Features of eczema on the genitals in men and women. The most common skin diseases of the penis

Eczema on the genitals- This is a fairly rare dermatological disease. Dermatosis on any other parts of the body, as a rule, is common and characteristic symptom such an ailment is severe unbearable itching. Unlike the manifestations of the disease on the trunk, head and limbs, eczematous lesions are accompanied by pain, burning and severe discomfort.

Possible causes of eczema on the genitals

The inflammatory process that occurs in the upper layers of the epidermis is most often provoked by the same reasons as other forms of dermatosis. The consequences of the disease without timely therapy can be quite complex. At the same time, it is impossible to get rid of the disease on your own, so you should without fail go to see a specialist. He will make an assumption about the cause of the development of the disease, determining in a specific clinical case what type of eczema on the genitals is.

The most common forms of dermatosis are:

  • dry;
  • weeping;
  • idiopathic;
  • allergic;
  • dyshidrotic.

Regardless of the type of disease that has arisen, most often the first manifestations of the disease are caused by the following factors:

Speaking about the causes of the disease, it is worth noting that eczema of the external genitalia does not pose a danger to another person, the disease does not pass from diseased skin to healthy. The non-infectious nature of the origin of the disease in no way has a connection with the patient's sexual contacts. At the same time, it is often necessary to look for the cause in contraceptives: individual immunity to latex products, allergic reaction on flavors and lubricants - common provocateurs of eczema.

Features of eczema on the genitals in women

The acute course of dermatological pathology significantly affects the quality of life of patients, especially its intimate component. Sexual intercourse during exacerbations of the disease causes pain, both for men and women.

characteristic clinical symptoms for this disease are eczematous lesions of the genitals. Eczema on the female genital organs develops in stages, occurring first on the labia majora, after which it moves to the pubis, clitoris and labia minora. With absence adequate treatment symptoms rapidly spread to the femoral folds, perineum and anus.

It is impossible to say exactly about the likelihood of the disease moving into the internal genital organs, although in medical practice there are confirmed cases of progression of eczema and its transition to the uterus, vagina. An untreated disease quickly progresses to chronic form. In the event of provoking factors, exacerbation can occur up to several times a year.

The main symptoms of eczema on the female genital organs are manifested as follows:

  1. At the erythematous stage, redness becomes noticeable, swelling and itching cause discomfort.
  2. The appearance of papules, turning into vesicles with exudative fluid, marks the next stage in the progression of eczema.
  3. Further, the vesicles on the labia begin to open, forming weeping erosions.
  4. The crustal stage is the stage of regression of the disease. Covering the affected areas on the female genitalia with serous yellow-gray surfaces precedes the healing of the epidermis.
  5. Exfoliation of crusts and regeneration of the skin.

Whole pathological process accompanied by pain in the vulva. Eczema in women proceeds similarly to the development of dermatosis in other parts of the body, however, the severity of the disease is determined by the specifics of its localization. Itching and burning worse at night.

How to recognize eczema in men: symptoms and nature of the disease

Eczema on the male genital organs is most often localized in the scrotum, rather than on the penis. Pronounced swelling of the testicles and visual magnification in size - the most common symptom in men, which makes them pay attention to their own well-being. Such manifestations are characteristic of the erythematous stage of the disease.

During its course, the following are characteristic:

  • rashes (first appear on the testicles, then on the penis);
  • opening of vesicles is fast;
  • the course of the disease is accompanied by itching and painful sensation when touched;
  • weeping erosions occupy extensive skin areas;
  • damage to the head and testicles is manifested in the loss of the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • under the inner sheet foreskin exudate accumulates.

In the case of a chronic form of eczema on the male genitalia, the situation is aggravated: there is a thickening of the skin and deep folds, cracks and peeling occur. Patients experience discomfort from the impossibility of normal rest, irritation and nervousness. If hygiene measures are not observed, combing the affected areas threatens with a serious complication - the penetration of a fungal or bacterial pathogen.

How to cure dermatosis on the genitals in men and women

Genital eczema is one of those dermatological pathologies that need to be treated. And the sooner therapy is started, the more likely it is to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Symptoms of dermatosis will not disappear on their own. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the epidermis in the genital area has its own characteristics, which should be embodied in the nuances of drug treatment.

Unlike the treatment of eczematous lesions on the face, arms or legs, dermatosis on the female or male genital organs has its own characteristic complexities:

  • in the inguinal and genital areas the skin is especially sensitive.
  • practically complete absence air contact;
  • increased humidity due to frequent sweating;
  • favorable conditions for the development of secondary infection.

