The face is shiny. Shiny skin on the face: what to do

Once upon a time, one of my readers asked me for advice - How to make your face not shiny? Today I will talk about this in detail.

The first thing to do if your face is constantly, very shiny, is to find the internal cause.

Yes - yes, it is often internal. Why sebaceous glands work so hard?

These may be problems in gynecology, endocrinology, with the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system. Or due to a lack of certain vitamins.

What to do?

1. If you know that you have hormonal problems, but do not treat, then external care will not help you. Get healed.
2. Dysbacteriosis, liver disease and a slagged body can be immediately calculated by the oily sheen of the skin and a large number comedones. Clean up, especially since the blog has a lot of advice on this topic.
3. Avitaminosis also does not make the skin dull. Fat content is especially affected by B vitamins. Read it, especially in the comments.
4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and stress directly affect activity sebaceous glands. Try not to be nervous, unless you have a life or death issue, and take herbal sedatives.
5. There are purely dermatological causes high fat content skin, and then the doctor selects curative care. Now doctors very often, with or without prescribe Skinoren.
6. Review your diet: you need to lean on fruits, vegetables, cereals and juice. Fried, smoked, salted, pickled and spicy you can not - this will provoke the sebaceous glands to increase activity.
7. When washing, cleansing the skin various means, then it is better to do warm water, closer to hot. Then the pores will open up and your cleanser will be able to clean them better. Finish washing cold water to close the pores. This simple method is a little bit, but the pores will shrink and the sebaceous glands will work less intensively.
8. Buy at the pharmacy and use them for masks and face wash. You can powder the T-zone with them: alum, they won’t make black dots, but the pores will noticeably narrow.
9. Darsonval and will help you here. Visit the salon for this inexpensive physiotherapy treatment. Or buy this device for your home. After a couple of procedures, the fat content of the skin will decrease, and hence the shine.
10. A strange way, but it also helps, despite the presence of alcohol: wipe the skin at night with propolis tincture.

While you eliminate internal causes, you need to especially carefully care for your face: cleansing and narrowing the pores are the main stages.

For a change, I suggest you try these two masks :

Yeast - two tablespoons of fresh, baker's yeast, dilute with peroxide and apply for 5 - 7 minutes.

Kaolin - dilute a spoonful of white clay and a spoonful of talc with water and apply on the T - zone.

Cosmetics that will help you cope with oily skin:

I cite them in this order, not in terms of efficiency, but just like that.

1. Lithocomplex "Secret of Beauty" and other lithocosmetics, that is, made on the basis of volcanic tuff. Similar funds gradually normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, but at first they can provoke even more shine and even acne. Don't be afraid - it's normal reaction: recovery - through exacerbation.

2. lotions in without fail. I like Clinique, Biotherm and Ozon`C. Yes, they are more expensive than cucumber, but worth the money.

3. Cleansing, mattifying wipes: Clearasil (but they are for acne and very oily skin), Mary Kay (good and there are a lot of them in the package), Pore ​​Minimizer Oil Blotting Sheets by Clinique. Remember to carry tissues with you, and clean your face every 3 to 4 hours.

4. Shiseido T-zone Balancing Gel. (approx. 1400 rubles) A ​​gel that instantly tightens pores without clogging them. Worth more than fifteen thousand. The packaging is small, but the funds last for a long time, because. it is dotted. The gel is non-comedogenic. Similar tool Pore ​​Minimizer Refining Serum by Clinique. Effectively prevents clogging of pores.

5. Skin Radiance Mask Extreme Radiance Mask by ANNAYAKE. The mask has apparently their patented ingredient Oilcaptor, which absorbs sebum very quickly and refreshes the skin. After this mask, the skin shines with a healthy glow for up to several days. And it cleans well. But not everyone can afford to pay more than 3 thousand rubles for a tube. In general, the mask is worth it and it lasts for a long time. Use 2 times a week.

6. Deep cleansing face mask Mat Specialist Instant Purifying Mask by Helena Rubinstein. The mask really cleans the pores, tightens them and mattifies them. Price from 1200 rubles. CLINIQUE Purifying Clay Mask is even slightly cheaper, in the region of a thousand.

I do not recommend using special matting creams, emulsions and decorative cosmetics for this purpose. You will only breed comedones all over your face, which will then turn into blackheads, and they will eliminate shine in just a couple of hours.

