Personal hygiene of the human body. What Mom Should Know About Newborn Baby Hygiene

Any mother wants her baby to grow up happy and healthy. How often the child will get sick depends largely on the observance of hygiene rules, since they are one of the main preventive measures the majority infectious diseases... These rules assume that daily care is provided for the child's skin, nails, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. It is not for nothing that they say that cleanliness is the guarantee of health. In general, hygiene (from the Greek hygienos - bringing health) is a branch of knowledge that allows you to improve and maintain health.

Baby care

The mother is usually responsible for organizing the baby's hygiene, so every woman needs to know how to properly care for a small child. To do this, she is required to perform simple procedures and activities on a daily basis.

Umbilical wound

First of all, every newly-made mommy is interested in how to process umbilical wound, because this is the most vulnerable place of the newborn. In order to minimize the risk of infection and speed up healing, certain rules must be followed.

It should be done with clean hands and preferably with the help of products that do not have coloring properties, which allows early detection of developing inflammation.

For this purpose, hydrogen peroxide and, for example, chlorophyllipt solution. The procedure is best performed immediately after bathing, otherwise it is necessary to soften the resulting hemorrhagic crusts with a few drops of peroxide, then remove them with a cotton swab and dry the wound with chlorophyllipt.

There is a way to manage the remainder of the umbilical cord without the use of disinfectant solutions, but only by keeping it clean, since some sources claim that antiseptics slow down to a certain extent natural processes mummification, delaying its fall.

Important: you do not need to treat the umbilical wound more than three times a day, as this unnecessarily traumatizes the skin and delays healing.

In addition, you should take care of free air access to damaged skin. Complete healing of the wound with a successful course occurs within a month.

Skin integument

On the skin of any person there are sebaceous and sweat glands, which secrete a secret to the surface of the skin, thus contaminating it. In this regard, the skin of an infant needs regular cleansing in the same way as an adult. Moreover, in children, the skin is very delicate and more vulnerable to the pathogenic influence of various microbes. Changing the diaper, washing, washing and bathing are directly related to skin care.

You can start after the umbilical cord falls off. Up to this point hygiene procedures can be performed by wiping the baby's skin with a damp towel or special wipes.

Until the umbilical wound healed, that is, about a month, the child needs to be bathed exclusively in boiled water ... It is optimal to start the procedure when the water temperature reaches body temperature. Over time, bathing can be combined with hardening, gradually lowering the water temperature from 37 to 23-25 ​​degrees. During the entire procedure, the baby needs to be carefully supported or a special device should be bought - an anatomical slide. The duration of bathing for newborns is 5-7 minutes, but this time interval increases with age. For example, at 3-4 months you can bathe your child for a quarter of an hour.

Good to know: To wash your baby's skin, only use special soap... But it should not be used often, since it washes off a special protective film from the skin - the hydrolipid mantle.

Have regular soap the pH level ranges from 7 to 10, and the pH of the newborn's skin is 5.5 or only after a few months it changes to slightly acidic (6.5). Therefore, with frequent use alkaline components soaps destroy the skin's natural defenses so easily. After bathing with soap, the skin of the crumbs must be rinsed with clean water.

If the baby is bathed mainly in the evening, then in the morning he needs to be washed. To do this, with cotton pads soaked in clean and warm water, you need to wipe his face, including cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. Excess moisture is removed with a dry cotton pad or paper towel blotting movements. It is advisable to clean the skin around the mouth of the crumbs after each feeding, since food debris, be it milk or mixture, can provoke the appearance of rashes.

Both in the morning and during the day or even at night, the baby may need a diaper change. Previously, oilcloths and diapers were saved from children's troubles for mothers, while there were a lot of inconveniences that modern diapers lack. This invention of mankind absorbs liquid well, but, nevertheless, they need to be changed every 4-6 hours or after each act of defecation, since prolonged contact of delicate baby skin with urine or feces increases the risk of diaper rash or diaper dermatitis.

It is advisable to wash off the stool with running water of body temperature, but not every home has such conveniences, so you can use washing with a cotton swab and wet sanitary napkins, in the composition of the humidifier for which there is no alcohol and antiseptics. It is advisable to use soap during this procedure no more than once a day.

Tip: before putting on a clean diaper on the baby, his skin should be completely dry, you can also apply a special cream on it, treat it with powder or boiled sunflower oil.

It should be noted that during the procedure, attention should be paid not only to the buttocks and perineum, but also to the natural skin folds.

Washing has some peculiarities in boys and girls due to their physiological characteristics... In girls, the anal sphincter is located in close proximity to the vagina, therefore, in order to avoid getting particles of feces into it, girls need to be washed in the direction from the navel to the butt. For boys, it doesn't matter.


Genital care for girls and boys is significantly different. And in both of them on the genitals, you can find a whitish plaque, which is called children's smegma and is a kind of mixture of dead epithelial cells, secretion sebaceous glands and moisture. In girls, it is found between the large and small labia, and in boys between the foreskin and the glans penis. For girls, smegma must be removed, but not for boys. To remove it, a cotton swab moistened with vegetable or special baby oil can be used.

Important: if soap is used when washing a girl, then you need to make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes, that is, deeper than the labia majora.

