Wedding congratulations from parents in prose. The best congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom: poems, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother, father in verse and in their own words. What to pay attention to

Wedding congratulations are always clean, solemn and interesting for the newlyweds. In them, each close person tries to express his love, his respect, devotion and love for the bride and groom.

  • A wedding is a special occasion. It is always filled with joy, tears of happiness, beautiful outfits, flowers and pleasant sincere words. A special place at the wedding is occupied by congratulations, because they are given a special place.
  • Each guest is individually given a personal word. There are times when great amount thoughts in the head do not find words and the person is in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid contemptuous glances, condemnation from other guests and simply standing with a microphone in your hands, you need to prepare in advance for a solemn speech
  • Congratulations on the wedding can be taken from the Internet, read from a postcard, write on a piece of paper, remember a poem
  • But congratulations in your own words always turn out to be the most sincere and eloquent, when all you want to say is the opportunity to voice and wish the newlyweds a happy future
beautiful wishes for the wedding of the newlyweds in your own words

Wedding wishes in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Remember this day. On this day, all your closest people are next to you: relatives, best friends, colleagues and good friends. We are all infinitely happy for your happiness! I wish you to be in love all your life, in love with each other. That's the only way the flame won't go out tender feelings and you will be able to dissolve daily not in everyday life, but in your happiness. BITTERLY YOUNG!
  • Dear (names of newlyweds)! I would like to congratulate you on this date, celebrate your incredible beautiful wedding, careful preparation. I would like to wish you that your married life is as colorful, festive and unforgettable. Live every day with ease, passion and sincerity in your heart. I wish longevity to your marriage, fertility and only well-being! BITTERLY!
  • Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day, your wedding. Take a break from the guests, the music, the table, and for a moment remember this moment - the moment of happiness. Remember this moment as often as possible in your life and always cherish each other as something valuable, expensive and unique. Your marriage is the most precious thing you have. I wish you understanding, prosperity and happy days! Bitterly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations from the daughter's mother in verse

Mom is always a special person in everyone's life, she has great value for a child, even if he has grown up and is ready to marry. A wish from mom should be touching so that the whole mother's love, caress, care.

touching congratulations wedding from mother to daughter

I have one treasure
I gave it to my son-in-law.
I want to be happy myself,
Your life was after the wedding.
I ask you never to swear,
And always give in to each other.
In situations, rub in rub,
It's better than disrespect.
You carry your love in your heart
Through longing, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love always be!

Beautiful and sensual congratulations from the father to the daughter on the wedding

Dad is the head of the family, protection, support and the one when children respect and love all their lives. Very touching and important at the wedding celebration will be solemn congratulations bride from father. Such words, spoken by a loved one, always bring happiness to tears and are remembered for a lifetime.

beautiful and touching congratulations on the wedding from the father of the daughter

Today with mom we will put our point,
We raised an adorable daughter!
I want you to be always happy, daughter!
And we want you with a good husband
She told me that “I need you, dad, too” ...
May you have fun tonight!
Not long time will pass, as in our hands with mom
Beloved native grandchildren will come, no, they will come running ...

Touching parting congratulations on the wedding from mother to son

At the wedding, the mother should wish her son a lot of good things in his future. independent living, make the right parting words, praise the choice of his wife and wish the best. Such words are always of great importance and are worth their weight in gold.

beautiful wedding wishes from mother to son, groom

Son, dear, I want you worthy husband became,
Try not to let us down...
Appreciate your wife, cherish, love,
Bring prosperity, harmony and happiness to your house ...
You know, our life is fleeting,
Fly like the days of a short year,
And you try your life so live,
As soon as you can, you always be happy!
Dad and I wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live one hundred of the best years of your life!
You kids are so good today
Love and advice to you!

Parting word from father to son for a wedding celebration, words to the groom

Only a father can say a really parting, clear speech, which will simultaneously serve as advice and congratulations for the groom. Father's words always serve as something special for the groom, because they are spoken by a respected and experienced person.

parting and congratulatory words from father to son at the wedding

I want to say congratulations
Son, remember all the moments!
Your bride is a gift
Keep love for her in the heart of the heat!
I bless you children
I wish you peace and children
To make your home cozy
And happiness settled in him!
So that life is not boring
The path often led to us,
So that there is no grief and rubbish,
So that discord goes around your house!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in verse

It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom not only in words, but also in pre-prepared beautiful and eloquent words.

congratulations to the bride and groom at the wedding poems

Years run and quickly fly by
Children leave, forgetting their father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
By joyful glasses of wine clink.
We so want you to be happy.
Wipe sadness and tears from kind eyes,
You are so wise and so beautiful now
And today we are all happy for you!
Pass through the years together with dignity,
Now you are definitely a strong family.
May your life be filled with love
Let true friends be around.

Such fun party, the holiday is not easy,
Rather, it is historical for all of us.
We wish you to live until the golden wedding,
Return to your parent's house as often as possible.
Appreciate and love each other
Love like you never loved before
Hold hands on the journey through life's circle
Learn to believe, wait and trust.
May your home be a strong mistress
There would be no wife, but eternal love.
May you never know happy life you inside out
And happiness comes back to you all the time again and again!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding in verse from the mother of the daughter

I want to congratulate you, my daughter,
Read my poems to you
Memorize my every line
Whatever your mother wishes for you.
I want everything to work out for you
So that you do not find stones on the way,
To smile more often than your life,
For the best to come.
So that your husband is always your support,
So that he gives you only love,
So that you are never eaten by quarrels,
To have fun again and again.
Take my words with your soul,
And if it's hard for you
Love, believe and support
Each other, you are lucky in this!

wishes in verse from mother to daughter

Wishes in verse from the father of the daughter, a beautiful wish for the bride

As always, you are beautiful and incomparable,
This dress and color really suits you.
I don't like to talk and I'm a little lost
Let your husband guide you through life now.
I will be lonely without you, daughter,
You are always like a child to me.
Everyone remember that I love you very much,
I want you to be joyful in life.
May a tree of happiness grow in your garden,
And its fruits will taste the best.
Let trouble bypass your house, quarrels, bad weather,
Your glorious husband, love and appreciate him!

