Decorative cosmetics for teenage girls. Do I need to use cream? Cosmetics should be individual

How to properly care for young skin between the ages of 18 and 25?

It is safe to say that this is wonderful period when the skin of most young people looks well-groomed and beautiful without special efforts from their side.

Of course, there are exceptions when adolescence has already passed, and the skin still remains problematic. But the features of problem skin care are a separate topic for a special video.

And for the most part, under the age of 25, the facial skin of both girls and boys looks the best way And she needs minimal maintenance.

My video about skin care at 18-25 on YouTube:

Skin care mistakes under 25

The most important thing at this age is not to go to extremes.

On the one hand, young girls may have the illusion that they are timeless, will always be young and beautiful, and therefore you should not waste time and effort on facial skin care.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, and even young age you need to take care of your skin to protect it from harmful effects environment and prevent premature aging.

Moreover, as I said, during this period, minimal care is enough, which does not require a lot of effort and money.

But it also happens the other way around - when very young girls, out of the best of intentions, out of a desire to keep their skin young and beautiful for a longer time, begin to get too carried away using cosmetics. Or even anti-aging products designed for women over 30.

This is also wrong, because young healthy skin still works great on its own, and such help becomes a disservice - it inhibits the natural activity of the skin and, to a certain extent, contributes to its aging.

Because constantly receiving outside help, the skin begins to be lazy to work on its own and, accordingly, age earlier.

How to properly care for the skin in 18-25 years

At this age, it is quite enough for the skin of the face:

  1. cleansing
  2. Toning
  3. Moisturizing

And that's enough for just about everything three funds care:

  1. Washers
  2. Tonic
  3. Moisturizer according to skin type

As you can use a gel, foam or mousse to cleanse the skin of the face.

For toning, both ready-made tonics according to skin type, as well as herbal decoctions, hydrolates or mineral water are suitable.

And as a daytime protective cream it is better to give preference to light moisturizing emulsions or gels.

Night cream is not needed at this age. If suddenly in the evening for any reason there is a feeling of dryness or tightness of the skin of the face, then at night you can apply the same moisturizing emulsion or gel that you use in daytime. And if this is not necessary, then nothing needs to be applied.

Sometimes girls complain that they can’t pick it up for themselves - any remedy increases sebum secretion, the skin quickly begins to shine or pores become clogged.

In this case, it is better to use sebum-regulating (that is, reducing sebum secretion) gels and serums or emulsions with a matting effect.

And younger guys, who tend to have a lot of sebum, may not need to use a moisturizer at all if they don't need to. The exception is trips to the sea or prolonged exposure to the sun, when everyone needs to use

The variety of jars, tubes, different bottles dazzles your eyes... What to choose for your skin and how to determine your skin type?

Style modern woman- beauty and beauty. To look always respectable and a young woman should start caring for her skin at a young age. If you think that at a young age it is enough to use only soap and cosmetics are not needed, then this is an erroneous opinion.

Skin care at a young age is not only for those with oily skin. Proper care is essential for all skin types. Even if she is perfect in her youth. Exactly how a woman will look after 30 depends on how skin care was in her youth.

It doesn't matter what age the woman is. Makeup is the same for her. important role both in youth and adulthood. But cosmetics should be special and age appropriate. To receive you need to desired result, it is important to know the principles of selection of cosmetics for young skin.

There are some rules for what cosmetics to buy for young skin:

1. At what age can you start applying cosmetics?

Here it should be borne in mind that the beauty of a young girl is in her naturalness. Decorative cosmetics should be postponed for now. If you really want to be brighter, then for this there is special means produced by well-known manufacturers. Right choice manufacturers and correct use cosmetics will be a guarantee in order to preserve the beauty.

It is necessary to start using cosmetics that are intended for skin care from the onset of puberty. Years from 12-14. It is during this period that girls usually begin to have skin problems. More often during the period of menstruation, but someone constantly. It is then that you should think that it is time to buy tubes and bottles to save the skin.

2. Cosmetics must be individual!

No mother, no sister. Cosmetics should be selected specifically for your skin and designed specifically for young skin care - this is one of the basic rules for choosing the right cosmetics for young skin.

Cleansers should be the most basic. These are various gels for washing, liquid soap, which make it possible to gently but very effectively cleanse the skin without damaging its barrier layer.

regular soap, including children's this case won't fit. It greatly dries the skin, increasing activity sebaceous glands, which are already working above the norm. There is a rule: the cleanser works the softer, the less foam it gives. The lye in soap is harmful to the skin.

