To soften the skin of the hands folk remedies. Softening the skin. Homemade folk remedies to soften the skin of the face, hands and feet. Baths for softening the skin

It is advisable to lubricate your hands after each wash. special water, which you can prepare yourself: take in equal parts glycerin, rose water and add 10 drops of ammonia.

Starch bath for hand softening

You can soften the skin of your hands with a starch bath: 1 tsp. dilute starch in 1 bottle of water, dilute the resulting paste with warm water to a liter volume. Keep hands in this solution for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water and for another wet skin apply cream. Also useful for dry skin elbows.

Yolks, honey and oatmeal

Fading and wrinkled skin hands will become elastic and soft again if you rub a mixture of 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. oat flour. After that, put on cotton gloves and do not take them off until morning.

Devote increased attention hands, if your hands resemble boiled crayfish in color, and in texture - sandpaper, the simplest thing that can be done as emergency- fish oil masks. So, what can you do to keep your hands tender and soft?

How we are misled

Why fat, and not newfangled cosmetics and preparations? It's that simple! Making money on the desire of women to look attractive is very profitable.

It is enough to see at what prices and what are taken in salons by those wishing to find the delicate silkiness of the skin of their hands. What is there to spread, you yourself know very well how much that costs ...

Simple and affordable natural remedies, as always, we do not notice ... More precisely, they forgot, or we were forced to forget advertisers and brainwashers. In Siberia, for a long time, they did not know about problems with dry skin of the hands.

And this is despite the frosts, the harsh climate, and the huge temperature swings. Fish oil is the most valuable and most useful remedy for the skin! Pay attention to it.

How to butter up your hands

Spread your hands thickly with fish oil, put on impervious gloves on top and hold for half an hour. In order to get rid of bad smell, massage your hands with a sponge dipped in apple cider vinegar, and wash as usual with soap.

Instead of fish oil, you can also use interior lard... But it is better to do this not from time to time, but regularly, and then the pens will become velvety like in advertising, only for much less money!

The skin on the hands loves vegetable oils

Linseed and mustard oils also perfectly moisturize the skin. Use these oils to moisturize your body after showering, especially during the colder months of the year when central heating in your apartment is on. In winter, the air is so dry that all clothes crackle, sparks, this just indicates that there is absolutely no moisture in the air.

Get yourself a special terry towel with which you will absorb excess oil after processing the skin. I assure you that you will forget about itching and flaking of the skin in winter, autumn, in cold weather. And it will be more pleasant to go out into the cold.

In the old days, women moisturized and nourished the skin of their hands with honey. For these purposes, they took fresh liquid honey, no matter what kind of honey it will be, even ordinary herbs will do. Pour honey into a bowl and treat your hands with it.

Keep the mask for half an hour, before handling your hands, it is advisable to hold it a little in warm, but not hot, water to open the pores. Perform the procedures regularly, because the skin requires constant attention to itself.


In the arsenal modern woman there are many, often unnecessary and expensive funds hand skin care. Why overpay corporations? Why go on about advertising when everything is available and proven for centuries? Fish fat, vegetable oil, lard and liquid honey from the time Ancient egypt used beauties to care for their skin. Think, don't be confused!

You can get soft hands thanks to simple recipes !!! super funds... Everything we need can be bought in a regular store, but you already have something at home.

After all, all the ingredients presented in these recipes have unique properties that provide beneficial effect on our skin. Unlike purchased funds which contain various chemical compositions, these products contain only natural substances.

1. Scrub to help make soft hands at home.

Perhaps softening your hands in less than a minute? The answer is yes!

After a long day of work, any cream does not give your hands an instant relaxing and revitalizing effect. BUT this surprisingly simple scrub will leave your dry hands feeling soft in just a minute.


