Vitamin injections for the face reviews. Injections of vitamins for the face are an ambulance for many problems. Vitamins for hair beauty

As you know, over time, no one gets younger. Especially the appearance excites women. And since in the first place age betrays the face, then the most topical issue for the female is the search for means to combat wrinkles. One of the ways to improve the appearance of the face and restore the skin to its former elasticity and softness are the well-known beauty injections, or, as they are also called, youth injections.

These are special injections. various substances, which are used by cosmetologists to rejuvenate the skin of the face. Beauty shots can be easily replaced plastic surgery, because the operation has much more consequences for health, it takes more time, special training And long period rehabilitation. And beauty injections are characterized by minimal pain and high efficiency, they have fewer contraindications, and the result is more predictable.

How to choose a cosmetologist for beauty injections

A good specialist before the procedure should:

  • Tell about the drug he is going to use,
  • About his action
  • About your feelings during the procedure
  • About the time of action of the drug
  • How your face will change
  • Learn about drug allergies
  • Talk about possible complications
  • Give information about the period of rehabilitation.

Facial beauty ampoules

With the help of beauty injections, facial skin is tightened (lifting effect), fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed out, skin elasticity is restored and it is moisturized. To achieve different goals, there different drugs. Consider these cosmetic injections in more detail.

As preparations in cosmetology are used:

  • hyaluronic acid,
  • peptides,
  • collagen,
  • synthetic polylactic acid,
  • calcium hydroxyapatite (radiesse),
  • botox (botulinum toxin),
  • polycapronolactone
  • vitamins and vitamin complexes.

Hyaluronic acid

Perhaps rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid is one of the most known ways injections of youth. By itself, hyaluronic acid belongs to glycosaminoglycans. It is part of the skin and connective tissue and has the ability to bind water and retain it, which ensures skin elasticity. With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid synthesized by cells decreases, it ceases to retain water in sufficient quantities, which is why wrinkles appear. The procedure in which hyaluronic acid is injected as an injection is called biorevitalization.

For it, various preparations are used that contain synthetic, or crossed (in which the molecules are connected by cross-links), hyaluronic acid: IAL System, Restylane, Juvederm, Repleri, Teosyal, Viscoderm.

The choice of the drug is carried out by a cosmetologist.

  • First, the skin is cleaned of cosmetics and treated with an antiseptic.
  • If necessary, an anesthetic cream is applied, but sometimes an anesthetic component is already included in the preparation, then additional anesthesia is not required.
  • Then the beautician injects hyaluronic acid.

The scheme of administration is developed individually for each patient. The duration of the course of anti-aging injections varies in each case, from two to three to ten. Between procedures, a break of at least one week is required. It is recommended to repeat the course no earlier than in a year.

In addition to injection, there is a laser (hardware) method of biorevitalization. This is a more comfortable and efficient way.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic, smoothes wrinkles (both fine and deep).

Advantages of preparations based on hyaluronic acid: it is a normal component of the skin, so it rarely causes allergic reactions and other complications.

The disadvantages include high cost, short-term effect, addiction (the body stops producing its own hyaluronic acid). Frequent injection of the drug is not recommended. And after the procedure, you can’t be under straight lines for some time. sunbeams, visit the solarium and massage, as well as lift weights.


Peptides are small sequences of amino acids that resemble proteins but are smaller. They enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid, so they are often used together in complex preparations. They stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, remove its pigmentation. The use of peptides in combination with hyaluronic acid and other substances is called mesotherapy.

Preparation for the procedure is similar to preparation for the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

Preparations for peptide mesotherapy include Mesoeye (for the eye area), DMAE, Dermaheal.

The advantages of the procedure are its long-term effect and non-toxicity, the disadvantages are the high cost, possible bruising after injections and allergic reactions.

This is a protein that, like hyaluronic acid, is part of the connective tissue. It maintains its shape, provides firmness and elasticity to the skin. In cosmetology, collagen of animal origin is mainly used, and in some expensive clinics, autocollagen synthesized by the cells of the person himself in the laboratory can be injected. This drug does not cause allergic reactions.

You can often hear that the composition of the drug includes "vegetable collagen." You should know that this is a myth invented by manufacturers, because collagen is a purely animal protein. In fact, hydrolyzed wheat protein is included in such preparations, some fragments of which resemble collagen in structure, but it is not so effective. All preparations with collagen are divided into 3 types: low, medium and high concentrations. The first is used to eliminate shallow wrinkles, the second - for larger ones, the third - for modeling the face.

