Climbs the skin on the fingers and toes. What to do if your child has skin on his fingers. Child's skin - rough skin, skin rashes in children

Most often, an allergic reaction is to blame. The reasons for this:

  • unusual food that the body has decided not to accept;
  • new smell, for example from flowering plants;
  • washing powder in which the children's clothes were washed;
  • pet stroked at a party.

Fungus is perhaps the most dangerous and common disease, and often it is he who is the reason why skin peels between the toes. The methods of infection can be different, but the main one is contact with a person who has already picked up the fungus or the surface with which the latter was in contact. And if this disease has already been, then during re-infection it develops more actively.

Too dry skin on the feet. The reasons for this are varied. For example, this is how the body can react to an unusual climatic zone for it. Such manifestations as itching and cracks may be added, which is difficult to treat.

When a child is dressed too warmly, excessive moisture appears under the tights, and this wonderful environment for the emergence and development of the fungus. Then when warm clothes- socks or tights - they are removed from the child, the foot dries up sharply, and the dead one begins to peel off.

Shoes can also cause this disease. Leather allows the feet to breathe, but synthetic material does not always. Too much tight shoes squeezing fingers also contribute to the sweating process. As a result, steamed fingers create favorable environment for microbes.

Frequent changes in temperature, too cold or warm room affect the condition of the skin in children. The legs are either supercooled or overheated, and the skin begins to peel off.

Many parents are happy if their very little child visits the pool. But the water there is hard, often with a large addition of chlorine, and this is another reason why the skin on the legs suffers, becomes rough and dry, peels off.

The following reason may seem unusual for many mothers, but it also often becomes the basis of skin problems. You can redeem the baby well, but if you do not wash it between the fingers, then tissue that has become keratinized for a long time accumulates there, and begins to peel off, preventing the epithelium from renewing.

Sometimes heredity manifests itself not entirely correctly. And it happens that increased dry feet is a problem inherited from ancestors.

That is why there are:

  • cracks;
  • peeling;
  • peeling.

If there are not enough vitamins and minerals, this is also the reason why the skin on the toes is peeling. The child's body grows, develops, because it so needs fresh vegetables and fruits. If there is such a nuisance as, then the dermatologist can send the parents and the baby to the laboratory to have a scraping done there. This will allow you to determine what treatment is needed and what vitamins the body lacks to fight.

Vitamin A, Multitabs, sea ​​buckthorn oil usually help to get rid of peeling if the reasons were a lack of valuable substances. Vitamin E is an essential and effective ingredient that is rubbed into problem areas several times a day.

It is necessary to pay serious attention to the diet, to increase the presence of such products in it:

  • carrots and peppers;
  • oranges, apples, persimmons;
  • cheese, dairy products;
  • vegetable oil.

The skin on the soles of the feet peels off due to a lack of moisture. Usually enough special cream with the addition of vitamins, and the problem will be eliminated.

If, nevertheless, the skin in the area of ​​the feet and fingers continues to peel off after all the measures, it is necessary to examine it more carefully so that the lesion does not spread further. Suddenly it turns out to be a symptom of a more serious illness.

An unpleasant disease can be hidden between the toes, which is caused by a fungus or athlete's foot. For convenience, when making a diagnosis, doctors divide it into 3 main types.

2 Characteristics of the disease

The membrane form of the disease is observed between the fourth and fifth fingers. It differs from others in that the skin:

  • cracks;
  • takes the form of scales;
  • peels off strongly.

A moccasin-like infection usually manifests itself in the fact that there are barely perceptible painful phenomena in the area of ​​the foot. And then the skin on the sole gradually becomes thicker, cracks appear on it.

The form of the infection is vesicular, quite unexpectedly it appears under the skin in large blisters that are filled with fluid. They occur mainly on the lower part of the foot, however, other areas of the skin do not escape the same fate.

The fungus may appear in top layer skin or on its surface. It is most convenient for him to develop where it is warm and humid, between his toes - an ideal place for this.

Epidermophytosis is easy to spread. And besides, it is contagious. It is worth touching the toes or feet of the sick person, and the fungus immediately spreads to the legs of another person. Usually it is picked up by those who walk without shoes on the contaminated area. Most often next to the communal pool or in the public locker room.

The fungus, getting into the shoes, develops there, and if it is narrow, then the air circulation in it is impaired, and the disease will progress.

Symptoms of athlete's foot and skin between the toes:

  • inflammation;
  • severe itching;
  • peeling;
  • cracks.