  1. - 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  2. - 1 tablespoon sugar

Just put sugar in the palm of your hand and pour it slowly. olive oil... With the other palm, start rubbing the scrub into your hands.
Gentle finger and hand massage in a circular motion for about 30 seconds.
Then relax your palms and let the scrub work for another 30 seconds.
Now just wash your hands with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. They should now be soft and smooth.

Advice :

  • You must love gloves. Detergents contain harsh chemicals that can damage thin skin on your hands, making them look dry, discolored, and old. Make sure you use gloves when cleaning whenever possible!
  • Oh, gloves again! When practicing in gym especially with dumbbells and other weights, it is sufficient to wear training gloves to protect your palms from hard and dry calluses.
  • Good night sweet palms! At night, we actually have great opportunity to give extra care to our limbs. Add olive oil to delicate cream for hands and apply it before bed! All of them will now be grateful to you.

Use these tips to help keep your hands soft. And you will not need to visit expensive beauty salons.

2. Spa salon for the night which will help to soften hands at home.

Do you want your hands to remain soft and beautiful after the night? Why not try an intense emollient night cream using just two ingredients:

  1. -Petrolatum
  2. -A pair of socks (can be replaced with cloth gloves)

After finishing all your activities, before going to bed, wash your hands with mild soap and dry them. Then take out the Vaseline with a spoon and rub it into your hands. Additionally, gently massage them for about 30 seconds. Then just put your socks (gloves) on your hands and go to bed to sleep. Waking up the next day, they will become elastic and soft.


  • From the inside. Ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? It is true what you eat will show your skin. Eat more foods that improve your skin, such as avocados and nuts, vitamins and nutrients will give your skin a natural glow.
  • Bottoms Up. Not drinking enough water can lead to dry, rough, and patchy skin. You need to drink 2 liters of water per day, if you do not fulfill all the conditions, then you will begin to dehydrate the body and naturally your skin, hair, etc. will be dry and lifeless.
  • Massage ... Massage your hands more often with scrub and exfoliation, this will improve blood circulation in your hands.

These simple tips will help make your hands soft, even at home, without resorting to expensive cosmetics.

3. Lighten and soften the skin of the hands at home.

Your hands are dry and have dark spots? Use citrus masks which will help to brighten and give velvety skin to the skin of the hands.


  1. -2 teaspoons lemon juice
  2. -2 teaspoons of honey
  3. -2 teaspoons of baking soda

Wash your hands with warm water and mild soap.
In a small bowl, mix all the ingredients together evenly.
Now apply this mixture to your hands, rubbing it in and massaging your hands. Let the mixture soak into your hands for 5-10 minutes.
Finally, wash your hands in warm water. Don't use soap! Repeat this process at least twice a week to discolor your skin and soften your hands.


  • Waste money on sunscreen! You'd be surprised how many people apply sunscreen on their faces, but they cannot adequately protect the skin on their hands. Before you decide to go out in the sun, apply a generous amount of sunscreen to your hands.
    Frequent washing in hot water can lead to dry skin and wrinkles.
  • Brrr! Not so cold! Highly cold water bad for your skin. It can damage tiny capillaries under the skin, leaving the skin colorless, pale, and unhealthy. It also dries out the skin, so always use moisturizers, refusing them can lead to premature aging.

These are just some of the tips how to do soft hands at home. If you have your own secrets of moisturizing hands, rejuvenation, share with us in the comments, we will be very interested to find out !!! Cancers never wanted to be perfect, and this applies to everything. They never sought to be in the spotlight or to be followed by a crowd and dream of friendship with them. The only thing they knew was to be yourself: to have your own opinion, your own style, manners, explosive character and tastes, albeit incomprehensible to others. Be yourself and life will provide you the right people... There will be very few of them, but they will be the best.

If you want to know the age of a woman - look at her hands. And it is true. If a person does not always "tell" us the truth, then due to constant exposure environment the rough and unkempt skin of the hands betrays all the secrets and automatically ages the woman. it headache the fairer sex. Not everyone knows how to soften the skin of the hands at home and what preventive actions should be taken to preserve its youth. Let's consider the most effective methods.