Now traditional advice from Agidelia , that is, from me.

Healthy skin should shine: it does not tend to matte. True, everything should be in moderation.

How to find out this measure: Go to a beautician for cleaning, preferably with ultrasound or acids. Immediately after cleansing, when the pores are perfectly clean, the face begins to shine directly, even too much. This goes on for a couple of hours, and usually clients ask beauticians to matte their faces, at least with talcum powder - it’s so unusual for them healthy shine skin.

Usually, the next day after cleansing, the face returns to normal and shines the way it should shine, and this ideal must be maintained, that is, not to let the pores clog up, and not to cover it up with tons of foundation and matting powder.

If you eliminate the internal causes of the appearance oily sheen, you will properly cleanse the skin and periodically visit a beautician, then you will quickly have a glow of healthy, well-groomed skin.

So I wish you to see it soon!

Oily skin gives its owners a lot of trouble. Oily skin is the most common problem. Shine on the chin, on the forehead spoils appearance, often people with such a problem are prone to acne disease or simply acne.

All women are looking for ways and trying to decide on their own this problem- get rid of oily shine and everyone knows - if the shine is not removed, then perfect makeup will not work.

There are some face care rules that can help you get rid of shine. First of all, you need to regularly and thoroughly cleanse the skin. It is recommended to wash your face in the morning and evening with products intended for oily skin. Such drugs should have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Moisturizing the skin milestone in care, it is necessary to moisturize the skin daily. You can do this with moisturizers or masks. A moisturizer has a more fluid texture, more like a balm or gel.

  • You can not squeeze acne yourself, as a result, an infection may appear and acne will become even more inflamed. For deep cleansing Peelings and scrubs are suitable.
  • The foundation must be chosen suitable for oily skin, during the day shine from the face will help to remove mineral loose powder, A Foundation should only be applied before makeup, in the morning.
  • For washing, you need to use a special brush, with its help it will be possible to deeply cleanse the pores and make a gentle massage. Thanks to the massage, a slight blush will appear, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated. After cleansing, you need to use an alcohol solution and lubricate the acne heads with it. After this solution, acne will dry out and will not become inflamed.

Steam baths in the fight against skin shine

Steam baths favorably affect oily skin. It is better to make baths from broth useful herbs such as sage, chamomile, nettle. After the skin is steamed, it is better to wipe the face with cool water with the addition of lemon juice. Or you can use an ice cube, which must be prepared in advance from green tea, herbal decoction or lemon. At night, the skin should be lubricated with tonic, or you can replace it with cabbage or carrot juice.

Exist various masks, with the help of which the greasy shine from the skin will disappear. The composition of masks can include a variety of products, for example, they are especially popular dairy products. Kefir perfectly removes the shine of the skin of the face, and also thoroughly cleanses it. For a mask, it is better to take fat-free kefir.


An effective addition to your diet can be a wonderful natural dietary supplement for weight loss, which has incredible fat burning properties. Olga Buzova recommends new method fast weight loss without extract-based diets. This extract was developed specifically for the treatment of obesity in private clinics in Moscow and does not contain any chemicals or hormones!

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading about new methodology in cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva.

Oily sheen is a common problem and the cause of the complexes of many girls. shiny face looks extremely unattractive and makes you go to desperate measures. But in order to solve the problem, you need to delve into its essence and act purposefully and comprehensively.

Why is my face shiny?

Why does the skin of the face treacherously shine? It's all about the sebaceous glands, which secrete a skin secret. It is essential for moisturizing and providing a natural protective barrier, but if lard is synthesized in increased amounts, this leads to an unsightly greasy sheen.
The reasons for the increased production of skin secretion may be as follows:

  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. For example, if you don't wash your face regularly, your skin will try to moisturize and cleanse on its own, secreting a secret that causes shine.
  • Wrong care. If you use unsuitable or excessively aggressive cosmetic or medicinal products, this can also provide Negative influence on the sebaceous glands and increase their activity.
  • Hormonal disorders. The work of the sebaceous glands depends on hormonal background, so it can be violated for some gynecological diseases, during menopause or puberty, during pregnancy or malfunctions menstrual cycle, as well as postpartum restructuring.
  • Wrong nutrition. Certain foods can stimulate and enhance synthesis sebum. For example, hot spices and seasonings, fatty, fried, semi-finished products and fast food have such an effect.
  • Another one possible reason the appearance of shine is severe or chronic stress or neurological disorders. Nerve fibers that literally permeate the entire body are responsible for the transmission of brain impulses and perform a number of other functions, including regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • endocrine disorders. Endocrine system is responsible for the functioning of the glands, and therefore, with some failures, their work may deteriorate.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse also have a negative effect on the condition of the skin and provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • How to solve a problem?

