How to remove old paint from jeans. How to remove paint from jeans without a trace. The most effective means in the fight against paint on jeans and the features of their use

In jeans, we feel freer, sit on benches in them, walk in the parks, wear them as stylish elegant clothes and go to work. Apparently, therefore, jeans most often end up in an unpleasant situation, or rather, we get into them. unpleasant situations. And now, an incomprehensible stain has appeared on our favorite trousers. “Paint!” We think in desperation and look for ways to wipe it off.

Removing paint is not always easy. Denim is dense, and any contamination quickly penetrates deep into. In addition, the paint can be different in composition, because today thousands of types of dyes are produced. We will analyze different cases, how to remove paint from jeans, what means can be used for this.


A fresh, planted stain a few minutes ago can be tried to be removed from the jeans with warm soapy water.

At home, try to remove the stain from jeans laundry soap and brush. If you see that the paint is coming off a little, then leave the soapy clothes for several hours, and then wash them again and rinse. In this way, water-based paint, in particular acrylic, is well cleaned.

You can remove paint from jeans with concentrated means for dish washing. It works no worse than laundry soap or powder.

You can try removing oil paint with a mixture of butter and powder. These two ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the stain. Washed off after a few minutes.

white spirit and acetone

The savior of paint is acetone. Soak a cotton swab in it and gently try to wipe off the stains. There is a risk of ruining the material, because acetone can dissolve the paint of jeans. However, if you act carefully and do not wet the fabric too much, then positive effect will. black or bright colored fabric we still do not recommend cleaning in this way. It is best applied to light or white jeans.

Instead of acetone, you can take white spirit. In fact, this is a well-refined gasoline, which perfectly dissolves oil, grease, varnishes and paint, therefore, it will not be difficult for him to remove stains from jeans. You can buy it, like acetone, at a hardware store. When using, it is advisable to wear gloves and open a window for ventilation.

Stain remover

If you have some kind of stain remover at home that is suitable for jeans, then you can use it, just read first what kind of dirt can be removed with it.

And if there are absolutely no means in the house so as not to wait until the stain is completely dry, rub it with soap and soak it. Then, without wasting time, go to the store and buy either a good stain remover or white spirit and clean the stain with this product. After that, you need to wash the jeans by hand or in a machine.

If the stain is not removed the first time, then try the product again. In some cases, the paint from jeans comes off after 3-4 washes.


It happens that we notice traces of paint too late, forget about them, or we do not have the opportunity to eliminate pollution in a timely manner. If this is your case, then try to remove old paint from jeans in several stages:

  • First, try to wipe off traces of paint with a stiff brush or scrape off with a knife, just do not overdo it so as not to tear the fabric.
  • Then apply pure gasoline. WITH wrong side put a rag under the stain to absorb excess liquid, and with front side gently rub the edges of the stain first, and then move closer and closer to the center.
  • After that, lather the place where the stain is located with soap, rub it well and rinse.
  • In conclusion, you can wash your jeans in washing machine.

You should not take gasoline to fill up cars, because it contains many impurities that are harmful to fabric, and instead of removing stains from jeans, it will leave even more marks on them. Always buy a refined lighter refill product. Aviation gasoline used to be sold, maybe you can find it somewhere.

Soften and rinse

It is important to soak an old stain on jeans first. To do this, use glycerin diluted in water. They are abundantly moistened with a contaminated cloth and left for 20-30 minutes. After applying glycerin, go to the stain remover and wash.

Instead of glycerin, you can use sunflower oil, and to remove its greasy traces, you must immediately drop a detergent, such as Fairy, onto the fabric.


Alcohol cannot remove oil paint, but it helps to get rid of traces of ink. Soak with alcohol ink blot before you decide to remove it. You can mix alcohol with glycerin to make the fibers of the jeans fabric softer. When the composition has been on the fabric for some time, absorbed and acted, wash the trousers in a washing machine.

Clay or chalk

Let's describe one more, a little unusual way to help fight unwanted paint stains on jeans. To do this, put a spoonful of white clay in a bowl and pour in the same amount of refined gasoline. The clay is thoroughly mixed and rubbed with it on the contaminated area. The mixture should dry, after which it is washed off with soap and water or powder. Instead of clay, chalk is similarly used.

As you can see, there are many ways to wipe paint stains from clothes. Try plain water with detergent first, and then take on other methods, something will definitely help you.

How to remove paint from jeans at home? Although today there are many special dry cleaners, the issue is still relevant. Today, many housewives prefer to decide similar problems on one's own. However, one cannot do without the help of professionals, since the paint is a hard-to-remove substance, especially after drying. This task must be approached as responsibly as possible, and you also need to understand that the result can be the opposite, completely unhappy. The thing is that there are several types of paints, and each needs a certain approach. Not all products suitable, for example, for oil paint, will be able to remove water-based paint. This means that before using any substance, it is imperative to read its composition and properties so as not to completely spoil the denim item during stain removal.

In this article, we will explain in detail how to return previous view denim clothes, even if you accidentally stained it with any dyes.

Removing fresh stains

When removing fresh paint stains from jeans, you can do with one wash. However, this can only be done if the coloring matter has not yet had time to dry and penetrate deep into the fibers. Therefore, in order not to complicate the task, professionals recommend not to hesitate and solve the described problem immediately after it appears, adhering to the rules below.

  • If jeans are contaminated with water-based paint, then at first the stains are thoroughly wetted warm water, and then generously rubbed with seventy-two percent laundry soap. The next five minutes, the treated area is cleaned with the hard side of the sponge. When the dye begins to gradually move away from the denim, the thing is soaked in soapy water for three hours, after which the remaining stain is washed off by hand. Laundry soap can also be used to wash denim items contaminated with hair dyes. For this purpose, it is still allowed to use the Antipyatin tool.
  • Some types of paints, such as acrylics, are well removed with ordinary dishwashing gel. It is enough to apply the detergent to the contaminated area and wait five minutes. Then the stain must be brushed, and then sent to washing machine the denim itself.
  • In the event that oil paint has got on the jeans, it can be removed with butter and any washing powder. The components are taken in equal amounts, rubbed directly into the contaminated area and left for fifteen minutes. During this time, the fabric should be completely saturated with cleaning agents. After a quarter of an hour denim product first washed by hand, and then in the washing machine.

