Early signs of pregnancy 5 weeks. What is early toxicosis of pregnant women? Ways to confirm pregnancy

The 5th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to the seventh obstetric and the second week after the delay.

Ultrasound 5 week recover

This period is characterized by an active restructuring of the body, and the signs of pregnancy are becoming more and more distinct. Usually, it is from this period that the expectant mother notices the first changes in her body.

Signs of pregnancy

In the vast majority of cases, by the 5th embryonic week of pregnancy, a woman is already clearly aware of her situation. By this time, all tests have already been done and confirmed, you may have even done an ultrasound diagnosis, and also registered with a hospital or antenatal clinic.

The 5th week of pregnancy has symptoms that have already appeared before.

  1. Increased appetite.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy.
  3. Painful sensations in the chest.
  4. Increased sensitivity to odors.
  5. Dizziness, nausea.
  6. Mood swings.

If any of these signs of pregnancy did not appear before 5 weeks, then now they may occur with more more likely. In addition, other manifestations are characteristic of such a period.

  1. Digestive problems.
  2. Changing the color of the labia.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Increased salivation.
  5. Pigmentation of the skin (the appearance of a strip on the abdomen or darkening of the areola of the nipples).

Still, the main sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Since the delay is already quite large, all other signs are no longer so informative. For a woman, pregnancy is already a fait accompli, so there is no need to look for evidence of its onset.

Features of the development of the fetus

5 weeks pregnant is characterized active development fetus. There are both internal and external changes.

  1. Limb formation begins.
  2. The rudiments of the bronchi, intestines, thyroid gland are formed.
  3. The heart is divided into right and left lobes.
  4. The endocrine system is being laid.
  5. The brain develops.
  6. The head is actively enlarged.
  7. The skeleton begins to ossify.
  8. The rudiments of ears, an eye appear, jaws are formed.

At this period, having made an ultrasound, you can see the rudiments of the arms and legs of the fetus

Now the height of the child is approximately 7-8 mm, and the weight is 0.8 grams, your baby is now the size of a pea. If you do an ultrasound at week 5, in the photo of the fetus you can see the rudiments of arms and legs, although they still resemble fins in shape. His face is beginning to take shape little by little, so he is becoming more and more like little man. At 5 weeks, the fetus still has a small tail.

What will the ultrasound show

Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy is most often done to confirm it. As a rule, the study is carried out in a transvaginal way, since the fetus is still very tiny, and this technique allows for a more detailed examination.

One of the important tasks of ultrasound at this time is to assess the development of the child's heart:

  • during the examination, the doctor measures the baby's heart rate, which should be 150-160 beats per minute;
  • the doctor fixes the size of the fetus to determine exact date pregnancy, as well as the probable date of conception, unfortunately, these data with ultrasound at the 5th embryonic week of pregnancy are often not entirely reliable, therefore, most likely, another examination at a later date will be required to confirm them;
  • a specialist will be able to accurately determine whether you will have one child or twins, or even triplets.

Another reason for this survey an ectopic pregnancy is suspected. This complication may be suspected due to spotting and severe pain in the lower abdomen, or according to the results of blood tests for hCG hormone. Usually in such cases, the content of this hormone is below normal.

After ultrasound diagnostics will confirm your "interesting position", you can safely get registered and start going through everything necessary examinations and take tests.

When the gestational age is 5 weeks from conception, many women go to the gynecologist. In addition to examining and assessing the health of the expectant mother, doctors usually give their advice about the health and lifestyle of a woman. It is very important to follow these recommendations throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

FoodRight now is the time to start eating foods enriched with calcium, because it is vital for the formation of the baby's bone tissue. Due to toxicosis, many women experience nutritional problems. To avoid them, you need to eat fractionally - 6-7 times / day in small portions. Try not to eat foods that are heavy for the stomach, give preference to light, but at the same time nutritious, healthy food.
Examinations and analyzesIt's time right time to visit a gynecologist. When registering, you will need to pass various tests, among them: general analyzes urine, blood, biochemical analysis blood, a smear for infections, a blood test for hormones. These studies must be completed, as they will help determine how the pregnancy develops, as well as identify possible problems with mother's health.
Physical activitySome women absolutely in vain refuse any physical activity as soon as they find out that the conception has taken place. This is completely the wrong approach. At normal flow pregnancy and no contraindications physical activity not just allowed, but extremely useful. Of course, the load will have to be reduced compared to the "pre-pregnancy" period. In addition, sports such as running or roller skating should be excluded, and all activities that put a heavy load on the press are also prohibited. Swimming, special fitness or yoga for pregnant women, as well as simple home gymnastics will come in handy.
Daily regime5 weeks of pregnancy causes severe lethargy, drowsiness. Don't forget the complete night sleep and also be sure to set aside time for rest during the day. It is not necessary to sleep at this time, you can just lie down, relax with eyes closed. If you are faced with opposite problem and suffer from insomnia - try to cope with it without the help of sedatives. An evening walk, a warm bath, a warm drink before going to bed - all this will help to normalize a night's sleep.

