How to prolong youth after 40. Topics for upcoming webinars. Face and neck together: the main stage that disperses the lymph

Many women are waiting for the onset of forty years with tension and fear. It seems that youth is over: treacherous wrinkles, swollen eyelids, swollen oval of the face .... But in fact, everything is not so scary if you know how to keep youth after 40 years. There are many ways to make time slow down. You will have to try, but the result is worth it: a woman after 40 years old can still be beautiful, slim, attractive.

The forty-year milestone should be considered as another, very interesting and promising stage of life. By this age, a woman has a great life and female experience, knows a lot, knows the features of her skin, appearance, health, and therefore can optimally choose a comfortable, effective, uncomplicated way of caring for her face and body. You will not return youth, but beauty can and should be fought for.

new life rules

The life of a forty-year-old woman must change. The new rules will help preserve not only the beauty of the face, but also youth, health of mind and body. These rules are quite simple, but very important:

  • a full night's sleep;
  • obligatory good rest;
  • physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • regular skin care.

Try to follow these rules, and very soon the reflection in the mirror will again seem attractive.

Night fairy tale

Good sleep is the foundation. Gatherings until 12 at night should remain in the past, otherwise you can forget about appearance altogether: lack of sleep will have a catastrophic effect on your face. Puffiness, blueness under the eyes obviously do not paint. Before a night's rest, be sure to take care of your skin. However, this should be done at least an hour before going to bed. Otherwise, you can get morning swelling.

What about women who work at night? It's good to rest after night shifts, get enough sleep and not use decorative cosmetics. The path, if not you, then at least the skin fully rests at night. There is a secret regarding sleep: to get the maximum benefit from sleep, you need to build it in “bricks” for an hour and a half.

Let's not be lazy... relax!

To prolong youth after 40 years will help the correct and proper rest. This is not necessarily watching the series on the couch (although no one forbids occasionally pampering yourself with this “chewing gum for the brain”).

Periods of complete rest should be replaced by active recreation: skiing, hiking, visiting exhibitions, theater, cinema, drawing, ceramics, playing music. Such an alternation with the inclusion of a creative element will help relieve tension, but for the skin of the face, the state of the nervous system is of great importance.

move more

Active movement after 40 years is mandatory. Fitness and sports are not the only solution. If before there was no habit of sweating in the gym, then it is unlikely that it will appear now. You need to choose those options that will give you pleasure: long walks in the fresh air at an average pace, swimming or water aerobics.

Breathing practices are very good for tightening the skin of the body and face: yoga, oxysize, bodyflex. It happens that a woman has wanted to take up dancing all her life. Now is the time! Dreams should come true, especially those that will help preserve youth and beauty.

Nutrition - special attention

It's time to rethink your diet. This is due to the hormonal changes in the body in the run-up to menopause. Those foods that were previously easily digested should now be removed from the diet. Puffiness causes everything salty, smoked, especially eaten at night.

Necessary for beauty foods rich in omega fatty acids: seafood, fatty sea fish, flaxseeds, beans, nuts, strawberries, cauliflower, eggs. Be sure to more than half of the diet should be fresh (in extreme cases - stewed) vegetables.

As for meat food, you need to listen to yourself. If the body needs meat - please! But with the condition: we remove fatty pork, lard, lamb from the diet. Rabbit meat, lean beef, veal, lean poultry are preferred.

The list of products for daily use should include sour-milk products, whole grains. But about sparkling water, confectionery, refined food is better to forget.

The body needs to be supported with calcium preparations to prevent the age-related development of osteoporosis.

Drinking regime

Another important point- correct drinking regimen. You need to drink at least one and a half liters daily pure water without gas, flavoring or aromatic additives. Water will maintain the internal cleanliness of the body, preventing the accumulation of decay products. In addition, water will slow down the drying of the skin, prevent the formation of early deep wrinkles.

As a support for the body, you can use recipes for the so-called elixirs of youth. These are anti-aging mixtures and infusions that can be quite simply prepared at home. Mix equal amount fresh juice lemon, honey, olive oil and take the mixture in the morning half an hour before meals.

Mix 400 grams of minced garlic with juice squeezed from 25 medium lemons. Infuse the mixture in the refrigerator for three weeks, then take it at bedtime, stirring a teaspoon of the elixir in a 100-gram glass of clean water.

For facial skin, nutrition is very important. The intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements into the body with food will guarantee to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Facial skin care

The main rule of facial skin care after 40 years is regularity and usefulness. Stages daily care should include cleansing, toning, moisturizing during the day, nutrition at night. Serums can and should be used under the main cream.

The skin during this period needs water more than ever. Age-related dehydration, caused by the inability of cells to retain moisture, leads to desiccation, formation a large number skin breaks (wrinkles). That is why moisturizing the epidermis - the main task women in their forties.

Cream selection

The skin needs to be carefully dealt with in the morning and especially in the evening, getting ready for bed. You need to start with the selection of a cream according to the type of skin and the time of application. Morning and evening it should be different means. Task day cream- moisturize the epidermis, protect from adverse weather, solar ultraviolet radiation. Night cream should saturate the skin the maximum number nutrients and vitamins.

Creams should be produced by one company, this will allow the substances contained in them to work more efficiently. Be sure to turn on at night and day care age sera. You can simply add to the daily and night cream vitamin solutions, a drop sea ​​buckthorn oil. It perfectly nourishes and heals the skin.

Skin cleansing

An important step is skin cleansing. After 40 years, it becomes thinner and more sensitive, so wash off cosmetics and fat milk is better, with a special water or oil based product, with gentle movements. You can not rub, stretch, scrub the skin. Scrubs are good for young dermis. At the age of forty, cleansing masks and chemical peels should be preferred. In extreme cases, you can clean the skin cosmetic products for facial microdermabrasion.

Beautician special care

A forty-year-old woman should visit a beautician at least once a month. Acid peels, delicately removing the upper dead layer of cells, visually rejuvenate the skin. Nourishing highly active masks fill it with vitality.

If possible, beauty injections are needed with hyaluronic acid. Deep moisturizing slow down the aging process, tighten the skin. Injection cosmetology today can work wonders: to minimize the consequences hormonal adjustment, make an excellent lifting, erase wrinkles, restore a floating oval.

Home Care

What to do if there is no opportunity to visit a beautician? You can effectively rejuvenate your face with home care products, carrying out full-fledged cosmetic procedures on your own. Light peels with AHA acids are produced by many cosmetic companies. You need to purchase such a tool and use it regularly. Masks based on glycerin will allow you to deeply moisturize the skin and compete with injection mesotherapy.

To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, be sure to include facial massage in your care. There are many techniques that you can master on your own. Oily or honey massage works fantastic on the skin. The impact accelerates metabolic processes, restores facial contours, and activates blood circulation. Together, all this leads to a significant visual rejuvenation. Possible without special work drop ten years.

Sun exposure should be avoided in summer. The sun's ultraviolet ages the skin, so it needs to be protected with products with a high UV filter. The same goes for the solarium: visiting should either be stopped or reduced to a minimum.

What else can be done?

To prolong youth after 40 years, you can follow other simple rules.

  1. Wipe the skin every morning with ice cubes of water or herbal decoctions. So, ice cube from a decoction of fresh parsley will lighten the skin under the eyes and get rid of swelling.
  2. In the presence of spider veins, ice rubs cannot be done. The replacement could be morning wash warm decoctions of herbs, green or herbal tea.
  3. You can make masks from natural fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. They contain useful acids, vitamins, minerals, useful for aging skin. From kiwi, pineapple, excellent peelings with natural fruit acids are obtained.
  4. Smile more, it trains the muscles of the face and makes it attractive.
  5. Pinch your face occasionally. It tones her up.
  6. Facial gymnastics is a great way to tighten your face. It is very easy to master, but the result will be obtained only with constant use. If the workouts are irregular, there is no point in them. A daily lesson should last from ten to twenty minutes. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of wrinkles, areas of sagging skin, affecting desired groups facial muscles.
  7. Such an exercise gives a very good tightening effect. You need to smile, and then push your chin forward, tensing the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times. You can make such a grimace several times during the day.

Home cosmetology

Regular home masks are a great way to rejuvenate your face. Self-prepared masks with chicken yolk, honey, lemon perfectly fight wrinkles.

This recipe is good: mix a teaspoon of apple juice (only natural, not from a store bag), yolk, freshly squeezed juice of half a medium lemon, a spoonful of apricot cosmetic oil. Mix everything and apply on the face daily for a week. Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. You can store the mixture in the refrigerator.

To maintain youthful skin, you can prepare a tonic by mixing chopped parsley, dill, Linden blossom, oak bark, sage in equal proportions (large spoon) and pour two glasses of boiling water. Infuse for two hours, strain, cool, add a large spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wipe the skin in the evening, before applying the cream.

Youth cannot be returned. However, after 40 years, it is real to slow down the approach of old age, it is possible to extend the time of beauty and attractiveness. The main thing is not to be lazy, follow the rules of care, lead a healthy lifestyle and love yourself.

Over the years, the skin loses elasticity, wrinkles appear, dark spots, the shade changes, other signs of aging appear. These are typical age-related changes that all people face, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Most often, they begin to actively manifest themselves after 35-40 years. At the same time, do not despair. Exist effective ways how to keep youth after 40 and 45, be beautiful and look no worse than 30-year-olds.

Principles of preservation of youth

In order to longer skin remained young, fresh and attractive, it is necessary to know certain secrets of how to stay healthy and full of strength:

  • rejection bad habits;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • fluid intake;
  • physical activity;
  • facebuilding;
  • face, body, nail and hair care;
  • cloth.

Subject to the rules, it is possible to prolong the youth not only of the female face and body, but of the whole organism as a whole, for any number of years.

Each of these points requires detailed consideration.

Alcohol and cigarettes are not our friends

Alcohol and nicotine age, negatively affect the vessels and female internal organs. As a result, blood supply worsens, which, in turn, leads to a change in skin tone, its thinning, the appearance of wrinkles, vascular network, puffiness and other negative consequences. To avoid this, they must be completely abandoned. smooth out transition period for those who smoke and drink for many years, soft drinks and electronic cigarettes will help.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in order to maintain the attractiveness of one rejection of bad habits, it will not be enough. To look young, you need to get enough sleep. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. In this case, daytime and nighttime sleep are not summed up. It's only about the night. Rest during the day is more for relaxation and cannot compensate for a lack of sleep at night.

To rejuvenate the skin, you need to take care of the nervous system. Stress does not pass for appearance without a trace.

Proper nutrition after 40, 45 years

In the past few years, a lot has been said about proper nutrition. Snacks, fast foods, soda, sugar and other products age and have a bad effect not only on the figure, but also on the skin. With their abuse, it is difficult to stay fit and fresh. Work gets worse sebaceous glands, the hue changes, etc.

To keep the skin beautiful, improve the condition of blood vessels and internal organs, the body must regularly receive enough vitamins, minerals and other substances. To do this, the diet includes seasonal fruits and vegetables, protein, cereals and other products. At the same time, it is better to refuse fatty, salty, sweet, smoked meats, preservatives and other harmful products or limit their use as much as possible.