Very fresh oil paint is quickly removed with sunflower or any other vegetable oil. In this case, the stain is treated with the component, thereby softening it. The dye is then removed with an ordinary rag, and the remaining oiled place is generously sprinkled with starch or kitchen salt. The last action is necessary so that the powder absorbs the remaining oil. After that, jeans are washed in the usual way.

Most often, these measures are enough to get rid of fresh dye stains on jeans. However, if you are unable to achieve the desired result simple methods or the dye has already had time to dry thoroughly, then you will have to resort to more aggressive procedures to restore denim clothing.

Removing old paint from jeans

Of course, it is much more difficult to deal with old paint on jeans, and sometimes it is literally impossible to remove it at home. The latter usually occurs if the stains are too dry. In this case, even dry cleaning does not always cope. What to do if the dye has dried up on your favorite jeans, shorts or other denim clothing? Of course, you don’t need to throw them away, because you can at least try to return them to their previous form, and for this we recommend using the methods below.

oil, for hair

Oil dyes and hair dye that has dried on jeans can only be removed with strong solvents. Suitable for them:

  • petrol;
  • turpentine;
  • laundry soap;
  • dish gel;
  • acetone;
  • industrial stain removers.

Each tool has been tested for years, so you can safely test them on your clothes. Since kerosene, gasoline and acetone are most often used to remove hair dye stains, we will talk about these substances first of all. These solvents have the same effect. Actually, in use they also do not differ. One of the solutions is rubbed into the contaminated area with a cotton swab or cotton pad. Then the area with the stain dries up, and then it is additionally treated with laundry soap and immediately washed in the usual way. Important! When using gasoline or acetone, you need to take into account some nuances. The first substance must be purified, and the second can only be tested on light-colored jeans.

Not less than positive result when removing oil paint gives turpentine. There is nothing complicated in its instructions for use either. The drug is generously poured onto the dirt and left until the stains disappear. After that, it remains only to wash the turpentine itself. For this, it is better to use a soda solution. After this treatment, the thing must be rinsed well.

If you only have laundry soap from the entire list of solvents, then try removing oil paint stains with it. However, be sure to note that this case only 72% soap will do. It is usually dark brown in color. All that needs to be done is to rub the dirty areas with a piece of soap, and then go over them with a hard washcloth. The treated area should then be rinsed.

In the event that you trust only industrial household chemicals, then you can buy any stain remover. Add it to water (see the instructions on the package for the proportion), and soak the damaged jeans in it. Keep in mind! Poor-quality stain removers wash off not only stains, but also the paint of the jeans themselves. After soaking, wash the clothes in the usual way in the washing machine.

Among washing gels for dishes in the fight against dried oil dyes, AOS and Fairy, as well as Myth, effectively help. Before use, these products must be diluted with water.

water emulsion

Water-based paint is much easier to remove than oil paint. To remove it, sometimes it is enough to use one washing powder. However, in this case, it is recommended to act strictly according to the instructions given below.

  1. First of all, a napkin moistened with warm water is applied to the dried spot. This is necessary to soften the paint. Then the dirt is gently wiped off with a damp cloth.
  2. After the remaining traces of paint are treated with a cleaning solution. For its preparation, powder (1 tablespoon) and water (half a glass) are taken. The resulting composition is thoroughly rubbed into the affected area with a napkin. If the spot is large enough, then when processing it, you need to move towards the center to prevent further spread of water-based dye.
  3. If, after powder treatment, paint stains remain on the jeans, they can be further processed. medical alcohol. This substance will accurately remove the remaining contaminants. Instead of alcohol, acetone is allowed, but it can destroy the structure of the denim.
  4. After applying alcohol or acetone, paint stains need to be cleaned mechanically. For this purpose, it is better to use an old toothbrush, because due to its long bristles it is easy to achieve accuracy and the necessary abrasive effect on the fabric. If necessary, the procedure with applying alcohol and cleaning stains must be repeated.
  5. After carrying out the manipulations described above, the treated denim should be washed in a washing machine. This will remove all paint residue.

If this method did not help solve the described problem, we recommend using White Spirit. This is a very powerful solvent that will surely remove dried paint from your jeans. Keep in mind, this remedy suitable exclusively for quality clothes, since with a bad color after "White spirit" white marks, similar to stains, may remain on the fabric.

In extreme cases, stains can be covered special paint for fabric, which is sold today in every hardware store in the form of small markers. They are very convenient to process traces. Just enough to pick desired color paint to match the color of the jeans themselves.

White denim

Working with denim white color you need to be extremely careful not to leave any unwanted spots on it after processing. To remove paint from this category of things, acetone is well suited, as well as the industrial stain remover "Gasoline-galosh".

In addition to this, there are folk remedies, which are allowed to be used in the processing of white denim. One of them is a mixture made from refined gasoline and ordinary chalk. The components are taken in equal amounts. The solution is rubbed into the spots and left for twenty minutes. After this time, the composition applied to the jeans is removed with a dry cloth, and the thing itself is then washed in the usual way using detergent. Important! In this case, chalk can be replaced with white clay.

There is another method by which you can restore white jeans. This time all you need is glycerin. To use it, proceed as follows: heat the glycerin in a water bath to a temperature of about thirty-five degrees, then rub it into the contaminated area and wait five minutes. After that, wash the denim product by adding a powder specially designed to remove difficult stains to the water.

If there is no glycerin at hand, do not despair, because it can be replaced with ordinary vegetable oil. However, after applying it to the paint, the stain should be immediately additionally treated with Fairy dishwashing gel. This will help to avoid the appearance of greasy marks on the matter.

  • Do not take the time to remove stains from clothes. The longer the dye is on the fabric, the more it eats into the fibers. In addition, almost any paint sets quickly, which makes it very difficult to wash it off later.
  • When using chemicals, be sure to follow the instructions so as not to completely spoil the thing. It is also recommended to first test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.
  • Remember that different cleaning agents are used to remove paint from dark and light jeans.
  • Before cleaning the dried dye, the stain must first be softened. In most cases, glycerin does a good job of this.
  • One procedure that removes paint is not enough, so sometimes it is repeated two to three times.
  • From industrial household chemicals, use only those products that are designed specifically for denim.
  • Remove paint from clothing in a ventilated area, since most cleaning solutions can release harmful substances.
  • If jeans are dear to you and you doubt your abilities, then it’s better not to experiment and take the thing to dry cleaning. They will assess the current situation from a professional point of view and help solve the described problem at the highest level.