Changes in a woman's body

This is a period of physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

On the this stage development of pregnancy, changes in the body of the expectant mother are becoming more noticeable.

  1. The condition of the hair and skin is changing. If your body receives enough nutrients, then changes will be in better side, if nutrition is not enough, then all reserves will go to the development of the embryo, and the mother's condition may noticeably worsen.
  2. The uterus is enlarged. By 5 weeks and 5 days of a singleton pregnancy, she will be the size of an orange.
  3. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, as well as the bladder, which is why the woman experiences frequent urges to urination.
  4. The volume of blood in the circulatory system increases by 10%.
  5. In the chest are observed discomfort- tingling, aches. Halos and nipples may increase in size, darken.
  6. Due to the increase in the hormones melanotropin, estrogen and progesterone, a vertical stripe may appear in the center of the abdomen, passing from pubic area to the navel.

However, for one of the most important changes in the body of a pregnant woman, the time has not yet come. Your belly will only begin to enlarge after a few weeks, and for some women it won't be visible until mid-gestation. The uterus has not yet reached such a size as to protrude above the pubic joint, so at the 5th week of pregnancy, the tummy in the photo will be completely indistinguishable.

A woman usually experiences the most unpleasant sensations for the 5th week of pregnancy due to early toxicosis. Toxicosis occurs as a result of poisoning of the mother's body harmful substances, which are formed after the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus.

The body perceives the child as something foreign, so it tries to get rid of it. As a result, a woman has:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • vascular disorders;
  • problems with the work of the central nervous system;
  • vomiting, nausea (especially in the morning);
  • severe dizziness;
  • acute reaction to odors;
  • salivation.

If the symptoms are very severe and interfere with normal life, you should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. At home, you can try to improve your condition with the help of frequent walks on fresh air, proper nutrition, and good rest.

More rest is needed to recover from stress

Due to hormonal surges in the first weeks of bearing a child, a woman can experience significant stress. She may suffer from insomnia nervous tension, increased anxiety. These symptoms are considered quite normal and therefore do not require drug treatment. Rest more often, relax, and in a few weeks the symptoms will disappear.

A feeling of discomfort can also be delivered by an enlarged chest. The mammary glands are preparing to produce milk, because of this, the expectant mother experiences a feeling of tingling, heaviness. The nipples become very sensitive. It's time to choose special underwear for pregnant women - it should be made from natural fabrics, be comfortable, and also firmly support growing breasts.

Allocations and pulling sensations

Discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy may become more abundant, as there are some changes in the vaginal mucosa. Normally, the mucus should be light milky, while completely homogeneous, without any unpleasant odor.

If the color and consistency of the discharge changes, you should consult a doctor

If you notice changes in the color or consistency of the discharge, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor - this may be a symptom of various genital infections that can harm the development of the fetus. You should immediately visit a gynecologist if, in addition to unusual discharge, you feel itching and burning in the genital area.

  1. Brown or bloody discharge can be a sign of a miscarriage, especially if accompanied by pain. If the discharge is not abundant and no pain they are not accompanied, then they may well be a variant of the norm, but in any case, it will not hurt to consult a doctor.
  2. Most of all, the expectant mother should be alerted by bright scarlet discharge, especially in the presence of clots. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor. It is possible that because of the threat of miscarriage, a woman will have to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Quite often, at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman pulls her lower abdomen. This symptom is considered safe if the cause of the pain is an enlarged uterus. As a result, the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen are stretched, so there is a feeling of "tightness" or tingling. Such pains can persist for all 9 months. To weaken them, it is enough to lie down in a comfortable relaxed position or take a warm bath. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe medications to relieve these symptoms.

