What does cat's eye stone mean? Properties and meanings of the cat's eye stone. History and description

The cat's eye stone is especially revered by magicians and astrologers because of its unusual appearance.

Which mineral is commonly referred to as the cat's eye? It turns out that this is not one, but several types semi-precious stones which are called so. So, at first they attributed to the "feline" varieties of quartz and chrysoberyl, with a characteristic eye color. Green quartz or yellow shades chrysoberyl with characteristic vertical stripes really looks like a predator's eye glowing in the night. Then other semi-precious stones with a similar effect began to be attributed due to uneven stripes of shades: Moonstone, jade, tourmaline and others.

The brighter the eye effect and shine, the rarer the stone, which means the higher the price.

Chrysoberyl - a cat's eye - is a rather rare semi-precious stone in nature, it is not without reason that a person has been endowed with magical and medicinal properties.

How is it different from tiger's eye? Compare.

Varieties of the cat's eye

cat eye- the name is not a specific stone, as we defined above, but the effect that gave the name to a group of minerals that, after processing, become like a predator's eye.

Color - from yellowish to greenish, with overflows that are so reminiscent of a cat's iris.

Form - in order to emphasize the resemblance to the eye, in jewelry world it is customary to use a cabochon, i.e. rounded shape.

Composition - the presence of impurities of barium titanium, etc., causing iridescent stripes.

Education is in nature.

Chrysoberyl with the effect of a cat's eye can be green, yellow, and less often - blue, reddish.

Predator Iris Quartz can only be green.

But aquamarine or moonstone are most often found in blue-blue or white.

IN Lately jewelers have learned how to process precious and semi-precious stones giving them the effect of an eye, so rubies, opals, topazes, tourmalines, etc. are used. After such processing, they become many times more expensive.

History and origins

In ancient times cat eye stones endowed mystical power. It is clear, therefore, why it was considered the stones of magicians and seers. They had very high price and revered by the nobility. Evidence of mystical power is a lot of artifacts, as well as traditions and legends that have come down to us. The eye of a cat, as you know, is associated with another world, perhaps otherworldly forces, and therefore the stone is endowed with the same properties.

In the Middle Ages, "cat" stones were even called "devil's". Simple people experienced fear of him, and magicians and sorcerers of all stripes - considered him their "professional" amulet and amulet.

When, in the 19th century, Prince Arthur of Great Britain gave a piece of cat's eye jewelry to his bride, prejudice to the stone began to disappear and further its popularity only grew.

Place of Birth

Predator iris chrysoberyl is most mined in Brazil. Sufficiently large deposits of greenish chrysoberyl in the Urals, India and Sri Lanka.

"Cat" quartz is also mined in these countries, the leader is not Brazil, but India. Quartz is also mined in the Czech Republic and South Africa.

The magical properties of the cat's eye

The magical power used by magicians and sorcerers is, of course, present in the stone. The main direction of the "eye" magic is on internal state person. Firstly, the owner is not afraid of them Bad mood, mood swings and stress. Secondly, a person becomes more calm and friendly, and this helps him avoid quarrels and disputes with loved ones and others, including jealousy or suspicion of a loved one.

In the field of love, this is an irreplaceable talisman. He will help those who have not yet met her to find their soul mate, and those who already have a loved one - to be happy in harmonious relationships.

Also, the stone is able to warn of danger or trouble - it becomes heavier. This is a great talisman for creative natures and those who want to develop intuition.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is dangerous to wear it to unkind people, as well as to those who are in trouble with the law and do not consider it necessary to be honest and fair. He will harm such people by the fact that they will not succeed in their plans and will pursue inexplicable failures.

Medicinal properties

The most basic healing property of the cat's eye is a beneficial effect on the eyes, this is understandable. It should be worn not only by those who have vision problems, but also by everyone who works at computers, whose eyes get tired. To relieve fatigue, it is enough to apply a stone for a few minutes on closed eyes.

Also among the proven healing properties of stones with the effect of a cat's eye, the following:

  • beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and digestion;
  • strengthening joints and relieving pain in them;
  • contribute quick recovery of the body in injuries and healing in fractures.

