What is the best massage oil. Massage oil. What oils are used for massage

Today massage has become an integral part wellness treatments... It is used by everyone who strives to combine business with pleasure. Such noticeable popularity is characterized by high degree efficiency, which is achieved at the end of the next session. The positive effect largely depends on the massage mixture used, for the preparation of which aromatic essences are increasingly used. Essential oil for massage can not only have a lasting aesthetic, emotional impact, but also significantly affect the good health, as well as the proper functioning of all body systems.

Application rules

Massage essential oils become most effective when they are combined correctly, for the creation of which it is necessary to pay attention to a number of specific characteristics:

  1. The naturalness of all the ingredients ether mixture components.
  2. High aromatherapy effect.
  3. Strong influence of psychological and energetic types.
  4. The presence of medicinal properties that appear in the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulating effect.
  5. The possibility of a comprehensive effect on the body.

It is also important to consider the following helpful advice before directly using essential oils for massage:

  • Fragrances must be mixed with base oils. However, they must be added to them before the very beginning of the massage session.
  • In order to activate all nutrients the ether extract must be thoroughly stirred and heated until reaching a temperature of 40 degrees.
  • When calculating the components, it is necessary to adhere to the following proportions: for every 8 tablespoons of the base oil, there are 12 drops of the essential mixture.
  • For a start, it is advisable to use one type of ether composition. After several procedures, it is easy to navigate the choice of the mixture and the desired result.


As you know, all essential oils for massage are divided into types in accordance with the effect provided, so it makes sense to understand each of them in order to obtain the desired result:

1. Relaxing

Mint, lavender and sage are good relaxing essential essences, and these ingredients can be used to make a versatile blend that will simultaneously soothe, relieve fatigue and invigorate. To prepare it, you need to mix, three-ribbed, sage, lavender, or sandalwood. When adding any citrus aroma there is an increase in mood. It is also a good idea when using relaxing oils to create a suitable environment: nice slow music, candles, dim lights. Attention! Don't use alcohol! He can nullify all efforts and you will not be able to get the proper pleasure.

2. Pain relievers

As oils-analgesics are suitable: mint, lemon balm, in the form,.

3. Increasing sex drive

Responsible for stimulating sexual desire: rose, ylang-ylang, ginger, sandalwood, neroli.

A good effect is achieved precisely with a compositional combination of ginger, sandalwood, sage and fennel.

4. Enhancing brain activity

You can improve performance by stimulating brain activity. For this, it is advisable to use: black pepper, laurel, cinnamon, basil, geranium.

5. Anti-cellulite

Fight against orange peel will become more effective if you combine the following essential oils for massage: rosemary, cypress, as well as all types of citrus fruits.

6. Anti-aging

7. For skin:

  • Deal with dry problems skin type will help: orange, chamomile, sandalwood, neroli.
  • Manifestations characteristic of oily and problem skin types disappear with and using: grapefruit, tea tree, juniper.
  • Reducing the severity of stretch marks is promoted by: lavender, rosemary, cloves.

8. For hair:

  • Dry and brittle curls are treated with: sandalwood, rosemary, orange.
  • Fatty hairline amenable to treatment: cedar, lemon, cypress.


By combining different types massage essential oils, you can prepare the following interesting mixtures that will come in handy in any life situation:

  1. Giving strength... Relevant in the presence of a constant mood of the same type, which is characterized by boredom and melancholy. By combining lemon, fennel, grapefruit and black pepper, you can get rid of despair and return energy.
  2. Relaxing muscles... Promotes blood flow to tense muscle structures. Muscle pain occurs when a sharp physical type of stress occurs or in the case of a long time spent in a sitting position. In order to get rid of such unpleasant manifestations, you can try the following massage mixture made from: incense, black pepper, eucalyptus, jasmine, marjoram.
  3. Helps with a hangover. V in this case you can use a combination of such essential ingredients: geranium, fennel, ginger, mint, orange. However, before that, it is advisable to saturate the dehydrated body. enough liquids. Plain water can be combined with orange juice... This revitalizing massage is best done at the end of the day so that the effect takes hold overnight.
  4. Uplifting... The massage mixture presented below is indispensable for depressed state and loss of strength. The use of frankincense, bergamot, sage, grapefruit, rose and jasmine will all help lift your mood.
  5. Warming... A mixture of essential oils of ginger, orange, rosewood and frankincense will effectively warm the body and also have a warming effect on state of mind... However, the action of the presented mixture is aimed at warming the body, which long time was in the cold. Essential essences provoke the activation of blood circulation, which promotes the spreading of heat throughout the body.

