Proper filling of wedding invitations. How to fill out a wedding invitation. Choosing the Right Image

Compiling a guest list, along with a budget and choosing a concept, should be at the top of your pre-wedding to-do list. Only having decided on the total number of guests, style, venue and deciding everything financial questions let's get down to the details.

After all, without knowing the total budget, you run the risk of spending much more on invitations than you can afford, and without a rough idea of ​​​​the concept of the wedding, you will not be able to choose the right design.

2. Get the timing right

Inviting guests to the wedding should be about 8-10 weeks in advance, which means it should be in advance (about 3 months before the celebration) - so that you have time to think through the details, agree on the layout and print the invitations.

3. Don't Forget the Save the Date Cards

Save the Date- These are preliminary invitations that guests receive immediately after the couple has decided on the date of the wedding. If you start preparing for the wedding in advance (10-12 months in advance), notify the guests in advance so that those who live in other countries, travel a lot or often go on business trips, can plan their employment.

Such cards are also relevant for weddings that take place in summer period- holiday time. Remember that Save the Date is just an information card and should only include the couple's names and wedding date. Location, exact time, dress code are indicated only on invitations.

4. Specify who is invited

The invitation should clearly define the composition of the invitees: is it possible to come with a child, take a companion / companion with you. If you do not provide this information, you risk seeing uninvited guests. The best way To avoid this, print personalized invitations that indicate exactly who you are inviting. At the same time, etiquette allows printing one invitation for married couple or families with children.

5. Invitation text

It can be strict and concise or more informal - in any case, the invitation should contain the following information:

  1. Names of the newlyweds
  2. wedding date
  3. Place and time of the ceremony
  4. Place and time of the banquet/buffet
  5. Date by which the newlyweds would like to receive a response

6. Additional information

All Additional information about the wedding is better to post on separate sheet. It includes:

  1. Contact information (phone numbers of newlyweds, wedding site).
  2. Dress code wishes
  3. Information about whether you can bring children with you
  4. Detailed scheme travel to the venue of the celebration (especially relevant for non-resident guests).

7. List of gifts

Choosing a wedding gift is enough difficult task for a guest. Is it worth pointing out desired gifts in the invitation or not? Each couple decides this question individually. Someone is more practical and does not want to receive three identical bread machines, someone considers the transfer of gifts tactless.

In this case, we advise you to simply orient the guests with the general phrases “something for housewarming”, “in the piggy bank for Honeymoon", but not to limit the financial framework, so as not to put them in awkward position. This information should be posted on additional sheet invitations.

8. Specify the exact start time of the celebration

Inviting guests in advance so that they are sure not to be late for the ceremony, and making them wait is at least ugly. If the beginning of the celebration is planned at 15:00, then indicate this time in the invitation. And if you're worried that someone will be late, schedule a welcome buffet half an hour before the ceremony begins, so the guests will have time to gather, and if someone is late, he will not miss the most important thing!

9. Show you care

An invitation is also a sign of attention to the guest. Template invitations that are printed in the same way look indifferent, so take the time to write the names of the guests by hand or highlight them by inserting spellings that are familiar only to the two of you.

10. Check your spelling

Preferably twice. And separately - the spelling of the names and surnames of the guests. It will be a shame if there is a typo in the invitations, the design of which you have thought through so long and painstakingly. In addition, it also additional costs for reprinting.

11. Financial issue

Keep in mind that the invitation becomes more expensive depending on the materials, technical process, individual design. For example, invitations made by hand by a professional calligrapher or artist will always be more expensive than those printed in a print shop.

But don’t worry if you don’t have large sums in your budget for printing: you can find invitation designs on the Internet or create your own. And if you have a small number of guests, you can even make your own invitations. Let them turn out to be imperfect, but they will definitely be!

12. Decoration should match the style of the wedding

The invitation sets the tone for the whole holiday - taking it in hand, the guest should immediately understand what awaits him: a pompous celebration or a friendly party in nature. If planned romantic wedding, immersed in pink peonies, watercolor printing in light shades rather than a laconic and strict design. For a rustic wedding, you can use kraft paper, and for luxury wedding in a gourmet restaurant, invitations should also be luxurious: for example, made in letterpress printing.

