply;

M s - self-procurement of materials (sand, clay, gravel, etc.).

On the basis of the material balance, the size of the receipt of material and technical resources from the outside (delivery) is determined. Its size is compared with the allocated funds, and in the event of a deficit, measures are taken to make wider use of internal resources or other sources of covering needs.

After the approval of the material and technical supply plan, the indicators and volumes of production and technical services are brought to the subdivisions. At the same time, specifications are drawn up for equipment and materials that clarify them. specifications, since in the plan the volume of supplies, as a rule, is negotiated in aggregate (total mass of pipes, total power of electric motors, etc.).

3. Organization of material and technical supply at enterprises

The logistics system is based on a combination of activities territorial bodies supply in the union republics and regions of the country with the activities of the union main directorates.

The main procurement body at the drilling and oil and gas production enterprises is special group, which is part of the production department. Its functions: development of supply plans, provision and control of the timely implementation of the allocated funds on the basis of concluded contracts, operational communication with the bases of supply organizations.

The executive bodies of the material and technical supply system are the territorial bases of production and technical maintenance and equipment assembly located in the areas of drilling and oil production. They are directly subordinate to the management of production and technical maintenance and equipment assembly, which is part of the oil and gas production association. The functions of this department, in addition to the delivery of material and technical means, include preparation for their use. As part of the bases, there are territorial material warehouses, to which the necessary material and technical means are delivered from suppliers. Drilling and oil and gas production enterprises deliver on their own necessary materials from these warehouses to production facilities or to their warehouses.

Enterprises for the transport and storage of oil and oil products, as well as oil refineries are provided with material resources by the relevant services of ministries and departments on the basis of established factors.

All industrial products are supplied in a centralized or decentralized manner, depending on their national economic importance. The first group includes the most important species products, "the list of which is annually approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. At present, this group includes ferrous and non-ferrous metals, oil products, electricity, etc.

Decentralized planned products include those types that are produced in quantities that cover the entire need. Oil and gas enterprises are supplied with materials, equipment, fuel and other resources at the allocated limits.

There are two forms of material supply:

1) transit, providing for the supply of materials from the supplier directly to the consumer;

2) warehouse, meaning the transfer of material assets to the warehouses of sales organizations with their further transportation to consumers.

The first form of supply is most beneficial when transferring large quantities of cargo to the consumer. However, for those types of material resources that are transferred in small quantities, the warehouse delivery form is more efficient.

Storage of material resources in the process of their movement from production to consumers is carried out in warehouses and oil depots. If the purpose of warehouses and tank farms is the same, then their functions are different and depend on the specifics of production activities. For example, at the refinery, commodity shops or production facilities are created that accept oil, organize its discharge and storage, carry out in-plant pumping of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, manufacture finished products by mixing semi-finished products and pour them into supplied tanks or pump them into commercial containers. bases of Glavneftesnab. At drilling enterprises, the range of tasks of storage facilities is much narrower: they are designed to store the necessary equipment and materials.

The labor intensity of work at oil depots and warehouses is still high, which is explained by the relatively weak equipment of these facilities with automatic means and insufficient mechanization of labor-intensive work. Mechanization and automation of servicing tank farms, pumping facilities and loading and unloading operations can significantly improve the technical and economic indicators of oil and gas industry enterprises.

All goods arriving at the warehouse are initially accepted by a representative of the company at the railway station. Here he checks the number of arriving railway tanks, wagons or pieces, the integrity of the package and the weight of the cargo. If, upon acceptance, a discrepancy is found between the documents and the actual availability, then a commercial act is drawn up - the basis for filing a claim with the supplier or transport organization.

Along with the quantitative acceptance, the technical control bodies carry out a qualitative check of the arrived goods. During laboratory analyzes and inspections reveal the compliance of the arrived material resources with the requirements established by State standards and technical conditions... If the quality of material resources does not meet the established requirements, an act is drawn up with the involvement of representatives of disinterested organizations. This act is sent to the supplier. The release of material resources to subdivisions of a drilling or oil production enterprise, refinery, oil depots, pipelines is drawn up by waybills or expense documents. Per last years when releasing materials from warehouses, limit-fence cards are widely used, in which a limit on the right to receive materials is set for each production unit and their issuance is noted.

Limit fence cards are drawn up taking into account the consumption rates and production programs of the divisions (services) of the enterprise. These cards eliminate the need for a statement a large number invoices for the release of material values. At the same time, limit fence cards allow you to control the consumption of various materials and stop issuing them in case of overspending.

To check the compliance of the availability of material resources with the accounting data in warehouses, an inventory is carried out.
4. Rationing of consumption and stocks of material and technical means

Organization and planning of material and technical supply is based on the rationing of consumption and stocks of material resources.

According to the rates of consumption of material resources, the maximum permissible value of their consumption is determined for the production of a unit of output or the performance of a unit of work under established conditions, taking into account advanced technology and organization of production, advanced labor methods.

Inventory standards help ensure reliable and continuous work enterprises.

To calculate the need for material and technical means, two methods are usually used: calculation and analytical and direct counting. When using the calculation and analytical method, they are guided by the actual indicators in the material and technical supply of the enterprise for past period taking into account the adjustments for the future. Most exact method direct counting is based on the use of science-based standards.

The standards are set per unit of production or work performed, for example: per 1 ton of produced oil, per 10,000 m 3 of transported gas, per 1 ton of steam, per 1 Mcal of heat, etc.

The general need for any kind of material resources is compared with the allocated resources, that is, a material balance is developed, which is compiled for each type of resource (energy balance, balance of petroleum products, etc.). The balance sheet includes two parts: one part characterizes the need for resources, and the other reflects the sources of its coverage, or in one - resources, and in the other - distribution. Table 39 shows a diagram of the consolidated energy balance of one of the enterprises. It reflects the partial balances by types of energy and the summary by the sum of all types of energy.

An important task of material and technical supply is inventory management. The reserve standards provide for the normal operation of the enterprise.

All stocks of material resources are divided into sales and production stocks. Sales stocks include stocks in warehouses of supplying enterprises, stocks at oil depots (warehouses) of sales and supply organizations, stocks in transit. Production stocks are placed in the warehouses of consumer enterprises.

Thus, sales stocks are located on different stages sales and promotion from suppliers to consumers, while production stocks ensure uninterrupted maintenance of technological processes.

