Gifts for the new year what to give. Brutal jewelry for men. Practical Christmas gifts for relatives

We are choosing gifts for the New Year 2016 right now, nothing that is still six months ahead - you can just have time to find the necessary significant thing for everyone personally. This is the only way to make your gift personal - slowly, with a sense of approaching every little thing. You have many friends, colleagues and relatives - this speaks of your open heart and breadth of soul. And since you are loved, then any little thing presented for the holiday will be treated with warmth. But does this mean that you need to buy everything - after all, meaningful and meaningful gifts It is always more pleasant to give and receive.

Exquisite gifts for relatives

Gifts to relatives are always put at the forefront, for them we spare neither time nor money. The kindest things are for our grandparents: something warm, soft, practical. Grandmother will enjoy a good souvenir gift teapot - such unique products have appeared that sometimes you wonder - where do artists and designers get so much imagination from: for example, a teapot in the form of a stove with small details on it in the form of a cup, a jar of jam, plates with sandwiches. And everything is so strong, reliable and very beautiful. Brewing tea in such a souvenir teapot made of good porcelain is not only pleasant - the tea drinking itself will seem like a real holiday to you and your grandmother.

Dear old grandfather- it is best to find a book by your favorite author as a gift for the New Year. And if grandfather loves to play chess - so why not buy him a chic set - masters from Zlatoust make wonderful things: all the pieces are carved, from semi-precious stones. It will be an incredibly generous gift, so let the grandfather lovingly touch his wonderful figures and arrange them on the board. Such a game can even just stand in the room both as a decoration and as an invitation.

For sweetheart mommies- I would buy everything in the world here, but I really want to new Year gifts 2016 was not just cute, but also beautiful. I immediately remembered the chic souvenir soap that once flashed on the computer screen - the code you just climbed the sites in search of original souvenirs. It's just some kind of charm: orchids, tulips, daffodils, a variety of fruits. You will need to buy a basket and put together a wonderful set in it. souvenir soap- incredibly beautiful, practical and useful. Mom will like such an interesting gift - she always loved something original.

daddy, an avid fisherman, should buy a flask not because he likes to drink, but because a wonderful flask with a pattern is very useful both on the hunt and by the river. But you should not buy consumer goods, which are in every seedy store, again you should go over the most prestigious sites and find a wonderful product. It's good that there are online stores, you type "souvenirs" and "gifts" in the search engine - and you immediately see a scattering of the most best offers. Since there is an opportunity to purchase exclusive products, you should just pass by products from Chinese manufacturers - cheap, massively ... not original.

To my dear spouse- most complex issue. You know everything about him or think you know, of course you won't buy a shirt or socks. And what if you go shopping for English quality knitwear - pullovers, jumpers from branded manufacturers? Or does your spouse love books? - Today, such chic editions are available that you just want to pick up any of them - in excellent leather bindings, amazing embossing - each book is just a feast for the eyes.

Children need the most gifts

Who is waiting for the holiday the most, who needs to cook the most a large number of most various gifts- Of course, kids. Children's New Year's gifts 2016 should take the most in your basket important place. We all came out of that wonderful world, in which there is always a place for a holiday in which we were so selflessly loved and pampered. Therefore, we continue to create the same fairy tale for our heirs, in which there is always a place for gifts.

Since it has become fashionable to follow the Chinese horoscope, then let's get fiery red monkeys as a gift for the kids - next year. By the way, when choosing small souvenirs for colleagues, also take a few of these monkeys - let them decorate desktops, swing on chandeliers, hang on handbags - charming, original, fashionable.

But back to the children - both boys and girls love new clothes, it is worth buying something practical and necessary. Children's clothes wear out quickly, so a whole collection of little things will still come in handy. What a pity that children perceive such practical gifts rather gloomy: they need toys, pencils, paints. Modern kids will be delighted with a new tablet or mobile phone, a disk with cartoons or music, an older child will be happy with a small laptop for work. And yet - let there be a lot of packages under the Christmas tree for the child, a whole mountain of gifts so that he looks for and remembers the rhymes that are customary to read for each new gift.

