Traffic safety corner in kindergarten. Do-it-yourself game layout for traffic rules for kindergarten

Master class for making a game model "City Street"

Norkina Oksana Sergeevna
Educator MADOU kindergarten №21 "Rosinka" of the combined type of urban district, the city of Kumertau, Republic of Bashkortostan
The master class is designed for educators, but it can also be useful for parents.
Purpose: training in game modeling, the formation of safe behavior on the roadway.
Target: making a model for game modeling in working with older children preschool age.
- to acquaint children with the rules road traffic, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, with road signs, to expand knowledge about the rules of the safe behavior of children on the street;
- to activate children for independent activity in the traffic rules corner,
The game layout can be used to develop fine motor skills, visual perception, social orientation, orientation in space.

Stage I - the basis for the layout To make the basis of the "City Street" game model, we will need: 2 pieces from the MDF panel (I have them 53 cm each), a piano hinge, screws and nuts for fastening.

With a drill we drill holes in the MDF panels in the selected places, fasten the piano hinge with screws and nuts.

So that our layout is at an angle of 90 degrees and does not fall back, on one side we screw the corner limiter (I have this part of the fastening from the old curtain), paint over lower part our layout with black paint.

Now we will style the upper vertical part of the layout. To decorate it, we take 2 pictures with the images of houses (I put together these for myself).

We print the pictures in duplicate, laminate, if there is no laminator, then you can simply glue it over with tape. The picture becomes brighter and easier to care for the layout - dusting, for example.
We stick one copy of our laminated pictures, joining on the model, that's what we should get.

Now we will add volume to the map. To do this, from the second copies we cut out the buildings at our discretion, and glue them onto the pre-prepared blanks from the ceiling tiles - single background and double foreground, in my work I used the Master ceiling tile glue

Cutting out buildings stationery knife

We paste (I use the same "Master") on the layout, our street has a "depth".

Moving on to the design of the roadway. We take construction tape select the pedestrian crossing, the dividing strip, that is, what we will paint over with white, we close everything else.

In my work I use ordinary spray paints in a can, they are sold in any hardware store, they dry quickly, and are easy to use. Highlighted all the lines in white - remove the tape. The carriageway and crossing are ready.

Stage II - Paper machines. Now it prints out templates of paper machines, there are a lot of them on the Internet, for example, let's take these.

The image is reduced. Click to see original.

We laminate the printed templates (1 sheet of laminated film - 2 sheets of templates with cars) fold the sheets with the white sides inward. We laminate in order to make the cars more rigid, bright and it becomes possible to wipe them. When the sheet is laminated, we cut it along the contour and we get 2 sheets laminated along the colored side, the second side remains not laminated (paper) - the paper sticks together better, and the laminated cars shine. This is how a laminated sheet with templates cut from 3 sides looks like.

Cut out car templates, glue them.

Stage III - road signs. Now let's move on to making road signs.
Materials: sheets of ordinary white office paper took me 2 pieces, ceiling tiles (better washable), stationery knife, toothpicks, glue master, mosaic of 3 colors (red, yellow, green), laminated sheet with blank signs, I used this.

The image is reduced. Click to see original.

We cut and glue 1 copy on the tile, cut out with a clerical knife along the contour, on the other hand we glue 2 copies (if you wish, you can not stick the second part of the sign. We make a stand for our signs. Birch a sheet of white paper and cut 4-5 mm strips along the long side For one sign, you need 5 strips .. We take one strip and wind it on a toothpick, forming a tight "roll" - this is top part coasters. We glue 4 strips into a long strip, twist into a "roll". Put a small one on top of a large roll, glue it. We dip the edge of the toothpick in glue, pierce our "rolls", with the other edge of the toothpick we pierce the blank with a road sign. All our sign is ready.

To make the traffic light more voluminous, add a small mosaic of the corresponding colors to the lights, pierce the holes with an awl, insert the mosaic.

