Remove deep nasolabial folds at home. Problems are "obvious", or how to remove the nasolabial fold. Masks, creams, serums for nasolabial folds

Young girl attracts the attention of others with its beauty and smooth face without wrinkles. But over time, we sadly notice that age negatively affects the condition of our skin.

One of these unpleasant signs is the appearance of nasolabial folds - deep lines connecting the corners of the lips and the wings of the nose. But do not give up - there are many ways that will help remove this defect on the face or make it less pronounced.

With age, the connective tissues that make up the skin lose their elasticity, and the subcutaneous fat becomes unable to retain sufficient water. Unfavorable external and internal factors lead to a slowdown in the processes of cell metabolism and venous stasis.

All this prevents the cells from fully saturating the nutrients contained in the blood. Providing flexibility to the skin collagen fibers become thinner, the ability of epidermal tissues to recover (regenerate) decreases.

The causes of nasolabial folds include:

  • significant decrease in body weight in a short period of time;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, addiction to drugs;
  • anatomical features front side skull;
  • air pollution, the presence of harmful substances in the air of residential premises;
  • swelling of tissues due overuse liquids at night;
  • wrong position in a dream - facing the pillow.

People with increased emotionality and active facial expressions, the nasolabial folds sometimes become visible at an earlier age, which is associated with the development of hypertonicity of the facial muscles. In this condition, muscle spasm occurs, leading to stretching of the skin and gradual formation of folds.

The appearance of hypotonia - relaxation and sagging of the muscles - leads to stagnation of blood or lymph in the tissues. In this case, the skin is in a relaxed state, the nasolabial fold deepens and hangs down. You can bring muscle tone back to normal with the help of special exercises and massage.

Many useful information about the causes of the appearance of nasolabial folds is contained in this video.

Salon treatments to reduce nasolabial folds

Beauty salons offer a range of treatments that rejuvenate the skin and remove nasolabial folds. The main advantage of these techniques is the ability to quickly correct the skin of the face and long-term preservation the resulting effect. Big choice procedures allows you to choose the most suitable method for each specific case.


The procedure includes the introduction into the skin of a cocktail containing a complex of vitamins, nucleic acids, microelements and other nutrients. For its implementation, a special apparatus with microneedles is used.

In this way, you can provide the dermis (inner skin layer) with nutrition, improve blood circulation and lymph drainage, accelerate metabolism, and provide cells with a sufficient amount of moisture. A wellness course can consist of 5-10 sessions.

The advantages of the method include the use of minimal dosages - from 2 ml to a few drops of a meso cocktail, the non-toxicity of the drugs used for the body, the absence of contraindications and age restrictions.

Disadvantages: with injections, pain can be felt, bruising at the injection sites, complications in the form of allergic reaction with redness of the skin in the area of ​​injection.


In lipofilling, fat taken from another part of the patient's body is injected along the line of the nasolabial fold. It uses local anesthesia. The operation takes 30-60 minutes.

Advantages of lipofilling: low probability of rejection of the transplanted material by the body or the occurrence of allergic manifestations, lack of postoperative sutures, in many cases, the result obtained remains long enough.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • part of the introduced fat in the postoperative period is absorbed, therefore, a larger volume of adipose tissue is required;
  • sometimes, due to the accelerated resorption of the material, it becomes necessary to carry out additional procedures;
  • bruising and slight swelling, a feeling of numbness or soreness at the site of fat injection may occur, but this discomfort disappears within a week.

Contour plastic or biorevitalization

The mechanism for smoothing the nasolabial folds with the help of contour plastics is based on the introduction of gel-like substances - fillers into the skin cavity. Translated from of English language this name translates to "placeholders".

Most often, preparations containing hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide that binds water and increases in volume at the injection site, are used as fillers.

The safety and effectiveness of the use of hyaluronic injections in the fight against nasolabial folds is due to the fact that the acid used for them is a natural component of the skin. Being biologically compatible with the human body, after some time it dissolves and it becomes necessary to repeat the procedure.

If there are contraindications to the introduction of hyaluronic acid, it is replaced with an Ellanse filler, which uses a synthetic substance that is absorbed in the body - polycaprolactone.

The effect of hyaluronic injections lasts for at least 6 months, in some cases up to 2 years. The procedure can be carried out at any age. A contraindication to its use is pregnancy, skin diseases, pathology of internal organs.

Smoothing of nasolabial folds with Botox injections

Botulinum toxin is a part of Botox - poisonous substance blocking the flow of nerve impulses to the facial muscles. Under the influence of neurotoxin, they relax and the area of ​​the skin that forms the nasolabial fold is straightened.

With the correct calculation and administration of the dose of Botox, the removal of increased muscle tone without disturbing natural facial expressions. The obtained result lasts for 4-12 months.

The advantage of the procedure is that it avoids plastic surgery, and is an alternative to other types of cosmetic procedures.

Disadvantages: in case of an overdose of the drug, the appearance of side effects in the form of a significant decrease in the activity of facial muscles, prolapse of soft tissues, facial asymmetry. But these phenomena are temporary and pass after the drug is excreted from the body.

How to tighten nasolabial folds with a surgical facelift

Rhytidectomy - radical method getting rid of nasolabial folds, helping to remove wrinkles and make the face younger. During the operation, the hanging skin is stretched, its excess is excised.

Plastic surgery has developed many methods of facelift, if necessary, it can be combined with the installation of facial implants, supplemented with a biorevitalization procedure.

The effect achieved as a result of rhytidectomy lasts 10 years. Similar surgery used in patients over 40 years of age.

The advantage of this method is that it gives good result with a significant depth of folds, which is difficult to remove in other ways.

The disadvantage is the high cost, the rehabilitation period is longer than with other methods. Complications in the form of noticeable scars, bruising, numbness of a part of the face are possible.

The use of folk remedies at home

Improve at home appearance allow cosmetics and face masks. But the process of improving the condition of the skin requires patient daily care and an integrated approach.

It is advisable to revise the diet - to exclude foods that are harmful to the body, and add a variety of vegetables and fruits. Will be of great benefit physical exercises walking on fresh air.

A gelatin mask will help get rid of wrinkles

To prepare the mask, put a tablespoon of gelatin in 50 ml of water, stir and leave to swell for 30 minutes. Then add 4 spirulina tablets, 6 drops dissolved in a spoonful of water to the mixture lemon juice and 2 drops of vitamin A.

