How to communicate with girls. How to communicate with a girl. We build the right dialogue with the girl

The ability to properly meet and talk to a girl, leaving pleasant impression, - what is needed to interest her on a first date. If the driving skills exciting conversation absent, the art of communication can be learned. In psychology, there are useful secrets and tricks to please a woman. To better understand the interests of the interlocutor and choose the tactics of communication with her, you can also refer to the astrological horoscope.

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    Ways to attract a girl

    A woman needs a partner who will be able to become a support for the family. That is why they tend to give preference to strong, a little rough and brave men. And the first thing you need to attract female attention in conversation, it's conformity to standards strong man. These qualities of a person are demonstrated by his behavior. Some tricks will help to attract attention and interest the chosen one.

    How to communicate with a man so that he always has an interest


    Studies show that a rough, deep voice is more attractive to the fairer sex. There are some rules regarding what a voice should be like so that a man is interested in a girl:

    1. 1. Timbre. Having learned to speak correctly with the help of a low, “chest” voice when it is appropriate, a man will become several times more attractive in the eyes of the chosen one.
    2. 2. Temp. It shouldn't be too fast or too slow. If a guy rushes or hesitates during a conversation, this will push the girl away.
    3. 3. Volume. When communicating, it is recommended to gradually reduce it, thereby reducing the distance between a guy and a girl. Then she will have to listen to what the young man says, gradually approaching him. But you should not use this technique on the first date, as the girl may feel uncomfortable.

    Practice before the meeting will be useful, you can record a speech on a voice recorder and try to make your voice more pleasant. Practicing in front of a mirror will also help.

    How to behave with a girl


    It is much more interesting to listen to someone who actively gesticulates. Research shows that by using gestures in communication, we force the interlocutor to be more attentive and more thoughtful in our words.

    Lively emotions will increase attention to speech. It is advisable to openly express your feelings in relation to the subject of the conversation.

    What to talk about with a girl

    How to communicate?

    It is important to be able to set right question. If the answer is "yes" or "no", the conversation will soon come to a dead end. You need to ask the girl in such a way that she has to think about something new. You should not build such a dialogue that will be more like an interrogation than a nice conversation. Tell us about yourself, offer to discuss a book or a movie.

    If she is silent, do not pressure her into continuing the conversation. Perhaps she should be left alone for a while, and then start talking about something new, without touching on previously discussed topics.

    Attention to the person of a woman is a key point that will help make her fall in love. You should talk about the lady as much as possible, the interlocutor will notice this and will definitely appreciate it. Focus on her uniqueness, emphasize her strengths and talents, show your interest in every possible way. Do not forget about compliments, for example: "You look great" or "You are incredible a smart girl" and so on.

    You can ask how to contact her so that the chosen one is pleased.

    Introvert girls do not tolerate long live communication very well, and they need rest alone with themselves. The best option for such a chosen one, these are remote conversations. After all, they love online correspondence, which allows you to express yourself without feeling uncomfortable. When communicating with introverts, in no case should you interrupt them. You must first listen to the point of view of the interlocutor, and then express your opinion. It is important not to be distracted from the conversation: if an introvert feels a lack of interest, then he will immediately close from this person.

    Topics for conversation

    It doesn't matter what you talk about on the first date. Topics can range from funny anecdotes to scientific theories. But it is necessary to choose a subject for conversation so that the girl is carried away by its discussion.

    In order not to seem boring, you don’t need to load the girl with conversations about boring work, home, and the like. At first, she is not interested in communication. Attract a girl with your hobbies, tell about your hobbies. It is desirable to be original at the same time. But never cheat.

    You need to learn how to communicate with a girl on topics that are interesting for the chosen one. In order not to be mistaken, you should look at what she is wearing, ask about her hobbies. For example, if a girl has paraphernalia on her clothes musical group, you can ask about what genre of music she performs, or what is the composition of her favorite team. Examples of good conversation topics:

    • movies;
    • books;
    • music;
    • series;
    • trips.

    Features of communication with representatives of different zodiac signs

    The star horoscope can tell you how to properly talk with representatives of each of its signs.

    To please Aquarius, you need to think outside the box, think about the global and not pay much attention to trifles. The same strategy works with Pisces. And Virgos and Capricorns are more attracted to restrained people who love order in the house. Aries and Scorpios like emotional and passionate personalities. Gemini and Cancers are active people who infect with their positive and are looking for people like them. Sagittarius and Leo are quite good-natured people, but these ladies need a guy who can tolerate their jealousy. Libra and Taurus are looking for dreamers with whom they can look at the stars, sitting all night on the roof

    Communication by correspondence

    There are some nuances in communicating with a girl at a distance:

    1. 1. It is important to be literate - this is the main parameter when corresponding with a woman.
    2. 2. It is necessary to flirt with her, this will make it clear that the young man has plans for her person, and will avoid the friend zone on her part.
    3. 3. No need to become obsessive admirer. Showing interest and attention, you need to know the measure.
    4. 4. It is advisable to have a conversation at ease, you should not show the girl how important she is.
    5. 5. Knowing when to end a conversation is important. It is necessary to do this before she gets bored with the correspondence.