With all these diseases and injuries, it is enough just to wear jewelry so that it touches the skin, so beads and bracelets are best suited.

And jewelry set in silver or gold is suitable for treating the nervous system, overcoming depression and nervousness.

Amulets for women and men

Cat's eye amulets are universal, they can be worn by both men and women, because it has a balance of Yin and Yang energies. Therefore, it contributes to the achievement of confidence and strength of character by men, and softness and femininity by women.

It is especially important that the stone smoothes overly pronounced character traits. For example, too soft people become more self-confident, and those who are confident and not able to listen to someone else's opinion become softer.

As a talisman of wealth, you should keep a pebble of green chrysoberyl in your wallet, along with money. With it you will find faster Good work and also "fix" financial position if required. Suitable as money talisman and a yellow cat's eye.

To protect yourself from ill-wishers, you should acquire bluish quartz. It will help to protect oneself from jealousy, quarrels, envy and the evil eye.

How to distinguish a fake

Although natural stone can be inexpensive, fakes are very common. Plastic is used as a fake material. Distinguish jewelry from natural stone can be done quite easily. The stone is quite strong, and artificial forgery lighter and much softer. It will help you to verify the authenticity of the stone, if you examine it in the twilight - the natural one has a weak glow, unlike the artificial one. You can also distinguish a fake by its brilliance - if you wipe it with a soft cloth, the artificial one will not change, and the natural one will shine brighter.

Cat eye jewelry

The most successful decoration, which will share both magical and healing properties, is beads and a pendant. Faceted in the shape of a cabochon, it looks especially impressive on the female breast.

The maximum expression of magic can be achieved in a silver setting.

Rings and earrings go very well with clothes. They can be of various shades.

The only limitation is that you should not combine them with other precious stones and jewelry, because. the cat's eye strongly "does not like" this.

If the “predator” does not come into contact with the skin, then its magical and healing properties remain unclaimed, therefore, when choosing jewelry, it is better to pay attention to the setting and how the stone “lays down”.

A selection of jewelry that jewelers make from stone, see the video below.

cat eye care

Natural cat's eye requires careful handling. It can only be cleaned with a soft cloth, without any aggressive chemicals. At heavy pollution can be washed warm water. If you carefully take care of the decoration with a cat's eye, then it will delight with its beauty for a long time and generously share magical and healing properties, will not darken or fade.

Cat's eye for zodiac signs

Stones and jewelry with the effect of a cat's eye are not suitable for everyone according to the sign of the zodiac. Astrologers unanimously agree that this stone is ideal for Scorpios, Cancers, Pisces, Virgos and Gemini, but opinions differ about Aquarius and Taurus. Some argue that this mineral is contraindicated for them, others require caution, and some astrologers believe that it is well suited.

For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, the stone will be neutral. The main thing, when acquiring an ornament or an amulet, you should not wear it if your thoughts are unclean - this is fraught with a “punishment” in the form of failures.

This is the essence of the cat's eye - it can be very different. SYNTHETIC CAT'S EYE. Everything that is sold in bulk in stores is imitation and fake in glass (imitation is easy to get from cheap fibrous borosilicate glass). But this is not the largest of the extracted stones. Cat's eye is enough popular stone. SYNTHETIC MOONSTONE. And although these stones have been known for a long time, they gained particular popularity in England, from where the fashion for cat-eye jewelry scattered throughout Europe.

Strictly speaking, the cat's eye is not a mineral, but an optical effect seen in some minerals. It consists in the fact that when the stone is turned, an iridescent light strip runs across its surface, making the stone look like a cat's eye with a vertical pupil. Often referred to as a cat's eye transparent quartz with numerous inclusions of crocidolite (a type of asbestos).

Cat's eye stone, its colors, types and properties

Best of all, the effect of the "cat's eye" is manifested in stones processed in the form of a cabochon. A special variety of quartz, saturated with fine fibrous inclusions and iron hydroxides. This gives the stone an unusual undulating sheen and saturated color brown shades with a golden sheen. Such a peculiar texture is given to the stone by parallel fibers of crocidolite and channels that remain after its leaching, filled with goethite - iron oxide.