3 How to treat the skin of the feet

In the treatment of epidermophytosis, antifungal agents are used that are applied to the skin. The pediatrician will prescribe a cream or spray to suppress the fungus.

When the baby's first symptoms appear - the skin on the soles of the feet and it itches between the toes - you should immediately consult a doctor. And in order to avoid problems in the area of ​​the feet and toes, one must remember the rules of hygiene and adhere to them.

This requires:

  • keep body, feet, fingers and toes clean;
  • make sure that between the toes is dry;
  • buy comfortable shoes for the baby so that the skin can breathe in it;
  • shoes, in which the child walked all day, it is advisable to ventilate for several hours;
  • it is preferable to wear socks made of natural fabrics, and if there are problems between the child's toes, it is advisable to change socks and tights several times a day;
  • after water treatments thoroughly wipe the entire skin between the fingers;
  • wear special rubber slippers in public pools and showers.

Fighting at home. In addition to the remedies that the doctor advises, you can give the baby a small massage using baby emollient oil.

Herbal baths too good remedy... They soften the skin, cleanse it and relieve the burning sensation. Fixed assets - chamomile or string and calendula. Baths with sea salt also help.

Better for the feet if the water temperature is no higher than 40 ° C. Feet, if they become rough, can be arranged with special cleaning procedures to remove dead cells of the epithelium. You can gently rub your feet with an abrasive sponge or a special file.

After water procedures, you must thoroughly wipe soft towel the baby's legs and the skin between the toes too. Then all wounds and sore spots can be treated.

To improve blood supply and normal nutrition skin cells need to be invented for the crumbs of some fascinating activity to baby certain time he spent with his legs raised upside down.

Quite often, parents and children are faced with a problem when the skin on the fingers of a child peels off. Why is this happening, and how to act in this situation? What measures to take to decide this problem efficiently and quickly?

The skin of the hands is most susceptible to the negative effects of external environment... The skin of the hands, unlike other parts of the body, contains small amount sebaceous glands and very little moisture needed to maintain smoothness and elasticity. If the child's skin peels off, peels off, there are spots or redness turning into wounds and cracks, analyze everything possible factors and take action.

Why does a child's skin peel?

Consider the most probable causes Problems.

Improper care... If your skin is dry, your hands just need to be extra moisturized. You can use any baby cream.

Excess moisture. You should dry your hands thoroughly after washing. If the child often deals with water, then peeling occurs and the skin between the fingers peels off.

Lack of vitamins A, E. Most often, vitamin deficiency begins in late winter and spring, when the supply is depleted nutrients in organism. Ask yourself if there are enough vitamins in your menu, are you eating right? Increase the number of products containing a large number of vitamins A and E. These vitamins are responsible for elasticity and smoothness skin... Eat more carrots, there is a lot of vitamin A. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, in carrot juice you need to add a little fat or vegetable oil for better absorption. Vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oils... Vitamin complex "Aevit" can be purchased at the pharmacy at reasonable price, and drink the course. If skin problems in a child are caused by a lack of vitamins A and E, then experts often recommend oil solutions these vitamins. You need to take them in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drop them on a piece of bread. The skin on the baby's hands will stop peeling off in two weeks.

Weather. Fluctuations in temperatures during the cold season have a negative effect on the skin. The skin on the fingers peels off due to the dry air in heated rooms in winter. In summer, exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to a violation of natural defenses and dehydration.

Exposure to allergens... Often upon contact with cosmetics, hygiene products, synthetic materials allergic manifestations are observed. Skin can peel off due to contact with a specific substance (modeling clay, paint, washing powders, scented soap). If the child has peeling skin on the fingers in the absence of exposure external factors then it could be a sign of food or drug allergy... In any case, the main thing is to timely and correctly identify the allergen and exclude further contact.

Metabolic disease often accompanied by dryness and flaking of various areas of the skin.

Skin diseases cannot be cured without consulting a dermatologist.

Infectious diseases. 2-3 weeks after scarlet fever, peeling of the skin on the palms and fingers is often observed. With erased symptoms, this infection confused with sore throat. Analyze if your child has had a high fever and sore throat the day before.

The consequences of taking antibiotics. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, poor appetite, loose stools, dryness and flaking of the skin. Dairy products and a course of lactobacilli (for example, Linex, Bifidumbacterin) will correct the situation.