For little boys normal physiological state, which does not depend on the quality of care for the genitals, is phimosis - a narrowing of the foreskin. In this case, it is impossible to see the head of the penis, since the preputial sac is in a closed state. The situation resolves itself in most cases by 10 years. When caring for the penis of babies, in no case should the foreskin be pushed down. If it becomes necessary to rinse the area between the head and the leaf of the foreskin in case of redness or inflammation, then foreskin moves up and is flushed with a syringe with saline, for example. Thus, healthy male children are shown only external washing of the penis; the head of the penis does not need specific cleansing.

Even with proper care almost any baby can have synechiae- adhesion of the labia minora, since the work of the mucous membranes of their genitals depends on the production of the hormone estrogen. This hormone in the body of a little girl is produced in insignificant quantities, but during puberty the situation normalizes and the synechiae pass on their own, their mechanical separation is unacceptable.


Some newborns are born bald, others with a certain amount hair, so they also need to pay some attention. Hair in babies is very thin and thin, similar to fluff, so they need to be washed with special foams no more than once a week. The procedure should be performed during an evening swim. In this case, you need to ensure that water does not get on the child's face, as this can scare him.


If the child does not suffer from any eye disease, then it is permissible to take care of this part of the body during washing in the morning. You can rinse the eyes with the usual boiled water and cotton wool. There are several rules for performing the procedure itself. So, it is customary to rinse the eyes from ear to nose using a separate tampon for each of them. In the presence of infection, washing is carried out more often. Moreover, if one eye is infected, then both need to be washed, starting with a healthy one.


It is necessary at least once a day to cleanse the child's nose from dust, germs and other contaminants that have accumulated in it. Moreover, natural mucus that is secreted in the nose can thicken and dry out, interfering with nasal breathing. It is especially unpleasant if the baby's nose does not breathe, as this becomes the reason for refusing to eat. Good to know: the easiest way to clean the child's nose is after bathing, when all the dried crusts are soaked and softened, but you can use saline or other saline solutions for this purpose.

You should start cleaning directly after a few minutes. To do this, you need to take a cotton swab or cotton pads and roll the flagella out of them. These flagella must be carefully screwed into the baby's nasal passages to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter, slightly twisted and pulled out. Rotating movements remove accumulated mucus and dirt.


A special secret is produced in the ears - sulfur, which serves to lubricate and protect the ear canals. In young children, it is not necessary to deeply penetrate into the auricle in order to remove wax, it is enough to clean only the auricle. If a lot of sulfur accumulates, then you can clean it with a slightly damp cotton flagellum... But they should not penetrate too deep into the ear canal. You also need to remember about the area behind the ears, since desquamated epithelium accumulates there.


Kids' nails are actively growing already in mother's womb so they will have to be trimmed regularly.

For you need to use special scissors that have rounded blade ends, or baby tweezers with a built-in magnifying glass.

Such tools can be purchased at a specialized children's store... The procedure is best done while the baby is asleep, which will minimize the occurrence of negative emotions... While in the deep sleep phase, the child will not feel anything, but it is still better to hold and fix his handle. It is also advisable to eliminate all irregularities in the edge of the marigold with a nail file.

If the nails are too long, then the crumb can injure itself, but it is not recommended to cut them to the very root, that is, very close to the fingertip is not recommended. Babies whose movements do not yet differ in coordination can wear special mittens - anti-scratches.

Independent performance of hygiene procedures by a child

The baby is cared for by adults. Growing up, children can take an active part in this process, over time acquiring basic personal hygiene skills. The easiest way is to teach a child something by his own example, because kids try to imitate adults in everything.

Good to know: as a rule, children fully master the rules for the implementation of hygiene procedures and can independently perform them without any reminder by the age of 6-7 years.


As mentioned, the waste products of sebaceous and sweat glands pollute the skin, negatively affecting skin gas exchange and its bactericidal properties. In this regard, the child needs to take a rinse shower every day or wash with a bowl and ladle. When it is very hot outside, it is recommended to perform this hygienic procedure several times a day and always before going to bed. Once a week, the baby should bathe in the bathroom, although if conditions permit, then it can be done more often. The child must have personal bath accessories: soap, washcloth, towel.

You can purchase a special rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent accidental falls and injury. For washing, it is advisable to use water 1-2 degrees above body temperature. At the end of the procedure, you can douse your feet with slightly cooler water to reduce sweating. After washing, the child should sweep underwear.

In the morning and as needed, the child should wash, since exposed areas of the body are most susceptible to contamination. For the same reason, you need to wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible, especially after returning from a walk, using the toilet or contact with animals, before eating. It is worth saying that wash your hands before going to the toilet especially for girls, as dirt from them can get on the genitals and cause inflammation. You should not forget about these rules on the road. But if it is not possible to wash your hands with soap and water, then you can use special antibacterial solutions or at least wet wipes.

Nose and ears

After three years of age, a child can learn to clean the nasal passages on their own. Mom's task is to teach him how to blow his nose.... You can, for example, play with hedgehogs or try to blow off a piece of cotton wool from the table with your nose. Ear cleaning is a rather difficult and responsible procedure, therefore it is better if in preschool age Mom will continue to do it.

