Creative speech activity of preschoolers. Slides algorithm. "About children's word creation and

Word creation is one of key features the development of the child's speech. But one should not confuse the word creation and speech creation of children. Speech creativity is a manifestation of creativity in speech activity. As a rule, speech creativity is typical for older children. preschool age. In order for a child to grow up as a creative person, the active vocabulary of children to increase, speech to become figurative and literate, it is necessary to continue to develop children's speech creativity.




"About children's word creation and

development of speech creativity of preschool children.


Educator GBDOU No. 23

Compensating type

Nevsky district

St. Petersburg


Svetlana Rufinovna

Creation - this is an active, creative process of human activity, aimed at understanding and transforming reality, creating new original objects, works, etc. that never existed before, in order to improve the material and spiritual life of society. Those. of public importance. The basis of creativity is imagination.

Imagination - this is the ability to imagine an absent or really existing object, keep it in mind and mentally manipulate it.

Children's creativity differs from adult creativity in the subjective novelty of the children's product. creative activity. It is significant, expensive for the child himself and his immediate environment (family). Only sometimes it can have a social significance (exhibitions, etc.).Two concepts of word creation and speech creation should be distinguished.

word creation-appearance of new words in the child's speech.

Word creation is one of the most important features of the development of a child's speech. This phenomenon in our country was studied by many scientists - teachers, linguists, psychologists (N.A. Rybnikov, A.N. Gvozdev, T.N. Ushakova, etc.)

The facts collected by scientists show that the first years of a child's life are a period of enhanced word creation. At the same time, it turns out that some word-words are observed in the speech of very many babies. For example, “everyone”, “realistic”, etc. Others are found only in this particular child (“Mom, you are my little girl”) and other examples from the book by K.I. Chukovsky "From two to five".

What is this amazing ability of children to create new words? Why is it so difficult for adults to create words, while children delight, make us laugh and surprise us with sometimes unusual words?

The need for the child's word formation arises primarily as a desire to compensate for ignorance of a commonly used word or as a result of a situational need to designate content that does not have a one-word name in the language. Word creation allows the child at each stage speech development solve communicative problems with a deficit of speech experience.

How to explain word creation, along with the usual assimilation of speech patterns by children? Let's try to understand this issue.

First of all, let's see how word creation manifests itself in the speech of kids.

Here it would be appropriate to cite some observations of the psychologist T.N. Ushakova.

T.N. Ushakova identified three main principles by which children form new words.

1. "Shard words» - a part of a word is used by the child as a whole word.

For example:

  • We sculpted, sculpted, and it turned out “sculpt” (sculpts) (3g.6m.)
  • Grandma what is the "groin" here? (smell)
  • The dog jumped with a big "jump" (jump).

It is easy to understand how “splinter words” are obtained. Starting to speak, the child, as it were, pulls out the stressed syllable from the word.

2. Addition to the root of the word "alien" ending.

- "Purginki" (snowflakes). The blizzard is over, only purginki remain.

- “Raggedness” (hole) “I don’t see where the raggedness is on the blouse.”

- "Help" (help). "I'll dress myself without help."

- "Having" (one who has) "I have a toy."

- “Scary. "Don't talk about your fears."

Adding someone else's ending and suffix to a word is a very common way in children's word creation. These words sound especially peculiar - “purginki”, “kindness”, “cleverness”. We adults don't talk like that. But if you look closely, it is from us that children receive samples for creating such word-formations. Here, ultimately, the mechanism of imitation operates.

For example, "bitterness", "burota", etc. by analogy with words - deafness, tightness, etc.

“Cleverness” - “Bears are the first in intelligence” - by analogy with the word stupidity, etc.

It is interesting to add that children form new verbs by adding "foreign prefixes" For example:

We say - pour, dial, throw,

And the children say - “gurgle”, “peak” (“I already full belly pissed off!")

3. "Synthetic words"- a way in which one word is made up of two.

For example:

- "Vorunishka" (thief + liar)

- "Bananas" (banana + pineapple)

- "Tastes" - (delicious pieces)

- "Babyana" - (grandmother of the monkey)

That. word creation, as well as assimilation ordinary words native language, is based on the imitation of those speech stereotypes that children learn from the adults around them. In the child's dictionary there is necessarily a pattern according to which this word is built. A model for the "creation" of a new word can only be given - that, or it can be learned earlier, but it always exists. Word creation - natural way mastering the lexical richness of the native language by the child, the most effective way to comprehend the multitude of grammatical forms. Active word production testifies to the creative personality of the child. Therefore, children's word creation should be stimulated and encouraged, stimulated by children to come up with unique words, and not be considered a phenomenon that negatively affects the child. The careless, inattentive attitude of parents, adults to the speech of children is the reason for the end of any creativity.

Speech creativity is a manifestation of creativity in speech activity. This is the activity of the child to create new original speech patterns.

As a rule, speech creativity is typical for children of older preschool age.

Speech creativity includes retelling, writing, speech improvisation

Retelling - creative speech activity for processing and reproducing the main idea of ​​a literary work.

Writing -independent speech activity of the child to create a holistic literary text corresponding to the characteristics of the genre.

Speech improvisation -utterances constructed independently by the child in new situation with the active use of active speech skills. Here are the main indicators of a high level of development of speech creativity in children:

  • the presence of interest and need in this activity, a manifestation of emotional experience that accompanies the activity
  • ways of creative activity (the desire for transformation, independent search in solving the problem)
  • the quality of the product of children's creative speech activity (availability of expressive means)

At the age of five, the most favorable period for the development of all aspects and functions of speech begins in children. However, while working with children on the development of speech in the first month of their transition to the older group, I began to notice that the vocabulary that they had mastered in the middle group was little improved and even lost. At older preschool age, the speech activity of children during games and other independent activity reduced by 2-3 times compared to the previous stage.

Some researchers are inclined to look for the reason in the transition of external speech to internal speech taking place during this period. decline speech activity could not be considered a negative phenomenon if it were not for the fact that it is accompanied by a decrease in cases of explanatory speech (almost 2 times). And explanatory speech is the most complex in grammatical terms and perfect in lexical terms.

These changes, studied by Soviet psychologists-researchers Vygotsky, Lyublinskaya, Luria, showed that it is at this age that, along with difficulties in the development of children's speech, there are also positive aspects. In the fifth, and even more so in the sixth year of life, children begin to talk not only about what they see or hear directly, but also about what they think about, what they fear, what they expect. It is necessary to learn how to analyze children's statements and, depending on the results of the analysis, plan pedagogical work.

I built my work on the development of children's speech creativity in three stages:

1. Providing motivation for creative speech activity.

2. The accumulation of content for creative speech activity and the development of cognitive skills.

3. Development of figurative and speech skills (acquaintance with the ways of creating an artistic image).

Everyone knows the truth that coercion is the enemy of creativity.

The creative development of a child is possible only if there is a positive motivation.

The most powerful motive for a child is play. It is the game that allows the process of completing tasks, solving problem situations, to make it interesting, exciting, encouraging creativity.

Speech creativity is closely interconnected with the perception of literary works.

But the transition from perception to creativity is not done mechanically. The main factor that gives impetus to the development of speech creation is poetic hearing.

Speaking of poetic hearing, one must keep in mind not only poetry (verses).

All literary genres - poems, stories, fairy tales, riddles, etc. are a figurative reflection of the world in the artistic word. In addition to the general, each genre has its own specifics. Children should feel the specifics of each genre, distinguish the expressive means of the language (within the age), perceive them and then use them when creating their own creative compositions.

For the development of a child's poetic hearing, it is necessary to use the following methods:

  • acquaintance of children with works of art (both author's and folk), which will help them to more vividly imagine and feel the figurative language of riddles, fairy tales, stories, etc.
  • the use of word games-exercises that will expand children's knowledge about the artistic word, its emotional coloring in various contexts.
  • involving children in creative tasks - inventing comparisons, epithets, selecting rhymes, etc.

All work is carried out in a complex from simple to complex. Here are some examples of work on the development of speech creativity in preschoolers. Parents are also welcome to participate in this process.

