First months of life for help. A child in the first month of his life - important features of development and proper care. Newborn feeding time

Ever since life big family was replaced by the separate living of the newly created family, young mothers had uncertainty and a feeling of helplessness after childbirth in the correctness and timeliness of the development of the newborn.

Not having a rich experience of "babysitting" with young children, a woman is plunged into a stupor literally everything that is associated with the characteristics of the physiological and mental development your baby, especially in the first year of a child's life.

We are offering to you short review about the development of a child up to a year. The first month of life, the most difficult in terms of adjusting a young mother and baby to each other, will be considered in more detail - by weeks.

Week one, let's get to know each other

The senses of the newborn. Long-awaited return home. Now the kid can in calm atmosphere to get to know his mother, to see, hear, smell and touch the world around him from a new perspective, already familiar to him in absentia from the deafening sounds from the outside during intrauterine life.

The vision of a newly born child is blurry, he can distinguish only large objects located nearby, which is a kind of protection against the suddenly surging variety of colors and shapes. Hearing, smell and touch in a newborn are quite developed, these senses were developed during life inside the mother.


Breastfeeding is very important in the first week after birth. Get used to the fact that the first time after birth, the baby, in the moments of wakefulness, will be in your arms almost all the time and constantly demand the breast.

It's not even so much about hunger as about the need to feel the unity torn apart with the mother. Latching on to the chest in week of age perhaps the only one and the most efficient way calming a crying child.

First bath

The first bathing after birth is the most frightening procedure for young mums and dads. Try to carry it out correctly and calmly, so as not to spoil everything the first time and not cause the baby to dislike the water.

The physiological characteristics of the newborn that are most often causing concern:

  • Regurgitation. Many mothers worry that the baby often spits up a lot and does not gorge on. Regurgitation - normal phenomenon for an infant up to 6 months.
  • They are due to the lack of formation of the alimentary tract, immaturity nervous system and incorrect organization of the process breastfeeding in which air is swallowed.

    For a week-old baby, the norm is regurgitation after each feeding with a volume of no more than 2 tablespoons and once a day with a "fountain". You can check the amount of milk spitting up by pouring 2 tablespoons of water onto the diaper and comparing the stains formed from the water and milk.

  • Weight loss. In the first days after birth, breastfed babies tend to lose weight. This is normal and temporary. They will gain weight when breastfeeding is fully established.
  • Jaundice. You may notice that 2-3 days after giving birth, the skin tone of the newborn acquired yellow... The phenomenon is also normal, it is an adaptive process, as a result of which an excess of bilirubin is formed in the blood, which stains the skin yellow. If the jaundice is not pathological, then it goes away on its own in 7-14 days.
  • Strabismus. Sometimes it may seem that the eyes of a newborn are squinting. This is due to weakness in the muscles of the eyeball and an inability to focus. Help your baby learn how to use the eyes - hang a large one over the bed in the center, bright toy and the eyes will move in sync after a few days or weeks. In very rare cases, strabismus can take up to six months, which is not yet a cause for concern.
  • Startle in sleep. Does your baby flinch abruptly during sleep? It is not at all necessary that he has problems with the nervous system. Swaddle it tighter during sleep to create similar living conditions during pregnancy and the baby will become calmer. Such flinches disappear on average by 3-4 months after the birth of the child.
  • Peeling of the skin. After giving birth, the baby does not look very nice due to a special lubricant that covers his body to facilitate the process of childbirth and initially protect the skin from contact with air. It is not necessary to remove it for the first 2-3 days. Then it is absorbed and the baby's skin adapts to new conditions, resulting in peeling.

The benefits of walking with a newborn on the street and when to start walking

Do not use detergents, if the skin is dry, lubricate it, preferably any vegetable oil previously sterilized in a water bath. When walking, ensure that your baby is isolated from gusts of wind and direct sun rays... If these recommendations are followed, peeling will soon disappear.

Week two, getting used to

A week has passed. For a newborn - a huge period, which includes a lot of new impressions, getting to know his body and the world around him. Heals umbilical wound... The crumb fully adapts to the new way of getting food. The amount of intestinal stool is normalized and is 3-4 times a day.

Weight gain begins. The kid is more and more interested in what is happening around him and begins to listen to the surrounding sounds and more closely examine objects. He can consider all the details from a distance of 20-25 cm. At this time, facial expressions begin to develop - your pet may even please you with the first smile.

Now your happiness may be overshadowed by the onset of intestinal colic, accompanied by long crying and squeezing, legs twisting. You can start fighting them, but unanimous opinion there are no doctors either about the cause of their occurrence or ways to alleviate the condition. There is only one advice: be patient, sooner or later they will stop.

Week three, small victories

The third week marks the first achievements in your little one's life. Lying on his tummy, he tries to raise his head and examine the surrounding objects. He has been able to do this for a while. The baby's movements are becoming more and more orderly, he makes attempts to reach for the toys suspended above him.

When you turn to him, the baby calms down, looks into the face of the speaker, reacts to the intonation of his voice and in response can walk and smile. During this period, it is more difficult for the baby to calm down, to relieve the tension of the nervous system overflowing with new impressions, he can cry for a long time. For some babies, crying for 20 minutes before falling asleep becomes the norm. The intonation of crying is becoming more and more demanding.

Week four, summing up

The first month of life is coming to an end. The baby goes from newborn to infancy. The child's vestibular apparatus is being improved - he feels the position of his body in space, which will allow him to soon turn over and grab objects.

The flexor muscles are still stronger than the extensor muscles and the limbs are in a bent position.

Muscular hypertonia is normal physiological state for children under one month old.

One month after the birth of the baby, you need to go through medical checkup where doctors will appreciate physiological development and compliance with its age standards.

What a child should be able to do by the end of the fourth week of life:

  • focus your gaze on the object in question, turn your head in the direction of the outgoing sound;
  • recognize parents and be animated when they appear in the field of vision;
  • try to briefly hold your head in a prone position.

