"We train fingers - we develop speech." Pedagogical project for the development of fine motor skills in the first junior group. Municipal budgetary preschool educational. There will be a loaf of bread. Game "Sea Knot"

Consultation for parents

Fine motor skills 1 junior group

Marina Valerievna Nasonova, tutor of MBDOU DS No. 32 "Friendly guys", Stary Oskol, Belgorod region.

What can you do with kids to develop hand motor skills?

  • Run small tops with your fingers.
  • Knead plasticine, clay with your fingers.
  • Roll pebbles, small beads, balls in turn with each finger.
  • Squeeze and unclench the fists, while you can play as if the fist is a flower bud (in the morning he woke up and opened, and in the evening he fell asleep - closed, hid).
  • Make soft fists that can be easily opened and into which an adult can stick their fingers, and strong ones that cannot be opened.
  • With two fingers of the hand (index and middle) "walk" on the table, at first slowly, as if someone is sneaking, and then quickly, as if running. The exercise is carried out first with the right and then with the left hand.
  • Show separately only one finger - the index finger, then two (index and middle), then three, four, five.
  • Show separately only one finger - the thumb.
  • Drum with all fingers of both hands on the table.
  • Only use your fingers to wave in the air.
  • Make "flashlights" with your hands.
  • Clap your hands softly and loudly, at a different pace.
  • Collect all fingers in a pinch (fingers gathered together - scattered).
  • String large buttons, balls, beads on a thread.
  • Wrap a thin wire in a colored winding on a coil, on your own finger (you get a ring or a spiral).
  • Tie knots on a thick rope, on a cord.
  • Fasten buttons, hooks, zippers, tighten covers, wind up mechanical toys.
  • Tighten screws, nuts.

What are finger games and what are they for?

A very important part of development work fine motor skills are "finger games". These games, very emotional, can be carried out both in kindergarten and at home. They are fun and stimulating the development of speech, creative activity... "Finger games", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world, objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During " finger games»Children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.
"Finger games"- this is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.
These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If a child learns any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with new reenactment for other rhymes and songs. Children from one to two years old well perceive "finger games" performed with one hand.
Three year olds they are already mastering games that are played with two hands, for example, one hand depicts a house, and the other - a cat running into this house.
Four-year-olds can play these games using several events in succession. Older children can be offered to decorate the games with a variety of props, small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc.
V preschool age it is necessary to work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.
Remember that babies from one to three years of age are given exercises in a simplified form suitable for their age.
Work on the development of hand movement should be carried out regularly, only then will it be achieved greatest effect from exercise. Tasks should bring joy to the child, do not allow boredom and overwork.
When your toddler is good at this task, make it harder. For example, you can cover the white paths from the fingers with croup of a different color. To do this, teach the baby the movement of fingers, with which we salt food. This educational game has a good effect on the development of small hand motor skills, fantasy and imagination.
Give your baby a piece of dough. He will be happy to sculpt from it, while improving the development of fine motor skills of his fingers.
Educational game "Making beads". You will need pasta with a large gap and a long string. The task for the child: string the pasta on a string.
By the way, the more the baby works with his fingers, the better the development of fine motor skills of the hands and the earlier and better his speech develops. The fact is that in the cerebral cortex, the motor and speech areas are adjacent. Moreover, speech is actively formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers.
So it turns out that the level and pace of development of the baby's speech directly depends on how developed the fine movements of children's fingers are.

Recommendations for parents.
Exercises for the development of fine motor skills are carried out in a complex, starting from the first months of a child's life.
In the set of exercises, try to include tasks for squeezing, relaxing and stretching the baby's hands.
Start or end with a hand massage.
Carry out fine motor development work regularly, in accordance with age and taking into account the level physical development baby.
At first, an adult performs all the movements with the baby's hands, and as he masters, the child begins to do them on his own.
Make sure that the exercises are performed correctly by the child. If the baby finds it difficult to complete any task, immediately help him: fix the desired position of the fingers, etc.
Alternate old and new games and exercises. After the child has mastered simple motor skills, move on to mastering more complex ones.
Perform certain movements at the same time as listening (and then with the child reciting) the poem.
Encourage the child to be creative, let him come up with some exercises.
Carry out the classes emotionally, actively, praise the baby for success, but do not forget to monitor his mood and physical condition.

