Why does the skin on the body peel off in women. Why does the skin peel and how to deal with it? About nutrition and health

The human body gets rid of dead cells skin with exfoliation. This is usually a gradual and imperceptible process - a completely natural phenomenon, which is not at all a sign of any problems.

Every 28 days, the outer layer of the skin is completely replaced. This replacement can also be emergency - if it is provoked by the influence of external factors, such as exposure to the sun, friction and chemical substances.

However, no one likes the feel and look of flaky skin. Dryness is not fun anyway, but it's especially annoying when it happens on the face.

Whether it's caused by dryness, sunburn, or irritation, no one wants to look like a shedding lizard. Probably every woman knows that it is almost impossible to apply makeup on flaky skin. And because the skin on your face is more sensitive than other parts of your body, exfoliating your face can sometimes even be painful.

The skin is made up of three layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. The outer layer - the epidermis - due to its location is constantly exposed to the environment. In the case of harsh environmental conditions - dry wind and cold, or very bright sun - people with very sensitive skin may experience the problem of excessive flaking. It is unfavorable external conditions that most often provoke this problem. In more rare cases, the cause is found in something else.

Allergic Reactions

In the event of an allergic reaction, a rash or peeling may develop on the skin. This is especially likely if there is a recurring reaction to certain foods and cosmetics, detergents or fabrics. An allergic reaction may intensify in the spring, during the flowering period of allergenic plants.


Exists long list diseases and diseases that are associated with skin peeling: toxic shock syndrome, sunburn, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, staph infections, side effects of certain drugs, seborrheic dermatitis, disorders immune system, scarlet fever, ringworm (on the scalp or body), psoriasis, pemphigus, Kawasaki disease, dry skin, dermatitis.

If any of the following symptoms are observed, in addition to skin peeling, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate a more serious condition:

  • Constant fatigue
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • General ill health
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Lotions, masks and creams do not help peeling.
  • Severe rash or skin inflammation that does not respond to medication

Impact of external factors

But in most cases, peeling of the skin is due to. The death of the skin after sunburn is part of the healing process. This means that you should leave the flaky skin alone until it is replaced by a new one.

The process can be helped with creams or home remedies. However, if for a long time nothing helps against peeling, it makes sense to seek the advice of a doctor who will help find out the true cause of the problem.

How to get rid of peeling skin on the face (10 secrets)

Moisturizing cream should be used after each washing and washing of hands. And wash and wash should be exclusively using slightly warm water. Hot water can injure the skin and deprive it of its natural water-lipid layer, aggravating drying and flaking.

After a bath or shower, gently pat your skin dry soft towel- Do not rub it under any circumstances.

Moisturize flaky skin more often. For this, it is best to use an unscented, intense moisturizer, lotion, or balm that contains soothing and hydrating ingredients such as aloe and vitamin E.

If the air in the house is dry, it will be ideal to turn on a humidifier at night. If there is no humidifier, a pot of water next to the radiator can also perform its function. At worst, an aquarium or indoor plants that evaporate a lot of moisture will help humidify the atmosphere.

Peeling skin is usually very delicate and sensitive, so it is important to keep this area constantly hydrated and protected from the sun. Sunscreen should be used if necessary.

Intense or scented soaps and bubble baths should be avoided as these products can further dry out the skin.

Don't use self-tanner on burnt skin to even out your color - it will flake your skin, making it look even worse.

The following ingredients should be avoided in cosmetics: benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acids, retinol (use with caution). These ingredients may aggravate dryness, flaking, or itching.

Do not scratch flaky skin. This will only exacerbate irritation and flaking, and in addition can cause infection.

You should drink at least two liters of water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices per day. This will keep the skin moisturized from the inside and strengthen the immune system.

Peeling skin on the face - what to do at home

Natural remedies for flaky skin can be quite helpful as they are not risky. side effects except perhaps allergies to certain food products, about the presence or absence of which people are usually well aware. They also require special efforts and almost no expense, as they can be made from household items and food.

In cases where peeling occurs due to sunburn, a simple cold compress can be an excellent medicine and relieve irritation. This procedure will be helpful if pain or swelling is felt due to the burn.

To use this product, dampen the cloth with cold water and then place it on the affected area of ​​the skin.

It is recommended to use milk to soothe dry, flaky skin. To do this, I advise you to cover your face with a napkin dipped in cold water. whole milk and leave for 10 minutes. Milk and the lactic acid it contains will help remove flakes and redness in a natural way, while the lipid content of milk can hydrate your skin.

One of the most known methods treatment for flaky skin, like many other skin problems, is aloe vera juice. This treatment provides natural hydration skin, helps sunburnt or dry skin. For a cooling effect, you can hold the aloe leaf in the refrigerator before using it for cosmetic purposes.

Cucumber is another common remedy in cosmetology. Regular grated cucumber face masks prevent dryness.

This natural remedy considered especially effective for flaky skin on sensitive areas of the face.

A decoction of black tea or an infusion of chamomile should be cooled and strained before being applied to the affected areas of the skin. The tannins contained in these fluids can reduce inflammation.

honey and olive oil is an excellent mixture for cleansing flaky skin from dead cells. Pour a few drops of olive oil into honey and stir. After that, you need to apply the product on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with cool water. This method will make the skin healthy and smooth.

It is well known that the use oatmeal for breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels and provide the body with dietary fiber.

However, it is also useful in and irritation associated with skin flaking. Its soothing properties help the skin retain its natural moisture. To do this, soften the oats in warm water and apply as cosmetic mask for face.

Diet for flaky skin

There is a direct link between diet and skin health. A healthy balanced diet directly affects the skin, which becomes smooth, supple and nourished. In the case of skin flaking due to sunburn or any other reason, you can speed up the process of skin recovery through some changes made to the daily diet.

First of all, you should make sure that your diet combines the consumption of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A diet that eliminates any of these substances can lead to rashes and make the skin more susceptible to other disorders.

One cause of flaky skin can be a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Therefore, it makes sense to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, B and C, and foods high in iron and iodine. For example, butter, fish, and eggs are good sources of vitamin A. Meats, grains, cheese, and milk are rich in vitamin B. Citrus fruits, fruits, and some vegetables are rich in vitamin C. Iron-rich foods are nuts, lentils, cereals, and meats.