Height and weight

Here are the average indicators developed The World Organization health care. In brackets we will indicate critical values indicating the need for medical examination... Anything that falls within this range is a variant of the norm.

Second month

The period is characterized by the establishment of a similarity between sleep and wakefulness. The baby still sleeps a lot, but now mom knows when and how much time he needs to rest. Now he can firmly grasp anything that falls under his arms.

What the baby should be able to do:

  • focus your gaze not only on moving, but also on stationary objects;
  • roll over from the barrel to the back;
  • briefly hold the head from a prone position on the tummy, try to rise on the arms, arching your back, turn your head to the sound;
  • demonstrate a support reflex: feel support under the legs and push off from it;
  • to demonstrate a "revitalization complex" when adults appear: smile, wiggle arms and legs, bend, "walk", uttering lingering vowel sounds.

Why does the baby cry after or during feeding?

Third month

If development is underway according to the average pace, then the child in three months old learned to roll over from the back to the tummy and rise from the tummy on the handles, holding this position for up to several minutes.

Don't worry if your little one is not doing well, they will catch up by 4-5 months.

Due to the increase in subcutaneous fat deposits, the baby acquires rounded shapes, swelling with folds appears on the arms and legs. The child pulls everything into his mouth and tastes it. At three months, you will need to have your second health check-up.

Skills and abilities:

  • revitalization complex receives further development, the child tries to talk with the help of "gagukan" and is very happy to see mom or dad;
  • flip from back to stomach;
  • emphasis on the hands with raising the body lying on the stomach and holding in this position.

Fourth month

Most children by this age end up with problems with intestinal colic, and mothers can breathe calmly, but not for long - soon the first teeth may crawl. Someone is destined not to wait for the long-awaited respite.

Skills and abilities:

  • holding small objects with ease;
  • babbling, humming, pronouncing the syllables "ba", "ma", "pa" and others;
  • reaction to your name;
  • confident holding of the head in an upright position on the hands of an adult;
  • seizure, pulling to oneself and tasting of objects of interest;
  • first attempts at squats.

Fifth month

The baby's motor activity has increased so much that the most the best place for him now it is a floor where he can do all sorts of tricks with pleasure. By this time he had already got bored of the crib. Now the fidget needs a keen eye. Most begin to cut teeth, which is accompanied by itching, anxiety and profuse drooling.

What a child should be able to do:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back, pull up on hands, make the first attempts to crawl and sit down;
  • play with toys on your own for 5-10 minutes;
  • "Talk" in syllables that vaguely resemble human speech.

Sixth month

The child tries to crawl, and many are good at it. Attempts to sit down turn into a triumph, but the spine does not yet have strength, and the little one cannot sit for a long time. He actively learns the world, showing capriciousness because of the teeth that bother him. At six months old, you need to have another health check-up.


  • short sitting in pillows, high chair, a stroller;
  • crawl;
  • laughter, muttering, and even something like singing;
  • jumps on the hands of an adult with the support of the handles, which become a favorite pastime of the little one.

Seventh month

By this time, the child has learned to understand the meaning of many words, pokes his finger at objects of interest. He understands that the focus with the disappeared things is just a focus, and they can be found.

Many toddlers begin to feel fear when parting with their mother, which is high rate development of the psyche.


  • the child stands up with the help of a support and moves while standing;
  • confidently crawls, but it also happens that the baby skips the period of crawling, and immediately begins to move, holding on to the support.

How to prevent constipation in newborns with artificial feeding

Eighth month

Your baby learns to get what she wants by being persistent and measuring the limits of what is permitted. He already understands the word no, which is very upsetting. little man... Character traits appear. A child may already have 4-6 teeth, but there are no clear terms for teething, for all children the process takes place individually. The level of distrust towards strangers increases even more.

What a child can do:

  • sit down on your own;
  • throw toys and transfer them from one hand to another;
  • take the first steps holding the hands of an adult.

Ninth month

The child grows before our eyes. Once helpless, now he tries to do everything on his own, despite the fact that it does not work out well. It is good for the baby to sit, get up and walk with the help of a support. Speech skills are developing, some children already pronounce the first words.

The child can explain himself using facial expressions, gestures, syllables and words. Copies the intonation of adults well.

At 9 months old, to assess the development of the baby, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

What a child can do:

  • holds a spoon in his hands and tries to eat on his own, drinks from a mug or sippy cup;
  • at the request of an adult, takes objects that are named to him;
  • independently sits, sits, crawls and walks with support;
  • transforms babbling into words.

Tenth month

The skills and abilities acquired in the 9th month of life are further developed.

The first month of a newborn's life (3-4 weeks) is called the "neonatal period". It begins with the birth of a baby and ends with the appearance of his first smile. What basic skills are being developed during this period? What do you need to be aware of in order not to miss out on opportunities?

A newborn baby is awake for only 20-30 minutes (by the end of the first year of life, this time will increase to 3-3.5 hours !!!). He sleeps 80% of the time of the day. The baby wakes up from hunger or unpleasant sensations... There is still no sharp boundary between sleep and wakefulness. The child's movements are chaotic, the arms and legs are bent, since the extensor muscles are not yet developed. A newborn baby does not even have the ability to look at one point with both eyes, let alone the ability to communicate something to others.

But the newborn baby already has a huge and very important experience of life in the womb. Contemporary research convincingly prove that amniotic fluid conduct sounds. Therefore, the sounds of the mother's voice become close and dear to the baby even before his birth! And already in intrauterine development favorable prerequisites for the development of speech are laid. That is why it is important WHAT a pregnant woman hears - music, kind words or something different. And that is why doctors, teachers, psychologists recommend expanding the auditory experience of an unborn baby with the sounds of nature, folk and classical music playing musical instruments. And from the first minutes of life, they advise the mother to start talking with the child and sing simple songs to him!