However, pain may also be indicative of serious problems ah, especially if they are accompanied elevated temperature and brown or spotting at week 5. All this can talk about the fading of the fetus, ectopic pregnancy or threatened miscarriage. As a rule, the pain in such cases is quite acute and is cramping in nature. When such symptoms appear, a woman should immediately call an ambulance.

By the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows exactly what is happening with her body and begins to prepare for a new stage of her life mentally and physically. She gradually gets used to her new state and plunges into a joyful expectation.

The expectant mother has a lot of natural questions: how her condition will change, how her baby develops, how the birth will go, and so on. It is important, having learned about pregnancy, to tune in to the positive for the entire period, no matter how hard it is.


The embryo of the fifth week of pregnancy is still so small that this does not affect the size of the mother's belly. Perhaps the first thing that begins to change is the chest. The mammary glands become hot to the touch, the nipples are hypersensitive, they can even hurt. There is no need to worry and do something, soon these phenomena will pass on their own.

There are no external changes at the 5th week of pregnancy, only a pregnant woman can feel the changes. The halos begin to darken, and the strip from the navel to the pubis may also darken. For the first time, your favorite bra is too small.

Some women may feel pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. This must be reported to the doctor, since uterine hypertonicity, often leading to miscarriage, is not excluded.

In general, a woman's feelings depend on her state of health at the time of pregnancy: the presence or absence of chronic pathologies that can complicate pregnancy, various infections, hereditary diseases, an adequate supply of nutrients and vitamins.

What happens in a woman's body

The 5th week of gestation is marked by an active restructuring of the female body and the development of the embryo. Not always during this period, the test shows two strips, but a pregnant woman already knows about her situation.

From now on, it is necessary to take care of your health in every possible way, because in given period there is a laying of the child's organs, the further functioning of which depends on the mother's health during the entire pregnancy, especially the first trimester. These factors are largely associated with the likelihood of early toxicosis.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, a number of important hormones are actively produced, which is the reason for the change in the well-being of the expectant mother.

One of the leading roles in this period is estrogen, due to the increase in its amount, the mammary glands swell and become heavier. Progesterone, on the contrary, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, which prevents uterine strain.

But progesterone also works on muscles. digestive tract, which causes slow peristalsis and the process of digestion. That is why women during pregnancy feel nausea, heartburn, constipation may occur.

Signs of pregnancy in the fifth week

Some women feel almost nothing in the fifth week of pregnancy, but for most it is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache is due to a sharp hormonal change;
  • lethargy, dizziness, drowsiness and a desire to lie down during the day - due to the body getting used to pregnancy;
  • a slight increase in the size of the abdomen - what women take for a tummy during pregnancy, at the fifth week - it's just bloating due to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus, Bladder and intestines under the influence of progesterone. This is necessary, among other things, to protect the fetus during pregnancy;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state- so the body adapts to the constantly changing hormonal background;
  • excessive salivation is associated with new culinary habits and the desire to eat a specific product;
  • intolerance to certain odors is often the first sign by which a woman assumes pregnancy before a missed period. Moreover, disgust often appears to previously favorite smells;
  • frequent urination is associated with the same relaxing effect of progesterone.

The intensity and number of symptoms depend on individual characteristics.

Fetal development

5 week prenatal development it is noted by the small size of the embryo (1-2 mm), but the rudiments of somatic organs are already being formed. An experienced ultrasound diagnostician will detect a fetal egg in the uterus at this time. The embryo develops the brain, by the end of the fifth week, the heart will begin to beat irregularly. The straight bowel tube will begin to bend into loops and improve.

At the 5th week of pregnancy in the fetus, the notochord replaces spinal column, around it only muscles are born. The skin acquires a second layer. The central nervous system is represented by the neural tube, ending with the rudiment of the brain. In addition to the nervous, respiratory and circulatory system, a heart that will soon begin full-fledged work. The fifth week of pregnancy is the period when the threat is too great spontaneous abortion. Therefore, as soon as a woman finds out about her new position, you need to stop too active life, sport and exercise.


As soon as a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she most often uses a home test that examines urine to confirm. It can be done already on the second day of delay, however, the test result may not always be true, since the hCG level at the 5th week of pregnancy is still too low to show one hundred percent accuracy.

Only a specialist will give you an accurate picture, so it is recommended that you immediately go to a gynecologist if you suspect pregnancy. During this period, it is still possible to carry out transvaginal ultrasound, which will give detailed information about the condition of the fetus. It is also important that with the help of ultrasound scanning, an ectopic pregnancy can be excluded.