    Correspondence is only a means for transferring relations to real life. It is necessary to lead a conversation on the Internet to an invitation to a date. If you don’t, then you will remain a friend from a distance.

Some guys can't arrange their personal life properly because of one very significant and common problem - they simply do not know how to properly communicate with girls. Of course, this problem is completely solvable! If a young man has not mastered the art of communicating with the opposite sex, then he should hardly count on the fact that he will be successful with girls or any of his relationships will last happily ever after. Making contact The first step is to establish contact with the person you like. If you do everything right, then after a few minutes of communication, the girl will have the impression that you have known each other for a long time and you can be trusted. Girls are usually quite sensitive and emotional, and in order to capture her attention, it is not enough just to have conversations with her It's important to be able to evoke emotions. What is the easiest way to do this? Of course, with the help of flirting and compliments. When flirting, do not forget to use humor so that communication with you is not suffocating, but easy. When talking with the person who attracted you, let her know that you are really interested in her, and not just as a friend, but as a potential lover. If the sympathy is mutual, then the girl will relax and respond to your efforts. The date should not look like an exchange of information - dilute it with compliments (perhaps with a slight banter), often look into her eyes, smile. Notice the details A lot of guys make the mistake of telling girls as much as they can about themselves to impress them, while paying little attention to the information they're trying to get across to them. Noting for himself the “hooks” voiced by the interlocutor, the guy can easily build a further conversation with her, asking leading questions on a particular topic. This method is also useful because the girl sees the guy’s interest and understands that he is listening to what she tells him. Any representative of the fair sex is pleased with the realization of the fact that she is interesting young man, as a person, and his attention to detail will clearly indicate this to her. The interlocutor understands that your conversations are not superficial. At the same time, you don’t need to immediately ask questions as soon as the girl voices any fact - this is not at all about that. You need to memorize what she says and ask some questions later. Also, an equally important skill is to provide the girl with details about yourself, and not remain silent. start interesting topics which she can then develop. So she will feel more comfortable, realizing that she can also prove herself as an attentive and interested interlocutor.

How to approach a girl you like

For many guys, approaching a girl is even more scary than starting a conversation with her, which is why there have not been many wonderful acquaintances. Leave this fear behind so you don't miss your chance. Keep yourself simple and natural. Some girls are afraid of dating on the street, not wanting to become a victim of a pick-up artist, so the more pretentiously you try to attract her, the more likely that she will start to pull away. Try to approach and just say: "I'm very afraid that you will refuse, but still I hope that you will tell me your phone number." In the first second, the girl may be confused, then you sincerely add: “I really liked you, let's try to chat!”. If you attracted a girl even a little, then she will probably give you a phone number. Some girls are embarrassed to dictate their number - in this case, hand her your phone and ask her to dial yourself, or give her a pen and diary where she can enter the number. Perhaps this method seems too simple to you and fantasy offers you many other options. In this case, try to do as your intuition tells you.

What topic to talk about

First of all, find out the girl's name, then say her name more often. Also, don't forget to introduce yourself. The item with the pronunciation of her name is very important - many girls like it when a young man calls them by name, this immediately disposes them. Note that you really like the way her name sounds. Find out what it means. If the girl does not know the answer, suggest your own version, which she will probably be flattered to hear. Of course, the first conversation should not include any intimate hints and vulgar topics - this can confuse the interlocutor. Also, there is no need to tell the girl about problems with relatives or difficulties of any other nature - your communication should be easy. Of course, if the girl herself is prone to revelations, and you like it, then in this case you can decide on reciprocity. And yet, do not start such topics first - for many interlocutors, such conversations will seem offensive.

How to behave in order to interest a girl

A girl will be interested in a guy who knows how to carry on a conversation - this applies to both live communication and dialogues on the Internet. If you feel that you have problems with this, then develop all the skills of a good storyteller, taking an example from a more sociable friend or studying online lessons on this subject. You should have several fascinating stories with which you can fill awkward pauses during conversation. Topics can be very diverse - your first culinary experience, impressions from some kind of trip and much more. If you understand that you have absolutely nothing to tell, then you are unlikely to interest a girl - make your life richer and more diverse, and then new stories will not keep you waiting. It is important not only to be a wonderful storyteller, but also to remember the other participant in the conversation. This means that you should not reduce all your speeches to yourself - do not forget to give the girl appropriate and preferably not hackneyed compliments, listen with interest to what she says to you.