Studies of the brain activity of newborn children (E.A. Aleksandryan, T.P. Khrizman) have established that the infant always distinguishes the mother's voice from all other sounds. This voice causes the activity of two analyzers in babies at once - visual and auditory. Moreover, a newborn child always prefers the sounds of the human voice to all other sounds. Therefore, it is the mother who should sing lullabies to the child, little dogs, nursery rhymes, talk to him, play, amuse. And the voice of an announcer or a singer from an audio disc that is alien to a child, no matter what a professional announcer or singer it is, will never be able to replace the mother's voice, which is familiar to him even before birth!

The main task of the neonatal period is the task of adapting the baby to the surrounding world. But already during this period, it is important to solve several problems of the child's development, associated with the development of his visual and auditory analyzers, with the laying of the foundation for the further successful development of the baby.

Development tasks in the first month of a newborn's life.

Child development challenge 1.

By the age of 1 month, teach the baby to fix his gaze on an object, to focus on it. At the same time, the ability to reduce the visual axes of both eyes on one object is also formed. This ability is called "convergence".

Child development challenge 2.

Learn to follow the movement of an object with your eyes different directions and in different pace- now slowly, now quickly.

Child development challenge 3.

By 1 month of life, form the child's ability to listen to sounds.

Child development challenge 4.

Teach the baby to look at his mother for a long time when she is talking to him, to focus on her face.

Mom should try to catch the wandering absent-minded gaze of the baby, smile at him, stroke and start talking to the baby!

It is very important that from the first days of a newborn's life, the mother continuously talks with the baby during his wakefulness - bathing, feeding, changing clothes for a walk, going to bed: “Let's take off our shirt. This is how we will swim. Ay, you are my good! "," So Ira woke up! Let me stroke your hands, stroke your legs. Now I will feed you, ”and so on. One should speak in a singsong voice, without haste. It's good if the mother tells the baby a rhyme or sings a song. Don't remember the words? You can always write the words on a piece of paper and attach them to the wall above the crib. And also - you can always think of your own words, albeit naive and not quite rhyme, but coming from the heart. In a conversation or song, you can change the timbre of a voice from high to low. At the same time, it is very important to look into the eyes of the child, to speak with affectionate intonation.

Child development challenge 5.

Contribute to the appearance by 1 month of the first conscious smile in response to the gentle voice of the mother.

It is necessary to distinguish between a physiological smile and a meaningful smile. A physiological smile appears already in the first days of a baby's life. It is simply stretching the muscles in a state of satiety and comfort. It means that the baby is good. But she has nothing to do with her mother yet. A meaningful smile appears around the fourth week of the first month of a newborn's life. Here is how V.V.Vetrova, a researcher, writes about her child development at an early age - in his son's observation diary:

“1 month 2 days. Today we noticed a clear smile that was no longer associated with the feeding situation. We showed the baby a rattle ... While playing with the rattle, we turned to the baby in every way with affectionate words, called by name ... And suddenly they saw how awkwardly a corner rose upper lip, as the mouth began to stretch, then the child froze for a moment and then bared his toothless jaw. This happened so unexpectedly that at first we did not understand that this is the first smile caused by communication, our influence and symbolizing a certain stage in development - the end of the neonatal state. It was on this day that I first saw the child's cheerful eyes - for me this smile became something meaningful, while the first, physiological smile proceeded against the background of a completely meaningless look. "

What toys are needed in the first month of a newborn's life?

A newborn child does not yet know how to look at one object for a long time. Therefore, it is easier for him to perceive an object when there are no other distracting objects in his field of vision. Therefore, for the development of the baby, it is more useful to show him one bright toy, and not hang garlands of multi-colored rattles and moving modules with a bunch of figures. Garlands and modules will be needed a little later, when the neonatal period ends.

At what distance should a newborn be shown a toy? At what distance should I hang it?

You need to remember the rule - up to two - two and a half months, the toy must be shown and hung at a distance of at least 50 cm above the baby's chest. Otherwise, you can provoke his squint.

How to teach a child to follow a toy with a gaze?

This requires a set of toys different color(necessarily bright) and different shapes without small parts. Exercise toys should be changed so that they do not bother the baby and arouse his interest.

Step 1. Show the baby a large (8-10 cm) toy for one to two minutes every day, moving it in different directions. You can bring the toy closer and away from a distance of 50 to 70 cm from the eyes of the child. First, the infant learns to track the horizontal movement of the toy. When he begins to succeed, they begin to include the vertical movement of the toy. Gradually, spasmodic gaze following the toy will be replaced by smooth one. This means that eye coordination develops.

Step 2. When the baby learns to clearly follow the toy with his gaze, it is necessary to teach him to focus his gaze on the object. To do this, when moving the toy, it is periodically stopped. And the child focuses not on her. After this exercise, the toy is hung in the viewing bed. And then they take it away. But there is no need to hang toys in a stroller in which the child sleeps in the air.

Step 3. Swing the suspended toy so that the baby can focus on the spinning toy.

How does a newborn baby feel?

Virginia Satir, a famous psychologist and psychotherapist, tried to answer this question in the book "Psychotherapy of the Family". On behalf of 2 week old newborn she leads her story like this:

“Usually mom and dad notice when I cry. It's good when they know that I feel bad, if something in the crib is injecting, if my tummy hurts, if I have constipation and if I'm lying lonely. They take me, pump me, feed me, amuse me. I know they want me to get better.

It's too bad that we don't speak the same language. Sometimes it seems to me that they want me to shut up to do some of their own business. They shake me a little, as if I were a wallet of vegetables. I guess they have other things to do. Sometimes I think I annoy them. But I don’t want it to be that way. And I cannot tell them that it is not.

My little body stops hurting when I am touched loving people... They feel good and I know that they are really trying to understand me. And I try to help them as much as I can. I cry in different ways. I like the distinct, gentle and melodic voices. I am pleased when mom and dad look at me, especially straight in the eyes. "

What can a newborn do by the end of the first month of life?