Table 1 - Free energy balance of the enterprise

Private balancesConsolidated balance sheet.
Nameheat-energyelectricityin thous.

Received in fuel

Received with electricity from the district CHP network minus the energy supplied to the network by the plant

230 8,2 230,0 8,2
Total arrival230,0 8,2 238,2 100,0

Usefully used:

a) for technological needs

b) on power processes in workshops

c) for air blast (compressed

d) for water supply

e) for heating, ventilation and
household needs

f) for lighting

55,0 4,7 18,1 1,055,0
Total Useful Used

Released to the side (minus the energy received)

59,7 20,1 79,8
Total usefully used and dispensed

a) heat into technological heat
output processes and consumption for own
technical needs of the power plant
tion (in gas pipelines, in boilers
own power plant,

in waste heat boilers, turbine generators, in the heating network)

b) electricity and consumption for
own needs electro
stations (in transformers,
power grids, compressors,
electric pumps, in air

59,7 138,3 20,1 * 9,6 79,8 138,333,6 58,0 "
Private balances

Consolidated balance




in thousand Mcal

c) heat in unused secondary energy resources (waste heat from heating furnaces)
Total losses

Losses in the district power supply system

143,3 152,9 5,5
Total losses
Total expense

Production stocks are conditionally divided into current, preparatory, insurance (guarantee) and seasonal.

To determine sales and production stocks, three types of meters are used: natural (pieces, tons, cubic meters), value (rubles, kopecks), relative (units of time - year, month, decade, day, etc.).

Current stock, defined as the product of the average daily requirement in material resources (in tons, pieces) for the time between deliveries in days. If there are several suppliers, the average time between the next receipts of material resources from each of the suppliers is calculated.

Most simply, the average annual time for the past period is determined by dividing the total number of days of all intervals by the number of received lots of any type of material resources for the period under consideration.

For example, 40 consignments of materials were received during the year. The time of all 40 intervals was 600 days. In this case, the average interval will be t cp = 600: 40 \u003d 15 days. The graph of the movement of current stocks is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 - Schedule of movement of current stocks

Current stocks are designed to ensure the continuity of the production process between deliveries of materials.

However, this simplified method allows you to get a reasonably acceptable accuracy of the results only if the volumes of incoming lots are equal. With significant quantitative deviations in the volumes of such batches for correct definition the frequency of delivery of products is calculated according to the weighted average interval. The weight of each batch multiplied by the number of days between deliveries gives the number of ton-days, and the sum of all ton-days divided by total weight of all incoming lots, shows the weighted average delivery interval.

When calculating for the future, it should be borne in mind that the duration of the interval between deliveries may change in comparison with the reporting for the previous period. In most cases, these intervals are shortened, as improved conditions for suppliers and transport contribute to an increase in the turnover rate of vehicles and containers.

The average value of the current stock can be expressed as follows:

З tsr \u003d З max / 2

where З max - maximum reserves.

In order to obtain the most reliable data on the duration of the intervals between the next receipts of material resources, it is recommended to consider the actual receipts for several years.

The preparatory stock provides the operating time of the enterprise for the period of unloading, quantitative and qualitative acceptance, as well as the preparation of the necessary documentation. The preparatory stock rate is usually applied equal to the daily requirement for material resources.

In addition to the current and preparatory stocks, consumers must have a safety stock, that is, a strictly defined minimum of materials, equipment, fuel, which could ensure the continuity of the production process of enterprises in case of supply interruptions arising from delays in deliveries. The safety stock Z p, as a rule, should be less than the current one, since in the practice of supply rarely a circumstance arises when the duration of the disruption of the supply rhythm would be equal to or greater than the duration of the interval between supplies.

The safety stock rate is mainly determined by two factors: the duration of delivery of material resources from the supplier to consumers and necessary time for their preparation for industrial consumption, taking into account unloading (discharge), acceptance and delivery. The size of the safety stock is influenced by organizational factors, namely: untimely shipment, delays in transit, etc. Thus, a possible increase in the safety stock largely depends on the same reasons as the size of the current stock, as well as on seasonal difficulties in the work of transport funds.

For individual enterprises, individual stock rates are set annually in accordance with the specific conditions of production and supply. As production planning improves and the supplier becomes more accountable for accurate contract fulfillment insurance part inventories should be systematically reduced.

Seasonal stocks include current, preparatory and safety stocks. The value of seasonal stocks is determined, first, by the seasonality of supply, which depends on the duration of the seasonal break in transport links; secondly, the uneven consumption of material resources, caused by a change in the volume of their consumption, depending on the seasonal nature of various types of work and fluctuations in heat loads.

The schedule of movement of seasonal stocks is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3 - Schedule of the movement of seasonal stocks

Seasonal stocks are calculated in the same way as current stocks, that is, by multiplying the average daily demand for material resources by the interval between two deliveries.

For consumers who receive material resources by water transport, the basis for the value of H 3 reserves is their consumption during the inter-navigation period, that is, the consumption during the time from closing to opening of navigation, taking into account possible deviations in the duration of the navigation period,

H s \u003d Q m η s

where Q M is the consumption of material resources in the inter-navigation period;

η z is a coefficient that determines fluctuations in the beginning and end of navigation over the previous years.

The date of the beginning and the end of the receipt of material resources is determined by identifying the relevant data for previous years. Establishing the maximum value of the seasonal stock and the rate of its gradual decline to the usual norm by the end of the seasonal break, it makes it possible to determine the optimal volume of oil products that must be imported before the start of the seasonal break in navigation.

Example. The enterprise spends monthly in the analyzed period 1000 tons of petroleum products. The seasonal break in supplies lasts 6 months. During the rest of the period, the consumer will receive the required volume of petroleum products in batches equal to the monthly need for material resources. Consequently, by the beginning of the season, instead of the 1000 tons of oil products required by the enterprise, an additional 6000 tons should be delivered here. Thus, the total amount of the reserve will be 7000 tons. Based on this norm, the size of the site and the volume of the storage tanks are determined. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the first delivery after the end of the seasonal break may be somewhat delayed. As you know, the safety stock is intended to ensure the continuity of the production process. However, due to the fact that the safety stock cannot be created during the seasonal supply interruption, here it is taken into account as part of the seasonal stock and is not calculated separately.

The considered methods for calculating stocks of material resources are used when establishing standards for fuel and materials.