The use of collagen for beauty injections

1 hour before the introduction of collagen, the skin is treated anesthetic cream. In some cosmetic clinics, the skin is cooled with ice cubes to reduce sensitivity, but it is believed that this reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. An additional anesthetic is also contained in the collagen preparation itself, most often a lidocaine solution is used. Collagen can be administered in two different ways: a thin stream or a series of injections.

The choice of method, the selection of the drug and the calculation of the number of procedures are carried out by a specialist depending on the problem to be solved. The advantages of collagen injections include a quick and long-term effect (observed after the first procedure, preserved from three months up to six months).

But there are also disadvantages: in addition to the high cost, the possibility of developing allergic reactions should be mentioned, if the execution technique is violated, edema may appear on the face.

It is impossible to inject collagen with oncological pathologies, after undergoing in the recent past laser resurfacing skin or chemical peeling, in the presence of inflammation on the face.

Synthetic polylactic acid

It is a polymer of lactic acid, which is formed in the muscles during intense physical exertion. For cosmetic purposes, it is produced in a laboratory, so the risk of allergic reactions is minimal. Produced under the brand name.

The use of polylactic acid in cosmetology

Polylactic acid is used in two forms: fillers and threads. Both procedures solve the following age-related problems:

  • swollen face contour,
  • hanging tissue,
  • wrinkles and folds on the skin,
  • elimination of nasolabial folds,
  • double chin,
  • skin laxity,
  • hollows and bags under the eyes.

This is due to the fact that polylactic acid works in 2 stages: first, it fills the voids itself, and then stimulates the production of collagen by cells, and new collagen fibers take its place.


The procedure takes no more than half an hour. She's not particularly different from the others. cosmetic procedures: first make-up removal, treatment of the skin with an anesthetic cream, the introduction of the drug and facial massage at the end.

You need 3 sessions with a break of a month and a half. Sculpture is considered one of the best drugs to eliminate wrinkles, after its introduction, complications very rarely occur, and the effect lasts up to 2 years.


But there is also a fly in the ointment: polylactic acid should not be injected into the forehead, lips, around the eyes. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the presence of autoimmune diseases or blood diseases. The result does not appear immediately, after a few weeks. Yes, and the cost of the drug is rather big.

Threads with polylactic acid

Another way to use polylactic acid is mesothreads (bio-reinforcement). In this case, the fibers injected under the skin create a frame that tightens and smoothes it. Later, the mesothreads dissolve and turn into water and carbon dioxide. And in their place remains a framework of collagen, which maintains the skin in this state for several years.

The procedure takes about an hour side effects and usually causes no complications. In some cases, swelling and bruising may appear, which later resolve. Contraindications - as in the previous method (fillers).

Calcium hydroxyapatite

Just like Sculptra, it works in two stages: direct replenishment of volume and stimulation of collagen synthesis. In cosmetology, calcium hydroxyapatite is known under the brand name.

The procedure takes place in a standard way and takes half an hour to an hour. It is held once a year. The effect is noticeable immediately, but fully manifests itself after a month.

Do not administer Radiesse during pregnancy, diabetes, inflammation in the place where they are going to inject the drug.

It is not used to enlarge the lips, but, unlike Sculptra, Radiesse can be injected into the chin.

Injections of vitamins for the face (mesotherapy)

Vitamin injections are also quite a popular procedure among women. Their essence lies in the injection of a complex of vitamins into the skin. Mesotherapy treats inflammation, exfoliation, skin exhaustion, acne, bags and bruises under the eyes, weak epidermis.

Most often, the following vitamins are used for vitamin injections: A, E, C, K, group B. The course of treatment lasts 3-5 sessions and you can take it no more than twice a year. Procedures can be started with twenty years of age, but doctors recommend waiting until 25-30 years.


Vitamin injections should not be carried out in case of:

  • diabetes;
  • heart disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • nephritis;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypertension grade 3;
  • postoperative period;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncology.

Botox is based on botulinum toxin, a toxin produced by the causative agent of botulism. When a person becomes infected with botulism, many of their muscles become paralyzed. This is the effect of botulinum toxin. It disrupts the conduct electrical impulses along the nerves to the muscles, and the latter cease to contract. This property is used in cosmetology: with the introduction of small doses of botulinum toxin, the tone of mimic muscles decreases and wrinkles on the face are smoothed out. In addition, Botox injections help to tighten the oval of the face (Botox lifting). By the way, Botox is the name of the drug in America, which has become a household name in our country.