There are a number of secrets that help improve skin condition and stay full of energy for many years:

  • Portion size. According to the opinion of numerous nutritionists, the body has enough portions, the size of which does not exceed two human fists. Everything else turns into folds on the sides, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, etc. In addition, to digest a large amount of food, the body expends energy that could be stored or used for other purposes. Thus, the decay process is accelerated.
  • The number of meals. It is generally accepted that only babies can eat frequently. Actually it is not. The recommended number of meals for an adult is 4-5 times a day. In this case, the portions should be small, as mentioned earlier. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid extremes and diets. What kind of sacrifices many people do not make in pursuit of beauty. At the same time, a measure is needed in everything. You should not abuse diets, rejection of protein, fats or carbohydrates, as this ages the skin. Nutrition should be balanced and complete, regardless of the number of years of a person. IN this case it is not necessary to step on the throat of your principles. Vegans can easily replace meat protein with soy, beans, nuts, and other foods. The main thing is that the body receives protein in sufficient quantities. The same applies to vitamins and other substances.
  • Unloading. Once a week it is worth arranging a fasting day for the body. This does not mean that you need to completely refuse food and starve. Such an approach is a serious blow to the nervous system. It is much more effective to consume foods with a low calorie content in the composition. It can be buckwheat, kefir, apples and more. Such a low-calorie diet will do no harm and help you stay healthy.

Consider your age when planning your diet. After 40, the metabolism slows down, so fatty foods cause a feeling of heaviness, fatigue increases, etc.

Speaking about how to keep youth after 40 years, it should be noted that at this age a woman needs a sufficient amount of Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids, some of which are found in fish, nuts and other products. Others are produced by the body itself. To provide the rest, it is recommended to use special vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies or on the Internet.

Drinking regime

To increase the elasticity of the epidermis, prolong youth and beauty, prevent age-related changes, it is important that the skin and all other organs in general receive enough water. We are talking about ordinary non-carbonated water. It is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters per day.

The first glass should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. The water must be warm. Additionally, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it. This will allow the body to wake up and start the work of the digestive tract.

Drink at least 1 glass of liquid 30 minutes before your main meal. This will help deceive the body, dull the feeling of hunger for a while and save you from overeating, as the liquid will take up space in the stomach.

During sports, a person should constantly drink purified water. Thus, metabolism improves, fat cells are destroyed faster and removed from the body.

In the summer, the amount of fluid you drink should be increased by at least 30%. The body is actively sweating. Water will help you stay hydrated and keep your skin supple.

We are friends with sports

In order to saturate the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation and the general condition of the body, become strong and fit, a middle-aged woman should exercise regularly.

Those who do not have the time or financial ability to visit the gym can take walks in the fresh air, do elementary exercises at home, etc. For this, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment and devices. The step platform can be replaced with a low chair, dumbbells with water bottles, a barbell with a child who will surely be happy with such a game, while the mother will strengthen the muscles and avoid their sagging.

Fat is deposited not only on the sides and other parts of the body. It envelops the heart, preventing it from fully performing its functions. The same applies to the liver and other internal organs, the activity of which is disturbed. Also, fat cells negatively affect the blood formula and clog blood vessels. They can cause a heart attack or stroke.

The absence of excess body fat promotes healing and rejuvenation.

It must be understood that excess weight is a burden on the entire female body. Various functions and systems suffer, including the spine. As a result, its curvature occurs and, as a result, the displacement of organs. This leads to a subsequent disruption in their work. It is much more useful to do exercises daily than to see an aging reflection in the mirror.

Skin care after 40

Maintain the epidermis in good condition and eliminate small mimic wrinkles special exercises for the muscles of the face and massage help perfectly.

Exercises can be done independently at home. For a massage, you should seek help from a beauty salon, the master of which is familiar with all the intricacies of the procedure.

Exercises are recommended to be done while sitting in front of a mirror. This will help to avoid errors and control the correct execution. Muscles should be tensed as much as possible. For this, you should not rush. As a result of a high-quality session, tingling and a slight burning sensation occur in the muscles. This normal phenomenon and talks about the effectiveness of exercises.

Begin execution from top to bottom, that is, from the area between the eyebrows, gradually descending to the chin.

There are many Facebook building techniques invented by various specialists. All of them are equally effective. To choose the most suitable for yourself, you should try at least 2-3 different ones and eventually stop at one.

Performing such a charge does not take much time. It can be done while working at the computer, cooking, taking a walk. True, in the latter option there is a risk of disapproving glances from other pedestrians.

You can learn more about the techniques by watching the video:

Cosmetic care

After 40 and 45, additionally, the skin needs quality daily care. This will help her stay firm for years to come. Beauty treatments include cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing. For this, various anti-aging agents are used. Mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid, Botox injections and other manipulations also have a positive effect on the skin and appearance in general.

The market for cosmetic anti-aging products is replete with various products. From the range involuntarily run up the eyes. However, not all anti-aging formulations can really benefit. Some of them do not perform any functions. In this case, they can become a source of allergies and other skin reactions.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of anti-aging products. Preference is given to products made by well-known manufacturers who have won good reputation On the market.

When discussing the problem of how to prolong youth after 40, we must not forget about the composition of cosmetic products. It is important that the product contains certain substances:

  • Proteins and amino acids. Preference is given to substances of plant origin. The components contribute to the stimulation of regeneration processes, accelerate the production of their own collagen and elastin. As a result, turgor rises.
  • Vitamins A, E, C. The ingredients have an antioxidant and anti-aging effect. A number of substances fill in the folds of wrinkles, making them less noticeable and promoting rejuvenation.
  • Peptides. The components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, starting metabolic processes in the cells.
  • Hyaluronic acid. The substance prevents the cells from losing moisture and stimulates the production of collagen, improving tone and elasticity.
  • Mucin. This is a snail mucus that has a powerful anti-aging effect. When using it, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, skin hydration improves, elasticity increases. Mucus is often used for rejuvenation.

If there are no vitamins in the composition, you can add them yourself to the cream or any other care product. For this, vitamins in capsules are used, for example, Aevit. Liquid is added to a small amount of product, after which it is applied to the face 30 minutes before bedtime. It can also be used in its pure form.

Nail and hair care

A young lady needs to be looked after nail plate and curls that need nutrition and hydration. The representative of the weaker sex should regularly do nail baths. For this, herbs, paraffin and other components are used. To improve the condition of the plate, special cosmetics are used, which are rubbed into the surface every day before going to bed.

Manicure is desirable to do 3-4 times a month. It can be traditional or hardware. The choice depends on individual preferences. It is better to refuse extension.

For hair after each wash it is required to use masks. Can be purchased professional tools or cook them yourself on the basis of the products in the home refrigerator. There are many similar recipes. Also, almost every young lady has her own secrets of making cosmetics.

The roots of the curls should be well dyed. You should paint over the gray hair and wash your hair regularly to make your hair look beautiful and well-groomed.

To make the strands look healthy and create the appearance of additional volume, various techniques and techniques are used. In this case, it is better to seek help from a professional.

Daily care for colored curls should include the use of oils applied to lifeless tips.

Additionally, you can use ampoules to restore and against the loss of strands.

In order to improve blood circulation, stimulate the growth of new hairs and improve the general condition of the hair, you can perform a head massage daily.

Clothes after 40 - get bored early!

It is important to try to revise your wardrobe. Jeans, shorts and other items are comfortable. However, middle-aged ladies in such outfits look strange, ugly and even ridiculous, such items are not able to rejuvenate a person. The same can be said about overly colorful products. Changing your wardrobe does not mean that you need to dress in gray shapeless clothes. You can easily pick up outfits that emphasize the figure and distract attention from flaws.

In this case, preference is given to:

  • maxi or classic length skirts;
  • loose-fitting trousers;
  • dresses;
  • stylish blouses;
  • fitted jackets.

40 years is less than half of life. Upon reaching it, the woman is not yet old, but not young either. Children have grown up, education has been received, reputation and weight in society have been acquired - it's time to take time for yourself and rejuvenate your body and skin.

Positive emotions, new impressions and places - this is what a young woman needs after forty and forty-five years. Travel, communication with smart people interesting people- energize, give strength for new achievements and help prolong life in general. The main thing is to create for yourself all the conditions for this, no matter how many years are indicated in the passport.

Young girls often believe that life stops after 30, and every woman turns into a decrepit old woman. But time is so fleeting - a moment has passed, and now they themselves are not only thirty, but already over 40. Only at this time do women understand that it is after 40 that perhaps the brightest period of their life begins - many goals have already been achieved, life is quite measured, the children are almost grown up and it's time to live for yourself. But no matter how young the soul is, and the body has quite a few traces of the years lived: wrinkles, extra pounds, beginning gray hair, etc. How to look younger at 40? We have prepared for you the ranking of the most effective methods keeping the body in great shape.

Basic principles of youth preservation

Every woman who wants to have a beautiful appearance, a slim and toned body and young radiant skin should know 7 components to achieve this goal:

  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  2. Proper nutrition system.
  3. Body fitness.
  4. Facial exercises.
  5. Proper skin care.
  6. Nail and hair care.
  7. The right wardrobe.

Each of the items on this list is fraught with many secrets, which we are ready to share with you. Let's start!

A healthy lifestyle without harmful passions

About the dangers of smoking, alcohol, and others bad habits for the liver, kidneys and other organs and systems of the body, only the lazy one does not know. But at the same time, every lady after forty who wants to look younger should know that these passions are the worst enemies not only to health, but also to a blooming appearance. Earthy complexion, bags and bruises under the eyes, flabby, wrinkled skin- this is the lot of a woman who is not able to give up these addictions.

However, giving up cigarettes and alcohol will not be enough to keep your face and body youthful if you want to look 5-10 years younger. Forget about the habit of staying up late, being nervous about every little thing, spending all your evenings on the couch with a plate of goodies - all this is no longer for you!

If you are interested in how to look younger at 40, but do not want to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, then all you need is a healthy and active lifestyle!

Proper nutrition system

In fact, there are many systems of rational and proper nutrition, these are vegans, and vegetarians, and adherents of separate nutrition, and raw foodists. Each of these groups believes that their approach to choosing and eating food is the most correct. Arguing about which of them is right is a thankless task, because everyone is right in their own way and, in principle, each of the listed power systems has the right to life. But there are the most important principles that must be followed if a good appearance after 40 is your goal.

The basic principles of a healthy diet to preserve youth:

  1. Moderation. Paul Bregg was firmly convinced that it is with forks and spoons that we dig our own graves, and yet he was a distinguished specialist in matters of longevity and knew exactly how to prolong youth. Do not believe in the veracity of this phrase? In vain! Indeed, in order to digest the food that enters our digestive tract, the body makes a lot of effort, in fact, accelerating the aging process.
  2. Timeliness. Do you want to stay beautiful physical form, and at the same time not blur to the size hot air balloon after 40 years? Make it a rule to eat at least 4-5 times a day, while the last meal should be at least three hours before a night's sleep.
  3. Balance. It doesn’t matter if you eat meat or not, whether you combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - the main thing is that your body should receive daily complete list all the compounds, vitamins and microelements he needs, and where he will get them - from meat or from lentils - is a secondary question.
  4. Time-out. Even your stomach sometimes needs a rest, what will it be - a fasting day, a 3-day or 7-day fast is up to you. But it is very important sometimes to unload our digestive tract so that it can get rid of the ballast of unnecessary substances.
  5. If you want to eat, drink water. It sounds funny, but in fact it is very rational, because the fact that our brain often confuses thirst with hunger is a fact that has long been proven by scientists. By making it a rule to drink at the first urge to refresh yourself, you will not only save yourself from dehydration, but also from overeating, saving your stomach from unnecessary work.

Of course, this list could be continued for a very long time, and only a nutritionist can choose the ideal diet for you according to your energy needs and age, but in our opinion, these 5 rules will really help prolong youth after 40.