Oral cavity

Oral care involves brushing your teeth and tongue. You need to start looking after your baby's teeth as soon as they appear, using a gauze or napkin, and plaque from the baby's tongue can be cleaned off with a special finger brush or a teaspoon. A child can begin to teach the wisdom of performing these procedures from about two years old. Need to buy him his own toothpaste and a brush, preferably with a special scraper to remove plaque. The paste should be exclusively for children, as babies tend to swallow it.

In order to minimize the risk of development, the child should be taught to brush his teeth after breakfast and before bedtime, and also to rinse his mouth after each meal with boiled water.


It accumulates under the nails a large number of dirt and germs, so they need to be cut. Children can perform this procedure on their own from 7-9 years old.... Until that time, mom should cut her fingernails once a week and once a month on her feet.


Wash your hair as it gets dirty using baby shampoo warm water, since hot increases the production sebum... In addition, at preschool age, babies can already comb themselves. You can contribute to the acquisition of this useful skill by presenting your child with their own comb.

You should also teach your child to keep their clothes and shoes clean.

Hygiene for boys and girls. What are the differences? How to carry out the procedures? Video

Rubbing off the patient.

If the patient cannot take a bath or shower, he is given a wet rubdown.
Preparation for the procedure:
First, the patient is explained what procedure will be carried out, and they try to, to some extent, involve him in participating in it.
Then the equipment is prepared:
... if necessary, a screen is installed to isolate this patient from others;
... large, about 220 * 140 cm, oilcloth;
... gloves and an apron for the person performing the procedure;
... body shampoo;
... a basin of water with a temperature of 35-37 degrees;
... shampoo and soaping mitt;
... sheet and towel.
1. The patient is fenced off with a screen, an apron and gloves are put on.
2. Oilcloth is placed under the patient's body.
3. A basin of warm water is placed next to the bed.
4. Wipe the patient's body parts in the following order: neck, chest, abdomen, arms, back, buttocks, legs, groin, perineum. Wiping any part of the body with a damp mitten moistened with water and shampoo diluted in it, rinse the mitten and wipe it again. The washed part of the body should be thoroughly rubbed with a towel and covered with a sheet so that the patient does not get overcooled.
5. Remove the oilcloth, put clean linen on the patient, carry away the water, take off the apron and gloves.
After the procedure, be sure to make sure that the patient feels good, that there is no cooling or deterioration of health.

Washing feet.

Bedridden patients cannot wash their feet on their own, so the procedure is performed by a nurse. The essence of the procedure is explained to the patient, consent to its conduct should be obtained.
Prepare the equipment: gloves, oilcloth, a basin with water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees, body shampoo, a terry towel.
The patient may lie or sit during the procedure.

Treatment of skin folds.

Patients, especially those who are overweight and prone to sweating, should often wash the folds of the skin under the mammary glands and on the abdomen, groin folds and axillary areas - for the prevention of diaper rash. Through damaged skin during diaper rash, microbes can penetrate into an already weakened body. Especially if there is increased skin moisture, limitation motor activity, urinary and fecal incontinence, inability of the patient to act independently.
The patient should be explained why regular examinations of problematic areas are carried out.
... remind the patient of the need for the procedure;
... inspect all of the above problematic folds and depressions;
... prepare a powder, a bowl of water, put on gloves;
... wash problem areas, dry them thoroughly terry towel;
... show the patient a container with powder, read its name aloud, then open the jar and powder the skin with shaking movements through small holes;
If receiving a bath or shower is contraindicated for the patient, wipe it off with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of fruit or wine vinegar (50 g per liter of water), warm camphor alcohol or warm water. Wipe the skin dry, dust it with powder if necessary.

Washing the patient.

It is carried out both for hygienic purposes and to increase vitality and improving the patient's well-being. It is carried out in cases where physical activity is absent or independent skills are lost.
The patient is explained how the procedure will be performed, asked about the desired water temperature, told about the sequence of movements.
... Prepare a mitten, a basin, water of the desired temperature, and a towel.
... They wash their hands.
... They put a mitten on the hand, moisten it with water and wring it out.
... A damp mitten is used to wipe the patient's face, ears, and neck.
... Pat dry the skin with a towel.
... They take away the water, wash their hands.
Make sure the patient is not uncomfortable. If he wants to take part in the wash himself, encourage self-service.

Oral hygiene.

This is an important part of care: after all, many patients cannot clean the oral cavity on their own, especially if there are stationary or removable dentures in it.
During the procedure, the patient is sitting or reclining. His chest is covered with waterproof material. Rinsing is carried out using a special mug with a removable individual tip or a rubber balloon. First, the oral cavity is treated with a weak sodium bicarbonate solution ( baking soda) - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. The cheek is held with a wide spatula so that the stream of liquid can be directed to the posterior parts of the jaws, through the interdental spaces into the oral cavity. The patient is presented with a mug where he can spit. The entire mouth is then treated with a pale pink sodium bicarbonate solution.
Washing is carried out in the morning (along with washing) after each meal and before going to bed. Removable dentures must be removed and processed. They are washed in front of the patient with a toothbrush and toothpaste or soap, rinsed, and then put in place.


