How to make makeup for a 7 year old girl. Makeup for girls. How, when and why? Parties and themed events

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. V adolescence to please yourself and others becomes even more important. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly handle cosmetics, to get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

Makeup for the middle classes

For girls of middle grades - 6, 7, 8, you can only do light, natural and graceful makeup to school. You can read in more detail about this type of make-up below, as well as tips awaiting you, step-by-step instruction for daytime and festive make-up.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that beautiful school makeup will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to the appearance of rashes, acne, so a tonic, lotion for problem skin... And in winter period there must be a cream that will save the face from chapping.

Very important daily care behind the face to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls under 12 years of age should not use tonal foundations and powder is too "heavy" cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e it is worth giving acquaintance with brushes for applying make-up, how to care for them, how to make your eyelashes beautiful without resorting to using mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle school make-up for teenagers 13, 14 years old - a minimum of decorative means.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. Better eyebrows do not paint, you can add a little brightness with shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done with hypoallergenic cosmetics in gentle pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but you want to shine in an interesting way, then you can put on special baby cosmetics.

But, already being at the age of 14, make-up for school can be performed with more "adult" cosmetics. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teens, makeup artists advise avoiding eyeliner because it takes skill to use and the arrows can overwhelm the look.

Eye makeup for school is performed with shadows natural colors(beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - sheer or subtle.

Everyday make-up

Girls at this age are better off doing simple invisible makeup to school, and it is better, in general, not to abuse the make-up. Maximum - colorless or with a slight pinkish hygienic lipstick.

How to beautifully do makeup for girls in grades 6, 7 and 8? It is enough to adhere to the following steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing procedures are carried out for the skin of the face.
  2. Tidy up the eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with gel.
  3. On the moving eyelid, shadows close to natural shades are applied and carefully shaded.
  4. The eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. In rare cases, girls 13-14 years old can do makeup for school using mascara. But you need to use it in small amount... The effect of extended eyelashes is highly undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

At step by step make-up for school, girls 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a gentle and appropriate image for the setting.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If ahead is expected an important event, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford a gentle formal make-up for school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do it light makeup to school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and hydrated. You can conceal the "problem" areas with a concealer.
  2. Apply blush gently pink shade so that a gentle blush appears on the cheeks.
  3. On the upper eyelid, apply peach or pink scale... Draw a line brown pencil and shade well so that the make-up of the eyes does not seem overloaded.
  4. Dressy make-up for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done with the application of mascara. But it is imperative to follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to natural color eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be painted with brown pencil or eye shadow.
  6. Lip gloss is not bright colors... If make-up is performed at school for a girl of 12 years old, then it is better to use a colorless or hygienic lipstick or shine.

Video: festive beautiful makeup for girls 7, 8 grades.

Makeup for high school girls

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions... The main thing is that the resulting image conforms to the norms. educational institution and did not provoke a protest from the parents.

Healthy, well-groomed skin remains the main principle. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products suitable for the type of facial skin for young creatures.

Concerning decorative cosmetics, you can do small experiments. At the age of 15-17, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even in spite of the admission of experiments, makeup for school should be light and not defiant.

You can use a light foundation, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil Brown color, ink. However, in make-up for school for teenagers, you should avoid bright lipstick, "smokey ice" - on the face of a young girl, such a color will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best to choose a shine in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as in any other), we must not forget that you always need to wash off everything at night. cosmetical tools... This will call young skin to stay healthy and beautiful.

In the spring for a teenage make-up, you can use more bright colours than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting the skin from hypothermia and chapping with a nourishing cream.

Everyday make-up

Everyday makeup to school for girls in senior grades (that is, grades 9, 10, 11) should be neutral. He should emphasize the dignity and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for making makeup for school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin to hide problem areas.
  2. Is applied light tonal base and blend carefully on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if very light makeup is planned for school, then a 9th grade student can refuse foundation.
  3. Eyebrows are combed, drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shades are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. With a brown pencil on the upper eyelid, draw a thin line along the lash line and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are dyed with mascara in one layer.
  8. Cheekbones are accentuated with peach blush.
  9. A transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday makeup for school for schoolgirls 16-17 years old should be done as neutral as possible. Vivid details will look out of place in an educational setting. But for various celebrations you can please yourself and add bright notes.