    What to do, if shiny skin on the face does not allow you to enjoy beauty and makes you complex and hide? You can solve this problem if you find out and eliminate the causes of increased activity of the sebaceous glands and act in a comprehensive manner. Key milestones and steps towards beautiful face discussed below.

    Rethinking nutrition and lifestyle

    It’s worth starting with nutrition, because the way we look directly depends on what we eat. Therefore, eliminate fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food, semi-finished products. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets and spicy seasonings and spices.
    Lifestyle should also be healthy, so stop smoking and reduce your consumption to a minimum. alcoholic beverages. It is equally important to move more and fulfill the daily routine, adhering to normal ratio wakefulness and sleep. And, of course, try to be as stress-free as possible.

    We provide the right care

    correct and complete care includes the following areas:

  • Proper cleansing. Oily skin needs it especially, but it should be gentle and gentle. Do not overdo it, because if you clean the skin often and actively, it will develop defense mechanism and will secrete even more sebum to maintain the natural barrier. Enough daily washing and using scrubs once or twice a week.
  • Proper hydration. If the face is shiny, this does not mean at all that the skin does not need moisturizing, because fat is water, which is necessary for the cells of the dermis.
  • Regular and systematic removal of excess sebum. For these purposes, you can use special cosmetic matting wet wipes, which absorb excess oil and gently cleanse the face, making it matte, velvety and attractive.
  • Proper washing. First, wash your face with warm or cool water to shrink your pores. Elevated temperatures provoke a rush of blood and an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. Second, use a mild tonic or gel every morning. Thirdly, wipe your face gently and gently, using a non-rough towel that is pleasant to the touch.
  • Protection. First of all, you need to protect the skin from direct sun rays so be sure to use sun protection, and also try to cover your face in hot weather, for example by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Proper makeup. Your main task should be to matte the skin. In addition, one should strive for naturalness, since an overly bright make-up exposes all defects.
  • Choosing the right tools

    It is extremely important to select and use the appropriate means.

  • First, they should be designed specifically for oily and shiny skin. The composition of such products may include matting, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and gently cleansing components.
  • Secondly, all products must be of high quality.
  • Thirdly, the means should not be aggressive. Discard those that include alcohol and concentrated acids.
  • Fourth, decorative cosmetics, without which not a single representative of the fair sex can do, should have a light, delicate and almost weightless texture, since a dense layer will stain and clog pores and disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Foundation is best replaced with weightless mineral powder.
  • We use homemade recipes

    Proven and effective folk remedies will help get rid of oily sheen:

  • A great way to cleanse your face is to use cucumber lotion. For cooking, you can simply chop the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them, which will become great alternative cleansers.
  • Effective masks based on oatmeal. It is better to grind it in a coffee grinder or blender, mix, for example, with egg white, milk or liquid honey. Such products have adsorbing, cleansing and nourishing properties.
  • For washing, you can use the usual green tea, it copes well with increased liquid.
  • cook natural scrub ground coffee and natural sea ​​salt fine grinding, dissolving these components in a small amount natural liquid honey.
  • You can apply ordinary kefir or sour milk to your face.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of yeast in 30 ml of lemon juice. Leave the mixture for fifteen minutes and spread over the face, and rinse after half an hour.
  • Now your face will stop shining and will look attractive and fresh!

    Oily skin - frequent companion young age. The features of such a dermis include greasy shine, enlarged pores, black spots and acne. The problem often leads to complexes. However, knowing the causes of violations and methods of care, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin.

    Why the skin of the face becomes oily: the main reasons

    Excessive work of the sebaceous glands leads to an excess of sebum - sebum. As a result, the dermis becomes oily and shiny. The disorder may be acquired or congenital.

    The production of sebum is often activated by hormones. That is why problems with the dermis often occur in girls during puberty, pregnancy and after childbirth. However, guys are more likely to suffer from excess sebum. Violations provoke male sex hormones - androgens. Among the main causes of fatness are also:

    • heredity;
    • hormonal disbalance;
    • stress, nervous disorders;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent constipation;
    • irrational nutrition;
    • bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs;
    • improper skin care or its absence;
    • improperly selected cosmetics.

