Masks against oily skin. Oily skin of the face - masks at home and reviews. Pumpkin and starch

Taking care of oily skin is not easy at all.

One of essential elements such proper care are the masks for oily skin.

Such masks allow you to remove oily sheen, narrow the enlarged pores that are so characteristic of this type of skin, and also reduce the tendency to the appearance of blackheads, acne and other pimples.

In general, masks will help to significantly improve appearance oily skin. Despite the fact that today the beauty industry offers a huge number of masks for oily skin, almost all of them can be easily prepared at home without overpaying for them and be absolutely sure that nothing completely unnecessary has been mixed into these masks.

Masks for porous oily skin (and not only porous) are divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics and the effect that you will get from their use.

Natural masks for oily skin at home

For oily skin, protein masks, protein-camphor, protein-lemon, fruit and vegetable, fermented milk, hydrogen peroxide face masks, yeast masks, and, of course, clay masks are especially useful.

Caring for oily skin, and, accordingly, masks for it, do not differ much from caring for any other type. These are all the same: cleansing, toning, nutrition. But, there are some nuances. For oily skin, masks are also required: tightening enlarged pores, masks for problem skin, bleaching, drying (degreasing). They are not used to care for other skin types, but they are a must for oily skin types.

Based on the fact that it will be very difficult for readers to choose the one they need from the general jumble of mask recipes (as is usually done on other sites), we decided to split the article into sections according to the types of these same masks (tightening pores, drying, etc.). Below is a mini-menu, by clicking on which you can go directly to the section of the article you need.

Looking for masks for oily skin that haunts acne, enlarged pores and greasy shine? Trust me: all these problems are solvable. Here you will find useful tips how to choose the best branded product for this type of epidermis and find the most effective recipe home mask.

Rough texture, unhealthy color, shine, increased greasiness, enlarged pores, comedones, cysts sebaceous glands, acne, seborrhea - all this has to be dealt with every day for owners of oily skin. It requires increased attention to oneself, a certain diet, proper care (home and professional), and a competent selection of cosmetics. For treatment, sometimes it is simply necessary to consult several specialists at once - a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, an endocrinologist. Help improve it somehow painful condition allow drying masks for oily skin- branded and home. They are a good addition to creams and other products designed specifically to control the sebaceous glands.

Effects of masks for oily skin

For masks for oily, problem skin to work, they must contain ingredients that have drying, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Once in cells, they are involved in various processes and put them in order with regular use. similar funds... A commonly used mask is capable of:

  • get rid of acne, acne, inflammation and various types of rashes;
  • cleanse pores, eliminate blackheads;
  • narrow overly enlarged pores;
  • nourish the skin with all essential elements and vitamins, without which she cannot look beautiful and fresh;
  • soften the rough texture of the epidermis, even out its relief a little;
  • improve complexion;
  • remove unpleasant greasy shine, which creates a feeling of dirt and unkempt;
  • ease the course of seborrhea.

Both shop and homemade masks against oily skin can cope with these problems. However, the former have an advantage: they were developed for this type of epidermis in laboratory conditions specialists with appropriate education. They act almost instantly. Such agility you will not expect from folk remedies- but they have their advantages: 100% natural composition, which means the risk side effects minimal. But all this is possible only if you know how to use these wonderful masks.

Preparation and application

Want to with my own hands make a mask for oily skin at home? Our small instruction will be useful to you.

  1. Check any cooked mass for allergens. Do it on sensitive skin wrists. However, such a test does not provide a 100% guarantee.
  2. The consistency of the mask for oily skin should be light and airy.
  3. Choose the freshest ingredients to prepare it. This applies primarily to milk, as well as eggs, fruits and vegetables.
  4. It is possible and even necessary to include alcohol-containing liquids, mustard, turmeric, red pepper in such masks, since they have excellent drying properties.
  5. It is advisable that there are no lumps in the mask - beat the mixture thoroughly in a blender.
  6. Cosmetic and vegetable oils are not suitable for oily skin care - unless in limited quantities.
  7. If you take milk, it should be of minimum fat content.
  8. The duration of the action is from 10 minutes to an hour.
  9. The frequency of application is 2-3 times a week. Course - up to 15 masks. The interval between courses is at least a month.