Magical and healing properties of the cat's eye

Perhaps since then tiger eye the glory of the "fighter" with asthma and stress has strengthened. Quartz formation, similar to the tiger's eye, the inclusion fibers of which are represented by not yet oxidized crocidolite. Crocidolite, from the Greek words krokys - "a piece of wool", "pile" and lithos - "stone" - a thin fleecy mineral resembling thin needles.

Stones - how to distinguish a fake 3

Hawkeye is easy to distinguish by blue tint: its color can be from gray-blue to blue-black. Microscopic fibrous inclusions and channels form a thin straight strip of silver-colored gray color, which optically divides the stone in half. IN jewelry business, especially in Europe, the name "cat's eye effect" is much more widespread.

It is not surprising that the cat's eye was endowed with special magical properties and valued as a talisman, especially for children and youth. Currently, in addition to beads made of natural stones, there are many imitations of the “cat's eye”, sometimes of very high quality.

I think chips should not affect the strength of the amulet in any way, some stones have extraneous inclusions and cracks are generally not considered defects. Thank you! I will write, of course, but only specialists with equipment can distinguish semi-precious and precious stones from a fake. However, the methods of refining stones and simply information about minerals are not without interest. It really resembles a cat's pupil stretched out in the light.

What signs of the zodiac suit the cat's eye

Often in popular literature you can find the phrase "quartz cat's eye", but this is not quite the right definition. It is worth noting that in addition to color, other indicators also differ, for example, transparency and the severity of the cat's eye effect. The brighter it is, the more expensive the stone.

Exists interesting legend, according to which many representatives of the Russian nobility who managed to leave the country before the revolution had jewelry with a cat's eye. It is believed that it was they who warned of the impending disaster and helped to avoid dangers. The cat's eye is a stone that is significantly different from others, it is not surprising that people attributed to it special properties, first of all - protective.

Today, the price of a cat's eye is not too high, compared to stones such as emerald or even topaz. But still it is actively used for the manufacture of inexpensive jewelry and jewelry. It is more correct to speak of quartz with the effect of a cat's eye. The same goes for other minerals.

Among the gems, the cat's eye stone stands out with special mystical beauty. It is a mineral with a narrow holographic strip of light inside, resembling the eye of a cat, an animal that was believed to be connected with the other world.

The effect of a cat's eye with a characteristic vertical pupil is achieved only when cutting a cabochon. This mineral is known as an assistant to mystics, clairvoyants and magicians, a material for charms and amulets, which retains its strength and beauty in jewelry.

History and origins

It is one of the oldest and expensive minerals, known to mankind. Judging by archaeological finds, jewelry and talismans with a cat's eye were worn by kings and high priests several thousand years before our era. The ancients believed that the stone, similar to a shimmering cat's eye, gives its owner an understanding of the language of birds and animals.

And according to the Indian Vedas, the gem forces its owner to undergo spiritual trials that will lead him to rebirth. Most esotericists agree that the cat's eye has the ability to develop harmony of character, generosity, and bring positive thoughts into thought. It balances the energy of yin and yang, so it is suitable for wearing by both men and women.

The gem is widely known in the East and in India, where its large deposits. In Europe, he appeared in late XIX century and immediately made a splash. Since then, interest in him has only grown.

The mineral itself is called chrysoberyl (cymophane).

Cat's eye stone with color "milk and honey"

Natural chrysoberyl most often has a yellow-green color. The unusual effect of the cat's pupil after processing in the form of a cabochon appears due to the many parallel voids along the crystallographic axis, asbestos inclusions and rutile "needles". All together they create a bewitching internal glare of the stone.

“Milk and honey” is recognized as the best color for cymophane, when a bright white highlight moves under the opaque bright yellow surface of the stone. This is the most expensive variety, according to the description of the international gemological classification. Cheaper shades are brownish yellow, gray and brown. In rare cases, the game is noted different shades under different angles review.

Some types of cat's eye are sapphires and beryls.