In order to obtain maximum effect from massage procedures c essential oils you should pay attention to the following features:

  • The same essential oil can have different effects on people. This fact is conditioned by individual feature and the tolerance of essences to a specific organism. As a result, during the massage, it is advisable to monitor the mental and emotional state.
  • When intending to massage the body the best option will use mixtures prepared by ourselves, since purchased ready-made formulations in their overwhelming majority contain components artificial origin, which include inorganic oils.
  • When performing massage on your own, it will not be superfluous to undergo a certain course of study or get minimal theoretical knowledge. Lack of enlightenment in massage techniques can bring.
  • Do not use excessive amounts of the composition. Avoid its strong spreading on the skin. The quantity must exactly match the amount to be covered. skin surface undergoing massage.
  • When choosing essential essences, it is necessary to rely not only on a useful and effective effect, but also on personal preferences. It should be borne in mind that, no matter how medicinal the composition, its unpleasant aroma will have a negative effect on emotional background, which will lead to an undesirable result.
  • Each massage session should be carried out for at least half an hour. In order to achieve the soonest positive result makes sense to carry out procedures daily.


However, aromatic massage procedures are not shown to everyone. In some cases, you should be extremely careful with their implementation or completely abandon them. Contraindications to this massage are:

  1. Problems associated with the heart and blood vessels, as well as their systems.
  2. High blood pressure or a predisposition to hypertension.
  3. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  4. Children less than 5 years old.
  5. Allergic reactions or a tendency to their appearance.

TO absolute contraindications include diseases that are oncological in nature. It is also strictly forbidden to carry out aromatic massage for thrombophlebitis. In order to exclude manifestations of an allergic nature, it is advisable to first carry out a skin test.

At any age, it is important for a woman to remain attractive. For self-confidence on long years, you need to be able to preserve natural data. Appropriate facial skin care has great value. A complex approach involves not only the use of cosmetics. On skin covering beneficially influence various procedures... Massage plays a special role. Raising this topic, it is logical to find the answer to the question of which oil is better to use for massage. After all, without it, free sliding of hands is impossible, which means that efficiency is out of the question.

Do I need a facial massage?

Not everyone thinks about how useful it is to regularly massage your face. Some women find that quality skin cleansers and special creams enough. Think so - big mistake... The massage procedure is not only relaxing and enjoyable. This is one of the most right ways achieve the following effects:

  • get rid of signs of age-related changes;
  • prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • relieve fatigue accumulated during the day;
  • to tone the muscles.

If you use oil during the massage, positive effect will be the maximum. Indeed, in this way you can moisturize, tone, nourish the epidermis. It is necessary to select the oil in accordance with your needs.

A must-have oil combination

Easy to prepare facial massage oil at home. It should consist of two components:

  1. Basic framework;
  2. Active substance.

Cold-pressed oils are suitable as a base. You can use any natural oil. However, when choosing, one should take into account the peculiarities of the skin. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth knowing how vegetable oils act on the epidermis.

Base oils


A versatile product suitable for different types skin. It is rich in vitamins A and E, which determine its properties. Olive oil helps fight wrinkles. It restores firmness and elasticity. In addition, it perfectly moisturizes and replenishes mineral deficiencies. It is safe to use it even for those with hypersensitive skin.


Perfect option for aging skin. Removes wrinkles from the surface of the face. It is perfectly absorbed, penetrating into the deep layers of tissues. Relieves swelling, strengthens muscles that have lost their tone, and has a lifting effect. If the task is to increase elasticity - this is the # 1 remedy. After several massages with almond oil, the skin becomes radiant and its relief is smoother.


A find for oily skin. Promotes the elimination of toxins. Well cleans pores from impurities. Helps control selection sebum... Has wound healing properties. Relieves irritation, stops inflammatory processes... It acts as an antioxidant. Promotes cell renewal.


It is advisable to use it after 30 years. It is a source of collagen. Suitable as prophylactic to fight age-related changes... Perfectly relieves inflammation. Provides wind protection, sun rays, temperature difference. Stimulates cell regeneration. Helps to retain moisture. Neutralizes free radicals.


Able to rejuvenate aging skin. Makes the epidermis elastic. Increases firmness and visibly tightens sagging areas. The consistency of the oil is quite dense. It stays on the surface longer. Therefore, it is more suitable for dry skin. Women with oily skin it is better to refuse to use it.