In working with children, I try to constantly come up with something new to captivate this topic. Used the following methods:

  1. Creation of game situations.In the morning, when the children came to the garden, some surprise awaited them: magic thing(magic book, magic pencil, letter, miracle tree, magic flower, magic pencil, etc.), which contained a task for children about inventing words. For example: what would you call autumn and why? Children came up with words during the day, the best ones were recorded in an album.
  2. Introduction of competition elements, which usually took place between teams of boys and girls.
  3. Use of incentives.Anyone who came up with a lot of new interesting words during the day received an honorary title and a “Best Inventor” ribbon. In team competitions, the best representatives of the teams received the titles: “Princess (prince) of words” with crowns.

From the dictionary kind words» invented and collected by children:

What would you name your mother?

Mother - mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, darling, prilaskulechka, tsvetushka, pretty, dear, darling, beauty, flower-seven-color, merry, daryushenka, etc.

What is home for you?

House - little house, little house, little house, family man, human being, lover, papamamayashnik, etc.

1. Proverbs and sayings..

The peculiarity of proverbs and sayings is in the semantic versatility with brevity of presentation. They have a small text volume, but a large semantic load.

Task for children and parents: find Russian proverbs and sayings similar in meaning to foreign ones.

For example:

You can recognize a bird by its song (English) - You can see a bird by its flight (Russian)

Grain to grain and there will be a measure (Polish) - From the world on a thread - a naked shirt (Russian)


2. Riddles.

a) The simplest riddles of a descriptive nature.

They reinforce in children knowledge about the properties and qualities items, about various types of relationship between the purpose and description of the object, between the purpose and the material from which it is made, etc.

Approximate schemes for compiling riddles.


Which? What does it look like?

Round like a ball

Jumpy like a bunny

Ringing like cotton


What is he doing? What does it look like in terms of functionality?

Shines like a light bulb

Warm like the sun

Melts like ice

ping pong ball

What does it look like? What is the difference?

Like a pearl, but big

Like an egg, but not beating

Like hail but light


Cheerful, but not a clown

Kind, but not a mother,

Smart, but not a scientist.

2. 1 . Riddles - guess the last word.

For example:

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say random!

Well, of course …….

(leaf fall)

2.2. Riddles-teasers

Method of creation: We take an object, specify what it serves for, what it can do, etc. Then, using the suffix - lx - we turn words into teasers.

For example:

Bow - decorates hair, head. It must be treated with care, not dirty.

Not a loser, not a smudger, but a headdresser.

Book - a source of knowledge, develops mental abilities, it cannot be thrown, dirty, torn.

Not a scammer, not a thrower, but a brainwasher.

3. "Explainers".

3.1. Working with phraseological units.

Sound the alarm. Soar in the clouds. Everything in the hands is on fire, etc.

Children explain what they think these expressions mean. The teacher explains what this or that expression actually means. Children illustrate both explanations. So you can design a whole home-made book, and call it "Funny phrases."

3.2. ABC of important words

A DRES - it is important to know otherwise you will get lost.

B ABUSHKA - because she is the kindest and most affectionate.

IN ODA - because without it there is no life. etc. And so on for all the letters of the alphabet.

For each letter, children name many words that are important to them. They are again recruited for a whole book.

3.3 Our names.

The name of the child is taken and spelled out:


P - resolute

I - playful

N - tender

A - artistic

That. a whole album of "explainers" is typed with the names of all the children of the group.

You can come up with a great many such tasks yourself. It is important to remember that huge role in the development of children's speech creativity will always play the great attention that you will pay to each, even the most insignificant composition of any child. Write down their statements, stories, fairy tales, design books with them, newspapers for parents - this will significantly increase the child's self-esteem, increase his authority among his peers, create an atmosphere of success, and all this will give impetus to new creative manifestations of the child.

"Means of development of speech creativity in preschool children"


Akhmedeeva Raziya Mintagirovna,

educators GBOU secondary school (OTs) with. Shuttle Tops

structural unit of the kindergarten "Zorka"

Development problem creativity one of the most interesting. Most researchers of this problem agree that the origins of creativity lie in childhood and the creativity of the child is closely connected with the development of his imagination.

The relevance of this topic is due to the need of society for creative individuals who are able to act actively, think outside the box, find original solutions any problems in life.

The desire of children to write is as much an activity of the imagination as a game. Proof of this is the phenomenon of word creation, observed in children aged 2-5 years, the interest of children in writing activities. Fairy tales of little authors have a plot in which their desires, interests, experiences are clearly traced. These can be fairy tales about magical, healthy candies for teeth, about a small puppy or kitten, which was sheltered by a good fairy.

Speech creativity is a manifestation of creativity in speech activity. This is an independent activity of the child to create new original speech images. As a rule, speech creativity is typical for children of older preschool age. By the way a child builds his statement, how interesting, vividly, figuratively he can tell and compose, one can judge the level of his speech development and at the same time the level of his mental, aesthetic and emotional development. Therefore, the formation of the coherence of speech, the development of the ability to meaningfully and logically build a statement are one of the main tasks. speech education preschoolers. Speech in all its multiform diversity is necessary component communication in which it is formed. An important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication.

Speech is not inherited, the baby learns from experience speech communication in the adults around him, i.e., his mastery of speech is directly dependent on the environment of the child speech environment. Therefore, it is so important that at home and in kindergarten he heard the correct literate speech.

The development of speech creativity allows the child to take the position of an active creator - to invent unusual objects, compose his own fairy tales, psychologically liberate himself, and at the same time develop courage in fantasizing.

For the development of children's speech creativity, it is necessary to work to increase the levels of speech sociability, coherent speech, vocabulary, the grammatical structure of speech, the sound side of speech, practical awareness language elements. Educational tasks are solved during regime moments, in joint activities of children with a teacher, in independent activities of children.

Speech creativity - word creation, writing, retelling, speech improvisation.

Word creation - the emergence of new words in the child's speech.

Writing is an independent speech activity of a child to create a holistic literary text corresponding to the characteristics of the genre.

Retelling - creative speech activity for processing and reproducing the main idea of ​​a literary work

Speech improvisation - statements independently constructed by the child in a new situation with the active use of speech skills

Given the relationship between speech and cognitive development, it is necessary to develop a system of work on the development of speech creativity of preschoolers. In this system, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an optimal ratio of forms of work and content that correspond to the age of children and the problem. The system provides for close contact and interest of all participants in educational relations (teachers-children-parents). In educational activities are used creative tasks aimed at:

Clarification of understanding the meaning of figurative words and expressions with a figurative meaning;

Inventing stories with obligatory words (offer to come up with a story in which there are such characters - Masha, bicycle, bear, mushrooms, hare, candy).

Connection (contamination) of plots of works of different genres:

(“Salad from fairy tales” - in a fairy tale there are heroes from different fairy tales and their adventures depend on the imagination and creativity of children);

Inventing unusual endings for well-known fairy tales:

(“An old fairy tale in a new way” - come up with a fairy tale in which the fox could not eat the bun;

Come up with a fairy tale in which a giant pea grows instead of a turnip; storytelling old fairy tale helps children to look at familiar stories in a new way. They get used to the fact that the fox is cunning, the wolf is evil, Cinderella is hardworking. But sometimes it's good to break stereotypes. For example, a familiar fairy tale is taken as the basis, and children are invited to endow the main characters with opposite qualities. (“Suppose seven kids, angry and capricious, run away into the forest, and the wolf helps the goat find them”);

Considering the leading activity of preschoolers, the teacher needs to consider the selection of games and game exercises for organizing the activities of preschoolers aimed at developing speech creativity. These include word games: “Tell me a word”, “I will start, and you will finish”, “A chain of words”, “What does it look like?”, “Confusion”, “Relive the object”, “What would happen if ... ?

Theatrical games, dramatization games on the pages of famous fairy tales, excerpts from works contribute to the development of dialogic, emotionally rich speech, the assimilation of elements of speech communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Children better learn the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causation.