What to do, how to treat

Folk remedies

  • apply flaxseed or olive oil, while it is better to hold your hands in warm gloves for 20 minutes;
  • with dry skin masks made of mashed potatoes with milk and butter or a bath of potato broth are very effective;
  • removes flaking and restores the skin oatmeal mask with oil;
  • it is good to lubricate the skin with a decoction of celery root, pre-boil the celery in a liter of water for 30 minutes;
  • to lubricate problem areas, you can prepare the following mixture: in 250 g of milk, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flaxseed, bring to a boil, insist.
  • baths with sea salt are also very effective: dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter warm water... Soak hands in salt water and generously lubricate with moisturizer.
  • honey nourishes and cleanses the skin. It can be rubbed in with oil, added to masks, and used for hand massage. Try a mask from egg yolk and honey with olive oil.

Masks should be applied to cleansed skin in a thick layer; for the thermal effect, it is better to wear gloves on top. Masks are convenient to do before bedtime. They can be left to dry completely, then washed off and moisturized. Decoctions are good to use after washing your hands throughout the day.

Drug therapy

If there is no positive reaction to traditional methods of treatment, use medications:

  • Funds creating protective layer and restoring moisture to the skin, it medicated creams based on an aqueous emulsion. Klobaza cream is quite effective.
  • Foretal, Boro-plus, Dardia - medicinal creams with medicinal plants and vitamins.
  • Bubchen, Bepanten, Mustela are special creams for children that help in the fight against cracks in the skin of the hands and flaking.
  • It is useful to lubricate the skin with an oil solution of vitamins A and E. Wheat germ extract is available at the pharmacy.

Peeling of the skin usually lasts about two weeks from the start of treatment. During this time, the skin completely changes to healthy.

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The skin on the feet of a child and in the folds in the area of ​​the toes is a problem that occurs in newborns and adolescents. Children's dermis is susceptible to any stimuli leading to unpleasant sensations.

The reasons from which the skin on the feet of a child peels off:

  • fungal infections;
  • allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • lack of humidity in the room;
  • poor quality shoes;
  • cosmetic products not designed for children's epidermis;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • excessive sweating in warm shoes, and the feet will climb;
  • stressful situations;
  • the use of water containing chlorine (the dermis on the feet begins to peel off in children visiting the pool).

The hands and soles of the feet are peeling if there is an imbalance in the body or dermatological disease... This symptom is primary symptom illness. Do not ignore the discomfort in the body - see a pediatric dermatologist right away.


If there is a feeling of discomfort on the legs, the dermis peels off and dries up, consult a pediatrician. The specialist will prescribe tests, diagnose and determine the reason why the baby's skin began to peel off.

In case of a fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe therapy with pills and creams with antimycotic effect. The skin areas affected by the fungus are treated with Exoderil or Exifin. The therapy is applicable to enterovirus. It is recommended to drink a course of multivitamins.

The child undergoes tests to detect blood sugar. This procedure will have to go through children whose dermis peels off on the heels and palms at the same time. With a high sugar content, an infant or adolescent is assigned a detailed diagnosis aimed at excluding the development of diabetes.

Diabetes treatment is carried out in a complex. All their lives, the sick will have to accept additional drugs... Diabetes is not cured, but subsides for a while, perhaps even for years.

If the cause of skin damage is hidden in an allergic reaction, an analysis is done to identify the allergen and exclude its effect on the body. Drugs that relieve allergy symptoms - Fenistil or Zyrtec - will help the child get rid of itching. They are prescribed by the attending physician.

In other cases, it is possible to cope with the disease at home. Review your child's nutrition, make it balanced and healthy. Walking on fresh air... Buy him comfortable shoes made of quality materials. Take a course of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system.

To avoid further limb problems, perform regular grooming procedures:

  • take daily before bedtime salt bath within 20 minutes;
  • add various essential oils that relieve itching, soothe and help sleep;
  • after the bath, clean your feet with a pumice stone, lubricate with cream and put on socks;
  • during the day, it is better for the baby to run barefoot, if it allows temperature regime apartments.

Treatment methods

Traditional therapies and folk remedies will help combat the problem.


The reason for peeling lies in the lack of vitamins. This happens in winter, spring or after suffering an illness. The body has exhausted its vitamin resources, they urgently need replenishment. Consult a doctor, he will help determine the missing elements. Skin problems arise in conditions of a lack of vitamins of groups A and E. Purchase vitamin complex, suitable for the child according to the age.