Apricot kernels

Stimulator of renewal processes. Plus a product for moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. Hypoallergenic, therefore safe for sensitive skin... Suitable for combating premature aging.

Grape seed

A powerful antioxidant. Due to its rich composition, it nourishes the skin nutrients... Acts as a humidifier. Smoothes wrinkles. Prevents age-related changes, thereby prolonging the youthfulness of the skin.

Active ingredient

In addition to the base, oil for facial massage should contain active ingredient in the form of ether. Among all the variety, it is worth finding exactly the ingredient that will cope with the tasks. Typically, aromatic oils have a wide range of effects. But at the same time, each is responsible for several main effects achieved when using it. This issue is worth considering in more detail.

Essential oils - active substances for the skin

The best oil for facial massage is selected individually. It all depends on the condition of the epidermis, the woman's age and skin type. Depending on the expected result, the following ethers are used


Medicinal herbs

Thyme essential oil cleanses pores well, removes blackheads. Rosemary - will normalize the production of fat by the skin. Bergamot - removes impurities, makes the complexion matte. Peppermint - relieves irritation and redness, relaxes and prevents breakouts.

Plant flowers

Chamomile ether will help improve metabolic processes. Jasmine oil will cope with the restoration of damaged cells. Rose perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes the dermis. Carnation the best way stimulates blood circulation, which allows you to saturate the cells of the epidermis with oxygen. Geranium comes in handy in the fight against wrinkles.


It will be needed in case of puffiness. Normalizes blood circulation.


Has properties to relieve swelling. Tones up, improves metabolic processes.

Wheat germ

It has a lifting effect. It is used to tighten sagging areas and smooth wrinkles. Makes the skin firm, restores its elasticity.


Pine essential oil is able to deeply cleanse, remove harmful substances and improve blood circulation. Cypress - improves complexion, lightens age spots.

Juniper - removes wrinkles from the skin, tightens the contour. Tea treeeffective remedy to combat age-related changes. Plus, it remarkably moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Eucalyptus ester has anti-inflammatory effects. Relieves irritation, promotes healing. Ideal for problem skin... Sandalwood oil prevents premature aging, smoothes existing wrinkles.

It is not at all necessary to become an ardent fan of just one component. To achieve desired results you can take some good essential oils and mix them with a base base.

The finished mixture is stored in a cool place, using as needed. Within 6 months mixed oils do not lose their properties. After this period, it is worth preparing a new portion.

The right choice is the key to success

To do oil massage, you need to buy a product High Quality... There shouldn't be any pungent odor and bitterness when opening the bottle. The composition must be exclusively natural. It is good if vitamin E is present as a preservative. Pay attention to the expiration date. You can be sure that you have chosen suitable oil for the base by testing it on the skin.

  1. The oil is evenly distributed over the skin surface.
  2. It is absorbed quickly, but not instantly.
  3. Does not leave behind oily sheen and does not form a film.
  4. Does not cause an allergic reaction.

It is worth testing for essential oils as well. The vegetable oil is checked by applying it to the cheeks. Ether is tested on the skin behind the ear. If there is no discomfort or redness, you have picked up suitable means... Now you can start preparing the mixture and directly to the massage.


It is recommended to carry out facial massage in courses. It is unlikely that you will notice positive changes if it occasionally occurs to you to carry out the procedure. This should be done every evening for at least 7-10 days. Then to maintain achieved results one or two times a week will be enough.

From whether you can find the best massage oil for myself, a lot depends. It's not easy adjuvant for easy hand sliding. it complete care behind the skin of the face, capable of replacing expensive cosmetics... The main thing is to meet expectations, select the ingredients in accordance with the type of skin. Remember, beauty is the work of your own hands!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 are faced with the problem of the appearance of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You start to forget the moments when men complimented your flawless outward appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that old days will never return ...

Massage was discovered by mankind many years ago, when it was used to relieve nervous and physical stress.

In our time, massage has become almost a panacea for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. It is prescribed to relax muscles, reduce excess weight, improving blood circulation, relieving fatigue and just to feel vigor and fullness of strength in the body. The effectiveness of massage increases several times if you use and choose the right essential oils for massage, which not only facilitate the sliding of hands over the body during the procedure, but also guarantee the nutrition of the skin, its moisture and the penetration of nutrients into the body through the skin, because the skin is it is also an organ of the human body.

