Feed the newborn by the hour or on demand. Breastfeeding and complementary foods: why the diet is harmful. Reasons Parents Don't Want to Choose Feeding on Demand

Modern doctors and WHO representatives recommend feeding on demand to breastfeeding mothers. It is this approach that allows you to optimally meet the needs of the baby. It stimulates lactation and improves breastfeeding. V this case A newborn is fed only when he wants to. The number of applications and the duration of feeding are not limited. Let's take a closer look at how to properly and how often you can feed your baby on demand.

Feeding specifics on demand

When organizing this type of nutrition, the newborn is not force-fed, but is given breast only when the baby wants to. But they don’t take it away until the child is full and stops eating or falls asleep. This option is optimal for babies, since each crumb has its own rhythm and regimen. He will suckle when he is hungry. This will provide comfort and peace of mind, the child will not need to be forced to eat or wake up if he is sleeping, as when eating according to the regimen. Therefore, feeding will take place calmly, harmoniously, without whims and tantrums.

The duration of feeding is from several minutes to 1-2 hours. If the baby suckles the breast for more than ten minutes, then he is hungry. But a child can ask for a breast, not only if he is hungry. Sucking calms the baby if he is sick or feels discomfort, fear, thirst. The baby begins to ask for the breast more often during teething.

There are also disadvantages to this method. Mom should adapt to the rhythm of the baby, at first take the baby with her and sleep together. But by the way, co-sleeping in the first 4-6 months will go only for the benefit of the baby. As practice shows, when feeding on demand, children suckle the breast for longer, up to 2.5-3 years. As a result, babies are difficult to wean from co-sleeping, and from breastfeeding, especially if lactation has already stopped.

Benefits of feeding by schedule

  • Baby gets it all necessary substances and elements for harmonious growth and development;
  • The child is less tormented by gases, colic and indigestion. It is less susceptible to an allergic reaction, a strong immunity is formed in the crumbs;
  • The baby receives the right amount of food and does not need to be supplemented with milk mixtures;
  • The baby does not need to be supplemented with water, supplemented with milk mixtures. It is not required to introduce early premature complementary foods;
  • Regular and natural feeding breastfeeding on demand does not require pumping;
  • Regular applications are 100% satisfying sucking reflex, soothe the child and allow you to do without a pacifier;
  • Children grow up healthy, more confident and calm. In addition, the child does not develop such bad habits like sucking on a finger, fist, or other objects;
  • Feeding on demand provides a calm and comfortable environment, establishes contact between the baby and mother;
  • Feeding your baby on demand has a positive effect on sleep. on the psychological condition and development of the infant;
  • Frequent applications - effective stimulation of production breast milk, as well as the prevention of lactostasis, mastitis and other various diseases mammary gland in lactating women;
  • This method of feeding improves lactation, which avoids problems with a lack of milk for the newborn. How to establish breastfeeding, read.

Application frequency on demand

Mom should be prepared that in the first month of life, the baby will often ask for breasts. So, in the first two or three weeks, most of the time will have to be given to feeding the baby. The number of applications during this period in the total volume reaches 12-20 times per day and sometimes can reach up to four times per hour! But there is no need to worry. The requirements of the baby are not chaotic, but are evenly distributed throughout the day, depending on the needs and characteristics of the development of each child individually.

Over time, the number and duration of applications gradually decrease on their own without the introduction strict regime and dietary restrictions of the baby. By two or three months, he already requires a breast every 1.5-2 hours during the day and 3-4 times at night. During this period, the child develops his own diet and sleep. Such a rhythm does not harm the baby and does not lead to spoilage, as many believe. However, at the same time, it contributes to successful and long-term breastfeeding, a beneficial effect on the development of children.

After 4-6 months, the average number of feedings is about 12 times a day. As a rule, attachments accompany the awakening and falling asleep of the baby. After a year, when complementary foods for babies are already being introduced, the number of attachments is about eight times a day. Many mothers are interested in how to switch to on-demand feeding and maintain this mode. This is quite easy to do, you just need to follow certain rules and recommendations.