Wishes at the wedding from the father of the daughter in verse

Beautiful wishes at the wedding from mother to son in verse

Our beloved son, dear,
We are glad to see your holiday.
Today you created a family
And you became her head.
Be patient, smart and kind
Everything is as we taught you.
Drive away your resentment, quarrels,
Appreciate your wife to be appreciated.
We sincerely wish you
May you always live in love!

wedding wishes from mother to son

Congratulations on the wedding from father to son in verse, congratulations to the groom

You grew up, son, found a bride,
Probably the prettiest!
A stormy undertaking you are holy
I'll tell you one thing guys...
Run away from adversity in life!
Dive into the whirlpool of feelings
Let your house be full
And other people appreciate you!
Let things float like clockwork
Appreciate your wife, do not rule in your hearts.
May fate give you children
And the time of your feelings does not age!

wedding wishes from father to son

Congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in prose, beautiful wishes

Prose is always more eloquent than poetry because it does not require a suitable rhyme. Prosaic congratulations can be spontaneous, or they can be prepared in advance.

beautiful congratulations in prose for the bride and groom
  • Newlyweds! Be happy like children, take life's problems as trifles, solve them together and be sure to appreciate each other. Smile at life's adversities, look with joy and greed into a happy future, do not look back at your mistakes. Bitterly!
  • Beloved children! I wish you such strong love, which world has not yet seen. Let every day of yours be filled with passion, heat, the fire of your feelings and the awe of your relationship with each other. Notice each other's successes, support each other in difficult situations, and like two swans, carry your true love through time to the end of your life!
  • Dear newlyweds! Of all nice words, which sounded today in your honor, I want to highlight the fact that everyone verbally wanted to give you as much love as possible, and this is not in vain. As long as you love each other, you are an indestructible force, you are one, you the whole world! I wish you a huge amount of time to fulfill everything that you have planned in life, to be able to enjoy it, to give your parents grandchildren, to make all your dreams come true. Appreciate each other. Take care of each other!

Beautiful words for the wedding from the mother of the daughter in the form of prose

“My beloved daughter, today you are not just a bride. You became a wife for a loved one, found your personal family, appeared in the form of an adult wise woman. I am infinitely proud of you and want you to always be happy. Be kind and patient with your husband, be always calmer and remember that you are his inspiration. I am sure that you are a real mistress and you can create comfort for your man, so I wish you well, financial wealth and implementation of plans

“Daughter, look at you! You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are just perfect. I am proud to have raised such a well-mannered and housekeeping girl... no, a woman. Time flies and yesterday you were a noisy baby, and today you put a wedding ring on your finger. My father and I wish you happiness, understanding, peace, harmony in the family and only well-being!”

“Beloved daughter! I want to congratulate you on this holiday today and wish you to realize your dream - to have a strong and big family so that you have a strong high house, many happy kids, prosperity and good things. Your husband is a wonderful person, keep your love and protect each other until the end of your life! Be happy!"

wishes in prose for the wedding from the mother of the daughter

Wishes in a prosaic form from a father to a daughter for a wedding celebration

  • My daughter, my pride, my princess! It seems to me that just yesterday I carried you in my arms from the hospital, picked you up from the kindergarten, saw you off to graduation and rejoiced for your success at the university. Today I have the opportunity to congratulate you on becoming a woman, wife, keeper of the hearth and mistress. Perhaps I have not yet fully understood how much you have become an adult and until now every day I will wait for you in my house for an hour, for a couple of minutes. If God allows, give me many grandchildren so that I do not get bored! Happiness to you, my beloved daughter!
  • My girl, you know how much you mean to me. You are all my wealth, you are the most precious thing I have. you chose worthy man so that he becomes your husband and I without a doubt give you into his hands. Be a good hostess, be kind and faithful wife, and in the future - affectionate and caring mother. I wish your house to be full of amenities and prosperity, comfort and warmth. May sadness never get you and everything in life will turn out exactly the way you want it!
  • My daughter, today you are a beautiful bride and a young wife. I wish you that happiness haunts you all your married life, that joy grabs you and does not let go, that comfort and warmth settle in your house forever. So that grief bypasses your couple, and failure completely goes astray. Be kind and patient to each other, love and forgive.

wishes in prose for the wedding from the father of the daughter

Beautiful words from mother to son on the wedding day in the form of prose

« Son, today in our eyes you have become a grown man. Dad and I are infinitely proud that we raised such a beautiful and well-mannered son. Let in your married life there will be no problems, there will always be prosperity, happiness and most importantly - love! Appreciate and love each other!