Our vehicle fleet

Our signs

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Design and use in work with children of younger and older age of the information corner of road safety Zernova Yulia Vladimirovna GDOU №133 of the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg 2008

How to develop safe road behavior skills in preschoolers? When talking about the causes of road accidents involving children, we often come across the word "habit". As a rule, we are talking about negative habits, or rather about the absence of positive ones. A habit is a person's behavior, reinforced by repeated repetition. The habit of stopping in front of the carriageway, examining it from the left and right with a turn of the head, crossing the road only in established place, taking care of their safety can only appear as a result of daily, painstaking work, when the theoretical knowledge gained by children on traffic rules is necessarily reinforced by numerous, systematic practical repetition. If every day, approaching the carriageway, say to the child: "Stop, road!", Then stopping for him will become a habit. If, after getting off the bus, you always lead the child to the pedestrian crossing, then such a route will become familiar to him. Considering age features children, the presence of positive habits for them is a vital phenomenon, in another way it is called - the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is not necessary to lead your child to the road to develop a positive habit. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

In the first youngest group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors... In doing so, it can be explained to children that red and green correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one permits (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with little men). When playing the game "Red - green", the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle - you have to stand, and if - green - turn your head left and right, and then walk. This is how the habit of looking around before entering the roadway is established, even at a green traffic light.

In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with different kinds vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys look at the illustrations depicting cars, observe the transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different "dimensions". Here it is appropriate to work out the child's ability to "see" a large vehicle (standing or slowly moving) as an object that can hide a danger behind itself.

Using various illustrations, visual aids it is important to teach children to find such objects themselves on the road (vehicles, trees, shrubs, drifts). And then in the course practical training develop the habit of leaving because of objects obstructing the view, carefully looking around. Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, the teacher acquaints children with the rules of behavior in public transport, subsequently consolidating the knowledge gained in practice. Learning how to behave correctly on public transport should become a habit.

V middle group, consolidating the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway", children get acquainted with the places of movement of cars and people, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, adhering to right side). The conversation about a pedestrian crossing and its purpose will be new for them. Children should learn to find it in illustrations in books, on mock-ups. After that, children should be explained the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at some distance from the edge of the carriageway, carefully inspect the carriageway, turning your head to the left, and then to the right, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - to the right).

And in the middle group, and further in the older group, it is necessary to regularly practice the skills of crossing the carriageway during practical exercises. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on playground mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should go to the pedestrian crossing, stop at some distance from it, carefully inspect the carriageway, turning his head to the left, and then to the right, making sure that there is no transport, go to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and with the middle of the road is on the right. All actions of children must be brought to automatism, correct behavior at the crosswalk should become a habit.

In senior, then in preparatory group children should get a clear idea that the rules of the road are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, so everyone must comply with them. It is necessary to develop in children positive attitude to the law. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only on the mental level.

In the first junior group, Children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines are made of. Learn to distinguish between red and green. Therefore, in play corner There should be: A set of vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Red and green circles, a mock-up of a pedestrian traffic light. Attributes to the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats different types cars, badges, vests with a picture of this or that type of transport, etc.) Didactic games "Collect the car" (from 4 parts), "Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light".

In the second junior group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish between red, yellow, green colors, get acquainted with the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway". Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, should be added: Pictures for the game for the classification of transport modes "What are the passengers on", "Find the same picture". Simplest layout streets (preferably large), where the sidewalk and carriageway are marked Layout of a traffic light (flat).

In the older group, children learn a lot about traffic. It was at this age that the acquaintance with such large and complex topics, like "Crossroads", "Road signs". Therefore, in the road safety corner there should appear: A model of the intersection, with the help of which the guys will be able to solve complex logical tasks on road safety, to practice the skills of safe crossing of the carriageway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: information and direction signs - "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus and (or) trolleybus stop"; warning signs - "Children"; prohibiting signs - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycles are prohibited"; prescriptive signs - "Footpath", "Cycle path"; priority signs - "Main road", "Give way"; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". It is good to have small signs on stands for layout work, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games... Didactic games: "What do the signs say?", "Guess the sign", "Where is the sign hidden?", "Crossroads", "Our street" In addition, for children senior group introduce you to the work of the traffic controller. This means that in the corner of the road traffic police there should be gesture schemes for the traffic police officer, the didactic game "What does the staff say?", The attributes of the traffic police inspector: a staff, a cap.

In the preparatory group, the guys meet with problem situations on the roads (the so-called road "traps"), the knowledge of children about the rules of the road is already being systematized. The content of the corner is more complicated: A card index of "dangerous situations" is being assembled (for their display, you can make an impromptu TV, or a computer) A window for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam is organized. In all groups it is good to have a flannelegraph - for modeling situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics.