Similar to a cat's eye appearance And physical and chemical properties possess the following precious and semi-precious stones: scapolite, quartz, selenite, jade, spinel, corundum, lunar and sunny stones, tourmaline, diopside.

Deposits in the world

Most often, this mineral is found in the thickness of granite or shale. It is mined in Sri Lanka, South Africa, Czech Republic, Madagascar, India, Ceylon, Colorado, Brazil, Australia, Russia.

Raw Mineral Cat's (Tiger's) Eye

The deposits are being actively developed, as more and more people learn about the healing and magical properties of the stone, and it is becoming more and more in demand.

Varieties and shades of the mineral

Main natural colors cat's eye - grayish gold with green, light brown, translucent grayish brown. But there are other varieties as well. Many of them are created by physical and chemical processing original stone.

Golden brown "brindle" - a stone of people in authority, firefighters, rescuers, military, leaders. Gives authority, inspires others unconditional respect for the owner. It should be worn openly. You can place on the desktop or in the car a figurine of a creature that summons warm feelings, made from a brown tiger.

A thread of small stone cat's eye tiger color

Dark green is an assistant to workers engaged in physically hard work. It helps to restore strength and emotional balance, protects from the evil eye, enhances concentration.

Dark green cat's eye

Honey, yellow, opal yellow - a stone of those who are engaged in education: clergymen, teachers, as well as lawyers and diplomats. Promotes suggestion, helps the spoken word to penetrate the hearts and minds. This variety is the most expensive.

Golden honey cat's eye beads

Light green is the talisman of financiers, businessmen and merchants. Helps to catch luck in business. Recommended to anyone who is trying to achieve financial success, build a career.

Thread from a light green cat's eye

White - protects young children from diseases, and strengthens mothers from unrest associated with children kinship between them.

cat eye white

Crimson-cherry interspersed with hematite - gives good health, protects against wild animals, relieves infertility, helps to abandon nicotine addiction, banishes depression. It creates a warm friendly atmosphere in the house, extinguishes conflicts. Recommended for athletes for greater endurance.

Cherry Cat's Eye Beads

Blue is the stone of dreamers. It will help to choose the shortest path to the implementation of the plan for those who have already decided what they want, but do not know how to take the first step.

Earrings with blue cat's eye

Blue - gives courage to those who suffer from excessive shyness, but at the same time gives the owner caution and foresight, sharp intuition and flair. Stone of blue color can be hung over the entrance inside the apartment.

Strings of dark blue stones

Pink - relieves insomnia, drives away nightmares. It is enough to place it at the head of the head, and bad visions will not dare to break into a dream. Helps to tame jealousy.

Pink cat's eye bracelet

Purple - soothes nervous system, gives balance, relieves the effects of a concussion. Able to lead the owner to spiritual insights.

Threads of small stones cat's eye purple

Black, gray, black-blue-gold "falcon" - endow a person with attractiveness, magnetism, a sharp mind. Suitable for those who seek recognition. They give self-confidence and the ability to feel the right moment to implement their plans.

Threads of a small gray cat's eye Bracelet with a hawk eye color

Synthetic imitations are different quality and have a rich palette of shades: lilac, orange, beige, olive, rainbow, bright red. But do not forget that this is just jewelry. She looks great on beach holiday, but has neither healing nor mystical properties.

Important: the peculiarity of wearing a cat's eye is that the frame should be silver, and if possible it is better to do without it, since the stone reveals its qualities to the maximum, in contact with the owner's skin.

What are the healing properties of the gem

At the cat's eye strong energy and he is good helper in healing practices. But even without being a healer, everyone can acquire such a talisman in order to improve health.

Attention: of course, no one disputes the importance of official treatment and does not call for it to be abandoned. But it will be more effective if you have this wonderful mineral with you, which enhances the effect of drugs and therapeutic procedures.

  • angina;
  • cold;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • cycle failures in women;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • alcoholism;
  • joint problems;
  • muscle tension, up to convulsions;
  • soreness in certain skin diseases;
  • stagnation of the lymph;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • processes of skin, muscle and bone regeneration.