  • Son, you matured before our eyes. For us, you will always be the most beloved and best in the world, and therefore, we wish you only happiness and prosperity. Love, understanding and great success. Your wife is a real smart girl, protect her and lead her to a happy future with you!
  • Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you with dad on becoming a real man, defenders of your family and husband. Appreciate your marriage, pamper and protect your wife, raise children and bring prosperity to the house. We will always help you in your endeavors and will always support you. Be yourself, be loved, may peace and good luck be with you!

congratulations in prose for a son from mom for a wedding

Instruction and congratulations of the groom at the wedding, wishes from father to son

« Today, son, I want to wish you only good things, only well-being, peace and happiness. I wish to be always on top in business, I wish the fulfillment of a dream, I wish big family with many children. And the rest you have: love, a beautiful wife, loving parents.

"Son, you got great happiness- the beloved woman who today became your wife. Keep it like the apple of your eye, protect it from problems and evil, love and kiss, and then happiness will come with you until the end of days. I wish you to continue and give your parents beautiful and kind grandchildren. I wish you to be forever in love and happy!”

“Dear son, I didn’t notice how quickly you became a man, but today I want to congratulate you on this event and ask you to be the most best husband for this amazing woman. Be wise and kind, self-sufficient and fair. Let your family take root, strengthen in the soil and give beautiful fruits. We love you!"

wishes in prose from father to son for the wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding from their parents when presenting a gift

Congratulations mischievous
You accept, young people!
We congratulate you in words
And rhyming verses!
You have chosen a gift
We are probably a hundred years
But trust me dear
This thing is better than nothing!
After all, a gift, to be honest,
It should be necessary and interesting,
Should be important, of course.
And unique even!
We tried, that means
We give money to spend!

wedding gifts in verse

Congratulating the young and giving them wedding gifts in verse

So that your happiness is near
And gently warmed in the hands
We were told that good luck
Bathe "young" in money!
Prosperity to you, warmth, good luck,
May all dreams come true.
And here's an addendum in addition
Bridegroom, take him from us!

Everyone in this room knows
That there is never too much money!
Groom, we give you
Here's that fat envelope!
We really believe our gift

Well-being will give.
You spend it very boldly,
After all, money is a business!

congratulations for the newlyweds and giving them gifts in verse

Wishes for the young in your own words and giving them gifts

“Dear newlyweds, please accept this NOT from us. Humble gift! We thought for a long time what to give you and decided that best gift"Of course honey," as the famous said Winnie the Pooh. Allow yourself endless spending, the fulfillment of some dream or just buying tickets to beautiful hot islands, the main thing is to do it together!

“Young people, we decided to give you this gift because we really appreciate home well-being and comfort. We wish you the same, may your house be full, beautiful and in abundance. Remember us as often as possible, appreciate your loved ones and each other!”

“Dear newlyweds, do not be embarrassed that we are giving you this amount of money. So it is customary to give banknotes. We want this gift to serve as the basis of your budget so that you can afford a variety of pleasures and things necessary for the home. A year later, you will remember where they came from and you will be pleased that your family loves and appreciates you! Peace and love to you!”

congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words and giving them gifts

Wishes, congratulations to the newlyweds in prose and giving them gifts

« Young people, our gift is a contribution to your family wealth, to your first joint budget, in your ticket to a "happy prosperous future." Appreciate every moment spent with you. Do not deny yourself pleasures and while there is time - live for yourself. Give love to those around you and your family. Happy wedding!"

“Dear newlyweds, we are infinitely glad that you invited us to this holiday today! Thank you for the magnificent table and for the fun and for remembering us. Our gift is this sum of money, I really want it to serve you well and you spend it on what is your dream. So we will consider that at least in part we have implemented it! Be happy! ALWAYS!"

“Our beloved, bride and groom! How fun and beautiful your wedding ceremony was. How tasty and joyful you met your guests. We spent time at your wedding with pleasure and wish you to continue to live such a life in the future, and in order not to deny yourself anything, we give this envelope. No, it does not contain car keys, house keys or even diamonds, it contains what you yourself want ... Be happy all your life, be as smiling and satisfied as you are today! We love you!"

congratulations to the newlyweds on the holiday and presenting them with gifts in prose

Video: " The best congratulations on the wedding from parents

For the parents of the newlyweds, the wedding is touching and important event, because it is on this day that their children become independent and independent, so to speak, "leave their parent's nest." All over the world there are no closer and dearer people than mom and dad. Therefore, the most sincere, most sincere, kind, gentle and beautiful, of course, will be wedding congratulations from parents.

Let's look at the main points that parents should pay attention to when preparing for wedding wishes, as well as give examples of possible congratulations.

Regulations for wedding congratulations

Of course, you can wish your children happiness and love for several hours, but keep in mind that wedding congratulations from parents to young people should not be long - no more than 3-4 minutes, so carefully consider the most important, warmest and important wishes. Your words and phrases should be bright and memorable so that the attention of all guests is drawn to your speech. To give emotional congratulations, you can use sayings or aphorisms.

First of all, wedding greetings from parents should be short and understandable to everyone. Therefore, in preparation for use simple sentences easily understood by listeners. Also, can you remember any funny story from the life of your children and tell the guests about it, concisely including it in your congratulations. Don't talk about things that might hook or hurt your son or daughter.

The wedding day will be very exciting, therefore, in order not to get confused and not to forget the prepared speech, it is better to write it down and take it with you. Before congratulating, re-read the intended words and leave them next to you. It is better to read wedding congratulations to newlyweds from parents than to tell badly and stray from overflowing with emotions. When giving a speech, be sure to look at the newlyweds.

wedding wish form

Usually, wedding scenario the moment of the beginning of congratulations to the young is not clearly defined, since the presenter independently navigates when to give the floor to mother-in-law and father-in-law, as well as mother-in-law and father-in-law. Most often, wedding congratulations from parents are the first to be pronounced. After their speech, the newlyweds are congratulated by grandparents, sisters, brothers and other guests.