Medications in the treatment of genital eczema

Treatment of genital eczema lasts about 2 months, a long duration of the therapeutic course is possible only in the rarest cases. The complexity of the drug approach is the main principle of compiling a treatment regimen for patients with this type of dermatosis.

In particular, drug therapy is the following measures:

  1. External treatment of the affected epidermis on the genitals with fucorcin and other antiseptic drugs (Chlorhexidine, Cyteal, Furacillin, Betadine, Miramistin) The agent is applied to the labia in women, the head of the penis and the scrotum in men.
  2. Local anesthetic creams and ointments (Emla, Katejel, Luan, Lidocaine in the form of a spray) help to remove pain syndrome. To avoid side effects, only a doctor should prescribe such drugs.
  3. Hormonal preparations for oral administration are prescribed by specialists in case of a pronounced, progressive inflammatory process. Dexamethasone, Prednisolone in the form of tablets are taken in agreement with the doctor for the recommended duration of the course.
  4. Antihistamine drops and tablets are needed to eliminate itching, redness and swelling. Genital eczema is often a complication of an allergic reaction to personal hygiene items, detergents etc. Among the drugs that are most often prescribed in the treatment of the disease, it is worth noting Loratadin, Zodak, Zirtek, Erius, Tavegil.
  5. Sedative drugs are necessary for patients with genital eczema with intense itching and CNS disorders in the form of insomnia, irritability, nervousness. Often, experts recommend drinking tincture of valerian, Persen, Novopassit.

Folk remedies in the treatment of eczema on the genitals

Eczema of the vulva is also treated with alternative methods. But it should be understood that as an independent therapy folk recipes may not have the expected effect. It is necessary to use home remedies in conjunction with a drug treatment prescribed by a dermatologist. In addition, it is important to consult with a specialist about the possibility of using one or another method of treatment. Despite the fact that in most cases the components of home remedies are herbal ingredients, their safety is not 100% guaranteed in each individual case.

Meanwhile, genital eczema is a disease that is often diagnosed in older people. Often, in the presence of serious chronic pathologies occurring in the body, the intake of appropriate medications is called into question.

And then natural ingredients become the only way to improve the quality of life of patients with dermatosis:

  1. Decoction of viburnum and currant. To enhance the effect, it is also necessary to include several currant leaves in the composition. For 1 liter of water, 50 g of berries are also required. Put the container on the fire, bringing to a boil, leave for 15 minutes over low heat. The cooled and filtered broth is taken for sexual eczema twice a day for half a cup.
  2. walnut tincture. A preparation is prepared from the shell, water and vodka. First you need to boil walnuts(10 unripe fruits are taken for 1 glass of water), sent to the fire and brought to a boil. Add 100 ml of vodka to the cooled broth and leave to infuse for 2-3 days. Take on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. for 2 weeks.
  3. Decoction of birch buds. The tool is used for internal treatment eczema on the genitals and external therapy as applications and compresses. Per glass plant component 300 ml of boiling water is required. Boil the mixture over low heat for about half an hour. Let the solution cool down to room temperature, you can drink it every day for 100 ml or apply gauze soaked in it to eczema.
  4. Infusion of yarrow. The plant is used in the treatment of dermatosis, but the treatment of genital eczema with folk remedies is not complete without this component. For 2 st. l. Plant flowers need a glass of boiling water. Let the product brew for about an hour, after which the infusion is ready for use. Drink 30 ml three times a day.
  5. Rosehip ointment. Prepared on the basis of children's hypoallergenic cream and porridge from wild rose. Both components are taken in equal amounts, thoroughly mixed, allowed to stand for about an hour and applied to eczematous lesions of the genitals.
  6. Herbal infusion. To prepare the remedy, you will need rosemary, chamomile, lavender - these components must be taken in the same proportion (2 tablespoons each) and pour 1 liter of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, add thyme to the composition and leave to infuse for another hour. Drink 2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach

Disease prevention: how not to get genital eczema?

Regardless of the chosen prescription, treat yourself genital eczema it is forbidden. Before using folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Despite the fact that eczema of the external genitalia in men and women is not an indication for treatment in a hospital medical institution, in the presence of complications, complex therapy under the constant supervision of specialists is indispensable.

The chronic form of the disease implies the periodic occurrence of relapses, followed by remissions. You can maximize the duration of the “calm” by adhering to simple preventive rules:

  • always eat a balanced diet, giving priority to plant foods in the diet;
  • don't forget about motor activity, do exercises in the morning;
  • do not drink alcohol, stop smoking;
  • do not start the general condition of the body, treat chronic pathologies in time;
  • do not have casual sex, use contraceptives;
  • choose the right underwear, avoiding synthetics and other unnatural fabrics;
  • do not use detergents that dry the skin of the genital organs.