  • He reacts to the sound of a bell or other sound (voice, melody, noise) by moving the arms and legs. Listens to the sound for 10-20 seconds. Searches for a sound source.
  • Focuses his gaze on a toy that does not emit sounds, for 5-7 seconds, follows its movement. Smoothly follows the toy moving horizontally and vertically at different rates (fast and slow). Doesn't lose sight of her.
  • Turns the head towards the light source (flashlight) in the supine position.
  • Lying on your stomach, raises the head for 1-2 seconds - maximum 5 seconds.
  • She peers into mom's face, smiles in response to her voice.
  • Seeing the face of my mother, bending over the bed, the first one smiles at her.
  • When the mother says the words of poems, nursery rhymes and pestushki, the baby "answers" her with separate short sounds like "kh", "gee" (in a situation when the mother bent over the child lying on her back in the crib, and clearly at a distance pronounces syllables, sounds, words in a chant)

We saw how much the first month of a newborn's life gives, and how important it is in the further development of the baby. You can read more about games, exercises with the baby, toys in other articles of the heading

Child's world

Newborn baby perceives the world like a stream of rapidly changing sensations. All feelings, sounds, images are unfamiliar to him and are not connected with each other. The baby has no sense of time, sensation, and he cannot separate himself from the world around him. There is no cause and effect in his system of thought. Events occur as if by themselves, independently of each other. The baby is hungry and hears his own cry. Does this cry originate within his being or does it come from somewhere outside? Maybe crying and hunger disappear because mom has come? The child does not know the answer and cannot ask a question ... Since the disorder causes crying, and crying is followed by consolation, a connection between these events is gradually built in the child's mind. He sees you at his bed and already feels that now a feeling of comfort and peace will come. After some time, the baby will begin to intuitively feel safe, knowing that his desires will be satisfied. As the child's confidence in you grows, your confidence in your abilities grows stronger. You are already able to correctly assess his inclinations, you know his strengths, you can adapt to the pace of development of the baby and satisfy his needs. Now you become the most important person in his life who understands his needs and character. During the first days and weeks, the bond of love between you and your baby grows stronger. These are warm and affectionate relationship will be the first lesson of love for him. Throughout his life, he will draw energy from them and build on their basis relationships with the outside world.

Motor skills

A newborn baby is not able to eat or move on its own, but he is far from helpless. He enters the world having in stock a fairly large set of behaviors based on unconditioned reflexes. Most of them are vital for the baby. For example, if a newborn baby is stroked on the cheek, he turns the head and looks for the nipple with his lips. If you put the pacifier in your mouth, your baby will automatically suckle it. Another set of reflexes protects the child from physical injury. If you cover your baby's nose and mouth, he will twirl his head from side to side. When an object approaches his face, he automatically blinks his eyes. Some reflexes of the newborn are not vital, but it is from them that the level of development of the child can be determined. Examining a newly born baby, the pediatrician holds him in different positions, suddenly publishes loud sounds, runs her finger along the baby's foot. The way the child reacts to these and other actions, the doctor is convinced that the reflexes of the newborn are normal and the nervous system is in order. While most reflexes inherent in a newborn disappear during the first year of life, some of them become the basis for acquired forms of behavior. At first, the child sucks instinctively, but as he gains experience, he adapts and changes his actions depending on specific conditions. The same can be said about the grasping reflex. A newborn baby squeezes his fingers the same way every time, no matter what object is placed in his palm. However, when the baby is four months old, he will already learn how to control his movements. First he will focus on the object, then he will reach out and grab it. We tend to believe that all newborns begin their development from the same starting point, but they differ markedly from each other in terms of level motor activity... Some children are surprisingly lethargic and passive. Lying on their stomach or on their back, they remain almost motionless until they are lifted and shifted. Others, on the contrary, are noticeably active. If such a child is put face down in the crib, he will slowly but persistently move towards her head until he hits the very corner. Very active children can reflexively roll from belly to back. Another important difference in newborns is the level of muscle tone. Some children look very tense: their knees are constantly bent, their hands are tightly pressed to the body, their fingers are tightly clenched into fists. Others are more relaxed muscle tone their limbs are not so strong. The third difference between newborns is the degree of development of their sensory-motor apparatus. Some babies, especially small babies or those born prematurely, can be very easily thrown off balance. At any, even the most insignificant noise, they shudder with their whole being, and their arms and legs begin to move erratically. Sometimes without any apparent reason a shudder runs through their little bodies. Other babies look well developed from birth. They seem to know how to put their hand in or near their mouth, and they often do this to calm down. When they move their legs, their movements are ordered and rhythmic. The different levels of development of motor skills, muscle tone and sensory-motor apparatus, which are observed in newborns, reflect the peculiarities in the organization of the nervous system. Children who are active, well developed and have normal muscle tone are considered light children by their parents. It is much more difficult to care for passive, underdeveloped children with sluggish or, conversely, too tense muscle tone, which is observed in the first months of life. Fortunately, with the caring care and patience of parents, most children overcome these difficulties and quickly catch up with their peers in their development.