Rules for feeding on demand

  • Apply the baby on demand, do not wait strong crying or tantrums. When the child is hungry, he begins to move his lips and look for the chest, spin and behave restlessly, suck his thumb or other objects, grunt and gradually turn to crying;
  • In the first three months of life, the baby should be breastfed as often as possible. At the same time, the baby should be fed at least three times at night;
  • Do not limit the number and duration of applications. Wait until the baby is full and releases the nipple or falls asleep at the breast. Remember that each child has its own mode and rhythm;
  • Do not force the child to eat;
  • Give your baby as little as possible. Modern pediatricians are advised to completely abandon such devices if you have chosen natural feeding;
  • Attach the baby correctly to the breast. It is important that it captures both the nipple and the areola. This will provide complete feeding, will protect the mammary glands and nipples from damage;

  • Do not introduce complementary foods before six months. When introducing adult food, do not breastfeed your baby 2-3 hours before receiving food. After eating, you can, if necessary, breastfeed the baby;
  • Do not supplement your baby with water until 5-6 months old, as newborns do not need it. Breast milk already contains the amount of water your baby needs. Only in exceptional cases, severe colic breastfeeding can be given in small amounts dill water. And in the heat, bathe the baby more often, wipe the skin wet wipes and do air baths;
  • Sleep together until 3-6 months. favorably affects the mental and mental development, emotional state child. In addition, if necessary, the mother will be able to quickly feed the baby at night;
  • Learn to feed lying down, this will make feeding at night and during sleep easier. Use different poses;
  • Do not alternate breasts, as is done when feeding according to the regimen. First, the baby must completely empty one breast and only then move on to the second. This is necessary so that the baby receives both foremilk and hindmilk;
  • After feeding, the baby, if he did not fall asleep, should lie down quietly for at least 40-60 minutes. Do not bathe, play or exercise with your child on a full stomach.

How to feed a child, by the hour or on demand, is up to each mother to decide individually. But we note that application on demand has been used since ancient times, and according to the regimen, it appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first method has a positive effect on the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother, it fully satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of children.

That is why on-demand feeding is used by more and more breastfeeding mothers today. And to simplify the process, follow the rules and recommendations for applying the baby, wean the baby from the breast and co-sleeping in a timely manner.

One mode involves feeding on demand, the other - feeding by the hour. Let's see what these modes imply, what advantages and disadvantages each of them has.

Define concepts

Feeding by the clock is feeding according to a schedule invented for the child by his mother or doctor. Feeding on demand - putting the baby to the breast as many times and at such times as he himself requires, including at night. This mode also implies that the duration of feeding is also determined by the needs of the baby.

How many times to feed is the key difference between on-demand and hourly feeding.

In the case of feeding by the hour, the following scheme is meant: feeding takes place once every three hours in the afternoon and six hours - night break, so the total number of feedings is 7.

When feeding on demand, the number of feedings can vary significantly - from the same 7 feedings to 24 (that is, the baby can ask to eat every hour). During the first weeks, the volume of the baby's stomach is very small, the muscles, even those that are involved in the act of sucking, are still weak, so the baby sucks quite often, little by little. Gradually, the volume of the stomach becomes larger, the muscles become stronger, so the periods between feedings increase, and the amount of breast milk sucked out in one feeding also increases. So, for children after the 10th day of life in the calculations of the necessary daily requirement the so-called volumetric method is used. A child from 10 days to 2 months should receive 1/5 part, from 2 to 4 months - 1/6, 4-5 months - 1/7 of body weight, but not more than 1 liter. This takes into account the actual body weight. The amount of food equal to 1 liter. - daily amount of food for a child older than 5 months. The calculation of nutrition in the first 10 days of a child's life is made according to the Filkenstein formula: the volume of feeding is 10 x n, where n is the number of days.

The question may arise: does the baby have time to digest milk if you feed him 20 times a day? Yes, it does, because breast milk stays in the stomach for a relatively short time, after which it enters the intestines. At the same time, milk contains substances that stimulate the production of enzymes in gastrointestinal tract. These enzymes are responsible for the digestion of food. We can say that breast milk promotes the assimilation of itself. Therefore, you should not worry that when feeding on demand, the milk will not be digested and absorbed.


Since the time and duration of feedings (15-20 minutes) are predetermined when feeding by the clock, the most effective way effects on lactation in general - stimulation of lactation by increasing the number of applications. We know that the amount of milk is determined by the needs of the baby. At the same time, natural fluctuations in the behavior of the baby are completely excluded. Feeding by the clock means that the child should eat the same amount of milk at each feeding, stimulating the mammary gland so that he has enough for subsequent feedings. It must be borne in mind that it is recommended to offer the baby only one mammary gland at each feeding. This is completely justified, since in one feeding he should receive the so-called foremilk, rich in proteins and carbohydrates, and back milk, fat rich. Thus, stimulation of one mammary gland occurs once every 6 hours. If, for one reason or another, the baby ate less during some feeding, then there is no longer any way to stimulate milk production.