Body fitness

The name of this section is very conditional, the main thing is that your body should be tightened. It's not about thinness, as many people think. Just in order for the cardiovascular system to work efficiently, and all organs receive oxygen in sufficient volume, and in a timely manner, there should not be an excess of fat mass. After all, every kilogram of excess weight is a kilometer of excess vascular network, which means that your heart will work in conditions of overload.

In addition, the muscular frame helps the spine stay straight, and as a result, your organs will be in place, which will ensure their proper functioning. The metabolic rate directly depends on the level of physical activity - and this is also an indisputable fact. If these arguments have convinced you of the need to keep your body in good shape, then all you have left is to choose the ideal load for the muscles. Someone likes fitness, someone prefers aerobics, someone Pilates or Eastern dance It doesn't matter, the main thing is to be constantly on the move.

Facial exercises

No matter how slim the figure is, and no matter how fit the woman looks from the back, the skin of the face and neck - that's what gives out the true age, you can't hide it under beautiful clothes. And this means that getting rid of wrinkles, sagging and dryness is our goal! In modern circles, a selection of effective exercises is called the buzzword face-building. Can't wait to find out what it is? We will be happy to introduce you to the most effective exercises for prolonging the youthfulness of the face after 40 years, reviews of which on beauty blogs break all records for enthusiasm.

But first, check whether you have prepared correctly for the implementation of the complex:

  1. It is necessary to remove dirt, the remnants of decorative cosmetics, and then apply a moisturizer to the skin.
  2. It is most convenient to perform the exercises while sitting on a high-backed chair in front of a large mirror, so you can control whether you are doing all the movements correctly.
  3. Take your time, do the exercises measuredly with maximum muscle tension.
  4. If after the exercise there is a burning and tingling sensation in the muscles, this means you can move on to the next one - you have already worked out this muscle group.
  5. A positive attitude, faith in the result is the key to success!

So, we present to your attention a selection of the most effective exercises for tightening the skin of the face and neck.

The area between the eyebrows

All facelift exercises should be performed from top to bottom, which means that our first exercise is aimed at tightening the skin in the area above the bridge of the nose.

  1. Fix the eyebrows with your fingers at the bridge of your nose and frown 15-20 times for 2-3 seconds each.
  2. Swipe 5 times with two fingers (middle and ring) from the middle of the eyebrows to the temples parallel to the hair growth zone.
  3. Put your fingers together (except the thumb) and tap their tips on the bridge of your nose with light movements for 1 minute.


With the help of these exercises, you will not only get rid of forehead wrinkles, but also eliminate the overhanging eyelid.

  1. With index fingers we press the eyebrows and lift them up, making short pushes, until a burning sensation. After that, within 30 seconds, pull the eyebrows down three times.
  2. We fix the hair growth zone with the index fingers, the eyes are closed, we make circular movements with them 3 times clockwise, then against.
  3. We open our eyes as wide and sharply as possible, raising our eyebrows 10-15 times.
  4. We pull the skin of the forehead down with our hands, and raise the eyebrows as much as possible up 5-7 times.


By the age of 40, the cheeks lose their elasticity, so it is at this age that it becomes necessary to perform a series of exercises daily to keep them in great shape.

  1. Smile, lifting the corners of your lips, and sharply return them to their original position. Repeat this exercise at least 30 times, imagine what movements your cheeks are doing at this time.
  2. Raise the corners of the lips to the maximum possible point and hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 3 times.
  3. Fold your hands into the castle and rest your chin on it. Direct the movements of the hands up, and the face opposite down for 15 seconds, do 3 repetitions.
  4. Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from left to right for 30 seconds.


Many women do not know, but it turns out that with the help of a special exercise, you can not only narrow the tip of the nose, but also slightly lift it up. For this index and thumb with one hand, grab the tip of the nose, pull it up, and with the index finger of the second hand, fix the skin above the upper lip and pull it down. 5 repetitions per day will be enough.

Lower face area

In this zone there are lips, chin and neck, a set of exercises will be directed to their rejuvenation.

  1. Squeeze your lips into a thin strip, smile, lifting the corners of your lips, lower them again. We repeat these movements for 30 seconds.
  2. We fold our lips into a tube, as if blowing out candles, relax, tighten our lips again, smile. You need 5-10 repetitions.
  3. We stretch our lips into the “proboscis” and in this position we slightly open and close our mouth 10 times.
  4. We make 14 movements with the lower jaw in both directions.

If you perform the full range of the proposed exercises daily, then in a month the rejuvenation of your face will become not a dream, but a reality. All those around you will ask which beautician you got into the habit of going to and what procedures you decided on, and only you yourself will know that this result is the work of your own hands.

Proper skin care

Whatever lifestyle a woman leads, and without regular cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition, the skin of her body by the age of 40 will definitely lose both radiance and elasticity. To prevent this from happening, cosmetologists around the world are developing modern and effective creams, masks and other care products. You can choose suitable option from the proposed products in pharmacies, stores, online catalogs, or make it yourself.

When choosing a cream, you need to be aware of the changes that occur in your skin after forty. At this age, the appearance of wrinkles is often associated with the fact that the ability of body cells to produce collagen and elastin drops sharply, and the skin is also no longer able to maintain the level of moisture without replenishment from the outside. That is why a good cream for the age category 40+ should contain:

  • protein compounds - proteins (elastin, collagen, keratin, etc.) But here it is important to know that the molecules of the finished components - collagen and elastin, are not able to penetrate the skin barrier, due to the large size of the molecules, so it is better if the product contains amino acids . Of these, the body itself will be able to create the necessary derivatives;
  • retinoids, the so-called derivatives of vitamin A. Most famous representatives these compounds - retinaldehyde, tretinoin, retinol, retinol palmitate, etc. It is they who make the skin cells recover and, as it were, “fill in” wrinkles. It is not advisable to use creams based on these components up to 40, but after crossing this age line, on the contrary, it is highly recommended;
  • Peptides are nothing more than protein derivatives. These substances easily reach the deepest layers of the skin, activate the production of collagen in them. The most well-known compounds are polypeptide, tripeptide, matrixyl, oligopeptide.

Rejuvenation with the help of creams, proven brands containing components from this list can be quite effective. Manufacturers offer a lot of products in this category, but we will list the 10 most popular and well-established creams according to reviews of cosmetologists and consumers:

  1. NeutrogenaHealthySkin Anti-Wrinkle Cream 40ml. Anti-aging cream, the main direction of action of which is moisturizing.
  2. Coral Club C7 Age Defyind Moisturizer is a moisturizer to slow down the aging process produced by Coral Club.
  3. VichyLiftactivRetinol HA 30ml is a cream containing retinol for women 40+.
  4. OLAY Cream "Regenerist. MicroSculptor of the Face" 50 ml.
  5. Clarins Multi-Regenerante Jour lifting cream 40+.
  6. Cream Expert Black Pearl after 46 years 50 ml. Budget option for skin rejuvenation 45+.
  7. L'Oreal Age Perfect 50 ml. Due to the content of the melanin block, it not only rejuvenates the skin, but also eliminates age spots.
  8. Vichy Neovadiol. For rejuvenation sensitive skin 40+.
  9. Plazan. Cream-collagen, promises an instant tightening and effective nutrition skin.
  10. OlayTotalEffects. Effective fight with the main 7 signs of skin aging.
  11. L'OrealDermaGenesis. Moisturizing cream for ladies 40+.

Of course, you can independently choose the option that suits you from this list, but it is better to do this together with a beautician. After all, a specialist will help you choose a product based on the age, type, condition and needs of your skin.

Nail and hair care

No matter how beautiful your skin looks and no matter how toned your figure is, with regrown roots of gray hair and broken, unkempt nails, you will definitely look much older than your years. Therefore, if you want to produce a wonderful effect on everyone around you, a trip to a manicurist 2 per month, as well as to a hair stylist, is simply necessary.

Tired of the banal shades of light brown? Hair coloring techniques such as blonding, coloring will help you look younger than your years. It is also not superfluous to make a modern haircut that will not require too much styling time. Also, do not forget that there is nothing worse than stale hair, it is better to save time on makeup, but you must definitely wash your hair!

The right wardrobe

It would seem jeans, short skirts and bold colors - what can make you look younger? In fact, by dressing in these outfits, you will produce the effect of not being young, but looking like a “youthful” woman. Of course, no one says that after reaching 40, every woman is obliged to put on a long shapeless hoodie - not at all! Here's a couple elegant dresses, classic skirts and trousers and trendy blouses will come in handy. It is quite possible to look young and solid at the same time.

“After 40, life is just beginning - I now know for sure,” the heroine of a very famous film said, and this is true. If you use our advice, then you will look as beautiful and young as at the very beginning of your life. In fact, attractiveness and beauty are available to a woman at any age. The main thing is to have a desire and persevere on the way to them. Be charming always!

Hello our dear beauties! When a girl is 20-25 years old, forty seems an infinitely distant age, almost old age. But here comes this very milestone, about which Yuri Vizbor sang: “Taking forty years as the middle, we will stand on this pass and quietly move into a new valley ...” and it turns out that this age has nothing to do with old age.

Just starting new stage when a woman knows what she wants from life and knows how to achieve it. The children grew up, there was time to take care of themselves, their thoughts, their not yet old body. And today we will talk about how to preserve youth after 40 years for a woman, so that she remains beautiful and energetic even at an older age.

  1. Face and body skin care;
  2. Gymnastics to maintain the tone of the muscles of the face and neck;
  3. Proper nutrition;
  4. active movement;
  5. Healthy sleep;
  6. Positive attitude.

But there is main secret: all of these steps will help you achieve your goal only if they become the norm for you, that is, you will do all this constantly and regularly. One walk or one mask every six months will not make you young for the rest of your life. So go ahead for new habits and great results!

Rejuvenating Cleansing

Skin care after 40 years, and after 45 and after 50 years, consists of various pleasant procedures and manipulations, for which it is not at all necessary to visit expensive spa salons and cosmetic surgeons. With folk remedies, you can very well achieve very good condition skin.

To put things in order in the apartment, you need to get rid of unnecessary and superfluous rubbish. In body and face care, the algorithm of actions is exactly the same: first we get rid of the unnecessary - we clean the skin. In this, peelings are especially helpful for women after 40 years of age. They remove the top layer, open pores for nourishing masks, all these procedures will save your beauty for a long time.

Before peeling, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face and body. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening, no more than 2 times a week. The fact is that during peeling the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, that is, toxins that accumulate in it and mix with cosmetics, dust, and all substances that are saturated with city air are actually “burned”. It is these harmful substances that make the skin of the face dull and grayish in appearance.

Please, before trying any product on yourself, make sure that you are not allergic to it. It's easy to do - just apply a small amount on your wrist and wait a few minutes. If there are discomfort- burning, itching, redness - this means you need to use another remedy.

Peelings are easy to prepare from simple products:

  • Kiwi. This green fruit literally dissolves the protein compounds that hold the upper film of the epidermis. Cut the fruit, mash it with a fork or chop it in a blender. Spread the resulting slurry on your face. Do not keep this mask longer than 15-20 minutes, kiwi is a very active fruit. If itching and tingling of the skin appears, wash off the mask without waiting for the specified period.
  • Any berries: currant, plum, raspberry, strawberry. You can use puree from a mixture of berries, or you can use each separately. The principle of action is the same: apply to cleansed skin, hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. It will be better if, after applying the first layer, you wait until it dries, then apply 2-3 more layers in the same way.
  • Oatmeal, kefir, chopped prunes. This is a truly magical combination of products that perfectly cleanses the skin of not only the face, but also the body. Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and use as a peeling 1-2 times a week.
  • Don't Forget Cleansing Properties cosmetic clay . Masks from it will help you free your pores from accumulated toxins.
  • Perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin walnut peeling. Walnuts grind to a state of flour in a blender or coffee grinder, add the yolk, a tablespoon of either olive or nut oil. Massage your face and neck with the resulting mixture, then rinse with warm water.

