Congratulate the teacher on the professional holiday in your own words. Congratulations on the day of the educator in prose in your own words. The best texts in verse with congratulations on the Day of the educator for colleagues

Beautiful congratulations, solemn words, sincere wishes in the prose of the head of the kindergarten, a huge gratitude to the educators and nannies, colleagues, all employees of preschool institutions in their own words.

Our dear educators and nannies!

Into this light holiday, grateful butterflies are in a hurry to touch your kind and gentle palms. Today is your day, employees of children's institutions. Congratulations on professional holiday happy teacher's day and everyone preschool workers!

Without you there would be no life on this Earth. It is you, our dear ones: managers, educators, nannies - what is called a man, and not just a man, but a Man with a capital letter!

Children are the flowers of life, and you are the soil that gives light love, motherly tenderness, warmth and care. Without you our kids' eyes would not shine so joyfully!

I would like to kneel before all of you and tell you sincerely: "Thank you!" For the fact that you make our children bright and kind, joyful and happy, for the fact that you put a piece of yourself in each child.

You are not just people, you are wonderful people! The first teachers in the life of every child! Thank you for the fact that the child, returning home from kindergarten, shares that positive energy that you gave them!

We are very grateful to the heads of children's institutions! We wish them patience and wisdom in such a difficult but rewarding business! Thank you for the competent and responsible approach to the organization of the external climate in your institution!

We wish educators and nannies to be just as kind and caring! We wish you inner peace and the beauty that you constantly radiate with yourself and give it to our kids!

Thank you, wise teachers and guardians of children's souls! Thank you all very much, our dear and respected educators and nannies! You protect and teach not only our children, but also us - parents. Your profession is the most best profession on Earth, and you are the most wonderful and sincere people!

Happy holiday to you! Happy professional day of the teacher!

From all grateful parents and children, and from butterflies that have already touched your palms!

Congratulations to educators in prose

Our dear and dear educators, nannies, all employees and employees of kindergarten and preschool institutions!

We sincerely congratulate you all on this wonderful professional holiday, Happy Teacher's Day!

May your days be always filled with light, kindness, nobility and peace. I wish you success in all your good thoughts, aspirations and undertakings!

Thanks to the head of our preschool- the head of the kindergarten! You have the wisdom to manage our team. It is thanks to you, your tolerance, kindness and organization that we have such amazing results of the well-coordinated work of our colleagues. But the most important thing is that both children and their parents are really happy here.

Colleagues! Thank you all, our kind and respected educators and nannies! To all those who prepare our children for the transition to adult life! Thank you very much and sincerely !!!

And even though the children are still small at the present time, time flies quickly.

And the work of each of you will definitely be rewarded in their thoughts and feelings. We wish all educators a thankful fortune for your noble work!

Happy holiday to you! Happy teacher's day!

Oh, how I hasten to congratulate you on the wonderful day of the teacher! I am sure that you have chosen this profession for a reason, because only the kindest, smartest and a wise man able to educate young children and instill in them different knowledge. I want you to have more good and obedient kids in your life, as well as a lot of funny, cocky and kind children's laughter around! Thank you for being there and always watching our kids. This is a very important and honorable mission, which says that you truly love and adore all children. I want to wish you good luck in his professional activity, more obedient and talented children, as well monetary prosperity! Let coins ring in your pocket, and joy always blooms in your soul and a good mood live. Thank you for your necessary and obligatory work. We have always appreciated, appreciate and will appreciate it!


I wish you more happiness and optimism in your eyes, which will certainly help you raise such harmful and disobedient, but of course, beloved by all children! Happy professional and wonderful holiday. Happy wonderful and most the best teacher which you are. Thank you for your wonderful and important work, for your daily diligence and your efforts, as well as for your not indifference and sensitivity to every child. It is with such a teacher that you always want to leave your precious and beloved child, because you know that he is in good hands. Good luck and all the best! Let the bright sun always shine over your bright and clear head, and the cloud of sadness never visit your thoughts. We wish you many beloved and grateful children who will always remember your love, work and care for them, happy holidays!