You can take them in capsule form or food additives, but also carefully monitor compliance with the measure: an overabundance of any vitamin or mineral can have adverse effects.

Some nutritionists advise limiting your intake of fiber-rich foods, as a large number of fiber can cause dehydration.

What should not be done with peeling skin?

When signs of skin peeling appear, most people try to speed up the process artificially and remove unsightly dead skin particles from the face. But this is a bad idea - such activity can lead to inflammation.

Dead skin can be removed with disinfected scissors, but not torn off. After that, it is advisable to use an antibacterial cream.

Peeling of the skin is an excessive rejection of dead cells of the epidermis. The condition of the skin is often a reflection of hygiene and care for it. Using excessively hot water when washing, using lotions on alcohol and soap, provoking peeling of the skin is performed.

Signs of skin peeling are known to many women, and even men. this problem does not bypass. However, women pay much more daily attention to their appearance, and therefore they are more worried about skin peeling. In addition, in men, the sebaceous glands function differently than in women. That is why men are less likely to experience these manifestations.

Skin flaking can affect everyone skin types: oily skin, dry and combination skin. But, first of all, dry skin type is prone to peeling.

Causes of peeling skin

The main factor that affects the condition of the skin is considered to be the external environment, although skin peeling is often caused by serious dermatological diseases that are considered common today.

Signs of skin peeling are: redness of specific areas on the skin, pain when rubbing, periodic or constant itching. Cracks may occur. To the touch, the skin becomes rough, loses its usual smoothness and elasticity.

In addition to the reasons that cause cosmetic defects skin, caused by provoking environmental conditions or bad care behind the skin, more formidable grounds may appear. Many dermatological diseases are also combined with skin peeling.

With a disease such as dominant ichthyosis, the scales are localized and look like a rectangle.

Peeling of the skin, as a rule, appears suddenly. With this course of the disease main reason its dryness can act. That is, the deep layers of the epidermis lack moisture. Dry skin is promoted by alcohol lotions and tonics, weather conditions, peelings and some systemic diseases.

With hypoavitaminosis, peeling of the skin is also observed. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, the forehead, nose, and ears begin to peel off. Other signs of a lack of this vitamin: cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, the color of the tongue is purple.

With a lack of vitamin A, peeling also appears on the skin. Attachment of pustules and dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes may be observed. Also a characteristic symptom of vitamin A deficiency is "night blindness" - a sharp decrease in vision at night.

The hormonal background also plays a role in the condition of the skin. Special meanings have: the level of sex gland hormones and the level of thyroid hormones. With a lack of hormones or their violation, the skin immediately reacts with dryness, decreased elasticity and peeling. An example of this is a disease called.

In women during menopause, there is a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin. Peeling and wrinkles appear. Flabbiness also appears, which is associated with the level of sex hormones, especially estrogens.

Dermatitis also occupy a certain place among the causes of skin peeling. For example:, psoriasis, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis etc. In this case, the cause of skin peeling is an increased accumulation and formation of dead skin cells and scales. As a result, a layer of dead cells appears on the skin, which causes peeling.

Peeling skin on the face

Among women, peeling of the skin on the face is considered a fairly common problem. Men, as a rule, do not show symptoms about it. This is due to the fact that the work of the sebaceous glands in men is different from that of women. From a young age, you need to properly care for and monitor the condition of the skin on the face.

Peeling of the skin of the face occurs due to dry skin, which can be caused by climatic changes. Excessive or improper care on the skin of the face (with the use of tonics, scrubs and lotions) can lead to dryness, and later to peeling of the skin. It is unacceptable to wash the skin of the face with soap or products containing alkali.

In women with sensitive skin on the face, peeling occurs due to excessive rubbing of the skin after washing, causing damage to it. To prevent injury to the skin on the face, it is necessary to remove the remaining moisture from the face with blotting movements after washing.

Vitamin deficiency can also cause peeling of the skin on the face. It can be observed seasonally. Winter vitamin deficiency can be prevented by the use of a nourishing fat-based cream, multivitamin supplements, as well as eating vegetables and fruits.

Provocateurs of peeling of the skin on the face, in the form of an allergic reaction, may be certain chemicals contained in the formulations cosmetics for washing. Usually, lanolin acid and lanolin itself are the strongest allergens. In addition, flowering plants and food can also provoke allergies, and after it, peeling of the skin on the face.

Since dehydration of the skin is considered the main cause of dryness and flaking of the skin, it is important to eliminate various negative factors that give rise to this problem. That is, it is necessary to stop using soap for washing the skin of the face and replace it with delicate cleansers without alcohol with a hypoallergenic composition.

If it is not possible to use such products for washing the skin of the face, then you should use those soaps that contain a cream or oil with a moisturizing effect. After washing the skin of the face, you need to use a moisturizer to treat it, as it prevents excessive drying of the skin.
You should also exclude the use of alcohol-containing products for peeling skin on the face.
In addition, it is important to use a cream with protective effect which suits the season. But it must be remembered that it can be applied no later than half an hour before going outside.

Peeling of the skin of the eyelids can be caused by a variety of reasons: from a lack of micro- and macroelements in the body, moisture and allergies, to excessive dryness of the entire skin. Decorative cosmetics that are incorrectly selected and the use of soap can lead to dryness and flaking of the skin on the eyelids.

The eyelash mite can also be another provoking factor. Peeling of the skin of the eyelids can cause and, which is usually combined with redness of the skin of the eyelids and loss of eyelashes.

Peeling of the scalp

A flaky scalp can be caused by a number of reasons.

The choice of shampoo for washing hair has great value when it comes to not only washing your hair, but also about proper care of the scalp. The wrong shampoo often leads to dandruff and flaking of the scalp.

It is worth choosing shampoos without lauryl sulfate and all kinds of parabens. These substances provoke the occurrence of peeling, dryness and allergies.

Peeling of the scalp can occur with psoriasis. This disease is caused by a fungus that provokes the rapid death of scalp cells, their keratinization occurs, and later flaking of the scalp. In this case, you should contact a trichologist or dermatologist to prescribe adequate treatment.