If you do everything according to these simple rules are very effective masks for oily skin, despite the fact that they are not prepared in scientific laboratories, but from improvised means. But if you want to pamper yourself, beloved, with the novelties of the modern beauty industry, a small TOP-10 best brands will guide you in this variety.

According to statistics. Oily skin is usually found in adolescents and in young age... As a rule, by the age of 30, it becomes combined. And only about 8% of people remain its owners for life.

List of branded masks for oily skin

Go to any online cosmetics store and type in the search on the site "mask for oily skin" - you will be offered so many different options that you will not turn over all the pages in a day. How to understand all these brands, foreign names, incomprehensible marks on the packages? In fact, there is nothing complicated. Of course, no specialist will tell you for sure which the best mask for oily skin, but judging by the reviews, there are still leaders here. Moreover, both in the premium class and in the mass market. Review the rating and select the most suitable options.

  1. Masque Ideal Controle - anti aging(anti-age) mask for oily and combination skin faces. Carita. France. $ 42.
  2. Absorbant Mask Oily Skin - absorbent ( cleansing) mask for oily skin. Sothys. France. $ 24.
  3. Astringent Mask - mask for oily skin. Holy Land. Israel. $ 22.6.
  4. Play Therapy Soft Clay Pack Pore and Sebum Care - mask with clay for oily skin with enlarged pores. Etude House. Korea. $ 17.8.
  5. Protective summer cream mask for oily skin. Premium. Russia. $ 17.4.
  6. Cream mask with sulphide mud for oily and problem skin. Bark. Russia. $ 15.9.
  7. Sea Herbal Beauty Mask Apple for oily and combination skin - "Apple", beauty mask with sea ​​herbs for oily and combination skin. Christina. Israel. $ 9.3.
  8. Purifying mask for oily skin. Korres. Greece. $ 7.5.
  9. Modeling Mask / Refill - alginate mask for the skin in enlarged pores. Charcoal. Korea. $ 6.5.
  10. Natural deep cleansing face mask for oily and combination skin. Planeta Organica. Russia. $ 2.9.

In fact, every self-respecting cosmetic concern has developed whole lines of care products for this type of skin. These complexes usually include a cream, scrub, serum and mask. By applying them together, you can achieve maximum effect... In addition, there are professional compositions that are usually used by craftsmen in salons, but they are available today and to ordinary people. So you can freely purchase and apply them. However, keep in mind that such a purchase will cost you a pretty penny. If you need a budget option, and even preferably natural, we bring to your attention homemade masks for oily skin, which you can prepare yourself.

Helpful advice. If none, even the best and most expensive branded masks, help, go to the salon. For the care of oily skin, there is a whole complex program: peelings (glycolic, ultrasonic, ANA- and TCA-peelings, dry ice, apparatus methods (darsonvalization, ultraphonophoresis, desincrustation, chromotherapy), biorevitalization, mesotherapy.

Drying mask recipes

The hardest part in this business is to choose recipe masks for oily skin. There are so many of them that the eyes run up. I want to try and egg white with its unique lifting effect, and aloe, which will relieve rashes and inflammations, and gelatin, which pulls out blackheads. Decide what function the mixture you have prepared should have, which will become the main means of caring for your skin for 3-4 weeks? This is the only way you can quickly and competently choose the right mask.

  • For acne

If you need a mask for oily skin for acne look for fresh fruit and blue cosmetic clay... It will cope with adolescent acne, and with rashes during pregnancy, and other inflammations. Peel the tomato, mash. Grate radish. Mix them in 2 tablespoons each and add the same amount of blue clay. Apply in a thick layer to the skin for 15 minutes.

  • From wrinkles

Few people need a mask for oily skin. from wrinkles, as with age, the epidermis usually becomes dry and devoid of moisture... And yet there are those who, even at the age of 40, suffer from the unpleasant features of this type of skin. To prepare this anti-aging product, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of juice sauerkraut, 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn berry puree, add a teaspoon of juice or aloe pulp. Dilute all this before applying small amount olive oil to get the consistency you want.