One of the means of developing the speech creativity of preschoolers is classes using works of fiction, folklore genres, art, which enrich the world of the child's emotional experiences, help him feel the artistic image and convey it in his writings. Special Requirements presented to the literary material - it should be a bright, visual-figurative standard of the speech culture of the people, contributing to the formation communicative culture children, intensive enrichment of the speech of preschoolers by means of expressiveness.

When reading, use musical accompaniment(excerpts from operas, ballets, symphonies, etc.). Children are invited to convey the nature of the musical image through movement, verbal description.

To increase interest in speech creativity, to develop the figurativeness of speech, such a technique as compiling homemade books of fairy tales and stories is used:

When creating a group book based on one fairy tale, a familiar fairy tale is taken as the basis, where children independently come up with different fairy-tale situations (who else could the bun meet);

The familiar cunning fox is endowed with new positive qualities and does good deeds;

Such work on the creative development of the content of books contributes to the acquaintance of children with various literature, increases their reader's interest, as well as the desire not only to find out what the book is about, but also how it is made, how the illustrations and text of the book are combined.

The use of multimedia games "Guess the riddle", "Compose a story", "Continue the fairy tale", "The fairy tale has come to visit us" helps children develop speech creativity, arouse interest in word creation.

They are aimed at developing the ability to build independent compositions in a logical sequence, using a variety of figurative words and expressions. .

Slides algorithm:

slide number

Actions and possible variant teacher's explanations

« New Year's adventures Santa Claus "- The teacher invites the children to compose the story" New Year's Adventures of Santa Claus "

The teacher invites the children to continue the fairy tale “The Gingerbread Man and the Mouse met on the forest path ...”

Tell a story using mnemotables

Solve the riddle using mnemotables

"Name the fairy-tale heroes and choose one for yourself"

"Where do you want him to live"

Question of the educator : Who will he invite? What will they do, what will they do? What happens if someone already lives there?

"Choose your location."

Question of the educator: Tell me, where will he live, stay? What will do? Why did you choose this particular place? Why do you say that? What interesting things can happen to him?

The smiling sun appears. Well done!

Speech in all its multi-species diversity is a necessary component of communication, in the process of which it is formed. An important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of emotional benefits

a pleasant situation that contributes to the emergence of a desire to actively participate in verbal communication.

Analysis of the real situation shows that in Lately the number of children with speech underdevelopment has increased. Speech disorders make communication difficult, negatively affect mental activity, leading to changes in emotional sphere child, limit the mastery of conceptual meanings and speech patterns.

Speech is not inherited, the baby adopts the experience of speech communication from the adults around him, that is, his mastery of speech is directly dependent on the speech environment surrounding the child. Therefore, it is so important that at home and in kindergarten he hears the correct literate speech.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is necessary condition solving problems of mental, aesthetic, moral education of children.

In the studies of domestic scientists, as well as teachers, and others, it is emphasized that preschool age is a period of active creative development of the child's personality as a whole, when all mental processes (perception, thinking, imagination) develop and improve, become arbitrary attention, memory, coherent speech is formed. Full knowledge of the Russian language at preschool age has a beneficial effect on the intellectual, moral and ethical, artistic and aesthetic development of children in sensitive period. The development of speech creativity allows the child to take the position of an active creator - to invent unusual objects, compose his own fairy tales, psychologically liberate himself, and at the same time develop courage in fantasizing.

The development of speech creativity should become the leading task of work on the development of coherent speech. The development of speech creativity is unthinkable without the development of imagination, which is closely related to the development of feelings.

The relevance of the research problem is determined unique opportunities preschooler in speech creativity, in particular, in the field of writing their own fairy tales, fables, however, for the formation of such creativity, it is necessary to create optimal conditions contributing to the most complete disclosure of the creative potential of the personality of a preschool child.

For the development of children's speech creativity, it is necessary to work to increase the levels of speech sociability, coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure speech, the sound side of speech, practical awareness of the elements of the language. Educational tasks are solved during regime moments, in joint activities of children with a teacher, in independent activities of children. The developed material is used, and it is also necessary to create a large number of new game situations.

It is necessary to organize the speech activity of the child in such a way that it is playful and entertaining, because only in this way can the child develop the ability to accurately and figuratively express his thoughts and feelings in the spoken word.

To achieve effectiveness in the development of speech creativity in our work, we create certain conditions:

In the role-playing game, the rapid and complete development of children's imagination takes place. We observe what the child plays, whether the plots are developed enough, whether their own findings and fantasies appear. If not, we play together with them, compose and invent together.

Children really like theatrical games and games - dramatizations. These games have a plot and role-playing action. In joint work with children we give comparative characteristics heroes, reveal features items that come to life in these games.

To stimulate the development of speech creativity, we form the search activity of children through the questions: “Why?”, “What will happen if ...?” Using the possibilities of vocabulary work.

In our work we use a system of exercises that provide for the enrichment of the vocabulary.

    Selection of definitions and epithets (what are mothers?) Recognition of objects by epithets (juicy, ripe, velvety - what is it?) Selection of actions for an object (how can you play?) Selection of an object for actions (What does a dog do?) Selection of circumstances. Selection of synonyms (big, huge ...) Finding missing words (the janitor took a broom, he ...) Distribution and addition of sentences (children go where? Why?) Compilation of sentences with a specific word.

In middle preschool age, we work out a model for making comparisons on the basis of color, shape, sound, taste. We form the ability of children to highlight the features of objects and compare them with the features of others, making comparisons on some basis.

Developing the ability to create your own puzzles. Composing riddles, children actively select comparisons of objects according to given characteristics.

We use Limericks (a form of short poem based on playing around with nonsense) of verbal creativity. As a rule, this poem consists of 5 lines, limericks do not imply strict rhyme and the 5th line is the result. For example: Once upon a time there was a snowman, red as a light. He flew to our kindergarten, and pecked the grains on the feeder. This is how we take care of the birds. In the process of becoming poems, children learn to draw conclusions, morality.

We also use games and creative tasks for the development of children's vocabulary and the development of ideas about the properties and characteristics of objects, the grammatical structure of speech, and observation.

A special place in the word-creation process is rightfully occupied by Russian folklore, or rather, one of its genres most beloved by children - a fairy tale.

Modern domestic researchers, as well as methodologists involved in teaching preschoolers creative storytelling, use a fairy tale as a model by which a child could come up with a similar version of a fairy tale (, etc.); teaching children the analysis of fairy tales - chains, they develop the ability to schematically use the basis of such fairy tales in their own writings (, N. Tamarchenko and others). Familiarity with fairy tales should be purposeful, consistent. For the development of the ability to compose fairy tales in middle-aged children, we, first of all, create the conditions: we decorate the corner in the appropriate style (fairy-tale theme); there are various types of theater available (planar, bibabo, finger and others), elements of the costumes of the "storyteller" and "storyteller"; fairy tale corner - books (books with fairy tales that children go through); albums with children's drawings for fairy tales composed by them (joint creativity with parents). All this is a favorable environment conducive to verbal creativity.

We use opportunities visual modeling(developing potential). The use of symbols, drawings, schematic drawings makes it possible to foresee possible results own actions.

Speech creativity includes: the formation and development of coherent speech. Connected with this is the ability of a preschooler to modify, transform, combine existing ideas in memory and create relatively new images and situations on this basis. This skill includes not only a certain stock of speech skills and abilities of children, but also involves the development of initial forms of creative imagination.

The child masters the techniques of word creation intuitively in the process of communicating with adults. Our task is to help the child in this endeavor.

In the task “Let's make a story together”, children creatively finish the story based on subject pictures. The use of visual models in the work on monologue speech allows us to successfully teach children how to compose a coherent speech statement, as well as how to compose a story according to plan.

Creation of favorable social - emotional conditions. We understand and accept the child on an emotional level. We understand the problem. We create conditions for the child to grow. We create a sense of security in the child when he knows that his speech creative manifestations not evaluated negatively. The creation of psychological conditions helps the child to be relaxed and free due to the support of adults of his creative endeavors. We do not limit children in choosing the means of expressing themselves in creativity, since creativity is a spontaneous process that needs to be supported.