When determining the standard for spare parts, the need for working capital N d (in days) is determined by the formula:

H d \u003d H pr K s.z / 100, H pr \u003d W h C to 100 / S lane,

where H pr - production stock of resources;

K s.z - the factor of reducing the stock, depending on the number of identical machines;

З h - the number of sets of spare parts per 10 units of the same type of equipment;

C k - the cost of one set of spare parts, rubles;

With lane - the initial cost of 10 units of the same type of equipment (machines), rubles.

The need for working capital for low-value and fast-wearing items is determined based on the cost of typical sets of these items per unit of operating equipment. Warehouse stocks for these items are determined as a percentage of the value of the corresponding items in use. The cost of stocks of low-value and fast-wearing items should not exceed 25% of the cost of the corresponding material resources in the production process of the enterprise.

5. Planning of material and technical supply in enterprises

The planning of material and technical supply at the enterprise is based on scientifically grounded rates of consumption and reserves. With their help, the tasks of determining the need for resources, rational organization and planning of production / tdva, determining the need for working capital, drawing up estimates of production costs, and organizing internal production cost accounting are solved.

Consumption rates of material and technical resources, promptly brought to the attention of the worker, foreman, engineer and technical worker, allow them to rationally organize work, to achieve economy of the resources used.

The consumption rate shows the maximum allowable amount of raw materials, materials, fuel consumed in the production of a unit of production (or work) in the specific conditions of the enterprise, workshop.

The norms used at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry are classified according to the period of validity into prospective, annual, quarterly, current; by the scale of application - all-union, branch, shop; according to the purpose of materials - norms of basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, electricity; by the degree of detail - unified and local.

When determining the norms, analytical or statistical methods are used.

The work on rationing the consumption of material resources is focused directly on enterprises and associations. The analysis of the use of existing ones, the development of new and revision of outdated norms, the development of measures to reduce consumption and rational use of resources are carried out by departments (bureaus, groups) of rationing the consumption of material resources in accordance with industry instructions and guidelines.

IN oil industry work on the rationing of the most important material resources for the industry as a whole and for associations is carried out by the head Scientific Research Institute of Organization and Economics of the Oil and Gas Industry (VNIIOENG). The development of norms for this nomenclature for enterprises (NGDU and UBR) is carried out by associations. The work on rationing the consumption of other material resources is carried out by enterprises and associations.

An important component of the regulatory framework for planning production and technical maintenance of an enterprise is the amount of established and approved norms of production stocks. Their creation is due to the need to ensure an uninterrupted production process. At the same time, when establishing the size of stocks, one must proceed from the minimum needs of enterprises and associations, since this will prevent the formation of surpluses, accelerate their turnover and, in general, reduce the required volume of production of these funds.

The planned level of stocks is influenced by: the intensity of resource consumption, the rhythm of production, the forms of supply and the terms of delivery of various types of material and technical means. Stocks are created both in the sphere of production and in the sphere of circulation.

Production stocks consist of current, preparatory and insurance (warranty) stocks. Their value is set for each type of resource (for separate nomenclature groups). The stock rate determines the amount of material and technical resources sufficient for the smooth running of production processes. To measure its value, relative or absolute meters are used. Absolute reserves are set in physical terms (tons, cubic meters, pieces, etc.), relative - in days.

The value of the current stock intended to ensure production between successive deliveries depends on the daily consumption of this type of resource P s and the time interval between the next, planned deliveries D pl (days).

Z tech \u003d P with D pl

The need for a preparatory stock of material and technical resources is due to the need for warehouse processing and preparation for the use of the funds received. It includes unloading, sorting, stacking of materials, their quantitative and qualitative acceptance, registration of warehouse documents.

The safety stock is intended to ensure production in case of unforeseen circumstances, including in connection with a violation of the frequency and amount of deliveries. Its size is determined by the formula

Z page \u003d P with(D pl + d ),

where d - average deviation from normal supplies, days.

The sum of all the indicated stocks is the production stock:

Z pr \u003d Z tech + Z p + Z p

At oil and gas production enterprises, especially in hard-to-reach regions of Siberia and the Far North, seasonal reserves are formed, designed to provide production with everything necessary in the period of off-road, muddy roads, etc. The size of the seasonal reserve, which includes all types of production reserves, is determined based on the duration of the supply interruption.

The most important task of enterprises and bodies of production and technical maintenance and assembly is the organization of rational use, control over the amount of reserves and prevention of their excess, which negatively affects both the economy of the enterprise itself and the entire system of material and technical supply.

The initial data for planning and drawing up applications are:

a) the volume of production or the sale of the enterprise

b) specific rates consumption of materials, fuel, electricity and other resources;

c) the estimated value of stocks of material resources;

d) data on the actual consumption of the corresponding material resources in the reporting period.

The preparation of applications for material resources should be preceded by a thorough analysis of their expenditure in the reporting period. In the process of analysis, the established contractual relationships for supply, the order and degree of implementation of funds, their correspondence in terms of assortment and quality are revealed. Statistical reporting data can be used for analysis. The analysis also studies the dynamics of changes in inventories of material resources.

The drawn up applications are sent to the higher authorities (administrations, chief oil and gas departments of the republics, ministries). Here, the applications are corrected and generalized, and then, depending on the nomenclature of materials, equipment, fuel and other material resources, the consolidated applications are sent to the State Planning Committee of the republics, the State Committee of the USSR for material and technical supply and the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

Some materials can be purchased by enterprises in the order of self-procurement (procurement of sand, gravel, stone, etc. on their own), in such cases, applications for these materials are not made.

After approval by the Government of the USSR and the governments of the Union republics of plans for material and technical supply, the allocated resources are distributed among consumers. The plan indicates the quantity and range of materials and equipment approved for delivery. The allocated funds are communicated to enterprises in the reverse order in relation to the receipt of applications.

Based on the notification of the superior organization about the allocated material resources, the enterprise develops a detailed supply plan.

In terms of material and technical supply, enterprises reflect the need for material resources, carry-overs and the amount of material resources to be imported. The need for material resources for production and operational needs is usually determined by direct calculations based on the volume of production or work performed.

Stocks of materials are specified based on the established norms per day. These norms show how many days of work the enterprise should be provided with materials. For example, during the construction of oil and gas industry enterprises, the following standards are established (in days): welded large diameter pipes - 25, oil country tubular goods - 3, welded gas pipes - 30, etc.