Essential oils for massage

For the massage, it is very important to use special means: oils, gels, creams. They provide sliding over the body and, as a rule, have an additional effect, depending on the type of massage and the selected means for its implementation. The effectiveness of using essential oils during massage has already been proven for a long time, and over time, scientists have proven the effect of essential oils on a person at the level of high matters, which is why they can so strongly affect a person's mood, well-being, and even feelings and sensuality.

Massage oils - what are there

Essential oils for massage. Massage with bags

For a regular relaxing massage, you can use neutral grape or peach seed oils, jojoba or almond oil, which are supplemented with essential extracts of lavender, geranium, marjoram, orange, mandarin, jasmine, cypress, ylang ylang, rose and other plants. Such compositions:

  • promote muscle relaxation,
  • have a warming and calming effect,
  • relieve fatigue and irritability.

Aromatic procedures

Massage can be used not only to achieve psychological and physiological balance, but also to achieve certain goals. So, in psychology, the method of "clues" is very often used for some emotional condition, which a person once experienced and wants to feel the same emotions again. To do this, it is enough to remember what scents accompanied these emotions and feelings, to breathe in this aroma again and again to feel what you want.

If during such a procedure you also use massage with aromatic oils, then the effect will be achieved much faster.

In addition to memorable smells, there are also favorite scents that return a person to a kind of zone of comfort of the soul and psychological balance. If with the help of such aromas you make a small massage of not even the whole body, but the limbs or massage the tips of the ears, fingers, and feet, then calming and balance will not take long, and a second wind will open for new discoveries, actions and even feelings.

Essential oils for massage with nervous tension

To relieve stress at the end of the working day and prevent insomnia, you can massage yourself using oils of nutmeg, sage, rose, ylang-ylang, geranium, which are mixed in an amount of 2-4 drops with a base oil, for example, olive or peach bones. The massage can be done on the limbs, abdomen, shoulders. Essential oils will act quickly enough, and a person will feel their effectiveness in 10-15 minutes, the body will relax, thoughts will fade into the background, a person will plunge into the aura of carelessness and lightness.

If during the working day you feel a lack of energy, and you still need to spend some time at work, then you can massage your temples and forehead using peppermint oil based on almond, which are taken in a proportion of 2 drops of mint per 1 tablespoon of almond extract. To quickly calm down after some stress or nervous tension, you can do acupressure in the solar plexus area with a few drops of lavender oil. This procedure can be performed even at work in a secluded place after a stressful situation.

Anticellulite massage

Nowadays, many women undergo anti-cellulite massage procedures to tighten the skin and improve metabolism in subcutaneous layers... Special essential oils will help to enhance the effect of anti-cellulite massage, which:

  • take care of skin elasticity,
  • give the skin elasticity, smoothness,
  • will enhance blood microcirculation in small capillaries of the skin,
  • normalize lymph drainage;
  • eliminate skin laxity and fat deposits in its integument.

For slimming massage, oils of orange, pineapple, lemon, tangerine, rosemary, juniper, cypress are ideal. It is recommended to combine them with oil. grape seed as a base in a proportion of 9-15 drops of essential oils per 1 tablespoon of the base in any desired proportion, but most often essential extracts are added in proportion.

For a massage, you can prepare massage mixtures yourself, choosing essential oils from necessary action, but you can buy ready-made mixtures of essential oils for massage, which will already include compounds base oils and ethereal.

Oil massage in recent times is gaining popularity, since among us there are more and more of those who are passionate about, or rather their medicinal properties... It is today. And oil massage has been known for a long time. Thousands of years ago it was used in Ancient egypt, India, and indeed in all countries of the East. It was where the culture of oil massage was developed that women retained the freshness of the skin, the flexibility of the body, even at the age of 70. Essential oils have always had high price, and some were worth more than gold, so they were a privilege.

Oil massage improves health and prolongs life, as well as strengthens memory and the power of thoughts - so it was believed in antiquity. And indeed it is!

Any vegetable oil contains components valuable to humans, which are absorbed through the pores during massage. As you know, the best massage oil is oil made by cold pressing from seeds. Only natural oils should be used for massage, mineral oils or artificial substitutes should not be used. natural oils... Synthetic and mineral oils contain various chemical additives and preservatives that can be harmful. And besides this, these oils cover the body with a thin film, as a result of which oxygen access to the skin cells is closed, that is, the cells do not breathe.

What are the benefits of oil massage?