It contributes to the creation of emotional comfort, makes it easier to wash your face.
You should prepare:
... a napkin;
... latex gloves;
... an individual electric shaver or safety razor, a brush and shaving cream (if the patient has an after-shave cream, they get it too);
... a bowl of warm water;
... towel.
The essence of the procedure is explained to the patient. He should be half-sitting.
Procedure execution:
1. Bring a bowl of water (heated to about 40 degrees), unfold the equipment, put on gloves.
2. The napkin is moistened, wrung out and applied to the patient's face for 1-2 minutes.
3. After removing the napkin, the patient's face is either shaved with an electric razor, or after applying the foam (cream) with a brush, shaving is performed, while free hand slightly pulls the skin in the opposite direction of the razor movement.
4. The face is rubbed wet wipe, then dry, at the request of the patient, an aftershave cream is applied to the skin of the face.
5. The equipment is carried away, gloves are removed, hands are washed.

Washing head.

It is carried out by a nurse when the patient's motor activity is limited or when independent skills are lost. The patient should be explained the essence of the procedure.
Preparation for the procedure:
... the headrest is installed or the upper headboard is removed, the patient is comfortably placed;
... gloves, a basin and a jug are being prepared;
... shampoo and a terry towel are placed next to it.
The head is moistened, shampoo is applied to the hair with massaging movements, carefully so as not to soak the patient, the water is drained from the jug and the hair is washed. Then they are immediately wrapped in a terry towel and dried thoroughly so that the patient does not catch a cold. Then they are combed with an individual comb. The head, in the absence of contraindications, should be washed at least once a week.


The patient is told what procedure will be performed. Then the equipment is prepared:
... oilcloth apron and gloves;
... ethanol (70% solution);
... scissors and individual comb;
... hair clipper;
... brush for sweeping the head and neck;
... hair burning basin and matches.
Procedure execution:
1. Put on an apron and gloves.
2. The patient is seated on a stool or couch covered with oilcloth. The patient's shoulders are covered with a sheet or hairdresser's dressing gown.
3. Move the table with the equipment unfolded.
4. For women, hair is cut with scissors using a comb; for men, hair is cut with a clipper. If there is a skin disease or nits are seen when examining the patient's head, the patient bends over and the procedure is performed over the basin.
5. Remove the negligee from the shoulders, comfortably lay the patient.
6. Take the basin out of the room and burn the hair.
7. Take off your apron and gloves, wash your hands.

Nail care.

This is important both from the point of view of patient hygiene and safety, and in order to improve his mood.
If the patient is unable to cut their nails on their own, this procedure is performed by the nurse. Just be sure to explain the essence of the procedure to the patient.
To trim your fingernails, you need: a bowl of water with liquid soap added; rubber gloves, individual scissors, hand cream. To trim your toenails, you need a basin (water and liquid soap), individual nail clippers, and foot cream. You should have and disinfectant to treat a possible wound caused by a haircut.
The patient's arms (or legs) are placed in a warm soapy water for 2-3 minutes. One hand (leg) is placed on a towel, dried, nails are cut one by one with scissors or tweezers. After cutting, you should dry the skin again and treat the hands (feet) with cream. The nails on the hands are clipped with an oval, on the legs - across. If the skin is accidentally damaged, it is lubricated with an antiseptic.
Then you can take off your gloves and wash your hands.

Why do you need to maintain personal hygiene?

Unfortunately, very often little attention is paid to the personal hygiene of disabled children. But in vain, since it is pure and well-groomed body not only helps to improve mood, but also self-perception. The main thing this procedure, brought to a systematic and effective level, adds confidence and self-respect. The main thing is that the child or young man understands the essence of these hygiene procedures, I understood why it was necessary to do it.

Recently, at my workplace, I faced such a situation. A young man of 29 years old, living in a boarding school for children with psychophysical disabilities, asked me: "I just don't understand one thing, why do I need to brush my teeth?" To be honest, I was in some shock, since a person, having lived up to this mature age, remained in the dark. But this is a matter of everyday life. I don’t understand why people who “studied” with him for so many years did not initiate him into such important question... And I, having entered the job, all these months could not understand why a person has such a careless attitude to this process.

Everything was on the surface. From that moment on, brushing your teeth, washing your face and washing away became desirable and obligatory. It can be assumed that teachers and educators did not consider it necessary to give this information a person with a disability, being fully confident that he does not understand anything. Don't underestimate special people. We must treat them like ordinary people and you will see that everything is much better than you imagined.

What's on the list hygiene procedures?

Hygiene procedures must be performed twice a day, and, of course, as needed. Hygiene of the oral cavity, face, genitals, armpits, legs - this is the main list of daily routines.

As for the girls, by the time of the onset menstrual cycle they should be aware that this is natural, and should know how to behave in these moments. This is required so that they are not afraid when the time comes. Naturally, it is important to take into account the level of intelligence preservation, since with deep mental retardation, complete indifference to this physiological process quite natural.

If possible, a young lady should be taught behavioral skills when menstrual flow, that is, teach her how to wash and change the hygiene product.