The next remedy is a tonic. Tonic perfectly cleanses the skin, has a calming effect on it, removes inflammation, narrows pores.

In some cases, the tonic is combined with a skin cleanser. It turns out a 2-in-1 tool. This can only be used as a "road" option. For daily use, it is still better to buy two. different means. You should pay attention to the fact that the tonic in its composition does not contain alcohol or acetone. Naturally, they dry out unwanted acne very well, but at the same time the rest of the skin, which provokes premature aging.

Superficial cleansing of the skin complements soft scrub, which promotes exfoliation of dead cells on the surface of the skin, and a mask to deep cleaning skin and removing blackheads. These funds are used from 1-2 times a week, in accordance with the type of skin, up to 1 time in 2 weeks. At combined type skin mask for deep cleaning can be applied topically to the problem area (forehead, nose, chin).

The skin after cleansing needs help and protection. Young skin does not need a strong restorative or oily nutritious cream. Until the age of 25, it is not necessary to apply a nourishing cream. And the use of a day cream or gel is necessary. The daily remedy effective moisturizing for young skin, protects the skin from the action sun rays prevents dust and bacteria from penetrating deep into the skin. Daily cream can also be used if after the evening washing there is a feeling of tightness.

All products that are used for skin care, as a rule, contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. These are extracts from plants and oils: yarrow, aloe, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, tea tree. Zinc is used in skin care products. It treats existing inflammations and prevents the appearance of new ones. It has a matting effect that saves oily skin from greasy shine. Some products contain farnesol. This antibacterial component is present both in creams and gels, and in tonal means oh and means for correction. Often even in lipstick and shadows.

As for the tones. It is recommended to use them from the time when cleansing masks began to be used. Tonal creams are also made for young skin. For the most part, these are gels or emulsions, they are applied to the skin very thin layer and the pores are not clogged. You can use a corrective pencil, masking only problem areas with it. The choice depends on the condition of the skin.

3. No need to save on yourself!

Good cosmetics are not cheap. And experimenting in youth is not worth it. the use of low-quality cosmetics at a young age can result in serious problems subsequently, with considerable costs for treatment. Following the principles of choosing cosmetics for young skin, you need to choose well-known manufacturer in which there is trust. This is where mom's advice comes in handy. Surely you will be able to immediately buy all the necessary skin care products.

Bella Hadid (21) and Gigi Hadid (22)

Taking care of your skin up to 25 is a simple matter, and troublesome only in one, certain sense ─ regularity. For now, all your skin needs in a global sense is hydration and UV protection. Intensive nutrition and stimulation of processes, complex chemical treatments and a beautician every week you have not yet registered. The thing is that the work of cells slows down mainly after 25 years (each case, of course, is individual): it is believed that it is after this age that the biological aging process begins, then you will have to think about a radical change in care for the first time, but for now, follow the following principles.

Basic care

Lily-Rose Depp (18 years old)

There are only three cosmetic whales ─ these are cleansing, moisturizing and protecting.

Cleansing ─ twice a day, in the evening and in the morning, whether you put on makeup, walked outside all day or spent it spying on Kendall Jenner's Instagram. In the morning, skin care can be entrusted to a soft cleansing foam that will wash away traces of dust, sweat, sebum and other impurities stuck to the skin overnight. In the evening, we do the same if we did not apply makeup. When there is cosmetics on the face, first we wash it off with make-up remover (micellar water or milk), and then we wash our face with our favorite cleanser, but better is more serious (gel, cream). Attention: hydrophilic oil combines two-in-one principles.

Hydration. His absence in a couple of years will backfire with the first wrinkles in the eye area and dull color faces. The fact is that the lack of moisture affects the self-defense of the skin: it ceases to properly reflect the “attacks” external environment and aging faster. Apply moisturizer daily in the morning and evening, focusing on Special attention the area around the eyes, which is most prone to age-related changes(it needs special care).

Protection. Ultraviolet is one of those external irritants that our skin cannot fully resist. UV rays not only dehydrate the skin, but also cause damage at the cellular level. Ultraviolet destroys collagen and starts processes that lead to various diseases skin (in the most negative scenario ─ to cancer). Therefore, it is extremely important to use products with a protection factor every day (regardless of the time of year) - after 25-27 years it is highly desirable, and after 30 it is completely necessary. In the city, this can be a product with SPF 8-15, and on the beach it should be at least SPF 20.