In Russia, other similar preparations based on botulinum toxin: French Dysport, German Xeomin and Chinese Lantox. Preparation for injections is somewhat different from that before other beauty injections.

The skin is also cleaned of cosmetics, but not anesthetized - this will reduce the effect of the procedure. However, anesthesia is not really needed - very thin needles are used for injections, and pain is practically not felt. Then the face is divided into zones, into which injections are made. Botox is administered subcutaneously (to eliminate mimic wrinkles) or intramuscularly (with more deep wrinkles, for example, on the bridge of the nose, as well as for lifting the oval of the face).

On average, the effect of the procedure lasts 3-6 months. TO positive moments Botox injections are high efficiency, a wider age range (injections can be given from 18 to 65 years).

But there are also disadvantages: if the injections are performed incorrectly, parts of the face can move (for example, one corner of the mouth drops, the other rises). If you enter too large a dose of the drug, then the muscles will completely stop working, and the face will become like a mask. In addition, Botox cannot cope in the lower part of the face.

Botulinum toxin injections should not be given to pregnant women, as well as to patients with hemophilia and epilepsy.


This substance has long been used in surgery as a material for absorbable sutures. The drug polycapronolactone is called. The mechanism of action, purpose and method of application are similar to Radiesse and Sculptra. Ellance's advantages: instant and lasting effect (manifested immediately after injections, lasts from a year to four years), security.

Of the minuses, a wide range of contraindications can be noted: pregnancy and lactation, oncological pathologies, blood clotting disorders, diabetes mellitus, herpes and other skin infections.

In addition to the above preparations for beauty injections, injections of the patient's own plasma (plasmolifting) and ozone (ozone therapy) can also be given.

Can it be done at home

For beauty injections are used medical preparations, and the injection itself is a complex cosmetic procedure. Therefore, they must be carried out under conditions medical institution and only by a high-level professional.

The consequences of beauty injections, how dangerous they are

The consequences of the "shots of youth" can appear only if the prescriptions are not followed, as well as the procedure, despite the contraindications. In the first case, these are small swellings, bruises, which pass on their own. In the second case, side effects can be more serious.

A little about the consequences in this video:

Here are briefly reviewed the main drugs used as beauty injections. They have different properties: some tighten the oval of the face, others fight wrinkles, others moisturize. Choose the right one the right drug a cosmetologist will help, he will also write a scheme cosmetic injections and where to enter them. And we should not forget about contraindications, therefore, before facial rejuvenation, it is better to go to the attending physician and pass the necessary tests.

Beauty injections are essential attribute in modern cosmetology. These procedures are very popular and in demand among visitors to beauty salons. Beauty injections are used to rejuvenate the skin, on which wrinkles appear over time - today such procedures are available to many. At the same time, not everyone correctly understands what they are intended for and what drugs are used to combat the effects of skin aging.

What are beauty injections

Under this name, the general name of all injection methods for correcting skin defects is collected. Special funds cope successfully with a large number of cosmetic problems. They help to rejuvenate and improve the dermis, eliminate the symptoms of its age-related wilting. Muscles after the injection remain relaxed for a certain time. In addition, beauty injections are considered an excellent alternative to the services of a plastic surgeon, especially since they are suitable not only for the face and around the eyes, but also for the décolleté, neck and hands.

What are injections - types and features

Healing injections are great help in the fight against "crow's feet" and small wrinkles, which may appear in the forehead and corners of the mouth. The therapeutic substance after subcutaneous administration is evenly distributed over the entire area, due to which wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. When choosing suitable means specialist must take into account individual characteristics the patient's skin. An injection of Botox or another means only temporarily smoothes the defect (2-8 months), after which a second session is required. Kinds:

  • mesolifting;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • biorevitalization;
  • plasmolifting;
  • placental therapy;
  • bioreinforcement of the face;
  • contour modeling of the face.

General beauty injections

Deciding to use this effective method rejuvenation, like beauty injections, keep in mind that the essence of multiple injections is the same. Their difference lies in the type of drug used and the technique of application. To get rid of possible pain, during the procedure are used special creams. Such injections can smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, even in women over 50 years old.