If the resulting mixture has a liquid consistency, wait another half hour. Then spread the composition on the surface of the gauze and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

The course consists of 5 procedures with an interval of 3 days.

Smoothing Bay Leaf Mask

Pour boiling water over 15 pcs. bay leaf, cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Strain the broth, combine with 10 g of burnt alum. Add a spoon olive oil and 3 egg whites... Stir, distribute over strips of fabric and apply to folds for 20 minutes. Use the mask regularly with a break of several days.

Using clay masks

To prepare the mask, you will need green and pink cosmetic clay... For one tablespoon of powder, take the same amount of water or a decoction of a medicinal herb, for example, pharmacy chamomile.

Stir, add 2 drops of any essential oil... Apply to a previously cleansed face, rinse off after complete hardening. Frequency of application clay mask- in one day.

Starch masks for correction

Stir a tablespoon of starch in 100 ml of water. Pour the solution into a container with 500 ml of boiling water. When the mixture thickens, remove from heat, not allowing to simmer. Apply to folds and wrinkles for 20-30 minutes. The resulting mixture is enough for 3 times.

When using, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the composition, to obtain a whitening effect, a little kefir or a few drops of lemon juice.

The use of herbal compresses

The composition of herbal decoctions contains many useful substances that activate the production of collagen. Compresses from them can be used daily, alternating medicinal herbs.

A good effect can be obtained with the help of decoctions of chamomile, birch buds, calendula, St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot.

Compress preparation method:

  • pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of finely chopped plant parts, boil for 5 minutes;
  • wait until the temperature of the liquid becomes barely warm;
  • dip cotton-gauze tampons into the infusion and apply to the skin folds for 15 or 20 minutes.

Facial washing with cosmetic ice cubes

Impact on skin folds and ice wrinkles is a very effective and popular way to get rid of dullness and and hide signs of aging of the skin.

Temperature shock triggers the activation of the body's defense mechanisms, thanks to which the cells begin to intensively produce collagen, which ensures the restoration of skin elasticity and its rejuvenation.

It is best to freeze not water, but an infusion of a mixture of medicinal herbs and self-prepared juice of vegetables or fruits.

Gymnastics to get rid of nasolabial folds

Regular exercise of specially designed exercises improves the tone of flabby muscles, tightens and smoothes the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Exercise also activates cell metabolism and blood circulation in the skin layers, creating a rejuvenating effect.

Exercise "Tube"

Fold your lips in a tube, pull them forward and pronounce the sound "y" with a drawl. Then round your mouth a little and draw out the "o" sound. Repeat the exercise 20 times.


Prepare plastic bottle volume of 0.5 liters. Fill a third of the container with water.

Place the bottle on a flat surface (it is more convenient to use a table for this), grab its neck with your lips (but not your teeth) and try to lift it. Hold in the raised position for 20 seconds, put in the same place.


Pull your lips into your mouth, insert a tablespoon between them. While straining your muscles, try to lift its upper end. When it is facing up, smile by stretching the skin of your cheeks. Stay in this position for a while. The exercise is performed in two sets of 10 times.


This exercise helps to strengthen the facial skeleton and helps to reduce the nasolabial folds. Cleanse the skin, lubricate it nourishing cream... Inflate balloon 5-10 times in the morning and in the evening. If there is no balloon, do the same without it.

There is also a slightly more complicated version of this exercise. When inflated, air is released through the lips extended by the tube.

Exercises designed by Carol Maggio

This gymnastics effectively cope with the smoothing of the nasolabial folds. Carol Maggio is a beautician who works with Hollywood stars.

The results obtained with her exercise complex can be compared to the effects of the procedures offered by beauty salons.

The sequence of performing gymnastics:

  • mentally identify two points in the central part of the lips;
  • open your mouth so that these points are located exactly one below the other, despite the fact that the distance between them has increased and an oval hole of the correct shape is formed;
  • Smooth the nasolabial folds up and down with quick finger movements until you feel a burning sensation.

Special breathing technique developed by American Greer Childers

Mrs. Chiderls became famous after successfully losing weight and looking significantly younger, doing gymnastics, toning muscles and increasing oxygenation of cells. The complex consists of following exercises to be repeated 5 times:

  1. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart. Place your hands just above your knees. Inhale and exhale 2 times. Then, holding your breath, open your mouth, positioning your lips so that a ring forms without wrinkling. Hold this position for 10 seconds with the tip of your tongue sticking out.
  2. Standing straight, push forward lower jaw so that it goes behind the upper one, with the simultaneous protrusion of the lips. Stretch your neck as high as possible, and lift your head until you feel the muscles stretch from the chin to the chest. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

From this video you can find out how else you can do a number of exercises to forget about the nasolabial folds.

Massage techniques

Massage is a great addition to exercises that remove nasolabial folds. There are special techniques, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of use in different countries the world. They can be done independently in a comfortable home environment.

Shiatsu massage

The main advantages of this type of massage are simplicity and high efficiency.

Place your fingers, except the thumb and little fingers, on the nasolabial folds and move along them with tapping movements. Then, to consolidate the effect, rub the skin from the nostrils to the cheekbones. Finish the massage with circular massaging movements from a point just below the center lower lip s to the corners of the mouth.

Asahi Japanese massage

When it is performed, deeply located skin layers are affected, so a slight pain may be felt. The massage is performed in 5 approaches.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Place your fingers in the area of ​​the wings of the nose.
  2. Move your fingers along the skin along the folds, as if you were drawing an eights or an infinity sign. Movements should be so strong that a burning sensation is felt on the skin. Repeat 5 times.
  3. After that, draw eights with your fingers, but with soft and smooth movements without pressure, also 5 times.
  4. Move your fingers to the bridge of the nose and slide the pads away from inner corners eye diagonally down and then back.

How to remove nasolabial folds with cosmetic products

The cosmetics industry and pharmaceutical companies produce many products for skin rejuvenation. These are creams, gels and ointments containing important ingredients such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10.

The most beneficial is marine collagen, which provides a more pronounced and longer lasting effect. Hyaluronic acid restores water balance, normalizes cell metabolism, and helps to eliminate toxic substances. Coenzyme Q10 has antioxidant properties, prevents skin aging, tones it, removes wrinkles, makes it firmer and smoother. To obtain it, algae are used.

Collagen products of animal origin can be used for dry skin, but it should be borne in mind that they create a film on the skin surface that impairs the elimination of toxins.