Fight against imperfections

Kendall Jenner (22 years old)

Young skin is prone to imperfections - pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores and oily sheen. If you have problematic skin, it is better to immediately contact a beautician and undergo a course of treatment.(it's time to admit that acne is a disease). Here, special emphasis should be placed on the word "course", because a one-time visit is unlikely to solve the problem. The therapist will help you choose proper care so that you can continue to effectively deal with skin problems at home.

What should be "young" cosmetics

Hailey Baldwin (age 22)

Testura. Cleansers should not be sticky or cause discomfort. After cleansing, you should experience a feeling of freshness, not tightness. Change the "cleanser" to another product if you feel something unpleasant. Note: foam is considered the most comfortable format to use!

Age. Resist the temptation to take “something anti-aging” off the shelf. If the package says 25+, and you still have at least a couple of years left before this date, put the box aside and look for a less binding product.

Share. Well, if daytime and night creams will be different: they have completely different functions (even in "young" versions). For day care choose a cream with an SPF factor, and for a night any will do moisturizing or nourishing. Don't forget eye cream. As we said above, it is this zone that is most susceptible to age-related changes.

Kaia Gerber (16 years old)

Don't overdo it. Be careful with peels: choose the softest and most gentle options (preferably with abrasive particles) that do not injure the skin. Careful with acids ─ they can cause irritation, especially if the skin is dry.

Protect. Decorative cosmetics can also be with a UV protection factor. If there is an opportunity to choose something with a similar option, do not neglect it.

Treat. If your skin is prone to breakouts or acne, look for cosmetics with salicylic acid: it will not only correct existing problems, but also prevent their occurrence in the future. But keep in mind that over time, the skin gets used to this ingredient and stops responding to it ─ over time, you will need to change the product to something else.

Lip care. They also need hydration and protection. Always carry a moisturizing lip balm with you, which should be supplemented with sun protection in the summer.

Millie Bobby Brown (age 14)

Lighter is better. Young skin loves fluids, gels and mousses more than dense heavy textures. They will not only cope with their simple tasks, but will not overload the skin, allowing it to breathe.

Uniformity. It is best to take cosmetics from the same line: some products can enter into a “fight” with each other and cause irritation. This is not a rule, but it is better to play it safe.

Dose. If the instructions say "apply two to three drops", do not apply 10-15. Efficiency from this will not increase, and you will use the tool faster.

Adolescence is the time hormonal adjustment organism in connection with the onset of puberty. Hence, there are many problems with the skin of the face: the appearance of acne, blackheads, oily sheen and other troubles that upset young people. Improper makeup and facial care exacerbate the situation. But the skin of the face, spoiled in youth, is subsequently very difficult to restore: traces of acne squeezed out at the age of 12-14 sometimes remain for life. In the publication we will talk about the main stages of facial skin care in adolescence, learn how to deal with acne at this age and how not to spoil the skin with decorative cosmetics.

Proper cleansing of different types of teenage facial skin

Just like adults, skin covering faces in adolescence divided into types: dry, normal, combination and oily.

Dry skin for teenagers is not typical, the most common are mixed (combination) skin, oily and normal.

If at 12-14 years old the skin is still dry, facial skin care for a teenager is reduced to a minimum: it only needs to be properly cleaned and moisturized. Ordinary soap dries the face even more, so you need to wash your face soft gel, milk or foam, but without alcohol. wash your face better evening water room temperature wash dry skin in the morning warm water without cosmetics.

Normal skin does not need special care. She's had enough good cleansing using ordinary cleansers for normal skin twice a day.

Combined skin (normal on the cheeks and oily on the chin, forehead and nose) already needs special cleansers for teenagers. Gels and foams should be selected labeled "for combination skin».

Oily skin is the most common type in adolescence. From about the age of 12, acne begins to haunt girls, in boys it appears a little later. It is important not to spoil your face by constantly squeezing acne, but in order to have fewer of them, you need to know how to cleanse your face without harming it. The best remedy for washing will be gels for problematic skin, they will dry existing acne and prevent new ones from appearing.

You don't have to think that frequent washing can save your face from acne. Wash your face no more than twice a day, more often water procedures dry the skin, but do not get rid of acne.