The ability to see, hear, feel

A child is born with an innate repertoire of reactions that help him adapt to the world around him. He squints his eyes when a bright light comes on or something comes close to his face. For a short distance, he can trace a moving object or a human face with his gaze. A newborn child also has an innate ability to receive new information through his senses. Curiously, he even displays a certain preference for what he sees. Typically, babies prefer dotted configurations and are especially attracted to moving objects and black and white combinations. Think about the amazing properties of the human eye. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the child has a unique ability to establish eye contact with own parents. In addition to the innate visual ability, the newborn also has excellent hearing. We are not only sure that the baby hears from the moment of birth, but there is every reason to assume that he hears while still in the womb. The newborn turns its head in the direction from which the sound is coming from, especially if it is an unfamiliar sound, and, conversely, turns away from repetitive, loud or continuous sounds. Even more striking is the fact that a child is able to distinguish a human voice from any other sound. In other words, in addition to the innate ability to look you in the eyes, the child also has the ability to hear your voice. However, despite the fact that a newborn is able to perceive sound and turn in the direction from where it comes from, his visual and auditory systems are not sufficiently coordinated. If a child hears a noise that is directly in front of him, he will not instinctively look for it. This coordination takes time to develop. By giving the child the opportunity to get acquainted with objects that attract his attention both by their appearance and by their sound, parents lay the foundation in the child's mind for the ability to connect what he saw with what he heard. So far, it has been about the child's ability to see and hear. Now it's time to talk about other sensations: about gustatory, about smell and touch. Children love sweets and refuse salty, sour and bitter poverty. They also turn away from strong and pungent odors. It is also known that newborns respond to various kinds of touch. While vigorous rubbing with a terry towel will excite the baby, gentle massage can put him to sleep. By rubbing the body with your fingertips or a piece of soft silk cloth, you can bring it to a state of calm wakefulness. The baby is especially pleased to feel the touch human skin... Many mothers who breastfeed their babies say that the baby begins to suck more actively if his hand is on the mother's breast. We have described several typical ways in which children respond to different kinds of stimuli, when the child's responses to them are manifested in different ways, depending on the specific conditions. Dr. Prechtl and Dr. Braselton, and other researchers who study newborns, note that babies have different levels of anxiety. This level of excitability determines the behavior of children. Upon awakening, the child may be in a calm wakefulness or active wakefulness, or may scream or cry. How a newborn reacts to what is happening in the world around him most of all depends on the degree of his arousal. A child who is in a state of calm wakefulness, having heard the call, will immediately stop his actions and try to turn in the direction of the sound that was heard. The same kid in an agitated or irritated state may simply not notice the call.

Understanding your child

The period of infancy is the time when both the child and the parents adapt to each other. Caring for a baby forces adults to reorganize their daily routine. The newborn is both physically and psychologically adapted to life outside the mother's body. An integral part of this process is the child's self-regulation. He learns to independently regulate the degree of his activity, so as to smoothly transition from the state of sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. In the first weeks after your baby is born, you will have to spend a lot of energy helping your baby to master these transitional states. An awake child reacts to sounds by staring intently at the faces of those around him, and it seems that he has an attentive and intelligent gaze. At such moments, the baby's energy is aimed at perceiving information, and then the parents have the opportunity to study and communicate. with him. However, exercising too intensely can tire the child. The newborn cannot get out of the state of excitement on its own. Therefore, it is especially important that parents feel in time that the baby needs rest. If his mouth wrinkles, his fists clench and he nervously fiddles with his legs, then it's time to rest. Periods of activity and rest in a child's life should be interspersed. By setting up a daily routine, you will help your little one to move from one state to another in a natural way. After feeding, for example, you can hold it in an upright position, leaning against your shoulder, or, picking it up, gently shake it. Sometimes a child can come to rest even after a loud cry. If the awakened baby begins to be capricious and it is clear that he is about to cry, parents, as a rule, try in every possible way to prevent this from happening. However, in some cases, it may be more appropriate to give the opportunity to shout properly. Apparently, crying relieves stress in the child and helps him move from one state to another. Even if immediately after a nap he cries, having missed the state of calm wakefulness, by crying he can find it. However, as a rule, it is very difficult for a newborn to come out of a crying state without assistance. All children need help to calm down. However, each of them requires an individual approach. Some children become quiet if parents take them in their arms or wrap them in a warm soft blanket. Others, on the contrary, get irritated at any restriction of freedom and calm down much faster when they are laid on a flat surface, without covering or hindering their movements. Most kids love to be carried or rocked. However, each baby needs to have its own approach. Consider which of the following methods work best for your child. Walk around the room, hugging the baby to the shoulder. Hold the baby by rocking from side to side. Hold it against the shoulder and rhythmically pat it on the back. Putting the child on your lap, move them rhythmically up and down or from side to side, or gently pat the baby on the buttocks. Sitting in a rocking chair, put the child face down on your knees or, holding it against your shoulder, keep it upright, swinging slowly. Swing quickly and rhythmically in a rocking chair. Put the baby in the stroller and roll it back and forth. Take a walk, putting the child in a stroller or in a special backpack. Put the child in the hanging home din-chok and gently shake it. Take the child for a ride in the car. Sounds, as well as movements, have a calming effect on children, but here, too, babies have their own preferences. Some people calm down faster when they hear continuous sounds of ticking of a clock, noise washing machine, sounds that simulate a heartbeat, etc. Others respond better to low conversation, monotonous singing, or soft whispers. There are also children who like music - lullabies, classical recordings, melodies from music boxes. So far, we have talked about how caring and loving parents help newborns adapt to life outside. maternal womb... In turn, the child also influences the lives of adults. He helps them adjust to their new role- parents. With the birth of a child, they acquire a new one social status, and a very close relationship is built between them and the baby. The child can report his internal state only in two ways - smiling and crying. The development process of these methods is practically the same. In the first weeks of a baby's life, they appear as if by themselves, which reflects his reaction to those physiological processes that occur in his body. A cry is a sign of discomfort or pain, a smile is an indication that the child is at rest and is enjoying it. Gradually, the balance begins to shift. Crying and smiles are more and more regulated external factors, and as a result, the child begins, of course, without words, to communicate directly with the parents. It is especially interesting to observe how the smile changes in the first one or two months of a child's life. Initially, a wandering smile appears on the baby's face during sleep. Then, at two weeks of age, he begins to smile when his eyes are open, which usually happens after feeding. At the same time, a smile is usually accompanied by a glassy, ​​absent gaze. By the third or fourth week in a smile occur qualitative changes... The baby reacts to the loud voice of the parents with whom he makes eye contact, and eventually the baby rewards adults with a fully conscious smile. A child who is content, calm, and in contact with the environment most of the time instills confidence and optimism in parents. A nervous and capricious baby who is not easy to calm down, despite the caring attitude of adults, gives them much more problems... Those parents who have their first child often associate the child's irritability with the fact that they are inexperienced and do not know how to properly handle him. Once they understand that hyperexcitability the baby depends on the internal physiological processes taking place in his body, they will regain self-confidence. This will help them get through the challenges that await them in the first weeks of a child's life. Through trial and error, parents gain experience and find own way soothe your baby - swaddle, swing vigorously, or simply give him the opportunity to scream for a while until he falls asleep. It is very important that parents understand from the very beginning that the difficulties experienced by a child in the first year of life are in no way connected with the peculiarities of his behavior and character in the future. During the first month of a baby's life, most parents sometimes experience negative emotions. A young mother suffering from constant crying of children, exhausted by childbirth and sleepless nights, may become depressed or irritable towards other family members. The father, despite his proud smile, may sometimes feel that the baby not only restricts his freedom, but also deprives his wife's attention and care. As children get older, their sleep lasts longer and their parents adjust to a different daily routine. At the end of the first difficult period, when the relationship between parents and the baby is just developing, family members will be able to fully reward each other with the joy of communication.