We involve parents in our work with children: we offer parents folders - sliders “Speech as a means of communication”.

In order to acquaint parents on this topic: we expose manuals, materials, literature, so that parents can clearly see what we use in regime moments to make them want to take part in our activities.

Together with parents we hold master classes, where we tell parents about games, their production, the rules of the game, so that parents and their children make games at home and play these games.

We conduct consultations for parents on the development of speech creativity, where we tell parents how to consolidate the material at home.

Parent meetings are held with elements gaming activity children on this topic.

We design information stands to supplement the information available to parents.

Reviews - competitions.

We invite a psychologist, a speech therapist to parent meetings, so that they tell from their point of view knowledge about this topic.

We carry out monitoring in order to assess the individual development of the child, associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further" width="624" height="468 id=">.jpg" width="600" height="800 id=">. jpg" width="456" height="632 id=">.jpg" width="624" height="468 id=">.jpg" width="624" height="468 id=">.jpg" alt="PA220522.JPG" width="624" height="468 src=">.jpg" width="621" height="466 id=">планирования. Цель нашего мониторинга: усвоение детьми обобщенных способов составления рассказов по !} plot pictures, thereby the development of speech creativity. The monitoring uses Toolkit, "Composing children's creative stories based on a plot picture."

For the development of speech creativity, painstaking daily, systematic work is necessary both with the whole group and individually. It is necessary to teach children to compose creative stories, compose fairy tales, riddles, so that they get satisfaction from all the work. Only systematic work will make their stories meaningful, fairy tales amazing, riddles unusual.

Theme of the manual: "A fairy tale has come to visit us."

Age target group: middle preschool.

The purpose of the manual: To promote the development of verbal creativity of children of middle preschool age, using the algorithm for composing a fairy tale.

Objectives of the grant:

The development of monologue speech, the ability to speak coherently. Enrichment of children's vocabulary, raising their interest in the word, love for their native language and pride in its richness. Promoting the development of such mental processes as perception, creative thinking, creative imagination, memory. The development of a child's sense of self-confidence, in their abilities, the realization of their capabilities. Development of the child's creative potential. Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher.


The story has ancient roots in human history and culture. "A fairy tale is a narrative work about fictional persons and events involving magical, fantastic persons." (,). At present, the fairy tale, like many other values ​​of traditional culture, has noticeably lost its purpose. But it is the fairy tale that plays an important role in the spiritual enrichment of preschoolers, it contributes to the laying of ethical and aesthetic feelings, the development of speech creativity. Children meet with a fairy tale in books, in cinema, theater, on a television screen. They forget about everything and plunge into the lives of heroes. Children draw a lot of amazing knowledge from fairy tales: the first ideas about time and space, about connection and space, about the connection of man with nature, with the objective world; in a fairy tale, brilliant examples of the native language appear - all this is a necessary and favorable material for writing one's own fairy tales. It is known that teaching children creative storytelling is a gradual and rather complex process. It is most successful under the guidance of teachers who help them master through the game.

Slides algorithm:

slide number

Actions and a possible version of the teacher's explanations

Name of the game: "A fairy tale has come to visit us."

"Name the fairy-tale heroes and choose one for yourself"

On the slide are different heroes from fairy tales: a gingerbread man, a fox, Mashenka, a bear.

Question of the educator: In what fairy tales did these heroes meet?

The child is asked to choose one character.

Question of the educator: Describe what it will be like? What actions will he take? What can he do?

"Where do you want him to live"

Pictures appear - dwellings: a castle, a hut, a modern house, a hole.

The child is invited to choose where his character will live.

Question of the educator: Whom will he invite to visit? What will they do, what will they do? What happens if someone already lives there?

"Choose your location."

Pictures of the place of residence appear: forest, city, village, river bank.

The child is asked to choose a habitat for his fairy tale hero.

Question of the educator: Tell me, where will he live, stay? What will do? Why did you choose this particular place?

:? Why do you say that? What interesting things can happen to him?

Children with different emotions appear on the slide: joyful, sad, cheerful, angry.

Question of the educator: Did you like to write a fairy tale? Choose what mood you are in.

The smiling sun appears. Well done! Or a funny smiley.


This article discusses the problems of developing the features of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age. The characteristic features of the development of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age are analyzed. In order to identify the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, a study was conducted for children of senior preschool age. The research highlights three main areas of development of psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of speech of preschoolers, improving the content and methods of teaching the native language: 1. structural (the formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical); 2. functional (formation of language skills in its communicative function - development of coherent speech, speech communication); 3. cognitive, cognitive (formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech). The theoretical study of the problem of the development of speech creativity and the conduct of experimental work revealed and substantiated that folklore is a successful means of developing the speech creativity of children.

features of the development of speech creativity


1. Alekseeva, M.M., Speech development of preschoolers / M.M. Alekseva, V.I. Yashin - M.: Academy, 2006. -159 p.

2. The development of speech in preschool children / Ed. F. Sokhin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. -223 p.

3. Folk pedagogy and education / Ed.-compiler: Shirokova E.F., Filippova Zh.T., Leiko M.M., Shuvalova M.N. - Barnaul: BSPU, 2006. - 49 p.

4. Folk art in the education of children / Ed. T.S. Komarova. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. -256 p.

5. Ushakova O. Speech development in children 4–7 years old // Doshk. upbringing. - 1995. - No. 1. – P.59–66.

The problem of the development of speech creativity in the education system of children is currently attracting the attention of psychologists, teachers, linguists. Society constantly feels the need for creative individuals who are able to act actively, think outside the box, and find original solutions in any life situations.

Mastering the skills of creative productive speech activity by children contributes to the development of the child's fantasy and imagination; memory and attention, the development of perception; activation and enrichment of vocabulary, while improving the structure of speech and pronunciation; the norms of constructing a sentence and the whole text are assimilated, as well as the activation of mental and speech activity.

The child adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him, i.e., the mastery of speech directly depends on his environment of the speech environment. For this, it is important that the child hears the correct and competent speech.

Speech creativity is an independent speech activity of children in building coherent statements, creating their own speech structures.

This problem disclosed in the works of: Vygotsky L.S. "Imagination and creativity in childhood" reveals data on the psychological nature of imagination and creativity, the mechanism of creative imagination, and the zone of proximal development. About the features of the speech creativity of children - in the works of L.R. Anosova, V.A. Sokhina, A.G. Tambovtseva, O.S. Ushakova and others.

Research by psychologists, educators, linguists created the prerequisites for integrated approach to solving problems of speech development of preschoolers (Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N., Rubinstein S.L., Elkonin D.B., Zaporozhets A.V., Leontiev A.A., Shcherba L.V., Peshkovsky A.A., Gvozdev A.N., Vinogradov V.V., Ushinsky K.D., Tikheeva E.I., Flerina E.A., Sokhin F.A.) and others.

The research highlights three main areas of development of psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of the speech of preschoolers, improving the content and methods of teaching the native language:

1. structural (formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

2. functional (formation of language skills in its communicative function - development of coherent speech, speech communication);

3. cognitive, cognitive (formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech). All three areas are interconnected, since the development of awareness of linguistic phenomena is included in the problems of all studies that study different sides speech development of preschoolers.

In order to identify the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, a study was conducted at the MBDOU "Center for the Development child-kindergarten No. 82 "Michaer", Yakutsk. In the experiment, we examined 10 children of senior preschool age.

have been selected and used diagnostic techniques authors O.S. Ushakova and E.M. Strunina: 1. diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers; 2. diagnostics to identify the level of development of figurative speech in children of senior preschool age and 3. make up a story.

The study found that 40% of children low level development of speech creativity. The child is silent or gives monosyllabic answers, there is a need for constant activation of speech utterances. The expressiveness of speech is weak emotional coloring.

The opposite result obtained from the analysis of experimental data is average level development of speech creativity, this was found in 50% of children. The statements are accurate, but not well reasoned; when interpreting, the speech is not expanded, it is focused on the standard, the sample. Speech is emotionally colored.

