Acute toxicosis during pregnancy what to do. Toxicosis: can it be prevented? What week is toxicosis

- pathological conditions associated with pregnancy, complicating its course and stopping after the end of gestation. According to the time of occurrence, early and late toxicosis of pregnant women are distinguished. Early toxicosis of pregnant women is accompanied by hypersalivation (salivation), nausea, and vomiting. Diagnosis of early toxicosis is based on complaints of a pregnant woman; the severity is determined on the basis of the study biochemical parameters blood, urine. Treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women includes the appointment of a protective regimen, diet, antiemetics and sedatives, infusion therapy, physiotherapy.

Tetany in toxicosis of pregnant women develops against the background of a violation of calcium metabolism. Tetany is manifested by muscle cramps and often occurs against the background of hypoparathyroidism. Patients with early toxicosis need increased gynecological control during pregnancy, since subsequently they often develop preeclampsia.


The diagnosis of early toxicosis of pregnant women is established taking into account complaints, objective data, results additional research. Carrying out an examination on a chair and ultrasound allows you to verify the presence gestational sac in the uterus, determine the gestational age, trace the development of the fetus.

In pregnant women with signs of toxicosis, a study is performed clinical analysis blood, biochemical parameters ( total protein and fractions, fibrinogen, liver enzymes, electrolytes, KOS), general analysis urine. Dimension Shown daily diuresis, control of pulse, ECG and blood pressure, counting the frequency of vomiting.

Treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

A mild form of toxicosis of pregnant women does not require hospitalization; with moderate and excessive vomiting, treatment in a hospital is necessary. In mild cases, a pregnant woman is recommended to observe psychological and physical rest, taking sedatives(valerian, motherwort), vitamins, antiemetics (cerucal). The nutrition of a pregnant woman with toxicosis should be fractional, easily digestible, in small portions. At increased salivation it is useful to rinse the mouth with herbal solutions with tanning properties (infusions of chamomile, mint, sage).

With moderate toxicosis of pregnant women in the hospital, infusion therapy is carried out - parenteral administration saline solutions, glucose, protein preparations, hepatoprotectors, vitamins. In order to stop vomiting, neuroleptic drugs (chlorpromazine, droperidol) are prescribed according to indications. good effect observed from physiotherapeutic procedures (electrosleep, endonasal electrophoresis, galvanization, herbal medicine, aromatherapy), acupuncture.

Treatment of severe toxicosis of pregnant women is carried out in the wards intensive care under the control of laboratory and hemodynamic parameters. Therapy includes the infusion of solutions in a volume of up to 3 liters, the introduction of neuroleptics, hepatoprotectors, antiemetics, and nutritional enemas. A severe degree of toxicosis of pregnant women is a danger to the woman and the fetus. With untimely or ineffective treatment, a coma, hydatidiform mole, hepatosis may occur).

The prevention of toxicosis is facilitated by the responsible preparation of a woman for pregnancy, including the timely treatment of chronic pathology, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, refusing to have abortions, etc.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. Toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is short. But the toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy is more dangerous.

Many women complain of nausea from the very first weeks after conception. In medical language, this phenomenon is called "toxicosis". And if in the first half of pregnancy, doctors are not afraid for the patient, then toxicosis (or preeclampsia) of the second half is much more insidious.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

After conception has occurred, the placenta begins to develop along with the fetus, which is formed by about 16 weeks. Before this period, the placenta is not developed enough to protect the woman's body from the metabolic products secreted by the child. They enter directly into the blood and cause intoxication. Each future mother it manifests itself in different ways: nausea, intolerance to odors, certain foods.

Doctors call another cause of toxicosis during pregnancy hormonal changes that occur in the female body at this time. As a result, the centers of smell, touch, laryngeal tissues, which are responsible for the gag reflex, become more sensitive and excitable. And in this case, too, vomiting, nausea, or disgust can occur, caused by certain smells that do not affect the woman in her usual state.

Factor of heredity of toxicosis during pregnancy

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, a woman's response to these changes largely depends on hereditary factors. If the mother of a pregnant woman did not experience acute attacks of toxicosis, then her daughter will also easily endure his signs. For example, she can only be rocked in transport or her sense of smell will be aggravated to some extent. But no more!

And there are very severe forms of toxicosis - constant bouts of vomiting in the morning, urges of nausea for some smells, unwillingness to take any food. The stronger the intoxication, the more acute these signs. Moreover, they are not affected in any way by the lifestyle of a woman before pregnancy. On the contrary, according to doctors, toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy suggests that hormonal background changes, and everything in the body of a pregnant woman women goes naturally, as nature intended.

More often, toxicosis is observed in women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. But if the future mother leads wrong image life, then there is a possibility of toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy. And this is much more serious.

Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (gestosis)

The fact is that the second half of pregnancy, according to the laws of its development, should not be accompanied by toxicosis. It rarely happens that certain foods cause bouts of nausea and vomiting. But if this happens all the time, then doctors talk about a complication called "preeclampsia". It is characterized by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, weight gain of more than 400 grams per week and blood pressure higher than 130/100.

