What to do to forgive the wife. Rules for reading a prayer. When to give a chance

“How can I ask my wife for forgiveness?” - these are the questions my clients ask me. Working family psychologist and when faced with my husband's guilt, I concluded that it happens that wives have forgiven for a long time, have already forgotten about any wrongdoing of their husband, and the husband continues to worry about this, and this leads to tension in relations and difficulties in communication.

And it also happens that the wife herself in these circumstances did not even see the reason for her resentment! Indeed, there are very wise women who understand that “Life is to pass, not a field to cross. ”Who know how much worries poison the life of the family and who have learned not to dwell even on the problem of“ betrayal ”. And the behavior of the husband, who thinks about how to make the wife forgive, prevents the wife from living and rejoicing.

"How to ask your wife for forgiveness?" We start with the psychology of a woman

And what a surprise! Every single woman always expects the support and approval of her man, her husband, as well as the men themselves and in general all people on planet Earth.

Popular wisdom is always right. "A woman loves with her ears!" And therefore compliments and declarations of love are good, but even here it should be remembered that it is also necessary to understand that if a man is not trained in sincerity or has already translated the meaning of words about love into the category of everyday life, then this may even have the opposite effect!

"How to ask your wife for forgiveness?" It was you who chose this woman and who else, if not you, can stir up your memory in order to understand what words and what actions of yours bribed this magnificent woman to become your wife!

There are two ways to get the forgiveness of your beloved wife:

  • it really is to remember what she responded with kindness and tenderness.
  • you can turn on creativity and come up with something new, which is why she will definitely be delighted.
  • I think that if you take at least a couple of days to think over your options, you will also be able to observe what, for example, she wants you to do in the house or do it yourself, but all her hands do not reach. do it!

    Remember when she asked you for something, and you dismissed it or thought it was just women's whims. Now is the the right time buy it. Does she love flowers and what kind of flowers you probably know !? But even if, in your opinion, she doesn’t like it, be sure to buy and give it!

    Well, have you already figured out how to ask your wife for forgiveness? If not yet, here are some hints, but first answer the question “What is your wife's need most at this time?

    Then watch for a couple of days what her interests are. This could be related to her work or leisure time. Approve and support! By approving her interests, you seem to say how clever you are. Understand these amazing things! In general, of course, you can say it out loud!

  • In closeness.

    Then watch for a couple of days with whom your wife communicates and which of the relatives or girlfriends she appreciates most of all, to whom she is directly drawn or about whom she speaks the most. Approve and support, and maybe even offer to spend time together, and take into account all the interests of your wife and this person or these people.

  • In physical proximity.

    Then remember which of yours intimate relationships made her fond of you. It could be smells, setting, your approach, or words.

  • Approval and support is when you agree, respecting her opinion and her choice! These can be words, or maybe just a nod of the head, a kind look, a touch.

    As you think about your wife and your options for interacting with her, you:

  • you move away from destructive feelings, you stop feeling guilty and suffer about it
  • you become several heads higher than the situation that did not allow you to live in peace
  • you stop aggravating the situation and poisoning your life together
  • you start to really think about getting closer to your beloved wife
  • And, most importantly, even if you just think about your wife from the point of view of love and care, without doing anything, you will see how her attitude towards you will begin to warm! After all, it is no longer a secret that we are all interconnected by information and energy ties.

    I'm sure many will come to mind great options and you yourself will find the answer to the question "How to ask your wife for forgiveness?" Moreover, you can now use these options for rallying with your wife all the time, and not only when you think that you are very guilty! Good luck!

    How to get your wife to confess to cheating?

    How to get your wife to confess to cheating? There is no direct evidence of her betrayal, and to questions about where and with whom she was, you often get such subtle answers that "there is even nothing to complain about." There are always reasons for her adventures: either her friend's birthday, or late planning meetings at work, or something else. I would like to express everything in her face, start sorting things out, and the only thing holding you back is the lack of "evidence". However, you can find a way out of any situation if you put pressure on the right levers. There are several ways to do this>

    How can you bring her to clean water

    Method number 1. "Double life" Try to make sure that she doesn't have time to cheat.

  • Don't let it go for walks if possible
  • Keep asking where she was and why it took so long
  • Ask her to help you with something, actively involving you in household chores
  • If until now she lived a double life, but understood it not so well, then using these tips, you will make her realize this quite vividly. Over time, her tension will grow. She will understand that she does not have enough time to meet with her lover, and she will begin to miss him even more. Soon it will become so unbearable that she will tell you everything herself. Or break up with him - everything will depend on how serious their relationship is. Method number 2. Excessive politeness and concern Do you know how to get your wife to confess to treason? Do It tricky move horse, beginning to behave with her extremely politely and caringly. When she sees this, she will feel very ashamed in front of you. Finally, when the feeling of shame is unbearable, she herself confesses everything to you with tears in her eyes. The method almost always works. But sometimes it happens that she does not have the strength to confess to treason. But you will notice that she became even more depressed, began to go into another room and cry softly. Seeing these signs, you no longer need any proof. It will be enough just to use a Method number 3. Just talk about it The way that takes place. True, there is one small subtlety here that needs to be taken into account. Directly asking a person whether he is bad or not is likely to give a negative answer. Therefore, instead of asking your beloved questions: "Do you have someone?" or "Are you cheating on me?" you need to start bluffing right away... Present her with a fact by saying the following:

    “We need to talk to you. I know you have another man. The news, of course, was not very pleasant for me. Tell me why?".

    It is important not to let her find room for maneuver so that she refutes your words. She may start asking how you learned, and instead of inventing legends, it is important to say: “ It doesn't matter now!", As well as" extinguish "other attempts to justify themselves in the style of" No, it does!". The disadvantage of this method is that if she did not cheat on you, then such a bluff will greatly ruin your relationship.

    Do I need to try to bring her to clean water

    Of course, you can try to get your wife to confess to cheating in one of 3 ways. But before you accept the right decision, let's let's try to look at the situation from a different point of view... If she has a man, then you made mistakes. Your attractiveness to her is nil. In addition, it is important to consider that she respects and loves him more than you. Well, since she cannot tell you about it directly, she prefers to meet with him in secret. On the one hand, she does not consider you as her man, and all that keeps you together is a stamp in your passport. On the other hand, there is a man she wants to be with.

    What happens if the fact of treason is revealed?

    Realizing that she has nothing more to hide from you, she will have a reason to leave. Surely one can hope to stop her joint child... But as practice shows, this does not stop some women.

    How to properly react to her betrayal

    You need to understand what mistakes you made and change your behavior to a more attractive one. By showing her new facets of your personality, you are already halfway through. When she begins to see new ones in you attractive qualities, the image of her lover will begin to fade next to you. It is at this moment that she thinks that she was in vain to go to the left, and this will push her to the right decision. In addition, you need to perform one of the most important actionsrelieve emotional resentment to your faithful.

    Why is this needed?

    You will always remember that she did wrong to you. And even if you manage to restore the relationship and bring her back to the family, you will feel resentment. This resentment will eat you up from the inside and constantly provoke new conflicts. Accordingly, you will no longer feel any harmony in a relationship. And living every day with the feeling that you love her, but cannot forgive, is unbearable. Often there is only one way to take off the grudge against your wife - to find a mistress and yourself, thereby psychologically taking revenge on her. Moreover, you can afford such revenge.

    And how exactly to do this, I told in free course for men "Right to left".

    Should you forgive your wife's betrayal or should you leave?

    Family life does not consist only of positive aspects... The most unpleasant of them is the betrayal of a loved one. If one of the spouses decides to cheat, then both are most likely to blame. Women are more likely to forgive unfaithful husbands. If the wife starts to walk, then the spouse first experiences a shock. After realizing what happened, the man is at a loss, does not know whether to forgive his wife's betrayal. Let's talk about this problem in more detail.

    Statistics say that female infidelity happen much less often than men. If this happened, this suggests that real problems have appeared in the family. If the spouse is sure that there was a betrayal, before lashing out at his wife with reproaches, you need to find out the reason for what happened. Knowing the reason, you can already make some kind of decision - whether to forgive the girl's betrayal or not.

    No matter what reason pushed a woman to such an act, it does not justify her behavior. But you need to know about them in order to find a way out of a difficult situation. The reasons for treason are as follows:

  • revenge on a spouse for treason. A wife can wait for years before an opportunity presents itself. Moreover, if the spouse managed to take revenge in this way, she will calm down and there will be no repetition;
  • insufficient attention from the spouse. Many women complain that when they come home, they still have a lot of work to do. This is despite the fact that they also work, get tired, no less than men. Her household chores are not really appreciated, and the husband pays his wife less and less attention every day;
  • dissatisfaction with sex, hushing up this problem;
  • love. This reason is considered the most serious and dangerous. If a woman is carried away by another man, then the likelihood of family breakdown increases several times.
  • Whether to forgive the betrayal of his wife, each spouse needs to decide independently. If a woman admitted that she had a lover, try to understand the reasons for what happened, and only then draw conclusions.