Thus, if 1000 m of large-diameter pipes are required daily for laying the linear part of the pipeline, and the production stock rate is 25 days, then the carryover should be 25,000 m.Material consumption rates can also be set based on enlarged meters: per 1 ton of produced and processed oil, per 1000 m 3 of transported gas, per 1 million rubles. the estimated cost of the facility under construction, etc.

The total (annual) need for material and technical resources is determined on the basis of the production program of the enterprise and established norms consumption per unit of product produced or work performed.

The economic reform carried out in our country has provided a significant expansion of the rights of enterprises in the field of maneuvering with working capital.

The size of the material resources necessary for the enterprise is established in the relevant sections of the technical and financial plan (material and technical supply, financial, production development, etc.).

In terms of material and technical supply, the quantity, assortment, prices and delivery times of material resources required by the enterprise are provided. In the financial plan of the enterprise, the size of the stocks of material and raw materials (standardized and non-standardized working capital) is established.

The standardized working capital includes material assets that are in the field of production and ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise (inventories, work in progress, home-made semi-finished products, finished products).

Non-standardized circulating assets include finished products in the warehouse and funds in circulation ( cash on the current account, goods shipped but unpaid, etc.).

In terms of production development, the need for the necessary equipment for the construction, modernization and reconstruction of enterprise facilities is identified.

Thus, the plan of material and technical supply is closely linked with the rest of the technical and industrial-financial plan of the enterprise, being its integral part.

Consolidated calculations of the consumption of material resources for an enterprise or management are made, as a rule, taking into account the entire range of products and the consumption of material and technical resources for each type of product sold or work performed. In recent years, in the practice of determining the need, mathematical methods of calculation are increasingly used.

Need x i enterprises in the i-th form of material resources for the corresponding planning period (year, five years) is mathematically expressed by the following relationship:

xi= j \u003d 1kaijxj

where aij - annual target rate calculation of the i-th type of material resources;

xj - plan for the production of the j-th type of product or the performance of any work (for example, pumping oil);

k - the number of types of material resources consumed in the billing period.

To compare the required material resources with available and expected resources, the developed balance reflects the need for them and the sources of coverage for each type of material resources: standardized and non-standardized materials, equipment, tools, etc.

In general terms, the balance of material and technical supply is expressed by the equation:

M p + M p + M m + M s \u003d M o + M p.ts + M p.d + M s,

where M p - the need for material resources for the production of products (production, oil refining) or work (geological exploration, drilling, oil transportation, etc.);

M p - repair of equipment, vehicles, buildings and structures;

M 3 - creating the necessary stocks of material and technical resources;

M m - ensuring the modernization and technical development of the enterprise;

M 0 - material resources in the warehouses of the enterprise at the beginning of the planning period;

M in - restoration and production of material resources by forces

Table 2 - Application for the supply of materials

eskaya characteristicunit of measurementProcurement priceDemand for materials in the planned yearSources of coverage
to conduct the main production processfor repairto ensure the technical development of the enterpriseon the formation of carryover stockstotalbalance at the beginning of the yearproduction and restoration of material resources by the enterpriseself-procurementrequired fund
technicalquantityamount, thousand rublesquantityamount, thousand rublesincluding by quarters
Materials and their teristicsIIIIIIIV

enterprises (restoration, tool adaptation, engine repair, etc.);

Mpts - material resources received in the order of centralized supply;

Mpd - material resources received in the order of decentralized supply;

M s - self-procurement of materials (sand, gravel, etc.). The consolidated balance of material and technical supply is developed on the basis of balances for each type of material resources. Along with the balance of material and technical supply, the enterprise draws up an application for materials in the form.

6. Planning of sales of oil and oil products

The plan for the sale of oil and petroleum products is developed on the basis of the plan for oil production and production of petroleum products and the availability of their reserves, as well as requests from consumers, funds and orders of oil sales organizations. The sale of oil and petroleum products is carried out through centralized distribution and limiting the consumption of the main types of petroleum products. Of the 350 petroleum product names, 140 are distributed centrally to 66 fund holders (ministries and departments). Compliance with stock discipline requires non-sales organizations to supply and dispense oil and petroleum products strictly within the funds allocated to consumers.

When the demand for oil and petroleum products changes, caused by any conditions, fund holders (ministries or departments) must adjust funds, that is, allocate additional funds to consumers at the expense of their reserves or redistribution of consumer funds.

In accordance with the main terms of delivery of products, the mutual responsibility of suppliers and consumers requires the latter to compulsory sampling of oil and oil products in accordance with the established funds. When fulfilling the delivery plan, the supplier is obliged to pay a certain amount of a fine to the consumer, and if the oil products are not selected for the allocated funds, the consumer pays a fine to the supplier.

In terms of sales of the enterprise, all products are listed in kind by groups and in assortment (light, including: motor gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.; dark, other types of petroleum products), as well as in monetary terms. The sales plan is drawn up on an annual and quarterly basis, and in the process of operational planning, a shipment plan is developed by day. The shipment is carried out, as a rule, in large batches (up to 2000-2500 tons at a time). The shipping plan, which is developed in conjunction with the sales plan, sets monthly shipping and daily rate... In the process of fulfilling the plan, deviations from the norm and the actual shipment are identified.

The sales plan for oil and petroleum products serves as the basis for the shipment of products to consumers of applications for vehicles. This plan is closely related to the production program of the enterprise and the financial plan. A properly drawn up plan for the sale of oil and petroleum products allows for a reliable and rhythmic supply of consumers, creating conditions for the most even loading of transport routes.

In recent years, unlimited supply of petroleum products has begun to be used in oil supply, which is a reflection of the party's directives on the gradual transition from the distribution of industrial products by funds to their planned distribution through wholesale trade.

7. The main directions of improving the material and technical supply at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry.

One of the most important areas of improving the system of material and technical supply at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry is the further improvement of work on determining the needs of shops and services in various materials, equipment and other material resources. This can be achieved through the mechanization of accounting and reporting, through the widespread introduction of computers in calculations to determine the need for material resources. The use of a computer can give greatest effect at their integrated use at all stages of automated production control (APCS), including the "material and technical supply" subsystem.

In recent years, oil and gas enterprises have mainly used centralized delivery of material resources to workshops and workplaces on the basis of relevant requests that are developed by procurement departments. This makes it possible to create conditions for a more efficient supply of material resources to the production process.