This method of rejuvenation can be used from the age of 30, but the main factor is the individual characteristics of the patient's skin. At the same time, remember that injection procedures prohibited for patients under 18 years of age. The basis of the gel consistency is, as a rule, hyaluronic acid, polylactic (fruit), potassium hydroxyapatite and other ingredients, the list of which depends on cosmetic product.

Anti-aging injections

The use of special injections compared with regular creams helps to achieve best effect. With their help, you can deal with various aesthetic skin defects, including mimic wrinkles that appear around the eyes, mouth area and forehead. Some injections are used to correct the volume and shape of the lips. The specialist conducting such injection procedures must have medical education. The course of treatment is prescribed depending on individual process aging, hormonal disorders, environmental features And bad habits.

The composition of preparations for injections of youth

When planning to use an injection technique to eliminate wrinkles or create a new facial contour, read the composition of the preparations. Widely used in modern cosmetology following groups substances:

  • based on hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin cocktails;
  • based on polylactic acid;
  • botulinum toxin preparations;
  • based on calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • plasma from the patient's own blood;
  • based on polymeric silicones;
  • based on own fat.

Based on hyaluronic acid

This group of biodegradable products (fillers) is the most popular. It is used to increase the volume of certain areas of the face, tighten the skin, fill in folds and wrinkles. The principle of action of preparations based on hyaluronic acid is to physically fill the voids with further preservation of the achieved effect by attracting water molecules. The result can last up to 1.5 years - depends on the concentration of acid (hyaluronic acid).

Vitamin cocktails

Such injections are considered one of the most effective procedures for a complete recovery of the skin and the return of youth. In one session, with the help of vitamin injections, you can rejuvenate your face by 10-12 years, although it all depends on the characteristics of the patient's body. They are used, as a rule, in mesotherapy. Vitamin injections for the face have a wide range of possibilities, because. with their help, you can cure almost everything: from simple inflammation and peeling to deep skin changes associated with age.

Based on polylactic acid

Tools of this type are used less frequently, but are also popular. The active substance in them is polylactic acid, recreated synthetically - it is identical to that found in human body. The use of fillers (biodegradable) helps to tighten the skin, form additional volume of the cheekbones, cheeks, chin and fill in wrinkles and folds. The duration of the result can reach 2.5 years. The principle of action is based on the physical filling of voids and the launch of accelerated collagen synthesis.

Botulinum toxin preparations

The principle of action of such funds is based on the poison of a protein nature, which is botulinum toxin. It can damage neuromuscular connections. After the injection, the substance enters the muscle, as a result of which it can no longer contract. This action helps the skin to smooth out and even out wrinkles. True, after a while the muscles will recover and wrinkles will appear in their original places. In this regard, the course of treatment with drugs based on botulinum toxin has to be repeated periodically.

Based on calcium hydroxyapatite

With age, the production of biologically active substances responsible for the regeneration and activation of metabolic processes in the skin slows down. Calcium hydroxyapatite-based preparation can help to fill the deficit of soft tissues and enhance the production of collagen by fibroblasts. It is the most expensive and rare variety of classic biodegradable fillers. Such injections are used mainly for modeling new facial contours and skin tightening - the effect can last up to 3.5 years.

Plasma from the patient's own blood

There is a rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of the patient's own blood plasma. She is so new cosmetic technique like plasmolifting - thanks to it, the face becomes cleaner and younger. This method is based on the use of fully compatible blood plasma, which is rich in platelets. They are delivered to tissues by protein compounds synthesized with the help of ATP, i.e. adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is considered the main assistant in the production of energy.

Based on polymer silicones

Injections based on liquid silicone (polymers) are one of the few artificial drugs that are not biodegradable. To combat age-related skin changes, they are administered on an ongoing basis. A preparation based on polymeric silicones will help fill the deficit in soft tissue volumes and tighten the skin. True, from the point of view of the patient's health, it is unsafe due to possible migration. It may even require surgery to fix it.

Based on own fat

Even the fat deposits of the patient himself can act as a natural, natural filler. They are obtained by liposuction from the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and other problem areas of the body. The technique of introduction lies in the fact that the transplant is performed day after day after a special cleansing. The resulting substance is used to model new face shapes, lift it and fill in deep folds. The duration of the result is not determined due to the fact that the substance introduced into the places of fat deficiency dissolves naturally.

How are the procedures carried out?