Also, wearing a stone activates the brain and helps to make decisions in difficult situations, and in postoperative period speeds up recovery.

Earrings with green cat's eye

The healing properties of the stone will help smooth out the unevenness of the character of its owner: it will make the aggressive softer, and the meek will give courage. Some experts believe that the main meaning of the cat's eye is the harmonization of personality and space.

IN adolescence emotional overload and dramatic perception of the world are inevitable. An amulet or decoration made of a cat's eye will help reduce psychological stress, protect a young person from mood swings and rash acts. It is better to wear it in the form of a rosary or a bracelet.

Bright cat's eye bracelet in different colors

The magical properties of the stone

Astrologers believe that "eye" stones are the "eyes" of space, with the help of which the Universe collects information about what is happening in the world and broadcasts it to the owner of the stone. And it was not by chance that the cat's eye was chosen by the ancient priests as a protective amulet. Those who work with energy use it magical properties to enhance intuition, improve the ability to clairvoyance, expand the ability to interact with astral entities and protect against negativity and bad influences.

It has been noticed that in case of danger, the gem warns the owner: it becomes heavier, heats up, even begins to interfere. This means that the owner needs to be vigilant.

Important: those who wear such an amulet need to know that it does not support dishonorable plans and can use its power to prevent their implementation. But he will never bring misfortune even on an unlucky owner, at most he will tie his hands or confuse the roads in order to prevent an evil deed.

Wearing an amulet from this stone will help lonely people meet the right partner, and family - to smooth out tensions and contradictions in relationships.

Relationships between people are harmonized if one gives another an ornament or a souvenir from a cat's eye. Even if there is a serious conflict between these people, such a gift will smooth out the contradictions and help find mutual language. When placed as a pendant on the throat chakra, the mineral works wonders, endowing the wearer with charisma and charm.

Original silver pendant with a blue cat's eye

Also this stone fit artists, writers, actors, diplomats - it will help to realize creative potential to all whose work is connected with the word and persuasion.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Most sources say that the cat's eye is ideal for Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio according to the horoscope, and Aquarius is categorically contraindicated (although officially it is not the birthstone of any of the signs at all, even the mysterious Ophiuchus).

But this information can be disputed, since the interaction with the stone depends on many factors: the color of the mineral, the purity of the owner’s thoughts, the need for the effect of the gem on a particular organ, in modeling the situation, and so on. And given the peaceful nature of the cat's eye, the issue of a ban on wearing is called into question.

Threads of a multi-colored cat's eye of an oval shape

One thing can be said with certainty: signs with lighter energy will receive from the talisman more power, purposefulness and confidence, they will learn to take risks, emotional signs will become calmer, and powerful ones will be softer and wiser.

Does it work with other stones?

The stone is friendly, therefore it is calm in the neighborhood with other gems. Best Compatibility he has with opaque and translucent stones. The cat's eye looks good in combination with agate, carnelian, opal, turquoise, onyx.

Where is used

All kinds of jewelry are made from stone, which can be worn both one at a time and in different combinations: earrings, rings, rosaries, cameos, cufflinks, necklaces, bracelets, pendants. And also it is used in the production of souvenirs and the manufacture of amulets. The mineral very quickly tunes in to the energy of the owner, establishes contact with him and becomes his third eye.

Brass pendant with cherry cat's eye

On which finger to wear a ring with this stone depends on what goals are set. For the development of abilities - on a large scale. For career advancement - on the index. To increase the attractiveness of the opposite sex - on the nameless.

How to distinguish a fake

You can't buy a real cat's eye in the gem markets and in a cheap ignoble frame, its cost is too high. It can only be purchased at specialized store, with all the documentation, where it will be indicated whether it was processed by anything.