Be prepared for the fact that the toastmaster will prepare a special ceremony from your wishes to the children. Usually, wedding greetings from parents are accompanied by quiet soulful music or light effects. The form of your parting words and wishes may be different. For example, you can express yourself in poetry or prose. It can also be wedding congratulations of parents in their own words. Choose the most convenient option for you. In fact, it is not so important in what way you decide to congratulate the bride and groom, since the main thing in the congratulation is not its form, but the sincerity of your words. All parents are proud of their children, so say yours. parent speech so as to show how proud you are of your heirs. Pick the softest and touching words to the newlyweds - and none of those present will remain indifferent to the solemn event.

Wedding congratulations from parents - poems

If you are artistic and feel relaxed in front of a large audience of listeners, congratulations in verse are the most suitable option for you. Here are some examples from parents.

Today is your special day

Keep this moment forever!

Let there be a joyful family

Let life be easy.

Keep affection, faith, tenderness,

from the first meeting.

And your rings are golden

Save forever!

We heartily congratulate you!

We wish you a bright path

Good health and understanding.

We wish grandchildren

Children are our weakness

And we ask very little

About five kids.

Let the house be full of laughter

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Let the sun shine in your

And love will never fade.

Happy on this day

We especially want to say

Warm and kind words give.

Wish you bright happiness

Huge love and warmth.

The first daughter, and the second son,

Friendly and strong family.

Be the closest for many years,

Do not know troubles and partings!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Wedding congratulations in the prose of parents consist of the most tender and affectionate words addressed to children. You can start your congratulations with memories from the childhood of the newlyweds, or you can immediately transcend to the wishes themselves. We offer several possible wedding toasts.

Dear children! So the day has come when you have matured, created your young family and leave our parental home. We wish you Great love, understanding and mutual respect. Appreciate each other throughout life. Remember: from today, you are one, you are a family, now you are not closer than human on Earth than you are to each other. Live together, look in the same direction with your soul mate, help and help out. Well, we will be there and always support you on the path of life.

Beloved and dear children! Today you have the most long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember when it becomes sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world, be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring keeper of the hearth, best friend And happy mom. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dear ones, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! Bitterly!

Our dear children! Today is your day, your family's birthday. We wish you with her through your whole life and keep her until the golden wedding. Share all joys and sorrows with each other, and let nothing be able to lead you astray. Keep and protect your love, appreciate, understand and respect each other. We wish you that your family becomes stronger and stronger with every passing year. So that your home is filled with children's laughter and joy. For you, beloved! Bitterly!

Our dear (names of the bride and groom). On this special day, we want to wish you a long life together in great love and crazy happiness. We wish you well-being, kindness, good luck in life. Let every day spent together be unforgettable and interesting. Appreciate, respect and always help each other out, because there is no greater happiness in the world than a strong and friendly family. We wish you to hear children's laughter soon. We love you very much, our dear children. For your new family. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the parents of the bride in verse

Today you are wonderful, my daughter,

A tear rolls from happiness.

After all, you now have your own family,

The one you've wanted for so long.

So be a wonderful wife

Caring and gentle.

And always take care of the comfort in the family,

And be a friend to your spouse.

How quickly the years have flown by

And you have grown up, my daughter.

As if yesterday I led you by the hand to school,

And today you have a veil

The beginning of a new life.

May your life be full of love

Happiness and warmth.

Children's laughter will fill the house,

Together with your spouse, you will go to the golden wedding.

Congratulations from the parents of the bride in prose

Dear daughter! We never noticed how you grew up and became the most beautiful bride. We remember you as a little girl, who, it seems, was braided yesterday, and today you are already with a veil on your head. And on this significant day, we wish you endless happiness. We want the fire of love to always burn in your house. So be yourself best wife and a friend for your spouse, help him, share with him both joy and sorrow. Appreciate and respect each other.

Our dear daughter! Today is the most important day in your life. So let your whole life be as happy, bright and unforgettable as today. Know that for us you will always be the most beloved and precious daughter. Therefore, we wish your family to be as friendly, reliable and strong as ours. Our dear, become one with your spouse, go through life only together, help and help each other out. Be the most beloved and faithful wife.

Congratulations to the son from the parents

A wedding congratulation to a son from his parents can be said first by the father, and then by the mother. Since dad is the head of the family, his congratulations should be more accurate and concise compared to congratulations from mom. Every child knows how much a mother loves, so children also know that words cannot convey all her feelings and emotions.

Congratulations from the groom's father to his son

Dear children, the day has come when you leave your parental home and begin your life together. I cannot promise you that it will be easy and carefree. But walking together, you can handle everything difficult situations. May your faces always have the same smile as today. My son, be a strong and reliable support for (name of the bride), love and respect her all your life. Good luck, dear children.

My son, today you created your family. Remember, you are now fully responsible for her future. So let her be the happiest in the whole world. Let your family be replenished with children, because happiness is in them. Love each other.

Congratulations from the groom's mother to her son

My son, you are the most precious thing I have. But today I'm letting you go to another house - to your new house, I hand you over to your dear wife, so that she loves and appreciates you, as I did. After all, a husband is a reliable friend who should always be there, and a wife is his faithful support. I am giving away my son, but promise me that I will soon become a grandmother. I wish you love, happiness and a long, long life. family life.