    Is forgiveness possible?

    Men who are faced with the betrayal of their spouse ask themselves whether it is possible to forgive the betrayal of their wife, whether it should be done.

    To make the right decision, not to regret later, the husband needs to honestly answer the question: can he, and most importantly, is he ready to live with the woman who betrayed him? Not every man will give a positive answer to such a question. Whether it is worth forgiving a girl's betrayal, of course, must be decided by each man independently, depending on the circumstances and the reason that prompted his wife to do this.

    When making a positive decision, you need to understand that you will have to live with this woman further, pretend that nothing happened. If you constantly remind your spouse about her mistake, then normal and quiet life it just won't.

    In any case, in the question of whether it is necessary to forgive the betrayal of a wife, the following important details play a role:

    1. financial side family relations... In some situations, divorce requires a lot of money. Therefore, you can forgive your wife's betrayal. Most likely, over time, passions will subside, relations will be restored;
    2. common children. Children suffer from spousal conflicts. A man in such a situation is ready to forgive his spouse, thinking about children. In some cases, the couple continues their life together only until the children come of age;
    3. emotions. Almost all men treat their wives as their property. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to survive the betrayal of their beloved woman. Emotions prevail, it is difficult to make the right decision.
    4. It is rather difficult for a man who is faced with the betrayal of his soul mate to decide whether it is possible to forgive the girl's betrayal. But it's not for nothing that men belong to representatives strong half humanity. And if they do it, maybe family life will turn into better side.

      In the question of whether a man can forgive the betrayal of a loved one, in the process of thinking about the situation, it is important to pay attention to his health. This applies to the physical and mental state. Betrayal of a loved one - serious psychological trauma, so before drawing conclusions, listen to the following recommendations:

    • try to calm down, do not make hasty decisions;
    • it is necessary to wait for some time so that the pain from the betrayal of the spouse subsides;
    • wait for the moment when you can make decisions soberly.
    • Can a man forgive his wife's betrayal? Of course, but not in a depressed state. Explain to your spouse that you need time to calm down, correctly assess what happened and make the right decision.

      When is it worth giving a chance?

      So, the most terrible and unpleasant thing happened in the relationship - the husband found out that his wife had cheated. Should you give your spouse a chance? Can a husband forgive his wife's betrayal, or is it better to leave immediately? There are psychologists who believe that giving a spouse a chance is worth under the following circumstances:

    • this is an isolated case;
    • life together before female intrigue was perfect;
    • it's hard for you to imagine further life without a beloved wife;
    • dependence on a partner. And it doesn't matter what kind of addiction. For some people, it takes on painful forms, they endure all the adventures of a partner;
    • the partner's sincere remorse for what he did;
    • you feel confident that this will not happen again.
    • If a girl has changed whether it is worth forgiving and hoping for a further happy relationship, you need to decide on your own. You can listen to the advice and opinions of friends and relatives, but you need to make a decision yourself.

      If it is difficult to cope with the problem of betrayal of a partner, you should contact psychological help... As for how to forgive a wife's betrayal, the advice of a psychologist is as follows:

      • when cheating becomes apparent, think about the fact that you have been living in this state with your partner for some time. Everything was great until the truth was revealed. So take it easy and think about how to fix the situation;
      • try to get to the bottom of true motive betrayal;
      • even in the most difficult and seemingly insoluble situations, think that there is always a way out. The main thing is that all relatives are alive and well, and everything else can be corrected if desired;
      • if you really want to bring happiness back to the house, then you will succeed.
      • You can use the advice of a psychologist on how to forgive a girl's betrayal, or decisively end any relationship with an unfaithful wife.

        It's one thing to forgive a wife's betrayal. But, factors such as self-esteem, self-esteem, physical and mental condition after discovering the betrayal.

      • try to understand that the life of any person belongs only to him, as well as the ability to control it. This, of course, does not mean that the spouse can do what she wants, ignoring the norms of behavior. family life... But everyone has the right to be wrong;
      • don't stoop to revenge. This will not lead to a return of the relationship, but will only worsen the situation;
      • if you do not know how to forget the betrayal of your wife, then tell her about it with dignity;
      • you are determined to continue living together. This means no longer remembering your partner about cheating. No need to sarcastically and pin up her about this.
      • Restoring lost trust is a difficult moment in family life. A partner should know how to beg forgiveness from her husband for treason. She is obliged to break love affairs and provide evidence. The unfaithful spouse must understand what to do so that the husband will forgive the betrayal completely. A lot depends on a woman.

        Important advice for women whose husbands were born under the sign of Pisces. If you confess in connection with your lover, then try not to tell the smallest details of the betrayal. It depends on whether the Pisces man will forgive the betrayal. The sign is distinguished by its delicate and refined nature, therefore, to preserve at least some feelings, spare it from unpleasant details. Pisces has a certain image of his beloved, so do not destroy it. It is enough that Pisces gives you a chance.

        Forgiving a wife's betrayal does not mean, at a convenient coincidence, finding a replacement for her. Don't do it for your own respect. If you feel uncomfortable in the presence of the changed partner, then it is better to disperse. You can just stay on good terms.

        It is important to understand and know that when deciding on Cohabitation, marriage, you may face surprises of different nature... And if a betrayal happened, then keep your mind and calmness in order to draw competent conclusions about how to forgive the girl's betrayal.

        Probably every girl faces a problem overweight? Indeed, sometimes it is not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, remove the sides or belly. Diets do not help, there is no strength and desire to go to the gym, or it does not bring tangible results.

        Cheating Husband: Three Best Ways to Forget

        Our memory is amazing. She chooses from all the information provided to her by life, not what her owner wants, but what she herself considers necessary. Therefore, we do not remember our number. mobile phone and we cannot forget the betrayal of a husband to his wife. Although, I would like the opposite.

        Most likely, this article is being read by a woman whose husband has already “gone to the left”, who already herself roughly guesses what mistakes she made. However, repetition is the mother of learning.

        Many people are better at remembering facts laid out in a table or in a list. Write on a piece of paper a list of your mistakes in order to remember and not repeat them again.

        The first and most important mistake in family life is jealousy.

        It’s a paradox, but it’s mostly men who are wildly jealous of their wives.

        As always, let's compare a husband with a dog. One unfortunate dog sits on a chain all his life, dreams of freedom. He "blows away" when the chain suddenly breaks. He runs in circles, his tail lifted, knocking everything in his path, biting everyone in a row. The same is done by a man on a business trip who "sits on a short leash" at home.

        The stray Tuzik, who is not held by anyone and who is only allowed to guard the house, will never run away from this courtyard! He is betrayed in body and soul and, on the contrary, is afraid that the gate will not be opened for him if he runs out into the street for a short time.

        Jealousy is your leash. It is impossible not to be jealous at all. But the leash is different. One is a chain with a sharp collar. The other is a delicious stew in a bowl and scratch behind the ear.

        The second mistake is lack of incentives

        You are not jealous, you don’t hold back, but you don’t let you get close either. It's not about sex, it's about the soul. A detached attitude, closeness, lack of affection and care at first excite some men, make them scratch your impenetrable shell, and do things.

        Then, over time, they meet a woman with whom it is easy to be loved. And he leaves along the way least resistance... In everything you need to know when to stop. Even in the absence of jealousy. Remember sometimes about a bowl of sugar seeds and "scratching behind the ear."

        The woman lost herself

        The lady got married, gave birth to her husband two or three children and calmed down. Where is he going now? Alimony is tortured to pay.

        How to keep your husband from cheating and protect your family? Read on.

        This behavior makes a man unhappy. He really can't leave his family, children (I mean normal man I'm telling). But that beautiful nymph, which earlier aroused desire and tenderness in him, turned into a fat, tortured aunt with gnawed nails and a washcloth on her head.

      • Man suffers... He loves her in his own way, but DOES NOT WANT. He is not a womanizer, he really feels bad from despair and disappointment.
      • This behavior of a woman makes her unhappy.... They do not love her, they tolerate her, and in the end they cheat on her. Only a fool will not understand this.
      • But children suffer the most in this situation.... They, like a litmus test, determine the color of a family's health and experience bad relationships that they do not understand.
      • Not the last mistake - not knowing how to forgive

        Let's split the topic into two meanings. The ability to forgive in general is principled position person. The Bible tells us to forgive, crying out to common sense: we are all not without sin. Today you will forgive, tomorrow they will forgive you. The one who does nothing, etc., is not mistaken.

        To forgive means not to keep it under your bosom as an argument for every opportunity. Forgiveness means letting go inside yourself and forgetting.