The system of supplying materials directly to workplaces should be complemented by more careful regulation of inventories in workshops and warehouses of enterprises. In the new conditions of planning and economic incentives, the issues of choosing the optimal stocks of material resources are acquired by all greater importance.

Enterprises, on the one hand, must have stocks that ensure the reliable operation of production, on the other hand, the size of these stocks must be reduced as much as possible so as not to make additional deductions for paying for excess stocks. The economic damage is caused by both excessively large and insufficient reserves. In the first case, part of the social product is distracted and additional losses by storing material resources. At the same time, in the second case, with a decrease in stocks, the reliability of the production process decreases, and, consequently, the probability of its violation increases. Therefore, stocks of material resources should be optimal, ensuring reliable operation of the enterprise with minimal costs for these conditions.

In the future, wholesale trade in industrial and technical products will become more widespread. Wholesale trade is one of the planned forms of distribution of the means of production, which provides for the supply of them to consumers without funds and limits.


After reviewing and researching the basic information regarding the material and technical supply of production, we came to the conclusion that it is impossible to leave this question without attention, a purposeful approach to managing the supply chain of an enterprise is required.

On manufacturing enterprises The main importance is to increase the effectiveness of the use of raw materials and the most important materials, since these expenses in the structure of the cost of production are more than 80% and even a slight reduction in them in the production of any unit of production at the enterprise gives a significant effect. Therefore, considerable interest is paid to increasing the yield of finished products from a unit of raw materials, reducing the consumption rates of materials per unit of production, reducing waste and losses of raw materials and materials, improving the system of material incentives for workers for improving the use of raw materials and materials.

Thus, at the current stage, one of the main problems of scientific and technological progress, there is a decrease in the material consumption of products, a complete study of the factors on which the improvement of the use of raw materials and materials depends, the timely and deep use of reserves at any enterprise.

To draw up a plan for material and technical supply, timely implementation of preparatory work, including the detection of the range of material resources needed by the enterprise in the planning period; development of planned costs and price tags for material and technical supplies; determination of consumption rates of available materials per unit of finished products; analysis of reporting data on material and technical supply and the development of the initial initial version of the plan of organizational and technical measures to increase the efficiency of production, aimed at improving the use of funds at the enterprise and a reasonable organization of material and technical supply.


  1. Problems of material and technical supply and the nomenclature of the main consumed material resources
  2. Development of a procurement plan
  3. Organization of material and technical supply at enterprises
  4. Rationing of consumption and stocks of material and technical means
  5. Procurement planning in enterprises
  6. Sales planning for oil and petroleum products
  7. The main directions of improving the material and technical supply at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry
List of used literature

Federal Agency for Education

Branch of a state educational institution

higher professional education


in Syzran

Department of Economics


in the discipline "Planning in the enterprise"

Production logistics planning

FZDO student, 5 course,

L.V. Kuznetsova

planning material technical resource


THEORETICAL SECTION. PLANNING of material and technical support of production

1 Calculation of material requirements

1.2 Methodology for planning the logistics of production

2. PRACTICAL SECTION. FEATURES OF PLANNING material and technical support of JSC "PLASTIC"


The task

The task





Management of material resources of the enterprise plays an important role in the management of the enterprise as a whole.

Material resources are part of the company's working capital, i.e. those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, completely transfer their value to the finished product and in the production process change or lose their consumer properties.

For the successful operation of the enterprise, the provision of a complex of basic and additional services, enterprises must have the equipment and inventory necessary for operation, as well as have at their disposal such means of operation that can provide a certain range of services. Consequently, in the course of its functioning, any enterprise requires a whole range of material and technical means, as well as resources such as fuel, water and electricity. The successful solution of these issues is designed to ensure the logistics service, which calculates the needs for various materialsand also determines the sources of their coverage.

The main sources of information analysis are: - the plan of material and technical supply; - applications, contracts for the supply of raw materials and materials; - forms of statistical reporting on the availability and use of material resources and on production costs; - operational data of the department of material and technical supply; - information of analytical accounting on receipts, expenditures and balances of material resources, etc.

The purpose of this term paper - on the basis of literary sources, to study the organization, planning and ways of improving the material and technical support of production on the example of OJSC "Plastic".

Therefore, the objectives of the course work are:

¾ study of the concept and essence of material resources at the enterprise in market conditions;

¾ study of methods and methods of planning the needs of the enterprise in material resources;

¾ study of the procedure for calculating the reserves of material resources and the methodology for their rationing;

¾ studying the sources of covering the needs for material resources;

¾Consider the work of the material and technical support service of OJSC "Plastik";

1. Theoretical section. PLANNING of material and technical support of production

It should be noted that at the time of the centrally planned economy, the CU was a process of planned provision of the national economy. At that time, enterprises did not independently plan material and technical support in accordance with their needs, and plans for the supply of all enterprises in the country were developed centrally by special government bodies - Gosplan, USSR State Committee for Material and Technical Supply. It happened in the following way. Organizations began to develop procurement plans prior to the start of the planning period based on the provisional limits reported by higher organizations. With such a system of planned distribution of resources, enterprises often did not receive the materials that they needed, it also happened that the materials that were distributed to them did not find application, since the enterprise did not really need them. Also, all the material resources entering the enterprise were, more or less, typical, that is, exactly the same furniture, dishes, materials, etc. entered other enterprises as well. And if the enterprise wanted and had the material opportunity to purchase higher quality materials in accordance with its actual needs, it could not do this without a corresponding order from “above”. The need for planning in modern enterprises stems from a large number of competitive enterprises, an ever-increasing variety of possible forms enterprise management the presence of numerous structural units within the framework of the enterprise, close interfirm relations with suppliers of various goods (products, equipment, etc.) and agent firms involved in the customer service process, as well as from the requirements of scientific and technological progress - to quickly take into account and master the latest achievements of science and technology. Also, in market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and hence the right to purchase more efficient material resources.

This forces the supply staff to carefully study quality characteristics products manufactured by various suppliers.