Also, in any situation, a girl should remain a girl. Every girl, girl, should know the rules of self-care, understand that she is a female. In general, she should like herself. And for this she needs to provide constant support, as well as set an example, keeping herself in shape. It is clear that someone can take care of themselves on their own. But, but someone will need a partial or full help from the side. In order for a girl to understand this, first of all, her relatives must understand this, who are obliged to explain all the nuances to her.

Another practical example

Again, an example from personal practice. A 15-year-old girl with moderate mental retardation and cerebral palsy, but with a stubborn character and fierce diligence, refused to look at herself in the mirror, and any attempts to give her such an opportunity ended in a spoiled mood. And she looked like this: short-cut hair (like a boy), a greasy face covered with numerous pimples and an almost constant smell of sweat. Here's a picture. And now it becomes clear what is the reason for her dislike for own appearance... Then I decided to conduct, so to speak, an experiment. I brought her a wash gel for a start (for problem skin) and tonic. This caused the girl incredible delight. Driven by interest, she instantly learned the rules for using these funds and independently carried out these hygiene procedures twice a day. Further, gradually I added scrub, cream, etc. About a week later, the young lady began to stare at herself in the mirror and even admire herself (while smiling). We started looking after our hair, growing it and combing it regularly. This is the power of hygiene. It is important not to blame everything on the young creature at once. It is necessary to act gradually, as you master the already available material.

Each parent should know and, in the long term, assume what his child is capable of. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to independently perform as many actions as possible. Set tasks for him and help him to carry them out. The main thing is not to do everything for him, since this will not only not help, but also harm him. Before starting to act, the parent must explain to the child that it will take time and a lot of effort to achieve the result. The parent must prepare him for work and not frighten him with pressure. In general, actions should be appropriate and situationally thoughtful.

As for the guys. A young disabled person should realize that he is not a sexless creature, but a man, with his own needs and responsibilities. Communication at the level of "lisping" will help to mold only a sluggish and weak-willed creature, not ready to fight and overcome difficulties. And mastering hygiene skills will require perseverance and patience.

Compulsory shaving, washing and washing must also flow smoothly into everyday life. young man... And in the absence of allergies, you can use toilet waters and deodorants.

Teeth cleaning

Consider the process of brushing your teeth. Someone succeeds in this easier, but for someone it becomes a real test. It all depends on the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child.

You need to start with the rules for holding the brush in your hand. Explain that the bristles should be on the teeth. Next, show in which direction the brush should move (from top to bottom, from side to side, and also perform circular motion). If child with cerebral palsy this process will be unhurried, but the main thing is that it should be and be independent. The parent can help the child only at the final stage, one might say, put the final touch. We must not forget about the language, because it contains about 80% of the bacteria living in oral cavity... After cleaning, the rinsing time comes. But this is already more difficult task... Very often, in children with cerebral palsy, the muscles of the cheeks, lips, etc., do not work well, that is, precisely those organs that are involved in the rinsing process. But this business is, in principle, fixable, since they can be developed. Naturally, you should not expect 100% of the result, but a lot can change. Offer your child to run water in their mouth, actively move their cheeks, move their lips, and puff out their cheeks.

If the child has a preserved intellect, then over time he will learn, in his measure, to do this, and the rinsing process will become more productive. Even mild to moderate mental retardation should not interfere with learning this process... Severe and profound mental retardation is another matter. Everything will be complicated here. Cleaning has not gone anywhere, but rinsing in most cases does not work. Instead of rinsing, you get swallowing. Such children simply swallow both the paste and the water intended for rinsing. In this regard, it is better for such youngsters to choose the safest paste, for example, for children or bio, created on the basis of natural ingredients... It may also happen that the child still learns to spit. But until this happens, it is better to use the above pastes.

Also in similar cases you should use as little paste as possible and instead of rinsing, just wipe your mouth cloth napkin moistened with water. In addition, it is good to tilt the child's head to one side and ask him to sing the sound "a" all the time. So he will not have time to swallow, and the paste will pour out of its own accord with saliva from the mouth.

Here are the most simple and available funds and methods of caring for the oral cavity. These are certainly not all tricks. You just need to approach each situation individually. Creative and constructive.

Facial washing can be performed by both the child (young man) and his parents. In this case, both hands and towels moistened with water are used.

The same goes for the armpits.

Washing is carried out either in the bathroom or over a basin. And despite the location, give the child as much opportunity as possible to act independently.

This is a basic list of dailies. hygiene procedures, which a parent should introduce into the everyday life of his child.

Bathing, washing and washing the baby, as well as other baby care procedures have great value for its development and health - what a mother should know about the hygiene of a newborn baby, we will briefly consider in this article.

How often you will have to deal with health problems, well-being and unwanted complications during the growth of the baby directly depends on how the process of maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of the child's body will be implemented. Hygiene of the newborn Is a set of procedures that must be performed daily in order for a child to grow up healthy and have a sufficiently strong immune system.

Due to the fact that the body of a newborn is not yet strong, it is very susceptible to various viruses and infections, and they are very difficult to tolerate. Even the most common runny nose or coughing can cause complications, stress and discomfort for the baby. Infants whose parents do not pay sufficient attention to cleanliness and hygiene almost always face skin diseases, infections or colds. Unfortunately, it will not work to solve this problem without the intervention of a doctor, and you will also need medications and various medications that are undesirable for babies.