Another luxurious peeling for face and body is drunk coffee. In addition to the cleansing function, it uplifts the mood, delighting with its aroma.

After peeling, the skin is especially susceptible to external environment. Right now it will be the time to “feed” her with nourishing masks. They must be done according to your skin type, 2-3 times a week.

Do not forget that if you have contraindications for any components of the mask, exclude them from your list of products for everyday care.

Miracle face masks are made by a beauty

  • Mask for dry skin. Mix the mashed banana with a fork potato starch and heavy cream to the state of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture on the face in several layers (applied one layer, it dried up, applied the next, so 3-4 layers, paying special attention to places where there are wrinkles). Lie down for half an hour, listen to pleasant music, meditate, you can even take a nap. Then rinse everything off with cotton pad dipped in warm water.
  • Mask for all skin from birch leaves. Birch leaves for these purposes must be collected in the forest or in the park. In no case near the road, because the trees growing next to the road absorb all the harmful substances from car exhaust. handful fresh leaves grind in a blender, add a tablespoon to them oatmeal and the same amount of any oil - linseed, olive, jojoba. Apply the resulting slurry on the face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin.
  • Mask "Ambulance". It helps to tighten, nourish the face and neck. useful substances gives them a fresh and radiant look. It is good to make such a mask when you need to quickly put yourself in order after a hard day's work, and there are only about forty minutes. Quickly mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice, egg yolk, a little (literally a tablespoon) of olive oil and hercules in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck, lie down for 15-20 minutes. It will be very good if you lie down so that your legs are raised and rest against the wall. Don't forget the eyes! Apply a special smoothing mask to the eyelids.
  • Eye mask. As usual, everything is elementary - rub a potato on a fine grater, spread the resulting slurry on gauze, put it all over your eyes. While the face and neck will be nourished by the previous mask, the potato will save your eyes from dark circles and edema.
  • Mask for oily skin. Boil a tablespoon of cornmeal with boiling water, cool to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply to face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse. In these 15 minutes, prepare the same mixture, just add a little lemon juice(you can use lemon zest, grated on a fine grater). Repeat procedure. Such a mask tones, strengthens, tightens, gives the face a matte finish.

The simplest (but no less effective) mask is sour cream or any fermented milk product. Apply, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse. The skin after such a mask is dazzlingly fresh and moisturized.

It is important that during any procedures you do not forget about the neck and the area of ​​​​your chic decollete. If you pamper only your face with peels / masks / creams, then the neck will “revenge” you with a shocking difference - the skin of the face and neck will differ as if there is a 20-year gap between them. And this usually happens abruptly and unexpectedly. So never put off caring for your "swan" until the next time. Everything that we do for the face, it is obligatory for the neck!

Read more about neck and décolleté care after 40.

Daily care routines

Unfortunately, masks alone are not enough. To maintain your beauty and youth, you need to develop new habits that will help you in this important matter. For example, these:

  • Rubbing ice on the face, neck and décolleté. Every day wipe the indicated areas along the massage lines 2 times a day before applying the cream, in the morning and in the evening. Ice is very easy to prepare - pour infusion of herbs, tea into molds, you can freeze any fruit or vegetable juices home cooking(just don't add sugar to them).
  • Apply cream daily. Not required to choose expensive creams The main thing is that they suit your skin type and age. Now in a different price category you can find creams for fading or mature female facial skin after 40, 45 years. Also keep in mind that day and night creams have different composition and properties. For example, night cream should be applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, in the morning you will find that swelling has formed on your face.

A prerequisite is to maintain the tone of the muscles of the face and neck. This can be done with a special lymphatic drainage massage and gymnastics.

Massage is our savior

Before the massage, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, it is good if you use any oil mixed with water during the massage. So your hands will glide over the skin without stretching it. You should always start with the neck and décolleté. Repeat each movement at least three times.

Neck and décolleté massage techniques

  • Stroke the front of the neck with light movements from the bottom up.
  • We stroke the sides and back of the neck with the palms from top to bottom, running the palms to the shoulders, as if throwing off the accumulated tension.
  • From the center of the neckline, first with the right, then with the left hand, we hold it with light pressure to the opposite shoulder, and again, as if we are throwing off the worries of the day.

Face: initial stage, preparatory

  • We begin to massage the face with light stroking movements from the chin to the temples
  • From the tips of the lips to the temples.
  • We carry out the pads of the fingers from the bridge of the nose under the eyes to the temples.
  • On the forehead - from the center to the temples.

Face and neck together: the main stage that disperses the lymph

We carry out with stronger pressure, trying not to stretch the skin (water and oil will help us with this, you need to wet your hands with them), along the same lines. The main differences from the preparatory stage:

  • First, stronger pressure;
  • Secondly, after bringing the palms to the temples, it is necessary to make a "dump" of the lymph, running the hands from the temples along the side surfaces of the neck to the shoulders.

You can work out particularly problematic areas - nasolabial folds, chin. After preparation, gently squeeze these places with your fingers and divert the lymph first to the temples, then down the neck to the shoulders.

Final step for face and neck

We easily stroke the face with open palms along the massage lines, the front of the neck from the bottom up, the sides of the neck - from top to bottom.

And here is the instruction on the video (lymphatic drainage massage):

For the face, gymnastics is not plastic for you!

It has long been known that our muscles create a kind of framework for the skin. If the muscles are flabby, then the skin will be saggy and wrinkled. The face is no exception. To stay young and beautiful as long as possible, it is important to keep the muscular frame of the face and neck in good shape.

Here are some exercises to help you with this:

  • "Smiley" to improve the contour of the face. We press our lips, pulling them inward, we smile. We count to twenty. Please note: the exercise is done correctly if you feel how the muscles of not only the cheeks and lips have tensed. The neck and chin should also be in tension. We perform this exercise 2-3 times.
  • For forehead wrinkles. With index fingers, as it were, completely close the eyebrows. We begin to be surprised at our beauty, raising our eyebrows, while holding them with our fingers and resisting, counting to 10. We repeat a couple more times.
  • For eyelids. We put our fingers on the forehead so that it does not wrinkle during the exercise. We open our eyes wide, raising our eyebrows. At this point, tension is created in the muscles of the eyes. We keep our eyes in this state, counting to five, then we lower the upper eyelid, but we continue to keep the tension of the eyelids. We release on the count of five, blinked several times and repeated the exercise from the beginning. In total, this exercise should be done five times.
  • For the lower eyelid. Place the index finger on outer edge eyes, nameless - on the inner edge. Pressing the skin with your fingers, squint, lifting the lower eyelid. In this position, we hold the eye muscle, counting to five. Then we look up, while the forehead should be relaxed. We do not lower our fingers, we repeat all over again.
  • To remove wrinkle between eyebrows. We put our palm on the border of the forehead and hair, trying to "move" the hair away from the face. At the same time, we look down, close our eyes, and begin to lower the upper lip down. Repeat 8 times in three sets.
  • From nasolabial folds. We round the lips, as if saying the letter O, straining the lips, lower them down. We do this 8 times in three sets.

As you can see, all these exercises are very simple, you can do them at home in front of a mirror in the evening before going to bed, or, if you have time, in the morning, after washing.

How to eat to stay young

There are a huge number of different diets. All of them are different, but they are “arranged” in approximately the same way - it is necessary to cut the amount of food, sometimes to unbearably small sizes. Often, women, having gathered their will into a fist, adhere to a strict diet for some time, but then a breakdown occurs, after which all the lost kilograms return with a vengeance.

We offer you a nutrition system in which you will not need to torture yourself by testing your will. Kilograms will leave unnoticed by you, and you will feel full of strength and health. Try following these tips:

  1. Drink enough water. After all, no matter how much you moisturize from above, if there is little water from the inside, the skin will still be dry and wrinkled.
  2. Eat fractionally, in small portions, but every 2.5-4 hours.
  3. Let your last meal will be at least 3-4 hours before bed. You can drink a glass of kefir at night, add a teaspoon of cinnamon to it - it will be tastier, especially since cinnamon helps to lose weight. This rule is mega important, especially for women over 40. The fact is that almost any product contains at least a small proportion of carbohydrates, after the use of which insulin is produced. It blocks the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for tissue renewal, in fact, for their rejuvenation.
  4. try avoid spicy, smoked, salty, starchy and sweet foods, it provokes swelling, accelerates skin aging, disrupts the processes of metabolism and recovery of the body, increases appetite.
  5. It is important that the foods you eat contain as much less bad fats. At the same time, do not forget about healthy fats: nuts, linseed and unrefined sunflower oil, fatty fish, avocados - all these products are very useful for skin and hair, as well as for normal metabolism.
  6. It will be very good if you use foods rich in vitamin C, because this is the most important vitamin to keep the skin youthful. Rosehip, black currant, bell pepper, greens, citrus fruits - all this should be a must in your diet.
  7. Don't forget about squirrels, because it is a building material for muscles, so cottage cheese, kefir, any dairy products are very useful. But at the same time, remember that it is better for women after 40 years of age to consume fermented milk products, unfortunately, milk is no longer assimilated by the body.
  8. Of course, it is very important to eat a lot every day. foods rich in fiber(half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits, and mostly in raw form). Do not exclude legumes and cereals from the diet, eat them at least every other day.
  9. After the age of forty, the level of the hormone estrogen decreases, in order to replenish it, you can try to consume as much as possible. foods rich in phytoestrogens- these are the same vegetables, fruits, greens, corn grits. These products will make up for the lack of female hormones and provide you with good health and appearance for a long time. Thanks to all this, you will look several years younger than your biological age.
  10. If a woman after 40 wants to be energetic, active, not gain weight, then in this case she will have to reduce not only the calorie content of the diet, but also the amount of food. At 40, you need to eat already 15-20% less than at twenty years of age, and in 50 - by 25-30%.

Gradually, without forcing yourself, introduce all these transformations in nutrition - after a while you will be surprised to suddenly find that what used to seem difficult and difficult has become easy and stress-free. Well, in order to be young longer, you must definitely pay attention to your motor mode, and, what may be even more important, to your attitude to life.

Well, if you decide to take your figure seriously, then read how to start losing weight - you will find step by step plan, including motivation, nutrition and movement (and you can easily customize this plan for yourself).

Nutrition is one of the foundations of preserving youth. If masks, massage and facial gymnastics can still be ignored by you, then nutrition must be healthy.

Active movement - self-rejuvenation

Unfortunately, they have not yet developed techniques that will give humanity eternal youth. But in order to lead an active life, to stay young, vigorous and energetic for as long as possible, it is necessary to introduce physical exercises into your daily schedule.

  • At least 5 times a week, spend 40-50 minutes of any physical activity. Now there is a very large selection of simulators, doing which, you can simulate cycling, walking and even running.
  • By doing these same exercises outdoors, you are oxygenating your blood, which is a well-known anti-aging aid.
  • How to understand that you are "actively" moving? It’s very simple: for example, while walking, you walk at an intensity of about 2 steps per minute, your breathing is quickened, but at the same time you may well chat on the phone with a girlfriend for a short time.
  • Any load will be very useful and important for women after 40 years, because thanks to this, the metabolism is accelerated, fat deposits are burned, the heart is trained and vascular system. Again, any sports exercise contributes to the production of endorphins, which improve mood.

