45 years of marriage. Sapphire wedding (45 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS. What is the name of the anniversary

45 years life together after the wedding.

The symbol of the holiday is sapphire. This is the second most valuable stone after the diamond, the so-called "brother" of the ruby. In addition, sapphire is one of the most durable stones. It symbolizes stability family relations. It is believed that after this anniversary, nothing can destroy the love of the spouses. The rich blue color of sapphire denotes a calm and peaceful relationship of the couple.

Sapphire is also a symbol of purification. Therefore, on this day it is customary to “cleanse” the body and soul. According to tradition, on the eve of the holiday, the husband and wife visit the bathhouse (if there are no contraindications for this). To purify the soul, the spouses express to each other old grievances, omissions and mutually forgive them.

Traditionally, a sapphire wedding is attended by the closest people for a married couple: children, grandchildren, close relatives, witnesses and friends. The celebration is held in home circle. They usually do not go out into nature. The color of the holiday is blue. Therefore, it is desirable that this color be present in the table setting and guests' outfits.

Gifts for the forty-fifth wedding anniversary

For 45 years after the wedding, the spouses are given presents in blue or on a "marine" theme. Any gift can be made “themed” by using the color of the anniversary in the design of its packaging. Gift ideas for a sapphire wedding:

  • products for the bathroom and bath: a set of towels, unusual soap, aromatic oil, terry bathrobes;
  • interior elements: caskets, curtains, figurines, a table lamp, a picture (for example, depicting the sea);
  • household items: small Appliances, bed sheets, plaid.

Gift for husband/wife

Spouses on this day traditionally exchange rings with sapphire. If the couple already has rings with a ruby, then the stone in them can be temporarily replaced with a sapphire. Spouses wear such rings for one year. In addition, you can give each other any jewelry with sapphire. The wife will appreciate the set of earrings and pendant, and the husband will be happy with cufflinks, watches with this stone.

Gift from children to parents

Anniversaries will appreciate such gifts from their children that will remind them of the happy moments of their marriage: a collage of family photos, presentation with musical accompaniment and so on.

A good gift would be an aquarium or a decorative fountain for the house (if the parents love fish and live in their house).

Gift from guests to spouses

Guests give the spouses any household items or decorations for the interior. The original addition to the gift will be blue flower in a pot or bouquet blue flowers in a vase of the same color. An interesting gift idea is cognac aged 45 years.

Congratulations and toasts

At the table, the guests say congratulatory speech. At this point, it is advisable to prepare in advance and make it at home. Ideas for congratulations:

Our dear ...!
Today we have gathered to congratulate you on your forty-fifth wedding anniversary. The symbol of the anniversary is a sapphire. It multiplies your wisdom, calmness and depth of your union. May your home always be full of joy and merry children's laughter! Be happy together for many, many more years!
Dear spouses!
Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! We wish your relationship to be as bright, bewitching and strong as this stone. Keep sailing hand in hand on the sea of ​​life. Good health to you and your whole extended family!


To "revive" the holiday will come in handy competitive program. Game options:

1. "Surprise"
"Props" are prepared in advance before coming to visit. A gift for spouses is wrapped in a package, to which a note “for anniversaries” is attached. Then another layer is applied wrapping paper with a note on top "to the highest guest". Next - another layer with the inscription "to the curliest guest", etc. It is necessary to use several layers of paper with notes. In the midst of the celebration, such a gift is presented to the first "addressee". He can unfold only one layer of paper, after which he passes the present on to the next guest indicated in the note. latest gift Anniversaries receive "unexpectedly" and finally unfold it.

2. Love is...
Competition for the best sequel to everyone famous phrase"Love is...". Anniversaries are sent notes with options. At the end of the evening, they choose the best wording. Its author is awarded a mini-prize (for example, a box chewing gums"Love is...").

After 45 years of marriage, the wedding anniversary is celebrated special holiday- sapphire wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. After all, for as many as 45 years - almost half a century! - not every couple can maintain feelings of trust, love and affection. That is why anniversary and was named after the gem. As is known, different countries have their own memorable names wedding dates, but this anniversary is called the name of sapphire not only in Russia, but also in Scandinavian countries, the USA, England and a number of others.