HCG level determined by blood biochemistry. If necessary, a pregnant woman is examined by other specialists, examination by a therapist is mandatory. General tests of urine, blood, HIV, syphilis and TORCH infection a swab is taken from the vagina.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks pregnant

5 obstetric week of pregnancy - the period at which the 3rd week from conception has come. From the beginning of the fifth week, histogenesis begins - the formation of the main tissues from the three germ sheets that appeared earlier. The chorion is actively growing - a temporary organ that performs the functions of the placenta before its formation.

An ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy makes it easy to detect a fetal egg. During this period, the onset of a delay in menstruation usually occurs. At the same time, the level of hCG is already high enough for home pregnancy tests, and in the future its concentration will actively increase.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced. There is no mention of drinking alcohol and smoking. It is not recommended to abuse fatty, fried and spicy food, baking - this can aggravate nausea, heartburn and constipation. To reduce these symptoms, you can eat a light breakfast in bed.

From half-baked meat raw eggs, unboiled milk and dried fish is better to refuse altogether. You need to eat fractional portions, but often. Thus, food is better absorbed, and the fetus receives nutrients.

Frequent vomiting leads to dehydration, which should not be allowed. But even without vomiting, you need to drink clean water, at least a liter a day. Drinking water in small sips will help reduce nausea and vomiting, reduce their intensity. It is undesirable to drink coffee and carbonated drinks.

Should be avoided stressful situations, walk more, sleep in a ventilated room enough time and surround yourself with as many positive emotions as possible. In no case should you take medications on your own. If you are undergoing any treatment, be sure to notify the leading specialist about it.

You can consult a highly qualified gynecologist, make an ultrasound diagnosis and pass various tests in medical center AltraVita. Call to make an appointment with a specialist at a convenient time for you.

At 5 weeks, pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others, but the baby’s tiny heart is already divided into chambers and will soon begin to pump blood through his little body. As a rule, at this time a woman finds out about her situation, and she begins to be tormented by doubts whether everything is in order with the child, how to adjust her habits, nutrition, lifestyle in order to create the baby as much as possible. comfortable conditions for its growth and development. Often the 5th week of pregnancy becomes a landmark for the expectant mother: there are still long weeks of waiting ahead, but for now the fetus begins to grow and develop.

How to correctly calculate the timing of pregnancy

First of all, you should understand the timing of pregnancy, because many women confuse the obstetric period and the embryonic one. Second always less than the first for 2 week. The fact is that doctors count the obstetric period from the first day last menstrual period. In this case, the first 2 weeks of the cycle are conventionally considered to be pregnancy, while the uterus is only preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Fertilization most likely occurs during the period of ovulation, i.e. about 2 weeks after a woman's last period. From this moment, the embryonic developmental period of the fetus is calculated (provided that conception has occurred). That is why 5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy and 3 embryonic weeks mean the same period. A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the first day of your last period, which is obstetric term is 10 months, embryonic period A full-term pregnancy lasts 38 weeks, which is 9 months.

What happens to the fetus at 5 weeks pregnant

Gradually, day by day, the child turns from a bunch of cells organized in a C-shape into a small organism. At 5 weeks pregnant, the fetus is about a quarter or half a centimeter long and looks like a tadpole. His average weight now only 3-4 grams, but we can already say with confidence that this is a full-fledged organism. The fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy has the makings of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body and will now grow and develop. It is now that the future baby will experience the maximum growth spurt. All of its main organs, including the intestines, kidneys and liver, are actively growing and developing. The neural tube that connects the fetal brain to the spinal cord will close this week. All internal changes flow simultaneously with the external ones: the makings of a mouth, eyes appear, tiny kidneys - fingers - are formed on the hands and feet of the future baby. The heart, brain, spine - everything develops at a very fast pace.

At a period of 5 weeks, a woman should start taking vitamins, and especially folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation of the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. The metabolism of the fetus is carried out through amniotic fluid with which it is surrounded. In addition, it is involved in the formation of the process of nutrition of the embryo, its psycho- emotional state which is passed down to him from his mother.

Features of the fetal heartbeat at 5 weeks

By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, your baby's heart is made up of two tiny channels called heart tubes. They are already actively working, but at the end of the week, continuing to form, the tubes will connect together and form a full-fledged functioning heart. The heart rate during this period is high and chaotic. 5 weeks of pregnancy is the final stage embryonic development fetus. After a few days, the baby's heart will begin to beat. If the doctor prescribes an ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation, then rhythmic flickering can be seen on the monitor.