Preventive measures

Observance of some rules will allow to avoid the appearance of nasolabial folds. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily. But to avoid swelling, do not drink a lot of water and drinks in the evening. Sleeping on your back will slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Buy makeup creams that are formulated with alpha hydroxy acids to activate cell renewal. When caring for your skin, you must apply natural oils that improve the hydration of the skin and ensure its elasticity. Begin to take care of yourself from your youth, before the first wrinkles and folds appear.

Applying in practice all the methods and means described, it is possible to completely or partially remove the nasolabial folds that spoil the appearance. A faster effect is given by the procedures offered by the specialists of beauty salons.

With the help of gymnastics and massage, you can maintain the tone of the facial muscles, preventing them from decrepitude and relaxation. Masks prepared by folk recipes, will help to tighten saggy skin and provide it with useful substances.

Nasolabial folds: how to remove them at home and is it possible to prevent their appearance? It should be noted right away that one way will not work in the fight against this problem. A whole range of activities is needed, which we will try to reveal.

What are nasolabial folds (and why do they appear)

The folds in the lip area are two thin grooves from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. You can see them when a person smiles. It turns out that everyone has them, but they are usually not visible.

For example, if they are overly emotional or poorly monitor the condition of their skin.

The older a woman gets, the more these wrinkles appear and the more difficult it becomes to mask them with makeup. This is due to the loss of skin elasticity. This usually occurs after age 30.

But age-related changes are not the only reason for the formation of folds. Their occurrence can be provoked by such factors:

  1. Dramatic weight loss. Wrinkles can occur even in young age... Many women who have dramatically lost weight can confirm the fact that heavy weight loss provokes wrinkles in the nasolabial area. This can be explained: there is a decrease in subcutaneous fat, but in a short period skin covering cannot adjust to change. As a result, plump cheeks change, and a person gets saggy skin.
  2. Heredity. Nasolabial folds can form due to genetic predisposition.
  3. The influence of the external environment. The condition of the skin can suffer from frequent exposure to the sun, poor ecology, and a sharp change in temperature.
  4. Incorrect sleeping position. If you regularly sleep with your face in your pillow, you may notice wrinkles early.
  5. Bad habits. It's no secret that smoking has a detrimental effect not only on internal organs but also on the person's appearance.
  6. Zero or improper care. It is important not to forget to take care of your skin, but it is also worth doing it right. For example, it will not be beneficial if a person stretches the skin by massaging it, or uses products for oily skin, being the owner of a dry type.
  7. Dehydration. It is important for every cell of the body that a person drinks a sufficient amount of water in pure form.

Nasolabial folds: how to remove at home

How to remove nasolabial folds at home? There is great way almost 100% elimination of nasolabial folds - prevention of their appearance. Cosmetologists recommend starting to care for your face as early as possible.

You can delay the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles using conventional facial treatments:

  1. daily washing in the morning and evening with cold water;
  2. proper nutrition;
  3. the use of creams, masks, scrubs (you can do it yourself).

If the folds are already visible, you should not get upset and immediately run to the beautician for injections. First, you can take a set of home methods:

  • take care of your face with special means;
  • normalize food, sleep;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • regularly do facial massage and facial exercises.

How to deal with nasolabial folds with folk remedies

No matter how advanced medicine and cosmetology are, folk remedies do not lose their popularity. They have been tested by millions of women and have many positive reviews.

If you are faced with the problem of mimic wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, then add these recipes to your complex facial care.

Bay leaf mask

To prepare this tool you will need:

  • 17 bay leaves;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 5 yolks (quail eggs are needed);
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 15 g burnt alum.

It is worth observing the following sequence:

  1. First done laurel broth... For this dried sheets filled with water. The mixture is boiled over medium heat for 5 minutes, then filtered.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the yolks, alum and butter. 2 tablespoons are added there. laurel broth.
  3. Everything mixes well.
  4. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting mixture and applied directly to the folds. To avoid sliding off the desired place, it is better to secure the disc with adhesive tape.
  5. The procedure is performed for at least 40 minutes, after which the disks are removed.
  6. Wash your face with cool water.

The course is as follows: the mask is done for 3 days in a row, then a 5-day break is taken. Continue in this mode until the result is noticeable. Usually about 10 procedures are required.

Effective masks

How to remove nasolabial folds at home using other masks? There are some recipes with which you can achieve amazing results.

They will help improve the elasticity of the skin, protect against wrinkles. To achieve results, you should regularly do face masks.

If we consider the reviews of people, forums, then we can highlight some home remedies that really help to remove the nasolabial folds. These masks are:

  1. Vitamin. It makes the skin elastic, adds freshness to it. The fact is that the nasolabial area must be constantly nourished, as it needs vitamins. For this, the yolk, 2 drops of retinol, and also 3 drops of tocopherol are mixed. It is necessary to acquire Ascorutin and add one tablet to the mixture (pre-crushed into powder). A composition is applied to the skin, which is removed after a third of an hour.
  2. Berry. You need to mix cranberries, raspberries and add 1 tsp to them. honey. The berries must be chopped. A similar mask stays on the face for up to 10 minutes.
  3. Starchy. You will need 10 grams of cornstarch. To it are added 15 g of cream and a few drops of orange ether. The mixture is kept on the face for up to half an hour.
  4. Banana. The banana must be crushed to make a gruel. 5 ml is added to it almond oil and 3 g of ginger. A similar composition stays on the skin for 20 minutes.
  5. Gelatinous. This mask makes the skin supple and elastic, it smoothes out wrinkles. For this, 3 tbsp is poured into the container. l. water, 3 tablets of spirulina are added. 10 g of gelatin is poured into another container. Water is added to it, all this is placed in a water bath until dissolved. Diluted spirulina and grapefruit juice are also poured here. The mask is applied for a third of an hour.

Before using any mask, steam the skin. This will enhance the effect.

Herbal compresses

There is nothing better than herbal teas for skin care. In the fight against nasolabial folds, they are also no exception.

For a compress you will need:

  • 2 tbsp dry collection of chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, calendula;
  • a glass of boiling water.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry grass is poured with boiling water and sent to the fire. It must be brought to a boil.
  2. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum and the grass is boiled for 3 hours. Then the broth is filtered.
  3. In a warm herbal broth, a small piece of bandage is moistened and applied daily to the nasolabial folds for 10 minutes.

There are no restrictions on this procedure. You can do it as much as you like.