Most difficult task facing a newborn child during the first month of his life - to adapt to conditions outside the mother's body. The baby sleeps most of the time. Upon waking up, he begins to behave in accordance with his internal physiological state. Periods of active wakefulness, when the child is ready to perceive new information, are rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan in advance for activities with a newborn, just try to use an opportunity. This opportunity appears when the child is full and in a good mood. Remember that children have different thresholds of excitability, and if you overwork your baby, he may start to worry, scream and cry.

Practical advice

Take care of your child no more than is necessary. He needs human warmth, and therefore he loves to be picked up. Try to find out how your baby feels about this. Some parts get nervous and annoyed when held in their arms for too long. It happens that a capricious baby calms down if you put him in a comfortable children's backpack. However, if the child is very rarely in his arms, he may become lethargic and lethargic. Change the position of the child When the child is awake, try to vary their poses. Let him lie on his stomach for a while, then on his back or side. Being in different positions, the baby will learn to move his arms and legs. Children's calendar Hang a calendar and pencil next to your changing or dressing table. Each new achievement of your child can be recorded in a separate column. Enjoy your time with your baby Laugh and have fun with your child. Sometimes he seems to be able to express his joy. Don't be afraid to spoil your child Try to quickly fulfill his desires. If you give your baby enough attention when he needs it, he will not annoy you again. Treat your baby with care When returning home from the hospital, bring your newborn in a comfortable, reliable vehicle.

Everyday affairs

Feeding time Save good mood Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or using a bottle, try to do it in a way that makes both the baby and you feel comfortable and relaxed. Remember that your baby knows better than you do when he's full, so don't try to force him to eat a little more. Avoid coercion to avoid losing the child's trust. Reach out and touch While the baby is eating, gently stroke his head, shoulders and fingers, then feeding he will associate with your gentle touch. Some babies like to listen to singing while eating, while others stop sucking when they hear Mom's voice. If your baby is easily distracted, postpone singing for a break or while your baby is spitting up. Bathing First baths Bathe your baby in the baby bath. (Check with your doctor before bathing your baby for the first time.) While bathing, hum gently, rubbing gently with a soft sponge or cloth. If your child slips and needs a soft pad, place a towel on the bottom of the tub. Communication through touch After bathing, it is good to have a massage. Using baby cream or vegetable oil, gently massage your baby's shoulders, arms, legs, feet, back, abdomen and buttocks. Keep doing this while your child is in good spirits. Swaddling / dressing Kisses on the tummy When changing your baby's diapers, gently kiss his tummy, fingers and toes. These gentle touches help the child learn to become aware of the parts of their body. At the same time, he not only feels his body, but also feels your love. Undress your child Do not wrap your baby up. If the room is 20 - 25 degrees, he will feel good in a light shirt and diaper. Children become overheated, sweaty, and uncomfortable if dressed too warmly. Time relax Turn on the radio to the child When putting your baby in the crib, turn on the radio, tape recorder, or wind up the music box. Quiet music will calm him down. Record the noise of the washing machine Instead of buying an expensive toy that makes sounds, record the noise of the dishwasher or washing machine on tape. The monotonous hum that a child hears will help him calm down and fall asleep. Give your baby a musical toy If from the very early age in the child's mind, associate sleep time with soft musical toy, she will become integral element this process. As they get older, some children resist being placed in the crib, and this toy will help them calm down and fall asleep. Use a dummy Give your baby a pacifier before bed. Children who are accustomed to a pacifier from an early age can fall asleep on their own. If your baby refuses to nipple, then at first you can put it in his mouth for only a few minutes, until he gets used to it. If the baby continues to persist, find another way. Stroller ride If the weather permits, take your child for a walk, rolling him in a stroller. Constant movement will help him fall asleep. A game of shadows Children often wake up at night. Leave the night lamp on - soft light will allow the child to observe the bizarre outlines of the surrounding objects. Diapers and soft pillows Over the past few months of uterine state, the child has become accustomed to sleeping in cramped conditions. Therefore, he will feel good if he is swaddled or covered with pillows. Many stores sell hanging hammocks that can be attached to the inside of a regular crib. Some of them are equipped with a special device that creates the illusion of a mother's heartbeat in the child. The rhythmic sounds remind the baby of those he heard while in the womb; this calms him down and he falls asleep.

What should a newborn baby be able to do at 1 month old? Did they appear in time conditioned reflexes? The answers to these questions will help young parents understand whether the baby is developing correctly, whether everything is in order with its health.

Focus on the data of pediatricians, compare indicators, but do not panic if in some parameters the newborn is slightly behind the norm. Consult a pediatrician in time to correct the diet, daily regimen.

general information

The first month is the period when the child adapts to environment... The kid is recovering from generic process, gradually forgets about the transferred stress.

At first, do not demand a response from the crumbs to your actions, do not be discouraged if the newborn reacts poorly to your smile. Soft, pleasant intonations, a gentle voice are no less important than a sufficient amount of milk from a mother.

Indifference, unwillingness to talk to a child ("he still understands little anyway") increase anxiety, reduce the feeling of security in a newborn. The first month is not only endless feeding and lasting fatigue, but also the period of establishing contact between mom, dad and baby, gradual awareness of a new state - "parents".