How worse symptoms the worse the condition of the pregnant woman. If you do not stop these signs in time, they can end in failure. A woman who regularly visits a gynecologist will be warned about initial stage preeclampsia. And she will be offered treatment in a hospital. Preeclampsia is treated based on the specific situation and its severity.

As a rule, doctors prescribe drugs that lower arterial pressure, improve microcirculation of blood flow in the mother, kidney function. So why does gestosis occur? It turns out that its cause is the wrong lifestyle of the expectant mother.

  • Does the woman eat a lot of salt? She may have impaired kidney function. Therefore, limit yourself: pickles are not at all what you need now.
  • If you still do not deny yourself fatty, spicy, sweet foods, then you will probably gain more than 10 kilograms during pregnancy.
  • Excess fats accumulate, which the body needs to supply with blood. It leads to high blood pressure, spasms of blood vessels, the removal of substances necessary for the body along with urine, an increase in the load on the lungs, heart, kidneys.

The body's reserve capabilities have already been exhausted, and it begins to rob the unborn child, and then refuses to work itself. To avoid this, you need to eat right, strictly monitor your weight and follow the doctor's recommendations. By the way, preeclampsia does not necessarily recur during your second and subsequent pregnancies, which can proceed absolutely calmly.

Toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy

Doctors recommend patiently enduring the signs of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. If bouts of vomiting do not make it possible to live normally, then the gynecologist will prescribe soft drugs plant origin, which will alleviate the condition of a woman by reducing intoxication. At the same time, they will not harm the unborn baby in any way. However, while the woman is being treated, she feels fine. As soon as it stops, toxicosis returns again.

But after 16 weeks, the condition should be completely normal. By this time, the placenta is already able to sufficiently protect the body from the metabolic products of the child, the hormonal background stabilizes. And until that time, if the toxicosis is not too acute, you can try to use folk remedies. Some women start the morning with breakfast in bed. After refreshing, they cease to feel nausea. Others are helped by salted croutons in the morning and sweet hot tea. The third is water with lemon.

Prevention of toxicosis during pregnancy

And it is also desirable that the family understand your condition and enter into the situation. For example, a pregnant woman is irritated by the tart smell of a man's toilet water. Or food with a strong flavor: coffee, garlic, onions, various sauces. All this must be temporarily excluded from the diet or everyday life. It’s good if the expectant mother is not overloaded with work, lives in an atmosphere of harmony, universal love, eats right, sleeps enough, moves enough and spends the prescribed number of hours on fresh air. Is this a utopia for you? Try at least a little closer to the ideal - for the sake of the child.

And in your career, you will definitely catch up later, when your wonderful baby is born! Of course, toxicosis is an unpleasant phenomenon, but still temporary. And it does not go to any comparison with the joy of motherhood. Do not think badly about the unborn child when you feel sick in the morning. Better imagine how wonderful, sweet, soft and gentle he will be when he is born. And you will feel a little better!

What will alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman with early toxicosis?

Eating little, but often, and drinking peppermint tea are the most common recommendations for relieving morning sickness during pregnancy. Homeopathy is also used, which pointwise affects the body's natural defenses and optimizes the work of all organs and systems of the body. To achieve this goal, sometimes it is enough to have one very small but precise effect, for example, swallowing several homeopathic balls at the beginning of pregnancy. Further, the body works itself. Therefore, long courses of treatment with homeopathic medicines, as a rule, are not prescribed. But the doctor's supervision should be constant.

Taking homeopathy at the beginning of pregnancy in some women stops nausea for the rest of the period. Well, and who does not stop, then in any case, it will weaken. Homeopathic treatment is not the same for everyone. Appointment is determined by the nuances. For example, a woman wakes up with a feeling of nausea, then vomiting begins. Disgust is caused by the smell of meat, especially cooking, and perfumery smells of a very specific line.

Another woman also starts her day with nausea. There is no vomit. But there is an appetite, but very capricious. A woman chooses for a long time what she will eat. Having chosen, he eats two spoons - his appetite disappears. For the third woman, the onset of pregnancy coincided with the appearance of material problems. Anxiety and irritability are on the rise. And therefore, nausea is also around the clock. In the medical record of each of these women, there are probably the same four words: "toxicosis of pregnancy of the first trimester." The homeopath qualifies their states as different. Accordingly, the treatment in each of these cases will be different.

Ideally, so that there is no toxicosis, it is better to pass a course of cleansing the body not during, but before pregnancy. Many birth preparation courses pay serious attention to this, so be sure to prepare for conception in advance.

It seems that there is none future mother, which would not meet with toxicosis on early dates pregnancy. And the stories of giving birth to girlfriends can fill the entire period of pregnancy with gloomy expectations.

Toxicosis during pregnancy can be expressed in different ways: from mild morning sickness to vomiting 3-10 times a day, which requires medical supervision and treatment. There are several signs of toxicosis, but the most noticeable and painful is nausea, sometimes causing real suffering.

Why does toxicosis appear?

Start of pregnancy - time big changes and a very moving moment.