Fruit applications

Fresh fruits - good helpers in the fight against age-related changes skin. They contain a large number of acids, antioxidants and organic acids.

For fruit applique you can use apple, pear, peach, persimmon, avocado and banana. Fruit must be ripe and juicy.

Cut off a small slice and also apply it to the nasolabial wrinkle. This procedure is performed once a day, for about 15 minutes.

Anti-aging cubes

Cold - best remedy prevent skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. That is why you always need to wash your face only with cool water. After washing, in the morning and in the evening, you can carry out a rejuvenating procedure with ice cubes.

What you need to prepare it:

  • chamomile (you can pharmacy, dry);
  • clean (not boiled!) water.
  1. Chamomile is poured with boiling water, infused until it cools completely.
  2. Then the liquid is filtered and poured into an ice mold.

With this cube, twice a day, the face is wiped away from the nose. Particular attention should be paid to the nasolabial areas.

Exercises for the facial muscles

At home, you can get rid of nasolabial folds not only with ice and compresses. You can use a set of exercises for the face.

One of the reasons for the loss of elasticity of the skin muscles is their inactivity. If you exercise regularly, you can save yourself from the appearance of nasolabial folds for a long time.

There are several types of exercises for the muscles of the face. The most common complex:

  1. Inflation and deflation of the cheeks.
  2. Pronounce only vowels in order, without closing your mouth.
  3. Pulling the lips into a tube for as long as possible.
  4. Rolling air in the mouth from one cheek to the other.
  5. Holding the breath with the cheeks drawn in as much as possible.
  6. Pushing air out of the mouth with sharp jerks.

All these exercises make the nasolabial muscles work.

You can clearly see how to perform the exercises in the video:

Bottle exercise

This is a great exercise to maximize your facial and nasolabial muscles. To complete it, you will need a 0.5 liter plastic bottle. It must be empty first.

With extended lips, you must hold the bottle by the neck for 3 minutes. The next day, the same procedure is performed with a bottle containing 50 ml of water.

For the exercise to be effective, it is necessary to add water to a 50 ml bottle every 2-3 days. The maximum volume that you can work with is 250 ml.

Carol Maggio Exercise

Christine Blaine

plastic surgeon

To be successful with home remedies requires regularity and A complex approach... Therefore, use masks, massage, exercise, use commercial creams, serums, etc. This is the only way to reduce wrinkles. But don't expect a dramatic makeover. For those who wish to completely remove the nasolabs, specialists in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery... As for the second option, here you can use a facelift, the introduction of threads, check-lifting.

The nasolabial folds appear as two lines from the tip of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Everyone can notice them if they smile broadly. They are invisible if the skin is in good condition. However, over time, they will be seen much more clearly.

It is impossible to prevent the appearance of these wrinkles. Even completely eliminating a smile from your life will not help. To get rid of nasolabial folds at home, you will need a whole range of measures. It is difficult to achieve results in a short period of time. But methodically and consistently performing each step, you can get tangible results.

The easiest ways

If you are young and your skin is fresh and healthy, only preventive methods are suitable for you. These include:

  • good nutrition;

  • getting rid of bad habits (no tobacco and a minimum of alcohol);

  • normal, healthy sleep;

  • facial skin care.

The last point needs clarification. It's not about complex procedures in salons, but about the use of homemade masks and creams. However, their quantity must be strictly dosed. Otherwise, rejection may occur.

Gymnastics and massages

If the above methods do not help, you can resort to massage and facial gymnastics. There are many techniques and varieties. Of the most common, the following can be mentioned:

  1. Gymnastics for clear diction.

  2. Indian and Japanese acupressure massages.

  3. Modern techniques.

To remove the nasolabial folds, it is not necessary to select only one of the points. A combination of these and other techniques can improve the effect.

Gymnastics for clear diction

Announcers and presenters of many TV channels speak tongue twisters and make facial gymnastics... To get rid of nasolabial wrinkles, you can take some of the exercises:

  • puff out your cheeks until you feel tension;

  • stretch your lips with a "tube";

  • open your mouth with the letter "O".

There are other exercises as well. But their point is to stretch the lips and the skin around them as much as possible. Regular repetition will reduce the rate at which wrinkles appear.

Indian and Japanese acupressure massages

People in ancient times also cared about the problems that he thinks about modern society... For example, in India and Japan, acupressure techniques were developed. Some of them are still practiced by masters of oriental medicine. The main point is pressure and circular rotations.

  1. Place your fingertips on the corners of your lips.

  2. Massage them with light pressure for 30 to 40 seconds.

  3. Take a half minute break and repeat.

Modern techniques

All methods that help to remove nasolabial wrinkles at home are one way or another modern. Invented several centuries ago, techniques are modified and reach us.

However, there are methods that were developed by our contemporaries. One of them can be considered Carol Maggio. A well-known American cosmetologist, she opened her own clinic and created a method of "sculptural gymnastics". It includes a lot of exercises. Here is just one of them:

  1. Draw two dots above the middle of the upper and lower lips.

  2. Open your mouth so that they form an oval, on the tops of which these points are located.

  3. Quickly move the nasolabial folds with your index fingers until you feel a burning sensation.

Remember that regularity and consistency are important in the fight against expression lines. One or two days of training will have no effect. Make a monthly, weekly, and daily plan for your best performance.

Nasolabial wrinkles are usually associated with the inevitable aging process of a person, and removing a crease seems to be a costly and thankless task. But do not despair, because there are many ways at home with minimal financial losses to prolong the youth and beauty of the face. The main thing is to start doing it on time and with responsibility.

Nasolabial folds: the main types and causes of appearance

Take to name the folds in the skin, located from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose. Depending on the reasons for the appearance, several types of such folds are distinguished:

  • mimic wrinkles are caused by the activity of the facial muscles as a result of chewing or expressing emotions. There is such a thing as increased facial expressions. That is, excessive work of the facial muscles occurs under the influence of irritating factors, for example, due to loss of teeth or addiction to dental prostheses, smoking, or the peculiarities of the profession. It has been noticed that such wrinkles appear earlier in musicians or people whose activities are associated with active articulation. Constant muscle tension leads to skin wrinkling, and over time, the folds become more noticeable;
  • gravitational wrinkles are formed due to the sinking of facial tissues under the influence of their own gravity. Often, their appearance can be associated with a sharp loss of body weight, when the skin, for some reason, cannot return to its original state;
  • age-related nasolabial wrinkles appear as a result of the natural aging process of the skin. Early appearance such wrinkles can be the result of a hereditary predisposition.
The reason for the appearance of nasolabial folds is not always old age, it is often a reason to think about your lifestyle

According to the depth of occurrence, wrinkles are divided into:

  • superficial wrinkles. Arise in top layer skin, epidermis. They are easy to adjust at home;
  • medium wrinkles. They affect not only the epidermis, but also the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Getting rid of them is already more difficult, but you can do it yourself if you seriously approach this issue;
  • deep wrinkles. All layers of the skin are affected, and even the subcutaneous fat layer. Usually age-related, appear on mature skin. Adjustments can only be made with radical procedures unavailable for home use("beauty" injections, plastic surgery).