Consultation for parents

Fine motor skills 1 junior group

What can you do with kids to develop hand motor skills?

    Run small tops with your fingers.

    Knead plasticine, clay with your fingers.

    Roll pebbles, small beads, balls in turn with each finger.

    Squeeze and unclench the fists, while you can play as if the fist is a flower bud (in the morning he woke up and opened, and in the evening he fell asleep - closed, hid).

    Make soft fists that can be easily opened and into which an adult can stick their fingers, and strong ones that cannot be opened.

    With two fingers of the hand (index and middle) "walk" on the table, at first slowly, as if someone is sneaking, and then quickly, as if running. The exercise is carried out first with the right and then with the left hand.

    Show separately only one finger - the index finger, then two (index and middle), then three, four, five.

    Show separately only one finger - the thumb.

    Drum with all fingers of both hands on the table.

    Only use your fingers to wave in the air.

    Make "flashlights" with your hands.

    Clap your hands softly and loudly, at a different pace.

    Collect all fingers in a pinch (fingers gathered together - scattered).

    String large buttons, balls, beads on a thread.

    Wrap a thin wire in a colored winding on a coil, on your own finger (you get a ring or a spiral).

    Tie knots on a thick rope, on a cord.

    Fasten buttons, hooks, zippers, tighten covers, wind up mechanical toys.

    Tighten screws, nuts.

What are finger games and what are they for?

Finger games are a very important part of fine motor development work. These games, very emotional, can be carried out both in kindergarten and at home. They are fascinating and contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. "Finger games", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world, objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.
"Finger games" - this is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.
These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If a child learns any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new dramatization for other rhymes and songs. Children from one to two years old well perceive "finger games" performed with one hand.
Three-year-olds are already mastering games that are played with two hands, for example, one hand represents a house, and the other - a cat running into this house.
Four-year-olds can play these games using several events in succession. Older children can be offered to decorate the games with a variety of props, small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc.
At preschool age, it is necessary to work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.
Remember that babies from one to three years of age are given exercises in a simplified form suitable for their age.
Work on the development of hand movement should be carried out regularly, only then will the greatest effect from the exercises be achieved. Tasks should bring joy to the child, do not allow boredom and overwork.
When your toddler is good at this task, make it harder. For example, you can cover the white paths from the fingers with croup of a different color. To do this, teach the baby the movement of fingers, with which we salt food. This educational game has a good effect on the development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination and imagination.
Give your baby a piece of dough. He will be happy to sculpt from it, while improving the development of fine motor skills of his fingers.
Educational game "Making beads". You will need pasta with a large gap and a long string. The task for the child: string the pasta on a string.
By the way, the more the baby works with his fingers, the better the development of fine motor skills of the hands and the earlier and better his speech develops. The fact is that in the cerebral cortex, the motor and speech areas are adjacent. Moreover, speech is actively formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers.
So it turns out that the level and pace of development of the baby's speech directly depends on how developed the fine movements of children's fingers are.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills are carried out in a complex, starting from the first months of a child's life.
In the set of exercises, try to include tasks for squeezing, relaxing and stretching the baby's hands.
Start or end with a hand massage.
Carry out work on the development of fine motor skills regularly, in accordance with the age and taking into account the level of the physical development of the baby.
At first, an adult performs all the movements with the baby's hands, and as he masters, the child begins to do them on his own.
Make sure that the exercises are performed correctly by the child. If the baby finds it difficult to complete any task, immediately help him: fix the desired position of the fingers, etc.
Alternate old and new games and exercises. After the child has mastered simple motor skills, move on to mastering more complex ones.
Perform certain movements at the same time as listening (and then with the child reciting) the poem.
Encourage the child to be creative, let him come up with some exercises.
Carry out the classes emotionally, actively, praise the baby for success, but do not forget to monitor his mood and physical condition.

Organization: MBDOU D / S No. 8 "Zoryanochka"

Settlement: Stavropol Territory, Essentuki


Every year life makes ever higher demands not only on us, adults, but also on children: the volume of knowledge that needs to be passed on to them is steadily growing. Moreover, teachers want the assimilation of this knowledge to be not mechanical, but meaningful. To help children cope with awaiting them challenging tasks, you need to take care of the timely and full-fledged formation they have speeches.