Dandruff itself also contributes to flaking. Moreover, it is very protracted and chronic. The fact is that the appearance of dandruff is a consequence of an imbalance in the functioning of the glands. hair follicles. The appearance of dandruff is provoked by frequent changes in shampoos for washing hair, immune diseases (disturbances in the thyroid gland, intestinal dysbacteriosis, etc.), poor ecology of the water used to wash hair, and in itself frequent washing hair. The appearance of dandruff is usually accompanied severe itching scalp. But not all patients complain about it. In the treatment of dandruff, a two-time hair wash, Sulsen's scalp paste 1 and 2%, helps a lot. Do not use shampoos with triclosan (for example, Heden Sholders or Nizoral). The fact is that the scalp can get used to them, after which dandruff can be a constant companion of the patient.

Seborrheic dermatitis also appears important reason in the appearance of flaking of the scalp. Its symptomatology is the formation of yellow scales and crusts with an oily sheen on its surface. Accompanied by itching and flaking of the scalp and face. Often occurs in children. Seborrheic dermatitis is treated with a specially selected diet and medicines in the form of tablets and ointments.

Peeling skin on hands

The first cause of dryness and, as a result, its peeling on the skin of the hands is a violation of the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for moisturizing it. Factors provoking peeling of the skin on the hands include: low humidity in the room, household chemicals(dishwashing detergents, washing powders, bleaches), temperature changes (wind, heat, etc.), hypo - and beriberi, heredity, various dermatitis.

There may also be peeling of the skin on the fingers, which can be provoked by the reasons described above, but more often, it indicates a systemic disease (problems with the liver and gallbladder, diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency anemia and intestinal dysbacteriosis). Also helminthic infestations can cause peeling of the skin of the fingers, especially in children.

The lack of multivitamins as a cause of peeling of the skin on the fingers and hands in general can lead to purulent complications and cracks. In this case, preference should be given to taking multivitamin supplements with an increased concentration of vitamins A, C, B, E and a balanced diet.

If you experience peeling of the skin on your hands after using household detergents, you must use gloves during cleaning or washing. In bad weather, it is important to lubricate the skin of the hands with cream; in hot weather, it is important to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day in addition to liquid meals.

It is necessary to understand the fact that getting rid of peeling of the skin of the hands can be very difficult, especially if it is caused by diseases internal organs. In this case, it is important to treat the chronic causative disease, which led to the peeling of the skin on the hands.

The occurrence of dermatitis also leads at the beginning of the disease to peeling of the skin of the hands. This is especially true for contact dermatitis. Later, inflammation and redness of the skin on the hands joins. As a rule, peeling of the skin on the fingers and hands with dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a qualified specialist and find out the cause of dermatitis. Then proceed to therapy in the form of the use of glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines.

In some cases, with peeling skin on the hands, massage with nourishing oils, which stimulates blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. It also helps stimulate the sebaceous glands.

Peeling skin on legs

Unfortunately, the skin on the legs is also often exposed to peeling. If a person is concerned about the peeling of the skin on the feet, then it will not be superfluous to visit a dermatologist to be examined for a fungal infection. From the very beginning, pain begins in the area affected by the fungus. In this case, one can observe the covering of the skin of the legs with small bubbles, especially in the area between the fingers, where there is also a strong unbearable itching. Later, damage to the nails joins and nail bed, develops peeling of the skin of the feet.

Ichthyosis (skin fungus) is considered a contagious disease. It is highly likely to be transmitted contact form transfers (in saunas, baths, when wearing common shoes). Fungal infection with ichthyosis loves moisture. Symptoms of the chronic course of ichthyosis can be thickening and yellowing of the nail bed, and nail destructibility is also observed. Cracks in the heels also refer to chronic ichthyosis, which are always accompanied by dryness and flaking of the skin of the feet. In the treatment, an important point is the use of antifungal ointments, the elimination or cutting of the affected nail, and careful hygiene of the skin of the feet. In advanced cases, oral antifungal drugs (Fluconazole 150 mg three times a week for several months) may be required.

Sometimes there may be peeling of the skin on the legs and in the thighs, as well as in the calves. The reason for this is severe dryness skin. Insufficient fluid intake (less than 1.5 liters per day) also contributes to the development of dry skin. It is necessary to consume at least 2.5 liters of water, and only in pure form. Also, the cause of peeling of the skin on the legs in the thigh area may be a thorough peeling procedure or the use of anti-cellulite procedures, which often “dry out” the skin in order to remove excess fluid from it.

It is worth considering here that the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, which leads to the development of cellulite, develops due to impaired metabolism and therefore cellulite on the legs should not be treated with massage, but with properly selected nutrition with the appointment of certain types of drugs (Hofitol, Essentiale, Wobenzim, etc.).

Diabetes mellitus, as many already know, leads to itching of the skin and peeling. Therefore, peeling of the skin on the legs can be a consequence of diabetes. Do not neglect going to the doctor when peeling of the skin on the legs appears, as this can be a formidable sign, especially in old age, when the risk of its development is several times greater, due to the fact that diabetes mellitus appears due to disturbances in insulin production, where the main organ that produces it is the pancreas. Therefore, its prevention and early diagnosis is very important.

Peeling of the skin on the legs also often appears when they sweat. The skin simply softens, its exfoliation begins, and after a drop in humidity, peeling appears. It is necessary to deal with sweaty feet in a complex way. You should check the hormonal status, because. sweaty feet can be the cause. After that, it is important to get rid of poor quality shoes, and switch to shoes from natural materials. It is also worth wearing shoes according to the season. The choice of socks or tights is also important in this matter. Cotton will ideal option with sweaty feet. Shoe deodorants may only provide temporary relief, but they can be tried. Powdery powder Galmanin, Teymurov's paste, 1% formalin solution and foot baths using infusions of oak bark and chamomile can help.

Peeling skin in a child

In some children, peeling of the skin may be present up to adolescence. Therefore, it is worth knowing that the structure of the skin in children is significantly different from the structure of the skin in adults, because. in children it is thinner, especially in stratum corneum. Because of this, skin moisture is retained for a short time, causing dry skin.

The following factors can provoke peeling of the skin in a child:

- External stimuli such as damp wind, cold air and hot weather in summer.

- Various fungal infections, seborrheic dermatitis, scarlet fever and chickenpox.

- Diseases of the internal organs, for example, pathology of the liver and kidneys, can act as serious reasons for the appearance of skin peeling in a child.