Cosmetical tools

This is the simplest and affordable way hand care. It saves you a lot of time - you don't need to prepare your home cosmetics for a long time.

A huge number of creams, ointments, scrubs, lotions, masks, soaps and other products for delicate skin care are presented on the shelves of shops and pharmacies. Here are a few practical advice the choice and use of the most popular product - cream.

Depending on what result you want to get (relieve your hands from dryness and cracks, peeling or protect them from wind and frost), decide on the type of this care product: protective, moisturizing, nourishing or for use in winter period... Let's study the features of these creams:

  • Protective. Due to the exceptional qualities of the components, immediately after application, it turns into a film that protects the skin from negative factors environment. If its leading component is silicone, then the cream provides protection against the influence chemical substances which are part of all detergents without clogging pores and allowing the skin to breathe. The glycerin base creates a waterproof film on the hands, heals small wounds and has excellent softening properties.
  • Moisturizing. It takes care of the skin, saturates it with moisture, prevents inflammation and accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells. He goes on water based and necessarily contains natural extracts: chamomile, green tea, St. John's wort, calendula, which, in addition to enriching and nourishing the skin, improve blood circulation. This cream is suitable for absolutely everyone. It is useful both in winter and hot summer.
  • Nutritious. Designed for people who have cracked, flaky and dry hands. Active ingredients this product - glycerin, soybean oil, which acts as an anti-allergenic component, oils tea tree and avocado. These ingredients are rich in vitamins A, E and B, which nourish and nourish the dermis, prevent aging, give beauty and health.

If finances permit, it is best to give preference to professional creams, the cost of which is much higher than other funds. Thanks to their universal properties and only natural composition, they simultaneously moisturize, nourish and protect the skin.


Peeling products not only remove dead skin cells from the epidermis, cleanse the pores, but also, thanks to micromassage, stimulate blood circulation, tone the skin and help to soften it. The scrub is divided into several types:

  • For dry skin.
  • For oily.
  • For the combined.
  • For the sensitive.

You can pick up finished product in the store, because cosmetics manufacturers have worked hard to create cleansing mixtures with a cream base, which include:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Essential oils.
  • Base oils.
  • Abrasive particles.

In addition to components that have a beneficial effect on the skin, the composition industrial facilities in order to increase the shelf life, synthetic preservatives are added. These "ingredients" can cause allergies, adversely affect the epidermis and sometimes have toxic effects. Therefore, many people prefer proven self-made cosmetics.

  • Lemon and sugar. Take: 1 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar (preferably coarsely ground). It can be replaced with old candied honey. Add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and the pulp of half a lemon. Mix all this well so that the citrus zest is sufficiently softened. This remedy tones, nourishes, softens and softens the skin. Use this scrub 1-2 times a week, not more often.
  • Coffee. For preparation you will need: liquid soap, a few tablespoons of insoluble ground coffee... Make a thick mixture of the two and apply to your hands, rubbing gently. Then wash it off. Especially lazy and thrifty can be used simply coffee grounds after removing water from it. But keep in mind that this will temporarily dye your skin a "dark tan" color.

The basis for making a scrub at home can be different. For example, sour cream, yogurt, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, any vegetable oil, cream, and even water. The main thing is to add a useful abrasive there. The base must be selected so that it does not allow the scrubbing agent to crumble.

Hand baths

This is the most popular and most effective remedy that "heals" dry skin of the hands, nourishes it beautiful shade, makes it soft and eliminates many other problems. The course of taking baths is 14–20 days with breaks of 2 days every week. Consider several types of baths:

  • Herbal.
  • Oil.
  • Paraffin.
  • On kefir.
  • With milk.
  • On soda.


