On what day they are discharged from the 9th maternity hospital. Discharge from the hospital - a celebration of a new life! What does a child need

Planning ahead is not only upcoming birth but also returning home with the baby. You have everything ready for childbirth, for the appearance of the baby, a bag for the hospital is packed ... Now is the time to think about how your discharging from maternity hospital home. How to organize everything

What day are you discharged from the hospital?

If the birth took place naturally, without complications, everything is in order with the baby and with the mother, then you will be discharged on the fourth day. After caesarean section, the extract occurs a little later - in five to seven days. The decision to discharge is made by several doctors: an obstetrician, a neonatologist ( pediatrician) and manager postpartum ward.

What clothes to prepare for discharge from the hospital

For discharge, it is better to prepare two packages: things for mom and things for the baby. Packages should be signed for the husband (relatives) so that nothing is mixed up.

Don't expect to lose weight drastically. Undoubtedly, after giving birth, many kilograms will go away, but your old clothes that you wore before pregnancy will not fit on you. It is quite difficult to guess your clothing size after childbirth and to foresee what the weather will be like that day. You can prepare two or three options for clothes, ask your husband (relatives) to bring you after childbirth in order to try on and choose the desired option, but you must admit that this is too burdensome.

I never perceived this wonderful day as an event that needs to be vigorously celebrated, dressed up ... For me, the main thing is that I am returning home with the baby. It doesn’t matter what I wear, the main thing is that it fits and I feel comfortable and tidy, so that you can also look at the photo without tears.

In the discharge bag, it is better to put clothes that you wore during the 5th month of pregnancy.

Both times I was discharged in what I entered the maternity hospital. To some extent, it is not very pleasant to put on the clothes in which the pregnant woman walked, I already want to show that you are not so fat, look confident and beautiful. But, you see, you can be patient. To each his own, decide for yourself ...

List of things for mom

It all depends on the time of year when you check out (weather). If it's summer, then everything is simple and easy. It is enough to prepare a dress, a blouse (just in case) and shoes. Things are more difficult in the cold season. There is something to think about ... I will write a superficial list so that there is something to build on ...

  1. Bra (if you are going to feed the baby, then a bra for nursing mothers)
  2. Underpants
  3. Women's sanitary napkin — 2 pcs. (just in case)
  4. Sanitary pads for nursing mothers (for breasts)
  5. Roll-on deodorant
  6. Necessary cosmetics to make up a little and like herself in the photographs
  7. Loose clothing (either what you wore when you were 5 months pregnant, or a size larger than what you had before pregnancy)
  8. Pantyhose, if needed
  9. Jacket, coat, sweater, hat (if necessary, depending on the weather)
  10. Shoes

List of things for a newborn

  1. Disposable diapers— 2-3 pcs. (just in case)
  2. Wet wipes(just in case)
  3. Vest-shirt or bodysuit
  4. sliders
  5. Suit
  6. bonnet
  7. Hat (according to the season)
  8. wool socks or knitted booties
  9. Envelope or blanket, according to the season
  10. If you wrap it in a blanket, then you need a ribbon: for a girl - all shades of red (pink, red, raspberry, etc.), for a boy - all shades of blue color(blue, blue, cobalt, etc.). It is better to take a tape of 5 meters, then it will be beautiful bow. Perhaps, for a blanket, you will need a duvet cover and a corner. It all depends on your preferences.
  11. If you go by car, think about what you will transport the baby in - in the cradle, in car seat for newborns or in the arms ... Remember, safety first!

Stores sell a variety of take-out kits. You just need to choose a set in accordance with the season, buy the missing items, and the baby is ready for discharge.

Extract in winter

She gave birth to her first son in the winter. She put on a discharge: a diaper, a thin undershirt, a warm undershirt-shirt, thin socks, woolen socks, swaddled her legs in a thin diaper, and then wrapped everything in a flannel diaper (yes, then they still swaddled children), a warm cap, a knitted cap (cap and you need to take a hat so that your two little balls fit together, about the same head for a newborn), a corner, wadded blanket in duvet cover, tape dark blue.

Extract in autumn

She gave birth to her second son in the fall. I bought a set for discharge: a thin blanket, a corner, an undershirt, a warm shirt and sliders, a cap, a hat. I bought and reported to the discharge tape, overalls-bag (with a hood and mittens), woolen socks. The tape was white color. I figured that it was clear from the blue blanket that it was a boy. The white ribbon looked very elegant and beautiful. Alternatively, you can use a ribbon of any color, if it is clear from the blanket (envelope, blanket) who is being discharged.

Now I'm collecting things for the discharge of the third child. In general, I don’t bother what I will be wearing, even in everything blue (in what I put on Misha). As outerwear, bought a beautiful envelope, Pink colour, with a zipper.