The skin on the baby's fingers may peel off due to fungal disease... At risk are children visiting a public pool, running barefoot down the street and playing with animals. In addition to peeling, itching will appear at the sites of infection with the fungus. At the first sign of illness, you should consult a doctor. Don't ignore the symptoms. The specialist will prescribe ointments - Terbizil or Exoderil. Self-medication leads to an aggravation of the situation. Subsequently, the nail will fester, which will do home treatment impossible, hospitalization is required.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes will help if a child's feet are peeling. She effectively fights against the disease that has arisen on the leg. Usage folk remedies moisturizes the pads of the heels, the disease will pass imperceptibly.

The proposed recipes will help if the baby's skin begins to flake off:

  1. Take Castor oil 100 ml, warm it up in a water bath. If desired, you can use olive or any other. Mix the heated oil with a whisk with two yolks. Apply the mixture to the damaged surface, wrap with polyethylene, put on top wool sock... Keep it on for 40 minutes, then rinse with running water and laundry soap.
  2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, mix it with a few tablespoons of cream and starch. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting product at night. Rinse and apply moisturizer in the morning.
  3. Use baths from various medicinal plants- calendula, chamomile, string, nettle. These plants, according to reviews, allow you to get rid of problems, the skin will stop flaking, all spots on the surfaces of the legs will disappear.

These methods will help if not serious problems with health. The baby will stop flaking and cracking the skin on the limbs, peeling off the heels. To determine the diagnosis, consult a specialist.

Prevention of the appearance

For prevention purposes, so that babies do not have discomfort on the toes, the skin did not begin to peel off, there was no redness, we advise you to follow the recommendations:

  • balanced nutritional regimen;
  • carrying out daily hygiene procedures;
  • regular diagnosis and therapy of diseases.

If the skin on the child's leg is peeled off, do not panic. With any problem regarding the health of the child, especially in infancy, it is worth contacting the family doctor, and he will determine the way to fight.

Parents often face a problem when a child's legs develop dry skin. Roughness in many cases becomes the main manifestation of a certain condition or in combination with additional symptoms... The appearance of peeling - good reason to see a doctor. It is important to start taking care of the baby's skin from childhood, which creates a protective barrier for microorganisms.

Most sensitive skin on the legs of babies is considered to be up to 3 years of age. Additional factor risk is autumn-winter period when the wind outside becomes cold and the ambient temperature drops significantly.

The following circumstances can also join, causing peeling of the skin:

  • Improper baby care to protect him from UV rays.
  • Use of poor quality personal care products.
  • Bathing the baby in water above 38˚С.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Staying a child in a room with low humidity air.
  • Eating disorder.
  • Insufficient intake of water into the body.

To protect the baby from sun rays special means are used, but careful approach is essential. An improperly selected cream will tighten the skin and cause peeling. The first will be the places subject to friction - the legs.

The best hygiene products Are those that are colorless, odorless and have hypoallergenic properties. A poor-quality set of ingredients in the composition will lead not only to the roughness of the baby's legs, but also to rashes or itching.

Low humidity air in the room causes damage to fabrics. This is how it becomes when high temperature outdoor environment and during the heating season.

A special role is proper nutrition baby. It gives the baby's skin elasticity, firmness and healthy appearance... Deficiency of vitamins and other components makes it dry and flabby. Often, the baby's body has a high need for foods rich in useful substances in the spring.

The sun for a baby, especially in the first years of life, is extremely necessary. With it, he receives vitamin D. The most favorable time for walks it is 9-10 am and 7-8 pm.


Some diseases are manifested by dryness of the legs. ARVI, skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis), hypothyroidism, lichen, diabetes and infections are among them. The surface becomes rough and rough when the body does not receive enough fluid to keep the tissues in good shape.

This is especially true of the legs, which are a distant part of the body. The body with a shortage of water has to spend the incoming fluid for basic functions to maintain life.

Treatment of peeling skin in a child on legs

When a mother notices peeling on the legs in her baby, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. Most situations require A complex approach in treatment. Fabrics need to be protected before going outside. quality cream from ultraviolet rays.

It is not recommended to bathe the child in hot water... Because of this, the moisture that saturates the tissues quickly leaves them and the baby's skin becomes especially sensitive.

V cold weather it is best to treat the baby's legs with a protective agent before walking.

It is important to maintain optimal environment and indoors. In the fight against the problem of dry indoor air, room humidifiers have proven themselves well.

Proper nutrition

You cannot be limited only to caring for the external condition of the baby's tissues. Important correct diet mother, breastfeeding and the baby himself. Nutritional advice can be used to prevent flaky skin.