What happens in a woman's body

When pregnancy occurs, a woman's body goes through many changes. hormonal changes, which can have a somewhat negative effect on well-being. When the 5th week of pregnancy goes, the feelings of the expectant mother are still not much different from her usual state. However, some features may already take place, and they make themselves felt already in such a short period of time. This is what causes a woman’s increased interest in what features the 5th week of pregnancy brings to her body, what happens in the mother’s body itself, and how the baby develops. All this worries the expectant mother.

Hormonal changes

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, its signs are not yet particularly pronounced. To early symptoms can be attributed to the absence of a regular menstruation in a woman and a change in her psycho-emotional state. In the body of the expectant mother, a number of changes occur as early as 5 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of it still do not appear outwardly, so women with irregular cycle they may not even realize it. In the blood, the concentration of the hormone of pregnancy is constantly increasing - chorionic gonadotropin. During this period, everything that happens to a woman's body is accompanied by a change hormonal background. It is this "strong cocktail" of chemical substances will be responsible for the well-being, mood, sensations and other changes in the body of a woman in the next few months. Chorionic gonadotropin suppresses immune system mother to reduce the likelihood of her body rejecting the fetus. Some hormones are less active, others are vice versa, but together they represent the basis of the causes of morning sickness when the 5th week of pregnancy is underway. What happens to the woman at this time? In the morning, she is tormented by bouts of nausea, vomiting, during the day there may be a sudden change in mood, drowsiness, increased fatigue and sensitivity to smells, as well as a change in taste (however, this may not be). These symptoms can last up to 12 weeks, after which they disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

Changes in the uterus and breasts

5 obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of some transformations in the body of a woman. The placenta and amniotic sac continue to form, which causes a sensation full uterus. The abdomen at the 5th week of pregnancy is still invisible, but the woman may feel some bursting, which prevents her from lying on it freely. This is due to an increase in the blood supply to the uterus, which has already grown to such a size that experienced doctor On examination, pregnancy can be diagnosed. The breasts become more sensitive than usual and slightly increase in size. All this prevents a woman from sleeping on her stomach from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Psycho-emotional changes in a woman

In addition to the above, women this period some psycho-emotional breakdowns may occur. Already now there is an aversion to some food, drinks, smells, which is accompanied by bouts of nausea and vomiting. Some women note a change in taste, an increase or decrease in appetite.

During the day, a pregnant woman's mood can change several times, sometimes even with minor loads, a woman feels overwhelmed, tired. There are headaches, as well as increased tearfulness. The expectant mother should not be upset because of the manifestation of all these symptoms and remember that all this will not last forever, but only until the female body gets used to its new state.

Pain during pregnancy at 5 weeks

When the 5th week of pregnancy goes, the sensations in a woman can also be painful. Pain in the abdomen is associated with a violation of intestinal motility, which occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of the whole organism. The ever-growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs abdominal cavity, which causes discomfort in a woman.

There is one more bad moment during the 5th week of pregnancy. The stomach usually pulls when there is hypertonicity of the uterus, and there is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the woman is recommended: rest, refraining from sex, bed rest. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. Also, already at this time, the doctor will recommend giving up heels and switching to a more comfortable one. soft shoes on low heels.

Lumbar pain at week 5 can be confused with the harbingers of menstruation, at this time there may be slight discharge brownish color. If a woman suspects the onset of pregnancy, then such discharge should alert her and also become a reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

If there are suspicions about possible pregnancy, should be tested to dispel all doubts. One of the first is a test for the determination of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. If necessary, you can donate blood for analysis within a week and a half from the date of the intended conception. By week 5, the concentration of this hormone also increases in the urine, which allows you to make home test to determine pregnancy. Tests can be purchased at any pharmacy.

After the pregnancy is confirmed, you should go to women's consultation and get referrals for blood and urine tests, to determine the Rh factor, blood group, its coagulability, and more whole list necessary tests when registering a woman. All this will determine the health status of the expectant mother. An analysis for the pregnancy hormone can be taken again if there is a threat of interruption.

When to register

The threat of miscarriage is highest at 5 weeks of pregnancy, the signs of which are still small enough for a woman to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. Usually, uterine bleeding at this time, she perceives as next menstruation. The cause of premature termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks is associated with a high content in female body male sex hormones (especially in a woman with a large physique, overweight, vegetation on the body). That is why it is very important to start seeing a local gynecologist as early as possible. The norm of registration is considered to be a period of 2 months, however, women with the above problems already in the period of 5 weeks should think about seeking help from doctors as soon as possible. Before the first visit to the gynecologist, it is important to ask relatives about hereditary and chronic diseases.