How do needlewomen cope with the task

For needlewomen, the time before the New Year is filled to overflowing: ideas for New Year's gifts 2016 can be found on the Internet, numerous master classes in embroidery, beading, knitting. This time is worth spending wisely - you can make so many beautiful exclusive gifts that your heart will be filled with pride: I did it myself! But every hand-made gift is more expensive than any bought, albeit at the most expensive price. So do not be sad - there is still quite a lot of time ahead, you can manage to make it yourself great amount tiny souvenirs, enough for colleagues and acquaintances.

It is advisable to prepare from the summer (if you traveled) various little things: shells, cones, dead wood. All the same beads and beads will come in handy here - collecting original gift, everything goes into business: extra ribbons, pieces of lace, leather and metal fittings. Place your daughter and son next to each other - it will also be useful for them to watch how their mother does needlework, at the same time they will make an unsightly, but their own personal gift classmate. Quiet gatherings will help you better understand what little man in my heart, such evenings nearby at work are just a treasure for a real educator.

Let's see what we have prepared as a gift to friends

Collecting New Year's gifts for 2016 in advance, you manage to prepare so many useful souvenirs that you don't have to hurry to look for something you need for a random forgotten colleague Or for a visiting neighbor. Run your hand into big basket and you take out a tiny box with a chic bracelet and a hairpin made by yourself. The box may contain a gilded cone, a napkin with a tiny pattern - a flower in the corner. In principle, it is worth preparing a lot of such boxes, let them be different color, different size. Eat interesting offer: put all your blanks in a row on the mantelpiece, let each of your friends and guests choose their own gift. It will be a kind of win-win lottery joke.

That's right, with humor it is worth preparing all the gifts for the new year 2016, let them be a little funny and even cool, let the holiday itself turn into little prank. How nice it is when everyone chooses a new gift for themselves - like this, without hesitation. Go to the shelf and take the one you like big box without knowing what's inside.

We all love giving gifts.

It's safe to say that we love more give gifts than receive. This has its own charm, amazing magic: to create miracles with your own hands, to bring joy to relatives and friends. Let this task not become difficult for you: what to give for 2016. Start with what you know how to do with your own hands and try to “catch the tail” of the bird of inspiration. Talented craftsmen will always be able to make such wonderful things that each product will turn into a small work of art. Let your gift basket surprise and delight you and your family.

Until the New Year - the brightest and favorite holiday left less than a month. And there is so much to do.

Work and domestic affairs are usually in the first place for us. And we often leave the purchase of New Year's gifts to loved ones, relatives and friends to the last moment.

Are you familiar with the situation? Tomorrow we are going to visit, or we plan to receive guests, but the gifts have not yet been bought. And so, in the pre-holiday bustle, we run along shopping malls and buy the first thing that comes to hand. You have probably seen Christmas comedies on this topic.

Therefore, the choice of a gift should be given time and attention, think in advance what and to whom you plan to give. Thus, we pay attention, show sympathy and care for loved ones. Agree, it's nice to give gifts, and in return to feel the energy of joy, to see a smile and a sparkle of happy eyes.

We seem to know all this. But on pleasant trifles often not enough time. Let's get ready for the New Year holidays this year and together choose New Year's gifts for our friends, relatives and relatives? We offer the following gift ideas for the New Year 2016.

10 New Year Gift Ideas 2016

When choosing a gift, you should take into account the closeness of the relationship, the age and preferences of the person to whom you will present the present.

  • #1: Fancy Stationery will a good gift for colleagues. Funny trivia: original sharpeners, pencils and note pegs will create fun mood and will remind you of your attention every day.
  • №2: Female colleagues often give each other cosmetical tools body care products that will always come in handy, such as hand and body creams, shower gels and scrubs. You can unobtrusively ask your friends about their preferences in advance: someone likes chocolate flavors, someone likes fruit. Agree, it's nice to make a useful gift that will be happy.
  • #3: Cups With winter theme: snowflakes, Christmas trees, new year wishes also a win-win option for a New Year's gift for colleagues and friends.

  • No. 4: Christmas decorations. Yes, don't be surprised, it's wonderful gift uplifting mood. Few people will remain indifferent to beautiful Christmas decorations. They will be in place this year and beyond. Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year, you will be remembered warmly and with a smile. Original Christmas decorations in some families are kept for many years, and are passed down from generation to generation. Maybe your gift will remain as a reminder of you for many years.