As for the procedures that help fight the formation of wrinkles and solve other skin defects, they usually consist of several stages. Injections can be painful, therefore, before the start of the drug administration, a cream is applied to the skin that has an analgesic effect. Truth, Action similar means minimal - sensitivity can return within an hour after the procedure. Briefly about the main stages:

  • To begin with, a cosmetologist determines the areas into which this or that drug will be injected.
  • Next, the selected area is covered with cream.
  • Then, using the finest needles, the previously selected drug is injected.

Indications and contraindications

We should not forget about the possible complications after the introduction of a particular drug, for example, an allergic reaction. In this regard, be sure to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of the selected cosmetic procedure. They may differ depending on specific means. For example, meso-injections and some other procedures may be necessary for:

  • gravitational (deformation) ptosis of the oval face;
  • the presence of wrinkles;
  • sagging and loss of skin elasticity;
  • earthy color faces;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • sagging skin in the nasolabial folds;
  • furrows in the mouth.

The specialist must inform you about the presence of certain contraindications. They may vary slightly depending on the injection chosen. For example, mesotherapy, Botox injections and some other procedures are prohibited if there are the following contraindications:

Skin care in the recovery period

Importance after a completed session, it has a recovery period, which, depending on the characteristics of the human body and other factors, can last about one week. After the procedure, side effects such as swelling, itching, hyperemia, and soreness may appear. To prevent complications or minimize their manifestations, follow the recommendations:

  • Reduce physical activity and any activities that contribute to increased sweating.
  • Avoid UV rays.
  • Do not wash your face and do not use decorative cosmetics on the first day after injections.
  • Avoid visits to pools, baths, saunas.
  • Do not swim in open water.

How long do youth injections last?

The effect of injections is directly dependent on the chosen remedy, on average it can be 1-2 years. For example, a preparation based on hyaluronic acid helps to maintain the result up to 1.5 years, and its analogue based on calcium hydroxyapatite - up to 3.5 years. The repetition of the session also depends on active substance, for example, optimal time botulinum therapy is considered an average of 3 times a year. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization can be repeated every six months or a year.

Mesotherapy - vitamin injections for the face

This injection method of using beauty injections means the introduction of a mesopreparation into the deep layers of the skin. This approach helps to restore the skin mechanisms that are responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. Mesotherapy is carried out using therapeutic cocktails that are prepared immediately before the procedure. miscible medicines assigned individually for each patient. Their selection is made in such a way as to enhance healing effect. In such beauty cocktails use:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • nucleic acids;
  • organ cells.

The principle of action of mesotherapy is to saturate the skin with healing and nutrients, optimization local processes. The procedures of the methodology imply coursework. Therapy based on mesotherapy includes 5-7 sessions, the break between which is up to 2 weeks. Before the procedure, studies and tests are carried out, after which the necessary areas are cleaned with aseptic preparations, anesthesia is performed, because. the process is painful. Then the mesotherapist makes injections to the required depth in minimal doses.

Face contouring

This injection method involves the return of beauty by filling irregularities and wrinkles with a special gel. Often it is a stabilized hyaluronic version, because. he is able to hold tissue volume. To perform contour modeling, a special beauty gel is introduced into the patient's skin in small doses, due to which the necessary volume is created. As a result, wrinkles are lifted and new facial contours are created. naturally.

For the procedure, fillers (fillers) are used, which are thin sterile syringes, ready for use. Compared to mesotherapy, this method of rejuvenation and beauty is one-time. The result appears quickly - in 1-2 days. In addition to forming a clear elastic oval of the face, contour modeling will help in improving the relief, increasing the volume of the lips, chin, etc.

Injections with botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin preparations, or, more simply, Botox, help block neuromuscular impulses. The beauty product itself is a weakened toxin, which is obtained during the vital activity of certain bacteria. The use of injections with this substance helps to block the connection between the muscle involved in the formation of wrinkles and the signals of the motor nerve. The introduction of the drug helps not only to smooth out existing wrinkles, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones.

True, wrinkles after Botox-based beauty injections do not disappear - the remedy only temporarily paralyzes the muscles, preventing them from contracting. The effect of injections with Botox lasts for six months. Botulinum therapy can be carried out about three times a year. The tool is safe, the neurotoxin is completely eliminated from the body after the expiration date. Beauty injections are carried out using ultra-thin needles. The treatment is highly effective and fast, but this technique does not effective result in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin.