It should be noted that intestinal dysbacteriosis can also provoke peeling of the skin in newborns, because children at this age are very susceptible to changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Vitamins also play a role. Their deficiency, as in adults, in children provokes peeling of the skin.

Very often it is a provocateur of skin peeling. Children may be allergic to food allergens (gluten, lactose, fructose, etc.). Therefore, prevention of occurrence is compliance future mother certain diet (restriction bakery products, citrus fruits, etc.). And, of course, breastfeeding a baby is also an important factor for the prevention of allergies in the baby.

Peeling of the skin in newborns often occurs in the head area due to physiological "scab". They are somewhat similar in appearance to seborrheic dermatitis, but their differences are that such scabs pass on their own during the neonatal period - within 2-3 weeks after birth.

Failure to comply with sufficient hygiene when caring for a child or, conversely, excessive care for his skin provokes peeling of the skin.

Treatment of skin peeling in children should be carried out only after examination by a pediatrician. The main thing is to find out the cause of its occurrence, because external factors can only be a “cover” for the correct diagnosis of the cause of skin peeling. The application of protective and nourishing creams will help to preliminarily alleviate the condition of the child.

Peeling skin in newborns gives them a lot of inconvenience. When treating it, it is important to use certain creams. Constant condition it is considered to apply a similar cream under the diaper. Bathing the baby must be done every day, since personal hygiene for a newborn is the prevention of many skin problems, as well as air baths.

How to get rid of peeling skin

Therapy for skin peeling is important to carry out in a complex. In the treatment of flaky skin, the use of a hydrocortisone cream may be recommended. In this case, the content of hydrocortisone should be 0.5%. With such a cream problem areas process 1 p. per day for two weeks. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to exceed the treatment for more than two weeks, because the skin can get used to it.

If available severe peeling skin, and when the use of moisturizers does not give a positive effect, you can resort to products with dexpanthenol. The drug Panthenol, which is usually used for skin burns, can significantly reduce areas of the skin with peeling. It is very good for moisturizing the skin. This drug very easy to use as a spray. It is applied 3-4 times a day to the affected area, after which it is wiped cotton pad. In some cases, especially when the skin is peeling in children, you can use Panthenol in the form of a cream, and at the same time apply it as a cream before going outside.

In the treatment of peeling of the skin in children and newborns, Bepanten cream can be used. It has proven itself very well as a nourishing, wound healing and moisturizing agent.

If peeling skin is one of the signs systemic disease or diseases of the internal organs, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and appropriate therapy for the underlying disease.

And of course, another affordable method in the treatment of skin peeling are folk recipes.

A good exfoliating effect is given by masks with butter and milk. Oats are boiled in milk, like ordinary porridge. After its preparation, one tablespoon of porridge is mixed with honey or butter (1 tsp). Apply this mixture to problem areas, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. warm water. You can also not boil oats, but grind them in a coffee grinder. All of the above ingredients are mixed and applied to problem areas of the skin.

You can try scrubs home cooking. They don't irritate the skin as much as salon procedures and scrubs purchased in stores. You can use small tea leaves, coffee grounds, pieces of apple or watermelon as a scrub. You can soak white bread in milk and wipe the affected skin with the resulting slurry, then rinse with cool water after 20 minutes.

Carrot and banana vegetable masks will also help against peeling skin. Carrots are also replaced with grated potatoes. Equal parts of carrot, banana and olive oil are mixed, applied to the area of ​​the skin that is prone to peeling, incubated for 20 minutes and washed off with running water. room temperature. After use a nourishing cream.

It is important to remember that the lack of vitamins and minerals often leads to flaky skin. Therefore, in order to get rid of this ailment, it is important to drink multivitamin supplements in courses.

You should also avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, temperature changes. Often in winter time there is dryness and flaking of the skin. Therefore, before going out into the cold, it is important to lubricate exposed areas of the body with a protective cream.

It is worth using less cleansing peels and scrubs for the skin (no more than once a week, with sensitive skin no more than once every two weeks).

It is important to prevent various kinds of skin dermatitis, ichthyosis and allergic manifestations on the skin. The chronic course of such diseases always leads to skin flaking and/or dryness.

Drinking a sufficient amount of liquid, especially in the summer, will protect against peeling of the skin, since dehydration is one of the main reasons for the development of these manifestations. Every person during summer heat loses a lot of fluid through sweat, so it needs to be replenished in large enough quantities.

The skin usually begins to peel off when the sebum it produces becomes insufficient or due to excess loss of moisture compared to consumption. As the skin loses both oil and water, it begins to dry out and its upper layer dies and begins to flake off.


weather changes

During cold periods, the air becomes dry and the skin dries out quickly due to the combination of dry air outside and hot inside the house. But the season may not matter if you live in desert regions.

Prolonged exposure to heat

Too much hot water while taking a bath or shower, instead of soothing the body, as many people think, it dries out the skin, making it flaky. In addition, constant exposure to wood-burning stoves, heaters, and fireplaces can reduce moisture and dry out the skin.

Soaps and detergents

Many soaps, detergents, and shampoos used at home can draw moisture from the skin as they are designed to remove oil. As a result of their use, the skin can become extremely dry and flaky due to the chemicals they contain.

Cosmetical tools

Skin condition can be affected by eye makeup or makeup base. Eyeliners, mascaras, eye shadows, or the tools used to apply them can accumulate bacteria over time. This irritates the skin, dries it out and sometimes causes flaking and itching.

Skin diseases

According to the National Foundation psoriasis(American organization), this disease can cause dryness and scaling of the skin. Besides, seborrheic dermatitis can lead to a red, scaly, itchy rash, usually due to oily skin.

Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and results in dry patches that can become very itchy, red, and inflamed. Blepharitis- This is an inflammatory disease that affects the eyelids due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

aging factor

As hormone levels fluctuate over the years, the skin becomes very dry, flaky, and wrinkles appear due to the aging of the sebaceous glands, which secrete less sebum. You may need a moisturizer.

Using a hard sponge while showering

Most people find that scrubbing the body up and down with a rough sponge or washcloth helps remove dirt, but it also causes the skin to dry out due to the friction applied to it. "Rubbering removes the top layer of skin and increases dryness," says Nanette Silverberg, MD, professor of dermatology at Columbia University.

contact dermatitis

This is a common condition caused by an allergic reaction to certain irritants that touch the skin, as the Eye Care Source website explains. It can be a clothing fabric, fabric softener, or detergent. Many everyday fabrics and products can irritate the skin from wipes to perfumes.