A high level of development of speech creativity was shown in 10% of children. Children's statements are accurate, complete, informative, well-reasoned. Free interpretation of artistic images. The speech of the child is colored intonation, supported by facial expressions, movements, gestures.

For the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, we used folklore.

Folklore is the collective artistic creativity of the people. All lullabies, nursery rhymes, pestles are permeated with warmth and love. Artworks folk art, especially small forms, affect the development of children's speech: they enrich the vocabulary, develop the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, provide samples for compilation descriptive stories.

Folklore is not only the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech, but also plays a huge role in educating preschoolers' interest in their native speech. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech. K. I. Chukovsky in the book “From two to five” said that “all kinds of folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles, which are the favorite mental food of preschoolers, best introduce the child to the basics of folk speech.

For the formation of different structural levels of the children's language system, the Yakut riddles were used: “өrүutun urguk, kuruutun kuttas baar uһu” (kuobakh), “Iһiger bylas muostaakh kiirbit” (Alaa Mo5us) and others. The children themselves came up with their own riddles after listening to the Yakut fairy tales “Kuobakh” and “Khabarata emehsin wanna Alaa Mo5us”. With their help, children's speech has become more saturated with words denoting all parts of speech, children make their first attempts at arbitrary use of grammatical means, begin to form words on their own, choosing the right suffix and they have the ability to control their speech, the semantic side of speech develops: generalizing words appear, synonyms, antonyms, there is a choice of exact, suitable expressions.

For the formation of language skills in its communicative function, the Yakut folk tales "Kuobakh", "Khabarata emehsin wanna Alaa Mo5us" were used. After listening to fairy tales, it was noticeable that children understand what they read well, answer questions about the content and are able to retell a fairy tale, they are also able to build a story based on a series of pictures, outlining the plot, culmination and denouement, they begin to actively use various types of word connections within a sentence, while observing its structure.

For the formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech of children, the Yakut proverbs were used: “Kuttas onnoo5or beyetin kulugutten kuttanar”, “Otonnootokhkho onoooyuk tuolar” and others. We came to the conclusion that children are able to clearly pronounce difficult sounds, their auditory perception improves and phonemic hearing develops, the semantic side of speech develops.

The correct selection of nursery rhymes helps to establish contact with the child, arouse in him a sense of sympathy. With the help of folk songs, nursery rhymes, you can educate children in a positive attitude towards routine moments: washing, combing, eating, dressing, going to bed. Acquaintance with folk amusement expands the horizons of children, enriches their speech, forms an attitude to the world around them. Familiarization of children with folklore and its everyday use both in regime moments and in play activities develops the child's oral speech, his fantasy and imagination, influences spiritual development, and teaches certain moral standards.

Repeated diagnostics showed that the level of formation of speech creativity in children of older preschool age has increased. A high level was shown by 50%, an average by 40% and a low level by 10% of children.

Thus, theoretical study problems of the development of speech creativity and the conduct of experimental work made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

The development of speech creativity of older preschool children is the ability to build and create their own coherent statements, caused by the perception of works of oral folk art, stimulating the use of various expressive language means by children, conveying the child's impressions of artistic information;

Folklore is a successful means of developing children's speech creativity. In the process of shaping the development of speech creativity in children of older preschool age, it is effective to use the principle of enriching the motivation of speech activity in the work: to specifically select riddles, fairy tales, folk games: selection of folklore works, interesting and accessible in content, apply step by step methodology, which ensures the development of artistic perception, the development of the means of speech creativity.

Thus, the formation of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age is an important pedagogical problem. In the course of the study, we solved three main directions for the development of psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of preschoolers.

Bibliographic link

Ivanova P.E., Makarova T.A. PECULIARITIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CREATIVITY IN CHILDREN OF THE OLDER PRESCHOOL AGE // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2017. - No. 4-9 .;
URL: (date of access: 02/26/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


A fairy tale enters a person's life from early childhood. From a fairy tale, the baby begins to get acquainted with the world of literature, with the world of relationships and with the world around him as a whole. Fairy tales teach children to distinguish between fiction and reality, set moral standards, present multifaceted images of their heroes, leaving room for imagination and fantasy.

A fairy tale is a beneficial source for children's creativity. The fairy tale enriches the feeling and thought of the child, awakens his imagination. In the process of composing fairy tales by preschoolers, speech creativity is actively developing.

Creative storytelling is built on a special psychological basis- children's imagination. The child, writing a fairy tale, needs to make an analysis of the fairy tale plots known to him in his mind, and then creatively synthesize a new phenomenon: new composition, images of fairy-tale heroes, the circumstances of their lives, and in order to convey a fairy-tale story to the viewer, a child must have a rich vocabulary and the ability to build a contextual statement. Writing a fairy tale, the child goes to high level mental development - the development of abstract thinking.

Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. And not only cognizes, but also responds to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude to good and evil. In the fairy tale, the first ideas about justice and injustice are drawn. The fairy tale activates the child's imagination, makes him empathize and internally contribute to the characters. As a result of this empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, new knowledge. emotional attitude to the environment: to people, objects, phenomena. Fairy tales allow you to develop creativity, fantasy, imagination of the child. In the very nature of a fairy tale, there are opportunities for the development of flexibility and originality of thinking.

In the process of composing fairy tales by preschoolers, speech creativity is actively developing. Writing is an expression of thoughts, emotions and feelings. The word composition itself comes from the word chin, repair and means invention, inventing, creating something. Writing fairy tales is an exercise for the development of coherent speech, the ability to construct a text. The process of writing fairy tales and stories by preschoolers is very milestone in the formation of monologue speech skills in children. In monologue speech, it is necessary to use the whole variety of simple and complex syntactic constructions of the literary language, which make the speech coherent.

The relevance of the topic of this project:

A special role in preparing for school is played by the verbal creativity of children: writing fairy tales, stories, inventing stories; figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions.

Objective of the project:

The development of speech creativity, coherent monologue speech in children of senior preschool age in the process of composing texts of fairy-tale content.

Project objectives:

  • introduce the classification of a fairy tale and its composition;
  • to acquaint with the algorithm for compiling texts of fabulous content; encourage children to independent creation texts of fairy tales based on the algorithm;
  • to teach children to connect randomly selected objects into a single storyline, to compose fairy tales based on various games and exercises;
  • development of thinking (logical, creative, analytical), imagination;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • to cultivate in preschoolers a cognitive interest in the artistic word, works of children's literature and folk art, in their own writing.

Project participants: children, parents, educators.

Expected result:

  • Build a sustainable interest in Russians folk tales, foreign fairy tales and literary creativity different peoples peace.
  • Build an interest in your own writing.
  • Design of handwritten books of fairy tales composed by children.

    Main part

    Forms of work within the framework of the project

    Joint activities of children with a teacher

    Independent activity of children

    Interaction between parents and teachers

    Games and exercises for the development of speech

    Looking at and reading books

    fabulous content

    Advice for parents

    Lliterary drawing rooms, quizzes, conversations

    WITHlistening to a recording of reading fairy tales by masters of the artistic word,

    Joint creativity in productive types activities

    Theatrical games

    Dramatization games

    Visiting parents open classes on the development of children's speech creativity.

    Productive activities

    productive activity

    Stages of work in teaching preschoolers to compose fairy tales

    Composing essays includes several stages based on visual, verbal and practical teaching methods:

    • III stage. composing a fairy tale

    I stage. Preparatory work with kids

    Goal: develop children's imagination, expand the stock of knowledge and information about surrounding reality, vocabulary enrichment.

    1. Acquaintance of children with new fairy tales, rhymes, proverbs, jokes, riddles, consolidation of the previous stock of folklore works. Reading, storytelling, conversations, looking at pictures. During the conversation, the following tasks are offered:

    Come up with new names for famous fairy tales. For example, the fairy tale "Mitten": " knitted house for friends", "In cramped conditions, but not offended",

    Statement of a problematic question of a search nature: “Why, why, and if, always?” (e.g. "And if the ogre had not turned into a mouse, how would the puss in boots be the winner?"),

    Tasks: “Compare fairy-tale characters”, “Tell about your favorite fairy-tale character” teach preschoolers to describe their appearance and character fairy tale characters.