  • Rejuvenating

Another very effective rejuvenating mask for oily skin, which is easy to prepare at home. You need to mix mashed potatoes from two fruits - banana and kiwi - in equal proportions.

  • Cleansing

It is highly recommended for removing impurities from pores and removing blackheads. cleansing mask for oily skin. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of cucumber puree (without peels and seeds) with egg white.

  • Nutritious

In the cold season (winter and early spring) it is useful nutritious mask for oily skin to saturate it with useful substances. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of grated fresh carrots and low-fat sour cream.

  • Whitening

Some may find it useful whitening mask for oily skin. It copes well with pigmentation, freckles, chloasma. In addition, she has another very useful property for this type of epidermis - it narrows too enlarged pores. Mix 2 tablespoons of concentrated lemon juice, the same amount of chopped parsley and 2 beaten egg whites.

  • From clay

The mask has good drying and cleansing properties. clay for oily skin, and healing cosmetic powder it is better to take green or blue... Crush 2 cloves of garlic, mix with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. In parallel, pour a small amount of green clay (1 tablespoon) skim milk to make a creamy mass. Then mix both compositions.

  • With honey

In winter, a mask will help to cope with problems with honey for oily skin. You need to mix 2 tablespoons of floral honey melted in a steam bath with the same amount of soft persimmon puree.

  • With olive oil

Diverse in its variations olive mask for oily skin. This type of vegetable oil softens the action of many aggressive components, which are very often used in products for this type of epidermis. They can be bred mustard powder, cinnamon, pepper, alcohol solutions - all this in order not to burn the skin.

  • With sour cream

Drying mask from sour cream for oily skin, the face should contain acids. Therefore, in this recipe mix low-fat sour cream and chopped sorrel greens in equal quantities.

  • With egg

Perhaps homework will solve many problems. egg mask for oily skin. This ingredient works best with honey. Mix them in arbitrary proportions and use as often as you see fit.

Masks for oily skin - home treatment and care

3.9 / 5 - 59 Ratings

Girls with bold type skins are often faced with the problem of excessive greasiness. Makeup does not hold on the face, the pores are quickly clogged, purulent acne and inflammation appear. Reasons similar phenomenon there are many. These include abuse fatty foods, bad habits, washing hot water, ecology, use of low quality cosmetics. Regardless of these aspects, the face needs to be looked after.

Clay and grapes

  1. Dilute 40 g. black clay warm milk, adhering to the proportions in the instructions.
  2. Insist 20 minutes. At this time, mash half a handful of grapes into porridge, along with the peel and seeds.
  3. Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply to face. Leave for 30-60 minutes, rinse. Rub your face with chamomile ice cubes.

Tar soap and strawberries

  1. Cut a 1 * 1 cm cube from a bar of soap, rub it and dilute with 20 ml. boiling water. When the composition is smooth, add 3 g. gelatin or starch. Wait 20 minutes.
  2. Mash the frozen strawberries using a blender, stir in 60 gr. to the first mass. Wash, dry your face, distribute the composition in a thick layer.
  3. Lie down immediately to rest so that the mask does not drip. After 40 minutes, remove it with cosmetic pads, rinse your skin with cool water. Repeat the steps in 2 days.

Egg and honey

  1. Chill the egg, then place in a cup, beat until lather. Enter 30 gr. melted flower honey and 30 ml. lemon juice. Wash your face ice water, distribute the mask.
  2. Get down to business, after half an hour of exposure, remove the product. Always complete the procedure with a contrast wash or ice rub.

Cornstarch and grapefruit

  1. Mash half a grapefruit into a porridge in any way. Add 20 gr. starch, 40 ml. milk whey. You can replace the last component with tan, ayran or kefir.
  2. Assess the consistency of the mixture. If the mask is very runny, add more starch. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass, use a brush to spread over the face.
  3. Do not touch the skin around the eyes. If desired, this area can be lubricated vegetable oil... Leave the product for about 25 minutes, remove with warm water.

Chicken yolk and cucumber

  1. Take out a couple of eggs and let them sit at room temperature. Take the yolks, mash them with 10 gr. sea ​​will. Cut off the ends from the cucumber, grate the pulp. Throw the gruel onto a bandage, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Combine cucumber liquid with salt and egg, stir. Rinse your skin with warm water to open up the pores. Exfoliate if desired. Apply the mask for 35-45 minutes.