13. Write from the heart!

You are inviting people to a holiday, not to a formal event, so try to avoid chancellita, official wording, too strict text. Do not “create an invitation text”, but simply invite each person to the wedding, contact him specifically.

You can choose more classic and concise wording, or write a personal text for each guest (unless, of course, the wedding is small) with memories and emotions. The text of the invitation can even be written in verse and it won't hurt good jokes! The main thing - do not look ready-made templates online, you don't want your wedding to be like hundreds of others, do you?

14. Pay attention to materials

The pledge of a beautiful invitation - stylish design and quality paper. Its choice depends on the printing method (digital, letterpress, silkscreen, embossed or hand painted). At the same time, paper can be either plain, thick, or craft, soft, velvet or embossed. In addition, you can decorate invitations with silk ribbons, fresh flowers or wax seals. Or even make invitations from glass, foil, cut wood or fabric.

15. Be bold!

Despite the fact that the structure of the invitations, regardless of the concept of the wedding, is always about the same, you can always show your creativity and create something more original and original. In addition to the classic watercolor stains, you can decorate the invitation with drawings or your photo. After all, the invitation doesn't have to be in text form at all: you can record a video invitation and send it to guests on social media.

16. Don't Overdo Your Design

Be careful with a lot of decoration and don't go for originality: the most important thing in an invitation is the text. If it becomes unreadable due to drawings, watercolors or bright patterns, invitations lose their main function.

This also applies to fashion calligraphy: some fonts look very nice, but they are quite difficult to read, so save them for other details, such as bride and groom cards, which will decorate the shoot.

17. Pay attention to details

The same theme, done on different paper and different font, will look completely different. Therefore, pay attention to materials and key design details. For example, before ordering printed invitations, check the weight and texture of the paper. Small print on textured paper will be difficult to read, and some shades will look different on matte and glossy paper.

18. Changes

Be sure to check with the designer in advance whether it will be possible to make changes to the layout, in what time frame, whether a fee will be charged for this and in what amount. Even if you have already checked the spelling several times, you just might not like the final result for colors or design details. Especially it concerns unique designs, for example, painting on fabric or wooden invitations, when you cannot predict for sure what the final result will be.

19. More personality!

There will be guests at your wedding different ages and degree of closeness: relatives, girlfriends, work colleagues. Therefore, the text of the invitations may differ slightly. For parents, something sincere, touching is suitable, for friends - in a playful way, for colleagues - a concise, more formal style. As a rule, it is customary to refer to “you” in invitations, but for your close friends, it will be more natural and familiar to refer to “you”.

20. Monitor responses

After the invitations are printed, signed and arranged in envelopes, it's time to hand them to the guests. You can do this in person or send invitations by mail - it is important that guests receive invitations well in advance. And so that you do not get confused about who has already given their answer, and who should still be called, use the table from ours.

In this article, we will Special attention such important point as text of wedding invitation.

The text of the wedding invitation can be discreet and respectfully formal. Such style fit for older people and honored guests. The text of the invitation can be sincere and warm - for parents and closest people. And, when compiling the text of a wedding invitation for friends, young people can safely afford to exercise wit and come up with something cool.

You can use one or more wedding invitation text templates. But it is necessary to take into account several important rules.

Text design rules for wedding invitations
- when issuing an invitation for a couple, the name of the woman should be written first in the appeal, then the name of the man, regardless of which of them is closer or dearer to you;

The words "you", "you", "you", "your", etc. With capital letter should be written only if this is a polite appeal to one person, and when referring to several people, “you”, “you”, “you”, “your”, etc. should be written in lower case;

The invitation must indicate the date, time, name and exact address of the place where the celebration will take place;

If the newlyweds wish to see the guest both at the official and at the banquet part of the holiday, then the invitation should contain full information about the start time and venue of each part;

If the guest is invited only to the registry office or only to a banquet, then the place and time of the start of only this celebration should be indicated;

If it is planned to themed wedding and a certain dress code is chosen for the event, it is necessary to indicate this in the invitation.