    2. Exercises for the development of children's vocabulary:

    Inventing epithets. Children come up with epithets that characterize a particular character in a fairy tale. To do this, you need to remember and say what he is, to find the most accurate and expressive words. Didactic games and exercises: “Tell me which one”, “How else can you say about the hero?”.

    Making comparisons. This task helps to develop associative links. Didactic games and exercises: “What does it look like?”, “Think up and say”.

    Reception of word changes. This technique helps children to feel the difference in shades of words. Didactic games: “Change the word”, “Chain of words”.

    Finding synonyms and antonyms for words. Didactic games “Say the opposite”, “Choose a similar word”.

    3. Compilation with children of stories of a descriptive and narrative nature, stories by imagination. When compiling narrative stories based on a series of plot pictures, logical exercises must be included in the classes:

    Arrangement of pictures in a logical, temporal sequence;

    • restoration of a specially missed link;
    • inventing the content of an additional picture at the beginning or end of the series;
    • didactic games “Build a logical chain”, “What is it for”, “What kind of fairy tale is this from?”, the use of diagram cards to build the plot of a fairy tale.

    When teaching how to compose descriptive stories on subject pictures or objects, much attention is paid to examining, highlighting qualities, features, details, structural features, material, and color. A visual support is a plan-scheme for compiling a story-description.

    Imagination stories (creative) are the most difficult type of work on teaching coherent speech, which include:

    Inventing the end or beginning of a finished story;

    Compilation of stories and fairy tales by analogy with small literary works;

    according to base plans.

    4. Introduce children:

  • With the classification of fairy tales (tales about animals, household, magical);

    Building a fairy tale plot (composition of a fairy tale: saying, beginning, plot, development of the action, climax, ending);

    The characteristic features of the fairy tale genre (metaphorical, allegory, fantastic fiction, humanization of animals, plants, the presence magic items and etc.).

    II stage. Productive creative activity of children

    Purpose: to teach to reflect the emotional attitude of the child to works of art through modeling, drawing, designing, making attributes for dramatization.

    After getting acquainted with the fairy tale, children should be invited to do something: cut, glue, depict with a diagram, show an episode from the fairy tale using facial expressions, gestures, perform illustrations for the fairy tale on the topic (for example, “My favorite hero”, “ golden egg Hens Ryaba”, “Gingerbread Man and Bunny”).

    III stage. composing a fairy tale

    1. Forms of work on writing a fairy tale:

    Collective (one child comes up with what happened to the characters before, the other describes the events depicted in the picture, the third - the subsequent actions, the actions of the heroes, how their adventures ended);


    In a couple;

    Individual (inventing your own fairy tale).

    The writing of a fairy tale first takes place collectively, then, when the children learn the algorithm for compiling a fairy tale ( see Appendix No. 1), the composition becomes individual.

    2. Methods of working with older preschoolers in teaching to compose fairy tales:

    - “tracing-paper fairy tale” (according to the scheme of a well-known fairy tale, a new one is created, similar in meaning, but with different characters, actions, details, this is not a copy of a well-known fairy tale, but only a borrowing of its modeling of fairy tales),

    Tales with a new ending

    Familiar heroes in new circumstances

    fairy tale collage,

    Fairy tales in a new way, “distorting” fairy tales (for example, “Three Bears”: “Three bears got lost and got to the girl’s house. There was no one at home, how did the bears behave?”),

    Mixed tales,

    experiments in fairy tales,

    colored fairy tales,

    Tales from transformations

    random tales,

    environmental stories,

    Tales from riddles, proverbs, counting rhymes, poems.

    (see Appendix No. 2).

    The use of modeling and symbolism in teaching storytelling. To develop the ability to “record” a fairy tale (schematization), draw up a model of it, the ability to highlight the most important thing in a work, to depict such reference signals by which you can reproduce a familiar fairy tale or come up with a new one ( see Appendix No. 1).

    Co-creation techniques - a child composes a fairy tale, and an adult (teacher or parent) writes it down. Then the content of the tale is framed in homemade book. They contain stories written by children. The children themselves illustrate their content. Children show fiction, imagination when designing a cover, illustrations for a fairy tale.

    IV stage. Playing out the plot of a fairy tale

    Purpose: to develop creative abilities in staging, dramatization, theatrical games and other types of performing activities based on familiar fairy tales ( see Appendix No. 3).

    V stage. Joint activities with parents

    Purpose: to bring parents to an understanding of the importance of developing verbal creativity and imagination in children; development of creativity and independence in the process of compiling texts of fairy-tale content.

    Consultations for parents (“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”, “Composing fairy tales with children”, “Features of the development of coherent speech in preschool children”, “Education with a fairy tale”), on which the tasks of this work are explained in detail, recommendations are given (see Appendix No. 4).

    Attendance by parents of open classes on the development of children's speech creativity.

    Writing fairy tales with children at home, designing books together with parents.

    Exhibitions of joint creativity of parents and children.


    The world does not stand still, it is constantly evolving. Not children are under us, but we, adults, must adapt to them, keep up with them, with the times, so writing fairy tales does not have to be based on Russian folk or literary ones. Children watch modern cartoons of a fabulous nature, colorful, bright, which also carry the concepts of goodness and justice, where evil is defeated, and bad deeds are always with a minus sign; with memorable characters, positive, kind, smart.

    On the basis of cartoons, toys are produced in the form of characters that children love. Naturally, loving parents buy them such toys. And children enjoy playing them, alone, with mom or dad, or with peers. Consequently, they come up with, compose stories for such games. Here is an example: a preschool child (6 years old) composed a fairy tale in which the hero was the mysterious Om-Nyam, an animal similar to a frog, who loves sweets very much.


    Once upon a time there was a cat Chocolate with kittens. Their names were Candy and Marmalade. The kittens were playing ball in the clearing.

    Marmalade accidentally hit the Dinosaur with the ball. The dinosaur got angry and turned his magic wand Marmalade into an incomprehensible beast.

    Mama Chocolate wept bitterly. Here Om-Nyam passed by. This is a cheerful frog who loves sweets very much, various candies. Om-Nyam asked the mother cat why she was crying. Chocolate spoke about her grief.

    Kind Om-Nyam treated an incomprehensible beast with his magic candy, and a miracle happened! An incomprehensible beast turned into Marmalade. Mom Chocolate gave a lot of sweets to Om Nom. Everyone began to play ball in the clearing together.

    The main thing in writing fairy tales with children is to introduce the composition of a fairy tale: the plot, the development of the action, the climax, the ending, and the fact that a fairy tale always brings good, good triumphs over evil, everything ends well. From here, baby joyful emotions, a positive attitude towards life (it is better to be kind than evil), persistent moral principles. And on the basis of what fairy tales (Russian folk, literary, foreign or based on modern cartoons) to compose a fairy tale is the child's choice. Our goal, as teachers, is the formation of coherent monologue speech, the ability to convey our opinion, thought through correct oral speech.

    Thus, by implementing this project on writing fairy-tale texts with preschoolers, the following results are expected:

    • development of verbal creativity using all components of the speech system (lexical, grammatical, phonetic);
    • the ability to compose texts of fairy-tale content based on an algorithm, create your own compositions based on a proposed or independently compiled plot, combine different fairy tales with the inclusion of new characters and their characteristics, link randomly selected objects into a single storyline;
    • expanding the knowledge of pupils about books, classification and composition of fairy tales;
    • vocabulary enrichment with words with figurative meaning, synonyms and antonyms;
    • development of the ability to depict the artistic image of fairy-tale characters through the use of expressive means of language (verbal and non-verbal).