    All the problems of the body are projected onto the skin. Helps get rid of fat correct image life. Should be abandoned bad habits and mono-diet, exclude stressful situations walk more often fresh air. From the diet it is necessary to remove sweet, fatty, spicy and smoked. The emphasis in nutrition is on cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

    Features of oily skin care

    The purpose of care is to open the pores, remove excess sebum and reduce the activity of the glands. A number of rules will help to achieve the task:

    How to take care of oily skin during the day?

    Oily skin requires daily comprehensive care according to the scheme:


    1. cleansing. Wash with a light gel, foam or mousse. Effective compositions with salicylic acid, activated carbon, essential oils tea tree, chamomile, calendula, lemon, basil A. The product should be completely washable, soft and delicate in texture.
    2. Toning. The face is wiped with an alcohol-free tonic based on salicylic acid, zinc, sulfur, herbal extracts. The procedure allows you to remove residual impurities, cleanse pores and restore pH balance.
    3. Moisturizing. Lightly applied to the skin daily cream with moisturizing, mattifying and anti-inflammatory effect.
    4. Makeup. Optimum foundation with kaolin clay or zinc oxide, matte powder. Mattifying products are applied with a sponge. Liquid blush and shadows are contraindicated.

    Evening (one hour before bed):

    1. Makeup removal and cleansing. Makeup is removed with morning remedy for washing. To remove eye makeup, you need to purchase special compound. For evening cleansing, you can use devices with a brush attachment for washing and deep cleansing of pores.
    2. Toning. The face is wiped with a tonic for oily skin, without alcohol.
    3. Hydration and nutrition. Apply on the face half an hour before bedtime night cream. Formulas with oils of rosemary, lavender are effective. Extracts regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, nourish and moisturize the dermis. It is important that the package is marked "non-comedogenic".

    Use throughout the day as needed matting napkins. The paper instantly absorbs grease and eliminates shine. You can use wipes an unlimited number of times.

    When a point inflammation appears in the form of a pimple or a red tubercle, they will come to the rescue SOS funds: pencils and proofreaders.

    Extra Care

    Oily skin needs special care once or twice a week:

    1. Herbs. Gently cleanse the dermis and relieve inflammation will help steam baths, compresses room temperature. Chamomile, calendula, string, sage, St. John's wort, mint are used as the basis. Herbs can also be added to the water for washing.
    2. Scrub. Dermatologists recommend using exfoliating products with smooth polymer particles. Scrubs with crushed bones can damage the skin, cause inflammation or irritation.
    3. masks. Masks for deep cleansing are done immediately after the scrub. Clay formulations are preferred.

    Salon procedures

    The condition of oily skin is noticeably improved by cosmetic procedures:

    • chemical, ultrasonic or mechanical cleaning faces;
    • gas-liquid peeling;
    • microdermabrasion;
    • darsonvalization (pulse current);
    • biocybernetic (microcurrent) therapy;
    • cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen;
    • laser resurfacing;
    • vaporization;
    • mesotherapy;
    • plasma injections;
    • massage.

    Each of the methods is effective, has its pros and cons. However, the effect of the course of procedures lasts no more than six months. After the program must be repeated.

    Oily skin is not a sentence. Right lifestyle and regular care help solve the problem once and for all. The main thing is not to despair. Moreover, this type of dermis will please the owner in maturity. Oily skin ages more slowly and is not prone to early appearance wrinkles.

    With excessive secretion of sebum, the skin looks shiny, its pores are enlarged, the color becomes grayish. Sebum easily clogs the pores in which plugs - comedones are formed. They are especially well visible in the form of black dots on the skin of the nose and chin. Oily skin is easily inflamed and prone to pustules. The oiliest skin is observed in the nose, forehead and chin, where the largest sebaceous glands are concentrated. Severe oiliness of the skin usually occurs in adolescence. However, increased sebum secretion of the skin sometimes persists up to 30-50 years.