Oatmeal and yeast

  1. Grind the menu oatmeal coffee grinder, add 30 gr. baker's yeast. Heat 80 ml. fat milk, add to the previous mixture.
  2. Let the yeast flake steep for a third of an hour. Then enter 30 gr. honey. Apply to moisturized face for a 5-minute exfoliation.
  3. Then hold the product for another half hour, the mask should dry out. After the specified period, rinse off with warm water, apply the cream according to the skin type.

Lemon and banana

  1. Select a ripe banana, chop, mash with a blender. Add 45 ml to the resulting slurry. lemon juice and 15 gr. gelatin.
  2. Heat the mask in the microwave, leave until swollen for a quarter of an hour. At this time, squeeze out the lemon juice, add it to a common bowl.
  3. In a warm state, spread the product over the skin of the face, covering with a thick layer T-shaped zone... Hold for a third of an hour, rinse.

Honey and aloe vera

  1. Buy aloe vera juice or make your own. In the latter case, select the larger stems, remove the peel, mash the pulp into porridge. Put the puree on a bandage, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Mix aloe with 45 gr. honey, add a couple of drops of lemon ether. Apply very thin layer on problem areas, wait for drying (20-30 minutes), rinse.

Kefir and egg white

  1. Separate the protein and refrigerate, then whisk. Add 40 ml. kefir room temperature and 15 gr. starch. Enter a spoonful of honey (optional), add 2 gr. cinnamon.
  2. The mixture can be applied. Preference is given to the areas that are most prone to greasiness (forehead, wings of the nose, chin). The exposure time is 40 minutes, then the composition is removed with water.

Yogurt and lemon zest

  1. Peel the lemon, grate it, mix with 40 gr. natural yoghurt... Add 20 ml. lemon juice, 10 ml. aloe vera tincture. If the mixture is liquid, add 10 g. gelatin and let it rise.
  2. After about 25 minutes, apply the product, let sit for 1 hour. Wash off in the usual way, repeat the manipulations every 3 days. For better effect wipe the skin with ice after the procedure.

Birch and oat flakes

  1. Brew in 130 ml. boiling water 40 gr. birch bark, leave the broth for 1 hour. Then filter. Add a handful of small oatmeal to the liquid, 10 g. rye bran, 30 ml. lemon juice.
  2. In addition, puree frozen currants or strawberries and stir in berries in a shared bowl. The product is ready to be dispensed. Hold the composition for half an hour, rinse.

Salt and potatoes

  1. Rub a small potato tuber with the skin. You can carry out the same manipulations with a blender. Add 10 g to the gruel. salt, 15 gr. honey, 10 ml. olive oil.
  2. Scrub the skin with any in a convenient way to open the pores. Then treat each area of ​​your face with the product you made. Let the composition take effect, remove after 40 minutes.

Cottage cheese and carrots

  1. Rinse medium carrots, peel and chop the pulp into porridge. Squeeze out the juice or use the whole composition. Add 30 g to the carrots. fat cottage cheese, 10 ml. milk or kefir.
  2. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 1 hour, drain the resulting serum. Apply the rest of the mass to the skin, massage, wait 1 hour.

Persimmon and sauerkraut

  1. Take 50 gr. cabbage with juice, scroll it in a blender, then discard the gruel on a sieve. Squeeze out the juice.
  2. Now do the same with the whole persimmon. Combine two types of juice, add 20 gr. gelatin. Heat the mixture to 50 degrees, then leave under the lid to cool.
  3. When the gelatin has reached a consistency suitable for the mask, apply all products to the skin of the face. Do business for 1 hour, rinse with water.

Salt and soda

  1. Boil 80 ml. water, add 10 gr. soda and 15 gr. salt. Stir the mixture vigorously until the crystals dissolve.
  2. When the desired consistency is reached, immediately add half a package of gelatin (10-12 grams).
  3. Bring the composition to room temperature, distribute over the wings of the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks. You can touch your neck. Let sit for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin and starch

  1. Cut a small slice from a whole pumpkin, peel it and remove the fibers. Grind the fruit into a gruel, add a teaspoon of cornstarch.
  2. Achieve uniformity, then rub into skin massage movements... After 25 minutes, rinse with warm water, wipe with ice from chamomile broth.

