Why you need an even skin tone. Tips on how to even out complexion at home. Skin color equalizers

An even, beautiful and natural tone of the face is one of the criteria female beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve such results. Below are a few secrets on how to even out the tone of the face and achieve the final goal.

Secret number 1 - peeling

The formation of dead cells on the surface of the skin is a natural phenomenon, but because of it, the skin becomes dull, looks unhealthy. In addition, the tint does not go on smoothly, moisturizers do not absorb properly, and ultimately the makeup looks sloppy.

To do facial peeling at home, you must use a scrub, suitable for the skin. Services can also be used beauty salons where procedures are offered chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, peeling with beta-alpha-hydroxy acids.

Secret number 2 - preparing the skin of the face

On moisturized skin, various tinting agents, in particular, a cream that evens out the tone of the face, and tonal foundations, fit much better. Today, foundations that are applied under products containing an SPF filter are especially popular. It can be replaced with a moisturizer containing such a component, in extreme cases, use the usual one, but after that you need to wait a while for it to be well absorbed into the skin, usually it takes 10-20 minutes.

Secret number 3 - even out skin tone

One of the most important points in the question of how to even out the tone of the face is applying a moisturizing tint or foundation(the first option is more transparent and invisible). Required condition- matching face tones and cream, mousse, etc. Otherwise, the applied agent will be noticeable, desired result will not be reached.

Even skin tone should be problem areas, in most cases it is the forehead, chin and nose - the T-shaped zone.

Secret number 4 - remove defects, redness and circles under the eyes

How to even out the tone of the face without eliminating this kind of oversight? It's just not possible. They are eliminated with the help of a corrector - a masking agent with a creamy consistency. It is simply applied to problem areas and then driven in with a light tapping of the fingertips on the skin. You shouldn't rub it!

Secret number 5 - prepare the eyelids

Even if it does not mean applying eyeshadows to the eyelids, they need to be put in order, otherwise how to even out the tone of the face? In most cases, the beauty in this area is spoiled by bluish streaks - veins. They hide with the help of a tonal framework. Due to the fact that the skin here is very thin, the product should be applied in small amounts, otherwise not only will the correction be noticeable, but additional wrinkles will appear, and the skin will not natural look.

Secret number 6 - we make a person out of a doll

After all the adjustments made, it will be homogeneous and doll-like, in order to give it "humanity", you should resort to using bronzing powder or cream blush(however, if you like ordinary blush more, they will also work, but only if a woman knows how to use them well, and even more so to shade). Both can be applied if desired. A powder puff or a fluffy brush is suitable for applying powder, it needs to cover the forehead, nose and cheeks. Blush should be in the area from the "apples" - from the center of the cheeks to the cheekbones. Once again, attention should be paid to important point- You need a good shading!

Secret number 7 - fix the result

How to even out the skin tone of the face without fixing the result? Previously, not a single makeup artist could do without this stage, today this moment may well be missed, although the vast majority of experts still insist on it. For this, powder is used, which is applied thin layer on the face.


If all the recommendations have been followed, the face has taken on a fresh and natural look, you can start applying cosmetics. It should be noted here that after such a procedure, you can simply tint the eyelashes, this will be enough. The complexion is already perfect, unnecessary accents can be avoided.

smooth and smooth skin on the face - an impossible dream for many, but it can become a reality if you make an effort and be patient. There are salon and home procedures that even out complexion. . How to conduct them correctly and what determines the effectiveness of each, is described below.

Professional methods

Among the popular salon procedures, several stand out at once, the action of which is aimed at eliminating spots and pigmentation of different origin.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor medical sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many have gone through me. famous people who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you are unwilling or unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but the most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained IS FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that almost immediately small and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Laser skin tone correction

There are two ways to improve the condition of the skin with a laser:

  1. Peeling. It has an effect on dark spots laser, its alexandrite-neodymium type is used. It can eliminate some pigment spots from the skin, while the patient of the salon will not feel pain, and the skin will not suffer from burns. The procedure is completely painless, but due to the fact that protective functions epidermis after it decrease, it is better to pass it in autumn or spring time to avoid exposure of the skin to the scorching sun or cold.
  2. Correction. Laser technique aimed at eliminating post-acne and scars. A laser beam of low power acts on the site of damage and burns a layer of the epidermis on it, making the irregularities less visible visually.