  1. The mineral has great hardness, leaves scratches on the glass, and only a diamond or a ruby ​​can leave a mark on it. This quality is one of the criteria for verifying the authenticity of a gem.
  2. The second way to distinguish a fake from a natural stone is to place it in a dark place. Surprisingly, the true cat's eye will begin to emit a faint glow, similar to the flicker of a cat's pupil in the dark.
  3. The third sign of natural chrysoberyl is its natural shine which is visible to the naked eye. And if the stone is rubbed soft cloth, it will sparkle even brighter.
  4. The fourth way is the speed of warming the stone in the hand. Natural will stay cool for a long time, and synthetic will heat up quickly.
  5. The fifth way is to observe whether the strip of light will move as the stone rotates. In a real stone, the strip is static.

Important: natural cymophane is almost never used in earrings, because it is very difficult to find two stones similar in pattern. Beads from these stones are also created in isolated cases: the stone is quite heavy and very expensive, its cost is comparable to ruby, diamond, sapphire.

Storing and caring for jewelry

From time to time it is necessary to clean the gem or product from dirt and negative energy. Cleaning the stone does not require anything complicated, it is enough to wash it in a weak soapy water, then under running water, and then wipe thoroughly. Caring for cat's eye jewelry involves storing them separately or wrapped in cloth so they don't scratch other jewelry.

Favorable time to buy

It is better to buy jewelry from this stone after drawing up natal chart, wherein Special attention you need to pay attention to which house the descending lunar node Ketu is in.

Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius should consult an astrologer before purchasing a mineral.

cat tiger eye

If you are not confident in your ability to distinguish real stone from a fake, and it is difficult to understand what kind of mineral is offered under the name "cat's eye", it is better to use the services of an expert gemologist.

Interesting facts related to this mineral

From the Greek, the name of the gem cymophane is translated as "like a wave."

The largest chrysoberyl - "Hope" - is kept in the British Museum. It weighs 475 carats.

In the esoteric tradition, chrysoberyl is ranked among the stones of the air element.


Unique natural mineral cat eye has rich history and big inner strength. It attunes with its owner to guard it vigilantly, reveals it the best sides and eliminates shortcomings. Those who are lucky enough to become the owner of such a powerful talisman never part with it, and it takes its place of honor in their jewelry collection.

Cat's eye stone is a quartz of extraordinary beauty. Its essential difference from other precious and semi-precious stones lies in the narrow strip of light passing through the center and creating a radiant effect. When the position of the mineral changes, this strip also shifts. Interesting name For those who are suitable, the properties of the Cat's Eye stone make it quite popular.

Cat's eye stone: properties

Grey, green, yellow, dark brown colors are the most common that the Cat's Eye stone is endowed with. Of the more expensive and rare - ruby, sapphire, beryl, chrysoberyl gems with a distinct visual effect. Apart from great variety colors and shades, stones of this type have a different level of crystallinity - a separate mineral is able to express the effect of a "cat's eye" in its own way. The brighter this effect expressed, the more valuable the stone is considered.

magical properties

The Cat's Eye stone is a favorite of people whose activities are closely related to magic and mysticism. In ancient times, it was actively used for the manufacture of amulets and amulets. At archaeological excavations to this day there are amulets made of a mineral with dried cat paws tied to them. mystical properties stone cat's eye inexplicable. The owner of jewelry made of "eye" stone feels protected - "under supervision". In India, the Cat's Eye stone was used to understand the language of the representatives of the animal world and to see the future. Luck in finance and winning in gambling- the unconditional merit of the stone Cat's eye.

The gem does not allow negative energy to reach its owner. He is able to fix love relationship, save the family, fidelity, fasten friendly relations. The Cat's Eye stone helps to avoid deceitful and hypocritical people and attract kind and positive personalities.

The positive properties of the Cat's Eye stone will not manifest themselves for unscrupulous people.

Medicinal properties

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, which, according to Eastern and European medicine, is positively affected by the Cat's Eye stone. It is important to wear a mineral in order to eliminate the symptoms of asthma, prevent and get rid of diseases of the respiratory organs - tonsillitis, pneumonia. No less actively, the gem was used as a good laxative, anti-inflammatory and stimulant. The healing properties of the Cat's Eye stone are due to its power in the treatment of lymphatic and skeletal systems, pancreas, spleen, tonsillitis, arthritis, rheumatism, heart, blood vessels, depression and chronic fatigue.