Well, now we offer you to consider several wedding invitation templates in various styles and for various categories guests. These wedding invitation designs will help you decide on the content of your invitations, and if you're also interested in wedding invitation designs, check out.


Sample #1 - Text official invitation for a wedding

We invite you to the ceremony of our marriage, which will take place on August 1, 2017 at 14:00 at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
The wedding celebration will take place in the cafe "Orchid", located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48. Beginning - at 17 o'clock.
We will be sincerely glad to see you!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #2 - beautiful text honorary wedding invitations
Dear Olga Leonidovna and Mikhail Ivanovich!
Let me invite you to our wonderful holiday- Birthday of a new family!
The solemn marriage ceremony will take place on August 1, 2017 at 14:00 at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.

We will be very pleased if you share with us the brightest and joyful emotions our happy day!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #3 - Soul text wedding invitations for family and friends
Dear aunt Ira and uncle Sasha!
We hasten to inform you that you are on the list of the most dear and close people to us, whom we would definitely like to see at our wedding!
We look forward to seeing you on August 1, 2017 at 2 pm at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
The wedding celebration will begin at 17:00 and will be held in the cafe "Orchid", located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.
Please be with us on our happiest day!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample #4 - Beautiful wedding invitation text for family and friends
Dear aunt Ira and uncle Sasha!
We decided to bind ourselves with strong bonds happy marriage, and on this occasion a grandiose celebration is being prepared, where the closest and dearest people to us will be present!
Please put aside all your affairs and worries and come to share with us all the joy of such an important day for us, when we will unite our hearts and destinies forever!
Our wedding date: August 1, 2017
Start of the wedding ceremony: 14:00
Venue: Registry Office of the Kominternovsky District (Voronezh, Karpinsky St., 2).
Start of the wedding celebration: 17 hours.
Venue: cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48).
We are waiting for you!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample #5 - Beautiful wedding invitation text for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We hasten to inform you that on August 1, 2017 you will be able to see the most beautiful bride and the most elegant groom, who will become the happiest family before your eyes!
We will take an oath of allegiance to each other on August 1, 2017 at 2 p.m. at the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2.
And then we'll all celebrate it together significant event in the cafe "Orchid", located at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48. Beginning - at 17 o'clock.
Svetlana and Igor

Sample No. 6 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
You are unconditionally invited to our wedding and no reason will be considered valid for refusing or justifying non-attendance!
Remember the date, time and place!
We are waiting for you on August 1, 2017 at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48.).
stock up good mood And comfortable shoes!
Yours Svetlana and Igor

Sample No. 7 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We have firmly decided to formalize our relationship!
The stars told us the best day and hour for this - August 1, 2017 at 14:00.

The banquet part of the event will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.

Sample No. 8 - Text of a wedding invitation for friends
Dear Lena and Stas!
We, respecting the traditions of our ancestors, wish to celebrate the Day of the Creation of our family with a cheerful noisy feast, with games, songs and dances until you drop. And we can't do without your help!
The wedding commotion will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, 48.
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #9 - cool text wedding invitations for best friend
Hooray! August 1, 2017 we are getting married!
And if you don't want to ruin our first family celebration with your non-presence, do not even think of working that day, going on a business trip or getting sick!
Come to our wedding at 17 o'clock in the cafe "Orchid" (Voronezh, Dimitrova st., 48).
And don't be late, otherwise you won't be able to hold the gift!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #10 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friend
Brother, I gave up! Remember this day - August 1, 2017!
Dance at my wake bachelor life it will be possible in the cafe "Orchid". Tell the taxi driver the address: st. Dimitrova, 48. Everything will start at 17.00!
Don't be late or you won't find me sober!
Igor, future husband Svetlana