The following foods will be helpful in treating this problem:

The product is given to babies in accordance with age and in the amount allowed for it. It is important to consider that there are foods that remove water from the body. It is fried, sweet and fatty. The child should drink the amount of water not only in accordance with age, but also a little more in order to make up for the deficit. The amount of fluid consumed is determined by the doctor so as not to give him more than necessary.

Treatment of diseases

The skin and body of an infant in the first years of life are sensitive to a large number microorganisms. With absence good care tissues lose their protective properties, which often leads to diseases.

Urea cream intensively softens the skin. It easily fights not only hardened tissues, but also cracks.

The appearance of peeling on the legs becomes the cause of skin diseases in most cases. It is necessary to exclude the appearance of psoriasis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then hormonal and moisturizing creams and pastes are prescribed, applied to the peeling surface. At the same time, drugs are taken orally.

Problems with thyroid gland eliminated by taking medications to correct its function. When peeling due to allergic reactions, antihistamines are used. Children under one year old are allowed to give Tavegil, Fenkarol, Donormil.

  • erius;
  • claritin;
  • cetrin;
  • diazolin.

Vitamins of groups A and E support the elasticity and moisture of tissues. To make them better absorbed, it is recommended to apply a few drops to a piece of black bread and give it to the baby. When cracks on the legs join the peeling, they are lubricated with nourishing and healing agents. In addition to this, the baby should be wearing cotton socks.

Folk recipes for peeling skin

Traditional medicine can take good care of dry feet. Before use, you need to consider all medical advice and the individual reactions of the baby.

For these purposes, the following are suitable:

  • Baths.
  • Compresses with lemon juice.
  • Cucumber tincture.

Oil is added to the foot bath beforehand. They soften and nourish the rough epidermis. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. In addition to oils, decoctions of chamomile and rose petals cope with peeling.

Lemon juice used for compresses has a softening effect. Several napkins are impregnated with it and applied to problem areas of the fabric. The duration of the compress is no more than 10 minutes.

Cucumber tincture not only moisturizes but also refreshes tissues. Fresh slices are poured with vodka and left in the light for 12-14 days. Then the problem areas on the legs are wiped with a towel with the resulting solution.

It is important to remember that timely treatment and an integrated approach will quickly solve the problem if dryness appears on the baby's legs. So that peeling does not bother him, it is important preventive measures and Attentive attitude to the baby.

Often, young parents are faced with the fact that their beloved children peel off the skin on the legs between the toes and on the feet. This condition is called desquamation in dermatology.

Causes of pathology in children

Relieve the baby from discomfort and pick up correct treatment can only qualified specialist, since the causes of the disease are very diverse.

Insufficient hydration

The skin on the legs of a child, especially up to a year, is especially tender and sensitive, so the importance of filling it with moisture should not be underestimated. Exfoliation of the skin on the feet can begin with harmless peeling. To avoid similar problems, a fat cream should be applied daily to the child's legs.

Fungal disease

Often the skin in children peels off due to mycosis, which the baby could become infected by contacting the shoes of a sick adult. About availability fungal infection is usually indicated by itching of the feet. The described situation is considered the most serious and requires an immediate visit to a dermatologist.


Children's skin on the limbs also peels off due to a lack of vitamins A, D, E. In the case when the doctor made such a diagnosis, changes should be made in the child's menu by increasing the amount of vitamin-containing products:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • pepper;
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews);
  • persimmon;
  • dried apricots, raisins, figs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • hard cheeses.

For quite little toddler eating breast milk, the listed food should be added to his diet by his mother. In case of artificial feeding, it is important to pay attention to those milk mixtures that contain the necessary vitamins.

It is possible to compensate for the deficiency of trace elements local ways using the Aevit capsules. The substance should be rubbed into the skin of the feet after each bath. As for vitamin D, your baby can easily get it through sunbathing.


The child's skin often peels off due to disturbances in the digestive tract. Usually, such problems concern infants, because they digestive system not yet fully formed.

Due to dysbiosis, immunity decreases, and allergic reactions... This contributes to the fact that the epidermis on the feet begins to peel off and peel off. Probiotics and dairy products will help to cope with such troubles.


Allergies, which can be a reaction to food, clothing, cosmetics, or household chemicals, can provoke the appearance of dyshidrosis. Blisters form first, followed by scaling and itching. Crusted ulcers gradually develop.

Qualified allergists and dermatologists will prescribe a course of examinations. During the analysis, a substance will be identified, contact with which must be excluded.

Kawasaki disease

Children's skin on the legs can peel off due to Kawasaki disease. Fortunately, this reason is the rarest, but in children who have had this disease, peeling of the skin on the heels and between the toes is indeed noted.