Causes of toxicosis in early pregnancy:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. the woman's fears and anxiety, her increased emotionality, even in the event of an expected pregnancy, so the "expulsion" of toxicosis is largely in the hands of the expectant mother herself;
  3. maternal immune response.
  • The level of hormones in the blood rises quickly, but the nervous system does not have time to rebuild after them;
  • As a result, the functions of special parts of the brain - the so-called subcortical nuclei - are impaired;
  • Special zones become active in them, which affect the vomiting centers and a painful symptom of nausea occurs;
  • An embryo or a fetal egg is a foreign body for the mother's body, which a woman carries for several months, and pregnancy itself is stressful;
  • During the life of the fetus, certain organic substances are released into the blood;
  • Toxicosis is the body's response to their appearance. The manifestation of this response is akin to poisoning: it causes bouts of nausea, vomiting and a general deterioration in well-being.

It is no coincidence that this condition is called toxicosis: from the word "toxin" - a poison of biological origin. But, of course, toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is not poisoning. Rather, a special, individual state, a kind of protective reaction of the female body.

In the "risk group" for toxicosis are women over the age of 35, with gynecological diseases, surgeries and abortions in the past, diseases of the kidneys and (or) liver, endocrine disorders, smokers.

When does toxicity occur?

Many women are concerned about the question of when does toxicosis begin during early pregnancy?

  1. A normal pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of the first signs of toxicosis from the 4th week to the 8th;
  2. Some mothers notice its signs literally from the first days of the delay and even a little earlier.

Know! Mild nausea in early pregnancy normal phenomenon. It starts on the 5th or 6th week, reaching a peak by the 12th, but does not need additional medical attention, but requires a calm attitude of the pregnant woman herself. Most difficult period toxicosis can last no more than 2 weeks.

The described phenomena accompany far from every pregnancy, and many women are practically unfamiliar with toxicosis.

When the toxicosis passes

The question of how long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy and what its severity depends on is very individual. By the 16th week, as a rule, early toxicosis stops and there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

At this time, the formation of the placenta ends. It softens the "hormonal attack" and the most unpleasant symptoms toxicosis, because it is a kind of blood filter.

The duration and manifestations of toxicosis depend on:

  • health status of a woman before pregnancy;
  • her lifestyle, diet, bad habits;
  • ecological situation in the area of ​​residence;
  • heredity.

Confident, balanced women who have the opportunity not to go to work suffer less from toxicosis.

Women forced to work, especially those on leadership positions, suffer from toxicosis longer and it is more pronounced in them. It is also believed that women with asthenic constitution are more susceptible to toxicosis: tall, thin, with long fingers, arms and legs.

What complicates toxicosis

Ideally, if you are preparing for pregnancy and know in advance about existing chronic diseases. Every tenth woman has symptoms of nausea associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

Know! If you had disorders in the work of the stomach, liver or pancreas, then the situation with toxicosis may worsen.

  1. The uterus begins to grow and the organs in abdominal cavity forced to adapt to a new situation;
  2. The growth of the uterus can cause a change in the position and shape of the stomach, which, in turn, can lead to fluctuations in the acidity of the gastric juice. It is these that often cause a metallic taste in the mouth and nausea in the morning;
  3. Squeezing the gallbladder and ducts can make it difficult for bile to enter the digestive tract, causing bitterness in the mouth and the urge to vomit (read the article on the topic: Bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy >>>);
  4. Hormonal changes can cause a lack of a special pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fats. As a result fatty food will be worse absorbed and will cause feeling unwell;
  5. The most dangerous cause of nausea for a pregnant woman, sharp frightening dizziness can be vascular spasms and fluctuations. blood pressure, which she may mistakenly take for manifestations of toxicosis.

Therefore, the doctor monitors blood pressure at each visit to him (read on the topic: What tests are taken during pregnancy?>>>).

When to worry

Toxicosis, which inspires doctors with real concern, can occur from the 18th week of pregnancy. Its signs are:

  • incessant lightheadedness and painful vomiting up to 5-6 times a day;
  • proteinuria - the presence of protein in the urine;
  • complete inability to eat;
  • lack of weight gain;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • swelling spreading from the feet (more about swelling of the legs during pregnancy >>>);
  • increase in blood pressure.

Attention! Cases of severe uncontrolled vomiting require medical supervision in a hospital and individually selected treatment.

How to treat toxicosis

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy? There is no special treatment for toxicosis of pregnant women, but in no case should you endure its debilitating symptoms. Help with toxicosis depends on specific signs, health status and is always individual.

The efforts of the doctor in severe cases of toxicosis are aimed at:

  1. blocking the centers of the brain that are responsible for the appearance of nausea;
  2. maintaining the body's water metabolism;
  3. maintenance of organs of concern: most often it is the stomach, liver and kidneys.

When dealing with a future mother, the doctor cannot use the full arsenal of medicines, therefore, in general case dispense with the appointment of sedatives on a plant basis, a number of physio- and acupuncture procedures.

What will help with toxicosis?

A universal remedy for toxicosis during pregnancy has not yet been found. Help to overcome painful bouts of nausea helps A complex approach to the problem: physical activity, fresh air and enjoyable food.

Important! Any product that does not cause rejection and nausea, acting on special sensitive points of the tongue - sour, tart, astringent, intense breathing mouth, switching attention helps to reduce the severity of the attack.