        How to forget cheating husband ^

        Not in vain wise saying“To understand is to forgive” has taken root in the society of people. Take small children, for example. Unfortunately, there is no education without punishment. Only one punished kid clenches his fists, harbors resentment and does spite, while the other realizes that he is wrong and himself to blame, still loves the one who teaches him to live.

        Why is this happening? Because the first unfortunate man does not understand why and why. Nobody explained to him the motive of the ban.

        You have been punished. Not on purpose. Not even a husband, but life in his guise. You did something wrong, made some fatal mistakes and now you are getting retribution. Understand the motive, explain it to yourself (you’re not a child) and live on without concealing resentment (you can even thank for the science).

        Sometimes women, not trying (or not knowing how) to understand the motives, seek and find the guilty ones around them, putting on their heads the halo of a martyr. Unfortunately, this posture will not help and has never helped to correct the situation. It is even dangerous for subsequent depression.

        In a dispute, truth is born. In the dialogue, moments are clarified that can seal a crumbling marriage. However, you must be able to conduct a dialogue correctly:

      • Only on the topic! You can jump to another to close the quarrel. For example, offer to go to the sea or talk about the "five" of the son. Never think of the grievances the day before yesterday. Only today!
      • Using the phrase "you are always like this" or "you never ..", you kind of program your opponent for the future. Better to avoid them.
      • Speak in delicate topic only on a "sober head" in a straight line and figuratively... If emotions suddenly go off scale and you want to scream, throw something at him, slow down and leave the room. It definitely won't help.
      • Discuss the topic without epithets and insults neither his nor his mistress. Your neutral position will pierce his vanity much faster than crying and crying.
      • Silence can be used as punishment but within reasonable limits. One must not miss the moment of the opportunity for a productive dialogue.
      • Remember the best sides of a spouse

        Happy is the woman who loves herself. Do you want to be happy? Don't make yourself unhappy. Love! Look at him a little from the side, at least through the eyes of the woman with whom he cheated on you.

        Even after 30 years of marriage, women still like him. Your eye is simply "blurry". What we have - we do not store, having lost we cry. Love it again. Yes, of course, you already love him so, but ... not as much as before, not as he would like. Try to diversify your being a little so that he, looking at you, wipes the dust from his glasses.

        What are the signs of cheating on your wife at work? The answers are here.

        Read the statistics of adultery in marriage in the article.

        After the betrayal of her husband, however, like his wife, there are three possible options developments:

      • Divorce... For some reason, any psychologist claims that this is the worst option. Why? It is necessary to preserve the family by any means, if this family is not a mistake. If everyone feels bad about it, why keep it?
      • Live as if nothing happened... Agree that sometimes betrayal of the soul is much more dangerous than betrayal of the body. If the husband is simply drawn to the "strawberry", and the wife turns out to be a wise woman, everything will return to its former course. In this case, adultery can be repeated constantly. But betrayal will not be considered either a husband or a wife.
      • Cheating, like stress, like repression from the outside, like a family crisis... Both will come out of it, hugging tightly, rallying. Shaking the dust off the relationship, celebrate a new honeymoon.
      • In each a separate case the problem is solved in different ways. It is difficult to prescribe recipes that are suitable for every family.

        Are you sure your family should definitely be reanimated? Calmly analyze your attitude towards her:

      • want to be like everyone else; inferior, but his own;
      • certainly return in order to take revenge and abandon herself;
      • are afraid of loneliness, material instability;
      • you realized that you love him.
      • It is clear that only the last answer is worthy of struggle and existence. Only in this case do we proceed as follows.

      • We put ourselves in order, we lose weight, we do our hair and we cook deliciously.
      • We do not follow in any way, do not peep, sniff or read SMS on his phone. Remember, he who seeks will find.
      • We don't make scandals.
      • If the relationship still allows, go together to the forest, to the zoo or just to visit.
      • We do not hang ourselves and do not poison ourselves... Not the end of the world, and it is not the most the best man in the world, believe me.
      • In any case, no matter what scenario the events unfold, one must live on, loving and respecting oneself. A good Russian proverb says: what God doesn't do, everything is for the best. May it be so!

        Video: Expert opinion

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    If you have been caught in regular infidelity with the same young lady, then you will have to try to get your wife to forgive you. Regular cheating is simply the presence of a mistress. And this is a more serious fault, because, it turns out, you have been deceiving your wife for a long time. And she will remember how you did not want to have sex, how it became for some reason less money from you to act, how you once offended her mother, and ... how Pashka loved her, whom she refused for you. In a word, it will begin that Armageddon is just child's play in comparison.

    By the way, why did you even have a mistress? Probably, weaved about three boxes for her about what a monster your wife is? Everybody does it - a practiced technique: “There has been nothing between us for a long time. We are strangers, marriage due to immaturity or profit ”- this is another set of phrases that is standard when applied to lovers.

    It's amazing that it works 99% of the time, as women just want to listen and believe what they hear. Well, you did it: there is a mistress, and the wife knows about it. What's next? Here it is no longer possible to refer to the clouding of the mind due to alcohol intoxication. There is cohabitation with two women at the same time. Will your beloved wife forgive?

    The best defense is an attack, and therefore many choose this tactic: "You are to blame for everything: you are a bad hostess, you don't look after yourself, your head always hurts!" What a fine fellow! Cheated, and even blamed his wife for it! The betrayal is already humiliating for the wife, and if it also turns out that the betrayal happened because she is useless, and the mistress is good in all respects ...

    Try to find some logic in this. Is it not obvious that from such speeches, your wife is guaranteed to leave you, she will also give alimony and will not allow you to meet with your children. At every corner he will tell you that you ... bad person... And so it will tell you that sooner or later you are guaranteed to bleat.

    Therefore, in any case, do not use this "best protection" if you want to save your family. Here you can try to do the same as in the situation accidental betrayal- less truth, more pronounced remorse, regret and total love for his wife and family.

    We can say that you were forced into treason by blackmail. We can say that business depended on it. Perfect option- you were bewitched, you were not yourself, did not understand what you were doing, you were drawn against your will to this woman. You wanted to tell your wife so that she would help and take you to the witch grandmother, but you were very afraid. Moreover, they were afraid for her, they did not want to hurt her. But now that she knows everything, she will definitely help. More sincerity. The legend works flawlessly, women just love stories about love spells.

    After repentance speeches, begin to act. It is required to prove that your wife is the only one. No diamonds, at least not yet. First of all, arrange romantic date in the very place where you met, or in a memorable place for both of you. Try to keep the romance over the edge. There, tell her how much this epoch-making meeting of two hearts still means to you. And how are you still sure that it is with her, with your wife, and not your mistress, that you want to go through your whole life.

    But now you can back up your words with a diamond, a fur coat or a car. And, most importantly, tell her that it hurts you because you hurt her. Be unhappy, killed. Be sick with love for her. Throw SMS-kami, as a last resort, you can portray a suicide attempt.

    But by no means not a gram of alcohol, hold out! Women hate drunken delirium, but suffering on a sober head can cause them pity. Beg for a second chance, and she will give it to you, if you never reproach her for anything, agree with all her claims, and promise to improve.

    Yesterday I, a woman, for the second year free from all obligations to men, had a scandal in my house! Moreover, it was arranged by a man with whom I divorced to my own great satisfaction.

    We met Denis six months ago on the bus - he accidentally stepped on my foot, and then 2 stops apologized and repented in every possible way. Said he rarely uses by public transport, so it feels like an elephant in a china shop. To be honest, I really liked it at first sight.

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    Family Problems: Cheating Husband

    Cheating husband ... Tragedy in the family? What's next? Most likely, curses will be spilled on the head of the insidious traitor and more great wishes heavenly punishment for the one who dared to encroach on property. Thickening paint? Far from it! Read the angry letters of abandoned women - all of them are full of accusations, denunciations, calls to stigmatize all men who are often "goats, scoundrels and scoundrels". And, it is extremely rare to hear timid doubts, or maybe I am also to blame for something?

    Sad statistics: sociologists say that about 97% married women have reason to fear that their husbands have cheated on them at least once. One can imagine how the women will be indignant, trying to understand what these men, in the end, lack ?!

    Love is blind? Or maybe women are blind, who at first thoughtlessly fall in love with men who are completely unsuitable for them, and then suffer and blame anyone for their failed fate, except themselves. And, as often happens, blindness occurs over time, and women are already with wedding ring and in the proud title of wives, they cease to see in their chosen one the virtues for which they fell in love and chose them as husbands.

    How to improve relations with your husband after his betrayal, if you want to save your family.

    Probably, after all, there is no single recipe that would solve the problem of treason and attitudes towards it. Many people simply prefer not to know about it, to close their eyes to it, according to the principle, you know less - you sleep better.