    Oily skin is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It happens when there is disorder and disturbance. nervous system; diseases of the endocrine glands; chronic disorders gastrointestinal tract; abuse of spicy and spicy foods with a lot of animal fats; for long and overuse oily creams and ointments. Increased secretion of sebum may be associated with increased activity of the sex glands during puberty. The nature of nutrition, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the state of the autonomic nervous system matter. Features of sebum secretion can be inherited. The fat content of the skin increases with the abuse of cosmetics.

    The appearance of oily skin can be twofold.

    The first type: the skin seems to be oiled, glossy, shiny, individual droplets of fat may appear on it, it seems to be all punctured, reminiscent of an orange peel.

    The second type: the skin is rough, reddened, with a large number of black dots, pimples, irritated in some places, covered with scales, crusts. There may be sebaceous plugs- dark brown or black comedones.

    Is sebum especially prominent on the forehead, nose, chin, back of the neck, between the shoulder blades, in the sternum? V armpits, inguinal folds, scalp.

    For those with oily skin, a special diet is recommended. It is advisable to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Food should be lean. Flour and sweet foods should be excluded from the diet or sharply limited. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits, dairy products, boiled meat, fish, buckwheat porridge, black bread, but give up alcohol, spices, coffee, smoked meats. Food should be rich in vitamin A, which is found in carrots, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, butter, egg yolks.

    To keep the skin in good condition great importance has the right lifestyle leisure, sufficient exposure to fresh air, physical education and sports).

    Often those who suffer from constipation have oily skin and a bad complexion. In this case, you need to take laxatives (a decoction of prunes, yogurt, kefir, buckthorn bark), put enemas. In winter, general exposure to quartz is desirable.

    Skin cleaning

    Oily skin should be washed daily, and sometimes twice a day, with soap and water. Water should be soft, room temperature. Contrasting washes are also useful.

    In the morning, oily skin can be washed with warm water and soap. Then rinse with room temperature or cool water and pat dry. However, washing hot water not recommended: it contributes to the secretion of sebum. You can wash your face with hot water once a week, and then rinse with cold water, which tightens pores and reduces sebum secretion. Twice a week you can wash your face with cold water.

    If the skin immediately after washing becomes oily, then it is additionally wiped with an acidified lotion with a small alcohol content (10%). With poor tolerance of lotions, you can use a solution of camphor alcohol in half with an alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus. When the skin dries, apply the appropriate cream and powder.

    For degreasing areas containing the largest number sebum (wings of the nose, middle of the chin, bridge of the nose), after cleansing the skin of the face, you can periodically use boric or camphor alcohol (the last summer period not recommended and replaced by 2% salicylic alcohol).

    The disadvantage of oily skin is usually excessive alkalinity, so you need to constantly use acidic products for cleansing, which cleans the skin well and reduces irritation.

    After any evening cleaning, you need to wipe the skin with 2-3 cotton swabs soaked in lactic acid products. After 3-5 minutes, after drying, you need to apply a cream on the skin.

    If oily skin becomes dirty quickly and black dots (comedones) appear on it, saline treatments are recommended. To do this, a cotton swab is moistened with soap suds, dipped in finely crushed salt and rubbed on the face for one to two minutes in a circular motion. Then they wash with water. After that, it is advisable to wipe the skin with one of the preparations: disinfectant lotions, tincture of eucalyptus, calendula, diluted two to three times with water, camphor alcohol, a weak solution of vinegar, lemon juice or vodka. To tighten pores, it is most rational to use natural acid(lemon juice, cranberries, sauerkraut, tomato, etc.).

    With increased sebum secretion, enlarged pores, it is recommended to wipe the face 2-3 times a day with a 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid or 0.5% solution ammonia(within 5-6 days). Acne-prone skin should be wiped with a 25-50% solution of calendula tincture.

    After courses with cleansers (salt procedures, soapy cream with a brush, etc.), it is good to use tinctures on sour wine for a month. At night, before applying the cream, wipe clean with tincture. wet face, and in the morning the tincture is diluted in half with distilled water. It must be remembered that strong degreasing of the skin can cause irritation of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, if necessary, the dosage of the solutions must be changed by yourself.

    Lotions for oily skin

    Lemon alcohol. Peeled and chopped lemon pour 200 ml of vodka and leave for 4-7 days. Strain the resulting infusion. If skin irritation appears after applying the lotion, it must be diluted with water.

    Strawberry. Pour 1/2 cup of crushed strawberries with a glass of vodka. Let it brew for a month. Strain, dilute half with water.