Festive make-up for high school girls

This kind of make-up is done simply. It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. Concealer should be applied to perfect the skin. Optional for festive makeup to school you can use tone cream, especially if it is done by a student of 16-17 years old.
  2. For eye makeup, use shades of shadows, as in everyday life, only they can be applied more intensively. They can also emphasize the lower eyelid.
  3. Optionally, you can draw an arrow for school makeup. It will emphasize the look and make it more pronounced.
  4. Eyelashes are painted with light brown or gray ink.
  5. You can apply dull lipstick or gloss to the lips.

Beautiful make-up to school for 15-17 year old girls will help support festive mood and atmosphere.

Video: perfect makeup for a holiday to school for girls 15-16 years old.

School makeup can be done for different situations, for example, on September 1, New Year, the ending school year, 8 March, for some joyful events, for a disco, for a photo session for a school album.

But we must not forget that school makeup should be light and natural. His the main task- to emphasize all the charm of a young face. And if you follow all the tips and tricks, then you can easily create beautiful makeup for school.

By the way, don't forget about hairstyles! How to make beautiful and suitable hairstyles for school,!

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Makeup for teens

V a certain age in children, a period of growing up begins, which often coincides with a period of heightened perception of the world around them. Go to adult lifeimportant stage in the life of every child, and therefore parents need to find the right words to help the teenager, not fight him. Children of both sexes strive to please each other, try to take better care of themselves. Girls become interested in cosmetics and try to imitate their mother, aunt, or just adult women in everything.

That is why it is necessary to talk about teen makeup, which is a special manifestation. cosmetic care for their appearance. The task of the mother in such a period is to teach the girl correct use appropriate cosmetics.

Teenage makeup rules

An important condition is correct and regular care per teenage skin... Modern cosmetics manufacturers produce many products for young skin. The treatment begins with washing with a cleanser and toning. To do this, use a cleansing gel or milk and wipe the skin with a toner. Then you need to apply a moisturizer or gel. This procedure is used twice a day, because the main task is to maintain a natural, even and healthy color faces.

For applying makeup, choose only natural, mineral cosmetics High Quality.

Make-up for problem skin that often accompanies adolescence should not start with a thick layer of heavy and dense foundation. The first step is to choose a special medical cosmetics for young skin. The best option will be products with the addition of extracts tea tree, aloe juice, chamomile or string essential oils. If the rash is punctate, then the best way they will be hidden by using concealer.

An important point is proper nutrition... It is necessary to explain to the teenager that the condition of the skin directly depends on what we eat. The diet must include boiled meat, cereals, dairy products, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables. You should give up fast food, carbonated drinks, do not abuse flour and sweets.

How to do makeup for teens?

From the age of 12, girls can wear light cosmetics. Eye makeup is done using eyeshadows in natural shades such as beige, peach or pale pink.

Stylists advise to give up pencils and eyeliners, because a young beauty should practice a little to apply such cosmetics, and the arrows will only make the girl's image heavier. By the way, you shouldn't use mascara for the same reason. Manufacturers offer Alternative option: transparent mascara gel with vitamins A and E, which gently care for the eyelashes, make them fuller, longer and thicker, and also give the look the tenderness and attractiveness that is characteristic of all young girls.

Instead of lipstick, you should use lip gloss, which will accentuate the freshness of your look.

Makeup depending on the age of the teenager

Instead of foundation, you can use a gentle mineral powder... For eye makeup, you should choose shades of nude, mint, beige or peach shades... Mascara is not used, otherwise, in an older age, eyelashes will become brittle and thin. Instead of lipstick - a little transparent gloss.

At this age, cleansers must be connected to help avoid unpleasant rashes and redness on the skin. The foundation is not used, but you can connect a concealer, which is applied only to problem areas. Eye makeup is performed with shadows pastel shades, on the eyelashes, you can apply a little healing mascara with vitamins. Lipsticks are chosen in peach tones or a transparent gloss is applied.

Instead of a tonal base, problem areas are masked with concealer and a light mineral powder is applied. In eye makeup, shades of light blue, cream, green or light brown are used. At this age, girls can start using light mascara, only apply it in 1 layer. Use lipstick peach or pink. You can also do with lip balm.