Bread and curdled milk

  1. Put 50 ml in the refrigerator in advance. yogurt or tana (carbonated ayran). At this time, dry a few slices of bread in the oven or toaster.
  2. Make crumb from the breadcrumbs, add to the fermented milk product. Spread the product over the skin immediately, rub in for 2 minutes. Then soak for another third of an hour.

Chicken yolk and sorrel

  1. Wash a bunch of fresh sorrel, send in a blender or knead in a mortar. Add a few yolks to the prepared mixture, add 30 gr. cane sugar.
  2. The mask is ready, you just need to apply it. After spreading, massage in the mixture to exfoliate. Hold the composition for half an hour, rinse.

Acetylsalicylic acid and thyme

  1. Collect the thyme, brew 60g. boiling water (100 ml.), leave for 1 hour. After this time, drain the infusion, add 10 aspirin tablets. Let the drug dissolve, do not heat.
  2. Now soak a cosmetic sponge in the liquid, wipe your face with it several times. Don't touch the under eye area. Wait until dry, wash yourself.

Mint and curd

  1. Rinse a bunch of fresh mint (plant leaves), send to a blender. Achieve the receipt of gruel, enter 60 gr. low fat cottage cheese. Apply the composition to the skin, rub in.
  2. It is better to keep the mask for 1 hour. However, if you do not have time, remove the composition after 30-40 minutes. Peppermint is excellent at reducing inflammation and pulling dirt out of the pores.

Beans and whey

  1. Wash and boil 100 gr. red beans. Drain liquid, rinse again finished product... Dry, mince. Add 30 g to the porridge. potato starch.
  2. Pour in 40 ml additionally. any fermented milk product... Achieve uniformity from the mass, rub over the face. After half an hour, wash off with warm water and lemon juice.

Yeast and wine

  1. It is better to use dry white wine to prepare this mask, but red will do as well. Measure out 40 ml., Reheat on the stove. Pour in 10 gr. brewer's or baker's yeast. Leave it on for 1 hour.
  2. Across set time mix the product thoroughly again, add chicken protein. Make a mask by applying it all over the face (even under the eyes). Keep it for half an hour.

Milk and nuts

  1. If you are preparing a product in summer period when the skin is tanned, choose walnuts... In all other cases, give preference to almonds or hazelnuts.
  2. Take a handful, fry in a dry skillet, mash with a coffee grinder. Add enough fat milk to make a paste. Apply it, rub in, leave it on for 40 minutes.

Berries and bran

  1. To make a mask, you need to use any frozen berries (strawberries, cherries, currants, gooseberries, plums, etc.). Measure out a third of the glass, grind into a gruel.
  2. Pour in 30 gr. rye or wheat bran. The mask can be applied. After spreading, massage the skin to remove dead particles. Hold for a quarter of an hour.

Tomato and Oatmeal

  1. Choose a ripe tomato and soak it in boiling water for 1 minute. Then immediately move to cold water... Peel, remove the stalk.
  2. Grind the whole fruit in a blender, squeeze the juice. Pour in enough flour to make the mask thick. Apply to skin, hold for half an hour.

Honey and beer

  1. Unfiltered beer in the amount of 55 ml. heat up, add 20 gr. honey. Squeeze out the juice from half of the grapefruit, add to the general container.
  2. Dip a cotton sponge into the mixture, squeeze. Wipe your face with a disc several times, after drying, keep it for another half hour. Rinse it off.

Lemon juice and cream

  1. Combine 60 ml. heavy cream with 50 ml. lemon juice. Add the yolk until the mixture is smooth.
  2. Now scoop up with a brush or sponge, apply to the skin. To prevent the composition from dripping, you can put a piece of gauze on top. Wash off the mask after 1 hour.

Cocoa and yogurt

  1. For this mask, only natural cocoa powder is used without dry cream and granulated sugar... Dilute 30 g. warm water to make a paste.
  2. Add 50 gr. yogurt, stir. Enter a pair quail eggs, spread the composition over the skin of the face. After half an hour, rinse off, rub with ice.