The need for ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation

Despite the fact that the 5th week of pregnancy can be determined during a gynecological examination, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination as well. Thanks to this procedure, you can not only confirm the presence of pregnancy, but also determine the number fertilized eggs, exact dimensions uterus, the place of attachment of the fetus to the walls of the uterus and other important parameters. Moreover, an experienced doctor will be able to analyze the vital activity of the fetus according to its heart rate and physical activity and give the expectant mother useful advice regarding diet, work and rest.

The unborn child (5 weeks of pregnancy) requires the mother to follow some recommendations. The health of the baby depends on how disciplined the pregnant woman will be.

First of all, you should take care of proper nutrition. The diet should be selected in such a way that the child receives all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements he needs for normal development and formations. If you learn to eat regularly in small portions and the right food, you can prevent not only intestinal or stomach disorders but also nausea. At this stage of development of the baby, vitamins C, E, D are useful to him, folic acid. The source of these vitamins are oranges, kiwi, red pepper, black currant, sea ​​fish, meat, eggs. Foods should be used with caution so as not to become the culprit of an allergy in a child. Nutrition should be adjusted taking into account well-being and preferences, as well as the usefulness of certain products. You should immediately abandon simple carbohydrates, which will only give weight gain, and this can be bad for both the entire pregnancy and the health of the child.

As already mentioned, the first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a decrease in immunity, so at this time there is increased risk contract a viral infection or just catch a cold. It is important to remember that at week 5, the child's vital organs and systems are laid. Usage medicines for the treatment of even a banal runny nose, it must be agreed with the doctor. At the first symptoms of malaise, rinse the nasal passages with saline or soda solution to wash off the infection from the mucous membranes, gargle, drink more warm pure water and be sure to seek help from a medical institution.

It is very important if the mother will strengthen the body with feasible physical activity, if there are no contraindications for this. You can sign up for yoga or physiotherapy exercises for pregnant women. The main thing is not to overwork and not to worry.

Rejection bad habits should be one of the first decisions of a pregnant woman, as she is now in charge of favorable development and shaping your baby. In addition, it is important to avoid smoking areas, as passive smokers receive the same dose of nicotine as active smokers.

Week 5 passes unnoticed by others. However, mom begins to feel some changes in her body. This applies to how physiological changes in the body and emotional mood. The baby at this moment completes to form as an embryo. On an ultrasound scan, it looks like a small speck. However, inside I'm already starting to happen interesting processes. 5 obstetric weeks equal to 3 embryonic weeks in the womb. The prerequisites for the formation of all systems, organs and tissues are hatching. And let the exact contours be visible no earlier than after 4 weeks. All the same, a pregnant girl begins to subconsciously feel the development of her baby.

Pregnancy 5 weeks: what changes happen to mom

The menstrual cycle signaled changes in the body. The test showed positive result. And the gynecologist confirmed the fact of pregnancy. What changes in the body have already occurred before the beginning of the 5th week of the expectant mother? And what will happen in the next few days?