The appearance of nasolabial folds can actively contribute to a person's lifestyle. There are many bad habits that lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, wrinkles appear earlier and fix on the skin faster. Here are just a few of them:

  • smoking (including electronic cigarettes). The ingress of toxins into the body has a detrimental effect on skin cells, and facial expressions during the smoking process provoke the appearance of deep nasolabial wrinkles;
  • poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals causes earlier skin aging, and an abundance of oily and sweet food lead to an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, which interferes with the normal blood circulation of the skin;
  • dehydration of the skin. The body, including the skin, needs water, not sweet soda tea;
  • lack of protection against negative impact sun, wind and bad ecology. Abrupt shifts temperatures, the action of ultraviolet rays, cold winds can lead to dryness and irritation of the skin, and then to wrinkles, therefore, regardless of the weather and season, you need to think about protecting the skin, use creams with UV protection, special nutrients for cold weather, and do not get carried away with moisturizing cosmetics if it is frosty outside the window. It is useful to be in the fresh air more often and to avoid stuffy and smoky rooms;
  • the habit of sleeping on your stomach can also cause nasolabial wrinkles, deep wrinkles form on the skin of the face from close contact with the pillow;
  • those who like to fall asleep with unclean skin should also think about premature skin aging. Remains of makeup, dirt from environment clog pores, interfere with oxygen access and natural skin cleansing of dead skin cells.

The role of nutrition in preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds

For the beauty of the skin, you must first monitor your weight. Excess fat and sudden or constant changes in weight negatively affect the nutrition of the skin, as a result of which it loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and thin. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells and blocks negative action free radicals... In addition, it improves skin texture, stimulates collagen production and protects the skin from UV rays. The record holder for the content of this substance is tomatoes. It is important to remember that the content of easily digestible lycopene is higher in cooked tomatoes, so it is more efficient to use pastes and juices, rather than fresh vegetables;
  • vitamin P stimulates the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels; in addition, this vitamin has an antioxidant effect. They are rich in citrus fruits, buckwheat, fresh cabbage, black currant berries, red mountain ash, rose hips, green tea;
  • iron is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis and the supply of oxygen to tissues. They are rich in foods such as buckwheat, red meat (veal, rabbit), liver, oat groats, egg yolk;
  • silicon is involved in tissue repair, and also holds collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, and has antioxidant functions. Its source is bran, seeds, fresh herbs;
  • zinc and selenium also respond to the elasticity of the skin; seafood, mushrooms, yeast are rich in them;
  • vitamin E is the main antioxidant, so you should pay attention to vegetable oils, fish, seafood and greens;
  • vitamin A is a skin builder, all orange vegetables are rich in it;
  • vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen and proteins. They are rich in citrus fruits, black currant, cabbage;
  • calcium is responsible for maintaining the integrity of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as capillaries and barrier function epidermis. The main source of calcium is dairy products, poppy seeds and sesame seeds;
  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, reduce cholesterol, increase skin elasticity, reduce the risk of obesity, and normalize hormonal levels. The main sources of these acids are fish oil, flaxseed oil and olive oil.

Particular attention should be paid to water, vital important norm consumption - at least 1.5 liters per day. Fractional meals are encouraged, in small portions about 5 times a day. Fresh vegetables and fruits are recommended to be consumed in the morning.

Below is a list of products that are best avoided for the beauty and health of the skin:

  • canned food;
  • rich flour products;
  • strong black tea, coffee;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • foods containing trans fats;
  • alcohol.

Only healthy balanced diet can provide a normal supply of vitamins and minerals necessary for youthful skin.

Proper nutrition affects the health of the body in general and the condition of the skin in particular

Getting rid of nasolabial folds

There are many ways to get rid of nasolabial folds. The main rule is to deal with the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles is much easier and more effective than trying to correct deep creases on the skin.

Application of anti-aging cosmetics

Anti-wrinkle cream is perhaps the easiest way to care for your skin. Of course, there are several recommendations here too:

  • to prevent the appearance and combat existing wrinkles, it is necessary to choose creams, masks, serums containing such active ingredients: alpha hydroxy acids, collagen, vitamin and antioxidant complexes, peptides, hyaluronic acid, retinol;
  • cosmetics are selected for the type of skin, for example, dry skin is more prone to wrinkles, since the products of secretion of the sebaceous glands are natural moisturizers;
  • the main rule of using anti-aging cosmetics is regularity, the cream will cope with its tasks only with daily use;
  • in order to avoid addiction, cosmetologists recommend changing the cream every 4–5 months;
  • open cream cannot be used for more than 6 months;
  • cosmetics should be kept away from sun rays, in a hermetically sealed container, you need to collect the cream only with clean hands;
  • to understand the effectiveness of the cream, you need to use it for at least 28 days.

Day and night skin care

Skin care is divided into day and night. This division is necessary due to the fact that products fulfill different roles:

  • day cream has a light texture and is quickly absorbed. Its main tasks: moisturizing, preparing the skin for application decorative cosmetics, smoothing wrinkles and sun protection. The cream is applied to previously cleansed skin at least 40 minutes before leaving the house. It is especially important to follow this rule in winter;
  • the night cream has a denser, heavier structure. The cream is absorbed longer than daytime; after 15 minutes, you can gently blot the skin with a napkin to remove excess. It is better to apply the cream one hour before bedtime. This will help it absorb better and not remain on the pillow. Its main tasks are:
    • skin nutrition;
    • its saturation with active elements;
    • stimulation of cell regeneration;
    • skin restoration.