Regular oil massage soothes nervous system, stimulates digestion and hormonal metabolism, improves sleep, strengthens subcutaneous and muscle tissue, as well as immunity, restores the balance of all body systems and removes old age! Massage has a particularly beneficial effect on dry skin, giving it healthy shine and elasticity.

During the massage, better sliding of the hands in contact with the skin is ensured. The hands of the masseur, as it were, are immersed in the body, while much less pain and a more effective effect on muscle tissue.

If you have dry skin, then massage can be done more often, and if oily, then abuse oil massage should not, although in the bath it will not harm you either.

If you are healthy, then massage can be done once a week, it is better to combine it with a visit to the bath.

In other cases, you should consult your doctor.
What oils can be used for massage?

Olive oil, sunflower, mustard, corn, sesame, coconut, almond, peach, avocado, grape seed oil.

Essential oils are used as additives and to improve the properties of the oil composition: sandalwood, rose, eucalyptus, sage, lavender and many others.

Depending on the season, you can use various recipes oil composition.

For example, in the fall, it is better to prepare an oil composition based on sesame oil. You can add almond oil, jasmine, sandalwood, or rose essential oils to it.

Sesame oil- 2 cups, almond oil - 1 teaspoon, wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon, jasmine or rose oil- 5-10 drops.

In winter, the most effective formulation is based on olive and sesame oil, with the addition of wheat germ oil.

Olive oil- 0.5 cups, Sesame oil- 0.5 cups, wheat germ oil - 1 tablespoon, sandalwood or rose essential oil - 5-10 drops.

In the spring best effect will be from almond and sesame oil with the addition of pumpkin.

Almond oil - 0.5 cups, sesame oil - 0.5 cups, pumpkin oil - 1 tablespoon, jasmine oil - 5-10 drops.

In summer it is advisable to use Coconut oil or corn oil, adding wheat germ oil to it, as well as rose or sandalwood oil.

Coconut oil- 0.5 cups, wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon, rose or sandalwood essential oil - 5-10 drops.

Other recipes are also possible. Combining oils should only be done if you know their properties.

Olive oil
Useful for muscle pain, joint swelling. This oil promotes the absorption of UV by the skin cells and thus improves the tan. This should be borne in mind by those who do not want a tan. Olive oil is somewhat sticky and heavy, so it is best used in blends.

Sunflower oil
This oil is also too heavy and is best mixed with other oils. Helps with joint diseases.

Corn oil
Useful for skin diseases and bruises. Its value is high in vitamin E. It is also used as a base with the addition of other oils and medicinal herbal formulations.

Coconut oil
The advantage of this oil is that it is quickly absorbed into the skin. It is very light, does not form a film, cools the body, helps in the treatment of inflammation, edema, relieves nervous tension, improves the structure of the skin. This oil is used in many formulations of massage mixtures.

Sesame oil
The heavy, viscous oil is used in many mixtures to treat dry skin prone to cracking and prevent skin aging. It also relieves swelling, muscle pain, and is good for hair.

Almond oil
The oil relieves swelling, fatigue, strengthens the nervous system and muscles, and rejuvenates the skin. Highly effective remedy to strengthen and grow hair. The oil is expensive, so it is mainly used in massage mixtures.

Wheat germ oil
Highly fatty oil, therefore, it is used in the mixture in small quantities and in pure form- for massage with very dry skin. The oil improves elasticity and prevents skin aging.

Palm oil
The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, so it is mainly used for cosmetic massage... This oil is best used for those who have normal skin.

Peach oil
The oil is very effective against wrinkles, suitable for all skin types. Since it is absorbed slowly, it is convenient to use it for massage. It provides good sliding of the masseur's hands over the skin.

Grape seed oil
The oil has the ability to retain moisture in the skin cells, which provides the skin with elasticity. Do not use unrefined grape seed oil!

Avocado oil
It is quickly absorbed into the skin, therefore it is used in a mixture with other oils. The oil is good for the skin as it smoothes out wrinkles.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to one or another oil, and also not all oils are combined with each other, so you should not make rash compositions. Be careful!

Oil massage videos

Sensual erotic massage is a real declaration of love through touch. There can be no random details here, so main attribute tenderness and care is a well-chosen oil for good erotic massage ... Without it, you can not do any kind, as it will greatly stretch and can damage the skin. Erotic is no exception, since it affects not only the back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and feet. It can include simulation intimate areas where moisturizing and softening is indispensable.