What documents should be issued at the maternity hospital upon discharge
  1. Mom's exchange card with which you entered the maternity hospital. Not all maternity hospitals give her, they gave me both times
  2. Mom's statement (a sheet with information about the puerperal). It is transmitted to women's consultation where you were observed (keep a copy for yourself, just in case)
  3. Baby's discharge (a sheet with information about the newborn: baby's gender, height, weight at birth and at discharge, assessment of the child's condition on the Apgar scale, information about the nature of feeding, vaccinations and tests). It is transferred to the children's clinic (keep a copy for yourself, just in case)
  4. Birth certificate (those parts that are intended for transfer to the children's clinic). There are two such coupons: No. 3-1 - designed to pay for healthcare services for the first 6 months dispensary observation; No. 3-2 of the birth certificate - is intended to pay health care institutions for services for the next 6 months of dispensary observation. The doctor will take them health visitor when he comes to your house
  5. Baby's vaccination certificate (blue book), with all records of vaccinations made (if you did not refuse them)
  6. Certificate of birth of the child (medical birth certificate) indicating the time and date of birth of the child, his gender, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the midwife who took delivery. The certificate is certified by the signature of the doctor and the seal of the maternity hospital. On the basis of this certificate, parents receive a birth certificate from the registry office and a one-time allowance in the social security. The certificate is valid for 1 month
  7. Sick leave(if a caesarean section was performed). Be sure to check that it is filled out correctly.

More detailed information read about the documents that need to be done after the birth of a child.

How is discharge from the hospital

You will learn about the discharge in a day or two from the doctors. On the day of discharge, you will receive everything Required documents which I have described above. Receive gifts from the city. You will be told what time to be ready, and what time to come to meet (husband, relatives, guests).

The discharge from the maternity hospital itself takes place quite quickly: you go down with the nurse and the child to the exit, change clothes in a special room (if the maternity hospital is equipped with such a room). If there is no such room, then all fees (dressing, dressing the baby) take place in the ward. Then solemnly go out to the happy dad, relatives and guests. By tradition, the newly-made dad gives flowers to his wife and gifts to the nurse. Takes the baby from the nurse. Everything that happens next is up to you.

If you want to arrange a solemn day on this occasion, then you need to think about this in advance. How will you get home (by transport or walking)? Will you decorate transport? Will you return in your car ... or ask friends to hire a taxi? Who will you call for discharge (from friends and relatives)? Will you hire a professional photographer, videographer? Or maybe you want fireworks...etc. All this should be discussed with the husband in advance. Someone wants the meeting from the hospital to be solemn: with balloons, champagne, photo and video cameras, a limousine, gifts, fireworks ... And someone thinks that all this is completely useless. To make everyone happy, it is necessary to discuss all the little things together, and come to a consensus.

What to give in the hospital

It is customary to give flowers to a health worker who is carrying a baby, but believe me, the last thing they want to see is flowers. Doctors are by definition materialists, so it is better to give sweets, chocolate, coffee, champagne (cognac, and other good spirits). It is also customary to give money: 1000 rubles for a boy, 500 rubles for a girl. Someone says that for a girl 1000 rubles, and for a boy 1500 rubles. There is only one meaning, for a boy they give more, for a girl less. Look at your material resources.

Both times I gave birth for free. After the birth of her first child, she thanked the doctor and midwife with a cake and champagne. After the birth of her second child, she did not thank the doctors for anything, because she did not know the names of the medical staff and did not remember the faces.

At the discharge, the health worker who carried the child was given flowers, champagne, sweets and money both times (both times 1,000 rubles each).

What should a husband do when his wife is in the hospital

  1. Prepare for the meeting: clean the apartment, buy food, cook food so that mom, after returning home, does not think about it
  2. Remember that the wife should not eat many foods (if she feeds breast milk)
  3. Collect all the necessary children's furniture (crib, chest of drawers, etc.)
  4. Bring mom to the hospital everything she asks for
  5. Call all friends and relatives and invite them to be discharged to the maternity hospital (the list of invitees is negotiated with the wife in advance)
  6. Prepare transport (if you decide to decorate - decorate)
  7. Arrange with a photographer, video filming (if you decide to do professional photos, video)
  8. Remember that mother and child need rest and peace. Planning a stormy fun, on this occasion, is hardly advisable!

Have a nice trip home!

That very happy day has come - your discharge from the hospital - accept our congratulations! As a rule, in recent weeks or even in recent pregnancies any future mommy, although he is incredibly worried and even somewhat afraid of the upcoming labor activity, after all, she is also looking forward to that very soon-to-be meeting with her baby.

And now, after a completely successful birth and after meeting her baby, the woman begins to patiently wait for that happy moment when discharge from the hospital can come and when the woman can afford to return home with her baby.

So, in fact, we approached the question of interest to many women, when exactly should an extract from the maternity hospital take place, and in fact, what indicators usually become a sufficient basis for this discharge?

Standard discharge from the hospital: the usual terms for her

We note right away that the timing of discharge of a woman with a child from the maternity hospital, as a rule, depends on many factors:

  1. From the method of her delivery.
  2. From the state of health of the baby as well as the mother herself.
  3. From the absence of any serious complications arising after childbirth.