Oxygen therapy

One of the popular methods for improving the condition of the skin and smoothing its tone. With it, cosmetic gas is injected into its upper layers with a syringe. It evens out the structure of the skin by accelerating cell regeneration in damaged areas. This is a great technique for those who are struggling with acne or the aftermath.

Chemical peel

This complexion smoothing procedure involves chemical treatment of the skin. active substances, which will cause the exfoliation of its cells, and thereby contribute to their renewal. There are two types: superficial and deep. Their choice depends on the persistence of pigmentation and the depth of damage to the skin.

Its superficial appearance helps to cope with light pigmentation, it acts a little more intensely than a scrub, but the deep one is used for more persistent stains.

With it, special vitamins are introduced into the upper layers of the skin. The technique successfully eliminates mimic wrinkles and makes the skin more elastic, tightens it along the entire oval of the face.


The latest development, incorporating the best sides cryolifting and peeling. After it, more significant results are obtained, and the process of skin restoration is much faster. During this procedure, dead cells are exfoliated, pigmentation is eliminated, and blood circulation is accelerated. Cryopilling is aimed at eliminating excess melanin, after which the skin tone becomes even.

Massage with liquid nitrogen

It is in demand among those who want to acquire the perfect skin texture on the face. The procedure lasts only 10 minutes, after it redness may be observed in some areas, but they disappear within an hour, but the skin after the massage is unrecognizable, it becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch.

home treatments

You need to regularly restore the tone of the face at home, nothing will change in one session of exposure to the selected remedy.

First of all, you need to choose the right cosmetics face care.

Some immediately thought why bother if you can buy an excellent leveling tone and choose the right foundation for makeup and get it half an hour after applying them. even tone. This can be done, but the causes of skin changes cannot be eliminated, and the constant use of decorative cosmetics will only aggravate the situation.

Procedures for smoothing the skin of the face at home begin with its cleaning, in no case should you wash your face with soap, it will dry out the epidermis and adversely affect its shade. It is worth picking up a foam or a light gel once, which can be used for several months.

It would be good not to forget to use a scrub every week to get rid of dead cells that prevent the appearance of new ones.

Indispensable in the fight for an even tone of the face are homemade masks. Before using each of them, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face, for this it is not necessary to purchase expensive store-bought scrubs, you can make them at home by choosing one of the effective recipes below.

They will remove the upper obsolete layers of the skin and prepare the ground for the epidermis to receive nutrients.

coffee honey

For its preparation, three components are taken in equal quantities: honey, ground coffee and butter grape seeds. They are mixed to get a homogeneous mass. She needs to massage her face for several minutes, and then the coffee mixture is removed with water.

Coffee and kefir

According to this recipe, you need to mix 4 tbsp. spoons of kefir with 2 liters. rice flour and then add the same ground coffee, mix until smooth and apply to cleansed face skin. The composition is first rubbed, and then left for five minutes, after which it is washed off.


The main active ingredient in it is lemon juice, which must be taken in the amount of 0.5 tsp. To it is added one teaspoon. honey and bran, as well as a few drops lemon oil. All previously mixed ingredients are applied to the face and left for 5 minutes, and then removed with running water.


The effectiveness of these home remedies depends on the regularity of their use, since they are all cumulative.

For eyelids

Its preparation begins with the preparation of ingredients. With a medium-sized tomato, you need to remove the skin and mash its flesh with a fork, grate the peeled potatoes on a fine grater. Combine prepared vegetables in equal dosages and divide them into two parts. Put each of them in a separate piece of gauze and hold under the eyes for 10 minutes. After this time will pass Remove the mask and rinse your eyelids with water.

From cabbage and kefir

It is best to make such a mask from young vegetable whose leaves are poured healthy juice. It is required to take two large cabbage leaves and grind them in a blender, then add two tablespoons of kefir and a few drops of lemon juice to them. Due to the presence of the last ingredient, such a mask cannot be applied under the eyes and on the eyelids.