Difference Between Botox and Dysport


injections that prevent and eliminate mimic wrinkles

When do the first results appear?

after 5-7 days

after 2-5 days

Impact zones

specific muscle (facial)

has a large diffusion, is able to penetrate even into neighboring muscles

average price for 1 unit

about 390 r.

about 130 r.


This anti-aging technique involves the subcutaneous injection of platelet-rich plasma taken from the patient's blood. Platelets secrete so-called growth factors (steroid and peptide hormones) into damaged tissues, which stimulate the process of cell growth and division. Plasmolifting is used to correct age-related skin problems, in the treatment of skin damage after dermabrasion, photodamage, peeling. In addition, this technique is used even in the treatment of hair loss (alopecia). The procedure is relatively simple:

  1. To begin with, the patient is sampled not a large number blood from a vein, which is then placed in a sterile tube.
  2. Next, the test tube is sent to a special apparatus, which is called a centrifuge-separator.
  3. The device separates the blood into red blood cell mass and platelet-rich plasma.
  4. At the end, the specialist injects the resulting plasma subcutaneously into the patient.

Placental Therapy

This innovative method of rejuvenation is a kind of mesotherapy. It involves the subcutaneous administration of placental preparations. The placenta contains growth factors, regulatory proteins, enzymes, amino acids, various trace elements and vitamins. On the molecular level it improves metabolic processes in skin. The placenta is a storehouse of active biological substances that are able to stimulate the activity of their own cells, their renewal and reproduction - this directly leads to rejuvenation. Briefly about the methodology:

  • Placental injection of beauty, like many other alternative means, is introduced into those areas that need correction. For this, thin needles are used.
  • A placenta-based remedy, getting into the right area, begins to stimulate the work of skin processes.
  • As a result, the skin is significantly refreshed and a powerful lifting effect occurs.


This is an advanced technique, the essence of which is to reinforce the face with the help of an additional frame made up of suture material (biodegradable). This technique will help eliminate the omission of the oval of the face and restore the skin to its former elasticity. Once the reinforcement of the face was performed with the help of gold threads, today the procedure is carried out with the help of beauty injections. The modern technique involves the subcutaneous injection of a special thread in the form of a mesh, which eventually breaks down into water and carbon dioxide and disappears. Active drugs are:

  • polylactic acid;
  • 3D mesothreads;
  • hyaluronic biogel.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

This method is the most popular and effective of all techniques involving the use of beauty injections. It is considered basic in the modern cosmetology field. During biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid (unstabilized) is injected subcutaneously to the patient, helping to restore facial skin healthy color, elasticity, resilience.

Acid molecules form a viscous network under the skin (something like a frame), which gives the necessary elasticity. Biorevitalization is carried out even with preventive purpose, for example, when visiting tropical countries where there is active insolation. Additionally, the technique is used during the rehabilitation period after resurfacing, peeling, dermabrasion.

How much do facial injections cost

Having decided to order certain beauty injections, familiarize yourself with the range of prices for the service provided. Their cost depends on the method of conducting and varies over a wide range. Approximate cost of procedures:

Pros and cons of beauty injections

When planning to give yourself beauty injections, contacting a particular beauty salon or specialized clinic, read the positive and negative aspects procedures. They may differ slightly depending on the specific technique, but in general, a number of general pros and cons can be distinguished. The main benefits of beauty injections include:

  • smoothing wrinkles, crow's feet under the eyes;
  • improvement of the skin condition;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • increase the elasticity of skin cells;
  • simplicity and speed of execution;
  • face lifting;
  • slowing down aging.

Pluses indicate that beauty injections are great way behind a short time and it is relatively easy to make your appearance younger. It remains to choose a competent and experienced cosmetologist. However, there are disadvantages, the main of which are:

  • soreness;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • the possibility of side effects;
  • recovery period;
  • temporary effect (depending on the drug).

Photos before and after


Particular attention should be paid to proper skin care during the hot season. Dust and heat are the combination that poses a particular danger to the skin. Therefore, if you are going somewhere, it is worth preparing everything that you may need in advance.

Of course, a sunscreen is the first thing you need, but don't forget about other products that work wonders for tired and exhausted skin.

Those who, under any circumstances, care about moisturizing the skin, can always find a spray or a vitamin cocktail for the face in their purse.

Here are some of the most common homemade refreshing facial smoothie recipes.