In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to properly organize hygiene and care for the newborn from the first day of his birth. The care procedures are different: some need to be done immediately after sleep, others, on the contrary, in the evening. Next, we will dwell on each of them in more detail and analyze their essence one by one.

The rules of daily hygiene of the newborn.

Morning hygiene procedures.

Immediately after the baby wakes up, it is necessary to perform a series of procedures in order to make him feel comfortable throughout the day. You will need to rinse the baby's eyes, clean the nose and ears, and wash the baby. In order to start these procedures, the mother needs to perform some manipulations in order not to injure the child and not to infect. First of all, be careful to keep your fingernails short and not scratch your baby's skin. Due to the fact that his skin is thin and delicate, even a very slightly grown nail can cause damage. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before starting to hygiene your baby. Hands can be washed using your usual antibacterial or liquid soap... Carefully consider the items that you will use for the baby - they should be as safe and of high quality as possible. In modern children's stores you can find many special devices that are used for babies.

How to rinse your baby's eyes.

Daily hygiene the newborn begins by washing the eyes. To do this, you will need a small bath or bowl filled with warm boiled water and special cotton swabs. It is not advisable to use plain cotton wool, since after it, small villi may remain in the baby's eyes, which will bother him and cause discomfort. A cotton swab should be slightly moistened with warm water, wrung out and rubbed with the eye, in the direction from its outer corner to the nose. One tampon must be used for one eye - it is not recommended to wipe both eyes with the same thing. If after sleep you notice a child has strong discharge in the eyes, then you can use not just water for washing, but, for example, chamomile broth, weak tea leaves or a decoction of calendula herb.

How to clean your baby's nose.

During a night's sleep, the baby's nose collects secretions and mucus, which must be removed, as it causes shortness of breath and makes him nervous. Hygiene of a newborn baby certainly includes the procedure for cleaning the nasal passages in the morning and it is performed in different ways, depending on the type of accumulated discharge. If they are liquid, then it is advised to use special turundas, which must first be moistened in a sterile solution vegetable oil... After that, it is necessary to carefully insert and remove the turunda of their baby's nose, while performing rotational movements. It is thanks to such movements that all that is superfluous remains on the fleece. Do not overdo it with the depth of insertion of cotton wool - you do not need to insert it too deeply. For each nostril, a separate turunda is formed, one and the same one cannot clean both nasal passages. If the accumulation in the baby's nose has a dry consistency, then in order to remove it, first, you need to drip a few drops of sea water into the nose. Sea water cannot cause allergic or other negative reaction in a baby, but it will help to easily soften and remove excess discharge from the nose.

How to clean the ears of a newborn.

Babies should not clean the ear canal itself, as it is still too delicate and insufficiently formed. If you accidentally make at least one wrong movement, then if you do not damage the ear itself, then you will cause the child to have strong pain, which will become the beginning of a long tantrum, and then the hygiene of a newborn child will fade into the background. First of all, you need to calm the baby, and this is far from easy. Therefore, one of the main things that a mother should know about the hygiene of a newborn is that cleaning the ears means cleaning the very auricle, not the ear canal. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a cotton swab dipped in warm water or a soft, damp stick for cleaning your ears.

How to wash your baby.

It is not advisable to wash a small child by splashing water on his face. A much more acceptable way is again to use a cotton swab soaked in water and wipe the baby's face with it. It is necessary to pay Special attention areas of the face such as the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

How does the morning washing of a newborn go.

The last stage, which contains morning hygiene a newborn baby is washing the genitals and buttocks of the baby. Intimate hygiene of newborns is a very important component child health... To do this, you will need to re-prepare the container with warm, boiled water. After the procedure is completed, the skin, as well as all the folds, must be carefully wiped and dried so that no moisture remains on them. There are many special means that are used to treat the baby after washing are various powders, special creams that are used before putting on a diaper on the baby. All these products contain talcum powder, the main function of which is to absorb moisture. It also reduces the likelihood of diaper rash after the newborn has been washed.

How to care for a navel wound.

On average, according to statistics, it takes about three weeks to heal. From the very first day, as the baby was born, she needs daily care... In order to organize this care correctly and stimulate its early healing, you will need: a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green and ordinary cotton swabs or disks. Daily hygiene of the newborn regarding the umbilical wound consists of several stages:

Cotton swab or cotton pad it is necessary to soak well in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and moisturize the skin in the navel area. This must be done for one or two minutes in order for the crust on the wound to soften;

After that, remove those parts of the crust that are soaked and lend themselves to cotton wool. In no case press or peel off the crust if it does not come off on its own;

Once again, wet the navel area with new clean cotton wool with peroxide;

The last step is to treat the wound with brilliant green. This must be done carefully and carefully.

Hygiene of the newborn baby during the day.