Baby's developmental level in the first month

What can a baby at 1 month old do? Pediatricians use several criteria to assess. It is important for parents to know if the baby is developing correctly, in case of noticeable deviations, seek help in time.



  • the eyes are still developing, it is difficult for the baby to concentrate his gaze, the vision is still indistinct;
  • by the end of the first month, the baby clearly sees objects that are 20-30 cm away from him. That is why a bright rotating toy above the bed is good workout optic nerve;
  • after 3-4 weeks, the newborn can distinguish the faces of adults when close communication: during feeding, baby care procedures;
  • at 1 month old, a child can follow a toy moving in front of his eyes. One condition is to move the object (preferably a rattle) slowly.



  • the baby hears much better than he sees;
  • the baby easily understands where the sound is coming from, reacts, turns the head;
  • after 2-3 weeks, the newborn can distinguish voices. High sounds are especially pleasant to the baby. This is why mom's voice gets more attention than dad's;
  • the speech apparatus develops, by the end of the fourth week the newborn pronounces the first "words". The sounds do not at all resemble the speech of adults, they resemble the cooing of pigeons. They say that the child "gulps".

Advice! Be sure to communicate with the baby, sing lullabies, turn on quiet, calm music. Screams, harsh sounds, loud, aggressive music frighten the baby, often cause crying.

Height and weight

The correct development of the newborn is indicated by these important indicators... The development of each baby has its own characteristics, but be sure to take into account the general trends.

The pediatrician will tell you whether the newborn has gained enough grams in the first month of life or whether he is lagging behind in weight. The indicators are also influenced by heredity: in large parents, the child is unlikely to suffer from excessive thinness.

Optimal performance:

  • sufficient body weight gain - from 400 to 900 g. By the end of the 4th week, girls should weigh from 3.5 to 4.8 kg, boys - from 3.7 to 5.2 kg;
  • active growth is a sign normal development crumbs. Growth increases from 2 to 4 cm, reaching 52 to 57 cm in boys, 50 to 56 cm in girls;
  • to the volume of the head and chest a couple of centimeters should also be added.

In the first 2-4 days after birth, the baby loses excess fluid, the weight decreases by almost 10%. At enough milk from mom, in a few weeks the baby will regain weight, gain the necessary grams. Weight loss over two weeks may indicate severe pathologies digestive system. Consultation of a pediatrician and gastroenterologist is mandatory.

Reaction to the outside world


  • by the month, the baby notices when a familiar person comes up to the bed: moves his legs, arms, slightly gurgles "in his own way";
  • facial expressions are gradually developing, the baby wrinkles his face if he does not like something or makes funny faces, trying to show emotions;
  • sometimes it seems to close people that the baby is smiling, but more often, this happens by chance, unconsciously. The child will begin to express his joy more fully, his satisfaction will begin a little later.

Physical activity


  • after birth, muscle tone is increased, movements are poorly coordinated. For this reason, the baby jerks his arms and legs, cannot relax completely;
  • most of the time the baby sleeps. Many children prefer the "frog pose": lying on the back, the child bends and raises his arms, clenches his fists. The legs are also bent, but slightly apart. With muscle tension, this position does not cause inconvenience to the newborn;
  • turn the baby over onto the tummy. The kid will slightly raise his head, for 4–5 seconds he will keep it suspended, slightly turn to the sides.

Important! If a child is 3-4 weeks old, lying on his tummy, does not even try to raise his head, be sure to contact a pediatrician to find out the causes of muscle weakness.

Features of the nervous system

Parents should know what unconditioned (acquired) reflexes should appear in a baby at 1 month old. Correct set reflexes helps the newborn to quickly get used to the new world.

If you notice that one or more reflexes are weak, visit pediatric neurologist to find out the reason for the deviations. Do not panic, perhaps you need to actively communicate with the baby, pay more attention to the development of the baby.

A set of reflexes indicating the health of the nervous system:

  • sucking. The reflex is laid down from birth. The child rhythmically sucks on any object (finger, nipple, pacifier) ​​that has fallen into a tiny mouth;
  • search. Touch your cheeks or the corners of your lips. The kid will turn his head, slightly open his mouth in search of food;
  • prehensile. Touch your palm, lightly stroke it: the baby will tenaciously squeeze the fist, try to hold on to a finger or an object;
  • automatic walking. Support the crumb, put on hard surface... Even a month old, the child will touch, jerk his legs, as if "walking";
  • protective. The reflex prevents the baby from choking if the newborn is placed on the tummy. The baby will immediately turn its head to one side, breathe calmly;
  • Moro reflex. Knock on the bed on which the baby lies, about 25 cm from the baby. With proper development, the child will spread the arms (fingers are unbent), then take the original position;
  • crawling. Put the newborn on the tummy, touch the feet. The reaction will be immediate: the crumb will slightly push off from your hands;
  • reflex Babinsky. Try stroking outer edge tiny feet. The reaction testifies to the correct nervous regulation: the foot will turn to the side, the fingers will spread out.

The developmental progress of a 4-week-old child should be assessed by a doctor, but the information will be useful for parents to understand if all reflexes are present. Conduct the proposed tests, observe the baby's reaction. You will not only assess the condition of the newborn, but also learn more about the tiny creature.

Baby care at 1 month

The patronage nurse and children's doctor will tell you how to properly bathe, feed the baby, how many grams a newborn should gain during the month. Adhere to certain rules, handle the baby carefully: the child is weak enough.

Remember: not all actions allowed in half a year are allowed in 1 month. For example, do not lift a tiny body only by the handles, be sure to hold your head. Do not let your head tilt back.