My beloved son, today is your most important day - the birthday of your family. I can tell you for sure that there is nothing more precious in family life. mutual love and children. So let children's laughter sound in your family created together with (name of the bride), and you will always enjoy each other, understand each other and respect. May your love never go out, but only shine brighter and brighter every year. Good luck, dear children.

As you can see, wedding congratulations can be different. Listen to our advice, choose beautiful words or poems from this article, and, of course, express only the most real and sincere emotions for children - and they will remember your words for a long time.

Our dear children,
You are more precious than anyone in the world!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
Friendly you always live
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

All problems you solve
Do not sin against each other
Talk, hug
Try to protect your hearth.

We wish you many years.
Well, if you need advice,
Come don't be shy
Just smile at each other.

Children, keep the love!
Always be there for life.
Don't hurt each other
Not by deed, not by word, not by sight.

Know how to forgive, trust,
Keep patience in reserve
A petty quarrels(can't be avoided)
Do not bring to a boil.

Let there be a wonderful union
You take care of your feelings.
And the strength and strength of the mysterious bonds
Keep from prying eyes.

In harmony, joy and love
May the long years last
And we all gave our advice.
May happiness be with you!

Our dears, congratulations on your marriage registration! First of all, we want to wish you understanding and trust. This is the best cement for the foundation of a strong family. walls and reliable protection from all troubles and misfortunes, let there be your mutual support. The roof from the showers of life's troubles and minor troubles will be tenderness and trembling. And let your strong love become decoration and home comfort. Let your house always be filled with wealth, happiness and laughter of our grandchildren.

Time passes, years fly by
Children grow up, leaving their father's house.
Congratulations on their wedding today
To the sound of glasses and crystal chimes.

Under the songs, congratulations overflows,
Wiping away the tears of happiness from her eyes.
Oh, how you children are young and beautiful.
How proud we are, how we believe in you!

We wish you to pass with dignity
The hard way with the name "family".
Hold on to each other with love
And be like best friends.

Feel free to trust each other in everything
And know that you have a reliable rear.
Keep in touch with your parents
And try not to forget your childhood.

Love to you, money and healthy children.
May your marriage and union be eternal!
You bring grandchildren to us for the summer.
For you dear children, for the family!

Let you be just children for us,
But on the path of life
Could you meet your love
And get half.

We wish you to appreciate each other,
Protect from grief and adversity.
And sunny weather in the house,
To love stronger from year to year.

And always understand each other
Know how to compromise
Get rid of an illness
From quarrels, insults that pull down.

And holding hands together
Pass all the thorns of obstacles.
After all, you are a family, which means
Owners of the best award!

And kiss harder.
And save this moment forever
In the memory of my youth.

Take each other's hands tenderly,
Intertwined fingers.
Raise your firstborn together -
The child will be happy.

Let your house always be a bowl,
Full of love and kindness.
Where love is, everything is tastier and more beautiful,
There are more fun evenings.

Stand now, children, next to each other,
Hold onto your shoulder firmly.
If you go through adversity like this,
You will be all right!

Hold each other tight now
And kiss harder
After all, for parents there is no more important
Happiness of beloved children.

Dear beloved children,
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another
Understand and endure and forgive
That, there is no doubt
Your family will flourish.

So let luck help you
Let luck help you.
Let the love of the year only increase
And let her keep your union.

Our dear children,
We want to wish you
Live always in love and in peace,
And sorrows, troubles do not know.

Let the house be a full bowl
There will always be peace
And adversity and misfortune
Let them bypass.

Save your feelings
You for many, many years
Carry through the years
You are in the soul and in the heart of the light!

There's so much I want to say - and I'm lost!
Words were forgotten, thoughts were all mixed up.
After all, you want to wish so much, relatives -
No longer children - our young!

May life save you from troubles and quarrels,
Let your house forget the path of discord.
And remember always, in all years:
Love has married you forever.

We were going to tell you not so much -
Everyone forgot, except for the word "bitter"!

You are an adult today
You are taking an important step.
Let him be right
Let the fire burn in your eyes.

After all, for your mom and dad
There is no more important event
than happy to see
Dear children.

Well, we are you, young people,
We can always support
Kind words and advice:
Where to say, where to remain silent.

We know one hundred percent:
Success is ahead of you.
Take care of each other.
AND Bon Voyage!

Accept, children, congratulations!
With all my heart father and mother
For your happiness, no doubt
We must raise a toast today.
Our relatives, be strong,
And so, a loving family.
In that fairy tale that is called "Turnip",
The case is described as
When only a friendly family
... the heroes coped with everything.
Now bound by fate,
You won't have any problems.

Our relatives, loved ones, today is your wedding. Take our wisdom as guidance, let it help you avoid troubles and empty insults. In this life, everyone has their own privileges: a woman is allowed to be weak, sometimes capricious, but wise. A man has the honor to be condescending to women's eccentricities and to be courageous, able to take responsibility for the family. We want you to use your privileges wisely. And then love, respect and mutual understanding will surely become your constant companions.

Our dears, congratulations on your marriage registration! First of all, we want to wish you understanding and trust. This is the best cement for the foundation of a strong family. Walls and reliable protection from all troubles and misfortunes, let your mutual support be. The roof from the showers of life's troubles and minor troubles will be tenderness and trembling. And let your strong love become decoration and home comfort. Let your house always be filled with wealth, happiness and laughter of our grandchildren.

Dear children! Our loved ones, grown up, already almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to live a long, good, eventful life together! We wish love to be tender, devoted and very patient! Let her become the pivot on which your world will rest. friendly family! Let there be no disagreements and omissions, live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other until the very old age!