Mint Facial Cocktail

This is one of the most simple recipes preparation of an emollient and refreshing face cleanser. Without special skills and efforts, with the help of such simple ingredients, like mint leaves, you can make a remedy that cleanses the pores of toxins.


  • a few fresh mint leaves
  • 4-5 teaspoons of sugar
  • large bowl of boiling water

Throw mint leaves into a bowl of boiling water and brew like tea. Leave for a while for the decoction to infuse.

After that, pour the cocktail into a jar and add a few tablespoons of sugar. Let it cool for at least half an hour, then use as a spray.

Pour the cold infusion into a regular spray bottle. You can immediately prepare a lot of infusion so that it lasts for a long time, and store it in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator. Try it first, splattering not on flawless makeup, but on a clean face. Be careful afterwards, when using it with makeup, check for streaks.

Herbal Facial Cocktail

Experiment with this easy-to-make hydrating and organic facial smoothie recipe, especially on hot days. Benefit from the miraculous effect of fresh herbs that will provide you with perfect protection against harmful external factors. This time you will need more than one herb.


  • 10 drops of chamomile, rose, lavender, sweet orange essential oils
  • glass jar
  • simple spray bottle

Different essential oils perform their own function in skin care. But all of them have softening, refreshing and moisturizing properties on the skin that has undergone harmful effects ultraviolet rays sun.

Correct Proportions essential oils for a cocktail: 4 drops of rose, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of chamomile and 1 drop of orange.

Mix all the ingredients in a jar, close it and shake like you do for a regular cocktail. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use whenever you need a quick face refresh.

How vitamin injections for the face work: consequences and methods

based on 2 reviews

Long time scientists worked on the creation of a “magic” remedy that can return a fresh, young and toned appearance to tired and aging skin. This is how unique vitamin injections of youth were invented, which radically change the quality and appearance of the epidermis in just an hour. It is about this popular procedure that we will describe in our article.

What information will you learn:

What can vitamin injections do?

Vitamin injections for the face are called mesotherapy procedure

The second name of this technique, which returned lost youth to millions of women, is the term mesotherapy. It is able to show real miracles in renewing and healing the age-related epidermis of the face, without affecting the body as a whole.

The range of action of injections of "youth and beauty" is wide and varied. They help solve problems:

  • exhausted, tired and aging skin, experiencing constant stress, lack of care, hydration, nutrition, with peeling, inflammation and age wrinkles;
  • weakness of the epidermis, which consists in a decrease in the strength of the cellular structure, which instantly manifests itself on the external state of the face, making it blurry, devoid of clear contours and a regular oval;
  • reduced protective properties(skin immunity), when under the influence of many external and internal factors the ability of cells to resist viruses, bacteria, infections, fungal infections, and so on is significantly reduced. As a result, the skin surface can be covered with pimples, ulcers, acne;
  • bags and puffiness in the eye area, restoring radiance to the look, eliminating dark circles and consequences of chronic fatigue;
  • with wrinkles and other age-related changes in the skin, contributing to its smoothing and smoothing of the wrinkles that have appeared;
  • dryness and dehydration of the epidermis, filling the cells with valuable moisture and enhancing their nutrition;
  • insufficient synthesis of own collagen and elastin, which significantly increases elasticity and firmness skin tissue;
  • the second chin, eliminating this defect and significantly tightening the oval, as well as the contours of the face.

What do vitamin shakes contain

The procedure is aimed at fast rejuvenation and saturation of the skin tissue with valuable substances represented by:

  • amino acids are the most important building materials cells of the skin structure;
  • hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules for intense and long-lasting hydration of the epidermis;
  • vitamins necessary for the full functioning of cells and the correct passage of basic processes;
  • minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc) that have an antioxidant and protective effect;
  • fatty acids that support the necessary energy balance epidermal cells;
  • enzymes that help speed up all metabolic processes;
  • fruit acids, which have a whitening and regenerating effect;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (for example, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba), which have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

The ingredients of such solutions are active, capable of causing allergic reactions, so the procedure involves the individual selection of all components of the cocktail, taking into account the patient's history and the reaction of his body to certain components.

