The best open integrated classes in the senior group. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in mathematics (famp) and speech development in the senior group according to the standards of the fgos to “forest school. Ball game

Integrated lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in senior group"Winter workshop"

Target: Development figurative thinking and imagination, emotional sphere children through synthesis different types artistic and aesthetic activity.



To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, positive emotional mood within the team;

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.


To fix in the minds of children the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature.


Activate vocabulary children;


To develop a sense of beauty through a winter landscape and the ability to convey this in teamwork.


Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children by means of health-preserving technologies;

Integration educational areas :

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Speech development;

Physical development.

Providing classes:

Tchaikovsky's music "Waltz of Snowflakes", soundtrack and winter costume, electronic presentation on the theme "Winter", "Warm-up", "Winter Riddles", mnemonic tables, audio recording with sounds of nature, snowflakes on strings, Whatman paper, glue, colored crayons, cardboard Christmas trees , musical instruments (ratchet, maracas, beater, hammer), bags of starch.

Preliminary work:

Observing seasonal changes in nature in winter

Conversations about characteristic features winter, what clothes and shoes should be worn in winter so as not to catch a cold, what winter fun relevant for children;

Reading poetry, fairy tales, stories about winter

Consideration of illustrations with winter landscapes and fun;

Learning Winter Songs

Interaction with parents: design parent corner on the topic - recommendations on how to dress a child in winter period time at what outdoor games you can play with your child on the street in winter, proverbs and sayings about winter, as well as signs of winter;

Watching cartoons

Learning the poem "White Birch" by S. Yesenin

Stroke joint activities

Leading: Guys, I want to invite you today to visit one amazing craftswoman. And who is she, you will find out by solving my riddle:

The sun warms the earth weakly,

Frost crackles at night

In the yard snow woman.

The carrot nose turned white.

There was suddenly water in the river

motionless and firm,

The blizzard is angry, the snow is spinning,

Sweeps everything around

snow-white silver.

Yes that's right, winter

Would you like to visit her in her snow workshop?

And the magic music will help us get there. Let's listen ...

Tchaikovsky "Waltz of snow flakes - discussion

Let's take it in hand magic snowflakes and fly to them

Dance improvisation

Veda: The wind died down, and we have not yet flown. Let's blow on our snowflakes.

Breathing exercises :

The wind blows, blows:

"I am the strongest in the world

I puff out my cheeks

The trees I rock

I play with snowflakes

I lower it to the ground "

So we found ourselves visiting Zima. Hear, she's coming ...

Winter enters:

Hello, here I am!

Nice to see you friends!

My magical winter forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

Let's sit on the stumps and listen to the sounds winter forest

(sounds of nature: snow crunch, woodpecker, twigs crack, blizzard-wind)

(The presenter suggests depicting these sounds using musical instruments and objects)

Winter: You are probably a little cold. Let's get warm


It's frost again in the yard

So that the nose does not freeze

We will consume it now

And we will stroke and remember.

We rub our cheeks

Let them redden like flowers.

Let's run along the eyebrows, eyes,

There will be eyes as if in a fairy tale.

Now let's warm our ears

Here are some disobedient ones.

Clap, clap, clap again

We will always be healthy.

Winter: And now I want to check what you know about me. Guess my riddles

Presentation of the "riddle"

Winter: What are you great fellows. You all know about winter. Let's remember the poem "White Birch". And my assistant will help us with this ... ... (Christmas tree)

Work on mnemonic tables

Winter: Do you want to compose a poem yourself. Now my other assistant will teach you

Writing a poem - syncwine technique

Winter: Let's clap each other, you are just smart.

And now I want to invite you to my winter workshop. Come in, dear guests.

Pay attention to our Christmas trees. Do they seem unusual to you?

Let's cover them with snow so that they don't freeze.

Application(Children stick cotton wool on the surface of the Christmas trees)

. (During operation, music sounds).

Well done! You did a good job. Now let's warm up after work with our Christmas tree.

Dynamic pause- presentation

Winter: And now my other assistant will teach you how to draw frosty patterns ...

Drawing with frottage technique

Winter: Now let's make a winter landscape

Collective application(presentation " Winter's tale»)

Winter: Thank you, my assistants! It was very interesting and fun for me to be with you. But I think it's time for you to go back to kindergarten.