Sapphire and its properties reflected in traditions

The anniversary got its name not only because it is so long family life and the feelings that made it possible to live these years can be called a real treasure. Much is connected with the properties and characteristics of the stone itself.

Five years before this day, the couple celebrate ruby wedding. Both of these stones are precious, but unlike the red dark ruby sapphire has a blue color and attracts with its beauty, purity and transparency. So are the feelings of the anniversaries - what purity they must have in order to allow the two to live together such long term! Relations are now also painted in a different color - light, heavenly. Spouses after this anniversary are unlikely to be able to leave, they will not even have such a thought. Formerly people it was believed that pure sapphire had the ability to open dungeons and release captives from imprisonment. This is most likely not the case, but it is true that this beautiful stone has a very strong positive energy. In addition, it can partially remove Negative consequences stress and cleanse. Sapphire also enables people wearing products with it, for a long time maintain sharp eyesight, excellent hearing, clarity of mind and greatly enhance intuition. At the age at which this holiday is usually celebrated, which is 65-70 years old, people actually need such “support”. The purity of spiritual thoughts associated with this stone adds strength and helps a person to avoid many negative situations, including deceit and lies. These properties are associated traditional rites and customs, which are present in abundance at the feast.


A lot can be attributed to traditions, in particular, congratulations from children, relatives and colleagues, certain gifts that are customary to give to anniversaries and which they present to each other, some rituals held on this day, the celebration itself.


The most important and necessary in the scenario of this holiday is the ritual of purification. This action can be understood and performed differently by everyone. There are no clear rules, so there are many options.

For example, joint visit of the spouses to the bath. At the same time, it does not matter at all which bathhouse to go to - the national Russian or Turkish hammam. The result will be the same - by cleansing the body and relaxing, a person can also cleanse the soul. General cleansing you can start early so that you can finish by that day. If spouses try to eat right, then diet or therapeutic fasting will also be a kind of cleansing. The most common is the third variation of this rite. It lies in the fact that anniversaries right from the very morning appoint a kind of " Forgiveness Sunday» . It is known that the most difficult thing is to get rid of spiritual, long-standing and almost already forgotten grievances, which at the most inopportune moment for this can remind of themselves. Old worries and resentments can make life very difficult for everyone around you. It is advisable to prepare for this “forgiveness Sunday” in advance, because on this day, they not only forgive each other for everything, but also ask for forgiveness for what they did earlier. You need to remember even that for which you have already managed to justify yourself before, some little things like the absence of congratulations on your birthday twenty-five years ago. This will certainly please your soulmate. Despite how difficult it is sometimes to ask for forgiveness, it is definitely worth doing, because the symbol of this day is the sapphire, which represents liberation and purification.

Another fairly common option is closest to the definition of "rite". This remission of sins and cleansing through the church. Regardless of the religion in each temple, a clergyman can help with this. You just need to decide on such a difficult act and turn to the temple. Blue and cyan is the color of the sky and water. One of the very important traditions on this day is the decoration of the premises in which the holiday is held, with blue accessories and decoration of the same color with fabrics.


This day is worth spending with loved ones:

  • children, grandchildren, even, perhaps, already great-grandchildren;
  • other relatives with whom warm relations are invariably maintained;
  • close and beloved friends who for a long time joint years were close and participated in the life of the family.

The holiday will still turn out to be magnificent and crowded, because for such long term married couple manages to get a lot of people who need to be sure to invite. Of course, this does not mean at all that only these three categories can be present at the celebration itself. At this age, a man and a woman can still work. Colleagues at work after this will become even closer to the heroes of the day. The number of invitees may also depend on the status of the anniversaries themselves. Famous and respected people are sometimes simply forced to invite very a large number of of people.

Anniversaries are supposed to meet guests with some blue accessories or details of clothing. The "bride" can even wear blue dress, and the "groom" - a blue shirt.

Spouses gifts

One of the most important traditions for a couple associated with this anniversary is the process of presenting gifts to each other. Updated wedding rings solemnly put on by the spouses just before the start of the holiday before the facilitator starts seating the guests. This update consists in the fact that the rings are decorated with sapphires. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance to find the right craftsmen. As already mentioned, sapphire and jewelry with it bring warmth and purity to relationships. In addition, the constant wearing of even a small sapphire improves well-being, vision with hearing and intuition, which is especially important at a not too young age.