Table: Examples of famous brands of anti-aging creams

Brand nameapproximate priceActive ingredientsAction
Nivea - Daily cream anti-wrinkle Q10 PLUS (Germany)about 500 rubles for 50 ml.Contains:
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • creatine;
  • UV filters;
  • glycerol;
  • Shea Butter;
  • vitamin E.
  • increases the content of Coenzyme Q10 and Creatine in skin cells;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.
Nivea - Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream Q10 PLUS (Germany)from 480 rubles for 50 ml.Contains:
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • creatine;
  • macadamia oil;
  • glycerol;
  • Shea Butter;
  • vitamin E;
  • panthenol;
  • lanolin.
The cream has the following properties:
  • restores the skin during the night;
  • increases the content of Coenzyme Q10 and creatine in skin cells;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • intensely moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
Chistaya Line - Day cream for face from 55 years old (Russia)from 130 rubles for 45 ml.Contains:
  • extract of Scutellaria Baikal;
  • cloudberry oil;
  • phycollagen complex.
The cream has the following properties:
  • improves complexion;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • makes the skin more elastic.
L'Oreal Paris -
Age Expert Day care 45+ (France)
from 250 rubles for 50 ml.Contains:
  • retino-papdids;
  • prickly pear flower extract;
  • vitalin;
    • natural oils.
The cream has the following properties:
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • increases skin elasticity;
    • has a noticeable lifting effect.
Diademine -
LIFT + (France)
from 700 rubles for 50 ml.Contains:
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • Shea Butter;
  • soy proteins;
  • vitamin E;
  • caffeine.
Smoothing wrinkles, filling the skin from the inside
Missha - Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream (Korea)from 2900 rubles for 50 ml.Contains:
  • extract of grape snail;
  • baobab extract;
  • red ginseng extract;
  • vitamin E.
The cream has the following properties:
  • tightens and regenerates the skin;
  • evens out wrinkles;
  • gives elasticity.

It is more efficient to use day and night creams of the same brand and line, the manufacturer takes into account the characteristics of each product, and they complement each other

Cosmetologists do not recommend using anti-aging cosmetics up to 35 years old, so that the skin does not get used to receiving necessary substances only from the outside. Up to this age, normal skin care is suitable to moisturize the skin and protect it from UV radiation.

Face building - exercises at home to help remove nasolabial folds at home in 1 week

Facebook building - effective method preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. To maximize the result of such a procedure, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • exercises should be performed on an ongoing basis, the recommended time is 10–20 minutes daily, there will be no sense from one-time sessions;
  • to enhance the effect, you can finish the procedure with a massage using oils: jojoba, grape seed, almond;
  • all movements should be smooth, without strong pulling on the skin.

Face building is a great way to prevent wrinkles if you do it regularly.

The following exercises can be used to correct the nasolabial zone:

  • put pads index fingers on the corners of the lips, pull the skin to the sides by 0.5-1 cm, fix for 10 seconds, release;
  • stretch out your lips, as if to pronounce the sound W;
  • similarly for the sound O, fix up to 20 seconds;
  • gently pinch the cheek, grabbing not only the skin, but also the muscles and pull it to the sides, fix it for 5 seconds;
  • draw in air, as if holding a ball in your mouth. Start rolling this ball, alternately inflating one or the other cheek;
  • place your palms on your face, so that the little fingers are on the line of the nasolabial wrinkles. Make movements, lifting your cheeks and slightly moving them to the sides;
  • arrange index fingers along the wrinkles, press on this line, slightly pulling the skin to the side and at the same time straining the wings of the nose, like an animal trying to catch a scent.

Repeat the exercises 20-30 times.

Video: how to remove nasolabial folds

Pharmacy products: table

Some pharmacy products you can see the components of expensive anti-aging creams, while the price of such a product can please any wallet. It is for these reasons that more and more often they go not to the store, but to the pharmacy for a remedy for wrinkles.

When using pharmacy anti-wrinkle products, it is important to carefully read the instructions for restrictions and contraindications.

The most popular anti-wrinkle treatments are:

MeansPriceActive ingredientsActionMode of application
Shark oilfrom 100 rublesContains:
  • vitamins A, E, D;
  • squalene is a powerful antioxidant;
  • Alkyglycerol is a substance that helps to saturate cells with oxygen and prevents the influence of aggressive external factors.
Nourishes the skin, promotes regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, gives skin elasticityThe product is applied to previously cleansed skin for 30 minutes, the excess is removed with wet wipes... Can be used in the evenings 2-3 times a week.
Methyluracil ointmentfrom 20 rublesContains:
  • methyluracil;
  • aqueous lanolin;
  • medical petroleum jelly.
The ointment stimulates tissue regeneration at the cellular level, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.You need to use it twice a day for three weeks applying on clean skin thin layer... After application, a slight burning sensation may appear.
Actovegin creamfrom 200 rublesCalf blood componentsThe main action is to accelerate tissue regeneration by activating metabolic processes in skin cells. The cream enhances blood circulation, so cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, as a result, they are smoothed fine wrinkles, the skin becomes firmer and fresher.The cream is applied to thoroughly cleansed skin with a thin layer of massage lines, after an hour, the excess is removed with a napkin. Actovegin can be used twice a day. The course of application is two weeks, after which it is better to give the skin a rest for a month.
Candles Corilipfrom 200 rublesContain:
  • cocarboxylase hydrochloride,
  • riboflavin
  • lipoic acid.
The anti-aging effect is achieved thanks to the content of antioxidant lipoic acid and vitamins. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. The skin becomes moisturized, cell metabolism increases.The candle is warmed up in the hands and applied to problem areas. The course of treatment is 10 days, then it is better to give the skin a rest for 2-3 weeks.
Levomekol ointmentfrom 150 rublesActive components of the product:
  • chloramphenicol;
  • methyluracil;
  • polyethylene oxide.
Promotes skin regeneration, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastinTo combat age-related skin changes, apply once a day for 2 weeks. The use of wrinkles is limited, since the ointment dries the skin quite strongly, but the course effect can increase its elasticity.
Gel Contractubexfrom 600 rublesContains:
  • liquid extract of onion;
  • sodium heparin;
  • allantoin.
Contractubex improves skin tone and elasticity, relieves inflammation and edema, and activates collagen production.The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, then the skin should be allowed to rest for 3-4 weeks. It is better to use the gel at night, as the skin after using it is more exposed to the sun's rays.
Hydrogen peroxidefrom 10 rubles Evens skin tone, cleanses dead cells and rejuvenates the skin.It is used not in its pure form, but as a component of the mask. For the preparation of masks, peroxide is suitable, the concentration of which does not exceed 3%. It is not recommended to use this remedy more than twice a week, and no longer than 15 minutes. The mask must be freshly prepared every time. The masks are washed off with warm water, after which a moisturizer is applied, it is better if it has a calming effect.
Popular anti-aging masks are:
  • with egg yolk... The yolk of one person is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and 8-10 drops of peroxide. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water;
  • potato. Grind a small fresh potato, add a teaspoon oat flour and Castor oil and peroxide (5 ml each);
  • curd. For cooking, you need 50 gr. cottage cheese, liquid honey, lemon or aloe juice (5 ml each), 8 drops of peroxide. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply for 15 minutes.