AT Hard time, the way out may be:

  • sour candy;
  • a handful of dried fruits;
  • a slice of fragrant orange, ginger, a slice of persimmon;
  • a glass of weak tea, preferably green, and it should be drunk in several doses, in small sips;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices, which help relieve nausea associated with toxicosis during pregnancy, are also saturated with vitamins.

The only thing that you don’t need to do with toxicosis during pregnancy is to starve. With toxicosis, eating in small portions helps well. You shouldn't feel hungry. Let there always be a muesli bar, a dryer or an apple in your purse.

Honey is a real natural medicine that contains many trace elements that are vital for a future mother. Spoon taken on an empty stomach natural honey perfectly digested and calm the stomach (read the article

Almost every woman, being in an "interesting" position, suffers from this unpleasant phenomenon like toxicosis. What are the causes of toxicosis and can its symptoms be alleviated?

Toxicosis (intoxication) is disease state arising from exposure to exogenous toxins or harmful substances that are of endogenous origin. Toxicosis during pregnancy can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, salivation, drowsiness, feeling unwell, irritability and depression. Quite rare manifestations of early toxicosis can also be observed: tetany, acute yellow liver atrophy, osteomalacia, dermatoses of pregnant women, bronchial asthma pregnant. Toxicosis of pregnant women can occur both in the early and on later dates pregnancy. Early toxicosis, as a rule, does not last long; by the twelfth or thirteenth week of pregnancy, its symptoms usually leave the woman. Much more dangerous is toxicosis in late pregnancy or, as it is also called, preeclampsia.

Most often, toxicosis bothers women in the first trimester of pregnancy, almost from the first days of conception (nausea). During the first month after fertilization, the hormonal background of a woman has not yet undergone any changes, so she does not experience any discomfort. But with the development of the fetal egg in the next eight weeks, endocrine restructuring occurs in the body, which causes early toxicosis. Gradually, the hormonal background returns to normal and the symptoms of toxicosis disappear. If early toxicosis dragged on, which indicates a violation of the functioning of the liver and other internal organs, there is a significant risk of premature birth and endanger the life of the mother and fetus.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman can occur no more than 2-3 times a day in the morning, most often on an empty stomach. But at the same time, there is no deterioration in the general condition of the woman.

At severe forms toxicosis attacks of vomiting in the morning occur constantly. In addition, in these circumstances, the pregnant woman reacts sharply (nausea) to many smells (food, perfume, etc.) and may refuse food altogether. The severity of these symptoms depends on the degree of intoxication. A serious complication of toxicosis is excessive vomiting (up to 20 times a day), which occurs both during the day and at night, and causes dehydration of the body, as a result of which the pregnant woman begins to lose weight dramatically. The body temperature increases, the skin becomes very dry and flabby in appearance, appears bad smell out of the mouth, lowering blood pressure and increasing heart rate. In some special occasions This state of affairs forces specialists to raise the question of artificial interruption pregnancy.

According to medical practice, toxicosis occurs in women who will become a mother for the first time. With the wrong lifestyle during pregnancy, the risk of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy increases, which is much more dangerous.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy.
A few weeks after conception, with the development of the fetus, the placenta begins to develop, which is formed by about sixteen weeks of pregnancy. Until this moment, the placenta has not reached such a development that it is possible to protect the woman's body from the metabolic products secreted by the fetus. Therefore, these substances penetrate directly into the blood, which leads to intoxication. Each expectant mother feels it on herself in different ways: someone is just sick, someone is sick and vomits, someone has an aversion to smells, etc.

Another cause of toxicosis is called an increase in the level of the hormone. chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG) in the body of a pregnant woman. This hormone in the first trimester of pregnancy stimulates the formation of hormones necessary for the development and maintenance of pregnancy (progesterone, estrogens (estradiol and free estriol)). When normal flow Pregnancy to produce these hormones will be in the future placenta. The placenta also produces the hormone placental lactogen, which actively affects metabolism. Under its influence in the body of a pregnant woman, the supply of amino acids for the “building” of the tissues of the child increases, and in her she causes nausea, headache and fatigue.

The cause of toxicosis can also be hormonal changes in the body, which are characteristic of the period of pregnancy. Because of this, the centers of smell, touch, and laryngeal tissues responsible for the gag reflex acquire higher sensitivity and excitability. AT given period the woman may also experience vomiting, nausea, or aversion to certain odors that the woman has not previously been affected by.

Many obstetricians and gynecologists believe that heredity plays an important role in the manifestation of toxicosis. For example, if the mother of a pregnant woman did not have acute attacks of toxicosis during pregnancy, then her daughter will easily endure them.

Poor health of a pregnant woman (nausea, vomiting) may be the result of immunological incompatibility between mother and child, that is, when "alien" (daddy's) particles of the fetus affect the mother's body. Gradually, the body of the future mother "gets used" to the fetus, and discomfort disappear as quickly as they appeared.

The body of the expectant mother does not always adapt to new conditions for him, as a result of which the nervous system can malfunction, due to which signs of toxicosis appear. In women who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, asthenic syndrome, the risk of developing early toxicosis during pregnancy is significantly increased.