The final decision on the possibility of discharge, as a rule, is made by two doctors - this is always the one who monitors the condition of the woman in labor and the pediatrician (more precisely, the neonatologist) who monitors the baby's health, and such final decision only after the next examination of the mother and her child. Moreover, we note that in the event that the state of health of the baby does not allow timely discharge from the maternity hospital, which usually happens in the near future, then the doctors themselves may well discharge the mother, but only without the baby, since in this case the baby has to be left under strict the supervision of doctors.

But if for some reason a timely discharge is not due to the mother herself, say, due to her health, then the baby is forced to stay with her mother in the maternity hospital until she fully recovers. So usually, if your birth was your own and at the same time passed without any serious complications, if both the mother and her newborn baby feel normal or at least satisfactory, then the standard extract from maternity hospital occurs directly on the third or maximum on the fifth day after the baby was born.

However, if your delivery was carried out with some complications or by caesarean section, then you will probably need a little more long time for complete recovery - this is a time ranging from seven to ten days. As a rule, this period of time is necessary for the partial recovery of the body of the woman herself, and for correct processing and also the primary healing of existing sutures. Of course, it will take place at home and this process can take quite a while. for a long time. But the most important thing is that they will still let you go home, because at home, as they say, even walls heal.

Standard discharge from the hospital: a general examination of the mother and her baby

As you understand, an extract from the maternity hospital will be clearly allowed to you only after the woman in labor is examined by her leading gynecologist, and the newborn baby, respectively, by a pediatric neonatologist. Typically, such an examination always takes place in the morning, when all the laboratories are working and, accordingly, you can easily get everything necessary tests confirming your health.

And, of course, if the results of such an examination are positive and practically nothing prevents a young mother and her child from allowing a standard discharge, then the actual discharge is made, and right in the afternoon.

So usually mothers with babies begin to be discharged immediately after two in the afternoon. The main criteria for the readiness of a woman in labor for discharge are considered to be: positive results after ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs, positive results of blood tests and urine tests. Normal for this time, as well as normal amount, normal smell and normal color discharge of a woman from the vagina, well-established lactation. Moreover, it may not be fully installed, but this, of course, does not prevent the standard extract. Usually, full recovery lactation will occur already at home, the most important thing that doctors check is that milk is at least a little released from the mother's breast.

Further normalization full lactation- it's a matter of time and sucking labors of your baby. Examinations of the baby will be able to tell about the fact that for discharge and for a full-fledged meeting with the whole world around him outside the maternity hospital. And this: his general well-being (it is important that the baby does not sob constantly and uncontrollably), normal condition his skin, his baby's umbilical cord without any signs of infection, absolutely normal stool crumbs and the same normal full urination.

In addition, doctors always check the beginning normal increase in the weight of the baby and the decline is quite typical for babies, or rather for their postpartum period or erythema. And, besides, even before being discharged from the maternity hospital, your baby will have to receive all the vaccinations that are so necessary and mandatory in our country, again, if he does not have any excuses for such.

Standard extract from the hospital: all the documents you need

A standard extract from a maternity hospital, as a rule, involves the issuance of strictly defined documents to a woman who has given birth. So, usually a woman is given a special extract, and a general conclusion about the real state of health of the mother herself. It is important to remember - in the future, a woman in labor in without fail will have to transfer such an extract with a conclusion about the real state of her health to the same medical institution, where the woman in labor was actually observed during the entire period of her pregnancy. Further, the young mother will receive one more conclusion with actually available information about the general state of health of her baby.

Again, it must be remembered that this conclusion about the state of health of the crumbs should be transferred by the woman directly to the children's clinic, as a rule, at the place of residence. By the way, ideally it should be, and it happens almost everywhere, that this conclusion is transferred to the children's clinic, regardless of the woman in labor.

And, as a rule, upon receipt this opinion literally on the first or second day of a young mother's stay with her child at home, their children's doctor or at least a nurse should definitely come to visit them from the maternity hospital to the children's clinic. This is necessary to meet and receive new recommendations for mommy regarding proper care for the baby. We go further, also when discharged from the maternity hospital, a woman is also given a certificate of the birth of her child. Moreover, this certificate has a form strictly defined by our legislation.

This certificate contains information about the exact time and, of course, about exact date the birth of your baby, it also always indicates the gender of the baby, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the midwife who was on the shift who took these births. It is important to know that it is this certificate that cannot be lost in any case. Since it is this certificate that you will need for subsequent receipt at the district records department civil status(or in the registry office) of your baby's birth certificate and, accordingly, to obtain lump sum for the birth of a child. A young mother receives all the above documents directly at the nurse’s post or in the doctor’s office, but sometimes it also happens that doctors can give you the papers “separately”: let’s say the obstetrician will give his part of the extracts, but strictly his own.