Clay and yeast

  1. Connect 30 gr. blue clay with 65 ml. water, add 10 gr. sea ​​salt, 2 gr. soda. Dissolve 25 g separately. baker's yeast, let it stand.
  2. After about 40 minutes, combine the compositions, apply the mass all over the face. Hold on for half an hour, wash yourself. Wipe the skin with a tea-based ice pack.

Masks for oily skin are aimed at normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. The most popular are compositions based on clay, salt, eggs, honey. Often, mustard powder, cinnamon, dairy products, lemon juice are added to the mixture.

Video: mask for problem and oily skin

Oily facial skin is considered the most problematic of all, because it is associated with internal violations work of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, a greasy, shiny film is formed, and pores clogged with sebaceous waste cause inflammation and blackheads.

Sometimes even the most expensive and branded cosmetical tools unable to cope with this scourge. And now is the time to try homemade masks for oily face, which contain exclusively natural products. It is they who will help to normalize the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and deeply cleanse the pores.

All face masks contain ingredients that are rich in active substances, purposefully combating the manifestations of oily skin. As a result, the effectiveness of these homemade miracle remedies will delight all owners of even the most oily and most problematic skin:

  • the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands is gradually normalized, which cease to produce excess sebum;
  • oily shine and shiny, glossy film disappears;
  • the pores are finally cleared of sebaceous residues and dirt, they begin to "breathe";
  • the complexion improves;
  • the pores are narrowed;
  • inflammations gradually begin to subside, the skin calms down;
  • acne, blackheads and blackheads become significantly less.

All masks for oily skin include natural ingredients, which, in addition to a targeted blow to fat content, actively nourish skin cells and normalize all subcutaneous metabolic processes. As a result, the skin begins to look simply gorgeous, and you can finally forget about your previous troubles.

So that masks against oily skin of the face do not disappoint, but please with their results, there are several female tricks on their application to help enhance the effectiveness of these home remedies.

  1. The most useful products Egg whites, all citrus fruits, sour berries and dairy products with a low percentage of fat content are actively fighting the oily skin. Therefore, try to choose those masks against oily skin, which contain such ingredients.
  2. Oily skin requires special care, therefore, homemade face masks in this case can be done twice a week.
  3. Test all masks for allergies: before applying them to your face, lubricate the skin of your wrist with the prepared mixture. If no reaction follows, you can safely use your miracle cure.
  4. Homemade masks for oily skin will work best when applied to steamed, previously scrubbed skin.
  5. The ideal action time for any mask is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash off masks for oily skin with warm water acidified with lemon juice. And train yourself to wash your face with warm, almost hot water: this will help narrow the enlarged pores and dry the skin.

If you follow this simple advice, desired result can be achieved very quickly. Perhaps the most difficult moment there will be a selection of the recipe. After all, each mask for oily, problem skin is a storehouse of the most nutrients, which will become a real resuscitation for the skin of the face.

The best recipes for oily face masks

Choose the recipe for a mask for oily skin, the ingredients of which are available to you. Try to use the same mask for at least a month: this is the only way you can achieve the desired results.

  • 1. Complex

Chop parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with the same amount of kefir and bran, add lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 2.With green tea

Brewed leaves green tea(a tablespoon) mix with kefir (3 tablespoons).

  • 3. Cranberry

Beat the whites into a froth, grind the cranberries until puree, mix both ingredients until thick.

  • 4. Strawberry

Beat the whites into a froth, mix with mashed strawberries until thick.

  • 5. Egg-honey mask for oily face

Beat the two squirrels into a froth, heat the honey (a tablespoon) in a water bath until a warm, liquid state, mix the ingredients, add ground oat flakes (2 tablespoons) and almond oil(5 drops).

Beat the protein into a froth, mix with oatmeal flakes (a tablespoon), add lemon juice (a tablespoon).

Mix yeast (a tablespoon) thoroughly with currant juice (3 tablespoons).

  • 8.With hydrogen peroxide

Mix yeast (a tablespoon) with curdled milk (3 tablespoons), add lemon juice (a tablespoon) and hydrogen peroxide (half a teaspoon).