Dear children, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish each other to love, appreciate, protect, we wish never to lose the key to family happiness and always remain faithful, caring spouses, in whose house it is warm, cozy, joyful and good.

Dear children, we congratulate you on this important event! Now you are family. I wish you to be a support and support to each other. Forget the word I, now constantly say "WE". Give in, help and listen to each other. Let a healthy and happy atmosphere soar in your home. I would like, soon, to hold your heirs in my arms, and now we are so “Bitter!”

Our dear children, on this solemn day we want to wish you love for many years, which no trials and difficulties can destroy, even if in your family hearth the fire burns brightly, appreciate and take care of each other. We want your house to always be a full bowl, so that healthy and beautiful children grow up in it, so that love and harmony live there.

Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for the two of you, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will make sure to step into new life full of exciting events. Please accept our my sincere congratulations and wishes: good to you, warmth and happy days. Keep your hearth so that you live comfortably and happily. Plant many beautiful trees and raise children to be proud of. May your union be strong and become the key to your success in life. Remember, it is you who are the hope and support for each other. Respect and appreciate each of your "half"!

Our dear and dear children, we congratulate you on your wedding day, on a good start to your family relations. May your tenderness, love, mutual understanding and luck always help you overcome any difficulties, may there be no cloudy days and gloomy mood in your life together, may the fire of warmth, comfort, happiness and prosperity always burn in your home.

Dear children, we congratulate you on this wonderful event! We wish you to always live together, be able to compromise, yield to each other and be wise! So that your union becomes stronger every day, and you are support and support for each other!

Our dear, dear, beloved children, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish you peace and prosperity, fidelity and love, happiness and good luck. May your family become stronger and stronger every day, may understanding and respect always triumph in your home, may your joint path never diverges and leads constantly to joint success.

When talking about solemn event when two hearts connect, the parent reads, it makes everyone quiet and listen. Congratulations on the wedding from mom in prose are something unique and very special, because only this person can understand some of the points that are so important for the bride or groom, imbued with all this completely and without a trace.

Congratulations from mom are always something special, from which the wedding takes on new colors. Said wedding speech in prose usually contains a lot of positive and happy memories from childhood and youth. Page 1 of 5 Congratulations on the most important step in your life!
I want to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step ... Today's solemn event unites you into one. I would like to wish you to always remember this, so that the joy of one ...

My dear children!
Today you start a new life - family. You are the builders of your own happiness. I wish you to make the right decisions... My dear children, you have tried a piece of loaf.

I want the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you to be preserved in your hearts ... I wish that your family happiness guarded by holy guardian angels: Vera,
Hope. May he guide you through your life big love... In our time, there is an expression: it is not a miracle that they disperse, it is a miracle that they live.

And we sincerely wish you to live marvelously ... Dear (names of the spouses)!
On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of kindness!
If it happens that the ocean of love disappears...
Dear children, (names of spouses)!
Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony... Page 1 of 5 More more congratulations from mom happy wedding day you can download for free in the form of a collection. Let thunderstorms pass you by,
Believe my forecast - There happiness is waiting for you ahead!
Author: Lobanok
Wedding greetings from the mother of the groom
A weightless heart is trembling today - Today a son is walking down the aisle ... He will not come, alas, now he will warm up,
To his own mother - still not alone ... And if he does come, then very rarely,
I won’t blame: life, family, affairs ... I want, son, that you walked aptly in life,
And so that fate saves from troubles.
So that the road that I chose today
Led only to happiness and goodness. Do not forget, you have been chosen as a beauty - Keep love at the feast of life. Let the woman who is his wife
Lives as if behind a stone wall.

Love, family, always in your heart! How strange it is to realize in life
That the son grew up and goes down the aisle ... How painful it is to let go, but he grew up,
But the mother's heart is not aware of all that ... It hurts, worries and pricks,
After all, life is not given to everyone simple.
It always whines for the fate of the son,
But we don’t have time to say: “wait” ... And here it is, that beautiful day has come,
When a son is married - to his family
He flies like a bird, sweet.
I want to tell him from the bottom of my heart: Be happy, son, love your wife,
And you, daughter, take care of your husband. Hold on tight with your hand
For a gentle island of your love.
May there be light and joy in your house,
AND ringing bell: children's laughter. Let sorrows, pain be few - Live long together, best of all!

It's like he was a boy yesterday. Became brave, responsible, smart and strong!
He grew up, matured, fell in love with all his heart. Today beauty is next to you
Almighty, your family union is fastened,
Love each other with all your heart, soul,
So that in severe frost the house was warm.
Congratulations author: Witt

Congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the groom

Particularly interesting, as a rule, are congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the groom. According to folklore, the bride's attitude to this person is ambiguous.

Therefore, even in congratulatory words, behind festive table, the mother of the groom can show her goodwill and sympathy for the future daughter-in-law. The groom's mother can remember the beginning of her family life, say thanks to her mother-in-law, talk about funny and funny cases in her husband's family.

Entrusting his son to another woman, future mother-in-law already in this table, wedding speech or a toast can express her trust and confidence that the daughter-in-law will become faithful to her son and reliable friend, and to her loving daughter. These sincere congratulations on the wedding of the closest and dear person will evoke a warm and grateful feeling in the young, which they, like a lit candle, will carefully carry through for many years.