Correctly selected oil for erotic massage plays a role not only emollient but also aromatherapy. What must be taken into account when selecting it:

  • Your partner's skin type (the drier and more sensitive, the more you will need it);
  • Dimensions of the partner (the larger the surface, the more frequent moistening is needed);
  • Preferred type of massage (general relaxation will require less softening than long-term foreplay with stimulation of intimate areas);
  • Couple's preferences (both partners should like the smell of massage fluid);
  • Availability allergic reactions(the essential substances that make up the massage fluid can cause serious irritation and other symptoms of individual intolerance).

Do not use mineral oils as a base. They will prevent essential substances from penetrating the skin. If you decide to purchase a ready-made massage fluid, you should carefully read its composition.

It should only be applied to the skin while warm. This is due to the fact that the cold liquid has a tonic effect, which is not necessary at all during a relaxing massage. It is important to remember that for stimulation erogenous zones you can not use ready-made compositions, or prepared independently with the use of essential substances. For this, only basic cosmetics can be used:

  • Almond;
  • From grape seeds;
  • Avocado;
  • Apricot;
  • Soy;
  • Jojoba;
  • From wheat seedlings;
  • Agranovoe;
  • Sesame;
  • Shea.

In any case, grape seed extract can be considered a good "base". Such a base perfectly plays the role of a lubricant, while at the same time it has healing properties... An additional plus - such a base has almost no color or smell, which helps to harmoniously combine with essential substances.

It is worth noting that liquids based on coconut or jojoba extract will not be viscous enough. This means that such a composition will be quite liquid, which means it will end much faster. Moreover, most often 7 - 8 tablespoons of liquid are enough for one massage.

Its acquisition should be included in the preparation for a love game, which means that it is not enough to come to the store and purchase the first massage fluid or cream that comes along. They should combine features such as:

  • Moisturizing and softening the skin;
  • The role of an aphrodisiac.

The relaxation product should also not be too viscous, as it can stain laundry and clothes.

What oil to use for erotic massage

If you want to make such a romantic surprise to your partner and make your sex perfect in every sense, then important issue in this case it will be - "which oil is better to use for erotic massage"? When choosing a massage mixture for love games it is better to give preference to cooked. This will allow you to select the ideal "base", as well as to individually select the combination and proportion of essential components. If you decide to give preference to the ready-made mixture, you should be extremely careful about its choice.

In addition to the neutral base, you can use the following flavorings:

  • Ylang-ylang;
  • Cardamom;
  • Patchouli;
  • Clary sage;
  • Sandalwood;
  • Neroli (orange tree flowers);
  • Cedar;
  • Juniper;
  • Jasmine;
  • Myrtle;
  • The Rose;

Besides these, the most popular fragrances you can prepare a mixture with such unusual ingredients as:

  • Carnation;
  • Ginger;
  • Bergamot;
  • Cypress;
  • Myrrh;
  • Marjoram;
  • Fir;
  • Muscat;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Geranium.

Such a list will surely give an almost exhaustive answer to the question, and will allow you to turn on your imagination yourself. To enhance the effect, a few drops of the selected scent can be added to the aroma lamp. Simply put, ready mix necessarily consists of 2 components:

  • The foundation;
  • Aromatic additives.

The approximate ratio is 1 teaspoon of the main product, in which 2 to 3 drops of the aromatic additive are dissolved. If you wish, you can not be limited to just one smell, but collect an exquisite mix of 4 - 5 smells. At the same time, it is not recommended to combine more than 5 scents, since the resulting aroma may become too "heavy". Instead of the expected relaxation and sensuality, you can get a banal headache.

The most interesting combinations sensual scents:

  • Geranium + rose + cinnamon;
  • Rose oil + geranium + eucalyptus;
  • Grapefruit + Rosewood + Geranium;
  • Patchouli + ylang-ylang + bergamot;
  • Sandalwood + jasmine + bergamot;
  • Sandalwood + fennel + ylang-ylang + sage;
  • Cinnamon + neroli + bergamot + ylang-ylang + rosemary;
  • Grapefruit + Rosemary + Ylang Ylang;
  • Clary sage + myrtle + sandalwood;
  • Rose + bergamot + jasmine + sandalwood;
  • Ginger + rose + neroli.

By experimenting with the ratio of drops for each of the extracts and type of base, you can find the optimal ratio. It should be borne in mind that the smell of the "base" should not be stronger than any of the additions. If massage mixture consists of more than 3 components, in this capacity it is desirable to use grape seed or coconut extract.