The composition of the mask is evenly distributed over the face, avoiding the eye. Keep it for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse with water. After such a mask due to the presence dairy product the use of cream is optional, the skin after it is sufficiently moisturized. Instead of kefir, it is allowed to use low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt without sweeteners and dyes.


It is better to make it from regular rather than dry yeast. Twenty grams of this product is dissolved in water, so that the output is a cream-like mass. Enter 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil. The resulting composition is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, and then it is washed off with water, without the addition of detergents.

from parsley

This plant perfectly whitens the skin, its juice has a positive effect on them. Greens are crushed in a blender, and then mixed in equal proportions with yogurt, kefir or sour cream. For dry skin, in the mixture you need to enter not a large number of olive oil. The product is distributed on the face and left for 20 minutes, then it needs to be washed off.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have investigated, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative botox. main feature that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Homemade recipes can help with light pigmentation, have a deeper effect salon techniques, only their implementation is not always available. If, after completing all possible procedures desired result not achieved, then:

  • Pass the medical examination and visit a dermatologist, he will be able to establish the cause of the discoloration of the skin and select the appropriate technique to eliminate pigmentation;
  • Before deciding to choose a specific salon procedure it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist who will be able to objectively assess the condition of the skin and tell you what is best to go through and what course.

The selected procedures for smoothing the skin of the face will be more effective if you exclude smoking from your life, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, drink plenty of fluids daily and less coffee, then an even skin tone is guaranteed.

Greetings, unforgettable representatives of the fair sex. Every woman always wants to look great, have a fresh and even color faces. But, not everyone can boast of this.

Various redness and peeling, all this and much more gets in the way of the desired beauty. Therefore, now, we will analyze the factors on which the health of the skin depends and ways to even out the color within your own apartment. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to make an even tone of the face at home.

Factors affecting the condition of the skin

Health skin depends on several factors:

  1. Proper care. This is the use of hygiene products, taking into account the type of skin, the application of moisturizing and nourishing creams, masks. Timely cleansing of pores, removal of the keratinized layer of the epithelium, protection from frost and ultraviolet rays.
  2. Proper nutrition. Refusal or limited consumption of sweet and fatty foods- fast food, sweet soda, chips, etc. Remember, everything you eat is reflected not only in the scales, but also in appearance.
  3. Water balance. Both in winter and summer, you need to drink up to about two liters of water. The exact calculation is made individually, taking into account anthropometric parameters and type of activity. AT this case only pure water is considered.
  4. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. A healthy and long sleep guarantees a fresh and rested face.
  5. Spend more time on the street, two to three hours a day should be devoted to hiking. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and help to relax, take a break from everyday work.
  6. Especially in summer period don't get carried away sunbathing and sunburn, use creams with UV protection.
  7. Leave their mark on the face bad habits, how great use coffee, and smoking.
  8. Pay attention to the state gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of this area can affect the condition of the skin.

Face Tone Alignment Methods

To make the skin color even and uniform, they resort to several methods:

  1. conducting healthy lifestyle life;
  2. applying decorative cosmetics;
  3. appeal to professional cosmetologists;
  4. folk remedies.

Leading a healthy lifestyle

Makeup is an emergency and short-term measure to even out color tone, so you need to start with the basics of your own life, namely a full-fledged, rational nutrition, drinking regime, physical activity and sleep.


The diet should include fish, lean meats, seafood, dairy products, chicken and quail eggs and A, E. Their content is high in sea ​​fish, liver, fresh vegetables and fruits. Useful freshly squeezed carrot, citrus and beet juice, green tea.

Excluded: canned food and sausages, mayonnaise, sweet soda, chips, fried and fatty foods, a large amount of spices. As well as coffee, alcohol and smoking.

Drinking regime

Daily consumption clean water, with addition lemon juice. Give up sugary drinks and alcohol, they give the skin an unhealthy look, increase the production sebum and cause acne.

Physical exercise

Sport improves blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen. Promotes cell renewal, regeneration, makes wrinkles less noticeable and evens out the tone of the face.

Complete rest

Insufficient rest, less than seven hours, leads to the appearance of circles under the eyes, a tired look.