When feeding on demand, nothing bad happens if the baby eats less or more than in previous feedings - this fact only determines whether the baby will ask for the breast next time sooner or later.

When breastfeeding on demand, the baby, as a rule, eats more often at night than when feeding by the hour. At the same time, it has been proven that it is night feedings that are an excellent way to maintain sufficient lactation.

This is due to the fact that more prolactin is produced at night than during the day. Prolactin is a hormone on which the production of milk depends, the amount of which depends on the number of attachments of the child and nothing else. Prolactin is always present in female body v small quantities, but its highest concentration in the blood is noted after the baby begins to suckle the breast, and most of all it is produced in the morning hours - from 3 to 8 in the morning, when many babies wake up for night feeding. Prolactin, which appeared in the morning, is engaged in the production of milk during the day.

Thus, in terms of the formation of lactation, on-demand breastfeeding is a more physiological process: thanks to such fine regulation, when feeding on demand, milk stagnation occurs much less often - lactostasis, and the need for pumping is practically eliminated.

How much milk will mom have?

Quantity produced milk directly depends on the quantity consumed by the baby, or rather from the stimulation that the nipple receives. When the nipple is stimulated, impulses are sent to the mother's brain, in response to which the brain produces biologically active substances, in particular, the hormone prolactin, which, in turn, signals the mammary gland to produce milk.

How to establish breastfeeding?

When feeding by the hour, it is enough to remember a simple feeding schedule and offer the baby a breast strictly at the appointed time. When feeding on demand, you don’t need to remember any schedule - you need to put the baby to the breast with every concern. On the first day, when the mother and baby are in the postpartum ward, the applications should be short - 1-3 minutes, in one feeding, you can apply the baby to both mammary glands. Within 1-2 days, the duration of feeding should be increased and gradually brought up to 20 minutes. In the future, you should strive to ensure that the baby receives one mammary gland in one feeding.

I would especially like to emphasize that the concept of free feeding provides for the child's free choice not only of the frequency of feedings, but also of their duration. This provision is not consistent with the previous ideas of domestic pediatricians, who recommended keeping children at the breast for no more than 20 minutes. This view was based on the notion that prolonged suckling can cause cracked and inflamed nipples. However, it is now established that the real reason cracked nipples is most often wrong position baby at the breast and improper nipple latching. However, limiting the duration of sucking can lead to the fact that the child is not satisfied and does not receive the "hind" milk that he needs for normal growth. This, in particular, applies to the so-called "lazy suckers", in contrast to the "active suckers", which are saturated in 10-20 minutes, they can suckle for more than 30 minutes. At the same time, probably, in both children, the volume of milk received per feeding corresponds to their needs. It's just that the first suck slowly, possibly intermittently, and the second - quickly and, accordingly, are saturated faster.

In breastfeeding on demand great importance has the ability to conveniently feed the baby at night! Many mothers choose to co-sleep or put a crib next to theirs.

Night sleep

At first glance, the 6-hour break suggested by hourly feeding seems very tempting. You can feed the baby at 12 o'clock at night and sleep peacefully until 6 am, and if you are lucky and the child falls asleep after 6 hours of feeding, then you can sleep until 9 - Total, about 8 hours good sleep. Unfortunately, most of these are just theoretical calculations. The baby begins to worry much earlier than at 6.00, the mother makes various attempts that could calm the baby, so she does not sleep herself, instead of just feeding the baby and sleeping on.

When feeding on demand, you do not need to observe breaks - it is enough to give the baby a breast on demand, he will eat and calm down, and mom can continue to sleep with pleasure.

Psychological aspect

When breastfeeding on demand, a young mother is simply forced to find mutual language with a baby. After all, it is clear that not every “squeak” can mean that the baby is hungry, that is, the mother somehow quickly learns to understand the language of the child, in which case he wants. In this case, the mother can use two tactics: first, offer the baby a breast and look at his reaction - if the child refuses, then look for other reasons for crying, or, on the contrary, you can first check the elementary signs that will allow you to judge the causes of discomfort (dry diapers, etc.). and then offer the breast. Of course, each mother chooses a more suitable algorithm of actions for herself. Having learned to understand the baby, the mother becomes more self-confident, although, of course, such an understanding does not come immediately.