Vitamin injections can be done independently at home using a mesoscooter

When the technique is prohibited

Injection manipulations should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who has completed special training courses and received official permission to carry out such procedures. He must take into account and warn each patient about the existing contraindications in the form of:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic and other individual reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  • hypertensive pathology (high pressure);
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases;
  • endocrine, renal, vascular and oncological diseases;
  • insufficient degree of blood clotting;
  • acute heart failure;
  • recently performed plastic or surgical operations on the face;
  • diabetes mellitus, which is in the stage of decompensation.

How is the procedure performed

After clarifying the reaction of the epidermis to the composition of youth injections (preliminary testing for an allergic reaction), the cosmetologist performs a thorough cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the patient's face skin.

With a low pain threshold, a layer of a special gel is applied to the epidermis with an analgesic effect that reduces the degree of sensitivity of the receptors and blocks discomfort.

Using a sterile disposable syringe equipped with a thin needle, the cosmetologist administers the selected and formulated vitamin cocktail under skin surface patient, paying special attention to areas of the face with age-related changes and other defects.

The course of injections of vitamins is performed 1 time in 7 days for 1 - 2 months. Then a break is made for six months and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Skin care after manipulation

The first few hours after injections, there will be traces of injections in the form of red dots on the face, hyperemia is possible, small bruises that disappear on their own the next day.

Protect the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation - protect the epidermis sunscreens with an SPF factor of at least 35 or wear a hat with wide brim(in summer time), and also do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium in the same time period.

It is very easy to restore youth and freshness to the skin in our time. With just a few injections of vitamins in the face, you can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also restore its former freshness and radiance. But many people are afraid of the very word “injection”. Should I be afraid?

Features of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the most popular procedure among women. This procedure includes injections of a complex of vitamins, which have a wide range of possibilities.

Read also:

Mesotherapy treats the skin from inflammation, exfoliation and a number of other problems, such as:

  • exhaustion of the skin (from bad habits, improper care for the skin, from stress and inflammatory processes);
  • weak epidermis (weakened skin);
  • a decrease in the protective function of the body (disruption of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the ability of cells to fight viral attacks, the appearance of acne and inflammation of the skin);
  • bags under the eyes (bruising under the eyes due to lack of sleep and fatigue).

It is possible to carry out injections with vitamin complexes from the age of 20, taking into account the characteristics of the skin type. The procedure will take half an hour to complete. visible result it will take about ten sessions.


For injections useful substances in the face, there are several contraindications:

  • chronic skin diseases;
  • third degree hypertension;
  • postoperative period;
  • kidney problems;
  • the period of bearing a baby;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Facial skin requires a large amount of vitamins, which it can get through cosmetic masks, proper nutrition or through introductions vitamin complexes intravenously.

The introduction of such a composition contributes not only to the improvement inner work organism, but also positively displayed on his appearance. This complex brings only benefits to the body. Both sick and healthy people need to take vitamins.

What vitamins are allowed to be injected into the face?

In modern cosmetology, the following agents are allowed to be introduced into the face:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) - fights dry and flaky skin. Promotes the production of collagen, which, in turn, provides skin rejuvenation.
  • Thiamine (B1) - is actively fighting the aging process of the skin.
  • Riboflavin (B2) - gives the skin a healthy color and speeds up the metabolism.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) - quickly and efficiently smoothes wrinkles.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - effective in the fight against skin diseases.
  • Folic acid (B9) - the best remedy from acne.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is a stimulator of collagen production, which will accelerate the healing of microcracks.
  • D - slowing down the aging process of cells and maintaining them in good shape.
  • Biotin (H) is the main stimulator of cells to regenerate.
  • Niacin (PP) - stimulates cells, which serves as a protection for the skin.
  • K is a tool that can fight age spots and freckles. Removes inflammation and swelling of the skin.
  • Tocopherol (E) - promotes cell renewal and skin smoothing. Renders protective function from ultraviolet rays.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - promotes skin renewal, which actually rejuvenates it.

They are the introduction of vitamin complexes under the skin. These complexes consist of many microdoses of various active substances.

Their composition can be different, it is developed by a doctor (beautician) individually for each client, while its composition takes into account all existing problems and wishes. Usually the composition of the complex has five components prepared immediately before the procedure. During the procedure, the entire face or a certain (problem) area is chipped.

Knowing what properties a particular vitamin has, you can tone your skin very quickly and no problem. A certified specialist will help determine the missing component. The introduction of a well-assembled combination of substances into the body will be the most effective guarantor of a healthy and well-groomed skin, and also save her from unwanted beriberi and any diseases.