Who is the Cat's Eye Stone suitable for?

Cat's eye is a versatile stone. It is suitable for a woman and for a man - the energy of two principles is harmoniously collected in it. The mineral makes the fair sex stylish, beautiful and elegant, and strong half humanity - resolute, strong and persistent. "Eye" stone and sharpness of character are incompatible. It helps to be soft and elastic, removing obsession and short temper.

The cat's eye stone is suitable for all people, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. The main thing for a gem is to be loved and cherished. He will definitely thank you. According to astrologers, as a talisman, the Cat's eye is most necessary for Cancers, Scorpios and Libra.

Jewelry with stone

The pendant is perhaps the most famous piece. In this form, the properties of the Cat's Eye stone are most revealed. Silver contributes to an even greater manifestation of the healing, magical and loving qualities of the mineral. Cat's eye stone is also used to create rings, earrings, bracelets and beads. A large assortment of jewelry, both for everyday and weekend wear, is presented in the online store

Perhaps this is the most mysterious stone, because the cat itself is a charming, cute, but at the same time mystical animal. It is no coincidence that she was revered and is still revered by many peoples as sacred.

Cat's eye is chrysoberyl, which usually has yellow-green hues. But it is not so much this that unites him with the cat's eye, but a characteristic strip running through the center of the gem. The effect is achieved after the treatment of the stone - and indeed, it looks exactly like a cat's eye, and in the dusk it mysteriously glows like the eyes of a cat.

There are quite a few varieties of this gem in shades - golden, red, pink, blue, purple and even emerald. To do right choice among such a variety of options, you need to know well the magical and healing properties of the cat's eye, as well as who suits this talisman stone by zodiac sign and by name. Details right now.

10 reasons why you should buy a cat's eye

Interestingly, the very effect of a cat's eye can be achieved by applying the appropriate strip even on precious stones, however, in the classical sense, this name refers to chrysoberyl, i.e. one of the many varieties of quartz.

This mineral represents the energy of the earth - reliability, stability and diligence. In addition, the earth perfectly heals a person from many diseases, helping to harmonize energy flows. That is why the cat's eye has many useful magical and healing properties, for example:

  1. The cat's eye literally attracts good luck in a person's life - it contributes to a favorable set of circumstances. When wearing this stone, you need to pay attention to the signs, because they can accurately suggest the right path, even if logic refuses to believe it.
  2. The stone protects the person in long trips, because it develops intuition - that very extrasensory perception that we call the inner voice.
  3. The gem allows you to decide psychological problems in a relationship. He takes on the flows of negative energy, so that people who are in a quarrel can take a fresh look at the situation. It is only important to choose a convenient moment for a conversation - after all, there is a time for everything.
  4. The cat's eye quickly gets used to its owner. Like a cat that chooses only one owner, this talisman literally tunes in to a specific wave of a person and invisibly helps him in everyday affairs.
  5. Basically, the stone has a positive effect on the throat and bronchi. If there are any diseases respiratory system, it is better to wear this gem as close to the diseased organ as possible.
  6. The gem stimulates the processes of digestion, which is especially useful in cases where there are frequent constipation or heaviness in the abdomen. However, in case of chronic diarrhea, it is better to refrain from wearing this stone.
  7. The cat's eye cleanses the blood, stimulates hematopoiesis and activates blood flow to various organs and tissues. Thanks to this, the tone of the body increases, the pressure returns to normal, and therefore the general well-being improves noticeably.
  8. And the gem has a good effect on immunity, so it is especially recommended to wear it in winter period when infectious diseases peak.
  9. The gem helps to relieve fatigue from the eyes, which is especially important for people who constantly work at the computer.
  10. Finally, the stone helps a lot in the case of rheumatism and arthrosis, since it inhibits inflammatory processes.


The magical properties of the cat's eye have been known for several millennia. More recently, in the tomb of the cat Bastet, which was considered a sacred animal in Ancient Egypt found quite a few of these gems. The Egyptians were sure that the energy of the talisman manifests itself not only in this life, but also in the secret world of the shadows of the dead.