Standard discharge from the maternity hospital: general preparation and final meeting with relatives

As a rule, the exact time of the meeting of the woman in labor is clearly indicated by the maternity hospital itself, of course, having previously agreed with the woman in labor. Moreover, quite a lot of women can be discharged on the same day, and therefore sometimes a whole queue can form in maternity hospitals, when exactly 20 or 25 minutes are allocated for each specific discharge. Further, when your relatives and friends come to meet a young mother with a child from the maternity hospital, they will have to report this directly to the “post of information or transfers”.

And, of course, at the same time, the staff will definitely inform the woman herself that her relatives are already waiting for her, and therefore, she will only have to go out and take the baby out to meet her loved ones. As you understand, collect all your things, and it is better to prepare for such a long-awaited meeting in advance. This is necessary in order not to make your own, and even other people's relatives, wait too long and no matter what to delay the doctors themselves, who, believe me, will also be waiting for your discharge. Although, of course, no one will really limit the time for your fees.

Your baby will need to be dressed strictly according to the season, and usually women use an elegant or solemn envelope for such an extract, and indeed it is perfect for such an occasion. After all, the baby, too, like his mother, will have to appear before his relatives in all its glory, you see, this is his very first birthday. But if we talk about the clothes in which mom herself will be discharged, then she should definitely take it with her in advance, say at the stage general fees to the maternity hospital. You ask what to do if the birth began completely suddenly, and the woman arrived at the maternity hospital, as they say in what she was at home at that very moment? We answer, it’s definitely nothing to worry about in this case, all the necessary things for the subsequent discharge can be brought to her the day before by the same relatives.

Further, when both the young mother and her baby are fully dressed, and things are also fully assembled, the woman herself with the baby simply goes out to her greeters. Moreover, as a rule, according to our traditions, it is the nurse who always hands over the baby to the hands of relatives. Note that one of the latest newfangled trends has become the so-called solemn meeting the woman in labor and her baby. Often this ceremony is arranged as widely as a wedding, with video or photography. It must be said that in the case when this important point If the parents themselves want to capture on film in this way, then they will be able to arrange such a shooting with one of the really numerous companies that offer such services. Moreover, you will be able to advise a company offering such services right there in maternity hospital.

And the last thing that expectant mothers so often ask about. Is it permissible and possible to allow free visits to relatives literally on the same day when a young mother and baby were discharged from the maternity hospital? According to doctors, it is possible, although with a caveat if such a visit is not too long and tiring for both. In fact, it is desirable that such visits of relatives do not last longer than 30 minutes. And, of course, as you understand, at the same time, absolutely all guests, without any exceptions, will strictly observe the standard rules of personal hygiene, be healthy and avoid too close direct contact with the newborn himself.

To your attention, dear readers, video site beautiful extract from the Novokuibyshev maternity hospital:

Childbirth - physiological process, which becomes the logical conclusion of nine months of pregnancy. Future parents and relatives prepare very carefully for the appearance of a child in the house; Everyone can't wait to see the newborn baby. However, the return of the mother and child from the maternity hospital is not as fast as one would like.

How long after giving birth can a woman leave the walls of the maternity ward? This is determined by many factors, which will be discussed below.

Why do women in labor need to spend some time in the hospital?

During the stay in the maternity hospital, a woman will be introduced to the basics of caring for a child: they will learn how to properly apply it to the breast, change diapers, swaddle, hold and soothe it, conduct a thorough examination of the newborn, take blood tests and give him the first vaccinations. All this takes some time - at least a few days.

In addition, the length of a woman's stay in the maternity hospital depends on how the birth process was. Childbirth can be:

  • physiologically normal without complications;
  • long-term with complications;
  • planned, by caesarean section;
  • premature;
  • emergency.

The first few days after the baby is born can be dangerous for both parties. A woman in labor may experience complications such as:

  • insufficient intensity of uterine contractions;
  • bleeding and anemia;
  • inflammation and secondary infections;
  • unsatisfactory healing of sutures, their inflammation.

As for the child, the following dangers may lie in wait for him in the first days of life:

  • respiratory arrest - apnea;
  • asphyxic pneumonia, occurs in premature or low birth weight children;
  • sepsis of newborns;
  • physiological and pathological jaundice;
  • necrotizing enterocolitis;
  • meconium aspiration syndrome.

To avoid negative consequences these complications, you need to stay in the hospital for several days after birth. Doctors will monitor the condition of the woman and the child and, if necessary, provide timely assistance.

What day are you discharged from the hospital?

The way the birth process went and how it proceeds postpartum period, will play a decisive role in determining the length of stay in the hospital. Staying under qualified supervision after childbirth is a wise decision that can save a life or save mom and baby from serious complications.

Natural childbirth without complications

Natural birth process without complications - the most desirable delivery scenario for the pregnant woman and the team of doctors who deliver. This outcome involves the discharge of the woman in labor and the newborn home on the 4th day after the birth of the child. During this time, the obstetrician-gynecologist will make several examinations, check how the stitches and tears heal, receive general blood and urine tests of the woman and exclude the development of pathological conditions.