Eczema on the genitals in men and women is treatable, the main thing is to contact a dermatologist in time and follow all his recommendations.

There are quite a few diseases of the penis. Consider the main infectious and inflammatory diseases that can affect the penis.

Most often, infectious diseases of the penis occur, since inflammation is already a reaction to a foreign infection.

Genital herpes

The most common sexually transmitted disease is caused by a virus herpes simplex type 2. Pathology is characterized by a chronic (lifelong) course with exacerbations and periods of remission.

  • group rashes in the form of bubbles on a reddened swollen base;
  • subjective sensations (itching, burning, pain);
  • urinary retention;
  • general manifestations of fever (in advanced cases);
  • eroded areas;
  • the appearance of brown plaques.

A complete cure for genital herpes is impossible. Use the drug acyclovir for local and systemic treatment.


Sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, entering the body of a man, can long time not show up.

HPV causes in men:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • genital warts.

The penis is most commonly affected by HPV types that cause genital warts. In the photo, this venereal disease of the penis looks like grouped neoplasms of the papular type, flesh color on a thin leg. With further growth, they resemble cauliflower. They are easily injured and bleed.

Treatment of the disease is surgical. Additionally, drugs that increase immunity are used.


The pathology caused by pale treponema refers to sexually transmitted diseases of the penis. The disease has three periods, each of which is characterized by a certain symptomatology.

  1. Primary syphilis is characterized by a (painless ulcer with a smooth red lacquered bottom) that occurs at the site of entry of the pathogen.
  2. Secondary syphilis is characterized by the formation of a morphologically diverse rash (papules, pustules), which is flaky, but does not cause subjective sensations.
  3. The tertiary period is characterized by damage to the nervous system, the formation of syphilitic gums in various bodies, also various rashes.

Timely treatment completely eliminates the disease.


Pathology appears with a decrease in the immune forces of the body due to excessive reproduction of opportunistic flora - fungi of the genus Candida.

Symptoms of this disease of the penis:

  • white plaque (cheesy type);
  • itching, burning;
  • erosion areas;
  • discomfort and pain during intercourse and urination;
  • signs of inflammation (redness, swelling).

Male thrush is treated with antifungal drugs, which are used topically, in severe cases - systemically.

Gonorrhea and non-gonorrheal urethritis

This group of diseases of the male penis is characterized by similar symptoms.

The causative agent of gonorrhea is gonococcus. And not gonorrheal urethritis causes:

  • trichomonas;
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasmas;
  • chlamydia.

Common symptoms of penis diseases:

  • itching and burning in the penis;
  • pain during urination;
  • discomfort during and after sex;
  • allocation different nature from the urethra;
  • inflammatory phenomena;
  • dysuric disorders.

Used to confirm the diagnosis laboratory methods diagnostics aimed at identifying the pathogen. Treatment is selected individually, most often after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

Inflammatory diseases of the penis

Inflammatory diseases of the penis are much less common, but they cause considerable discomfort to patients.


Balanitis is a manifestation of the disease of the head of the penis, which is characterized by inflammatory processes in it.

Postitis is called inflammation of the leaves of the foreskin. Separately, these pathologies are rare, so they are united by a single name - balanoposthitis.

These diseases of the penis occur due to infection of smegma that accumulates under the leaf of the foreskin.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • subjective sensations (itching and burning, pain);
  • discomfort when opening the foreskin;
  • inflammation;
  • excretion of pus.

With a mild course, the disease is treated with strict adherence to intimate hygiene and local use of antiseptics. At severe forms use antibiotics.


Pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process in the cavernous bodies of the penis. The cause can be any infectious disease that has spread to the genitourinary system.

Manifestations of the disease of the male member:

  • fever;
  • pain in the penis;
  • puffiness, blue organ;
  • acutely painful erection.

Treat cavernitis with antibiotics in a hospital. In a number of cases, surgery is required.

congenital anomalies

There are also congenital diseases, deviations that are observed in children. Most problems are solved with timely access to a doctor.

phimosis and paraphimosis

Phimosis is a permanent narrowing of the foreskin that does not allow the head to be exposed. - pinching of the head with the foreskin (occurs when self-treatment phimosis). Pathologies are characterized by dysuric disorders and pain.

These types of diseases of the penis are treated surgically. Circumcision is carried out to free the head.

Hypospadias and epispadias

Every man recognizes a photo of these diseases of the glans penis. Pathologies are congenital and are associated with a violation of the exit site of the urethra. Hypospadias - the urethra opens under the head (sometimes on the trunk or even near the perineum).