Planning of material and technical support (supply) of enterprises for the present stage designed to solve the following tasks:

) it should ensure the continuity of the enterprise, which is achieved by correct organization supplies of materials to the enterprise in the required amount and of appropriate quality;

) to promote an increase in the technical level of production of services, to promote the introduction of automation, new technologies, as well as to expand the range of additional services, which, in turn, are the most important factor increasing the profit of the enterprise;

) MTO should be aimed at improving the quality of service by purchasing goods high Quality for the fullest satisfaction of the client;

) MTO should be aimed at increasing labor productivity;

) the MTO plan should be aimed at saving material resources;

) the MTO plan should be aimed at fulfilling the profit plan;

As noted above, the procurement plan is developed by a special department in the accounting department, which includes two main divisions - procurement management and warehouse management. They are assigned the following tasks: organization of control over supply in terms of volume and assortment in accordance with concluded contracts; compliance with the standard and structure of commodity stocks; finding ways to reduce commodity losses during storage and transportation. But it should be noted that the most important responsibility of this department is to develop a logistics plan.

The MTO plan of the enterprise is its material balance, which summarizes all calculations of the need for material resources necessary to ensure the production process (expenditure part), the presence of balances for the planned period, and also determines the sources of supply (income part). The main indicators of the MTO plan, as well as the relationship between them, can be displayed by the following equation:

Rpen + Znor \u003d Oozh + E + B, (1)

where Rpen is the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

Znor - stocks are normalized;

Oozh - the residuals are expected, i.e. the actual stocks that exist in the enterprise for a certain period;

E - savings

B - import plan.

On the left side of the equation, the total need for material resources is displayed, on the right side - the sources of coverage of this need .

The process of developing a logistics plan includes the following steps:

1.calculation of the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

2.based on existing needs, the norms of resource reserves necessary for the smooth operation of the enterprise are calculated;

.then the sources of covering the need for material resources are determined, a plan for the import of materials from outside is developed.

Determining material requirements is one of the most important workcarried out in the process of planning the material support of production. The size and type of needs serve as the basis for choosing the conditions for the delivery of materials (for example, in accordance with the rhythm of consumption, the production cycle of the product, etc.). Possible fluctuations in requirements and delivery times necessitate continuous monitoring of the level of production stocks. A prerequisite solving the problems of determining the requirements for materials is the choice of the method of their calculation and the establishment of the type of requirement.


The basis for planning the provision of enterprises with material resources is the system of economic relations that develops directly between them and suppliers for the exchange of labor products using commodity-money relations through direct economic ties, through the market for means of production (commodity exchanges) or through the intermediary of specialized enterprises and organizations, entrepreneurs and businessmen. On the basis of the subject, direct economic ties can be divided into ties conditioned by government orders (there are less and less of them) and established by enterprises on their own initiative, determined by their mutual interest in the manufacture, supply and purchase of inventory items (equipment, machinery, materials, etc. etc.).

Thus, in the provision of enterprises with material resources, market relations between all economic entities with a free choice are becoming increasingly important. business partners - suppliers or consumers - in a competitive environment. Market relations, formed by the demand and supply of goods (products, works, services) through the market, presuppose profound changes in the nature of the material support of enterprises, the replacement of the "rationing system" of resource allocation by free trade in the means of production. In these conditions, the implementation of calculations to provide enterprises with the necessary resources becomes very essential .

When performing calculations, it should be borne in mind that an overestimation of the need for materials leads to the formation of excess and excess stocks, a slowdown in the turnover of working capital, an increase in costs and losses during storage. At the same time, the planning of resources in the amount of less than the necessary need violates the rhythm of production, can serve as a reason for a decrease in its volume.

The planned demand for a given type of material resources can be determined on the basis of the balance of their demand and the sources of its coverage. Its (balance) can be represented in as follows:

where P r , R from , R n , R eh , R m , R n and P s - the need for this type of material resources, respectively, for the production of basic products (performing the volume of work), capital construction, the introduction of new equipment and technology, repair and maintenance needs, the manufacture of technological equipment and tools, an increase in work in progress and carryover stocks created on end of the planning period;

О - the expected balance of this type of material resources at the beginning of the planning period (the amount of materials that were not used in the preplanned period and are in stock);

E - saving materials (resources) due to the introduction of organizational and technical measures, advanced technologies, etc .;

B - the amount of materials that must be purchased from outside suppliers.

On the basis of the balance of material support, the amount of necessary resources is determined as the difference between their total need P and the internal source of income O + E + M. In order to acquire minimum quantity materials, it is necessary to correctly establish the need for them and take into account as much as possible the possibility of covering it from internal sources. The mobilization of internal resources is carried out by saving materials, reusing them (for example, by repairing and restoring spare parts and overalls, vulcanization rubber products, recycling of metal, etc.), disposal of production waste, the use of excess and excess stocks, the timely implementation of unnecessary ones.

The absolute size of the expected balances of a particular type of resources at the beginning of the planning period is determined by their actual availability at the time of calculating the demand, the expected acquisition and consumption for the remaining period of time. The expected receipt (acquisition) includes: the amount of resources that suppliers must ship before the end of this period due to outstanding contracts, their actual receipt from the date on which the actual balance is set until the moment the demand is determined, as well as resources in transit. to the enterprise at the moment, and their expected replenishment at the expense of local (internal) sources.

In the practice of material support, depending on the availability necessary information, the specifics of technological processes, consumed materials and other features are used different methods and ways to determine resource requirements. These, in particular, include: the method of direct counting, analogy, calculation by a typical representative, standard wear periods, dynamic coefficients, and others, including economic and mathematical ones.

The most common is the direct counting method, which allows you to determine the resource requirement of a work. the accepted norm consumption for the corresponding volume of products planned for release. Depending on the consumption rates used, this method has a number of varieties: for a part, product, physical or cost volume of construction, repair or transport work, etc. .

In the absence of consumption rates for manufactured products (for example, in small-scale, individual, pilot production), in terms of design and production technology, slightly different from the previously produced, having consumption rates, the need for materials P can be determined by analogy using the formula:

P \u003d H P K (3)

where H is the rate of consumption of material (resources) for a similar product;

P is the program for the release of products for which the consumption rates

there are no materials;

K is a coefficient that takes into account the peculiarities of the consumption of materials for the production of this product in comparison with the same.

At enterprises with a diversified nature of production, the calculation of the need for materials is carried out according to the so-called typical representatives:

P \u003d H t P (4)

where H t - the rate of consumption of material for the manufacture of a typical representative of this group of products (products);

P - the program for the production of all types of products in the planning period.

A typical representative is a product for the manufacture of which individual rate material consumption is approaching the weighted average consumption rate for this group of products.