How can you celebrate

On this day from early morning get rid of everyone negative thoughts, tune in to the good and the good. Even if the husband and wife are sleeping in different rooms, it is desirable to meet this morning together, so that also together in the evening with this day and say goodbye. The first half of the day is devoted to the spouses only to each other- a morning walk, a joint visit to the temple, the sacrament of remission of sins and forgiveness. It is better to spend the main part of the celebration not in a cramped apartment, but in a large room. It's great if there is a cottage and it's worth good weather, then there will be enough space for all the invitees. If not, then you can spend a holiday in banquet hall. It is advisable to invite a leader. Firstly, he knows exactly how to entertain guests at the same time very different ages. Secondly, it will certainly be difficult for the anniversaries themselves to spend the holiday on their own. Can do a pleasant surprise to their guests, handing each one a blue flower. Doing this at the beginning or end of the celebration depends on how long the banquet is planned to be.

Anniversary Sapphire Wedding Gifts

Separately, you need to talk about gifts.

The main condition for a successful holiday on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of living together is the tender and pure feelings carried by the husband and wife through the decades!

Liana Raymanova February 22, 2018

The most important day in the life of lovers is the wedding day. years married life pass so imperceptibly and quickly that an impressive anniversary has already crept up - 45 years of marriage. What to give for sapphire anniversary friends, parents and your significant other?

Such a romantic name for the anniversary is not accidental. Sapphire is a precious stone turquoise color reminiscent of sea waves. It is believed that this stone helps save marriage, strengthen the bonds of lovers, achieve spiritual harmony and protect against betrayal.

Gifts related to the water theme. For example, for connoisseurs of a healthy microclimate in an apartment, an indoor fountain is perfect. It's not only stylish decorative element interior, but also a humidifier. Moreover, watching the flowing water and the sounds of its murmur give some incredible relaxation, tranquility and peace. They say that such interior items attract positive energy and, depending on its location, improve a certain side of life (southeast - financial situation, north - career etc.). No wonder water is one of the five fundamental elements of Feng Shui technique. And one more nice bonus such a gift is that in dark time for days it can light up a room.

Indoor Fountain as a Sapphire Anniversary Gift

Budget gifts related to water can be bath accessories: aroma oils, bathrobes or original towels with the name of each spouse.

creative and delicious gift friends on their 45th wedding anniversary big cake. Specialists in their field create real masterpieces for your orders. It can be a multi-tiered sapphire-colored cake or a photograph of anniversaries made from edible material. You can approach the issue of decorating a cake quite simply and banally: mark the anniversary number on it. And if you want to go beyond mediocrity, order a cake sky blue, symbolizing renewal and lightness, adorned with sapphire beads. You can make a similar confectionery creation yourself.

Sapphire Anniversary Gift from Friends: Themed Cake

On the birthday of a family of friends, you can present them picture with water element . Clean and transparent water on the canvas carries a certain energy charge, attracts happiness, joy and health to the house. Also in the picture are acceptable images of waterfalls, harbors or ships.

An impression gift can be buying tickets anniversaries. If your financial resources allow, ideal solution will send a couple to a warm country for the sun, sea, healthy food and positive emotions. A married couple will also be delighted with a ticket to a good sanatorium. You can also donate tickets to an exhibition, a film premiere, or a theater.

The main thing is that the spouses will spend this time together for interesting leisure.

The right gift would be to present a set of bed linen, a tablecloth, curtains, blankets or bedspreads. different shades of blue color.

You can give the family clothes if you know well taste preferences and don't go wrong with the size. For women fit elegant dress, and for a man - formal suit. You can also please the spouses with pajamas with the inscriptions “Together for 45 years!”.

Porcelain products of the Gzhel technique become real an exclusive gift, because you can add an inscription or logo on this souvenir.

As a gift to friends on the 45th anniversary, a vase painted in the Gzhel technique

Options can be glasses, mugs, cups with saucers, shot glasses, a vase, a salad bowl, a sugar bowl, an ashtray, and even a samovar. Such an “elegant” product will not only decorate the interior, but also fill it with unique elegance. hand painted will delight connoisseurs of Russian traditions. Such gizmos will become a real relic and will be passed down from generation to generation.