Sample #11 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friends
Yes! We are broken! There will be a pretentious dress, a three-piece suit, a doll on the hood of a limousine ...
We invite you to gloat, giggle and have fun!
Crazy show "Farewell to freedom!" will be held on August 1, 2017 at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48..
In the registry office of the Kominternovsky district, located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinsky, d. 2., better not come, otherwise, as always, spoil all the pathos of the event, which will begin at 2 pm!
Svetlana and Igor

Sample #12 - Cool wedding invitation text for best friends
What everyone has been waiting for so long has happened - we are getting married!
August 1, 2017 at 14:00 in our passports on the pages Family status The long-awaited stamps are finally here!
registry office, which will host solemn ceremony of our marriage, is located at the address: Voronezh, st. Karpinskogo, d. 2..
The banquet part of the event will begin at 17:00 in the cafe "Orchid" at the address: Voronezh, st. Dimitrova, d. 48..
Do not come sad! Don't leave sober!
Happy bride and groom - Svetlana and Igor

A wedding is the most joyful and significant day for the newlyweds. Newlyweds prepare for it responsibly wonderful holiday and carefully consider every detail. IN wedding celebration everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. This also applies to invitations that friends will receive from newlyweds. How to compose original text wedding invitations?

Wedding invitations are business card solemn event, because this is the very first part of the wedding, which guests can see a few days before the official celebration. Each text should not be stingy with emotions and is composed according to classical pattern. Naturally, there are generally accepted patterns that must be followed when compiling an invitation text. But the more unique and interesting the text is, the more confident you will feel at your own event.

The invitation text is drawn up in the official and classical style, but it can also have a funny and cool overtones, and be completely unusual. The most important thing is that it matches thematic focus wedding ceremony and its atmosphere.

Below is a sample of a classic wedding invitation text:

Example 1

“Dear ___________! We will be extremely pleased to see you at the celebration dedicated to the creation of our family. It will take place on __/__/_____ at __/__ at ______________.”

WITH deep respect, _________!

Example 2

"Expensive __________! We invite you to our first celebration dedicated to the registration of our union. Come __/__/____ to __/__ at _____________! We will be pleased if you take the time and become a guest at the wedding banquet!”

With gratitude and respect, your ________ and ________!

Such classic invitations can be sent to distant relatives, work colleagues and other acquaintances whom you respect and would like to see on the wedding guest list.

Invitations for relatives

If we talk about invitations for the closest relatives, then moms, dads, godparents, grandparents, sister or brother, you need to select the most nice words. Among the ready-made samples, you can use an invitation in verse.

Example 1

Our dear and beloved parents! We are happy to inform you that we are getting married! Therefore, we invite you to share our happiness and raise glasses for our union! We are waiting for you __/__/____ to __/__ at __________.

Sincerely, always your ____________!

Example 2

Sincerely, _______ and ________!

Invitations for friends

Wedding invitations for friends do not need to be formalized. They can prepare texts with humor, which they will definitely appreciate and look forward to the appointed date.

Example 1

"My dear friend _______! I'm gone! She was able to do it - she ringed me! Save me! The grandiose operation will take place on __/__/_____ at __/__ hours at _____________. I invite you to dance on the ruins of my bachelor life. Dying is so beautiful!”

Your friend, ______________!

Example 2

"My dear _____________! If you are reading this text now, then it is time to learn about it. I marry myself beautiful girl in the world. A master class entitled “How to live in marriage and not kill each other” will take place __/__/_____ at __/__ hours at ____________. All the funds that we manage to raise on this day, we will donate to the survival fund for a young family _____________! To all who came - a small bonus in the form of a piece of positive!

Sincerely yours ____________.

Remember that invitations of this kind, although they look quite unique, are not suitable for everyone. If you are going to invite elderly relatives, it is better to prepare for them classic invitations With official text invitations.

Brother or sister can make original, different from all the others, invitations. They can be issued in unconventional, in which both official and funny words. You can also do the same with invitations for witnesses. After all, these are the closest people who perfectly understand your jokes and lifestyle.