How I would like to congratulate you, my dear educator, on your wonderful professional holiday and wish you long summers and success in your favorite and dear profession. Let everyone new baby entering your life brings you not only joy, surprise and delight, but also your childish love. It is so wonderful to always be in the circle of little children and sincerely care for them. We wish you good pupils and great mood that suits you! Smile more often and laugh snooty along with your little pupils, because they are our light and our joy! thank you for your concern and your good upbringing... You are a wonderful teacher and educator, and you are also a very kind and caring person who is not indifferent to little angels! Once again, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!


All the little and cute kids start their own adult education with kindergarten... It is there that they meet with their first teachers in life and the best educators. Today we would like to congratulate one of the wonderful teachers on a wonderful professional holiday. It is thanks to you, our dear educator, that our little children begin to better adapt to the world around them, learn to get along better with each other and better behave in a team. We are grateful to you for such a difficult and hard work, without which you simply cannot, and we are grateful to you for your kind soul, sincere support and for your bright enthusiasm in the profession! You are an excellent educator and a person who is always glad to children and glad to work with them! Thank you for your concern and for your sincere love for our smallest people! We wish you happy holiday and cheerful mood which you should always have!


Today the warmest and sincere wishes will be addressed to the best educator in our country! We all sincerely would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you great success in your work and profession, and we also wish you more good and kind children at work. Let small and obedient children always warm your soul and fill it with light, which will help you, live and rejoice in the future! We know that only the strongest, bravest and kind people become teachers and educators, so we congratulate you on these wonderful qualities of your character! Let your weekdays will always be adorned with the smiles of cheerful children, and your pupils are loved. I wish you happiness, health and great success in your profession! Let only the best, obedient and resourceful children always learn with you! All the best!


I would like to congratulate you on the best and most magnificent vocation on Earth - raising children! This wonderful profession, which is located between the concept of work and a favorite thing, because only good, kind, well-mannered and loving person can boldly and confidently take up the education of souls, as well as take on this difficult responsibility. With all my heart I want to tell you that you wonderful person, and that light shines above you from kind colorful rays! Let there be a holiday in your life, a beautiful new outfit, and let each child give you joy and a wonderful educational session! I love you a lot, as well as good and kind relations with your little pupils. May they give you daily joy and adorn your face with a kind smile. All the best!


They say that good man too much! We are very pleased that today one of the best and most wonderful educators on Earth is celebrating his professional holiday! You are the one! In your hands and on your shoulders there is always the concern for the upbringing of our only and beloved children, and we really appreciate you for this and are grateful to you for your efforts and efforts! You always overcome this difficult path of upbringing with success and luck, which means you are a real teacher and the most extraordinary educator. May in this life you have more bright and sunny moments at work, pleasant and good events in life, as well as many kind and well-mannered kindergarten students! We would like to wish you optimism in your eyes and great self-confidence. May everything be wonderful and splendid both at home and at work! Good luck, warmth, support and care of loved ones! All the best and good everyday mood in the circle of beloved and wonderful children!

Gentle, inspirational and touching congratulations on the Day of the Teacher of 2017, the employees of preschool educational institutions will be dedicated to September 27. It was at this time in 1863 that the first in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg Kindergarten... Respected and respectable owners married couple, accepted toddlers from 3 to 8 years old into their institution and offered activities such as construction and educational games. There was a fee for visiting, so only wealthy parents could afford the luxury of bringing a child there. The kindergarten existed for a little over 2 years and was closed due to lack of demand.

Today the situation is completely different. The number of children's gardens is constantly growing, and modern mothers and dads try to send the child there with the maximum early age... Attending kindergarten, kids get used to communicate in a team, develop perseverance, train attention and receive the very first basic knowledge about the world around them in their life. All these wisdom of boys and girls are taught by educators, nannies and other employees of the institution. They help the little ones to get used to the new environment, show attention, sincere care and boundless patience. And precisely for this, on the day of the professional holiday, the workers of preschool institutions in verse and prose are congratulated by representatives of the authorities, colleagues, parents and small pupils. Many kind words are spoken to mentors, they are given beautiful themed cards and want to never lose their sincerity, soulfulness, energy and cordiality. Indeed, without these simple, but such important human qualities, it is simply impossible to adequately prepare the young generation for a brighter future.