    Cucumber. Washed and finely chopped cucumber insist with the same amount of vodka for a week. Strain.

    Herbal. 2 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs (coltsfoot, calendula, eucalyptus, yarrow, horsetail, chamomile) pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After 3-4 hours, strain, add table vinegar and 30-50 ml alcohol tincture calendula (eucalyptus) or 30-50 ml of cologne or vodka.

    Floral. 2 tbsp. l. a mixture of rose petals, cornflowers, chamomile, calendula, daisies pour a glass of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, strain, add 4 tsp. boric alcohol and 1 tsp. vinegar. Wipe face 2-3 times a day.

    Mint. 2 tbsp. l. dried mint, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat, strain. Add 4 tsp. boric alcohol, 2 tbsp. l. tincture of calendula, 1 tsp. table vinegar or lemon juice.

    From rose petals. 1 st. l. rose petals brewed with 1 cup boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil and, after cooling, filtered through cotton wool.

    From parsley. 1 st. l. dried roots and leaves of parsley pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Infuse for an hour, filter, add 1/4 cup of white wine.

    From nettle. 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped nettle leaves pour 400 ml of boiling water. They insist two hours. Wipe the face twice a day. Infusion is useful to take and inside 1 tbsp. l. three to four times a day before meals.

    From chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. boil chamomile for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water. Strain the cooled broth and wipe your face with it after washing.

    From hops. 2 tsp hops pour a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled, strain and wipe the face once or twice a day.

    From St. John's wort. St. John's wort insist on vodka (1:5). St. John's wort increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, so in summer time it is used with caution.

    From nails. Marigold flowers insist on vodka (1:10). In the same way, you can prepare a tincture of horsetail.

    From borax, hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol. In 1/2 cup boiled water dissolve 1/2 tsp. borax, 2 tsp glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. l. camphor or boric alcohol.

    plant juice. To wipe oily skin, celandine juice is used. It is diluted with water five times. Wipe the face once or twice a day. Aloe juice, diluted equally with water, as well as birch sap, is also suitable.


    Oily skin is also cleansed like this: the face is washed with soap and water, and then done warm compress from herbal infusion. These formulations are recommended.

    2 tbsp. l. dried and chopped herbs (St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, coltsfoot, calamus, calendula, eucalyptus) pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is insisted for 10-15 minutes, filtered and moistened in it. terry towel. The compress is kept on the face until cool and then applied several more times. Then the face is wiped with a piece of food ice.

    30 g horsetail, 25 g lime blossom and 15 g of yarrow are poured with hot water (500 ml) and infused in a sealed container for 10-15 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered, moistened with a napkin and applied to the face for several minutes. The procedure is repeated several times.

    Skin nutrition

    Oily skin needs to be nourished just like any other skin. Before applying a nourishing cream after washing, you need to lubricate the skin with acidified lotion or salted water. The cream is applied for 20-30 minutes on dry skin. Acidified lotion containing up to 15% alcohol is best used after cleansing the skin only on the affected areas (to tighten already cleaned pores).

    Frequent washing of the face with warm water and soap, the use of alcohol-containing products lead to the fact that oily skin loses not only excess fat, but also necessary for normal life. It is depleted in vitamins and biologically active substances. Therefore, for oily skin, creams are used that restore the amount of fats and vitamins. These creams contain fats, waxes, vitamins, disinfectants, herbal extracts, benzoic acid infusion, and sometimes sulfur.

    To reduce the shine of the face, a non-greasy cream is used in which the fat is replaced by a fatty acid (stearin). This cream is easily absorbed, reducing shine and skin irritation. The cream is also applied under the powder.

    In the evening nutritious cream do not apply to the face, except for the lower eyelid, since its skin is usually dry. Use for this cream for the eyelids and for dry skin. The cream can be replaced with vegetable oil (olive, corn, peach, in extreme cases, sunflower). IN vegetable oil it is desirable to add castor oil and, if possible, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

    If after cleansing the skin is a little tightened, it is wiped with liquid creams.

    It is not recommended to use the same drugs or skin care products for more than a month. Without consulting a cosmetologist or dermatologist, it is undesirable to use degreasers containing more than 30% alcohol.

    Good result with oily skin also provides several courses beauty massage faces, masks. However, you can not do massage and self-massage with the use of fatty and emollient creams; for this purpose, you need to take talc or refined vegetable oil