Wedding invitation texts for parents, friends, relatives.

The calling card of your future celebration will be a wedding invitation. After all, from it, guests will learn about an important event for you. To invitation text was not a dry formality, and everyone whom the young people want to see among the guests came to the holiday, it is worth choosing phrases that will express the atmosphere of an unforgettable celebration.

From the article you will learn how to prepare official, classic, funny or unusual unusual texts wedding invitations and what should be taken into account when preparing them.

Best wedding invitation texts for parents

Rules for writing texts for wedding invitations:

  • If the text of the invitation is drawn up correctly with comprehensive information, then the guests will not have to additionally call back the relatives of the young and specify the time for which the wedding is scheduled and the address of the institution where it will take place.
  • The invitation should not reflect only dry facts. It is worth entering a personal appeal to the one who is invited. It is also necessary to act if you are preparing an invitation for a married couple.
  • In order for the cards to carry a more personal, individual message, it is worth writing down the names of the invitees and the names of the heroes of the occasion by hand.
  • The appeal should begin with “Dear”, “Dear”, and then prescribe the full name.
  • In an informal invitation are allowed affectionate appeals: "Mom", "Dad", "Sister", "Grandmother". Postcards of this type are best handed directly to the hands, emphasizing the degree of sincerity of the invitation.
Rules for writing texts for wedding invitations
  • If the invitation is official, then the future spouses sign, indicating the names and surnames.
  • If the invitation is informal, then you can enter the full or diminutive form of the name.
  • European tradition involves writing female name at the beginning of the text, followed by a male name.
  • In addition to the text, the style of the event will be indicated by the envelope with the invitation. It is filled in the official style, using the last name and initials. Young people will have to think over the choice of the appropriate option. If they prefer original variants, then completely fit video wedding invitation.

On the eve of the wedding celebration, everyone is fussing: they are deciding something, calling, planning, agreeing. Young people are actively discussing the design of future invitations and what will be written in them. Beautiful invitations with an unusual text are received by relatives, witnesses, friends, colleagues, and even the bosses of future spouses.

But how often, due to the fuss and worries about preparing for an important event, they forget to write a few words to invite the closest and dearest people - parents. They will definitely be present at the celebration of children, but you should not take it for granted.

Often in the hustle and bustle they forget about preparing invitation cards for the closest and dearest people - for parents

Parents with undisguised joy accept signs of attention, so be sure to prepare a worthy invitation for parents. Let them know that you designed and signed in an effort to express love and respect.

This section contains the texts of wedding invitations. They can be used as a template or modified to your liking.

The long-awaited moment that will connect our loving hearts, getting closer and closer. We will swear an oath of allegiance to live hand in hand and share sorrow and joy with each other. Happiness overwhelms us, so we are starting to share it with you right now. We express our heartfelt gratitude to you for love and care, for sleepless nights and restless days. For the fact that you showed tenderness, firmness, were demanding and forgave us a lot. You will be the most honored and welcome guests at our wedding celebration! With an expression of love and respect - ,Bride and Groom

  • Beloved parents!

The long-awaited moment is approaching when you can breathe a sigh of relief: your unparalleled parental watch on the basis of education and enlightenment will end. With us your round-the-clock parental care turned into a real feat: you did not sleep at night, shared with us the tears of the first insults when we brought the diary with the “couple”, considered it our duty to talk about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, experienced unrequited first love with us. All this is called parental love. We are eternally grateful to you for this! And only you will be the most dear and welcome guests at our wedding, which will take place on (date).

Video: Wedding invitation to our dear parents

Best wedding invitation texts for friends

It is much easier for young people to express their originality by composing the text of a wedding invitation for friends. To whom, if not best friend or a bosom friend knows more about the hobbies and characteristics of the young, about how their love story began and what obstacles stood in the way. Peers will appreciate both the unusual text and the special appeal to witnesses.

wedding invitation options for friends
  • Our dear __ _

A beautiful postcard has arrived.

The day and time have already been set

You will definitely come!