Is it necessary to moisturize and nourish teenage skin

Cosmetologists argued about this for a long time: some believed that teenagers did not particularly need to take care of their faces, that their skin was already quite young and elastic, and did not need additional cosmetics. Others argued that a person at this age needs nutrition and hydration. In fact, early facial proponents are right.

Dry skin needs to be moisturized. If it is dry, then this is most often a lack of moisture in the body or the result of malnutrition. A teenager should include more fruits in his diet, drink more water and moisturize his face with creams based on oils and herbs. In no case should you use "adult" creams, otherwise after 20 years flabbiness of the skin may appear.

normal skin no additional care not required, but oily and combination, overdried during washing, you should definitely moisturize special creams on the water based and herbal tonics.

In addition to moisturizing the young epidermis better time from time to time nourish with masks: fruit or berry. This will significantly increase the skin's resistance to inflammatory processes.

How to deal with acne

How to take care of the face if the skin of the face is problematic? First you need to determine at what stage the disease is. The mild form of acne is the presence of no more than 10 pimples, the medium one is up to 40 pimples, and the severe one is when almost all the skin is covered with acne.

It is important to explain to a teenager that squeezing pimples, especially with dirty hands, is absolutely impossible. The most correct thing is to buy an anti-acne remedy in a pharmacy and start using it, clearly following the instructions. First, the face is thoroughly cleaned with a special gel for problem skin, then, using a clean napkin, they wipe it. The napkin is used once, in order to avoid secondary infection. Then apply a thin layer pharmacy remedy(ointment, gel or emulsion).

This procedure helps with mild and average form acne, but it will take a long time to be treated: the renewal process skin goes about a month, and 4-6 updates are needed in order to get rid of acne.

Watch video from useful tips to get rid of acne:

Severe acne is more difficult to treat, and treatment is prescribed by a doctor. In addition to facial ointments, antibiotics are prescribed. Girls can also be prescribed hormonal contraceptives (remedies for unwanted pregnancy), which also appear to be effective in treating acne.

Under no circumstances should any medicines for the treatment of acne without consulting a specialist. Self-treatment can cause irreparable harm not only to the skin, but also to health in general!

Makeup for teenagers: which decorative cosmetics to choose

In adolescence, it is very easy to overdo it with cosmetics and make up that will age the face ahead of time. It is very important to use cosmetics designed for young skin. Mom's cosmetics or older sister can be very damaging to young skin.

Teenagers practically do not need foundation, the face is already fresh and young. But if you want to even out the color, then it is better to use cosmetics specially created for young skin. For example, the company Mia (a leader in the production of teenage cosmetics) offers high-quality products for girls, including tonal ones.

It is better for a girl to have loose powder, you can use it only sometimes, in special occasions.

The rest decorative cosmetics may be the same as adult woman except for the lipstick. Instead, it is better to buy a lip gloss that matches your skin tone.


You need to learn how to take care of your skin correctly already in adolescence, then you can come to the beginning of youth and youth with smooth skin, without problems visible on the face and scars from the transferred hormonal surge. Girls, take care of your natural beauty and take care of your skin from adolescence!

Adolescents are usually called children 12-17 years old. A hormonal surge as a result of puberty is often reflected on the skin of the face: black dots appear, oily sheen, acne, acne. This gives rise to internal complexes that seriously disrupt the psyche.

Maximalism, the desire to assert oneself in the team and, at the same time, self-doubt, characteristic of this age, force one to take drastic measures: to use means, after which the number of rashes only increases. Although there are high-quality cosmetics for teenagers, which are designed specifically to solve the problems of this age. The task of the mother is to introduce the girl to her in a timely manner.


Any teen cosmetics for girls (both decorative and for skin care) is created in scientific laboratories, tested many times, and quite serious requirements are imposed on it. Dermatologists, in close tandem with cosmetologists, develop formulas that, if properly applied, can solve many problems with the epidermis that are characteristic of this age.

These tools perform the following functions:

  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the intensity of their functioning, forcing them to produce less subcutaneous fat - as a result, they disappear increased fat content and greasy shine teenage skin;
  • narrow;
  • normalize color;
  • special attention is paid to the T-zone, the condition of which in adolescents is noticeably worsening;
  • eliminate acne (blackheads, pimples);
  • dissolve without a trace milia (white subcutaneous nodules);
  • clear the face of (black dots).