Smoothing makeup

It is important to constantly apply a cream from ultraviolet rays. Even in the cold season, they affect the condition of the skin and provoke the appearance of pigmentation. Reduce the time spent in direct sunlight, do not get carried away with the solarium.

Exfoliate your face once a week daily care use lotion or facial cleanser. You can buy them at specialized store, however, the scrub can be made independently.

To even out the tone, use a corrective tool with a pencil, special fluid or cream. Don't be put off by yellows and greens, they mask redness and scarring.

You need to apply correctors only with a brush, so they will lie more evenly. Choosing them under natural color skin tone, pay attention to the tone slightly lighter than yours.

After that, apply the foundation, it can be powder or foundation. You also need to distribute them on the neck area so that the tone looks natural and does not abrupt transition. When the foundation is applied, the color is evened out, give the face brightness and volume with the help of blush, shadows and highlighter.

Appeal to specialists

It is sometimes impossible to eradicate age spots and other irregularities on your own. In this case, cosmetologists will come to the rescue. The dermatologist will determine the cause of the problem and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment or laser procedure. In cosmetology salons, you will choose a number of procedures that successfully improve skin condition and even out tone.

Traditional medicine methods

To the means folk wisdom resorted to always and at all times. To make the skin firm and elastic, contrast baths are taken and steam baths, with the addition of various additional components.

Often a lotion is prepared, which also has a whitening effect. To do this, take equal amounts of sage, oak bark, parsley and Linden blossom, mix all the ingredients. Fill herbs with vodka and insist for two weeks. Strained lotion wipe the face.


There are many recipes for refreshing and leveling masks, with various components and in all sorts of variations. Here is some of them:

  1. . Take one medium cucumber and grate. The resulting mass is mixed with any available nourishing cream. Spread evenly over gauze and put on the face, incubated for 25 minutes. Wash away warm water, without using chemicals. If you have fat type skin, it is allowed to add a small amount vodka;
  2. Carrot. Mix chopped carrots with yolk and oat flour(about one tablespoon). If there is no allergy, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. You can apply only chopped carrots for 15 minutes;
  3. With honey and lemon. (a couple of drops) mix with liquid honey and apply for 30 minutes.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of masks to even out complexion, presented here is only a small list. Therefore, everyone will be able to choose the most effective and safe option for themselves.

If you have uneven tone faces, redness and pigmentation do not despair. This is a problem on this moment well solved, for urgent matters makeup will save you, and for a longer lasting result, only care and work on yourself. Subscribe to updates and advise your friends and acquaintances to read this and other articles.

All make-up artists are sure that perfect tone skin is the basis of any make-up. Without it, both beautifully made-up eyes and bright seductive lips will “lose”. Sometimes impeccable tone faces are all you need to look your best.

Let's talk today about how to even out the tone of the face so that the skin looks natural.

The agony of choice

Bobbi Brown, a well-known female makeup artist who is considered the creator of nude makeup, suggests testing the color of the foundation on the forehead. Bobby Brown claims that it is in this area that the skin of the face is the darkest. Also, the makeup artist warns girls against applying powder on the neck - to even out the shade, she suggests using bronzing powder in the neck area.

Remember, the foundation should blend with your skin tone, only in this way the makeup will turn out really natural. Also, do not forget that the task foundation- not to hide imperfections in the form of acne and redness or change the complexion, but to even out the tone, refresh it and create a base for further face makeup. This is the basis of future makeup. Only when the complexion is evened out, you can start experimenting with textures and radiance. And not always need something else besides foundation.

Bobby Brown claims that the perfect foundation does not change the complexion. The makeup artist says that when she sees women with traces of foundation in the collar area, she immediately understands that the choice of tone was wrong. If the tone has changed the complexion, and in order to hide the difference, the woman applied it to the neck, then you need to change the tone. Bobby Brown encourages you to always check how the tone looks in natural light. And buy only if it blends flawlessly with natural shade skin when applied to the forehead and cheekbones.

Making the tone invisible to others

Never neglect shading - this is an indispensable part of your face makeup, so that your efforts are not visible to others. If you are creating daytime makeup, be sure to test it under natural light. The difference between what you see under the rays of artificial light and what others see on the street can be very significant.