      Application No. 1

      Algorithm for compiling a fairy tale

      • Choice of main character
      • Determination of his character, motives and purpose of actions
      • Selecting Interaction Objects
      • Description of the actions of the protagonist, which he performs to achieve the goal. Consistent recording of changes that occur to him when interacting with other objects, a description of the reaction of these objects.
      • Summing up the result of the changes in the hero (heroes) and deriving life rules.
      • Coming up with a name for the resulting story.

      Schematically, the algorithm of the fairy tale looks like this:

      M - G - X - S - P - N

      X - character

      C - case

      P - life rule (morality in the form of a proverb or saying)

      N - the name of the fairy tale

      Reference signals (“Propp Maps”):

      “the hero's absence from home” (a symbolic designation is a road going into the distance);

      “prohibition” (symbolic designation - exclamation mark);

      “violation of the prohibition” (symbolic designation - a crossed-out exclamation mark);

      “trouble, task” (symbolic designation - a question mark);

      “meeting with the enemy and his supernatural power” (symbolic designation - bared wolf's mouth);

      “meeting with a friend” (symbolic designation - outstretched hand (help);

      “transformation” (symbolic designation - a small square with an arrow pointing to a larger circle);

      “search for the path” (symbolic designation - compass);

      “chase” (symbolic designation - running man);

      “deception” (symbolic designation - mask),

      “reception by the hero of a magical gift” (symbolic designation - key);

      “battle with the enemy” (symbolic designation - two crossed balls);

      “punishment” (symbolic designation - whip);

      “victory” (symbolic designation - the Latin letter V);

      In his works “Morphology of a fairy tale” and “Transformation of fairy tales”, Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp talks about the results of a study of many fairy tales. The author notes that all plots of fairy tales are based on the same actions of their characters, which he calls “functions”. The total number of functions according to Propp is thirty-one. According to the method of V.Ya. Propp, each “function” is clearly presented in the form of an illustration or diagram on separate maps. Their different connection and different sequence of arrangement makes it possible to invent an infinite number of fairy tales.

      Such a huge number of functions will not be clear to a preschool child, therefore, in working with preschoolers, you can use the fourteen most commonly used functions in children's fairy tales described above.

      Application №2

      Exercises to prepare children for writing fairy tale texts

      Finish the fairy tale

      Purpose: development of the ability to logically complete a story, the ability to comprehend what is perceived and correctly complete a thought, activate vocabulary.

      The teacher offers the child the simplest plot of several sentences. For example: how the boy Styopa went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. Then the teacher asks to complete the tale in accordance with its meaning. If there are difficulties, you can help him leading questions: What did the boy see? What did he collect? What could happen to him in the forest? Who could help Styopa get out of the forest?

      You can have a competition different options end of the fairy tale.

      Composition based on a series of pictures

      aim given task- help to see the colorfulness, brightness of the images created in the picture; to form the ability to correctly select verbs and adjectives to characterize characters; to teach the baby to build a plot in a logically correct sequence, to characterize the place and time of action - this should contribute to the development of imagination and creative thinking child.

      Collective composition

      Children offer a theme, heroes of a fairy tale, an adult deals with the plot, involving children in its development. The presence of several participants at once makes the composition of a fairy tale more diverse, interesting, and its content complete and deep. If you involve other adults, it will only enrich the game. In the process of joint activity, the child receives visual representation about what it means to invent a fairy tale in stages. The game teaches him to compose phrases more clearly and thoughtfully, because the other participant must understand him in order to come up with his own continuation. First, offer to come up with a name for the fairy tale, heroes, tell what they will be like, describe their appearance, mood. Then the fairy tale is “assembled” from children's answers to your questions: “Where does the fairy tale begin? How will events develop? (what happens next?) What will be the most poignant moment? Which one is the most interesting, funny? How will the fairy tale end? Participants express their answers-continuations in a chain, one after another. Changing questions in the process of composing a fairy tale activates the attention of children.


      Invite the child to "revive" the fairy tale: come up with costumes, develop the behavior of the characters in accordance with their characters, think over the facial expressions, gestures, intonation of each character. The purpose of this task is to activate creative attitude by the way. Creative comprehension should manifest itself in the ability to transform a verbal fairy-tale image into a dramatic one.

      Story about a specific character

      The plot of many fairy tales is built on the basis of various actions of a character who travels a path (performs actions) with a specific goal. At the same time, it interacts with other objects: overcomes obstacles, solves problems, changing itself and changing the environment. If, according to the plot of a fairy tale, the hero solves creative problems when interacting with the environment, has a specific goal, changes himself, draws conclusions from life lessons, then his actions lead to positive result. The child tells the story in the first person as a fictional character. At first, an adult can offer the kid his version of a fairy tale or its approximate plan: you need to think about which character to choose (good or evil, lazy or hardworking, etc.); determine its nature, motives and goals of actions; decide in what situation to place it (selection of the scene of action); describe the actions of the main character to achieve the goal (the hero wanted to achieve something and as a result ...). Then the conclusion is summed up: how has the hero changed? For the resulting fairy tale, a name is invented.

      Fairy tale on a given topic

      The child is invited to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic. This will require him to be able to act according to a given plan, to act within the proposed circumstances. Sometimes this approach makes the task easier: you just need to substitute words or sentences that are suitable in meaning, but sometimes it can be very difficult to match someone else's plan. Sample Algorithm compositions of the fairy tale "The Adventures of a Kitten". The adult asks the child questions leading to the description of the main character: “What kind of kitten is this? What words can be said about him? What is the kitten's coat like? What are his ears, paws? You can guess a riddle about him. Then the child performs the following tasks: “Come up with a sentence about a kitten so that it contains the word fluffy (cowardly, cautious). Think about what you can compare our hero. Tell me what he can do. Come up with a sentence so that it contains the words “jumping”, “white”, etc. Thus, the kid is gradually preparing material for a fairy tale on the theme "The Adventures of a Kitten". Now he can, using the sentences and phrases he invented, describe the character of the hero, tell how the kitten was going for a walk, what interesting things he saw, what happened to him, how it all ended. When setting the theme of a fairy tale, formulate it in such a way that it emotionally sets the baby up for composing a fairy tale (already in the topic itself, a fairy-tale hero or a fairy-tale situation can be suggested). The result can be interesting if inanimate objects are used as a hero - for example, a bed or a bag.

      Tale of toys

      Choose toys for the fairy tale, for example, a cat and a mouse, and start telling, accompanying the words with a show of actions: “Once upon a time fluffy cat(you definitely need to stroke the pussy, showing her fluffy fur), the cat found out that the mouse in her house made a mink for herself (show the cat's imaginary house and the mouse in the mink). Here she began to guard her. The cat steps softly with fluffy paws, it is not audible at all. The mouse ran out for a walk, ran away from the mink. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab her. Yes, it was not there! The dexterous mouse darted into its hole. Then invite the baby to think about what toys he would like to talk about. In the process of completing such a task, the child’s dictionary is activated (he more actively uses those words that he already knows, but does not yet use in his speech), coherent speech develops: the child selects the necessary definitions, forming the appropriate grammatical form of the adjective, and builds on the same vocabulary material connected statement. Answering questions, he draws attention to the characteristic features of the appearance of toys (color, shape, material), selects comparisons, definitions.

      Fairy tale on a free theme

      This genre is the pinnacle of the child's verbal creativity. He must independently come up with the name of the fairy tale, the characters, the conditions for the action of the heroes, the action itself: the beginning, the climax, the ending. The child learns to use his life experience, to convey it in a coherent narrative. He develops the ability to clearly, clearly, consistently express his thoughts. The task of the teacher is to create emotional mood, give impetus to creative imagination.

      Application №3

      Game "Storytellers": used different kinds theater (goal: to teach children to compose new fairy tales using game exercises):

      - “New property” (reception in relation to familiar fairy tales, for example, a bun not from dough, but from straw).

      Analysis of the situation and resources (how the hare will drive the fox away; how the gingerbread man can hide from the animals).

      - "Introduction of a new object in the name of a fairy tale" (a wolf, seven kids and a computer).

      - "Changing the fairy tale denouement"

      Game exercises “Interview with a fairy-tale hero”, “Conversation of wonderful friends”: it is necessary to teach children to build a dialogue grammatically correctly.