In addition to the basic materials from which the products are directly made, the enterprises also use auxiliary materials, the consumption of which is not regulated by the norms for its unit, but by the standard wear periods. Such materials include spare parts for machines and equipment, inventory, tools and devices, overalls, safety footwear, etc. At the same time, the standard wear periods can be established not only in time, but also in units of work performed - kilometers of run, engine hours (machine-hours) of operating time, ton-kilometers of cargo work, etc.

Of the significant number of names of resources consumed by each enterprise, there are always those for which it is difficult or even impossible to establish consumption rates or wear periods, for example, materials for pilot plants, laboratories, office supplies, etc. To determine their needs, the method of dynamic coefficients is used. based on the use of statistical data on the actual consumption of this material Рф, taking into account the coefficients taking into account the change in the volume of production of products (products) in the planning period Кn and the savings in materials in connection with the developed measures Ke, i.e.

P \u003d Rf Kn Ke (5)

The size of the carry-over stock of a given type of material P 3 can be found by the expression:

R 3 \u003d H R t / D (6)

where H is the carryover rate of a given type of material in days;

R t - the need for this material for commercial production,

D - the number of days in the planning period.

The need for electrical and thermal energy consists of its consumption for technological purposes (electric welding, electroplating, etc.), for setting in motion equipment and tools, for household needs (lighting and ventilation of industrial, administrative buildings, structures, etc.) At the same time, they take into account the increase in the level of operation and use of energy equipment, the elimination of non-productive costs and the reduction of intra-plant losses during energy transmission, the maximum use of secondary energy resources, the saving of electricity consumed for lighting purposes ... .

Electricity for technological needs is calculated on the basis of planned production volumes and progressive rates of its consumption; the need for motor energy - based on the total power of all operating motors, the planned shift factor of the equipment and the duration of the shift, the equipment load factor; electricity for lighting - based on the power of the lamps, the number of burning hours per day and the duration of the enterprise in the planned period.

The need for fuel for heating industrial and administrative buildings, structures is determined taking into account their type, design, duration of the heating period, the calorific value of the fuel used and other factors.

The required amount of equipment (for example, tractors and machines based on them, loaders, road trains, etc.) P about to perform the planned scope of work Q (in m 3, t, etc.) can be found from the expression:

R about \u003d Q / P cm D r TO op Ksm (7)

D r \u003d Dx CT.G Ki.i \u003d Dx Ki.p (8)

where P cm - replaceable equipment capacity, m 3, t;

D r - the number of working days per year (machine-days at work) per payroll unit of equipment,

TO op - the utilization rate of equipment at main works;

Ksm - shift factor;

Dx - the number of machine-days of the unit's stay

equipment on the farm for the planning period,

Кт.г., Ки.и., Ки.п - the coefficients of technical readiness, the use of serviceable equipment and the use of the fleet of machines (calendar time).

The average number of machines (equipment) is found by the formula:

PM \u003d M p - MV [(Мn Вn + Мв Вв) / В to ] (9)

where PM is the average number of cars in the planning period;

M p , Мв and Мn - the number of equipment at the beginning of the planning period, retired and supplied in the planning period;

Вn, Вв, В to - the number of days of operation of incoming, outgoing equipment and the duration of the planned period in days .

The choice of methods for determining the need for equipment depends, first of all, on its purpose, and the main areas of use are: staffing of facilities under construction, an increase in production capacity due to an increase in the volume of production (work performance), complex mechanization and automation of basic and auxiliary works, replacement of physically worn out and obsolete equipment, etc. .

The calculated demand for equipment is compared with its availability at the enterprise, and if the demand does not greatly exceed the availability, then opportunities for its more rational use are sought (for example, by increasing the shift ratio, use at main jobs, etc.). And only in cases when all the capabilities of the enterprise have been used, it must make a decision on the acquisition (purchase) of a new one. A negative difference between demand and availability of equipment indicates surplus.

Demand for machines (equipment) in the planning period P m can be enlarged and determined by the following formula:

P m \u003d (M r - M n ) Cr.p. + M from (10)

where M r , M n them from - the average number of machines of this type required to perform the established amount of work, the availability of machines at the beginning of the planning period (the operating fleet plus unidentified equipment in stock) and the number of machines to be written off due to physical and moral deterioration;

Kr.p. is a coefficient that takes into account the uniformity of the receipt (supply, purchase) of machines in this period... The need for spare parts of a certain name and purpose P, if the rate of their consumption is known, it can be established by the formula:

R s.h \u003d (Nzch P Kcm PM) / K in (11)

where Nzch - the rate of consumption of spare parts for one machine in the planned period with one-shift operation;

n - the number of spare parts of this item,

installed simultaneously on the machine;

Ksm - shift factor;

PM - the average number of cars in the planning period;

TO in - coefficient taking into account the reuse of spare parts due to their restoration.

At some enterprises (machine-building, woodworking, repair, etc.) the need for spare parts and repair materials P 3h are determined according to the rates of their consumption per repair unit and the volume of repair work in units of repair complexity:

R s.h = (å E to + a å E from ) H to K (12)

where E to and E from - the sum of units of repair complexity of equipment (machines) during major and medium repairs;

a - coefficient characterizing the ratio between the rate of consumption of spare parts and repair materials during major and medium repairs;

H to - consumption rate of spare parts and repair materials for major and medium repairs;

K is the coefficient taking into account the consumption of spare parts and materials for scheduled examinations, overhaul service .

The planned demand for materials to be consumed is covered by the expected balances at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources (which are generated by saving materials) and the amount of outside delivery.

The amount of expected balances at the beginning of the planning period is determined by the formula:

Oozh \u003d Of + Vozh - Rozh, (13)

where Oozh is the expected remainder;

Of - the actual balance on the first day of the month in which the supply plan was developed (reporting data);

Vozh is the expected receipt at the enterprise for the period from the date on which the actual balance is taken, and before the beginning of the planning period;

Erysipelas is the expected consumption over the same period.

Establishing the value of the import of materials from the outside can be determined by developing a balance of material and technical support according to the formula:

Rpen + Znor \u003d Oozh + E + B, (14)

Znor - stocks are normalized;

Oozh - the residuals are expected;

E - saving materials by mobilizing internal resources;

B - the value of the delivery of materials from the outside.

Hence, the value of the delivery of materials from the outside is determined by the following formula:

B \u003d Rpen + Znor - Oozh - E (15)

At this stage, contracts are concluded with suppliers, which regulate the terms of delivery: volume, quality, price of goods, form of payment, delivery time, liability for violation of the terms of the contract.