If you create makeup for the evening, do it under artificial lighting. So you can always be calm that the cosmetics on your face look natural and harmonious. But makeup for photo shoots not necessarily check for natural color.

Apply the tone first on the bridge of the nose and blend towards the tip of the nose, then move from the bridge of the nose vertically to the hair growth zone, then from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Then work your cheeks from the bridge of your nose to your cheekbones, from your nose down to your chin.

Why is there so much focus on shading? Because a dense layer of foundation does not just look unnatural and becomes an inanimate mask, it demonstrates how much effort has been spent on creating makeup (and we always strive to just give it to favorable light natural appearance, correctly underline, and not roughly paint over). Moreover, a dense layer of foundation reduces the durability of makeup.

Skin care

Skin condition before applying makeup plays essential role in the end result. Insufficiently hydrated skin and the presence of peeling can negate any efforts to create beautiful tone faces. Therefore, in a few words, let us dwell on care. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing - the "golden" key to beautiful well-groomed skin. Of course, if you have chosen products suitable for your age and skin needs.

However, the same cosmetic products not always able to meet the needs of the skin all year round. AT autumn-winter period due to wind and temperature changes, many girls begin to complain of peeling and redness. If you are also concerned about this problem, switch to another skin cleanser, such as milk or micellar water. Minimize skin contact with water, do not use foams, gels and similar products. Also, do not forget about the regular removal of dead cells with soft scrub or peels. Scrub is recommended to be done once a week.

Do not forget, the result of makeup largely depends on the quality of your cosmetics. Moreover, the condition of the skin from constant contact with low-quality cosmetic products will also deteriorate, so buy cosmetics thoughtfully. Do not use unfamiliar, accidentally turned up at hand means. The ideal tone can be created only after careful selection of each "participant" of the process (tonal, corrector, concealer, powder, etc.).

How to apply foundation: sponges, brush OR fingers?

What should I use when applying foundation: sponge, brushes or fingers? This is more about your habits and experience, because different professional makeup artists use different tools. What is the difference? When you apply the foundation with your fingers, you get a better feel of how well the product is distributed, and the absorption process improves under the influence of the warmth of your hands. By working with a sponge, you will be able to get a really thin, weightless layer of foundation on your skin and distribute it evenly.

Many professional makeup artists use all methods depending on the situation. For owners of oily skin, a more appropriate option would be to use a sponge, for dry skin, on the contrary, it is more convenient to apply the cream with your hands. AT last years there is a tendency to use brushes when applying foundation. In fact, different brushes are used for this purpose, both with artificial and with natural pile, With different types slices, etc. You need to select them individually, preferably in consultation with the seller, taking into account the type of foundation and its texture.

If there is little time for applying makeup, always choose a sponge. Otherwise, uniform shading cannot be achieved.

Our advice: if you haven't bought BeautyBlender yet, do it. This sponge has already become super popular. They are really incredibly convenient to use, easier than brushes. The BeautyBlender can be applied wet or dry. Dry application allows you to get a denser layer of foundation, while it will lie down evenly and neatly. For the most natural light makeup, you just need to slightly moisten the sponge in water, and then apply foundation with it. Get a weightless natural texture - for day makeup perfect option.

There is a similar sponge smaller, which perfectly copes with the task of spotting and blending corrective agents and tone. Other convenient option is a sponge brush that can also make your life easier in the struggle for the perfect complexion.

Concealer and concealer: which tool is useful to you, and in what situations

The corrector is used when it is necessary to mask certain skin imperfections, such as pimples, spider veins, age spots, etc. The concealer does a great job dark circles under the eyes, brightening them, gives the skin a radiance and a rested look to the face.

The sequence of applying these funds may be different, each professional in this matter has his own preferences. Many suggest that you first correct the imperfections (use a corrector), then the tone evens out the skin tone and smoothes out the final traces of the corrector, and at the final stage a concealer is applied to bring it to perfection appearance skin. If you do not need a proofreader or concealer, some remedy can be excluded. This is an optional part of makeup.

How to choose the right corrector? Your perfect solution- a corrector, selected taking into account the problem.