Sometimes with the development of toxicosis and toxic conditions of the 2nd, 3rd and next pregnancies(in the absence of toxicosis during the first pregnancy) associate the age of a woman after thirty years.

Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (gestosis).
To date, toxicosis in late pregnancy is a disease of the whole organism, expressed in violation of the functions of the most important organs and systems. Violation of the functions of the central nervous system causes the development of complex pathological processes characteristic of toxicosis during pregnancy.

In general, in the second half of pregnancy, toxicosis, as such, should not be. In rare cases, any food gives rise to bouts of nausea and vomiting. However, if this happens all the time, then experts call this condition preeclampsia, when a pregnant woman develops edema, protein in the urine, body weight rapidly increases (more than 400 grams per week) and blood pressure rises over 130/100.

The stronger the symptoms, the more difficult the condition of the pregnant woman. If timely measures are not taken to stop these signs, then the situation can end badly. Most often, a woman who regularly visits a gynecologist is warned about the onset of preeclampsia. As a rule, in this case The woman is offered treatment in a hospital. In the treatment of preeclampsia, they proceed from the specific situation of its severity.

Usually, drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at lowering blood pressure, improving microcirculation of blood flow and normalizing the functions of the kidneys of the expectant mother.

Most often, the cause of preeclampsia in late pregnancy is the wrong lifestyle of the expectant mother. Use a large number salty foods (everyone's favorite pickles) lead to disruption of the kidneys, fatty, spicy sweet food- weight gain of more than 10 kilograms during pregnancy. In this case, there is an accumulation of excess fats, which the body must supply with blood. All this leads to an increase in pressure, spasms of blood vessels, the excretion of substances in the urine that are necessary for the body, an increase in the load on the lungs, heart, and kidneys. And when the body's reserves are exhausted, it begins to replenish them from the unborn child, and then it stops working itself. To prevent this scenario, you should eat right, keep healthy lifestyle life and strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

It is worth noting that gestosis will not necessarily recur during your second and subsequent pregnancies, during which it can be absolutely calm.

Means of combating toxicosis during pregnancy.
The most important thing in toxicosis is to remain calm and optimistic. After all, toxicosis is just a small phenomenon of your pregnancy. You have to learn how to relax valuable quality useful during childbirth.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend that you be patient and endure the manifestations of toxicosis. If the frequency of vomiting interferes normal life, the gynecologist prescribes soft herbal preparations aimed at reducing the intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman, while in some way not affecting the fetus. One drawback: during the treatment, the woman feels normal, but after the end of taking the drugs, the manifestations of toxicosis return.

In the fight against toxicosis, homeopathy can also be used. It is aimed at activating the body's defenses and optimizing the work of all organs and systems of the body. To achieve a result, a small point effect is often enough, for example, swallowing a couple of homeopathic balls in the first weeks of pregnancy, as a result of which the body begins to work independently. That is why the course of treatment with homeopathic medicines, most often, is small. But supervision by a specialist should be carried out constantly.

Homeopathic treatment at the beginning of pregnancy in many women eliminates nausea before it ends, and in some women significantly reduces nausea and vomiting. It is worth noting that the treatment with homeopathic remedies in each case is different, depending on the nuances. For example, some women feel nausea in the morning, and only then vomiting occurs. There is a feeling of disgust for the perfume of one line, food smells. Other women also start the morning with nausea, but there are no bouts of vomiting, but there is a very demanding appetite. When, after a long choice of what they will eat, they eat a few spoonfuls and that's it, their appetite disappears. In the third women, the first days of pregnancy coincided with the occurrence of financial difficulties, as a result of which, against the background of growing anxiety and irritability, nausea becomes around the clock. As a result, all these women suffer from toxicosis of the first trimester, but the treatment with homeopathic remedies will be different.

Immunocytotherapy has proved to be an effective method in the fight against toxicosis during pregnancy, in which blood cells (lymphocytes) of her husband are injected into the skin of the forearm of a pregnant woman. Before such an event, a man must be screened for the presence of various infections: hepatitis B and C, HIV, Wasserman reaction. After immunocytotherapy, the condition of the pregnant woman improves significantly in a day.

In extremely severe cases of toxicosis, the doctor may prescribe Essentiale forte, cerucal, glucose with vitamin C (dropper), Splenin (injections), Polyphepan.