Epispadias - above the head (the true form of the disease is the non-closure of the anterior wall of the urethra).

These pathologies are often combined with other developmental anomalies. genitourinary system and treated only surgically.

Rare penis diseases

TO rare diseases can be attributed malignant tumor penis, as well as prolonged erection, causing discomfort.


Prevention of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the penis

  • personal hygiene;
  • discriminating sex life;
  • protected sexual intercourse;
  • timely treatment any infection;
  • regular visits to the urologist;
  • caution when taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

To prevent the occurrence congenital pathologies penis certain preventive measures should be observed by a pregnant woman. In some cases, the cause of the anomalies is unknown.

Eczema is a disease that affects the skin. It is manifested by a rash, redness, increased dryness, cracks in the skin. Eczema can affect various parts of the body: face, neck, ears, hands, lower limbs. However, there is a type of eczema that affects the intimate areas of men and women - eczema on the genitals. What do you need to know about this disease? How does it manifest itself, and what measures should be taken to treat the disease?

Etiology of the disease

Eczema is a disease that brings patients a lot of inconvenience. A person suffering from this disease constantly experiences discomfort in the form of itching, burning. Moreover, eczema on the genitals completely exhausts a person both physically and emotionally, causing serious damage to the sexual life of men and women. We note separately that skin covering in intimate area and the anus area has a lot of nerve plexuses, so any irritation in this area brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient in the form of unpleasant (painful) sensations and restrictions in Everyday life.
Although this type of eczema is quite rare, it is still necessary to familiarize yourself with such a disease as eczema on the genitals in order to prevent its occurrence and, in case of illness, to treat it correctly.

Eczema on the genitals in men and women have similar symptoms

The causes leading to the development of eczema on the genitals can be both external and internal influences. TO external factors disease progression include:

  • the use of intimate hygiene products that irritate the skin of the genital organs;
  • wearing synthetic and too tight underwear;
  • an allergic reaction to certain substances;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • prolonged depression, frequent stress.

TO internal factors, relate:

  • diseases digestive tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis, helminthiases;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes;
  • weakened immunity;
  • heredity.

As you can see, eczema on the genitals is often the result of some kind of malfunction in the human body or negative impact hygiene products, underwear. In this regard, it would be wise to first establish the source of the development of the disease and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Eczema on the genitals has the following classification:

  1. dry;
  2. weeping;
  3. true;
  4. dyshidrotic;
  5. allergic.

It is important to know that eczema on the genitals is not contagious, so it is impossible to get sick with it by contacting a sick person. Also, do not confuse sexual eczema with diseases that have similar symptoms: itching, redness, such as candidiasis, diabetes, helminthiasis.

Manifestations of eczema on the genitals in women

eczema on the genitals

At the beginning of the disease, the region of the labia majora is the first to be affected. Eczema manifests itself in the form of a vesicular rash, which is filled with a serous substance. At strong impact in such places, the bubbles can open and leave behind weeping areas.
In places of defeat, a person experiences severe itching, burning. The affected areas of the skin on the genitals become inflamed, swelling and redness appear.
Eczema tends to progress and if treatment is not started in time, it will spread from the area of ​​the labia majora to the skin of the labia minora, clitoris, pubis, perineum, anus.

Symptoms of eczema on the genitals in men

eczema on the foreskin in men

Eczema first affects the skin of the scrotum, which is very swollen, while increasing in size. A vesicular rash due to scratching opens with the subsequent formation of weeping erosions.
Eczema can move to the penis area. In this case, there is redness of the affected areas, swelling, exudate release from the vesicles.
In the advanced stage in men, eczema leads to infiltration, swelling, thickening of the folds of the skin of the foreskin. Peeling, small cracks may occur at the sites of injury.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

When the first symptoms of eczema appear on the genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor: a urologist, gynecologist or dermatologist. The doctor will examine the lesions, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It would also be wise to pass comprehensive examination organism. This must be done in order to determine the causes that led to the development of eczema. Only such an approach will help to successfully cure the disease and prevent its transition into a chronic form.

For the treatment of genital eczema, you can use the methods of traditional and traditional medicine. traditional medicine, for the treatment of genital eczema uses the following drugs:
Ointments, creams, which contain glucocorticosteroid hormones. Such steroid preparations relieve itching, burning, and inflammation well. In more complicated forms of eczema, it may be necessary to administer hormonal preparations in the form of injections. In spite of high efficiency steroid drugs, they cannot be used for a long time, as they can lead to a malfunction of metabolic processes, the work of the adrenal glands, and atrophy of the skin of the genital organs. Such funds should be used only under the supervision of a physician.