What can you give spouses to each other for 45 years of marriage

According to tradition, spouses give each other jewelry with the appropriate symbolism, that is, with sapphires. A wife can be presented with a pendant, brooch, earrings or gold ring with sapphires and diamonds.

Gold ring with sapphires and diamonds, SL(price link)

Beloved will also be delighted with a flower gift: indoor (for example, violet) or garden flower(hydrangea). And really surprise her bouquet of 45 blue roses.

As a gift to his wife for a sapphire wedding 45 blue roses

Husband a good gift a watch with sapphires, a tie clip or cufflinks will serve. Also a symbolic present will be a ring with a stone or a bracelet. If your spouse is not indifferent to fishing, spinning or hooks will do. Such a surprise will be to the taste of the husband and will correspond to the marine theme.

If it was not possible to pick up a gift with sapphires, just pack it in a nice blue wrapper.

What to give parents for their 45th sapphire wedding anniversary

The most precious and valuable thing that parents have is children. Usually, anniversaries celebrate the anniversary with their closest ones. A gift from relatives can be video gift from still pictures or short videos.

This is a great surprise, especially if the video contains congratulations to those who were physically unable to be around.

With a certain concept and pre-thought out plot, text lines and music will be matched to the photos.

One more interesting idea seems to create family coat of arms . Specialists in the field of heraldry implement the most daring ideas to create such symbolic gift help you choose suitable colors, figures and motto.

Can be rented billboard and put on it a photo of the spouses with congratulatory words. The main thing is that the shield is located in the area where the couple lives or in those places where they are most often. Everyone should know about such a significant date!

Even more interesting, original and creative ideas can be gleaned from the article "".

Original DIY gifts for the 45th sapphire wedding anniversary

The material value of gifts for a couple who have kept the union half a century long recedes into the background. The most important thing is the attention that the giver expresses through the presentation of a surprise.

DIY gift options:

  • If you have minimal culinary skills, it will not be difficult for you to bake birthday cake. The couple will appreciate such a sign of attention. Decorate it with fresh fruits, berries and flowers.
  • Draw a portrait of a couple or create it using modern computer graphic design techniques. Such a surprise is sure to delight.
  • Embroider a picture, tablecloth or even bed linen in blue tones.
  • If you are talented in writing poetry, give the anniversaries an exclusive creative work written according to their love story.
  • Make a slideshow of snapshots of the spouses going back to childhood. Jokingly play up the story and add touching comments. Such a gift will not leave indifferent the guests of the event and will warm the soul of the spouses. After all, for so many years of living together, they acquired everything they wanted, and memories are priceless.
  • On whatman paper, you can depict the whole life of the spouses from the moment of their birth with the help of photographs. Such a visual picture will breathe into the relationship new life and will make the wife and husband nostalgic about the past youth and make sure once again how much everything connects them.

It will be a wonderful gift if you take organization of the celebration into your own hands. Think over the design of the room in blue, the scenario of the evening, entertainment, refreshments and gifts for guests. A pleasant highlight will be an arch from balloons blue flowers or balls in the form of numbers "4" and "5".

The celebration of a sapphire wedding is a significant event in the life of anniversaries. It's true unique date, because to cope with difficulties and keep the warmth of family relationships is not an easy task. Behind so many joyful and sad events experienced together, but the spouses were able to cope and maintain the majesty of love. To make the holiday even more memorable and impressive, you should pick up worthy presents for lovers. Now you know what you can give a married couple for a sapphire wedding. Good luck and inspiration!

The forty-fifth anniversary of living together is an excellent date, the anniversaries of which have long proved to each other and others the sincerity of their feelings and the boundlessness of love and devotion. Undoubtedly, such love rightfully deserves sincere respect and the date is worthy to bear the name identical to the name of a noble gem - sapphire. About what kind of wedding 45 years of marriage and what traditions this date is endowed with, we will be happy to share with readers in our article.