You can always prevent paint from getting on your clothes. You just need to properly prepare in advance when working with dyes, for example, put on old things that you don’t mind getting dirty, or put on an apron over your clothes.

Getting paint on your favorite jeans is pretty easy. To do this, it is enough to inadvertently lean against a painted bench or fence, carelessly draw with children, or not notice fresh paint in public place. The paint is difficult to wash off due to the pigments and binders that are present in the composition. In order to save your favorite thing, you need to know the basic ways to deal with pollution from various types of paint.

When working with aggressive cleaning agents, you must remember the safety rules. Any manipulations should be carried out in protective gloves made of thick rubber. that fit snugly around your hands. Otherwise, you risk not only spoiling the skin of your hands, but also provoking a transfer of paint from jeans to fingers and nails. Working with industrial solvents requires protection respiratory tract from toxic fumes - bandage or respirator.

First aid for fresh spots

The easiest way to remove a stain is if you notice it right away. It is important to do everything as quickly as possible. Removing paint from jeans will help even the most common remedy if you use it correctly. Ways to deal with fresh spot.

Dishwashing liquid

Fill a bowl of hot water (not boiling water) and add detergent in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Lather the water and dip the item into the solution. The stain needs to be washed in the usual way and leave in water for 15-20 minutes. Wash the stained area again and remove the item from the basin.

If the stain is still not gone, wash the jeans in the usual way with the addition of a stain remover for colored clothes.


When working with such an aggressive agent, be sure to wear gloves. Use only purified gasoline, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the item completely. Lay the jeans on a flat surface, place a firm piece under the stain cotton fabric or paper napkin. Moisten a gauze swab in a large amount of gasoline and gently treat the contaminated area. Wipe the jeans as many times as needed to completely remove the stain.

After the paint is removed, the gasoline must be washed off. Wash the treated area in warm water using laundry soap. Now just wash your jeans in the washing machine or by hand as you normally would.

Sunflower oil

A fresh stain can be washed off with a regular sunflower oil. Apply first a large number of remedy to the site of the lesion and leave the thing for 1.5-2 hours. After the specified time, blot the oil with a thick paper napkin. Wash your favorite thing in the usual way, and there will be no trace of the stain.

How to clean oil paint?

Pollution of this nature can overtake you in any public place and even at home. The solvent for this type of paint is oil. If the speck has appeared recently, then proceed as follows:

  1. Soften the stain with oil.
  2. Use a cotton pad to remove soft paint from clothes.
  3. Remove the greasy trace with laundry soap or washing powder.
  4. Rinse the treated area under running water.

If you notice an oil paint stain too late, more aggressive solvents should be used. The most effective are simple laundry soap, acetone, gasoline, dish detergent, stain remover and turpentine.

To remove a stain with turpentine, you can do this:

  1. Soak a gauze pad liberally in turpentine.
  2. Moistened with gauze, walk around the area with a stain. Remove the paint layer and repeat the procedure.
  3. Wash your jeans under running water.
  4. Wash the item in the usual way in a washing machine or by hand. Use active powder to remove residual dirt.

For application acetone, kerosene and gasoline it is necessary to lay a dense cotton cloth under the place of contamination. Using a cotton or gauze swab, transfer the selected product to the contaminated area and allow to dry. Go over the place of contamination with laundry soap and wash the jeans in the usual way. Remember that acetone can only be used on light-colored jeans.

In some cases, laundry soap, which is familiar to everyone, will help to remove a stain from oil paint. It is important to use classic version soap that is different brown and specific odour. Rub the contaminated area with the product and carefully work with a brush.

Rinse off the soap and paint residue under running water.

Most stain removers can get oil paint off your jeans. To do this, you just need to soak the thing in a solution with a stain remover and wash it in the usual way. Dishwashing detergent is used in the same way.

In the most difficult situations can be used solvent. Be sure to use a respirator and gloves for protection when working with such a component. Dampen a cloth or sponge in the substance, wipe the place of contamination.

Immediately wash your favorite item in the usual way - in a washing machine or by hand.

It is easier to remove a stain from a water-based paint than from an oil counterpart. The solvent for this paint is water. In order not to spoil the thing, follow the instructions:

  1. Thoroughly saturate the newly contaminated area with water. To do this, soak the jeans in a bowl of warm water. If this is not possible, soak a paper towel or cotton towel with water and apply to the stain.
  2. After that, you can proceed to the use of cleaning products. Prepare the solution - mix half a glass of water and a tablespoon of cleaning agent. Using a cloth or sponge, rub the solution into the place of contamination. Spot to be treated in a circular motion. Move from the edge to the center to avoid spreading the paint through the fibers.
  3. If water-based paint does not succumb, then proceed to next tool- medical alcohol. Just pour alcohol on the stain and let it sit for a while.
  4. An old toothbrush will be your ally in the fight against stains. With its help, you can process a site of any size. Rub the alcohol over the place of contamination with a brush - the result will not be long in coming. If traces of paint are still present, then pour alcohol again and rub with a brush.
  5. Now you need to wash the jeans in the washing machine. All minor flaws will come down after it. Wash item for suitable mode and follow the directions on the tag.
  6. If the paint still has not succumbed and small specks remain, help will come fabric marker. Pick up a marker or fabric paint to match the jeans and treat the affected areas. The similarity of colors will hide the stain.

How can you wash old dirt?

It often happens that it is not possible to wash the stain immediately upon development. Perhaps there was time for washing, but you chose Wrong way and the stain is still there. In this case, the stain dries up and firmly eats into the denim fibers. Removing such stains at home will be a little more difficult.

In some cases, you can try to soften the old stain and wash it off. First, dilute the glycerin in water. With this solution, it is necessary to generously lubricate the place of contamination and leave for 30-40 minutes.

After softening, proceed to washing with a stain remover.

If there is no glycerin in the house, then use ordinary sunflower oil to soften. It is important to consider that such a tool will leave a greasy mark. To neutralize it, use any dishwashing detergent, a couple of drops are enough.

The above method does not always desired result. Then it's time for more aggressive means. Many experienced housewives recommend trying gasoline-solvent such as Galosha or Galosha.

Such a tool for lighters got its name in honor of the chemist who created it.