Official congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers 2017

The kindest, most inspirational and touching congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 will be received by all preschool workers on September 27. On the eve of have a great holiday good words first persons of the state, officials of local authorities and deputies will tell the employees of preschool institutions. In the most pleasant, sincere expressions, the managers, teachers, nannies and other staff members will be thanked for the fact that every day, sparing no effort and health, they come to work and do everything to make the children feel comfortable, cozy and calm in the kindergarten. , and the parents did not worry about their children and were sure of excellent supervision. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special about this, and any person can cope with such a task. However, this is far from the case, and only truly kind, open and sympathetic people, who put the future of Russian children above all else in their lives, can take care of the young generation.

Variants of texts for official congratulations on the Day of the teacher

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. The upbringing of all generations is in your hands and in your power, you open the doors to the country for children happy childhood and dreams, you give the guys necessary knowledge and opportunities to show your talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive women could choose this extraordinary, but such a responsible profession. After all, raising a child requires a lot of work, philanthropy and perseverance of character. We wish you strong nervous system, great mood and wellness... Let our kids give you their radiant smiles, charge you with irrepressible energy and childhood.

Dear educators and all kindergarten workers! Today we are celebrating your professional holiday and we want to wish that you are always healthy, that your spirit is cheerful and cheerful! Good heart to you great patience and Great love to our little mischievous people! May your souls not harden, your optimism will not grow old, and friendly smiles will not disappear from your lovely faces! Be happy, live in abundance, joy and prosperity! Warmth and understanding, love and respect, beauty and joy for many years!

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. May there always be enough strength, ideas, kindness and patience for all mischievous people, may the work be full of pleasant and joyful moments, may everything in life turn out wonderful and wonderful.

Simple, short congratulations on Teacher's Day from parents and children in your own words

In honor of the Day of the teacher in kindergartens, interesting and spectacular matinees are necessarily held. Parents and kids congratulate the entire working team on their professional holiday. Moms and dads thank the mentors for their angelic patience, which allows teachers to cope with an army of little fidgets every day and find individual approach to every child, regardless of the nature and level of development.

Keeps up with parents and children. Boys and girls in their own words tell how they love their teachers and nannies, with what great pleasure they go to kindergarten and with what joy they learn everything new that their mentors teach them. This touching performance evokes the brightest feelings in the souls of the kindergarten staff and inspires them for further achievements. When they receive congratulations from their tiny charges and their parents, caregivers feel important and with all their hearts feel the importance of their daily work. Listening to sincere and kind words, they clearly realize that it was not in vain that they chose a great and noble work as the vocation of their whole life - to educate the young generation and invest the very first fundamental knowledge in young heads.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in your own words from children and parents - the best examples of texts

First of all, I want to thank you for the tremendous work that you do every day. You understand our children, teach, prepare for school days, and it costs a lot of effort. After all, you find an individual approach to each baby, making him happy and meaningful. Today is an unusual day, on which I sincerely want to wish each of you health, patience, joy, favorable weekdays and a fun weekend filled with relaxation. May each of you do well. Happy professional day, Day of the teacher and all preschool workers!

We are your beloved children. We congratulate you on the Day of the teacher and all the preschool workers. We wish you good health and Have a good mood, kind smiles and bright joy, successful activity and fun ventures, sincere happiness and a holiday of the soul.

Congratulations on the professional holiday to people whose sincerity, warmth and kindness help the most important thing - the formation of the child's personality. We wish you spring in your soul, vigor, joyful events, health and creative inspiration.

Beloved educators, we are still very young and do not understand a lot ... BUT, one thing we know for sure - there is no better educator than you! We wish you health, warmth and smiles. We promise to be less naughty and mischievous, because you are always worried about us. Happy holiday, dear educators!