Veda: But first, let's remember what you learned today in the workshop from Zima? (summarizing )

Winter: Now let's say magic words:

“The snowflake is spinning once,

The snowflake is spinning two,

The snowflake is spinning three,

Help the children to get to kindergarten ”.

(children fly away to the music )

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic "According to the assignments of the Snow Queen".

Material description: I offer you a synopsis of integrated direct educational activities for children of the senior group on the topic "According to the assignments of the Snow Queen". This material will be useful for educators and teachers of preschool institutions. This summary is aimed at developing cognitive, speech and socio-communicative abilities in children.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development".
Program tasks:
-to learn to select words with a given sound;
-to learn to answer questions, select adjectives and verbs for nouns;
- improve the skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words;
-to learn to determine the place of vowel sounds in words (beginning, middle, end);
-help to remember literary work, with sequentially developing action;
- to expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature;
- to expand ideas about "winter birds": bullfinch, waxwing;
-to learn to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena;
-to develop communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;
- to develop speech as a means of communication and culture;
- to develop sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;
- -to develop children's interest, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
-develop visual attention, perception, ability to observe, analyze, generalize;
- to educate the skill of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility;
-to cultivate attention and interest in the oral folk art, emotional responsiveness and a desire to communicate.
- to cultivate love for nature;

Prior work:
- viewing illustrations about winter, about birds;
-Observation on a walk for birds, for the weather, for natural phenomena, for precipitation;
- reading of the Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden";
- didactic games: "Pick up adjectives for words", "Words with sounds", "Repeat words"; " Speech therapy game"," Guess the place of the sound in the word ";

Vocabulary work:
- to carry out vocabulary work, expanding and clarifying knowledge about winter.
-enrich speech with nouns, adjectives, verbs;
-exercise in the selection of adjectives for nouns, verbs for nouns;
- to fix the distinct pronunciation of words: bullfinch, waxwing, frost, thaw;
-help children to use words actively.

Demo material: envelope with notes; pictures with birds: bullfinch, waxwing, titmouse, starling, magpie; presentation with the tasks of the Snow Queen; pictures with natural phenomena; picture schemes of words: forest, snow, snowflake; chips: blue, red, green, gray; plot pictures from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"; the text of the poem "Snowflake" by K. Balmont; paper snowflake; pointer; easel; magnets.

Handout: picture - outline of words: winter for each child; chips: blue, red, green;

Technical material: laptop, multimedia equipment.

Methodological techniques: game motivation (finding an envelope); surprise moment (letter from Snowman); reminder; game exercise "Repeat words"; repetition of words; explanation; leading question NS; didactic game"Name words with the sound -s-"; verbal statement; a sign of a bullfinch; choral and individual repetition; making riddles; reading a letter; discussion; completing assignments; proverbs; didactic game "Choose adjectives for words"; physical education; didactic games: "Choose verbs for words"; “Guess the vowel sound”; "Determine the places of the sound in the word"; sound analysis of words; didactic game "What first, what then?"; questions; showing; directions; explanation; conversation; the story of the educator and children; discussion; problem situation; slide show; examining pictures; reading a poem; listening to music; commenting; analysis; generalization; encouragement; grade.

The course of direct educational activities

- Educator:
Guys, when I was going to work this morning, I found an envelope. It's a strange envelope, nothing is written on it, but I can't say what is inside, I decided to open it in front of you and look. Would you like to know what's inside? (children's answers). Let's open it up and see what's in there?
(The educator opens and discovers words with a memorization mindset)
-Hidden here different words: snow, snowflake, snowfall, icicle, snowman, Snow Maiden.
- Guys, who remembered the words that I read? Repeat! (children's answers)
- let's check if you remembered all the words? (all repeat the words together)
- Now, think and say: “What do these words have in common? How are they similar? "
-Children: the answers of children (all words begin with the sound -С-, and they are all winter themes) the teacher encourages for the correct answer).
-Educator: Let's think of some more words that start with the sound -C-.
-Children: children's answers (if children find it difficult, help them remember with leading questions. What birds do you know, in the name of which begins with the sound -s-: bullfinch, titmouse, waxwing, owl, magpie, starling. winter clothes: boots. What do children like to ride in winter? - sledging).