    Family Relations: Cheating Husband

    Alas, this happens ... It often happens, although many women prefer “not to see and not know” about her husband's betrayal. But then the thunder struck! Either the "kind" people reported, or the neighbors saw, or the spouse himself could not stand the tension and admitted - but who cares how this terrible fact surfaced in the once calm course of family life.

    "Changed! Well, how could he ?! " - this question torments most of all. It doesn’t get out of my head. Moreover, not a single woman can find the answer to it. Either the pain is so strong that the head refuses to work, or male psychology so complex that it is impossible to understand it. For us, betrayal is the end of the world, betrayal, misfortune, resentment that cannot be forgiven. And for them? For men?

    And what to do when something worries, but there is no certainty, when suspicions are just beginning to creep into the soul - to wait or intervene in the situation, not allowing it to develop to a sad end? But in this way, you can provoke a break yourself in the event that you are mistaken and offend your husband with distrust and unreasonable jealousy. How can you tell if another woman has appeared in your husband's life?

    Family Relations: Cheating Wife

    Reproaches of infidelity are often answered by men that they are cheating with women, that is, female infidelity- not that uncommon. Well, to be objective, wife's betrayal is also a fairly common reason for divorce. True, this does not mean at all that women cheat more often than men.

    The psychology of family relationships

    Thirty s extra years lived with the same husband. I don't know why, but the thought of betrayal never, never tormented me. Although I guessed ... my husband sometimes did it. But it turned out for him, somehow that did not offend me, did not hurt and did not humiliate me.

    Cheating on her husband ... They say that no one is safe from her, because for something the same men have stopped loving even Nefertiti and the Queen of Sheba. Is it possible to protect yourself from treason loved one how - hardly even the most experienced specialist family psychology will give you a prescription.

    Is there life after life, long family life, happy or not very, stormy, quiet, passionate, monotonous ... Is there life after betrayal, vile, prickly, insidious, unexpected and deadly?

    Here is such a commentary was written to the article "The insidious cheater!" And a little earlier similar review I read the article "My men" (letter to the editor). Apparently, the topic for the author is very serious and important, and therefore I found it possible to draw your attention to it, citing the entire commentary and keeping the author's edition.

    What to do to make the wife forgive the betrayal

    Wise and correct advice For you.

    It is difficult to get forgiven for your wrong actions, even if you apologized.

    As with any relationship, arguments and disagreements in marriage are inevitable. Your wife may do or say something that she will regret. You can do the same. Husband and wife should make every effort to forgive each other and forget the unpleasant event so as not to destroy joint marriage... However, there are situations when, due to emotions, we make unforgivable mistakes. To force your wife to forgive you, we will advise you to show patience, tenderness and understanding in relation to your spouse.

    Apologize to her, and if necessary, ask for forgiveness again. At the same time, it will be useful for men to know that it is impossible to make excuses in this case. An unconditional apology means that you have realized your wrong actions and are ready to do everything possible to correct the situation.

    2. Convince your wife that you are very sorry.

    Explain that you never had an intention to upset her. Tell her that it hurts you to see her upset. However, do not pretend to be a victim.

    Just tell her that if you could get everything back, you would have done differently.

    Be patient, pretend your wife is at a distance. Let her put her thoughts in order for a while. But give her the opportunity to do something bad about you, get ahead of her and demonstrate your love for her. No matter how unresponsive she is, you have to show her that you still care about her. When you return from work, ask your wife how her day went, and if she is upset about something, support her with a word, the wife will be pleased male attention in relation to yourself.

    Try to behave with your wife as at the beginning of your relationship. It often happens when children, financial problems or work are the cause of the damaged kind and sensitive relationship between a man and a woman. Step aside from your day-to-day grind and look at the current situation.

    Flirt with her, make her laugh, and try to act like the beginning of your relationship.

    This is how the creators of the game "100 to 1" came up with the question this time! Unfortunately, everyone, even in the strongest families, from time to time there are relationship crises, which, as psychologists say, are programmed by nature itself, and from which, alas, not all couples will be able to get out. Their reasons are more often external, but sometimes internal factors: beliefs, desires, past experience each of the spouses, etc.

    However, undoubtedly, quarrels are disgusting for each half that makes up a single family organism, and we - men, being more emotionally stable than beautiful women dear to our hearts, have, in most cases, to ask forgiveness from our faithful. For this, it is not always enough to say "sorry", but it is also better to please her with an unusual, albeit inexpensive, but certainly meaningful gift, buy your cute flowers, while kissing tenderly, kneel in front of her, and even wash the dishes. Then, for sure, the clouds on the face of our queen will scatter without a trace, and we will receive the main reward - a simple, but so beloved smile!

    The husband, according to the popular game 100 to 1, in order to beg forgiveness from his wife, must do the following things:

    Apologize to your spouse

    Buy her flowers, preferably prettier.

    Get on your knees before her.

    And when all these conditions are met, then he has a small chance after some time to be forgiven.

    The wife is always right, even if she is wrong, she is still right.

    And the husband, in order for his wife to forgive him, must - make a gift, apologize, buy flowers, kiss, kneel, wash the dishes.

    A husband should do all this without a quarrel.

    It seems to me that a lot depends on what the wife should forgive her husband for - after all, there are actions for which you cannot get off with a simple request for forgiveness, but it would be nice to give an expensive gift.

    In the game maximum amount points can be typed with the following answers:

    In Game "100 to 1" to the question

    Better yet, all of the above

    If you mean a game one hundred to one, then the question "What should a husband do for his wife to forgive him?" the following answers were given:

    The question is in the game 100 to 1 today

    40 MAKE A GIFT

    200 KNEEL


    I can't answer the third question

    120 - BUY FLOWERS

    And 840 points per game - YOURS!

    If we take the answers for the game one hundred to one, then such answers will be popular. In order for the wife to forgive her husband, he needs:

    1 - give her a gift of 40 points,

    2 - apologize 80 points,

    3 - buy flowers for my wife 120 points,

    4 - kiss her 160 points,

    5 - kneel in front of her 200 points,

    6 - wash the dishes 240 points.

    This probably depends on the severity of his offense and the degree of guilt. And of course, a lot depends on the husband himself and his willingness to ask for forgiveness. My answer options for this question, the following -

    • kiss
    • To apologize
    • I will not say anymore
    • give flowers
    • give jewelry
    • just repent.
    • The first position is to make a gift;
    • The second position is to apologize;
    • The third position is to buy flowers;
    • The fourth position is to kiss;
    • Fifth position - kneel down;
    • The sixth position is to wash the dishes.
    • These are the answers that will help you win. Good luck.

      How to make peace with your wife after infidelity: constant mistress and regular cheating

      Regular cheating is simply the presence of a mistress. And this is a more serious fault, because, it turns out, you have been deceiving your wife for a long time.

      What to do to make the wife forgive the betrayal

      Useful tips for men. How to make your wife forgive you.

      What should a husband do for his wife to forgive him?

      Turn back time and not make that mistake. And to be honest, it all depends on why she holds a grudge against her husband. If you can forgive a deception, then not every woman will forgive a betrayal. There are no flowers here

      Hello! Today's article is devoted to solving the problem that has arisen among many representatives of the male population: “ What to do to make the wife forgive the betrayal his husband? ”, Yes, people today overstep the line of fidelity, harming their own marriage. No one is immune from this, because the initiator in different situations anyone serves: a spouse, you, a mistress, or even a fourth person. It's too late to look for someone to blame, what to do to make the wife forgive the betrayal, and most importantly, how to return now faith, respect and love.

      Physical contact cannot be the cause of feelings, but the likelihood of losing true love is always extremely high, in order not to lose what is truly dear, you need to act. Understanding the absence of falling in love with the “one-time heroine” gives a guarantee of getting the first result, but if before the third participant did not have anything to do with the union, then under newly discovered circumstances, it takes a priority position, therefore, it will forever be remembered as the lawful keeper of the hearth.

      Advice! Before starting to eliminate the problem, break the connection with the culprit of the devastation, saving the arguments, evidence that will be needed during the dialogue. They can play an important role in "debriefing", becoming a fulcrum for the formation of a conclusion about the preservation of the marriage or its breakup.

      What can be done to make the wife forgive the betrayal?

      What can be done to make the wife forgive the betrayal? First, it is worth understanding and accepting the expected consequences in advance by swapping places. Secondly, a left turn is often a factor of incurable pain, as a result of which you need to prepare for inadequate whims, such as:

    • A trip to the store in the middle of the night for sweets;
    • Driving out of bed during sleep;
    • Enhanced control with checks Email, phone ...
    • Thirdly, the other party will be in constant search of clues, just like reproaching himself in an incident. Get ready to support her in these moments.

      The conversation should take place in a space remote from the children (if any). Better to complement the atmosphere with romantic attributes, as if you were on a date. candy-bouquet period... Also try to calm down as much as possible on the eve of the meeting and tune in to a calm, peaceful conversation.