  • 9.With parsley

Chop parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with curdled milk (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

Stir the whipped egg white with lemon juice (a teaspoon).

Any one you choose home mask for oily skin is easy to prepare and to use, so you will soon be able to enjoy its effect. You will finally be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pleasure, and on the street you will begin to catch the admiring glances of those around you. Clean and healthy skin- the guarantee of the beauty of any woman, so do not stop in the fight against oily skin: an ordinary home mask will become your faithful assistant in this matter.

Many women use homemade masks to cleanse oily skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But not everyone is happy with the result. It's time to get familiar with the best recipes masks designed for oily skin.

Egg and honey masks for oily skin

Get rid of grease, acne, inflammation, pesky pimples and huge pore-craters will help egg honey masks... They are also able to conquer the owners of a normal, dry, mature skin, since the egg with honey refreshes well, cleanses, makes the skin soft, saturates with vitamins, smoothes wrinkles.

To get a great refreshing mask, just mix a dessert spoon of honey with one egg. The mask is kept for half an hour. Products are washed off cold water.

Since the mask does not contain components that dry out the skin, or medical supplies, it can be applied every other day.

Option 1:

The real salvation for greasy skin is prepared from a teaspoon of honey and the protein of one testicle. They are mixed until smooth and spread on the cleansed face for 25-30 minutes. After several procedures, you will notice that your skin becomes less dirty, it does not shine throughout the day, it looks fresh, while the pores have become less pronounced, the number of blackheads and pimples has decreased.

Option 2:

You can make a means for cleansing oily skin, narrowing pores from Art. spoons of honey, eggs, a pinch of chopped fresh mint leaves and 10 ml of a decoction of dried chamomile flowers. If you need to both cleanse and moisturize, nourish oily skin, then make a mask of yolk, one tablespoon of nectar and steamed oatmeal.

For your information: 10 ml of broth is one dessert spoon.

Strawberry masks to cleanse oily skin

Summer is a great time to pamper greasy skin fresh strawberry masks. Before making a mask from strawberry puree, you need to prepare a special soap-berry lotion.

Option 1:

Take two tablespoons of crushed strawberries and pour 125 ml of boiling water over them, then add a pinch of fine shavings there tar soap... Stir this cocktail. Let it sit for about half an hour, then pour the liquid into a glass.

Apply fresh strawberry gruel to your face, and then, after 10 minutes, wipe off the mask from the face with a swab dipped in homemade lotion. After removing the product, wash with water that reaches a temperature of 30 ° C. This mask can also get rid of acne.

Attention: instead of fresh strawberries, many girls put squeezed from soapy water berries that were used to prepare the lotion.

Option 2:

You can also pour 60 ml of strawberry infusion kombucha, leaving it to infuse for three hours. The selected berry is spread over the skin for half an hour. Take off the mask cotton pad, which is moistened in the infusion. After that, the face is rinsed with cold water. The mask relieves oily sheen, tightens pores, disinfects.

You can also make a mask for oily skin with strawberry juice and kaolin. You need to mix the juice squeezed from fresh berries, from st. spoon of white clay. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream. We spread it with a thin layer on the skin, wait 15 minutes. We cleanse the skin warm water... If you have a lot of pimples, after removing the berry-kaolin products, rinse your face with a decoction of yarrow. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

Persimmon masks for oily skin

And in winter time it is best to indulge greasy skin with persimmon masks. They cleanse the face, saturate with vitamins, tone, make the skin soft, moisturized, refresh and even tighten.

To keep the skin in good shape, it is enough to use masks made from one pulp of the “divine fire” (this is how the name “persimmon” can be translated). Persimmon is also called date plum. If the puree from this fleshy berry lingers on your face for some 10 minutes, then the skin will have time to be enriched with vitamins and refreshed.

You can complicate the recipe by adding a tablespoon of starch to the persimmon pulp and grated potatoes... Whipped protein and two large spoons of kefir will not be superfluous in these products that cleanse oily skin. The mask is washed off with a damp disc after 20 minutes.