To treat the affected skin of the genitals, you need to use antiseptic preparations based on fucorcin: Furacillin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Cyteal, Betadine. To relieve pain, you can, for a doctor's prescription, use the following ointments and creams: Luan, Emla, Katejel.

If an allergy is the culprit of the disease, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antihistamines that eliminate itching, burning, and peeling of the skin. The doctor may also prescribe intravenous saline solutions, relieving inflammation: calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate.

To eczema that has arisen on the genitals, fungal or bacterial infection. In this case, you will need to take antibiotics or antifungal agents. However, taking antibiotics can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis, so it would be right to use pro- and prebiotics along with such drugs: Hilak-forte, Enterosgel, Bifiform, etc.

If immunodeficiency has become the cause of the development of eczema on the genitals, then it is important to take immunomodulating and vitamin preparations. But they must be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

Since the disease that affected the area intimate places deprives good sleep, depresses emotionally, then you can simultaneously take sedatives with a sedative effect: Sedavit, Persen, Novopasit, Glitsesed.

Women during illness can use phyto-pads, plant-based. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action. During illness, it is good to undergo a course of physiotherapy along with the main treatment. Sessions of the following physical procedures have an excellent effect:

  • electrosleep is a procedure that allows you to establish metabolism and functioning nervous system;
  • magnetotherapy - treatment carried out by the influence of magnetic field;
  • thalassotherapy - treatment with the help of sea gifts: salts, mud;
  • balneotherapy - treatment with the help of healing mineral waters.

With eczema on the genitals, you can also undergo other physical procedures prescribed by the attending physician: electrophoresis, laser therapy, ozone and plasma therapy, cryodestruction, irradiation with UV rays.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal many healthy recipes, which will help in the fight against eczema on the genitals. However, before using them, it would be good to consult a doctor.

To relieve discomfort with eczema on the genitals, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:
Treatment with compresses:

  • birch buds, pour water, in a ratio of 1: 1, boil, over low heat, for half an hour. After the decoction has been prepared, it is necessary to soak a piece of gauze cloth well in it and apply it to the places affected by eczema. The procedure should be carried out 4-5 times a day, for 10 days, until the condition improves;
  • to relieve discomfort and inflammation in the genital area, a compress from a decoction of herbs of calendula, chamomile, sage will help. Herbs should be taken in the following ratio - 2:2:1. Herbal Blend poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then the broth should cool, before use it is filtered and used in the form of compresses;
  • for water procedures genital organs, you can use a decoction of chamomile, which relieves inflammation well. To do this, you need to take 100 grams of chamomile flowers, pour them with a liter of boiling water. Set aside, strain after 20 minutes;
  • for lotions, you can take 50 grams of blackberry leaves, pour them with a liter of boiling water and boil at very low heat for 10 minutes.

Recipes for healing ointments for eczema:

  • after lotions and compresses, you can lubricate the affected areas with the next ointment. To prepare it, you will need: oak bark - 10 g, horsetail grass - 5 g, immortelle flowers - 5 g, calendula flowers - 5 g. Pour the entire collection with corn or other vegetable oil. Cook for 15 minutes, insist in a warm place for 10-12 hours;
  • an excellent ointment can be obtained on the basis of chamomile oil. To cook it, you need to tamp glass jar chamomile flowers, leaving a little space free and pour the vegetable oil available in the house. Put in a dark place and insist for two weeks;

To lubricate the affected areas, you can use essential oils, previously diluted with carrier oil: sunflower, coconut, olive, jojoba. St. John's wort and black cumin oils have proven themselves well.

The benefits of proper nutrition for eczema

diet for eczema

You should always eat right, but especially when you are sick. For get well soon and relieve discomfort in places affected by eczema, you need to follow the following diet. It is allowed to consume: cereal cereals, vegetable soups, chicken broths, vegetables, dried fruits, fruits in moderation, and not all, it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, strawberries. Be sure to include lactic acid products in the diet: fermented baked milk, yogurt (preferably home cooking), kefir, matsoni, curdled milk.

You can not eat the following food: fried, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked. It is necessary to exclude chocolate, cakes and other sweets from the diet. Salt can be used for dishes only in limited quantities. With absence sound sleep, you can drink teas from mint and lemon balm.
To avoid recurrence of the disease, you must adhere to the following practical advice:

  • use herbal-based intimate hygiene products, exclude the use of soap;
  • wear underwear only cotton fabric;
  • eat healthy food;
  • walk on fresh air, do physical education;
  • try not to be nervous.