Let's say a light foundation, brown eyeliner and eyebrow pencil, mascara. At this age, girls begin to feel completely grown up, however, bright colors of lipstick, smokey ice makeup should be avoided for now - on young face it looks too vulgar.

The natural lip color is emphasized by tinted or transparent lip glosses. Eyes can be drawn with a brown pencil, mascara is applied to the eyelashes. Eyebrows are emphasized with a pencil or a special fixing gel is applied.

V young age it is necessary to get used to wash off cosmetics at night and apply a moisturizer for young skin. It is strongly advised not to use a thick foundation, dark shades of eyeshadow and lipstick with a dense texture. Eliminate black eyeliner and false eyelashes.

Makeup for school: step by step instructions

School makeup for teenagers is done like this:

1. On cleansed and moisturized skin, apply a little concealer, which is needed to mask problem areas of the skin.

3. With a brown pencil, lightly draw the eyebrows and comb with a special brush.

4. Shadows of a peach or light brown shade are applied to the entire surface upper eyelid.

5. The lower eyelid is slightly emphasized with light brown shades.

6. With a sharply sharpened brown pencil, draw a thin arrow along the lash line on the upper eyelid and carefully emphasize the lower eyelid.

7. Apply mascara to the eyelashes in one layer. To make the image as light as possible, it is enough to apply the product only on the upper eyelashes.

8. Peach blush is applied with light movements on the cheekbones.

9. Apply a transparent gloss to the lips.

Light day makeup for teens

1. Wash face with cool water, apply a mild cleanser, lather and rinse off.

2. If there are rashes and redness, then they need to be treated pointwise. remedy and wait until it dries completely.

3. Concealer is used to treat rashes, and this remedy is applied under the eyes and gently rubbed to hide small circles under the eyes.

4. On the entire surface of the eyelids, apply the most natural shades of shadows (beige, light brown, peach, sand or light pink). More shadows are applied to the movable part of the upper eyelid. dark shade(brown, sand or gold). Outside corner eyes shape the most dark shades shadows (coffee color, copper or dark chocolate shade).

5. Apply a nourishing gel with vitamins or nut-colored mascara to the eyelashes.

6. Apply a moisturizing balm or lip gloss in a neutral shade to the lips.

1. The face is washed with cool water and gently patted with a towel.

2. Concealer mask problem areas and lower eyelids.

3. In eye makeup, you can use the same shades, only apply them more intensively. By the way, shadows of medium tones can be used to emphasize the lower eyelid.

4. The eyelashes are covered with light brown or gray mascara.

5. Apply lipstick of a calm shade to the lips; a transparent gloss can be applied on top.

Makeup for teens depending on the season

In summer, the skin tans a little, and therefore you should not radically change the shades of cosmetics. The best option will be the acquisition of a bronzer and applying it to the cheekbones, eyelids, neck. If you want to use shadows, then you should do without a bronzer and choose cosmetics for eyes in beige, pink, blue, light green and light purple shades.

During the warming period Sun rays become the most active. In addition to choosing a certain colors(and in spring you can use richer, brighter and more juicy tones in makeup), it is necessary to use creams with protection against ultraviolet rays... This will help prevent freckles from appearing on your skin.

In the cold season, you need to turn Special attention for teenage skin care. To protect the epidermis from hypothermia, it is necessary to use high-quality nutritious cream from bad weather. Make-up is dominated by cosmetics of calm shades.

Fashionable makeup for teens: photo

Makeup for teens: video

Makeup video tutorial for teenagers

Makeup for young girls

Light makeup for a teenager for a holiday

Daily makeup for school

Beautiful makeup for school

We all wish the very best for our children. We carefully monitor their nutrition, education and pastime. But few of us think about WHAT we are washing our precious children. A nuclear mixture of petroleum products, preservatives, dyes, chemical fragrances ... this is not the whole list of what is now called children's cosmetics. But what to do - you say - really leave children unwashed? There is a great way out - to make cosmetics for children with your own hands. Such cosmetics will help not only keep the baby clean, but also improve his sleep, solve problems with skin and hair. Let `s start?

The first recipe is LAVENDER SOAP.

Delicate, nutritious, with a soothing scent, it will appeal to both mom and baby.