Natural childbirth with complications

After a complicated birth, a woman and a newborn are discharged for about 5-6 days. The presence of complications in the mother or child is a reason to pass additional tests which will cause the delay.

You will have to stay in the hospital due to the presence of the following problems:

  • stitches on the cervix;
  • severe stitches or tears in the perineum;
  • endometritis;
  • manual separation of the placenta and bleeding during delivery.

The decision on when to discharge a woman in labor and a child after a complicated birth is made by two doctors: an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatric neonatologist. Usually minor deviations from the norm are not a reason for a long stay in the hospital.


Today, every eighth childbirth occurs by caesarean section. Despite the fact that such an operation belongs to the category of simple ones with a relatively low probability of occurrence of risks, it is still a surgical intervention.

During a caesarean section, the blood loss of a woman in labor is 4-5 times higher than during natural childbirth. After the operation, it takes time to get out of anesthesia and restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Often, operated mothers face digestive problems, contractile dysfunction and inflammation of the uterine cavity.

Also, do not forget that several seams are formed at the site of the incision. One of the main complications that affects the length of stay in the hospital is their poor healing. In this regard, women who have had a caesarean section remain in the maternity hospital for more long term than those who gave birth naturally. Usually when normal flow operations and postoperative period mother and baby are discharged for 7-10 days.

How does the condition of the newborn affect the discharge date?

The pediatrician will visit the newborn once a day, more often if necessary. The baby will have their body temperature taken every 3-5 hours, the number of feeds and bowel movements recorded, and an examination and evaluation physiological state baby. All these procedures are carried out in order to identify deviations in development, birth trauma and diseases of the child. 48 hours after birth, the newborn will take blood from the heel to analyze for such genetic diseases, How:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • adrenogenital syndrome.

Also, the baby will measure the level of bilirubin in the blood from time to time. This indicator characterizes the work of the liver of a newborn, excludes or confirms the presence of jaundice.

Mom and baby can be detained in the hospital if:

  • was low weight at birth;
  • premature baby;
  • the baby does not gain or lose weight in the first 3 days after birth;
  • there are malfunctions nervous system;
  • there are signs infectious diseases;
  • the norm of bilirubin indicators was significantly exceeded (more details in the article:).

If the baby has jaundice

Neonatal jaundice is a fairly common occurrence. Physiological (normal) jaundice occurs due to the mass death of excess red blood cells in the blood of an infant and the inability of the still unripe liver to remove the released bilirubin from the body. It enters the liver and skin, which act as "filters", and settles there. Against this background, the skin and eyeballs of the newborn acquire a yellowish tint. Jaundice appears 2-3 days after birth and disappears within 2-3 weeks by itself.

If the newborn turned yellow by the third day, the mother will be left with him in the hospital for a few more days. They will be able to write them out when the symptoms of jaundice noticeably decrease. Those cases when the level of bilirubin in the baby's blood does not fall and even rises are referred to as pathological jaundice (we recommend reading:). If the tests confirm the absence of positive dynamics, the baby is transferred to a specialized department for further treatment.

Are checkouts available on holidays and weekends?

On what day will they be released from the hospital if there are weekends or holidays ahead? Most maternity hospitals discharge women in labor and their babies after their condition stabilizes - on any day, regardless of whether it is a weekend or a weekday.

In some hospitals, discharge on Sunday is not practiced. This is due to the fact that on weekdays all employees are at their workplaces, including those who sign sick leave sheets.

Does a woman have the right to leave the hospital on the day of delivery?

The current legislation gave a woman the right to leave the walls of the hospital immediately after giving birth. To do this, you need to write a statement in which it is indicated that the mother takes responsibility for the life and health of the child.
It is worth noting that the law allows only healthy newborns who have all the necessary reflexes to be discharged. If there are deviations in the development of the central nervous system, birth injuries, infectious and other diseases, the child is left in the hospital without the consent of his mother.

It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before writing a formal refusal to provide medical services. In fact, no one is immune from the development of postpartum complications. Reckless, unjustified haste can lead to serious consequences.

How is a standard discharge from the hospital?

So, the long-awaited moment has come. It doesn’t matter how much time you had to spend in the maternity ward, the main thing is that mom and baby are healthy and it’s time to go home. Do not forget about the legal side of the discharge from the hospital. Mom's task is to check if all the papers are in place? The folder should contain such documents.

The mother of a newborn baby always wants the days that need to be spent in the hospital to pass as quickly as possible. Yes, and all the relatives are looking forward to the moment when the mother with the newborn baby will be discharged from the maternity hospital. Indeed, in our time, the birth of a child and discharge from the hospital is a whole ritual, accompanied by warm congratulations and many gifts. So, after how many days can mom and baby be discharged from the hospital?

On what day are the mother and child discharged?