By this age, many already have their own car, and move in the usual circle: home-car-work-car-shop-car-home. Sometimes the destinations “beauty salon” or, occasionally, “nature trip”, even more rarely, “fitness club” are added to this circle. And in vain, by the way!

So that the item “hospital” is not added to this circle for as long as possible, it is necessary to break the links of this chain and insert “walking”, “sports”, “bathhouse”, “dancing”, “yoga”. Perhaps you will come up with something else, something that you like, but, as you understand, the main thing is to start moving more than you are doing now.

By the way, here is an article about gymnastics for women over 40 - recommendations on the types and intensity of the load, as well as several sets of exercises (including a video version).

In terms of importance, physical activity competes with nutrition, taking an honorable second place. You know sports girls after 40 years, who look their age?! That's the same. If you want to be young and active, without physical activity not enough.

How stars stay young

You can look young at almost any age. Many famous actresses and singers that we see on television every day are proof of this.

  • For example, Nadezhda Babkina looks much better now than a few years ago. When asked how she does it, the famous singer usually says that at any age the most important thing is to love yourself. If you don't like something, there are many various ways change the situation. According to Nadezhda Babkina, trips to a beauty parlor, a beauty salon, an endocrinologist, so that during menopause he prescribes a course of hormone replacement therapy for you, active movement - all this helps a woman to maintain her youth and beauty for a long time.
  • And here Irina Allegrova claims that the periodic change of husbands helps her maintain her tone. According to her, husbands need to be changed every 5-6 years. Of course, this is a joke) In fact, the “empress” is very respectful of massage, swimming, in general, any water procedures. Likes to take a bath. She has another secret - as soon as the snow melts, with the arrival of early spring, Irina sleeps on the veranda of her house in a sleeping bag. During sleep in the open air, the skin is saturated with oxygen and rejuvenated.
  • Famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva also claims that sleeping in a cool room contributes to the preservation of youth. In her opinion, it is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day, but it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with early and abrupt risings. Awakening should be gradual and calm. It is good to do a little energy exercise, for example, rub your ears until a feeling of warmth appears in them, lightly pat yourself on the head several times. Turn your head in different sides, then you will feel that the energy of the day seems to flow into you and fill you with new strength. In general, you need to follow proper nutrition, move a lot and look positively at the world.

Ask any well-known good looking person for their secrets, whatever they tell you, the main secret is to stay positive, eat right and move a lot.

So go ahead, for new sensations, for accepting yourself as you are, and if you don’t like something, change!

How to raise white blood cells in the blood after chemotherapy with folk remedies? How to increase the immunity of an adult at home with folk remedies?

Many women are waiting for the onset of forty years with tension and fear. It seems that youth is over: treacherous wrinkles, swollen eyelids, swollen oval of the face .... But in fact, everything is not so scary if you know how to keep youth after 40 years. There are many ways to make time slow down. You will have to try, but the result is worth it: a woman after 40 years old can still be beautiful, slim, attractive.

The forty-year milestone should be considered as another, very interesting and promising stage of life. By this age, a woman has a great life and female experience, knows a lot, knows the features of her skin, appearance, health, and therefore can optimally choose a comfortable, effective, uncomplicated way of caring for her face and body. You will not return youth, but beauty can and should be fought for.

new life rules

The life of a forty-year-old woman must change. The new rules will help preserve not only the beauty of the face, but also youth, health of mind and body. These rules are quite simple, but very important:

  • a full night's sleep;
  • obligatory good rest;
  • physical activity;
  • regular skin care.

Try to follow these rules, and very soon the reflection in the mirror will again seem attractive.

Night fairy tale

Good sleep is the foundation. Gatherings until 12 at night should remain in the past, otherwise you can forget about appearance altogether: lack of sleep will have a catastrophic effect on your face. Puffiness, blueness under the eyes obviously do not paint. Before a night's rest, be sure to take care of your skin. However, this should be done at least an hour before going to bed. Otherwise, you can get morning swelling.

What about women who work at night? It is good to rest after night shifts, get enough sleep and not use decorative cosmetics. The path, if not you, then at least the skin fully rests at night. There is a secret regarding sleep: to get the maximum benefit from sleep, you need to build it in “bricks” for an hour and a half.

Let's not be lazy... relax!

To prolong youth after 40 years will help the correct and proper rest. This is not necessarily watching the series on the couch (although no one forbids occasionally pampering yourself with this “chewing gum for the brain”).

Periods of complete rest should be replaced by active recreation: skiing, hiking, visiting exhibitions, theater, cinema, drawing, ceramics, playing music. Such an alternation with the inclusion of a creative element will help relieve tension, but for the skin of the face, the state of the nervous system is of great importance.

move more

Active movement after 40 years is mandatory. Fitness and sports are not the only solution. If before there was no habit of sweating in the gym, then it is unlikely that it will appear now. You need to choose those options that will give you pleasure: long walks in the fresh air at an average pace, swimming or water aerobics.

Breathing practices are very good for tightening the skin of the body and face: yoga, oxysize, bodyflex. It happens that a woman has wanted to take up dancing all her life. Now is the time! Dreams should come true, especially those that will help preserve youth and beauty.

Nutrition - special attention

It's time to rethink your diet. This is due to the hormonal changes in the body in the run-up to menopause. Those foods that were previously easily digested should now be removed from the diet. Puffiness causes everything salty, smoked, especially eaten at night.

Necessary for beauty foods rich in omega fatty acids: seafood, fatty sea fish, flaxseeds, beans, nuts, strawberries, cauliflower, eggs. Be sure to more than half of the diet should be fresh (in extreme cases - stewed) vegetables.

As for meat food, you need to listen to yourself. If the body needs meat - please! But with the condition: we remove fatty pork, lard, lamb from the diet. Rabbit meat, lean beef, veal, lean poultry are preferred.

The list of products for daily use should include sour-milk products, whole grains. But it is better to forget about carbonated water, confectionery, refined food.

The body needs to be supported with calcium preparations to prevent the age-related development of osteoporosis.

Drinking regime

Another important point is the correct drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water without gas, flavoring or aromatic additives daily. Water will maintain the internal cleanliness of the body, preventing the accumulation of decay products. In addition, water will slow down the drying of the skin, prevent the formation of early deep wrinkles.

As a support for the body, you can use recipes for the so-called elixirs of youth. These are anti-aging mixtures and infusions that can be quite simply prepared at home. Mix an equal amount of fresh lemon juice, honey, olive oil and take the mixture in the morning half an hour before meals.

Mix 400 grams of minced garlic with juice squeezed from 25 medium lemons. Infuse the mixture in the refrigerator for three weeks, then take it at bedtime, stirring a teaspoon of the elixir in a 100-gram glass of clean water.

For facial skin, nutrition is very important. The intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements into the body with food will guarantee to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Facial skin care

The main rule of facial skin care after 40 years is regularity and usefulness. The steps of daily care should include cleansing, toning, moisturizing during the day, nourishing at night. Serums can and should be used under the main cream.

The skin during this period needs water more than ever. Age-related dehydration, caused by the inability of cells to retain moisture, leads to dryness, the formation of a large number of skin creases (wrinkles). That is why moisturizing the epidermis is the main task of a woman of forty years of age.

Cream selection

The skin needs to be carefully dealt with in the morning and especially in the evening, getting ready for bed. You need to start with the selection of a cream according to the type of skin and the time of application. In the morning and in the evening it should be different means. The task of the day cream is to moisturize the epidermis, protect it from adverse weather, solar ultraviolet radiation. Night cream should saturate the skin with the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Creams should be produced by one company, this will allow the substances contained in them to work more efficiently. Be sure to include age serums in your night and day care. You can simply add vitamin solutions, a drop of sea buckthorn oil to the day and night cream. It perfectly nourishes and heals the skin.

Skin cleansing

An important step is skin cleansing. After 40 years, it becomes thinner and more sensitive, so it is better to wash off cosmetics and fat with milk, a special water-based or oil-based product, with gentle movements. You can not rub, stretch, scrub the skin. Scrubs are good for young dermis. At the age of forty, cleansing masks and chemical peels should be preferred. In extreme cases, you can clean the skin with cosmetic products for facial microdermabrasion.

Beautician special care

A forty-year-old woman should visit a beautician at least once a month. Acid peels, delicately removing the upper dead layer of cells, visually rejuvenate the skin. Nourishing highly active masks fill it with vitality.

If possible, beauty injections with hyaluronic acid are needed. Deep moisturizing slow down the aging process, tighten the skin. Injection cosmetology today can work wonders: to minimize the effects of hormonal changes, to make an excellent lifting, to erase wrinkles, to restore a swollen oval.

Home Care

What to do if there is no opportunity to visit a beautician? You can effectively rejuvenate your face with home care products, carrying out full-fledged cosmetic procedures on your own. Light peels with AHA acids are produced by many cosmetic companies. You need to purchase such a tool and use it regularly. will allow you to deeply moisturize the skin and compete with injection mesotherapy.

To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, be sure to include in your care. There are many techniques that you can master on your own. Oil or honey massage has a fantastic effect on the skin. The impact accelerates metabolic processes, restores facial contours, and activates blood circulation. Together, all this leads to a significant visual rejuvenation. You can easily lose ten years.

Sun exposure should be avoided in summer. The sun's ultraviolet ages the skin, so it needs to be protected with products with a high UV filter. The same goes for the solarium: visiting should either be stopped or reduced to a minimum.

What else can be done?

To prolong youth after 40 years, you can follow other simple rules.

  1. Wipe the skin every morning with ice cubes of water or herbal decoctions. So, an ice cube from a decoction of fresh parsley will lighten the skin under the eyes and get rid of swelling.
  2. In the presence of spider veins, ice rubs cannot be done. A replacement can be morning washing with warm decoctions of herbs, green or herbal tea.
  3. You can make masks from natural fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. They contain useful acids, vitamins, minerals that are useful for aging skin. From kiwi, pineapple, excellent peelings with natural fruit acids are obtained.
  4. Smile more, it trains the muscles of the face and makes it attractive.
  5. Pinch your face occasionally. It tones her up.
  6. Facial gymnastics is a great way to tighten your face. It is very easy to master, but the result will be obtained only with constant use. If the workouts are irregular, there is no point in them. A daily lesson should last from ten to twenty minutes. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of wrinkles, areas of sagging skin, affecting the desired groups of facial muscles.
  7. Such an exercise gives a very good tightening effect. You need to smile, and then push your chin forward, tensing the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times. You can make such a grimace several times during the day.

Home cosmetology

Regular home masks are a great way to rejuvenate your face. Self-prepared masks with chicken yolk, honey, lemon perfectly fight wrinkles.

This recipe is good: mix a teaspoon of apple juice (only natural, not from a store bag), yolk, freshly squeezed juice of half a medium lemon, a spoonful of apricot cosmetic oil. Mix everything and apply on the face daily for a week. Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. You can store the mixture in the refrigerator.

To maintain youthful skin, you can prepare a tonic by mixing chopped parsley, dill, lime blossom, oak bark, sage in equal proportions (large spoon) and pouring two glasses of boiling water. Infuse for two hours, strain, cool, add a large spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wipe the skin in the evening, before applying the cream.

Youth cannot be returned. However, after 40 years, it is real to slow down the approach of old age, it is possible to extend the time of beauty and attractiveness. The main thing is not to be lazy, follow the rules of care, lead a healthy lifestyle and love yourself.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you look at the mirror, it seems to you that old days never to return...