On the face

Dry, flaky patches on the face can create an area of ​​easy entry for bacteria. You should seek medical attention if you notice dry, flaky skin on your cheek, chin, neck, and even towards your back.

Facial skin may also show signs such as cracks or tears; red, swollen patches, hot and tender; infected sores in or around the mouth.

The following are some of the factors that can lead to this problem on the forehead, chin, or cheeks:

  • Weather
  • Hot baths and showers
  • Harsh soaps and detergents
  • Heat
  • Other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

On hands

If you are allergic to certain irritants that you come into contact with, such as soaps and detergents, then the best solution is to avoid them. They can contribute to itching, blistering, scaling, and flaking of the skin.

Some of the other irritants include:

  • Nickel bracelet or watch
  • Poison ivy
  • Latex
  • Fragrances in cosmetics and skin care products
  • Formaldehyde.

On foot

Some of the causes include eczema or bathing too often, according to The New York Times Health Guide. Other factors include aging, exposure to dry air and cold temperatures, and the amount of time spent outdoors.

In addition, during the winter months, frost and low humidity reduce the amount of moisture available to the skin, which also contributes to flaking, according to Iowa State University.

White dry flaky skin

Galonevus (Nevus of Setton)

White, scaly skin - actinic keratosis (thickening of cells)

This is a pink-brown nevus ( dark mole) surrounded by very light or white scaly skin. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist to check the condition of the skin if there are any abnormalities.


It can be caused by vitiligo, anemia, or tuberous sclerosis, among many other underlying conditions.

Lichen sclerosus

It usually affects the groin area. Symptoms include thinning and white patches on the skin that may be localized or spread over a wider area.

Ring-shaped scleroderma

The skin begins to harden and thicken, resulting in red or purple spots, which then change their color to a yellow tint with a white center. Ultimately, they may become brown spots before turning white.

seborrheic eczema

This is a skin disorder that can cause round or oval white patches, sometimes scaly.

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology explains that these patches usually appear on the face, shoulders, neck and torso and are most common in children and adolescents with dark skin.

Pityriasis versicolor

It is caused by a fungal infection that has similar characteristics to a yeast infection that results in athlete's foot, eczema fringes, and ringworm, but unlike these conditions, it is not contagious.


This is due to a genetic condition in which the skin loses melanin, forming white patches that can spread throughout the body. Vitiligo can affect anyone, but it is most common in people with darker skin. There is no cure yet, but active treatment can slow pigment loss.

Red dry flaky skin

flaky skin with redness - psoriasis (a disease with overgrowth cells)

Dry, red, flaky skin on the face, arms, and legs occurs when the sebaceous glands fail to produce sebum, leading to invisible cracks in the skin that lose moisture, resulting in dry, flaky skin. In addition, exposure to irritants is exacerbated, as a result of which even products for sensitive skin can cause irritation.

Some of the common causes of sebaceous gland dysfunction include:

  • Age
  • Hormones
  • Genetics.

Peeling and itching

Itching and flaking are symptoms of conditions such as allergic reactions including hay fever, asthma and eczema, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and various cancers, pregnancy and old age.

Traditional treatments include prescription corticosteroids; vitamin D analogues (vitamin D-based preparations); and controlled UV therapies that are performed in a dermatologist's office.

home remedies

homemade milk

This mild remedy has anti-inflammatory properties and removes dead skin cells. Use a soft washcloth soaked in milk, then rinse the area of ​​application with warm water.

Yogurt or kefir

Yogurt or kefir is also effective for skin problems due to the presence of lactic acid, which can remove bacteria that cause itching. You need to apply some of these products to an area of ​​dry skin, leave for a while, and then rinse with water.

Avocado masks

Avocados are among the healthiest fruits, especially when it comes to beauty and skin care, mainly because of their fatty acid and vitamin A content.

Olive oil and sugar

Olive oil provides the skin with proper care, while sugar exfoliates. Extreme caution must be exercised when using this product and monitor the reaction of the skin. When applied, a soft and pleasant massage effect should be felt.

Skin problems can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort. Flaky skin is one of the most common annoyances encountered on the path of many women, and sometimes even men. Finding out the true causes of what is happening, you can choose the right effective method to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

Why does the skin peel off?

It has been found that dry skin flakes more often than other types. This is due to insufficient intake of natural moisturizers - oily substances that are produced by the sebaceous glands.

Peeling scales and a feeling of tight skin can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrectly selected products for cosmetic care and cleansing of the face and body.
  • Allergic reaction to fabric softener, dish detergent, cosmetics.
  • Too much bathing or showering.
  • Climatic conditions ( heat air, wind, direct sunlight).
  • Dry air in winter.
  • Bad habits.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • Consequences of taking medications.
  • Dermatological diseases.

In men, the skin on the body or face is also quite often flaky. The reason for this may be alcohol abuse, smoking addiction and malnutrition. sensitive type skin with mechanical action reacts with the appearance of redness and the formation of scales, therefore rubbing and the use of rough cleaning agents are not recommended.

Peeling - a sign of illness?

Such a symptom may indicate a developing disease of the skin. One of these ailments is psoriasis, in which the spots have a pink-red hue, peel off and itch. The reasons triggering the process are currently unknown. The same symptom manifests seborrheic and contact dermatitis, pink lichen, lupus erythematosus, scarlet fever (infectious pathology), fungal infections. Hereditary diseases in which scales form on the skin include ichthyosis. The irritated surface of the dermis does not tolerate the effects of detergents (shampoo, soap, gel), and unpleasant symptoms intensify.

With a lack of vitamins A and B2, the skin in the forehead, nose and ears is very flaky, cracks may appear on the lips. During menopause, many women experience a change in their condition. outer covers V the worst side. So the body shows a lack of hormones, especially estrogen. Wrinkles appear, flabbiness is lost. To find out the causes of peeling, you need to seek medical help. Specialists in this field are a dermatologist, an allergist, an infectious disease specialist, and a surgeon.

The first signs of dry skin

The characteristic features of dry skin type are:

If the skin of the face is dry and flaky, you need to contact a beautician who will select suitable remedy to restore water balance. This type of skin is prone to the early appearance of wrinkles, which are not so easy to get rid of, and rapid aging.