Many expectant mothers are interested in how the discharge from the hospital takes place. First of all, you need to understand that the mother and child will be discharged only when they are both ready for this. And how many days they lie in the hospital after childbirth depends primarily on the state of health of the mother and baby.

As a rule, when successful childbirth(when not only the newborn baby is healthy, but also the mother), the discharge occurs already on the third day. If a woman has any health complications during childbirth, then it may happen that the doctors will extend the period of stay in the maternity hospital up to 10 days.

Also, the discharge may be delayed if there are any health problems in the newborn baby.

Thus, the term for discharge from the hospital depends on 3 components:

  • successful childbirth,
  • maternal health,
  • child's health.

In the maternity hospital, the mother of a newborn baby and the baby himself are under the supervision of a gynecologist and a pediatrician. The duties of an obstetrician-gynecologist include monitoring the postpartum period in a woman, while a pediatrician is obliged to monitor the health and development of a newborn child. The opinions of these two doctors together play a decisive role in what day they are discharged from the hospital after childbirth.

Often, if the mother still needs the help of doctors, then the baby stays with her in the hospital until the woman is ready for discharge. If everything is in order with the mother, and the baby needs regular medical supervision, then there are cases when the mother is discharged, and the child remains under observation. experienced doctors.

Documents to be drawn up

Many parents are concerned about the question, what documents should they have on hand when they are discharged from the hospital? Of course, the employees of the maternity hospital themselves know perfectly well what documents they must give to the family in which the child was born. But most parents prefer to play it safe and shoe themselves in this matter.

When discharged from the hospital, a woman must be given the following documents:

  • Certificate of birth of a child. This certificate is necessary for the registry office to issue a crumb of an important document - a birth certificate. The birth certificate contains the following information: the date and time of the birth of the child, the sex of the child, as well as the surname and initials of the doctor who delivered the baby. A birth certificate will also be needed to receive a one-time state allowance issued at the birth of a child.
  • Extract ( exchange card) with a conclusion about the health of the woman in labor (mother). This extract is given to a woman in order for her to provide it to a medical institution (to a antenatal clinic), in which she was observed during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • An extract (exchange card) with a conclusion on the health of a newborn child. Parents must provide this extract to the children's clinic in which the baby will be observed. But most often medical workers they themselves transfer the extract to the children's clinic, without the participation of parents.

It is important that the parents of a newborn baby receive all of the above documents. And on the second or third day of staying at home, the mother of the newborn should expect guests: the pediatrician is obliged to visit the mother and the newborn baby.

First, the doctor must check the conditions in which the child is. And secondly, the pediatrician is obliged to help and advise the young mother on the proper care of the child: to give helpful tips, tell and demonstrate how to bathe a baby, how to massage, how to provide the first medical care. This approach is very important, especially if a woman has given birth to her first child and does not know many of the nuances in caring for children.

Readiness Factors

The obstetrician-gynecologist, setting the discharge date, repels several factors:

  • What was the birth like (light birth, natural birth or caesarean section, accompanied by heavy bleeding or not). So, with natural and easy birth, the mother and child will be discharged as expected, on the 3rd day.
  • General well-being of the mother;
  • Uterine contractions;
  • The nature of vaginal discharge;
  • How well the sutures heal (with a caesarean section or if there are tears, incisions obtained during natural childbirth). A doctor can discharge a woman only after making sure that the stitches heal well and there are no inflammatory processes;
  • Conditions of the mammary glands. It is important that the woman does not have prerequisites for mastitis, and that there are no cracks on her chest.

In any case, before discharge, the woman will need to donate blood and urine for analysis. A blood test will reveal signs of anemia, and a urine test will reveal diseases urinary system. In some maternity hospitals, doctors offer to undergo an ultrasound to finally make sure that there are no blood clots and placental remnants in the uterus of the woman who has given birth. Only after the woman has passed all the tests, the obstetrician-gynecologist can accurately set the date of discharge from the hospital.

How to determine if a newborn baby is ready for discharge?

It will be fair to note that not only the obstetrician-gynecologist, but also the pediatrician is responsible for how long they lie in the hospital after childbirth. After all, it is very important that at discharge the baby does not have any health problems.

During the stay in the maternity hospital, the baby is monitored daily by pediatricians: they conduct a general examination, check how it heals umbilical wound, weigh the baby, see if the child has a normal stool, if there are any problems with urination. They also take from babies the following types analyses: general analysis blood test, blood test for congenital diseases, Analysis of urine. The first vaccinations are given to a newborn baby already in the hospital. These are BCG (tuberculosis vaccine) and hepatitis B vaccine.

Before discharging a newborn baby, the pediatrician must make sure that:

  • baby normal weight. Not everyone knows that 2-3 days after birth, the kids lose a little weight compared to the initial figures. It is considered normal if the child has lost no more than 7% of its original weight. If this figure exceeds the norm, then the doctors will postpone the discharge until the causes are identified.
  • the child does not have infectious diseases. If the newborn baby has any infection (it can be a skin infection, an infection urinary tract or any other type of infection), his discharge will be delayed until the appropriate course of treatment has been completed.
  • the newborn did not have oxygen starvation. Hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) can lead to disorders of the nervous system of the child. Therefore, if a baby develops hypoxia in the womb, or during childbirth, doctors will leave the baby in the hospital for more long term to reveal possible deviations and help in a timely manner.