MM. Koltsova in her work "A Child Learns to Speak" indicates that the speech areas of the human brain are formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers. This means what more baby knows how, wants and seeks to do with his hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. After all, at your fingertips there is an inexhaustible source of creative thought that feeds the child's brain.

Improving fine motor skills is improving speech.

Fine motor skills are the coordinated movements of the fingers, the child's ability to "use" these movements. A child with constrained movements of inept fingers lags behind in psychomotor development, he has problems with speech.

More than anything, a child wants to move, for him movement is a way of knowing the world. This means that the more accurate and precise the child's movements are, the deeper and more meaningful his acquaintance with the world will become.

Of course, the development of fine motor skills is not the only factor contributing to the development of speech. If the child is beautiful, developed motor skills, but they will not talk to him, then the child's speech will not be sufficiently developed. That is, it is necessary to develop the child's speech in a complex and actively communicate with him in everyday life, causing him to talk, stimulating him with questions, requests. It is necessary to read to the child, tell about everything that surrounds him, show pictures that children are happy to see. And plus to this, develop fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills of the hands are a variety of movements with the fingers and palms. Gross motor skills- movements with the whole arm and the whole body. Work on the development of fine and general motor skills will improve and accelerate not only the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also speech development in children of younger preschool age; improve speech quality, clarity of sounds and expand vocabulary; will cause children to be interested in learning new and interesting things.

Duration of the project: from 19.09.2016 - until 31.05.2017

Project type: cognitive - playful, creative.

  • by the number of creators - double.
  • by the number of children involved in the project - group.
  • in terms of duration - long-term.
  • by the level of contacts - at the level of an educational institution.

Objective of the project:

  • The development of coordination of movements of fine motor skills of hands through traditional and unconventional use various items.

Project objectives:

  • Formation cognitive activity and creative imagination children.
  • Consolidation of the recitation of verses simultaneously with the movements of the fingers.
  • Development of visual and auditory perception.
  • Development mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination.
  • Exercise in the ability to express yourself emotional condition using facial expressions and expressive movements of the fingers.
  • Creation of an emotionally upbeat mood in children, children's fascination with a fabulous plot.
  • Education of perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.
  • Developing a sense of self-confidence.

Tasks for the teacher:

  • to prepare methodological material on this topic, card indexes of games for the development of fine motor skills of hands, card indexes of finger games;
  • develop the muscles of the fingers through various games;
  • for parents to show the ways and techniques of conducting finger gymnastics; show games for the development of fine motor skills of hands;
  • develop the speech of children, expand vocabulary.

Tasks for children:

Tasks for parents:

  • take into account the experience of children acquired in kindergarten;
  • create favorable conditions in the family for playing games for the development of fine motor skills, finger gymnastics.

Project participants:

  • Educators.
  • Children of the first junior group.
  • Parents and other family members.

The intended result is:

  • The development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age.
  • Formation of speech skills in young children.
  • Intellectual development of children;
  • Replenishment of the subject-developing environment;
  • Enriching parenting experience in raising children.

Fine motor skills of the hands are developed:

  • Finger gymnastics using poems, songs, nursery rhymes and folk tales;
  • Massage with rubbing fingers and hand massagers;
  • Folk games with palms;
  • Games with natural material;
  • Games with household items;
  • Sand and water games;
  • Finger Theater;
  • Didactic games;
  • Classes productive activities(drawing, modeling, applique).

Using fine motor skills in different types activities:

  • Productive activity
  • Individual work
  • Independent activity
  • Walk
  • Morning exercises
  • Self service
  • Logo rhythmics
  • Working with parents

Means of achieving the assigned tasks:

  • the use of finger gymnastics during the leisure time of children;
  • the use of finger gymnastics in the classroom, for a walk, etc.;
  • information sheets for parents;
  • learning poetry, nursery rhymes;
  • the use of attributes for games for the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Artistic word.

Finger games are accompanied by poetic texts. Poems in games are the basis on which the sense of rhythm is formed and improved. For children, reciting verses simultaneously with the movements of the fingers has a number of advantages: speech is rhythmized by movements, it becomes louder, clearer and more emotional, and the presence of rhyme has a positive effect on auditory perception. The use of verses in games allows you to achieve the greatest teaching effect - verses attract the attention of children, they are easier and faster to remember.

Organization of a subject-developing environment for fine motor skills in a group.