If you are fond of needlework, you can prepare in advance and make funny and Christmas decorations. This is a simple process, but it will give you and those around you a lot of pleasure. Christmas decorations can be sewn from felt, made from shells, wire, bark, beads, paper and cardboard. Relatives, friends and colleagues will be happy with your handmade presents.

  • No. 5: Sweets, coffee and tea good quality - a wonderful gift. Few can resist chocolate. Elegant boxes of sweets, original figurines of cookies and chocolate with New Year theme hardly anyone will be left indifferent.

  • #6: Gift Baskets. You can show your imagination and knowing the tastes of the person to whom you present a gift, collect an original basket of fruits, sweets and champagne.
    By the way, the basket does not have to be with products. You can put in it, for example, bath accessories: fluffy towel, fragrant oils, gels and scrubs. Decorate the basket Christmas decorations, ribbons, sprigs of spruce, and your New Year's gift will be remembered for a long time.

  • #7: Cozy warm things become amazing and useful gift for loved ones and relatives. knitted socks with deer, snowmen, snowflakes, warm slippers, scarves, mittens - these items will warm your loved ones in the winter cold. Separately, you should pay attention to the blankets - available for sale unusual products with a Christmas theme original design and packaging. For example, plaids with sleeves, or toy Santa Clauses in which the plaid is packed in the form of a bag with gifts behind their backs are wonderful New Year's gifts.
  • No. 8: Souvenirs with the image of a monkey (year of the animal)interesting idea gifts for the New Year 2016. If you didn't know next year- the year of the red or fiery monkey. Manufacturers of goods have prepared for this event, and you can easily find and purchase funny monkeys as a gift: Stuffed Toys, ceramic piggy banks, key chains, magnets and other charming little things depicting these funny animals. Such a gift is suitable for children, parents, grandparents.

  • #10: Photo session with a professional photographer. And this is an idea for men and guys who are puzzling over what to give their beloved for the New Year. It's no secret that girls love to be photographed. A professional will create a special atmosphere and image that the girl wishes. In addition, you can take joint wonderful photos for a long memory.

How to give gifts correctly

  • First of all, he should be dressed in holiday packaging. Bright boxes tied with ribbons create joyful anticipation and festive mood.
  • Before packing, do not forget to remove the price tag from the gift. The recipient of the gift does not need to know how much you spent on it.

  • If you don’t put a gift under the Christmas tree, but hand it in person, think over in advance congratulatory speech. It is good if the words with which you give a gift are warm and unbanal.

We hope that this article will help you choose gifts for your loved ones, and new year holidays won't take you by surprise. We wish you magical holidays, original gifts, and Have a good mood. Happy New Year!

Everyone is waiting for gifts in the New Year 2016, even those who do not believe in Santa Claus, or who play his role for their children and grandchildren.

Men's shaving lotions, cufflinks and ties, aroma candles, women's perfume, pots and cups with a name are all very popular and very common ideas for New Year's gifts. And the mistress of the new year (Red or Fire Monkey) loves surprises and unusual things.

We have already chosen. We have selected over 30 ideas especially for you.

5. New Year's gifts for colleagues

The Year of the Monkey is conducive to building a fast career and achieving business goals. The only thing the patron of the year lacks is organization. Therefore, as a New Year's gift, a colleague can be presented with an electronic notebook, or a business notebook in a red-gold or orange cover - the colors of 2016.

You can give a colleague-coffee lover or a set different types coffee (just find out in advance what kind of coffee he prefers: instant, ground or beans). For a tea connoisseur, accordingly, a set of different varieties of tea is suitable. Don't forget to include a little plush monkey as a gift.

4. Gifts for friends, girlfriends

You can give a friend a motorist for the New Year, a radar detector or a GPS navigator of the latest model. There are models that combine 3 in 1. They cost more than each gadget separately, but they save space on the windshield.