-Educator: There are 5 pictures with birds on the easel, one bird does not fit this group. Find this bird and tell me why it doesn't fit? (children's answers, the teacher encourages the correct answer) Of these birds, you need to choose the "winter guests"
-Children: choose birds.
(if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher explains why they are called "winter guests", because they come to us together with the first snow and frost. They are the earliest winter guests)
-Teacher: there are songs about bullfinches among the people, there are many popular signs... Let's remember together the omen: "Bullfinch whistles in February - to the thaw"
-Teacher:- Well done! But here in the envelope, besides the words, there is still some kind of mystery. Listen carefully, maybe then we will all understand who this letter is from?
Let's think - who is this? -
In the bitter cold - without a coat,
Instead of a hat, a sieve
The guy wears for show
Coals for the place of the eyes,
From carrots sharp nose.
Not an easy question at all.
He has arms, but no legs,
I couldn't hide.
Created by children
Day and night stands with a broom!
Only snowy sometimes! (Snowman)

- Educator:
- everything is clear, so our friend Snowman sent us a letter. Now we can read it with you on e-mail Snowman (offers to open the mail and read the letter)
"Hello guys!
My name is Stepan Snowman. I live in distant Lapland. A disaster struck: our school of Snowmen was bewitched by the Snow Queen. She doesn't want us to gain knowledge. I heard that you are the kindest, smartest children in kindergarten, and therefore I decided to ask you for help. The Snow Queen requires you to complete the most difficult tasks. Help me complete the tasks of the Snow Queen, otherwise we will not be able to disenchant our school, there is not much left until the end of February. "
Best regards to you Snowman Stepan
- Educator: Oh, what do we guys do? (children's answers)
Well, of course we will help the Snowman, we will not leave him in trouble. I did not understand at all, why do I need to complete the tasks by the end of February? Why not in March, not in April?
-Children: children's answers (in case of difficulty, ask leading questions to children: What time of year is it now? What month? Name winter months? What time of year will come after winter? What can happen to a snowman in spring? Why can a snowman melt in spring?)
- Educator: Now we understand why we need to hurry.
Well guys, let's get down to the tasks of the Snow Queen. Do you agree? (children's answers)
1 task(the teacher offers to open 1 task on the screen, reads) "Remember winter proverbs"
-Children: children's answers (remember proverbs):
-the frost is not great, but does not order to stand;
-Thank you, frost that I caused the snow;
- Take care of your nose in the big frost!
-Sun for the summer, winter for the frost!
-December ends the year, winter begins;
- a lot of snow, a lot of bread.
- Educator: well done, children, you coped with 1 task!
2 task "Find the words, how can you more words answering the question what, what, what? to the pictures "
(What winter? - (cold, snowy, frosty, ...).
What snow? - (white, fluffy, cold, crumbly, soft, sparkling, crunchy, shiny, ...).
What day is it? - (frosty, snowy, sunny, short, windy ...).
What night? - (long, moonlit, starry, snowy, frosty ...).
What ice? - (cold, strong, transparent, fragile, thin ...).
What kind of icicle? - (cold, icy, transparent, wet, hard ...).
-Kids: children's answers
-Educator: well done, children! You have completed the 2nd task!
Physical education
(I suggest playing the game "Snowman" (children perform movements in accordance with the text)
Let's go play (walk in a circle, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them)
Come on, buddy, dare buddy,
Katie your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a snowball, (they draw with their hands big circle)
And it will become a lump of a snowman ("draw" a snowman from three lumps)
His smile is so bright! (smile broadly)
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom (show eyes, cover your head, touch your nose with your palm)
-3 task "Choose winter natural phenomena?"
(on the easel there are several pictures with natural phenomena, of which you need to choose winter natural phenomena (thaw - warm weather with melting snow, ice. The air is damp; ice - after a thaw there is a decrease in air temperature; frost - after a thaw there is water on wires and tree branches freezes in the form of a fringe sparkling in the sun; snowfall - snowfall, blizzard - this is the transfer of snow above the earth's surface strong wind;) for the selected pictures offers to play "Pick the words"
Frost (what is he doing?) - (children's answers: cracking, stinging, biting ...)
Snowstorm (what does it do? - (children's answers: winds, rages, howls, sweeps ....
Snow (what is it doing?) - (children's answers: walking, flying, falling, spinning….
Children (what are they doing?) - (children's answers: they walk, ride, play, have fun, rejoice ...)
-Tutor: Well done, you did a good job with 3 task!
-4 task associated with sounds "Find vowel sounds in the words" winter "," snow "," forest "," snowflake ", determine the place of the sound in words and find out how many syllables they consist of?"
-Teacher: Let's first, we will remember what sounds are? (children's answers) Correct: vowels and consonants. What vowel sounds do you know? (children's answers, encourages children for the correct answer) Let's all together try to pronounce these vowel sounds: a, o, s, y, e, and. Why are they called vowels? (children's answers)
-Educator: vowel sounds are pronounced with a voice, they can be sung, pronounced loudly, there are no obstacles when pronouncing, air comes out freely from the mouth. What other sounds do you know? (children's answers). That's right, consonants: hard and soft. When pronouncing consonant sounds, obstacles are encountered, they cannot be pronounced loudly or sung. Lips, tongue, teeth also interfere with pronunciation.
(On the easel there are pictures of the diagram - words: forest, snow, snowflake. Sound analysis of the words: "forest", "snow", "snowflake" is carried out - together with all the children. words at the table, instead of empty cells, "houses" are designated with the corresponding chips (vowel sounds - red, and consonants: soft - with a green chip, and hard ones - with a blue chip). Determine the place of sound in words: beginning, middle, end. Then words are divided into syllables. Claps divide each syllable in words and determine the number of syllables. (The teacher summarizes how many vowels are in words, there are so many syllables in a word).
-Tutor: Well done, you did a good job with 4 tasks!
-5 task "Describe a fairy tale from pictures"
(From the pictures, children guess the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", describe each picture, if the children find it difficult, the teacher asks leading questions: which grandfather and woman did they blind? What kind of Snow Maiden grew up? Where did her friends call her? Encourages children for correct answers)
-Educator: That's right, this is Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden", the main character the Snow Maiden herself.
-Teacher: What happened to the Snow Maiden? (children's answers) Why did it melt and turn into a cloud? (children's answers)
- Educator: Well done, guys! You have coped with this task.
-Teacher: Listen to the poem by Konstantin Balmont "Snowflake"
Light fluffy
Snowflake is white
How clean
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easily sweeps
Not sky-blue skyward,
He asks for the ground.
In the rays of shining
Slides, skillful,
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.
In the wind
Trembles, flies up,
On him, cherishing,
Swinging lightly.
His swing
She is comforted
With its blizzards
Spinning wildly.
But now it ends
The road is long
Touches the earth,
The star is crystal.
Lies fluffy
The snowflake is bold.
How clean
What a white!