By following these simple tips, you can quickly recover from eczema on the genitals or prevent its occurrence.

As you know, all sexually transmitted diseases are extremely dangerous, as they disrupt sexual activity. Particularly dangerous skin diseases penis, as they interfere with the normal sexual activity of a man. In addition, such diseases have the ability to flow from one organ to another, for example, from the penis to the testicles or the prostate gland.

The main skin diseases of the penis usually appear externally in the form of redness, blisters, sores and other visible factors. External symptoms most often indicate the presence of an infection in the body or a separate organ.

Manifestations of diseases of the penis

The main visible symptoms of glans disease usually report the following body disorders:

  • infection on the penis;
  • allergy caused by a mismatch of partner floras;
  • improper hygiene leading to skin disease.

These factors indicate visible manifestations of penile diseases. On the head of the penis, various skin ailments can occur, which occur very often with redness, inflammation, ulcers and other side effects.

Skin diseases: a description of the main diseases

In order to be able to navigate yourself in the diseases of the glans penis, you need to know the main diseases and how they proceed. The list below compares visual signs diseases of the penis with their description.

  1. Rash on the skin in the form of spots. Diseases such as vitiligo, seborrheic dermatitis, and secondary syphilis are suitable for this symptom.
  2. Rash on the penis in the form of plaques. Skin diseases such as melanoma, scabies, lichen planus, secondary syphilis, psoriasis fit this description.
  3. Skin rash in the form of swelling. Such a disease of the penis can be one of the following: squamous cell skin cancer, melanoma, scabies.
  4. Rash on the skin in the form of various growths of the skin of the penis: syphilis, genital warts, squamous cell carcinoma.
  5. Thickening of the skin of the penis. Only chronic pruritic dermatitis fits the description of this external symptom.
  6. The appearance of scales. This is one of the most common phenomena when the penis becomes covered with small scales, as if the skin is peeling off it. Suitable for the appearance of such a symptom the following diseases: psoriasis, secondary syphilis, seborrheic dermatitis, candidiasis, inguinal dermatophytosis.
  7. Manifestations in the form of bubbles. One of the most common diseases of the skin and head of the penis. Suitable for this symptomatology: scabies, herpes, itchy dermatitis.
  8. Very common rash in the form of ulcers. Such diseases of the penis as: soft chancre, donovanosis, syphilis, venereal lymphogranuloma are suitable for the description.

These types of symptoms must be known in order to, if they occur, at least approximately know about the appearance of the disease on the penis. But you must always remember that self-medication in this case unacceptable, since venereal diseases are very serious pathology which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to always remember the main thing: when identifying the first symptoms of some kind, you need to urgently go to experienced specialist who diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment.

What causes penile disease

It often happens that on the skin, head or inner sheet of the penis appear various signs dermatovenerologic disease. These ailments, unlike many other diseases, are almost always accompanied by rashes, redness and other visual effects. If you ignore these visible manifestations, then the disease will not stop on its own, but will only progress. Many people think that with folk remedies, conspiracies or other non-drug methods will be able to solve their problems with the disease of the penis. But this, as a rule, does not bring tangible results, but only slows down the course of the disease for a short time.

Trying to let everything go by itself can lead to the following consequences:

  • complete disease of the entire member;
  • development chronic diseases internal genital organs;
  • loss of erection;
  • complicating urination;
  • swelling or enlargement of the penis due to blisters and blisters;
  • loss of sensation of any movements of the penis;
  • the stage at which treatment will not help and will only block the disease;
  • deterioration in general condition;
  • severe pain, fever, etc.

At the first manifestations of the disease, it is urgent to go to a specialist for a medical examination.

Skin disease of the penis: the development of diseases

One of the most common diseases of the penis is balanitis - inflammation of the glans penis and balanoposthitis - inflammation of the inner sheet of the male penis. These ailments are known for appearing exclusively on one part of the penis - on its head. Very often, these 2 diseases run in parallel with each other, which is why they are so terrifying. The disease occurs mainly due to infection on the genital area (mainly sexually).

But very often the disease occurs when hygiene is not observed. So, for example, when prolonged abstinence sperm is secreted in the inner sheet of the penis and remains there. When urinating, semen mixes with urine, resulting in an infection that develops very rapidly. The disease goes away with constant itching and slight redness on the glans penis, causing skin disease. With each urination, the infection intensifies, and the disease passes into a new stage - acute inflammation.

Strengthening the inflammatory process

With absence necessary treatment the inflammatory process only intensifies and causes not just itching and burning, but very severe discomfort. As a result, the exposure of the head becomes extremely difficult, and the process of urination is simply painful.