Funny congratulations on the Day of the Teacher to colleagues at work - funny, short poems

On Teacher's Day, kindergarten staff receive congratulations not only from parents and children, but also from colleagues at work. A joyful, pleasant atmosphere reigns in the team, and the employees greet each other with cool lines in verse, describing all the vicissitudes of everyday kindergarten life with good humor. Funny, optimistic rhymes are read aloud, written in colorful postcards and handed over to colleagues during corporate event, are sent in the form of SMS to phones or posted on personal pages in social networks.

Playful congratulatory words be sure to complement the kindest, warmest and touching wishes iron health, angelic patience, positive attitude to life and obedient, attentive pupils who never upset bad deeds and careless behavior.

The best texts in verse with congratulations on the Day of the educator for colleagues

Even if the work is not easy -
You need to be successful:
Trust us from the boy
The most tender age.
Colleagues, I wish you
So that they are less tired!
So that the work inspires
There was not enough money!
Well, and a friendly team
The day would be celebrated beautifully!

Dear colleagues of the team,
Happy holiday today to all of us, dear,
May our children be obedient
Fireworks go off in our honor.

I wish all colleagues happiness
Kind, reliable bosses.
So that the team is protected
And covered with the veil of the Lord!

Congratulations to you colleagues,
On a professional day
Your hard work, and the most,
Noble on Earth.

I wish you a lot of happiness
So that it will last for centuries
And of course love too -
You can't do without it!

My colleagues and friends,
Kindergarten workers,
With all my heart today I
Glad to congratulate you all!

After all, we have a profession day,
I wish you from my heart
Be happy every hour
Not knowing the hardships and troubles!

Short funny SMS congratulations on the Day of the Teacher in verse and prose

It is best to congratulate a person personally on any holiday. But sometimes on the eve of a celebration, close people are far from each other and simply physically do not have the opportunity to meet and talk. Here modern communication systems and various progressive gadgets come to the rescue. They allow you to contact your family even when you are in another city or on the other end. the globe and give the chance to greet family members, friends and acquaintances via SMS or Mms messages.

While away or on a business trip dear people Happy Teacher's Day can be congratulated with a cool, humorous message in verse or prose. A few simple, short and optimistic lines praising a good heart, patience, endurance and the ability to sincerely care will come in handy on a holiday. Friends and acquaintances who have devoted their lives and careers to raising children will be very glad to know how much their work is appreciated and how proud of their professional success are relatives, relatives and friends.

Examples of SMS congratulations on the Day of the Educator for friends and family

Caress, kindness, skill
Let it be enough for all generations.
Strong and long health
And there are only victories in the work!

On Teacher's Day, I send the warmest and bright congratulations... I sincerely wish you universal recognition and respect for your work, great success and great ideas on the road of activity, happy Holidays and important victories on the path of life.

The best teacher
Your day has come!
You are the creator of the atmosphere
So that the child does not get bored.

But you not only entertain, -
You give knowledge to children
You never miss
You never get tired.

I wish you mental fortitude and well-being, family happiness and inquisitive pupils! You become a second mother for the kids, opening your huge kind hearts for them. Strong nerves to you, obedient pupils, decent wages, understanding parents and many pleasant moments!

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the kindergarten teacher in verse and prose from parents

On Teacher's Day beautiful congratulations Parents of kids devote to mentors. Moms and dads in poetry and prose express their huge thanks kindergarten workers for their daily care, good relations and patience shown to children. After all, the crumbs do not always behave well and obey adults, and it can be very difficult for some to convince them to eat soup, show attention in class and go to bed after dinner without objection. And only the teacher finds a "key" to each ward, regardless of the nature and level of development, and gives reasons, in a soft, accessible, but persistent form, explaining to the child that the rules adopted in kindergarten must be followed. This requires a special talent, which will not be taught in pedagogical universities. This ability comes from a heart filled with boundless, open and absolutely sincere love to children. And just for this on a holiday, parents say a huge thank you to the educators, nannies, the head and all the staff of the children's institution.