Dry skin (xeroderma) can be associated with metabolic disorders in the body and thyroid diseases. Dead particles, accumulating on the surface of the epidermis, begin to peel off. Itching can cause dermatitis, so first of all you need to consult a dermatologist.

In severe cases, very dry skin begins to crack, ulcers appear. This is fraught with infection.

Peeling skin: treatment

Having found the main cause of xeroderma, you can begin to eliminate the symptoms. If the problem is insufficient moisture or rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface, it is necessary to choose a one with a high content of fatty components. Help medications apply only on the recommendation of a doctor. Such funds should have hydrocortisone (0.5-2%) in the composition.

If the skin on the body is peeling, it is necessary to change the gel, soap. They can give such an effect in the first place. Wash your face better clean water or decoction of medicinal herbs. Lotions and tonics for cleansing should not contain alcohol, which causes dryness and tightens the skin.

Proper care for dry skin

Cosmetologists recommend that owners of dry skin type take water procedures no more than 2 times a day. This will help the sebaceous glands to work properly and produce required amount natural moisturizers. Dry skin loves slightly warm or cool water, but never hot. After washing, you need to gently blot the surface of the dermis with a soft towel. Rubbing will cause redness and irritation of the skin.

After taking a shower, always use a moisturizing milk or cream. For very dry skin, try cocoa butter or coconut oil. Thanks to the components that they contain, the epidermis receives nutrients, minerals and vitamins. All kinds of peelings, scrubs for the face and body should be used no more than 1 time per week, so as not to injure overdried skin.

What can a beautician offer?

Beauty salons offer following procedures to eliminate dry skin:

  • Biorevitalization- is currently the most popular way to saturate the skin with moisture. With the help of various techniques (reinforcement, micropapule), hyaluronic acid is introduced, which will start the process of natural collagen formation. The frame, created from hyaluron, collagen and elastin, will retain moisture and help smooth out deep wrinkles.
  • Iontophoresis- If dry skin is flaky, then this method can restore water balance and relieve discomfort. The procedure consists in treating the skin on which the drug is applied, galvanic current small voltage. Active ions transmit a signal to the central nervous system, and the body begins to renew itself.
  • Mesotherapy- carried out for various indications: acne, dehydrated skin, wrinkles, rosacea, etc. The drugs are administered by injection and needleless method (pulse iontophoresis). The task of the procedure is to increase the activity of fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen.

Salon procedures can only be carried out by specialists with appropriate education (cosmetologists, dermatologists).

How to choose a moisturizer?

Very dry skin on the face and body needs constant and proper care with a moisturizer, lotion, milk, tonic. This will help protect the thin epidermis from adverse environmental influences - strong wind, cold air, ultraviolet radiation. Special attention should be given to the skin of the hands and face.

Oil-based products perfectly eliminate the lack of moisture. Oil from the seeds of grapes, almonds, shea butter is applied to the face. For washing, it is desirable to use milk, for example, Lait Demaquillant Absolu (Vichy), Natura Siberica. Problem areas on the body, where there is flaky skin, can be lubricated with olive oil.

Among cosmetic preparations, it is better to give preference to brands that are presented in pharmacies: Vichy (Lipidiose Nutritive), Natural ingredients and proven action through research will help restore freshness, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The disadvantage of such products is their cost, which is much higher than those available in cosmetic stores. When buying a moisturizer, you need to pay attention to the incoming components. For the skin, the one that contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin E is better suited. The price will depend on the manufacturer and the naturalness of the components. Sometimes the remedy can be chosen incorrectly, so it is better to seek advice from professional cosmetologist or a dermatologist.

The skin of the face is flaky: what to do at home?

At home, it is quite possible to prepare products that moisturize overdried skin no worse than expensive ready-made preparations. The advantages of folk recipes include accessibility necessary ingredients, natural origin and confidence in the naturalness of the product.

The most popular home skin care products are masks. Already after the first use, the result will be visible if you take steamed flakes (1 tablespoon) and add a spoonful of homemade cream to them. There are also options with honey, butter, fatty cottage cheese (with the addition of milk).

For dry skin, a mask with tocopherol (vitamin E) is suitable. The price of the solution in a pharmacy is 35-45 rubles. (for 20 ml). Cocoa butter (1 tablespoon) must be melted in a water bath, add 1 tablespoon. l. liquid vitamin E and the same amount of sea buckthorn fruit oil. Also, tocopherol goes well with lanolin (1: 2). Masks are kept on the face for no more than half an hour, after which they are washed off with warm water or with a damp sponge.

Flaky skin? Home cream to the rescue!

Recipe with vitamin E

  1. Brew pharmacy chamomile (1 tablespoon) with boiling water, insist and strain.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to 2 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with camphor and castor oil(1 tsp each).
  4. Finally, add 10 drops of tocopherol solution.

This cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Deep Hydration Recipe

  1. Pulp of healing aloe (2 tablespoons) mixed with glycerin (0.5 tsp).
  2. Add a few drops of olive oil.
  3. The resulting composition is diluted with any essential oil(no more than 7 drops).

Recipe with beeswax

  1. Coconut oil (3 tablespoons) is mixed with clean water (3 tablespoons) and a teaspoon of almond oil.
  2. (1 tsp) is melted in a water bath and mixed with the previous components.
  3. Then add olive oil (2 tablespoons) and half a spoonful of borax. During cooking, the ingredients must be constantly stirred.

Nutrition and diet

Peeling skin indicates a lack of useful trace elements, vitamins and fluids that enter the body primarily with food. Therefore, the diet should be as much as possible useful products. Vitamins E, A and B necessary for the epidermis are found in various vegetables and fruits. But from fatty meats, lard, smoked meats, canned food, fatty fermented milk products will have to refuse. Meat is generally best consumed in minimal quantities, including chicken.

If the skin of the face is dry and flaky, it may be lacking in vitamin A. In this case, you need to increase the amount of carrots, apricots (dried apricots) and green vegetables in your daily diet. natural vitamin E is found in nuts, liver, seeds, eggs (they can cause allergies, so you should not lean on them). hypoallergenic diet must be followed if the cause of dryness, itching and peeling of the skin is a disease.