-Teacher: What is this poem about? (children's answers) That's right, about winter, about a snowflake. What kind of snowflake is it? (children's answers). The snowflake is light fluffy, clean, bold, light, skillful, crystal, white. What do these words mean? (children's answers, if children are at a loss, the teacher herself explains what they mean: a sign of an object, its properties) Tell me, who is writing a poem? (children's answers). Correctly a poet. Name the author of this poem? (children's answers) Well done guys!
(At this time, the music of a blizzard, a blizzard suddenly sounds and a picture of the Snow Queen appears on the screen, the teacher notices her).
-Teacher: Guys, look yourself The Snow Queen appeared! It means that all this time she was watching us as we carried out her assignments! (after a while the Snow Queen disappears from the screen, suddenly the teacher notices a white big snowflake lying on the floor).
Which beautiful snowflake, most likely this snowflake was left to us by the Snow Queen herself, and appeared because we coped with her tasks.
You tried very hard and worked hard today to help the Snowman. Guys, you guessed why we had to complete the tasks by the end of February? (children's answers). Of course, February last month winter. And for the Snow Queen, all tasks were related to winter theme(children's answers). (Children remember words on a winter theme, if they find it difficult, the teacher helps to remember)
-Teacher: right: about winter, about the Snow Queen, about the Snowman, about snow, about a snowflake, about snowfall, about winter phenomena, about birds, about the Snow Maiden.
This is the kingdom of the queen of winter. This means that the Snow Queen is glad that you were able to complete all her tasks and will finally dispel the school of snowmen, Snowman Stepan can also gain knowledge now. Well done boys!

Municipal government preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten the village of Kedrovy "

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the senior group: "Traveling through a fairy tale" .





village Kedrovy - 2017

Formation lesson mathematical representations in the senior group "Journey through a fairy tale"

Integration of educational areas : cognition, communication, health, play.