Using pharmacy products against wrinkles, it is important to remember that they were developed to solve other problems, therefore it is important to follow all recommendations, do not exceed the norms and carefully read the contraindications and storage conditions of the product.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies never lose their relevance, even in the era of high technology.

Cosmetic ice

Massages with ice perfectly improve blood circulation, improve skin tone and serve as an excellent prevention of wrinkles. Ice can be made from plain water, but the use of decoction ice or other natural ingredients will greatly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Vitamins and microelements will additionally enter the skin, and due to the stress from temperature changes, they will be better absorbed. You can pour a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort into an ice mold, or use a more complex recipe:

  • pour 200 ml. water 50 grams of fresh parsley leaves, simmer for ten minutes, let it brew, cool and strain. The broth is poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer;
  • flaxseed and Linden blossom, taken in a tablespoon, pour 500 ml. boiling water and insist in a thermos for about 12 hours. Then it is poured into molds;
  • add essential oils to a glass of mineral or filtered water: 3 drops of geranium, 2 mint, 3 roses or 5 drops of sandalwood, 3 chamomile and 1 drop each of lemon and grapefruit. You can pre-mix them with a few drops of honey. The mixture is shaken and poured into molds;
  • a glass of hot milk pour a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal... After the mixture has cooled, it is poured into molds.

Massage cosmetic ice improves skin tone, stimulates blood circulation, smoothes fine wrinkles

And to bring ice maximum benefit for the skin, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • use ice better in the morning and in the evening. Washing your face in the morning will help you wake up, refresh your skin, relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. Moreover, attention can be paid not only to the nasolabial area, but also to the lips. Evening parties will moisturize the skin and relax it before going to bed;
  • after applying ice, do not wipe the face, so useful material better assimilated. An exception is milk recipes, after such ice you can wash and dab your skin with a towel.
  • face must be clean, ice is not an alternative to washing. The skin should be cleansed with a special gel, and then it is necessary to treat the face with a tonic or lotion;
  • after the procedure, when the skin is dry, you can apply a face cream;
  • ice should not be held in one place for more than three or four seconds;
  • in winter, ice should not be used less than half an hour before going out;
  • it is better to use mineral water, if there is none, tap water must be filtered;
  • cosmetic ice will not be stored in the freezer for more than a week.


Masks from natural products perfectly rejuvenate and tighten the skin. However, such cosmetics are not enough to combat deep and pronounced wrinkles; more serious means are needed here. Before applying such masks, it is important to check that there is no allergy to the ingredients.

Popular homemade masks that have proven beneficial properties for the skin are:

  • gelatin mask. It is recommended to do it twice a week for a month. For its preparation, two teaspoons of gelatin are dissolved in 50 ml. water. After the gelatin swells, two 2.5 ml spirulina tablets, previously soaked in a small amount of water, are added to it. lemon juice and two drops oil solutions vitamins A and E. The mask is applied to the skin for 30 minutes, washed off with water;
  • oil masks: add a few drops of a solution of vitamin E or aloe juice (5 drops per tablespoon of oil) to almond, olive, avocado, grape seed oil, pat the composition into the nasolabial zone with patting movements, blot it with a napkin after an hour. Repeat the procedure in the evenings.
  • chop half a banana in mashed potatoes, add a teaspoon of almond oil and a pinch of dry ginger, apply to problem area, wash off after 20 minutes;
  • honey mask is made from one spoonful of honey, to which half a teaspoon of aloe juice and olive oil are added. Apply for 30 minutes;
  • mask of sage leaves, St. John's wort, chamomile and linden. Dry ingredients are measured in equal proportions - one teaspoon each, crushed on a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, add a spoonful of sour cream and a spoon vegetable oil... The mask is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water;
  • a teaspoon of chopped oatmeal is poured with hot milk (about 20 ml.) When the mixture cools down, apply generously to the nasolabial area, rinse off after half an hour;
  • Pour 10 grams of rice flour lukewarm fat milk until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, add 4–5 drops of aloe juice, apply in a thick layer on the problem area, rinse off after half an hour.

Such masks can be used 1-2 times a week, they fill the skin with vitamins, increase its elasticity and smooth wrinkles.

Cleansing, applying cosmetics, massages should be gentle and easy, as rough, fast, hard movements will stretch and injure the skin.

Homemade face masks are an effective and inexpensive way to care for your skin, but it is important to remember that any ingredient can cause allergies.

To prevent the nasolabial folds from appearing ahead of time, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • sun protection. Ultra-violet rays have a detrimental effect on skin cells, so it is worth choosing creams with high SPF(sun protection factor);
  • to prevent the formation of facial wrinkles, it is worth starting to control your own facial expressions;
  • stress and lack of sleep quickly lead to early aging skin. Should be avoided whenever possible stressful situations, get more rest and sleep;
  • it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the skin, without leaving makeup residues and impurities overnight;
  • once a week, it is useful to peel the skin, so you can get rid of the stratum corneum, make it smoother and more susceptible to nutrients, improve blood circulation;
  • monitor the health of teeth and oral cavity. Problems in this area will lead to increased facial expressions that are difficult to control.

The nasolabial folds are practically invisible in young girls.... However, with age, two grooves form that connect the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose.

Usually this process begins after 40 years and significantly spoils the appearance.

Therefore, many women are interested in how to remove nasolabial folds at home.

Usually such manifestations are due to age-related processes.... In the deep layers of the dermis, the production of collagen decreases, which is responsible for the beautiful contour of the face.

In addition, the bonds between tissues weaken, which negatively affects the appearance. Also, the first signs of aging depend on the following factors:

How to get rid of nasolabial folds? To do this, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

Many women are interested in how to smooth the skin at home. Of course, even the most expensive cream will not help to cope with nasolabial folds. However, it can help keep the skin healthy.