Maintenance of the corner for parents to study the rules of the road The main goal of creating a corner of road safety is to explain to parents that they are the main link in teaching children about the rules of the road. It depends on their actions how firmly the child will acquire the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is their behavior that is of decisive importance when a child chooses "his own style" of crossing the carriageway. Making out such a corner, the educator must make parents his main allies in teaching kids the complex alphabet of roads. Here it is important to show parents the seriousness of the problem, identify situations that often lead to tragedy, explain in what cases and why children feel uncomfortable on the road.

The corner can be designed as follows: Single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information to be placed, but not less than 30 * 65 cm). Kit component parts, each of which is designed to accommodate separate information Clamshell book

To attract the attention of parents when decorating the corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example: "The price of haste is the life of your child" "Attention - we are your children!" "The child has the right to live!" “It’s foolish to save your time at the expense of a child’s life” “Don't drive away, drivers! You are parents too! "

Considering important role parents in the issue of teaching children the rules of the road, the corner for parents should contain: Information on the state of road traffic injuries in the city; Causes of road traffic accidents involving children; Recommendations for parents on the education of children safe behavior on the road; List and description of games aimed at reinforcing the existing knowledge of the rules of the road in children; Stories of children about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents.

Thank you for the attention! In the preparation of the presentation, materials from the Internet were used (sites

The issue of child safety on the city streets is becoming more and more relevant in modern life... Ignorance by young children simple rules behavior on the road, as well as neglect of adults to this problem often leads to trouble. That is why the task of the preschool educational institution teachers is to systematically acquaint pupils with the basics of travel documents starting with nursery group, because everything that is learned in preschool age is reliably deposited in human memory. Part of this important work is a mandatory creation in all groups of the zone of traffic rules.

The tasks of creating a traffic rules center in different age groups

Preschool kids by themselves do not yet realize the true danger that awaits them on the road. For example, it is difficult for them to estimate the distance to the approaching car, to determine its speed. The guys naively rely on their dexterity and speed, therefore they are not afraid to ride their bike onto the roadway, start there fun game... Precisely so that it never happens similar situations, modern preschool pedagogy involves regular work on training pupils kindergarten Traffic rules, while in all groupsspecial thematic zones are organized.

By themselves, preschoolers are not able to realize the dangers that lie in wait for them on the road.

This developmental corner has certain tasks due to the age of the pupils.

Nursery group.

  1. To acquaint kids with the modes of transport - a passenger car and a cargo toy car: compare them with each other, the concept of public transport is also given to children.
  2. Explain the parts that make up any car.
  3. Learn to recognize signals at traffic lights of red and green colors.

Second junior group.

  1. Subsequent work on distinguishing between means of transport.
  2. Children will learn how to behave while on public transport.
  3. The concept of carriageway and sidewalk is introduced.
  4. Knowledge of traffic light signals is consolidated, yellow, explains its meaning.

Middle group

  1. The study of the element of the carriageway - a pedestrian crossing, is explained by its appearance and appointment.
  2. Preschoolers will learn about right-hand traffic.
  3. Kids will learn that there is a traffic light for pedestrians, and another one is needed by drivers (when one lights up red, the other is always green).

Senior group

  1. The concept of "Crossroads" is introduced.
  2. Preschoolers will learn the meaning of key road signs, their division into categories (informational and indicative, prohibiting, etc.).
  3. Acquaintance with professional activities traffic controller: his attributes, the meaning of gestures.

Preparatory group

  1. Systematization of knowledge on the subject of traffic rules.
  2. Resolution of problem situations that can potentially occur on the road (they are also called road "traps").

But, key role in teaching young children, traffic rules still belong to parents (it is important, first of all, their positive personal example). That is why the caregiver must give separate attention interacting with the family in this direction. A separate thematic stand is created in the dressing room, where various information, notes, recommendations, and consultations are posted. Moving folders are also located here.

Such a stand, if it is colorfully decorated, will be of interest to children, especially at an older age.