Examples of beautiful texts with congratulations in verse and prose on the Day of the Teacher

I sincerely congratulate all the workers of the kindergarten.
And now I'm glad to see how good you are!
Our children run into the kindergarten early in the morning -
They know, they are loved here, here they are waited for and cherished!
I wish you health, and success in your work,
And good luck and luck and happy years in destiny!

Dear educators! Today I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday. On this day, all educators celebrate this holiday. The weather is beautiful and sunny outside. The sun's rays have already flooded everything around, the birds are singing and a light breeze is blowing. In short, the weather is beautiful outside. Nature seems to feel that you have a holiday today. Our educators, you do so much for our children. It is you who help them develop, behave correctly, and help them determine their future life choices. While we are parents trying to make money, you are taking on a lot of responsibility. I want to wish you all the very best. So that everything goes well in your life. Thank you for everything!

Educators today
Congratulations on this day,
We wish you health
And only success in everything!
Let your favorite work
It will always be a joy to you,
So that you do not know worries,
Never been sad!

Dear educators. Today, on this beautiful sunny day, we, all parents, want to congratulate you on your holiday. We all know how long you've been waiting for him. But, now, at last it has come. And now we want to congratulate you. You don't even know how much you have done for us and our children. While we spend our days at work and make money, you watch our children and raise them. Tragically, you do not receive as much money for your suffering as other workers. But believe me, we consider your work invaluable, many times better than that of other people. Thank you for just being. We want to wish you all the very best. Live happily, be loved, and be healthy. Good luck in all your endeavors! We love you!

Merry and joyful congratulations on the Day of the teacher in pictures with verses

You can congratulate kindergarten employees on Teacher's Day not only orally, but also in writing, for example, by presenting to the heroes of the occasion beautiful postcard with a thematic picture and funny, optimistic and joyful verses. Such a small, artless present will make the most favorable impression and will remain in the memory of every educator for a long time.

In order for no one to feel forgotten, parents should prepare a postcard for each mentor, manager and nannies. Separately, you need to congratulate the health worker, music teacher and physical education teacher. For them, it is appropriate to find pictures with a more profile image or with a picture bright colors... Having received such a surprise, educators will be very happy and will feel how highly their work is appreciated.

Children can also give their favorite teachers colorful, cute postcards. You can make them yourself at home, but short rhyme mom, dad or grandparents will write by hand. This sign of attention will look incredibly touching and, perhaps, even make the educators feel deeply and cry.

Options for postcards with pictures and poems in honor of the Day of the educator

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish the garden to be a cheerful flowerbed with obedient flowers of life, so that the house remains a reliable and cozy fortress, so that life is a joyful song of love, happiness and miracles.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. May little friends always give joy and inspiration. I wish to stay in my soul cheerful child, I wish my heart to feel happiness, I wish life to fill with amazing moments and bright holidays.

I congratulate the teacher and all preschool workers on the Day and wish you to be able to enjoy life and sincerely smile with happiness, like a child. Let your beloved children turn your every day into a holiday, let work bring success, and life - good luck and prosperity.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I sincerely wish eternal youth soul, optimism and happiness! Let the children bring only joy, let there be only pleasant chores in life, let there be many victories and glorious successes on your way.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish you and your children enjoy life and notice everything beautiful even in the smallest things, I wish you to work, as if you were happy children's party, and home - with a feeling of joy and love, where they are always expected and appreciated. I wish you health, all the best and good luck.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish you never get tired of children's noise and din, but only rejoice with the little mischievous people every new day, every new idea. I wish you health, patience and inner harmony, as well as good luck, joy and understanding in relationships with loved ones.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I sincerely wish your heart to be overwhelmed with love and joy, so that in your soul you remain sweet and cheerful child so that you always stay on the same wave of inspiration and smiles with your pupils, so that your whole life is a wonderful holiday.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish that children's laughter gave incredible strength and cheerfulness of the soul, so that work is always a joy to the heart, so that everything in life will succeed and work out as it should, so that every day is amazing, funny and beautiful.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish you to enjoy life like a child and always remain kind, sincere and simple wonderful person... May parenting and funny Games people like them, let there be many interesting, bright and entertaining hobbies in life. I wish you health, warmth, harmony and happiness.