Also on the windows of construction and hardware stores you will find a product labeled "B-70". Many know it as an oil solution or "Nefras". The product is intended for degreasing before painting, diluting some types of paint and cleaning fabrics. Instructions for the use of the above funds:

  1. Put on protective gloves.
  2. Dampen the cheesecloth with the cleanser and blot the stain liberally.
  3. Take a brush medium degree stiffness and in a circular motion, clean off the paint.
  4. If the stain does not go away, then repeat the procedure again.
  5. To avoid the formation of streaks when cleaning, go beyond the visible limits of the stain.
  6. Rinse the treated area well under running water.
  7. Wash your jeans in a washing machine on a suitable setting.

Old ink stains can be removed with alcohol. To clean, simply wet the contaminated area with the substance. If necessary, you can mix alcohol with glycerin. Then the denim fibers will become softer. Leave the alcohol or solution on the fabric for 15-20 minutes and wash the item in the usual way.

Clay will help get rid of unwanted contaminants even after long time. Mix white clay and gasoline in equal amounts. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to the affected area. Wait for the mixture to dry completely and wash it off with soapy water.

You can remove stains from light jeans with acetone, nail polish remover and Galoshes. These industrial cleaners will help you in the fight against stains. of varying complexity. There are not always such tools in the home arsenal, so it’s worth learning about other options. To remove stains at home, come in handy:

  1. dishwashing liquid;
  2. refined gasoline.

Do not forget that after all the manipulations, you need to wash the jeans in the usual way.

Jeans as a type of clothing are truly versatile. They can be worn with equal success for work and a country picnic, a date and a party.

But such versatility often leads to all sorts of pollution. Soil and grass stains may remain as a memory of a picnic. At work, it is not difficult to put on noble blue cotton or get it dirty.

A date can leave traces of cosmetics on them, a restaurant spree - sauces, drinks.

The apotheosis will be the consequences of a walk, during which it is not difficult, through inattention, to sit on a freshly painted bench, and then return home.

First aid

Each of these adventures can instantly turn your luxurious branded outfit into the category of clothes for agricultural work in the country, when it doesn’t matter what clothes you wear.

Therefore, as soon as you notice an annoying stain, it is urgent to take action. To do this, you need to know how to remove paint from jeans.

Regular washing without tricks easily removes stains from water-based paint, watercolor or gouache. Wash the fabric area contaminated with water emulsion with soap.

You can also use a universal stain remover Leave it exposed active substance for 25 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Then wash again in the washing machine or by hand.

If the paint stain has dried and is deeply absorbed, you will have to pre-soak your pants for about fifteen minutes. hot water, then wash with detergent in a warm solution.

blood stains

If your favorite jeans get blood drops, in no case should you wash them with hot water.

From its impact, blood protein immediately coagulates and envelops the threads of cotton fabric. After that, it is unlikely that you can be helped.

Jeans that have just dripped blood should be immediately soaked in cold water. Add detergent or powder to the water. After three hours, carefully rub the contaminated area with your hands. Soon there will be no traces of stains.

However, old ones are not easy to remove. To this end, soak the jeans in ice water, in which two or three tablespoons of table salt are diluted.

Leave them like this for 12 hours. Then wash in cold water with laundry soap. If the jeans are white cotton, splash a little 3% hydrogen peroxide on the stain before washing.

Paint spots

There are many ways to remove paint from jeans at home. Here are a few of them:

  • A completely fresh paint stain can be washed off with laundry soap. There is another way: spread it with butter, rinse with kerosene after fifteen minutes.
  • If the stain has not dried yet, it is easy to remove it with gasoline.

Moisten cotton with it, treat the stain, moving from the edges to the center of the contaminated area to avoid the formation of streaks. Wash your pants in a solution of a special laundry detergent to remove stains.

Nail polish remover or acetone can also be effective for this purpose. But before using them, test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. If it changes color, look for another way.
  • In advanced cases, the dried crust should first be scraped off with the tip of a knife or an awl. Then wet a cotton or gauze swab with turpentine and carefully treat the surface.
  • An effective remedy would be a mixture of gasoline with white clay.

These ingredients must be mixed in equal shares and knead until a homogeneous mass is formed. Coat the paint stain with the mixture. Wait until the gasoline dries, shake off the remaining clay with a stiff brush.

Regardless of the method, how to remove paint from denim shorts, trousers or shirt , the final step will be an ordinary wash, which will remove the smell of the solvent.

Rusty spots

Rust spots usually form in the area of ​​the lock or metal buttons. They can also be earned by accidentally touching the battery in the stairwell or the iron structure in the workplace.

With such bad luck, take a lemon, cut off the peel. Cut off a slice and wrap it with gauze. Applying a wrapped lemon slice to the contaminated area, press it with a hot iron. Hold for half an hour or more. After that, wash the jeans in cold water with detergent.

grass patches

Greens with a mixture of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Soak a cotton swab or gauze in this liquid, treat the contaminated area with it.

If the grass stain is fresh, it can also be removed with vodka or alcohol. Grass juice sometimes penetrates the tissue quite deeply. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Grease spots

A great way to remove grease stains from jeans is baking soda.

Sprinkle a little on the soiled cloth. Rub the powder well into the depths. Then cover this place with white paper and iron it on top with a hot iron.

The baking soda will absorb the grease and the fabric will become clean. Repeat the procedure several times, all the time filling the stain with clean soda and covering fresh leaf paper. Finally, wash your jeans in soapy water.

Spring and summer are the period of active renewal of the city. Benches are being painted in parks, swings and horizontal bars are “refreshing” on playgrounds, residents of private houses are painting fences and gates. Most often it goes to jeans, the owner of which does not check the wooden bench before sitting down to rest. You can get your jeans dirty not only while walking, but also while working in the garden or garage. Which tool will help remove paint from jeans depends on the type paintwork material and from the freshness of pollution.

The easiest way to remove fresh stains is when the paint has not had time to be deeply absorbed into the structure of the matter and dry out. Sometimes it is enough just to wash the contaminated area with soap and rinse under running water. Much worse is the case with dried spots. It is necessary to dissolve the dried paint without damaging the fabric of the product. However, there are a number of methods that allow you to wash both fresh and chronic pollution no harm to your favorite jeans.

Fresh pollution

A spot is considered fresh if planted no more than 3-5 minutes ago (depending on the drying rate of the material). If you were lucky enough to notice the moment when a drop fell on your jeans, stop working and run to wash the thing. You will need a brush (an old toothbrush, for example) and laundry soap. Wet the dirt with warm water and lather, then rub with a brush. The paint should start to peel off. Leave the jeans with soapy dirt for half an hour. After that, send them to the washing machine.