Congratulations on the wedding from mom to son

Every mother understands that a child is a guest in the house. Sooner or later, kids grow up, acquire their own family and offspring. If the girl's parents are ready for this from the very beginning, then the mothers of their sons are often jealous of the future spouses of their children.

On the wedding day of her son, it is important for a woman to show the newlyweds that she accepts their marriage, blesses and loves with all her heart. A sincere congratulation will help express these feelings.

How to congratulate the mother of her son on his wedding day?

Congratulating her son on his marriage, a woman can express pride that he has grown wonderful person, succeeded, found such beautiful girl. Mom does not have to worry about the text sounding original or unusual.

In pre-wedding chores, there is not always time to search suitable words for congratulations. The most spiritual will be those parting words that are said sincerely from the heart.

For example, a mother may wish a young family to be tolerant of each other, steadfastly overcome life's difficulties, and keep love in any situation. Congratulations from the mother will be touching if she manages to express her feelings about what is happening as sincerely as possible.

During the wedding, the hearts of the guests will surely melt the words of excitement and concern for the fate of the child, and at the same time, trust in the chosen one, who will surely help overcome adversity, will be able to make her son happy. It is believed that mothers-in-law with daughters-in-law are extremely difficult to find mutual language, A beautiful congratulations, not bypassing the dignity of the hero of the occasion - The best way prove otherwise to those who believe in it.

Wishes in prose

Not always and not everyone manages to express their feelings in verse. The congratulations and parting words of the mother to the son will not become less sincere if it is in prose.

A few examples of such parting texts below will help you express your worries and wishes to the head new family. They will be appropriate at the festive table:

I'll be honest with the guests of this magnificent wedding, I will worry about my son, because I raised, fed, raised. Now a lot has changed, my role is to help in any way I can, to give advice if necessary, to be true friend new family.

Please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, dear newlyweds, be happy, successful, love each other. Let
God will reward you with little children to please you as you please me. Let a lot of things turn out for you the way you yourself want it. Congratulations!

Dear bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become the chosen one of my son. Like any mother, I am proud of my child, love, trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then surely there is no more beautiful than your soul in the world.

I wish you to live peacefully from today's wedding day until old age, helping each other, always giving a shoulder of support, together reaching those heights that cannot be mastered separately. And I will do my best to help if needed. Happy wedding to you!

touching wishes

Mom's love is always admirable - is there a person in the whole world who would be closer? Any maternal congratulation touches those present, makes you think about a lot, remember your own parents.

Here are some examples of amazingly sincere, sweet and sincere wishes from mother to son on the wedding day: Have fun while the wedding is buzzing, while congratulations from the guests interrupt one another. But when the celebration is over, start working hard, because you have become the head of the family. Not only will you have to work to earn money, son, but you will also have to constantly work on relationships. If love is not nurtured like a flower, it will wither away. Do not be afraid of difficulties, boldly go towards life's adversities, do not hesitate to ask for support from your beloved wife.

From the day of the wedding, this girl will be your mother, sister and best friend, but do not forget about your roots - about me and dad. I wish you to become a worthy husband, as you always were for your mother worthy son. Protect your family, children, wife, and then you will be happy.

Let your life become a real adventure that you and your spouse will experience together until the very end. Happy wedding!

Mother's words at the meeting of the newlyweds with the loaf

The classic wedding celebration involves the blessing of the newlyweds, which mom and dad say with a loaf. Modern people rarely used traditional rite the meeting of the heroes of the occasion with this product, however, the congratulations still look beautiful and interesting.

When the bride and groom approach the spouse's mother, she says following words: “Beloved, dear, respected, son and daughter, accept my congratulations on your wedding day, which marked the beginning of a new family. This loaf is not just tasty dish, and a symbol that you will live richly, prosperously, have prosperity in everything. Break off a piece of a delicious pie, and then present to each other. Warm bread served at your wedding, let it keep warm in your hearts to each other forever!
I wish that you never go hungry, that you always have something to treat guests with. advice yes
On the day of such a wonderful wedding, I want to wish health to you, future children, the unceasing fire of love, peaceful happiness under the roof of the house.

My son has always made my heart happy, I am honored that our family has also got a daughter!
I am sure that we will all live loving each other, because kindness and understanding warms our hearts. Happy wedding, young people!

What song to sing as a congratulation to your son?

Some mothers give their sons unusual gift- a song. The choice of work depends on the personal preferences of the mother: it can be old song with an appeal from a mother to her child or anything related to the past of the family.

The main thing is that it reflects the essence of congratulations. For wedding celebration the popular song “Council yes

Video: musical congratulations to his son at the wedding

Musical wedding congratulations to the son in honor of the wedding day - a great opportunity express your emotions and feelings. Watch in the video below how the beautiful mother performs superbly touching song dedicated to his son, as a toast / speech, wishing him a happy family life with his wife. Did you like the article?

Beautiful Congratulations on the wedding from parents

The wedding of children is both an exciting and fascinating event, and preparing for this wonderful event requires responsibility from parents. On the Children's Wedding Day, it is customary for parents to say beautiful words and parting words to young people in the future. life together. Congratulations on the wedding from parents often so beautiful that they touch the most delicate strings of the soul. Dear Parents here is a Collection of beautiful, original congratulations, find your own words for your beloved children. Parents' congratulations on the daughter's wedding and parents' congratulations on the son's wedding are no different; all congratulations are intended for both children.

Congratulations on your wedding day to parents

Congratulation of parents at the wedding prose

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in prose

Dear (Name of the spouses)!
You have a special, solemn day today!
Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will make a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you good and warm, many happy days. Build your house so that you live happily in it, plant your garden - the best, raise your children to be your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and value each other, be each other's hope and support.