Eternal youth is a beautiful dream for some and a worthy goal for others. With such a fundamentally different approach, the result, unfortunately, is the same: it is impossible to be always young. But you can prolong youth after 40 years or when you feel the need for it. Moreover, 40 years is a conditional milestone, which is not necessary to wait punctually. Quite the contrary: the sooner you start to monitor and care for yourself up to forty, the easier it will be to maintain and prolong youth after 40 years. And we will warn the skeptics right away: no one promises the return of youth, but it is quite possible to look younger than your 40 years.

Looking young after 40 is a great incentive and a well-formulated task. Because due to genetics, health conditions, lifestyle and environmental circumstances, all people age differently. Age-related changes can appear both at 25 and at 50, but with reasonable approach everyone can increase their chances of beating old age. Based on this, we will make a clarification: it is worth considering how to prolong health after 40 years. And healthy people look younger than their carefree peers.

Age changes after 40 years. When does old age come?
It is no secret that people of the same age often differ greatly in appearance. Gray hair, wrinkles, poor posture - all these signs of aging appear in someone at the age of 50, and in someone after 30. And yet, 40 years is a certain average age when objective changes occur in the body. Until now, appearance and well-being were determined by external regulated factors: nutrition, daily routine, habits, cosmetic care. After 40 years, the state of the body is largely determined by internal factors:
Science, including biochemistry and medicine, has long been working to unravel the mechanisms of aging. According to the latest versions, probable cause the end of youth becomes hoarding free radicals, that is, “incomplete” particles that take electrons from the cells of the body and thereby gradually destroy them. In childhood, adolescence and youth, cells successfully resist this threat, but over the years their resistance weakens along with the ability to regenerate.

How to prolong youth and health after 40 years?
To preserve youth after 40 years and even longer, it is necessary to know, understand and take into account the changes that occur to the body, and the threats that they entail. Do not chase "miraculous" drugs, expensive cosmetic procedures and quick results. But if you are used to maintaining your health, then continue to properly care for yourself after 40 years:
It is interesting that love for children, friends, animals and people in general makes life more pleasant and joyful, but does not prolong youth, as intimacy. But helping other people is produced by another positive effect: the feeling of being useful and needed encourages, does not allow you to think about old age and let yourself go, which means it helps to prolong youth and / or look younger than your age.

How to renew female youth after 40 years?
Women have a harder time coping with age-related changes after 40 years, because external and internal changes deprive them of their former charm. Young freshness is replaced by charm and self-confidence, but it still does not hurt to maintain health and prolong youth:

  1. Phytoestrogens in food. Female sex hormones estrogens are responsible for the reproductive function and external femininity: skin elasticity, lips plumpness, hair shine. Some plants contain analogues of estrogen, the so-called phytoestrogens. These are soybeans, lentils and all legumes, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, asparagus, celery, fresh herbs, berries (raspberries, strawberries, cherries), fruits (avocados, pomegranates, apples), vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers) and cereals (barley, oats, wheat germ). The use of these products really helps to prolong the youth of the female body.
  2. Gymnastics. Yoga, Pilates and similar systems are ideal for women 40 and older. Such physical activity is not traumatic, but very effective for training deep muscles, the so-called muscle corset, which supports the back, maintains posture and slim stomach. Regular stretching and breathing exercises increase bone density and protect against osteoporosis, regulate blood pressure and maintain normal weight.
Physical education is useful at any age, but it is better not to get carried away with phytoestrogens until the age of 40, so as not to bring down the independent mechanisms of their production in the body. Otherwise, the recommendations for prolonging youth after 40 for women are the same as for men. Their versatility is due to rational use.

How to take care of yourself after 40 to look younger?
Prolonging youth may seem like an overly metaphorical task, but why not try to look younger than your 40s? Undoubtedly, this result is worth all the effort:

  1. Cosmetic procedures. Replace light cream-gels with richer creams and serums. In recipes for homemade face masks, use apricot kernel oil and natural honey. Do it still salon cleanings and peels, but add to them mesotherapy, biorevitalization and, if necessary, contour lifting. Men, too, will not be hurt by moisturizing cosmetics and facial massage for muscle relaxation.
  2. Vitamin preparations. After 40 years, the body absorbs vitamins and minerals from food worse, especially if there are already few of them. As a rule, fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, which are responsible for skin smoothness, vitamins of group B (metabolism, nervous system) and vitamins C, P and K are in short supply. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant substances are taken in courses to protect brain vessels ( lycopene, carnitine, tannin).
  3. hardening. Start with a contrast shower and gradually increase the temperature difference and the duration of the procedure. After hardening, intensively rub the whole body with a terry towel until a slight redness. The temperature difference and subsequent massage irritate the receptors, improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin.
Contrary to popular belief, youth does not begin after 40 years. More precisely, it cannot begin after 40 years, if in more young age you did nothing to save it. But if you have taken care of yourself since your youth and continue in the same spirit, then you will certainly look young after 40 years. Let age be an inevitable reality, but health and youthfulness are a conscious choice. And we hope you did.


At 25, it's hard to believe that beauty is not in youth, and sexuality is not in the absence of wrinkles and an ideal figure. Everyone dreams of finding a secret weapon against the action of time - operations, injections, diets are used. But only a few still manage to really look good. So, maybe the question is not the number of “beauty injections”, but the right attitude to this beauty? In the Fashiontime review - 10 celebrities who managed to defeat time.

Jennifer Aniston, 43

What is she: Hollywood's favorite, Rachel from the cult series "Friends", the former wife of Brad Pitt and one of the most influential and highly paid actresses of our time. As Aniston ages, so do her fees.

Her signs: does not have the appearance of a classic beauty, but more than once she got into the ratings of the most desirable and sexiest women on the planet. A toned body, a magnificent complexion, an open radiant smile. The main focus of her image is amazing naturalness - no obvious interventions of plastic surgeons, ultra-sexy outfits, excessive makeup. Promotes conceptual minimalism in clothing, a healthy lifestyle, and is also distinguished by an open positive attitude to the surrounding world.

Her secret: as the actress herself says, she simply does not think about age. “I play cheerful and easy-going girls. And it would be cunning to say that in life I am a sad and closed person. My motto is kindness and sincere interest to everything in the world." Apart from right attitude to life, Aniston carefully monitors the diet, attends yoga classes, and dances.

Personal life: after several years of unclouded happiness and the subsequent crushing divorce from Brad Pitt in 2005, Aniston tried to build a serious relationship with many colleagues on the set. Now the 43-year-old actress is engaged to Hollywood screenwriter Justin Theroux and is apparently perfectly happy.

Monica Bellucci, 48 years old

What is she: An actress who, once appearing in the ratings of the most beautiful stars in the world, does not leave them, even after crossing the threshold of her 45th birthday. To say that the Mediterranean beauty Monica Bellucci is aging is simply impossible - every year the beauty of the Italian star becomes more colorful and deep. Languid, burning, sexy, Bellucci is the type of classic beauty with forms that continues the tradition of classic sex symbols of world cinema.

Obviously, Monica is following in the footsteps of her legendary compatriot Sophia Loren - even at the age of 78, she makes men turn around in her wake.

Her secret:“I have always said that over time, nature takes away from us the momentary (appearance) and gives us the eternal (experience and wisdom).” beautiful woman of her generation has always treated her beauty as a gift to be used but not celebrated. Naturally, Monica's diet includes proper nutrition, sports and recreation. But, as the actress herself assures, all this would be useless if it were not for the philosophical attitude to age-related changes.

Personal life: Bellucci has been in a relationship with French actor Vincent Cassel for almost 20 years (in official marriage since 1999). In this, she also repeats the path of Lauren, who all her life, being surrounded by hundreds of admirers, was faithful to a single man.

Cindy Crawford, 46

What is she: the legendary model who first appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine and on 600 covers of popular gloss around the world, who became a symbol of the 90s and the best fashion model of the golden modeling age. Cindy Crawford was lucky - from childhood she was compared with the beautiful Gia Carangi, and Karl Lagerfeld noticed that the girl surprisingly combined the classic beauty and charm of the American dream.

Her signs: Until now, 46-year-old Cindy appears in advertising campaigns for fashion brands, giving odds to young models. Her athletic body is always under the gun of the paparazzi - a rare star can be seen on the beach in a bikini more often than the queen of the catwalks of the 90s.

Her secret: the amazing proportions of the figure that nature has awarded her, Crawford tirelessly hones by visiting gyms and fitness classes.
The ex-model has developed a whole range of special exercises to restore shape, repeating the success of the "aerobics queen" Jane Fonda. Cindy opposes plastic surgery and other radical interventions in the natural aging process, confident that wrinkles cannot ruin real beauty.

Personal life: the marriage of Cindy and actor Richard Gere lasted, alas, only four years. Crawford met her fate in 1998 - the girl's colleague, ex-model Randy Gerber, became the father of her two children.

Halle Berry, 46

What is she: the first black actress to win an Oscar and start earning multi-million dollar royalties. In 2007, the beauty Halle Berry topped the list of "40-year-old beauties" created by one of the most influential US publications, and in the same year she gave birth to her second child, which, however, had almost no effect on the stunning figure of the star.

Her signs: Berry does not feel his age at all. Real fame found her at the age of 34, and that is why, at the age of 46, Berry is not only not going to stop, but is constantly moving forward. The actress is seriously engaged in perfumery, one by one releasing commercially successful fragrances, marked by many professional awards.

Her secret: Halle does not like to talk about her age, preferring not to focus on it. However, skeptics claim that Berry's genes help Berry to "preserve perfectly" - it is known that African Americans are less susceptible to aging processes. It’s hard to agree with this, because the actress gives all her best in the gym, doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, and even tries to completely abandon the use of meat. The results of her efforts are smooth, radiant skin, a toned figure and incredible grace.

Personal life: Behind her shoulders are two divorces, a deep depression and suicide attempts. Only by 2010 did the star begin serious and, it seems, happy relationship with French actor Olivier Martinez.

Julia Roberts, 44


What is she: First Hollywood actress to earn $25 million for a film. The winner of the Oscar, who was not afraid to disappear from the frame for a long time, in order to return triumphantly to the Hollywood Olympus after a creative break. Roberts seemed to stop time, forever remaining Vivienne Ward from the legendary film "Pretty Woman". Long Brown hair, magnificent glowing skin and Julia's famous signature smile do not fade over the years - only in 2010 the actress entered the list of the most beautiful people planets according to People magazine.

Her secret: Julia is very light and joyful about life, preferring to trust the natural course of events. Roberts has never gone under the surgeon's knife, avoids beauty injections, and instead uses natural remedies. The actress professes Hinduism and lives according to the laws of Ayurveda. Vegetarianism, monthly fasting and hardening help her maintain a great shape.

Personal life: the stormy romances of young Julia at the beginning of her career excited the whole of Hollywood - Matthew Perry, Keither Sutherland and Liam Neeson got into her network. After the actress had a short union with singer Lyal Lovett. For more than ten years, Roberts has been living in a barque with Daniel Moder, the couple has three children.

Jennifer Lopez, 43

What is she: An American singer of Puerto Rican origin who elevated Latin American music to the pedestal of the pop industry. An icon of modern show business, she looks like an energizer. Singing success was only the beginning, after the star began acting in films, appearing on TV, creating perfumes, sewing clothes and doing charity work.

Her signs: Jennifer is a truly chic woman, catchy, courageous, not afraid of condemnation and public evaluation. Everyone knows Lopez's addiction to sultry men much younger than her, but this circumstance does not prevent her from enjoying life.