  1. Milk glands. Breasts by their appearance signal that the body has entered the “pregnant woman” mode. Sensitivity, swelling, change occurs color palette nipples.
  2. Weight set. Weight gain is not observed if the girl leads habitual image life. Meals are normal. In general, the diet is balanced. Soon she will have to eat for two. In the meantime, the weight remains within the usual boundaries. This is how it should be: body weight does not change during this period, because the fetus is still quite tiny.
  3. What size is the uterus? Significant changes in the size of the uterus have not yet occurred. This is due to the tiny parameters of the fetus itself. However, after a few weeks, the uterus may not be recognized. It changes not only the size, but also the shape. At the 5th week, pregnant women are often worried about the feeling of light tingling in the pelvic space. It's like the uterus is making itself known. In the hip joints themselves appears slight pain. In fact, at 5 obstetric weeks, the intestines, and not the uterus, may remind you of yourself.
  4. How is the mother doing? At week 5, there may be an increase in the tone of the uterus. This phenomenon is accompanied by pulling pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the lumbar region. With the tone of the uterus, a miscarriage is likely. In any case, with these symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist to avoid problems.
  5. The tummy of the expectant mother in the fifth week has no visual changes. But internally there may be a feeling of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, with shootings in the side. If the pain is short-term and not accompanied by spotting, then you should not worry. In other cases, you should definitely come for an examination to a specialist.
  6. General state. It is difficult for pregnant girls to understand what is happening. Tolya is picked up viral infection, if this is a malaise from interesting position. Weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, sometimes lack of appetite. During such a period, the expectant mother may even weigh less.
  7. Of the ailments, in addition to general fatigue, there is nasal congestion, simply snot. The mucous membranes of the sinuses become inflamed due to common hormonal disorders in the body. With nasal discharge, look for other signs of a common cold (such as a sore throat). If they are not there, then this nasal congestion and mucus from a runny nose are only a temporary phenomenon, as a reaction to ongoing changes.
  8. Heartburn. On the early dates pregnancy, when the uterus begins to put pressure on other organs, such a phenomenon as heartburn is frequent and not accidental. Under the attack of the uterus, the gastrointestinal tract enters, which means that the gastric juice literally “splashes” into the esophagus. In this case, heartburn is definitely not avoided. Specifically, at week 5, the uterus is not so active. There is another reason for the suffering of the expectant mother, heartburn - hormonal changes. With heartburn, you should wait for toxicosis, if it has not yet begun. It is important to follow the rules of a balanced diet.
  9. Psychological condition. sharp drops moods. Low stress resistance. Appear unfounded fears and unexpected bouts of fun. This is a standard feature of early pregnancy.

5 weeks pregnant

Fetus at 5 weeks of gestation: parameters and development

The first big brick in the construction of a new life occurs exactly at the 5th week of pregnancy. Organs, systems, tissues have made small steps towards their formation. The parameters of the baby during this period are very small. The fruit weighs up to 3 grams, up to 7 mm long. The location of the child resembles a tube. The tail is visible, the head is clearly drawn, there are outlines of the rest of the body. However, you will have to wait some more time, several weeks or months, in order to fully distinguish all the components of the human body.

The child is in the womb for 5 obstetric weeks, and nervous system is already beginning to break through, forming the rudiments of all its components, including the brain and spinal cord. The baby's nutrition will come from the placenta. amniotic fluid surrounds the embryo. Even reproductive system makes itself felt in the form of laying eggs and sperm. The development of the fetus proceeds according to established laws nature: gradually week by week, system by system, cell by cell.

Ultrasound, 5 weeks of pregnancy: transcript

At week 5, the expectant mother can do an ultrasound for the first time. Often the need is justified by the need to confirm pregnancy. Screening is also done to find out about the correct location and development of the child. Mom is unlikely to receive data about the baby’s gender and how much exactly he weighs. However, the photo, in which the baby is already visible, like a small pea, parents can take it from a specialist after the screening.

Important when ultrasound examination the identification of an ectopic pregnancy, fetal fading or the development of pathological disorders noticeable at this stage is considered. Also, when screening at week 5, the doctor can please parents with twins. The decoding of the study gives the following result: two heartbeats, two torsos - twins. Children stare at the screen ultrasonic technology tiny, but divided into two small people. It is important to learn about twins at an early stage in order to fully consider and respond to the changes taking place in the body in the future.

A screening study using an ultrasound machine and a specialist who adequately and competently monitors the condition of one child or twins tells parents about the ongoing processes in the womb. If there are problems, they will be detected at an early date, if everything is fine, then mom and dad will leave the happy owners of the first photo of their baby or twins.

Stomach hurts at 5 weeks pregnant: causes

If during the 5th week a pregnant woman has abdominal pain, then you should understand the nature of the pain itself and the accompanying symptoms.

  1. When at pulling pains secretions appear, different color, from brown to red, you can not do without a gynecologist.
  2. If blood is visible in the discharge, this is a sign of placental abruption. Usually this situation occurs with a low placentation of pregnancy.
  3. Bacterial internal infections visible when the discharge has an odor and is yellow or green in color

The only one correct option in any of the situations, with discharge and pain in the abdomen - seek advice and help from a doctor.