  • It is useful in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water, this will reduce nausea and eliminate malaise. You can add a teaspoon to the water apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey.
  • You should not immediately get out of bed in the morning, try to eat some nuts or liver first, which are better prepared in advance in the evening by the bed.
  • Try to spend more time outdoors.
  • You can eat whatever you want, but the food should be easily digestible and highly fortified (cereals cooked in water without oil, fruits, bread).
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, salty, sweets, in particular chocolate, as well as hard-to-digest foods.
  • You should eat little, but often, every 2-3 hours.
  • Frequent snacks (nuts, dried fruits, mints, lemon, tangerines, caraway seeds) reduce nausea.
  • It is useful to eat foods rich in proteins (fish, beans, seeds, grains, nuts, meat, milk and dairy products).
  • Vitamin B6 reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, so eat more foods in which they are present in large quantities (skinless chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, legumes and avocados).
  • A good remedy for vomiting attacks is ginger and products with its addition. Ginger root can be added to tea.
  • During the first months of pregnancy, it is useful to eat more liquid and semi-liquid food in a warm (not hot!) form.
  • After a meal, you should lie down a bit.
  • Many pregnant women are helped to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis by special vitamins for pregnant women, which they drink before bed at night.
  • Eating should not be combined with the simultaneous intake of drinks.
  • Daily in the diet of a pregnant woman should be present alkaline mineral water.
  • Excellent help in the fight against toxicosis infusions of calendula, valerian, yarrow and mint. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Take two teaspoons of dry mint, a teaspoon of valerian root, two teaspoons of calendula flowers and yarrow herb, pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist for half an hour, then strain. It is necessary to take such an infusion 2-3 tablespoons six times a day for 25 days. The course of treatment is three sets of 25 days with a 15-day break between each.
  • When salivation is recommended to rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile, sage, mint.
  • With toxicosis, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, but in small portions. It could be chamomile tea cranberry juice, freshly squeezed apple juice, green tea with lemon, rosehip infusion.
As a rule, after the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother returns to normal, the hormonal background stabilizes.

When not severe toxicosis you can use folk remedies, but only after consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies to combat toxicosis during pregnancy.
According to traditional medicine, a good remedy honey is considered against attacks of nausea and vomiting. Due to the high content in its composition of vitamins, microelements, glucose, fructose, which are easily absorbed by the body, honey has a healing effect. To combat bouts of vomiting during early toxicosis during pregnancy, you need to take one tablespoon of honey on an empty stomach.

It is considered an excellent antiemetic and pumpkin juice. It is recommended to drink a decoction of pumpkin with the addition of lemon juice.

Charcoal is also common folk remedy against toxicity. Accept Activated carbon One or two tablets should be taken half an hour before a meal. However, it is worth noting that constipation or diarrhea may occur when using it. Since activated charcoal has the ability to absorb not only toxins, but also nutrients, then its frequent use inevitably leads to a lack of vitamins, fats, proteins.

From toxicosis, freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, grapefruit) will help. Take 300-400 ml. These juices enhance the work of enzymatic systems that free the body from toxins. If nausea occurs, a pregnant woman can also eat a slice of another citrus fruit - lemon or drink tea with lemon.

Cranberry juice is also effective in combating bouts of vomiting and nausea. To prepare it, take 150 g of washed cranberries, mash and squeeze the juice. Pour the rest of the squeezed berries hot water, put on fire and boil for 10-20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Strain the resulting broth, add 1000 g of sugar and cool. Add squeezed juice to the drink and lemon juice one lemon. Drinking such a fruit drink should be in small and slow sips at the time of nausea attacks.

To cleanse the body of toxic substances, which, in fact, cause toxicosis, 0.5 g of vitamin C and rosehip infusion will help. A tablespoon of rose hips should be poured with half a liter of boiling water, put on water bath and boil for fifteen to twenty minutes in an enamel bowl under the lid. Then the resulting broth insist for an hour in a thermos. It should be consumed two or three times a day in the form of heat in half a glass with the addition of a teaspoon of honey after meals.

Aromatherapy is also effective tool against toxicity. It is useful to inhale essential oils jasmine, anise, neroli, rose, lemon. The first aromatherapy procedure should be carried out no more than twenty minutes. Every day, the duration of the session should be increased by 20-30 minutes, gradually bringing the inhalation time to three hours.

Acupuncture can help fight discomfort in the first trimester of pregnancy. The efficiency of this method is quite high, while this method does not harm the fetus. Acupuncture is also recommended as preventive measure, since its sessions improve the elasticity of the cervix, as a result of which the process of childbirth is faster and less painful.

Significantly facilitate the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, taking infusions of diuretic herbs. The course of admission is two to three weeks. For example, pour two tablespoons of horsetail into a glass of boiling water, close the lid and wrap well. Insist in a warm place for about half an hour. The resulting infusion should be consumed 50 g three to four times a day. Or another recipe: one tablespoon of herbal collection of cornflower flowers, licorice root and bearberry leaves, taken in a ratio of 1:1:3. Pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for twenty minutes, strain. Take one tablespoon three to four times a day. According to this recipe you can use other herbal preparations. For example: mix licorice root, juniper berries and bearberry leaves in a ratio of 1:1:2.

You can also prepare other charges. For example: a collection of bearberry leaves, horsetail and juniper fruits, taken in equal proportions, or a collection of horsetail, kidney tea and knotweed, also taken in the same ratio. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of any of the proposed herbal mixtures and brew a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for five to six hours. Take the resulting infusion before meals, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

If you have attacks of nausea in the morning, accompanied by a headache, this means that you have increased intracranial pressure against the background of early toxicosis. It is necessary to address to the neuropathologist and to make US of a brain - an echoencephalography. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes light diuretics. And following traditional medicine, in this case, you should drink half a glass before bedtime. low-fat kefir and eat an apple, because they have the ability to remove excess fluid from the tissues of the body.