We will be happy to wait for you!

Date of registration___

The festive banquet will be held at the restaurant "___" at ____ hours

Waiting for you!

Best wedding invitation texts for relatives

The oldest members of the family are responsible for the upbringing of grandchildren, therefore it is impossible to attend a solemn event without them. Grandparents can be pleasantly surprised by preparing an invitation for them with touching, sweet words, because attention and sincere care from their grandchildren are so important to them.

Below is the text of the wedding invitation for the oldest family members:

  • Dear, dear grandparents!
    Your love, care, warmth and help accompanied us through life, therefore, at the moment when we say to each other in the presence a large number people words about eternal love and fidelity, your presence is a must! We will strive to ensure that our new family became as strong as yours, feelings as sincere, and married life- just as long. A significant event for our destiny will take place on March 17, at 11:00 am at the address:
    Sincerely yours loving grandchildren, Eva and Vladimir.

Relatives and friends are usually the first to know about the wedding, because at the celebration they are expected as guests of honor.

Invitations for distant relatives, brothers and sisters, godparents, work colleagues are made in the official style. And only in the case of existing special relationship bride and groom with distant relatives other options are possible.

wedding invitation for relatives

Video: Cool wedding invitation, video

The best wedding invitation texts for godparents

The wedding celebration will turn the lives of young people in a different direction. They will become not only in love, but married couple who will go through troubles and joyful happy moments together.
That is why the presence of godparents at the wedding is important, ready to share with the young their transition to adulthood. In some rites, the godfather is assigned the main role Therefore, it is better to warn about the wedding in advance. What to write in the invitation? See in this section.

  • Dear (names)! Please share our joy with us! 2017 will be one of the most important events in our life! We will be sincerely glad to see you among the guests at our wedding at (time) hours and at a banquet at (specify) hours at (street and house number or restaurant name). Please confirm your desire to attend our wedding by phone or in person no later than (specify the date). With gratitude and respect (names and surnames of the young).

In a wedding invitation for parents, young people express gratitude for life, for having opened the way to a world full of secrets and discoveries. Parents will keep and view the text with a kind and sincere invitation from time to time, remembering the wonderful event that brought a lot of happiness to their children.

  • Dear Parents! We share with you our joy: We decided to get married! We sincerely believe and hope that our family life will be long and happy. We invite you to a solemn event on November 6, 2017. Bless us on our new path of life.
    Your son and daughter.
  • The dearest and most beloved mom and dad! Will open for us soon new road V family life. Our hearts unite forever. We express to you sincere gratitude for everything you have done for us. Without your love, care and tenderness, we would not have taken place in this life and this solemn event would not have happened. Thank you for always being kind and considerate to us. Your children.

Wedding invitation text for mother and father of the bride

Suitable for parents classic options invitations. Such texts can be used for almost all types of marriages.

  • Dear parents! We are pleased to invite you to our wedding! Beloved mom and dad! Soon you will share with us a touching and exciting day that we have been waiting for so long. We will get married, and our loving hearts will unite. We would not be able to open a new page of our kind without you. Thank you for everything! Without you, our meeting would not have happened. You taught us love, understanding, respect for each other. At our wedding you will be the most welcome guests. We ask you to spend this important day for us with us!

  • Dear and beloved mom and dad! We, your children, have already grown up, but we will never forget your lessons. The time has come for us to enter into conscious life. Thanks to your patience, education, and personal example we have learned kindness, loyalty and justice. At the time of the creation of our family, we really want you to be there. Accept our invitation. Witness the birth of new relationships.

Wedding invitation text for mom and dad of the groom

The best wedding invitation texts for girlfriends

If with appearance wedding invitation, you have already decided a long time ago, then the text of each can cause a lot of questions: every little thing matters here. By writing the original text, you can set the style and tone for your celebration. In this section you can find texts (templates) of wedding invitations for girlfriends in verse and prose.