Egyptian cat Bastet

Stone according to the sign of the zodiac: who suits the cat's eye

When choosing a stone according to the sign of the zodiac, it is important to understand that the gem is more suitable for some representatives, and less for others. This does not mean that the wave of the stone is hostile, it just enhances some properties and weakens others. It is interesting that in the case of the cat's eye, when asked who this talisman stone suits according to the sign of the zodiac, we can say that almost everyone.

Of course, the horoscope different people has its own individual differences. But at the same time there is common features, characterizing the type of sign in accordance with its energy and elements. It is useful to know that the cat's eye is best suited to such representatives:

  1. First of all, these are the water signs of the zodiac - i.e. , fish and . These people are distinguished by a sentimental, tender soul, which they carefully protect from outside world. they keep their secrets securely, crayfish protect the family, and the scorpion will always be able to protect their own interests. However, all of them are characterized by long-term mood swings, which sometimes turn into real emotional troubles. The cat's eye is able to extinguish negative energy and also protects against accidents. What if the person is busy? creative profession, a stone can become a real source of inspiration, because it extinguishes unnecessary thoughts and encourages the generation of new ideas. True, the stars do not recommend that crayfish and scorpions wear a cat's eye with other gems - then the effect of its wave will be greatly weakened.
  2. Representatives of a gentle, sentimental and somewhat even aristocratic sign are also recommended to add a cat's eye to their home collection of elegant things. stone promotes romantic feelings, emphasizes the tenderness of such ladies, and gives men the opportunity to dream and be inspired by original ideas.

Otherwise, almost all representatives can use the magical properties of the cat's eye. However, it is important to understand that bright, temperamental people are best suited for stones with red and orange flowers- they correspond to the energy of the sun and improve performance.

But for people who are shy, sentimental, the gem will help to feel more confident and reveal previously unknown sides of nature.

Stone by name: how to make the right choice

The person's name is the whole world which is interesting even in itself. However, like all worlds, the name does not exist separately from other signs and symbols. The combination of sounds is in harmony with individual waves, neutral to others and repelled by third ones. Even intuitively, we always like one name, and another simply causes rejection. That is why, when choosing a talisman stone, you need to pay attention not only to its magical properties, but also to the connection with the name.

So, in the case of a cat's eye, the most powerful combination for such names is:

  • for a girl named Alexandra, the stone will become a real amulet that keeps her from negative emotions people and from accidents;
  • Konstantin's cat's eye will give stamina and help in making difficult decisions.

Otherwise, this gem is quite neutral - that is, almost everyone can use it. Of course, one must also take into account taste preferences- intuition can never be written off. Personal attitude to the choice of a gem, which also claims to be a talisman, is very important condition choice.

And finally: how to enhance the beneficial effects of the cat's eye

The energy wave of any gem increases or decreases depending on combinations with other stones, as well as on the conditions of use and care of the product. The cat's eye stone is a rather interesting talisman. On the one hand, he is unpretentious, but on the other hand, non-compliance with certain rules can lead to a strong weakening of his energy. Here's what you need to pay attention to first:

  1. Not allowed to purchase a cat's eye stone from the previous owner - you need to be sure that no one has worn the product before. As already mentioned, the cat's eye literally gets used to specific person and remembers its wave, so do not use worn products.
  2. For the same reason can't let go jewelry from a cat's eye to another person - even for a while.
  3. Since the gem is quite absorbent negative energy, his need to be cleaned periodically, mostly done with running water. It is necessary to rinse the stone for 5 minutes under a cold stream of water.
  4. Do not use while washing any detergents. Of course, you can not scrape the surface of the stone.
  5. Interestingly, it is best to wear a stone as an ornament. on ring. And it has its own symbolism. If the owner is most concerned about progress in work, it is best to put a cat's eye on forefinger any hand. If in this moment more relevant personal life- wear the stone ring finger any hand.

The mysterious and in its own way attractive cat's eye will become your reliable friend. The stone is able to adapt to the energy of almost any person, so the choice depends only on personal preferences and prompts from the inner voice.