Since the Red Monkey comes from China, the rating of gifts for the year of the Red Monkey cannot do without products from the Middle Kingdom. , smart watch, a tablet is a New Year's gift suitable for friends and girlfriends. And it’s not for nothing that they say that men are big children. rare child will not be happy with a quadrocopter, a radio-controlled car, railway and another useless but hilarious trinket.

3. New Year's gifts for children

Sweaters and suits for boys, shoes and dresses for girls are all very necessary things, but you can buy them any day. A in the New Year, children are waiting for a miracle. And the task of parents is to provide this miracle. The easiest way to find out what your son or daughter wants to see under the tree is to ask him or her to write a letter to Santa Claus.

If the child is too adult, then parents will have to strain and remember what their child is fond of. Perhaps he will like figurines of heroes from his favorite anime. If a teenager loves it, please him with a helmet virtual reality Oculus Rift, gaming mouse or fancy keyboard. A young athlete will need a fitness bracelet.

The girl can be given gift Certificate to buy cosmetics in a well-known store, visit a spa salon or make-up master class.

2. Gifts for parents (mom, dad)

Many older people find it difficult to master new technologies. Therefore, for them, a touch-sensitive mobile phone or tablet is not the best New Year's gift of 2016, unlike or pillows.

Over the years, cleaning the house has become more and more difficult, but a robot vacuum cleaner (preferably a washing one) can make this task easier. There are fewer functions in it than in a smartphone, so it is easier to master them.

Can the whole family visit New Year's performance to the dolphinarium, it will give both old and small a lot of positive impressions.

1. New Year's gifts for a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife

Winter is not the right time to barbecue. But nothing prevents you from thinking about the future. Therefore, a feeder rod or will be a good New Year's gift for a fishing lover. And for a lover of outdoor recreation, a portable barbecue grill is suitable.

  • Many men are masters of leaving their watches, keys, cell phone charger in different places, and then look for them throughout the house, reminiscent of their fussiness of the patron of 2016. They will need a leather box in which you can put useful and daily-used little things.
  • A wife who loves non-standard and practical gifts will be delighted with salt lamp. This item looks fantastic, shines with a warm amber light, and even purifies the air by emitting negative ions.
  • A creative woman will love painting by numbers (a popular pastime in China). The process of creating such a canvas is very exciting and uncomplicated, there will be something to do on winter evenings.

The year of the Red will come very soon Fire Monkey, which means it's time to think about what to give for the New Year 2016.

Shortly before the New Year, one can observe the following picture in stores: endless lines, people rushing about in search of gifts from shelf to shelf, and often in this fuss, many make a choice in favor of absolutely useless things. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about what would be appropriate to present to this or that person.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for women

You can give your beloved woman: jewelry with the symbol of the coming year, perfume, beautiful underwear. If you can not buy something expensive, then sweets as a gift will appeal to any woman. It is better to refuse banal sweet sets, and order, for example, a bouquet of sweets.

You can give to friends Christmas balls with the image of the Monkey or ceramic souvenirs in the form of a symbol of the year. After all, every lady loves to decorate her home, and you simply cannot do without such trifles. For grandmother and mother, you should choose something more interesting and practical.

Perhaps your mother has long dreamed of a slow cooker or a bread maker, a set of quality cosmetics, an exotic potted plant, or beautiful picture make her dream come true! You can give your grandmother a warm bathrobe or a blanket made of natural wool, which depicts the "hostess" of 2016, such things will be a manifestation of your attention and care, and this is the most nice gift for the New Year.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for men

Men, unlike women, are practical and do not like useless gifts. Therefore, it is best to present something that is connected with his hobbies, very convenient to use and at the same time necessary for many representatives of the stronger sex is a thermal mug. You can give something universal, for example, home bathrobe, perfume or watch. If you have knitting skills, then your loved one will be very pleased to receive from you a warm sweater or scarf made by yourself.

Grandfather can also be presented with warm clothes - a home suit, a hat with a scarf and gloves, a sweater. These things will delight him and remind him of you every day.

A gift for a father depends on his preferences. For sports dad the best gift will be the cup of the best father, sports equipment or a ticket to the match of your favorite team. For those who work in the office, suit: ties, shirts, business card holders, organizers and expensive pens. For those who spend a lot of time on the road, you can give something from car accessories and gadgets.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for children

In the New Year 2016, children can be pleased funny toys in the form of a monkey, and not necessarily soft, but also those that can move and talk. "Live" toy will give the child a lot of joy and positive emotions.