The first thing a child encounters when entering a group is a subject-developing environment. In the group, there should be a lot of games, manuals and toys for the development of fine motor skills in the free access. These are various mosaics; designers of various shapes, sizes, textures; various manuals for opening and closing buttons; several lacing options.

A variety of balls are very effective for the development of the hand and fingers: prickly, corrugated, soft. These are excellent attributes for massage and self-massage.

Attributes available in the group:

  • clothespins for the development of coordination of finger movements (sun, hedgehog, herringbone, etc.);
  • the keyboard of an old computer, a push-button telephone for the development of differentiated movements of the fingers;
  • templates (piece) by lexical topics for tracing, coloring, shading;
  • toys from "kinder surprises" for pulling out of a dry pool;
  • dry pools filled with beans or peas for self-massage of the brushes;
  • walnuts and cones, massage balls;
  • cereals of different varieties and threads of various qualities for laying out patterns;
  • sink nets and colored ribbons;
  • Velcro (pictures with Velcro on seamy side or magnet);
  • pasta and laces for stringing or ready-made lacing.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory stage. 19.09.2016 – 28.10.2016

  1. Determination of the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, forecasting the result.
  2. Study of methodological literature on this topic.
  3. Preparation visual material: written advice, information stands; modern, multifunctional games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  4. Drafting long-term plan conducting games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children, finger gymnastics with children.
  5. Development of recommendations for conducting games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children, finger gymnastics.

II. The main stage of the project. 1.11.2016 - 19.05.2017

  1. Teaching parents to play games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children, finger gymnastics with a child;
  2. The inclusion of finger gymnastics in class notes, morning gymnastics complexes, in matinees' scenarios, in the morning and evening periods of time.

3. Thematic planning work with parents on the project

Consultation "Mind at your fingertips";

Acquisition of materials for the development of fine motor skills;

Making a "Smart Cube" and manuals for it;

Joint production of "tracks" with children;

Photo exhibition "Finger gymnastics for girls and boys" (work of teachers with children);

Consultation "Development of fine motor skills in productive species activities ";

Open event "Holiday of the Merry Square" with a show of finger gymnastics;

Consultation "Finger games";

Parent-teacher meeting"The development of fine motor skills." Presentation;

"What is the influence of finger gymnastics on the development of children's speech."

Exhibitions of games and attributes for the development of fine motor skills in the hands of children;

Consultations "Speech and fingers", "How to carry out finger games with a child", "Finger steps";

Conversations with parents "Children and fine motor skills of hands";

Days of communication (the teacher's answers to questions of interest to parents).

A promising plan for teaching games for the development of fine motor skills of hands.



The inclusion of finger and speech exercises in the morning and evening periods of time, in walks.



Inclusion of finger gymnastics in class notes.



The inclusion of finger gymnastics in the script for matinees


Musical director

During a year

The inclusion of finger gymnastics in the morning exercises.



1. Acquaintance with children, study of the motor sphere.

2. Consultation for parents: "Finger games for girls and boys."

3. Game finger "Autumn came out for a walk ..."

4. Finger game "I roll the ball in my hands ..." (massage ball).

5. Finger game "I'll put on my boots ..."

6. Acquaintance and games with Gyenesh blocks.

7. Individual oral consultations "Speech and fingers".

Educator, Children

Educator, Parents

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Parents


1. Equipping the group with non-standard equipment for games for the development of fine motor skills of hands.

2. Involvement of parents in the manufacture of rugs for the development of tactile sensitivity in children.

3. Finger game "My cheerful round ball ..."

4. Game finger "Family".

5. Game finger "Cabbage ..."

6. Games with Dienes blocks: "Find all the shapes like this" (by color, by size, by shape).

7. Play with plasticine "Plasticine salad"





Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

1. Games for the development of fine motor skills using massage ball: "A hedgehog is running along the path ...".

2. "Girls and boys are jumping like balls ...".

3. Games with handkerchiefs: "Fingers played hide and seek ...",

"I wash cleanly, plainly a shirt, a jacket and a T-shirt ...".

4.Games using non-standard equipment, without verse accompaniment:

"Multicolored paths" (colored threads, multicolored mosaic).

Twist and twist.

"Dexterous handles" (spools of thread, strings).