Types of children's activities: play, cognitive research, communicative.


    Develop speech, including terms in the active vocabulary (left, right, less, more).

    Ability to decrease and increase the number by one.

    Repeat the composition of number 5.

    Continue to navigate on a sheet of paper, fix the name of the figures.

    Consolidate knowledge about the days of the week, seasons, months.

    Develop intelligence, attention, memory and logical thinking.

    Foster interest in mathematics, desire to study.

Planned results:

    It has elementary representation about the composition of the number 5;

    knows how to decrease and increase the number by one;

    focuses on a piece of paper, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (upper left and right corners, etc.);

    actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving game and cognitive tasks;

    develops thinking;

Materials and equipment:

demo material: “House” of number 5, number cards, plane image of “castle”, cardboard numbers - stones;

Handout: numbers, pieces of paper, colored pencils, the “house” of the composition of the number 5, a key cut into three parts.

Content of organizational activities

1. Organizational moment.

Children join the group to music.

Guys, look at our guests. Let's say hello to you and give our guests good mood (children blow away the good mood of the guests from the palm of their hand )

2. Fairy tale.

Educator: Children, do you like listening to fairy tales? Wouldn't you like to get into a fairy tale and help our heroes?

Children's answers.

Good. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale, a fairy tale is not simple, magical, with math tasks. And to get into a fairy tale you need to close your eyes and say the magic words “1, 2, 3 turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale”. We open our eyes.

We guys are standing near the palace. The tale has begun. Once upon a time there was a king. And he had a daughter - a beauty. Once the king left on his royal affairs, and the daughter remained at home. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then the wind blew, picked up the princess and carried her to Far Far Away kingdom... Ivan Tsarevich went to look for her. Rides a day, rides two. Drives up to the hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga lives there. Ivan Tsarevich told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich answered her questions.

Listen carefully to the questions of Baba Yaga:

    What day of the week is it today?

    What was the day of the week yesterday?

    What will be the day of the week tomorrow?

    What seasons do you know?

    Name the fall months.

    Name the spring months.

    Name the winter months.

Educator: We coped with the task of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga gave a ball and sent the prince to her sister Kikimora. She has a map. The ball rolled, and the prince went for the ball. The ball rolled to the swamp. And suddenly Kikimora appeared before the prince. She listened to the prince and decided to help. But in order to get the card, you need to complete the task.

Educator: Let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task. Before you are pencils and paper. Get ready to listen to the assignment and draw:

    in the upper left corner, draw a red triangle;

    in the lower right corner, draw a green square;

    draw a black oval in the center;

    in the lower left corner, draw a blue rectangle;

    in the upper right corner, draw a yellow square.

Educator: Now let's check it out.

What geometric figure Rodion drew in the lower right corner. Where did Angelina draw the yellow circle?

In which corner did Angelica draw an oval?

We coped with the task, and Kikimora gave the map to Tsarevich Ivan, you can go further. The ball rolled further and brought Ivan Tsarevich to fairy forest.

So Ivan Tsarevich and I found ourselves in a fairy forest. Miracles happen in the forest. The forest dwellers have prepared a task.

A house with the number 5 is displayed.

Look at this house, what number live in this house? We need to populate the tenants by floor so that the two numbers together make the number 5. Let's start with the very top floor... Number 4 already lives on this floor, but what number should live next to it? 1. Well done, we coped with this task.

Residents of the house advised to gain strength in order to move on.

Physical education

Ivan Tsarevich once - bent down, straightened out,

Two - bent down, straightened out, arms to the side, spread, and went,

went, followed the princess into the wilderness of the forest,

suddenly he saw a stump quietly sat down and dozed off.

Educator: Children, open your eyes, you see, there is a castle in front of us. Here is the entrance to the castle. The door to the castle, behind which the princess is hidden, is littered with stones. To enter the castle you need to disassemble the stones. Arthur will sort it out at the blackboard, and we will help him at the tables. Lay out number series from 1 to 10 from left to right. Everybody got ready and started to work.

    show a number greater than 5 by 1 (6);

    small number (1):

    a number that is less than 7 by 1 (6);

    the number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2);

    number followed by number 4 (5).

Educator: Well done, we cleared the door of stones. But we cannot enter, we need to complete one more task, if everything is done correctly, the door will open.