  • A pale pink corrector will help hide bruises under the eyes, as well as post-acne spots. It is perfect for smoothing fair skin.
  • Gray, pale earthy skin color will help even out the peach corrector, as well as remove bruises under the eyes. It should be chosen by owners of medium skin tone.
  • With the help of an orange corrective agent on tanned skin, it will be possible to mask age spots and traces of post-acne.
  • And to cope with the dark circles of the owners tanned skin corrector with yellow pigment will help.
  • A corrector with a green undertone helps to remove redness well.

A few more nuances that will bring your makeup closer to perfection

  1. Fluff on the skin (small fine hairs) incorrect application powder or foundation becomes more noticeable. Therefore, it is important to apply cosmetics, moving in the direction of hair growth.
  2. You know what can ruin your perfect complexion? Fluffy shadows! When applied, they can crumble, and as a result, efforts can be wasted. You can avoid this by protecting the area under the eyes while applying shadows with special patches, or just start with eye makeup, and then move on to work on the tone.
  3. You probably already know that powder is the finishing touch in makeup, which fixes all the work done, keeping makeup for a long time. Do not use it to correct or remove oily sheen. To hide flaws, use special means, and if you're worried about what appeared over time oily sheen, use matting wipes - they are the best suited for solving this problem.
  4. If you have oily skin, use a primer in the T-zone area. This will improve the durability of the foundation and help to avoid the appearance of oily sheen.

It has long been noticed that an even complexion and smooth skin look much more attractive than a layer of decorative cosmetics. So long ago that this male remark gradually began to resonate in the female understanding, and the fair sex seriously thought about how to make the perfect tone of the face. Without makeup, for a flawless and fresh look at any time of the day and in any circumstances. Or with make-up when you need to make a special vivid impression. But a perfectly even complexion, one way or another, became the cornerstone, on which the quality of the entire make-up and the image as a whole depends.

Professional makeup artists can make the tone of any face perfect, even if the skin has noticeable imperfections without makeup. But how often do we find ourselves in the hands of such an experienced specialist? In most cases, day after day, women have to do their own makeup. Let this not be an evening and not an idle make-up - daytime look requires even more attention to tone. Therefore, we suggest you make the perfect face tone in two steps: first, tidy up the skin (“prepare the canvas”), and then learn how to select and apply foundation and makeup ("draw the perfect face").

Problematic skin: why is it so difficult to make the perfect complexion?
A perfectly even complexion is the goal of all girls without exception. But in reality, we are all, to a greater or lesser extent, far from this ideal. One is enough to even out the complexion, others are more worried serious problems with skin. The most common causes of uneven skin tone on the face are:
In the first four cases of these, you can improve the complexion on your own, even at home. But if there is even the slightest suspicion that a bad complexion is caused by a disease, give up amateur performance and immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist, and then doctors with doctors of narrow specialties, to whom he will refer for a detailed examination.

How to get the perfect face tone without makeup?
After carefully reading the above reasons for a bad complexion, you have probably already found the answers to most of the questions yourself. So it is: you will not be able to make the perfect tone of the face until you solve these problems. You need to start as soon as possible, and here are the steps:
This information should become your immutable rules for life. Or at least for as long as you want to keep perfectly even and beautiful colour faces.

How to get a perfectly even complexion?
Let's assume that you follow the rules of skin care in a disciplined manner. But even the most diligent woman is not able to completely change the way of life, especially if it includes the need to live in a big dusty city, enjoy public transport and eat groceries from the supermarket. It is not at all necessary to urgently move to the farm and take sunbathing after 9 o'clock good sleep in the hayloft. It is enough to regularly care for the face:
How to get the perfect face tone: makeup
Decorative cosmetics is the easiest way to a perfect face tone. Her main disadvantage- temporary effect, not decisive real problem uneven skin tone. But to create impeccable image you must be able to create the perfect tone with makeup:
To make the perfect tone of the face is possible only with solid, basic means. Decorative cosmetics you can only create the illusion of an even skin tone, and even then not for long. well-groomed girl should be able to do everything: and support healthy color face, and mask cosmetic imperfections. Love yourself and take care of the freshness of the skin, then you can make the perfect complexion with just a few strokes of the brush.