Her secret: desperate self-confidence and invincible workaholism. Lopez does not spare himself in many hours of training, gives all the best at the ballet barre, strictly limits the consumption of sugar and meat. “I always knew that beauty requires sacrifice - it's pain, sweat and tears. But it's worth the effort! There is nothing better than feeling sexy, desirable, the best, ”says the singer.

However, Lopez's appearance is often criticized by skeptics, which, of course, does not bother her. “You can't please everyone and everyone. Love yourself. It's trite, and yet love yourself!”

Personal life: a series of ridiculous romances and fleeting marriages cemented Jennifer's reputation as a hunter for backup dancer boys. Lopez had the most serious relationship with singer Marc Anthony - twins were born from their union. Now the star has an affair with young Casper Smart.

Salma Hayek, 46

What is she: a successful Mexican who completely conquered the Hollywood hills, an Oscar nominee and the beloved woman of the French millionaire Francois Henri Pinault. Since the age of 23, Salma Hayek has not changed, as if having stopped time. Miniature like a figurine, with perfect almond-shaped eyes, a mop of almost black hair and a seductive high bust, Hayek is considered one of the most charming Latin American women in the world.

Her secret: Salma is a man of amazing calmness and endurance, who does not allow herself to get annoyed, complain and worry over trifles. She does not panic because of a couple of extra pounds, does not limit herself to her favorite delicacies and assures that she simply does not have time to visit beauty salons. Of course, one can suspect Hayek of slyness, because, comparing her photo of twenty years ago with the current one, even the most captious skeptic will not notice the difference. But the actress keeps her secrets of youth steadfastly - the star has never been suspected of abusing Botox, and Salma said categorically no to plastic surgery.

Personal life: Hayek went through a dizzying romance with Hollywood actor Edward Norton. But the main relationship in Salma's life is lasting union, and then a successful marriage with Francois Henri Pinault, from whom the actress had a daughter, Valentina.

Kristin Davis, 47


What is she: the famous Charlotte from "Sex and the City", the most sophisticated and touching of the popular four friends, thanks to actress Kristin Davis looks like a girl out of time. Meanwhile, Christine recently celebrated her 47th birthday. And if you look at today's photos of the actress, you will not find a single difference with the pictures of fifteen years ago: all the same gorgeous hair, a slim body and a sparkling smile.

Few people know that the perfect beauty Davis had serious problems with alcohol, however, the mistakes of the past did not affect her flawless appearance and allowing you to always look young type of "baby face".

Her secret: after Kristin coped with addiction, she devotes all her time to maintaining healthy lifestyle lives, keeps track of nutrition, stopped eating meat and dairy products, moved from bustling New York to coastal Los Angeles. “I am far from what you imagine me to be. Charlotte does not exist, there is only me with all my flaws and imperfections,” says Davis.

Personal life: Kristin does not share the details of her personal life with either fans or journalists. It is known that Davis recently adopted a newborn baby. As for love interests, the actress is dating director Nick Leone.

Ornella Mutti, 57 years old

What is she: apparently, a wonderful appearance, which persists until old age, is inherent in the genes of all Italian actresses. 57-year-old Ornella Muti, known for the films “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Poor Rich Man” and “Life is Beautiful”, is one hundred percent confirmation of this. Incredible toned figure, sparkling eyes, lovely hair, perfect posture and the ability to present oneself erase Muti's age and make you believe that this woman will forever remain beautiful.

Muti has never visited plastic surgeons. The maximum that an Italian beauty can afford is monthly vitamin injections and facial massage.

Her secret: the Italian beauty monthly makes vitamin injections and facial massage, strictly monitors nutrition and does morning exercises every day. But Ornella's main secret, according to her own assurance, is a positive outlook on the world and goodwill. “Say no to envy, say yes to laughter, learn to find joy in simple everyday details, don’t be afraid of wrinkles around the eyes, laugh heartily and never grow old,” Muti assures. And, looking at Ornella, there is no reason not to believe in her recipe for beauty.

Personal life: the actress was married twice, but the main intrigue unfolded between her and the symbol of Italian cinema, the charismatic Adreano Celentano. Journalists around the world wondered if the stars were connected by something more than on-screen love. Ornella kept this secret for 30 years, and only in 2011 she admitted that she and the actor still had an affair.

Sharon Stone, 54


What is she: The beautiful intellectual Sharon Stone was included for life in all lists and ratings dedicated to the most desirable and sexiest women in the world. It's not about the number of wrinkles proper make-up, it's just that the actress has a valuable ability to behave like a king. Sharon is not afraid of her age, starring in advertising campaigns dedicated to anti-age products, celebrating her birthdays cheerfully and making young lovers the envy of all secular gossips.

Her secret: fearlessness and wisdom to recognize your true age and appreciate every year. “Only a fool would bet on appearance. All this is so fleeting and secondary, I don’t even understand how you can comment on it. Have you heard about inner beauty? Does this seem banal to you? Try to find it in yourself and see how others will look at you.” Of course, Stone does not deny that he uses the achievements of modern cosmetology, but he does it so carefully and appropriately that he is not criticized by a fighter for natural aging.

Personal life: Sharon has been married twice and is the mother of three adopted children. Now the actress is enjoying life in the company of her lover, who, according to envious people, is fit for her grandchildren. However, there were no complaints from the young boyfriend of the star.

Hello our dear beauties! When a girl is 20-25 years old, forty seems an infinitely distant age, almost old age. But here comes this very milestone, about which Yuri Vizbor sang: “Taking forty years as the middle, we will stand on this pass and quietly move into a new valley ...” - and it turns out that this age has nothing to do with old age.

A new stage just begins when a woman knows what she wants from life and knows how to achieve it. The children grew up, there was time to take care of themselves, their thoughts, their not yet old body. And today we will talk about how to preserve youth after 40 years for a woman, so that she remains beautiful and energetic even at an older age.

  1. Face and body skin care;
  2. Gymnastics to maintain the tone of the muscles of the face and neck;
  3. Proper nutrition;
  4. active movement;
  5. Healthy sleep;
  6. Positive attitude.

But there is a main secret: all of the above steps will help you achieve your goal only if they become the norm for you, that is, you will do all this constantly and regularly. One walk or one mask every six months will not make you young for the rest of your life. So go ahead for new habits and great results!

Rejuvenating Cleansing

Skin care after 40 years, and after 45 and after 50 years, consists of various pleasant procedures and manipulations, for which it is not at all necessary to visit expensive spa salons and cosmetic surgeons. With folk remedies, you can very well achieve a very good skin condition.

To put things in order in the apartment, you need to get rid of unnecessary and superfluous rubbish. In body and face care, the algorithm of actions is exactly the same: first we get rid of the unnecessary - we clean the skin. In this, peelings are especially helpful for women after 40 years of age. They remove the top layer, open pores for nourishing masks, all these procedures will preserve your beauty for a long time.

Before peeling, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face and body. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening, no more than 2 times a week. The fact is that when the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, that is, the toxins that accumulate in it and mix with cosmetics, dust, and all the substances that city air is saturated with are actually “burned”. It is these harmful substances that make the skin of the face dull and grayish in appearance.

Please, before trying any product on yourself, make sure that you are not allergic to it. It's easy to do - just apply a small amount on your wrist and wait a few minutes. If discomfort appears - burning, itching, redness - this means you need to use another remedy.

Peelings are easy to prepare from simple products:

  • Kiwi. This green fruit literally dissolves the protein compounds that hold the upper film of the epidermis. Cut the fruit, mash it with a fork or chop it in a blender. Spread the resulting slurry on your face. Do not keep this mask longer than 15-20 minutes, kiwi is a very active fruit. If itching and tingling of the skin appears, wash off the mask without waiting for the specified period.
  • Any berries: currant, plum, raspberry, strawberry. You can use puree from a mixture of berries, or you can use each separately. The principle of action is the same: apply to cleansed skin, hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. It will be better if, after applying the first layer, you wait until it dries, then apply 2-3 more layers in the same way.
  • Oatmeal, kefir, chopped prunes. This is a truly magical combination of products that perfectly cleanses the skin of not only the face, but also the body. Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and use as a peeling 1-2 times a week.
  • Don't forget about cleansing properties. Masks from it will help you free your pores from accumulated toxins.
  • Perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin walnut peeling. Grind the walnuts to a state of flour in a blender or coffee grinder, add the yolk, a tablespoon of either olive or nut oil. Massage your face and neck with the resulting mixture, then rinse with warm water.

Another luxurious peeling for face and body is drunk coffee. In addition to the cleansing function, it uplifts the mood, delighting with its aroma.

After peeling, the skin is especially susceptible to the external environment. Right now it will be the time to “feed” her with nourishing masks. They must be done according to your skin type, 2-3 times a week.

Do not forget that if you have contraindications for any components of the mask, exclude them from your list of products for everyday care.

Miracle face masks are made by a beauty

  • Mask for dry skin. Mix the mashed banana with the potato starch and heavy cream until thick cream forms. Apply the resulting mixture on the face in several layers (applied one layer, it dried up, applied the next, so 3-4 layers, paying special attention to places where there are wrinkles). Lie down for half an hour, listen to pleasant music, meditate, you can even take a nap. Then rinse everything off with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.
  • Mask for all skin from birch leaves. Birch leaves for these purposes must be collected in the forest or in the park. In no case near the road, because the trees growing next to the road absorb all the harmful substances from car exhaust. Grind a handful of fresh leaves in a blender, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and the same amount of any oil - linseed, olive, jojoba. Apply the resulting slurry on the face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin.
  • Mask "Ambulance". It helps to tighten, nourish the face and neck with useful substances, gives them a fresh and radiant look - in a word, right before our eyes. It is good to make such a mask when you need to quickly put yourself in order after a hard day's work, and there are only about forty minutes. Quickly mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice, egg yolk, a little (literally a tablespoon) of olive oil and oatmeal in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck, lie down for 15-20 minutes. It will be very good if you lie down so that your legs are raised and rest against the wall. Don't forget the eyes! Apply a special smoothing mask to the eyelids.
  • Eye mask. As usual, everything is elementary - rub a potato on a fine grater, spread the resulting slurry on gauze, put it all over your eyes. While the face and neck will be nourished by the previous mask, the potato will save your eyes from dark circles and swelling.
  • Mask for oily skin. Boil a tablespoon of cornmeal with boiling water, cool to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply to face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse. In these 15 minutes, prepare the same mixture, just add a little lemon juice to it (you can use lemon zest grated on a fine grater). Repeat procedure. Such a mask tones, strengthens, tightens, gives the face a matte finish.

The simplest (but no less effective) mask is sour cream or any fermented milk product. Apply, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse. The skin after such a mask is dazzlingly fresh and moisturized.

It is important that during any procedures you do not forget about the neck and the area of ​​​​your chic decollete. If you pamper only your face with peels / masks / creams, then the neck will “revenge” you with a shocking difference - the skin of the face and neck will differ as if there is a 20-year gap between them. And this usually happens abruptly and unexpectedly. So never put off caring for your "swan" until the next time. Everything that we do for the face, it is obligatory for the neck!