Ivan Tsarevich dropped the crystal key to the ground, and it broke into pieces and got lost.

Children, in order for us to collect the key, we need to find all the pieces. (Collect the key )

Educator: Well done. And now we will insert the key into the lock and free the princess.

Children insert the key into the lock and open the gate.

It turns out that the princess thanks the children for helping Ivan Tsarevich in his search and release and gives the children candy. The princess says goodbye to the children.


Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes and start counting from 1 to 5.

( Children count as a chorus )

Here we are in kindergarten. We have been in a fairy tale, We learned a lot, we came back, the kindergarten is very glad to us.

3. Outcome.

a) Where have we been with you guys today?

b) What did you like?

c) What would you like to wish our guests?

Radakina Lilia Nikolaevna

Elena Kubasova

MBDOU- CRR- Kindergarten number 84

The final integrated lesson in the senior group "Searches for Spring"

Target: generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired by children during the year.



To consolidate in children knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring, the names of the spring months.

Exercise children in the ability to formulate questions and give answers in a full sentence.


Development dialogical speech.

Development of verbal and logical thinking, auditory and visual memory.

Stimulate the development of thinking skills.


To educate children in curiosity, observation.

To cultivate mutual assistance, independence

Methods and techniques:

    verbal: conversation, search questions;

    visual: ICT, pictures;

    practical: cognitive games.

Equipment and material: tape recorder, envelopes with assignments, cut pictures, cards with the seasons, a poster with the sun, disposable plates with diluted gouache, wet wipes.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Children are included in the group, they approach the teacher.

Educator: Guys, look at our guests, let's say hello:

Hello is the word what a wonderful

A little kind, a little gentle.

Hello, we will tell this day,

Hello, we say to everyone and everything!

2.The main part.

Educator: Guys, I got one today interesting message! I think you will like it too! Let's listen to him!

“Children come up to the tape recorder and listen to the audio recording from Dunno:

Hello guys! I am Dunno! I know love me! So I decided to play with you! I found pictures of the seasons in your group. He left three pictures on the table, and hid the fourth season! To find her, you need to complete tasks! After each completed task, you will receive parts from which you will then collect the whole picture. My tips will help you! First tip: table, food! Good luck! Your Dunno! "

Educator: Where do we look for the first task that Dunno said in the first clue?

Children's answers. (Table, food)

Educator: What does it mean?

Children's answers.(The table on which the food stands is a distribution table)

The teacher, together with the children, goes to the distribution table and finds an envelope with the task there. The teacher reads the assignment.

Task number 1. "Cut pictures"

Cut pictures are on the tables. Children are divided into three teams and put together a puzzle. If the children put the pictures together correctly, then there will be two extra pieces.

Educator: What did you do!

Children's answers. (Seasons)

The teacher approaches each team in turn.

Educator: What time of year did you get?

Individual answers of children.

Educator: By what signs did you guess that it is autumn (winter, spring)?

Individual answers of children.

Educator: The task is completed. Guys, we have collected all the pictures! So what time of year is missing?

Children's answers. (Spring is missing)

Educator: What are we looking for? (Picture of spring) What else is left? (two extra details)The teacher turns over one of the details and finds a message from Dunno: "Well done, second tip: window, cars"

Educator: Who guessed where to look for assignments?

Children's answers. (At the boys in the corner, near the parking lot, on the windowsill)

Educator: Then go ahead and search!

The children go to the window and find an envelope. The teacher reads out the assignments.

Educator: What are the spring months?

Children's answers.(March April May)

Rep.: How many are there? (Three spring months)

Educator: Name them in order!

Children's answers. (First March, second April, third May)

Play exercise“What happens in spring? "

Children come to the table, where the teacher lays out cards depicting different seasons.

Educator: We need to select only the pictures depicting spring. Everyone will choose the card they need and tell them by what sign they learned that it is spring.

Children call the signs of spring. (The snow melts, streams run, icicles appear on the roofs, birds fly from the south and begin to build nests, the first flowers bloom)

Educator: You did a great job! There are 3 more puzzle pieces and a hint in the envelope! Next tip: pencils! Where should we go for assignments?

Children's answers.Children with a teacher go to the corner of the fine arts and find there an envelope with assignments.

Educator: Oh, what a cunning Dunno, he invented such puzzles!