The previous method is great for acrylic and water-based paint. If you get dirty with oil paint, other methods are needed. Take a piece of butter. It should not be frozen, but soft. Mix it with washing powder in equal proportions until a creamy mass is obtained. Rub the mixture into a blot and after 2 minutes the jeans can be washed. With dried spots, the situation is much more complicated.

Water based paint

Water emulsion (as it was nicknamed by the people) is easier to wash than other types of paints and varnishes. Unlike oil paints, it can dissolve in water. If you notice fresh or dried water-based paint on your jeans, wet the stained area with warm water to soak the paint. You can apply a cloth soaked in water to the stain or cotton pad. Holding the stained denim over the steam will give you the best results.

Prepare a detergent solution. Suitable powder for hand wash, dish detergent or laundry soap. Soak a brush or cloth in the solution and work on the stain. You will need about 1 cup of soapy liquid. Move from the edges to the center so that the paint does not "spread" on the jeans.

After soapy cleaning, you need to wipe off the remnants of the water-based emulsion with medical alcohol. To do this, you can use a cloth or an old toothbrush. With a brush dipped in alcohol, brush the fabric against the direction of the pile.

Alcohol can be replaced with nail polish remover. Dark or bright denim may have whitish stains.

Before attempting to remove paint with alcohol or acetone, try applying it to an inconspicuous area of ​​your jeans. If you are satisfied with the result of cleaning with alcohol, send the jeans to the wash.

If you overdid it, and a light wiped spot appears in place of the colorful blot, try painting over it with a clothes marker suitable shade. The dye can be purchased at art and fabric stores.

Oil paint

Oil paint is not afraid of water. It is much more difficult to wash it off clothes. First, remove the dried material from the jeans. Do not use scissors, a knife or a blade for this. You need to remove the paint with a blunt object so as not to cut through the denim. For this, a spatula, wooden stick or a blunt knife is suitable.

Water emulsion is able to dissolve plain water, and only solvents can fight oil paint.

An ordinary oil thinner, which can be purchased at a hardware store, will do. It is not as aggressive as chemical paint thinners.

Apply the liquid to a rag or toothbrush and start working on the stain from the edges to the middle. This will prevent the paint from spreading further.

If the procedure does not show the proper result, you will have to use solvents for paints.

Before processing the fabric, test the product on a hidden area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe jeans: the inside of the leg or waistband.

If you don't want to use solvent, soak the stain with glycerine and leave the jeans overnight. Glycerin is sold in a pharmacy. This is the most safe method remove paint from jeans. Wear gloves when working with solvents to protect your hands. You need to work in a well-ventilated area.

After each procedure, the jeans should be washed twice in the washing machine using a clothes conditioner.

acrylic paint

The sooner you decide to clean the acrylic paint, the better the result of the procedure will be. First, remove the dried “top” of the stain from the jeans. Don't use a knife for this. A blunt object will do, unable to tear the denim. If you encounter a fresh stain, blot the stain with a paper towel to absorb as much paint as possible. Turn the jeans inside out and expose the footprint to cold running water.

Send the item to the wash, do not spare the powder and conditioner. In most cases, the stain can be removed. If a stain flaunts on jeans after removing it from the washing machine drum, use isopropyl alcohol. Pour it on the stain and work with an old toothbrush, working towards the center.

Another effective way- soaking in water with ammonia and vinegar. Pour into a five-liter basin cold water, add a glass table vinegar and 2 tbsp. ammonia. Soak your jeans for half an hour. After soaking, stains can be washed by hand or sent to the washing machine.

Waterborne paints

These materials include gouache and watercolor. During a creative impulse, the brush in the baby’s hand is not limited to a sheet of paper. bright spots remain on the face, t-shirt and jeans. To remove the watercolor, just run cold running water through the stain, then soak in soapy water.

In the same way, traces of gouache are removed. If, after washing, unremoved stains remain on the jeans, use Antipyatin soap. Be careful on dark jeans may leave white marks.

Any paint can be removed at home. To do this, use both folk and chemical means.

How annoying it is when you inadvertently plant a stain of paint on your favorite comfortable and beautiful jeans. These are very specific stains, very difficult to remove, so it is best to act immediately.

If this designer jeans or they are just dear to you and you really like them, then immediately put them in the hands of dry cleaners. A stain is considered old if it is 3-5 days old. If much more time has passed, then it is almost impossible to withdraw it.

How to remove paint stains from jeans at home? Paint comes in different bases, so there are different ways to remove it.

How to remove oil paint from jeans

Oil paint can be removed from denim with dishwashing liquid or any strong soapy solution. Apply the solution thickly to the stain, and then gently wipe it off completely.

Since oil is a solvent for such paints, it is possible to act using oil. The first step is to soften the paint stain with oil. Then wipe the stain off the fabric with a cotton pad. Oil can be added if necessary. And then greasy spot just clean with powder or soap. Such the way is fine. if the stain is very fresh. Otherwise, you will have to use stronger solvents.

How to clean water-based paint stains

Water-based paint is washed off with ordinary powder with a stain remover. It is better to pre-soak the product. Paint stains can be removed with gasoline or kerosene. With a cotton pad dipped in solvent, moving from the edges of the stain to the center, gradually rub the stain until it disappears completely. Then launder as usual with stain remover. To test the resistance of the fabric to such aggressive substances, first test them on an inconspicuous area.

For light denim, it is better to use acetone or nail polish remover instead of gasoline. But first, also test the effect of the substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing.

How to get rid of old paint stains on jeans

This is quite a tricky business. Use white spirit to remove stains. It is a powerful and effective solvent that removes almost any stain without damaging the fabric. Only with poor-quality coloring, a whitish trace can form at the site of the stain. Therefore, before you start scrubbing the stain, test the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous area. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad from the edges to the center.

This stain removal method has one drawback. The solvent has Strong smell, not weathered after washing. It will take several washes to get rid of the smell completely.

Water-based paint is usually washed off traditional means for washing. Old stains will require several soaks in hot water with laundry detergent or stain remover. Rinse thoroughly after each soak.

Remove old paint stains from light denim as follows. Mix crushed chalk and gasoline in equal parts and spread the resulting composition on the stain, rubbing a little. Chalk can be replaced with white clay. Leave to act for approximately 20 minutes. Then shake off the mixture from the fabric and wash with normal detergents.