It is important to know that premature babies are kept in the maternity hospital longer. This is due to the fact that premature babies have very little weight, and given that on the 2-3rd day the child is still losing weight, this can become a threat to life.

Physicians must ensure that a woman who has recently given birth is healing well and that general state the health of the new mother is not a cause for concern. The period of stay in the maternity hospital is extended in the following cases:

  • At difficult childbirth(for example, after a caesarean section, a mother and baby are discharged no earlier than on the 8-10th day).
  • With high blood pressure. high arterial pressure in a nursing mother, it may be accompanied by edema and the presence of protein in the urine. In this case, the discharge is delayed until the blood pressure normalizes.
  • At inflammatory processes. Sometimes after childbirth, a woman has inflammation of the mammary glands (which can lead to mastitis) or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Both types of inflammation require the intervention of doctors, so the woman will be discharged only after the course of treatment has been completed - no earlier than on the 8th-10th day.
  • If there was bleeding during childbirth. In itself, bleeding is very dangerous: the mother's hemoglobin drops sharply, which can lead to anemia (anemia). Therefore, women who had during childbirth profuse bleeding, are discharged no earlier than on the 7-8th day, making sure that there is no threat to her life.
  • If the sutures do not heal well. If a woman was caesarean or she had during natural childbirth tears appeared, sometimes the stitches did not heal well. In the presence of inflammation, an extract from the hospital will be delayed until the condition improves (up to about 6-7 days).

Thus, in case of successful delivery, when the mother is healthy and the newborn baby is healthy, discharge from the maternity hospital occurs according to standard procedure, and already on the 3rd (maximum - 5th) day, the baby and mother are at home.

You should tune in to the fact that despite the above information, most births are still a process that occurs favorably, which means that the length of stay in the maternity hospital should not be too long!

A long-awaited event for any family is the appearance of a child. Already realizing that the baby has seen the light, fathers and relatives begin to think about the discharge of mother and toddler from the hospital. Everyone wants to quickly see the one who has been waiting for so long.

By this time, everything should be ready for the baby. Therefore, it is imperative to know what day you need to wait for him and the newly-minted mother at home. What will be the first meeting of the baby with loved ones depends on many factors.

Why do women in labor need to be in the hospital?

Childbirth is a very complex process. Stress on female body big. The situation can be complicated by the fact that the process takes a long time, or the fetus appears very large. Not a single woman with a child is discharged home immediately after childbirth. The exception is when a woman in labor writes a refusal, and doctors are unable to dissuade her that such behavior is unreasonable.

Practice involves the mandatory presence of mom and baby in the hospital for several days. Women in labor are interested in such a situation. This is especially true for those who have appeared peanut became the firstborn. After all, they need to learn a lot about the baby, his behavior and his own body. Hospitalization is necessary because:

  • Doctors can make sure that the woman's uterus contracts after childbirth, there are no complications or bleeding.
  • Neonatologists monitor the condition of the baby, making sure that he has no developmental pathologies. Doctors spend necessary examination. They study the hearing, vision of the little one, in some hospitals they manage to do an ultrasound of the brain, the first vaccinations on the second or third day after birth, if there are no contraindications. Blood tests, weight gain, and active sucking at the breast or bottle give doctors an opportunity to understand whether a child can exist and develop outside the hospital.
  • Until lactation has formed, which appears on days 3–5, the baby will be capricious a lot. Doctors need to make sure that the flow of milk has gone well, the woman has learned to breastfeed, and the baby takes the nipple correctly.
  • If a woman is resting after or she has had an incision, then it is necessary for the tissues to heal. Only then can the stitches be removed. Therefore, the length of stay in the hospital in such situations is higher.

Who makes the release decision?

The minimum hospital stay after childbirth is three days. On the fourth day, the attending physician can decide whether the woman is discharged from the hospital. To do this, he must:

  • to examine the woman in labor, to find out the degree of uterine contractions;
  • study the results of a blood test, because often after childbirth or a cesarean section, hemoglobin drops,
  • see the results of a urinalysis, which may indicate inflammatory processes;
  • find out from neonatologists the condition of the baby or babies;
  • make sure that the woman has normal lactation, there are no seals in the chest, and the baby eats actively and correctly.

The doctor must fill out a medical card, birth certificate and issue a set of documents and appointments to the woman.

If the condition of the mother and baby does not allow a quick decision on discharge, then they can be left for another 2-3 days. In almost all hospitals, it is not customary to let people go home on Sunday. Accordingly, the period may be extended by a day if the expected statement falls on this day of the week. The doctor on duty cannot know exactly how long a woman will spend in the maternity hospital.