Another good gift associated with the symbols of 2016 can be a backpack in the form of a funny monkey, you can put sweets and fruits inside, such a present will be not only pleasant, but also practical. Also, the child will be pleased to receive as a gift: soft slippers with a Monkey's muzzle, scarves, mittens, hats with New Year's symbols.

On the eve of the magical holiday we have collected nacrestike the brightest and most interesting, useful and practical, exciting and simple crazy gifts for the New Year 2016! From all the variety of ideas, you will find what to give mom and dad, brother and sister, boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife, beloved children, grandparents, even aunt and uncle, not to mention the fact that we have not forgotten about colleagues and our beloved bosses.

Prepare a notebook and a pen to immediately write down your favorite New Year's gift options!

Mom (mother-in-law or mother-in-law)

What would you give your mother for the New Year, so that she for a long time enjoyed vivid impressions from the gift you received? Suggesting for real bright a gift for mom will be a Christmas star - Poinsettia. It will bring a festive mood and a special cosiness to the house. In December, all florist shops are filled with this beauty.

The flowering period of this charming, festive flower falls in the winter, which is why the poinsettia is one of the attributes of the New Year.

And if you want to decorate a greeting card with poinsettia paper flowers, then take a look at this Cross Stitch master class.

A warming gift for mom, mother-in-law or mother-in-law will be a gift set of tea. Today on the market there are many gift sets, combining a variety of flavors of loose and bagged tea, in decorative teapots or boxes. Choose based on taste preferences people dear to you.

Tea in a ceramic teapot with a monkey - a symbol of 2016

You can make a similar gift with your own hands, for example, a tea house using the Decoupage technique. Decorate it in a New Year's and Christmas theme or in a style suitable for the interior and, believe me, it will decorate my mother's kitchen for more than one year!

And if you add a house clockwork, then he will not have a price at all!

And so that mom has everything in the kitchen “in jars”, present original jars for storing bulk products, cereals, seasonings. All this beauty can be purchased both in stores in your city and in online stores.

Women never have time to rest. And it is unlikely that my mother (both mother-in-law and mother-in-law) will treat herself to a trip to the theater or cinema. Therefore, we offer to give them a gift-impression - tickets to the theater, cinema or an exhibition in an art gallery, and even better - to a concert of your favorite artist.

And don't forget to buy yourself a ticket to spend this time with your mom! Indeed, in our daily bustle, this so rarely happens.


To once again remind his wife of happy moments life together, order a 3D wall lamp for her or an interior lightbox from your family photos. It's both romantic and practical daytime look like a photograph, posters with photographs can be interchangeable - on magnets)! Look for online stores that make such lamps and send them your photos, everything else will be done for you)

No less original gift - a puzzle from your family photo. It can be made in the form of a classic cardboard puzzle, or it can be on a magnetic basis. Today you can order a puzzle from a photo in almost any photo studio.

Also pleasant surprise there will be a certificate in the SPA-salon. Thalassotherapy, stone therapy, fish-peeling - bliss for body and soul.

And if your soul mate is a florist, then give her an indoor citrus as a gift. You can buy it at any florist shop.

If your wife loves originality and surprises, then surprise her with an experience gift, such as flying on hot-air balloon! Perhaps she definitely does not expect this ... But the mass positive impressions both of you will be provided!


A banal, but not losing popularity from year to year gift is all kinds of cosmetic sets. Now many brands release limited Christmas collections of decorative, caring cosmetics and perfumes especially for the holidays. If you understand brands, then you probably know which brands your girlfriend prefers.

IN new year's eve beloved will be glad to receive something new jewelry or decent jewelry. The stores have a very big choice pendants, rings and earrings, not only from gold, but also from silver (they are much cheaper, but also really beautiful), as well as alloys of other metals (the range of jewelry just rolls over, and wearing it (instead of expensive jewelry) is also fashionable and relevant).

Another gift idea for a girl is a candy photo puzzle. Original and tasty, and besides - romantic!