5. Consultation for parents "Magic Wands".

6. Consultation for parents on the topic: "Games with household items."

7. Conversations with parents "Children and fine motor skills of hands."

8. Play with the "Rain, rain, lei, lei" mosaic.

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Parents

Educator, Parents

Educator, Parents

Educator, Children

1. Teaching children to play - cheerleaders.

2. "Snow falls on houses ..."

3. Game finger "Hello, Santa Claus!".

4. Consultation for parents on the topic: "The child's mind is at his fingertips."

6. Playing with water "Vodichka".

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Parents

Educator, Parents

Educator, Children

1.Decoration of the stand for parents "Finger games for girls and boys".

2. Finger game

"I have a head ..."

"1,2,3,4,5 - we will study the body ..."

"There are cars on the highway ..."

"We slept on the crib ..."

3. Registration of the folder of movement "Finger steps".

4. Days of communication (the teacher's answers to questions of interest to parents).

5. Game with paper "Like on a hill - snow, snow ...".

Educator, Parents

Educator, Children

Educator, Parents

Educator, Parents

Educator, Children

1. Finger games "Ilya Muromets-Good fellow ...",

"A woodpecker hollows a tree: tuk-tuk-tuk ...",

“After removing the scratches, the cat washes its paws ...”,

"A gray cat is sitting ...",

"The weather is cold today, the weather is not flying today ...".

2. Game for laying out "Gift for Mom".

3. Game massage "Let's play with handles"

4. Games with Voskobovich's Square: "Klondike-path". Folding training.

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

Educator, Children

1.Collecting material, making equipment and games

Certification work on the topic: "The influence of fine motor skills of hands on the development of active speech in 1 younger group»

For methodological development of the program I have chosen the section "Cognitive-speech development" (educational area "Communication")

It is also known that in the last 5-10 years the level of speech development of children has noticeably decreased. Parents talk less to their children because many of them are terribly busy at work. Children themselves speak less, because they watch and listen more (tele - audio - video ...) they rarely do something with their own hands, because modern toys and things are arranged as conveniently as possible.

Educators, child psychologists are sounding the alarm - in the last decade, there are an order of magnitude more children suffering from dysgraphia and speech disorders than thirty or forty years ago. main reason This problem is a general motor retardation and a decrease in the level of development of hand motor skills. A few decades ago, parents together with their children had to do more with their hands: wash and wring out the laundry, sort out cereals, knit, embroider, etc. Now in modern life a huge amount of household appliances and many operations are performed for a person by machines. Many mothers, grandmothers, try to protect children from household chores, put them in front of the TV, computer, so as not to interfere.

Manufacturers of goods for children, trying to make it easier for babies to dress up, have done them a literal disservice. The laces and fasteners that the child had to fasten and tie every day have been replaced by comfortable Velcro. Mothers were delighted and stopped teaching kids to tie strings from a year. But you have to pay for everything - the development of fine motor skills in children, which used to happen almost automatically, suffered!

You can not teach children to read at an early age - this skill is perfectly formed in older preschool age without any damage to intellectual development, but the development of fine motor skills in children can occur only at an early age. Over time, the influence of the motor center on the speech weakens and to the younger school age practically disappears.

The development of a child's speech through the development of fine motor skills seemed to me significant and relevant, so I studied it in detail and the topic of my development was "The influence of fine motor skills on the development of children's speech"

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that overall development motor skills are paid attention to by many child psychologists, physiologists, speech therapists. Authors such as, describe individual techniques for the development of motor skills in children. give more full recommendations on the formation of motor skills and differentiated movements of the fingers in preschool children.

Employees of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences found that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

So, based on the experiments and surveys a large number In children, the following pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range. If the development of the fingers lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills in this case, it may even be higher than the norm.

came to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers.

This fact should be used in work with children and where the development of speech occurs in a timely manner, and where there is a lag, a delay in the development of the motor side of speech.

Fine motor skills have great value in the formation of the integrative qualities of the child. It is known that between speech and general motor system human exists close connection... The same close connection is established between the hand and the speech center of the brain. Harmonization of body movements, fine motor skills and speech organs contributes to the formation of correct pronunciation, helps to get rid of the monotony of speech, normalize its tempo, teaches observance of speech pauses, and reduces mental stress.
The connection of fine motor skills with the development of coherent speech is especially important. In addition, use when working with children in a variety of ways. different forms objects of the surrounding world, various sizes, a variety of shades of colors, contributes to the enrichment of the dictionary. . And that means the child masters the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers.

Purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in children early age contributes to the formation intellectual abilities.When we work, we play and experiment with various materials(cereals, semolina, sand.) And this contributes to the fact that the child becomes inquisitive and active.

A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile - motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions of the form, quality, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. And this means that the child masters such an integrative quality as " having a primary understanding of the world and nature "

A child with well-developed fine motor skills independently and actively masters cultural and hygienic skills. This means that the development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of such an integrative quality as physically developed, mastered the basic cultural and hygienicskills.

I spend my work on the development of fine motor skills with children of the 1st junior group. The group was attended by "home" children, many of them did not have the skills of self-service. All these skills are formed under the influence of the child's education of general and fine motor skills.

At the beginning of her work, she conducted a diagnostic examination of the state of fine motor skills in children with the aim of identifying the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The survey was carried out through 9 play tasks. The table on the slide shows the materials used for the tasks, instructions and skills that we expected to see.

The tasks were selected in such a way that the child did not feel that he was being diagnosed, but played with the proposed didactic material.

"Game tasks for children" (at the beginning and end of the school year)

Table 1

Material for assignments

Child instruction

Child skills

Lacing tutorial "Boot"

"Thread the cords"

Thread a lace through a narrow hole

Pyramid (5 rings)

"Collect the pyramid"

String rings onto a rod

Matryoshka (3-seater)

"Collect Matryoshka"

Connect the parts of the matryoshka

Exercise machine with covers (4 pieces)

"Unscrew the caps, and now screw them up"

Twist (unscrew) the caps

Montessori frames (with buttons)

"Fasten your buttons and unbutton them"

Unbutton (fasten) buttons

Small items (beads, buttons), container

"Transfer the beads from a plate to a jar"

Shift items

Montessori frames (rope)

"Tie a knot, now untie"

Tie knots

Plastic ball (2cm in diameter)

"Roll the ball between your palms, and now your fingers"

Roll the ball between palms, fingers

To the beginning school year According to the level of development of fine motor skills of hands, children were distributed as follows.

table 2

High level

Average level

Low level

The beginning of the year

4 children (25%)

3 children (19%)

9 children (56%)

For children with a low level of development, it was difficult to complete many of the tasks I have proposed. The kids hardly put the rings on the rod, collected nesting dolls, grabbed different small items with the whole palm, not two or three fingers. The most difficult task turned out to be the task of buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying knots. Their fingers were disobedient, inactive, too tense, the pace of even the lightest exercises was slow.

Based on the results of diagnostics, we identified individual educational routes for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children who showed an average and low level development at the beginning of the school year,

The purpose of my work: the formation of speech activity in young children through the development of fine motor skills.


· Carry out work to improve finger motor skills regularly, allocating for her optimal time on a daily basis through the organization of joint activities with children;

· To increase the interest of kids in such exercises, turning them into an entertaining game;

Combine games and exercises to train your fingers with speech activity children;

Organize an appropriate subject-development environment in the group to stimulate independent activity children;

· To attract parents of pupils to cooperation in the development of fine motor skills of hands.

To successfully solve these problems, I selected and studied methodological literature on this topic, as well as periodicals. The sources used are presented on the slide.

When organizing educational process we found that the most effective educational area "Communication" is integrated with the following educational areas: "Cognition" - the development of tactile-motor perception occurs, with the help of which children have their first impressions of the form, quality, size of objects, their location in space.

"Reading fiction", "Music" - the use of art. and pieces of music for emotional enrichment.

"Physical culture" - the development of fine motor skills contributes to the fact that the child becomes more independent in mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

Integration principle that brings together different educational areas, different types of activities, techniques and methods into a single system, is implemented on the basis of complex thematic planning. A variant of such planning is presented on the slide

Integration of educational areas

The principle of integration is also implemented through the organization different forms educational process:

1. Cooperative activity teacher with children: here we use didactic games, individual work with children, plot and game situations,

2. Independent activity of children.

For independent activities of children, we are constantly working on replenishing the subject-developing environment. using all the centers of activity, in which a variety of materials for the development of fine motor skills of the hands were concentrated.

3. Interaction with family: open views of GCD, involvement of parents in making games and toys, consultations, questionnaires, visual information.