Daily care routines

Unfortunately, masks alone are not enough. To maintain your beauty and beauty, you need to develop new habits that will help you in this important matter. For example, these:

  • Rubbing ice on the face, neck and décolleté. Every day wipe the indicated areas along the massage lines 2 times a day before applying the cream, in the morning and in the evening. Ice is very easy to prepare - pour infusion of herbs, tea into molds, you can freeze any home-made fruit or vegetable juices (just do not add sugar to them).
  • Apply cream daily. It is not necessary to choose expensive creams, the main thing is that they suit your skin type and age. Now in a different price category you can find creams for fading or mature female facial skin after 40, 45 years. Also keep in mind that day and night creams have different composition and properties. For example, night cream should be applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, in the morning you will find that swelling has formed on your face.

A prerequisite is to maintain the tone of the muscles of the face and neck. This can be done with the help of special and gymnastics.

Massage is our savior

Before the massage, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, it is good if you use any oil mixed with water during the massage. So your hands will glide over the skin without stretching it. You should always start with the neck and décolleté. Repeat each movement at least three times.

Neck and décolleté massage techniques

  • Stroke the front of the neck with light movements from the bottom up.
  • We stroke the sides and back of the neck with the palms from top to bottom, running the palms to the shoulders, as if throwing off the accumulated tension.
  • From the center of the neckline, first with the right, then with the left hand, we hold it with light pressure to the opposite shoulder, and again, as if we are throwing off the worries of the day.

Face: initial stage, preparatory

  • We begin to massage the face with light stroking movements from the chin to the temples.
  • From the tips of the lips to the temples.
  • We carry out the pads of the fingers from the bridge of the nose under the eyes to the temples.
  • On the forehead - from the center to the temples.

Face and neck together: the main stage that disperses the lymph

We carry out with stronger pressure, trying not to stretch the skin (water and oil will help us with this, you need to wet your hands with them), along the same lines. The main differences from the preparatory stage:

  • First, stronger pressure;
  • Secondly, after bringing the palms to the temples, it is necessary to make a "dump" of the lymph, running the hands from the temples along the side surfaces of the neck to the shoulders.

You can work out especially problematic areas - chin. After preparation, gently squeeze these places with your fingers and divert the lymph first to the temples, then down the neck to the shoulders.

Final step for face and neck

We easily stroke the face with open palms along the massage lines, the front of the neck from the bottom up, the sides of the neck - from top to bottom.

And here is the instruction on the video (lymphatic drainage massage - will rejuvenate and improve the skin):

For the face, gymnastics is not plastic for you!

It has long been known that our muscles create a kind of framework for the skin. If the muscles are flabby, then the skin will be saggy and wrinkled. The face is no exception. To stay young and beautiful as long as possible, it is important to keep the muscular frame of the face and neck in good shape.

Here are some exercises to help you with this:

  • "Smiley" to improve the contour of the face. We press our lips, pulling them inward, we smile. We count to twenty. Please note: the exercise is done correctly if you feel how the muscles of not only the cheeks and lips have tensed. should also be in tension. We perform this exercise 2-3 times.
  • For forehead wrinkles. With index fingers, as it were, completely close the eyebrows. We begin to be surprised at our beauty, raising our eyebrows, while holding them with our fingers and resisting, counting to 10. We repeat a couple more times.
  • For eyelids. We put our fingers on the forehead so that it does not wrinkle during the exercise. We open our eyes wide, raising our eyebrows. At this point, tension is created in the muscles of the eyes. We keep our eyes in this state, counting to five, then we lower the upper eyelid, but we continue to keep the tension of the eyelids. We release on the count of five, blinked several times and repeated the exercise from the beginning. In total, this exercise should be done five times.
  • For the lower eyelid. We put the index finger on the outer edge of the eye, the ring finger on the inner edge. Pressing the skin with your fingers, squint, lifting the lower eyelid. In this position, we hold the eye muscle, counting to five. Then we look up, while the forehead should be relaxed. We do not lower our fingers, we repeat all over again.
  • To remove wrinkle between eyebrows. We put our palm on the border of the forehead and hair, trying to "move" the hair away from the face. At the same time, we look down, close our eyes, and begin to lower the upper lip down. Repeat 8 times in three sets.
  • From nasolabial folds. We round the lips, as if saying the letter O, straining the lips, lower them down. We do this 8 times in three sets.

As you can see, all these exercises are very simple, you can do them at home in front of a mirror in the evening before going to bed, or, if you have time, in the morning, after washing.

How to eat to stay young

There are a huge number of different diets. All of them are different, but they are “arranged” in approximately the same way - it is necessary to cut the amount of food, sometimes to unbearably small sizes. Often, women, having gathered their will into a fist, adhere to a strict diet for some time, but then a breakdown occurs, after which all the lost kilograms return with a vengeance.

We offer you a nutrition system in which you will not need to torture yourself by testing your will. Kilograms will leave unnoticed by you, and you will feel full of strength and health. Try following these tips:

  1. Drink enough water. After all, no matter how much you moisturize from above, if there is little water from the inside, the skin will still be dry and wrinkled.
  2. Eat fractionally, in small portions, but every 2.5-4 hours.
  3. Let your last meal will be at least 3-4 hours before bed. You can drink a glass of kefir at night, add a teaspoon of cinnamon to it - it will be tastier, especially since cinnamon helps to lose weight. This rule is mega important, especially. The fact is that almost any product contains at least a small proportion of carbohydrates, after the use of which insulin is produced. It blocks the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for tissue renewal, in fact, for their rejuvenation.
  4. try avoid spicy, smoked, salty, starchy and sweet foods, it provokes swelling, accelerates skin aging, disrupts the processes of metabolism and recovery of the body, increases appetite.
  5. It is important that the foods you eat contain as much less bad fats. At the same time, do not forget about healthy fats: nuts, linseed and unrefined sunflower oil, fatty fish, avocados - all these and hair, as well as for normal metabolism.
  6. It will be very good if you use foods rich in vitamin C, because it is the most important vitamin for maintaining youthful skin. Rose hips, black currants, bell peppers, herbs, citrus fruits - all this should be a must in your diet.
  7. Don't forget about squirrels, because it is a building material for muscles, so cottage cheese, kefir, any dairy products are very useful. But at the same time, remember that it is better for women after 40 years of age to consume fermented milk products, unfortunately, milk is no longer assimilated by the body.
  8. Of course, it is very important to eat a lot every day. foods rich in fiber(half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits, and mostly in raw form). Do not exclude legumes and cereals from the diet, eat them at least every other day.
  9. After the age of forty, the level of the hormone estrogen decreases, in order to replenish it, you can try to consume as much as possible. foods rich in phytoestrogens- these are the same vegetables, fruits, greens, corn grits. These products will replenish and provide you with good health and appearance for a long time. Thanks to all this, you will look several years younger than your biological age.
  10. If a woman after 40 wants to be energetic, active, not gain weight, then in this case she will have to reduce not only the calorie content of the diet, but also the amount of food. At 40, you need to eat already 15-20% less than at the age of twenty, and at 50 - 25-30%.

Gradually, without forcing yourself, introduce all these transformations in nutrition - after a while you will be surprised to suddenly find that what used to seem difficult and difficult has become easy and stress-free. Well, in order to be young longer, you must definitely pay attention to your motor mode, and, what may be even more important, to your attitude to life.

Well, if you decide to take your figure seriously, then read on - you will find a step-by-step plan, including motivation, nutrition and movement (and you can easily customize this plan for yourself).

Nutrition is one of the foundations of maintaining youth. If masks, massage and facial gymnastics can still be ignored by you, then nutrition must be healthy.

Active movement - self-rejuvenation

Unfortunately, they have not yet developed techniques that will give humanity eternal youth. But in order to lead an active life, to stay young, vigorous and energetic for as long as possible, it is necessary to introduce physical exercises into your daily schedule.

  • At least 5 times a week, spend 40-50 minutes of any physical activity. Now there is a very large selection of simulators, doing which, you can simulate and, and walking and even running.
  • By doing these same exercises outdoors, you are oxygenating your blood, which is a well-known anti-aging aid.
  • How to understand that you are "actively" moving? It’s very simple: for example, while walking, you walk at an intensity of about 2 steps per minute, your breathing is quickened, but at the same time you may well chat on the phone with a girlfriend for a short time.
  • Any load will be very useful and important for women after 40 years, because thanks to this, the metabolism is accelerated, fat deposits are burned, the heart and vascular system are trained. Again, any sports exercise contributes to the production of endorphins, which improve mood.

By this age, many already have their own car, and move in the usual circle: home-car-work-car-shop-car-home. Sometimes the destinations “beauty salon” or, occasionally, “nature trip”, even more rarely, “fitness club” are added to this circle. And in vain, by the way!

So that the item “hospital” is not added to this circle for as long as possible, it is necessary to break the links of this chain and insert “walking”, “sports”, “bathhouse”, “dancing”, “yoga”. Perhaps you will come up with something else, something that you like, but, as you understand, the main thing is to start moving more than you are doing now.

In terms of importance, physical activity competes with nutrition, taking an honorable second place. Do you know sports girls over 40 who look their age?! That's the same. If you want to be young and active, you can't do without physical activity.

How stars stay young

You can look young at almost any age. Many famous actresses and singers that we see on television every day are proof of this.

  • For example, Nadezhda Babkina looks much better now than a few years ago. When asked how she does it, the famous singer usually says that at any age the most important thing is to love yourself. If you don't like something, there are many different ways to change the situation. According to Nadezhda Babkina, trips to a beauty parlor, a beauty salon, an endocrinologist, so that during menopause he prescribes a course of hormone replacement therapy for you, active movement - all this helps a woman to maintain her youth and beauty for a long time.
  • And here Irina Allegrova claims that the periodic change of husbands helps her maintain her tone. According to her, husbands need to be changed every 5-6 years. Of course, this is a joke) In fact, the "empress" is very respectful of massage, to, in general, to any water procedures. Likes to take a bath. She has another secret - as soon as the snow melts, with the arrival of early spring, Irina sleeps on the veranda of her house in a sleeping bag. During sleep in the open air, the skin is saturated with oxygen and rejuvenated.
  • Famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva also claims that sleeping in a cool room helps. In her opinion, it is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day, but it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with early and abrupt risings. Awakening should be gradual and calm. It is good to do a little energy exercise, for example, rub your ears until a feeling of warmth appears in them, lightly pat yourself on the head several times. Turn your head in different directions, then you will feel that the energy of the day seems to be pouring into you and filling you with new strength. In general, you need to follow proper nutrition, move a lot and look positively at the world.

Ask any well-known good looking person for their secrets, whatever they tell you, the main secret is to stay positive, eat right and move a lot.

So go ahead, for new sensations, for accepting yourself as you are, and if you don’t like something, change!

Good luck, our dear readers! If you liked the article - share it on your social networks, tell your friends about how you can look and feel great after 40 years.

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Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here and couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “there should be a lot of a good person.” Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy dishes should be. And then you will also become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

    To reduce the chance of overeating, stick to the 10 Calm Spoons rule. It says: "Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can."

    Before each opening of the refrigerator door, do 10-20 squats. It can be normal, or it can be with the direction of the feet and knees to the sides. Or on one leg. Or squat and then jump. In a word, be different.

    Learn to catch the moment when the taste of food becomes dull, as if it becomes less tasty. This is the time to stop eating.

    Before you eat, tell yourself: "As we eat, I will lose weight!" A very powerful phrase for reducing appetite and adjusting the composition of food.

    Occasionally have a Big Salad Day. Huge bowl vegetable salad(or rather a bowl!) should be eaten during the day. The rest of the food - only after an impressive portion of salad.

    A minute of exercise before eating will reduce your appetite better than any special remedy.

    Get in your refrigerator "Shelf for slender" and "Shelf for fat". Which one do you choose?

    To reduce appetite, drink a glass of kefir before each meal.

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