We need:

Baby soap (fragrance-free, the simplest),

1 teaspoon milk powder

1 teaspoon sugar (cane sugar) or honey,

Decoction of chamomile, string and thyme,

1 teaspoon peach oil

3-7 drops of natural essential oil lavender.

How to do:

Make an infusion of herbs in advance: pour chamomile, string and thyme with 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, let it brew for about an hour. Prepare water bath(put water in a saucepan, put on fire. Put a smaller saucepan inside). Grate the soap and put in a saucepan. Add a little broth, honey or sugar. Stir the soap gently until it melts. Gradually adding the broth, bring the soap to the consistency of sour cream. Remove mixture from heat, add peach oil, powdered milk and lavender essential oil. Stir and pour quickly into the molds. You can take any form - from sandbox molds to cake boxes. After complete hardening, remove from the mold, and let the soap mature at room temperature 1-2 days.

This soap can be used to wash babies from 1 month of age. For very young children, it is better not to add honey, but replace it with sugar.

Not all baby creams are created equal! I bring to your attention a useful substitute baby cream- CHOCOLATE MASSAGE TILE. Gentle oil easily absorbed, and the chocolate aroma will not leave indifferent any baby.

We need:

Hard cocoa butter, unrefined 60 grams,

Beeswax 10 grams,

30 grams of cosmetic oils (peach, almond).

How to do:

Melt the wax in a water bath. Stir constantly with jelly, add to the wax solid butter cocoa (pre-crumbled) and cosmetic oils... DO NOT OVERHEAT! after complete dissolution of cocoa butter, pour the prepared mixture into molds and leave until completely solidified. To speed up the process, you can put the molds in the refrigerator.

After bathing, massage the baby with tiles. Body heat melts the oils and nourishes your baby's skin, giving it a stunning white chocolate scent.


Funny figures dissolving in water with hiss and seething, filling the bathroom with fruity aromas - the ultimate dream of any kid. Give him a present - a bubbling bath bomb.

We need:

Baking soda 1 glass,

Citric acid half a glass,

Powdered milk 1 teaspoon,

Peach oil 1 teaspoon

Food coloring (optional),

Spray with water,

Essential oils of lemon, orange, tangerine.

How to do:

Grind thoroughly citric acid with soda. Add milk powder, mix.

Pour in Peach oil, dye and, spraying the mixture with water, rub the mixture in your hands until it looks like wet sand. That is, such a consistency in which the mixture, squeezed in the hand, will not crumble. Then add 4-5 drops of essential oil, mix and tamp the mixture tightly into molds. Both molds for sand and special molds for bombs, which can be bought at soap stores, are suitable. Leave the bombs to dry at room temperature for 24 hours.

Our children deserve the best. A fragrant soap, an effervescent bomb and a chocolate bar made by caring mother's hands, will give your kids health and good mood!

All girls want to be like a mother: wear beautiful dresses, shoes, have your own purse and, of course, your own cosmetic bag. You shouldn't deprive your little miss of such pleasure! But at the same time, every mother should know the basic rules of the first make-up: it should have been appropriate and safe. In these matters, it helps us to understand professional children's makeup artist-stylist Olesya Tulnikova, Tyumen.

Children's cosmetic bag

Can I use cosmetics from my own cosmetic bag for my 7-10 year old daughter? If you are using hypoallergenic light makeup, then the answer is yes. These are natural and harmless mineral-based products. Such cosmetic products can be found under the following brands:

- Jane Iredale;

- Bare Minerals;

- Everyday Minerals;

- Lumiere Mineral.

You can put these products in a children's cosmetic bag:

- mineral blush;

- light pink or lilac shimmery shadows;

- several lip balms with different tastes;

- pink lip gloss;

Choose only high quality baby cosmetics. The approach “What difference does it make to her, she’s a child” is fundamentally wrong: funds with a low price usually have poor quality and can harm the delicate skin of children.

The main principle of children's makeup

It's very important to feel fine line between baby, teen and adult makeup. The main principle baby makeup- naturalness. Even with a make-up, the child should look natural to the maximum, be like himself and correspond to his age. Do not get carried away daily makeup for a girl 7-12 years old. Better to wait until your daughter is at least 13 years old.

Little girls are adorable and adorable even without makeup. They are so by nature! Tons of makeup will only spoil the delicate look. However, there are times when you can't do without makeup.