Thus, two doctors make a decision about whether to release the newly-minted mother and her baby from the hospital walls - this is a gynecologist and a neonatologist.

Why is the length of stay longer during surgery?

Childbirth is natural process. The body of a woman is set up to quickly recover from them. Already in the first day there are active hormonal changes associated with giving a signal that you need to prepare to feed the baby.

If the mother is after a caesarean section, then she is a postoperative patient. Any surgical intervention can cause complications in the body. On the first day after a caesarean section, women are kept in intensive care units or wards intensive care. Doctors watch how they recover from anesthesia, incision. In order to transfer them to a regular ward, medical staff makes sure that:

  • the process of urination is normalized;
  • no thrombus formation;
  • bleeding within the normal range;
  • the patient's condition allows her to move independently and serve herself.

If suppuration or inflammation of tissues begins in the area of ​​the performed section, you need to prepare for the fact that the number of days spent in the hospital will increase. Such patients usually stay up to 10-14 days.

In the case when a woman cannot independently serve the baby, the issue of their separate stay in the hospital is resolved.

How does a standard checkout work?

The day before discharge, the doctor usually informs that it will be possible to leave the hospital walls if the test results are good. The last day spent in the hospital is a control for assessing the condition of the mother and baby.

During the morning examination, the doctor must make sure that there are no grounds for extending the stay in the hospital. If the woman is having a caesarean section, her stitches will be removed on the day she is discharged. It takes a little time. After 5-10 minutes, the procedure usually ends, and the young mother feels her whole body.

In the afternoon, dad and relatives can meet their new family. The doctor will bring the documents for discharge. After how many hours a woman will leave the hospital, she decides for herself. Many do not hesitate with this. When everyone gathers for a meeting, it is enough to say about this to the maternity hospital nurse, who will help swaddle the child and bring him to the door. Mom can clarify whether a photographer or videographer is allowed to enter the room for filming. Not every hospital allows this.

How to prepare for discharge?

If the birth process went without complications, then the woman should understand that in 5-6 days she will be at home. For a day, you should ask relatives to bring things for themselves and the baby. You should not do this before, because according to the rules of the maternity hospital, the wards should be sterile. On the day of discharge, relatives, as a rule, prepare the house. Floors and walls must be washed, furniture processed disinfectants and the baby's crib is filled with clean ironed linen.

Scroll necessary for the child of things it is better to coordinate with the neonatologist. Although most of the mothers are preparing to leave the hospital in advance, so the entire set has already been bought. The doctor can pay attention to the recommended in the house temperature regime. This is especially important if the baby was born with a small weight. So that the child does not act up, you need to start dressing him when all the guests have gathered below. Many mothers prefer this process produced nurses who know how to tie bows flawlessly.

For women after caesarean section, it is necessary to take care of a special post-surgical bandage. This will make you feel better while walking. You need to pick up the baby in minimum quantity cases. Therefore, it is better if dad takes the baby out of the hospital in his arms.

In order to remember the happiest day, it is worth considering taking pictures, shooting a video, decorating the car that a new citizen will drive from the hospital. You should abandon the idea of ​​​​fireworks, crackers, because such a meeting can scare the baby.

Special cases

It cannot be ruled out that the development of events will not go as expected. Often there are indications for caesarean section in women who have not yet reached the deadline for childbirth. In this case, we are talking about premature babies.

Regardless of whether the baby needed resuscitation, it will not be possible to leave the hospital soon. On the first day, all premature babies are in intensive care. Their condition is monitored by qualified doctors. If there is no such department at the maternity hospital, then the baby without a mother will be transferred to another hospital. The woman will recover after premature birth or sections of the uterus. After being discharged, she will go to another hospital to stay with her child. How long will you need to stay in the nursery medical center, no one can say. Usually, in this case, they will find out about the discharge exactly on the day of its occurrence. In this regard, relatives should be ready to promptly take home a woman and her little one.

An extract from the maternity hospital will not take place within five days if the baby has deviations from normal indicators on health. The most common is jaundice. When bilirubin levels are above normal, and there is no decrease even when under a special ultraviolet lamp, then you need to check the liver and other internal organs. In these situations, the child will be transferred to the appropriate department of the children's hospital.

Mom will have to go there as an escort. If, after a royal section, as a cesarean is also called, the woman's stitches are not removed, but she feels well, she can be discharged from the hospital. She can remove the stitches later at the gynecologist's appointment. It is important that this happens within the time frame indicated by the doctor.

In the children's hospital, mothers lie with the baby. This allows:

  • maintain lactation;
  • provide proper care for the child;
  • adapt mother and baby to each other;
  • receive timely recommendations from a doctor and respond promptly to them.

Nobody is better own mother will not feel the child and his well-being.

Whatever difficulties may arise at the first stage of a baby’s life, you need to understand that a meeting from the hospital is not the most important thing. The main task is to solve his health problems. Even when the baby gets better, you can arrange real holiday in honor of his arrival in his native walls.