How to talk a girl if she is silent

If you try with all your might to talk silently in the very first minutes of your acquaintance, then this will only push her away from you. Probably, this girl is shy, and in order to begin to open up to the interlocutor, she may need more than one meeting. It is important to understand this, and not to focus on it. If you like a girl, do not tell her: “You are constantly silent, I don’t know what to talk about with you.” She may become more withdrawn. Show that you are in any case pleased and comfortable in her company, play “staring” with her, first ask questions that do not require a detailed answer, then “increase the pace” and touch on more extensive topics. Main advice in this situation: only an open and sociable person can talk silently. If you feel that you can not cope, then leave this venture. If the girl is interesting to you, then your work will not be in vain - such silent women, as a rule, are embarrassed only in society unfamiliar people, and with relatives they turn out to be quite interesting and deep interlocutors.

We build the right dialogue with the girl

There are two participants in the construction of the dialogue, and it is important to remember this. Of course, if a girl is silent and is still shy to open up, then it will be right if you mainly lead the conversation. But even in this case, at least occasionally you need to ask her questions. If the girl is not distinguished by increased shyness, then you should not “pull the blanket over yourself”, trying to impress the person you like. Some guys forget and start a continuous dialogue about their person, forcing the girl to miss. It often happens that a girl, it seems, wants to tell something about herself, but firstly, the guy does not let her insert a word or immediately interrupts, again transferring the conversation vector to herself. It is important to learn how to be an attentive conversationalist, and not just a great storyteller.

Difficulties in communicating with a girl you like and how to deal with them

Of course, it all depends on what kind of complexities are meant. Let's consider some of them. The girl ignores. Despite the fact that you often call her, invite her on dates, arrange surprises, the girl not only does not show much interest in communicating with you, but sometimes even ignores you. In this case, it is inappropriate to show even more initiative. Probably, the girl either does not like you, or she is interested in something else, or she is now having problems of a different kind and she is not up to your courtship. In this case, take a break for a couple of weeks, and try to get in touch again. If the girl again does not show interest in you, then the pause will have to be increased. The girl agrees to dates, but not to sex. Try to identify the reasons for this behavior. If there is romance in your relationship, dates, kisses, but the girl is not ready to take the next step, carefully ask her what it is connected with. You can directly say: “I feel very good with you, I like spending time with you, but every day I understand that this is not enough for me, and I would like us to become closer. Don't you want the same?" Already on her answer you will draw conclusions. It may be that the girl is simply bored, and in your society she periodically kills a cookie or somehow takes advantage of you. But this is the most worst case. It is possible that she is a virgin, she has different ideas about the speed of rapprochement of couples, something confuses her in your behavior, she is not sure of the seriousness of your intentions and the like. Straight Talk will give you more understanding of the situation. The girl shows no initiative. She enthusiastically responds to dating offers, always answers calls and messages, but never takes the first steps herself. Perhaps the girl was brought up with the understanding that a man should always take the initiative, and a woman should always accept her, and any other model of relationships seems wrong to her. In this situation, ignoring for a few days can help. If the girl herself does not call, then you call and find out why she did not call. She may begin to make excuses that she was waiting for a call from you. Then invite her to meet and "talk seriously." On a date, explain to the girl that both people build relationships, and if she remains the same without initiative, then you will have a hard time.

Clever words for communication that hurt girls

If you want to impress a girl, "hurt her soul," burn into her memory, then it will not hurt you to turn to the work of the classics. Perhaps, from this side, the interlocutor does not expect to know you at all. Take on board a few quotes that can be skillfully used in a conversation. Just do not need to quote statuses, which are in abundance in various groups in VK - if they caught your eye, then, most likely, the girl has already read them. Search the internet for "love quotes", "relationship quotes", "friendship quotes" and so on. Think about what you will probably talk about with a girl, and make the appropriate preparations. In order not to get confused yourself, choose small sayings, but effective ones. How could it look like? For example: “You know, even though Brodsky said that the house is a place where you are not asked unnecessary questions,” but everything is often completely different with us. This can be said with a smile and some story on this subject will follow. In general, think over in advance, the phrases with which you can effectively “shine”.