To live in legal marriage side by side with a loved one in fidelity, it is necessary to be strong, loyal, wise, making concessions and loving person. Without set positive qualities hard to stay close to a partner for so many years. 45 years of marriage is not in vain called a sapphire wedding, since it is this jewel that has long been considered a stone of wisdom. Our ancestors believed that the stone was endowed with the power to restrain the emotions of people, often preventing them from considering the situation in the right way. The stone helped the owner to make the only true and correct decision.

It is interesting that the predecessor of the date - a ruby ​​wedding - is 40 years old, the personification of which is a passionate and brightly scarlet stone. It is generally accepted that these five years are able to transfer a married couple to new level, calming their ardor a little and bringing peace and tranquility to their life together. Just like relationships, the stone changes its color from a passionate and aggressive red to a calm, peaceful and deep blue. Many will think that love itself cools down during this period of time, but no. Colors symbolize the transition of relations to a new level and a permanent strengthened status.

Celebration traditions

45 years of marriage cannot be ignored. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange a celebration, starting from the financial aspect. Not all spouses can afford a magnificent celebration in an expensive restaurant with numerous guests and a slide of champagne. But it is impossible not to celebrate the holiday at all. This anniversary is organized for narrow circle of people. Often these are children and grandchildren of anniversaries, close relatives and faithful friends. It is rare to meet strangers on a wedding anniversary. All guests are very important and significant persons in the life of the "young". If parents do not have enough opportunities to organize a celebration in a restaurant or cafe, children should try to provide parents with such an opportunity. It is very important to celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary of living together, experiencing the same emotions as on the wedding day, making sure that the decision was made correctly.

Anniversaries and guests should dress in shades of blue, reminiscent of the color of the precious stone - sapphire. But you should not withstand this particular style, shades of blue and aqua will be beautifully combined. At the same time, not only the guests of the evening, but the heroes of the occasion wear blue. Tablecloths, napkins, table setting elements, curtains in the hall and other accessories and decorations are also designed in a single palette.

Another one interesting tradition, which not all anniversaries follow. If the groom put on the bride a ring with a stone for the wedding, it is customary to change it along with the change wedding anniversaries. So, for example, for a ruby ​​wedding, the gemstone of the ring is replaced by a ruby, and for a sapphire wedding, the ruby ​​is replaced by a noble sapphire. It is worth noting that not all couples have engagement rings with stones, so the tradition can be ignored in such cases.

Choosing a gift for a joint forty-fifth anniversary

Before making a choice perfect gift for the newlyweds, you need to remember that the best gift associated with a specific date, there will be a present, one way or another connected with water. Of course, it is important to choose a thing that will please both halves and bring beauty to their joint life. For example, bathroom towels, or bath utensils. Beautiful and necessary bath accessories and other items. If money and room space allow, you can give them a small fountain designed for the room or a beautiful aquarium with fish.

Gift options for a sapphire wedding

In connection with such an impressive date, the heroes of the occasion themselves should exchange rings with sapphires, as on the day when they swore love and fidelity to each other.

Children and close relatives of the anniversaries can also give jewelry adorned with sapphires - bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings, hair accessories, beads, watches and other trinkets. After all, such significant date deserves proper attention.

Guests can please the "newlyweds" with pleasant and necessary for Everyday life gifts such as:

  • Set of dishes.
  • Plaid.
  • Curtains or tulle, curtains, capes for upholstered furniture.
  • A set of kitchen or bath towels.
  • Bed sheets.
  • Two soft fluffy bathrobes and other nice little things.

It is necessary to take into account the date and choose a gift for the soul to match the sapphire color scheme.

The theme of water, associated with the depth and smoothness of relationships, the bottomlessness of love, can be supported by the following presentation options:

  • Bathroom fixtures - shower, jacuzzi, sink or bathtub. These are pretty expensive gifts.
  • Hoses and other devices that help in watering a garden or plot will become budgetary.
  • Rubber boat for joint fishing or recreation on the lake.
  • Sun loungers for relaxing in the country house by the pool and other gizmos that support the theme.