      Exercises for the development of attention, imagination, movement:

      • carry a very "heavy" suitcase;
      • reach for a high-hanging apple, pick it, bite it, it
      • pass the rope to each other, saying the word "snake";
      • “met a friend” (smiled);
      • “surprised” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide);
      • “we know how to dissemble” (they blink with their right, then with their left eyes).

      These exercises allow children to learn how to switch from one movement to another, understand the shades in the facial expression of the hero of a fairy tale, better convey his character, and contribute to the development of creativity and imagination.

      Application No. 4

      Consultation for parents "Composing fairy tales with children"

      Purpose: education of parents and participants educational process on the topic "Working with a fairy tale at home".

      The game is the leading activity of a preschooler, a fairy tale for a child is a game, magic. Through the use of fairy tales, the perception, thinking, speech, and creative abilities of the child develop. The maximum realization of the child's capabilities is achieved in the form of games, reading fairy tales, writing them, playing fairy tales, etc.

      By identifying himself with some fairy-tale character, the child gives vent to his own experiences, fantasies, changes his attitude to a difficult situation for him. Through fairy-tale characters, the child learns to show tolerance.

      Children correctly assess and change their behavior if they are not reproached and condemned, if they are not punished for every misconduct, but in a calm voice, without edification, they tell a fairy tale in which, as in every good fairy tale, "good fellows have a lesson".

      The structure of the story:

      1. Composition (reading) of a fairy tale, story, its discussion.

      2. A drawing of a passage that is more filled in for the child.

      Or, on the contrary, make a drawing, and then come up with a story for it. What the child will do first is not important, the end result is important.

      3. Dramatization of a fairy tale (story), role playing.

      1. Try to compose a fairy tale about household items. Both positive and negative characters must be present.

      1. "An old fairy tale in a new way." In a fairy tale familiar to a child, the main characters are endowed with opposite qualities.
      2. "An Unusual Tale" For example: Start with simple questions: "Do you think the hares are brave or cowardly?"; “What color is their fur in winter?”. And then proceed to composing the fairy tale itself: “I was once told about an unusual hare, whose fur was black, and he was not afraid of anyone .... “Next, offer the child to continue the fairy tale.

Speech creativity as a type of children's creative activity

verbal creativity as a kind of child's creative activity

Zheleznyakova Tamara Vitalievna,

master student of the department of preschool education of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

Based on a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the article gives an idea of ​​children's creative activity, including speech. The conditions conducive to the formation and improvement of the speech creativity of preschool children are disclosed.

Keywords:speech creativity, creative activity, imagination, speech forms.

keywords:verbal creativity, creative activity, imagination, forms of speech.

For many decades, scientists, both domestic and foreign: psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, F. A. Sokhin, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin), teachers (O. S. Ushakova, M. I. Cheremisina, E.S. Kubryakova and others), linguists (A.N. Gvozdev, N.V. Krushevsky, V.A. Bogoroditsky, Baudouin de Courtenay and others) purposefully, systematically and comprehensively studied the speech of children, as well as the results of children's creativity in the course of creative activity.

Researchers L. I. Bozhovich, V. S. Mukhina and others came to the conclusion that a creative personality begins to form from early childhood “... where a person imagines, combines, changes and creates something new .. .» .

The goal of any kind of children's creative activity (musical, artistic, theatrical, artistic and speech) is the creation of a completely new, extraordinary product based on the acquired life experience and acquired, albeit few, knowledge. The very process of creating something, sometimes unusual and unexpected, encourages the child to deviate from the usual pattern, change the look of the product, and experiment.

A large and responsible role in this process is assigned to an adult (educator, parent), who helps the preschooler to enrich his ideas about the world around him, to master the most appropriate means of expressing the received emotional experiences, the skill of building relationships existing in the microsociety, laws, values . Therefore, both at home and in kindergarten, life should be organized for the child in such a way that he can, as independently as possible and in accordance with his desire and abilities, create a creative product that has never existed.

The basis of children's creativity is the process of imagination, which in senior preschool age is a psychological neoplasm and plays an important role in the formation of personality (L.S. Vygotsky).

Scientists have proved that the perception of works of art plays a big role in the formation and development of children's imagination and possible creative abilities. First of all, it is necessary to acquaint preschoolers with works of fiction, oral folk art. The accumulated experience of cognitive, speech, gaming activities, a rich stock of ideas, the development of creative thinking allow children of senior preschool age to use the wealth of their native language productively and in many ways. Thus, the creative activity of the child is directly dependent on the completeness and diversity of his ideas, which are the material for the development of fantasy.

When teaching creativity, it is necessary to understand the features of the formation of artistic, including speech, creativity of preschool children. At one time, N. A. Vetlugina believed that the concept of “creativity” refers to the activity of a child and defined it with the word “childish”. She proposed to distinguish three stages in the formation of children's artistic creativity.

The first stage - the child accumulates experience. An adult helps him organize life observations.

The second stage is the process of children's creativity itself. At this stage, the child has an idea, he finds ways to implement it.

The third stage is created New Product. The child is interested in the quality, completeness, aesthetics of the final result of creative activity.

The accumulated impressions from the perceived works of art and the surrounding life stimulate the emergence of the ability for speech creativity (speech creative activity), the purpose of which is to solve an unusual, new task for the child, and the result manifests itself in various forms of speech: in inventing new words (word creation), in building and conducting a dialogue, inventing creative stories, stories, fairy tales; modeling your own puzzles; inventing fables, poems - shifters; creative retellings. Domestic preschool pedagogy considers these types of speech creativity to be the most popular.

Knowledge of the features of the formation of children's speech creativity makes it possible to determine the pedagogical conditions necessary for teaching children:

1. Continuous enrichment of the experience of children with new impressions from life: conducting excursions, observing the work of adults, looking at paintings, albums, illustrations in books and magazines, reading books.

2. Systematic work on the development of children's speech in general and the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary in particular.

3. The development in children of the ability to build a coherent text, to master the structure and composition of a coherent text in accordance with its communicative and semantic content (then we are dealing with narration, description or reasoning) or genre characteristics (in this case we are talking about the most popular genres in childhood - poems, stories, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc.).

4. To teach children to correctly understand the very task of “inventing”, “composing”, i.e., creating something new, telling about something that didn’t really exist.

The teacher O. N. Somkova rightly believes that it is most appropriate to develop children's speech creativity in the following sequence: retelling a literary text, inventing by analogy, inventing a continuation and ending to a story, inventing a story or a fairy tale according to a plan according to a model, inventing a plot story based on toys, then on given topic or according to a proverb, writing fairy tales, riddles using figurative comparisons, personifications and metaphors.

The success of this work depends on the diversity of cultural practices in which the child is included. These include games, productive activity, perception of fiction, cognitive research activities.

It is important to believe that the development of children's listening skills, the organization and use of the pedagogical potential of the environment, the establishment of a connection between the education of love for the native language and sensory education, the organization of children's play and labor are the main tasks in the development of children's speech creativity.


1. Vetlugina N. A. Artistic creativity in kindergarten. Manual for the educator and musical director / Ed. N. A. Vetlugina. - Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1974.- 175 p.: ill.

2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: a psychological essay: book. for the teacher / L. S. Vygotsky. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Education, 1991.

3. Kiseleva O. I. Theory and methods of development of children's speech: theory and technology of teaching speech creativity: Textbook for the specialty 030900 "Preschool pedagogy and psychology" / O. I. Kiseleva. - Tomsk: Ed. TSPU, 2007. - 84 p.

4. Somkova O.N. Educational area "Communication". How to work on the program "Childhood". Teaching aid / O. N. Somkova; ed. A. G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2013. - 182 p.

5. Usova A.P. Russian folk art in kindergarten / A. P. Usova // History of Soviet preschool pedagogy: reader: textbook / Compiled by E. A. Grebenshchikova, A.A. Lebedenko; ed. M. F. Shibaeva. - Moscow: Education, 1980.