      Remember that exactly at this hour, minute, it will not be possible to finally reconcile, because this procedure, like all other painful ones, it takes time and quite a lot (at least a year). It is necessary to be patient and refer to the material: How to return a wife and her trust after her husband's betrayal?

      The above applies to the case when the lady already knows about the misconduct. If there is a possibility of concealment and she will never know about it, then it is more expedient to hide this fact. Experiencing and inner torment will soon become " dark spot of the past ”, and your half will be protected from unnecessary emotional outbursts. We do not make excuses a similar practice, but sometimes it is the only way out. To be savvy, you need to know for what reasons a wife can forgive cheating. On this score, we have a ready-made material: Why do wives forgive the betrayal of their husband?

      The authoritative gift in the environment you have driven yourself into is the return of your spouse's trust. He has to be conquered, but not by inventing new plots and justifying his actions. In authority, there is a truthful consistent "confession", an explanation of behavior, the discovery of a complete and clear picture of events in her eyes. Try not to confuse cards by introducing false points into the monologue, anyway they will be revealed, and you will remain "in the fool", so be guided exclusively by true fragments of treason.

      Despite the complexity that will prevail throughout the story, trust can only be restored this way, if it really matters to you. In addition, it is not recommended to blame a loved one, even if some of the blame lies with her.

      Ask your wife for forgiveness so that she is at least 70% convinced that she is valuable to you and gains confidence that this story is in the future living together will no longer happen (if the betrayal occurred for the first time). You should not count on the benevolent reception of the information that you will spread, but restraint on your part, just like admitting your mistake and regretting it, will correct her idea of ​​you as a real man.

      Closing and hiding is the lot of the weak, even if these weaklings own big business or "the whole world." In no case play a double game if you value your spouse, even if she and her children are dependent on your welfare.

      At risk are those men who decided to establish contact with their wife, knowingly not saying goodbye to their passion and not putting all the points on the other side. The fact is that all male actions, if the spouse finds out that you have not broken off the leftist relationship, will become a dead weight. The woman, in turn, will simply not allow herself to meet you halfway, stop normal communication with you and, most likely, will even start turning children against you (if any). Read: Wife filed for divorce. What to do?

      Say goodbye to the left side.

      To avoid further problems, the following should be done:

    • Put her phone number on the blacklist so that she cannot get through and / or send an SMS message;
    • If you cannot set a ban on calls and SMS, then either buy a new phone or change the SIM card;
    • Do the same for in social networks(blacklist, deletion from the friends list);
    • You should also delete comments on photos, videos and on the wall, the history of the dialogue (preferably after talking with your wife, because there is a high probability of demanding her to be shown, deletion in advance will mean that you are hiding something);
    • In the end, you shouldn't look for meetings with her on your own or restore contacts, “The secret sooner or later becomes apparent. Socrates." - remember this.
    • I want to note interesting fact where the lover turned out to be in love with you. So, if you noticed in her behavior, eyes and during conversation that she claims to be in your heart, then you need to inform her and honestly confess your choice in order to “turn off” hope. Of course, this may not work, the likelihood that the woman herself will begin to set traps in an alliance with her spouse is also extremely high. Be extremely careful and competent ideal solution there will be advance warning of this to the wife. Below is the most important thing, what no need make in no case, so that the wife forgives her husband's betrayal.

      Don't show your "girlfriend" to your wife. If the mistress, in the wife's opinion, will be better in some parameters, then the woman's self-examination (the search for differences and shortcomings in herself) will sooner or later lead to a crisis in the relationship. She can exhaust herself so much (by training, fasting, going to doctors, nutritionists, cosmetologists, etc.) that she will bring herself to physical ailments of various types... If it requires you to show, honestly admit that you are afraid of this and reinforce it with the words "You are much better, more beautiful, smarter and more magnificent ..."

      We told what to do so that the wife would forgive the betrayal, but without a fight and loyal attitude to her whims, reproaches, fits of anger and other unhealthy psychological consequences arising from a male misconduct will not achieve results. Time is running, in the end, she will someday calm down (time depends on the temperament and character of the woman). You, in turn, should give her moments from the past when you were cozy and comfortable together. Remember what was overlooked when starting a family, what has changed. Give her again the emotions that she was deprived of when she got married. But! Know when to stop, otherwise similar state will grow into a habit, in the absence of such moments in the future, you can be suspected of a new betrayal. On account of this, we have a separate material: How to prove to your wife the absence of adultery on the part of her husband?

      Test. Will my wife forgive me for treason?

      We deliberately did not share with you the details about the temperaments, the ratio of attention and attitude of each other, the habits of the lady of the heart and all kinds of her character, in order to speed up the process of reading today's article about what to do to make the wife forgive the betrayal... Here is a test that will quickly help you find the answer to the question: "Will you forgive me?"

      How to make peace with your wife after infidelity: what to do to forgive

      Family life is filled with an overabundance of emotions, which is filled not only with happy moments, but also everyday problems, gray everyday life, disagreements. Sometimes the latter lead to the fact that the spouse has an affair on the side. Only at the beginning of a relationship is romance, passion inherent, and after addiction and mistakes, only one question arises - how to make peace with your wife after infidelity? After all, having an affair is one thing, and family is sacred. Having made a mistake, understanding comes, but it is not always possible to fix it.

      For any person, betrayal is a strong blow and a painful experience that can destroy even very long and strong relationships. What to do to make amends, because the situation is painful not only for one side, but also for the one who did it. Especially if what happened is perceived as an unfortunate mistake and sincerely longs for forgiveness.

      In spite of unpleasant events, they can also be the beginning of harmony between a couple. Psychologists attribute this to the fact that spouses, who did not appreciate what they have, overcome the difficult path together, and then reunite. This crisis teaches that you need to value and cherish what you have and love, otherwise you will lose something most important. This cannot be replaced with anything and cannot be filled, so you need to think about how to ask for forgiveness for unworthy actions.

      However, for some women, cheating is taboo. Whatever you try to do, no matter how you ask your wife for forgiveness, the verdict has already been passed and is not subject to discussion. But you should definitely try. Especially if you love her, your family and are not ready to let go because of a stupid mistake.

      In order for the wife to forgive the betrayal, follow these tips:

    • It is necessary to act immediately, to look for ways and tactics of reconciliation. Do not wait for a long time, otherwise she will file for divorce, after which what is happening will be many times more difficult. In addition, your loved ones will know about these events. Who do you think they will support?
    • As you know, women love with their ears. Use this knowledge, but not for "fairy tales", but in order to pour out your soul, thoughts, tell what prompted you to do this and how you regret and dream to fix it.
    • Confess everything as it was. Do not deny your guilt, it is already obvious. Throwing responsibility onto someone else is easy, but where was your head? This is what your spouse will think, thereby reducing your chances of success.
    • Do not try to manipulate and press. Some individuals try to threaten to commit suicide if he is abandoned. With these words, you aggravate the morale of your half. Because of this, rash actions are taken.
    • Remaining indifferent is unacceptable. Whatever your experiences and feelings - do not bury them inside yourself. The mask of indifference, as it were, shows that you do not regret what happened and that you don’t admit your guilt. This could lead to more affair in the future.
    • Consult with your environment, ask how to apologize correctly, repent, tell about how much family means to you. In general, what will show you in a favorable light, because your wife will probably know about this conversation as soon as possible.
    • Go to the proposed conditions. Does she want more attention? Do you want to spend more time together or accompany her? Why not? This is the lowest price to pay for forgiveness for treason. Rejoice if everything turned out that way.
    • As for the former, cross it out and add a bullet! No calls, messages, much less meetings. History should remain in the past and never repeat itself.
    • The most important thing is to show her to everyone available ways that she is the only and beloved. Arrange pleasant evening... It would be even better if this happens in some place that is significant for both. Talk about how incredible she is, thanks to her you have such a wonderful family, and that if it collapses, life will no longer make sense. Say that the connection was accidental, you are confused. Yes, it is possible that "everyday life" contributed to what happened, but you know that it will give you a chance to fix everything.
    • The most disgusting pattern of behavior is attacks to shield yourself. "You are a slob, a bad housewife, this is all because our relationship has become boring and outdated." In addition to the obvious betrayal, these personalities finish off a woman with insults, kill her self-esteem and take the ground under her feet. What are you thinking about? Obviously, after she comes to her senses and shakes off all the dirt, the first thing she does is run away from you, file for divorce, and also closes access to children. After cheating on your husband, this behavior is completely justified, so think twice before aggravating the situation.
    • How does a spouse feel when her husband is cheating on her?

      What is the reaction of women to cheating? Naturally, everyone will be in a stressful state, and mental pain and resentment overwhelms. In addition, whatever your relationship was before, now uncertainty and distrust will definitely be added to it.

      In a woman's nature, it is laid on subconscious level the desire for security, the feeling that she is “like for stone wall". If this feeling is disturbed, sad consequences are guaranteed. It is sometimes almost impossible to get it back.