A colorful stand with playable characters will undoubtedly interest children too

If there is not a lot of space in the dressing room, then information on traffic rules can be included in the main stand for parents (usually it is called like "For you, parents"): a separate "pocket" is allocated for this.

Important requirements for the design of the SDA corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard

When creating any developmental zone in the group, including the traffic rules center, the educator must be guided by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

  1. Corner equipment must meet the needs of a given preschool age. For example, the attention of kids will be very interested in bright design, details at this age should not be too small. When working with babies 2-4 years old Special attention must be given sensory development(for example, these are steering wheels with buttons, in-ear puzzles, etc.). For future schoolchildren, it is necessary to have aids that contribute to communicative and logical development- these are versatile didactic games, cards with problem situations, etc.
  2. The material in the center of traffic rules should be placed in the free access of children, because this zone was created for them independent activity... At any time, the child can take the car or game he likes.
  3. High aesthetics of the corner design. Any developmental zone in the group should contribute to the formation of preschoolers artistic taste... The design of the traffic control center must include suitable playable characters, creative work pupils on this topic.
  4. Multifunctionality of the zone. Game environment should be easily modified depending on the teaching situation. The traffic rules corner in the course of children's activities can be combined with other zones, for example, combine the role-playing game “ Ambulance"And" The work of the traffic police inspector ": an accident happened and people who were assisted by doctors were injured. Another option - the driver drove to a gas station, there he pays for gasoline and buys his own food or drinks coffee at a table (combined with the game "Shop" or "Cafe").
  5. The variability of the corner. The teacher must regularly update the equipment in the traffic rules center (for example, he offers new toy cars, didactic games, fiction), and also changes the design elements (posts a new child drawing on the topic of traffic).

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the corner must be multifunctional

As for any developmental zone, the teacher draws up his passport for the traffic rules corner. There he indicates the name of the corner, its tasks according to the age of the pupils and lists in detail the available equipment. The types of activities that can be carried out in the traffic rules center are also indicated.

The filling of the traffic rules corner depends on the age of the pupils (after all, each of them has their own tasks of studying a road sign).

Nursery group

  1. Set of trucks and cars, toy public transport(for example, a bus).
  2. Pictures depicting modes of transport.
  3. Red and green circles indicating traffic signals.
  4. The simplest traffic light layout for pedestrians.
  5. Attributes for the organization role-playing game“Chauffeurs”: these are multi-colored steering wheels, hats and vests with emblems of various cars, badges.
  6. Didactic games: "Place each car in its own garage", "Traffic light" (to match the size or color of the car and the garage), puzzles of four elements depicting transport, wooden puzzle-inserts.

Educational aid fine motor skills, suitable for a nursery group

Second junior group

The aforementioned manuals are updated with new ones.

  1. More complete set toy cars and pictures to help classify modes of transport.
  2. An elementary street layout with a clear demarcation of the sidewalk and the carriageway (it is good if it is large).
  3. Traffic light layout for drivers (flat).
  4. Fiction.
  • Poems by S. Mikhalkov "Traffic Light";
  • "Cyclist";
  • "My street".

You should definitely choose colorful editions with bright pictures.

In the second younger group, kids get acquainted with new types of cars, for example, special equipment

Middle group

  1. Traffic light layout where signals are switched (powered by batteries).
  2. A pedestrian crossing is added to the street layout.
  3. Didactic game "Build a traffic light" (the child's task is to put the circles on the model in the required sequence).
  4. Fiction:
  • N. Nosov "Car",
  • A. Dorokhov "Underground passage", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier;
  • B. Zhitkov "Traffic Light".

In the middle group, a pedestrian crossing must appear on the street layout

Senior group

  1. A more complicated layout of an intersection with removable parts: the guys can model the street on their own.
  2. Complete set of road signs.
  3. Diagram cards depicting the traffic controller's gestures.
  4. The main elements of clothing and attributes of the traffic police inspector (his cap, vest, baton).
  5. Didactic games on road signs.
  6. Fiction:
  • N. Nosov "Kiryusha gets caught";
  • G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";
  • G. Demykina "Song of road signs";
  • N. Konchalovskaya "Scooter".