Another way to get paint stains out is with glycerin. We heat it with a water bath, rub it into the stain, and then wash it with a powder for difficult and difficult stains.

Before washing the product in the machine, you need to treat the contamination

If you find a stain on your jeans, this is not a reason to throw the product away or run to the dry cleaners. You can get rid of paint with the help of chemicals and folk recipes. I will talk about the most effective ways to remove fresh and stubborn stains.

How to Remove Paint Stain: 3 Chemicals

We will need funds that are either on hand or can be easily found in the nearest store or pharmacy. You can easily remove the stain at home if you apply:

Image Procedure
Method 1. Refined gasoline

If oil paint remains on the jeans, then you can remove the stain with refined gasoline.

On the inside of the area you will be treating, lay several layers of a light-colored fabric (better if it is natural).

Clean up dirt with a cotton pad or light cloth. After that, it is advisable to wash the jeans in a typewriter or by hand using laundry soap.

Method 2. Acetone

One of the most effective means is acetone. It is as easy to use as gasoline - with a moistened cotton swab, gently work the paint stain.

Acetone can even corrode clothing dye, so it is better to remove stains in this way only from light-colored trousers. Test how acetone behaves by applying it to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If the fabric has not changed color, feel free to use it.

Method 3. Stain remover

Choose a stain remover that is suitable for jeans. This method is the most harmless and fastest, as instructions for use are on each package.

The cleaning components of stain removers are selected in the right concentration to quickly remove paint from jeans.

There are many positive feedback from the use of Sarma stain remover, the price of which is only 100-150 rubles.

How to remove paint: 3 folk recipes

If you are looking for how to clean paint from jeans without going to the store, then check out these useful recipes from home ingredients:

Image Instruction
Recipe 1. Dishwashing liquid

Apply the concentrated solution to the stain on the jeans. If the contamination is dry, then it is better to leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse the clothes.

Recipe 2. A mixture of butter and washing powder

Oil and powder are mixed in approximately equal proportions. The resulting mass is applied to the soiled area for only 5-10 minutes.

The jeans can then be washed normally. This method is good for fresh stains.

Recipe 3. White clay

Pour a spoonful of dry clay with the same amount of warm water or the same amount of refined gasoline.

white clay mix thoroughly, then apply it to the fabric. Let the mass dry, then rinse the jeans and wash in the washing machine or by hand.

If the stain has ingrained

It is easiest to clean jeans from recent dirt. If you need to remove the paint that has already eaten in, then the detergent will not be enough and it is worth using stronger substances.

I will describe the process step by step so that you can deal with the problem yourself.

Step 1: Soaking

To soften the stain, you can use regular glycerin:

  • dilute 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin in a glass of water;
  • Moisten the contaminated area with the resulting solution;
  • after half an hour, you can start removing.

If glycerin is not at hand, and you need to wash the item urgently, soak the jeans in soapy water.

If the dried layer is thick enough, you can first scrape it off with a knife. Use a blunt knife to avoid tearing the piece and carefully remove the dried paint.

Step 2: stain removal

To remove an old stain from jeans, choose concentrated stain removers or pure gasoline. Laundry soap, powder or dishwashing liquid is unlikely to cope with such challenging task.

If you want to remove ink, use regular alcohol. They need to treat the stain and leave for a few minutes. After that, the jeans can be washed, preferably by hand, to more thoroughly work on the soiled area.

If the ink is very stubborn, mix alcohol with glycerin, this will soften the fibers of the fabric, and the stain will be easier to remove.

Step 3: Pants Wash

Rinse the gins in warm water after rinsing to remove any remaining cleansing emulsions. Then wash the jeans by hand or in the washing machine.


I told you how to wash jeans from paint and ink, what to do with a stubborn stain and what homemade recipes you can use instead industrial facilities. Visual instructions are in the video in this article. Do you have your own signature stain removal recipes? Share them in the comments!

Sometimes there are situations when you just need to know how to remove paint from jeans. Denim is a very common piece of clothing these days. Comfortable things that are great for work and walks in the park, we wear almost daily. It is for this reason that jeans get dirty faster than our other items. And what a shame when you put a stain on your favorite clothes.

Paint stains are very difficult to remove from the fabric, especially if you notice them not immediately, but after a week. If you are afraid to ruin your expensive pants, do not hesitate, but take them to a dry cleaner. You will have to pay a rather large amount for the services, but your pants will definitely save you. If you are not afraid of difficulties, you can find a way to remove paint from jeans at home, while spending a minimum of time and money.

How to clean jeans from paint?

A huge range of coloring agents can be found in the painting department of any hardware store. All of them differ in color, composition, consistency, but now is not about that. Accordingly, if they differ from each other, then the options for cleaning jeans from paint will also differ from each other. Consider the main ways to remove from fabric different types colors.

Oil paint on jeans. How to withdraw?

Oil paint is the most common type of coloring agent. Very often, benches in parks and near the house are covered with it. IN bad weather it dries for a long time, so the stains from it are frequent occurrence on pants and skirts. How to get paint stains out of jeans? To do this, you can use one of several proven methods.

soap solution

You can remove the “blot” from oil paint with a concentrated soap solution. For this, dishwashing detergent is often used.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a concentrated soap solution.
  2. Apply liberally to the stained area.
  3. Use the brush to gently scrub the stain from the surface of your pants.

Important! In some cases, the process must be repeated several times.

  1. Wash the product in a washing machine with powder.

Stain remover

Stain remover is available in the household chemicals department. Similar funds have a different composition and can be intended for different types fabrics. Before buying, be sure to read the instructions for use and find out what types of fabric it is suitable for and what stains it can remove. This will save you from buying unnecessary funds.

Important! When processing with such means, strictly follow the instructions.

If at the moment when you need to process the jeans, the stain remover was not at hand, do the following:

  1. Treat the contaminated area with laundry soap.
  2. Soak the product in warm water.
  3. Now feel free to go to the store for the remedy. Such manipulations will facilitate the process of removing stains with a stain remover.

Important! Sometimes, in order to get rid of persistent stains completely, the treatment process with the agent must be repeated 3-4 times.

Vegetable oil

For about 3-5 days, the stain can be considered fresh. Vegetable oil will help get rid of such contaminants.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix butter with laundry detergent.
  2. Apply the product to the contaminated surface of clothing. The oil will help soften the paint.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes. The product should be well saturated with the mixture.
  4. Use a soft cloth or cotton swab to remove any remaining stains.
  5. Remove the remaining fat trace by washing the item in the washing machine.