The next process after inflammation is the formation of suppuration in the area of ​​the penis. The disease enters a new stage, when not only the processes of urination and intercourse become painful, but also discomfort and pain occur in everyday life, especially while walking. Erosions appear, which bring incredible pain, and each urination only intensifies the painful sensation.

In each person, the disease proceeds differently, depending on the general immunity and condition. Venereal diseases are also terrible because the accompanying link in the course of the disease is the appearance of an inflammatory process of the whole organism, as a result of which the general condition deteriorates greatly, temperature and fever appear.

Subsequently, if the disease is not cured at this stage, it begins to grow up the penis, affecting not only the skin of the penis, but also the inner part of the organ, since the skin on it is very thin and does not have strong protective properties. There is a special preputial sac that secretes a large number of pus in diseases of the penis. Pus has the ability to pass not only to the organs of the urinary system, but also to other parts of the body and skin. First of all, the inguinal nodes suffer from this, which are not protected, and with an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, inflammatory sacs form in them, which are filled with pus and fluid.

Very terrible in this situation is the swelling of the organ, which leads to difficulty in the blood supply to the penis. Due to the fact that the capillaries on the penis are very thin, they quickly burst when squeezed, and this threatens to get pus and urine into the bloodstream, which can lead to fatal consequences.

In medical practice, there were cases when a patient developed gangrene, which contributed to the outflow of blood from the penis and led to the fact that doctors could not help except to amputate the genitals.

Here are a few basic rules that must be followed to prevent skin problems on the penis:

  • always follow the basic principles of hygiene;
  • take a shower at least once a day;
  • to have sexual intercourse only in protected ways (use condoms);
  • visit a venereologist and a urologist at least once every six months;
  • be careful when contacting dirty water.

Subject to safety measures, there should not be any problems with sexually transmitted diseases that lead to such serious consequences. By taking precautions, you will protect yourself and your body.

The fungus of the genital organs is very easily transmitted through sexual contact, and sometimes infection can occur with a simple handshake with a sick person or through objects common use. When the first symptoms of the disease occur, which in most cases are quite eloquent, it is necessary to consult a doctor and begin timely treatment. You can not ignore the disease, in the hope that its symptoms will go away on their own, because in such situations, without proper treatment, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes located in the genitals will only worsen.

A fungal infection is a consequence of an increase in the activity of spores of microorganisms; it can occur on any part of the body, including the genitals. fungi leading to infectious diseases of humans, belong to pathogenic microorganisms, which are divided into three types: yeast, mold and domiphora. Mycoses that develop on the human genital organ are more often caused by a yeast type of fungus. An increase in activity and the development of a fungal infection occurs due to a decrease in immunity, when the body does not have enough of its own strength to resist its onslaught. If fungi have entered the body, get rid of them without medical care almost impossible. If you ignore the treatment necessary in case of infection with mycosis, you can cause significant damage to health, since from running stages disease affects not only the skin of the genital organs, but also the general condition of the body.

Reasons for development

Mycotic lesions are considered one of the most common gynecological pathologies. The danger of infection lies in the possibility of developing various diseases internal organs, not excluding vital ones. The cause of infection is considered to be adverse factors leading to a weakening of the immune system. The causative agent of the fungus is able to exist in the body in an inactive state for a long time, and only under favorable conditions begins rapid and uncontrolled growth. The development of fungal infections contributes to the following:

  • reaching old age;
  • excess weight;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • hypothyroidism disease;
  • diabetes;
  • venereal diseases;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs or antibiotics;
  • chronic infections.

At similar conditions the body's defenses are weakened and the fungus gets the opportunity to start its activity. Often the causes of the development of mycosis are sexual contact with patients who have this disease.

Symptoms of the fungus of the genital organs

Fungal infections bring significant discomfort to the usual life, showing whole line unpleasant and disturbing symptoms. The most severe manifestation is a fungal infection of the genital organs, during the development of which patients experience the following:

  1. Feeling of severe itching in the groin area and on the vernal skin folds female vagina and male genital organ.
  2. Appearance copious discharge similar to cottage cheese.
  3. Pain that occurs during urination.
  4. A state of weakness and loss of strength.
  5. The formation of cracks in the skin of the penis.
  6. Burning on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

If at least some of these symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested. Early treatment can relieve possible complications, which can be very serious, up to infertility.