The simplest ones are soda baths... Dilute with 30 g. soda in 1 liter warm water, immerse your hands in the solution for 15 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream to your skin. Within 4–5 days you will see how smooth and silky the skin will become, the rough areas will soften and the roughness will disappear.

Herbal baths

They rank first among folk hand care products and are the most effective. Herbs improve overall tone skin, moisturize, soften, and nourish and strengthen nails.

It is recommended to use lemon balm and linden to soften and improve skin color. Chamomile and calendula disinfect and kill the fungus. John's wort is used to treat skin with small cracks, and to combat inflammatory processes and irritations make baths on oak bark.


  1. Choose one or more herbs you want.
  2. In half a liter of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. herbs and keep on the lowest heat for 5 minutes, not letting the liquid boil.
  3. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Cool the product to a temperature of 20-25ᵒ and carry out the procedure for half an hour.

In such a bath, you can add a little liquid soap.


Due to its high heat capacity, it is actively used in medicine and significantly improves cell renewal in tissues, accelerates blood microcirculation and normalizes water balance. To carry out a treatment session at home, you will need a special enamel container (bath), in which it is necessary to warm up 2-3 kg of a waxy substance.

Procedure for the procedure:

  1. While the paraffin is heating, apply an exfoliating mask to your hands, rinse it off after 5 minutes and cover your skin with a nourishing cream. Let it soak in and, if necessary, wipe off any residue with a tissue.
  2. After that, immerse your hands in the wax bath for 5 seconds, then pull them out for 10 seconds and lower them again. Repeat this step 6-8 times until the skin is covered with a thick layer of paraffin.
  3. Then put on cellophane gloves on your hands for 15 minutes, and warm mittens on top.

After cleaning your hands to narrow the pores, it is imperative to steam the skin in an infusion of calendula (for 100 ml of water - 20 g of flowers). Cooking method:

  1. Add the calendula to boiling water, let the mixture sit and cool to room temperature.
  2. Strain medicinal infusion and dilute it with 2 liters of warm water.
  3. Dip your hands into the bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Dry your hands soft towel and apply the cream.

Some rules for conducting a paraffin bath:

  • You cannot use the same paraffin several times.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for the next 3 hours.
  • To avoid skin burns, make sure that the paraffin melts in a completely dry container.

For the procedure, you can use a clean cosmetic paraffin or with the addition of orange extract - it perfectly nourishes the skin, restoring its hydrolipid balance and improving elasticity.

Honey additives in this cosmetic product used to regenerate and soothe the skin, facilitate exfoliation and start metabolic processes in the layers of the dermis.


A bath of warm kefir whey is very useful for cracked and rough hands and peeling nails. The cooking method is pretty simple:

  1. Heat up fermented milk product up to 45 degrees.
  2. Add a few drops of olive oil to it.
  3. Dip your hands in the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Take out your hands, wash them, dry and brush with cream.

After that, the skin will look smoother and healthier.


Bath using this natural product recommended not only for softening, but also for rejuvenating hands. The result is really noticeable after the first time, because the skin becomes softer, softer, velvety.

Bath ingredients:

  • A glass of milk.
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey.
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.
  • Juice from half a lemon.

Heat the milk a little and add all the ingredients to it. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a week for 15 minutes. After the first week, the hands will be significantly rejuvenated, and small cracks and roughness will disappear.


If we compare purchased and home masks, then when using the latter, the result is achieved very quickly. This is due to natural composition and lack of parabens. You can use masks in a day or two, it is recommended to do this immediately after taking the baths.