Wearing tight shoes

Unsuitable, uncomfortable shoes or boots often lead to the fact that the skin on the soles of babies begins to peel off. Artificial socks and tights are similar irritants. Air access is blocked to the surface of the skin, sweating of the extremities increases, which leads to their peeling.

Excess chlorine in water

Chlorine has a negative effect on children's skin, large volumes contained in tap water. Due to this chemical, the epidermis dries up and dies off. The problem is solved by softening the water using special filters and treating the skin with a nourishing cream.


Their presence provokes in young children the development of many diseases, including dermatological ones, leading to peeling of the skin. Having found peeling of the skin on the legs in the baby, you must definitely go through full examination and get tested for the presence of helminths.

Washing powders

Laundry detergent can cause a negative reaction from baby skin, even if it is made specifically for babies. In the case when the parents are convinced that the matter is in the powder, it is urgent to replace it and observe the reaction of the child's body.

Cosmetical tools

Shampoos, foams, creams and other cosmetics, with which parents take care of their child's skin, can also cause skin peeling. In this case, the funds must be immediately replaced with more neutral products with natural ingredients without dyes and fragrances.


Peeling skin on children's toes and feet requires compulsory attendance a pediatrician. Self-medication in in this case absolutely inappropriate, as it can only aggravate the situation.

To prescribe competent and effective therapy, the doctor will need to conduct a number of examinations:


In the case when the cause of peeling of the skin in a child is not a fungal or microbial infection, it is considered that in specific treatment not necessary. To successfully get rid of unpleasant symptom it will be enough to eliminate the cause that caused it and strengthen the body's defenses. This can be done by changing the child's lifestyle towards a healthier and more active one, as well as saturating his body with useful microelements:

  1. Moisturizers and nourishing creams containing silicone, urea and lactic acid (D-Panthenol, Diaderm). They should be rubbed around the entire perimeter of the limbs, giving Special attention areas between the toes.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil and aloe extract will add benefits.
  3. Vitamin complexes: Pikovit, Vitrum Baby, Alphabet will also have a positive effect.

It should be noted that hormonal ointments and creams containing corticosteroids have long been recognized as ineffective against these skin blemishes. It is also not recommended to resort to antiseptic and antimicrobial agents if microbial or fungal inflammation is not detected.

During the period of intense exfoliation of the skin, it will be useful to bathe the baby in baths with the addition of lavender, calendula, chamomile, mint, sage, linden and other plants that have healing properties... To prepare the broth, you need cold water in a volume of 2 cups add 2 tablespoons of chopped dry herb. The mixture should be brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 5 minutes. After that, the broth must be filtered and added to the bath, where the baby's legs are lowered for 15 minutes.

In extreme cases, the use of exfoliating agents is acceptable. Gentle abrasive brushes, pumice stones or scrubs for natural basis in the form of coffee or sea ​​salt... An indispensable condition for the correct procedure is the use of a moisturizer at the end.

If during the examinations it turned out that the baby is suffering from allergies, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, which will need to be taken within 5-7 days. The list of such drugs includes:

  • Fenistil;
  • Zodak;
  • Erius;
  • Diazolin;
  • Cetrin.

If the causative agent of the pathology has become fungal infection, creams and ointments are used, such as:

  • Radevit;
  • Aekol;
  • Mycosan;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Exoderil.

Their use cannot be short-term, the affected areas should be treated for 10-30 days, 2-3 times a day.


Help children's body can overcome the disease special diet... It is hardly possible to call it specific, since it simply implies an increase in the number of useful products and volume reduction junk food... Parents should add more fresh and stewed vegetables to the diet of their beloved child. Fermented milk products should also be present here, which contribute to better absorption of vitamins and increase immunity.

If the root of the problem lies in a food allergen, it must be eliminated from the child's diet.


As you know, it is easier to prevent the onset of the disease than to fight it. The following preventive actions will help in this:

  1. Enhanced strengthening of immunity in autumn and spring with the help of vitamin complexes.
  2. Purchase of children's clothing and footwear from natural materials providing the necessary ventilation for the feet and body.
  3. Moderate use cosmetics and chemistry in general when processing baby skin
  4. Regular hardening to enhance protective properties organism.
  5. Compulsory observance of the rules of hygiene.


It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the skin of a person, especially a child, because this is the most main defense from the environment. For this reason, it is vital to monitor their health, and in the event of even such a seemingly insignificant problem as peeling of the skin on the legs, you should consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.