The teacher can make road signs on his own or purchase a ready-made set

Preparatory group

  1. Pictures depicting dangerous situations that can occur on the roadway. To demonstrate them, the teacher can make an impromptu computer monitor or TV screen.
  2. Attributes of the role-playing game "Exam in a driving school": a window for issuing a license, a driver's license, clothes of an inspector who takes the exam.
  3. Road layout with switchable traffic lights (battery operated).
  4. More extended set of road signs.
  5. Fiction: V. Irishin "A walk around the city", an encyclopedia on the topic of transport.

For each situation, you need to choose the appropriate sign, and give an impromptu driver's license to children during the game

As for the stands for parents in the dressing room, their main content will be consultations on current topics related to traffic rules.

  1. "Methods of teaching a child to read the road."
  2. "Stickers".
  3. "Car seat".
  4. "The first first aid in case of an accident ".
  5. "Didactic road reading games for preschoolers."
  6. "We are flying in an airplane with a child."

Photo gallery: counseling for parents

The topic of child car seats is very relevant for parents who drive a car The consultation contains specific advice for teaching a child traffic rules Flicker on a child's clothes - real way keep him out of danger

The traffic rules corner should have an original and memorable name, which the teacher should think over. You can pay attention to such options.

  1. "Young Pedestrians".
  2. "Road Alphabet".
  3. "Attention: road!"
  4. "We are pedestrians."
  5. "School of traffic lights".

We design the traffic rules corner in an original way

One of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is the aesthetics of the design of the developing zone. There are many options beautiful design corner of the SDA, everything here depends on the imagination of the teacher and the age of the pupils.

First of all, the children's attention will be attracted by the images of the game characters on the corner wall. It can be a funny traffic light with anthropomorphic features, a traffic policeman or a cartoon traffic police inspector. You can find ready-made vinyl stickers in the store, or you can make your own figurines from cardboard, foam, ceiling tiles.

The kind colorful figurine will certainly attract the attention of children.

You can attach a sticker on the wall - a section of the road with pedestrians. Children will also be interested in looking at the castle, where the kingdom of road signs is located, or admiring their collective drawing on the topic of traffic rules.

All means of visualization (posters, drawings) will make the traffic rules corner more interesting

These can be colorfully decorated road signs: if they are constantly in the center children's attention, preschoolers will quickly remember them.

By constantly observing bright signs, the guys will remember them faster.

If the teacher works in a senior or preparatory group, then a large stand in the form of a car model can be placed in the corner, on which pictures, riddles, crosswords, labyrinths on traffic rules and other entertaining material will be placed in plastic pockets.

In plastic envelopes there is information on the topic

The original idea is to place a large car model cut out of cardboard in the center of traffic rules. This thing will not only delight kids, but also come in handy for their role-playing games.

The obligatory attribute of the SDA corner is, of course, the street layout (starting with the second junior group). It is easy to make it yourself. For this, the teacher will need thick cardboard and self-adhesive paper.

The layout of the road can be quickly made with your own hands.

Black self-adhesive will become the roadway, green - the sidewalk, and intersections, road markings and sidewalks are highlighted in white.

To create a layout, you need black, green and white paper

Ordinary cubes can be used as houses.

Cubes can be pasted over with paper or simply marked with windows

Alternatively, you can build cardboard buildings (older preschoolers can help the teacher in this).

Cardboard houses and traffic lights can be made very quickly

It is advisable to place the model of the road on a special table. Moreover, if it is dense enough, then you can transfer it from place to place, which is very convenient.

It is good to select a separate table for the layout, to which children can freely approach

Photo gallery: interesting design ideas for traffic rules

The layout shows various urban infrastructure The top shelf shows a whole city with high-rise buildings Unusual road layout that can be used as a bench If there is not a lot of space in the group, this option will help out Above - a road layout, on the shelves - toy cars different sizes The corner is conveniently located - accessible to children from all sides

Activities in the traffic rules corner in kindergarten

In the corner of traffic rules, you can offer the guys very different independent work. Of course, play is the leading activity for preschool children. It is in this form that any kid is more likely to understand the rules of a road sign.

When working with future schoolchildren, of course, an entertaining conversation also plays an important role.