When feeding by the hour, the mother is forced to wait until the end of the prescribed 3-hour regimen between feedings. At the same time, the mother tries to calm the baby, who begins to worry, thinking that he wants to eat. To do this, a variety of measures can be taken - a pacifier, rocking, etc. Meanwhile, the cause of crying may not be hunger at all. Of course, a sensitive mother will learn to figure out why the baby is crying even when feeding by the hour, but still, when feeding on demand, the most optimal conditions are created for this.

So, the indisputable advantage of on-demand breastfeeding is that it is more physiological, avoids a lack of milk, stagnation, and does not waste time pumping. Breastfeeding on demand allows the baby to receive optimal amount milk. For both mother and baby, this feeding option allows you to gain confidence and psychological comfort. However, there is no doubt that feeding according to the regimen also has a significant advantage - it is the possibility of planning, finding free time, which is so necessary for a young mother. In this regard, breastfeeding on demand is most likely optimal, with the introduction, if possible, at the age of 2-3 months of certain restrictions, which in the future will allow mother and baby to switch to a mode that is convenient for both. So, a mother can offer her baby a breast in certain hours, even if the child does not ask, thereby gradually moving to a certain routine.

A few years ago, pediatric specialists argued that mothers should adhere to a clear schedule for breastfeeding. Now neonatologists, modern books and magazines, birth preparation courses convince expectant mothers that they need to feed their newborn baby on demand. Having listened to the advice of friends, grandmothers, doctors, having read books that sometimes contradict each other, it is difficult for young women to find the truth. And so you want to decide even before the birth of the crumbs: after all - by the hour or on demand?

Let's think a little: universal and absolutely correct scheme behavior with a baby does not exist. Both of you are unique. Relax and calm down. Maternal instinct help you do right choice. Just to hear inner voice, many inexperienced mothers are prevented by fear, to do something wrong.

You might be reassured by the story of a mother of two who went from frightened inexperience to calm conviction. Everyone has their own path. A woman can find him by listening carefully to herself and her baby. But behind the polyphony of advisers, the answer to this question may not be heard ...

So, feeding by the hour

in the maternity hospital

Immediately after the birth of my first child - a daughter - I began to feed her on a schedule. Every 3 hours, I gave both breasts for 10 minutes each. First right, then left, in the next feeding, vice versa - first left, second right. Since the baby was with me in the ward, I saw that my daughter was sleeping peacefully between feedings. So she's eating. At first, I supplemented her with formula. I was scared that there was no milk yet, and there was not enough colostrum. But the doctor advised me to refuse supplementary feeding. Her argument was simple: if the crumbs behave calmly, then they have enough food. Besides, you don't need to teach them to bottle feed because it can cause them to refuse breastfeeding because sucking is more difficult. Colostrum is very nutritious, it contains everything necessary for the first days of a child's life, when the stomach is still learning to digest food, and it needs very nutritious and at the same time easily digestible food.

Milk arrived on the 3rd day. Marinka even began to burp him in excess. I gave breasts for no more than 10 minutes, and there were no cracks at all, although I did not prepare nipples for feeding. We ate after 3 hours. Pediatricians recommended not to do night feeding, but on the 4-5th day my daughter began to demand it so insistently that I gave in to these requests, deciding that she knew better when she wanted to eat. I also wanted to immediately put her to sleep in my bed, but they scared me that in a dream I could crush the baby. Later, when my children were already grown up, I found out that if a child sleeps with his mother, he is much calmer, and his mother even sleeps well at night. And I have never heard of cases of crushed children.

In the hospital, we were all advised to pump. But I had so little milk left after the baby that I did not understand the meaning of this procedure. Although the young woman from our ward could not do it differently. Her milk just poured in glasses, even the child choked. Here it would be difficult to do without pumping ... (but it is possible, see “The World of the Family”, 2nd year, p. 6, approx. ed.). So passed 6 days in the hospital.

My mother was waiting for us at home. She immediately stated that only one breast should be given for one feeding. Otherwise I have the milk will disappear. This authority was indisputable for me, and I began to give the baby only one breast. Now, at the beginning of the feeding, the breast, which was intended to feed, swelled, hurt and hardening began to form in it.

“Thanks” to my mother, another “flaw” was revealed - I expressed little milk after feeding. Here is my mother, when she fed us, she expressed a glass of milk! Why it was good, I did not understand, but a feeling of guilt appeared. I became nervous, the milk began to noticeably disappear. I had to supplement my daughter with formula. Fortunately, at this time I met a lactation consultant, thanks to whose advice lactation was restored.