Particularly important for this stage cosmetics for teenagers from acne becomes, since it is rashes that become the main scourge. Mom should explain to her daughter that creams for adults cannot be applied to such young skin, the condition of which may deteriorate sharply from this. It is recommended to use only specially designed tools that you need to be able to choose.

On a note. If a teenager constantly squeezes out acne and blackheads on his own, and even without observing the rules of hygiene, no cosmetics will help get rid of them.

Criterias of choice

What should be teenage cosmetics that will not harm the skin and will carefully care for it?

When choosing funds, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. The very first cosmetics for a teenage girl is chosen at the age of 12-13 together with one of the adults (with mother, aunt, older sister).
  2. The problems associated with the skin that need to be solved are determined: oily sheen, enlarged pores, acne, etc. The means are also selected for the defect.
  3. First, brands of cosmetics for teenagers, collected in ratings and TOPs, are viewed. Several options are selected, suitable for the price.
  4. Then study more detailed information about them and reviews. Based on the results of the selection, there should be 2-3 lines that you would like to purchase.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the products you like. It is desirable that it be not just natural, but mineral (or organic). Such products rarely cause allergies.
  6. As a rule, skin care cosmetics for teenagers includes only 2-3 items, no more: washing lotion, scrub and cream. This is quite enough.
  7. Decorative products should not be too bright and defiant. Modest tones that emphasize youth are the main criteria when buying lipsticks, mascaras, eye shadows.
  8. Before using any remedy for the first time, it should be tested to see if it will cause an allergy in a girl. First the mother and then the daughter must inflict a small amount of product on the wrist. If after a day there are no anxiety symptoms(itching, redness), you can safely apply cosmetics on your face.
  9. If at some stage the funds stopped working, you will need to pick up new ones.
  10. And don't forget to keep track of their expiration dates.

If cosmetics for teenage skin are chosen correctly, it can become a good foundation for the prosperity of the epidermis in the future. If you do not help him at this stage, his condition may remain problematic at 18 and at 25.

Therefore, to this issue you need to take it with all responsibility and, in case of any doubts, listen to specialists. In particular, cosmetologists quite clearly limit the range of cosmetic products that can be safely used by teenagers.

Useful advice. No cosmetics will help girls who consider themselves too fat and therefore constantly sit on some kind of diet, wanting to lose weight. Improper nutrition- one of the causes of teenage acne.

What should be in a makeup bag?

Mascara "Art & Science Maxi Lash" from "Vipera" (Poland)

One of the most contentious issues- what cosmetics to use for teenagers, so as not to overdo it with quantity, but there was no shortage either.

There are those who claim that for such young age no creams and even more so mascaras with shadows are not needed. They are only partially right: there are girls who naturally (by inheritance) have very clear, healthy skin and bright colors on the face (blush, sable eyebrows, long black eyelashes and pink lips). So they can not use cosmetics too early.

However, most adolescents suffer from and fatty type skin. Someone is an albino, someone has short eyelashes and expressionless eyebrows, but everyone wants to be beautiful. And it is during this period that young girls should be taught to do this. Our lists will help to collect necessary minimum in one cosmetic bag.

Decorative products

For beauty, girls should always have high-quality, fresh decorative cosmetics for teenagers on hand. Its main characteristic is lightness, airiness, organics, a minimum of parabens and fragrances, gentle undertones. Bright, defiant shades are excluded.

  1. Shimmery shadows look attractive and gentle. Recommended for use only on special occasions, but not for every day. You can start using from 14-15 years old, not earlier. For example, Twinkle from ERA Minerals(USA). $15.
  2. Liquid eyeliner or regular cosmetic pencil. You can look at High Precision from Artdeco Cosmetics (Germany). $17.
  3. Mascara. Pay attention to Art & Science Maxi Lash from Vipera (Poland). $9.
  4. Mineral powder has a light and transparent texture, does not prevent the skin from breathing. This is in the range of Zeitun (Jordan). $21.
  5. Liquid or loose blush. Check them out at Meishoku (Japan). $11.
  6. Lip gloss - transparent or pinkish shade. Alba Botanica (USA) has it. $10.

Lipstick (if only hygienic) is undesirable in a cosmetic bag for teenagers - it will be replaced by gloss.

Against foundation at this age there are also many arguments: it does not mask acne, but spreads inflammatory process and at the same time clogs pores, interfering cellular respiration. If you only take care of purchasing a special product for teenage skin.