      For each of us, stability and confidence in the future are important. Especially for a girl who has children. Having shaken her confidence, forgiveness for treason may not happen. It is important for her to support family hearth, protect your family from adversity and give children warmth.

      Sometimes the spouse loves so much that the sweetheart becomes for her the center of the universe. She lives for him, breathes him. And when he gives it, it cannot be called a simple blow to pride. She feels how the whole world around her is collapsing, a deep depression sets in, a denial of what is happening. The consequences are possible in two ways. Either she goes even deeper into herself and suffers, or acquires sharp cynicism, any possible love relationship is devalued, the need for full independence... As a rule, this is where feminism originates.

      The most terrible feeling that is certainly acquired is self-doubt. This complex is like a thorn in the victim's soul. Even sexual intercourse was fleeting, accidental, happened only once, the girl still thinks that it happened because she is somehow different, that she is not worthy of love, and the betrayal happened due to the fact that they no longer love her, and now even more so no one will love. This is a terrible feeling that men don't even think about. And it would be worth it, perhaps it would have stopped many from rash actions.

      How to build relationships?

      Considering the above, main task begins to regain trust and harmony. Work with your spouse's feelings and make sure her self-esteem returns to its previous state. To convey that she is important and can trust her spouse.

      Of course, this does not mean becoming henpecked. She just needs to feel that she is an important part of life. You need to learn to reckon with her opinion. If before you allowed yourself not to warn about possible delays at work, now this option is excluded.

      Never interfere with your own children! Do not speculate with them, because in this situation they already have the worst. After all, they see what is happening and feel the same pain, however, they cannot take the situation into their own hands and control its solution. Whatever happens, they don't deserve to suffer. They love both mom and dad and just want to see them next to them, to feel that everything is fine in their world.

      And also try to restore warm intimacy, talk more often that she is beautiful, cooks deliciously, good mom... But some beautiful words not enough. Take the trouble to surprise with flowers, your favorite sweets. Take on some of the responsibilities, helping even with something insignificant will play into the hands.

      Let your beloved do what she has long wanted. Maybe you are against her hobbies? Don't let her get behind the wheel? The time has come to support her endeavors, after that you will grow from an enemy into a friend, building new relationships brick by brick.

      Be patient! Do not expect your spouse to behave the same after the pain is inflicted. This is normal, because the bitter residue remains and will not disappear so quickly. For now, you need to be content with the fact that you have a second chance to correct what happened.

      Support the wives who have forgiven her husband's betrayal.

      My story is this: we have been married for almost 4 years. Before that, they met for about 5 years. Six months

      ago we had a child, whom we expected and wanted. And now, a month ago, I find out that he has a different one. He is me

      told everything. Said he couldn't cheat anymore. They met for about a month, and before that

      corresponded for three months. They had sex once.

      What did he say to me: that he does not want to lose me and the child. I said to choose, me or she. He said goodbye

      with her 2 times. Then again they corresponded by text messages. I realized that he really liked her. He called it "euphoria."

      Why have I forgiven? I love him very much, I cannot imagine my life without him. In turn, the husband says that everything in his life has become "black and white"

      some time ago, and he does not know what it is to love. Sometimes he thinks about the "bachelor" life.

      He said that my inattention to him pushed him towards that woman.

      I really Lately, before and during pregnancy was cold in bed, I admit my mistake. And I love my husband.

      He lives with us, takes care of the child and me. Not going to leave.

      But something died in me. More precisely, every time everything inside me breaks off when I think about him and that woman, about

      how much he was drawn to her.

      Wives, support. I so want peace of mind, I want to forgive him and forget everything, but it doesn’t work. It doesn't work because my husband can't tell me:

      "Darling, forgive me, I want to be only with you." He is confused, he himself does not know what he wants. Tell us how it was with you and how did you survive the betrayal of your husband?

      P.S. those who think that I am a “complete fool” and did not expel my husband, I ask you not to bother. I'm trying to keep my family together.

      One-time betrayal can still be forgiven, but your husband Loved another, permanent relationship, and maybe he still loves, this will not be forgotten, what happened between you will never be. But of course, keep your family, you apparently have a strong psyche.

      You cannot forgive your husband but treason, his love for you. This is the problem. If you fall in love with him again and feel loved, then be happy.

      Yes, nothing of the kind, I could not, (the situation is one-to-one only after my husband told everything, I left, and he realized that he loves me) began to look after me, run after me in love and confess he said that he understood how he loves me when he lost ... well, etc. I returned with two children and I loved him very much. But now two years have passed, and I have not forgiven anything. (and my love gradually passed) although my husband now treats me very well, he almost kisses in the ass. He says that he loves, he offered to get married because he believes that I am his half. But here is some kind of "ka" lurking in me, I think if now an option turned up (there are men who are worthy with whom I would like to, no) I would even cheat on him and my conscience would not even say anything. Previously, I was not like that (everything for the family, I could save on myself), but now I can buy expensive clothes for the last, and if my husband says that there will be little money left, I will not even pay attention (this is not my concern). I would also like to return everything, treats him as before, but I don’t have that attitude, although he now loves for two. So if the author falls in love with her husband back, not the fact that he will forgive.

      Tatyana Vedeneeva forgave her husband for treason

      The actress, businesswoman, TV presenter told how she survived the divorce. Tatyana Vedeneeva admitted that it was not easy for her to forget about the betrayal of her second husband. Her son helped her cope with a difficult life situation.

      In the early 90s, at the peak of popularity, being one of the most sought-after presenters, Tatyana Vedeneeva dropped everything and went abroad. She left her homeland, parted with her beloved work, dropped everything, not looking back and not regretting anything, because she fell in love. Vedeneeva's second husband, businessman Yuri Beganov, actually set a condition: choose, or new family, a house in France, a share in a business, or an old job, fame and millions of viewers. Tatiana chose the first one and was absolutely happy, despite the gossip. Many said that Vedeneeva exchanged national fame for money. But she does not agree, because even before her marriage she had two apartments in Moscow, a car and a good job.

      The new life suited Vedeneeva quite well. Together with her husband and his two daughters from a previous marriage, she settled in a luxurious house with a swimming pool on the Cote d'Azur. She worked with her husband. The only thing that slightly overshadowed their marriage was the lack of common children. However, Vedeneev was not particularly upset by this. But her husband, as it turned out later, is very. After fifteen years of marriage, Tatyana and Yuri divorced. The reason for this was not different views for life and another woman. Now the TV presenter remembers this calmly.

      Vedeneeva said that it was not easy for her to survive the divorce, and she forbade herself to hate her husband for his betrayal. And that is why, now she can calmly communicate with ex-spouse even call him any minute.

      After the divorce, Tatyana began to visit Russia often, and in fact returned. Vedeneeva is an actress by training, who before active work on television, successfully acted in films, began to play again and participate in television and film projects. Recently I bought a house - a townhouse in a prestigious area of ​​the Moscow region and is now doing repairs there.

      Tatyana has an adult son from her first marriage - Dmitry. It was he who was there at a difficult moment for his mother, Dmitry supported Tatyana when she was going through a divorce. “My son was very supportive of me. We never discussed anything with him, but always intuitively felt, was there. After all my filming, he could call and say: "Let's go to the bar." And so I went to the bar with my adult son, ”Tatiana said.

      Vedeneeva does not exclude the possibility that she might marry again, although she admits that men are afraid of famous and independent women like her. And she will never run after a man. This year Tatiana Vedeneeva will be 65 years old. “I somehow do not suggest to myself, but mentally imagine that I am in the middle of the path. I would like to. This is certainly not a beginning, but not a denouement, ”she said in an interview with the host of“ Once ”.

      How to forgive a husband for treason?

      Cheating is a difficult test for a marriage, and it is very difficult to forgive cheating on a husband. Both husbands and wives cheat, and each for their own reasons. But the fact itself suggests that a person has ceased to value family values ​​...

      Unfortunately, our life is far from ideal, just as not ideal are all human relations... Not always everything happens as in a fairy tale. Sometimes life throws up such surprises for us, which in the very nightmare would not dream.

      Often male infidelity happens by chance, as if by chance, to which he does not attach any importance. For example, we sat with friends in a pub, had fun, met with cool girls(and then they won't even remember their names) and, as they say, rushed. By the way, for the most part, men do not see anything criminal in such a betrayal, explaining it this way: "Well, the baby has relaxed." This to us, women, it seems - wow, a fry, but for them - just to spit and grind.

      It so happens that it meets old love, and old feelings emerge from somewhere from the depths of the soul ... To be frank, this is what happens in women, for males - this is a great rarity.

      They say that love lives for three years, and then its need to be constantly nourished otherwise it will soon give way to a new one. This, as they say, is a woman's lot - to keep feelings “afloat”, and husbands are sometimes happy to succumb to something new and unknown, without hesitation, stepping over what is really dear to him (he will understand this, but not right away) ...