Show care. Girls often fall in love with guys who take care of them and pay attention to them. Nowadays, girls are increasingly complaining about narcissistic men, so a caring and attentive male representative will undoubtedly stand out against the background of these "daffodils". care can be manifested in small things - throw your jacket over her shoulders in a jacket cold weather or offer to warm up in a cozy place (for example, in an interesting coffee shop or restaurant). If the girl is sick, send her a bouquet of flowers with a note expressing hope for her speedy recovery. Traditional grooming. Many men now fundamentally do not want to pay for a girl in cafes and other establishments, believing that since both of their participants are interested in a relationship, they should invest equally. By the way, many women have long come to terms with this trend, and they themselves offer to pay for themselves, so as not to be in a stupid position. And yet such a relationship cannot be called correct. If a girl manages to meet a man who is familiar with traditional courtship (paying for her at the cinema, in a cafe), then she will probably choose him, sincerely admiring this “knightly” behavior. It would not occur to a sane man to call a woman mercantile for this - he himself is humiliated by the situation when he cannot pay for coffee to his lady. Even if your girlfriend, easily and without question, pays for everything on an equal footing with you, then be sure that this situation is subconsciously unpleasant for her. In response to the traditional courtship of a man, a girl usually gives no less (and in a monetary sense too!) In the form of surprises, gifts, romantic dinners- for a man who is afraid to spend an extra ruble on her, she herself will try with less enthusiasm. Compliments. Some of the fair sex periodically complain to their friends about the inattention of their partner - this leads to a cooling of feelings. When a guy is attentive, it works in the opposite direction. If a girl bought a new dress, then she certainly wants to hear that it really suits her, and she looks gorgeous in it. If she has been to a hairdresser, then tell her that she has very soft and shiny hair. A girl who works out several hours a week in the gym will be glad to hear that she has an amazing figure. Notice any changes in the appearance of the chosen one, and note them. There is an opinion that the more attention we pay to someone, the more active the interest on the part of this person. You can test it in practice!

Pickup training. Many people believe that in such trainings, first of all, they teach how to "divorce a girl for sex." In fact, this is not at all paramount. no intimacy you will not achieve if you do not learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. That is why it is more correct to say that in the first place at such trainings they teach the art of communicating with girls. Of course, then you use the skills you have already acquired as you please. If you do not have the opportunity to personally attend such trainings, then you may be interested in online courses - you can most likely easily find the necessary one on the Internet, guided by the reviews you like. You can also check out for free some of the recommendations that pickup gurus share in various videos. It is possible that you have a friend who can easily start a conversation with almost any girl and interest her. Watch him from the side, draw conclusions for yourself. If it's about close friend, then frankly ask him to point out your mistakes and give some recommendations.

The main mistakes when communicating with girls

1. Excessive flattery After reading the advice that girls love compliments, you can start “filling up” the girl with admiring speeches, which in the end can only push her away. Compliments should be used sparingly, especially if you are not yet in a close relationship. Otherwise, the girl will feel insincerity and decide that you apparently behave this way with everyone. 2. Self-doubt It just so happened that confident men get used to girls more - very few people like shy or reserved young people more. If you have a goal to please some girl, then try to gain confidence in yourself. 3. Monotony and lack of initiative Your meetings are of the same type, you walk the same routes. If there are any changes in the usual routine, then usually the girl initiates them. Many people can gradually get bored with such monotony to such an extent that she begins to avoid meetings. 4. Memories of ex-girlfriends If in the company of a current or potential girlfriend, you periodically think of a former sweetheart, without leading questions from the side of the interlocutor, then in the end it can push her away from you. She will think that you are just stuck in the past. 5. Bragging Some young people like to embellish, or even come up with their achievements, colorfully painting them in front of their interlocutor. Most often, it is immediately obvious to a girl that the guy is either very narcissistic or likes to embellish information about himself - neither the first nor the second option delights the girls. It becomes especially unpleasant when the guy himself is pierced on his own lies or the truth comes up by accident. 6. Tactlessness and obscene words Showing your rudeness or regularly using obscene language, you may think that you look cool in the eyes of girls, but the vast majority of them do not like it at all. Moreover, if a girl knows that in life you often allow yourself to mate, but with her you restrain yourself, then most likely it will be for you a big plus from her side. 7. Negative In conversations, it somehow turns out that very often you are dissatisfied with someone, you are angry with someone, you see injustice in something. The more negativity comes from you, the more the girl will have a desire to move away from this. 8. Distraction Many of her words you do not remember, and in your subsequent conversations this becomes obvious. During a conversation, you are often distracted by phone calls, text someone, check social networks. Perhaps in this way you are trying to show her your relevance. All the described manipulations clearly indicate to the girl that you are not too interested in communicating with her, and at the moment there are things that seem more important to you. This will not add points to you in her eyes.

Millions of guys want to understand how to learn how to communicate with girls.

There are dozens of ways, and you will learn about each of them right now!

But get ready for what magical methods no dating. You have to learn by trial and error!

IN certain age it is already difficult for a man to approach girls on foot.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Starting to chat with a girl

How to start chatting with a girl? The secret is simple - you need to learn to flirt!

If the conversation comes out dull and not emotional, then you should not count on a productive relationship. Flirting seriously enlivens communication, it can make it fun.

Remember the incidents in your life when some girl refused you. You may not be a dull man, but the woman thought so. It's all about the impression a person leaves about himself. It is in the very first minute of communication and lays in the girl the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou. And the girl develops a specific attitude towards the guy.