Is it possible to prevent toxicosis during pregnancy?
If you are about to become a mother or are just planning this important point try to keep some medical recommendations. To begin with, all existing health problems should be eliminated. In this case, it would be better if for this you give preference not to medications, but to herbal medicine, homeopathic treatment, hirudotherapy. You should also avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, strong tea although it is not easy. In addition, try to eliminate foods such as soda, canned foods, spicy, spices, GMOs, as well as products with artificial additives, flavors and dyes.

Give your body daily physical exercise, in particular, do gymnastics - this will improve work of cardio-vascular system and will have a stimulating effect on metabolism.

Be sure to follow the daily routine and, most importantly, get enough sleep. woman in interesting position 8-10 hours of a full night's sleep is required, as well as rest for half an hour - sixty minutes in the daytime.

To prevent the development of toxicosis even before pregnancy, which is very important, you should undergo a course of cleansing the body. Many experts insist on this aspect, as well as centers for preparing women for childbirth. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy in advance, providing for all the nuances.

The most important thing is not to despair and to wait patiently. After all, this suffering is short-lived. In addition, with the advent of the baby, you will instantly forget about the suffering suffered.

The association with bearing a baby is associated with difficult moments for many. Toxicosis is a pathological transient condition of pregnant women. It is connected with various factors and can lead to serious complications. How to be and what to do given state Let's talk in more detail.

Toxicosis pathology of pregnancy

Toxicosis is a frequent phenomenon and develops against the background of physiological and biochemical changes associated with fertilization and gestation. During pregnancy, all the processes of the female body are rearranged to new way, thereby adapting to the new process.

The changes taking place in the female body are accompanied by a restructuring:

  • endocrine system;
  • central nervous system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • immune system.

Causes of toxicosis of pregnant women

What exactly provokes the development of negative feelings and pathological changes is not yet fully known. Many scientists interpret the development of toxicosis during gestation as a kind of autoimmune process, when the fetus is perceived as a foreign body and at the same time protected from negative impact the same immune cells. Intensity of manifestation pathological condition pregnancy depends on a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • Availability chronic diseases(especially the gastrointestinal tract);
  • the presence of numerous abortions in history;
  • pathology in the acute period;
  • genetic pathologies of the fetus;
  • pathology of the development of the placenta;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • malnutrition;
  • age factor;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse).

It is impossible to say what exactly is the starting point in the development of toxicosis, scientists still cannot give an exact answer. However, several hypotheses have been noted:

  • the fetus as a foreign body that provokes the activation of antibodies, thereby triggering the processes of immunity and provoking symptoms of toxicosis;
  • neuro-reflex theory, based on the interaction of the central nervous system with the work of internal organs;
  • hormonal factor, it is believed that hormones are the link, the main link between the fetus and female body, they are produced depending on the stage of pregnancy, thereby affecting the biochemical processes, in excess, leading to the release of toxins and the development of toxicosis.

All these theories say that toxicosis is a reaction of the body aimed at protecting the development of the fetus and maintaining pregnancy.

Types of toxicosis

The condition may occur on different stages gestation and signal the development of a complication.

Manifestations of toxicosis

Clinical manifestations depend on the type of pathological condition, intensity and provoking factors. We will analyze what symptoms can occur and what they can talk about in a particular case.

What is dangerous early toxicosis in pregnant women

Early toxicosis is associated with hormonal changes, as well as effects on the nervous system and internal organs. Scientists note that the production of placental lactogen, in other words, the hormone responsible for the course of pregnancy, affects metabolism and other processes in the female body.

Clinical manifestations usually develop in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • fatigue;
  • profuse salivation;
  • dermatoses (itching, irritation).

Vomiting during pregnancy

Symptoms are usually transient and disappear with time as the body adapts. However, some of them can lead to complications. One such manifestation is vomiting.

Vomit common symptom with toxicosis. It occurs in 40-50% of pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. About 10% of them need specialized help.

The onset of this symptom is due to the maximum production of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. The cause of vomiting in pregnant women is also a certain allergic reaction on the entry of particles of trophoblast, the cells that subsequently form the placenta, into the bloodstream.

degree of vomitingClinical manifestations
I degree It occurs up to 5-6 times a day, the general condition is not disturbed, it can occur with olfactory irritation by odors, as a rule, it appears in the morning on an empty stomach.
II degree Up to 15 times a day, against the background of general intoxication (weakness, weight loss, decreased urination)
III degree More than 15 times indomitable vomiting, characterized by critical disorders of the general condition and dysfunction of internal organs (anemia, decreased blood pressure, fainting, acetone and protein in the urine, etc.)

Vomiting is dangerous with consequences, namely abortion due to intoxication, dehydration and other complications. Hospitalization is subject to pregnant women with 2 and 3 degrees of vomiting and other concomitant pathological conditions.

How to treat vomiting with toxicosis

Grade 1 vomiting usually does not require drug treatment, and therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. Most often, a pregnant woman is invited to reconsider her lifestyle, nutrition, give up bad habits, take walks in the fresh air if possible.

Very often, vomiting can occur in the morning on an empty stomach. Therefore, make it a rule to wake up to eat a product that eliminates the symptom or drink a glass of water. Thus, the symptom will not cause discomfort.