Make-up and hairstyle - Olesya Tulnikova; costumes and photos - Anastasia Bembak

Photo shoot star

The most common case when kids need makeup is in photo shoots. Scratches and specks on the face dark circles under the eyes - all these temporary flaws can reduce the level of natural attractiveness of a young princess. Therefore, it is better to "erase" them with the help of cosmetics. In addition, it does not hurt to emphasize the brightness of the eye and the freshness of the sponges so that the photographs succeed by five points.

If you do not understand such nuances, it is better to entrust it to specialists. A professional make-up artist knows how to correctly highlight the dignity of a child and hide the flaws that will be visible in photographs.

Parties and themed events

Makeup for children's parties does not require as much care and special knowledge as for photo shoots. Any mom who at least once held blush, mascara and lip gloss in her hands, is able to make up her child.

The very process of creating an image is already fun for girls. On thematic events you can invite professional makeup artist or face painting specialist. Make a doll out of your daughter, a funny tiger cub, or please her with figures of animals on her face? It all depends on your imagination, your daughter's and the artist's.

Make-up and hairstyle - Olesya Tulnikova; costumes and photos - Anastasia Bembak

Mom can do anything!

Light children's makeup is within the power of every mom and is suitable for any special occasion.

Makeup for daughter from makeup artist-stylist Olesya Tulnikova:

- Apply mineral foundation (powder) all over the face with a soft, fluffy brush. If the child has a problem of bruising under the eyes, take more thin brush and work with it locally, because such a tool also works as a proofreader.

- Using your fingertip, gently apply liquid eyeshadow or tint of pearl, pink or golden color by the middle of the century. Use light patting movements to blend over the entire moving eyelid.

- Use a soft powder brush to apply pink or peach blush to the apples of your cheeks.

- Style the brows with a transparent eyebrow gel.

In adolescence, girls begin to pay more and more attention to their own appearance. They try to use decorative cosmetics in order to make themselves a make-up with their own hands. They carefully try not only to embellish themselves, but also to hide all kinds of rashes and irritations that appear over and over again at their age.

Some mothers believe that it is absolutely unnecessary for children. And they are absolutely right. Much more essential with early years teach the baby to use funds for daily care behind the face.

When does a child need makeup?

And yet there are times in life when a little girl just needs makeup. Maybe your girl is into an impressive sport like rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating or synchronized swimming. Or maybe she takes part in competitions in ballroom dancing Or is she in a modeling school and often gets under the lenses of cameras and camcorders? All these hobbies involve the use of make-up during the performance period. In addition, in adolescence, children experience the first prom- they complete primary school... On this kind of holiday, girls want to be especially attractive. Yes and Christmas holidays with their colorful costumes or striking birthday outfits also force young beauties to think about make-up in advance.

Almost always teenagers make themselves a so-called "school" make-up. Unlike a club or a festive one, it implies a more restrained image. But not all girls clearly understand what it should be. At the same time, the goal of the girl's mother is to examine the makeup for the suitability of the place, to figure out for the children herself how to go to school, and to teach her daughter these basics. She should be able to choose an option that will help the young beauty feel more mature, more confident, more beautiful and more individual.

First steps in teenage makeup

The first thing to do is to help your daughter get all the devices, materials, cosmetics she needs for make-up, as well as thematic educational books and magazines about beauty and fashion. In them the child can find useful information about the main types of facial structure, types of skin and recommendations on how to learn how to highlight and emphasize more winning specific traits own appearance.

Everyday makeup for children should have an emphasis on well-groomed skin, as a result of this, great attention should be paid, first of all, to healing cosmetics. Youthful skin is prone to the formation of various rashes on it, including acne. Toners, gels, washing mousses, lotions, creams, and other daily skin cleansing and moisturizing products should be selected with this adolescent characteristic in mind.

What you need to have in your arsenal to create baby makeup

Makeup for schoolchildren can be applied with the same devices as an adult. In the stock of any young girl should be present powder, bronzer, tonal means, lipstick and balm or lip gloss. It will also not be superfluous to purchase a special eyebrow brush, tweezers for curling eyelashes and tweezers to remove unnecessary hairs.

Make-up for children requires a fairly large assortment of decorative cosmetics, because a make-up for a secondary educational institution implies the use of cosmetics that are exceptionally calm and as much as possible natural shades, and for the publication and all kinds of experiments with appearance Opposite makeup options using saturated colors will be appropriate.