From rice flour and persimmons you can make a scrub mask. A mixture of one berry, a tablespoon of flour is rubbed into the skin and left for 12-15 minutes. After the product is washed off with warm water. If your skin is very shiny and quickly becomes dirty, it is better to add oatmeal or starch instead of rice flour. True, such a tool can no longer be called a scrub.

Attention: even if you have oily skin, you can add oils to the masks, but you just need to know which ones can help solve the problem. For example, a mask of a teaspoon of good olive oil, a tablespoon of oatmeal and whole ripe persimmons will help to remove the greasy shine, make the skin soft and reduce rashes on the face.

Grapefruit masks for oily skin

Grapefruit juice is often used to whiten skin and remove pigmentation. In addition, grapefruit masks perfectly cleanse the face. They are most suitable for oily, normal skin.

The way to prepare the simplest citrus mask: put the grapefruit pulp on cheesecloth, and then on the skin. After 15 minutes, the face should be rinsed with cold water. Another grapefruit mask for 15 minutes is prepared from wheat flour and citrus juice. Flour can be replaced with oatmeal.

After hard day prepare a mask from a tablespoon of grapefruit juice, tea - olive oil and chicken protein... The mask is applied to the skin with a swab in three layers. Breaks between applications - no more than a minute. After rubbing the skin a third time, wait three to five minutes. After that, you need to wash. Rinse off - warm water. From grapefruit juice and camphor oil you can also make a lotion for oily skin.

Advice: if your skin is oily, wash your face periodically mineral water... It will not hurt to add grapefruit juice to it. One spoonful of juice is enough for a glass of water.

Masks for oily skin from olive and essential oils

We have already mentioned the recipes for masks, which included castor or olive oil. But this is not the whole list of oils that are suitable for girls with excessive active work sebaceous glands.

Suitable for oily skin and following oils: lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, grape seed, almond, peach, apricot, jojoba, hazelnut oil, etc. Using masks made from such oils, you can normalize sebum production, narrow pores, eliminate acne... These oils have cleansing, soothing, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.

Attention: essential oils should be mixed with base oil, for example olive.

If you have a lot of pimples, in addition to lavender, you can add chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, etc. Nice mask for oily skin is obtained from castor, olive oils. First - cleans, removes sebum, the second - nourishes and moisturizes. To make such a mask better evening... In the morning it will be enough to wash with warm water.

So, to clear your skin, pour mixed oils into the palm of your hand and, warming them, begin to rub the mixture with massaging movements. Take away increased attention problem areas, rub the oil well into the pores located on the forehead, nose, chin, and do not forget about the cheeks.

Now you need to remove grease and accumulated dirt, bacteria from the pores, expanding them with a damp towel. Wet it under the jets hot water, squeeze thoroughly so that the liquid does not drip, and place on your face. You need to steam the skin well, just be careful not to burn your face.

When the towel has cooled, soak it again in water and, wringing out, place it on your skin. After that, wash your face with warm water (several times) and dry it with a tissue.

Bread Purifying Mask for Oily Skin

A bread mask will help to improve the complexion and get rid of the oily sheen. You will need exactly Rye bread... You can even use stale bread. Cut off the crust and soak the crumb in water or milk. The liquid in which the bread will be soaked must be heated to 40 ° C. The bread is soaked - it's time to apply the product. The mask is washed off with warm water 20 minutes after application.

Frequency of use: you can make bread masks every day.

Kefir masks for oily skin

Besides that kefir masks cleanse, refresh the skin, they still whiten it, make it elastic, nourish, moisturize, do not allow the face to fade and slow down aging. Peroxidized kefir is especially suitable for oily skin. You can make it like this by leaving fresh product for two days in a warm place.

You can simply apply kefir in several layers on your face, and after 15 minutes, wash off or prepare a mask from a large spoonful of olive oil, tea - lemon juice, 50 ml of kefir, 40 g oat flour and a pinch table salt... Flour and salt are added after thoroughly whipping kefir, juice and butter. The holding time is a quarter of an hour. The result is narrowed pores, clean, smooth skin... Course - 12 procedures. The frequency is three times / week.


Despite the fact that all the presented masks are considered safe, be sure to test the tolerance of the components of home remedies before using them.