Forget about the unknown forever magic phrases", which you need to tell the chosen one. They don't exist! All that is required is proper and unobtrusive flirting. Don't be afraid to show your intentions. The girl is waiting for some sign from you. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the “friendship zone” and it is unlikely that you will get out of it.

In response to your flirting, the girl will begin to respond in a playful manner. Then the task becomes much easier for you. The most important thing is not to be afraid. Even if the girl reacts negatively, you will still get the impression of being a fun guy.

Chatting with a girl on the Internet

How to communicate with a girl in VK and others in social networks? The problem torments millions of guys.

How to start a conversation on the web? The first thing that comes to mind is to simply add to beautiful girl to friends and immediately ask banality. Among them:

  • "How are you doing?";
  • "What are you doing right now?";
  • "How are you?".
We want to learn as much as possible about a new acquaintance and stir up communication. I want the girl to start answering with interest. After that, in theory, you hope to take the phone number and ask her out on a date. However, the reality is harsher. Below you will learn how to properly communicate with a girl.

Cute and cute girls get dozens of questions like this every day. If the guy is prettier than you, then it's easy to lose in the competition. There is another strategy - to distance yourself from other men and act differently. There is only one solution - you have to develop your imagination.

The second problem for most guys is the lack of social activity. successful men constantly meeting with someone, they have friends. They regularly come off at parties, meet new people. These guys go to movie premieres. In other words, their lives are exciting and cool.

What happens to them is a great occasion to meet and chat with a girl on the Internet. A girl has a certain interest in such a guy. After all, he has many connections and there is something to discuss with him. A person with versatile thinking attracts other people to him.

You can always throw a bait. Take a common topic of conversation - music. Monitor the girl's page for what she is listening to. For example, she has photos from a party dedicated to the Disco of the 80s on her wall. You can freely write to her in a message something like: “Wow, you were at this party! I love dance music too! I personally go to the section, I study modern dances. And yes, I love parties like this!

That's the only way you'll know how the girl feels about it. Moreover, you do not climb into her soul, but simply talk about music.

The most important thing is to be on the wave. If you're not on it, then you're nowhere. Girls prefer promising guys. When a girl is interested in you, start "taking the bull by the horns." There should be dynamics in the correspondence. Now you have every right to ask about the personal and hint at a meeting.

How do you talk to the girls you like? Share personal experience in comments!

Millions of guys in Russia and the world are wondering how to communicate with a girl in order to interest her in their personality, make an acquaintance, and in the future, perhaps, start a family with her. They read books and articles on the Internet, watch programs on TV and YouTube, and all for the same purpose - to learn how to be interesting to the fair sex.

Despite the apparent complexity, there is nothing supernatural in the issue of communicating with girls. The main thing is to quickly determine psychological type your interlocutor and follow a few tips that are given in the article.

How to communicate with girls of different types?

When dealing with the question of how to properly communicate with a girl, one important parameter should be taken into account - her temperament and type of character. If you quickly decide on this moment, it will be easier to build communication and choose correct type behavior. Temperament can be distinguished the following types girls:


Such women, as a rule, are distinguished by an extraordinary mind, arrogance and success. They put themselves a little higher than the interlocutor, they can pin up and even check the guy. Such girls approach the issue of dating from a practical point of view and immediately try to determine how the interlocutor can be useful in the future. Such people know how and love to manipulate, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In the process of communication, the guy must prove his success, the presence of a high social status and willingness to challenge. You need to show your intelligence and knowledge, the ability to communicate and be interesting. the main objective communication - to arouse interest, show the best side and even leave a little room for a mystery.

soulful (warm)

Such women are distinguished by kindness and tenderness. They are emotional, sensual and often unpredictable. At heart, she is an actress who different periods can show certain character traits - playfulness, modesty, eccentricity and even slight bitchiness. Girls of this type are often representatives of creative professions.

In the process of communication, there is no need to focus on social status - what is important is the creative world, the ability to be able to experience and be sensual. The guy needs to show himself simple and real, without far-fetched images. It is worth opening the depth of the soul, being as honest and sincere as possible in communication. Compliments regarding a girl should relate to her character traits - sincerity, ability to experience, kindness.

hot (sexy)

Such persons have a bright temperament and love to have sex, have fun and take the most out of life. These girls love nightlife, loud music, self-confident, and sometimes even impudent men. When communicating with such a "fury" you need to be ready to show your interest in such a life and be a connoisseur of the most interesting establishments.

The above classification is general, because it concerns character and temperament. In general, there are more types of girls, and below we highlight the main ones:

Blonde. One of the most common types. It is these young ladies who become the heroines of numerous comedies and anecdotes. They can be recognized by their simplicity, love of everything shiny and pink color. In addition, it is easy to distinguish her from the crowd by her well-groomed appearance, perfect hairstyle and a manicure, a trendy blouse and a small bag that only fits a mobile phone.