Recipes for making masks at home:

  • Starchy. She possesses healing properties, nourishes, relieves dryness and tightness. Smoothes fine wrinkles and protects against negative impacts environment. Heat milk and dilute it with starch, stir until a viscous paste forms. Let the mixture cool slightly and apply to your hands. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse. Instead of milk, you can use water mixed with lemon or carrot juice, honey, eggs or olive oil.
  • Honey. At 60 gr. melted honey add 15 ml glycerin, freshly squeezed carrot juice and 10 gr. gelatin. Stir the mixture and wait until it swells. Hold the mask on your hands for 25 minutes.
  • Bread. Break a few slices of fresh white bread and cover with milk. After swelling, mash into smaller slices and add 50 grams of sour cream. Dip your hands into the well-mixed mixture for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water.
  • Avocado mask. Grind 2 fruits in a blender, add 1 quail protein. Apply the mixture to your hands and remove after 30 minutes. If the mask turns out to be liquid, you can add to it oat flour and bring to the desired consistency.

Masks are best done after baths, and after cleansing your hands with a scrub. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the dermis with a cream.

The above is a detailed description of how to make the skin of your hands soft, but the result is entirely up to you. Only comprehensive care and the right approach will provide beauty and healthy look hands.

Since ancient times, their whiteness has been compared to milk and ivory, and tenderness - with the finest Chinese silk and bulk peaches.

Of course, we are talking about ladies' hands, which owe their beauty primarily to smooth and velvety skin.

Simple hand care helps to preserve this beauty, provided that it is regular.

Taking care of the skin of the hands is all the more necessary, given that it is daily exposed to a large number drying factors. Let's take a closer look at simple tips and recipes to help soften the skin of the hands and prevent dryness.

Any negative effect on the skin household chemicals including dishwashing detergent. In addition, nails with long-term contact they swell with water, and when they dry, they decrease in volume again, and this repetitive process every day makes them brittle. Therefore, be sure to wash the dishes with rubber gloves.

Wash your hands cool or warm, but do not hot water since too heat water can cause dry skin. As, however, and frosty dry air. Remember to wear gloves before leaving the house on cold winter days.

Use moisturizing nourishing hand creams twice a day. They usually contain vitamins A and E, which are very important for healthy and glowing skin - powerful antioxidants that fight against free radicals causing collagen damage and dry skin.

Also, manufacturers often include in the composition of hand creams substances that have long proven their effective anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerating effects on the skin - shea butter, aloe vera extract, cocoa butter, lanolin.

Remember the harmful effects on the skin. sun rays... The composition of the purchased cream must necessarily include sun protection factor(SPF).

Peeling helps to soften the skin of the hands. Exfoliation of dead particles promotes rapid skin cell regeneration, softening and brightening. The effect is doubled if you rub the cream into the skin after peeling.

However, the latter can be easily replaced with some products from the kitchen that perfectly moisturize and nourish dry skin of the hands. Among them are such as honey and olive oil.

Honey is a natural storehouse of vitamins, macro and microelements. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is so valuable for the skin. Both of these products are simply indispensable for softening and moisturizing the skin of the hands.

Now we will give a few effective recipes to soften the skin of the hands.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water, then dry immediately with a coarse cloth. Rub a mixture of equal parts honey and olive oil into your hands, then put a regular plastic bag over each hand, and put on cotton gloves on top. Leave it on for half an hour. The curative softening effect is enhanced by additional exposure to heat.

  • Before going to bed, mix olive oil with granulated sugar to the state of gruel. Rub the mixture on your hands, then wash it off with warm water. Wipe your hands with a towel and rub olive oil into your skin, put on cotton gloves and leave it overnight.

  • Soak your hands in warm milk for 5 minutes. This bath moisturizes and brightens the skin, promotes rapid regeneration of its cells. And the calcium contained in milk is useful for strengthening nails.

  • Vaseline has an excellent softening and moisturizing effect on the skin. In the evening before going to bed, squeeze more petroleum jelly into your palm and rub it well into your hands. Put on cotton gloves. In the morning, you will find that your hands are much smoother and softer.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter with 2 teaspoons of warm honey, rub the mixture into your hands and wear rubber gloves. Remove after 15-20 minutes, wash your hands with warm water, pat dry, then rub in with moisturizer.