Skin care products

Anti-acne protective day gel of the Russian company "Green Mama"

You need to know what cosmetics are suitable for teenagers so that the skin shines with cleanliness and health. Means for regular care behind it will allow not to mask acne and greasy shine, but to remove them. As in the case with - a list with the required minimum.

  • cleansing

This stage includes foams and washing gels (as a guideline, you can take a protective daytime acne gel from the Russian company Green Mama for $ 2). They should not contain alcohol and aggressive ingredients. Choose a neutral pH.

Ideal for products with plant extracts, which will relieve irritation, soothe inflammation and regulate the secretion of fat. With a tendency to peeling and redness, you can purchase a special cleansing milk.

Such cosmetics are washed off with water - preferably melted, mineral non-carbonated or filtered. plain water From under the tap it is better for teenagers not to use.

This also includes an exfoliating scrub for oily skin face and gommage or light peeling- for dry. Well proven Sebo Végétal - gently cleansing gommage from Yves Rocher(France) for $9.

  • Moisturizing

Teenage skin needs hydration. You need to pay attention to products with extracts of sage, birch, rosemary, yarrow. These are natural antiseptics that prevent inflammation from spreading.

For dry skin, moisturizing creams with an airy consistency are recommended. For oily - matting gels, quickly absorbed and normalizing sebum secretion. For example, the company Vitex (Belarus) has Face Control antibacterial cream-foam for only $1.

  • Food

To nourish such young skin, you can use light masks once a week. According to cosmetologists and most mothers, best cosmetics teenagers in this category - homemade. The girls will surely love it with my own hands prepare nourishing masks.

  • Protection

The delicate and vulnerable skin of teenagers needs cosmetics that will protect it from the sun and frost. So on the package must be listed SPF at least 15 and above. Recommended in summer sunscreen from the Russian pharmacy brand Bark SPF 40. In winter - Rosencreme cream from Dr. Hauschka (Germany). $5.

  • Treatment

There is a special medical cosmetics for teenagers, which is sold exclusively in pharmacies. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Her the main task- soothe and relieve inflammation, reduce the number of rashes.

However, when running, it is not recommended to use such powerful tools on your own. If the situation gets out of control, it is better to show the girl to a dermatologist who will recommend the appropriate cosmetics to care for such problematic skin.

These may be companies from France - Biorga, La Roche-Posay, Bioderma, Uriage, Avene, Thalgo, Darphin, Caudalie, Vichy, Klorane, Ducray, A-Derma, Lierac, RоC, Galenic; Germany - Exfoliac, Iklen; Russia - Cora, Green Mama; Switzerland - Valmont, Israel - Ahava.

Adults must help the teenager choose the right one. Otherwise, in the future, post-acne and a tendency to irritation cannot be avoided.

Prejudices that cosmetics at the age of 12 are early fun that will only spoil the epidermis can be hardly attributed only to decorative products. If a puberty is in full swing and there are acne, you need to help the girl cope with them and not be complex. A small rating will allow you to navigate the variety of assortment in this niche.

You'll need it. To enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics against acne, it is useful to take up any kind of sports during adolescence to improve blood circulation, which will allow the skin to be clear and healthy.


American mineral cosmetics"Bare Minerals"


  1. MAC (USA) is a very popular cosmetics among teenagers, but it costs a lot of money.
  2. Cover Girl (USA) - mass market cosmetics for every taste and color.
  3. Maybelline (USA) - America breaks all records, as firms in this country know how to catch trends and take into account the desire of young people to look fashionable and stylish.
  4. Lorac (USA) - mineral cosmetics offering a wide range of teenagers.
  5. Bare Minerals (USA) - mineral loose cosmetics, which are almost invisible on the face.


  1. Clinique (USA) - cosmetics, dermatologically tested and fragrance-free. Doesn't clog pores.
  2. Neutrogena (France) - medical care cosmetics for teenagers.
  3. Kora (Russia) - treatment series agents with anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. La Roche-Posay (France) - for acne.
  5. Green Mama (Russia) - highly effective products, thanks to a vegetable basis.
  6. Vichy (France) - gentle and soft protection of teenage skin.
  7. Exfoliac (Germany) - anti-inflammatory drugs for acne.

Which brand of makeup for teens is right for your daughter will have to be decided by trial and error. Choose your own safe and useful tool difficult.

A dermatologist or at least a cosmetologist will help facilitate the task after an appropriate examination. It will help you take into account individual characteristics and existing skin problems for their successful solution.