Blondes love sex bright life and parties, therefore, in the process of communication, the guy must show his ability to provide the young lady with such a bright life. At the same time, the intelligence of "blondes" should not be underestimated - they are often smart and demanding of their interlocutor.

bitch. Girls of this type love everything and always keep it under control. They know how to start intrigues and quickly deal with competitors, if such appear in their field of vision. For them to get what they want, be it a good place at work or handsome guy- It's a question of time. Not everyone can find mutual language with "bitter". They, as a rule, do not climb for the word "in the pocket" and love persistent guys. In dealing with such a young lady, the main thing is not to give up, to interest your personality and show assertiveness.

Fighting girlfriend. This type of woman is more suitable for a serious and long-term relationship. characteristic features is education, talent and intelligence. Such girls know how to listen, understand and even provide assistance if necessary. The "fighting friend" has a simple appearance, she does not focus on cool cosmetics or outfits. In communication, she is simple and open. The guy needs to show himself as a reliable person who knows how to listen and empathize. Vivid stories and anecdotes will be useful.

Botanist. At the mention of this type of rhinestone, the image of a girl with a book at hand and wearing glasses pops up. Such young ladies are shy and awkward. They are poorly versed in fashion trends, which is immediately reflected in their wardrobe. Despite their intelligence, "nerds" know how to keep up a conversation and enjoy communicating with another person. With such a girl, easily read guys who know a lot and can tell their interlocutor. But even in the absence of such advantages, you should not despair - it is important to be open and behave correctly in communication, without rudeness and vulgar jokes.

"Cool". Girls of this type go ahead in life, love black color and metallic music. They can be pretty good with cars and are often good drivers. It is interesting to communicate with them, and a deeper acquaintance will lead to many positive emotions, including through bright sex. Such girls do not tolerate weaklings, so next to them it is important to show strength of character and willingness to conquer the world.

Artist. Such women are constantly in a certain image, which makes it difficult to reveal their true nature. The mood and image is constantly changing. With regard to this type, it is difficult to understand how to communicate with a girl in order to please her. Acting talents and a sense of humor can come to the rescue. Such women love romantic and bright relationship, and it is from this that the guy needs to build on in the process of communication and further acquaintance.

Best friend. Already the first communication with such a girl can be unforgettable. It is easy and fun with her, she can smoke and use obscenities, sleep in the same room with by a stranger and at the same time do not be shy to change your T-shirt in his presence. Among these young ladies, there are often lovers of hockey or football. At the same time, they most often do not know how to cook or clean or do not like. Communicate with " best friend» easy and simple due to a large number common themes and interests.

Leader in life. Such women are somewhat similar to the bitches already described above in their desire to dominate the interlocutor, to seem a little higher in social status. They know how to put a guy in an awkward position and knock down arrogance with one phrase even from the most self-confident macho. I want to admire such women, but in dealing with them it is important to show only best qualities, to be bright, to show intelligence and knowledge of life. The more successful the guy, the easier it is for him to find a common language with an interlocutor of this type.

Weird. These are dreamy and slightly exalted girls who, in the process of communication, seem like aliens. They live in their inner world, like to fantasize and share their emotions with the interlocutor. Such a girl needs to be understood and in no case should she be mocked at her subtle vision of the world.

How to communicate with a girl - 7 important tips

Now we give recommendations that are universal and suitable for all the fair sex. Their application in practice allows you to deal with the main question - how to communicate with girls, and what mistakes to avoid in the process of conducting a dialogue.

More positive

Girls also work, study or do some business, so physical and emotional fatigue accumulates during the day. In the process of communication, it is necessary to remove the negative and add more positive emotions. It is important that the meeting with you is remembered with better side, has become a kind of "drug" that allows you to forget about everyday life and plunge into the world Have a good mood. Focus on interesting stories, tell jokes, spot highlights, and just joke around. Any problem with right approach can be ridiculed and turned into a "dummy".

Be a man

For women image perfect man- this is a wall behind which it is easy and calm, where there are no problems and life's difficulties. That is why in communicating with a girl you can not complain about the boss or parents, failures or problems. It is better to immediately throw everything out of your head and show your interlocutor another - more pleasant side life. If there were problems, say that they were successfully solved and are in the past.

Avoid empty talk

Appreciate yourself

Many guys and even mature men in an effort to achieve women begin to crawl under her and fulfill any whim. For a while like it fair sex, but this approach quickly gets boring. Among a group of faceless guys, the girl will choose individuality, a person who knows his own worth. These guys live by the principle - "If this girl is mine, great, but if not, I'll find another."