Congratulations! We wish every day to be filled with light, to warm the soul and heart. Let it come true cherished dream... For pupils to love, respect and delight you. Let the work bring one pleasure.

Moms and dads, whose kids go to kindergarten, know perfectly well what date is the Day of the Teacher in 2016, and they carefully prepare for this significant date... For all preschool workers, parents select beautiful, gentle, inspirational and touching congratulations in prose, learn cheerful and optimistic verses with their children and come up with bright, spectacular numbers for celebrations on the occasion of the holiday. On a beautiful, bright day, the pedagogical teams of preschool educational institutions leaders of different levels. Colleagues make each other happy funny jokes, funny sms-kami and with good humor make fun of their difficult, but so important educational work.

Educator's Day - what date is it celebrated in 2016

The calendar of professional holidays tells what date the Day of the Educator is celebrated in 2016. According to his information, memorable date always falls on the same number, namely September 27. The celebration received official status in 2004. The initiators of the institution significant event various Russian pedagogical organizations who decided to separate the holiday of preschool workers from traditional Day Of a teacher who is also checking in to one of the autumn days... The government considered the idea quite appropriate, and the president signed the corresponding decree. The date was not chosen by chance, because it was September 27, but already in 1863 the first Russian kindergarten was opened in St. Petersburg.

Congratulations in prose on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers for official events

For official events, solid, respectful and capacious congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers are suitable. Such words are usually spoken in celebrations and meetings, senior leaders, employees of the municipal and federal administration, well-known public figures and deputies of different levels. In each phrase of the official congratulations, there is pride in the noble work of the educator and gratitude for the patience, care and boundless kindness that the workers of preschool institutions surround all the kids with.

I sincerely want to congratulate you on the day of the teacher! I wish you that you always have good health and great efficiency, that you are full of strength and energy to educate the younger generation! Core values ​​are instilled in childhood, and I wish you to do it right!

May your days always be filled with light, nobility and peace. I wish you success in all your thoughts and endeavors! And even though the child is still small now, time flies quickly. And the work of each of you will definitely be rewarded in his thoughts and feelings.

We wish you thanks from fate for your noble work!

Our dear educators! Allow me on this day to congratulate you on your professional holiday to all who are rightfully called the blacksmiths of human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you - with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you unintelligent and cocky, now proudly say that they were your pupils. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, do not dwindle! Happy Holidays! Happy Teacher's Day!

Congratulations on the Day of the educator from parents and children in poetry and prose

The kindergarten team receives the most tender, inspired, sincere and touching congratulations on the Teacher's Day from parents and children. Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives of the kids thank the teachers, nannies and other employees for taking care of the young tomboy every day, treating their pranks with understanding and, in between games, teach wisdom and the basics of life. foundations. Boys and girls, who every day come to different groups of a preschool institution, keep up with their parents. The little pupils say thank you to the teachers and nannies for their patience and attention, they promise to always obey their mentors and never upset them in any way. These words penetrate the heroes of the occasion into the very heart and warm their kind, sincere souls for a long time.

You are always friendly, attentive
So sweet, caring always!
Happy holidays, dear educators!
I wish you happiness for many years!
You are with your big and kind heart,
Warmed children's hearts
To be a teacher is a vocation,
After all, children love you for a reason!

Children are easy to love! "Oh, what a kid!" But try, look after the band of fidgety toddlers! You are the salvation of busy parents and those people with whom children are not only safe, but with whom they learn so much - what is the name of a flower, how to put words out of blocks, how to be friends and dress yourself ... My sincere congratulations Happy Teacher's Day and best wishes!

There is a day in September of very gentle people
Preschool workers are kind.
You sincerely love our children,
Naive guys, incomparable.

Thank you, family, for the wisdom, warmth,
For your attention and affection.
May your heart be all mastery
The children's world will envelop in a fairy tale!

We wish you decent salaries,
Less moral damage.
Not modest houses - presidential chambers,
And strong, hot drinks.