With the aim of a systematic approach to the development of fine motor skills of hands, we have classified the main types of games, tasks, exercises:

· Games with fingers;

· Massage of fingers and hands;

Games with different materials: foam rubber, dough, sand, clay, cereals, paper, water, with natural material, with cloth, with plasticine, with paints;

Games with toy items with a through hole, with dismountable toys, with inserts, with inflatable and rubber toys, with small objects, magnets, with a designer, with clothespins, with laces, with chopsticks, with figurative toys;

· Games with exercise equipment: on fabric and cardboard, on wood and metal, with plastic covers.

I use and unconventional methods development of fine motor skills, such as:

Thread patterns

Laying out patterns or geometric shapes from woolen or canvas threads of different thickness and length on velvet paper... This allows you to train not only the muscles of the arms, but also contributes to the development tactile sensations, attention, thinking, coordination in space.

Aqua gymnastics for fingers

It's no secret that young children love playing with water. We combined this passion with special finger exercises. The essence of the method is as follows. Pour some water into a bowl, the water should be comfortable temperature, on the bottom of the bowl we lay out buttons of different shapes, sizes and colors, pebbles, shells. And then, including our imagination, the fingers turn into octopuses, little men, fish that "travel" along seabed or find mysterious treasures. There is no limit to imagination. For studying colors you can invite children to "catch" objects of a certain color, for the development of tactile sensations - to "catch" smooth objects (rough, heavy (light), etc. It is important that such games captivate the child, arouse interest, develop fine motor skills of the hand, accuracy, perseverance and ability to concentrate.In the process of such games, the child receives a lot positive emotions, which is very important for his full mental development.

Indicators of the effectiveness of methodological development:

Of course, the main criterion for the effectiveness of methodological development is the developed fine motor skills of the child and developed speech... However on this stage it is still too early to talk about this, since only three months have passed since the start of work, and new children continue to enter the group. However, I believe that I managed to achieve good results interaction between teacher and parents is the key to successful work with children. Parents accept Active participation in the implementation of all the activities of the group. Currently, the group has announced a contest "Candy of my dreams" These will be sweets that the children will have to work hard on before they can treat themselves to them. These crafts can be called a simulator.

In addition, based on the studied literature, developed:

long-term plan for the development of fine motor skills

Systematized games that develop the child's fine motor skills

Supplemented the subject-developing environment with non-standard didactic material,

· Designed a card index for finger games with poetry.

· Work experience will be presented at the end of the school year at a medical and pedagogical meeting in a kindergarten.


Card file

Didactic games for

Development of fine motor skills.

Compiled by:

Educator: Kishieva Z.S.

Card number 1

"Move the toys" Target : development of fine motor skills of hands, fingertips, attention, development and training of coordination of finger movements. Task : fill the vessel with small objects first with the right hand and then with the left hand Didactic material : transparent vessel, small objects (buttons, chips) Content : The child is sitting at the table, in front of him is a tall transparent vessel, on the right are small objects (buttons, chips) ... The child should, holding the vessel with his left hand, throw objects into it with his right hand. Then the chips are poured onto the table and the child acts with his left hand. Methods, techniques : explanation, showing Use cases : Can be done collectively.

Card number 2

"Let's iron handkerchiefs for mom"


Task : flatten the sheet of paper

Didactic material : a piece of paper

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : Smooth a sheet of paper using one hand. The game can be played individually.

Card number 3


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : bend your fingers into a fist in accordance with the text

Didactic material :

The thumb of the plum is shaking

The second collects them,

The third one carries into the house,

The fourth pours out,

The smallest is naughty

Everything, everything, everything eats up. (Bend the fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : Bend the fingers on both hands at the same time. You can also start bending your fingers from the little finger.

Card number 4

Finger game "House and gate"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : bend your fingers into shapes according to the text

Didactic material :

The house stands in the clearing. Figure "House"

Well, the way to the house is closed. Figure "Gates"

We open the gate, Figure "Gates" open

We invite Figure to this house "House"

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Card number 5

Finger game "Rain"

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hand

Objective: to move your fingers in accordance with the text

Didactic material:

Rain, rain, water

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be dryers,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

With the index finger of one hand, tap on the other, form a circle in front of you with your hands, pat one palm alternately with the other, connect the thumb and index finger hands together, forming a large circle.