Sister or friend

What is the New Year without a Christmas tree? And no tangerines? Let's combine the two main attributes of the holiday. Get a vitamin gift for your beloved sister.

Thus you can use different materials and create New Year's topiary different forms and sizes.

A warm blanket will always keep you warm winter evening. Did you know that there are plaids with sleeves? This is really something new! Very comfortable, soft and practical - such a gift will surely please your sister and a couple of best friends)

Every fashionista needs jewelry boxes. Caskets-sofas, caskets-lockers, caskets-dressers - a wonderful gift for girls of any age.

An interesting gift option is a personalized passport cover. Now you can order covers with any inscription, design and photo printing. Such a thing will emphasize the individuality of the owner.


A warm stole, scarf or shawl - that's what you can always give your grandmother for the New Year and other holidays. Such things are always relevant, even in winter, even in summer, as fashion accessory, complementing the image, and how practical thing giving warmth and comfort.

And if your grandmother is a needlewoman, then give her a basket of yarn, thread, hooks, brand new magazines and other "needs" for her needlework. You can even ask your grandmother to knit a specific item for you or your children. She will be extremely pleased with the mere thought that her children and grandchildren like her needlework.

If you are in doubt about what to buy in a needlework store, feel free to contact the consultants, they should help.

A set of towels is also suitable as a gift, especially if you arrange it in the form of a cake and add Christmas decorations and ribbons. These cakes are also available to order.

Godmother or aunt

In the New Year, there is always a place on the table for fresh fruits, especially tangerines. Therefore, we suggest giving your godmother or aunt a basket of tropical fruits or fruit bouquet. And tasty, and beautiful, and useful.

Do not forget to complement the composition with bananas, because the hostess of the coming year loves them very much!

Well, if we talk about gifts useful for the household, then the godmother can be presented with a set household chemicals. Some may think this idea is a failure. But, we assure you, not a single hostess will refuse such a supply. Arrange everything in a basket or storage container, complete with monkey-shaped figured soap and wrap a gift beautifully.


A gift for dad for the New Year 2016 and any other holiday is better to give a practical one that he will be happy to use every day. If your dad has a car, then win-win the gift will be new covers, a DVR or other gadget for cars.

Another gift idea is a set of tools or a certificate for their purchase, so that dad chooses the “pieces of iron” to his taste. Extra bolts, screws or a new drill will never interfere with an economic man.


Surprising your husband is not easy. Everyone knows that women inspire their men to great deeds. But in order to inspire someone, a woman herself needs to be inspired and inspired. It can be done different ways, but one of the most “working” is to look 100% in main night of the year. Get enough sleep on the eve of the holiday, put yourself in order, put on a new stunning dress, in general, do everything to feel like a Goddess! Because when a woman likes herself, she is happy! And this is the very Happiness in her eyes, a sincere smile and Joy that comes from her and gives inspiration to a Man! He, too, seems to grow wings and he is ready to go and win for the sake of his Woman. Excellent mood, "healthy" atmosphere in the family - isn't this the best gift for both spouses for the New Year?)

We conclude: beautiful and happy wife The best Christmas present for my husband!

To inspire your husband to new achievements in the coming year, compose for him "List of important things done - 2015"!

Let it include not only really big things, but also all small ones (you will let him know that any little things done by your spouse for the good of your family are important to you).

If you approach the list with humor, you will have fun at the festive table, remembering and discussing the affairs of the outgoing year. If your husband is a business person, then such a list will become an incentive for even greater victories and achievements in the New Year, 2016.

If we talk about handmade gifts, then you can make a family album using the scrapbooking technique.

Such a gift should be taken care of in advance, because the work is painstaking and requires enough time. However, the result will exceed all expectations!

Family photos will remind you of happy moments lived together, because each page will be hand-crafted with warmth and love. Such a gift will certainly be dear to the heart of your spouse.


Recently, key rings with the state are gaining popularity. car number. And we decided not to leave them unattended. Such a symbolic thing is useful to every motorist. Therefore, such a keychain will be a great gift for your beloved guy. Your gift will definitely be used, and not gather dust on the shelf.