Symptoms in men

In men, the fungus manifests itself in the form the following symptoms. First, a rash appears in the groin, which has reddish color and accompanied by burning and severe itching. Redness with a whitish coating may also occur on the glans penis. During urination, the patient feels pain. These symptoms may be accompanied by a characteristic sour smell. If you find such signs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Signs of genital fungus in women

In women, most often the fungus causes a disease of urogenital candidiasis, or thrush. When the vulva is affected, vaginitis occurs, which causes a lot of anxiety, as it is accompanied by characteristic discharge, itching and burning. A woman feels pain during intercourse, she has copious frothy discharge, accompanied by bad smell. The mucous membrane of the penis becomes sensitive and irritated upon contact with water or urine.


If a mycosis that has affected the genital organs is detected, it is very important to start treatment faster and prevent further development illness. For this, antifungal agents are prescribed for local use such as suppositories, cream, ointment or douche solutions. During the treatment period, the patient must carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene so as not to become a source of infection for others. Usually, the entire course of treatment lasts no longer than two weeks; to eliminate discomfort, in addition to medicines, washing with water with the addition of baking soda, as well as with furatsilin, decoctions of chamomile, wormwood, calendula, sage. With extensive damage, suppositories and various ointments are used, as well as the drug in tablets Fluconazole. The course of treatment and its duration is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the lesion.

Analyzes for diagnostics

If you suspect a fungus of the genital organs, it is necessary to take tests and conduct laboratory research for presence and form fungal infection leading to further treatment. For diagnostics use the most latest developments in the field of medicine, which allow you to get complete and reliable information about the presence of pathology. The main method remains the study of a smear under a microscope, and in some cases - urine microscopy. For a more accurate diagnosis, gynecologists use the following methods:

  • general history taking;
  • visual inspection;
  • internal examination using gynecological mirrors;
  • bimanual examination.

During the diagnosis, the bacteriological culture secretions, without which treatment cannot be started. The study of the analysis of seeding for dysbacteriosis makes it possible to identify opportunistic flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Additional tests for fungal diseases of the genital organs are tests for hepatitis, for the detection of chlamydia, HIV, microplasma and other pathologies.

Types of ointments for skin disorders of the penis in men

It is possible to eliminate the fungus that has affected the male genital organs with the use of an ointment belonging to the imidazole group in the form of Clotrimazole, Candida, Miconazole, Econazole. Antifungal ointments such as Nystatin, Pimafucin, and Sanguiritin are considered effective in the treatment of mycosis. After using the ointment, it is necessary to sprinkle the affected area with streptocide or dermatol.

Treatment in women

The presence of fungal infections of the genital organs in women is difficult to treat. The methods used in these cases should be comprehensive, including systemic treatment and local funds with antifungal activity. For internal use it is recommended to take Diflazon, Flucostat, Mikoflyukan. As local preparations vaginal suppositories such as Iodoxide or Livarol are prescribed. Clotrimazole cream is recognized as quite effective. After the treatment, there is a need to restore the normal vaginal microflora, for which drugs with lactobacilli are used. Complex vitamins are taken to increase immunity.


The drug Pimafucin belongs to the means of a wide spectrum of action. It effectively eliminates the symptoms of many forms of fungal infections, disrupting the integrity of the cell membranes of microorganisms, leading to their death.

The drug is available in suppositories, creams, tablets and ointments. Women are advised to use suppositories, while men use ointment. In case of severe infection, in addition to local treatment prescribe the drug in tablet form. The tool is used up to four times a day, the duration of the general course of therapy is determined by the doctor. If after a week there is no improvement or side effects, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

clotrimazole for fungus

Clotrimazole can be presented as an ointment or cream. Under the influence of this remedy, the symptoms of the fungus are easily eliminated, the course of treatment usually lasts no more than a week. The drug applied to the skin is well tolerated, does not cause allergies and irritation. A small amount of ointment significantly slows down the development of the fungus, and a sufficient dosage can completely eliminate the pathogenic process. Clotritmazol ointment is applied to pre-treated with soap or soda solution skin three times a day.


Compliance with certain nutritional requirements will affect general condition body and will greatly facilitate the treatment of fungal infections of the genital organs. Sufficient quantity vegetables and fruits will increase the defenses and will contribute to the normalization of the natural microflora. Foods containing carbohydrates should be limited, and try to give up fried and fatty foods. Hot spices, smoked meats, canned food, and alcohol are banned during treatment. In turn, the share fermented milk products with a fungus, it should be increased, while the alternation of kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt should prevent the development of resistance of the fungus to lactobacilli entering the body.

Compliance with the diet in conjunction with the treatment medicines, contributes to a more rapid suppression of a fungal infection, therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations received from the doctor and not violate them.