Methods, techniques: explanation, demonstration

Card number 6


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : fill in plastic bottle beans, cover and rattle.

Didactic material : plastic bottle narrow-necked, beans in a platter

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : You can hold the bottle with your right hand and take the beans with your left hand. You can also put other small objects, peas, small stones into the bottle.

Card number 7

"Magic paper"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : developing arm strength

Didactic material : a sheet of paper or napkin

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : Paper can be torn (development of related movements) - grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull in different sides... Stripes are obtained. We put these strips in a box and make "Rain" pouring our strips out of the box .

Card number 8

Layout mats

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : put small items on the drawn pattern

Didactic material : picture - mat, small items for laying out in a plate (pebbles, pom-poms, plasticine, dough, shells, etc.)

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Card number 9


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : to sprinkle "Track" semolina or millet

Didactic material : sheets of paper, cereals (semolina or millet)

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : At the beginning of the game, the track should be straight, then you can complicate (zigzags, waves)

Card number 10

"Magic spoon"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : transfer all the cereal to an empty cup

Didactic material : spoon, tray, 2 cups, cereal

Methods, techniques : explanation, showing

Use cases : The child can perform movements independently. At the beginning, you can give a large spoon, then a teaspoon.

Card number 11

"Multi-colored clothespins"


Equipment : 2 sets of baskets with colored wooden clothespins (12 pcs.) ... The basket can be replaced with a cup or plate, a plastic bucket. The main thing is that the clothespins stick easily to the edges.

Game progress : The presenter and the child each have a basket with colored clothespins. The presenter takes the basket, puts it on the table and asks the child to give him a clothespin and name its color. Then the presenter shows how you can attach a clothespin to the edge of the basket with three fingers. When the child masters this action and can easily attach clothespins, for example, all clothespins of the same color and name their color, he is given the task to attach clothespins in a certain sequence of color, go to perform a certain sequence of clothespins, as on the leader's basket. Attention should be paid so that the leader attaches clothespins with three fingers, because the child must see the correct movements.

Card number 12

"Find a surprise"

Purpose of the game : Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements; patience training.

Equipment : Candy wrappers (10-15 pieces, small items (badges, buttons, etc., popcorn, nuts.

Game progress : The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child must unfold all the candy wrappers and fold them neatly.

Card number 13

"Collect all the pebbles"

Purpose of the game

development of attention.

Equipment : Pebbles, sand, basin.

Game progress : Throw pebbles in the sand. First, have your child pick up pebbles with the first three fingers. right hand (skill consolidation) .

Card number 14

« Journey of the fingers "

Target : Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements; patience training,

development of attention.

Equipment : Dry pool, toys.

Game progress : the child puts the handles in the pool and looks for the toys hidden in the lids.

Card number 15

Didactic game "Save the mouse".

Target : continue teaching children how to distinguish colors, matching the same colors by eye with subsequent verification (application, overlay, consolidate the ability to correctly name red, blue, yellow, green colors.

Equipment : houses carved from different colors papers with mice in the doors.

Game progress : the child has to find the door the desired color(which has the same color as the house) and close the entrance to the house with it.

"Find a flower for a butterfly."


Equipment : flowers and butterflies cut in pairs from one paper.

Game progress : the child must find a flower for the butterfly that is the same color as it.

Card number 17

Game with colored balls.

Target : to learn to distinguish colors, focusing on their uniformity or heterogeneity when superimposed and applied, enrich speech with the phrases "the same color", "the same color".

Equipment :

1) dough, rolled into balls, painted over honey paints and varnished;

2) a container cut from a 2-liter bottle and painted over in one color or another.

Game progress : the child has to find a house for the ball that matches the color.

"Merry balls".

Target : Teach your toddler to distinguish colors. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment : ordinary balls filled with starch, flour, extra salt, millet.

Game progress : the child feels the balls, thereby developing a tactile-kinesthetic sensation.

Card number 19

"Dry aquarium."

Target : to form sensory abilities... Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment : a set of colored lids, collected in a plastic bowl, small toys.

Game progress : children should find a toy hidden by the educator among the covers of the dry pool.

Card number 20

"Fruit beads"

Target : development of fine motor skills of hands, training in color discrimination, development of attention.

Equipment : fruit beads of different colors and multicolored threads.

Game progress : Children string beads on a string, thereby learning the color and classification of the fruit.