Prevention of dry skin of the face and body

  • Try to shower no more than 2 times a day.
  • Replace soap with cream-based gel.
  • Body moisturizers are best applied to damp, clean skin.
  • Use a protective cream if flaky skin appears in winter.
  • During the heating season in the house it is necessary to humidify the air with the help of special devices.
  • On hot, sunny days, a cream with UV protection is applied to the face.

Excessive dryness and flaking of the skin is a fairly common problem and often causes inconvenience to people due to unaesthetic appearance. Such a skin reaction may well be a symptom of some serious illness, so it is better not to leave it unattended.

natural factors

Sometimes peeling of the skin on the body is a relatively normal reaction of the body and can be explained by:

  • Insufficient synthesis of sebum. This feature of the skin is considered physiological and can be corrected only with the help of proper care.
  • Thinning of the lipid layer of the epidermis. This problem is provoked by the excessive use of a variety of detergents that remove the protective film from the skin, causing it to dry out. You can also deal with such a violation by adjusting care.
  • Climate change. Local peeling of the skin (on the hands or face) can occur in cold weather, as well as when these areas are exposed to strong winds. Also, a similar problem (sometimes total - on the whole body) appears in the cold when you are in rooms with dry air.
  • Using moisturizing creams. An ordinary moisturizer can really cause dryness and flaking of the epidermis. After all, it is able to absorb moisture from the surrounding air and saturate the skin with it. And if it is too dry around, then the cream will squeeze out the remaining moisture from the tissues of the epidermis and give them to the environment.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. Quite often, after relaxing on the sea coast, people are faced with excessive peeling of the epidermis. So the skin tries to recover after exposure to sunlight.
  • Constant wearing of synthetics. Sometimes sensitive skin may become irritated, dry or flaky due to contact with poor quality clothing.

It is worth recognizing that total and pronounced peeling is most often a sign of some kind of violation. An experienced dermatologist can determine the causes of this phenomenon in adults or children.

What to do?

If the skin on the body is peeling due to natural factors, you need to:

  • Take care of the organization of proper body care. Do not use daily detergents and washcloths (but only 2 times a week), refuse to use alcohol-containing lotions and scrubs.
  • Drink enough ordinary pure water- at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • Humidify the air in the room with a special device, as well as carry out regular wet cleaning.
  • Wear clothes made from natural materials.
  • Use protective creams before going out, and on the beach, be sure to use products with high SPF protection.
  • Choose a nourishing and moisturizing cream that will fully cover the needs of the skin. Use creams not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Flaky skin needs to be nourished regularly, preferably twice a day.
  • Periodically take multivitamin medicines (especially in winter and after illnesses).
  • Eat right and balanced.
  • To refuse from bad habits.

If, despite all the measures taken, the skin remains abnormally dry and flaky, consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the cause of this symptom lies in some health problems.

Pathological causes

There are many explanations for why the skin of the body flakes. This symptom may be due to:

  • Deficiency of vitamin and mineral elements.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Disorders in the digestive tract.
  • Hormonal fluctuations.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dry eczema.
  • Ichthyosis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Transferred scarlet fever.
  • seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Fungal infections, etc.

You can diagnose the problem that caused the peeling of the epidermis using a variety of skin and blood tests. After identifying the cause, there are chances to successfully restore the normal state of the body.


The skin is the largest organ of our body, and it is one of the first to respond to a lack of a variety of nutrients in the body. Let's try to figure out what nutrients the epidermis lacks:

  • If the body is covered with dry patches and flakes, and after water procedures there is often a feeling of tightness and discomfort, perhaps the reason for this is a deficiency of vitamin A with carotene. These nutrients are important for the proper functioning of the sweat glands, which maintain the right level of moisture in the skin and ensure its elasticity.
  • If the skin becomes unpleasantly rough, it may lack vitamin B3, as well as proteins, in particular, essential amino acid tryptophan. Vitamin PP may also be a possible culprit for such symptoms.
  • Peeling all over the body, which is accompanied by pallor and earthiness of the skin, may be due to a pronounced deficiency of vitamin B2. With its shortage, cracks in the corners of the mouth also often appear.
  • If the skin is dry, flaky, does not seem as elastic as before, and also visibly fades, it may well be that it lacks the usual ascorbic acid with zinc.
  • Another possible culprit for dry skin may be vitamin B12.
  • Loss of elasticity, sagging and unhealthy coloration of the epidermis, combined with peeling, can signal an iron deficiency.
  • The condition of the skin is directly related to the sufficient intake of vitamin E in the body. If you eat not enough healthy fats, this may be the reason for the appearance of peeling. With a deficiency of vitamin E, the skin ages quickly, and wounds heal for a long time.

It is quite difficult to independently identify the lack of which particular substance caused flaky skin. Therefore, with the development of such a problem, it will not be superfluous to drink a course of multivitamins.

allergic reactions

This is one of the most likely answers to the question of why the skin is flaky. Drying out of the epidermis can occur when various types allergies - food, contact, drug, etc. Individual intolerance often causes peeling of the skin of the forearms and cheeks (especially in children). Most often, such a symptom is not isolated, but is supplemented:

  • Other disorders in the condition of the skin. Most often, rashes, redness, itching are observed. Dryness sometimes appears after the bright symptoms subside, when the rash disappears.
  • Systemic manifestations of allergies, for example, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, coughing.
  • Disturbances in the digestive tract, in particular, discomfort, flatulence, constipation or loose stools (sometimes such problems alternate).

Diagnosing the very presence of allergies today is not a problem. It is much more difficult to identify what exactly it arises from. An allergist can help you deal with this problem.


Despite the fact that dysbacteriosis is not an official diagnosis throughout the world, the imbalance of beneficial microflora in digestive tract can adversely affect the functioning of the intestines and immunity, disrupt well-being and skin condition. Such pathological condition most often provoked by the consumption of antibacterial drugs, but other factors can also cause it, in particular, comorbidities of the gastrointestinal tract, transferred intestinal infections, change in diet, etc. You can suspect the presence of such a pathology by:

  • Bloating.
  • Intermittent loose stools or constipation.
  • Nausea.
  • The appearance of symptoms of allergies to the usual food.
  • General malaise, lethargy.

Skin with dysbacteriosis can dry out, peel off, become covered with rashes, become frankly problematic and change its type. You can cope with the problem by taking special probiotic drugs that inhabit the intestines with beneficial microflora.