How to wipe off water-based paint from jeans?

Water-based paint is easy to remove. It is removed from clothes almost as easily as it is applied to the surface of the wall. To remove marks from such a coloring agent, there are two options.

Option #1: Washing

Washing paint from jeans at home, if it is water-based, will be very simple as follows:

  1. Soak the product in water with the addition of powder.
  2. Before loading the drum of the washing machine, place the stain remover in a special compartment.
  3. Do a normal machine wash.

Important! In order to get rid of old stains paint, you will need to repeat the process several times.

Option number 2: Processing with gasoline or kerosene

If the result from the previous treatment did not impress you, use refined gasoline or kerosene.

Important! What is this gasoline? Lighters are fueled with this gasoline. It can be purchased at a hardware store. Gasoline for refueling cars is not suitable for removing traces of paint. It contains various additives that adversely affect the quality of the fabric. Instead of effectively cleaning clothes, it will create new stains.

If you have stained your clothes with paint and you have not been able to remove it immediately, this option is for you.

Mode of application:

  1. Carefully clean off paint marks with a knife first.

Important! Avoid applying strong pressure with the knife, as this may damage the fabric.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in gasoline or kerosene.

Important! Before applying the products, test their effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trousers.

  1. Place a clean cloth under the bottom of the dirt so that moisture does not print on the second side of the product.
  2. Wipe the stain from the edge to the center until it disappears from the canvas.
  3. Rub the remaining dirt with laundry soap and rinse well in clean water.
  4. Wash clothes with a stain remover.

Important! For lighter shades of denim, use acetone or nail polish remover.

How to remove acrylic paint from jeans at home?

If you find acrylic stains on denim, don't fret. These types of dyes are made water based, so the stain removal process is considered the easiest. Unless, of course, this is an old, well-dried mark.

Laundry soap or dishwashing gel

Soap with a lot of alkali or dishwashing liquid will easily cope with such stains.

Cleaning method:

  1. Turn your trousers inside out.
  2. Rinse off any remaining paint with cold water.
  3. Use laundry soap or dishwashing detergent to wash away dye residue.
  4. Do a normal wash with powder.


In the fight against acrylic paint, vinegar will come to the rescue. It is sure to be in the kitchen cabinet of any hostess.

Cleaning method:

  1. Prepare a soap solution using warm water.
  2. Add two tablespoons of vinegar.
  3. Clean the problem area with a soft sponge.
  4. Wash off all traces with running water.

How do you get dried paint off jeans?

The spots that for a long time were on jeans, it is not so easy to remove. The paint has completely saturated the fibers and has already had time to dry properly. In order to wipe off colored traces, you need to use more stringent methods.

White Spirit

This substance is special remedy, which effectively removes traces of paint from any surface. In the most difficult case, it is used for clothing. A powerful solvent will clean stains with ease and will not damage the fabric if used correctly. You can buy it at any hardware store.

Important! Due to its toxicity, cleaning should be done with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply a small amount of white spirit on a soft cloth.

Important! Before use, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the jeans.

  1. Work the stain from the edge to the center.
  2. Finally, wash the pants in the washing machine or by hand with a powder to ensure that the paint is removed from the jeans.

Important! White spirit has a specific persistent odor. To get rid of it, you have to wash clothes several times.


Acetone will help remove even the most stubborn stains. No matter what type of dye you have blotted your jeans, this solvent will help bring the clothes back to their original look.

Important! It is undesirable to clean colored or dark things with this product. It is better to use it for cleaning light fabrics.

Mode of application:

  1. Wet a cotton pad with acetone.
  2. Wipe the paint marks from the edge of the stain to its center.

Important! Try not to wet the fabric too much, so as not to damage the color of the trousers.

  1. Wash the product after processing.


Looking for a way to clean paint from jeans at home? Alcohol will help you with this. He is enough universal remedy, so this liquid can always be found in a home locker. Without much effort, you can remove multi-colored blots of paint from jeans with alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol cannot clean stains from oil paints, but it will wipe off all other types of pollution in one moment.

Mode of application:

  1. Before treatment, soften the stain with glycerin diluted with water. Leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes.

Important! Alternatively, you can use sunflower oil diluted with dishwashing detergent.

  1. Mix alcohol with glycerin and treat the softened stain.
  2. Leave for 5-10 minutes so that the product soaks into the paint.
  3. Finally, remove the remaining dye from the surface of the product.
  4. Carry out a normal wash. To improve the result, add a stain remover to the compartment of the machine.

Chalk and gasoline

If you have stained light-colored jeans, there is an easy way to remove paint from jeans at home. Old dried paint stains can be easily removed from the surface of trousers with chalk and refined gasoline.

Important! If chalk is not available, you can replace it with clay, talc.

Mode of application:

  1. Grind the chalk to a powder.
  2. Mix white powder with refined gasoline to a slurry.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to a cloth and lightly rub it into the dirt.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes for better action facilities.
  5. Clean off the remnants of raw materials, wash with the addition of a stain remover.


To rid your favorite things of difficult paint stains, use glycerin. This is a great all-rounder.

Mode of application:

  1. In a water bath, heat a bottle of glycerin to 30-40 degrees.
  2. Apply heated glycerin to the problem area, rubbing it a little into the jeans.
  3. Wash with powder.


This folk method for restoring paint-damaged trousers is very popular and effective. With it, you can clean clothes from old oily points.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour a small amount of turpentine over the mark.
  2. Wait for some time for the paint to move away from the base of the fabric.
  3. Make a concentrated solution of water and baking soda to wash off any remaining turpentine.
  4. Rinse the treated area with plenty of water.

How to protect clothes from paint stains?

In order not to wonder how to remove a paint stain on jeans, follow the precautions when working with various dyes:

  • Paint walls or other surfaces slowly, dip excess paint on the roller tray.
  • Wear protective clothing before handling paint. In this case, even a kitchen apron is perfect.
  • When working with paints and varnishes, prepare in advance means for cleaning the surface and clothes from paint.

Sometimes it's better to use standard methods removing paint stains, gradually increasing the concentration of funds. This will help preserve the properties and color of the fabric. If at home it was not possible to wipe off traces of paint, you can contact a dry cleaner. There are experts chemicals wash even the most persistent stains from dyes and restore attractive appearance your clothes.