A real surprise for married couple could be the following unforgettable gifts and surprises:

  • Flawlessly designed and fitted into beautiful frame a joint photo of spouses radiating happiness and giving smiles. The frame can be decorated with sapphires or blue rhinestones.
  • A self-made portrait or cartoon of the "newlyweds".
  • Blue service in porcelain, possibly decorated with a decorative coating.
  • Rug or tablecloth embroidered with a pattern of blue threads or painted with wishes for anniversaries.
  • Ticket to the sanatorium hot country or a healing camp where husband and wife can go to the river together, gather mushrooms and attend evening dances, holding hands and strengthening love away from the daily routine.
  • Subscription to the pool.
  • Therapeutic mud, masks, clay with sea salt and minerals and other memorable items..
  • By giving spouses a ticket to a concert of your favorite orchestra or pop star, restaurant or theater, you can please them not only with a gift, but also with the opportunity to spend the evening together by going on a date.

Flowers make a great gift. It can be chic bouquets blue roses, cornflowers or bluebells. A houseplant in a blue pot or with flowering will also look worthy. blue flowers, for example: violet, gloxinia, crocus, phlox, hibiscus and others. The flower will not only decorate the room, but also remind you of the person who gave the plant.

The main thing is not the cost of the gift, but that it be presented with soul and please the people who received it on the anniversary of the sapphire wedding. After all, only those people who have made every effort to decorate the life of a loved one can live 45 years in harmony and love, raise children and grandchildren. It’s not enough just to be there, you need to support your soul mate in joy and sorrow, help move forward when your hands are completely down. It is strong and trusting couples who live with dignity best years, increasing the length of life together, celebrating great wedding anniversaries.

A date that not every couple submits to is the 45th wedding anniversary. Especially nowadays, when people are too fixated on their own careers. We all know that for each anniversary there is a certain name associated with one or another material, which, in particular, is customary to give to those who celebrate. If on a non-circular date such traditions could still be neglected, then such beautiful figure, as 45 years of marriage, deserves attention and proper decoration of the holiday.

What is the name of the anniversary?

Let's start with the fact that the 45th anniversary of marriage is the so-called sapphire wedding. As often happens, such a name is not given at random and not even in a search. interesting options gifts that have accumulated over forty-five years of family life.

It is assumed that the couple's relationship over the years has acquired the features inherent in sapphire, namely: hardness and durability, inseparable from sophistication and wealth.

In ancient times, precious stones were given a special symbolic meaning, believing that each of them symbolizes something - supporters of this point of view still exist. In married life, sapphire means the strength of family ties., the well-being of subsequent generations (after so many years together, a couple usually manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but sometimes even great-grandchildren) and the purity of relationships that, being stained with something, would not last so long. At the same time, sapphire is associated with the renewal of relationships, since such long term relationship do not end easily - they must remain constantly young, because there are many other significant dates ahead.

Symbols and traditions

The main symbol of such an anniversary, of course, is sapphire - in particular, this precious gift deserves to be presented on such significant date. If we abstract from the purely family aspect of esotericism, then this stone symbolizes life wisdom and the ability to control oneself - of course, people who have managed to find a compromise for such a long time must simply have these traits. Among other things, sapphire indicates other positive features wearing a person - for example, on patience and perseverance in achieving goals, wonderful strength spirit and the same health.

Esotericists see special meaning even in the color of the stone - here it symbolizes peaceful peace. Such symbolism in this case is very appropriate, because people of venerable age no longer have the passion of youth, but such a characteristic does not mean that love has faded away - it just has reached a new level, becoming deeper and more conscious.

Theoretically, any gifts can be given on such an anniversary, and a sapphire is not so necessary there, but there is a long tradition according to which a couple renews their wedding rings, giving each other those that are decorated with just this precious stone. Although the symbolism of the celebration lies in calmness and tranquility, it is not customary to hold it in complete silence and away from others - on the contrary, it is so a prime example unquenchable love should become an example for the young. Since the anniversary marks a very long period of time spent together, the most correct guests will be those people who have traveled a significant part of the path with the couple - these are primarily children and grandchildren, as well as other close relatives and old friends.

How to celebrate?

If people are already interested in the traditional name of such an anniversary and its symbolism, then they would certainly like to give the festival a completely unique features so that the triumph in memories, even after many years, stands out according to characteristics which distinguishes it from numerous other similar festivities. Fortunately, previous generations left us detailed recommendations regarding how to organize a sapphire wedding.