Hormonal fluctuations

Natural fluctuations in hormone levels and various endocrine ailments can affect the condition of the skin. Most often, dry skin occurs with reduced production of estrogen, which regulates the full synthesis of sebum. Similar problem may appear:

  • During menopause and menopause. The onset of this period in a woman's life usually occurs closer to 50 years (but an early menopause is also possible). You can suspect the approach of menopause by the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, hot flashes, mood swings, etc.
  • With ailments of the organs of the endocrine system, in particular, the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and even the pituitary gland. Such pathologies often cause other disorders, for example, mood swings, changes in body weight, menstrual irregularities, etc.

To cope with the natural decline in estrogen during the onset of menopause, women are usually advised to take phytohormones - herbal medicines. They help to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, including improving the condition of the skin of the body.

Treatment of ailments of the endocrine system is carried out exclusively under the supervision of specialists - a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Therapy most often involves taking hormonal medications.


  • Rise in temperature.
  • Frequent cough.
  • Vomiting, soreness in the abdomen, loose and frequent stools.
  • Appetite disorders.
  • Headache.
  • Skin reactions (rash, peeling, redness, etc.).
  • The appearance of frequent diseases due to a decrease in immune activity.


An increase in blood sugar levels during the development of diabetes is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of urine and fluid loss. As a result of these processes, there is a total dehydration of the skin, a violation of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The epidermis is very dry and flaky, and can subsequently crack and become infected. Typical manifestations diabetes mellitus:

  • Strong thirst.
  • Increased urination.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Feeling tired, sleepy.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Paresthesia - tingling and sensory disturbances in the fingers, as well as numbness of the extremities.

The only way to deal with dry skin in diabetes is to control blood sugar and prevent it from rising. All patients with this diagnosis need special care for the epidermis, constant hydration and nutrition.

Cracked eczema

This ailment is also called dry or asteatotic eczema. During its development:

  • The skin dries up all over the body. It has a skin pattern.
  • An inflammatory process develops in the epidermis.
  • The skin becomes reddish, with time the redness progresses, eczematous papules of bright red color appear on the body.
  • The epidermis with the progression of the disease is covered with cracks - small, but deep enough and, most often, painful. Visually, the skin looks like old cracked porcelain.
  • It is possible to separate the exudate (weeping) against the background of the inflammatory process, as well as the formation of crusts.

The therapy of dry eczema is symptomatic and is aimed at deep moisturizing and softening of the epidermis with creams, oils and ointments. For cupping inflammatory processes hormonal drugs prescribed by a doctor are used.


Severe peeling of the skin all over the body can be a sign of ichthyosis. This is a hereditary disease, the development mechanism of which is associated with metabolic disorders. Ichthyosis manifests itself at an early age and it is impossible not to notice its occurrence. Typical signs:

  • Drying and roughness of the epidermis.
  • The appearance on the skin of small scales that tightly touch each other (like scales). They can be painted in whitish or gray-black tones.
  • Damage to the outer side of the extensor surfaces.
  • The appearance of other health problems, in particular disorders normal state hair, nails and teeth.

There is no cure for ichthyosis. Treatment of this disease is aimed at improving the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. The prognosis is most often unfavorable, since even not too pronounced manifestations of the disease are usually subsequently supplemented with serious complications.


This is a fairly common non-infectious chronic ailment, the causes of which are still not very clear to doctors. It is not difficult to recognize it, with such a disease:

  • The skin does not peel off completely, but only in separate areas.
  • Typical localization of manifestations of psoriasis is the scalp, elbow joints, knees, and skin folds. Possible damage to the forearms, legs, feet, etc.
  • Plaques-spots of red color are formed on the body, which itch unpleasantly and obsessively.
  • Dense scales form on the surface of the spots.
  • The symptoms get worse and then subside. During remission, the skin may appear almost healthy.

Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive. Patients must adhere to a diet, as well as constantly care for the skin using emollients, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic agents. During an exacerbation, hormonal drugs are used.

Transferred scarlet fever

As you know, scarlet fever is a typical childhood infectious disease caused by streptococci, but it also happens in adults. It is characterized by fever, punctate rash, general intoxication, as well as manifestations of tonsillitis. Not every person knows that after suffering from scarlet fever, the skin actively peels off and even begins to peel. This specific symptom:

  • Occurs after the rash has passed. Usually peeling begins two weeks after the onset of the disease.
  • It is localized almost all over the body.
  • It starts from the fingertips on the palms and feet. In these areas, peeling is large-lamellar.
  • Starts at the neck skin folds on other parts of the body, after spreading. Skin of the trunk, neck and auricles scaly scaly.

Peeling of the skin after scarlet fever does not require any targeted treatment, it is considered a natural, normal and transient phenomenon. You can only moisturize and protect the epidermis with an ointment with dexpanthenol (Bepanten, etc.).

Seborrheic dermatitis

One of possible causes scaly epidermis - the development of seborrheic dermatitis. This ailment develops in those areas of the skin where there are many sebaceous glands, and is provoked by an opportunistic microorganism, which is normally present on the skin of each of us. Typical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Gradual onset of symptoms and their slow progression.
  • The appearance of yellowish-red scaly spots and vesicles on the affected areas.
  • Combination of formations into scaly fatty plaques.
  • The appearance of fine dandruff, which can then become large-lamellar and even form dense crusts.
  • The appearance of cracks in the skin folds.

Most often, the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis are localized on the head (hairy part and face), but can also affect the trunk. The treatment is complex: patients need to follow a diet, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, use systemic drugs to improve the condition of the skin, and also properly care for the problematic epidermis. Antifungal and antibacterial medicines may be used.

fungal diseases

Most often, such ailments do not affect the entire body, but appear only in certain areas (head, feet, palms, etc.). Peeling of the skin can begin at the earliest stages of the development of the disease. At this time, fungal diseases respond well to treatment, so this symptom should be considered as a reason for a visit to a dermatologist. Other possible manifestations such diseases:

  • Cracks in places of skin folds and folds of fingers.
  • Changing the color of the epidermis, etc.
  • The formation of spots with a clear boundary (if we are talking about lichen).

Treatment of fungal diseases of various types consists in the local or systemic use of antimycotic (antifungal) drugs. In parallel, patients need to adhere to a diet and be sure to strengthen the immune system.