It is important to transfer this approach to communication. If you don’t like the topic, and the girl clearly goes into fantasy mode, you should smoothly transfer the conversation in a different direction or ask you not to touch on this topic at all in the future. If you always listen and agree, the interlocutor quickly loses interest in the partner.

rest assured

One of the main qualities of any man is self-confidence, which is manifested in the process of communicating with the opposite sex. This trait can be cultivated if you keep up acquaintances and be friends with several girls at the same time. In this case, it is possible to solve two problems at once - to gain experience and make your communication partners a little jealous. Girls have rivalry in their nature, so they will try to be better and more interesting for you.

Avoid Testing

Many guys who don't know how to have a full-fledged dialogue slide into a regular interview, which allows you to pick up perfect girl and, in the future, a wife. Questions begin about the ability to cook, wash, work, and so on. With this approach, the girl feels like a rabbit and tries to quickly move away from such an interlocutor. Show interest in the person, favorite things and interests, and do not choose your own wife.


Remember one important thing. It is not enough to know how to communicate with girls correctly - it is important to constantly surprise them, to make small but memorable gifts. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because for girls the main factor is attention. For example, you can make a flower out of paper, and such a souvenir will remain in your memory for a long time. If you start the meeting with a light surprise, the communication will be more gentle and pleasant.


Remember that girls love with their ears - this is a truth that many guys for some reason forget about. pay attention to new hairstyle, stylish shoes or a bright shirt. A small compliment will put you in a position to communicate. Girls do their best to look their best, so efforts need to be emphasized. But do not be cunning and say a compliment "for show" - it is immediately felt. Praise must come from the heart.


There is nothing difficult in communicating with a girl. All that is required of a guy is to be sincere and open, to be able to listen and hear the interlocutor, to remain positive and leave problems aside. It is important that communication with you brings positive emotions. Remember the importance of surprises, compliments, interesting stories and anecdotes. Never cease to amaze a woman, be bold and confident in order to generate interest and keep it for the required time.

And one more important point. In the process of communication, you should have a goal - just to get a girlfriend or in the future to establish more intimate relationship. With this factor in mind, it is necessary to build a dialogue, choosing suitable topics for a conversation and gradually approaching the solution of the task.

For me, the question of dating and the subsequent development of relationships with the fair sex has always been dilemma number 1. I didn’t know how to properly communicate with a girl, what to talk to her about, and how to behave. Now I will put into practice the above tips. Thank you.

As for the division into types, I 100% confirm the words of the author. To understand how to communicate with a girl in order to please her, it is important to determine the features of her character. It's difficult at first, but now I can figure out the type of young ladies in a few minutes. And then - a matter of technology.

At 23, I still haven't learned how to talk to women properly. As soon as I approach and try to get to know each other, I immediately get a kind of stupor. I can't imagine what you can talk about when you don't know the person at all. The only thing that comes to mind is commonplace phrases about the weather, but about business.

I love girls who belong to the “weird” category. I completely agree with the author about the characteristics, because I had one. It’s interesting with them - you can dream up and not be afraid to “blurt out” the wrong thing. Concerning Serious relationships, here everything is more complicated ...

A full pocket of money helps me in communicating with girls. But to be honest, it only works for bitches and blondes. As for the other types, here you have to refine yourself - first get interested in a conversation, and only then pull into a restaurant.

For me, meeting and communicating with a girl is an adventure. I really like getting to know new people. Moreover, there are a million options for talking. The hardest part is finding general theme. After that, communication goes like clockwork. If a girl is interested in me, there is no problem.

I love hot women, from which some kind of crazy energy emanates from the first minutes. It is extremely pleasant to communicate with them. At the same time, everyone knows where the conversation will lead - to bed, of course. But here, indeed, you have to apply your best qualities - assertiveness and arrogance.

Once I had to communicate with a nerd girl - this is “an explosion of the brain. It turns out to talk to such a young lady challenging task. Terribly interferes with shyness and some fear of new relationships. But if the conversation is tied up, you can count on more.

Acquaintance or conversation with a girl for shy guys is a serious challenge. In their case, we are not talking about the usual light jitters, but about a real tsunami of fear and excitement. Sean Cooper, a man who got rid of shyness on his own, is sure that all these troubles are surmountable. Below are some of his suggestions for helping you fight shyness and make conversation more relaxed.

3 reasons to be afraid of girls

1. Feelings of inadequacy

The mere sight of an attractive woman makes you nervous, and the thought of approaching her makes you terrified. Why? Because you consider yourself unworthy of this beauty. Remember women whose appearance is far from your ideal. Surely their company causes less discomfort.

The point is that men draw too far-reaching conclusions, based only on the external data of a woman. But imagine: suddenly she is stupid? Or does she have no sense of humor at all? Or do you just have nothing in common? You do not yet know this person, but you are already sure of her magnificence (and your inadequacy to him).

As a result, the feeling own inferiority robs you of confidence and prevents you from expressing your individuality.