First of all, such a date, while not being perfectly round, is still too big to celebrate it modestly., therefore it is assumed that the holiday should be held in a big way. A couple who have lived together for so many years, by definition, can no longer be young, therefore the celebrants themselves do not always show the initiative in the proper amount, but they probably have adults and already accomplished children who are able to take on at least part organizational issues. Actually, it is the descendants who managed to become successful that usually symbolize the duration of such relationships, therefore, in many respects, it is their activity that is a gift to those who celebrate.

The financial situation does not always allow you to celebrate the anniversary on a real scale, but this is not always required - good option there will also be a home celebration, if only all loved ones are nearby, and the money saved can be left until the fiftieth anniversary. If the possibilities and desires of the organizers allow, you can come up with something more unusual, but it is worth remembering that all this is done for the main heroes of the occasion, and at their current age they are not always able to appreciate outdoor activities.

The vast majority will not be able to provide an interior decorated with real sapphires modern families, but, as we have already understood, not only the stone itself matters, but also the color that it usually happens to be.

The interior can be decorated without jewelry, but in the appropriate color shades - usually these are tones that occupy an intermediate position between the actual blue scale and green shades.

This design should be observed in everything, and special attention is paid to what is easiest to replace - woven design elements, which include curtains and a tablecloth. if it is possible to use dishes of the same shades, this should also be used. Solemn elements of decoration like candlesticks will also be very appropriate - it is difficult to find more suitable occasion for such an environment. You can even use balls or garlands, but it should be remembered that excessive pomposity is not always perceived with approval by the older generation.

To support the theme of the party, you can also take care of the color matching of the outfits of those present., although special attention to the scale, of course, should be shown by the heroes of the occasion themselves. The more color matches, the more themed the holiday will be, because even a cake can beat the theme of a sapphire wedding - it can be decorated with an appropriate edible decoration in the form of the same stone.

Selection of gifts for the anniversary

The forty-fifth wedding anniversary is quite a weighty reason for presenting gifts, without which such a celebration cannot be done, but the problem may lie in choosing a present. On the one hand, it should be quite valuable, on the other hand, symbolic, but at the same time, of course, affordable for guests. Due to this traditional gifts from relatives in the form jewelry using real sapphires are possible, but not so probable - you will have to look for alternative options.

Remarkably, only spouses can give rings to each other on such a date - such a gift, even from children, is not considered happy.

It should be noted that at the age when I usually celebrate my own sapphire wedding, the couple usually does not really care about material things They either already exist or are not needed. At this moment, the intangible acquires special value, therefore relatives can additionally emphasize such a desire of the celebrants, for example, by buying a tourist ticket for them to a holiday home or any resort. Where they have long dreamed of visiting.

Of course, the list of possible gifts is not limited to vouchers, so let's pay attention to the most common and appropriate gifts for just such an occasion:

  • any sapphire-colored gifts - less valuable in terms of value, but no less symbolic;
  • home decorations in appropriate shades, from figurines to paintings - do not enrich the couple materially, but enrich spiritually and remind of the anniversary;
  • flowers are a gift that is absolutely appropriate in any situation, and if they are also matched to the color of the holiday, then it’s just an ideal option;
  • a photo collage will be a good gift for absolutely any anniversary, celebrating the duration of something, and even photos of the best moments of a long life together often allow you to refresh and renew feelings;
  • tickets for any expensive cultural event, whether it be a theater or a concert, can remind the celebrants of how they spent their first dates in their youth;
  • beautiful textiles for home use will appropriate gift for any couple living together, because bed linen, bathrobes or towels can also be a great gift;
  • some experts draw parallels between sapphire color and water, therefore, those gifts that are directly related to it are also appropriate - for example, bathroom items or even a full-fledged aquarium with live fish will fit.

At such a moment, it is very important that everything is properly thought out and properly organized. Older people often remember small, seemingly insignificant details, so you should pay attention to them. Special attention. Beautiful words said at the right time and once again emphasizing the importance of a couple for others, often seem to the elderly more valuable than any material gifts, therefore a thorough approach to organizing a holiday will be the main key to success.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations from grandchildren for a sapphire wedding in the next video.