Festive make-up for girls

What will be the solemn makeup of a teenage girl directly depends on the theme of the celebration. In case it is New Year or Halloween, and it is implied carnival outfit, then the make-up must correspond to the selected suit. Often in such variants, a special make-up is used, which is referred to as "face art" or "face painting". To create it, a make-up is used that has a water base.

Many schoolchildren simply do not like the "face painting", because thanks to it, you can transform into a vampire or a snow princess in almost a matter of seconds. Glitter pasted over and all kinds of iridescent sequins and rhinestones will serve as a great addition to this make-up. After using such a make-up, the girl's face must be thoroughly cleaned with cosmetic milk or other makeup removers.

Halloween Ideas

For Halloween, a neutral make-up will certainly not work. V in this case you need to do something more expressive. It is on such a day that a little girl can put on makeup in bright colors and no one will find it wrong or vulgar. What recommendations should be followed to make for children?

  • First, choose a concealer, powder and foundation several tones lighter than your skin, because after all, vampires are usually associated with us primarily with noble pallor.
  • You don't need eyebrows for this look. Agree, their absence is often frightening and gives a person a rather unpresentable look. Here is such an image on this day for us as once will go... Cover brows completely with concealer, use a sponge to apply a tinted bio cream, and on top of it several layers of powder to make the skin tone more even.
  • Apply a dark coffee shade to the moving eyelid. In the process, you can go beyond the boundaries of the line dividing the movable and fixed eyelids.
  • Move the movable eyelid with a white pencil, and on top of it apply a transparent shine (allowed with sparkles), which will act as an adhesive base.
  • Take some silvery glitter for your eyes and spread it evenly over the not dried glitter all over your movable eyelid.
  • Smoky shadows can be used to emphasize the area dividing the movable and fixed eyelids. To do this, apply dark coffee to the lower eyelid along the lash line.
  • Highlight the inner corners of the eyes with persistent golden eyeshadow.
  • In the direction of the growth of the lashes on the upper and lower eyelids, contour using the watery superliner. With a black pencil, highlight the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
  • Mix several shades of eyeshadow. In this case, red and coffee will be appropriate. Apply them to the lower eyelid area, and use chocolate shadows to highlight the contour of the nose and the beginning of the eyebrow.
  • Draw the brow line figuratively with a superliner or water-based eyeliner. Give it exactly the look you like the most. Well, or the one that will look the most creepy.
  • Apply blush or bronzer to your cheekbones, and glue lush and incredibly long false eyelashes to the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Apply a dark lipstick (you can even use black) and cover it with a fuchsia lip gloss.
  • Do not forget to also insert sharp teeth, because a vampire without fangs is not a vampire. Form blood smears near the mouth and, if desired, insert multi-colored contact lenses to become a true copy of the vampire.

Makeup for the little princess for the most magical holiday of the year

Now let's talk about what kind of makeup for children can be done for the New Year. After all, this is the the right time to look stunning. Of course, make-up should be done strictly under the supervision of parents, or older sister... Next, we will list 5 basic rules for creating a baby make-up for the New Year.

Brows. Do not tint them with a pencil, and even more so you do not need to paint them. special paint... On small child it will look vulgar, which means that such actions are completely inappropriate. It is only allowed to comb the eyebrows with a brush and fix their shape with a colorless gel.

Tone. Do not use foundation or too much concealer when creating. The use of a corrector is permissible, but only in order to hide the minuses and imperfections (if, for example, the daughter has already teenage years with all related problems with skin). This will be enough to make beautiful makeup for children.

Eyelashes. They can be slightly tinted, it is better to focus on length rather than splendor. Just apply some mascara to the ends of your lashes. Excessive use of mascara will make the look unnatural, and the child does not need it at all.

Eyelids. Apply some silvery glitter eyeshadow. Do not get carried away and do not use Try to make the image correspond to the age of the baby and do not make her older than her years.

Lips. Lipstick is optional when creating baby makeup. It is better to put on the lips of a young lady a little bit of a barely noticeable shine. You can use shimmer glitter. In terms of colors, it is better to give preference to such shades as pinkish, coral or beige. But the red color should be abandoned, because makeup for the New Year for children should not be very bright.