"Game for quick wits". Reads, children answer:

- how many ears do 2 mice have,

- how many tails do 3 cats have,

- what day of the week after Tuesday

- how many days off per week

- how many tummies 6 hippos have

- what day of the week before Friday

- how many spouts 4 sailors have.

- We sleep at night, and do exercises .... (in the morning).

- The sun shines during the day, and the moon…. (at night) .

-We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch .... (in the afternoon)

Educator: Well done, here are the last details, now let's try to fold the picture. Put the puzzle together and you get an image of spring.

Educator: So we completed all the tasks, found all the details and folded the picture! What great fellows we are!

3. The final part. Educator 2: Guys, I forgot, Dunno also gave us a poster. Unfolds the poster. The sun is painted there.

Educator: The sun is not only a symbol of warmth, but also a symbol of peace! Our palms are always drawn to the sun, to the world! Let us now put our palms in the paint! We will make handprints on the poster to show how we are reaching for the sun, peace, goodness!

The audio recording turns on: the pioneer song "Let there always be sunshine ..."

Children (in turn, girls at the beginning, then boys) come to the table, where they stand prepared in advance, plates of paint, lower their palm and put an imprint on a poster around the sun.

Educator: Do you guys like our sun? Well done all tried!

Integrated lesson in the older group

"An Unusual Journey".


    To acquaint children with properties various materials(sand, clay, stones, earth).

    Improve coherent speech through the preparation of a narrative story about the heroes of your favorite fairy tales, develop vocabulary.

    Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

    To activate children's knowledge about geometric shapes, the ability to creatively apply them when performing independent tasks.

    Develop attention, imagination, curiosity, interest in search activities, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, express them in speech, lead children to reasoning.

    Instill an interest and love for literary works.

    To develop skills of interaction with peers, the desire to come to the rescue


Containers with sand, clay, stones, earth. Glue, geometric figures, "Carpets" made of cardboard. Illustrations of the heroes of fairy tales: Aldar-Kose, Greedy Buy, Little Red Riding Hood, Aibolit. Map - travel scheme, illustrations depicting a house, castle, hut, object pictures. Basket. TV, DWD, music center, cassette with audio recording, disc with the cartoon "Geese-Swans"

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, observing during a walk in winter, talking about the season - winter.

"Circle of Joy:" Good Morning "

Good morning to the animals and birds

Good morning to smiling faces

And immediately everything will become kind, trusting

AND good morning will last until the evening

Imaginary situation:

There is a knock at the door. The teacher brings in the letter, opens it and discovers the audio cassette. Offers to listen to it.

The recording sounds:

“Guys, I'm the Queen of Literature! I was kidnapped by Baba Yaga and kept in captivity. I am very scared and lonely. I beg you - please save me. "

Educator: “Guys, we won't leave our Tsarina Literature in trouble, will we? Shall we save her? Then we go on a journey now. It is very difficult and dangerous. Only the most daring, hardy and friendly guys can go with us. You are ready? Well done! - Oh, guys, quieter, quieter, I hear something strange ...

At this time, Baba Yaga appears on the TV screen. An excerpt from the cartoon "Geese-Swans" (audio recording sounds)

Baba Yaga:

“Well, dear fellows! So we met! Just know, in order to free the Queen of Literature, you need to complete my tests and tasks, which are hidden in envelopes. And the path to them will be indicated by a map - a diagram. If you do, you will find the key to the dungeon and free the queen. Do not do it, then she will remain locked up forever. Well, I wish you unsuccessful passage of all obstacles. "

Working with a schematic map:

The teacher offers to examine the map and determine where to go. Children say: “let's go straight past a birch tree, a mushroom, then turn left and reach task number 1”. (hit the road)

Test game.

    "Walk through cold, deep puddles" (walking with high knees)

    "Go to thin ice"(Walking on toes)

    "Cross the chasm" (walk on an imaginary log)

    "Walk through the dark cave" (walking with closed eyes)

Find an envelope with task number 1

Educator: To cope with the tasks, let's say magic spell: oinayik, oinayik, oinayik ta oylayik ". (we will play, we will play, we will play and think)

Exercise 1:

“There are three buildings in front of you: a house, a castle and a hut. Which of these buildings would you like to live in and why? Who do you think lives in each of them?

Pictures lived in buildings. They ran away from their houses and got messed up.