When choosing cosmetic product you need to pay attention to its composition... It should contain substances that help to cope with wrinkles:

  • collagen;
  • proteins;
  • retinol;
  • amino acids;
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • hyaluronic acid.

When choosing a cream, be sure to pay attention to what type of dermis and age this remedy is intended for. Cosmetics recommended for use by 25-year-old girls are not suitable for women in their 50s..

Folk remedies

Answering the question of how to reduce nasolabial folds at home, you can recommend effective folk remedies. Compresses, creams and masks are perfect for this purpose.

To prepare this product, you need to take 15 bay leaves, add a quarter glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Then the composition must be filtered and mixed with 1 protein and 1 large spoonful of olive oil.

The mask is applied to clean skin... Particular attention should be paid to the area of ​​localization of the nasolabial folds. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can moisten a napkin or bandage in the mass, then apply it to the problem area and secure with a plaster.

The mask or compress should be kept for 20-40 minutes.... Then you can wash your face with warm water. The tool is used every day. This should be done for 3 days. Then for the same time it is necessary to interrupt and repeat the procedure again.

Berry mask

For its preparation, you can use strawberries or other fresh berries ... They must be kneaded to a state of gruel, and then add 1 small spoonful of lemon juice. You can also use olive oil.

Apply the prepared composition to problem areas for 15-20 minutes... After the specified time is over, you can wash your face with cool water.

To obtain this remedy, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of gelatin, mix with small amount water.

When the mixture is swollen, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A and half a small spoonful of lemon juice to it.

The resulting mass is applied to the face for half an hour. The procedure is recommended to be done twice a week for 1 month.

Fish oil mask

Fish oil is considered an effective remedy for nasolabial folds. The beneficial properties of this product are due to the presence of the beneficial omega-3 acid in the composition.

To do effective mask, you need to mix 1 small spoonful of starch and olive oil, then add half a teaspoon of fish oil to the mass. Ready composition must be applied to the face for 20 minutes.

This tool has pronounced anti-aging properties.

Owners mature skin it is better to use green or pink clay ... To use it, it is enough to take 1 spoonful of raw materials and mix with water or herbal decoction to get the consistency of thick sour cream.

Herbal decoction can be made from chamomile, sage, mint. No less effective means will become a series, St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother. You can add a couple of drops of peach, coconut, argan essential oil to the composition.

The finished substance is applied to clean skin and left until the mass is completely dry. Such procedures are recommended to be performed every other day.

This tool is prepared from decoctions of medicinal plants..

By rubbing the skin with ice cubes made from decoctions of St. John's wort, sage or calendula, it is possible to perfectly cleanse the skin and increase its tone.

To do cosmetic ice, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of dry herbs, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour.

Then the product must be filtered and poured into special molds. Use ready-made ice to wipe the skin twice a day.

Cream with honey

To prepare this product, you will need to take 30 g of honey and wax. In addition, you will need onion and aloe juice.

First you need to heat the honey and wax on steam bath, then add half a small spoonful of onion juice and 1 spoonful of aloe. The mass is still slightly warmed up and applied to the skin in a warm form. After half an hour, you can wash with warm water.

This product often used to make anti-aging cosmetics... At home, it is quite possible to make a mask with spirulina.

This seaweed contains valuable amino acids, vitamins and microelements. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin, stimulates cell regeneration and speeds up metabolism. Tablets containing spirulina extract are available over the counter.

To make a mask, you need to take 2 tablespoons of gelatin and mix with 50-70 ml of water. This mass should be left for half an hour so that it swells. In the meantime, you need to take 4 spirulina tablets and dissolve in 2 tablespoons of water. As a result, you need to get a thick mass.

Swollen gelatin should be placed on steam bath... While the product is heating, spirulina should be mixed with 2 drops of vitamin A and half a small spoonful of lemon juice. Then you need to add gelatin and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

The finished composition is applied to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and left for 20 minutes.... Then you can wash yourself with warm water. It is recommended to use the tool every 3 days for 1 month.

Exercise complexes

The key reason for the sudden appearance of facial wrinkles is the loss of mobility and elasticity of the facial muscles.

To restore lost properties, do special exercises for the face from nasolabial folds. Such movements help to cope even with the lines that have appeared.

However, gymnastics can also be used for prevention... There are many effective complexes, because every woman will be able to choose the most suitable one.

To complete it, you need to do the following:

Exercise with a plastic bottle

For this exercise you need to take plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5 l... It must be taken by the neck and held with extended lips for 2-3 minutes.

The bottle must be empty the first time. In the second, you can pour 50 ml of liquid and try to hold it. Thus, every 2-3 days, you need to increase the volume of water, gradually bringing it to 250 ml.

This gymnastics from the face from the nasolabial folds involves the implementation of the following movements:

  1. Press your lips tightly to your teeth.
  2. Imagine 2 opposite points - in the center upper lip and in the middle of the bottom.
  3. Open your mouth so that the points are located one above the other. The result should be a long oval. Inhale through your mouth.
  4. With the index fingers, drive strongly along the nasolabial folds. Movements should be directed up and down. Do the procedure until a burning sensation appears.
  5. Exhale through your mouth.

All exercises for nasolabial folds should be done regularly.... If you do them from time to time, you will not be able to solve the problem.

Therefore, experts advise to allocate 10 minutes every day to do gymnastics. Excellent results can be seen in 2-3 weeks.

Massage against nasolabial folds helps restore skin elasticity and facial muscles more mobile.

With the help of this simple procedure, it is possible to restore the disturbed blood circulation, which makes it possible to establish increased cell nutrition. It helps to increase skin tone and fight wrinkles.

Japanese shiatsu massage

To carry out this procedure, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Press down on the corners of the mouth with your thumb and forefinger for a few seconds.
  2. For 30 seconds, make pressing movements on the lower and top edge lips, gradually moving from the central part to the corners.
  3. Perform several pressing movements along the nasolabial folds.
  4. Lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

This type of massage causes painful sensations, since it involves an effect on the deep layers of the epithelium. However, this procedure successfully deals with nasolabial folds.

To carry it out, you need to do the following:

How to get rid of nasolabial folds. Facelift

Nasolabial folds are a common problem that affects many women.... To cope with this cosmetic defect on your own, you need to provide your skin with thorough care.

It is also very important to use effective folk remedies, do special exercises and massage.