When choosing suppliers, a number of factors should be taken into account: territorial remoteness and promptness of supplies, compliance of the production capacity of suppliers with the needs of the enterprise in material resources, their quality, price, payment terms, the possibility of providing a loan, etc. Preference is given to the partner who is provided better conditions from minimal cost... The successful selection of a supplier depends on the extent to which the company can analyze its activities in terms of quality, delivery and price. These components are considered in the selection first. .


An economical size is the size of a batch of materials that will reduce to a minimum the annual total cost of inventories under certain conditions of their formation, prices for materials and taxes. The method for determining an economical lot size is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing materials in large or small lots and to select the order size that corresponds to the minimum total cost of restocking.

In fig. 1 shows the relationship between order lot size and material purchasing and storage costs. Let x be the number of units purchased as a result of one order. As the number of purchased items of material increases, the operating costs of maintaining stocks increase (curve 1). At the same time, as the batch size increases, the number of orders per year decreases. This leads to a decrease in the costs associated with ordering (curve 2). Based quantify order fulfillment and total costs:

X 0 - optimal order size

of these dependencies, you can determine the order size that minimizes the total cost (curve 3) under the following assumptions:

Fig 1. Relationship between the costs of storing materials,

) the total number of units of material that make up the annual stock is known;

) the amount of demand is unchanged;

) orders are executed immediately, i.e. orders are carried out in deadlines, the lead time is known and constant;

) registration costs do not depend on their size;

) the price of materials does not change during the considered period of time.

In accordance with the accepted assumptions, the costs of creating and maintaining stocks can be expressed by the formula

qopt \u003d Ö2C1Q / C2

Definition optimal size party. The problem of determining the optimal order size is solved for conditions when the procurement of materials is carried out on the side, there is a constant rate of consumption and their immediate receipt. If the company is its own supplier, then the problem of the optimal batch size is formulated, i.e. the amount of products that must be manufactured to replenish the stock of its own components. The daily replenishment rate is defined as

(p - Q) / 240 (16)

where p is the annual production of components.

If the rates of production (receipt) and consumption of materials are set, then stocks will grow during the entire replenishment period, and will reach a maximum value at the end of this period. In this case, the optimal production batch size is

qopt \u003d Ö2C1Q / (17)

If the difference between (2 and p is close to zero, then<7ОПТ приближается к бесконечности. Это означает, что в случае, когда уровень спроса равняется объему производства, производственный процесс должен быть непрерывным. Если р намного превышает п то оптимальный размер партии равен оптимальному размеру заказа и пополнение запасов возможно по первому требованию.

2 Methodology for planning the logistics of production

Having determined its need for material and technical resources, the enterprise must decide on the sources of covering this need. We are talking about studying the market of raw materials, materials, energy carriers, etc. The company needs to have, possibly, complete information about the raw materials and materials available on the market, their quality characteristics, and compliance with the buyer's requirements .

The necessary information is provided by publicly available sources: newspapers, radio, television, the Internet, specialized magazines and catalogs published by chambers of commerce and industry and suppliers, market reviews, stock bulletins, technical reference books, etc. More complete information can be obtained by direct contact with manufacturers. suppliers, when visiting exhibitions, fairs.

Based on the calculations of the need for materials and the results of studying the situation on the market for these materials, the enterprise must decide whether to buy materials or try to produce them itself (if, of course, the enterprise has the technical capabilities for this).

Self-production of components reduces the company's dependence on market fluctuations and is 100% reliable. However, a manufacturer specializing in their production can provide higher quality and lower prices. In any case, the adoption of this or that decision should be preceded by a comparison of the costs of purchasing materials and the costs of organizing our own production.

Let us illustrate the process of developing this decision with a specific example. Suppose an enterprise needs a specific product. When organizing our own production of this product, variable costs will be 15 thousand rubles. per product, and the total fixed costs will be 340 thousand rubles. At the same time, the necessary products can be purchased from the supplier at a price of 17 thousand rubles. for the product.

Let us find the number of components and, which ensures the equality of costs for the two options, from the equation

n \u003d 170 pcs.

Then, if the enterprise's demand for products exceeds 170 pieces, it is advisable to organize its own production. If there is less demand, external procurement should be made.

There are several forms of providing an enterprise with material and technical resources:

through auctions and competitions;

on commodity exchanges;

through sponsorship;

through direct links with suppliers;

own production.

The enterprise chooses a specific form (method) of providing material and technical resources based on the characteristics of the resource, the duration of its receipt, the number of offers, the quality and price of the resource and other factors. When determining the form of providing the enterprise with resources, one should study the reliability of the supplier and the level of competitiveness of his products. When concluding contracts (agreements) with suppliers, one should remember about the need to reflect in them quantitative and qualitative indicators, specific forms of supply, terms, sanctions, etc.

The organization of the supply of the enterprise with resources can have three options: centralized, decentralized and mixed procurement. .

The centralized version is characterized by the fact that all supply functions are concentrated in one department. This option has several advantages. Thus, the aggregate demand of all divisions of the enterprise can be quite large and can induce the supplier to provide various benefits in purchasing (price discounts), transportation, etc. In addition, control over the fulfillment of procurement obligations is facilitated, and the total costs of the procurement process (transport, storage costs, costs of placing orders) are reduced. The centralization of procurement functions also allows you to save money on market research and always have reliable information about its state. The provision of procurement functions by qualified personnel ensures professional decision making and time savings.

Decentralization of procurement provides for the independent implementation of purchases by employees of production units. At the same time, less time is spent on procurement, since there is no delegation of authority.

For large enterprises with numerous areas of production, geographically distant from each other and producing various types of products, mixed purchases are characteristic. In this case, the production units independently acquire the material resources they need, and the procurement department at the enterprise level develops a unified procurement policy, coordinating and controlling the process, and carries out bulk purchases.

The process of acquiring material and technical resources includes several stages.

Requests for materials contain information about what types of materials, in what quantity and in what time frame are required by the company. Applications are drawn up by employees of the relevant functional divisions of the enterprise. They are then analyzed in the procurement service with the participation of specialists from other departments to verify the reliability of the declared needs and find ways to minimize the cost of obtaining the necessary materials of appropriate quality. The choice of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying information about possible suppliers of material resources, selected in accordance with the criteria adopted at the enterprise (price, reliability, etc.).