It often happens that it is on your favorite things that the most difficult stains remain. And if it is easier to deal with the problem on light fabrics, then on dense ones it is not an easy task. This is especially true for jeans. If even the smallest drop of paint gets on your favorite jeans, you are already faced with a choice: wipe off the dirt or say goodbye to the thing forever. Of course, it all depends on how old the stain is.

However, before you send your favorite thing for write-off, you should still try to revive it.

How to quickly remove paint from jeans?

Of course, take it to the dry cleaners. They use effective cleaning products and do it professionally. But unfortunately, the result is not always guaranteed. Yes, and pleasure is not cheap, so that cash funds do not always allow you to shift the cleaning on the shoulders of knowledgeable people.

In this case, you can try to remove the pollution at home. But remember that in this case the most important thing is efficiency. When the dirt has not yet dried up and has not had time to eat into the fabric, it will be much easier to reduce it than if you put the problem on the back burner.

However, you should not rush too much either. The main mistake of the majority is an attempt to immediately wipe the defect wet wipes. Let's say right away that similar way ineffective and will not help the case, but rather exacerbate the problem. Most the best option will immediately go home while the paint is still fresh.

At home, you can take the following steps.

4 ways to remove paint from jeans

Method number 1


  • butter;
  • washing powder (if there is a powder for greasy or hard-to-remove stains at home, it is better to use it).

Mix these two ingredients in proportions one to one. Take a dirty cloth and apply a thick layer of the resulting mixture to the place with paint. Gently rub it into the stained area. The caustic substance will gradually roll up and down. Only fat will remain in its place. Don't worry though - it can be easily removed with a normal wash, given that the stain is fresh. Therefore, after removing the paint, throw the jeans into the wash, after pouring a portion of a good washing powder.

Method number 2

But, unfortunately, the opportunity to immediately go home and wash your jeans is not always there. In this case, how to remove paint from jeans if the previous method did not help?

Since the paint stains themselves are very persistent, you should use more radical methods, namely: apply acetone, white spirit, kerosene or gasoline.

But since these substances are very aggressive, they should be used according to the following scheme:

  • Place a thick rag under the spot with a stain (a cloth napkin will also work, but one is not always at hand);
  • Take a little aggressive substance and pour it on the stained area. Please note that acetone is used for light fabrics, and all other substances are used for dark ones;
  • Leave for a few minutes - the fabric should be moistened, saturated with the substance and softened;
  • Take the solvent and apply it on a rag or tissue paper and rub the stained area;
  • If the contamination is not completely removed, repeat the procedure.

Method number 3

The following method, which allows you to remove stubborn paint stains, is more complicated, but very worth the effort:

  • take a full ladle of washing powder;
  • soap (household, the simpler it is, the more effective);
  • bleach (oxygen-containing, or as it is also called - chemical);
  • will have to be washed in the machine.

So let's get started:

  1. The stain needs to be pre-soaked. To do this, use a mixture of all the above ingredients. Chemical bleach in this case will play into your hands, since the content of oxygen particles in it removes the most complex spots. There is an opinion, and this is what the manufacturers themselves say, that oxygen particles are activated precisely at high washing temperatures (starting from 60 degrees). But it can be washed at more low temperatures. In our case, for starters, the bleach should simply be applied to the pants along with the powder and soap;
  2. Let it soften for a while;
  3. Wipe with a rag. But don't use this way for rubbing rough fabrics - this will not help scrape off the paint, but will only damage the jeans;
  4. We send the pants to the washing machine with a generous portion of washing powder and bleach on the stain.

Attention! If the fabric is light, then you can use a simple bleach. However, oxygen-containing is more effective.

Method number 4

If the contamination is still quite fresh and literally just got on the jeans, then it will not be necessary to make special efforts to eliminate it.

Just do the following:

  • take laundry soap;
  • clothes brush.

Next, make a concentrated soap solution. Dip the contaminated piece of clothing in there. After the fabric gets wet, lather the area well, and rub it gently with a brush in the same soapy solution until the paint is completely eliminated. After that, put the pants in the wash (preferably with a temperature of 60 degrees). washing powder in this case, you can use the usual.

How else to wipe paint from jeans?

Unfortunately, it also happens that the damage on the pants is noticed at the wrong time and the caustic substance has already thoroughly eaten into the fabric. Or simply there is no way to cope with damage to the pants right away.

In this case, the fight against pollution will take place in three or even four stages:

  1. Take a brush or a dull knife and scrape the fabric a little, but be careful not to damage it;
  2. Poshkryabav, we proceed to its elimination. In this case, clean gasoline will help us. It is important that the gasoline is exactly like this, since the car intended for refueling is not suitable. It contains many chemical substances and oils that are harmful to fabrics. As a result, you will not only get rid of pollution, but leave additional greasy stains. Refined gasoline is usually sold as lighter refills. So, a thick cloth should be placed under the stained place so as not to damage the other side of the pants. We dip a cotton swab or cotton swab into gasoline and begin to rub along the edges, gradually moving towards the center;
  3. After removing the main layer of contamination, lather the stained area with laundry soap. Rub thoroughly and send under running water to rinse the stain;
  4. Throw in the wash with a generous portion of the powder.

It will be very effective before washing the soiled place, soak it. Except ordinary soap, also use a solution of glycerin, it is recommended to mix the substance with water. To do this, apply the solution to the fabric until completely impregnated and allow the stain to sour for half an hour. After that, you can already apply different kind caustic substances.

There is also another pretty unusual method removing stubborn dirt.

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of white clay;
  • a tablespoon of pure gasoline;
  • a tablespoon of washing powder.

In a deep bowl, dilute clay and gasoline one to one. Stir them until smooth. Rub the resulting product into the stained area. Leave the clay on the fabric for a while - until completely dry. Then, rinse with water and powder and throw in the wash. By the same principle, chalk is mixed with gasoline.

  • Oil paint is simply removed with sunflower oil. After removing the paint, the oil is removed with an ordinary detergent;
  • For light fabrics, acetone is used, and for dark ones, kerosene;
  • If jeans can shed, then white alcohol is used as an aggressive substance. This will save you from bright spot on dark jeans;
  • If the paint on your pants is still fresh, feel free to use acetone or regular nail polish remover.

Often the stain may not come out immediately, which means that the procedure needs to be repeated or try another method.

But if the case is really very difficult, do not be discouraged and just sew on an appliqué or make a drawing on the spot. Good luck!