  • My dear (name)! Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to us. That is why it is so important for us that on this happy day of our life you are next to us! We invite you to be a witness at our wedding. The wedding will take place at the central office of the registry office (date, time) at the address (street and house number). The wedding will take place at (temple name) temple at (specify time). A celebratory banquet will take place at the restaurant (name) at (specify time) in the evening. We look forward to seeing you. With love (names of the bride and groom).

Cool, humorous wedding invitations

Cool invitations are an opportunity to please friends and family even before the onset of a solemn event. After getting acquainted with the funny and cheerful message, your future guest will look forward to the day when he can have plenty of fun at the wedding with the newlyweds.

Video: Cool wedding invitations

Examples and sample of beautiful wedding invitations: texts

Short beautiful SMS invitations

From this section you can select the text of a short wedding invitation that can be sent via SMS.

  • Together we decided forever
    Connect your destiny.
    And we cordially invite you
    To share our joy.
  • Please be at our wedding
    On the right day, at the happy hour!
    have fun, have fun,
    Drink champagne for us!
  • Accept the invitation
    To the wedding banquet!
    Waiting for your confirmation
    Consent in return!

Video: Original wedding invitation

What to write on wedding invitations? How to arrange them correctly? How to fill out a wedding invitation correctly in order to give joy to loved ones, friends, relatives? And express all your respect and love for them in invitation cards. Our tips will help you cope with this task.

What to write on a wedding invitation

Invitation is a beautiful and tastefully designed postcard. But not only. It is also brief, accurate, capacious information for the guest. From the invitation, your friends, girlfriends, relatives will learn:

  1. Where the wedding will take place (city, street, house number or restaurant name and exact address).
  2. Where the painting ceremony will take place (if you are inviting for painting, indicate the number of the registry office and its exact address).
  3. Where will it take place (indicate the name of the temple and its exact address).
  4. Time of the event (it is better to indicate the time half an hour earlier to avoid delays and make the arrival of a person more comfortable).
  5. Event date.

If the wedding is in themed style be sure to inform guests about the style of the celebration. Invitation correctly indicate the dress code. The guest should know in what clothes or what shades you expect to see him. For example, for a wedding, you should take care of the appropriate outfits and distribute roles in advance. Wedding in monochrome style requires compliance colors. All guests can only be in blue, only in red or other colors specified by you.

How to fill out wedding invitations

Facts and information are not the only things you will include in your invitations. Choose the style of address, too, according to the style of the wedding. If you are planning a creative holiday, fill out the invitations in the style of a fairy tale or, for example, a funny maritime history. This will please the guests, and they will keep the wedding invitations and show them to their friends.

Appeal - important element invitation text. ‘ Dear dad and mother ', 'Sister', 'Beloved friends' - warm appeals addressed to dear people. Official style appeals - 'Dear Anatoly Borisovich', 'Dear Elena and Pavel'. Choose the style that you think is appropriate and that the best way expresses your attitude towards the guest. Appeals like ‘Nasty gossip Adelaida Ivanovna’ should not be used. At the end of the text, put the date and your signatures.

How to sign wedding invitations

If the wedding is small, up to 20 people, you can sign the invitation personally. Moreover, fill in the invitations with your own handwriting, especially if it is clear and legible.

Another thing is a mass wedding. Order invitations from a printing house - they will be filled out beautifully and professionally. But you want to make the invitation personal? Then leave the places for the names of the guests and your signatures empty.

Against the backdrop of calligraphic typography, handwritten guest names and your own signatures look great. They will bring warmth and a piece of soul into beautifully designed texts. Printing orders have their own advantage: you will look through layout options in advance, see trial samples of invitations and choose the most attractive one.

When to send invitations

Add comfort to guests. Send them invitations no later than 3 weeks before the wedding. If guests live in another country or they have a busy schedule, from which it is difficult to pull out free days, send invitations a month and a half before the solemn event. This will help friends, relatives and acquaintances to conveniently plan the time and arrive at the wedding on time, without delay.

It is by invitation that guests make up the first pleasant impression about the wedding. Help them to strengthen it and add a touch of bright expectation.