      Usually new love or the hobby captures so strongly that the upper head turns off, and only the “lower” one starts to work, so at this time it is very difficult for a man to cope with his physiological desires. I do not make excuses and do not urge so simply to take and forgive my husband for treason, but simply state a fact.

      Monotonous life, monotonous days, monotonous sex ... These are women who prefer stability in the family. They are happy to tenderly build their "nest" for long, as they think, years. For a man, the family is, first of all, a duty and responsibility. And from this sometimes I really want not just to leave, but to run away, especially if the wife has nothing else on her mind except household chores and taking care of children. I do not argue, everything is as it should be.

      but married ladies gradually forget about their main quality - as a woman and cease to be her in every sense.

      As you know, men's friendship is a special article. If women want to be individual and would never buy, for example, the same blouse as a friend's (even if they really like it), then men, on the contrary, will not want to stand out from the crowd their friends, so to speak, "real men."

      There is also a separate category of men (fortunately, there are not so many of them) who, in principle, do not need marriage and family (only it is not clear why they get married and have children at all). They are called differently: Don Juan, womanizer, Casanova. In short, these are the kind of men whose bed has a large carrying capacity.

      Firstly, if you find out that the faithful is walking on the side, then before forgiving betrayal to your husband, think carefully whether he is worth it. Often our Russian women are ready to endure everything, any humiliation (both moral and physical), just not to destroy the family. To all the persuasions of relatives and friends, they say the standard, hackneyed phrase: “I can’t leave, after all, he is my husband, and how children will be without a father,” and they, stupid, do not understand that children without such a “father”, it might be much better. Why do they need a father, who prefers to spend time with someone else's "aunt"?

      Wives do not understand that it is much easier to live without a walker husband: nerves are intact, insomnia does not torment, there are no scandals and daily debriefing. Of course, many are simply not confident in their abilities, they say, she will not be able to raise the child to her feet alone. These are already our Russian stereotypes, and there is no "hide, no hide" from them. Okay, this is a separate topic for conversation.

      Don't make yourself guilty in any way. Insofar as best protection- this is an attack, your husband will take advantage of this weakness of yours (that you blame yourself), and even “hitting” with claims will suit you. As a result, you will find yourself extreme and will ask forgiveness from this traitor.

      If you have not completely forgiven your husband, and the betrayal still hates your heart, then you don't have to pretend and pretend that everything is fine. Sooner or later, at the first opportunity, everything that has accumulated inside will pour out threefold.

      To forgive treason or not is a personal matter for everyone. I believe that if you forgive once, it will definitely be followed by the second, and the fifth, and the tenth. However, each of us is free to make his own decisions ...

      What should a husband do for his wife to forgive him?

      Turn back time and not make that mistake. And to be honest, it all depends on why she holds a grudge against her husband. If you can forgive a deception, then not every woman will forgive a betrayal. Flowers and an apology won't help here.

      A husband, according to the popular game 100 to 1, in order to beg forgiveness from his wife, must do the following things: Make a gift Apologize to his wife Buy her flowers, preferably prettier. Kiss your wife Get on your knees before her. To wash the dishes. And when all these conditions are met, then he has a small chance after some time to be forgiven.

      This is how the creators of the game "100 to 1" came up with the question this time! Unfortunately, everyone, even in the strongest families, from time to time there are relationship crises, which, as psychologists say, are programmed by nature itself, and from which, alas, not all couples will be able to get out. Their reasons are more often external, but sometimes internal factors: beliefs, desires, past experience of each of the spouses, etc. However, undoubtedly, quarrels are disgusting for each half that makes up a single family organism, and we - men, being more emotionally stable than beautiful women dear to our hearts, have, in most cases, to ask forgiveness from our faithful. To do this, it is not always enough to say "sorry", but it is also better to please her with an unusual, albeit inexpensive, but certainly significant gift, buy flowers for your sweetheart, while gently kissing her, kneel down in front of her, and even wash the dishes. Then, for sure, the clouds on the face of our queen will scatter without a trace, and we will receive the main reward - a simple, but so beloved smile!

      In Game "100 to 1" to the question "What should a husband do so that his wife can forgive him?" there will be the following correct answers: MAKE A GIFT- the first line; SORRY- the second line; BUY FLOWERS- the third line; KISS- fourth line; Get on your knees- fifth line; TO WASH THE DISHES- the sixth line. Better yet, all of the above

    I was wrong.

    I was wrong, I know it
    And I admit all my mistakes.
    Forgive me my dear
    I love you the most.
    Open your soul to me again
    Give me back joy and peace
    I will prove to you that the best
    And that I deserve to be with you.


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    Forgive the fool.

    Well, forgive me, you fool.
    I'm sorry. I admit I'm guilty.
    I stumbled a little yesterday
    And today I’m not happy with life either.
    I love you so dearly
    I can’t eat or breathe.
    Forgive me, my sun.
    I have no right to lose you.

    Apologies to wife from husband

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    I'll tell you how it was.
    It was something like that!
    I walked home from work, boldly,
    And holding the flowers in a fist!

    He walked without knowing the sadness
    I walked and thought about you!
    Passion and tenderness raged
    Suddenly, I remembered about wine!

    I wrapped it up in the store,
    For a bottle of wine.
    Like a respectable family man,
    He bragged about the beauty of the ring!

    Suddenly I heard the word - action!
    What do they have, they say, tasting.
    The demon has beguiled! The devil took
    I tasted the glass!

    To have something to compare with,
    I decided to taste the wine!
    I thought about you
    But, worked as a sommelier!

    I've tried a lot
    And I forgot my way home.
    Confused our address,
    Later I went to sleep in the garage!

    Sorry, sorry spouse!
    I'm not guilty of anything!
    Who knew that I was in a service, They offered a surrogate!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    Sorry, sorry, dear.

    Sorry, sorry dear!
    The brows of the house are not frowning!
    I love you and I know for sure
    Foolishness guided me!

    I realized my deed
    Weighed everything in the cups of life.
    I didn't know love before you
    And looked at everything through a prism!

    Sorry, darling! Trust me!
    I only need you.
    Sorry, quietly open the door
    I am alone, not at ease!


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    We were both in a hurry to quarrel

    Wife, forgive me if you can
    Yesterday, I offended you.
    I shouldn't have accused you of not being able to,
    Loving to wait for me from work.

    Problems just piled up
    I fell for no reason.
    We were both in a hurry to quarrel,
    I'm sorry, my love.


    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    I will improve with forgiveness

    Your grudge against me
    Has reason.
    Wife, you are a sad half day
    And zero attention to me.

    I'm sorry I didn't praise
    You when you return.
    I said unnecessary words,
    I will improve with forgiveness.

    Apologies to wife from husband

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Create a postcard

    With a sense of apprehension

    Wife, this is not the first time I ask
    I am your forgiveness.
    I always hurry home to you
    But with a sense of apprehension.

    Say sorry one more time
    So that the heart calms down.
    In our life together, after all,
    Any business was arguing.


    When a family is created, hardly any man thinks about how he will begin to cheat on his wife. It usually starts out idealistically: spouses begin to enter into new rhythm of their lives, enjoying loneliness and each other, gradually develop habitual actions from day to day. Of course, sometimes quarrels happen, but after them it is so nice to make up in bed. However, betrayal soon follows, after which the man wants to know how to make peace with his wife so that she forgives him. The male site the site will consider when the period of betrayal comes and how to cope with them for both partners.

    You can't say that a man just starts to walk to the left. If the man was initially ready to cheat, then he would have met the next day after the wedding. However, the problem of infidelity arises no earlier than six months of joint family life. What happens in the relationship of spouses, why men go to cheat?

    There are many reasons for the appearance of betrayals:

    1. Monotonous days that do nothing to please a man.
    2. Workload and household chores, when the wife does not give time to rest and relax.
    3. The lack of that hot and ardent sex that was before.
    4. Loss of interest in his wife, who now does not try to please her husband.
    5. Constant quarrels with his wife, who continues to be dissatisfied with her husband day after day.

    In rare cases, we can say that a man is such by nature that he cannot help but cheat. Often they lie in inharmonious and difficult relationship that add up between the spouses.

    And so the man is walking change. This can happen unplanned for a man, or he will take a long time to prepare for this. After the first time, the husband will surely feel guilty. He will most likely begin to beg for forgiveness from his wife. He can make his wife unexpected nice gift, may slightly change his attitude towards her for the better, will begin to carry her in his arms. However, when the conscience calms down, the husband can again try to cheat on his wife.

    The more often the husband allows himself to change and how longer wife does not recognize his secrets, so less man feels guilty. His behavior towards his wife returns to the former (that is, gifts and carrying in his arms again ends), especially if quarrels and monotony of life reappear.