My dears!
Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Live always in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you replenishment in the family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for for many, many years. And if it gets difficult, we, the parents, will always help. kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you, kids, from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you happiness, prosperity, support the fire of love all your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and hardships together. Let your family be stronger than a stone, and let your life be full of only the most wonderful impressions and emotions. Dear our children!
Today we are the most happy parents, bless your marriage for a long, strong and happy family life!
Good to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding.
Be happy, dear newlyweds!
Our dear daughter!
The day has come that all girls dream of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings, loving fiance... May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become even more confident that you made the right choice!

Dear ours!
You are now husband and wife.
From that moment on, you have become the closest and dearest people on the entire planet!
Please love each other and support in any situations. Let your family life be full of romance, regardless of the number of years you have been married. We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you.

Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding, our dears!
Congratulations on your wedding and I wish you all the best and brightest in your marriage. I feel infinite happiness that now I can call myself mother-in-law with a clear conscience and refute all stupid jokes.

Now we will all become one big and friendly family. My dears, today you are taking an insanely responsible step, you are creating your own family. I confess, when I got married, I was very worried that I could not make your grandmother happy, and everyone thought that she was in last moment will refuse me. But as you can see, this did not happen, and for many years we have been living in perfect harmony, which is what we wish you too. I know that your family will be special, exemplary, and for many will become an example to follow. Good luck to you my dears!
Save your love, sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until the years when it is your turn to congratulate your grandchildren, just as I congratulate you today. Dear daughter!
Today is a special day for you - you create your own family. I wish you to carry your love with your husband through your whole life, to gain mutual respect, to keep patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children!

Wedding congratulations from parents in prose

Did you like congratulations? Tell your friends and acquaintances about it. On this significant day, we are happy to see a beautiful couple here, who set off on a joint voyage through life and celebrate this event. No wonder they say that with a loved one, paradise is in a hut. This means that even the bitterest cup can be sweetened with love. I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart wish that the union concluded between you be a union of love, intelligence, joy and mutual help on a difficult life path, so that you see your happiness in the happiness of another and thank the moments when life brought you together. To your happy present and cloudless future!
Dear guests!
Today, a new relationship has formed between the families of the bride and groom. kinship. Shared grief is half grief, shared joy is double joy. Any adversity is felt less if it falls not on one, but on many, and joy becomes greater. We wish you long happy years new kindred union!
Dear children!
Congratulations on joining legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, long married life. Welcome to our house - your house. Take our bread and salt, and we'll see who will be the boss in the house. Dear children!
May your marriage be happy!
May your love be joyful!
Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you - only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends!
So, may your union be happy!
Dear children, (name) and (name)!
We bless you for strong marriage, for a friendly family.

Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!
Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)!
We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family.
Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy!
Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!
Dear bride and groom!
On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life.
Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife!
Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!
Live together
Good keep!
I wish you great happiness, great love, considerable prosperity.
Prosperity and joy to your family!
Dear newlyweds!
We sincerely congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice to you and love!
The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love.
May your love be as long as your life!
By creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. IN good hour, dear newlyweds, for many years!

Dear (name) and (name), on this solemn day, before
God and people bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life.
And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good!
Peace and joy to you!
Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, strong family!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. Together they build their happiness. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for this have a good day when their children will marry, start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young, to the new family, and may faith, hope, love be with them all their lives!
Today is the most beautiful and most significant day for the newlyweds - the day of assigning new and expensive titles: husband and wife. She joined their lives and therefore this is a day of great joy. And walk along life path together, hand in hand with a loved one - this is a great happiness. May this happiness be with you forever, for all your long life and you will find happiness in your children and grandchildren. For you, for your prosperity!
Toast of the father of the bride: I am glad that my hopes for a happy future for the newlyweds are shared by all those present at the wedding. The guests gave a special brilliance to today's holiday.

Allow me to express to you, dear guests, my heartfelt and sincere gratitude for this honor. I raise a glass to dear ones and cheerful guests. LOVE OUR CONGRATULATIONS PLUS uploading... You probably don't know what to celebrate birthday became not so long ago as it seems at first glance and therefore Happy Birthday also became popular not so long ago. Since ancient times, it was believed that talking about the date of your birthday was considered bad omen due to the fact that according to prejudice on this day a person is vulnerable. Only close people knew about the date of birth of their friend or relative. You probably have no doubts about the fact that
Birth is not only significant date, but also one of important holidays in a person's life, like a wedding, an anniversary, the birth of children, new year holidays etc. It is for these dates that we have selected and will continue to supplement our collection with congratulations. Everyone knows how nice it is to receive gifts that are accompanied by warm words congratulations. On our site with congratulations tests, you can choose the appropriate wedding congratulations And happy birthday sms, as well as a lot of poems for congratulations to a friend or wishes for a loved one. You most likely know that there is a difference in the selection of congratulations happy birthday woman or happy birthday man. happy birthday wishes a woman should contain refined, loving and romantic notes in her text, but congratulating a man should be more pragmatic and wish practical things. Congratulations on the wedding in verse will allow you to beautifully congratulate the newlyweds and decorate their holiday, and perhaps a little cheer up the stagnant campaign of guests. As you know, after the wedding comes at least significant date- the birth of a son or daughter, or maybe both. Here
You will need congratulations on the birth of your son or the birth of a daughter. In a word, the mass of poems and texts presented on our portal will help you find original congratulations Happy birthday