Consultant Tips:

  • give two breasts at one feeding;
  • refuse pumping and supplementary feeding;
  • switch to feeding on demand, not by the clock.

What happened to the milk. I had milk, but not enough. Still, my daughter had enough. True, not for 3 hours, but only for one and a half. Instead of introducing supplementary feedings, we reduced breaks from 3 to 1.5 hours. Including at night. In order not to fall off my feet from sleepless nights, I took the baby to my bed. Lactation began to return to normal, and after two weeks the interval between feedings gradually and naturally increased to 3 hours.

What happened to the chest. The chest stopped pouring, because required amount the liquid was now evenly distributed over the two “vessels”!

What happened to the child. My daughter began to eat and sleep peacefully between feedings.

What happened to me. There was confidence that milk will be available every time the baby needs it.

Eventually. My daughter ate every 3 hours. Night feeding was mandatory (as it turned out, neonatologists consider it especially valuable). If the baby slept through the feeding, I did not wake her up. If I was nervous, the milk began to disappear. We reduced the interval between feedings, and slowly everything was restored.

Feeding on demand

With the second child, the son, everything was different. He was literally born a glutton. After the birth, I put my son to my chest, and he sucked non-stop for 40 minutes! And this is just a newborn baby! For the next two days, he asked to eat every hour. One thing pleased - the son received colostrum, healing for his body. I applied it to each breast for no more than 10 minutes to prevent nipple cracks. We did not sleep for two days, day or night - the baby demanded food! I had to give him a pacifier. This helped and the break increased to two hours. On the third day, the milk arrived, and my efforts were rewarded in full. Kolya woke up, ate and fell asleep until next feeding quiet peaceful sleep. He ate so much that it seemed his stomach would burst. And he took the restriction on the amount of food as a personal insult. There was a lot of milk. To reduce its amount, I had to limit myself to liquids. That helped. Certainly, little man with such appetite refused night breaks in food intake. But I was already experienced mom and calmly fed the baby without getting out of bed. I was less nervous and there were no problems with lactation.

Let's summarize

The feeding regimen for each child is individual.

  • If the baby sleeps peacefully for 3 hours between feedings, does not cry at the end of the meal, as if he was hungry, then everything is fine. You effortlessly natural way Adhere to feeding according to the scheme recommended by doctors.
  • But if the baby shows anxiety at the end of feeding, if he cries when the mother takes the breast, wakes up an hour or two after eating and is naughty, then most likely he wants to eat. The milk that he sucks out in one feeding is not enough for him for 3 hours.
  • It happens that a child from birth is a fan often, but in small portions. Then he calmly falls asleep after feeding, but he asks for food not after the “set” 3 hours, but earlier.

Do not torment the baby with hunger, and yourself with doubts. Just offer him breasts when he asks. But at the same time, watch how the baby behaves.

  • Maybe the baby is crying because of gases, and not from hunger. In this case, he will twitch his legs, cry, throw a nipple, or refuse to take it in his mouth at all.
  • If he happily starts eating as soon as he was given a breast, you guessed it: the little one was hungry.

The most common fears associated with on-demand feeding

    1. Feeding on demand is a constant tension and the inability to move away from the child for a minute, fearing that he will ask to eat.
    2. Being with your baby all the time and being stressed are two different things. The first is necessary for a newborn in the first days and even months of life. The second - only harms him.

      Watching the baby, very soon you will begin to understand how much time passes between feedings of your particular (and not the average) baby. And you can safely entrust him to dad or grandmother for this time to relax a bit or do household chores.

    3. The child will eat constantly, his stomach will not have time to rest.

The baby will eat exactly as much as his body needs. Breast milk (as opposed to artificial formulas) unique product. You can give your baby a breast at least every half an hour (it also happens when you need to restore lactation), while not overloading his stomach.

By two, at the latest, three months, you will develop a regimen with a break close to the “classic” three hours.

When the established feeding regime is violated

This happens for two reasons. First– due to stress or illness, the mother's milk supply decreases. In this case, to restore the flow of milk, switch to breastfeeding every hour. This will last just a few days, a maximum of a week. And lactation will be restored.

The second is the increased needs of the growing child. Some children grow in leaps and bounds. During intensive growth they need more building material” - mother's milk. While mom's breasts are being rebuilt to meet the increased needs of the baby, the interval between feedings can temporarily decrease. Don't worry, you will soon be back in balance with your little one.

If you are given conflicting advice, and you do not know who to listen to, listen to your baby. And you will clearly know when he needs your breasts or when something bothers him. You will succeed. Rest assured!

Breast-feeding poses many tasks for new parents, one of which involves the choice of the method of "transferring milk" to the baby. Many grandmothers and even some doctors convince that feeding by the hour will help a woman maintain some independence from the baby and establish a routine from the very first day.

In the 20th century there was a radical change in the role of a woman in the social structure of the state. The fair sex is now active, militant, not inferior in many respects to men and not to that extent is the keeper of the hearth.

To new mother, who was breastfeeding, returned to the team as soon as possible, pediatricians suggested timed feeding. That is, the parents did not need to constantly monitor the babies, it was enough just to provide the breast after three hours.

Breastfeeding according to a clearly established schedule was carried out according to some rules and requirements of pediatricians:

However, in this century, views on breastfeeding have changed a bit.

Modern breastfeeding experts provide new mothers with complete freedom actions, but still recommend adhering to feeding at the "request" of the baby.

Today, more and more often, young mothers feed a child, as soon as he wishes to breastfeed. And it absolutely does not matter how many times he wants to eat and when he gets hungry again. Scientists are convinced that the mother's body adapts to the needs of the baby and the volume of milk also corresponds to its needs.

Feeding according to the regime is an adjustment of needs and desires baby under a special schedule, which is developed by the mother or neonatologist.

Despite the rather harsh criticism of scheduled breastfeeding, this regimen also has some advantages that should be discussed in more detail:

  1. Breastfeeding on an exact schedule allows you to build a clear daily routine. A woman more or less imagines when the baby will need to be applied to the breast and give milk, and when she will have a free minute. That is, mom will be able to plan the day and even leave the house.
  2. Since this feeding regimen takes a break at night, a woman can count on good night. Of course, such "luck" awaits her through certain time, and if only it is possible to adjust the infant to the chosen schedule.

However, experts on breastfeeding are relentless - scheduled feeding infants in no way satisfies their physiological and psychological needs. The disadvantages of this feeding regimen are obvious.

  1. Doctors assure that, due to the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract, in newborn children, the stomach practically does not participate in digestion. Breast milk can easily be absorbed in the intestinal tube, while the stomach is connected when the baby begins to receive complementary foods. Thus, the assimilation of breast milk occurs extremely quickly, much faster three hours- the interval recommended for "modal" nutrition.
  2. Feeding infants by the hour, according to scientists, it can suppress lactation. Breast milk is secreted in response to the baby's digestive needs. That is, the volume milk secretion directly proportional to what the baby sucked. If the breast remains “untouched”, special hormones in the brain are not secreted, which means that much less milk will be released next time. As a result, this leads to early supplementation and cessation of lactation.
  3. When breastfeeding according to the regimen, milk stagnation and mastitis occur more often. Reducing the number of feedings is “milk plugs”, but if it is started, it can turn into mastitis in three days, for example, when an infection is connected. Although the breasts can be partially emptied, the number of mastitis in mothers who follow the schedule for breastfeeding, significantly more than women breastfeeding babies at the first "squeak".
  4. Not to mention the possible psychological problems. According to psychologists, breastfeeding according to the regimen is harmful to the baby. A nursing woman, in fact, is forced to ignore children's needs, thereby denying the child the satisfaction of his natural sucking reflex. As a result of the lack of maternal warmth and enjoyment of the maternal breast, the habit of sucking a finger or a fist is formed.

WHO opposes scheduled feeding. Breastfeeding experts advise breastfeeding mothers to breastfeed their baby at the first request. Thus, the establishment of any time frame on the issue of breastfeeding is considered inappropriate and even dangerous for the child.

Feeding on demand is considered by some mothers to be an invention of modern pediatricians, but such a diet, on the contrary, is traditional. Another common name for this regimen is natural feeding, because this approach has evolved in the course of human development.

Nursing mothers in antiquity, of course, did not even think about feeding the baby by the hour. Newborns were constantly held in their arms, so the babies received breasts in the literal sense on demand.

We repeat once again that today WHO recommends breastfeeding mothers to take into account the needs of babies and apply to the breast at any time of the day.

Breastfeeding consultants highlight the following benefits of squeak feeding for infants:

  • Newborn babies who are given breast milk at the first request, they are able to quickly overcome the so-called birth stress and get used to new living conditions.
  • Close bodily interaction helps the child and mother to establish emotional connection, which contributes to a sense of security in infants.
  • Satisfying needs help harmonic psychological development newborns, because the baby, asking for the breast and being on the handles, forms basic trust to the surrounding world.
  • When breastfeeding at the request of the child, good weight gain is noted, since children receive as much milk as they need. Being next to the mother's breast, the baby receives both the anterior (liquid) and the posterior (thick, fatty) milk secret.
  • Reduces the likelihood of regurgitation in infants. The volume of the gastric sac in a newborn baby is extremely small, since it is intended for the frequent intake of small milk "doses". With an increase in pauses between meals, the child absorbs larger volume breast milk, resulting in regurgitation or bowel problems.

Breastfeeding on demand also has a positive effect on the body of a newly-made mother. Breastfeeding experts highlight the following benefits for breastfeeding women:

  • When a baby suckles, the hormone oxytocin is released, which promotes uterine contractions. The more often the baby interacts with the mother's breast during breastfeeding, the rather a uterus returns to natural size and the less the threat of bleeding after childbirth.
  • When feeding a baby, at the very first cry, the optimal production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates lactation, occurs. Moreover, milk flows into the chest in the volume necessary for the baby: how much milk secretion is sucked out, so much is produced again.
  • It is believed that at frequent application the baby's breast is emptied much more efficiently. And this significantly reduces the likelihood of stagnation and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands.
  • The hormone prolactin not only stimulates breastfeeding, but is also natural contraceptive because it inhibits the ovulation process. So when feeding babies on demand, the risk is reduced unplanned pregnancy, although, of course, this method is not considered one hundred percent protection against possible conception.

Thus, there are quite a lot of advantages when feeding babies on demand. These positive sides and allow specialists to talk about the need to transfer infants to this particular feeding regimen.

Are there any downsides?

Despite all the arguments of the experts and the benefits for all participants in feeding, some women find it not very convenient to attach the baby to the mammary glands at the very first “beep”.

Modern newly-made mothers highlight several disadvantages of this approach:

That is, there are still disadvantages, but this method has more advantages. A woman can either downplay or eliminate such negative nuances. Therefore, the cons are easily leveled through a reasonable and balanced approach.

What does Komarovsky say?

Famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky does not oppose, but is not a supporter of on-demand feeding, however, like scheduled feeding of infants. What is his opinion about the main types breastfeeding child?

  1. Feeding infants at intervals, at first glance, allows the mother to feel more free. However, Komarovsky is sure that it is extremely difficult to maintain such a schedule, and the night turns into a period of continuous tears.
  2. If you feed the baby on demand, you will not be able to enter optimal mode. Komarovsky is also convinced that not every mother will be able to give breast milk 25-30 times during the day.

Komarovsky is sure that the best way out for a woman and a baby will be the so-called free feeding. Pediatrician Komarovsky offers to feed the baby at his request, but not more than once every three hours. This mode is maintained at night.

This type of feeding is ideal for babies and active women. So says Dr. Komarovsky, and whether to listen to his opinion, it is up to the specific nursing mother to decide.

Rules for feeding on demand

WHO recommends feeding infants on demand to meet their physiological and emotional needs. Counselors are quick to reassure mothers who feel that this method is too complicated. It's all about habit.

Here are some tips to help you get started with on-demand feeding:

  • Try to put the baby to the chest after each “squeak”, without bringing the first soft sounds to pronounced and loud cries. You can understand that the baby wants to eat by his anxiety, sucking movements of the lips, grunting, moving the head.
  • Avoid "breast surrogates". Soothers are meant for babies who are otherwise unable to satisfy natural desire suck. Feeding a baby on demand means giving up nipples, bottles, and other devices that interfere with the suckling habit.
  • Avoid drinking water. A child of the first six months of life does not need water at all, since breast milk is both food and drink. natural feeding satisfies all the needs of babies.
  • Try sleeping with your newborn. In this case, the woman can right moment to feed the baby with milk when he starts whimpering in search of his mother's breast. If the mother let go auspicious time, the likelihood of calming the crumbs will greatly decrease.

If a woman correctly applies the baby to the mammary glands, then they will be completely released from milk. And this significantly reduces the risk of lactostasis.

Most nursing mothers seeking to switch to natural feeding of newborn babies do not always understand some of the points of this approach. For example, women are confused by the frequency and duration of feedings.

How often to feed?

The newborn baby satisfies the basic needs by sucking on the mother's breast. Mom is a source of food, warmth, protection.

Many babies begin to pass gases, an act of defecation occurs, since the gastrointestinal tract is activated during breastfeeding.