Congratulations on the Teacher's Day cool colleagues from colleagues

On the Day of the teacher, employees of preschool institutions are congratulated not only by toddlers and their parents. Educators, nannies and kindergarten directors also honor each other. But if senior management generally favors official congratulations Happy Teacher's Day, colleagues often use funny, playful and funny short holiday texts among themselves, which they say at the table at small cozy corporate parties or send them to their friends and acquaintances as SMS. Such lines always contain kindly "professional" humor, which allows employees of preschool institutions to relax a little on the eve of a professional celebration, look at their work from a different angle and smile again at some familiar work moments.

Happy holiday to you, educators,

Wiping spouts,

Pencil grinders

And through the puddles the porters

Storytellers and actors,

Art directors,


Believers in fables!

I wish you happiness and patience,

Joy and inspiration!

An educator is not a job,
Not a measured life ...
This is a service without calculation,
Her vocation is to love!

Calm the crybaby with affection,
Pacify the bully
Put the brawlers in a corner,
And praise the obedient!

Dress everyone, shoe, build,
Take a walk and feed
And your big soul
Divide without a remainder!

I congratulate us - all those who wipe their nose,
Will hug you so warmly when the baby cries
He looks after the children not in two, but in hundreds of eyes,
Yes, those who know even the day and the hour.

Once - the baby said the first word,
And two - he said, as the cow speaks.
Always on guard, immediately notes
Protects children from chagrin.
When a knee is bruised, he will give him a handkerchief ...

He will learn a rhyme with the baby for the holiday.
I wish you more success and joy!

Teacher's Day - congratulations in verse and good wishes

On Teacher's Day, congratulations in verse for workers of preschool institutions can be learned together with kids from different groups, and then, at the moment of the celebration, read them aloud in the presence of educators, nannies, service personnel, parents and guests. The bright performance will really please everyone present and will literally cause a storm of applause. The main thing is to choose for such a case not very long, quickly memorized works that will be easy for children to memorize.

Congratulations should sound cheerful, joyful and with a twinkle, and wishes should contain sincere thanks for the daily hard work, attention and care that educators, nannies and other employees of preschool children's institutions give their wards every day.

Educator, educator,
Dear educator!
Like a soldier on the children's front
You are always our hero!

We wish today
So that in life and fate,
Everything was always right
And the sun in the sky brightly sanctified you!

You are an educator! Is this not a calling?
It is important to lay the foundation,
When you skillfully build a building,
It is so important to love the wards!

And you fully succeed in all this -
You, educator, are ahead of the whole planet!
Thanks! Let the sun shine for you
And let the smiles of all children warm!

Your craft is not easy,
But the good that it brought
The most large diamonds more valuable -
This is the happiness and joy of children.
The educator is the basis of the foundations!
This is clear to everyone without words.
We congratulate you on the holiday!
May your every hour be happy!

Teacher's Day - congratulations in prose are beautiful and touching

It is vitally important for parents, grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives of boys and girls attending kindergarten to know what date the Day of the Educator is celebrated in 2016. You need to prepare for this day in advance and find beautiful, kind, gentle and joyful congratulations for all preschool workers involved in caring for babies. You can memorize funny, optimistic and vigorous works in verse for a solemn moment, but phrases in prose will sound more tender, touching and heartfelt. And it will be very pleasant to hear warm, sincere and kind words of gratitude from managers, colleagues, parents and children on the eve of your professional holiday.

Raising children is the most difficult, laborious, but, at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. Seeing how your pupils grow up, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for Being a teacher is a real calling. And even if your job is not easy at all, you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for the warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Being a teacher is a real calling. And even if your job is not easy at all, you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for the warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

How many kids have you raised? How many times have you read Moidodyr? How many times have you comforted, pitied, praised, loved? Dozens, if not hundreds. Each child found in you an assistant, advisor, teacher. Today we want to congratulate you and thank you for your kind heart, sincere smile, kindness, love and care. Happy holiday, dear educators, grateful and obedient pupils to you, worthy payment for hard work, health, patience and all earthly blessings!