You shouldn't think that on morning procedures all hygiene issues are over - the baby's cleanliness must be monitored throughout the day. When you feed your baby, make sure that he does not get dirty, and in which case, wipe off the remnants of food with a napkin or a special towel adapted for this purpose. After your baby has eaten, carefully check that the face and mouth area are clean. If the baby has pieces of food on his face for a long time, this can lead to a rash or irritation on the skin.

Very important intimate hygiene newborns throughout the day. As soon as the child goes to the toilet, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it, dry the skin so that there is no diaper rash, and treat it with special children's cosmetics.

How to cut nails for newborns.

For many parents, trimming their baby's nails is real problem... They have panic and fear, their hands shudder and they feel completely confused. main reason this is the fear of injuring the baby's finger and causing him physical pain. Many moms for a long time turn to grandparents with a request to help cut the nails of the baby. Here are some tips that pediatricians give to young parents so that they stop panicking before the need to shorten the baby's nails on the arms and legs.

1. Now in children's stores there is a fairly extensive selection of various devices that are used to maintain the cleanliness and grooming of the baby. Among them, you can choose special safety scissors, which have protective caps and thin blades with rounded ends. Another option is baby nail clippers for babies. They differ significantly from the usual forceps used by adults, if only in that they have a built-in magnifying glass, which will protect you from accidentally harming the child. Using such devices, you will not be afraid to trim your baby's nails.

2. It is much better to cut marigolds for a sleeping baby. Due to the fact that newborn babies usually sleep quite soundly, the baby may simply not notice how you carefully trim his nails. This will relieve you of the resistance and twitching of the baby, and it will relieve him of unnecessary stress.

3. Trimming toenails and nails is the same hygiene for a newborn baby as washing the feet or cleaning the ears, so it should also be regular. Remember that the baby moves erratically and may not accidentally scratch himself, damage the eye or face.

Also, during the day, the baby can accumulate dirt in the folds on the neck, between the fingers and toes. These places need to be checked regularly, and if you find dust, lint from baby's clothes or food debris there, you should immediately remove them with a damp cotton swab. You can use special baby wipes for this.

How to bathe your baby.

For every well-groomed baby and cleanliness parent, bathing the child before bed is a mandatory evening event. In no case should this procedure be avoided from the very first weeks of life, as it is very important for the development and health of the child. Bathing a child is not only a way to completely wash the baby's body and free it from sweat secretions, external pollutants and biological waste residues that have accumulated during the day, but also a way to psychological impact on the baby. During bathing, the child spends a certain amount of energy, relaxes and calms down, which leads to a sound and restful night's sleep.

Bathing in warm water not only cleans the baby's skin of accumulated toxins, residues of biological fluids, sweat, but also soothes and relaxes, which guarantees restful sleep in nighttime.

Many parents are almost as wary about bathing their baby as they are about cutting their nails. The most difficult for them is the first bath, which causes panic. In order not to injure yourself or the baby during the first bath, you should take into account some of the nuances:

Carefully select the area where you will bathe your baby. If the size of the bathroom is too small, then the procedure is best done in the bedroom or in the kitchen. The main factor when choosing a room - no drafts and warm air. If the apartment is cold, try to heat the room with an air conditioner or heater before you start bathing. The temperature of the bathing water for a newborn should be no more than thirty-seven degrees. It must be measured using a special thermometer. You will also need a towel, diaper, and a jug to fill warm water, in order to rinse the baby;

After everything is prepared, the baby can be slowly lowered into a bath of warm water. To minimize fright and stress on your baby, you can wrap your baby in a thin sheet or towel. First of all, the baby's legs are lowered into the water, after that, slowly and carefully, the rest of the body. Be careful not to let your ears and head fall under the water. Now there are masses various designs, which greatly simplify bathing by limiting the possibility of water getting on the baby's head. After the baby is immersed in water, and if he feels calm, then the diaper can be gradually removed;

Remember that regular hygiene a newborn baby must certainly include bathing. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on special baby products for taking baths. These should be anti-allergenic shampoos, baby soap or foam for baby baths.

If you are bathing your baby for the first time, it is better not to delay the procedure for more than seven minutes. Over time, this time interval will increase, and at the age of two to three months, the baby can swim for twenty minutes or even half an hour. After the child is bathed, it must be rinsed with water, which you originally prepared in a jug. It is necessary to water the baby with a thin stream of water;

After the bathing procedure is over, the baby must be taken from the bath and transferred to the changing table or crib. There we wipe the baby thoroughly so that no wet areas of the skin remain, after which we sprinkle the skin with powder and lubricate it with cream.

Cosmetics for babies.

To the choice cosmetics for little child you need to approach with great care and choose them, carefully studying the composition, method of application and the age that the child must reach to use it. For newborn babies, it is necessary to choose products marked: from the first days or from birth. The most necessary funds that will be required to maintain the hygiene of the baby:

Baby soap, free of additives and fragrances;
Liquid talcum powder. It is produced especially for the smallest children, due to the fact that it is liquid - there are no problems with the fact that the powder collects in lumps, and it also perfectly removes moisture;
Baby shampoo, on which it must certainly be indicated that it does not sting the eyes;
Wet baby wipes;
A cream that will help with unexpected irritation. You can use Bepanten or D-Panthenol.
Moisturizer for healthy skin care.