Finally, I would like to remind you that bad condition the skin is often triggered by a lack of vitamins in the body. Therefore, be sure to include more fruits and raw vegetables in your diet. Fatty fish are also very useful for the skin.

May your hands always delight those around you with their beauty!

Olga Nikitina

Hands are what always gives away age. But, unfortunately, many devote too little time to caring for their hands. But they do most of the work - they wash, and wash, and build, and repair. Therefore, over time, the skin on the hands becomes dry and rough. To avoid this, it must be softened regularly. This can be done both in the salon and at home.

Salon treatments to soften the skin of the hands

Beauty salons offer a variety of hand treatments. But we will focus on the most effective ones, the ones that really soften the hands.
  1. Spa treatment for hands. It includes three main stages. Superficial peeling, deep peeling and moisturizing. At first massage movements the first layer of peeling is applied, then on top, the second layer is applied in the same way. They put on plastic gloves and wrap themselves in a warm towel. The procedure lasts 10 minutes, then the products are washed off with warm water, and the hands are moistened.
  2. Hot manicure. The treatment is specially designed to soften the hands. A special lotion is poured into the electric bath. Heats up to 50 degrees. Hands are soaked in this lotion for 25 minutes. The remains of the lotion are removed with a napkin.
  3. Paraffin therapy. This procedure requires paraffin wax and the wax itself. It is done using the wrapping method. Hands are pre-cleaned with a scrub, then dipped in melted paraffin several times in a row. They are wrapped in plastic and a warm towel. The hands should be in this state for some time, depending on the condition of the hands. On average 15-20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, hands must be treated with a moisturizer.
You should not try to do these procedures at home, because after all, this requires special equipment, professional tools and skillful hands qualified specialist... But this does not mean that everyone has to go to the salon for expensive procedures. You can also properly care for your hands at home using inexpensive improvised means.

Softening hands at home

Before the softening process begins, the skin of the hands must be cleaned from the upper stratum corneum. For this we need a scrub. Scrub any will do, both store and homemade:
  • Salt scrub. We take an equal amount of salt, and dilute the soda small amount liquid soap, apply the mixture to your hands, massage for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Sugar scrub. We take sugar and olive oil in a 1: 2 combination. Mix the ingredients, apply to hands and massage for two minutes. We wash off with water.
The next step in softening your hands is the bath. They help open the pores, which improves penetration nutrients during subsequent procedures.
  • Starch bath. For 2 tsp. starch, you need 1 glass of warm boiled water... We dilute the starch in water and put our hands there for 10-15 minutes.
  • Milk bath with vitamins. For 1 glass of warm milk, we need 3 drops of vitamins E and A, mix everything. We put our hands in the mixture for 15 minutes.
The next, final stage is the masks. It is they who play a major role in softening the skin of the hands.
  • Oil mask. We take olive oil as a basis and, if desired, add flaxseed, castor, pumpkin, apricot kernels, almonds, etc. to it. All these oils are incredibly nourishing and softening the skin. Apply the mixture generously to your hands, wrap it in plastic and a warm towel. We stand it for 15-20 minutes, remove the excess with a napkin and enjoy the soft, velvety skin. Before applying, the oil must be warmed up in a water bath, up to about 50 degrees.
  • Glycerin mask. For this mask we need the following ingredients: 1 glass oatmeal, a little water, a teaspoon of castor oil and a tablespoon of glycerin. Grind the flakes, fill them with hot water, then add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the resulting mass to hands for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. As a result, hands will be moisturized, nourished and soft.
The most important thing in softening your hands is following good rules that will help you keep your hands in good condition.
  1. Protect hands from external influences... Try not to go out into the cold without gloves or mittens.
  2. Perform all homework Wear gloves so that your hands do not come into contact with detergents.
  3. Use only mild cream soap.
  4. Wash your hands with lukewarm water.
  5. After each contact with water, use emollient cream for hands.
If you take these very simple rules per habit, softening your hands will not be difficult.