For correct development, promote health, observe the following rules:

  • hold the newborn correctly: put the little body on one hand, gently hold the legs with the other hand. The head does not hang in any way, but lies on a bent elbow;
  • gently massage the back, breast of the newborn. Circular massage movements knead each finger, then legs and arms. Do not press too hard, proceed with caution. Massage every other day for a few minutes;
  • treat skin folds thoroughly. At 1 month, the baby weakly moves the arms and legs, does not fully unbend them, sweat accumulates in the folds. With insufficient care, prickly heat and a more severe form - diaper rash in newborns can develop. Frequent urination and bowel movements often cause irritation of the delicate skin on the buttocks and inguinal folds... Treat wrinkles boiled water, wipe dry, lightly powder;
  • in the morning, be sure to clean your eyes, nose, and the area between your fingers. Regular hygienerequired element prevention skin diseases... Remember: a sick baby develops worse, suffers from intestinal problems due to the imperfection of many systems on initial stage life.

At 1 month, the baby has adapted a little to the new world, but many functions of the body have not yet manifested themselves in full force. Communicate with the baby, show bright pictures, sing songs, do a light massage.

Now you know how to provide full development newborn baby. Important proper care, calm, friendly atmosphere in family. Remember: further development largely depends on the first month of life little man, his health and activity.

More about development month old baby in the following video:


At one week old, your baby's face may still look a little puffy and asymmetrical after giving birth. Don't worry, the outline will change soon and the "newborn" swelling will disappear.

In the first days after birth, it may (not always) occur physiological jaundice... The baby's skin color will turn slightly yellow due to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. Infant jaundice usually resolves by the end of the first week without treatment.

The weight

In the first week after birth, the baby's weight may decrease slightly. This is due to a new way of eating for him. Regardless of the type of feeding, feed the baby on demand. The weight will be restored and will begin to increase from the second week.

Daily regime

The baby sleeps for a long time - from 16 to 18 hours a day. Feels hunger every 2-3 hours. By the way, a baby can eat for a long time - from 40 minutes or longer. This is especially true for breastfed babies - they are warm, cozy and comfortable next to their mother.


If a child is crying, it means that something is bothering him: he is hungry, his tummy hurts, he feels uncomfortable.
A child aged 0 to 1 month does not yet know how to consciously smile. But he is able to do this involuntarily in a dream.


Already in the first days after birth, a baby from 0 to 1 month old - knows how to focus his gaze - at a distance of up to 15 cm. The development of a child from 0 to 1 month occurs constantly.
The newborn can smell. If you put a handkerchief soaked in breast milk next to it, the baby will turn to him.
At one week of age, the baby can react to a person who comes up to him by turning his head.
During bathing, the baby will be repelled by the legs from the wall of the bath. Water procedures bring him pleasure. The main thing is that the water temperature is comfortable - 36-37 degrees.

Basic reflexes of a newborn at one week of age:

  • sucking reflex;
  • grasping reflex;
  • protective reflex;
  • foot extensor reflex;
  • fear reflex;
  • support reflex;
  • search reflex;
  • proboscis reflex;
  • palmar-oral reflex.

Physiological features

Newborns do not have thermoregulation of weight: the baby can quickly get hypothermic or overheat. Therefore, while walking, dress your child so that he does not freeze or sweat.


The first week after giving birth symbolizes the beginning of the restructuring of your body. During this period, old sizes uterus. Therefore, if you find bleeding or discharge, see your gynecologist.

3-4 days after the birth of the child, colostrum should "come" breast milk... Sometimes this is accompanied by a rise in temperature.

If a newborn from 0 to 1 month old is ineptly applied to the breast, the nipples can be injured. This threatens with infection. So use healing cream that your doctor recommends.
Feed your baby on demand. This will allow you to establish the breastfeeding process. Do not pump, because to next feeding there will be more milk. The baby will eat the amount he needs, and the excess threatens with breast swelling. She can "go bumps" and provoke mastitis.

  • Get more rest.
  • Sleep with your baby. Not getting enough sleep can trigger stress and decreased breast milk.
  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, change your diet. Eliminate fried, hot, spiced, salted, and smoked foods. Thus, you will save the child from allergic reaction and gassing.

Joint weekdays

The first week after giving birth is special for your baby. It gets into new world... Therefore, help the baby to feel comfortable in it.

Talk to him more often, call him by name. Sing songs to your baby.

During the reception air baths stroke the child on the back and tummy, do exercises with him - raise your legs, bend them at the knees. Train and handles - bend at the elbows.

If the crumb is worried about colic, attach it to yourself. Warm your baby with your warmth by stroking his tummy clockwise.

If it's not cold, take your child for a walk. And even if the baby is still very small, tell him everything that happens next to him. Share your good mood with your baby.

A baby has appeared in your family. Before the newborn comes back from the hospital, prepare for his arrival:

  • remove from the room where the baby will live, unnecessary items that are "dust collectors": Stuffed Toys, carpets, books (if they are not protected from dust);
  • get modern assistants who will help in creating a useful microclimate in the room: an air purifier (removes dust and harmful bacteria), an air humidifier (choose only one that does not contribute to the formation of an intense jet of water dust);
  • buy a night light with dim light and the ability to regulate it. This will allow you to care for your baby without disturbing him with bright light.

Limit guest visits temporarily. Your family and friends will be able to see the child later, when he gets a little stronger.

Support your baby in the room comfortable temperature- 24-25 degrees.

Help a young mother with household chores. Family members should take care of some of the household chores, allowing her to take more care of her child and rest.

To-do list

In the first week after giving birth, you need to:

  • inform the registry of the polyclinic about the birth of the child. Invite a local doctor and a health visitor;
  • get a child's birth certificate. This can be done both in the registry office and in the nearest MFC (multifunctional center). If you are married, the child's dad can receive a birth certificate for the baby on his own (if there is a power of attorney from the spouse in a simple written form). If the child's parents are not married, they need to come together to receive the child's first document;
  • issue a mandatory policy health insurance(OMS) child;
  • register the baby at the place of residence. (This must be done within a month after the birth of the baby. In case of delay, a fine is imposed: from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles).

We advise you to start keeping a diary of your baby's development: write down your feelings from motherhood, take pictures of your baby, note changes in his development. You can keep a development diary on our website. For this you will need