Advice: remember that appearance speaks more about genes than personality. So do not rush to deify a stranger and send yourself to the list of unworthy ones. Better find out in practice what kind of person she is.

2. Obsession and unrealistic fantasies

Shy guys tend to choose one girl as the object of their dreams. Only a couple can connect with a beautiful person short conversations or smiles: this is enough for a shy person to imagine a joint future in all details. What happens in the end? The guy gets himself so worked up that when it comes to decisive action, he is lost under the weight of inflated expectations.

You thought about her for so long and turned her into such a perfect being that you were paralyzed with fear.

Sean Cooper

Another scenario: you finally dare to ask her out on a date, but after three minutes of conversation you realize that she is not at all the same beautiful lady out of your head. And on the basis of a three-minute communication, you decide to retreat, without really knowing the girl for real.

Advice: say "stop" to empty fantasies and channel your energy into communication. Well, remember that there are many cute and interesting girls. You definitely shouldn't get hung up on one with which you are almost unfamiliar.

3. Procrastination

Guys who suffer from shyness or have little relationship experience can wait a long time for a conversation, a touch, a first kiss. But the longer they wait and the more they think about it, the stronger the fear becomes.

Advice: act impulsively. All thoughts that appear after the first impulse are aimed at dissuading you from the act. In the end, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

How to talk to a girl

1. Get the conversation right

Cooper mentions the method of chain messages. Surely you have already used this technique, but perhaps not quite right.

Its essence is as follows ... Any, even the most insignificant information becomes the starting point. Then a clarifying question is asked. Based on the answer to this question, the following replica is built. And further along the knurled.

Example of a failed conversation:

A: Hello! Where are you from?

IN: From Chelyabinsk.

A: Oh, and what are you doing there?

IN: Working.

A: Where, if not a secret?

IN: At the factory.

A: And by whom?

IN: Miller, *&%+#!

A's mistake is that he approached the conversation too formally. As a result, he came down to a banal enumeration of facts, from which the milling operator V.

Tip: bet on emotions, not boring data.

Conversation Map Exercise

Take Blank sheet paper. In the middle, write a word that can start a conversation or that you often hear from girls. Now draw the rays that move away from it. They will be the lines of conversation. Formulate them as statements or as questions. The main thing is that they relate to emotions and values. The more directions you come up with, the better.


  • Initial word: psychologist.
  • Branch-emotion: how do you feel when you get into such a close relationship with different people?
  • Branch-value: you are probably a very caring person if you chose this profession.

Sudden pauses in conversation, Cooper says, are normal. It is not normal that you feel awkward and uncomfortable about them. It is with these feelings that you need to fight.

The first thing to do is to realize that you are not a toastmaster, but an accomplice in the conversation. No need to blame yourself for not being able to immediately react and figure out how to continue the conversation. This will only increase the stupor.

The second rule is to stay relaxed. If you are nervous about silence, then it automatically becomes awkward.

The third rule (and hint) is the natural continuation of the conversation. Situational comments can help here. The essence of the method is to pay attention to what is happening in outside world, rather than frantically trying to find a topic in your head (which, due to stress, becomes completely empty).

When you are relaxed and not fixated on the inner search, the dialogue ceases to be forced.

3. Learn to talk about nothing

Another problem for many shy people is that they believe that every conversation should be meaningful. At the same time, conversations are constantly taking place around, the content of which many instantly forget.

These are annoying or bewildering, and their participants may seem simply narrow-minded. However, these people do not have difficulty initiating contact and receive their dose. social interaction. And this is something they should learn from.

Where to begin? Stop thinking and allow yourself to be spontaneous. Be in the present moment, not caring about what you said 10 seconds ago or what you have to say 10 seconds from now.

Trust your brain, and don't try to squeeze all the juice out of it. In fact, this is a powerful device with a decent amount of information. You just need to let him do his job.

4. But just in case, have a list of topics

Prepared topics are like a cheat sheet: you don't have to use it, but you feel more confident with it. The circle of topics that you can talk about with a girl does not need to be kept in your head all the time. It is enough to outline it and leave it on the periphery of consciousness: if something goes wrong, you can always use it.

Sean Cooper suggests nine areas from which to draw ideas for conversation:

  1. Hobby.
  2. Work, study.
  3. Trips.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. Food, cooking.
  6. past experience.
  7. Observations on the present (situational comments).
  8. Future plans.
  9. Human relationships.

As a practice, you can come up with five example topics for each of these areas.

Another option is to talk about what you really know a lot about and try to interest the interlocutor in this. In your field, you will feel more confident and will be able to open up.

Another alternative is to let the girl talk about what she understands, but at the same time remain genuinely passionate about the topic. Genuine interest is always felt. And attracts.

Of course, you should not follow all the advice at once. Try one technique, then another, see what situations they work best for, or pick the one you like best.