  1. Didactic games on the topic of road traffic. For younger preschoolers these will be puzzles, “Place the car in your garage”, “Pick up the wheels for the car” (match the size and color), “Assemble the traffic light” (fill in the missing windows in each model). At an older age, benefits for securing road signs will be relevant, future schoolchildren also love board games using chips and a dice.
  2. Simulation games for certain traffic situations. They use a tabletop road model and toy cars.
  3. Role-playing games. Kids love to transform into representatives of various professions, try on one or another social roles... The topic of traffic rules provides many opportunities for this: "Traffic police inspector on the road", "Exam at a driving school", "Traveling by bus" (plane), "Traveling to a car service", "Gas station", etc. All the necessary equipment should be located in the traffic rules center for such games: capes, hats, steering wheels, a set of tools for a car mechanic, attributes of an inspector, a floor model of a traffic light, etc.
  4. Examination of posters, pictures and illustrated books on the topic of traffic rules. Such activity helps children understand how to behave in a certain road situation.

Photo gallery: types of work in the traffic rules center

The traffic police inspector explains the driving rules to his students. different ages preschoolers love simulation games with cars and a road model Many children, especially older preschoolers, like to look at pictures on topics of interest to them for a long time, for example, transport or road signs Older preschoolers usually like board-printed games with chips

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Higher philological education. Experience as a proofreader, editor, site management, available teaching experience(first category).

The traffic corner contains: - a desktop model of the intersection, with the help of which the children practice the skills of safely crossing the carriageway at the intersection. This mock-up with removable objects, which allows children to model the street themselves, there are small signs on the stands for working with the mock-up;

- there is a floor layout of the roadway with switchable traffic lights (on batteries) and large road signs on stands, which include such signs as: information and direction signs - "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop"; warning signs - "Children"; prohibiting signs - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycles are prohibited"; prescriptive signs - "Footpath", "Cycle path"; priority signs - "Main road", "Give way"; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point".

Play activity- leading in the life of a preschooler. Any child will quickly understand and master traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a game. For this there is: - big variety didactic games: "Associations on the rules of the road", "Attention to the road", and others - desktop-printed: "The ABC of a pedestrian" "You need to know", "Children and the road", "Learning road signs", etc.

In the corner there is a selection of the nursery fiction according to the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the roads. Reading and learning poems about the rules of the road with the children, I help them understand how to behave on the carriageway, how to behave in a given situation.

The world is fraught with many dangers: traffic accidents, fires, natural disasters, which often have a tragic ending. Of course, a person cannot foresee and influence many situations.

For example, completely outside the control of society natural disasters, and ordinary car accidents sometimes happen due to unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. But this does not absolve us of responsibility for our own lives, and even more so for the lives of our children. Adults and toddlers must adhere to the rules of the road. fire safety, as well as be able to behave correctly in difficult life situations.

Only in this way, we can avoid misfortune, and even if it happened, we can save our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

In particular, from the very young years the child should know how and when it is possible to cross the road, how to behave near the roadway and what the consequences of his disobedience may be.

While the task of parents and teachers is to tell and clearly explain to the kid the basic rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers.

To do this, moms and dads hold conversations with their child, and most importantly, they set a worthy example. And the educators in each group make out a special corner dedicated to traffic rules, arrange role-playinggames ... In general, they do everything possible so that preschoolers master the alphabet of a pedestrian from A to Z.

Registration of a corner for traffic rules for children in kindergarten.

There are actually a lot of design options for the traffic rules corner in the preschool educational institution, it all depends on the imagination and age of the children. These can be bright and colorful posters showing how to behave at a pedestrian crossing or traffic lights. You can make a street layout with toy road signs, cars, traffic light, pedestrians, and with their help to beat several situations. For the smallest corner of the road traffic rules are presented in the form of pictures, in which the rules of the road are set out in poetic form.

In older groups, kids can be involved in creating a corner, they can do themed crafts and drawings. Thus, the crumbs will not only help the teacher, but will also better consolidate the knowledge gained. Moreover, the older the children, the more useful material it is necessary for registration of a corner of traffic rules. For example, the smallest ones begin their acquaintance with traffic rules by studying the colors of traffic lights and elementary concepts, and the kids in the senior and preparatory groups learn road signs, learn to bypass a tram, a bus, get acquainted with such concepts as an underground and ground crossing and much more. But in any case, the DPP corner should be colorful and eye-catching, and the material presented should be accessible to every kid.