Products that eliminate morning vomiting:

  • citrus fruits (if there are no allergic reactions);
  • fruits of your choice;
  • crackers or cookies;
  • a glass of drinking yogurt or kefir;
  • natural juice, etc.

If vomiting is a constant phenomenon and is accompanied by other pathological disorders (fainting, changes in blood pressure, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, temperature, etc.), you should urgently consult a specialist.
Salivation with toxicosis

Ptyalism, hypersalivation or profuse salivation is the second symptom of toxicosis after vomiting. Sometimes a pregnant woman can produce up to 2 liters of saliva per day. Together with saliva, protein, mineral salts and other useful material. The condition can worsen significantly and lead to severe conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.


It is rare, but can become a nuisance with early toxicosis. Pregnant women note diffuse itching in the genital area, which disrupts sleep, causes irritability, and depression.

Itching with dermatosis should not be confused with itching with thrush, allergies, diabetes. Only a specialist can perform differential diagnosis, self-treatment is dangerous and can lead to serious complications.

What is dangerous late toxicosis (after the 20th week)

Late toxicosis (gestosis) occurs after 20 weeks and carries a certain danger to the woman and the child. The exact cause of the development of the pathological condition has not yet been clarified by science, however, changes in the neurogenic, humoral, hormonal, placental, and immune nature can serve. These metamorphoses occur even at the beginning of pregnancy and increase every month, week or day.

The intensity of manifestations of late toxicosis depends on the following factors:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • age;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the presence of bad habits, etc.

In medicine, it is customary to divide gestosis into the following conditions:

  • swelling;
  • proteinuria (protein in the urine);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • preeclampsia;
  • eclampsia.

Edema, proteinuria, arterial hypertension(high blood pressure), preeclampsia, eclampsia is usually called one term OPG-preeclampsia. How dangerous these manifestations are, let's talk in detail

OPG-preeclampsia as manifested

Preeclampsia can occur both in mild forms and in severe ones, there are four clinical forms:

1. dropsy

It manifests itself in the form of persistent edema, while protein in the urine is not observed and blood pressure is within normal limits. Against the background of severe symptoms, the general condition does not suffer. Nephropathy may occur. Often, pregnancy ends with delivery according to the term.

2. Nephropathy

Includes three main clinical symptom: edema, the presence of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure. There are 3 stages of the pathological condition.

SeverityEdemaProtein in the urineBP indicator
I stage lower limbs Up to 0.5-1 g/l 150/90 mmHg Art.
II stage Lower limbs and anterior abdominal wall 1 to 3 g/l 170/100 mmHg st
III stage Generalized edema of the entire body More than 3 g/l Above 170/100 mmHg st

A dangerous condition with complications that can provoke premature detachment placenta, development of premature delivery, intrauterine fetal death. Nephropathy often turns into a state of preeclampsia and eclampsia.

3. Preeclampsia

A serious condition that leads to disorders of the central nervous system, cardiac activity and other disorders of the organs.

Preeclampsia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • blurred vision (flies before the eyes - evidence of increased blood pressure);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the epigastric region, etc.

Dangerous state of development of cerebral edema and lethal outcome both mother and fetus. With an increase in symptoms, the development of eclampsia is possible.

4. Eclampsia

A serious condition is characterized by severe disorders of the central nervous system (convulsions, loss of consciousness, coma), respiratory system(stop breathing), cardiac activity and other organs, systems. Occurs suddenly on the background of preeclampsia and nephropathy. Can lead to death of mother and child.

How to treat toxicosis

Late toxicosis requires special attention, usually pregnant women are hospitalized in a hospital before the onset of childbirth. This allows you to control the vital parameters of a woman and a child.

Treatment for preeclampsia and eclampsia includes:

  • peace and the creation of a medical-protective regime;
  • normalization of the function of organs and systems;
  • drug therapy;
  • indicated for emergency delivery.

With early toxicosis, if the condition does not require hospitalization of the pregnant woman, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a physician antenatal clinic. Typically includes the following activities:

  • detoxification therapy - includes replenishment of lost fluid in the form of plentiful drink(fruit drinks, medicinal mineral water without gas, etc.) or intravenous infusions;
  • vitamin therapy - replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • the use of antiemetic drugs as prescribed by a doctor;
  • exclude from the diet fried, spicy, peppered, fatty. It is recommended to eat small portions often.

After childbirth, the woman's condition is restored.

Diagnosis of toxicosis - what causes it

To identify the cause of toxicosis and violations, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies. The direction, if necessary, is issued by the doctor of the antenatal clinic after collecting an anamnesis and examination.

Diagnostic studies of toxicosis include:

  • determination of hematocrit (reflects the degree of coagulability and thickening of the blood, especially with vomiting);
  • biochemical blood test (glucose, binding protein, bilirubin);
  • general urine analysis for protein, acetone;

Also, measurements of such parameters as body weight, blood pressure readings, and total diuresis are carried out. Based on all the results obtained, the doctor can assess the severity of the situation, decide on the need for hospitalization and therapeutic measures.

What complications can be due to toxicosis

Even with timely treatment and started therapy, the woman's condition may be complicated due to the following points.