When choosing hygiene products for the baby, be sure to check the expiration dates of the goods, read the instructions and manufacturer's data.

Of course it's pretty general description what a mother should know about the hygiene of a newborn baby in order to learn more detailed information, it is better to purchase special literature and be sure to discuss all issues with a pediatrician.

Temperature in the room - necessary for hardening skin receptors, correct breathing and sound sleep:

In the first half of the year - 20-22 o C;

In the second half of the year - 19-20 o C;

Reducing the temperature in the room is carried out by ventilation or air conditioning.

Aims of ventilation: to reduce the air temperature, to increase the oxygen concentration, to reduce the concentration of microbes.

It is necessary to ventilate in winter 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes, in summer - around the clock (blind, and if through, then every hour).

Personal hygiene : daily hygienic bath, washing - up to 6 months, after 6 months. - hygienic bath every other day; at 2 years of age - using soap, a toothbrush, a towel.

Timely change of underwear and bed linen.

Walking in summer 2-3 times a day for 2-2.5 hours, in winter 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours (if it is calm up to -10 o C, if it is windy - up to -5 o C).

Cloth should be comfortable, not restrict movement, appropriate for the season and should be made of natural fabric.

Shoes should be leather, with a firm heel, with fixation of the ankle joint and with a heel up to 1 cm.

Hardening Is a training of the body in order to increase its resistance to various influences external environment, it is necessary for the prevention of diseases in a child.

For the purpose of hardening, natural factors are used: air, sun, water.

Air hardening begins from the first days of a child's life during swaddling and walking.

Water hardening also from the first days of life. Distinguish:

a) local procedures - washing, local rubbing, dousing the feet;

b) general procedures- complete rubdown and dousing, bath, shower, swimming in the open water.

A gradual increase in the force of action of water is achieved due to:

A uniform decrease in its temperature;

Increasing the wetting area skin(replacement of local procedures with general ones in ascending order of intensity);

Increasing the duration of exposure.

Any water procedure ends with wiping dry with light massage or rubbing until reddening.

Water hardening is carried out After sleep and before meals.

Hardening sunbeams - recommended after 1 year of life, very carefully, after the previous air bath within 10-20 minutes. Sunbathing time 9-11 am, 1-1.5 after a light breakfast. Duration: starting from 1 minute and increasing to 10 minutes. on each side (back, belly). After sunbathing it is recommended to douche or shower with a water temperature of 36 o, with a decrease to 28 o.

All tempering procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor!

Massage ... It is prescribed for children from 1-1.5 months to 1-1.5 years in parallel with gymnastics. In the future, games are used, and then morning exercises and sports (from 7-8 years old).

Massage for children infancy is an integral part physical education... Under its influence, skin capillaries expand, blood circulation, tissue trophism and metabolism improve, muscle strength increases, elasticity and mobility of the ligamentous apparatus improves, and a tonic effect on the central nervous system is exerted.

The massage is performed at an air temperature in the room of 20-21 o C not earlier than 40-45 minutes after feeding; with positive emotional reactions child; clean, dry, warm hands.

Basic massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping.

Massage sequence:

Front surface: legs, arms, abdomen, chest;

Back surface: back, buttocks, arms, legs.

Gymnastics Is a complex physical exercise aimed at developing and improving the child's motor skills.

Gymnastics solves 2 problems:

Development of existing motor skills;

Stimulates the development of new motor skills.

Gymnastics increases blood flow, reduces congestion in organs and tissues, improves metabolism, increases the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, enhances the immunological activity of blood and tissues, and increases the emotional tone of the child. Performance gymnastic exercises aimed at developing coordination, balance, increasing the depth of breathing.

Control questions to fix:

1. How long is the period of infancy?

2. What are the main features of the period of infancy?

3. What are the functions of the skin infant well pronounced in an infant and mild in an adult

4. What curves of the spine are formed in the first year of life and why?

5. What is the formula for teething?

6. By what age does physiological muscle hypertonicity disappear in a child?

7. What is the type of breathing in an infant?

8. What is the heart rate of the child by the year.

9. Why does the level of hemoglobin in blood decrease up to three months of life?

10. What is the importance of normal microflora for the physiology of digestion?

11. List the stages of development of the child's speech.

12. List the criteria for the neuropsychic development of an infant.

13. What are the patterns of increase in the mass and growth of an infant?

14. List the universal needs of a child during infancy.

15. Tell us about the organization of a safe environment.

16. Describe compliance hygiene standards and rules for an infant.



1. Kryukova D.A.,. Lysak L. A, Fursa O. V. Healthy person and his entourage "Phoenix", 2010 - 384s.


1. Volkov S.R., Volkova M.M. Healthy person and his environment: Textbook. M .: JSC "Publishing house" Medicine ", 2010

2. Protection of the health of children and adolescents: tutorial for paramedics / ed. Sopina Z.E. - M. GEOTAR_Media. 2009 - 368s.

3. Stages of human life and medical services in different age periods"Ed. V.R. Kuchma, V.N. Serova, M., 2002

Electronic resources:

1. Medical portal MedUniver [ Electronic resource] URLhttp: //

3. Childcare [Electronic resource] URLhttp: //