1 building is a house, words from one syllable live in it, 2 a building is a castle, words from two syllables live in it, a building is a hut, words from three syllables live in it. You need to take a picture, determine how many syllables are in this word and put a picture to the desired building.

Working with a map - scheme

Physical minute "Let's go hiking"

2nd task:

“Do you guys like fairy tales? What kind of fairy tales are there? (children's answers)

Recently, Baba Yaga read the ads in the newspaper and invites you to guess which of the heroes of fairy tales gave these ads.

    "I offer a new trough and a hut in exchange for a washing machine."

(The old woman from "the tale of the fisherman and the fish")

    "I'm laying the golden eggs." (Chicken Ryaba)

    "I'll take a pie and a pot of butter to Grandma." (Little Red Riding Hood)

    "I will cure all the animals." (Dr. Aibolit)

    "I change the old, full of holes coat for a new one, a fox." (Aldar-Kose)

    "I will wash away all the blots and ink." (Washbasin from the fairy tale "Moidodyr"

Say a word ...

He did not tremble in front of the wolf.

I ran away from the bear.

And the fox's teeth

I got caught ... (Kolobok)

He is kinder to everyone in the world

He heals sick animals

He is famous, famous

This is a doctor .... (Aibolit)

Kazakh dandy

Plays the dombra

Protects the poor (Aldar - Kose)

Father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden

On land and under water

I was looking for a golden key

Him, girl Malvina

Called .... (Pinocchio)

We had a golden egg,

And the basket is empty

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying

They are comforted ... (Ryaba Chicken)

Baba Yaga: “I had portraits in my hut fairytale heroes... During the earthquake, they fell and shattered. I order you to collect portraits from parts and tell about each hero, from which fairy tale he is, whether you like him or not, and why? (Gray wolf, Greedy Bai, Aibolit, Little Red Riding Hood)

Working with a map - scheme

Warm up

The ducks went out to the meadow: Quack-quack-quack

A cheerful beetle flew by: W-w-w

Geese arch their necks Ha-ha-ha

Feathers spread by beak One-two, one-two

The wind of the branch shook V-in-in

The ball growled too Rrrr

Rustled in the water reed Sh-sh-sh

And again it was quiet

3 task:

“In my hut, mice gnawed the carpets. Repair them immediately, sew on the patch. I sent you carpets and scraps. " Lie on the table different shapes, color, size of the patch - geometric shapes. Choose the ones you need from the total. Explain your choice and stick on the carpet.

Working with a map - scheme

Educator: Are you guys tired? How can we continue our journey? (children's sayings) Suggests traveling on clouds.


Children sit on the carpet. Close their eyes. Imagine that they are floating on the clouds. The song "Clouds - White-winged Horses" is played. Have a rest? Then the teacher offers to go further on foot.

4 task:

“Guess the riddle: Powdered the tracks,

Decorated the windows

I gave joy to children

And I gave it a ride on a sled. (winter)

Look at what beautiful basket... The Snow Queen gave it to me. This basket is not simple, it contained "winter" words. They melted in the summer. I order you to fill your basket with "winter" words. "

You need to name any word that fits the word "Winter". For example: snow, Santa Claus, sledges, etc.

Working with a map - scheme

Warm-up "Starry sky"

Educator: “The road was long, it is already getting dark, night is approaching. Let's take a look at the night sky.

    We took up personal telescopes. We configure the equipment (chik-chik)

    Opened the damper (Whack-whack)

    Saw a star (oh-oh)

    Many stars (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)

    Saw a comet (ooh)

    Many comets (oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo)

    Saw a flying saucer (ding-ding)

    An alien came out of it (blues-blues)

    The meteor shower has started (applause)

Activity 5: Experiment

“I crashed my beloved flower pot... You need to say what material it can be made of and explain why. Hurry up, think, explain clearly and clearly, so that I can understand. "

On the table are containers with sand, clay, pebbles, earth. The teacher and the children consider the proposed materials, examine, compare, draw conclusions and explain their decision.

Working with a map - a diagram.

Find the key. The castle is opened and the Queen of Literature is freed.

We got to the castle on time.

Part pines, spruces.

Babu - Yaga we won,

We freed a friend.

Literature thanks the guys. Gives them as a token of gratitude - hearts - the warmth of his heart. Asks what helped them overcome all obstacles? (our friendship and knowledge)

They go on their way back. They perform the song "Strong Friendship"