Diagnosis in the early stages: 5 weeks of pregnancy no movement

All pregnant women are afraid that their baby will not move. What will be the fading of the fetus or miscarriage. 5 weeks pregnant no movement, what to do? In fact, at such an early date, movements should not appear. The fruit is still too small. His skeletal and nervous systems are not formed to create movement. Therefore, mothers cannot feel the movement of their baby. When a pregnant girl for a period of 5 weeks tells the doctor that she feels the baby is moving, it is most likely that the emotional and hormonal background causes such body reactions. The expectant mother worries about her baby and constantly thinks about him. Hence the thought of moving.

problems such as placenta previa or low placentation can be detected by screening for different terms pregnancy. At week 5, the problem occurs quite often. What is placentation or placenta previa? This is the phenomenon when the placenta or chorion (in early period pregnancy), is attached and develops below the established level. Usually this situation is corrected before the end of the pregnancy, but it is necessary to see a doctor with such disorders. Since placentation is a harbinger of bleeding and serious problems not only for the fetus, but also for the life of the pregnant girl herself. The first screening study can show whether there are abnormalities in the location of the placenta or not. How does it feel during placentation? No special manifestations are observed. All the same pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by discharge, can also be harbingers of placenta previa.

Flaw amniotic fluid, called oligohydramnios, occurs in many girls who are carrying a child. Low water during pregnancy 5 weeks. Violation has a number of consequences, so you need to take it seriously. Oligohydramnios is characterized by the following main symptom: the fundus of the uterus does not correspond the right size according to gestational age. Such violations in the development of pregnancy can be detected by a specialist during the next examination. The expectant mother herself with oligohydramnios may not feel any changes in the body. Therefore, it is important to come to scheduled inspection and control ongoing processes.

After reading information about the problems and pathologies during pregnancy, girls begin to panic. Look for manifestations of symptoms in their condition. They attribute to themselves ailments that do not exist or cannot even exist. a certain period. For any painful sensations you need to see a gynecologist - this is the most the right decision. There should be no self-diagnosis and even less treatment.

Termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks

Early termination of pregnancy can be done different ways. At week 5, the most affordable and relatively safe method of abortion is medication. Terminate pregnancy with surgical intervention it is also possible, but not so safe. Early abortions are carried out up to 22 weeks. It has become fashionable to artificially terminate a pregnancy with the help of a vacuum. It is just used at 4-5 weeks of position. vacuum abortion done with suction. Its safety is related to the absence of damage. internal organs women, unlike surgical interruption pregnancy.

Before deciding to have an abortion, even at an early date, you should remember about possible consequences for your health. Termination of pregnancy is accompanied by complications. For example, blood loss or a number of diseases of the internal organs. Abortion can harm yourself, leaving psychological and physical trauma for life. Of course, there are cases when abortion cannot be avoided if the pregnancy threatens the health of the woman herself.

Pregnancy 5 weeks: well-being, nutrition, sports

A pregnant girl in the 5th week of an interesting position should actively take care of her health. Now she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the existence of the baby. During this period, it is especially important to monitor your well-being and consult a gynecologist for any ailments. Everything that can harm the baby should be excluded from the everyday life of the mother.

In nutrition, one should begin to adhere to a rational and balanced menu. It is important to get used to such a regimen as early as possible, so that later, at a later date, there are no problems in the development of the fetus. Food should be satisfying, but without a lot of fat. All foods that provoke heartburn and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract should be excluded from the diet. Feelings after meals should be blissful. There should be no overeating, no nighttime eating. Often, expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy give in to their impulses and absorb food in in large numbers, mixing a palette of flavors in one meal. This should not be done. It is better to eat in small portions, but often. At the same time, you can try different products and get different sensations.

At low weight, for its set, expectant mother you need to consult with a specialist which diet is right for her. It is necessary to eat not only balanced, but also tasty. After all, no one canceled the hormones of happiness during pregnancy.

For physical development the future baby and the excellent well-being of the mother, it is important not to give up physical activity. Every week the load will change, but the exercises must be mandatory. Preferably daily, in extreme cases several times a week. Over time, the baby will feel such activity, but in the meantime, at week 5, classes will benefit the mother. Short exercises can be done every morning and throughout the day. Adequate exercise stress helps with lower back pain and only benefits the child, who will be born after a while.

For the normal development of the fetus, walks in the fresh air are useful. You can’t do without them, no matter what month or week of pregnancy. The more walks, the better. The cleaner the air, the more cheerful the expectant mother will feel.

The feeling of happiness comes in a complex when the mother develops harmoniously. Her day is full of events. Regardless of the week of pregnancy, she happily accepts all the changes in her body. Adequately responds to emerging situations in life, taking care of his health and the development of the child.

Watch a video about what happens to your body at the 5th week of pregnancy: