Milk for a nursing mother on breastfeeding: is it possible, and which is better - cow or goat? Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. Whether to wean when the mother is sick

When you plan, conceive and give birth to a child, everything in your world takes on new amazing colors. No wonder it is believed that life is divided into before and after, when you have a baby. Newborn babies are very touching and defenseless creatures who are completely dependent on maternal care, love and a supportive environment.


The female body has many secret doors, which are discovered after some changes and transformations. The milk that is produced in a woman's breasts after childbirth is dependent on hormones. Breast tissue under the influence of progesterone and estrogen grows, appears - the first stage is the formation of milk in the breast of a woman. Within 3 days after the formation of colostrum, full-fledged breast milk appears.

The hormone prolactin acts on lactocytes, which in turn produce breast milk. After your baby is first attached to the breast, a new batch of milk is produced under the influence of increased levels.

Thanks to the inhibitor, milk accumulates in the mammary glands and pains appear that indicate that the breast is full. The stronger the inhibitor factor is, the slower milk is produced. Sucking a baby provokes the production of a new batch breast milk.

The process of feeding is individual. What you can eat also largely depends on the age of the child and his reaction to foods. Some children from infancy are immune to allergenic food, spicy and colored dishes that mother consumes. But in any case, it is better to stick to the standard diet for a nursing woman.

Food while breastfeeding

Most likely, the question of what mom can eat needs to be redirected in a different direction. It is generally accepted that a nursing woman should limit her diet in many ways to maintain the health of her baby. But usually the most treacherous time in feeding for a young mother - infancy. It is during this period that you should especially think about what you can eat while breastfeeding and what not.

Mothers often think only of the child, forgetting that they have stressed their bodies. After all, pregnancy and childbirth are always shock therapy for anyone. female body. Therefore, do not forget about yourself. After childbirth, the body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to recover. Therefore, the nutrition of a young mother should be not only hypoallergenic for the child, but also useful for herself. Answer the question of whether you can eat on your own. But there is a little hint - if there are no additives in it, then there will be no harmful effects. Choose cream or creme brulee.

After childbirth, the baby is no longer so closely connected with the mother's body, but still continues to use its derivative products. He feeds on breast milk. In addition to hormones that help produce milk, the body takes nutrients from the woman's blood. All useful and necessary for the restoration and feeding of matter enter the blood through the intestines. From this it should be concluded that the mother's menu and the quality of milk for the child are interrelated. It is worth knowing what you can eat while breastfeeding a newborn.

This diet is approximate. Depending on taste preferences, living conditions, time of year and financial possibilities, you can independently create your own personal food menu. Learn what you can eat while breastfeeding and pay attention to your diet.

  • 8:00 - Cottage cheese casserole.
  • 11:00 - Boiled eggs and greens.
  • 14:00 - Noodles with chicken.
  • 17:00 - Oatmeal with milk.
  • 20:00 - for a couple.

This is an approximate answer to the question of what you can eat with HB. By following the recommendations, you will not only protect your baby from allergic reactions, but also be able to eat right. Which in the future will favorably affect your figure.

As for drinking, it is better not to limit its quantity. Drink more tea, eat nuts so that the milk is more fat. If you diversify your menu with vitamins, then ensure the growth and proper development of the baby.

Products to be consumed

What foods can you eat while breastfeeding, you will learn from the text below. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from your own dacha are a hundred times more useful than their counterparts on the market. To eat natural products not only tasty and healthy, but also profitable. For example, women are wondering if it is possible to eat cherries while breastfeeding. Learn more.

List of hypoallergenic products

  1. Chicken meat, turkey meat.
  2. Boiled beef.
  3. Soups from cereals and vegetables.
  4. Oils - sunflower and olive.
  5. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  6. Natural yoghurts without additives.
  7. Curd without additives.
  8. Milk.
  9. Kefir.
  10. Yogurt.
  11. Brynza, suluguni.
  12. Green pea.
  13. Potato.
  14. Cucumbers.
  15. Greenery.
  16. Cabbage.
  17. Dried fruits compote.
  18. Unleavened lavash, wheat bread.

What fruits can you eat while breastfeeding:

  • baked green apples;
  • pears;
  • sweet cherry;
  • currant;
  • peaches and nectarines;
  • pomegranate;
  • watermelons;
  • bananas;
  • plum;
  • persimmon;
  • figs.

All of these fruits should be consumed in the season when they are ripe. If you are not in the ripening season for a particular fruit, then it is better not to experiment. Now you know what fruits you can eat for mom while breastfeeding. It is believed that fruits should be eaten depending on the region in which the nursing woman lives.

What is impossible and what is possible depends largely on the specific characteristics of the organism. For example, some mothers do not consume red berries because they can provoke an allergic reaction, but doctors recommend them anyway, because the berries contain a large number of vitamins, and if you eat them in adequate proportions, then you will not harm yourself or your child.

Fruits to avoid while breastfeeding

  1. Grape. It can cause bloating in a child.
  2. Citrus. Everyone knows about their allergic properties, so it's best not to experiment with them.
  3. Exotic fruits. For example, feijoa, pineapple, kiwi, papaya. Their overuse may adversely affect health and appearance child. But if you use them within reasonable limits, there are no consequences, then you can continue.
  4. Berries. This item is more of a warning. If you use berries in correct proportions, then the consequences can be avoided.

Depending on the desires and characteristics of the body, choose vegetables, fruits and other foods. Don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to taking vitamins. Much worse if you don't rule out bad habits and loose lifestyle. So you will definitely harm the child.

The diet of proper nutrition for a nursing mother for a week

Today, women are in a hurry after giving birth to be slim and fit. Many manage to achieve such a result even on breastfeeding. If you eat well and wholesome food, then you can come to perfect figure and continue to feed the baby.

Monday dishes

  • Kashi, any. You can oatmeal, buckwheat, seven cereals.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Rice with a steam cutlet.

Tuesday Dishes

  • Banana, sandwich.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Mashed potatoes, cutlet.

Wednesday dishes

  • Pasta with greens.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Steamed beef ragout and vegetables.

Thursday Dishes

  • Fruit salad.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • and beef stew.

Friday dishes

  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Goulash with vegetables.

Saturday dishes

  • Sandwich.
  • Soup and meat dish.
  • Porridge.

Sunday dishes

  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Unsweetened porridge with a steamed cutlet.

Prohibited Products

What you can eat while breastfeeding, you have already figured out. But what about prohibited foods and actions for the mother. Many women are mistaken when they think that if they do not eat red vegetables and fruits, but drink alcoholic products, they will be able to avoid food allergies in a child who suckles.

The mother is responsible for the life and health of the baby. Every woman wants her child to be happy and not sick. But in order to achieve such results, it is necessary to pull yourself together and follow not only daily menu but also eliminate bad habits.

If you don't get rid of bad habits and drinking patterns while breastfeeding, which means your baby is more likely to have diseases different kind. You must understand that the health of the baby who consumes breast milk depends only on the behavior of the mother and her diet.


If something hurts you, it is better to see a doctor. Medicines must not be abused. Depending on the source and nature of the pain syndrome, try to get by with traditional medicine and natural preparations.

Medicine does not stand still, many medicines can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Their action will not affect either the fetus or the child who consumes breast milk.

Homeopathy can help you with many ailments and pains. Homeopathic remedies are usually harmless and cost a penny.

Another beautiful way how to get rid of ailments is traditional medicine. Not without reason, our grandmothers were treated with herbs and decoctions. Learn what can be cured with herbs, find out how they work and when to use them. Such knowledge is always useful.

But do not neglect visiting a specialist. Be vigilant, your health is in your hands, and even more so the health of the baby, who is completely dependent on the mother.

There are many products on store shelves that can carry hidden danger. To avoid misunderstandings, you should study the ingredients of products before purchasing them. Concerning confectionery, then they contain some allergens that can adversely affect people's health. It is believed that the strongest allergic pathogens are chemical elements added to cakes, pastries and other sweets.

Is it possible to eat canned food, sausages, meat preservatives while breastfeeding?

Undesirably, they contain numerous substances that can influence the development of allergies. Dishes that a nursing mother eats should be fresh and made only from quality products. It is better not to eat canned food, fast food and other junk food. Sometimes even after heat treatment of products, they can cause an allergic reaction.

Comprises simple products. From them you can quickly cook any dish. Pay close attention to the food you eat, see what foods you are allergic to.

Completion of lactation

Many women do not know what to eat while breastfeeding and how to end breastfeeding properly. Numerous publications give various tips. Each mother chooses for herself until what age to breastfeed her child, in what way to complete this process.

Feeding - psychological program to which both mother and baby are attached. It is believed that what older child the more difficult the process of weaning will be.

To whom, if not you, to know the peculiarities of the behavior of your baby. Only the mother can determine when to stop breastfeeding. In general, it is considered correct to breastfeed a child until the moment when he begins to eat regular food. This age occurs at about 1.5-2 years. Depending on the individual features baby, a woman is able to determine whether her baby is ready for weaning.

Some women leave the child for a while with their parents, so that the process is less painful, they bandage their breasts or drink special pills. But most the best way weaning will be gradual decrease doses and amounts of feeding. If you plan to complete lactation, then initially you need to set yourself up emotionally. The right attitude is the key to a successful business.

The child sensitively feels all the emotions of the mother, including confidence in her actions. Therefore, you must be convinced that it is time to end breastfeeding. So the first brick will be laid.

Put away daily feedings It will not be difficult if you wear clothes that cover your chest and feed your baby on time with regular meals. If the baby requires a breast, then distract him. You already know what he likes. As soon as he asks to suck on the breast, offer your favorite game. It will take you a week, no more, to reduce your daily feedings to zero.

Consider weaning on the example of 3 days, with the number of feedings during the night - 3 pcs.

  • 1 day. Cut your nighttime feeds by one. Stop feeding before bed and during sleep.
  • Day 2 Cut back on the second nightly feed.
  • Day 3 Lay the baby down without breastfeeding. It may seem that this is impossible. But if you are determined, then everything will work out.

Do not neglect pumping. It will help relieve pain in the chest in the early days. In the future, milk will become less and soon it will completely disappear.

The birth of a baby is one of the most happy events in a woman's life. And every mother wants to give her baby all the best. And of course, she tries her best to fulfill almost all the tips and recommendations for caring for and especially feeding the crumbs. However, it is important to understand which of them are really useful and which can be harmful.

For example, often young mothers are faced with such recommendations as: “Feed your baby according to the regimen, no more than once every three hours, do not overfeed!”, “Replace some of the feedings with water!”, “Look, your baby gained too much or too little!”. Where did such fears come from, are they justified, is it even possible to overfeed a child on breastfeeding? Let's try to figure it out.

IN last years World Organization health care, according to which healthy children who are exclusively breastfed can add in the first months of life from 500g to 2000g per month. Thus, an increase of both 500g and 2 kg is absolutely normal. In addition, breastfeeding is a factor that reduces the risk of obesity and other endocrinological diseases in adulthood.

Why are we so often told about a possible overfeeding? Again, this seems to have come from bottle feeding.

A child sucking on a bottle cannot regulate the flow of food in the bottle. After all, it is enough to press on the bottle nipple or even just lower it with the hole down so that the liquid flows. Small child just physically unable to control the flow rate while bottle feeding. And besides, given the high flow rate, he does not have time to understand that he is full, and, as a rule, eats more than he needs.

When breastfeeding, the baby can vary the rate of sucking and thereby regulate the rate of milk flow. With longer measured feeding from the breast, nerve impulses from the walls of the stomach have time to reach the areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety, the child feels in a timely manner that he has eaten, and either stops sucking or changes the rate of sucking, for example, in order to fall asleep.

Unlike feeding. artificial mixtures, when breastfeeding, there is no need to maintain any intervals between breastfeeding. After all mother's milk- the most natural food for the baby, it does not overload the child's gastrointestinal tract, contains enzymes and probiotic bacteria that contribute to the digestion and assimilation of itself.

Remember that breastfeeding is natural process, and nature conceived it as pleasant and useful for both the baby and the mother. Trust your intuition, feel the baby and enjoy motherhood now, babies grow up so fast!

Bondartseva Galina, doctor, consultant

Breast milk is a unique food product for a newborn, not only natural, but also very useful. It contains everything you need to proper development child's body nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

Colostrum precedes the formation of breast milk. It has no equal in composition and quality of nutrients. It perfectly saturates the baby during the first 2-3 days and is easily digested. And by 4-5 days after birth, real breast milk appears.

With the birth of a child, a young mother has a lot of different questions and problems regarding feeding. Especially a lot of them at the birth of the first child. Answers to the most FAQ can be found in this article.

Long gone are the days when newborns were in separate wards of the maternity hospital from their mother. To date, it has been proven (and carried out) that the contact of the newborn with the mother and the first attachment to the breast are necessary immediately after birth. The sooner the baby is attached to the breast, the faster breastfeeding will be established, the easier the child will adapt after birth.

How often to feed the baby

One of important issues for a young mother - the number of feedings during the day, and many doubt whether it is possible to feed a child at night. There are 3 options to solve this problem:

  1. Feeding by the hour, or according to the schedule, - old way when the baby was applied to the chest strictly after 3 hours. This is convenient for the mother, and not for the child, because the mother could do household chores between feedings.
  1. Feeding on demand, that is, attachment to the mother's breast at the first cry of the baby at any time of the day. This is exactly what pediatricians now recommend to feed children. In addition, the baby can suck on the breast as much as he wants. As a result of frequent applications, lactation is stimulated without the use of any additional means.

The child quickly gets used to sleeping at the mother's breast. At night, there is no need to wake up the baby for feeding: if he wants, he will suckle himself, the nipple is in his mouth. But the mother, as it were, is constantly attached to the child, at any time she should be able to feed the child.

In addition, a child may cry for another reason: abdominal cramps, a wet diaper, or another reason. And the mother, not understanding this, will try to feed him.

  1. Free feeding is an intermediate way between the first two. With this method, the mother feeds the child “according to appetite” both day and night, but not more often than after 2 hours. According to physiology, the need for food in a child should not arise before. Keep the baby at the breast while you only need 15-20 minutes. - this time is enough for saturation. Longer sucking only contributes to satisfaction sucking reflex. Night feedings should definitely be kept, as they are important for supporting lactation.

On which feeding option to stop, it is up to the mother to decide together with the pediatrician. The best interests of the child must be put at the forefront.

Quantity and quality of milk

Literally from the first days after discharge with a newborn from the maternity ward, every mother begins to worry about the quality, and often the quantity of milk: is the baby enough, and is there enough fat in the milk? Maybe, better mix? Moreover, advertising obsessively claims that milk formulas are not inferior to breast milk.

However, there is no substitute for mother's milk. It is important that the baby is breastfed for at least 6 months.

The benefits of breast milk for a baby are undeniable:

  • it is the best fit for the baby in composition;
  • mother's milk will not cause and, if only the mother adheres to the recommendations of the doctor on nutrition;
  • in addition to nutrients, the mother provides protection to the baby from many diseases with her antibodies contained in milk;
  • no heating or special storage conditions are required, which is especially convenient when feeding at night or outside the home.

That is why you should not rush to supplement the baby with mixtures, you need to fight to maintain lactation. Frequent application to the breast better than any stimulant contributes to the flow of milk. Even if the breast seems "empty", the baby sucks milk, called hind milk, which is considered more valuable than the front. That is why during feeding it is not recommended to change breasts often. With a lack of hindmilk, the baby will lag behind in weight and intestinal problems may occur.

important for lactation psycho-emotional state breastfeeding mother, lack of stress and sufficient time for rest and night sleep. Well, the quality of milk directly depends on the nature of the mother's diet.

What is the best position to feed your baby?

You can breastfeed your baby in a wide variety of positions, but 3 of them are considered the most common.

To choose a position when feeding a newborn, the main condition is convenience, a sense of comfort for both the child and the mother.

Main poses 3:

  • classical ("cradle"): the mother sits and holds the child in her arms, pressing him to her with a slightly raised head; while the baby lies, as in a cradle, which served as the name of the pose;
  • from the armpit: the mother holds the child on her side, under her arm, pressing her head to her chest. This position is most often used at the birth of twins and simultaneous feeding both babies;
  • lying on its side: mother lies on her side; nearby, at the chest, lies a child; the most comfortable position for feeding at night, after a caesarean section.

Postures can be changed, which will enable the baby to suck out milk from different lobes of the mammary gland to prevent its stagnation. It is important that in any position the baby's body is in the same plane and is not curved.

Correct chest grip

It is very important to teach the baby to grasp the nipple correctly: the nipple and most of the areola should be in the wide-open mouth, and the lower lip of the crumbs should be turned outwards. The nose and chin rest against the chest when feeding. At the same time, the child will not swallow air and suffer from colic, and due to regurgitation, he will also not gain weight.

It is not difficult to determine the correct grip: no smacking will be heard during breast sucking, and feeding will not cause mother pain. If the nipple is taken incorrectly, you need to carefully insert your little finger into the baby's mouth, pull out the nipple, and then insert it correctly, pointing to the sky.

Do I need to express milk

Mandatory pumping after each feed, as well as feeding by the clock, is now called a relic of the Soviet era. Now pediatricians do not recommend mothers to express. milk in mammary gland produced in the amount in which it is sucked out by the child.

But sometimes pumping is necessary:

  1. With fullness and a feeling of fullness in the mammary gland. Pumping and breast massage will help to avoid.
  2. At birth premature baby who is unable to suck out the milk completely. But in this case, you need to express the breast before feeding the crumbs, so that he sucks out the more useful back milk. Pumping will help conserve lactation until the baby completely sucks the milk out of the breast.
  3. By pumping, you can save lactation during the period of illness of the mother and separation from the baby or taking antibiotics.
  4. In the absence of the mother for some time (going to work or for another reason).

Safe nutrition for breastfeeding mothers

Regular questions about. The nature of the mother's diet affects the quality and taste of milk. All the nutrients in milk come from the foods consumed by the mother.

If the mother does not receive any substances, then the child receives them from the reserve reserves of the mother's body, which necessarily affects her health (hair falls out, teeth, etc.). That is why the mother's diet should be given special attention.

Food should be taken in moderate portions 5-6 times a day, overeating will not improve the quality of milk. But also strict diets during lactation it is impossible to apply - the diet should be varied and satisfy all the needs of the child's and maternal organisms.

During the first month, it is desirable to observe hypoallergenic diet: exclude citrus fruits and vegetables bright color, flour products and sweets, cow's milk, honey, chocolate, cocoa, etc.

Mom in the first month is allowed to use:

  • soups and hateful broths;
  • meat (stewed or boiled) - beef, rabbit meat, turkey;
  • porridge (on water) - rice and buckwheat;
  • fat-free cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • hard cheese;
  • fermented milk products, excluding kefir;
  • vegetable puree from zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes;
  • bananas and green apples after heat treatment.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, fatty and fried foods, spices, pickles, sauces, seafood and canned food.

Care should be taken to select products in the first 3 months. after childbirth, adding them to the menu one by one at intervals of 3-5 days and watching the reaction of the child. If the baby does not have problems with the intestines and allergic phenomena, you can leave the product in the diet. Fresh fruits (except strawberries, exotic and citrus fruits) and vegetables are introduced gradually and brought up to 500 g per day.

From fats, it is preferable to use olive, sunflower, corn oils, but within reasonable limits, since fat milk harder for a baby to digest. Fish, eggs, nuts are gradually introduced.

Mustard, horseradish, and other spices can flavor milk, while onions and garlic can bad smell and cause the baby to stop breastfeeding. Of course, any alcoholic beverages should be banned.

Legumes, plums, cabbage will lead to increased gas formation and colic, and sometimes diarrhea in the baby. Overeating the mother will cause indigestion in the baby - colic, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.

It is mandatory for a nursing mother to drink liquid in the amount of 2-3 liters per day. It can be tea with milk, freshly squeezed juices, dried fruit compote, milk (fat content not more than 2.5%), still water. Cocoa and coffee can be drunk no earlier than 2 months after childbirth. Whole cow's milk quite often causes allergies in babies, so pediatricians advise mothers to use it with caution, not earlier than 4-6 months, in small quantities.

Quality and quantity of breast milk

Sometimes it seems to the mother that she does not produce enough milk, and the baby is malnourished. To understand this will help weight gain and the amount of urination. A baby should normally urinate more than 8 times a day. Body weight grows weekly by about 120 g (about 500 g per month). By six months of age, birth weight should double. If these 2 indicators are normal, then the baby has enough milk.

Some women produce a lot of milk, which causes it to flow spontaneously, heaviness in the glands, stagnation in the chest. In such cases, you can express some milk before feeding and reduce the amount of fluid you drink per day.

Anxiety is also often unfounded. The percentage of fat content is easy to check at home. To do this, express milk into a sterile test tube after 20 minutes. after feeding and let it stand for 6 hours at room temperature. The milk will be divided into 2 layers, the upper one will show the fat content: its height (measured with a ruler) in mm will show the percentage of fat content (1 mm = 1%). Normally, it should be 3.5-5%.

The composition of milk in the process of growth of the child changes and fully meets the needs of the growing organism. If the child is calm, weight gain is normal, then there is no need to worry. Very fatty milk can cause severe colic and development (violation of the ratio of beneficial bacteria in the intestines) in infants.

Insufficient lactation

If, nevertheless, there is not enough milk, then there is no need to rush with supplementary feeding, but take measures to increase lactation:

  • less often give a pacifier to the baby, and more often apply to the breast - sucking stimulates the formation of milk;
  • it is also more actively produced upon skin-to-skin contact, that is, if you expose your chest for feeding;
  • be sure to use a light massage of the mammary glands;
  • normalize your diet;
  • increase the amount of liquid you drink (water, juices, compote) with the obligatory inclusion of hot tea with milk, broths and soups in the diet;
  • provide the nursing mother with sufficient rest, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • Eliminate anxiety and stress that reduce lactation.

On the advice of a pediatrician, you can drink herbal teas. Medications and bioadditives can be taken only as directed by a doctor (some may cause allergies in a child):

  1. Lactogon - food supplement containing royal jelly, carrot juice, herbal extracts, vitamin C.
  2. Apilak is a tablet preparation, contains vitamins and royal jelly (may cause sleep disturbance).
  3. Mlecoin is a tool plant origin in the form of granules.
  4. Hipp - herbal tea, contains fennel, anise, nettle and cumin.
  5. Grandmother's basket - tea with lactogenic, tonic and firming effect.

The reaction of the body of a woman and a child to these drugs is purely individual.

It is important to support breastfeeding for at least 6 months. It is possible to supplement the baby with milk mixtures only in agreement with the pediatrician, when the child is behind in weight due to a lack of milk. At the same time, it is desirable to keep breastfeeding and supplement the amount of mixture calculated by the pediatrician from a spoon, and not from a bottle with a nipple.

Why is the baby crying

Usually a newborn cries when he wants to eat or expresses dissatisfaction with a wet diaper. Crying at night is also usually associated with night feedings. From the second half of the year, there is no longer a physiological need for them, but dependence has developed, the habit of sucking the breast at night every 3 hours. It will be possible to refuse night feedings gradually, changing the time and order of falling asleep after 30-40 minutes. after evening feeding.

Sometimes whimpering at night is just a test to see if mom is around. If the child is simply stroked on the head, then the baby calms down and falls asleep again. There is no need to accustom the baby to motion sickness in her arms, to rush to take the child in her arms at night - the children quickly get used to this, and then they will only cry for sleep in their arms.

Crying and anxiety may also indicate feeling unwell child (with colic, teething, at the beginning of the disease). By observing the behavior of the baby, the mother will soon learn to determine the cause of crying.


Colic disturbs almost all babies up to 3 months, and sometimes longer. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, to improve the discharge of gases, a light massage of the tummy will help.

From the first weeks of life, colic bothers almost every newborn - adaptation to a new diet is underway. They are not a pathology and usually go away after 3-5 months. With colic, the child cries, presses the legs to the tummy, the chair may be disturbed. How to help the baby?


  • put the baby before feeding on the stomach on a hard surface for 2-3 minutes;
  • monitor the posture and capture of the nipple during feeding, so that the child swallows less air;
  • hold the baby after feeding in a “column” (that is, in an upright position) until air escapes, regurgitation;
  • put the child on the back and unbend-bend the legs;
  • do a light massage of the abdomen in circular motions clockwise;
  • apply a warm diaper on the tummy;
  • make a relaxing bath (with the addition of chamomile decoction);
  • follow a diet for a nursing mother.

As prescribed by the pediatrician, you can apply and pharmaceutical products to deal with colic:

  • Espumizan baby (drops) and Bifiform baby ( oil solution) can be used from the birth of a baby to normalize digestion and prevent dysbacteriosis;
  • from 2 weeks of age, you can use Plantex to remove gases and reduce colic;
  • from the 2nd month, Bobotik drops and a suspension of Sab Simplex, Linex, Bebinos are used to reduce bloating and relieve colic.

Spitting up and vomiting

regurgitation is common physiological process and not a disease. It is observed in every baby from birth to 4-6 months. It occurs spontaneously after 15-30 minutes. after feeding and is associated with the swallowing of air during sucking. Milk is excreted unchanged in a volume of not more than 5 ml. At the same time, the well-being of the baby does not suffer.

If regurgitation is plentiful, with a fountain, then this already indicates a violation of digestion and requires an appeal to a pediatrician. When vomiting, the volume and frequency are not limited, food can be released in a fountain already partially digested (curdled milk with sour smell). This phenomenon signals a serious violation of digestion and requires a visit to a doctor. Suffering general state child: there is anxiety, bad dream, refusal to eat, etc.

How to care for breasts during lactation

It is enough to wash the chest with neutral soap twice a day and then blot the moisture with a soft cloth. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after feeding.

The bra must be chosen from cotton, without seams on the inside of the cups, without underwire. It should not tighten the chest. It is advisable to apply special gaskets for the breasts, which absorb excess milk, protect the skin and nipples from irritation, rubbing underwear, and clothes from getting wet (but they will have to be changed regularly).

When taking a shower, it is advisable to lightly massage the chest for 3-4 minutes (using circular movements in a clockwise direction). Such a massage will prevent lactostasis and will stimulate the formation of milk. In this case, you do not need to strongly squeeze the mammary gland or intensively press on the skin. For ease of sliding, hands can be lubricated with olive oil.

When lactation is delayed in a primipara, compresses can also be used: before feeding - warm to stimulate milk production, and after - cool to restore the shape of the breast.


Stagnation of milk in the breast occurs quite often. In this case, a kind of milk plug is formed, which impedes the movement of milk through the ducts. A manifestation of the condition is an increase in the size of the gland, the formation of painful seals in it, redness at the site of stagnation, and fever. The general condition also suffers - worries headache, weakness.

What to do when milk stagnates:

  • feed the child every hour;
  • change the position of the child so that the place of stagnation (compaction) is under his chin;
  • if feeding is very painful, you can first express some milk by hand, gently massage the gland, put a towel moistened on it hot water, or stand under the shower;
  • after feeding, apply any of the compresses for 15-20 minutes: cold cabbage leaf, or cold cottage cheese, or honey with flour in the form of a cake to relieve pain.

A fever above 38 0 C may indicate the onset of a purulent-inflammatory process in the chest, so you need to urgently consult a doctor. Medical care is also needed in the case when the condition has not improved in 2 days in order to prevent the development of mastitis.

Cracks in the nipples

main reason cracks in the nipples of the mother - improper attachment of the child to the breast. At proper attachment the baby's mouth covers most of the areola (and not just the nipple), is wide open, the lower lip is turned outward.

Damage to the nipples causes pain to the mother during feeding, so it is better not to allow the development of cracks.

The reasons for their appearance may be different:

  • sensitive delicate skin;
  • flat nipples;
  • improper attachment of the child;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

With cracks, you need to continue to feed the child. You can not use the treatment of nipples with brilliant green, iodine or other alcohol solutions, ointments with antibiotics.

For treatment can be used:

  • ointments with vitamin A: Retinol or Videstim not only heal wounds, relieve pain, but also prevent new damage; rinsing is not required;
  • Purelan and Sanosan mom do not require to wash off the product before feeding, do not cause allergies (consist of lanolin without impurities);
  • cream avent s coconut oil and lanolin perfectly heals wounds, does not require rinsing;
  • Bepanten is an antibacterial agent used for healing cracks and prevention, it requires mandatory rinsing before feeding.

Resume for breastfeeding moms

The article touches upon questions that appear in almost every young mother. The district pediatrician should become the best adviser and consultant in their decision.

Visually about the correct attachment of the child to the breast:

Webinar by lactation consultant N. Salimova on the topic "Basic rules for successful breastfeeding":

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky about infantile colic:

The diet of a woman who has chosen breastfeeding for herself and her child requires special attention. After all, the foods that a nursing mother can eat affect the condition of her baby. With milk, all the elements and vitamins necessary for growth and development enter the baby's body. An incorrectly composed menu can lead to indigestion, allergic reactions and many other unpleasant consequences.

Healthy Eating Guide

Food influences the entire lactation process. Some products increase the amount of milk produced, some can reduce it. At the same time, they affect the taste of breast milk in such a way that the child may refuse breastfeeding altogether. A high-quality menu ensures the production of the required volume of milk and the full development of the child.

For correct selection products you need:

  • it is reasonable to approach the choice of food, do not overeat, because. excess nutrition entails gastric discomfort not only in a nursing mother, but also in a child;
  • choose hypoallergenic foods in the first 4 weeks after birth to protect the newborn from allergies;
  • start experimenting with variety on the menu no earlier than the second month, new food consumed in small portions and the reaction child's body evaluated within 2-3 days;
  • drink a lot of liquid, preferably warm, this will stimulate the formation of milk and at the same time cleanse the female body;
  • treat products containing animal protein with caution (eggs, milk);
  • take into account the saturation of the food consumed with the necessary nutrients and minerals, their lack slows down the growth and development of the infant;
  • refuse fried and spicy dishes, it is better if they are steamed, stewed or baked in the oven;
  • limit yourself to flour and rich treats, as well as various sweets;
  • completely remove alcohol and soda from your list of drinks;
  • do not use canned products;
  • give up mushrooms and homemade pickles, salt and acetic acid can cause poisoning, and mushroom dishes are hard to digest;
  • do not improve the taste of food by adding seasonings and spices, also refuse mayonnaise and various sauces.

What foods are allowed and in what quantities?

The following table tells about what a nursing mother can eat and what not:

CanIn what quantityIt is forbidden
Beef and rabbit, turkey and chicken, minced poultry or beefno more than 300 grPork and smoked products, fatty meat containing streaks and lard, sausage, ham, prepared foods and canned meat
Lean fish (such as pollock or codfish)no more than 300 grFatty or salted herring or mackerel, canned fish and crab sticks
Dairy products, low-fat cottage cheeseno more than half a liter of kefir, fermented baked milk, etc., 150 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese and sour creamSalted and processed cheeses, cheese curds or drinks with fruit fillings
Eggchicken - 1 pc, quail - 4 pcsAny eggs with allergic reactions
Fruits (pear, banana, apple)no more than 300 grBright red or orange exotic fruits
Vegetables (cucumber, potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, parsley and dill, carefully carrots, beets and tomatoes)no more than 600 grRadish, horseradish white cabbage, Bell pepper, radish, basil with sage
Sweet and rich foods (some bittersweet chocolate and plain ice cream, oatmeal cookies and biscuits, not-so-sweet homemade pastries) Baking and glazed ice cream seasoned with various coloring fillers or other chemical compounds, wheat bread, jams and preserves
Dishes from cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn) and pastano more than 150 grSemolina porridge and pasta, which include an egg
sauces, vegetable oil from sunflower, olives or flax, butter15 gr vegetable oil
30 gr butter
Ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise
Freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice, non-carbonated drink, weak black or green teamore than 2 lAlcoholic or carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, citrus or tomato juice

Dairy products and milk

Whole milk

Reception cow's milk does not affect the quality of breast milk, but the protein contained in it is an allergen and can harm the baby.

Doctors do not advise drinking milk for up to five months, but if the child does not have a tendency to allergies, it is allowed to start drinking it earlier.

The list of allowed products includes baked milk, because. has better digestibility and does not affect the quality of lactation. While breastfeeding, goat's milk is suitable, but due to the specific taste, not everyone can drink it. First, all cereals are boiled in water, cereals in milk are allowed to be cooked, starting from the fourth month.

Cottage cheese

There is a must when breastfeeding cottage cheese. Without it, the formation bone skeleton it will be difficult. Also he is great stimulant for brain activity and mental processes. It is important that there are no impurities and additives in the cottage cheese, and even better if it is homemade.


Some nursing mothers doubt that breastfeeding can be continued after taking kefir, because it contains a small amount of alcohol. But its amount is negligible and insignificant, which absolutely does not threaten with unpleasant consequences for the baby. However, children's doctors suggest including it in the diet no earlier than the child is six months old. Kefir has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, improves the condition of hair and nails, but you should not include it in the menu more than three times a week.


The list of products for breastfeeding contains cheeses. When the baby is 2 months old, solid varieties are introduced into the permitted products during breastfeeding, later cheese or other soft and brine species are added to them. As for processed cheeses, it is advisable to refuse them.

Sour cream

Sour cream for nursing mothers is shown with a low percentage of fat, it is added to cottage cheese, salad or soup. Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or yogurt will also not harm during guards. Products purchased with nursing mothers must be fresh, so you need to additionally check the date of their manufacture when buying.

Which fruits to choose?

The list of products allowed during lactation includes some fruits. Balanced diet it is impossible to imagine without the inclusion of these tasty and healthy fruits in it. In order to choose a fruit that will not bring harm in the form of allergies, stool disorders or other troubles, you should:

  1. choose to eat fruits whose color is not bright, with the exception of only those fruits that are easily released from the red or orange peel;
  2. do not abuse citrus fruits;
  3. clarify before use the degree of influence of the desired fruit on the state of the intestinal microflora.


In the first month after giving birth, you can eat apples. Remove the skin from the green fruit first. These fruits are very useful for blood composition and hemoglobin levels. At regular use apples reduce the risk of constipation.


Pears are also allowed products. They promote hematopoiesis, stabilize the heart and digestion. Although pears are sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar. It must be remembered that you can not eat pears on an empty stomach, and before eating, you need to peel them.


Bananas are allowed foods for breastfeeding. If they are eaten between meals, then this is a great snack, and banana puree is suitable for breakfast. Bananas relieve insomnia, improve mood and stimulate immune system.


3 months after giving birth, you can try peach and nectarine. Eating them while breastfeeding should be done carefully due to the presence of an allergen in them. In general, peaches protect against stress and depressive states, relieve swelling, improve mood.


It is better to pre-cook plums and drink plum compote, it allows you to increase the amount of milk produced, strengthen skeletal system and normalizes blood circulation.

Fresh fruits and berries grown exactly in the season of their ripening, and not greenhouse hybrids, are well suited for feeding a nursing mother.

So white and yellow cherries can be eaten in the period May-August, nectarines and peaches - mid-July-September, figs - from June to the end of September, ripens in October-December persimmon, and useful grenades will be in stores from September to December.

Until the child is 3 months old, it is better if the fruits are eaten dried or baked. This will reduce the content of allergens in them.

Which vegetables to choose?


All vegetables that have a red color should be treated with caution, in addition to useful elements they include pectin, which can cause severe skin rashes. But it is absolutely impossible to do without them.

If we talk about tomatoes, then, in general, they affect the body positively. They increase stress resistance and fight the formation of cancer cells, have an immunostimulating property. To make sure that they are completely harmless, you must first experiment with the fruits. yellow shades and use them without the skin.

Broccoli, cabbage

Everyone knows about the benefits of broccoli and cauliflower. Their use is not capable of harming to an infant, on the contrary, vitamin C will help improve mood and strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, fighting viral infections and stress. The same cannot be said for white cabbage. It is difficult to digest and threatens the child with digestive disorders.


Allowed for nutrition for nursing mothers from the first days after childbirth. They are rich in vitamins and useful substances, they help cleanse the body and cope with excess weight, reduce arterial pressure and normalize the activity of the nervous system.


It must be used very carefully to avoid unpleasant manifestations from the pancreas. During lactation, preference should be given only to fresh young cucumbers with the highest content of vitamin C. This vegetable helps to remove excess fluids and cleanse the kidneys, improves the condition of the heart muscle and increases resistance to stressful situations.

Nursing mothers are forbidden cucumbers in pickles and marinades with cucumbers. They retain fluid, lead to poisoning. But in pickle, after heat treatment, pickles lose this property, therefore, with guards, after six months, it is completely allowed to use it.


Improving visual functions And skin covering carrots should be introduced into food with care during breastfeeding, tk. may cause allergic reactions.


The list of foods that should be eaten with caution during the Guards period includes eggplants. They are not prohibited, but allowed to be eaten after 3 months of a baby's life in moderation. Eggplants improve metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the kidneys, liver, digestive system. Eating eggplant will help the baby cope with constipation.


Another natural remedy from constipation - beets. The main thing is not to overdo it. It must be present in the diet small quantities to improve digestion, development and strengthening of the skeleton.

Vegetables that a nursing mother can eat should be properly cooked, steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. For consumption of fruits fresh they must be washed well.

What drinks are preferred?

The list of foods and drinks allowed while breastfeeding is increasing by months. During the first four weeks of a child's life, it is not advisable to drink anything other than plain water and green tea.

Pure non-carbonated water must be drunk throughout the entire period when the baby is applied to the mother's breast. Green tea is characterized by a tonic effect, which is important for coffee lovers, which is included in the list of prohibited foods for a nursing mother. In addition, this drink contributes to the production of milk.

During the second month, black tea, freshly squeezed juice from apples and carrots are excluded from the list of "forbidden foods". It is important that the strength of the tea is not strong, and water is added to the juices, they are diluted twice. Gradually reduce the volume of water. Juice from tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and exotic fruits remains banned.

Berry compotes perfectly quench thirst and replenish the vitamin reserve. Also suitable for making compotes are fresh fruits and: apple, pear, plum, dried apricots, prunes and raisins. It is better not to use all possible bright-colored berries for making a drink. Currants, strawberries or wild strawberries can cause allergies in a child.

Dairy products can be consumed with great care, it is better not to introduce them into the diet until 6 months after childbirth. There is also a six-month ban on coffee. It has a stimulating effect on nervous system baby and increases anxiety. For those who feel uncomfortable without coffee, a drink made from chicory is suitable.

It is strictly forbidden to use alcoholic and carbonated drinks while breastfeeding. They certainly harm the body of a woman, and cause irreparable damage to the health of the baby.

What is there to increase lactation?

The amount of milk produced depends on the measures taken by the mother to maintain and increase lactation. This requires regular attachment of the baby to the breast, choose for feeding correct posture, monitor the condition of the breasts and nipples, wear special bras, breastfeed the child at will, especially at night.

For lactation, enhanced drinking regimen, warm drinks are especially good for stimulating the production of breast milk. A number of foods that are allowed while breastfeeding can also contribute to this process.

You can improve lactation with:

  • lean meat, chicken, turkey and rabbit are suitable;
  • broths and soups cooked on the same lean meat;
  • some cereals (hercules buckwheat);
  • a small amount of nuts (walnuts);
  • herbal teas specially designed for lactation;
  • infusions on cumin and fennel;
  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bread with the addition of bran and cumin;
  • carrots;
  • ginger and tea with it;
  • gooseberries, white and red currants.

Products allowed for breastfeeding women should not be very hot or cold. This can be harmful, it is better to take all products in a slightly cooled or slightly warmed form.

There is an opinion that you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. However, it is not. The probability of pregnancy during lactation in the absence of menstruation is at least small, but there is.

There is such a term - lactational amenorrhea. It means the suppression of ovulation without the onset of menstruation. It is a natural contraceptive that protects against unwanted pregnancy. This method is considered reliable, because it gives a guarantee of 98-99%. But it can be effective only if specific conditions are met, if not observed, a nursing woman can easily become pregnant again.

Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding and how to protect a nursing mother.

Lactational amenorrhea method

Lactational amenorrhea is a condition of the female body after childbirth, in which ovulation is suppressed and menstruation is absent. An effective natural way to prevent pregnancy is based on the physiological properties of the lactation process. The probability of getting pregnant at this time is reduced to 1-2%!

Note that the method is valid in the first six months after the birth of the baby. At this time, the child is on full or almost full breastfeeding. At the same time, the baby is often applied to the breast, milk production is active, and additional sources nutrition (supplementation and supplementation) is absent. These principles increase the effectiveness of the method and delay the resumption of menstruation.

So for reliable protection From an unwanted pregnancy during lactation, a nursing woman must fulfill a number of conditions:

  • Frequent attachment of the baby to the breast. Feed your baby at least once every two hours, at least four times at night;
  • Feed the baby on demand, not according to the regimen;
  • Do not limit application time. It is important that the baby eats. Well-fed baby he lets go of the chest;
  • Avoid prolonged interruption of lactation;
  • Don't drink your chest. In the first six months, the baby can be given water only in rare cases. When breastfeeding, mother's milk is quite enough, since it is 90% water. Supplementation leads to weight loss, deterioration of appetite and well-being of the child!;
  • Supplement your baby less or stop feeding altogether. Nutritionists and pediatricians advise introducing the first complementary foods for babies at 6-8 months;
  • Hold the baby in your arms more often, sleep together.

These conditions not only improve the effectiveness of lactational amenoria, but also stimulate milk production. These principles help to establish the right breastfeeding and maintain the required level of lactation.

Method lactational amenorrhea suitable only for the first six months after childbirth and provided that the child is fully breastfed.

In other cases, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during lactation increases dramatically. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend the use of other methods of contraception. Also, be prepared for a speedy recovery. menstrual cycle.

Menstruation with HB

If breastfeeding is organized correctly, then the menstrual cycle is restored in the period of 1-1.5 years after the birth of the baby. Often, menstruation may not come until the end of lactation.

The resumption of the menstrual cycle after childbirth occurs individually for each woman. There is nothing to worry about if menstruation came in the first year of breastfeeding. Some breastfeeding mothers menstrual flow begin already in the second or third month after the birth of the baby. There are several reasons for such an early resumption of the cycle:

  • The introduction of complementary foods and supplementation;
  • Rare attachment of the baby to the chest;
  • Violation of the production of prolactin. This hormone promotes the production of breast milk and increases the secretion of the mammary glands;
  • Lack of night feedings;
  • Taking medications, especially hormonal drugs.

In 80% of women, menstruation occurs after the end of lactation. Keep in mind that discharge does not begin immediately the day after you stop breastfeeding. Menstruation occurs one to two months after the end of lactation and improves within two to three cycles.

But if two or three months after the end of breastfeeding, the cycle has not improved or the period has not begun at all, consult a doctor!

Contraceptives for nursing mothers

  • Oral contraceptives (tablets)

When lactating, choose not combined drugs, but tablets containing only one progestin hormone. This tool is also called mini-pills. It does not affect the composition and amount of breast milk, it is safe for mother and newborn. However, such a drug should not be taken without consulting a doctor!

Start taking two months after birth. When taken correctly and regularly, mini-pills are 98% effective. It is important to follow the instructions and take the pills on time!

Combined drugs for breastfeeding can be drunk six months after the birth of the baby. They are more suitable for the female body, but slightly reduce milk production. That's why combined tablets not prescribed in the first six months of lactation. The effectiveness of such a drug increases to 99-100%.

  • condoms

Lightweight and affordable way, which does not affect lactation and health. However, the quality of the product plays an important role, as it affects the efficiency of the method, which is 86-97%. In addition, at misuse, the condom may break or slip off.

  • Spermicides (candles)

Safe remedy for lactation with an efficiency of over 90% at correct application. In addition to suppositories, there are also tablets, creams and ointments. local use. Substances in the composition of this drug destroy the cell membrane of spermatozoa, which impairs mobility or leads to death.

You can use spermicides, like condoms, immediately after childbirth. The effect is achieved immediately after administration and lasts up to six hours, depending on the type of remedy.

  • Spiral

The spiral is introduced only by a doctor. At normal delivery application this tool maybe in six weeks. The action lasts 5-7 years, depending on the species. In this case, the doctor can remove the spiral at any time.

The reliability of the drug is 98-100%. Combined with breastfeeding, but has contraindications.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy while breastfeeding is a possible occurrence. IN this case lactating mothers are interested in whether it is necessary to stop feeding if a new pregnancy has come.

At normal course pregnancy in lactation, violations are not noticed. And the hormone that is produced during feeding does not affect the functioning of the uterus and does not cause premature contractions. Therefore, you can safely continue to breastfeed your baby, especially if the baby is under a year old.

However, after a year, doctors recommend stopping breastfeeding at new pregnancy. How to properly complete lactation and wean a child from the breast in a year, read here. If the baby is not yet a year old, then it is necessary to stop feeding two months before the birth.

But know that all your vitamins and microelements are received by the baby who eats milk, and not who is in the womb. Therefore, it is better to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

How to determine pregnancy during lactation:

  • Changes in the composition and quality of breast milk, which is noticeable in the behavior of the baby;
  • Reduced milk production for no apparent reason;
  • Pain in the chest. However, be careful, as soreness can mean lactostasis or initial stage mastitis! Carefully feel the mammary glands. Seals and lumps in the chest indicate stagnation of milk;
  • cycle delay;
  • The manifestation of toxicosis.

If you find out you are pregnant, see your doctor. He will draw up a suitable action plan that will help combine breastfeeding and pregnancy. However, remember that such a combination is difficult and will require a lot of strength. Therefore, it is better to wait with the second child. Experts advise taking a break between births for at least one to two years, but 4 years is best. During this time, the mother's body is restored.