Since the newborn from being close to the mother receives extremely positive sensations, experts recommend putting the baby to the breast as often as possible.

During the first month of a child's life, the number of daily feedings can exceed 25! V three months old children develop their own daily routine, when the crumbs usually eat after or before falling asleep. Older babies begin to breastfeed when they are upset or dissatisfied with something.

How long does the feeding take?

The duration of suckling depends on the underlying need. If the baby wants to drink, he sucks the mammary glands for several minutes to get enough of the front milk. If he is hungry, then mommy will “free up” only after 45 minutes.

Usually, the application duration is increased in the following situations:

  • after morning awakening;
  • in the so-called stages of "growth spurts", when the baby grows most rapidly;
  • during an indisposition of the baby (teeth are cut, the stomach hurts, other disorders), since the milk reduces pain.

For natural breastfeeding, it is typical to allow the baby to be applied to the breast for the time required by him. It is believed that the little one will release his mother himself when he falls asleep or is full.

When to end lactation?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding babies up to two years of age. If up to 12 months of life it is necessary to provide irreplaceable components, then closer to 2 years the product becomes a source of more successful development intelligence and immune system.

The moment of stopping feeding is a decision made individually by each mother and depends on many nuances. There is no set time frame, which is why the “right” way to behave is to look at your child.

So, many modern specialists in breastfeeding oppose the attachment of babies in time. There is a point of view that only feeding on a “cry” can provide children with the optimal volume of milk and maternal warmth.

However, it is up to nursing mothers to decide what is needed for babies - to feed by the hour or on demand. It is quite possible to take the advice of Dr. Komarovsky and combine these two approaches for the maximum convenience of all participants in the process.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on the upbringing of children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Feeding a baby on a schedule or by the hour is the feeding recommended by many. Russian pediatricians who adhere to traditional Soviet norms. The same norms were promoted earlier and abroad. The same Dr. Spock, for example. About feeding by the hour "for" and "against" we'll talk.

So, traditionally pediatricians say that healthy child at enough milk from the mother should suckle the breast 1 time in 3 hours. At the same time, it is assumed night sleep for at least six hours.

But the reality is often different. Women complain that they are forced to feed their children very often, we can say that the whole day with short breaks the baby hangs on her chest.

Doctors answer this by saying that feeding every hour is a sign of a child's hunger. Mom has little milk, the baby does not eat up, and here is the result ... It is advised to introduce supplementary feeding in the form artificial mixture. That is, first give one and the other breast. And then top up with the mixture. The amount of formula for supplementary feeding is determined empirically. It is believed that the child will not suck too much. Indeed, this practice often helps to normalize feeding after 3 hours, because the mixture is digested longer. Babies on mixed and artificial feeding usually and sleep more deeply and for a long time. But the problem is that supplementary feeding provokes a decrease in breast milk production. And the use of a bottle can lead to the refusal of the child to suck at the breast.

The practice of transition to mixed, and then artificial nutrition was very frequent years 20-30 years ago, before there were any lactation consultants. And in general, very little attention was paid to the issue of GW. Children were not even given mixtures, but more often whole cow's milk. What led to strong allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

And yet, is it possible to switch to a breastfeeding regime by the hour and at the same time remain completely breastfed? It's possible. But you need to take into account the fact that the first 2-3 months the child has a very strong sucking reflex and will have to give him a dummy instead of the breast. Yes, and putting the baby to sleep will be problematic. If breastfeeding on demand is enough for the baby to fall asleep, to give him a breast, then those who follow the feeding schedule will have to rock him, take him out, etc. Not many children calmly fall asleep on their own in their crib.

But if you have already decided for yourself whether to feed newborns on demand or by the hour, which is better for you and have chosen the second option, then start by understanding whether the baby has enough food. To do this, you need to look at the dynamics of the growth of his weight and the number of urination. If everything is in order, then switch to feeding the baby after 2 hours, and then after 3. At the same time, if it is hot, it is advisable to give water in between feedings if the breast is on schedule. Well, and without a pacifier, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do. It will be possible to switch to the time between feedings of 4 hours with the introduction of repeated complementary foods (cereals, vegetables and fruit purees, cottage cheese). Closer to the year of breastfeeding, only night and morning can remain.

What are the disadvantages of a strict feeding regimen? They are before the introduction of complementary foods. As we already wrote, the production of breast milk is reduced, the child is restless and with a dummy in his mouth. And yet, such children usually gain less weight. If