Good gift ideas for your beloved guy are listed in this article "Cross" (yes, they are for his birthday, but suddenly you will find exactly what you were looking for!)

Brother or friend

The book is a gift for all time. If your brother or best friend- a business person, then a business book will certainly come in handy for him, help in his work and replenish his stock of business ideas.

Despite the fact that today our life is full of all kinds of gadgets, a convenient quality diary organizer never hurts. This stylish attribute business man will help you conveniently keep the necessary records, plan working week and don't lose sight of important information. We think your brother will like this gift.

In addition, pay attention to the hobbies of a brother or friend: fishing, sports, computer games and so on. Every hobby involves the use of some appropriate devices or devices. If you yourself are poorly versed in all the subtleties - feel free to contact sales consultants for help!


Cosy a warm sweater or a vest will appeal to any grandfather. It will not be difficult to buy it, knowing the size and color preferences grandfather. And if the sweater is knitted by the hands of the granddaughter, then the grandfather will be doubly pleased.

Godfather or uncle

A do-it-yourself book, such as Do-It-Yourself Furniture or Homemade Wine, makes a useful gift for a godfather or uncle. Many variants of such books are presented both in bookstores of any city and in online stores.


Gifts for children should be interesting, useful, bright, eye-catching and delicious! Give small children a basket or a cake of various sweets and toys.

Candy cake can be made with your own hands according to the master class we have selected.

interesting and very delicious gift for boys - a steamer of sweets and chocolates.

Little girls will love Barbie in a candy dress. Such a gift combines both a toy and sweets, and aesthetic beauty, and unusual design.

How to make such a doll with your own hands, you can see in the video master class.

Give gift-impressions to the children who are fond of it.

Trip to the planetarium educational journey to the outer world - a gift from which the child will receive a lot interesting knowledge and a lot of vivid impressions.

One of the children's favorite places is the circus. Therefore, tickets to the world of fun and tricks - great gift. In addition, such gifts include a trip to puppet show, amusement park, zoo, Botanical Garden, historical museum, cinema. As a rule, New Year's premieres are held in all the listed institutions in winter. The choice depends on the offers of your city and the preferences of your child.

And about the symbol of the New Year, of course, do not forget! Plush, knitted, sewn monkeys will please both boys and girls of any age.

Well, if you are a very brave parent, then surprise your child with a living friend. Delight will not be the limit!


Teenage girls will love bright personalized cases for their phone or other gadget.

From a series of educational gifts, pay attention to various designers.

Lego sets are still interesting for children. Manufacturers are releasing more and more new sets for both girls and boys. An adult is not averse to playing with such a toy, so you can have a good time new year holidays together with the child, collecting a similar set.

Very an interesting gift there will be designers of the famous buildings of the world. Such games develop fine motor skills, design skills, expand the geographical horizons of the child.

For teenagers, there are a variety of research stations. This is not only an interesting, but also an educational game that helps to identify in a child the inclinations for a particular profession.

Well, where would a child be without books? This is the best friend who will tell about everything. We advise you to give encyclopedias of different directions: about animals, planets, natural phenomena etc. Such books are usually published in collections.


Flowers are always in fashion, so a wonderful gift female colleagues will have a New Year's bouquet. In floristry shops big variety holiday compositions.

Male colleagues will love personalized flash drives. Such a gift will always come in handy at work.

And scrapbooking calendars can be presented to both a woman and a man. You can find needlewomen involved in this type of creativity both in your city and within your country.

You can watch the master class on creating a desktop calendar in the video:


Well, the boss needs to choose exquisite gift. Let it be, for example, chess! The gift is not cheap, but you can give it from the team.

We hope you liked our ideas for New Year's gifts and you will definitely take note of something.

I would like to note that gift ideas for a friend or male colleague may well be suitable for a brother, and a gift idea for a boss is dear grandfather, a mother may also need a spa break, just like her beloved wife, and a sister may be much more happy with a ticket to a concert of her favorite artist or group than with a blanket (even the most newfangled and original). You know the preferences of your friends, relatives and colleagues better than we do. We, for the most part, only give you a reason to think in which direction to move)

Happy New Year and Happy Gifts! Stay with us on the "Cross"!