    And now the wife finds out about the betrayal. Her friends can tell about it. Friends of the husband can talk about this. Sometimes the husband himself becomes so imprudent that he loses his vigilance and is pierced. Sometimes lovers get tired of being in the shadows and they different ways declare themselves to the wives of their lovers:

    • Leave panties in pockets or in cars.
    • Leave traces of their lipstick on clothes.
    • They call their wives.
    • Appear on the doorsteps of houses.
    • Send photos with their image and their husbands.

    As the saying goes, sooner or later everything secret becomes apparent. If the husband long time leads a "second life", then the wife will soon find out about it. What will be next?

    Husbands use only one tactic - to perform any actions that will allow them to get forgiveness from their wives. Of course, a man may not behave like that if he is already ready for a divorce and cheated so that his wife herself would take the initiative to part with him.

    What will the wife do? She will either forgive her husband, or categorically part with him. For some women already final decision becomes a betrayal of her husband, so they will not even consider other options, no matter what their husbands do. However, there are women who can change their minds, especially if their husbands try.

    Women's opinion can be changed. Therefore, men who are guilty should try to be forgiven and save their marriage.

    As a result of infidelity, it becomes bad not only to the wife, but also to the husband. The wife feels betrayed. Her hopes were deceived, her love was trampled. She can no longer trust her husband. As for a man, he, too, can feel bad only in two cases: if he really considers his act to be wrong and if he does not want to part with his wife because he loves. What can you do to make your wife forgive? Use the following tips:

    • You need to act immediately, without waiting for any time. If you wait, the wife is more likely to file for divorce. Your relatives will find out about everything, and most likely they will support your wife.
    • Tell your wife why you did this, what thoughts overwhelmed you, how you felt. Women are susceptible to plaintive words, if you tell a pitiful story of your experiences, which the wife at one time could not discern and eliminate, then she can reconsider her decision.
    • Agree that you are to blame. If your betrayal is revealed and it is obvious, then it would be foolish to deny it. Better agree that you lost your head and did the wrong thing. You are aware of this, so you ask for forgiveness.
    • Don't blackmail or threaten. It will be ineffective to say that you will do something to yourself if your wife leaves you. This will force her to break up with you even more, because you put pressure on her, not admitting your guilt in doing so.
    • Don't be indifferent. If you hide your emotions inside, then they will be visible only to you. And your wife will think that you do not care what happens to your relationship, which will further confirm her decision that it is necessary to part with you.
    • Talk to your surroundings. It is better if these people turn out to be girlfriends or even the family of your beloved. At the beginning of the conversation, they will accuse you of treason and will not even want to listen to you. But you try to pour out your feelings and thoughts to them, tell them how you suffer without your wife, how you repent and all that. You can ask them about how to make peace with your wife. Surely this conversation will become known to your wife. Putting yourself in the right light can help your wife's loved ones contribute to your reconciliation.
    • Agree to your wife's terms. She will probably talk about the conditions on which she agrees to make peace with you. If they are insignificant and do not require anything serious from you, then agree if you want to save the marriage.
    • Part with your mistress. Here you definitely need to put a bold point ... or at least a very long comma. It is important that the mistress does not appear in your life either by calls or SMS, while you make peace with your wife and build relationships with her.
    • Create pleasant moments with your wife. Have a romantic evening. Visit a place that matters to you. Take a trip. During this time, talk about how wonderful your wife is. Only thanks to her you have such a strong family... Talk about how thoughtless you were and ask for forgiveness.

    What shouldn't you do? Blame your wife for your cheating, pointing out her shortcomings. This is the very last thing you should do. If you want a divorce, then start insulting and humiliating your wife, blaming all the troubles. A similar tactic is followed by men who soon become bachelors.

    How does a wife feel when her husband is cheating on her?

    A wife who finds out about her husband's betrayal will certainly change her attitude towards him. She loved him, trusted him, appreciated him. And now he showed his abusive attitude towards her. The first thing that will change in her is that she will lose confidence in the man and confidence in the strength of their relationship. She will be in stress, shock, pain, frustration and suffering.

    When she got married, a woman believed that she was behind her husband "like a stone wall." She completely trusted her husband, gave freedom, devoted herself to him. But he did not appreciate it. He destroyed the confidence that his wife had placed on him. Their family from a former fortress turned into quicksand.

    It is not uncommon for women to love their husbands very much. They devote themselves all to them. And when they find out about the betrayal, they fall into depression or become so cynical that they reject any opportunity love relationship... It is on this basis that feminism is born - a direction against men, and not freedom from them.

    Among other things, a woman begins to feel insecure. Her husband devalued her by starting to date another woman. The wife thinks that the reason lies in her unattractiveness and shortcomings that come to the fore for her, because of which self-esteem and self-doubt are further reduced.

    How to build relationships?

    The process of building relationships will be very long and difficult. A man should understand this and not wait. positive results soon. If you want to get your wife back and rebuild your family, then you will have to try to restore your woman's confidence in herself, in you and in your relationship. She must understand that she can trust you, which will take a lot of time and effort.

    There is no need to become henpecked. Now, however, tell your wife where you are, when you get home, and who you are meeting with. Be open-minded. In this case, always take into account her opinion and wishes.

    Do not in any way interfere with children in your relationship. Don't speculate with them. It is already hard for them when they see that their parents do not get along with each other.

    Let your wife go about her business. Do not limit her in what she wants to get carried away. Also compliment her often. Give gifts, help around the house, get sexually close. Remind her that she beautiful woman.

    How do you end up making peace with your wife after infidelity?

    Be patient. You will not immediately reconcile with your wife if she found out about your betrayal. It will take a lot of effort and time. Do whatever is required of you. If you promise, be sure to follow through. And remember: during this period, you need to become ideal for your wife, so that over time she will calm down and forgive you.

    These conspiracies belong to the section of love and are aimed at a wife who has cooled down in feelings, cheats or often quarrels with her husband. Both the husband and older women can read such conspiracies. This light magic is aimed at preserving the family and maintaining warm family ties. With the help of a conspiracy, a husband can return his wife or ask for forgiveness and be sure to receive it. It is important to adhere to the rules of reading the conspiracy and pronounce the words clearly, investing your desire and faith in them.

    Conspiracy for the wife to love:

    Buy a new mirror and read this conspiracy three times in front of it:

    “As in the mirror looks, admires the whole Christian world, all the people are human, they are not looking at them, they are not looking, so my wife, God's servant (wife's name), would look at me without seeing enough, I would not admire, I would not admire, I would not rejoice. Like a dog does not bark, does not grumble at its owner, happily runs towards him, so my wife, the servant of God (wife's name), would not grumble at me, would not shout, and would have met me with great pleasure. Amen." §§§ Conspiracy so that the husband's wife wants: “As fire builds up heat, so let my wife (name) wish me. It does not drive away from itself, does not return, not in the day, not in the night. He doesn't drive me out of his bed, but always entices me! Amen." §§§ Love conspiracy in marriage:

    Collect water in the morning and hide until evening. When everyone in the house is asleep, go out into an empty room with water and, holding it in your hands, read the conspiracy three times:

    “How a bird cannot live without heaven, a forest animal cannot live without a forest, wild flower- without a piece of land, so let the servant of God (name) not be able to live without me, the servant of God (name). So that she was bored and grieved, she did not see the light, she could not live for an hour without me, the servant of God (name). Amen."

    Conspiracy water must be sprinkled in every room, pay special attention to your bedroom.

    Conspiracy so that the wife does not cheat:

    Take your wife's shoes and wipe them with a wet rag saying these words:

    “As steel is strong, so my love is strong. May she keep the servant of God (name of the Wife) next to the servant of God (your name), How the shoes hold those heels. Let the shoes wear, they remind her of me to her legitimate husband (your name). To always want me alone! So that she would not want to leave me! How shoes only look at each other So (wife's name) would only look at me ( husband's name), As shoes are worn only in pairs, so we would be a pair. I would not let other men of the servant of God (name of the wife) close to her, only thought of me. From now on and forever! " §§§ A conspiracy for the husband's wife to forgive:

    Before asking for forgiveness, read the conspiracy alone three times:

    “Angel, shine a kind light on the heart of my wife (name of the wife), Let her heart soften, let her pity me, May you forgive me all my sins Let it not harbor anger at me and go towards me with love. Please do so, amen. " §§§ A conspiracy to get his wife back: "Like the sun with the moon, like the earth with water Always two, always close. So is the servant of God (name) with me And everything is fine with us and everything is fine with us Now and ever. Forever and ever. Amen" §§§ Family love conspiracy:

    They read the plot three times and tie two threads in knots:

    “Let the servant of God (name) be by my side, May I be a servant of God (name) with a servant of God (name), in grief and health, in poverty and wealth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    After the thread must be burned.

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